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Grand Traverse Herald, February 14, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Fat:cs 1 te 6
St ValHtUne.
me. sod 1 can*
I- warned Ihem ' names merely of the enamored -ones
numenti- ar.e .
Her F.rwt Forks.
<»ri slip* of pj|ier the habit grew-of punch an-! ms
She nodresaod slowly. She Mi old.iaddltig ji
Too BMid yonr nmij- oomii
-GoTMl evenlnx. Mlaa Thankful." aald
a cheery volw ai her aide.
nl»- window.
111 town,
lap fn ut all the
* «md
-A ward <rf frlondviiln tmr.
fat«l—•MS jtiKt
I"—she hcel-
noiiciiiE llial
In I5TI lt.-r:ry III
that party
K,erythlng was, silll In. the dim hall,
r .u Venire
Thankful slipped noire • gifis Vetc evrJmner't
m-.. hi. court.and the lid..
.wiu;; t-
lug hammer.
\'a1'-ni«nes of this
'Mr ncyx
All fruwd M pafM-r buna' floe:
Anil knew It for a valentine.
Oh..hafel eye#, ao deep and wise'
Oh. roar llpa that dhre not UuRh!
My llitio tUufclitcr'K phoiOKraith!
I kpeel and Mas your dimpled band
Ob. winnme llllle maid of mine!
-O. Miss Thankful!" she rrl.-d.
Mina Thankful had
decided liking
for this one of ihe boanlers l»anly be
Wfaai valentine could «<qual ii—
cause he never forgot lo show her the
Ton dioar me for your valeotloe.
—Silwldrcd B. Harry. Id Our Little
"lls.-ii |i..li» of giov.-s atid a p;di .4 silk
have had the lovellesi gill; what d«)
Jicleotisla IHieve
along 4be
T3u- Imhii of ..Wi.ius
"Of rourre Mr. Juno sent it. I asked. Uiy tiv
boMr rous .utid
Florence or any younger woman. A«<l
be grew just as red and sismiuerod So; . m-ul u. tbe exieiii that
this lx ven- grailfyiag to a
I know why now
who lias DO chilm to youth or beauty.
colorless miiMaclH- and
who talked ’with n jerk,
they reached
Molber says I may; land,
the boarding
tbankfttl fof and noihlnc «o hope for.
• ado-lt :
And yet lo Ihoae of the limited num
le <4 silk.. Hie
y t?i, Valen-. with
lie category j.rs ;.re
uauiitul gift hui negl.-ru-d
i-d ihsi In tbe fyarly days
linger " ti..i;
vg in this foaniry hursea
!■ help the iiK-unti>Uves on
pUrh.-rof w-a:» r were hrnught. andibc!
It is Womtni
f in RngUnd
la.id'J gu-Mw washed ibeir hands, riiouab t>. to rs-j.t houie-s o
roads used by aoio-
and r.trdixaid ’ cut
ct.tensi . wph
t.-;r the phiuis
-•hat Ihe glfi was.
I wlih s> Valent ni-'s l^v. In some se<
He leB the house withoni Iwdng able) tii.hv of Englan ). mil so vi-iy long agr
V gel a glimpse of Floiwnce
s-»>s i|>-<-firated wir
pression Mill on her face.
-1 wonder." she said. "I do just w
‘hintng sun have ibe courage to
while missive under bis d.sir Bin this, iH^rtiiuis rhlldre-ii w-c
ler." and sbe smiled.
much lo his dlsapi<ulmmeui iKoved to
At number thk Summemet avenue.
Ibe Bceond rate boardluR house, where
mitcb as the hot
water ba«« for eaira eold nlRhia. and
and FTorenre so pretty—and bim with
would be a good provider.
The neat niebi when Ulw Thankful
came lou> her ronnjthe turned on both
Settled facts Ibe gas jets-^n unheard of eai
gance: she carried u small parcel doue
of the bouae of ao lone atandloR
up in tlaaue paper, and
they were eever qnesUoned.
»ppe«l to lake off hn
She was s faded Coking lliile
whose plain
waa tmly redeemed by a pair of amll-
liefore she
ml over lo the tied and untied ihe
It was the tdiie satin party
she wns d day seam
atrena, aafl made enoush to pay her
II loi preiiier than It wn* at ihe
hcrsolf store." she saldanuillng at it where ll
•ailiaMr eloUied.
lay apread out on the while cover, in
U was a aundlng joke among the
nil Feb
i-'d'-sicns u
Hons, and expert lieslgnern
of the Inv.-lorn
I- Ihe
thive f
t would I •••■•;
■O have ,originated In ftielaml.'
Al this
I'rof. Tisib-i. <if the Ameilran Mo'
M-um vt Natmul Hlslnty, i, E, BriUab
East Afitra. with a •vuiiiiany
«if ifiy
Zulu nsUrew in .arairh of large ani
mal, that hny.- nm ns yet U-xm aewa
mitsidi- of Afrtt-a.
If the Immigianta landing m New
during the last y.-ar had
CORK- St (hr saiiM' time |i would bans
required a llcei of l.l;i veated*. t«rli
one rorrytng 1 fMsi passewgers.
The Shah own* the mo,' coriiy ptpa
in the world, and be smokes
1 tncruatad from
1. ruldesand
pearls and It valued al ISWi.noO.
The Zaro women uf India are su
TjcT woo ihu
the affairs of the home and ibe naUna.
Reading Under Water.
ihi-i.- for on
her ow n bands Every!
rent she has r«-elveil she has n-r-onl-
as well as lo tour!
the rlsibles of i|ie pmrilraldr Joker -- i ed in he; a<-<-oiint Insik
Here-ntl.x .he an.ouni loiaIle<l ap ex,
Jones- Florence; ihinkw
. Srlentifie Amerlran
jartly |;-i.«-i-ihe figure sbe bas been
iirl .VO,
wailu bag: It would Ire,
Flesren wmeh Serve at Food.
's.riniiu t.i re.M-h for -line rime. Now-;
dreadriil for lii-r'lo know- diffen-nily.
before anil t
Manx nowei-s are ewi«-n torlay
jiliat she has i-aehed it. she has de-;
thanking y«.u for it For her irake
Hood morrow lo j
,luod. or Ihe»e the glols- artichoke anil
|cldi-d III make tm more buMi-r,
Ideawe do not ev.-r tell her lhal yon
Of all viilentioe
caillifloxxei aiecxaniples The Utter Ir
lairky iiKyvd have those, familli-s
most iM-isisteni s*H
llU’lirxlly A flow'eI. for iIk- snowy vegi-tabe*-n iiiai^fiave seriired butter from
which CIV.-S it PS at
•Thankful Hope.
Ides sa-i-x-eil al our taUe-are Ibe on- Jones sliidled this
w-lth; first eiigibh- person wh.mi a maid or rrepaoded flower.- of a variety of roh- Mrs. Hoiihi. for she always bas car
ried offHhe prises at Ihe tlraud Rapids
mtiillns eyes.
:i iMChelor rees on
Valenline’s bage.
and HolUnd fali-s.
or her sake." ihai clansc gave Hay will be her or bu future- spouse.Cloves atui capers, ion. are familiar
And her husband U a living proof
bim a quirk thrill of pleasure. She Exchange.
• j flowers lhal mv eaten. Tbe former aie
lhal Ibe leitler Is good, for he ha*
would be aorry to find om then thni it
-----------jt'ie tmtiiaiiin- hl.is«.ms of a plant of
It dully for >1
r 40 je.
It his gift.
Making tfalenlii*
by the MfUien.
j,,,,. oiyitt.- or.Iei amwing In th- MovelB^a "T:. ismtids
Few iHu.ide ,eali
w-ha, .1 Uige
13,,^^. 3, j.
,.,^rj;r-eB tree
a mllece athlete
thU was II
of the riisi.ini of j
niuh, w-li'h riinison flow in perfvcl h-aJih
Ih- isih of
"Dear Miss Florrsece:
it Ti ll rows, and she
n alotileof red iBk
iiamage sbi- has kepi
ily al w.ak endeavoring to get iij
designs to ph-as.- the
fayacintb rqn
»had- ot
now r-. y.-ars of age
but (ach x-ason di-niands its innur.v
nnraod ■ i
•here Is room
1.1 fill Mi.win mnes of
<- M-arreiy mote Ifaaa
cinild net hold Ihe vah-ntii
the arrogance of assured beauty.
of Ihe valeu
eaniexi its sio-k. fnuu year
in othe
be from Mi-K Thankful.
"Mr. Jonm: a name 1 doabomina
Bbe lived In room 14. second floor tboae colorless eyes, ami that washed
hair! Rut then, be is lust as kind
back. MUa Thankful wna accepted
he can be.aud I make no doubt
year after year at one of ifae belonc-
Afterwaid u great stiver basio. and - up grades
wait and g.1 down with you this iime.-|Fehruarv in whleh tip- ai'N hum m , This silk. iUo m
ler. But be would never under
The Freoch .-Ity of l.y<ia> last
of I sis-meil as if Ibere woiiid noi be iiiocb j inoluW |.sao--<
( Ibe dust raised 1^
proper j sr. ni of meat and go-ase on ih*-m lor tbe machines
.. I.
his plate. Tlial was the easiest wavofioihi r widely nhM-rv«-<l f.-stivala
rolmwl; ,S.
bad touclied iheii fo.i
Flfly ;
IV-rtwilier. U(G
ihutiking him. He Is having an early 1
Th<- riemlemaii's Xiiigarine m iTTK silk, whii-li i- Unissl mei the eard - this-- forked in>inini*-ni
fl.eir mils fV'.a t4i
t*» a bsrbreakfast now . so | ibuiight 1 would i t-ls-ak-. of a kind of sisirt In Kent In l«ard and glued to the under sid--.
potibd. in
liay. Christ
ber who RTow to know Visa Thankful,
iheiw dropped . ihle Ink.
way to tbe nioinh as thev «
did in Gng-;glue |.y diawiug an.i piirkerinc rhew
keefi it and I wi.«e him a Itdler of line's Day''was in the
the name was. after all quite appro
board, and
> It^nlng tod
Macaroni ilm-s not all
'he puff U then nude from a
^ ’gather-si as -il’e.i
in the Jaii^r eon
thanks this morning and pul ll under) with May
they Srat met bw. For in them there onded. G*hea aho hadJIghted tbe ,
was ao llllle in her narrow JUe to be she Kul down wiib ihe iboogfatfut
Ing brown eyes,
cui- to iiiiAtwt the city,
boiisu'. abe a-ent very thoughtfully up And she llunere.1 alMiiit the roojn In iriuniph a figure ciiilv-l a "hoHy-hor,-1
are glued down, and the bo'-der
A Blua Silk Party Bas.
| whirl, ih.-v havP siolen from the bti>>.! p'i.c-sarr th.-n glm-d over the .-.lg.-*of
ll seemed lo be ooe of the Iraniet to her room. Mr. Jones had discourteil happy vxciti-nieni.
Meanwhile .Mr Jones was In a very! while tbe latier buoi one siolen /rom ihe puff
Ih a ^m.ii.r nunm-> apfwrof fate that her name abould fanve mon of the way upon tbe amitbUqualities Florence posi
imrenaln and puriU-d stale of Idiss.'lbe girls railed an -ivy-girl ' The^euilv itilrtrale d.-sigos nivvere slmplv
been Miai Thaokful Hope,
Tlie note had thanked him for hlslhollv and the Iw mav u- ronstdered ma>ie
snlted Inailnctlvet) af the name when which remarks »he had heaitlly i
man of forty-Ore.
rtesc tower. Karts, acts s
tbe Ungers. Howx-v
s licbily applied •
Mo<kina» and jraners.
you tSink. lhai him-satin larty l«ig’ ,!
him last night If ,ll w-as sold .vet ami, rti»ioni> ti-ver ptw-alh-
Thank-ful always liked him.
Sunday were accepted.
! pulls and Utws of ribbon, which must' -IdereO pt.^s-t to i.
•This iiioruing earn.- op lo my wife's! is- apfdled liy hand to the Car.U Tbe
same rtMinesy lhal he S'otild »li
He srua a timid young titan, wlih
the dessert every
Funny i> thi-re *a.a no med Florenre wotildi bedside Utile Will Wer<-.-r to her val 'enlv liiaeliine w<ek d.me ««> ili.-se va! l-e Ui manage ii. p
ieU.c;>.-ar |inslBco.i I'.ooojirto poiio-la.
as not sold toilay—will Ih* tomor-- hmiw who sent it. And ihvii she w«-nt [ tin.. and hroughi h-r name writien ^ iiiines u tk.- prmting <•( 'h- csdoie.' lo put ip.- iirjb- f.« k'e.! iMiirumi nt in
Ijirgi- >anllne cstinchi-* haic been
•w. llkely.to IknI and to »lis-p.
ri|s>n Idi.i- is.p«T -and gvdd letters, done: de.slgn and the t lorking out . of -the the manth than ibe Angers-.
<,lart<-vl ill Nagasaki. Jaiwn. with x
Miaa Thankful fell herd'-sire to poaThe next nioiiiltig Fkir«-uc>- knocked: by bimsr-If wiy- preiuly. and we were'rartl'
Tlic rsptdiiy otid tveatlles-ij
th*-n’ari..-hok.-s. a»paractiv pi'4< ivtew to cxpoiitng the fish to Europe,
■ss the bag inenasing.
at the door, airnokt liefore Mi«s Tbank-j wHI pleasi-d .with it " Un anoiber IKi., with wlii<-faihe
wlii<-fa t
puffs ^*>n4 sblired l>Or: and l-au' we.->- 1-:vs>cht
« ae a{
The Juice from tbprougfaly decay—1
"On your way home? 1..M me take fill was dreWsed. and came in with al Vab-mlne'-; <hy he recuuls that 'his
Ilf Ihe vatlous drvigns are made' ple,»»ui>- i., jiatidi them rrv
H-.ii - bananas 1*
i-riEhi.''-<Ij!AE eanninr.
)Our umbrella. " and they walked
fliisbc-d. happy far,w-ife-s'valenti'ne gave her om~halt do/lemarlialde. In making a hearth f.ir.ih*-.- with ibet! buk.
‘ —“ • make a firsi^ss indel-
I Xovnd U In my monilnK a maH.
Insa of the pinre;
lov lime, writes uiidei date of St. VaK lines are uia-If up wiih silk and shun Ikey ate «:U, (..it.r
;»-ptln>-'. ilsy: ;
^e ««gs of
h> bending
Spain U h.vving mlbions
yj.-ht a rich oil wbhrh burnk well.
oed chronicliT rrf lla- little -v-enu -dTlie more enis-nslve noveijy
no caul in thebag—,
Intro- in betgtl.
-;.u-.i.faed arch.int of ajmln. made In Geniianv.
•■ly .4 rp. -'.r.j.-.,«ho «aw Th.-iB there.!
door, she hung the rn>buO ever IbiSite luKi put
The king of Hal; 1. 5 f.ud S tncbea ,
ITT t:-<.e
b-Bslv iclotigaind whin sbe reachedlhe
pretty knoi'. and .its soflly stole buck.
I know a good
in .ScoUund
Pepys. Ihe val- ran itius ts-vviy rbtopiv ma-le
Zurich lu It. sums |MfVd wllh |m-.
folks used f.w tbe
thing 'ubMan'lal. In Kngland only tbi-.'atid le'-^ it driiii down under the ritei.they rarrfeil t.<
Flunwcc's room' Whs only n few doorx j man nve the. preM-ui.
A LIKI* of Eveeytbinf.
of France, at a
iitnrtiifl/..tt !er.-|Oem given in bis bon- ^r.
u ti-ndtmo- lo make one fe<-I (dd. If 11 verse, p-rialnly bj the sev-enieeuih. Mitai: bra«. iti.us arecnrrW In a e-;r
lieu iweniy-five year* b^iud one.
: r.-niury. UiYhal.lt
Inditing -valeu- al the lop of The m.irhlne. and are f. ,l
satin l«ni!. oter there in the ciinier
thing, and cheap. tot>,
ll Ilea before ne on nr Seak.
piece ot satin when I see it.
Mr ValcMint.
To mink, of all
I wa^ lust look
a ‘imiile riv.-ilcg
l^a of prettr tblOEX. too."
Mias Tbanhful.
Wfaai thPB for mo. doar Valonilorr
The (r««(c«t ot
e nrnaneoie
iiu.- tir iso of eenlimenl.. th.-u ntlacbed »o Ihe cam* by. meal.-.
pruee ai flrei. pbrhap.. and afterwaid
.When she wa. all ready for bed. she line, was well established.
down inu. a rt.ann.-l by ii u..:Hie.l
be add«l, wllh the (tardonable pride of openni th. iniak and look out the parHi ^!le sev«-tHeeoih ce^ury. If no: ‘ wh.-rl At the bottom ot the channel
a h<-ail clerk. ,
»> bag.
I retilk-i. It was a'habli for a valentine ait • c-ai-oik-nt. whi.-h. at .•am ' luierw
■t5o.Ml evenlnK. Mr Jonea.-jinowererf
She o|>ea<.l the >Vs>r an^ ilst.-ne.! ! lu njake hi. Iiiv.- h pre>eul, of sume- t-.ui ot tbe mnehin.. i.-leasci. a rivet
lk-(aiiM> It U-rour faJibCiiInnui
Thai IotIdc btail* eatbrler.
nia Uii* I a«k of roll.:
Our trimmer bents any
This kstklng hark at one', yuulb has
An Herlrir .ire tawp. capable of
iransmli property, and leave the ntea
Those pink roseltes are lovely: I'm
ytsi If 1 dareul.
irtlced Itf K«ienshepe.-,k ; r^,.
mnhltig to do.
The resoM Is. aaya
center .rf'flrtehlly supidylng the need.'of mtd.T
» tbe day. Mias Tbankful silly as I ran be. I know that well
blggeM ami hotneiiest val-! in: IH-Offie He- world oxer. Rermany
a ixrlenilsi. that they are the. agHest
enough! Thnfs why I asked Sli. Jixic. «illn.« a young lady ever got. If youiulthgiish ii do.-s noi
r.-cngni/e the the clove Is the unexpanded crimson ^a,„r lllumlnatiiui for ship salvage women on earth.
blossom. The familiar trioiminds for I a„,|
.iniil.r work as well as for
speak of mv getting It. Maybe
ire to have me tell you alrout
i,; «lay. .supplies many of the cards ;in<i
And no matter
Tbe man wire claims the distincHnn
the boiled leg .4 mulion are the'''iin--,p3.i.,ve almr»nher.-s
■mmer I ran have a lawn «lib a please carry Ih.- bine saHii l«c when i nov.-Hin. used In Ihe fnited' Stales
how ueprepoaseailng thi
o,s-oed flowers of a spring bramhl--; has Ikvu irie.1 in the harbor of AU-r- of being the pi'rthennosl <-dlloT In the
Of iBIi
boarder. Miss Tbankfira
i .America has laVeti
a kind heart Hule blue sprig In it. This would go
like shrah of .he Mcmerranean r.-'.,^„
eoonecrion will. re,«lrs uf- world la L Moller. wbo edits Ibe mas"Brastiis Jiio,-«."
iH-siitirully with tbai.
I don’t think
lead In the raUuxtine industry,
o dlacarcr
c excoiie.
traled EsquHbaux |iaper Aluagagltolll.
jfreted on the dork gates there, wlthold for a lawn on a hot day;
Other boarders came and went—
He etmid hear Florence singing In we not only supply our iiw-ti ina
Tbl* tripling plant
bai handsimte
p,^,<„|on. li published at ikyltbaati. on the west
“tmaalenu," Mrs. Simmooa called gnd I'm juM glad I goi ll—so there!" ler rooniADd he calli>d thi- Ik-II boy. hut export lafgx- quantiiie* of v
pinkish white flowers with Ion: Us-l,;,.
rbai a ihonwgb examlna- coast of Ureenland. tit degre-a north
Then nhc wrapped tip the bag nnd put md seni the nwe to h'-r.
ibem—bat Mias Thankful suyed on.
lines to all jarts i>f ifae world.
s..|s of s.an.en«
The youngesi and , .pm ,rf
u..-k cutes roi.ld m- made
For thineen years she had been an Irmway In hei trunk.
•There now-. ' he said, when this hadj Uigesi ralenllne supply bonae in the
Ihe finest eaper*.: 3,,
Sultan of Turkey atnutnaualy
After supiier Florence canic up to been areomplished; • » ii hiid not |s-.-n| world Is lor.viivl in this rliy, .-uid here
inmate ot the house.umn now she fell
known us nonpareil
S'"* j dcmoniwtwie its power one of the "'■K'*'**'
d.vtkneaa. an<1 his sfiariThankful
wns for MUs Thankful. I would never have|a large (nm- U busy the yvar round
that no place would bo borne to her risll her. and Miss
larger and neaier fiowi-i
•>' ‘‘^Idiver* returned for .-i newspaper, and' *»'•“»» 1“ '‘•f palac* wd the surruundbut Ibe tiny twelve by twelve room, lempied lo IHI ber all alsim ji. Rut had the grit to have sent ihat. And j working to m.vt the enormous dcome superfine r.ipucln
I after descending 1.. the bTdiom of th»rden. a* well are fl»»j,.d with
where she bad apeot her erenlnga and *he MS full of her own pians.aiid the
,uf* moo-. I la-lieve Miss Thankful tnand*
rapers. Ttre Chrysanthei
light «-very- niglit
He is rvtail b
her Sunday afiemoona for so many bag was not mentioned.
rw it. m.-.s her!
Tbere ar% three prinrlpal >^pe* r
ihy: » l.rtdjier or favorite servant, and
It ibrough lb
•Tbere'ls lo U- a paily lomorrnw
If Florruire- does biivc that blue ' valentines, namely, ihe coait. the pidwhich-seive as food.
If he dreams an (aierpreter Is aumn the aurfare-.
Ifs the Hih. ihinc on hi-r aimlll give Miss Thank- j fashioned lace, and the "onveliy"
She bad waiched Florence. Mrs. ev.ming at -Mary Moiu-'s
im-ioed directly be awakes io explain
- A ^clsh Wedding.
Slmama’a young danghten grow up
know." said Florence, happily. "I ful tbe very beet UllMi Cloth dres.« lhal enriiu-s. Hie lalier lo-lnc the nue.1
the meaning of the dream to him.
writing of Wei.hh scenery .and!
Ri ing. and w-i-ar my blue cloth Ooo|ior i f.s.pi-1 haviand had shared her
The reimlcs. which seem 1
• Taper or wottd polp hs, hi-eo med
ini-.. Mr Edward Thomas finds;
timid evmfldeoeea and cmlnlana about drews: I've worn it a loi.HIss TfaankAm1 Miss Thankful ,
ihv drv-e..— he by far the most pi'puhir. are- phone '
fur wheels, rail*, cannon, paving
occuixiuii lo nolire many rhatncleris-'
Ibe different young men of ihe house. ful.but inolhcr says I may have a u.-w Anna I*. Urey, in Inu-i
engrave.! ami prlnn-d Ui color
I brtek*. water ptjtcs. iHegrapll poi.ss,
'ics ufAiroria] life that are a* strerngly '
Confldencea which Florence would sash Hint will freshen it up. Hal. ob'
if the Slate deimrt .lanterns, leath.-r textile labrKw. eotnever have thought bf lelling her
wish. I do wl-h. I coiil.1 have a luirty
SL Vplentine’e Day.
ire'hsiuimi to «»>e i^’si"u>Vion”irf'
land ;
the phrme
•flu,. Un.-I, imfk irettle,. straw Im’s.
val..i.iine*. while the novrii} val
-Vone ..f the eurlou* usage, fie-practlcia mother. There wns aomo- hag that I saw down In Coo|sr> win
The only Hiinc which assocl
s Sitijtr*- VI
civv me Ihe namr spong*-,. thri-id. . jiom-laln, bulleta.
ihlng about Mlaa Thankful which In dow. It was a light blue .vtd lined with Valentine with tiu- day ifaat Ir
enilnesAii- la,g.-tv made h. hand
scrlhe.1 in his tveent borH.
Is more
id th
vited amBdimee. and the two were pink—such a lieauiy! I wish >wi had
he fuel that <m Fr-b.
The mu.-hine which,tnakl-s the pa-i*''”'*'''*'^’''"''
WSWive Wales,
warn friends.
was per iace consists of two rolls! on.- * ’’hau
one met,ito.ae.| m thef..!
•n II. I can't have unyihliig but. the after being In'atcn w ith cliil-s.
-lid of Ih.- wire.
It was a dull February evening: a
ih.tbotigb. and »*> ihere'w no use* In Iioheaded near ftnrnx• Ither a jii.irrlx iif Ihe
'Ade.- •
I missed them. t. a vlHiige in which
Japan poA—wsim a remartabie botwriilng ahoiii him. says:
alight snow waa failing, nnd Mlaa wishing.design
A w-jde .paper ril.lwui;
•A It whai*-'
-h.- lid-fashionfsi hiddlnc
n Ibe form of a bulThankful harried along toward home
Uisbop VaK'niine left us cxarwple lp-‘ is>
ea Ihe rid!., and is cuf:
"I did sec ii.” K.ild Miss Thankful,
A A Adri.-''
-laty-fixe f.wi tn
dea.1. Foi a .piiniIn Ibe eariy duak. The wlndowa were
hrmdi U-ats acaln^a the!
md it wws prettv. I Mrter. wished do diwds cif charity, lu feed the 'faifa-i by
Spe;! ;i plejou*,ed -te.o With n s annoincem-ht. in
; a living tree
llgbtml up. and prosenteit a lempiiDg
clothe the naked, visit the weak!ms
••ining .rfr ;iny..-l<Hierlnc
r II mrscH."
IX hands.
ence, Tlio oldnrray of mllliBery. dry gooda. flowers
land sick, to enienain the ixsir; .vud tie hii
iXt "bnish !
Flotvnre laughed. "Oh. of course,
Al-ait ooe tninand coatectloaer).
wbic-ubiglve ih<-dead a phrisiiun funeljgj.
reUem r.. •
.vou would nut want U.l>ui if you hndl
But Mbs Thankful dh] not notice
ag*t. li-uvliw
,.e .-...r,
e... ...i-hi
Martyr Valeniinc- ivrelv.-.l due
other' boarders that no matter how
cenld alw^ And i
to be aald aboni It
anj- of
them until
street, and
there she walked
slower, earning to a Mandatill at last
In from of Cooper A Cboper a laigc
dry-goods bonne. .
She smiled as she looked In al the
-Vea. - she said, sofil.v.
there .vei:
l made sure It would be
.ho„h.i.™.^ „,:Zh
Miss Thankful g w allent.
"Mr, Jones bas
evening service
I. preremtly.
j (llis.-l
Thank-fur He never talk. much, bui
One of tboae dainty
which always catch a woman's eye.
If abe has any soul for pleasing ef
"1 cant alfom a
Thai three weeks I
waa sick
last monib pui ihai oui of the quoslion, and m it doe. seeti as ir I could
buy that bag if
Only it
would be sillj—downilgbt slllj
Bte sighed.
utes which mo-Jcin
.•al.utilno s r^y res.-n
•hose »b-erve.t by the .innent
Mls*:„ ,h,.
- M-ason ot the l.upiTcal.,, |i 1
jouag man here,
a half," She wan garlng si a blue antin party bag. Uued slih delicate pink.
'“•-.ius-k a.it
. so invite w.-d.
rha1.lje.i 1 g-e- •'tn.-ring-the-h-1 P-1- Uiace from *nrk-'
*"* •'■•pat-I wPb
II x,.n, . Kh..hh
Thi- lac rtiahk.s‘on * :ike recp.um
'n«rth-Fort. V.l.m.n.. Rlni‘ inc 1.F them uii.l .•f-aring
A* the cilehraliiin «rf the Hotnan 1tai«'-vKftsr..-n-.faj..h pap.T hinges
LupcrcaU took plac- itj F«-h
to’ nitbos—l cardv. TJi.' hing— 'are
E»Hahe-h Joce-
I Think he Is aiKHit the best looking
i*»M. So cheap, too; only a dollar and
ippose he thinks a great deal.
which ere..-., tone
re th-ir parents ami hrmh.
"I've bad a kind of .
W«ek life, anrway.
Uiat,souada o
--f n.any-
.le,;r,,l The
l.-V. expeiienc
sheets rii;.- iicw- pa,si..l on re rh-foWlowwd a recital of Mr. Jones'sayings
! ward, drew ihc- nam-s.
After she had gone. Miss Tbankfnl • young man te^me for a
iBE tabV. wl;i,-;v they
. and I'vo no
i" ^
New Kind of-"'nk. -
culling machit:.'. Thi, niarhiac i, prrv 'o g-' m.-re f--r wr.at ■!>}', have -'iii
virted W!'h c-iri.'Ts of var-.eis .diwign. s,.|i
Ihe fire.
which cut, O'li the card,- wl-h --wUrq*. dl-covery of Dr. KalnrnDia,
that *a;«t for the year
all. No olhcT luan enw looked at i b"*' f^‘®
p»>d cii-:-*
'The hinged lace
frnsres antk- sc|eh*!,t
the moremtsdern deeigns plan followed
' Attncj.e.] to the
»if a
tele,di'«‘- iiaasiuirii-.- is a lioxiri.e artaosemeiit
tewfr;t.!:og a band stereo
Ucklbg !t,'.r iT.t,-
the S|*>aker.
al the iiiepbta.e V - , tbe tikenese l4
iny.'0''.'s re!-..e 10 eiveo-it iletaiu
f’ref lb- R»iietaco. head of 4be got.
Tug Parson and *He -Ug^t.~ .
•u hoi!
ernmettt c>l>ege of Vs4Ieiuehi. has SIWS
A pi-Vili hart ha,l a caii frertn 'a Tii‘i» cei-ded
Thi,'' diHicg-ji.hed ^'v’Uisri-r- M'-i-
it Is easy to seej sists of a i^ol with variuti* celluloid -A iUrie sagar and
bahtt of writing thu'oriiaaii-nis attached thereto.
*,u i>. jnt-reii»d , in
arjd-'-H ,xtre
)i« Hffb*
He did n'd
ing a reipper wire ar>oit.d 'he ns«-k* of
the ft-be, h- r ime.1 then; hare- in a
A nxmth panned ' rim imth r-il, W;>b the
prry Fone one met bis youngest aoc
The! h it. JoHah
preas ' B--------- ,
1 rvmnlng a motor by mrona
n4 ele<“i;clty fii'-nished by e-^s.- Plirf--,
The; prayer and cdosHeraiiiM,
ever got up connige to tell me. name Jh- drew to lu' his or her patron Of the latt-r. .ine of the slmpiewt c«. the heus. and re rht- f-aice are added
And then we moved
sets of Hiir,-. i,n.i iheii red mre the v^.t suppiy-nf .-he .•aui..tj'are trying far pw-ay f-rer. civtiizaiMio in Alaska,
grate, with sari, drewmy'eyes fixed on he drew
St. Piancis .le Stiles tried tij p.it a!
H,e-|e-t-,.«, ... wt,.m. he S, talking The
ertlfic Atn-.-rai- fir-lie'
While the fa’i.e-r. slei jnsdun- "he i pnire a boor •■. ihr-lsand* ,»ho
sat for a long, lung time in front of tbe'.peeial swain ct the lady who-e ixani.
She was going -ov.n in her!
>vah t.ave
Tr.—r- tf,.m a-7.- J B f-iw ter and W H.
cards re which Ihe I,,,- pa.-vrn, are
,h,- i.uperrala, for exam........ atlache.J are pruned io lire- .rtieets
■'*'>. >»: •!-"
the car rm the .Mrsl principle
certain nuau-r ,.f
w.ltb a vti.ulv--design. ' af. r .wbirh
*>*"■., If iL-tovr-ririt.n wiirtm or. lFmeFnp.A.
.they are .-m>-iSM,|
The vm'.sMMied '‘'■•,r**e___ ________ ■■
1, Hie Pci.
knew how. Girls are foollsb creature*. ;each would conidder the saint w-h.»e • displaced by
.'tarr«- faoldmgs in Ala.-.a.
T. r,,,,], desc-nd-d tix.m llie ,-ariu r ore-
» to think he disliked me-hc stam- j
apfMtsius for
mered «. wbrmever i spoke to him: -,he name, of a
guess it w-a. jnsi
Bind a lime iwtoty-flxv v.-.-xnx before : end »o tbe c'lstom. and
Bnt there nos
C. E B-lTY-h ,»
cam.-ra'l-4l,..i„aud,from tiieM.. .T,-;„s
e waa rorhlnc like Mr. Jones,"! hade the drawing of names of p.-xW'
ciemi,i has diMVivered
•I never bad anything as pretty as abe anld.
i„,tpad he required tire thus forming Jiie fhijiiltar. old-fa.h- making mta, from >pv ^n4.
that. Maybe that's why |
u> have
-He was good looking and so ,uRI; ' K«‘«nc peoph* within his jorlsdlcHon 'cmed l-rv'vs’enTinre, wburii. ,!•.>'
liq-vd ihit, enrart.-d reM-mbles
so aei my bean
on It.
bnt be was jnsi as limit, mod 1 aciediid write the name, of vartiNu Miintfifinid favor
a largeportion. tastes Hke caw's milk and can be
drenaoi bate alwsyi been brown
as carelesa
ami indlffer.mt as 1 on their slips of papi-r iioping that ;of t.Sj; puWtc. -and
rerase 10 be jitic;d at wry m-ich less coat. '
black; they last belter.-
• two
An Ice AirtwnoC ■-
'hat gtfcs.due to .fcetn
IKiin r'l.x ycMtne 'h»m in and o-jr i:ke
,-h.-hinge, at- .-It off
•iv-er wa»- Imlignur
;i wKli -w iiSLC.
"How:«,] h; > hundred sela fa-
vw» a'lR-t»
t* y.mr father going to ;nin a .mail grist mill and ligta up hi*
.hoew- and ground* Eweb s*d ipy«.
Weil." ac,wereii the youngster j-i-jsufflrjeni elertrteity
run ftirty-BvR
pulassiuu -^os-’ diciaily. Ta» ^ v’Hi omyin for ligb% ;sixteen • candle.power .* liigaadewt«iiil
TTie or-jpha'- Ch“ml«ir> !* a g.-e-it science
: t, .1 n,o.i of ap thing. 1, packed '
jlighia. '
tivssOTvr. Harold Spring; canmRtee.
■■ -- -----«LK RAPIDS.
an fiipid*. re»>. B.—H. 8. Anteim Dsn Pslrts^. Fiord Mltc-::?!!. A«■eir^dob&MB.
VM Slaetad to m ^Uce on tb«
coaamM br tbe coontr conrenUoD Itr.* snd Mrs. Wsltor Bukt enterhold St BcUslre Tue^lsr. A. K- Uined tb* ranBK people's Bible cUn
Dongbcrtr reUrin* from th» conmlt- of the M- EL Sandsr sebool Friday
tM bat not (rom pollttei. Hu«b M. ovcDlDE- ThU it a »err Urje elaas
CoMrcn vsr soninstod for achoot and BulkM a lar*o party for entertainDsBdsr the UMbodUU will bare
Use^ aerrket in tb* nuralns snd
cert given in the K. O. T. M. M. haU
by the Copemlsh band was a very sueceedpl affair and as mneb enjoyed.
The Jar of
«r Kn. J. C. GaanUett's clast and
overture, -mendshlp.- band selec-'
eOBalA of metnorlal eervlcee for the
lat* Blahop McCabe.
Y.W.I solo. “Hearts and Flowers.-,
The Rev. L. B. Blaaril moderator
Mlis Charlotte Prwllck.
for tbit dlttriet. tttended t aneting
March, “Bnnger Msrch snd Twt^
farre Tnetdty for the purpota of going
Step.-' by the band.
thitmgb tbe bualnesf fomuU of elect
TH» W. kind *( a testiicor.isl Vh.lln «>!.. with pUmo acct.mpanl-Sold ter uver .;»'-T '/e.:r.. '
ing tbe Bev. Mr. Vail as pastor of tbr
m-ui. "March of the Brr>*Tried." ,by^
Prctbylerlan church of EUt RapMt.
Mr. Vail has preached for the church <lrtr.
A daughter was l>om Friday to Mr.
•everal Bnndayt and Is giving excolleat nUtfaetlon. A toela] ereolnc and Mrs. Joseph 1)111 and«i Sunday a
: Mrs. A. S. Cornell.
elnaed Mr. BltsHI-s day with this m to Mr. and Mrs. William Barker.
Fart II.
Ex-ShcHir'and Mm. Saniut-l CiampcbnKb and It was largely attenhod.
The bay is fmten over and fitber- ID are 'mourning tlicr lu.ss of ii danghare Mtting their nets, tee bouses ■r whirh wuk Uirn and dli-d Saliinlay
Jr-nnI'i Kimball.
are alto teen upon Elk Itke.
} —---------------------Vocal^solo. Mm %V J. Rachow.
Thi- Tearhers' and Painm*’ ass.^ia
Jtmen Thompson reached borne Frl• Muno dmi. Anna I^wU and GladsTh- Hn-s* Was K-lled.
dgy afternoon with tbe remains of bis tkin will hold its annual nievtlng in Rose.
I tVi'lb ih.- u.ight -1 -111...,- I.--brother, WllUtm. who died In tbe (his village Feb. U and tc. Ku pains.
acc<.mpanl; of gr.-,-.i lUntiCr '<«jhy ‘i -l 1“'
oppw peninsula last week, and the Uini’ or energy have br-r-n siuiivd to
ment, "Danule- W>ve WalU." hy
’"T'i”,' ntui
’ Ui.veu bv K-U^i-l PmHlj>y
foaeml took place Saturday afternoon. make this a lue-iing that will leave
OMdoeted by (be Rev. Mr. Tali and Its Impress msui the i>eii|>If. Nolol
Medley ^iirch. “SuSliMOvk--..-."' by.' v ,i .j
. i'.-iav - r-. itb* Ber. Mr. Daniels, and tbe inter speakers snd lwaebr>we have Uh-p »ich.i
.aeot ih-ment was made In Maple Grove cem< cured for the occasion.
, Mr. Pliillipv wnl l.». far
■ U;.'
The saw mill siarie.1 up VV.ilm-sday
T. C. L. A M. Freight. • . '< pitch .rf tie- Ciml- U-lof
MlH Plot* Pierce, a former resident after tui lilleness nivi-ring sevenil
Tile ftv-ighl bnuiglit I
of Bile BapIdA bet obtained a position
la tbe elTlI terrlce commlttlao
•irh-r liorx-.
•-Sficrt arcoimtiints from Chicago arc train that has |a'=«e«l »>v.
w. r.- rn.111
ntanogispher in Washington. D. C.
Ii.r «
W'.-sl.xr >1... ..11.1
Homer Sly. local manager for the uad'illng (be iKeks iIiIk wool; and lasi
tons, or alsiiit ni>u UK! iarr
wriv fi.- lb.- Trau-i'.- Cit-i
Elk Cement company ba* been In Chi f<.r the 13k HapM-< Itrm company.
Miss F^iny Fsli launs apenl Sunday than Ui«- .sv.-ntg.- train.
cago so far this week.
Then* «t-n- ivi-nt} can: of jilg
In Trarenui Ciiy.
Id lumU-r. one empty uud two
cnarbi-x. The freight Is eliipp's! frwm
lut week In Central take.
;„l„. Th-........-.I 'I- '...... iippi'r
peniiiHala |M>lni!i and is ill.-.irib- the hill i- -r....-r,--l wtf. saart ;.i-.l
It SalRKlBy
iBg nocUl funcUon. they were *s- Percy Nolihklub
l">' on a
i)ie<l li.-M- b.-iwe<-i) iheC. It. & 1. ami ihcr.- >
fur a
•IMed In the dining room by^ sevcml
Marumtic. Tlrt- d<->tiiiali"ii «-f
Udie* who in turn prcclded over tbe
Ih<--lni1k nf li iK iViiiisylvaula ix-iut! . -t„|, U4..IV
illi.l W.' (S«. :l
Kra.l- was f
«offm Ud cboeoUte. nnd Hndnmes had.lKvn lust i>R a car in iranvit. - lie
Legiclative Committee.
PM lABg. WIU Bmc*. Fred nil* nnd went to Traverw City u<l Miecvede.l
ri.- I.-!.I th- Uoi-s on lii-li I«'!
30h Bmoe nMlited In fterrlng. Mrs. In having tbe trainmaster *<-iu1 out ah Fr«ni-Fiiila,v-K Ri!*>ir.l.
Tho lH>um- loglMativK -comniinco i«
Herbert Blodgett n planUl of grent engitie to search for
WMUng tiu- Northcni Micbigan oavlum
•kbl, contributed nWeriU nelecUon*.
by pueuTb.- nia.I <-irv.-.| J-i't Jlo-i. u.-i-l
y. in liccldi- Ul»jn ill.- appniprlal- ,.|1.'
Mr. ud Mn. WbitBeld enteruined at
,b.-- 1...IS.-S rt.ulcl n..T inal... It-.' l:~.
Uh«d for by thin lnMiiiiU«m.
' esrda Thnteday evwOng. a week later. monia Sunday.
talent, under tho.i
Those of the ctinimltlv*- who ar.' hcr«'.;
CbM Of the Fire Department H. 8. W.Hunte
H. nriffltb. who put ‘'Forgiven" nni, neprc»caUUv«'S Tiirn.-r. K.'lly.
'Aneme ud Mra. Amerwn opened
tbelr beuUfttl borne for tbe entertaln- utwu the local fdOge. will piny -Soulb- X S. Monrotr uil Vadi-n-.t-n. Mr.
metit of gnests Friday evening. While ern'Folks-' mt the opera houKC nest Parki-r. n member of tin- ways nml
u mmmUtec. is alwj wlUi the liui.l away fcim ih-spinn- cl hnr *
tbe oottpany wu abiorbed lo cards Monday evening,
and mmry making a call came for tbe A son. bora Tuesday lo Mr. ud Ijarty. its Is R«-prcsftitative J. IJ- Mon- !l wa-s tound tb;.i It- Iia. l.-v,a- i
ivs« of this county. The Udie* ac
to tarn ont for a Are which had Mrs. Frank Pascoc.
brokea out In tbe bowling alley. In The Presbyieriu Young People-sno- coniiluying arc- Mrs. Tumor. Mrs.
Jtm tbu five minute* there wu but clety will l>c entertained tonight by Kc-lly. Mrs. I*arkorati.l Mrs. J. H. McmnK-. -TniWi-c* Hart, Davis an.t HaU'c<me geeUemu left of all that large Charle* ud Frank Mcl.*iighlin.
aticl the nfflcc-rs'of tin- inMlIiUloh
The s
garty ud III bcaltb i
bla fran Joining the mat Tbe fire officers as follnw#: Prt-sldcjit. Wclr nic-cting with tlio cmmiuci-.
iident Sol Goldllrtt: vice
pet ont the
Bmmn ' J- L. HoHirtcr. formerly as^dsiai.i
1 (ud ladle* alM) retnraed tor fhrb: eecretary and
ITc»l sivivtary of Ihr Jackson V. M. C. A',
Hodge. Junior-* officer*
Nothing could
beep planned that would have', fur- dent. Glen Morrison: vk«* pn-*id«it. bas boon eoioctctl to fill the varaticj
i-iaryship of tin- Anti A'i">'
nWhed ueb a ipoctacular diversion as Arthur••ood: eecrvUry. Coi* Stone;!of th"
city association- H. K. Oolomen. ih*rcasurw Ray Coc^r.
1I city
talc decreed that night
] rewlenod sivrtM.iry. w.-ni to Jaiaiii
AsoUter effort to bi^ abont elec
Adam Schuler the smiling -drayman.
Trarcisc Qty StaU
CAPITAL, 8200,000
SURPLUS, 830000
Tire Insurance!
Plat* Class. Stsam Boilwr and Accident Insursno*.
A GcBcrtl Basklgc kabiam I^c
Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.
3 pv Ceat gUewet es Tiag bepniu
Room 310 New Stiitu Bank Building.
business cards.
T. Annmr M L>«
Traverse City, Mich.
LUXBEK-A'I iLtads.
DOORS aod WINDOWS All Myles. STORM SASH-Tbe warn klsd.
ROOFINfi-Tbe best aol cheapest
LNTERIOR RMiH-Slock and specia'.
tric HgbUng of tbe village baa ap
pealed. Tbla time It I* Herbert Joynt
Of TraTwa* (JDf who came over Mon
day and male* proposlUona that look
feaMble. He offer* to make a deposit
e(.'|1,«00 which be says be will forfeit
If be doe* not “make good.*' Here’*
hoplag'be doe* for BIk Rapid* need*
the Ilgbt badly enough.
Thta week the good Weighing has
been Improved by the school children.
Bverr night, which will todude lobI|M and, Saturday nlgbL merry
■lidghtng ^rtJe* have been ont enjoyJng the egetflent opportunity for
; Ell's Cream Balm'
Tion.-s. II 1!
We Believe
bl-"' UU .Avenue
\\c have the Best Tea on
the Market.
pcrtii-iilirly liti.- ii..v,.r ..f-i
li J..4 Uc- ir-.til.V
ln-ij; Iry a (Unnj'’-' I'-m.'l ‘.fttn*
- '.ar .'li .ii'-v-* >>i. yi'iir
Ui- L
l*rk‘c,50c per i
Tb* W. a T. D. will' give a valen
ttee aoclml next Wedneeday evening
at tbe borne of Mra. Jens Huson.
ndtool freehmen clus
eieefed officers as follow*: President
Fudna Voegell: vlco president. Grace
Ba^k; Mcretary. Mary Bosley
pAttKtjH ' I
R ISnr ^ttt6rsad Cmrw 5r»M
aiM. -oMIWm
''.vi' »;W. 335
hr* Tor*. , i —
Farms That Grow
tSiTtflhrce PaoRds In tiK SiAhtl
:;cre ll-mcstrAlA
Tarm and Tlrtside
Two papers for the pr.c« of OM
The Farmers’ Store
build a hmisf: or barn this
lf>-ou art; cuing
summer you will be thinking now about your hard*
,re and befun; you l»uy w.r want you to c-•>nie and see
for wc can "avc you some money, ^ou will want
:'rt» Vfl«W
Our barn door rollers arc winners; the door rolls
easily ami h*- door cannot get off the track. We can
sell you ih« >e j40ods j'jst as cheaply as you can send
.-iway for tliem and you s«:c the goods before you payfur them.
Renland Deui
$5, Hill
Our I bamomi I' Sail is j.ist the thing.
w3l be paid to any person who
can find one atom ol opium,
ether or chloroform or —
Dr. Miles’ Remedies.
.This reward is offered be
cause certain onscntpuloiis
persons make false statements
about these remedies, li is
understood that this reward
applies onlv to
purch• the
• ■open market,
• t. which
ased■ in
have not been tampered with.
Dr. Miles’ remedies cure by
their strengthening and invigorating effect upon the nervous
system, and not by weakening
the nerves.
tar mmra. aad weonacod Uwa t©
rtl-Falf> WHI* at* i»W
Wlltialm Sloch
Travec** ctty
can a broader smile than U9bb3 ^ ' °uw»o°»ry. ^__________
Mnce Tuesday, when a aew daughter;
-Regular ar »b* Suor*
Into hlx home.
i i* an »-»i.r«»slon ....................
imbt tin- rtsliig an.I s.-ttiui: of <f-- i "**•
A. J. DoJe of Bcllnlif. county supor- :u d<ml>
,h.- most rY-nr.b.r ,...rf..ra.sn-.'
ntvadent of th© poor, was In town ...
unlvcrs.-. nnWs It Is th.- arlK.ti ^
8. B. Ow-en-canH- over from Dollair©
Monday to look after his fir© loss on
Iding burufd Friday evening.
All kintls of t<hop .v..i’k lo ordi r «>n ••hi»rl notice.
Grt our prices before l>ujin«.
M!k, Ibdica Co. ElkhM lAd
Imporisd direct
blended, roasted, packed m air-ii^ht.
package and soW </rrccf to dealers.
In this coffee you get full value for your money. You get the
extra quality in the coffee through the saving of profits lost in
" es which arc sold through commission houses, brokers
That’s why McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is
so mack better than any other
coffee at the same price.
The handy air-tight package
and Uao glazing of pure sugar
coffee clean and
___ ^_____
protected from dust,
foul odors.
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by
How are the Chickens Laying?
I'ratts FoiiUo- Foo.l will h. li.'ihBm. anil i-gip
arc "out of sight" loo.
V: « ■
-■ -• ot “ :'-. ST •• CSS
Use Toledo I'uli, I’lssier lor the walls, will not
Ifce.e. ask about it, Keep bu.y during the
winter months.
• .1
1-, tt.- fimt
b.v a:. • t:.- t-rst y;rj uu-i.-r
t<-i. j.-ura ol-i j;tvin:f
oirnTri arrswvr to t!.!s ocm .
All first Class Grocers
XXXX CoffeeChums
A. TRACY LAY, Pvssldswl.
Hsmmer blo«'s, stesdily arplicd, break the hardest rock
CouEbing, day afier day, iars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn menibraBCs.
The Bev. Charles DanlcU was elect
ed a delegate to represent tbit church
at the April meeting of tbe Prnsbvle/j- at McBAin.
Mr. sod Mr*. Charles Dnrkce
lumed Iasi week from a lao monibt'
visit' In Kenosha. Wis.
Tbe last club Oance will be held
bt*« Tuesday evening,
Dr. J. C. Oauntif-tt was in 'Bellaire
Friday evv-ntug. aSKiKting In the erganizailoti of the county m<-dicnl
Nami-s.if uinDC-r* will Ugivm in llii.- s|a«i tomellnie
io Kebiu'ary S«u<l auawirxs
by mail
lao «toa«i that will not pan
I with ooe and one^f hieh n>eah. aad
Fpr th« Henid.
Uthwara shonU ha*e |
Pv ««t or the
■ore •ttentiM ia conceded br nearly : *«»««> «
erwyewe. hvt in tUa country ttete Inch meah.
Traverae City would do well to take
aaem -to hare been bnt UtUe done in
the way or ayatnmmtie. aelenUfle hlid>- a lOBBae here. Stooea of all aitea
way bnlMlii*. The eanae of thla U in from the sUe c( a man's bead down
hnnied oa the street to make it aa
a treat meaeure the abort ali^ted
poiiey that apoe people adopt of rot- rough as poaalble. V^Mea m
over tboee not only have to raise their
inc down erery pnWfe lap
kMda orer them but they come down
for fear aomeone elae than U
wU! cn)oy a few cenu aoro benefit oa the other tide with a blow that
dlga out a bole aad atlll farther
than they do.
WRh the old diatrlet ayatea each roogtaens the street.
Traverae City ahould Insist that
neighborhood ecu for thMr on
•ah laUrett regardlcn of the fact Abelr grave! be acreeaed to conespODd
with sute epecificalloas.
that perhafw by that meaaa <
After the grerri U i^ced on tbe
neighborbooda were ent of froa the
anee at principal tthrel while in tarn mad and thonnighty rolled down tbe
they theanetrea are cut off l-y the aboulders ahould be brought up to
W«n adopted by the next dl»- complete the apecifled outline of sectrtet. Wkt the coaaty ayatea yilx tJoo. Tbe sUte coosultlng eoglneer
*onld be Id a Urge pert dcoe away recommends that sods be rut and used
with. A w«U atudled plan woold be for tbe -top layer between graveled
earrUd out (« oooatroct the varioaa inrt and ditches. This gives the gniKi
s start and prevents tbo wastiog away
raadt ao aa to eoaoeet with
of uDcoverod/eanb. A well settled
The coaaty ^ Oread Trerene went rolled aubgredc of earth ahall be raa
back do the pUa caw for fear that for the gravel before it Is spread, alremembering that the Mibi
Treretae City would get more than its
. ahare of the beaedt regardleaa of ibe must be right Urhes or the depth of
the RtavcL below the top of flnlsbcd
, tact that aInMtt half of tbe t
woaW be otilected fim Trarerea City grade.
and that It woold go oouide of tbe
city to dittaat parts of tbe coaaty.
Kathaaka and Uantitee. both border
ing on oar coaaty. have had tbe coun
ty ayatea tor aome Unm and are well
pkaaad with IL
U there may renaoa why Grand
TraTeree poanly abould not be equally
The state has created a department
at t.—«ief with iioD. H. 8. Barle aa
commUalomr. and Prank Rogen. a,
IwacUeal dvll cnglDeer, aa coualUng
angUeer. The state baa also raised
a fund for boanaea to townahlpa build
ing a mile or more la any one year of
highway eonstraeted mocordiag to
thalr apedficatlona.
A tew or tbe inti
oat at r
are given here
for tbe guidance of people who «
a« wtia to attend.
Dlit Itoada.
Earth roads are only makeahli
ha applied la districte where
travel U light and the expease of
gravel or atone roads Is heavy la propbrtlca to amouat of taiaUe property.
But the ImiwovemeoU consist of mixtag sasd aad clay in tbe proportion of
taro parts sand to one part day.
tt Is tbe Buaner of mixing that makes
- the dinrenee betweM a soocms and
It la cislmad that Urn voids or
spaeas nsnally occupied by air be
tween tba particles of ssad mske ap
twwthlrds of lU hulk. Tbe obfoo la
adslag should be to let the clsy ocenpr this-agaee. *To do so It to not
■andeat to overlay sand with etoy sa
la that case much of It would be sofimmi la a WM Ume and wash away.
Bat it Bboald be mixed uriih disk or
other harrow to a ftady divided
dHlpa. TVn when tolled it makes a
fair road.
Bnt nil roads uhMld have the proper
mown aad sedfon. By seedon
■rasa the onUlae ct tba nod of a road
If on* ■honld eat square screes a road.
Tha proper aeetlea has an average
rtoe tram dltAes to center of crown
of CM taeh to the loot Thns a sute
aMed read most be at toast elghtoea
mat wlda tor the trevded part and
that would be aloe feet from ditch to
crown. Tbeo the center of the high
way would be nine inches abovn the
edge or tbe ditch. The aecUon Is
made on a parabolic carve.
But rt^t here to where the average
oonator-raad builder talli down. It
le to coavlace him that
OusIKlea cf OraMl.
There la quite a llUlc dlffcrehec in
the quality of gravel. Must of
gravel coDtaiBB a coveriag of lime
which make* a guod enough binder.
It Is a mistake to have too much, eajrecUlly clay binder.
But gravel which has hardened c
tral parts Is the best wearing.
The weight of vebteles Is borne
Ibe larger pebbles and tbe small pebbloe and particles-of rnisbcd
serve to make It smooth.
it will uke aboilt l,fiOP loads of
gravel such as Is generally hauled in
loose coodliloo to cover a mile of
E. H. Aliya.
Round-Up litstitute.
Lanalog. Mich., Fhb. 8.—The pro
gram for the twelfth snaual round-up
faTTDcn' ittiUiute. to be held al Ionia
Feb. 26 to March 1. to now being dlstrtbnied aad promises to afford much
interest and profit to those who
tend. Tbe railroads and hotela offer
reduced rates and
been made by tbe local committee to
entertain all who attend.
Among the speakers from other
sutes are 1. H. Kale, tbe 'peach
king' of Coanectieul. who will apeak
upoB “Handllag tbe Apple Orchard"
and "The San Jose Scale and Its Treat
ment." Mr. Hale has tOO acres of
apple orchards and aa he has fought
tbe scale for many years is well quali
fied to speek upon this eubtoet and Is
by evetrone regarded as an entertain
ing and Inlerestlag speaker.
Wednesday will be given up to faiia
crops, with cspeclaJ attenUtm to tbe
and culture of corn. The
leading, apeaker will be Prof. P. G.
Holden of the Iowa Agricultural col
lege. who Is by eretyone regarded ea
the pioneer tn caUIng attention to the
poaaihllities of Improving end Increas
ing Uie yield of this crop.
TTi» sessions on Tburedsy win be
readared espedslly Interesting by the
preaeace of Oovereor Waaer who will
preside aad dethrer an addrws opon
"Dairying." Among the other speak-'
ers will be Pref. W. J. Fraser of the'
Univereity of Illinois, who will speek:
in the forenoon upoo "The Importanoe
Baubltohlag aa EfBeicat Dairy
Herd." aad la the afieraooo oa “Some
Importarn Ph^ of the Dairy Feed
ing Problem.’ f Friday will be devote]
to topics retoUag to the breeding aad
of boreei. cattle, sheep and
Among tbe apeaken la addittoa to
those neailoDed above will be Profetaora Smith. Sbaw. Jeffery. Waterraand and others from tbe Agricultur
al college and maay of the regular Insiltute lecturers will also be upon tbe
TLe bandllag of alfalfa, beans, potatoes, strawberries and other crops will
discussed. Forestry, piod roads,
rural scbools. rirlc improvement and
other quesMons will receive aiieotion.
Tbe Michigan Com improvement assoetatiun will have its annual tnecling
at Ionia on Feb. 27 ajid Is arranging
for Ibe largeirt and best corn show
ever lu-id In the state The prires of
fered will be worth nearl.r |5tw. A li»t
of the premiums and rules relating to
the exhibit ran i>e bad by addressing
O. E. Voung. care Michigan Farmer.
Deiroli, or L B. Taft. Agricultural col
Steed a Chance.
Ernest 8^em>kl. siio baa been corresponding with the adjutant gen«-r:il
of the stale national guard. Is In re.
celpt of a letter stating that, at pres,
eni. there is no opening In that organIxatlon but that under certain ccodlttona a company of lov men could be
equipped «-lib rifles.
Since the local boys arrived borne
after serving In Cuba in IK9S there
has been a petition filed with the au
thorities for the admission of a local
company Into the national guard but
nothing has ever been done further
(ban that Mr. Salenskl is Informed,
however, that Traven-e City will be
given the first chance when there is a
vacancy. Tbe spring Inspection may
reveal some fault In some ot the eompanies in the sute wbleti would
cause them to be dropped or other
mauors might arise thai would give
> opening.
if a bnnd of tl.aoo could be offered,
the rifles could be obtaioed and u compaay put In shape to join ibe national
guard when that opportnaiiy piosenU iteeU.
brought about by the wanner weather,
logs are coming Into the city rapidly
loads were
hauled through Front slrcet that re
minded tbe older pedcsirUns of days
when the town was young. Each load
was made up of three logs, two small
ones and one giant. The big Mieks
were fine, solid elm over four feet
In diameter and twelve feet long. They
ocaled 1.2P0 and 1.182 feci and were
for the Oval Wood Dlsb company. Tbe
timiter is being cut on (he farm of A.
Newmaa west of tbe city.
K. O T. M. M. No 871 will give
Ihclr annua! Dutch supper Feb 13tb.
All Sir Knights Invited.
-ale -d i
cliwn. uhito-dst.. m. i.-ha!.di-e
JJnes that av »l*h ti> . hn-r on-
..f^tl:ai*r)!;) g.-irir.
; or.linsij
air l.i..k<-n
»r- i.»- tui..!;
always h
To tl
The qualilv of tin- jhh-.U alui U;.- l.‘sur». -d 11,<• pi.- •. lU .:.l ji-,- .,1
.-t- it i-;
st-ll or 111. chd.in-n
Ni> inuD who Is ai$r to hi . "i>n irii.-i.-:-- sh.vjM ; thi' •■pi—it i-,. j... tv ait!..
of IL
RcmriulrtT.. the UOft thins-a:v
ins Iiiekc-.; up etcr) da>.
your l-aiKalo.
....... ......................................................................................................................... ... ............................
taking adViiittsge
:hi t-«rttcr will
Big Reductions in Children’s , Dept.
rWlHlShas always been one of our sironu’csi and best dcparirn'-'mi, and wc incatt
lokeep ii so. To do this we are making the most cxiraonlinar)' prices on
some odd Jots and some broken lines—lines that arc to.) small to carry into
another season. By closing these on*, our stock is fresii and new each wasnn.
These goods are ihesame choice goods that wc cirry in our regular stoi k, but K)ts
are small and manufacturers are sold out of these same goods. We . ould nor replace ihc same things again at the nrice< we are offerineihem to you.
One lot Child's Soils, ‘aocs :: to (1 j -ars.
One bip. lot Boys' NotWk Suits. as..m^l
WUI dose .it.....................
Or.e lot Children's Buster Brown. Iwtli styles collars, handsome, new.
ime goods, sold from $5
Q gK
toiiuO.now.................................... ■ 0.00
One lot Youth's blue all wool
One lot 'i-piece. suits, ages 10
O Qfe
to 12. sold for $o. now..........
One lot \'outh’s black t'nlinishrd
On., lot h-pktedlort pant* std'.,
we-c $1' and KMHi. now................0> ( O
One lot ^■olIth's Cassimere suits
Worsteds, sold at $s. now....^*^®
One lot You'h's Cassimere suits,
One lot Children's better siiifs.
ages I-". to 2'i. sold for
. T.GS
SliltollOn. now ............
to So. now
One lot Vomit's Cassimere suits.
One lot Boys' Norfolk' Suits, ages
ag.'s!b,o20.sold fur
into 12, were $4 to
$1.-) to !>. ntj.. non .......................... ....
$5. now.................
All Boy’s and Children’s Sweaters in Boys DepartmecI
One Fonrtb Oil. *AI1 Children’s Wool tToques al One
Fourth Off Regnlar Price.
CMIdren’s Reefers
Boys' Overcoats
I.«2. dp. Pit., in.«; to $s. no...
-la.I a- An,-a 10 n. M. Jh l.i * 12. in.w
CliUdren’s Overcoats
Ia.ll .tl.-rtlo».-,.,,u.al,.,10.n... ....$1.50
IM 2-.2.7.H..:i.50,au,. I ndO...... ..51.5B
. Ia.i:i-$5lo-..70.»a« 1 I.. 1.-,. n... ....54.00
Childs’s Russian Suits
“■ •’* ■-‘K UHv« *4ilil liiihvexr friuii $u
........... $3.65
rjilt for pliiy or ctiierwis'*..........................SI.0O
«Jne lot. agci to ‘1, imveiiol.l for from SI
toS-..wiHd«4-t.t.tm.|t......................... $1.50
t Im- lot us .iliove. w illi relrel . dlxn. 1111
Ui Hi on s!-e‘Vf.. aget t 10 s. gold for
fr,mr'.-l..:;.r«.lmw................................... $1.50
ChildrenXKnil Jackets
Uit) j'Vira
la<'i m t. renld b.r has tbaa-'i'lc. liow
Men’s Suits and Overcoats
t the main track. Perhaps be
thlaha that other wise tbe center of
the road would slide out Into the
ditches. But these ebouldetu only
aerve to keep the water, the worst
mranty of roade. la the track to aaften
it Many times a unto rounding up nf
abooldera by Ihrowiag them Into the
coator U too low, or oat of the rrnil If
BOt aaoded, would allow a road to
drain aad vastly improve It
Ravine Raada.
Reads la rnrlaea or on dugwpys
ahoold bare some kind of paving for
goUeru. CobUe sionce make a good
^ la maay cases the cheapest gut^ ter. Much work on theae important
ravine roade la thrown away beeanse
freabeta cut away the road itself.
' Then tbe grades should be not less
than atx feet rise or fall to each 100
teat llBoal if one would gel aute aid.
Gravel Reads.
Tbe eUte elded grar^ raadt must
have the following apccJllcatloDs of
coaetrscUoa. The slope of ditches
, next to tbe track must be not less
Ihaa two borUoatal to one vertical.
Muay builders make the aide dRchea
•o steep that there to danger « overtoreing when two riga have to pass
near tbe ditch. The traveled track
BOft be boi toss than elghleec feet
sriU aloe feel of It covered wlib
gravel, to a depth of not less than
eight Inches. TbU is pot on in two
courses. The first Is pm on six luriiet
de^ and thoroughly rolled whoa it
wU eompaet W five lacbee.
The gravel used In the bottom
cooree must have no stonea that will
not pass s sereeo with two and oaehslf Inch mesh aad the bstonce mutt
have 80 per cent <rf pebUes that will
not pass a aereen with oaeelghtb Incli
meab The
“ top comae muirrearaVa
■here are thrae critical stages in a
nan's life which leave their mark
to her career. Tbe first of theee stages
is wonaebood, or the change from a
care free girl to baddiag womanhood.
The eeoond la motherhood, and the
third U Change of Ufe.
Ferils Borround each of theae stages.
»t of the misery that comes
rn through ill health dates
le or I
porUnt crises
____________________ .TtbatLyAla
e. PMttoa's VegMabto Caafood
made from native roou and herbs has
carried thousands of vonng girls over
the critical period of pnhertv. has
prepared mothers for childbirth, and
in Utor reers carried them aa'
thresh the chsngcofUfe
ly than anv other remedv la
rid. Thousands of
from gratefnl
ratefni ipersons, two of which
are here pnblisL.......
publitoed. sub
fact beyond contradiction.
Mrs Creorge Walters of Woodlawn.
Til. write#:
Deer Mrs. Plekhem:•'! fsri it mv dutr tn Ml you of the good
Lrdia E. Flakbam's V««HaUle rom~t.iD<l
hasdoosms in preperios for rhUdWth.
esbsshbv a rbild a* ran bsfnund anewbwa
I.vdrs F- Pinkham'. T.gwai4r r.eniound
is s Usssiiw to all exprrraal tnoth.rs.'’
Mra. Elva Harher Edwarda of
Cathlamn. VVa«h,. wriuw;
Dear Mrs. riiikham.•'I went t'l tell vou bow t.vdia E Fiskham's VegrtshV rompxmd- rsmot ms
through the crtti wl i-fv.«loflh*fhwi>eser
Ufa srtebout snv umbU wfaaieeer. also
cured ms of a eery •evere fwasle wsaknnw.
1 ewBDot my enough in ptaiae of whsi your
mtdiriaetiBs d-UMi fornie.''
What Lrdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
CefflpoiwtdAid for Mrs Walters aed
Mrs. Fdwsrds it tvill do forothrr wo
men in their cimditinn. Every huffering seoman in the I'niled btaica
is a«ked to accept the follnwlog in
vitation. It i» free, will bitog voo
health and may save four life.
Men's Cat>imert; an<i Mchoii Suits.
Stihl for
Men's Cassimere and Worste«1 Suit>.. SoM
forSlbfN.to SlSUl now ...............................
Men's Black Worsted Sui>. Siyes^t to :i7.
Sold for SliMM and SI-'.'Ni. now.....................
M< n’s Black Worsi«*d Suits.
Sold for $15,011 and
Sizes IH to •)7.
Men's Mixftl Worsted Suit*, regular size.
. $6.95
Fine ('»ood<.
inrluding H. S- N M s. and Stein-Blorh Co’s Goods
4 M Qff
Sold for $20 f)0toS22'*n. now........................................................................
Including Suits for "Stou'. " Men.
M.-n's H-vtca Vl' -.-Caods. Worsted, best m*kes. M.
17 Qff
S. & M's and S. B. Co s.goods. Were S2:5 to J-Y now
* i
Men's Ovt-rcoa:-.. sold all 1 he >ea.son
/ OiT
for.$H"(*. Ill (Al and n fib. now.................................................. 0»7:j
Men's Overcoats, sold all the s<-a»tin
for iJ.fiii. Bl.dO. U.'i'iand lujib. now..........
Men s Ov. r( ->at- sizes
to :ii) sold all sea--'"
for from SrO'" to 17fJf», now. .i ..
Men's Overcoats, all sizes. >old all -fa'on
for from SI 7 ()(• to 2b 00. now • i.......................
nt8. nakhtato bdthdM ta Waaca.
Women suffering from any f-tnn of
female weakness arc invited to
promptly eommunieaie with Mrs.
Pinkhsm. at Lvnn. Ma.ss. I'nuc the
srmptoms given, the trouble mar be
l^trd and the quiekesi as "
wav of rreorery adviv
of ber
vast rolnine of experleo in treating
female ilU Mrs. Pinkh a probablv
bat the very knowlrdge that will
help vour ease. Ber adv
Irioe U free
and belpfuL
s. a quick rcooery s
DarioE it» lc«g record of more than thirty yeers ita loog list of
Actoal cure*, entitle? Lydia E. PinUtam's Vegetable Compound to
tbe respect and coufideoce of every fair mindfd person.
Lydi* E« Plsllta«'s VcCCttMC COfflpOUd USkCS Slch WOOCt WClL
Do Not Overlook the fact that what wc advertise
we have and at prices advertised.
Hamttton Clottiing Co.
Web., r/b.
C. B. ickenun was > cHp TlcUn last
Mrs. R, Brass of Trarerae Ctty Is
nsklSK her dastfiter. Hn. A. E. WU‘ tsr4.
. Miss Kellie Wtaters. cierb la tbc
IwsbWce was iQ Tnveras CUr last
IBsiadar and nnMr.
Tbe Rev. Mr. HsaUss and son
Versa wew In Tparsraa’ QV
Tsesdar and B’sdnesdar:
K. Ofover Is 01 vltb lasrtppe
tbli «-rltinx.
Mn. W. 8. Reed was «alte ill ser• eial dsrs Inst sreck.
The msnr friends of Mrs. Peter
&eh of Piatte will rrpct lo bear that
she la Is a eerious condlilea from
pDlBtoear>- tronble.
Word has been received In the rll'
am that J<din Berry of Osborn is 111
with smallpos. where be contracted
Ibe disease U net I nown.
A dance will be dlren in the sew
bail In PUite. Tbursdtr nigbi. Feb.
Itlb. Din for dance and sopiter
Miss BeatHco Clereland. pHs
toaeber here spent Bundar at
bone In Trarerae City.
■E. R. Dailr was at Battflos Bay oa
Thomas Deering. ]r. rialtod
week wttb bis brother at BIk lUpIda.
, RepresentaUre Bnatlnc was boms
fitm Lansint orer Bondar.
Thomas Deering. Ir.. rlslled last
week witb bU brother, Mark Doering.
SI Bk Rapi&'
The U 0„T. M. M. aad K. a T. M.
m! lodges held a jolnL tnstallaUoB of
oKlcers here Jan. 261b. In their lodge
The worst storm of the se
struck tills place. Batnrdsy non
making the roads well neigh impsasaUc. but four tcans hare been
from the country since.
Mr. Petdfnglll of Orlatt. vislicd his
dangbler.Mrs. A. F. BunUng here Fri
day and Bstoidty.
Miss Mary Sbenn>r of Kalamazno.
who Is risltlng her sister Mrs. Paul
Rohr, has been quite III for some t
B. A. t'oice was home over Sunday;
from GleDgsrrT. Wexford coonty.
where he has charge of a store.
Among tbc little ooes who are III
Bl present are (be chlldien of Dayton
8 Iby. (he tbree-fear.<ild eon
Ames and Breycur^d son of Bert
Mrs. Merton V<He« nnd daughter.
Ester, of Pellsum. are Tlalilng her
paronu. Mrs. and Mrs. W. 8. Reed.
A moTlng picture ahow was glren
In the opera house last Wednesday
erealhg by J. G. Holidiy which was
prononneed to Uc very .good by those
who attesded.
A aocktic and apron sucial was held
In the K. O. T. M. M. hall here Satur
day cecnlng for the benefit of tfae
school library fund. The sreaibcr was
very severe but quite a large crowd
were In attwdaoce.
James Dnlloy. who was so terrisbly
Injured on July 3rd. 19M si Greenbush. Manitoba, by having his legs
. broken J>d1ow the knee, and who has
BlBce been in n hosplUl at Dauphin,
a town about three hundred miles
north of Wnnipeg Is expected home
this week. The left leg has healed so
that Mr. Dailey Is able to step <
but Iho bone In the right leg yas
badly splintered nnd aerersl pieces of
bone have been removed at dIEeieol
Mia. Mnrtey and Mra
ere la AUeo Toesday.
Walter Van-Darren nml wife left
here for camp where Mr*; Van Borrei
will help with Ihe cn^dng.
Mrs. Wsy loft heye Wednesday for
camp where she w ill act as cook unlU
s one can be found to take her
Cedar. Mich.. Feb. P-Mr.
louasreu -was caUed to Lem
Ont.. tost week, by the itlneas of hto
son. who bas appendicitis.
8. E Burke of Maple aiy waa ta
town Wednesday.
Will Colvre was In Traveraa City,
last Friday.
Tire M. & K. E saow-plow bas made
three tripa on this brutch so far this
Harry Palmer spent Sunday
Traverse City.
Mrs. A. Hall and daughter Xalwl
left tost Wednesday, raraute for San
Francisco. Csl. where ihC)- will Join
Ir,husband and father, who
there tost fall to work at
trade. Mr. and Mr*. Hall
have lived In Cedar a number of years
and have made many frlenfis all who
regret to see them go but wish them
a long and prosperous life in their
new srciten hdme.
Mn. A. E Bellinger of Maple City,
passed through town laet Wedneeday.
onronte for Traverse City.
W. Ames went to Baginsw last
Tuesday with a carload of potatoes.
Mrs. A. 8. Smith of Solon was In
town one day tssi week.
The game of “chockon'’ Is all tbc
rage noa-; there are a few ‘■bright”
ones who cant be beat.
Richard Morse was a Traverse CTty
visitor last Tuesday.
The mid-week pnycr mecling met
this week at the home of Mr. sod Mrs.
J. Ross.
Tbo lumbermen arc (akiag sd.rantage of this snow and are brlagiag
the logs In thick and fast
F. J. Bright went to Traverse City
Wedomlay night.
Mrs. Frallck of Maple City and Mrs.
Snllivan did ahoppiog la TnTcree
City last Tucsda.v.
Ilum.r. Mich.. Feh. S-Miss I..enna
Dean, depiily postal clerk, had the
misfortune l» siuasti (be middle finger
her left band tost FrldAV- U be
came entangled In one of the gear
wheels of tfae dater and had H not
been for Orville Slullh seeing the pre
dicament Miss Dean was In she might
have lost an arm. Orville hastened to
ktlss Dean's assisiance. threw the
hell off and kicked the dau-r out
doors, and Orville to the hero of the
boar now.
County Clerk Ely of Frankfort was
1 town Sunday getilitg acquainted
wRh bis fanilly.
George Crtdy was lucky enough to
drew C months In the ionla bouse of
correcUon Issi week for cramping on
to anMhcr man's pocketbook some
time ago.
Ernie Root made himself good with
le fair sex tost Saturday night by
taking a load over to tlie literary at
J)r. gso'UT of l^tka sw was la
The KM You Have Always Bought
Some Valuable Hints
world far 37 ye«n.
Mr. JfctoMmh snw 1 1 AMen Ttolior
Yoiil never bweUp-qtA
I>Mi let soy nun fwilA yM
over to cofee thst psye hfai big
profits gt tfae espeDse of jms
fafitft ttoBKh Md Derves.
FaMUa.OsamawNw a0*l. tUa<«
121 Front Stnvl
.\1. V. H.\UNEK. prop.
$^fic Jtitiericaii.
In ibf niattfc -.t ih- fwtnlK of Alyben*
Bafn-av UtKotaaKt rrenlr. do-naacd
H>KK> i«>,rr*).T erre rhattonr K-.-nih-tnre
.^ li, -lav ..r .Unuarr A ll in'", hare hare
iall»-l f-- fC-dlOKa *f. ,KT—nv tlicir ••lAlwa
• at-»if,-l —i-l
.ai-l rf/-jrl t-a • laK; n
• a- -> -IV-I »lju«-n>»-*'. an-l Ihnl alt -refill-.ri -4
—I I -1- «-rt are- r-.ioir—1 t'Irtr
f.-alflremrl, »l tb- r-.'a'f
Romarlcabflo Success cf-tHe
Griimell Bros. Piano
*'lb da,
-The rrf.hnt* CnwM
Is Convincing Prool ol Its Matchless QnaliUcs
;ii|ver(iqiajf. tbe kiml ip.>rls uf -!
Throuifb sheer fbroe of ni> rit. and with our most ftT*-ci;
loAueli firrijiortious
lielitpi parchaaer#. lhedeu.sti.1 for our <»wn m:ike.>f P-am. o..*
lea* thao five vmri we have iKHttoompfUcllrt treble Ibf st^'.e and Mul|mt of onr fa-Huy
ttvday. notwUbalamling tbrtsr- larRcly jn. reAsed faeihii-s. w.- are w-ar. <-ly al.to fiH .-.il ..r, .
<)ar present plant eompriiM tb.- three plat.U sUuwi, berewHT|. .muH irmiuK -v. r U.
feetjof rtoor apace aod c-.nlipp-'-l witb every im>-lern apiibanw for T.tjli irr-. le piauo Tmielmi:
CouifI be tr^-!'- h'
i«si';*Ti:s who hr,
RAPID CITVftopld Oty. Mich.. Feb. 8-J«ck
Vandervort sras In town Mooday to se
cure the posliloD of yard boss at Kin
ney's mlU. Hto family will move here
Discoursed, Until
Earl Hammond broke bia iPg and
Hashed a foot on the roll way lust
Monday at the G. P. C. Co.
Mra. Frank Hunt fell'down suit*
le day tost week and badly braised
her bsck and one hand. It to on (be
mend'at this writing.
ille a ^limber of old folks 1
Mr*. I. P. Covey a birthday surprise
|isTlr last Monday. Mr*. Covey re Trial Ixilile fn-e.
ceived man.v oostly and useful presns. A bouaUfuI repast was served
I the evening.
Mis* Alice Cold Is Ibe new waitiru
: hotel Eagle.
Mis* Olive BowvT has returned
from her Intcrlocben trip.
Wallin. Mh:U_ l-Vb. fi—Carl Bye «1
(his place was married Jan. Stth. (o
Misa LAxada Openo of South Frank
fort, at the brWe’a home In the pres
ence of their relatives and few friends.
In the evening they held a reception
lo the 1. O. O. F. ball at Wallin,
where a,bounilful supper and refreah
■Penia were served lo about one huo
deed of their frtenda The Wilson
eBndon. Mich, Fell. 8—Mr. Burt ol
ordtMtra. famished the music,
OrawB. was in town this tost week,
preaent wished them aU the triMalngt
looking after l<«gttig interests.
of this life. They were given many
uaefsl and valuable presents. The
bride Is one of Soulh Frankfort's matt
estimable young Udies and the groom
U on of Walln's moat pmspe
energetic yxHing men with a host of
frtends. They are now at home In
Wallin to their friends.
Mr*. O. T. Dobmere wat In Traverse
City Wednesday. MiopiOBg. Apret Kostviek of Chicago to visittng bis friends and brother of this
W. H. Smith loaded a car of pou
toea tost week.
Miss LUxle Webber to working in
town for John E JtAaaon.
Mrs. Annie NortvIA to on the aick
list this week.
, ,
Tlpe I. O. O. F. lodge lastUtad two
pouDGof die pure
candidates tost Saturday nlghL
oU'tmshiitMwd Ar>
from what to heard the goat must
have been over worked.
Ben Ptmte to home from Big Rapids
_____ Cofiee. thM took
where he has taken s courae In tele csiec^ 6w mfret god daesticsi
your«i»WDts, ud his
Beetrlre Fnsthera of Whltesbun:.
boa dreleg^ cofee of the
Tone., to visiting her paTanls. Hr. and
Mrs. Richard Hoas.
Robert Crawford had the mtofor- ra disaslrr Merrlt B liiilh-}' wrote to
Unc to l>e badly injsred Friday, by two fnrnds <jf his In tbc city of Kings
a tilg barn door rsmacaohita. Several ton and yesterday he received a letter I
rtbK were brekm aad he was Injured fiem one. Johu E lUn.IslL The h-U< r .
Interaslly. Ur. Shitllffay to altendlag gltcn an excelb-nt id*-* erf iIk- borm.him.
as Mr. Raodat!'!* brother was
C. Worden's two yvungeat cdiildrett aad h|v Mster lost her husband.
quite sick.
The Jcner v.-*i vrituw Jan -S and : S^ofEyeDestreyedbyWissse- I
Albert Conklin to working for W. states that at least on>- tho ts.tnd p-.>-'
Tried Five Doctors but Grew !
C. Marran.
pie had lost their
while hClwi-eo
The Kind Tea Hare Alwaj* Bon«;bt, mod mbleh haa been
Worse-!n Agonjf Eight Months '
Wayne MeMIUbacI has porchased a two and three thniisam] were injured. la use for over 30 year*, has borne* the aignatore of
— Parents
new organ.
Btfore tbc eartl»Hak« and.fire Kinc--- tiiaile under hia perThe wrecker came do«-n Snndsy loti was a Ik«ik!'ii| i-ity trjt arier»a:il
Cuticura Remedies
They Tried Cuticui
evening to Uft a (on casting which there was nut a single sliop left aUnd-1.
had rolled off a Oat car. from the Ine In the bnsliws's hecth-n. ouly [
- AH Cnunterteit*. Imitations mod “•Tti*t.a>-giMwi”are but
track near Bendon.
. ficaps of ,ni!n> marking the sites of* IN ONE WEEK ALL
Ksfieriiiient* that trifle with mod euiUngrr the bmlth of
Ed. Waters and t IS, Arthur. Ken-'the shops'I and[| store*.
Infauu and Cbildreu—Experieaee aealu*t lUperlmeoU
the time tbe letlc\waa written,
noth nnd Tbo, are visiting retotlves
there was not a ch'irch in the eiu
at Fbciby.
f<u- worship. Mr.
C. Maynard and wife are entertain that could be
e girt, one year iand a half
>n with •*-xnua --it that w*« •
ing’their son from southern Michigan. Randall is a merrhaot i.nd It is to b*whsr tlK- di»-t»»^ »«i>l It »*». t\.-i*U-il I
Ca.«(oria I* a lutmiless Nihstitiile for Ca*tnr OH, PareLois Edwards of Imeiiochen. called pre*ume<I. allboQgh Ih- <100* uot stale in th-- famiir
aixl l»- ,
fforie. i>ni|i-. aini StMiihiiif; SyTtipw. It i* I’leasuiit. ll
aiKl said -Ik- wuuU l5*ail rigl.i .
on friends in Bendon. Friday.
! ill tfie lett<T. that he also lost heavily
in a
liav-. Thi^-c*<ni
cnniuiii* tieiihi-r Ojiiiitii, >lorplitue nor other Nun'olle
Revival meetings
stlH In pro-! He i* st-crcHary nnd ir.-asurer of the
'wi- relied .■n” «l.;T.if *N^‘:"lb- ■
subsiaiit-e. It* age i* iiw |rtutrunt<>e. It <le*tr«ij* >V«rttis
greis at the chnrcb.
Jumaiea Christian Kn.butvor I'niou. said *bt- was -leeihing. a* wwii a* tb.aitd aiUi* reveri-litiot.*. It eure* DliirTlnra ai«l Wind
(o-Ili wer>--thniiigli *Ik- wmiU !•- all "BUI Bowen" was In town Thursday.
nchl. but -b-- -III! gr-w w-on.-, Ihxw
' Colie. ll reliei*-* Teetirini; Tmiilileis eure* Con*tipati»N
Bora, to "Brownie" Johnson and
liir No. 3 saul II wa«***-«ua. BviUu '
I'hiiuli-tii I. ll u»iiniUtc> Iho FiwkI, rr*uli«t«~. Ilin
tiiiio .Ik- wa.1 n-lhuii! but S vi-llvw.
wife, a baby girl. "Granpa Bowen” to
ail* iu*h sore. B'«-il. Ik- **id b-- cnuld
Hlomaeh aim ILiweK, gtiiiig lieiilihy aiivl iiHlunil steep.
Anto-Saleoh Sueday.
stepping high.
to’ip I'cr, «) so- It-i hiiu try
The CliililrenN l‘aiuu-ea-Tlio Mother’s lYlcud.
a wre-k. tint: ttinung wi- tlwti-vt-nil
The luistor* of the MinlMen.'
Frank Regg Is very low with paeuliitl- ifll.tw piinpk- on oik- .< la-r
rinticm will give i!|> Spmlay. Fi-U. :;4. a
et-<-. Cf t-iiun-- we ’iiiumt-d for ili'--:..r
to (he State .Miti-Suloon b-agne. whieh
N-r. 3, lit- twin-- . Vt-r Ulul U*lkl*i Iit-f
Bd. Shock was -In Traverse City. will flll the pulpits of ihe city wtih
evir sii'l KBirt rimi If- >-<uM not d-. am Saturday.
the lK»t k-ag'ie Kpr-al.ii>. A tempei- thing tii.«e for Ik*-. Ilml we had
f Bears the Signavore of
ance mas* hu-eting will t.i- hel.l In tiu- lake If-r tt> i-niD-' t-vt- f,«--iaU»l, »«»»■ il
wiling at the City ..ix-rn hoim*-. wait an u!(*t. S- we went to Urwi-g-t
Sirttons Bay Water Bands.
lo dt*-t»r No. 4. anti Ik- *aid tif- •-*•rhert- the principal aiir'n->i will ««• d<- aight
wa*cviiK-.Lut tliai iK-rouldlK-lp il.
Spitona Bay. Feb. ”.—The uaeii lver«-il by the Rev <1 \V. Slt>rti»w.
\ie th-iigl.t Wf wcul'l tr\ tl.«-tof No.
Wtil. tlwt jrtvtrt*! IIk- *«tik-. . only hi- ,
illiiCtiKsed water works liond Issue
elinrgi-il 810 niotx' ilian. ui>i-tr No. 4.
seems now to bsv<- been eeltied. A
li lo contidir A\e. w*-re n*wrl\- tli-uxxtrac—I. i raw •
one nf tht- CtiiK-nra odvtTTju-iti-01. in i
general meeting was called for Feb.
IIk- naiMT «tMl rifiught Wi- «..<ilii trv ;
r> at 7 p. m , but aa a-legaliccbnlcallty
tlie riitK-iira Treaim-til. *<■ I
and ,
Muiieal Program.
piiri%a-fil a *•-( trf C»(k*ira ii-iiK'-Ifs.
Suiiami Bay. Mich.. F-1>. h.—A'llui- whiili
RIO If. httd in (hn*- ilay* .
our daughter, wh-i had boon i-K-k alx'ut t
. sorial and muslrtil ■•rocrani was giv<-ii
vailed. E. J. Peck was given the fioor
e*-enliig l.j ih- children .of Mr
In Use For Over 30 Years.
rrml.aml in one week all kho-* hud ih«- ,
and talked at some length In favor of ! Michael school The prnr<->-ds -wer-- ai'prer**!.
fif t*tiif«' it muH i.->i o- ;
n short term bond Issue, The long ' f"r the betiefii of the Catlioile chtn
SI--0- th>- <-»--icht hut if WIn..-d I
127 wa, real‘ e.1 and the
CutHTini ill )im-' I am i*4itM--iii iluii
term bond issue was not wlihoiit its musieal 'of
prognitn ws* etijnri-d by nil.
H w-udd liavi- KSVi-d (Ik- ovf. \Vf iIhiiW |
supporters. It developed during the The i.tvh*->li* of the r>>in«-n! reudiTi-d llfr*-1-ti" r>-riK-ili-ao giKul (--u-uov-km
tlist a large rejireseniatlon M-veral fine seb-eilun*
(rf eltJiens were not at all iu favor
Oulek cbwog** frem hm lo <«bl
>• m----------- .. |t,i„i."
jlwt- ..Ih-w. 11,
londlng tinder any eumdderallon, bw-h again trv K-nieE<-o'<*'ltaii''r- *000
eatarfb. a Try:
many of these went home l>cfi
i>riw-: ’■
tbo rote was taken to determine l
voire of the meeting a* to the ionn<
' I fU'm This bnn.KT anil i.u-iler- tarmclr'-* I >*'- <..^.-1 e. k
desired. The eoiinell Is In f.-tvor
tbc Kmg term and evidenUy voted
that way.
After the discossiun
■- f
rinsed, .(hn vote was taken, standing
ftfloen short and twenty long. WTiether
the matter.will rest on this deeifiion
is largely pniblematlc.
s •> sm
One fact was dlwlowd by tb<- dlII m
cussion Qud that w-a* tjiat Sutinns
TrsiT..(. <’iiT •it ]’r*vniM*( l«*s at
xe* for the <-omiug rears will
XVwiiw fiun i'*iUar < ii< m4 Frossms*! arrt**
pirtiic. Iiaving a water works
proposition of about lio.ooo, a sehool
house proposition of fS.Ooh. end a
» i JRNKk.
l>v the Kinihall Mt;-!- llo-jsc. tVo rej.ri-x-iit riine nf the hirgefl
town hall proposillon of ts.noo. with an
fllim* ill ri.i; tV. \V. Kiml.;,II Co. l.juu & Ilea::’, and Ihe Ediassessed valuation of f$S.'K>».
suu 1-hodogrjph Co.
Hint No. 1—Buy >o-ir piano froiu miuio Iiu:i-i- ili.it lia< a vital
N..t s... ;»K. .v..»iBfSK-«
Inleri-H In -ati-lyiiig ' liie puldle <-ii iilaints—iliai must sell good
Fred L. Johnson Dead.
plauos III oriUr to ronliiiiiy In tniMU.rr. ,
gi t
Elk Rapids. Mieh.. Feb. 7.~Fred r.
Him No. 2—IV- run-.rile lioio-.- io>i d-'al with knows what nidsuo
Johnson, aged ST. died at I o'clock
really U, and do.*, iioi inoKlder it sloipl.' 4i pirc-c of furtillore. uod,
this afternoon after a long Illness with
Ihcrefoie all lisht if it does not come unglued.
tuberculosis. In addition to a wife.
Him No. 2—Do not placr .3tiy d>-p--mi< iiee uikiu the teitimonlal*
from unknown people who may know abr-oliiifly nothing of musical
Johnson leaves two little chil
tone. Get a piano with a firn-ilaf* repmailon. ,
dren. He was bore and raised In the
Him No. 4—invortigaie any ••wotid. fl.il” offers very qarefully.
. rut |wi ... if.'-f Trwin i*w»— Trmvwr-K iXly tar Norlkpvt
village, spending hU entire life here,
Remember there Is no saving in l.uying ■-heap, inferior goods for a
and leaves a larga number of friends.
■4va’*.I^<'lty.Mfrp» BOSk
less prieo thiiu you must pay for staii-lard goods.
Hint No. "•—Beware «rf the "jii-lcing-a-p isno- tn-yviur- own-home"
Trains ninv* at Tiava-Kf laiy AmUy wnpt
ferior pianos lare sold
idea. .\s a tnaTU-r of fan. nearlyr ail inferior
luld tic laupbi-d m ID the
WHV. for the naiple reason lha th>V w'ould
The innov«-nrc of tbc pur
KiileM'K'ins of a tlrst-eta*-* plan
60 YEAR**
arT'iri"-i>"t;''icT,.^r* ha-rcil'lmaii'i’iik-f *<w»
Cliasi-r iK'imits Ihi- pkm to Miei-,--.i very
tor and pttl'llsher of the OIM'gn Join
i--'w.-n Tnx-rwi'nv awl Kmiid Hnpld*
Him No. r.-Buy a KIMBAI.!. l'i.m<\
Park. Md ataKinwc cwrw re Ml. It*. «r«BW
iiiit, f.ilbertsvllle. NT Y.. "I* Hr. Kmg N
Kafir B'.rnia« trnis kM hriar Ud Pisw.
If. pi'iiii-i in i-.m-’iToeiion.
ls IK-ll.
New niseovery. It ha* prov«it to l>e
an infaltitile cure tor cniigli* and oddthe be:
making short work of the w.ir-i nf
theni.-We always kwp a Imtiledn iluhou«-! I lH-li.-ve M W lie the mo.-t
OTATr.or an iiin*K-Th*P»o»wi» cren
Q f..f IbKl'fHIBtJ ft riCWIKj TfWVKT—
.............. prearriplioii known (or l.mig
.-M-eUen--* . Ju - pT.-.
Tbc Urimiell Hros Piano i* stricllr ao artisne ereat
r.'nntioii. (i my »i wjioni
lUj- A piano for line muBieian*
is and
aad people of unisical taste .-.nil
number amonp
its purch________
purchasers and
inoDg Its
. roost enibusiastie atlmir.-re.
c «i« proud to aumber
Etiiy (iriuDell Brea Piano if fuliv guareiiteH for an uulimiu-il i.—.
t »
SeUinig direct ftiun ibe factory enables u- to quoU- very low piicea and tin*, eoupi.il w-tti
FUteen Stores
In Michigan
Detroitg Mich.
- Their comxer.'lr.
»"uhl i.il a
umr. ol
i.ac-r. If you are no; a
user of He-: hi» :r ao,v. ,h»l- jw. »
hin:-.o :r, a
-aek. T.ea; will
ir- I'y.- :;r.: cfmany.
& Lay Co.
■HIchlgaD OirU." 1 would like to I Mildred Ferry. Murrell and Wllliaml cats.
r dog named Rover, two!
-Tea. dear; a ioag tlw ago; but it | laa! do r«o s'pa
Snnsbiae Club. Plewae send a Lamb. 1 like to go
school. My] bones and sevra cows. We bare lots
Uke that. I gaMs."
1 bin asd «Akad him la a |H>l*r
card and a button lo me and to Agnee teacher's name U Mlaa Shai
of nowr bere now. I atn in the faurtb
Moppet looked sober.
No, ao, drar; 1 guess not.Plewa to Adam Stephen and to Mary |her very mueb. ThU 1« all a
grade and stndy reading, spelling, ao
' I dida'i ever m4rb aa see one. oiiir [ -Then where Is be. maamaTPlewa. Stephen Sbonlk. Anna tUaefa-i From
ithmetic. lanpuam- and geograp^. I what yv>;« made, mamnu. " she said • ' I donY know, my child.*
hy and to Susan Agnes Flis. Elizabeth
Beulah May Mom c^npoi think of any more, so good-bye. "I didn't ever see a tKtqgbte<t nn»."
Then Moppet curled heraelf up on
Kwht W
«/ TMt
Fils. Teresa Brz..rka. fczerlaw. Berl,lad,to hear from you apai:
• Yorir Utile Srtend.
That was very true bersuae in tbe! on the lounge and bad )u«t bsgna tn
>xiur pi»»iil.-U' UurIii«hI till
Ui-*U Um»$ >•/«( imm^kuM
nwaki and P^er Mazurek. Joreidi
nd to have your srimulmaies
Winie Houdek
. little out-of thc-way town where Mop- j cry In good «T»e«. wb« -Tap! tap!
CAUM". «hPB »hp retd il. She U ROing
Pk-wa. Thomal. Fils. Martin Fll--. Tfi.-y join the timablde Club,
" came a sharp IHHe brak against
to prim ll f.jr >u:i Ufore lonp Woi. i
I wtU »y Mvw to wmrry *r
would all like to i-ia the Senshine
‘ do ynti think the o
? Rover*
Jteople never Hi.vjgtl of eu<* a the-window-. She aprang up. almost
Ibai Ix- Din ?
Omens. Mk-h.-Jan S6. DsiT
• fM *tort toVIMfit.
Club. That.Is all 1 can write.
Ihicp as sending a valeitliDe. 1
wild with joy '
I toUl try to
•• i
JHier... if j,v.i h.id shown on.
- Oh. it s Ihwey!- she cried flying lo
0n>- »f oiir SiiiiUtini* liait sw>t
Mao- PlewA and Elizabeth nis.' '
P.-ime, who ke|r. It-..- rilUge .
the window "6 m imma. come quielt!
nlcx- lMt<-r And a ciioDinR' riw^.
What a pood time so many Skn- grritig to send in my m-phew’s BMelDen- presideai—
to tor M I Mn.
w-fuld have known what It wi
Wba't 1. ihai he's |
fonw! lo tin Any naoic. Wc d>1 wiab IxAms win have trq;eihert I atn glad f«tr the Cradle Ro|;
naneu Wl’^ I wo-z'd liki
I will try to k* to*ln» MtofUl
W4- nlisbt know trho Ii U.
lard Ray Soutbweli. H is one year'Club. PWm- -eart nie a rard ;,nd
to send you the «-ard> and Ikiuoos.
had :ac» M.qvp.u , iWKfai-r V'udd have 1 Mamma didn't znred uv Ipto:—*he
kiMl to torwykM/ Alto to
and eipM iDomfasrdd I will tell you ton I go f-v svb'iol v-very day. 1 an'
•wy <hr|n« Uilny.
l.-ught cav—.inv 1;hai didn'i esz s.*. knew wiihoui looking.
H.rr- i« c.r RAtD«^
Burdickvillc, Mleh.. J;(n, 5f, '
about a little fciif/n that I found when in the third grade f study reafltug,
ai:urh Aa-i i* ua . quire t.-.. iat.- t-.
If I Avar toll lA trytof to Ae
"1 goew." told bhc wMilinc. "1 guNia
Dear President—
rme <ir mv { spi'Ilina. ailthmetlc. and language,
A Very Solemn Oeeatien.
ir* ai> h.recw truly valgnilnc. dcat."
IMn thifltA. I will Try. try
An I liave iKji written for a Inn: friends was with me. t beard a'llltlej Hv ii-acher • name Is Miss Ckura -Hfil- fc**id !•» ire.- Buw
. To l.t«lu with. B Ivader i* Mdwied.
."1 gUrtw jvu ll c.! .-1..- >H M v-ar.;
That 1* ju« whai It H.*nxito tn he.
iiy meow and called ll. It came out | Ion. I like her v-<-ry well. My Lome l«
jand tlie mmiiAny. wKb bBndkorchluls lime. I will w-rlie now, :is it t« storm
Mamma ici Dovey DUmond li
Hie wisids and such a pauy liitlel in Cbkago. hut I am siavibg wiHi my
Mfold<-d irltDRQlarly >i|Mjb their hredt. ing <»il »r doors. I go* hurt last .N‘nBut m-zi .year was a
nil. 1 untied a
iiig as it was! 1 took vi borne and I: slso r. Mrs. CTtas Egfler I like the
. n.
us funny an effwi bh i>om*1UU' vemlier with (lowder. .snil pot 'my fare
and the «h>i-ighi <rf wb; I mMCht lewsejlarge
all sinned full on Hie right side'and
ve i; .Mipte'milk: il drank it and eouutry ouiie we:i. '] neis; Hose, for
Moppet opened
my right hurt a,little, but there are
>-n B weiil under tite stove and j this time.
.simliirt M Moppii. ■
with ragnraee*. '
•-W spots left in yet 1 have not
Urn ilenanee. says, with the pri-.-iles'
•ni lo sleep. We kepi U ahmit iwol Your frb-nd.
T W'i«h i could, lota-trew " >h- sold
Ob' oh* oh' <di" eherri'sUno full
e If. schot.l sh'«-. 'itHll a «f-lt «o
gravity nnd no
.nths, and when it was potr.lo dig-j .\ue IFTI.-tii. r Il.irm-lsrer.rw'dierly.
of Joy to do anything bewide acrrwm.
Monday. Ii.it my eyr is a little w.-ak
vg time .we went fo our tsher place
| am glad oi liave you join ihe'ttoti-.
Mdenin ocrash
Mamuja dkln i (elieve she ssouW. 'Ae-- the (lowers, maiBnia! oHib? and
irld Iasi Sundig ipo'aloei nnd every nieht when | shine t'liiti.- a.fKl am sure you aie a leit I'.n w.i il.ln'i Ipiiv*- caugl.t her say
Then Ihe comixmy repeat the plinise'
that little girt with a wreaih on'
I hi.ve tn do eb-ires in Ihe morn
- came .home it Wfiuhl cotni- to meet l-trne RnnU-tiUi, •
after him; or at least aa many do ibis
VN-zaiiyvuatWii"T.- did ll eunie from* I trever saw
>1 and whe.T
. Hut «uie nlcht it did not rooie.l
as can for Hie long-drawn eounie- ing l>er..re I |p> t.
RrMtoent-^lara Stoea.
ittg >he Mlfrhei .m the h.,1 of Mop^ auyihiSK halt ao prHiy? o. mamma!
iboiiT a mile
mret Vice Prttodenl-Mabel Batea
!■-'» Ul'Uo'zfsl Kturklng
and the ineonpniily of iho phraae. u school. We have had nice weather l.rl. • l.,n, ilm..l,ui
Just ihen Mr. Frazer iistk his pipe
And would you helievc Hut that
¥fimam«. '
-»v| your pfrttv postal' ia«t
p-ove irresistible, sod peneralty ibe ■II winter and not luitcb snow fur •V have never found It since Well.
SACAito Vice PreaWent—lira,
Mi.nflay. We h»vc ha<1 slcknoM. at our ■ I'f of lii> mouth Mr. Frar.i r W4» a tin- l•>•listl little M»p|s-i hegm^_Jo cry
will have to Hose f..' this time
lender and the whole cingpnny break deigiiinK. so the im-n could nut haul
jll^rey Shiclda.
j bouse Miriher was tak«m sick first psier nti.ll, who llflen stOp(S-d tlieie again wllh her urms Iphi rauM. ber
nany lops i» a lua.l, but wci'will gel
Vours sincerely.
after^^ntsed OceemRert. 1tS«.
Rf-lia Drown. j with the tonsTiilis and wa* tdek alKinl dinner rliiokv. He w.,-. a .efv phws
which forfeits are taken. After a few (•noiigh minw yet. W.- Iiave alsiiit iwo
"i s'pnse itW 'cause I'm so glad I
balfemile* to go and pt-i our
We all ho|>e Ihai the d-:.f IIIHf Jibi-.. w-eks. ;md Oi.-n I cum.- down aiii bsiklng man Mop|>ei thoughi. and
I rials Hie forfeits are redremed. but
d.m'l know what lo do " she saU. heIbe real Tun lies In the eudeavur ii»> mail, which Ik in Hnrtllckvilie, dud kitty fiuind another nice home, and a« ^wldi the .same Hiiuc AliewHa became be almtiv always l.rougiu her an up ginning to langh next minuin. "O,
rli'irrbet. tlx- old-time McHhv
:is Rella. .
lu laugh.
who do you s-pose ae«l nr
'hut iwiivs in vk-k I feed little emiw
diat and'tbe MeihislI-.!
NedV Choice.
"So VTOI never had it vab-nfiiie .•||••
Mamma knows, or thinks nbu doM.
MupleCiiy, i
Mrds We.Hitv.w out cnimlBi lotbeiii
Sh.. haiAul iwy cliet-kB.
Old Mission. Mich.. Jan. SO. *n7. there is a church alsuii a mite from us
I She thinks Mr
r IVesidentIhfy com.- ill our eliarnWr window and I.- asked.
enfied Ihe Latter Day .‘taints wblrh Is
Nor eyes ibai ljri«hlly abine;
Dear Presideni-• No sir." i--il.t Mtipte-t l«i'hf.illv'
j J-yjrer cvut.l
uv aluHit It than
. win wrile to .......... ,...
Iin well .....
and ; nuinnia cattvlil twi. Sh- f.-H them
l. u Hme
: -Kor golden cults, ixjf te<Hli like |»«arli
Well. 1 Ibniight 1 wonl.l write a In i*rir.-vtne.
"And iiev.r saw one* Welt! well' ati) one else,
hole* yvHi are the same, i and luy lit j
bird .ws-il *riie>- ate nicely and
This lAlriillne of mine!
few lines to yon. t am qiilie well now rbotT*. I will Iiave to st..p wri'lng.fi'r
t.si- sbe'knuws
Km oh. abe'a Jutl Ihe dearrat, .
exci-{>t a little colif. For pets I have a lids time.
to d.> with
:iinsliiiie Cliih. Plt-sse s..nd u. a card go. I will i-li you wliai 1 got lor
Freni your Sunshlner.
The tnieat and the bent;
little black kitten: we call him Baby.
.laiighlng at b-t? Mepiiei w..iider.sl. ihese mmlB:”
MatJK Jeiik. ind huitfin.' i have :i Utile hrmher ChriKimav, ,1 got a pairof vide tsmilis.
And one more kind you vlll no) And
He crems tn know n pood.deal for n
.<-s|ie wlio would, lil.i- his name on a pair »f sifKkinp«. a gol.let. a eiip But iu-foiv sis- eoutd quite reiile the. Hut M.ippel^iarn
We are all ghvd lo hear (nJiii Hans
In many a long day t n>ie>deat: we all thiuk a lot of him. I hnpe
Ilf tYadl- Rell We have twefilv-stz and yjiueer. an i.pton. five Chir.omas luaiiiT in m t own mta.1. Mie m-anl ;r'
tblx k-tter wUI llud aU ib* Sii^shlners utic*- more. isn'« it nice H.ai he I-.
. ..
• 'liolans tn 'bur s>|„i„|. My teacher's cards.' a verse book, a doll, a hand liiilelapai the window.
cbeeks are faded now:
well. There are ST scholars enrolled Ihie to go lo sdiuud again!
-t»_h il'K Dov.-v Dianitmd!" shecrHsl.|
In Cuban flcIVAAla.
lame is Miss l.vdb Riem-Iis. I am kerchief, a pleuire M«ne ftt.iii Hie .-aafHer dear old eyes are din:
lu oiir school this winter. We have a
Ttaverso (Tiy. MIMi.. R : F. D. C, in Hh> tldri] giad<-. I aDi eipfai veais eni nai! of New Y* rk wniie fr*.iu ■•■raetilng for the moni<lit everyHiingj . fiii«n Iianvis like nrboois wbsre
Her hair'a like snow, ber •atone nr line teacher this year; her name U
d. (l<«Ml-hy«>.
Dothan. Alahanu. some drum Mont tint her pieily drali and while pet | the hours are long nnd Ihe schools
Miss E. Currie.
I am In Hu- fourth
pimevy. Xlahuma
AH«.iiia cot, f.*r oui-i.le - \nd lie's come SBer his dill j keep every Week day for OMIM to tbe
Her Omre isn'i tiin:
grade at school. For t.lirisimas I pot
' y*-ar. because then the children am
Marion 4fenne<iv
I vould write y-nii a le*cbiisimas .-I doll, a toy doe. a rlhbon.
Dat'ob! and Ota! lioTp her!
three dolls, one doll a real large one.
zto .Vopiiei oinme.1 Hie window, and! not ao gr>ai a care at bpme Bal ti
it is nice tn have a family with
\V«- had I Cbrislmas tree In our
Ip and saiirer. five canis'and a
^.'.Thle cr«ndiDamnia of mine;
and two small ones. I guew my cuu.sId hnus- lid I rerelvnl several three Sunbeams in It. Indee<( 1 will t pirrure with frame. I have three hrotb- got a handful of rn>mb>. and fed the imoie of ihe acboulB vezv IliHe U
' 1 wlsb nbai ebe for years nay be
In. Howard Routdi. la polnp lo stay
e half 'If there .ami 1-fi tbe oHu-i learned. Scholai* go to ucbool two
(imtcnls on it M.v bniiher has gone put ijeslle-a mime on Ihe Cradle Roll, era In Hie far aoiiih. in Alnbtr-ia.
with ns for a while ai least. His fath
‘ Hy own dear valentine.
or three years wiihnwt learning in
le woods now,
Onr Sunshine
where they don't have snow. I have luiir on the latde.
• ’
' —YfKitb'a Conpianlon. er and moiber died last fall with lyRendon. Mich.. Jan. 26. I»07.
And not»dy hut Bony, the cal. saw read, and mav write beantlfeily wltbClub is gctlln larger all the time. I
one broiher In WiseonKln who was one
phold fever In Traverse City. I am pie
Ddar President—*
Frazer put Hiose erumhx Into ids oiii knowing the worda they have
le, and I .tni glad. My liiHe sister
of your SuDvhiners. I will close fur
inp lo jiend you a story;
will write you a letter, as T have
great-coni i«ck.>t when he was ready wriuen Thev ■liidy aloud. a*d a
going lo Join jitM as soon
ih'ii. linn-. S<i good-bye. ,
low cloud cold and cmy.
Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel.
wrillen before.' I would like to
in atari.
Am! Betty didn't tell; teacher shouied at an Anericaa boy
d «-nongh. How dm-s oiir Vire.Pres
J'rom your Sumddner.
dropped on 8t. Valetttine'a
Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel live In an oak
Ihe Sunshine cinb. Will you
tienigh maylH- she wondered what he hai was study-tag qnleHy: -mnT bMZ
ident like il where she is now? I linve
L<-to Stevens.
tree in tbe Une. Tbeir children are all
(densu s<md me a card and l.aiKui?
meant to do w;ith them
..u' Can't bear yon* Study louder."
'VniirllDi; and iwlrllng. and soft and grown up now. They have a pretty
"R««Nl-l.ye.he sang out to Moppet,
-Philadelphia Record.
time Mrs.Mabel Uat<-<-Willtams comes
: We have all enjoy.sl Irearlng iiUitit the
home. It Is shndy In the summer lime,
only miswul «m day Inst term of
after lie had baryt-SHed his gray hor*e
Like mile wee iMlera. All dainty and nnd ll is so coi>l and pleasant. There la here I am going, to try and come down scbotil. I like lo go to school. I got : unowliinlK.
inii> htii re.1 p;ptk. "l^iok mil for the
and h.s- lier, I was at a party Friday
A New fllto.
a heauHful orchard Jnsi h.nek of Ibeli
.Elk Raidds. Mk-b. R-'f. D 1.
and I had a nire
Hme. iweniy-ont- Chrisimas pn->cnts iM*
Foui yearold Ruth, who bad uAtM
And t *u«aa tbe sky cblldren were home. als«i some tnu-s which Itear niiti night
Jan. ». I»n7;
And Ihen Mo(>jm-i f.lt sure he wa* seen any woodpeckers, ran into the
folly guests
nnidInB down
They are very- nice nuts. too. Tfcey
houne the other day. and eg^iBefl,
ThHr valentines' airaigbl to Uie elill- have many dfflerenl kinds of nuts for there.. Well, as this is .-ill I can thtnV
Are 11.
Bertha ran. ! { wtiiild like to j<i|n the Sunshine fully to Is- Isuahtsl at.
of. I will close.
"Oh. mamma, there are some birfi*
dtvQ In town.
their luncheon.
I nm gla/1 yon want to be » Sim l‘liili. Pl.-ase wend me a card
Bill the next mitrning vlie had some- Outdoors with red pluih on Iheir
Vonr friviid.
-Beleetod Ooldflnch eats lunchwn with them.
shine girl. Write again, stimi-rime.
lion I am goine to school no
I didjlhlng i-ls.- to think aisxti. Dovey IhaAnna
Sometimes they lake lunebe
I ii>:; go iarl we«>k »x*rause | t
slrk. I nionil didn't rome to to* breok-fasl.
Your lliHo slsicr can Jffln'thc Cra
Sultons Bav'. Mich . Jan 2C. I9c>7.
their Itack.piazza. They have a neaiiii, My leacher's
i« Mi<v
V e;yn j He didn't cre.e to his rtlnnei. .-iibei,
dle Roll if you wish, ind, when she Ikar President —
New members }ol
Writing Otoimala.
ful house. Mrs. Goldflnch is pelting
gets olflrr, have a jil.-fige card and hut- ' { Ihoughi Ihai .1 would write you a TtmiMkln* I III., he. quite well. 1 am | -xn.,'re do yon s'po-e he i«. mamTh.- uacher to achoot asked. "Ho*
rwtdy to leave for ber srinicr honu
in the fmtrth ^ra.ie. My mudies are ■
- • decimal frncHon usually wrlun?"
Tracy Brown. Ray Sirickland. Itor. They all feel very sorry to think that
few lines twioy. l go lo scbiml ev-erj
I Itrtirlli reader, arlthtt»-Hc. g.s»grapli>. ready to fail ' -ll.- jilsa'* core.- I..ine
U.y answered.-Wllh a l«Ad
lA mniuim. Julia Sution. Blanche Or- she has lo go. hot the weather li
Simons Day. Mich.. R. F. D. 1.
anser. Catherine Mofrmt. Ruth Rob- eold for her here. Every- time Mrs
Ktiidii's are reading, spemiig, lunguagi- I physioh.oy. grammar ».l si-llitig I j f.irv every dav Hits winter O mareJan. W. ISOT^
have a mH.-I., w.-vik i.. v-hool. i like]
ertaon. Travorae/Cliy
arithmetic, ami geography. Tii-TC an
Goldflneh comes to six- Mrs Squirrel Dear IfTivsIdmt—
•; te g.. I have a hlack and whit.- eoi.] ---------------------------- - . - ■
Francea RecS; Anole Flees. Johnny she always aak-s her to eomi- In the
As I haven't wrliien to you for a tv..-hl'}-siz seliolais In srh.w.l totlay jhiT nann- is tlMtSy; she likes
Flet*. Sophia Flees. Isadoie.
long Hme I thought t would now do so. We have lots of fun riding down hill quite w. II. For I
honsc. but Mrs. tkildflnoh think!
sent by Frances Flees.
I am well nnd hopv this letter w-ill 1 !ia» - 'a fled. I have my card and l.m «'!ip ntid raurer. a sai-k. of
is nicer in slay on the piazza in *
Mary Plewa. Ellrabeth Fils.
toil yi-t. For i»-t* I hav.- a cat. and i
'nnd you and nil the
lovely Ocloher we.-.lhcr.
4in>1 a Isiv of pt’oti'iis
Stephen. Stephen
t llk.tl that game for this week ikig. who*., name is Jack We lir.v. aud ihrvs- liaqdkeii-bi.
I Uiliik you will enjoy this storv. It
Sbonlk. Anna Rlsefsky, Soann Ainies is ^1 very long.
In-e f*.
M. T.
very much: li was about .''Cuciimlienf"
pl.s-es and a bNy dtvssci up for55ant.i'j
for 55aii
U yOUr baby thin, waak, fretful 7
ni». Tinvaa Bnyrka, Ceiesltiw Herkand I will icacli the t-hlldren in scbnnt
Claus and w. had ti Chrisimaastr.*Isadore. Mlch„ Jan.' IS. l!W7;
, owKkl. Peter Unxurek. Joseph Plewa.
how to play it.
There are many ■t-Vom ymir Irli-ml.
wa* at Hie Mh.s.l li.uita.
Dear PresidentThtraus Fils. Martin Hit. laadi
giimcK we play In srhoo!. 1 will s.-iy
Make him a Scof/’j^ Emuljton
think of any lu.u. s..cibd-hy.-.
I ihuupbi I would write a iMter. 1 some of the names of them: "Sailing
NamessembyMary Plewa and Qlu1 'houid like to see Jack, I am sun-•| Friuu ,
like to read the lettera fa the Hc-rald. im the Ocean," "Ruth nnd J.vmp." he .npijs Ms frolics with you. I
tielh Fils.
j Age 11
Biliih Paige
We take the firani] Traverae Herald. "Ntrelle'a Eye," "IjuidtHi Bridge Is
Siena Swanson, Omeoa.
Ih> Ji.-i'nl for you t.. go i.>
FuttoDs Bay. Mltoi.. Jan. 2>‘.. !!«}>< "
Wc l-ave,loiH of fun in sebviol ptuy- Falling Down," and a lot of ««hers. I
Hertba Ihll. Bendao. R. F. D. 1
days Hut winter i<
/ i
Floyrl Drey. Lealle SWson. Rudolph tng ' Micblpan «rls.“ I am going
Scotfs Lmtiiji-cn « Cod Liver Ofl
ant sorry to yaiv 1 have bmken my sim- Dear President-* I Hurnghi I would wiito j-on //ew;
' ‘
Daffek. Stony lleoch Suashlne auli Cedar to irarit how to ploy an orga
shine Jdn. Will you pfrase send me
lines t.slay, I am wvli and hope youi
and Hypcpboc|dutca prepazed so
it ^
w;e have one ill home. I have a ti
Traverae City, R. F. D. 1
another? | had a pltoiatit Christmas
■ are the same. J am in th. fourth grade.;
Moooefa Valeht.n*
Alrln Well*. Perry Dunlap, I j Con dress. 1 would like to join H-e Si
this year. We had a ^ristmas tree
easily digested by litUo folks.
ner. Wash. Naraea sent l.y Freddie shine Clul>. Pi.m.se send me a card al our bouse. 1 cot lots of pretty ,My studies are reading. sp>-lling. l:ui-! -“/>•■! ■•h'" said Mom»-t. s
presenia. I will have to clivse fre this
Marian Kenniuly, R.it1 Kenaedy. Klees, and to my 'bndhcr. Johnny lime, hoping to «<e this in the Sun twery- day. Mike ii> go lo schwvi. ijh'-'-i ha-l one Itreg'. I've
Censequendy tbe baby *hat is fed on
havoweven bniibera und Hirve sisters. j«n buneri-ituly one. .vou hm
Fli-es. and lo rny friend Sophia Fires. shine Clnb deparira.-ni.
Maple aiy.
i have a little |mm ktuep at b.uue. 11 ' Y.-s. I kn-iw." sad reamm . smilin;
Bdllh Paige. Elk Rapila. R. F. D. 1. That is all i ran write.
Your tree .q-jnl.i-am.
Scotfs Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy,
had Is-kn -T.-arlltic Mopis't
Crarlc Jarrell. Dladys Cate.
From your loving Sunls>atn,
Age 12.
MHdred OHimuis
: little yak-min-- Motv. from one <i
Age 13.
Frances Fires.
cheeked little fellow full .cf heal'.h am! vigor.
Arad Ferry. MiirrHl Ijimh. William
1 .am glad tou tike the games In the
Ep'tnaEaeler j M.misfs o^ |wik-i>. wliU-h som.
lAmb. Ilmdon R. F. D. 1. Nanie«ii,Tjl
I wDiKlrr how von play -Nh-lilgai Herald. I n.-ver played -Saning on
st Is- line to bav.. w juany(l*".l> wa*
enoigh l>. M-n.i. h.-riris. " Plnise Wriic again and tell ut the 0.-.WI" Whai is it llke?by Beulah Hay Moon.
: ail.I siKleis. 1 ani etire v-Mi; ^ Ho;v id :> lovely val.-n'ltii- tluil on
Elmer BurmHster. Sullona Bay. R
ALL IK;ULCIx,r6i SOc. AND tl C
Sirttons Bay. MMi.. R. F tl. 1.
Ijconner. Wa»li.. Jan. Sn. IWT.
.)d'llni.-s togeHjvr. •
l ii't!.- c'lrL s.-n: ;.i!.,ih.-! iliiU- girl !■
F. n. 1.
ear ft-reidcnt—
Jan. M. 1!>«T.
j makv i:p fiu-nds again
Sot,on* Bay. Mich,. K F. D. l.j
thlLk si..- re.nkl hav;
I liave iwo friends who would iik- D-ai President —
« Club Cradle R«ll.
M. V. F. (
As I liave ntit writlen for ii long
• 1 been nia.lguy nn't-. sh.wld v..u, matij
Blsln Bniton. ane one year. Trarerae to kdn the Suiohlne Club, 'nieir
-■prcsuh'ni— ‘
re Alvin Wells and Percy ime. 1 tiHioeht I wmild write I go
fSiy Name neni by Juliii Sniton.
.- an* having lc(
o srhisit fllmnsl eveyy day, I- am In
-all iKxj.-, and <
Dillard Ray SeiiibwtTI. atre one Dnnlap. j have a pet eat: hli
languitgt. znihiy.
yenr.elghl months. Omeno. Name ainl Dick; he c.ncbi>« many rais and mic«v he Hiit.1 .gradi*. My .ctudies nre readhave a new calf out a* Hie lmni;ii ne. spelliiie, amlimerie. and )>enman- said WH- (iiiuld wTit.-preev. mamma? "
by Relta Bro«rn.
every .lay. 1 u fo Ihe f.nirth
We find that we are overstocked on a good many
Ilarcdd ReUmw. aee four years.
things in our line, and as we wish to move some of
.«! I have .1 Iliile l-rtithei wlio' gra.ie. I .have fiv.' iMers and tme atiswe.-vsi. vuiiiiiig
her name is H.-lfti. I like lo pki
SulUms Bay. R. F. D I. Name Miit by
I.i..ib.-r Tb.-ir names •eEmina, Chris ukliig 'up. il. r «
them before we inventor>* on February 1st. we have
1 her. She «ty» «la da. for |«siia. vi.iiil.i Mki-viuy rii.K-h
Cliristloa C.ellBe*».
nanve Is Hai^:.i Geltne.is. iiina.
]'*"“• hn.l il-den. Aa s 'and l.ucelia.| s.lsTl't (h'tr.ugh Vpot them Out and marked them down to cost or below
tmim-miim fur tnsmma. This if all R.ill.
is f.mr .veara ol.i, Manln is iwo.j»"'i'
Thb week the Herald I* printed on for this time. Good-b.vo.
.' Izid yon ever ^
Flere are a few samples:
St. Valeatine'a Day. and yonr presl
Freddie Cook Wil! you pliase send Harold a c.vr.1* **t‘s 'ijra Holton 1 hkc to gr
PratU Horse as.1 CAtile Fool. 7-5c Sai-ks......................at 50c
dcBi wiihea that oor Sunafatae page
sure w;e would all like to plav
Horse and Cattle Food. SI 30 Pails..................at 90c
Th.-r..‘t.inlu.ainS, 1 will | She
wllh Buhy Helen. Wouldn't y.ni like
misht come to each o»» of you
Pralta Veterinary LinimeiiL tJ5.-.....................................at 1 8c
hoping 111 >.s- lh|e 't'‘’vnt -ri\ sch.tiazs in school i.
valentine dircclly from ber. Valeni
le on our Cradle Roil
Pratts Veterinary Liniment. 30c......................................at 37c
t.ll.>s are n-aillng. *pcIUng.
in print.
ate lOTlng mesaages. you know,
Hoffs (iennan Liniment 33c........................................... .at 19c
Omena. Mii-h.. Jnh. 31
euage aiid arithmetic. | ran no
that 1r what she would like you lo f.-el
Martinez ^Vinea-goart Bottles. 50c.............................. at 38C
Dear Presidcmthibk of any more, so gixsi-bye '
Age l«.
Chri-!iin;: GeBne«
IbU week (yea. and every week’l tpe
All Lndies Pocket Books at ) off.
would like to join the Sunshine
From ««ir.friend.
Haroi.1 has bis ca*(l hy this time
loving mesmge stralgtat from her to
Many more bargaina-come and aee them at
Club. I am in the third grade,
L!i:i.- Kulati!;.
am glad your two lUHe brothers a
you. She has so many loving Iboughts
teacher's name is Mr, Clark. M.v i
I am very gl.ui that .vou rhose t<
rr Cradle Roll.
In her benn for yon that never pet
ikes the Herald and I like
write th me. for your writing l.-lson ii
pttntcd tn the Herald, but on Valen
An.1 «*eb dore i* ta.ire «feti»e than
B.-P.|. n. Mich. Jan. 2fi. Ife.T.
M-bfwj|. I am always s» pleased i.
tine Day ibe send* them all lo you on read ihe letters from the Sankblners.
f’"tr luue- the ■ame .itwiitiiT «f aav
ten years old, i must do.w- for
heat from the Sunshlners.
r.iuvf .--xuih reme-lr. however wri!
their Hille ihooght-wlng*.
sd« -Hi-e-d aa-1 L-iwever str-nurlv rw:this Hme. hoping to sec this In print.
long time. I wltl write I’tulay.
I will] Gil.U Pier. Mich.. Jan. 3!^. 1^'.:
oouoeu-le.1 that renesl.v tu>y I.-.
We have ao many nice letters to
II you wiftt 1 am lor Chrlsinutf I gtd D-ar Presidentthat EUlPS
Signv' Swanson.
read this week, haven’t we? And there
doll lifoi-will go It. sleep, and ii.»; I ihonghi I wn.ii.l w;-itc y-.u a!
B.UeSAM i* the
am p1sd Hint yon want to Ih> a
are many more on your preshfent'a
imc Ik Cora: i a.»i a luiok. a pair to lew lines today. I go to sch.s.l ev. ry ;
desk, in the box Harold Kettle made Sunsblber. Write again eonie day.
oves. aiiiograiib aihum. and a pair nr: (lay. ! like my leachi-r very well i;
It has MT<d ib>U3aDtk Uooi e<«.
lor our dear FIrat Preiideat. Next
IssdoTc. Mich.. Jan ;r.. isiC.
ribbons M.v Hitlo brother is well, Heihave five hrother* at home and two;
wifk we win have ihoae printed. "ear President—
b.-Iungs It) the Cradle Roll. I wiil send si*tc^^. One of tny ri.-tcrs i» manied. 1
save.1 thonvaad-r-ihve*.There
Is a story ton. from onr
I thougiii 1 would write- a letter
of tnywcboi.l Dates']sbe five* in TravArve City; and one j
A! all drategU'V. 8>.. SOr. aod SI.
ft1(-.id. Mr* Ray. of (llenmere. It is a ■•e tale the Hrjn.l Traiejs.- Herald, who w..iild like to Join Ihe S-mshlne : i-« working at Kipp-ley I must tell ywi;
Two papen for the price of one II00 pays (or both (or a (all yaar
fnie etury. aud auek a funay one that i'.: have tots of fnn hi actovot playing Club- n::.c!e Jarvu;. Gladys Cas-.^ wh'al kin.l «.i p.'!s i have. I hsv.-thrvK '
' -
Sff ,
Kem|i!» Balsam
Wait’s Drug Store
S. W. earner Front and Union Stred
Best Coooli Osre.
tbe Brand traverse deraid
Tarm and Tireside
ru..|.> »)'
iun.l.n., «
K»ll It »!• Slul It.,
''f) with Hill. « siftae.
iiitu a ties'll sa:trtn>iil» wrth
. !ata<' lomjt of >n-t. ••n.- !•«<»» of
ttil«T and one q.i.rn t.r water.
»imi}i'T. W't> a' tttlv fa: flu- lii.ui*
Jwnr.r a.I.lJiia a inii.- lunie i»ot-r
c iiMi'.
.•-M MX .'a^r.iu and one
'{lip ru:.-t. .(ll■l iTil fn.small idtvw.
le- t.e-u! I».i tir Ihiee Ituieii aa
y U*i..-ii 'iniM- |i)au.' it
Itie niiiTic. i.lid !»><
lud' it. tstraiii <iV
uad ihlrLen H
iht..- ■
l.tw' Jn tb»-
Ib.iilne *‘S. maLt- the mt-ai
■ isii hn.l l.i-leV'K.. it
t« li™n—
Til.* *orl.I win
slioald oolr
K---t fiUti Rt.s'
yuur iicrt.
r-H tht.'<- >..1JB1I«
lu «d bei-l JD vnfllrMdii nJ.l watiir
IJvi- «B Hi*- li.nwmp.m»i
ih«' r^ll;
-Opi’u-alr t’bri>i!lann Hiv
h...-.eriV <‘e- i„n,t
1 III ih.'M- •Stti)
■ Mai,-'
-«»i> {-.-r.-!.
|iiji .*ie
...I'r' .ti c.
i.a i.tt.'.Tl *..
nUtiaa : ;
*.• as til.' i.tliiu-.- on.l si|ta lit.' ilir
.liinV .41 iL
' Uil'.N
■*-' •-• t
• v;^-S4^'
..TJtiL I:-:-
Ti»' 1*' !;■
;• !« smi lai t<-»ir> Uav,
4'.v|ik- Lii hin . iiliiiiln'. .
Hv mw* t'lHn.i ln«l*ilii
.Vs viv-.'s'*' '
MtH'.'Xitr Mt-tili u;.' h:.f ■’
• ' i
P •
‘ 1^-
r-- s'4
--'..'C-P; ■
•Tluol.ii-ltloof; I rail It --fjp|iinrt.:t’»
i.rj;- If
V;.-rtnt e
;■ T'-y'
':rf. ti r7!'.‘V-4«it's a rwivil
ille ►U7ii i^mws is’.inl »ti>» liears
e.-Ji'-l fitul lll-h:
' nvisi itMlmite.'
> :i tl.-Je "ah .t?
Ii mV,.! j.:e1 l-!.- !l..
n.-. .T
la?.:t;i Mu-
thins.«j". hew* i.tlixt ij.e
- .1--. i.r-i '■'.I ~
^•'st •% rr
‘ ■ •' ■'
- A v»e^ R*iw'"
s'*-' - ■
'.^<‘-1 • WH'.I
•a»k*' H- ‘
-V f
Ir. '.-ivtvbjv
W-'v-i-A-k- ■
-«■' ■ •
'v.iv,'. yr ■*■*•.■- . . • • ;r4t.4s.'
t -
‘v.'Ut, sr ■•..■« .ev.'i;. i-^. y • - ■
•s-'t.n’iai; iBspnetw.
t |y verx- hai'-l 'u d.-cid*; -fui. 8: ii8>
a n's’wnoii tn make the
’ tif IhJiK-s
Anil drives ll.e Hn'i.U awa; .
• J WAR'. Ir:*!11'.e
te iVi.
iI.i'V *w''i -i.-xiije
vl.etV .•
■ ff.xl t.
^SSn-.---:■ r.-:';;.• ■■;.•
r-f.>.1. : !-.,
4Vi^i liuit I no Ilk.' him
H •fre.li.'n. a» the a«.,
../•.':i'.-'V.iek.'fwr ttie',
-tS: -?r«
tl till. Oie pl-ak .if.life uiih iUtbt
ti'iiv.. In
.1 le eaiplUf- Wi’it ■»
-.nJj'Be lUT- bnii? V
“•A U'iCb l« l.l« like nim.liine;
rtt kiAB-i ^ui rti
-«.i. w-iiil.. w.'.n.'i
1 .r th.- l-elv. e-.. 1.5,
; «
v- 1 '■■{ •?'',.•■'• •
>--S«•'.’'fitltfiT.{; '
S I'.'.
ThlBe,-! that Hie up iiihrr*
Jie -..(Bl ih.tilrtW rfhoiiMf-
wT.'i .V'-vi It -*'6
> 'ta'ie-.Meirl'tl of'V'?'
fie'- if-ftt;'*
: .1.
RiTin' «.:Ve ulRt fi.o.si'
••■' '•'."■'H-'* - s
S"'- i-v-ti.'s V's
j-'. :.
aBWere-f; .
I fti-itlo'!"
tV/sfer ,
where Jthi In - .
•V'^ .'<L'
t ,sll.s-I
P . ’■ '
XerriN hm ilit'i ' Jim in—I
I.' ;h<- inwFf imy
1I. 1..-4W
■i .'tt 111., pes.'ii ail<1
Kevei nlsii- whi-ii- Jltii It*--
..............i .'Vi'rTii u<i^7 '• I
f jl—
TrouHe Proif..
Ne|’-f i»H-in l<»
>• ■■'. '.JW-IlP '
; CcM''a’*4 Ceao^-t*'.'
;'y y^U--.4- ■'-■--{‘••ikry:
.•rl.l r’:! ?li.> 1-.-.1 ,»1.
’ . ■
- Maiisan’i K. sLu«r...ii7'
■ fr«-.|.eirtl{r aper
/.' -V I
•" :J> I'V‘Utieaa-.;
ii»t.i.. ht tihnn. ahd
Xetr:.V eu1<l
The X.-.-M*'.'"- sbo'iid l»"
Iv-.i- ,
tir..'is I"-
■f ;t»-4^.a.h;-ln8 |»'i'
-S ai 1- aina>«!
■ a!
a’.-.ir yi«u-.l.5ni-
vnrlH. -Ik .I'ln.:';
• Af-
iJvi* u« n viexir. ami nlimipbliu*. F''
TIiMieali lliis ijaeer
tM... .,. .1.
. "4c itte i»l.«Hvli...i . ..j-v. -3'W•• il.iV;
Il»«e * K-xNl tmi.r..« fitr all
idd salt Wt.|
a»,.| I..J il .irniu.'! l.■..-ml>
, riM-. ami »ilh aeit.-e.'.saiau,.If.-u-
JJvf where the }..)•« jtrejiitd.
■' '
,1,1.wi.iyli.nlf.'il:-: «.■;!■! i.- •••eViit.i 5j, tl.^
........... p'??’
i.c'T-ijiif a'i*w'T‘'''-i''tfii* 'r'
v.s'.ff'-'i 1 r ;}t ■;tVee
4 »}-t-.
V, I'
PajcsT to 14
Song. "Fanner Flna>:" nixib grade danre in Tho
nllroadM ctf tbe UnIM Su(t«. Ii »» no
. in6n> manelous than ihe
Fred Southwirk.
the core
! ba!«e<l !i-: ccixi. i tix Wiiuderfa! animui! tree
ii-ir ev
hM 1j»^ «h» srowib of imlOr <* ib«>
In addition to harir.g tmniedtatriy.
Kganjholdx ih«- xecpod jisliesi re.-orilJoi the; buy ajiy wic
were united In marriage by .1 minis- anniiim of milk
Rrsrt." George Smlib.
was a wa*te,
nice had made no t
r arrangements
of forgery- was glt en suspended sea-
Fell, i; —At the tone*- this afierntwm and w ilt leave to-
arirle*. i
rilUge erJuneil plghl or lomotrow moritlng for Chl-
n the (tart of' h.-t efTinc. h-l.l 1
epafiHoe iif .-ago
e hride al h> at
ler from Traverse City,
In Ote world,
cnUxi-ieilag Iddx'foi
e wajer «
lerf 1)} her;jirexeip
-IHp the Oar;" fifth grade home, last Wednesday at high noon: ‘ . It I. expect'
U.n.!«.' ll.e, I'lrlx u>p<-ned and rc- Mswon of the firm of Mason A Maxoa.
tnav«.r FricMeh arktsl for inft
The bride, who wax dresso-d lu white Itiur Xbe wilt reach
i ationieyx at law ot tliicago. who have
“■ tion m regard tn wImwv the mom'V J-fW.
ct eonmerce and labor, ibr flfrnrea
very durllim n Ik d'lring the n^i >«ar.:
Reclutlon. "Mr. Riael Dorf and the Ian* over white >Uk. juokeil
ai.d am- rtniVndeut;
nbovlBK the eneni to
ehanuing. She was aiirnded bp
ix at
Water I»ljie;" Harrj- Hlhliard.
XX Hum five yearx. Cal.twell lurah-he,! li. He statej that
iraflic baa cn>n are aiacE^V-d (he otu-r- og.-niic a iNiniix of tjtl.j thro’trii Sheriff Johnson. 'The I
‘Ufc of Bayard Tay I'lara Carmeaii. who wax drexs«-d ,j.i
‘ the total cost inrimllna. i>li*e. Ixyinc,
cnrOtOK to ihit teitort the piirrty do- lor;" Oscar Wolculi
in u cream ctdore-l voib-. The bride-,
wax Hjocch; that the
(he vIRacc
vIRace could'
'poke In
in the,Jiighes(
the,Jiighes( terms
of Mrs.
life wiiriii lw.k toj vaiiex. hydrants, irauxP-rrlug taps
bmbUc HbipBenta on (be Inland
Song. “Fair Snug White;" sixth groom wiix dre.xxr-d In the convent
Ix-ift’r ih.ih thix. x»> the bids were, i’arker'and of ihe :u-ilon* of her wm
Funiiac Rag Apple ax the Ctuulns etc, wmdd he'2l;
The r
4uria« • Uecenber lotaM 2.C0
grade chorus.
al bbirk. and was wa1t>-il u|h>ii Irth f-irit-s'.-lown. The council vleeld- toward her. saying that he thought a
t'lu.nipiou of dairy enwx,
j .of the -wat.-r wot
nert-axed :
cumpusitiun "Silierlu;" Emma Pet- l.rideV hiotlier. Ailieri Eg-un. After
•to aanin aiiv. rise for lii.1* f.*: lit.- t«v>'x kindness toward hi*: fhiuher
With the bliiexl of the laulne hhaal
I xtendy
■I three t
IMS.by ov«T 4U>.'s>« «ns
cerenumy a l«uniiful rvpaat watt s
iqjj, jg;
and tin- bids will he o|>ened)--h<>w.«J that
th« :i- was
<1 irf pnxi
1»M by nearly a mimoo (onK. This
Recitation, Arieyi} Aleaaqiler.
i-d. The young etniple will make ihelri
,i„, j
April,' iber.'.,wax axurptn* owe.vper-! P>''’ “• Tf-'*' »'•• f"'‘f
IJ'-i'i *‘sxl alumi him
woederful growth in tnfftr
Violin solo. Doris Howard.
home with li.-r |s-ople for the ptvwiitj »,-atx fiotii Hf'i
309 qua.ix of.ailnB andmaintamanceexpeniueach ami eight ..M'--each.
l^rker came inf. cn.rt this afterCreatly to the Inadenuato faHMllos
Harry llrewx-r. John -- l»wy.'r ' and ^
ly of a Cent." ih-nnle;
Sir. Flebi lx c«indd.-nt.;$I.J3..
This v.-ai /ndrmu fr-.m the
-Judging from the i.vlk last-evening i boon and wax given a talk Wralghi
fumiabtyt by (he railroads
' calay and the general scminn-ui ;tr.>m tbe xboulib-r hy Jndge Maine.
of .iliU place w^nt lojuiai this ciw will ati
eairyfihree quaillapsed. It l-.ked
tnnaportadtai of suppliee.
-vlMag.-.lt i* Af-ry jreobable that j •dutwliig him x.n Jiixi what gnmnd he
Recliaiion. "SL Valeniiae:" Naomi
work for Tom
Way th< w.uld'x hutioix
h tie- xtii-pliix w.Mild If- $3.-;
Some idea may be gained of tbe pro- Chapman.
ni.-n will uke'thv emirel-iandt and afi.-rwxtid giving him the
Ow «if Rag Apple s records i
asi. 'The increase this yrer
ponlcaa to which ihto lake iraBIc
Home;; <xiaimionx under w-hleh'he would l>e
llarix irf milk (e-r day lot |ih< ds.
faster than last, the riiffer■Town wbeo It la known that In 19AC Jullua Hanaluvsky.
A Double Fira.---------- ■ -e
go lUi xo*i»-nil'xl x.qironcw,^ Tlie
x-in tclk Another ix the iuvxIucim
he xaliiiy of the xiip»-rin'«'ud(
The file dep,iritnenl wax culled nut
, excl'ialve of exports
Piano Bolo. Katherine Wilhelm.
ll Ceewth.
■ >oimg mxn piomix.xt faithfully tn live
l.dr iNiiiudx of hiiiier 1ST w>x-k.
g a fiKlor, an*l Ihe report
Canadn, aggregated 75.«l«.fi90 ne( tons,
mem[ up to vhoxe <-oridhlonx, ol>ev the laws
An exhibit of Ibe month's work. In
Cham- madt ilonday rilHtweil Miat there
more than k.KM.OfiO Ions incr«ise orer cluding geography work, druwinc and
i.k,u,h„. n,,,k
llano- ,,|
of 11.:*.,
ll,;*«>. TU.
This would
iiliiHixt Ihree ix-r c-nl oceontlng
the prerlouii year.
During 1906 the manual training work wns placed lo Rimdav iiminiiig and made » sv-coutl,
■ .............. .. l-lij:™.
Ap,.l-;,., I,., ,b,
>•: .M-rtO...
tbe ,1,*
pl|>e ...vdy
already U>.
lo the xaiiie p1a>x- al 3 o't l<wk M.tii
the »->X-JW
Mettnwllri I]u.t
Y.-ar lki..k just p.l.
Y«ael clearancea fropi all porta
room for the benefit of parents
■ I p. ,l„ l.„pl„, p,„ p. Xlrtl„.,foi .h,The next quarter ..„ij
would .
nioinlne to i-xiinsnlxh
uiumIi.-i ,
The |.™,„
pnveiK ,p,„l.r*.lp
lutduberxblp 1.,
ia m-said „
u p.
lakes aggregated 9I.ST1. while In liMij. anil friends.
1 hhize. Fln-f'lib-r Murrey diseoiin w«i
r”::.; t:«1 and the net gam .over last ' narni,
79.90i ycaaeia were deared.
naiieex tile nimor of lueendhiiy ntitdu. Uyki i the son .■( Ibdle Klondyke. une'puiliug m i|k> ;
Death of Helen Rome Kingsley. which w'six rli'ciilnltxl Hiix nionilpg.
One nouble teainre of tbe traffic,
flgnrex I* S::,3Xx. The M.dbt. ■
The ease .>» the People va Frank
Th»‘ Uixl ri'iuirt of the IreasDrer,^
IUk Helen Rose Klngselr dlM «t
There wax a dance in Ihe hall Satw abown by the
eomiliy. aii-l her dam Ih-ii.u I' an- -bowed that at-the end of Ihe yt'sri,dist E^idsctHval ehiiirh Ix the largest | rtr.„h wax kilb-d this morning when
honte rt her faihi-r. F. W. Kings tirday iiiglii and H lx thoiicht that
B tbe fad Ibai i^ostly all tbe r^gfat
I'roiextam laxly In p-.lnt o( member-^ judge Mayn.; ln»trviri.-d the Jury to
tilde Ik- Kohn. the .hxiglitei of HeiiIntake «.-is hulll and p.vidj ,
carried tn vesseU during l»os was of ley. :.«C Ifflh siceci.at 1 o'clock Mon some OIK- might biive druuixd a cigar
-.rjiii.si Slat*-*, other fig-Meiiirn will., a verdict of ho rauw fi»r
,gerwoI.l Oe Kohl, who wax (he hrotberl
there Wixild !w a iMlann- .rf IT.-i,
in (he baxeroeiit wli<-rt- the fire
tow gimde. Tbe lake yeaaela relieved day niomlug «f d(|>)iihi-rlB. She hail
Year H.«k- showing that ttioeiien
the Holstonly iMi-n aii-L slnci- 'Thiinulav nisMi.
U $.t,iH.o U gained.iliix year itverj ,
tbe railroads of ibe proUeoi of (anyseems 10 havt urigliiBU»*-'T»(»Fr-»^^«t^fharired
golDg i» lied Friiliiyxnd tinllisiil
^Vis-sian hie...|
lag this low grade freight, thus leav night her ailment waa ninsl
end of the btiildiug was well wroppex!,
p^^here. 23.v:r,with t«.-rerdy. wax riSaiBred thla
plus xlKuilil Im- continued on
ing the rail llnea free to handle pep membranous croui>.
s depirtmi-nt arrive«l
Sunday whtaris with 3.»-‘,9r.‘ officers.!niorning. a jxJHPnt <if the teMlmuny
Evtm ihen she
1 Apple I
eat making a total of $11
B*l nm .pp, ..
IP., 1
tahable gooda and
There are SFIlljwax taken but the case waa sallsfervan not thought tn lie M-riouiily ill
UDPnqiriatlol:. so he haclea vbicb demand quick delivery ai >ul at
smoke was seen epming from
ptni*-1 h
with iMiildlnax valued at' lotity xeiihM during Ihe tMww recexx.
II u'cUick a change for ll
in.xl would he atMuii
been iti!
building as early ax 3 o'clock but wliy
$l.%n,l::s,nr. and |wis,magi-s .val.u-d at>
marketa. Deaplie the aic^ rendered hy vorsc took place and Iwo'boiirs lai__________
making ;i itx.-al
al -rf llS.-.«x'.
lake aarlgalion. hgwerer. the
ihe passed away. Miss Kingsley wns
I FTOk Wednssday'a Record.
;the lulake, the loti.l .-,.xi won!
roada were unable to care tor the
5l-ihtrilxix.ga\,> l.ist rear for tnls-j
g yenrs old. leaves n hrolher. sister Tbrr-e lines of liox<> w.-r.‘ laid and the
Xrf fmm
X ot -latighierx 'aldwii -$3l.'-'".
under eontrvil tn n vi-ry.few
iraSte that remained, enilrdy owing nnd her parenis.
-lodarypurpox.* IJ.TSS^a*; Air church Us. iMlah Jackson has taken up Ibe
earii of li'c fonner wi#l.rlng fivnn jlorty new- xuhxcribeix wouM lie
momeiiis notw'lilixiamHng tho fac
to thofael that the Unlied Rtatea haa
,esienxlon. BH.tedt; for the 'rrarl so„( ,s^ Cirenli rouri luriav
The deceaWd
$».o-s. to »r..omi, w1il!e the lail.-r. owi......... Sloarvw su.^t bring .he tmly new
Freedmen's Ald.irJlT
‘ ^
not taade prorlsloa- for the exict
in the geoernl
otBcea of (hill it hud riepl up between the walls liig. to the .royal ................... ihe miK^r.
iM-glnalDg vv-xtenla.v afieriKioq. There
and wax gutting the space l>e(ween
water transportation that present
ll-:.,.-:; i..r
«x».s:s. >■•<< ‘ has been a large umouni of evldenoo
the Hannah t Lky
can C:ikH\ In- db-iatxcd of at or before
The delivery <if the pipe would be j
(he ceiling and n«tf.
1'he chimney
e society. |3W.».. F.re the j ,,rcx}uee.l by lx.th'sides,
puny’s store and was one of
Idnli for from ll.oixi (o 3<i.-n,
In April on.l p liad to u> paid for In siipix.n
III and rarriol a large aiuoum
Of the dIRe-efU articles tranaported
of th- MeUiodlst mloixiry. tu-i
The eomplalnant 1. a minor bavtag
ffleient employes In (he establiah
- Rag Api-fe is us mild ax a summei
Ihiriy .igjx. hut
il n.-dti'l
In* ail eluding
by yeaaels daring tffe last year, floui
her home with tbe JncAnoox
horn in Kingsley, tbe half liiirned wtiod into the haxemeoi
ariiTiKMdi.'She lx honii.-xs Mini eleai
,<hurt time
{shipped i
rubbish was
wel down nti,
liixliops and confeo-nce claimants lbe||„
aamonied In 1JS4.979 tons; grain nod vlllaa
white, with tlH- eaeetuifin .of a t--w
! could !«•
Sax seed lo 1.211.19; tons: coal
of her life
rk marks -'n her, neck
S7S>I7 Iona: ore and Blnera.s 43.030.(^dK-mtsh, where she giadiiaied
ago and her buslian.l lx saM to have
In ll which later broke out, The
419 toot, logs and lamber 3.99S.I6S from (be Cupemlsh High school. She
ntiilx-liTlal xalar X
dhiptis.-d .rf hlx '
. which was to
Siii^- her Btrivai 01
Ions nnd nncIassiSed freight £.463.013
atiendeil the local Imsinoes col xecond file did no damage whalevt-r
huVA- ae-o
- t1U when be waa
In Rnxiklyn. she bus (sen
le iviof and rent- walls are welt
It will be Been from this^claaal- lege and thru (ook the posKioo which
Aldermuii Moon wax of tbe opinion
vale-ring from lore long trip h> a liog
Malcolm J.-^'mnle, alde.i
flcatlon that lake traffic la no tmy she held at (he lime of death. She burned and will have to U- tvHiuIli.
car from Heuveltou. X Y.. when- alie
^ ter M-'vhx-s al-Otil the house
entered into etaapetltlon with railroad raa an neeompllshed young woman
out iKii.dlug au.I Ihiii the dunmln.v- First ward, .today annonneed
w js imrciia'xed.
>ti.- Is iiytug to reach a setHetueat
Wanted to Go.
llnea. but rather acted aa a valuable iDd very prominent In nclal circles,
had pine, orer Ihe matter earv-fiilly was a candidate for the o-pubiiCMn
P.ovlded wUh a aumpit^x bog stall
ibroagh the courts.
CoKiopI Is la-iniwniilly knocked .out.
ent being
auxiliary la earing for the heavy ia organist at (he Church of the im
of xurilcie^a wire for a (reck, breeder and beii<.A'<xl that’ the whole city ha-I
le’s Ihe big black horn- (bat nms on
in Tvxpunxe to urglii
traffir for which the rnnda were un- maculate
Conception, she
demonand blalikeied :iud strew bntded tit ■Been cared (or,
marnlng and probably n-ached there
he iioar aldwtif the cbemleal engine
«Me ID mate prutinai,
Mr \Vinnle also stated ;hut ilw re friends. Mr. Winnie ix jiixt cot
atroted her ability as a musician and
he ni»xt'f3x'Idi-<.x iMivliie taste.
o'rl.ick ilitx afiertinon. Oscar
lie horee baa n i<iu
The report bolateta up the eonten- will be aorx'ly miaaed in that place.
poll liH-l liecn i!t--ii III-' mo-i careful Ing hlx i-lgbih year ax itldennai
y iqiiinrSimpson whu waa made hla prebatlon
heuinatlam which, though not < erlous.i
of He nio«t <90i-i.-nt a'nd aide
Uon made by the National Rivers unit
Being under quarantine no fiinenil
otneer. aiteoded to Ibe arrwngementa.
Harbora eonctwaa that sraier
iran- service wna held at Ihe home and will keep him out of the h;im
members of the eoniiuon couneil of
lertry Mr.
Mr , ftUw,-il staid further ihi.l
short time.
; aponatlon in no wlaa will lolure the inlermeni took plnen in Onks-aMl wllbabiuii I.-""' b'et of tho old mains <xiuH
Romantic Wedding.
It waxills.-over.xi Funduv i.igi
Mr. Winnie grew np with the village
iKtainesa or ooatlniied prosperity of
It ceremony.
Mln ixabelte Galllek of this city
i-'wts well lam.ri up .uui i
^tbe railronda. In fact it will atlmulThere-are hosts of friends of the
Th.'cPv cuucii ...........lay night ao-1 slight, additlom.l cost, i.ut he e<m- ami has lived here all hlx life He waa and hhiil UavtxofBvart were unitnd
i.rx-- wax M-ciinxI ftoiii It. J M-PI.HI til.-, bid »r 111.- riipeii }ji
alderman under the old village gov- tn morrisge si
nte nil Hhes of bualneea and permit yiiiing womun who will moiini her loss livery l«ni to take-his pluc.- j
V. n'clnck
e given
- •« nxi 1 -n^^l'lp.- I- i.i Foun.Ivy fo.
Ibe milroade u handle quickly and and the many floral offerings Isue lexeroment several i.-rnix and also under aftermstn at ibe home of Mr. and Mn.
Mis- fmains ilut wil 1 m-1 K'ssl I'ronHil
tli<- city g-ivermueiit.
He has given J a Halion.' Owing to Ibv IIIdcm of
high grade claaaea of (Imnny i« the i-steem tn which she
rolonel was left in bia stall ami
. IlMxI 1
•ity in Ui.- i-ominB ;
elly affairw riuirh of his tlntp and it 1* the bHde'x mother, Mrs. Hatton, the
triigbt. while the lower grade* ere waa held hy Traverse Oily people.
-Hanger lied Istilnd him In the,.,.^,
pHn- wus $37 a i.ui. a
cen-nioiiy whs f wry alm|de affair
uknn care of by ateamboat and barge.
•re wax a requiem high mas* stabliut. When the alarm auntmoniog'
'ight Inrh ti
I’toaker, bill rnnsi-lei.xl a, v.-iT
e.7 ft
favorand no guesla were present.
by the Rev. IV Sheehan In t»
This view U toienalned hy soue of
hr ttwcllsh hbiri
: of the 1
ris.' ,inee*
J’”'*''*'***’’' "“J-''
Ihe iMuilng railroad men of the irnlted Chtirrh of the Immneiilate r«ne<-ji(i(>D
'. Minnie Is a> present « member cvri-iuimy was performed by Justice
wiihlu tweniy-!,,^
■ igh. up a
laled etu-t^ Alderman Cllleli l.in
x o'cloek
(or four hours rlnugeil tlinuigh the limtxiImmediately afterward.
of five frf Ihe mwi important commit- Cnnix.
States, among them James 3. Hilt, TucMlnv morning iii
m lust evening, hi
King people left for ('hlrapt and
t.x-x of the cunell. He U chairman
presideat of the Groat northern mil- ”'
ikening ihe hniM-x and fire lad
Waxlilngtiin xtieet
nta there (bey go to Sub Aatoniu.
of the sUeeiH and walks eommlcee, a
road, who baa done more for the
dies. Ciilunel luliil-ered
to his
add.-d al-oiit $3.«(si for the luuke i
•las. where the groom has a poaltiun
noribweat than any one man.
mi-iiiber <if 111.- committee na claims
plar.-. II.- wax litl lutek. howi-ver. and pipe eyieiishm.
jehsrehex. This piop.rty la not on Ihe
Elk Rapids. Feb. II.—Hose eompany
advertising manager for a Urge
and accounts, a member of the water
Tbe Nntional Rlrent and Harbors
lied while the green hors.- wax hareomminee on water to whleb
»“«* he wond-red who
o. 3 will rHebrole the fifteenth an
com pan;
coagreea la coatlnulag ia its efforu to
Iversary of their organirntloo. by
Miss Galllek has fa
obUin from the .ledetal goTcrat
giving one of their popular dances In
Stale Lank al
an aaanml appropriaUoa of $50,000,000
're honse Feb. 23. Tbix com
the past three yenra and hat
Evart f
for the purpoae of developing the
pany is made np of the most energetic
prominent in the aorlal elrcexaible to bis oonstltm-nts and.tn a{been v.
rtvera nnd harhon of ibo United
- ... .......................hi--"™,
It village. Mr. UavU Is tbe
position to obiterve the needs of the jclos of
Statoa. Tnatend of Etnoovering ia tbe
immediut.-ly w:«it
He thtaxhe.||’
pipe and xpeciul*. It wax also reeom'Hegraff wax received
They are ,-ilways ready and
proprietor of Ihe
raarondk an oppoaltioa to their a
--TMTially in c-card to malleni 1 roo of Marsh fJairuiind and paw ix| th>' atone n.x.r In';
metulixl that the.commitKx- nn.l sitts-r-' *'**''
dlxcttsitig gravel «t
among tbe first to reypooil to ibe fire
Wbieb I IKivis department store and protultho onmnlaatloo baafound airoag
.•,h„l|Wiinlne t. tlieciimmltte
H.- has 1-e.m in .. . .,
Iniemleni of th-'water w..,kx I- di-:
etimbined e.rt- ai.d gnitei
They showed their herolxni
nentir ettnneeied
with »ihev targe
-MIS......................... uohliri;;
and speed lu Hm- last fire (hat tw>0.0.1 l„
Ih. ,.l|..
-------------------------------In 0*«l,
fix-llllgx lu.t to
eurtul. the burning of Mr, rVw<>n's
■■ 1
Haa No Tarrom.
Ugx fur the f,.n..wl^M,vets;
On lb. Snow Plow
Clreu.t Court.
.The two young people were very pojwweight In'" the cvtllar an
On the Snow. Plow.
Waxhlngi.m xne«, Farts To Hope
.. ^
Roi-n , Pprker .ipie-arixl
tn-forciiar In Bvart.
Knmbee IS, Friday and all other building Their hose house is nearly a the fire. Ills inninim Uxins Bay:.
ille awny from Uie place where tbe
like "ioaahB'’ have no lerrora tor Art
Mayn.- thlx. miirning a
I Ju.!g.Behind the simple esiremtmy thla'
me. but b.' flunllv found il.ai ix wa.
re occiired. luil they under the In. nivixbm
■ l^Riglrfh T
Franklin ;
! ,h.-..n.-u x.-x*i,
He aeema i» turn things
afi.-rohiin there ix a' romance. The
•clesx an-l q.ii.-iWl down
■R A I- snow- piow eatgjbt and held ]- . r.ir.iiit c u.
irurlloBs of
their capiato,
uaaallr aigniOront of 111 lock into
bri.te Ix a Kuuiaii Catbotlc and -Is
Mon-lav morning the lug hoi-*- w.th
|„ B»r 'ihi-M- wblleAlir irwIn hacked len feeii
mama of the best of luck and haa Renning. bad a Kin-am of water on not able lo go o:ii for hix iii-rmnt
xi.-adfaxt in bi-r religion while Ihe
■ ■ fanher. tiiuii rtmniuc bark to its home,
been deanonatrailng thli duriag (be the burelnc Inifldlng twenty miimtc-x ••kerclxe. Imi OhUrf .Munay I^xl dun
hat he-wieil.i like gro..iii I- a l’r«rte.rti.ni
Crved made
*-vi'"ifoce-of a yqiine,ralf;
after Ihe jilanu was gireu.
pant few daya: with ito- d.-iai!x ! no dtlfer. nce i., faun aa be raert-ly denboiii Hi.' hmiM- ami mad<jyestetdi.:
The/I,adle's Aid society of the Nor- qtialnitxl with the uppataiux. |
In the Aral tdaee be atoved bia Bib•Parker will
Irf- »i„4l the l.tble for herwif. no matter
- from ,h.. tbrown from tfa
we^an church gave a social Tu.-x<lay
Ing coop oaio the Ice Friday,
broiiaht ii
»m.iiT.»w nioming -wfagt fa,.* b<-iii-f. -His parenu. howia un Ihe north abb- of Hoe Is•inch main;® J”"1‘
'‘>chopped tbrongh thlrtm inches of i-vening In the hullding owned l.y Mr. and for four years he has ..............
1--3" and Hie c«»-exeitled.
lever, w.-re olKlitrate. They did not obII wax largely allrnded
Th<- caiendar »Sa arrangc-d
le* nnd found that it wna Juat thirteen MIckeIxon.
this )e<-i to Miss Galllek herself hut only
ioam.-rx. lakeu hlx plare and':’'’'
-be T r, u A M.
iiiaiei! r«ud_nf pi|ie. being as
morning and
nearl;y every case lx ; ,o.her religloa and ll U said that ihw
feet to tbe boUMn of Ihe hay. Tbe ind piv>nounee.r a Kuerexx. The rro-:;^,..j
xidi- of ihe
-o.,rt the
Wa-d.iiicton xtreel. $1,3151;
«rai daya ffahing he put In. however. >—I.
r.-ady or wlU V t>
tbe a<ljoun>edi,,.„nc mans father ihnwtened to di*rile Coaches Wvrt
XW bell for ihelr ebuceb.
was led i»a*t th.-w, aroun-1 in fr.mi ,rf, Bghtb -treet.$7,b.(; FrankHn.,$l>.:-:
d 39 ponnda of Bah. thrre
t.-rui which wHi IxThe'.pii,.-,!! him- This only made his il«-he . Ugims came-oi
Ray atui, Sre.ma( left .Uiete whi!<
The fimeral serv ice erf Fred C. John-{ his'siiiqw-nde-l hi.rtie«x and back down ■ M-tlm.-•- $l>.J.i;
Ratarday afternoon he toed: a
of Footv V* SteihlH-rg haw lieenj
and he ratrely prte
•ily for 1 xuiddy of water and [
son. who dle.1 mi I o’clock Thursday, j ihe other side
This wax new- lu him ; "I'x-x .'ll.i'di.
ticket on a gmmaidtaae which
it-in.-nt.s for Hre
! Ike• Wg.XUO-Sbig,!
i»u ihe.w
held in Sacred Heart
rburrhjgnd the strange xlile of the xtrem. rs!
Mag given away.
He tore the
The care of the ^>p;.
Prank ^ wryldlng.
■ ax Hm- IV-1.
morwiog at
The-(rigblentri him. -The. hor>e xglffeil. be .Hdopi.-d
the motion rorried,
vedope open and found It was nambei Saturday
un the charge
; he'had i<e«i a»oclFor five
w-ax puase-:. tbr
and Tried
to erowrf-,
The ;flrxi <lial(' of the report eon.
He got the tnaebine and servirt'a were in chargy of the Rev. j and ttembleil
• MX taken up rhix bfterrirew).
Hte-r in Ixisloows Iwt
HScK' bill ll ,wat
Ttnxw.dd- of r,reeavi:ie
ax«i '•-d
thers were Just thlriecn records with Father Faueber and tho High m:i« lf«rh.>r away-from tbe englnex. Every-{ lained the a.-e..nimend;.:b.n that the
hi- niiioectloof and
*e' ha* xev.-r.» ,xiuj. a-.-i (be anlipal.-ww:
choir. Mr Johnson i ihinc eixe In
Hie honW x,'eiued eommiK.-c ati-l xuix--;h'eDi',-'nT be db'i
Kr.ll H. Prar. handii-«l - fa’- e^x
•.kl.|-wr;n« -:;..l-! the snow pb»w
had lived lb Elk Rapids all of biaitdrnnM ond he aeied like a g^xi'n-'■>•''*'•1 '<•'t''trv'h.i>e. hydiam.*.
iowev'eourt .and ,Mi. i'la'i theTefiu-thetrartiwa^xl-qip-dan-J
Omdt Lyceum.
life and was highly respecied hy all j hoo^ritntil be hod walked around ftv^ and
necesxitie;.. bm
back .'.me dix.ancc. the c^r ,-ox M-n',;^.;;
The fifth and nUUt grade lyeeam of who knew him.
He alwa.v* had aU few momenta when be resiim.ri hix th-AWth! b.-x; to a>k for h!dx o^
le- api>oiDied in ;
tangl-xi pp iu the un.b-rw.vfKx of
. the Central belldlng gave the follow pleasabt smile and kind wont for j*ir of indiff.-retir.'to the apparatus. ' Mr-Htlleii njoT.:d that bid* Is*
plow. I- wax releareij by a btahemxn;
lag pragmm Friday afieraoon:
leryone. lb-was a memlM-r of h.we
—i----------------- ^, and the imuioo fsisrie.i;
Current events. Ruth Gi
toniuce «*rried on (be sreal Uk««- l*>
• tfpon lunt iMued by (b<- depamorat
Boidneaa mceilng.
■mpany ,Ko.
This was the only!
Tall to order by tbe president.
Roil call.
orgululiUD to which
Rrndiag of the mlnniei of the last
funeral In a btwly.
bclvmged. |
No bids had ever bcm'sc-c-tred oh
.r> ax il wastjret lan-W'k '
:3—Eight thmi , these articles pn-vkvixly. they being
B fiit'f owner and began to-
E-gM Thousand Debar Cow.
Boston, Ylaxs.. F.-b
Was Eight Veara Old.
bis; xaiid dollar', recently i-aid l.y Daniel! boiighi in ibe snsrk.rf m the le-xi price
Fi.'M, a llrockioti shoe nunnJiiC-iposxKdc. A reprei.mtatlve from Jatnexj'^,
>1- P.IV-. -i-x,?.*» 1* K-e,-
grade erenlng wax
nnd music
Sutu. Briber CartMm
Nesaen City.
John HMI vialied her
BendMw. -A Touching Scene;" Ger- week.
honor of ibo
Games and mu‘ic made the afler.ftv-xiimee'
iter and no power-given ibmi to make la*' Fnday. E F. t'wtr of h7mp-r« wax! From 'Tuaadny'a Raesrd.
'we e .
4 1
i.x' luelr
.mu 4’:iu III.-'rif
Dainty re-
r - i. and at 4*3*
many pretty
to a
P»i- Hire* jwewetit Were Beatrice and WR.
in Older to bring herinm TYitson. Juli Burr. Gertrude Miller.
h>-r pment owner only a mooili. has: which w.As read lo the council:
■ known alj over the co-mty. .Dr. Fra-"r}'>um o
already returaed ft.’x*’or oni-half. of,
"please rel«se to conBvm contracts Hcii of Maple City was chosen as a .-eon to he.-is the siofy written pr«»e. ^Mildred Vader. Maiidb- Eaxiertta.v,
rent siateen lill.le girls were Invited
Inoon-paxe all-to
XibOTvi r-ommissloner
.And Pontiac Bag Apple, Ui. «-ii(rfK-n- any purchases. '
) nomlnaied fur x.fcooi
Selling tK».ks
from bWmiam served and the company diqiarrod for
homes, all ban : enloysii a
eheere ani
inuxly dubiM-d
Yesb-rdAv the mayor recelreil {be, Mr. Carr lx eiiprnut.--«‘b.n'i of the Em-, makmg c*.
gleaaant evening.
n aeruiM’i.xie ■
though she had lireii in the Land, of fribiwlng
t.'legram daied i Chicago pire achool and 4- w.-i; and favorably' briK-i in c
wsatlier’* Lsmeheon.- Vem Knaggs.
trade VolootL
m-d tire.:;
Hugh Deamoad.
Uelanau Convention;
D-land, Mich.. K.-b. 12,'-A-
playing games|full blomicd xi.w-.k ibv htghi-xt pri.xxl,.had bei-r. nothing h^d aho-r ihe hiat- pui-irMn county convention lirid'in
t,aier refi.-xhmeiiix w.ne! bovine tn ihe 1'mte.I 8u(ex.
1 to help her ceb-brale.
Lawrenrw and Almond t>uiuricr en-|Turei and farmer: far » lu.x-k .\v.-d.! B. flow A- Co. laxi w.-.-k m-.de tbe'
Readlag and adoption of (he conaii- lenained a number «rf their friends [ pale faced but -iiulitVtrHxis cow, make:; eomminee j price ..p a iiydraoi tlmi '
•ullon and hy-lswa.
iheir h«ne Tiiex-Uv evening. The) this arqalxtli.oe. to Mr, Kicld'* henl o' wax considered egrvllent l-n; lu ihef-
I.IHle Pauline Butler was K yenra
11—Mrs. Hu- price paid for her. a Mini agreed I for hydrants and valve*.
A.k for Md.v memU-r of the county cmOiitwi? aad,<uiing Auoroey
pmtt hy
the' nxiny; Freda.
last-lor her U4-*i calf, -which Jkis .ab’cady |*iid prorect yieir taxpayers as other' two deireates to ite state ranv.-ntini; frt.mdx of MfA f^ih.rine. p-wrker of Glad.vs
jl-xn aold lo M New- Vori* bPresbr oliciiHw d«i.
Seven] fron here aRnided Ute eish I fancy atorik
, j •;
lAlleB T. Pregtk*."
Hilda and taraire
. w^re el«-ied. Fred Anderson of »i^.rhlcaBo whowp.rfgfe; ron. Rtihert Par-; Knagg*. Ib-len
{w and Ati*re Gonn-rf B’Ui.ics Bay,
.0|tat .and
Hoixaple. Vem
Pl-hrre tm the cbanrej^lih fifoCorin^. l>-.4h.A>era.
jker. »bo w-ax ^Pl-hpt
. •;
I'liBIllilllWHIHlIi'IIIHI llll■■^IHIl■lll■ll I 111 .......III11 I
QmA Tnrcrsc Herald.
M Travira.
mBrald and^record
■4 at a* p«moa^ m Trsmi* Oly.
WUUuutars. MklL. Pab. fi.-Tba
^iirtll iwatlmi eonUniw at ttae
9%« qaart«rl7 iDeMtnx twrlcea at
Barkar Cr«alt wrre «eH attait4e4 <w
WaUiilMr; A wood rapMeaU
fnat WinUMlMrs aUandad pmf _
n4 aftinooB aad alt report a pm4
' Cnplra .SUlaa Tlaltad frlendt bero
tMa «aA aad attaoM (be ap ' '
Mrm. Ot«
Aiauer %*• WS#»Btat *** •P«t Tery P|wt«nt
and mnstc and light mTliew It
t «( lU MboUn U
X W, Anraa apeni Wednuday in
tbit dtaulat
Tmverae City In tbe IntercA ot tba
- nt bp-wbteb be it emplcwed.
d A. MoclMai aada a but
trip to Ca«maa. Baiptre and TntttMM . Mr. aad Mra. Skiver received a vkR
tfom her brother wbote home U In
aty laat weak.
Cedar Run.
W. T. Bowes of TraTerae CUj, waa
Chariot Blllmin irantaciad bulneat
in Travaru City Wadaatday.
la (owa .Tnaaday.
Mr. and Mrt. SnUtvnn auen^ad tbe
Mn. Siraeb it no bettOT at tbU writcteic* «t ti
a. Brlngbaia and tba canlal poat'
maaler. pimnk Wri^Usan want tabbU
battlnc Tnaaday and cot UtWean In
(oar bdura. They matt baae naod
anlAdal bail o< (orelfs madutactore.
Mrt. John Tooley It vltltln* ber
motber at EM Jordan.
fi. a Maynard ot Traverae City
made a buitneaa call bare Wodneaday.
Thao. Bavesot's aon la very aick.
Tb«i, Pararen' MereanUte company
It n buty^ptace tbue days. Beatdaa
lookinc aftar ibeir Unde, they aUppad
JtM pouada of buUer to nortbam
poinu and 2«i dosea oT anca and
larce quantity o( beau.
1). W. ReynoMs at Omwo wu
town Wednetdny.
evanlos. tbe event baiac tbe twentieth
annlvaraaty of Mr. and Mrs. NeUoo't
Coon Sattkn. tbe pouto buyer from
Ptovemont wu in town cm buoloew
0«.mi NM.
U d~d. 1. 1»0 b« PTMMIquiet, sieate. Sheep and lamha—«.4<X>. active; AMee lambs 87U 6
Frank P. Sants of the fina of Lanv J ad to tbe Pnoeb people MaUnslanti
wetbww. 8SA0 « IS.TS; mixed .
Ula Uwyera. bMjtte leatdnce (it tte MipUM Jomt&W <f -|t.48. Hogs—1.700; faWy * NB«tx.
acitra; ymkera. 17.40, «r'87.45. Piga.i been nopointed eolleetor of reTenocB' pMao. wbleb be bad parebased oevetnl
ilxed.lnf PunoHico.
' iyean tafare. and had It restored at
! Ambaasador George Vno U Me.ver.! grmt expense, tr has beeo used as a
i who is returning to the Unhad Statea' Napoleonic maaeum.
to cuter tbe rabiuet as iiostmssterl Tai* prbduels of tte vartoM mlBoa
general, was received tn tirivaie au-1 bi ibe copper country for. the month
dienee by King Victor EaanwH uf | of Jannary «ws as follows: Calemet
1g Hevln. estlmaied 4.3>m tons: FtnakAmbassador Nabiic.
Rraril. bM 1 lln. 888 tons; Quincy, i.jnn
‘cOBsenlcd to deliver au addrcaa In araek. ««S too* estimated; OereoU.
ay's Iteeord.
I Buffalo am Feb. r". l«-f-.re the tJberal j »M tons, tetimaied; Ahnteek. »i loos
retully >
iHoboftfaal Hiy .,n (be
siralUtliy; a slfmaied: TOnona. in
sstireeted every day. The local eu
' «if er-aa.-r itaile r«:«tion> l»-»wven this ! mated: lale Ruyale. 15J u«s: .Mass.
priew era aeppUed' by local dealers.
«smt.y artd LaiW. Am.-ri.a.
1 H'l tona; CbampMn. 1.80S ion.; TriTienl.-l
ih-lris, the l•ari^;aIl pMlan • motnisln. *53 tons. Ualtlc. *;i t,«».
The ewtalda qweut'e<«
wire, net
dipped from other paperw of the pro-
«•*'>«.............. » »
___________ tbe Jnveolle band »a*e
ibMr anauaJ anpper on Peb. « ^d vIoM day.
invllad their betl cirl*. Favorite telectlont were micitred by the hand
when all aat down to a gnuid repatt
new and mittk tl
PotatW, 27 cents
TwiHtly-oiw* loeds were »elgh,-d yexSenator Sfnitlt Will be Here,
hu now been drilnlielv dedded lenlay ua the ciiv srwh-s; only «w
that United Slates Seuior Wllllaai load of pulnlues. Oi<- ix-st cuusUled of
AUen Smlib will be tbe i.emored hsy and ll\e >t««ck.
The imtato market is v\-ry uncertain,
guest of the Orwnd Traverse IJncoIn
dub in this city an March 8. unlesa will) tin- Uhlcago nia»l.rt where it i*.
Mr. Critp^m.
Item sshould bt- a special session of and If ibe wwiin weaili-r k<i-p» ui<.
William CrlHj) of Winiarntbiira I
It Is mure Ihaii IlkeJy that they wl.l
U nut likely.
yiito the large cetiieik very
•t EE. Walter received
A BBBber pr tba folia here are put- eoverlna front a shock brouaht on by
SecreUry Riiten
l.lilly. which wilt fiit-an amkher drop
fainting spall and eipcmarw (o
That means lhal ib-.-ilers .*>er.- wHl
qwita a NtSe Mekneat
drop Ilack to Ibe thi cent 4^sie agsiu.
tba Ml—miliy Jud'anw. moatly
iunrkoi.s are iioiiiiul
BBriler In the week Mr. Crisp, who
*lEa Nellla SUlea la vlalUnc frlenda it aa old non. left bu boate and ttart- daw will, the quallflcuiiun stated. InWheat is Hull.
cd for tbe bam. When be rewM that asuch as there <is nothing appurt-iil
Whi-st imdoiildcdiv - sufferi-d In
tb P. Martb.rManad to WUHants- bonding be wu ovaroome by faint- now. which would ladlcuK- a Eperisl
>im- t-xienl during Jiiiiniirv. M->-«rd
neu and («tl U> tbe floor. Uuble to that SMStor SioKti wlU buiiur GrsiHl
K lu the ilifunnallidi given in ib<ale cn>|, rv-purl isxmisxm-d liMtay. lo
help himself and mallainc that lo lay Traverse coanty on Ihe date specified.
I|;i.-Htluii whr
whelher the'.-v-n-a!
I meut aatloaa- rasulta froai ea Tte auual Uncuin elub buiiqunt has
Injunil ::t;t Crop c»»ries|:|niiilIMTIRLOCHCN.
entll that dale,
rn be eallad tor help. Mm. Criap order pMtpooed
Jinil KIJ
that tenator Smith may
tnterioetaaB. m<±.. Pbb. 8.—Tbe is partially deaf a»d did not bear Ms secured.
ground during ihe tnonlh <
wyua Ooopamge company^ »IU bu erk-t for aid bnt a sbmII gmncldaacbes,«-l
Tte llnc-iip of speakerB I* exo
. 'btliy
well ci»veri-d
Mwtad and thln*a wlU aoon be bum,-rup»- depth <il
Speaker NWho!
afli-r I
ter bbo wmId tbe boate loM her ibal tionaUy good.
.to imiu-s.
of the hiwm of ----------yoons people of Wylie and Inter- tomaane wu caHlog. An lavetil^ Wbtdan
live Sonoa ot St.
lodban bava (Ortned a llteinuua ao- tkm WM iaunedlataly mtee ud tbe Johns.
•rry F. Powers of Cadillac
eMtr and are maatln# onae a v ' (dd geatlemu (cmad in an almoat
of Manimee. wlll
aad C, A. Palmer
nm n»*ri a tea itea.
elouB aondllkm aad uaabla
Jabn Davla la cetuac along nlealy.
of Cadillac has accepleO the
>. Tbe day was extremely cold Weunore
Mm. StriSlaad bu pnrefaaaad a
position as toastmaster. With this
bov eow ae as to be able to bopply ber aad before be wu taken to tbe boose «-xcclleDt array of oraloricnl talent
anara with inlik. rominent young men of the slate :;T cents fur a No. I stuck.
m. Lottla BMUar wUl be tba new
Chlrogo price luday by wix.- Is 41
assured that the IJneoln
DupHe (he severe abode, coupled
eanfar In place o€ Mr. Pany. be
banquet of 190T. will be an eaperlslwith Ms age. Mr. Crisp It able I
ly pleasing event. The details of the
About (be bouse and no lultiis eSecU progmina and the toasts to be respond
tb» atiMU. having taken to tbe woods are looked for from hU experience.
ed lo will be arranged later. Senaior
« aboct ttea ago. at tbarn wm i-----Smith has been a busy man sinee his
Morti them.
eleetiMi U> (be United States sen.-tie
Death of John Hamilton.
and the Qrand Traverse Lincoln citib
DMpIta tbe lender care of bis family Is Mperialty fortunate in being ablnso
to tbe and that of phyddana and frienda.
s him (or thU occasion. 1I
tasaten of tte High acbool _
Jote HamUton. an old reddest
tteCnyopera bonaa PrMayMcbi
rater towaablp. nod ana trf the
proDlnent (armara of this
New ^hoe Slors.
B Mtam «t tbe local acbod. The
Tleinltr. died at tala boms Thursday
■tests vrortcad
Its toi
Traverse City Is to have another
aft'emooD at 3-.W of ralvnlar dlsaase _ew aboe atore located In the SutberbtoMt, in the atorc formerly oc
**Sa1uirw»r'iulefulty decorated of the temrl Mr. HamUton baa teen iBte
cupied by R. W. Rastall. the Jeweler.
Mtt tte ichool and dau oolom The gmitnaUy talUag far tba past year. The new firm will bo Klaasen and
bslaaaa ran «u bong with tbe gold About throe weeks before bis dtalh Bhumaky. two well-known young men
ate bla^ bnnung while form tba he bad a tall which i
who have been In the busluv-ss many
ate Maak tenling wbUq from tbe
galA batelag. aupanM (our large nckaaed tbe enX
Jtweph Klaasen has been engagod
Mr. HamlUea was born I
T. B. •. peananle. Tbe two nppor
In tte trade twelve yesra. He started
Then v>ti net »1 Mtnc ii*
besw waiTdeemted In tba daaa Scodand, Jwn>
with Prank FiiedrlcU iu the Wurxburg
«olM» vkdat and "
block twelve years ago. was two yean,
alil switch Hiz.-l Cream.
of IS be c
teu ate iMd mM red OBwith -Pariter Brothers and ftir several
Tte family settled oa
___ j( the Joalom. The curtain
yeaib past has been with A. Grellick
•wae bang with a kmg itsr of pesnanu. farm In Dummer townablp, PeCarttoe- A Co. Mr. Klaaium Is thoroughly post
chapped or roiiyh sUn.
tody IB the aveolag. a abort pro: oogh coanty. OaUrto. la 1843 he
ed U the ahoe business and capable ul
MOm ot maaki and readinga waa ran- ualtsd In marriage to MIm Margucr- aatlsfylnt the most critical trade. Mr.
itete. avaw Biwbar being wan ra- lu Ball ot Norwood, Canada. In 18S
- - other eMthoie at Mtartatn10 ddeak wbea be o
lean war.------- ..
Battled on kla farm aaai of WllUama- campaign m first IteuieMni. gulug tc
' burg, where be bM since resided and Csba with the company and n,suiuiiig
D I •’deck this momlng.
« shoo business upon his return.
t where he died. Mr. HamUton Is
Prank Shumsky Is a prarlleal shoe
Tired by bla wife, Md seven children. mun, being engaged in ihw sluw wakOeoege. WUllam. Matthew and Mn.
bustness (or f.Hirteen years. Ho
This is a couyh remedy
I ts well nnd fuvonibly kU'iwu.
OayWa WateaaBrace UevnM of WllUamabnrg. Mrs.
that is fast provinj; its
A *Mble wadding wm t
Fitek Peak* of Reeae. Mk*.. and Kbuuicn will make a good eotnblnaUuii
merits, and is sure to
James and David Hamilton of Calu for n successful shoo business. They
Sulher»ar. OBtey ottdBting and the conof years and cxTbe (naeral eervices wore held Mon- imid Ibluck tor a term uf
make them both and
^ momlag (lou tbe M. R church
know they are Kood.
1 and L«alle H. Acker- of wmlatnsburg. Tbe deem
then taken to Mk Snalda tor bnrial.
A find Death. '
the ftee. Mr. Yowg ta charge.
From Saturday's Record,
totesMlMtete Mr. ate Mra. AMlnr- HamlHon-s fonr oldest aona netad m
Vnih four llltle children In tbe hos
BMAiiiB«tlHBw Bt 731 Bute atraet
TTia cbnieb wm thrungad pital. two at home not yet able to walk
Mn. AckermBB at 8» with trtente and retailves of
from the ravages of typhoid and
husband and father lying cold
laed. wMeh togeUer with
death Mrs. Frank Prashll weeps and j
funeral cortege and tbe many refuses, to Is- comforted t.Mluy. At,
9-30 this morning, the bread winner,
Tte foilOWlBC pRMtem WM glvao at moist eyes, attaatte tbe high est<
Ite Baunod avenua iyoeua Fil In which Hr. Hamlllon was held by all ,as summoned by death.
F»r three weeks. Mr. Prashll has
ter BftamooBt
wbo kaew hha.
4-en ill with lyphuUI fever. Two of
Jie cblldrrD. Cnthurtne and Clara,
MM Tteirtv^TTiat the Ame^
He Showte GriL
aaed eigtaloea moiilbs and three ye.vrs
B InMi kM teaa anjnatjy Utette
With hU left ankle frightfully SSectlvely. were sick at home b.v
brokaa and the uule of the foot Urwed gredoalty rwiiven-d from the dlseuMupwwd. Irving Uorst drove from Bea Four others also cmiracU-d It. an.
ton's oarap. five mllea eMt of Ma.rflHid. they were sent lo lUe bospiUl. where
to Ihe cMy Saiurdsy and bad the they are at pres<-nt.
Mwwmia. iwela Beardsley.
Mrs. Prashll U n frail woman und
TMOh Jote BtagaaBk. Maria Kovar. Injury eared for by a physician,
bad been 111 ail summer luii she i.sjL
man stwsred remarkable nerve
care of hee husimnd (or ihi-ee long
wllllnsly talked about tbe injury m
litgly brwdless of (be great pa>n kv weeks II,«' •xcitemenl leadiug her •
that >iin-ris.-d her cl.rs.must have sulferte.
. In tee debate the deeUkm n
IntBKreMtenllnnBiive. TtenrgnTte young man wm loading logs
SMBtB nte Pfa—ilatlwi were exeti- when tte tackle broke and one stick
rolled onto Ua foot. .A^r the bones
Mat. telnc worthy of older pnpUa.
Mr. Prasbil was 40 years old and
bte been eei be drove back to camp.
was weU known to the city, having
A Bit Lead.
IXIXCTkc i.i, on
large nuiuter of frtiuids. He was
Milk Testa
flome kktgo loads have been hauled
yotir peraon or hide it abi>ul
of the C. B. I’. «
Tte following Is Ite record of the
.te teoBl taanwtera during tte paM
iUe liowse. hut platv it in n
rotsfonune came to him. h
- Sw tetea bte John Snnforth thinks milk mumples tested by Heat and Milk whMi
fitruDKn-liubU* hank.
r te bandied one Priday ibat aa- Inspector Duckrray last week.
gonlsed a benefit dance which wm to
8U(-ii a* tbe
: gamed tte proportlona of a youag
No. 2. 4 fat. ISA aollda
have been held in Columbia lull n
No. 5, XTTal. 12.6 aollda
week (r<nn lonlghi. II Is Very prob
an loaded 18.788 poonfia of ooka at ,No. 6. 4.S fat. 12.S soltds.
able that the teneBt will not h- call.sl
.«• Traverae aty Om compaay's
No. 7. 3.8 fat. IXB Mllds.
bur'ihe proceeds will be given to
’ mMM ate tmokd It lo tee Unloo street
8, JJfBt. 12:8Mllds.
- **~*iahil.
No. 9 e fau 14 solida
' anbnni boMS wKhout mlahrwife, eight chflWlifiN- it will .«ni yon :i per
atet WM loaded Id the deo|i i
. S fat.
teLSie, Jeooent interewt aud is poyaUe
12.7 solids.
tba haallng wm bad for a Snl<-. Josephine. John Clara aiid Cath
lanee. Aa It Ukes fifty bushels of tbe
ou DEHANll.
atnS to make up a ton aad tee load
aaiiBUn to almost five ate ooetedf
Alwolnte safety la
ostoaa IU tUe can easily be Unaglaed.
lie of Bull Run (or the Loudon Tlnie*
Under the law the minimum
during tbe civil war in the Vulusl
BadOey. Mich.. Peb. B.—A very pret
(au te 3 and tor nollda 12X Mr. Dock- Biaics. Is criilenlly ill.
ty darting wm aotemlxed hi
eiUT use* a more rigid te« for aollds
tey avening. an. », when Minnie, old- Umn Grand Rapids, oooseqni
Bpeeial Neiiee to tee Farovera.
' aat daagbter of Mr. apd Mrs. eOo. W. there Is a lower sfaowlng.
The managratmt of Ihe new (cod •
-Brown wm ttnlted to William B>own
mill al Wllllsmsbnrg has changed
at Honey. Mite, at tte rte
hands aad the farmers of the sur
• '-tee brides parenU. by tte Rev. Mr.
o eDLartalDOd hvr imKIm
rounding territory are Invited lo bring
rinntwM of Hemey. The newty marTbeir wheat and
ytod eoapl* departed at once for HerIV days last week.
Rtdier Procera Flour. F«s-d grinding
A very pleaaant s(
nay vbeta teey wDI make tkelr tetata
_isa Bthel Cork. W«
When upon retiring from a (rieod's
F, J. Swan.
Owing to the IRmu of Mlea Mande home. Bbe (oond a number of bbr
Carat, feateer te tte ktedem
young friends swalilng ter com]f^
T bu.................................
Wheat, per l«i.........................
Do Your
Hands Chap?
Cherry and Honey
25 cents.
~ K<lwsr<l Phelps Allis. Jr.. 3
ite late fSdwanl P. Allis, of Wlseonstn. has had conferred )>|u>n him llic
knlghilosKl «it the !.eglnn of Honor.
A auperb aBBortimot.
of taiioy om« from
:•«,!. .Cyivorowl ISlb. tvmt .wl no trlsl. Aril
T-ior drml-T rir ,.-1.1 -ienip f.ir fnw l..-]ilri
1...-^ Hr... TbrrnjuriAt Cw., Ruriueter. N. V.
Ic to 3.50
Vtrcvsl*. >«ari«-li>g erf austral Blral.-v
nra'Ir all umIv cuIVlTStlua Fla. «
^ City Book Store
ll/ARTCH-YuBai niM
^..tuttenc^mKy' iDquIn-U II Ben
Tlie Hobart Co. pro!|i.
Warm Up!
Make Yourself Comlortable
Take in the BLANKET SALE at Steinberg Brothers
Drug Store
You Can Save
'When You Start
in to Save
Your Money
Traverse City
State Bank,
I T'.c- I;! ,iil;, ts. bi-<-aii--- »
r f.-lliug 7> 1!lai,k.-lX .H. a
II II.2'- Itlalik.-t^ l..faii«- >
I- w-llliig 11.25 nianki-’x
a ll.3i> H1inl.«.-b,. bcciu«' •
- selling 81.5n BlankHs
V.,U ran Wire'T.Tr ou 82."" lliankrt*. b<-rauw wr arc selling $2.00 BIsnkrlA
Yu-i ran ,«v<- t«c on 82.25 lir;ifik.:tr,,,l-Tait.«e'wc-arc soHIng 82.25HI»nk<-‘.'
Y.ni c:>n »av.- r-Sc <*n J2i'" lil«hl.«*.-|s-f-a.iM- we arc M-llliig *3-ti<> lllunkct*
You can Mv.- 8l-<i.'. on
^«8nk•.-^^ b-ranae wr nie-*eliliig'8M“>
Y«Mi cun save- 8l 2'. on
lll;iiiki-ts. leraiiw' we ate si-liing 8fi'*f' iV::,
Resources Orel $I,6B0.0D0
Traberse City
Stale Bank
A graotl vfiriety of oomic 8od
fancy Post Cuida, 2 i<W Ic.
Tbe moal great aagortment of
You Can Save Money on QuUts, Too,
Decau-ic we have s nice lot of ihvm ihsi w- ai»- M-llIng from in lo 25 i- r
-m-br vslm- y*' j' ’ll
good nwsoo why ymi ahonldn-i invrailgaie thf-Ae baraalns—greatw vaU,- *ef never «llcr-l ^
Bl.-«nke4» and Qtilll. than those we are showlAg righl bow when «-ve,yi,-!y ...... . 'b-hi »'>'! "''t* '
a »»>d »upp!v.
Steinberg Bros.
Travcnc Ctty, Micli.
''' ■
OPUND ntfveiisc moulb, YwuiiaBAY, mmiAitv i
Schuyler MaiHifecUJrieg Ca
Despite ber k» mtlns «bUm<*. the
mrerse CHr. LeeUuan and Manlsi)-
ot^rs, that
: V-
H. Scbuylei. of, the Schuyler rf'vaSy^ereeier
benefit t^Traverst. greei
oompany of Cblcngo. dty
- ihKB
Ibe enconrageraL'ni of doubtdty today to complete ar-
tbe afficoni ^
.. removal
............................ ..... » by. and 1
board, of ............................
trade for the
her way Into the Ice covered
.indKr niumiKtlim^
Tbe lee Is
the board of
Kcversl luonlba. and fur which
and all over the upper lake l( la bmk- was raised at the laat atuiual
for rt-moval expenses.
The Me boM
This rompany Is engaged In repalra momlBi:.
bui did not arrive
earlr tkla
bwDess and baa made a success
haxv been d..
papera of
of TraversiaClty
Ing UlBtl
UiBlneBs with Mr. Schuyler for
v,.«« and ar« fiiuilliar with ib.------ ly yet
advuRlaces of this eiili-rprise.
confidently expected, and Indeed as
that ihls will grew to bo ot>and la probabijr
on Ita way baek f
and subManlatlgue, travelllns slowly oa
manufarturtng entenwt.
count of the Icc.
y^ley. which Is flndmg favor all over,
Scboyler loduj arranged
Ibe LnlU-d Slaies.
Mr. Ifhujler Is |
Bosrdman Rher Klectric Ul
Sold Shoe Stock.
Ibe owner ct property oo l^ng
Ifwr rompady for the pureba
The shoe etoek of Alfred Greillck ft au.l haa been «)mmg here for
nweaearv H.>ctrical motors ft
Knai Front street.
yeare to apend tlu- summer. He lia*
b.,u,uch as an en
be«-n v.-rj- much impreeKod with Vrav-:
. ’
,.nuinmeni wlllbe i
thal. pniprietor erf the Globe
erae Cliv and Ha advanugea and has'
Tb« doors closed at 4 o'clock Tue* accepted the propoxitlon of (be tward
trade to move his plant to (Mh:
day aTiemoon as soon as (be di-al
Big Sun Spot.
Hty. which haa alreMy b
as eoinpleted. and ihr cooda
e pull- Ry Wire to Hu- Evening Record.
ow in poKsessKHi of The GUilto.
This store was l•stal>Ush<•<l
for 1
Itasbear of Alb-geuy. this tuornln
Slid has leuMed coveted one of the grretesl sun spot_ ... _........... ..
e buildli
IdlllK ever noticed bv asuruncmers.
IIbaa conilmied Uie bualneaa since.
corner of Prtrnt and Oak predicts an eleoirical dlsluThance ft
;k %as cooiemplated n'llrtny for
■ :i«H>r liasbear. who
wln> i«
lime and (he stock sra« pod- slroetK for a .vonr, or more, as cliruni- tomorrow. I’roftiisor
stuuces demand.
Ho haa employed knu»-n world wide..«ays the spofti apcontractor Thomas Uoullou
rmrslmale length h
la llK.ntsi miles. H
Mr. KosentbaL................................
rau Ire readily seen tbreugk a
begin preparattoDs for placins (be
giioda on aaU-. Thi' stock omalata «>l
high class (ooiwear for ladies and Ibe work. The Interior of tbu building
conven-EnnUemen, rubber goods and henry
To Break In New Shoes Atwmys Use
goods for working people sod luhiber- l<-nce of the com|*uy and Mr. Mold1<m will carry on the work until it ft
TishtiKSB BBd HtMsriae. cftrsp RwoUm.
leady for the plant.
Hr. Rosenthal will aimounee In
The funer* -aerriee of the nine
few ilayB owing to the great niBh of
Mr.^d —-........................
M™. VIC a palmer placed on Kale.
of i,..
buHluef^ hla rtinipany Is suhji-rted
eras beid Friday afteraoon at 2:S0
time In CJili
slay here Just lung enough to give the
irf the nmt Presbytertan ctaBreh efirj lusliuctlona und as soon as M<mr.»>. MicblKai., one of tbe leading
lag. There waa a proMslo., ol
illding Is ready hero, he will nursery- conci-rnB In Ihe UnltiHl States,
lUol BowMt and ibe mnale for
park bli
write UB that they want a m>od live
borne of tbe Rev. J. J. Sbeeban of the
ship it i
BEent in this si-cllon to sollcl! orders
Immaculate Conception church,
workmen trf the CbIcaBo plant have
Kr*. Huffman. Dr. J- A. Snyder nnd
ony Uklng place at 5 o'clock
for their trees, shrubs, rosea, etc. Ex
ibHr rsmllies lo t
wiutesaed by only the meroben
W. P. Crouw.
perience Is not necessary. They offer
xpecUHl that the
hy and
Immediaie famillei of the jwn*
lire plant will be ac good pay weekly and furnlah canvasuoval of
ompllshed between the
atne outfit free.
Henry Welmer «f Mnnlstoe nnd
We advise any man t>r woman In
if March.
force of the company Is not great, our community, who Is in a jkisIIJoii
MlH Mn HocS at UUs city were united
and Mrs. Campbell
o'clock Tuesday Ibc S:30 U. R. ft >. train for Chleaim there will be from seven to ten fami to take orders for the al«»ve bouse, tu
bs hii mail
trlmo- where they will spend (beir booe)'- lies movi-d here Immediately.
buildiiteebaalcal workmen who earn high
Miss Lndka Is. tbe charmlnic dau wages and will make Traverse City
ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Loitka their perTOanctit home. The contract
of 311'Vine slieel. Sbe is a popuUi
nflernoon l>elwe<-ii
Jn tb* nxter of tb
;Mi«. Anna dehnewi Dead.,
young lady and her clicle of frteuds li
I lire c
Mr. Schuyler
Mra. Anna ffobnun died
at her
lante one. Tbe Eromu is one of the
of llie boartl
beam at Wallin Saturday night of con- inosi popular yoiinB men of the cKy
1,-..rte Inlnln,.
"J* -Pf?
nnpdea. She lenres a family and
amiuni nii-ellDg of Ibe boani c
of '
lie Is IIbe- beml
Jan ::i
Mr. Schuyler is miieh
WM bnrled this aftenoon.
Campbell and Skdeher band and «
w-ilh the outlook and mt<« i
superinlendeni of ihc wuier work - ■
Ulcss -tlty of
iorcc oi
of muvvruv-u
w-orkmen will .....................
• -...........
— ------------------------(he
P'»o« l>ef«"'' i
dotilded w-lthlD a few luumlis. nuriiig!
In Ibe preeenoe of tbe immedlnte
ttb stek, 2,sir
In>. U.
Greening Nursery Co.
Arc You
These are opiM>rtunliles you should not
to advance, and we are ufferlBE them
this Is lta« Um week.
ibla sale. oYur time la limited
CM Bcareely afford ii
■lei pnriors in tbe Stnie Bank
iBf. They wtO lire in Uanmea.
snl and wal
poung pe»>pl
with unllmlK'd
wfnMriis only. Bvil U. Bouraou of (Ad
MtMton and Delmont 8. PricaiTot this
dt/.were united la marriage ai
Nrn. Priest la veil known to tbe
nad At Old Mlraloa vbo wUl wlah
bar moafa bapplnena.
Mr. PrteM la
aotploynd by Ibe Perw Marqnette lallnnd and also haa a host of friends
who are abovertn» tbeir best srisbes
upon him.
After a short rislt at Old
llu- Improved condllloiis and deeri-xiUNl, .
txis'nse deiii'mslr.ited 1u Traverwirily will enable him to make a iiapid
development of Ida business.
Wlille Ibis U only a biubiI eonceni. (Suty. on <h< inh day
Francis church Monday morning. They
dW and baa many frtenda both bare
Hra. Campbell t<
weddInE (n>m t
TbHr plans were carefully laid and
they fpven wept so far as to > '
the BiaUon In a cutler rether
ike cliaarea by ordering a cab from
llrelT stable.
i leuky InfitniBui a tideplKine I
eni at beet. The
II Ik imc which ejiiploys tie highest
class of tkUle<I labor and one which
Ihe prfmllai- advantagr’s »f Traverse
City will enable to grow much faster
than In a city like Clih-ago.
At the
annual ine<nlei-g of Ihe l-vitvl <>r trade
It waa eh-aily shown by the uulsidt-
MMMon tbe couple will be at home to
tbeir friends In this city.
• person wl>o anssrered the phone said he was busy
iklng preprariuns for hU wedding
ilch was to occur the nest
on tbe attemooB of Feb. » at their and the friend Immediately lost
bcMie. three miles noitta of Suttoos Interest In his presence.
All unknowing. Mr. and MrK. Cam|K
Bay. E3U. tbe lO-yearold daogtator of
bell drove to the stailnn and were uiet
with a shower of‘ rice• thal
I held Ibis •
Uttla Ella Mark It Oasd.
Sguons Bay. Mlcb. Peb. ll.-DM
Bar. A. J. Raftataol ofOcUUng.
coach and bev huBbnrid .
into (be next
passing cigars
freely In the hope of causing the *«►
Heme Burned.
pleple In the coach to go Into the
n« borne of M. Fltagerald
Wbmi the train pulled
Bnouslt City was badly burned Sunral Inches deep all
rice waa several
da# nlgbt while tbe body of bU 13^ the floor ud if
If Urey managed
amibaold daughter. Martha lay In rid of it all
before Chicago
fault of . tbeir
MA UtUa casket. Tbe fire originated
nsder tbe range and employes of F.
W. tvilHci's shingle mill catlngnlshed
tbn blaae.
A Little Firs.
Tbe fire d
1 In from tbe home of
A.' B. FDx.219 W. Ninth street Tuesdar morning
n overbeeted
vUeh orlglM
slose pipe.
Tbe blase ran up between
tbe waOs and was bard (o work wUb
bnt one tank of the chemical ezUnAntshed iL
Oanthaf Uttla Martha Irana FlUparald
Far tba Herald.
.Ibnba Irene
dnoBbtar iff
Mr. and
Mrs. Wllliaiu
ntraeraJd. of Bummlt City, was laid
to rest in Bvergreea oemetery. Kings.
iv. FhbniaiT Uth, the services being
hoM In the M. B. dyirch at Summli
Oty by Rar. J. B-PtaU of Kingsley.
Tbe mile one was bora Dec. 31. l»e.
Qod Id Ills wisdom baa recalled Uk
O-der of Eagles.
: •ars ago Tuesday, .i
ipany of
men met tocelber In
These men hud lK-.ti "up
igaliiHt ir Hi limes In their life and
fortune had
not drralt
kindly '
them. As they met loglber. there was
a common ohjecl. there w-ere many
frateniiil orders lei the world lint there
sraa rtiom for another one. tuie that
smild emlwKly prinrlpal" 'hat wouldj
unite men t..Blher elow-ly.
Out of their own experience*, those
men built an order which Is known as
the Frairnal Order of BaEles and
though II Is only etgbt yeare old.
y 1.4W aeries are scattered In all
parts of the country, Manilla. Alaska,
the Hawaiian talands. Mexlca, Alaska.
idn with a membership which t>s
day- la pressing close lt> the half million mark.
Traverse Cliy aerie. No. 3S.-?. cele
brated Ihe occasion last evening with
a ladles s<k-1iI session.and the aBalri
laa tbe most KuccMsful In tbe history '
of the lodge.
So well was H enloyed that It waa 3 o'clock this mornlog Irefiire the daircers left the hall.
pnnudsnd nrculatsd w
Great Oean-up Sale
you netNl footwtvr.
Sl^t place In Ibe borne which rau
nsver be filled.
nlahe.1 l.y Stew-ari'S
;i table with a few of t
We have nimle a
SI Walk-Over......... .................
Men’s SS,Wi Vlcl Kid Dress shoes, for .
StvlUb IMteni U-ather Dress si
:t thji*. ft
For Women
To buy from thoM means a aavlng of 50e to 1
Odds and I'ds fnim tJ and fill.ju liiu-,s .,
.. .
Rut dam-lug
For Children
But we feel tbe dear
little one has l>eeii called to a better
served and iMs feature waa enjoyed
lo Ihr uinioKl.
While the guest, were |«rtaklng
the luinqnrt. nii impi-nmptii program
w-as tmtler.-.i.
Mig Joseph Sleder.
Frank and George Kiuaak. gave some
very pleasing voral iiiimbetw. Her
man Kirt-hner playt'd a cornet solo,
plaving his own piano
and Ray
Magnon and
Dnehm sang a dint.
The affair wa. verv well pliiuned
and excellently carrhtl out and refiocled great credit on the commltlre
In charge,____
bnow In Heaveo.
Breka His Arm.
Betions Bay. Mkh.. Fob.
\ apenkera and great Interest Is es' pseted at tbasa meeUngs.
Tba wedding at Kalamasoo vai
to SalvathM
1.. 1,. H,.'. 11..'
the cseeptioo here.
Starts the day just right. This is just
the place to get just the
coffee that just suits.
We selhhe Old Government Mocha and Java blend at 40 ceota, the good
old stand-by. H you haven’t tried Mrs. Rover’s own special blend, it is time you
did. "This is the result of years of study. Sells for 40 cents.
We sell for 20 cents the Buster Brown, the Bells, the Mexoja, the
Dutch lava.
Something new and good is tbe Hard Water blend at 20cents, 25 cents
and 30 cents.
In the pound packages you can buy the Jersey at IS cents, tbe Arbuckle’s
at 18 cents, the Lion at IS cents, the JConcord
25 cents, the Continental at 20
cents smd the Lexington at 30 cents.
You Will Like These
Sweet Midget Gherkins. 35 cents.
Mustard Dressing,’20 cents.
Sour Mixed Pickles. 20 cents.
Mushroom Catsup.‘25 cents.
Walnut Catsup, 2-5 cents.
Chutny Sauce. 25 cents.
Sweet Mixed Pickles
Blue Label Ketchup
Sniders OysterCockiail^auce.'25 cents.
Colossal Queen Olives. lEic, 2*5c. 50c. $1
Manianilla Olives. 10c. 15c. 26c. 3.5c
Deviled Olives, H>c, 15c. 25c. 35c
Pure Horse Radish, lOc
slunl diMwas. and prvarriM
I. aad by coMaatly taUnt lo
. ■ ■ .•^^fgj-.CHPfgr A oa. Talada. O.
raoMy deroted
Hie Best Goods 'Iliat Are Pul Up.
twCblsnaiB UUS
as SM-tKia
strtKui «it the
pal l.arthrv,
wsa SBppnwd to
Hera to Help.
Captain aud Mrs. Vandevllle
Alpena, who «..re married on Friday
last ai Kalamasoo. win be In the city
SCUrday and Sunday to aaalst Cam
tain Routers In sperisi-meetings at
• Salvation army hall. Mrs. Veode‘
B “
a sister.
THE BIG STORE"—Dealers in Evaryfliing
Id the 35 cent class wc have the Monarch Blend, the Yale Blend, the
Arabian Banquet and Spurt’s Revere. Can recommend them all. Each kind
has many steady customers.
For Men
l«obe His love bad given and made s
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
f^'SiSTRlM^m.tvranraratlre .
seuf,‘^ Of aaoo shoos
Grahd T^ver^ R^on.
tM late to «M. Alio
rM»h the ttoraW ••tea not
toto M cMT«towndeflto fall to DM
:iMf* hi. «wy mmy bo aiwrit that It
» after tlwio_____________
’ r Mlw Kettle Rom vlalted her aitUr.
Xkirie. at the boDio uf A. C. Wrakoop,
"rs.1; _____
_anT Thoapeee. the oparaton hare.
H%’a va...................
VBOiUiw vlalUnc
-Sa Uklna a «ai%’B
'Ma folber at Cednr and
r Daanile of Copenlah la tak-
. 1 Oaa Vallaau
of Lake ABB'vaa
, Ipadar Ru eallar Stonrdar.
yljto N. aWaler la,»eiT aldi at thU
■U-^feme Voloe aaaiatad aa waltera.
Mra. O. RobertacM vaa a rerr capable
aod chamlDc toaatailMraca aod cauaad Bnich BietTliBent by bar tnetboda of
iDlrodoclnc the apeakera. Mra. JohnatOB and Mlaa Bnnlce rendered pleaalotoB. Mini Hiller Bnee a readlnit.
C. ». Kehl aod Mra. CJm». Writr OB WedBcadar to ipand a
■opondto vlth (coau lo arorara.
____BaumlterKer. poeMbllltlea: Mra.
P. R. Darla. BobWe: Mra. J. T. Mathipanr <
the toUevlne tribute to the boat'
liaU on Tucadar
a maetlna
IK at tk
intereat fannere
iere's to our ta
In the raMa« of beau.
e expected ibey'd girt- ua n
Mra. WIlllaoaoD apent W'cdacaday
Id Trareree CHrMra. J. Burdice relBrned to her boiac
In Bentonla Saturday BioniltiE.
R. a. Walter mad Mr. Criap of Traraa City, otonpled the pulpit lo tte
. B. ehuirta Senday inoratoc i
.I. D.
- De
Delta Tbe Utter.
DemeGfaDts ahe has no Volet-la
hoBie Pri
tbe nutter.
day eeentnt from Lenalos.
So flU up your cups lo Ibla cbannlnE
The banket ball club bare rcaumet
_--itn|!« turn meet
We-ll drink lo tbrtr health In thU fine
enlnic at the loarn hall.
flarored punrti.
Mra. G. RobertaoD
lefltbla momloj
BIrney Pickard of Leland apMt
for Dk Rapidc.
Mondar In toarn on business.
C. A. Baumberner apent laal WedFeb. a.
lira. Uuldoaa'a paranu «t MMdeloo.
Fred Bordeaux of Leland
si Wo walker leavea oar vtclnhy to^ for Maaltovac. Wli.. arh«a« he Monday vltb bla parenU.
The Hotbara' raaettnt met at the
^ tha praapact of a food }ot> and rehome of Mra. Gao. Blglov laat WedThe lolloeitiE
rios onoffl*"a. C. WratoSTaltandad the eoBwaelected; Mra. W. H. HuriMi«. C. B- Kebl.-vice prea.
Wrialey. aeereUry. Afte
. Mn. Joe Barken and Mra. Elanr the bnslaaaa and aoeial eeulon Hn
refieebinaoU. con' JCtalB attended the fnaaral of MVa. Btffcrr - aerred
• • •
be bald
rofea drat
at the home of Mra.
Wadnaadny In-ltaxeh.
Miaa Bello Kllmunay af Trararee
I. SpuEle.
City It. the *we*i of Mra. J.
UiS.»“ SL-
Lanalnr Salnrday.
The WoBBB'a dob held tbeir
oatd aoeial avanliiE at tbe borne of
ay evei
Mn. G. W. DBBia laat Toeaday
Inc. Tbe comaalttoe
Se. Me
____ a d. M. BBBfc A.* Voice and Mias
____ ______
.. very en
had. prepared
? C. B. Kahl and dauptitar Oiaea a
joyable and nnlque enteitalnmeot.
Jharadar In Tiareiae CKr.
toblcb wax enjoyod by toenty-flre
P Iho faailir of WID OUl are Ul wtth mecBbera and frtanda. A aong conteat area dren In which tbe gneaU
IT tSa^L Wrialer laa been antol
their ability aa artiaia In lUuafill the VBcantT <» tba acAool traUng aonga. afieraard gueealng tbe
aonga repreaented. Mra. ICatbeara and
a Mr^ O. H. d
Mias Burdge
tbeir ablUly
iurdge abowed
Vf r tbe greateat number of the
ta for
trUaa* and artlatle producUona. Draadng
T‘*T'Nlt*caaa and faaiUr are
Inro S,e^
tunate ooe. Mra. A Barileu racelt
tbo oonaolatlao priae. Following tbia
- needio er-------——----------------for a abort
n of salads, waferm. dir«« a
fralt pBBCh WM aerred. Gladys Dame
'■. SkaUBK la the preaent i
. . a. J. 1^ Clbba aptnt a part o( the
past week in Traettrae aty..
Will Jackson of Tiarene City
' «>e orer Sunday.
Wime and Bdwiu Gran who have
both been quite sick, reentered echoed
The VouBE Peoples'society u« ex'
pccUng to bold a -‘Heart" aoeUl ^thc
Halltdar house Salnrday nldit.Vhb.
tCth. It is hoped there wtU ‘ h
larae attendance.
Feb. It
Joe Coan ef lUnlsIee U the pie«
>4 hU eoaaU. Mrs. Harry Workman,
for a lew weeks.
Mra. Bose Aruulrtiog spat Sunday
with Mrs. B. A. Stone of Nkkeiauo.
Drs. Webster and Van-dtvWalker, of
.. for tbe rcUKiral nf a tumor. Tbe
operation was a saemw and Mrs.
CUrlk K doing fine.
HtaB Violet Shutler expects lo ac
cept a poKtliuD a> clerk In A. B. Stin
son's atorr- In KinysV-y In the luwr
Feb. 11.
Good winter areatber line slelshinE
The 1iiml>em»en are tmpruviiic It b)
ishlBE in their logs.
Clinton Prsr and Slna liubturd
S. E. Le«l> and Chas. Rllluit
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
re the gueslc
Bate* of Bate* Sunday
Vrban Bulsmeee and Uncoln I.ackey
retnm--d home S.vturday from MatiihLake. w-befo they have
Teach Your Wife
Sometbioe of buaiBOM metboda; after yon bav,.
Rooe on four long jooniojr it may be a very (;teet
help to b^. Give her reuoUriy tor family <
andli-tbi-r loom to ktvp a btok accotuL
check, etc.
us and like iL the bauL book is a bnaineas-like
reoortt and each check is a receipt.
Td Ii CliitMl Oil It CMsiMili Ijiss Hull tel
aWE HAVE ransacked our entire store and
•'* warehouse and every piece of furni
P"VEBYBODY HAS an idea that it is necessary
^ to have a lot of ready money in order to
itself again, included in our list of slightly dam
buy furniture. This is not so: our easy payment
lected together and placed on our third floor
aged goods is nearly everything necessary for
system places the possession of a cozy home
.where thay will be sold at prices that will cause
the home. If there issomethin^ lacking'in the
within the reach of all. Here you can supply all
a sensation among economical buyers. These
parlor, sitting room, dining room, bedroom or
your home furnishing wants and pay for them
are the accumulation of the entire year and our
kitchen you can satisfy that want now with about
as it is convenient to you. It makes no differ
recant inventory brought them to light. They
one half the expenditure of i^ney that you
must be closed out to make room for the heavy
could under ordinary circum^ances. If a sav
ence to us whether you are a millionaire or
whether your day's pay represents your wealth
shipments of new goods that are coming and
ing of money means anything to you. you'ean
your honest reputation makes your credit good
we have kecided on a sharp, quick sacaificet.
not afford to overlook this—Think it over.
One reed. 3 witocnl Ubiea and
3 with feeding table, all at leu
money than you will ever be
able to buy tben again.
A good, bea>T. well made high
ebair, flnlBh all^Uy marred.
has a cbeek or mar has Irwii
put In with tbe dmniaged onus.
Come early as tbe beet ones
go first Ytw can get a big com;,
fnrtable arm rocker w-lth mbicr
amt. Just one small chock In
III vomvr segi-«. ♦Ailld w«km1
M-ats or cane, many of lb<tn
1..11 will have to examine clorvly
,!i«-ovcr a naw. still It's there
aod lor this reason .vou may
have It for half what yoj would
any other
in all grain-'. Iu!1 s-t- aii.i
broken s.-i». in s.-ie:xl l«i-ian<-<-'
htere are lull r-i-'r wllh l|ill eiiie
or 1W.0 chairs sligh'lv riamaip-d
and the perfect
we inii In
to make the sei ronipUie are
alone worth mure Ui-io we ask
for the lot.
In six. clctit and t<-e fuM
loticthk. some uf them hsre
Tiardiy a scratch, thewe hare
b'-t-n luuvl as samples on uur
sales DcBirs and (be finish i- just
marred enough to make ><ni a
wonderfiil barcain.
A good M*lld h foot, goldi-li
<e.k Ul.le. a• small split i
In this lot are Inrluded all udd
beds as well as damagt.-d •
lo many instano-s the n-st of
the suit has ls-»-n sold'
Iron bods leaving several st»>d
■lieds on hand that we will dls
poae of at damaged l“-d priow
NOW 65 ds.
FROM 60 cts. UP
FROM 53.75 UP
ONLY $3.75
SeU FYom 53.56 op
___M have •IW
- iUt mured
tigmea. otoera
n toe 01
s g lltUe aoUed.
Om la a ngidar 17.00 coach
n good cooaiUoa. amaU pteee
jf moeldlas bnkeo tram frame,
aa good as ever for eecrtoe
WOU HAVE ian opportunity to buy ferniture
“ n/tutr
kivaf willla/i
now that
in all probability never present
ture that is the least bit damaged has been col
-Beveiwl o(
Several good dreuera Ibst Just
«so^ being In firsKleas coodiilon. Bome were slightly mar
red or Jamed iB shipping, others
from careless handling in the
wanAonae. neverthelews
buyer will profit at least ooetaalf their acinnJ value.
W<- have owt .1 dozin of tboe
lhat.bsdwe tbi- lim.-. It would
pay us i<> refinish Thi-y were
stored lo a damp |iluce and the
fililsb has become dulled in
'some spots, otherwise tfae> arc
perfect. Cu vou inimsgiue it.
a solid oak coramude
\t> have l.tit -m- ,.f ilu-se (hat
we can liicliie In unr ilaniace<--l
lor It is a gulden oak. well flnl.lu-d. five large drawers. b-.,v>
brass irtnimlngs, sneb a chif
fonier a.s you WCTtl-l cbesskeil to
pov IS.rat for. has small check in
side parel. This puis U lu the
FOR $2.25
$6.00 CLASS
we bare doxent oC these in all
aites and tlsla. In tome a rod
has been a lltUe bent, others
have a lltUe enamd peeled oB.
any of them are worth twice the
price yon cne boy them at now
We have dozens of lace cunaiDs
thai have been used as samples
thtoe arc allgtily scdled. in all
Instance where vou are willing
to lake tbe sample, you
just one pair at 33 14 percent
All sample portieres
cloeed out at little more than
balf price. Como in cm- and
buy a K.ftn portiere for Ll.no
You may as well make this sav
ing as not
r Is sick with pneu day evening.
John 1
monia. bit U^tlowly galiilnE,
MUs LudgivcuofLaHstid Is ylKiUiig
Horace PbilllPM lias, recovered fmm Mr. and Mrs. Gilbm l*iay of Htbi-I
bis fall so roneb as to lx- out again.
Rola-rt and Hal Stoop made a trip
There Is a good deal of slekrusa.
colds ana
aod enme
anme whooping
vmvpiug t-uiigu.
Abb* BolKDiere retum<-d home Saiaround tbit winter, which m;ikes it irdav from B.-llalrv.
»ry bad for the schools
ivii Fairbanks and Clau.le Warner
Feb. n.
weie In the nelghbotliooil Kri.lay.
L. Warner lost
1 compani
on bis farm last week.
IsilDE of Messrs. Percr Tbom^
Mrs. Rut-bnior*- is guiug jo Kinev-i
LONG LAKE.______
Tbe Nx little cousins of John Miss Lena Kriser of ,Monr>ie Cen
Slocum, and
son. Ehnie Hiller, EmeM
L-y to visit ]i<-r auui. Mrs ll>-iir) ll.-r-; Plenty of snow' Is the enr of the
- him on hhi tlh bir
-es Martha Sbi
■ert. a fonii'-r n-si.trnt of this pb
lunibeniian now.
Mrs. Philip Scblehtel rciuriK-d from da}-, wblc-h was Feb. '
Mrv D. Hollenbeck is sl;k
Atm Arbor last Tuesday^
idtire her latbet's ilealb
spend the winter with relative* here
Janies CofBeld Is .bpflte from camp
lor. Mrs. H. Thayer, went to Trarerae Hiss Kate Rawlings attendtvl
Traverse t-lty.
few days.
City Thwaday. Feb. 7th. where she tortalnment at Summit City Wednes
Walker has gone to tbt- hos
i S. .8. Wi
• • • Skiver is quite sick.
married to WlHam Henry Spar- day night.
ipllal at Grand
Rapids fi>r treatment.
Will Harrison has purchaeed a ne
- lend s
ling by the pastor of- i
wood marhine.
church. Miss Hobbs ha:
Mones and ^glev Underleaf were
Mrs. L K. RlrbardMD. last SundkyE. B, Gibbs of South Ma>-(leld was
r%rl CVx hat a sick hoipe.
business caller in this vicinity last railed home by the severe siekricii-s of
. Harry Johiiw-n Is on the rick l(t-t.
GUdvs Hsil has been «oUe sick.
tbeir father. A I.tnderiraf.
T(«!>- and Iiun Dubm are troth sick
Miss Cora Prar has ^•eelI rialling
It Is btHter at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stelnmillc.collector for
with the grip.
relatives in Bates the past week.
prominent agricultural
tmplemeni reuimed fcom Wisconsin Wednesday.
Feb. n.
Mrs. Ullle THoff left for Saginaw
ing for Mra. Bd Emory at iirtwenl.
Tlw Limit of Lift.
The Young Peoples- aocietr held
Harry and Will J.ibDwm have L
The mpst eminent medkal aoienl^MlM*linra Knapp of BJackman and
butlnesa meeting Friday evening
Bom tn Mr. and Mrs. Cramplon. a ha-Jtlng logs to Traverae City the past »ts are imAalmoiis in tbe eoBCitlBkai
borne of Mrs. Charlea WaUh. Pete Arhogost of Canada rtslted Mrs
the home
son. Feb. Snd
G. Rawlings last week.
offleera were olfcted
Tbe following offle
Thom Gbering has got a sle\ horse.
n nfe'ls b^r. ^to briuw
C. C IVrklns has gone i<> Grand
Mr and Mrv Harry Workman v
Prea.. Mrs.
Pres.. Percy
mra. 'Walah: Vice
» iu«- na..
Ed Eznory's mill startrd up Uuo- ._. _________
inmeni possible'
.._ the adRapidh.to work for a lohan-o hotiwt.
Thompaoo; See.. Mias Martha Short- ailing in Wexford Saturday,
day morning for tbe winter.
vaorvd knowledge of whtrb the race
His familv will go later.
pb Michels Is s
Geo. Jameson is on tbe sick list.
is now pussewsed. The rrilkal peri
voted to pay the bill for the church
od that determines Its duration,
Ughilng up to Feb. 1st. and to buy a
w-ems to lie tielw<-ea 60 and M: the
"Everybody Should Knew."
and occupy his iting relatives.
rtig for the pulpit.
proi-r rare of the body during thU de
The V. P. «• F. «rf this plan- are hav- Rars C, H IfavT^. a |.n.mln.-nt
Mrs. Fred Brackentnirv of South own bouse.
cade cannot be too slruogly urged;
Seymour Menzies of Grant visited log a rtinlest which has added over 50 ness man c>t Illiiff. Mu., that V
Boardman and bet dau|Ater. Miss
can-H-ssnesB then being ftul to longElla Brackenbury. who is teacbtnE bit uncl^ Harp- ^"orkinau. a few days new inemb<‘ry. also giving an incen
evlly. Kiturr's liest helper after M ia
tive fur an doing the U-st U
tbe school at Holmes' Siding. Wsiled
r wound, or to a easo of Electric Rlllerv. the oclentlSc Ionic
the society.
Mrs. Cbas. W'alsh Friday and Satnrmedicine that r*-vltallxes every organ
■ ■
a nut
lunilior. of our peopU- je i plk-*. . .
I islkiuc about." Giiarantmil ... . . n. irf the Iasi) Guaianteetl by C. A. Bugyiisly.
laving la grl|
Mrs. Janie Hallidav has rftumed
to! lluglM-e Drug Co. Hannah Drug Store. bee Drag (-n.. Hannah Drug Btora. 8.
Hiss Emma Fasol '
from Pellston. where she has been car
K, Wait g Sons.
Is. E. Wall A Suns. '
Elk Raidds uii ilie ice yesterday.
ing for her daughter. Mrs. George Sunday with her i
FROM 35 els. UP
The Homemaker
Jardiniere Stands
n;'-,thsi ar-.- in giwjd
.-..n-iitioTi w;'h ,'he finish marred
in .. lew f-ls.-.', that we. will
We h.v. two r-r thrw mljust
«!.;■ end <l.iveiii«irts that are
ju'i a lifl- sh-.p wora. Their
ionstt-tcP- IS l--rf..wt- You
c sbou.,J,.K
or.-'If '
I- ew-.-h- so.i'l 1
l-ra.'s ITituci-d t
ONLY $10.75
■icMfig ■•v.-ry, iMiir that 'll.,
a iis<-.J ss sampb-s.
1 so on -down in sn H'.-gai;'
• Of heavy r<»pe dr.tia-rics
. ». '}- ;■ I.inai.i ::i «ur entire
t'ar-F- ..'i.artDi-ot l« taciuded
u. 't...v c ,-snH.p Many pb^es
ur=e i-nnuso l“r an ordinary
^izr-d rotim: Siume In granites,
ir.zisl'ise liJs-*(0 brusaetl, veln.iw on-.-rtng you toe biggest
saving of tbe season in cmTpets.
Speaks from Ejqperience
Dr. PibNob
u om o(
• letter frmw Z. t- Baimam.
wbkb explodes a
A Jetter hat been recrived bv the tore, ^^ hb lamp, he aay^ tl
to ZB year* to cut np tbb timber.
tuaUy from B. L. Sansom'Mated Ea
wllb Easier Sonday.
Charles Cntro aad wtf,- returned to
The Onaway powlofSce I
Sberlfl Johnson b aUli uriwiib Bl
oes. Honuna. Feb. 8. 1007. It b a*
tbetr home In Grown this umniUig.
at hU botne.
rt again. Tbe change was made * liiJ n7nro.le‘Ctad^
Isey r
We have moved again; K b 1:00 p. on Saturday nigbl and only a few her birme in Th
m.. and we bare gone eleven miles
The term Indbn i
wera wbe to It until they went for
since IS hours ago. Tbe railroad cumI twenty ysars* after
pany b feeding us two meals a day. their wail Mraday merslng. The Ona - Mi>. J S. Horton V
rich and poor alike. It U raining and way poMofftet- has been
moved so ihtr morning.
' uTarot .
baa since four o'clock this morning, many Umea that U b beyond ihe-keo
Mr>. Hel.-n '
t« wwsu-rn Pennaylvaala. and spread tu
but tbe snow b up to tbe enr windows.
of man to remeraber the exact num•’-'(New
179*. to New York
We BS< miles from Beattie: just when
we will get ihciv God only knows. b«r. For a long time it jumped fr-^
E. E. Maynard and wife weiU t„!br I7M. to Canada by 1821 and to
John and i sra tbe happiest of any on one tmd of the town lo the other. It I* Grown today
. j Cngtand by I83D, The term to. then.
ibc train: some arc very anxious to. satd that Ihe town derived Us name
Mrs. H. Wllkt^i rr-t irned
tq I'..
Americaatom: to write
get Ihnjugh Wc don't caic si» wc arc
txruii- in Summlii Clt> this mbn
something like this: A stranger i
praise of Indian aammer Is i
warm nod comfortallc,
Jol-n passi after spending :a el«jrt time tq i
iltcraiT conrentlon of three
i-d □ eottl Dizhi and had no chill tbU ed to.know -where the postoTSce was,^,^
to Traveme City Satorday and ivlum- morning. It I* cotulng the railroad auti a grixiled vet Said "On the Way." j
no^ All reinraefl
ed home Monday.
company at leaM/J2''."fw a dav and
Baxter H. Bnice, lieycar-oW son of^iu ftnith Hoardnan tbb
J<Ao Olewm of Acme vitdled with j the. are loaing
• • s at least fOu.OdO more
C. N. Broop of Bverott b ameog thosei
parenu. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olesao.'on account of n
not moving no- frrighi
family, last week Ti'iK-siiay. and inriiis. but Ihw can't help ibctashlyes.
wiwt to
re;i:rnfd to hb borne '
I should hate gonr to vrurV ibis morn- academv at Annapolis.
j Ed.
MIm »li> Wheeler
sitciidlng iog If I bad had n pair of nv<-ralls and
Mra. E. l> s:itn;,-y I
or Mi-ibln ’'
pure food show will be held
ligh scluni at Glen Arbor.
ralM ci«i. a< th«-> <>ir< r>-d six d>iltan>
tills morning
losing fruro April 21 to May I. It
day in one u nici and jdiovul.
Miss Lens Oleson of Glen Arimr
A. S Hotuul ten t»r Itroii.l RaplilKi
The miu-t dangerous thing ihat'isusited on .Hiss Poari Lawr ewe day
There Is 1ms of tail limber here, but win folbiw the Grand Rapid* exhibit, Ibis morning whete he will .-rttcnrl i qwn do when affected with a emigh or
Tbe Mate rvtuiblicaii eoaveniioii ar a ) eoM Is i>. use a luedlcim- That eonlams
- ______
is Tamarack, and t1. Bre has kill- h.id April 7 to itMrs. P. J. Burflend. Mra Geo. Uiwr. «vl it. Tlie letters 1 wrote for Ihe last
I whli-kj ora tablet that is ramlr of
TUera Ik a move «m f.wt. sponsored^ deteSBie.
flays are In iho mall car alit-sd Hr the MltiiiCTO
u Kingsley lhis -.^e real tar prodiici IhtttlBg aside
Veterinary 1
'' .j-.
and daughter Pearl, called un Miv.
and I will eloKe and put this m wlili
bjrctlons to filling np with
Geo. CHcsun last week.
MK-ieiy. to esiablisb a veterinary de-j
J. G. Holliday gave an enicrtaln- lh<-m so yiHi will cut tbi-ni all logelhr:
Geftcroi New*.
Uoii'i worrv sIkiiiI ur. .-is we ilon'l psrtmeat In llie Michigan Jtsrirpliarol
menl in the Pon Oneida school bouse
Thc-rt- will, le ant>'h<-r reheraai of! rboiiid be sufflefent to keep one from
but Monday. It was enjoyed by all goover'K-n miles an hour wlii-n w-t college.
do go.
bev4- Mroog medlrlBe*.
who attended.
Mrs. Gustavns Strauss, a residtmt of ••Scen.-s from I .l-alou Uepat" this
K. I. Ibtnsom.
. ,l‘”‘The
.... m>»t sensible as well as the
HiKs Kiln Miller has been VblUng
St. Clair, stnre 18<i5. although first
.............. '_,of IV-tvr Swaam}!! lArtI'only
•irtt 'only sctcnilftc
scientific way
way W> trr-al a rough or
Mrs. W. Wheeler the |«sl week.
coming tUeiv ill lR5i, widow of the Is- sorry i»> learn ttwt be Is laid ii|ilcoIi1 Is I" Inhallt
A ideasanl surprise was giten
Ffdlowing i!m- board of tra-!i- eh-e- lute Gustavus Strauw.
there with Tf-<urmuilsm.
aiiler Salurtby
and Mrs. John Mil
Fred llunn is abliI tloa at Grand Rapids, at which E. A-. nmrsrtay. ngi-d 75 years.
• be around
tue tn tv
vening. AUuil 21 guests
we. ihtviai and lungs
------- ^
nl. A nililDisbt supiier was aerreii
eil. [stowv was liected president :md 8.
Her Arsi i1dc oa n train oaciitml
Mrs. Joseph Wykoff's friimds wiU
Araong the few remedies that a e
Feb. Ui.
A. Mormon and Robert D. - Grabacii. Thursday, when Mra Julia Kr^e*. of
surtv III hw>n that «he is III..
used in this wav. HyronR stand* p
vlco-prestuf-nts. a sitmpluoos banquet Port liunm. -aged 'i9 year*, went to
The W. C. T. V. will meet with Mt». emineul. It Is b
iristi. North Sjirncc sfievl
was given in the Audilorluiu. Wcflncs- rlMt a relative In Detroit, Mrs. Keye« Cbas.
I. aimbermen are taking advantage
Thtnxlav ajieriiisiii.
duy- night. Oyer IdM) feasted. whUo has Jived In P-Mt Huron all her life.
of tbe sleighing.
J. W. Srailb pul son log* in tbe mill
in the gaJlerifw. locAed on and
After suffering y,.*r» of privation.: nirs-j, ,n..r
p.-r -«-vere
attack of eimiluiiH
n effects a tboiough
yard «t Acme lo fire day-* last week.
listened to the siieorhe*.
Sirs. Harguret J. kfonroe ,of Vaessr^. lypliuid fever and will
Frank O'Brien b building, an Jeel
Tbe l•e*l people In Traverse City al
public meeting was
called in aged 73.
hoone at hU resort. D. F. HoxMe »* ,.
ways keep Hyotnel at hand In the win
it^Hlng'maierial for hfs cotia^'ai the K’l'-arr
Vpallanil through the civil w-ar. has juM l>c« :
ier Mster;'Mra a/j. ■er montb and at the find symptom*
resort. B. F. Btotra Is lo do both join Wednesdsy night to eonalder a propo granted a pension -of 8S a month and i Morgan.
■>f a cold or bnmcbisl trouble, nse the
of CTrpenl^ worit.
^;aiilon of l^ix A Schram company, fiftt" back- pension.
Mlwlonary remedy and prevent serious and last
Hlldred Wltbey. the little grand
e anxiou* to locate a big pickle
the ofl-Cxpre.si ,i wish of Mr. and ‘
l^e Ctmgn-ciHooai ehuren ing lllnea*. Jf you have any doubts
child who is lUing with Ezra Wllhey.l
ni,i..e..,v ...wi -1 ...rf
*■' >' ftlwards. ns to tbe effveta fAllyomcl In curing
again a few day s ago,.
Mr*. Bernard Ridgeway, aged .4 and
xvebster street this evening at coughs, colds' hRd liraHttia'l UQuhlev.
well as can be expect- U neccssaiy
« amount or 67. rewpccllvi-ly. lhai they mlglit die;7;S0.
the^guarantee 9 B.
"cukes" necesanry.
■rgether. was f-jlfillt-d Thursday when!
The Sewing Circle of Qiu-i-ti City
ifil should cvmvtAro y«ni
eiiraiive power* A HvomeJ otit
liaU.: Mr*. Bldgiroay pasw-d away a few t Camp. No.
573. will tDevi al
Tbe second -annual
trpbold I
. but is getting along
is 81. and it It does not give aatwhich is the nodal eyeot of
>f the season
htub..,, b.b
oB 8 F Wall A Boo* wiil re
ul foldwater. was given by the Knights
Z. Green b lumbciing this winter
A clock wltlm if
wh.H-1* b the I
Regular ronelave of Tniv.-ra.- City turn vour muuev.
rmplara in Arrooiy
hall. Tuesflay
and he Intends doing some building
Extra bottles of Hvoaei. If needed,
niglit. Over MK> peopie- a
attended, aud unique product of Orville U Allen-1 etmunanden- lonighi.
this apriBg.
can U- oblalBod for 5«c but the eoB815)1 was cl'-an-d.
berg, an optician of Saginaw. Thc|
*»>■ W.-dnes-Uy
P. Fau
ha* bought the Alfred ■
pk ic oulfli Is usually enna^ to e«n>
,lb,WlK,. .bw, I. bull.
1< Jb'™b
several e»dd*
Black bouse from Joe Schmidt aadlannunl Hav festival in AttJ#ArU>r U
will move It onto hU resort on the bay jthe largest ever. The program this particularly peculiar inasmuch a* eaeli)__________________
H. P. BtoHA ha* paich*M< a teUy
pw catter.
ThaCa rtshL L<et*s have an aaaiial
Cnad Trarerae donnty asTiculUral
(air. The ellr and aamniadlnK
07 lAaold work band ta hand,
iMve the Coo4<
cm«< aad as alc« a loeatouBd. LM
ttaa as caa be found
tiwolden to the wheel aad rerffy the
ettae noAe by
latkn—Traverse CHy
»I0—»epolatl<3e 20.00*
'le matter V...............
» North?
Shi- 8 all" right
■pcali (rcMD peraocmi espcrcluws «ith HO iHrtllK
Kcsnlls Talk
niars Why
“NHisiir com ciiKS.
Wc HIV SltiB^Uiw-lbinl* oT the
StHnses la TiHrcnif City today.
Dr, Wolfe’s Branch,Office
M14Winwta BUI.
Dr. B. L. Paulson oi«i»««rist
: be badly hurt. He then went on the
double quick up toward Flsber's mill
all right until be left the road In
amoitg etumpa and log*, when the cut
ter vras soon left behind In pieces,
R. W. MaUtBOB aad Bari Bra
did not learn If tbe horse was fauTl.
bead divr* to Traeerse City
Eugene Pbber and family arc now
The dance at the town ball laai Uvhtg In their new hoase near tbe
PTMay was well attended and all re moath of CrriUl river, that he built
thb winter.
port a aood time.
The Haecabeea held a mceUng in
Mr. aod^ Hra.' Danm Seeley went Raft ball last erenbg.
Feb. 10.
Ra^ds one
baylac poUtoes ooe day It
hcHBo <« aoooonl of the death _______
father returned to bis acfaotd In the
Upper PWnsala last Mooday.
Myna Tbrnphtna went to'Traverae
air OM day Mat week.
The little dangbtera of Mm. John
ooe have bea quite stek the past
R. W. liatteeoa loeded logi at the
depot a few daya laat we^.
Bari Braomhead went to Boardman
PiWay wUh auppUea.
A. H. Webater broke his eaglnc.
orUch be toes in hb lumber mill.
The Grar
e a good r
Ine received a letter from
prominent Ann.. deali
- ..
la fuel and
lumber In Bt. Joseph. Mich . sUtlng
that they had read
the Bast Bay
ce that be had gotten'
out orer 3M0 cedar fence posts. Tbcy •bore.
jyrzr uffers a numln-r of vci..'eminent hand openitc* Indepcnilenily of the)
wanted to know bb price for a carioad
M. A. Ryan I* lowrucllng a singing |artist*, to be heard there for ibe Aral other.
The clock is worked
Iiy J
f. o. b. the can at tbe Kelley Lumber rlaa* at Ihe Acme M. B. church every j|me.
company’s atatlon.
■ icsdsv evening. Free lo all Only
A. H. Wood, for over'.inears a w idlThe Canimer ilaniifacuiring Co., of
Born, to Hr. and Mra Art Graham,
t'.adiliac. pr<H>ahIy holds the record torj
son. Thb makes them a family of
some Ice and frariiired the luanitfai-iuH- of rralus In tbe stale ,
The Manure mill ha* sUried cut- baby, who aectns very well aaiisf
They turn iHit alatm ."..ttoi) craloa a,:
ting ahlngles for Octare Bomlne. He with fab home and i* doing finely,
day. and on several occasions' havehas B No. I quality of cedar logs and
Feb. 12.
iK-i i Clark. «i
they are turning out nearly all firsthigh a* 5.2U6 In a siagte
ffariiire i»f I
grade ahlnglM.
y fulling ft
Rrol Estate Trantfera
day. When 2‘i years agtt Mr. Cumtner
Harrev Martin has letanied from
Joseph J. Sehukoccht and wife to
' paid 820 for his help, his payroll now
8U Ignaoc.
Thnmns Hanabergrr. parcels. 8200.
[i fleun-r up to 4Ir>uI 8::.<)00 a month.
As F'TOBCls Fbrton fs tn balM a bam
>!suniDC. )ired
Gottfried Wli-sl lo Cbarics P. Weav dav frow Idood
J-i'in E- liarar, for many
iqyrtag. h« baaled
■led hcalf*
er. iiarccls. 8425n.
eauro mil
iin 40 ba oawi
Willium S. Eliott.
l.-raii of ll).-;|.ros|.lrnt of the So-ticrr A lUrdSi
ito bciUdliig material.
Civil war and welldim
Furniture eumiunr. at Uuclisnsn. has*
Joseph Fortne b hauling cedar toga .tarti. lot 1.....................
Tlmrsduy innrnlng al Vassar.
n-ilred from active business and If ll.ji
to the' K^ley Lumber company's milt Lake, i
James Hutebinson. aged 63 yearn.
Mra. Anna tuoe and famllv
base moved into J. W. Wllaer'a bnoee.
There wea a pecked boa
booae at the
Orange eochi held at their
lelr hall hat
Wednoeday night
leagthy pragram. a serr. bountifii] sup
per was served.
The net proceeds
ware mser twenty-live doUare.
Martha, the yoangeat ebUd of Ur.
dbd Mm. Wm. ntageraid. died Battir
foncral aervtcea were for A. Adams of Oardeld.
Gu* Don^nc of Saat Head who had
keM 04 the church today at 1 p. m..
Ber. Mr. Flatt cf Klngaley ofAchtlng.
e able to be abmit.
Tbe bodv waa burled In the Kingsley
Vbne bMpme to nniaad logs Satur
day. AadieV naber waa alruck by a
east book and fab Jaw was broken In
4we {daces and fA of bb leetta were
ksacbed oeL He b lesUng as easy
M «aa be egpeeted.
Mm M sWe to be out* apt^
Henry W. Martin In Frank A. Clary,
parcels, see St. T 28. R 1«. 81.00.
PMrmella Clsrk In I. H and Edith
tbrnnell. lots II nnd 12. bik, 3. N. Flic
Lake. 8300.
Hlnim G. Beelev- and wife In Ttank-I
U Ensign, nr frl. >, of ne fri. 14 sec.
3. T 2S. R to. 8470J;;.
John E. Reynolds
-hrriff. C. A. PhlllliMi. executor, c 40
11. of lot 73. Osk HdghI*.
Amanda H. Craluim to Raehel F.
Prince, wtt of lot 53. bik. ''F". H. L. A
Co.’s 7«i, 8900.
Luveroe B, Wood, exeentor. to V|rtpr A. P*tric4i lots 26 and J7. blk. 3.
P. H.’s 2nd. 81200.
H, F Carter and wife to Alilsoo 8.
.Tiul the first esrring>‘Junker in Mos- Spencer h:.v U-en iipfudnied In ' '
kegtiri eouniy. died Thursday. He was plaei-,
Irving S|M-neer wa.< ch<
s pronii)u-m Mason.
vieepn-si.teiil. aud Miss Minnie Bperi-';
R W Mmnnal.l. of Flint. w;it) .-I.-et.
ed Ptvjl.l.-ni of the Michigan 8t*to ei-r has iw-eii appolim-d seerviory and
Velei'inniy associallun.
aud Jiidwin Ireastirer.
Black, of Rlchnioud. was olim.eu zecro-
FrldsT evening,
well attended,
The young folks had
very enjoyable
■ ,] the ju-ighborhcwnl of 81<i,)Mifl i„
The i'vetiiiig lamp iu tile luime ofl*
, *■
, i
John Duiiu. at SU Igouce. receullv l*. I
M-H-'iq"'’ by the boo Hue;
■nhiK that tbe joUv alelgh
_ Itnrt
_______the way homeward.
gant). act siispiciotisly: !heoilseeim-Il'^’"'l**">' ‘o'* coming seamro.
Prank Vessicr baa reoicd Mra. Robto IhiH inI llle
llie IkiwI. and the brass woik 11 "iielJire will 1«
brick. Btilldiac '
ort Bates' farm.
had beciufie
IrJng thi- ismii i o|M-r:(iions will IsArt Giabam Is banllng logs for Oc
till' weather rondl'ions permit.
tave Demine.
Before thu.
.W. I». Young and Co.icrf Bay City,
Aggie and Rirney Pnrioa spent h
lamp touched Thi' ground It exploiled.
w days vlidtlBg friends nnd relait was a elow cull for Ihe meniliers of do))b-is In roal. bimber. q-ood. ctr,,
U»«s la Traverse Qlv.
the famllv. I.ul Ihe Incident
. h)i»e paixliasi'd 17;.)Ht0.)Xl)i t.» 18)1,00.1,Word wns'received from Mrs. ..lenty
lluim. to evolve a tiieorv as
fv-el «rf s-j)^ng hantwvKMl llnibe)
B. Ckrilale.
lale. srho
srtio is
b Uklng eleetri
Clara A. Ramsdcll. execnlrlx.
to - ■iio.-g
Ulsw • o.
of ....
the SlUU.
kind. ' ,
at at Maple
Rapid* for cant
Charles A. Cole, parcel*. 83000.
In the one s-»lft glance be gave this j''***‘“ •“ Otsego eouniy.
a she Is tMng Andy and at
Frederick A. Suuthwiek. et al tn l-v- lamp, ho nolired that the rtiimney bud | with nil logging railwa.vH. cars eti-..
an n. Ilsll nod wife. swU uf awV4. not been pushed Uowa
down to
in the
tbe riui.
rlu>. luavI
j in t-omiiwilon.
There Is a mixiun- ■
*ec. 30. T 26. R 12.
,M, ,l„t1
^ to h««r this.
sick f.-lStt-|
ilnils-r will U- lirouglil to Hay cn>
Joseph Forton add atm Joey art
!. thus ho»
ting logs for John N. Courtade.
sw U aec. 2«, T 28, R 9. 810n00.
Jor iiinmifacliii-.- ul tht- flrlas nllll^
rtnrn. lot No. 72. blk. 47.0. a R.
Mia. AHfagtcm b entertaining ber
ebUr. Mrs. BlleU.
Mews was rceetred last week of the
marriage or Mlw Ida JMutaea to a
man In Mtlo.
PWi. 11.
iplc Cliv
trday with ber paicni
rants. Mr.
apeet Atm
aad Mrs. 0. Peck.
Mr. aad Mra. Jesse Rosa and daui
ingbwith Hre.
ter of Cedar spent Sunday
Boos's parenU. Mr. aad Mrs. Wm.
Meteor aeeompaaled
them home. She expecU to return to
Wm. Meteer b baullng logs tor Mr.
Mra. da Cook and Mra Meteer
trlaited oor aMmol Prlday afternoon.
Tbe Mbaee Rffte and laabeile Batts
at Weol Kiaaao called on Mrs. M. B.
^Bnofca Friday.
Rer. C W. WlllUtna of Maple City
was In oar rktalty OM day hat
FBh. 11.
Id Mra H. I
Mbs Ida Nessen baa cloaad ber
■ school on Hiller hill.
Tbe mall boat came over
•oath Manliou yesterday with elereo
paSBsngora. Mrs. Henr.r Haaa was of
tbe aamber. to vutt her daughter aad
new giagd dangbter.
The Ladha Aid met with Mrs. WealODit Wedbeadav aflenuna. nearly all
tbe members being there. As usual.
Mffve and refreshaeaia wrie sen-ed.
All seemd to enjoy the meeting very
Hr. Spaaldtng sold bb Utile farm
.near the month
» house known
An Announcement.
i«ra are glad b
to secure Farm and Fireside as a premium with tht Grand Travorae
Hirald for the ensuing year. This apicndid farm paper .was given with
the Herald for 1906 to every paid in advance suboertber and theproav
.ium was *0 asliifactory and ao many of our aubser.bera hsva aikad H
the aamc arrapocment could net be made for 19Q7. that we have core
».eleded to iqpite t
effer a* that of a year ago. and the publish-
—- of Farm and Fireside have.very kindly censented to renew the
^hen made with them.
Every «,baeriber to th. Herald, who has paid in full to
each month, giving 24 number* of that great journal each year. This
it the best and moA aatisfaetory premium offer that was ever mada
by any Michigan newapapeK This-premium hae given greet eatiafao
n during the past year to Herald reader*, and wc know that they
will be veiy much pleased at the eppertwnlty given for a contlnuanc*
of this arrangement fer the neat year.
Please remember then, that every eubocriber le the HcralA whe
1s paid in full to Jan. 1. 1908, will receive Farm and Flrceide aboelutoly free fer the full ysar.
Commercial Printing
im Kinds
Rerald and Record eo.
slarfcd Willi a crash. Jfl fact, wc wtre obliged lo lock our doors SI vcral limes daring our opening.
Ibis itself shows ibat it meets wilh ibe approval of tbe public.
This Great Slaughter Sale Will Soon
Be a Thing of the Past.
Take adrantate or this freal nooey-saTior Opportunity, tor It may never preseot Itstlf araln.
Thosuccessof this sale-^s, that you are not limited to make your selections from a few undesirable winter merchandise. The
slaughter of prices prevails in each and every department. No matter whether you are interested in Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes,
Furnishing Goods. Millinery or Furniture, bargains meet you everywhere.
Thera will be a ma
Ray's hall Friday .
oende bell
raing. FYb.
•ni Woodmen. All are cottHallr In
vited to attend.
Mr and Mra. Outs. Bari of Empire
Ttalted hb psreats. Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Kart today.
George Armtlroog of Traverse Qly
vns here on business bat week.
Mra I.afce of Pon Oneida surted
srith a borie and cutter for this place
Friday. The horae was frightened at
aasoetblDg and surfed to run. thraw
ber out of tbe eniur. kkdeed. bitting
bar on tbe forabend. bsvtnc the msrk.
Fortunately abe was too tar
The Globe Department Store
190A at the rate of 81A0 per year, wiil receive, net only the Herald,
but also Farm and preside which is issuad on the let and 16th of
Ancj judging from our satisfied customers we will not
De disappointed.
OmOINATOR« OF- uow i^moKi
vfam wbt «n wum<i«t T«<ci«k mir
m ■ot rmir for h
Fer This P
iM in th* Uf* Bavins Barviea.
•nnnu TM piMM Mp mtt widi tbo______
The aertas
acroQBUr rite naked to fileitdJj tones.'
ron tfpo't hsvn to-Uw oUter
•B kww. tint I want to 4aan erety.
ttia« atmt tbe bsalac^ «I I kw»*
HaifM rainy sanpeo, Mt ne viena
« and MHi befoM
matter riratsbtesed oat and rrlib a
I' MlW
svlet *TI>ank TAK
yen. I Mn
eao do it
It mnmt
\ tbta," left ber amirioyer trUb a eraae
****”** **
t It Km
«. i-i
waye fasenad tt arer tba Core* of
Prom that day on affaire at tbe Rm-1
Made frorkfd. arbite aproned araltrdre Inarfa room. Ne.
ran dlffermliy.
tsmee, pattod ber mareried loeka pUeTbe qnlet yoaos oroman In tbe e«aband wertmil;
ier’e window wae farerw UtUns Balph
-••iron, bke BiUe awe pldred a lctDba Pataambowarariblabewaatodo tbU
a.ii. t-rt-
of eapariallr diaavtnma
darins tb*
jvar or tvo oa tlir Adsntlr and
Vpri^ roasu and os tbe treat Itkee
naaaoal sctirtiy is tte
Urentl^af life earta* derlota.
dacailad to rzaaiiae-aial tw
new tBvcetloaa offered for Uw do»
United 8tatee Bfe'sarins aerrv
__y been aorely used by tbe ef. *ixe senoae coosid«nttoii to tbe
ly boTelliea. *btrb bave been pre-
mted in few addilloite to tbe
I- « tbat-tblBfi wbkb bo bad wanted
i .H ..I.
?■■,!! *“ ^
*® onderubeJm CM^ora.noon war tne ennwea
etralabtway be went off and did
rT**?"* —*** ™?y
Hmjey> wn^ by brown telu
SzTii. **?.?*'^
aiaw aeoereir
Tbe eaahier wae eowtaotly lauia with bnelneei rlrtoee be
^ poeeeea, and as eonsUntly lie
tried to awame tbem.
Tbe cllaias
» came ^ an elderiy uaa Upped Kit
Brtenan witb e nickel, end ae tbe
netted In
w trickled orer
who wae elmost at ber elbow:
another table
-Oee! I tbongbt I read te Uie psperi
r bawl wae nearly emp- that Knoell 8ase waa dead."
ne old geotlemaB toU Sally Loftsi
n lefft at a tUM table.
about tbe tneult as be
ble check.
Sally slktieed op <p»lckly. Balph. rad
and safoMlns a
bW^_OB bar qn^caatan«a,,j^B_ ^ Kitty, a._ .
_ .
mntnw and tbw ber well naalcared
imnertloeal tilt of Lead, wae irib
nairi tapped r»tly asalnat tbe oB,
,h, „tber sltla wbat a onert an-
I5!‘ ®‘
»*”» •**«*
tna BIN.
n.11* «o« o.n lo
mw fianee uaiiy reataa, g,^
«*aaso for a
little typw
nEtnsABu actmosT.
eundaid cqoipuent of Ihe uatkn's
life eavhis eutlona 6or life savere to
day rely aolrly In tbeir rcacne work
00 Ibrea uUmir*-tbe lifebaat duterIt ibr iHirfthe breecbea
buoy. As aucpanorles to tbe nse of tbe
two lact nentlotHd plerra of apparatus
la tbe wmb mm. wblrli Is nerd to
fanri lines to sbl|>s straudod In exposed
Many of the rescues effocted by tbe
United Septes lUe savlnit crews are
by means of lifriioaU or
m tSa ri«lw abool^ of tbe yonoff i artier. ‘Tlien rite tnmad to Balpb.
•Otea la one tbins t
i° S»t7
wmdm. wb« a wbite aiwewd yo«tfa;
Sbe Is tritty.
Not many
a -straan of wtdte donsb OD
nt* uuu wtem tbey jiBTfboau. llurlng the year llU-'i, for '
bad Joat been dienleaed for impertb
boaU and IlfeboaU Dpui
-«bc rmmff man. wba wni Bnipb Put- rmnr»whereas only alioiit bttif a
SM een «rtbe •emer of tba Bmplro
Bnipb ttiTCW beck hle-ibenMan.
hundred pereous wrt« rescued IT the
BMIt af-lnncb-roonu. stnrted bark
Tbcn yon tbink It would bo nil right'
breeriiea buoy or life car during tbe
tn tba Uteben. and, as be pamed tbe to Are berr be naked.
twelve months la {lurettpn.
ww ceiblirbe flaog ber a elance that
**Tbe only thing yon could baro
Tbe ilfeboau nod sutfboats'are each
emn almcW n(ff>eaUn(. Sbe met him done." replied Kitty firmly“I frit
piepeJled by a crew of all or right
vtlb owe oddly reasenring and folly sura you would see It that way."
roween, all trained oarwmeu <ff.tbe life,
He brigbteoed perBnliita bed not thought of firing KUsaving service.
These etaueb craft,
oSpUbly. bM aa be pamed tbe groap of ty. Bbe bad ruled tbe enUra floor eo
wriidiing pel
gMe near tbe coffee counter tbe light long-bot now1
«arii. and hy
died out of US eym OBoe mere.
That BifW Killy woe arnmmoned to Ing and self hallliig iiunlltles rendemi
Kitty BAmnn andled op nt blm fe- tbe tiuy offler. Kal|ita was a trifle pale
virtually unslnkahle, are obrlniisly the
around tbe Ui«. and his rolco waa
Ideal vriiiclea for Ukiug ronslderahle
■'Wban'dyw get tbe ChrMmae tree bnriiy. but bis intrtrtien bed not waver
number of peraous from lm|M>riled v«-soemnrnMt. lUlpbJ Tbere-e one thing ed.
It wen well for Wm. boweeer. selt In a llmiied ei>ace of time.
MR*. Tott neadn't worry about any of tbet dlamlBcnl came no soddoily to
tbe boya eeppinc ber out Sbel bad Kitty Uxat abe actually loot the power,
b» foMne Nad *old malff by ereiy of siieerii.
clatoToyant la town, ar I Bias my
•oiwdists Mshs Important Diocovsry
In Espsrimsnts With Coesins.
^ ’"Her Catbw wMt to acbool with
m^ Sbe comes of very good family
-Oea. bat Ifo ffae to here a pulir
waa Kitty
met Kitty on
ber way borne from
“HoWe tbe UUle old mawr ebe In
quired flippantly.
-Wot-a eaUn* your be mqolrfd aevagely: "Sba's goln' to beat you to -tbe
Claes wllb his nil*, too-no' the oM
I man e tickled to death.
Stye ebe'a
taken Cbe riaealcal eonnes, and then
cere wbo knows IL“
Uf aomewhat uareaseoablc parent
"WeU. wbat do yon tblak of tbnir
cririd-wet nndenUDd why hie boririeh
xelaim^ Kitty, amoolbing ber marcel
««aU not walk, diploma In band.
_at some of yoo wise ones ain't
BBC. two. three with tbe oU fnabiooed
•ort wlUi tbe ri^ Mud of wberit In
wbo bad pBhwd tbeir appreutlcesblp.
MW-to aasklng-ffriddle-aakae In the ber Ibink pot. 60 loug."
wlBdow. Balpb bad tMuMs andlUng
Un’beeooiitB. settling qnarrali In tbo
ingkiii and preserving some aemUjK^dleelpUne among tba pert
Stats News.
Capt. H. C. Oaraey nweally started
>bn U. Bockcfcllrr'a «a.llO>I.Oi» laMItute For Medical Ileacarch iu AVasbillglou annouucrs n dlscovi-ty which I*
retolutiuulu- tbe use of.
In sargery. The Uinrovery
eaiatee to cocnine. Aa ■
■r te Iras dauHW than chloroform. It ntimulaira
Mart, sad after Its inguence has
tided tbe patient becomes deaibl.v
Chloroform doe* not Traduce
ntuMS. but It deprastra tbe heart, and
even a alight overdose is likely t»
cause death during tbe period of unOocalDS has heretofore been reganlsd aa available only for taiuor oiwn
lion* and local appllcailous.as
tootbsebe and external cuts or wounda
Dr. L. East and Dr. 8. J. Mcltzrr of
tbe Rockefeller Institute after a scries
aborate investigations Save found
The treatment for wblrb 1 suggest a
fair trial and wkkb I Invariably adept
la abnadantiy riraple and is as follows:
Uri toe lagaenm itsUeot uke twrive
drequ oC rinaamoB oU. sad repeat toe
dose la an boor. Two boors afirv this
SMond doae let tM piiieoi uke ten
dzofia of AM on. an] ibni let him go «u
taking ten drapa every two boors s-lili
out talermisaloa UU the tempcratnrv
fslb to oonasl or ponsibly a little iu>: take ten drops of
a day for a <lay or
In every diaeaqa ptnbaUy tbe sooner
(be patirot te jdaoad under trestmeat
'be better, fcnd this te pTe-ecDlDeatl.r
tbe case U inancua. And» a |•alle1■t
suffering from tote ‘disease ft systrreaiIcally treated with etnMBioa «i! In tba
mssaer above deacrilied within tores
or four bourn from tbe case: of tbr dte
ease 1 tblnfc lt'wu:4>iobabl.v Iw louml
tbst toe temperature win have moraed to Dormal wiibin twelve boors. liui
If tbe itetieut te not put ooder (restment fur a couple of days tt wiL r>Ni>sbly be at least tweaty-fimr or thirty
bourn befoN toe tetnperatore iteromes
After (be temperature fas. fallen tc
nannal tbe patlMt should remain In
bte room for wt Mast twetiiT-four
boors and if pomiblc sbonb! remnlu
Indoors for a fortber |«riod of 4w« or
tbree days. Bot man.v esses Unit had
been sobmltted esriy. 10
pressing—1 bare permitted to re
turn to their oempatloos sfier only
twenty-four hours’ ran nod m far wlllront any oatowsni result. But 1 always
advise that pattsau sboald remain ladoora for two or tores days If Jbey
__ ________ _____
allow^^o r
Eacb dose ot cinnamon oil should lie
takea In half a wloeglasa or a wineglasa of water. Tbe ell ran be obtain
ed from any . Nspectable druggist In
any town.-Dr. J. C. Bos* In 'e*lle'a
inre Baroa lOO Vest*.
On tbe premise* of a brickmaking
fire baa aerer been }>erniltted ti
out since It wa* flniT tM alight W
years ago. allbougb during that time
It ha* Iteen anim-ted to many Itravy
raltifalla It t'on.W* of lime and cokv
wily a few feet deep, whl.-b ha* lieaa
meauntly renewed in all the many
Police of tbe city of New Tork arrest each day an average of fortyright mea -wbo say that they have no
Baliy wont suffer five mliiulos with
■amen «siwill iw made, and Ibrir nai
a the araC
graved on a amride uhlet la
t house til PllaL A mu.
relics will t.c: 0pe01.1l la tbe basclita. Ok., boat:* the yunagesl girl
pllul in the woiid iu Zndie Wilcox,
tbe daughter of n. W. WUeox.
lives in a hourebuat near the mouth
of the Cniad river, tbree mite* from
Fon Gil«oR. Mr. Wilcox otrn* a nap
tha lauDcb, used u a pleasure and ter
ry hOM oo the Arksasa* aad Grand
rivers. Zadte. wbo te but alae year*
oW. fcleeri the best while her father,
tend* the engine.
u of the
ma and one of the grratrat pearl
ebania in the worid. 1* vislUag W^-.
grante.1 hy the Panama govenimoni
whetvby he bn* almon a mmo,*
of the rnluablo oyster bedi
Pearl islsads that are situated I
PacIBr. ocean aeveaty-five mile* from
city of Paaania.
He ships
pcarik tuoetly to Paris.
One ol the vviungest asslRtanU ever
asusr eolleg*.- la Mte*
who also ban the dtslloctloa uf being the champion
high jumper. Ml*» Babi-uo was recetilly ainminled asrisUal In I»rraldedl
A graduate of the etnas of
mb. MiB* Bab*.* made her wonderjumping nmnl In the cinrs ganioa
1SH*4. wben she clearetl the...............
..jr Met. two Ihd ou.-hslf lu.
full Inch steive the l•e>•I nrevioua rec
ti by a woman. Eicelleacc iu athllc*. however, is not Mis* Jtebsoa'*
ily forte, few she secured the prtetfor Ihe best cIssr Iioem
la auccei^iloB.
hills the po.it\ — quiets ttie
nerves o.nd Induces sleep
At ell iJeokr.. Price 25c 50c (>>U)0
Or EwH S.SIo&iv, Bo&toi\.,M.ss.U&A.
Bankrapt Sale.
We Need the Money and
We Need the Room.
Saturday. February 16
From Wednesday's Rera^.
We will BwiiiR til- ilo.-viT njien f.-vr a Bile
Mrs. H. J.
Vintoa i« tisliiag
Mr*. J- G
Tiirek relumed In
home In l-ike Ana tiu* nmnilug after
spending n slmrl linte In th>- city.
Mrs. T. F Young »'*t u> Clart; th
morning, where she will siwnd a f«
day* with frdlend*.
Mr*. Joseph Coleman reluraed
>r hume In ftelon todov.
Mrs. Ah'* Dean left for Honor this
mornlnE- where she will visit her tisMr». U. KarhanI,
E. Belknap went
to Hatebaa
i'ri.»»-iiig this niomlng. calleil there by
the iIIucMk of his father.
The Rev. A. E Well* of Holland
will rtitidurt 1I10 Horviees al Grace
EplM-opal ehiireti l.imnrrew.
Supervisor Carver of th- l-'irsi ward
and Supervisor Peoehain of While
Wilier rrtumed last evening froit
mri'ilng of the Slate Sopcnlsors' asHiciatloo at Lanslnc.
K. O. lAdd of 01.1 Mlssltm Wi
the city today.
R. E. Walter and Oenrgo E Crisp
went to Nonbpori on business this
llmt will bo n-tDemls TiHl fur a
The Cause of Many
loiijf tinic.
We bave aecurc I a liirgi'
in (
it a ri-J7 low figure, whiob liu ovi-rlok(](>d
'edooe tbia enonnoua Block *
give YOU the beofil of this fiale.
factory eooL Not only
Sveiythiag will go nt I
OH 8 few jirtlclet.
but i>itiu«jly our oatire Block.
Kitchen Cabinets.
Kofkers. Iron Beds, Matlrcssw. Si»rin«w,
1‘Arlor Suites. Couches, Carjitri':,
Vour Reliable
cvcryihing you need.
Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Siree't
Sudden Deaths.
The Most Dsastet* Spot
Perbaps tbe most desolate spot
earth te a tiny atom swept Islet
Bering aca nearly midway between
AUska and Siberia. Nearly titty milra
from the neareat land. King* teiaml is
jt barren rock, so steep that no bearh
landing esu he found. Here
aoutfaern side, perelied like neats aliove
ilrus tbougs, are the skiti
of tbe walrus buutera. ’ Here
te never shining, tbe sea Drr<
smooth. Cold, cfallly fogs enshroud
idsce in saiamer. while tbe frequent
aud furtehi gales llwt sweep tbraugh
Bering strait at all seasons reader the
narrow antnmit itnlnbabltsble.
lorked during nine montlis of the year,
the natives depeud oitirrly iijioii tlie
seal, wainu aud whale ae a nieaus of ^ e'J'-'
ilisrwxc jiret ailing in this
, -uc
•t»lli> arc caiiscl
by it—licwii cUs-
I V trouble it
tlrekiJiivx -{■dia*.
bi.Kd' will
Tbe Sleeping BWy^ '^ils."
It Is IntexceUng to see bow old in the
mntmel dehmloa about tbe gmUlng at
out bowever, that cocaine instnia of
bBtdm In' tbeir steep.
Ail ctalldran
bring a mild drug In pcallty exerts in
S tble-and more-Sally
Loflue asleep are taken with a cntchlng of tbe certain dosage a profound and far
bmfned befen tbe breakfast neb act (oruert of tbe mouth, which Is as uu- reaching iDflurcra over Ibe luienuil
tn,-It ama a«c«v day. and gradually liks as pMribte to tbe real smile-lbe organs which will render It available
illwraiB^ acemad to panBoate tbo bnmoraas and delightfbl little silent for serious operation*. This te a bocti
existence. During tlw brief siiianer a | WMnl-OglMtn I
noB. •* Bred toohlBg atanogtapbiT in eketek of a laugh, appearing flrat at
stray whaler may visit th* Island f.*,
.i,.m ..„ideai..t.< nriii..«y.rf Iwo.g
any aga tejlBeaw a derbrigbt and: a
. couple
—1- >.»
in gooiiva throngli the dav.
of k
Imt 0.1.
this 1.
I* ...» ...I. ,
month. Yet human eenUmentalltj has
aa and has no liad effect*..
up pivm
ptvii. times ■luTinu
rnftim.inleallrm with the
Insletad on caUlng tbe atecptag gri
lieu . mgii:. The UltM slid tllc rxltarjolii
Tbe King's telanders are
mace dw to flatnlBBCe. a amlte. and
^ g I Mieit of >^wami-Ki»il I. suoii reati.fl.
to tUo AJalkan Eskimos,
even a amlle caused by dreams of en,j. I it sUtid. tltc irjjiical for its wbnderiiil
getex Bad 8t. Moaka mate have
, 'curesof tbelno^• diMressiaK Cwsra.
gars aid privations, and
8«wmp-R<Kt t'-tesreat to take Slid IS
gVBriMtfnBBMdbe wBitnaa BWlly bew W nlntelllgeW cm tUrpaUt at
•^ras mi Prefit la Refuse MeteriaL
toe btet and bravest salteiw la Bering
'!- in Miv-ectii av !
'Bfsold l-v ^11
all dreg"
fl^WcaaiTtbrildrike conntre be fiep- nay Bttaar matron. fW &L AngnstlDe.
Tbs Mnudlag of tiie ADierteaa forasa. Tbsir brats of walrus bide will ioue->V<nsr sire U-i:;.-.. V<id may hs. e
raetewtw In bis *0
i eari7 from ftronty to tbtriy pevsons In sampic laUtieof ti::x woii'irrful urv> <ii
growth of bit owa mind, mmtea ttist
Mrid um kg* some freW tB
b* wo
brwik lliat tvlUall alvol it.
W-lmd bow told of tbs'i
be MBMBdbts be paamd a
Biesik aaasatly aattouo.iii .K..»bOt
that owing
CtMHa wdim. "bariag awaarad preriiLiU~U0‘
—.................... .'hym.!;!. .Addrew.Dr K.lthe rapid maoasr la which fNesta a
-OcoTHe. you oot^bed
tbe marble ledge H111D In sleep." ^cbway echoes
belai*-asa»red damn to Kcenw wood
•fc-dtoalw for be
of at toe ctmceri."
'BrcUlfl.'«WbBwan'Hrillog pulplpc-paper aaaklnr a bdibQ an
■el "R'bst'a too oddaT It
afwurk buBitefi (sr
■m m
ko bakg bmw mallad m
hk-ikep mm Is erar Okely te do sa
rie graaa tMt would te suftabl
paper msklog.
Conveaanl Circle of
MWWgalarty. Don't you tbink eorLang ago tbs Mpply of T*laut lum
Mfla ef-«he«twiriiaas Ptesbiof
gregationsl church was enu rtalnml
KMpb atarted. Be bad not called
ber tot foralture was prai-ttrally
FTom Italy comet tbe legend fro
Mrs C. J. Ebner Snrt Mrs K. I.,. I
tbe aauey walRwas. Re bad
htusted. aad otk has largely tskra to
evening at tbe Edwo;
iSMy triad te undo tbs miecblef abe
plate. For aom« time tba turpsqUae
home. Twenty
voting Isdies
M srnewbL New be wlabed be bad bonMod cueiom of bsaglDg- ap Ibe maker* hare bren putih>d to' floi'
present and a three eoiirse stijijier *»«
Christmas stocking. Good old 8t. Nich
aafUed bar before tbe cDMoater.
itorisl to mret the growing damtuds
liclng caniuNtre have a lot of regulars." be eald olas of Padus used to throw, long knit of tbeir tradr. which tbrestracd to
After the eupjicr a piiignim of
MM anm# apolagetic tone be had em- ted putem tied at both coda Into the make aarlms Inroads oa tb* pla*, for
t»|il<->> was
open wtndowaof tbe very poor people,
pl^ to Kitty Betaman.
est*. Tba tree* were teing used miich‘,^,xvi. Ihe eveiii.ig passtiig roi^t pleas
^tat we srsBl a lot taoN. We ought and tbeee purees were of yarn and not faster than ibay could l>a grown, aad'janil
tusbava erary place at tlmee tables unlike a footlew stockinf. rinally It this meant disaster.
became Ibc ruitom of tbe peoplr
John Colteri of Atneiite. N. Y.. .
t^ briwtou Trio and fi o-rieck.*
Then atteaiion waa turned to the ref
•uddealy Balpb started down the bang these rmply recrptirles out
of the forrais-already used, and
New Y.iik HKwiahst 1
MBtowalria. For tbe flrri ttme be no- tbeir windows on the nigil before expertmeat* were made wblili demnn.|^.j„,„,g,
tisal tM water dribblag from tbe but Christmas so that Bt Kiebtites wouU strated that the nompa of the pine
ter flttea. He appeoactNd tbe saucy pot a gift Into tbem as ba passed by- tiws. which bad erigfnally been poteed
and by. wben tbe crio of tbe Naim over is not worth the treiiide nf dig- Ho told tijo sji'-Hb;!--’ Iio W'oiitil hsi;
BRlUtoi sad said wlih a fnany
him. and fullowiiiE the iiiivire tit thmm bt atomBOM-stolrii waa quite became acarca.,t<iyB wera pat laTortbe trihg out were saturated with raw tur>' and t-'-c Kiiu-'i Itiiigold
«n a
cbtldNB and tawfnl presents for ctosqT matle
These stump*
In tbe north cmmtw. wbenlV 'took Ol
which wm skim milk ilk-l. IU- ha'- lost ooariy lufi
rcteaa up-thwe tmttor ptetee. aM
S'-c Ping. I Rings. BUS
rather chilly at Christmas titan, ffaralsb SI III fortuuea to the men who pounds, and is tetter than n<-w. he
dtn't yau ever again tell a cnetocaor
m^tel<)u- loi -t Eticlisli Kl-s !«.:■'
In some etsra tbe laterrafWa wants log morii for ber money.
tVsio in l•iall-. 0:.i M<-al
Wa waat tbem to get all tbafe coming piece. and It was believed thsl tbe leg question hr.s been raised as l*
good old saint would come down tbn whether tbe stumpa were a pan of (he
and Fr-nu. -r.ly.............
8t each
Invigorate the Oigestien.
Wlamey und dll them. Wben ibese •rlgiaal Umter right aold by the fanaTo inrtgonite th- dlge*(>‘>a
"WMt da yon tbIBk of tbatr depnrasa want out of fashion, storkh.r' ,er to the turpentine maker or reverted stimulate the torpid liver end bowels
Mteded tM girl, wllb an Injnrtd exwere subatitnted and have been nsBl to the owner of Ibe tend after tbe trees UiertVs Dolhing so good a* that old
ytawlon. ns abe turned to a helper.
remed.v. Brandmb* Pilla.
ever riaee.
bad teen cut.____________ _
"Wtet’a come carer blmr
-pictui-. win please call at oavtblch has beeo
"Bbe sis-tus like a vary pnpolar ulrL
"Bt-'s a n-golar jack-of-atl-trades.
■ooietblng bad come over Balpb Put
and nuke ir.<?lr srlertlon as wc
Has s college edocation, loo. bssnT Why, be built bte •wo-garegc-"
nam. a csBloas aenan-of panic. Be
lew vigor to tb
■ not .xi»sM ro coniiiiT-.laiahrV
"IHd he:- 1 wasn't aware that be
bitilad back to tbe rastaler's desk anil
ver;- Digtai tor a week will nsu"Oh. yea Me took wbat is. calM owaed a car.'
p:c«are dral l<ai a oboit liax'
daained agifast tt as if for support. Be
# all that te tvqiiired
For Con
tbr.pnriicsl concN."
-Hedaesn t Tbe only car tkat he'd
-spepsia one or two
admaet aapseteil to era Ibr reprimaad‘What-B tbatr
rpre to buy It jtol a f^l tea bmg foe jtafcpn ,
ad giri daab ont. becanae never befow
"8bs tolpped Ibe rlssslcs for cookrelief.
Mri M dared assert bis antlMttey. Bat ♦ry,-_Cj„fUnd Plaladraler.
....................... •* Pill* are tbe ume fine
iMtaad toe girl really cteaned up toe
. .. ,laxative ionic pill yoor graadpareota
teritor dWNB. and toe girl wboae grandlonfjnsed and iMHne pnreiv regeUble nfe
■rmau.'rn."— ; adapted to every system.
matoer batgebt ber cMbea watrbed ber
___ _
Sold la torery drug and medkino
DoKt Suffer
&U niqht lonq fti>m tooth&che
neursJqia. or rheumoLtUm
Will pay Highest Cash prices for
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cik. 3-2. Bell 160.
The ANTHONY Woven Wire Fence
Tb. Kiwt thst Won't CWteOa
The Anthony Fence Company,
■ TECL’MSrH. .SIKM-. t. S. A.
Ii la f«t a* weU *4 aria*
|| ‘ THe Beat on Earth”
The Following Hems
doJi/iMk-toi tbH dCton Bhnattepff apt.
druggist for tbem. SI cents a box.
Later SttUoUea. Augusia. Jte..,^.y - j*togq. riiher plain or sugar crated.
-ra* Sooognt AiMi
No. 7 top. No. ■» teHom. IS No. II. ftiyt to tb* md.
No lighter W«(S.
’•*' *****
^ oMalltod.
STYLES-All boghiv from 7 bar 25 Itsto HOG fttves. to tte ANTHONY Haadard
UtorTS roeb.
Wm. Hoolihan Co.
.Wagons, Implements,
Hardvvare, Paints and Oils
•’Not Better Than the-Best.
But Better Than the Rest.”
Wm. Hoolihan Co.
one ge
Bell Phone ISS-
We offer you today our first showing of the new spring styies’of wearing apparel; that It will naeet
with the approval of the most critical of buyers, we feel sure: for in ail our years of cloak and suit selling
we can truthfully say we have never offered such values as we offer for the spring of 1907.
As for the styles, we assure you every garment shown is from the foremost garment makera 0^_^
America; as to quality, that is a matter that needs no comment, for its the quality that has put our bus
iness where it is today. We cordially ask you to view this handsome collection of new spring creations
no matter whether you are ready to buy or not; even if you do not make your purchases here at all we
s^^ be glad to have you inspect these new things; you will know what is right wherever you buy.
'nrE WANT especially to have
you see our showing'tof low and
'medtam priced suits.
Believing we could hod better suits
:«hao we
ever offered before at
Ren to Bft^ doUan sre have refused ;
to buy suit after suit to sell at these :
prices-. We hoaliy found something
.to come up to our standard.
*Lhere are two that we most ur
gently ask you to call for; they are:
first; a fancj- mixture suit that we
believe the best suit ever sold at the
price. See cut to left.
Another is a panama in plain col
ors and black, etoo effect, full satin
lined jacket. J*ut this suit on and'
aak anyone you like what it oost you
and nine out of ten will say twentyJiyo doUars. ^t isnV wholly in the
'xjuaKty (which is good) and it isn’t the
trwiiBMOg.-nor is it the style of the
suit, it’s just a harmonious blending
of everytkiag that makes it so attrac
tive. We have never yet seen any
thing to equal it. and the price is only
fifteen dollars.
more beautiful than ever before.
It seems each season that makers
must have reached the limit of iheir
cleverness in designing, yet the next
season they bring out ideas that are
better than ever.
This season proves no exception
for they arc the most charming ideas
that have yet been brought out.
The preitv light toned mixtures in
the eton efiecls. Plain colors with
charmi^eton, ssUk lined and elabor
ately trimmed form a combination
that the woman who can resist buy
ing is certain proof against the-beautifel in wearing apparel.
We have made our selections
with extreme care this season trying
to avoid the common-place garments
that you find everywhere.
light mixtures that to see them makes
one think at once of green fields, bab
bling brooks and pretty tlowers.
Charming half fitted coats in light
tones with a touch of color here and
there to add to their bt-auty.
Loose fitting styles in three quar
ter lengths, falling gracefully from
the shoulder.
We are showing a splendid variety
of . both these charming styles,
enough to make your selec^tion easy
and the prices range from
$8.50 to $35
^ery Woman
$4 to {12.50
on e^h side of this panel are a
a few of the many styles of dress
and street skirts brought out for
the woman who likes to be smart
ly dressed, whether her skirt is to
be a low priced one for street wear
or the more expensive one for
party. reception or dress wear,
every skirt in ;our stock is new
and up-to-date and every one is
good value, no matrer what the
price may be.
The showing embraces the best
styles from the many different
makers and every wanted style is
in the selection. Priced from
$3 to $25
HAVE purchased and offer
^ for your inspection a sample
line of ladies’ and*^ muses’ suits and
that in point of -excelltnce in values
surpasses anything ever shown in
this city.
There are no two alike and are
the samples of a hodse that makes a
specially of exceedingly stylish gar
Do not get the idea that there are
all sizes of each, there is only one
garment and one'size. In ladies', the
sizes are smalt, la Misses, there are
all sizes.
There » a limited quanicy of these
and while tbry last we offer them t«
you at
■ Suits From
to this part of the country would see (we came near saying could see.
for thfy could if they would) the elaborate shovring of beautiful waists,
not oaly in silk but lawn. It it a showing that is worth seeing We
bake spared no pains to make it the best in the city, not only as to styles
but at to values. Prices range from
59c to $12.50
pOATS and Jackets possess a
^ charm that are ail their own.
Most of them are in the pretty
25 per cent Off
The New Dress Goods
Are also here and while we have been praising the beautiful things in
the ready-to-.wear garments, it must be remembered that the same cloths
that go to make the ready-*o-wear pretty are just as handsome in the
piece and we show almost an endless variety cf these beautiful goods.
Ever> thing this year is beautiful, even the cheaper grade) are more beau
tiful than ever before. Prices range from, per vard
25c to $2.00
ibr aarfats*^. II w
B b<4Bcjlb<> I
« .-oajIarlBlil.-pUcr.
;ni..n;!i of_________
(bey a-Pte aide lu ‘uTe^r a
rwm Moaday s Rcewrd.
AaimalB SoAcrad Tafiitoly.
Tb.-r«h« B i
doom dorltiK (be a-eek.
Ml- Leo. RrakH rMirtMl la her
Bo< Uu* dUcomfurtH of ib« a>(« «r*r»i
we at *IUer j*kp
nMhtiu; 4ii mmpari boo io that of ib*dismmtiMiit. ha
ibml ibay
leeds IB the etiy
borsn. Th-j aerr Uiro«o alaxii I.v
»..» to la- rniaied.
r home .d »lr». E. OilThe phr^iJs rrf tbr ■hip
ihip atu) (I
th- nw-o ‘ «'«>-'• ■*' »boo»ln« puapol>. ha had bia
Mrs L r. Molme. twtoroed to Her
aa;»- lor<'.,d !*• fuI ItOni
Ironi tide
ooa TO
To in«ifc.- oi"-M
tnm iLMit
loa.l th«-it
lu.'ii auuB
«i—- i*ir. tbr, .21US
we tn Wetford tWa momlac «ft*r
other i>’< ktirp tbem op ibei> fmt *hoot ibe Bab
III (or a ruuple of «oek> a> b
i Many of txe
ba.l Ibeir l,•K^
Th.- iiiiuipy fln
He- j rmutv frteoda la tbe eiiy.
ler *. htp U aWr to be arooixl
brukeu aucl i-^ to la- shot and a» It *be ctrmpau bad
H. Hwtmwe aod Thtwas Sunk.................
Mr HOrt Hn Cmt«a
ten for PM«li,.Arttooa, yuA1
................... ..................
the oilo-r horiot*.
e Wheel. Ml Ub«. M’i'y ETlday
To *d.l to !be <Mber ln>pbI.tT<. Ibe Witby Kicked i • rwiKalp
___ , mil. thelBlrie Barf
............... ..
F. K. Saaims left (or Grand Bapffi*
-ChlaeM- crew mptiuled «nd it w»» c.iUIr and eeni liii> men f.»t
fomra. Foon'i’b ■'
M-w Maytse frrxn., dunac
ca a bBstoeM trip ibis morolac.
Bfr-eaajrt f. • the ahtie mep to >4aad *d 'b«- pioiltieerr wi i» killed aod ««
orer Ibeoi will, plaiola
-We mnJiJ eral luep wounded. anuXie them ladoa ,
Mr and Mr*. E Ihaiaboe are Hi
Mra. T. A PeobalMw. left for CRIhardly I.Jame them • Mid Mr Salra Hr. Ueswiaib} s hruiber
tine in Sbeni,ap nu* ip Tbe «rrt fcmt
ea«o thH oespipt to porrhaite epripc
ekk -Ai. thf I'Tichtac and nx*in«: I-jtiT
Held CauH Martial.
iid Ibe Raoiie'« house
would throw the Uremen asabi-t the
The pri»tner> worv pm ia lron..[
j, o..,, .
I tery iU,
hot boiler head.••
ekcept the
three sailor.
lhai hsd
lC..a>k^ei«..^d,y,.«m.LeM.- :)0ln.^ tbeni. The- admitted tha, j
ProM Tnaaiara Ba«w«.
ahen Ihej- amred there the 'h'-v aer>- plraie. and nfti-r the wdd
Mrs. Coro BnwhaU
hors. , were I
• hBd cim'tltqied a
1 laartla;. I
iftd look in the g1ass>-you will see the effect—
You can’t help puckenng—it mak» )-oa packer
to think of tasting it
_ _
By the ose of so called cheap Baking
l^iwders youiake this‘puckering, injurious Alum
right into your system—you injure digestion.
Md ruin your stomach'.
every <«,- of
Ceptral Lake tod.tr tip acfow
’'jnearli i > «e>-k> .ickitees wiib I
The dilr.eee pooi'-n stonk the trip com ve—el and shot
itrerloua '
illneo id her father W
jiamiiiely well however.
idiootine, a verse of a SoDc leipnlai :
When they reached Manila, there fifty years aa» wa. suns end M i
Mt^ iUnlord Oas—r i<-111 ai pie*
B. Stoww went IP fadinac tm bUwere f.nirle, u ■ men io liie hospii.' Ijmkwoiihy sane :h«« lot tht
the arlp
n«ws today.
Ttf ad-l to Ibe mile: rrouL!-',. the ship «'f thru* present
m,.' Heani« l« imponjins qmte i
r Alpero wool ... Klotalr,
had lieeu prulimsed to -s-iepu.-ii .lay.Later it was leanud that th.. wbo> . i.l,v .it piesetit. Mi> Reams has J»
• Slippiv ..f 1
1 ichai.i-aniTf
iH-n Is'iniutint; fo .1 Texas
n iv. Park left for Gnnd BapMa A
n the cap'ail •s imvate
while ilu- (Dell mike.l ,
lo th
.........................„............ ...
btMtoesa ihla monlng.
TTifs- men «.
to iMIvcr pan-t Mimo. U-l;.v faster sud MarP. I. Hathaway of RtK-heiier. who
the vessel t.. the rt.pfedeiote f.jrtvs. 8ery Clark were absent sll wiwk dorhail III U- {)»' it. iittus.
Eilftt days pflei the upti.iot: -be abip mj. the week ie-!.i:e ia.t on aectMOt liaa been rIsMiBC friends is the city.
was ileltvered to the ii'iiud foii-es ..I im thp grip.
Mr Saleo.kt th. n
Mt this iBunlns W Ow«,swi
Ihe eX|-..Iillon,
................ ....
Far.!— i.lap.!
Mis, Addle C«>plev ,* sl.mly
imC. A Htif retoned to hu Mwe ta
rhiBt-se imilnnii with th.- eveeptliin oT
"The Perfect Tribute,
pr.ieitie ftvnn an aitark of th.- jtrlp.
today after apendlox a
the helmet, a cartridee 1m-1i anttplum.
The last niim1e-r np the procrani
ox w.n. the r.-a.lKia of -The Perfepi Tri-,
tort time In ibe city,
State News.
...I Imie" hy Hot»-n -K Waller Tills dtwll rounty Bebora Cqpai^asKtBer t'rfap
TTtT.l In r.umerti.Ki with This he t.iM of slih
Llnrolii s C.-nvsImi-.: iif.lt.s.
KinimlcT tbla tDcrnioc.
ilie ihiK- man snn which look <hm- The pn-sldeps tbouphi this
(teat {
Alpeuu fur ~MBe time. |, dead from,
r. H WHler weoi to Pcftvbey aa«
man lo.liold it. tine man t.i aim it an.l'sixs'ch wa. a falii.-e beraiise theie’
umiilu-i in fire il, Amona othe: ihltics . was pn appl.ntse l.iii reaflj the hearers
'K.iur small'children s-in lvc. Hoyne City no bnatapsa today.
.:b hut a yitatHtML ihe Mae
he ha.! a copi>.'r r.ipp-d Miinvi cart.; had f.-|t that i.. ai>[ihoid it
wa. a ■
MltUkcn weot to Croud RapBImbar pap-r niill at PUlnwHl, wlil)
This raiiii.iKe has lu-eu ta- sanlf. ye. Ihirtni ifte. n-adlne «f
■on be havma an tMlpui of li> t.Mts Ids on hiistocBs Ibis Bomlnr
twned hy all eivlllred lialinns as (he. who..- story, the lu.uM was as qul-t
pafe-i tUlly
Tbe proditci will be ;
M 1. Weinnd ten Saoday afterqtlle
cpiH'i tx.veiiup on the h.;I'..'t mak.-s; in
si inch.s wide.
Waller displn'
wuTiu.l that to ver heals.
Doon fin- nuVale ti> atleod tbe moIkio Ltnen of Mnnrae bas lowm noil’readiili.n
sbowinp siiRie vp.'nerv' ennvenlloD.
l.y-' (led Thi.i his son l,»w. a merhanie. is
Boxers. Ml Sal.-psi
.if the s.-l.-l-ttoll »
Say plaatfy~
5loyaI is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar—Costs more
'than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health.
: U dead In Tol.sl... «b>. result of heiuc,
hy escBpioB »* (.inie.
I man an.| co.iHude.1 I.v nhowmif
,..f the mailt;,, tree under- whichfnl.aj
; Wtts suif.-ii.t.-ted It. th*- .Aliieticafis
Fullire Melh.eilst
giI IPtini
Plenty of -Trasaea* City Raa«
Pleaaifio SHo.
: Sperial to the Ettmins n.-cord.
' will have a fine
ic in a S^.iss' .
t the concliisliiii of Mr. Salenski'si
Sli'-rmaii. Mich.. FH>. Id.—Thailes amjoe alami
iaii.Jnpis Rulieii K.lwai.M ssb*
ithoiisun.l dollars will be expendcl on
in a
t trill. I
It) ill' II
"Till- (i.-nnaii eoldiefs marched -us' OKI Bridee" whU-h w... listen
Monell. rhinrh iniiin.vrdnents. alsn.
I.SSI lew
-ks. M
The Uocnln's birthday meeltilK <*f iH-iween two fixis and wi-n- expowul; thotiRh ihi-y fuid to. hut ihi- Amcii-iwlth Kr.wt pl.-asure
W.mil exJohn Clark, aged k.*. tears. Imru in
>is hoa
the Men's cluh nf Graro rburefa wps lo a mimienHis fiie. They were saved cans marche.1 aluny with a spring au I' tdws<-»-t-s -a -loiriioiie v..;,-.- and t
the firei lyeia,,.!. *ho n.-m to sea at the ag.Barkarlu- i. really kWi»y"a«ha.
very Iniei^lDe indeed. Then- was a hy the bravery of 11 Jupanesc n-sl- a get up that was good to sec" Tb.‘ 1 'eK-rihro* iir.- qlwi.ys w.-ll cho-i u, I
irf II. visiiixt etery
To cure the bock you ainst rare the
. siwiikcr aK.i coptracUsI ilu- fi.s- an-l, was ar.-oni|.aiil.ut hv llsriv lliim-r,
t from Wckidnevs
Pheroon Pn*l. G. A. R and the speakAt Pekin, they made a hob- ihrong easy ways of ihe Amerlcau eoamum.i .
' Command*' -F. O. Mirwln.
git<- a play-epiiih-il "New llai.i- the 'tW cold crure. 1
don'i. Id her kidpey Ilia folRroeat Salenakl. F. D, Mart in, il. the wall and vnienM tbe imperial - log nfflers with the si 10 and pnmtNsis
f U Martin.
daughter I
city flgt
Oghilag ilielr way to ttM-leSalionslntatm.-is of ,ot..- <d l*!,- other (l.M | »’hfto.u IVsi. G. \ li. was itu n-i.t hall. Krl.lay . A.l-'vlve.
dialiHca. Brighl’a
. t all llaiviiisJ
which 1
bospiials becatise dlgnlUrh-s.
1 spi..ik.-i u».l lu- ^at. l ihiii b- 'laJ. mi.sUip w ill
gnd lac.
ChelKtygun Is to have a abipf
they I
porrun of wnnnrti-d and sick f
on Dec
Mr d.lensll
Uiiinin. ib.- «r.y Mts. «. A. McM.
A Tntre
lilsMi telb
The proerum was opened with the Therv the I'nlted Slali-s insips eif
th, r-vle. of the :i:lU, b..;,,, jee
U.th 111 with III.' cil|i. linn of the state In the bTilltUng of tmw—the
■ Is eaiv
ulaytaji nf -America" by the aast-mhly nu« ..
ire iiiipnnluc a bille now,
. the CheUiyeaii Strnb.-m mtlrwid. Ihe
............................... ■
Mtw, «•
Mtirrei. (kit
Maiviii was a
atter which Eroeai Salenakl addressed , whicb
wus floaliy n-iiinieil
f Iksli has m..ve.l bis lutrlH-t prvoiioters Ilf whK-h hat.- jTtst
iH-en street. Tniverwe (ftiy. MlctiT aayo:
■o .vnd be read the
— pieneni tellliiK
them of his Chli
........ Inio ihf Ttlirt-er biiUding.
, grant.wl a francbiiie to
tnrks "For neariy fifteen 'son, I onirered
their <
. .K.ds
has l«-n aertously ihtimgh there.
the aejge of
Tten Tsln.
Mr. Sal<-0skl
InMbie. 1
i Fi.rnm*ii ;u
_________ J the II
....... ill lor the past two .weeks wlih the'
The engagement of Fat 1. Paomte.
nesimil the
review of
all nations.
:tion. ih.'v
. a 1.VPO.M lag.
I is iraitmving
tpmving q.ilie nipidly' advertising manacer for
Troops from almiist every nmotry
There seemed i,. |e- no strength In mr
. craft wu» ui IriOgll* I one i-hiirt
ir,on-.t forluddn-ss |m;.1
IM-.. --------------Salenakl
hlsb niluio_
menber of Ihe 'world marched past, butI the b.
; Motor Co., of l.jinBitig. aod Miss Ethel hark whalever. t div-toieii l.ist editalAcii-w ■as < hinese. Tbi-^^ju,!
Troop E Sixth 1'niied Sum canity
Ll'.yd Caster tinted hi.* p.in-n(s, Baron, daughter of Attorney Fred- rd DO relief until I pns-ure.1 and oaed
u slings and Iheiv o-eie.
aad onI June K. 1900. thT troopa reLiWt*d SCM.
ihls village last w.-. k
Mr. Caster f erick Bacon iiT St. lauils, Mo., form- Hoan'h Kidnev pills. In |»I>1 I gave O
.1 orders to Imve Fon Leoren“Their uniforms were c
III w’lf.- ifi.-n w’. ni to Grand Uaplds.: etiv of Niles, is iinnuiiDeed.
Tbe pnbllc sialemeiR regarding the cor«
.. -e.iiivs. M..- Slings l.txike like ibiMiIs
worth, and proceeding lo San Fran
Iw stM-uker. 'Their bultuas
v;-d> rebiih-es of Mrs. Cosiei.
wedding Will take place In,Bl t»ni« In effected I.V tbe ose «f noait'. KMoey
Sf.aker. Mt. tAOgw.trhv 1,
“'“■Tcnd the ■niiuals we.-.- ibotcn In
elaeu. (hey emharked on a tmnspuri
Qg aad ilielr carl ridge Iwllii
\Ics K J t'ruyiii' base le-en quite
PtIU and 81 (bU time am pleoaed to
........ * siniggling massand anlied for Cbioa. reacbloi : there
rere up 10 the siandurd.
I.IT S.-V-lal day., I«si, lull Is now
eodorse ii .
•iidn 11
a^jlnally landod after being thirtytvb.
,le lo Is- t.ni o' ,|<s,
.. .
got their pollah.
Fbr sale by all dealers. Price H
t 00 waier.
they miiT-l have used Ihe clay from the
Fnaier-Mllbvm Co.
At Tl«i Taiit. Troop E was among Krtrnn.l. bul they looked 1fine. The Ger-j (he kili-ht-n a
New York •ule agenta for the I'nlted
' Ibe lm»tw Ihal lialtercd the wall down mans keirt alimtsi a perfect line
'I.IS vSMt.
when' was nen-wtitry I.t Hie nieu i.i sl.ty h.- , a.
(hey pansisl in review but (he Ameti-, low d»<*s and wilti the rl..s>sl lint -lies 1 sehtsoier was losi.le.l w lilt i
' Ihe heat from (he horses, the p
aoil I for (be Dortbevti (mO|>s iiii.l s
lake DO other.
mV rillse
Business Locations, Suburban
’Property and Centrally Lo
cated frontage on State and
Unioru Choice Business
Location ■
Ubery Bam Fu^ Equipped,
Re^ Estate, Loans and Investments
Citizens- Phone, - lil9
January 1, 1906-Deposits in Traverse City
Banks, $2,000,000.
Merchant Mills
Gilt Edge Investments
January 1, 1907-Deposits in Traverse City
Banks, $2,800,000.
Showing a Prosperity of Over 40 Per Cent^uring the Year 1906.
Farms have trebled in value within the past three
years. In fact, but few dei-irablc farms in this region
are-for sale at any price.
TTBHOSli prosperity'
m fV
a small perceniage. friends. Just the diffefCQce beiwt en three per cent paid* and
six |>er cent asked, or about twenty-four thousand dol
lars. Then whose prcsperily is this extra eight hun
dred thousand doUars? The mechanic's prosptriiy,
-the fac ory worker's - prosperity, ihe railroad em
ploye's prosperity. the merchant’s prosperiiy. the pro-
.fesstenal man’s prosperity, the local newspaper's prosperiiy, the factory owner's prosperity, the farmer’s
prosperity, the whole Grand Traverse region's pros
And it represents bm a smalU-ponion of the
prosperity of Traverse City and the Grand TravinSe
Traverse City in inerrase'in value alone can
show double the amount of the increase in bank de
posits, while the farmer has gone into the clouds.
Hotels, ’Barber Shops,
We are practically sold out of farms. \\c have
less than a dozen on our list, and several buyers after
each of ihese. This region was never in as prosperous
a cjncHt/ffn as at present.
We are frequently asked the i|oes.iion: •'Wdl,
Wade, whai can 1 invest, in to make some money
Our answer is thi*: Do the sameas we do—invtst
in any real estate in Traver>c City or the Grand Travcr--e region that can be gotten at any reasonable price
and sell at.a profi'. which Can always be done. Some
times ten per cen{.soinetimes rwd and three hunifred
percent, ahdyoiir money is always in a safe place.
. If five years ago we could have had one hundred
thousand dollars to invest in Traverse City and vicinity
we could have had today one million dollars to invest.
If we had one hundred thousand dollars today to
invest in Traverse Citv^nd viciniiy and could have the
samei-heaUh we have liad for the past live years ■ for
which we are thankful • wc could in five yars from
Jan; 1st. l»i~. have
Wade Bros.
One Million Dollars to invest to
Traverse City and vicinity.
This first assertion we can prove, by the sales of
property five years ago and the selling price of today
The latter part of this assertion will prpve itself
in fue yt-ars from Jan. 1st. 1SK)7.
What we can do. Reader, you can do. But there
is one thing that none of us can do. It is this: Carry
money in our pocket and have it earn a profit. 1 hat
time passed awa>- when it was demonstrated that :he
.United States could make good on all its contracts.
So. Reader, always bear in mind that money
the most ab?oluidy worthless commodity in the world.
It never increases or decreases.' It's not like the old
cow~it never comes in. You've got to put it in and if
you put it in right it will come out right, and the right
place to put it in is in Traverse City and Grand Travlerse region real estate.
Look over our list innhe Classified Column of
this fiaper.
Timber Larids
Fat:cs 1 te 6
St ValHtUne.
me. sod 1 can*
I- warned Ihem ' names merely of the enamored -ones
numenti- ar.e .
Her F.rwt Forks.
<»ri slip* of pj|ier the habit grew-of punch an-! ms
She nodresaod slowly. She Mi old.iaddltig ji
Too BMid yonr nmij- oomii
-GoTMl evenlnx. Mlaa Thankful." aald
a cheery volw ai her aide.
nl»- window.
111 town,
lap fn ut all the
* «md
-A ward <rf frlondviiln tmr.
fat«l—•MS jtiKt
I"—she hcel-
noiiciiiE llial
In I5TI lt.-r:ry III
that party
K,erythlng was, silll In. the dim hall,
r .u Venire
Thankful slipped noire • gifis Vetc evrJmner't
m-.. hi. court.and the lid..
.wiu;; t-
lug hammer.
\'a1'-ni«nes of this
'Mr ncyx
All fruwd M pafM-r buna' floe:
Anil knew It for a valentine.
Oh..hafel eye#, ao deep and wise'
Oh. roar llpa that dhre not UuRh!
My llitio tUufclitcr'K phoiOKraith!
I kpeel and Mas your dimpled band
Ob. winnme llllle maid of mine!
-O. Miss Thankful!" she rrl.-d.
Mina Thankful had
decided liking
for this one of ihe boanlers l»anly be
Wfaai valentine could «<qual ii—
cause he never forgot lo show her the
Ton dioar me for your valeotloe.
—Silwldrcd B. Harry. Id Our Little
"lls.-ii |i..li» of giov.-s atid a p;di .4 silk
have had the lovellesi gill; what d«)
Jicleotisla IHieve
along 4be
T3u- Imhii of ..Wi.ius
"Of rourre Mr. Juno sent it. I asked. Uiy tiv
boMr rous .utid
Florence or any younger woman. A«<l
be grew just as red and sismiuerod So; . m-ul u. tbe exieiii that
this lx ven- grailfyiag to a
I know why now
who lias DO chilm to youth or beauty.
colorless miiMaclH- and
who talked ’with n jerk,
they reached
Molber says I may; land,
the boarding
tbankfttl fof and noihlnc «o hope for.
• ado-lt :
And yet lo Ihoae of the limited num
le <4 silk.. Hie
y t?i, Valen-. with
lie category j.rs ;.re
uauiitul gift hui negl.-ru-d
i-d ihsi In tbe fyarly days
linger " ti..i;
vg in this foaniry hursea
!■ help the iiK-unti>Uves on
pUrh.-rof w-a:» r were hrnught. andibc!
It is Womtni
f in RngUnd
la.id'J gu-Mw washed ibeir hands, riiouab t>. to rs-j.t houie-s o
roads used by aoio-
and r.trdixaid ’ cut
ct.tensi . wph
t.-;r the phiuis
-•hat Ihe glfi was.
I wlih s> Valent ni-'s l^v. In some se<
He leB the house withoni Iwdng able) tii.hv of Englan ). mil so vi-iy long agr
V gel a glimpse of Floiwnce
s-»>s i|>-<-firated wir
pression Mill on her face.
-1 wonder." she said. "I do just w
‘hintng sun have ibe courage to
while missive under bis d.sir Bin this, iH^rtiiuis rhlldre-ii w-c
ler." and sbe smiled.
much lo his dlsapi<ulmmeui iKoved to
At number thk Summemet avenue.
Ibe Bceond rate boardluR house, where
mitcb as the hot
water ba«« for eaira eold nlRhia. and
and FTorenre so pretty—and bim with
would be a good provider.
The neat niebi when Ulw Thankful
came lou> her ronnjthe turned on both
Settled facts Ibe gas jets-^n unheard of eai
gance: she carried u small parcel doue
of the bouae of ao lone atandloR
up in tlaaue paper, and
they were eever qnesUoned.
»ppe«l to lake off hn
She was s faded Coking lliile
whose plain
waa tmly redeemed by a pair of amll-
liefore she
ml over lo the tied and untied ihe
It was the tdiie satin party
she wns d day seam
atrena, aafl made enoush to pay her
II loi preiiier than It wn* at ihe
hcrsolf store." she saldanuillng at it where ll
•ailiaMr eloUied.
lay apread out on the while cover, in
U was a aundlng joke among the
nil Feb
i-'d'-sicns u
Hons, and expert lieslgnern
of the Inv.-lorn
I- Ihe
thive f
t would I •••■•;
■O have ,originated In ftielaml.'
Al this
I'rof. Tisib-i. <if the Ameilran Mo'
M-um vt Natmul Hlslnty, i, E, BriUab
East Afitra. with a •vuiiiiany
«if ifiy
Zulu nsUrew in .arairh of large ani
mal, that hny.- nm ns yet U-xm aewa
mitsidi- of Afrtt-a.
If the Immigianta landing m New
during the last y.-ar had
CORK- St (hr saiiM' time |i would bans
required a llcei of l.l;i veated*. t«rli
one rorrytng 1 fMsi passewgers.
The Shah own* the mo,' coriiy ptpa
in the world, and be smokes
1 tncruatad from
1. ruldesand
pearls and It valued al ISWi.noO.
The Zaro women uf India are su
TjcT woo ihu
the affairs of the home and ibe naUna.
Reading Under Water.
ihi-i.- for on
her ow n bands Every!
rent she has r«-elveil she has n-r-onl-
as well as lo tour!
the rlsibles of i|ie pmrilraldr Joker -- i ed in he; a<-<-oiint Insik
Here-ntl.x .he an.ouni loiaIle<l ap ex,
Jones- Florence; ihinkw
. Srlentifie Amerlran
jartly |;-i.«-i-ihe figure sbe bas been
iirl .VO,
wailu bag: It would Ire,
Flesren wmeh Serve at Food.
's.riniiu t.i re.M-h for -line rime. Now-;
dreadriil for lii-r'lo know- diffen-nily.
before anil t
Manx nowei-s are ewi«-n torlay
jiliat she has i-aehed it. she has de-;
thanking y«.u for it For her irake
Hood morrow lo j
,luod. or Ihe»e the glols- artichoke anil
|cldi-d III make tm more buMi-r,
Ideawe do not ev.-r tell her lhal yon
Of all viilentioe
caillifloxxei aiecxaniples The Utter Ir
lairky iiKyvd have those, familli-s
most iM-isisteni s*H
llU’lirxlly A flow'eI. for iIk- snowy vegi-tabe*-n iiiai^fiave seriired butter from
which CIV.-S it PS at
•Thankful Hope.
Ides sa-i-x-eil al our taUe-are Ibe on- Jones sliidled this
w-lth; first eiigibh- person wh.mi a maid or rrepaoded flower.- of a variety of roh- Mrs. Hoiihi. for she always bas car
ried offHhe prises at Ihe tlraud Rapids
mtiillns eyes.
:i iMChelor rees on
Valenline’s bage.
and HolUnd fali-s.
or her sake." ihai clansc gave Hay will be her or bu future- spouse.Cloves atui capers, ion. are familiar
And her husband U a living proof
bim a quirk thrill of pleasure. She Exchange.
• j flowers lhal mv eaten. Tbe former aie
lhal Ibe leitler Is good, for he ha*
would be aorry to find om then thni it
-----------jt'ie tmtiiaiiin- hl.is«.ms of a plant of
It dully for >1
r 40 je.
It his gift.
Making tfalenlii*
by the MfUien.
j,,,,. oiyitt.- or.Iei amwing In th- MovelB^a "T:. ismtids
Few iHu.ide ,eali
w-ha, .1 Uige
13,,^^. 3, j.
,.,^rj;r-eB tree
a mllece athlete
thU was II
of the riisi.ini of j
niuh, w-li'h riinison flow in perfvcl h-aJih
Ih- isih of
"Dear Miss Florrsece:
it Ti ll rows, and she
n alotileof red iBk
iiamage sbi- has kepi
ily al w.ak endeavoring to get iij
designs to ph-as.- the
fayacintb rqn
»had- ot
now r-. y.-ars of age
but (ach x-ason di-niands its innur.v
nnraod ■ i
•here Is room
1.1 fill Mi.win mnes of
<- M-arreiy mote Ifaaa
cinild net hold Ihe vah-ntii
the arrogance of assured beauty.
of Ihe valeu
eaniexi its sio-k. fnuu year
in othe
be from Mi-K Thankful.
"Mr. Jonm: a name 1 doabomina
Bbe lived In room 14. second floor tboae colorless eyes, ami that washed
hair! Rut then, be is lust as kind
back. MUa Thankful wna accepted
he can be.aud I make no doubt
year after year at one of ifae belonc-
Afterwaid u great stiver basio. and - up grades
wait and g.1 down with you this iime.-|Fehruarv in whleh tip- ai'N hum m , This silk. iUo m
ler. But be would never under
The Freoch .-Ity of l.y<ia> last
of I sis-meil as if Ibere woiiid noi be iiiocb j inoluW |.sao--<
( Ibe dust raised 1^
proper j sr. ni of meat and go-ase on ih*-m lor tbe machines
.. I.
his plate. Tlial was the easiest wavofioihi r widely nhM-rv«-<l f.-stivala
rolmwl; ,S.
bad touclied iheii fo.i
Flfly ;
IV-rtwilier. U(G
ihutiking him. He Is having an early 1
Th<- riemlemaii's Xiiigarine m iTTK silk, whii-li i- Unissl mei the eard - this-- forked in>inini*-ni
fl.eir mils fV'.a t4i
t*» a bsrbreakfast now . so | ibuiight 1 would i t-ls-ak-. of a kind of sisirt In Kent In l«ard and glued to the under sid--.
potibd. in
liay. Christ
ber who RTow to know Visa Thankful,
iheiw dropped . ihle Ink.
way to tbe nioinh as thev «
did in Gng-;glue |.y diawiug an.i piirkerinc rhew
keefi it and I wi.«e him a Itdler of line's Day''was in the
the name was. after all quite appro
board, and
> It^nlng tod
Macaroni ilm-s not all
'he puff U then nude from a
^ ’gather-si as -il’e.i
in the Jaii^r eon
thanks this morning and pul ll under) with May
they Srat met bw. For in them there onded. G*hea aho hadJIghted tbe ,
was ao llllle in her narrow JUe to be she Kul down wiib ihe iboogfatfut
Ing brown eyes,
cui- to iiiiAtwt the city,
boiisu'. abe a-ent very thoughtfully up And she llunere.1 alMiiit the roojn In iriuniph a figure ciiilv-l a "hoHy-hor,-1
are glued down, and the bo'-der
A Blua Silk Party Bas.
| whirl, ih.-v havP siolen from the bti>>.! p'i.c-sarr th.-n glm-d over the .-.lg.-*of
ll seemed lo be ooe of the Iraniet to her room. Mr. Jones had discourteil happy vxciti-nieni.
Meanwhile .Mr Jones was In a very! while tbe latier buoi one siolen /rom ihe puff
Ih a ^m.ii.r nunm-> apfwrof fate that her name abould fanve mon of the way upon tbe amitbUqualities Florence posi
imrenaln and puriU-d stale of Idiss.'lbe girls railed an -ivy-girl ' The^euilv itilrtrale d.-sigos nivvere slmplv
been Miai Thaokful Hope,
Tlie note had thanked him for hlslhollv and the Iw mav u- ronstdered ma>ie
snlted Inailnctlvet) af the name when which remarks »he had heaitlly i
man of forty-Ore.
rtesc tower. Karts, acts s
tbe Ungers. Howx-v
s licbily applied •
Mo<kina» and jraners.
you tSink. lhai him-satin larty l«ig’ ,!
him last night If ,ll w-as sold .vet ami, rti»ioni> ti-ver ptw-alh-
Thank-ful always liked him.
Sunday were accepted.
! pulls and Utws of ribbon, which must' -IdereO pt.^s-t to i.
•This iiioruing earn.- op lo my wife's! is- apfdled liy hand to the Car.U Tbe
same rtMinesy lhal he S'otild »li
He srua a timid young titan, wlih
the dessert every
Funny i> thi-re *a.a no med Florenre wotildi bedside Utile Will Wer<-.-r to her val 'enlv liiaeliine w<ek d.me ««> ili.-se va! l-e Ui manage ii. p
ieU.c;>.-ar |inslBco.i I'.ooojirto poiio-la.
as not sold toilay—will Ih* tomor-- hmiw who sent it. And ihvii she w«-nt [ tin.. and hroughi h-r name writien ^ iiiines u tk.- prmting <•( 'h- csdoie.' lo put ip.- iirjb- f.« k'e.! iMiirumi nt in
Ijirgi- >anllne cstinchi-* haic been
•w. llkely.to IknI and to »lis-p.
ri|s>n Idi.i- is.p«T -and gvdd letters, done: de.slgn and the t lorking out . of -the the manth than ibe Angers-.
<,lart<-vl ill Nagasaki. Jaiwn. with x
Miaa Thankful fell herd'-sire to poaThe next nioiiiltig Fkir«-uc>- knocked: by bimsr-If wiy- preiuly. and we were'rartl'
Tlic rsptdiiy otid tveatlles-ij
th*-n’ari..-hok.-s. a»paractiv pi'4< ivtew to cxpoiitng the fish to Europe,
■ss the bag inenasing.
at the door, airnokt liefore Mi«s Tbank-j wHI pleasi-d .with it " Un anoiber IKi., with wlii<-faihe
wlii<-fa t
puffs ^*>n4 sblired l>Or: and l-au' we.->- 1-:vs>cht
« ae a{
The Juice from tbprougfaly decay—1
"On your way home? 1..M me take fill was dreWsed. and came in with al Vab-mlne'-; <hy he recuuls that 'his
Ilf Ihe vatlous drvigns are made' ple,»»ui>- i., jiatidi them rrv
H-.ii - bananas 1*
i-riEhi.''-<Ij!AE eanninr.
)Our umbrella. " and they walked
fliisbc-d. happy far,w-ife-s'valenti'ne gave her om~halt do/lemarlialde. In making a hearth f.ir.ih*-.- with ibet! buk.
‘ —“ • make a firsi^ss indel-
I Xovnd U In my monilnK a maH.
Insa of the pinre;
lov lime, writes uiidei date of St. VaK lines are uia-If up wiih silk and shun Ikey ate «:U, (..it.r
;»-ptln>-'. ilsy: ;
^e ««gs of
h> bending
Spain U h.vving mlbions
yj.-ht a rich oil wbhrh burnk well.
oed chronicliT rrf lla- little -v-enu -dTlie more enis-nslve noveijy
no caul in thebag—,
Intro- in betgtl.
-;.u-.i.faed arch.int of ajmln. made In Geniianv.
•■ly .4 rp. -'.r.j.-.,«ho «aw Th.-iB there.!
door, she hung the rn>buO ever IbiSite luKi put
The king of Hal; 1. 5 f.ud S tncbea ,
ITT t:-<.e
b-Bslv iclotigaind whin sbe reachedlhe
pretty knoi'. and .its soflly stole buck.
I know a good
in .ScoUund
Pepys. Ihe val- ran itius ts-vviy rbtopiv ma-le
Zurich lu It. sums |MfVd wllh |m-.
folks used f.w tbe
thing 'ubMan'lal. In Kngland only tbi-.'atid le'-^ it driiii down under the ritei.they rarrfeil t.<
Flunwcc's room' Whs only n few doorx j man nve the. preM-ui.
A LIKI* of Eveeytbinf.
of France, at a
iitnrtiifl/..tt !er.-|Oem given in bis bon- ^r.
u ti-ndtmo- lo make one fe<-I (dd. If 11 verse, p-rialnly bj the sev-enieeuih. Mitai: bra«. iti.us arecnrrW In a e-;r
lieu iweniy-five year* b^iud one.
: r.-niury. UiYhal.lt
Inditing -valeu- al the lop of The m.irhlne. and are f. ,l
satin l«ni!. oter there in the ciinier
thing, and cheap. tot>,
ll Ilea before ne on nr Seak.
piece ot satin when I see it.
Mr ValcMint.
To mink, of all
I wa^ lust look
a ‘imiile riv.-ilcg
l^a of prettr tblOEX. too."
Mias Tbanhful.
Wfaai thPB for mo. doar Valonilorr
The (r««(c«t ot
e nrnaneoie
iiu.- tir iso of eenlimenl.. th.-u ntlacbed »o Ihe cam* by. meal.-.
pruee ai flrei. pbrhap.. and afterwaid
.When she wa. all ready for bed. she line, was well established.
down inu. a rt.ann.-l by ii u..:Hie.l
be add«l, wllh the (tardonable pride of openni th. iniak and look out the parHi ^!le sev«-tHeeoih ce^ury. If no: ‘ wh.-rl At the bottom ot the channel
a h<-ail clerk. ,
»> bag.
I retilk-i. It was a'habli for a valentine ait • c-ai-oik-nt. whi.-h. at .•am ' luierw
■t5o.Ml evenlnK. Mr Jonea.-jinowererf
She o|>ea<.l the >Vs>r an^ ilst.-ne.! ! lu njake hi. Iiiv.- h pre>eul, of sume- t-.ui ot tbe mnehin.. i.-leasci. a rivet
lk-(aiiM> It U-rour faJibCiiInnui
Thai IotIdc btail* eatbrler.
nia Uii* I a«k of roll.:
Our trimmer bents any
This kstklng hark at one', yuulb has
An Herlrir .ire tawp. capable of
iransmli property, and leave the ntea
Those pink roseltes are lovely: I'm
ytsi If 1 dareul.
irtlced Itf K«ienshepe.-,k ; r^,.
mnhltig to do.
The resoM Is. aaya
center .rf'flrtehlly supidylng the need.'of mtd.T
» tbe day. Mias Tbankful silly as I ran be. I know that well
blggeM ami hotneiiest val-! in: IH-Offie He- world oxer. Rermany
a ixrlenilsi. that they are the. agHest
enough! Thnfs why I asked Sli. Jixic. «illn.« a young lady ever got. If youiulthgiish ii do.-s noi
r.-cngni/e the the clove Is the unexpanded crimson ^a,„r lllumlnatiiui for ship salvage women on earth.
blossom. The familiar trioiminds for I a„,|
.iniil.r work as well as for
speak of mv getting It. Maybe
ire to have me tell you alrout
i,; «lay. .supplies many of the cards ;in<i
And no matter
Tbe man wire claims the distincHnn
the boiled leg .4 mulion are the'''iin--,p3.i.,ve almr»nher.-s
■mmer I ran have a lawn «lib a please carry Ih.- bine saHii l«c when i nov.-Hin. used In Ihe fnited' Stales
how ueprepoaseailng thi
o,s-oed flowers of a spring bramhl--; has Ikvu irie.1 in the harbor of AU-r- of being the pi'rthennosl <-dlloT In the
Of iBIi
boarder. Miss Tbankfira
i .America has laVeti
a kind heart Hule blue sprig In it. This would go
like shrah of .he Mcmerranean r.-'.,^„
eoonecrion will. re,«lrs uf- world la L Moller. wbo edits Ibe mas"Brastiis Jiio,-«."
iH-siitirully with tbai.
I don’t think
lead In the raUuxtine industry,
o dlacarcr
c excoiie.
traled EsquHbaux |iaper Aluagagltolll.
jfreted on the dork gates there, wlthold for a lawn on a hot day;
Other boarders came and went—
He etmid hear Florence singing In we not only supply our iiw-ti ina
Tbl* tripling plant
bai handsimte
p,^,<„|on. li published at ikyltbaati. on the west
“tmaalenu," Mrs. Simmooa called gnd I'm juM glad I goi ll—so there!" ler rooniADd he calli>d thi- Ik-II boy. hut export lafgx- quantiiie* of v
pinkish white flowers with Ion: Us-l,;,.
rbai a ihonwgb examlna- coast of Ureenland. tit degre-a north
Then nhc wrapped tip the bag nnd put md seni the nwe to h'-r.
ibem—bat Mias Thankful suyed on.
lines to all jarts i>f ifae world.
s..|s of s.an.en«
The youngesi and , .pm ,rf
u..-k cutes roi.ld m- made
For thineen years she had been an Irmway In hei trunk.
•There now-. ' he said, when this hadj Uigesi ralenllne supply bonae in the
Ihe finest eaper*.: 3,,
Sultan of Turkey atnutnaualy
After supiier Florence canic up to been areomplished; • » ii hiid not |s-.-n| world Is lor.viivl in this rliy, .-uid here
inmate ot the house.umn now she fell
known us nonpareil
S'"* j dcmoniwtwie its power one of the "'■K'*'**'
d.vtkneaa. an<1 his sfiariThankful
wns for MUs Thankful. I would never have|a large (nm- U busy the yvar round
that no place would bo borne to her risll her. and Miss
larger and neaier fiowi-i
•>' ‘‘^Idiver* returned for .-i newspaper, and' *»'•“»» 1“ '‘•f palac* wd the surruundbut Ibe tiny twelve by twelve room, lempied lo IHI ber all alsim ji. Rut had the grit to have sent ihat. And j working to m.vt the enormous dcome superfine r.ipucln
I after descending 1.. the bTdiom of th»rden. a* well are fl»»j,.d with
where she bad apeot her erenlnga and *he MS full of her own pians.aiid the
,uf* moo-. I la-lieve Miss Thankful tnand*
rapers. Ttre Chrysanthei
light «-very- niglit
He is rvtail b
her Sunday afiemoona for so many bag was not mentioned.
rw it. m.-.s her!
Tbere ar% three prinrlpal >^pe* r
ihy: » l.rtdjier or favorite servant, and
It ibrough lb
•Tbere'ls lo U- a paily lomorrnw
If Florruire- does biivc that blue ' valentines, namely, ihe coait. the pidwhich-seive as food.
If he dreams an (aierpreter Is aumn the aurfare-.
Ifs the Hih. ihinc on hi-r aimlll give Miss Thank- j fashioned lace, and the "onveliy"
She bad waiched Florence. Mrs. ev.ming at -Mary Moiu-'s
im-ioed directly be awakes io explain
- A ^clsh Wedding.
Slmama’a young danghten grow up
know." said Florence, happily. "I ful tbe very beet UllMi Cloth dres.« lhal enriiu-s. Hie lalier lo-lnc the nue.1
the meaning of the dream to him.
writing of Wei.hh scenery .and!
Ri ing. and w-i-ar my blue cloth Ooo|ior i f.s.pi-1 haviand had shared her
The reimlcs. which seem 1
• Taper or wottd polp hs, hi-eo med
ini-.. Mr Edward Thomas finds;
timid evmfldeoeea and cmlnlana about drews: I've worn it a loi.HIss TfaankAm1 Miss Thankful ,
ihv drv-e..— he by far the most pi'puhir. are- phone '
fur wheels, rail*, cannon, paving
occuixiuii lo nolire many rhatncleris-'
Ibe different young men of ihe house. ful.but inolhcr says I may have a u.-w Anna I*. Urey, in Inu-i
engrave.! ami prlnn-d Ui color
I brtek*. water ptjtcs. iHegrapll poi.ss,
'ics ufAiroria] life that are a* strerngly '
Confldencea which Florence would sash Hint will freshen it up. Hal. ob'
if the Slate deimrt .lanterns, leath.-r textile labrKw. eotnever have thought bf lelling her
wish. I do wl-h. I coiil.1 have a luirty
SL Vplentine’e Day.
ire'hsiuimi to «»>e i^’si"u>Vion”irf'
land ;
the phrme
•flu,. Un.-I, imfk irettle,. straw Im’s.
val..i.iine*. while the novrii} val
-Vone ..f the eurlou* usage, fie-practlcia mother. There wns aomo- hag that I saw down In Coo|sr> win
The only Hiinc which assocl
s Sitijtr*- VI
civv me Ihe namr spong*-,. thri-id. . jiom-laln, bulleta.
ihlng about Mlaa Thankful which In dow. It was a light blue .vtd lined with Valentine with tiu- day ifaat Ir
enilnesAii- la,g.-tv made h. hand
scrlhe.1 in his tveent borH.
Is more
id th
vited amBdimee. and the two were pink—such a lieauiy! I wish >wi had
he fuel that <m Fr-b.
The mu.-hine which,tnakl-s the pa-i*''”'*'''*'^’''"''
WSWive Wales,
warn friends.
was per iace consists of two rolls! on.- * ’’hau
one met,ito.ae.| m thef..!
•n II. I can't have unyihliig but. the after being In'atcn w ith cliil-s.
-lid of Ih.- wire.
It was a dull February evening: a
ih.tbotigb. and »*> ihere'w no use* In Iioheaded near ftnrnx• Ither a jii.irrlx iif Ihe
'Ade.- •
I missed them. t. a vlHiige in which
Japan poA—wsim a remartabie botwriilng ahoiii him. says:
alight snow waa failing, nnd Mlaa wishing.design
A w-jde .paper ril.lwui;
•A It whai*-'
-h.- lid-fashionfsi hiddlnc
n Ibe form of a bulThankful harried along toward home
Uisbop VaK'niine left us cxarwple lp-‘ is>
ea Ihe rid!., and is cuf:
"I did sec ii.” K.ild Miss Thankful,
A A Adri.-''
-laty-fixe f.wi tn
dea.1. Foi a .piiniIn Ibe eariy duak. The wlndowa were
hrmdi U-ats acaln^a the!
md it wws prettv. I Mrter. wished do diwds cif charity, lu feed the 'faifa-i by
Spe;! ;i plejou*,ed -te.o With n s annoincem-ht. in
; a living tree
llgbtml up. and prosenteit a lempiiDg
clothe the naked, visit the weak!ms
••ining .rfr ;iny..-l<Hierlnc
r II mrscH."
IX hands.
ence, Tlio oldnrray of mllliBery. dry gooda. flowers
land sick, to enienain the ixsir; .vud tie hii
iXt "bnish !
Flotvnre laughed. "Oh. of course,
Al-ait ooe tninand coatectloaer).
wbic-ubiglve ih<-dead a phrisiiun funeljgj.
reUem r.. •
.vou would nut want U.l>ui if you hndl
But Mbs Thankful dh] not notice
ag*t. li-uvliw
,.e .-...r,
e... ...i-hi
Martyr Valeniinc- ivrelv.-.l due
other' boarders that no matter how
cenld alw^ And i
to be aald aboni It
anj- of
them until
street, and
there she walked
slower, earning to a Mandatill at last
In from of Cooper A Cboper a laigc
dry-goods bonne. .
She smiled as she looked In al the
-Vea. - she said, sofil.v.
there .vei:
l made sure It would be
.ho„h.i.™.^ „,:Zh
Miss Thankful g w allent.
"Mr, Jones bas
evening service
I. preremtly.
j (llis.-l
Thank-fur He never talk. much, bui
One of tboae dainty
which always catch a woman's eye.
If abe has any soul for pleasing ef
"1 cant alfom a
Thai three weeks I
waa sick
last monib pui ihai oui of the quoslion, and m it doe. seeti as ir I could
buy that bag if
Only it
would be sillj—downilgbt slllj
Bte sighed.
utes which mo-Jcin
.•al.utilno s r^y res.-n
•hose »b-erve.t by the .innent
Mls*:„ ,h,.
- M-ason ot the l.upiTcal.,, |i 1
jouag man here,
a half," She wan garlng si a blue antin party bag. Uued slih delicate pink.
'“•-.ius-k a.it
. so invite w.-d.
rha1.lje.i 1 g-e- •'tn.-ring-the-h-1 P-1- Uiace from *nrk-'
*"* •'■•pat-I wPb
II x,.n, . Kh..hh
Thi- lac rtiahk.s‘on * :ike recp.um
'n«rth-Fort. V.l.m.n.. Rlni‘ inc 1.F them uii.l .•f-aring
A* the cilehraliiin «rf the Hotnan 1tai«'-vKftsr..-n-.faj..h pap.T hinges
LupcrcaU took plac- itj F«-h
to’ nitbos—l cardv. TJi.' hing— 'are
E»Hahe-h Joce-
I Think he Is aiKHit the best looking
i*»M. So cheap, too; only a dollar and
ippose he thinks a great deal.
which ere..-., tone
re th-ir parents ami hrmh.
"I've bad a kind of .
W«ek life, anrway.
Uiat,souada o
--f n.any-
.le,;r,,l The
l.-V. expeiienc
sheets rii;.- iicw- pa,si..l on re rh-foWlowwd a recital of Mr. Jones'sayings
! ward, drew ihc- nam-s.
After she had gone. Miss Tbankfnl • young man te^me for a
iBE tabV. wl;i,-;v they
. and I'vo no
i" ^
New Kind of-"'nk. -
culling machit:.'. Thi, niarhiac i, prrv 'o g-' m.-re f--r wr.at ■!>}', have -'iii
virted W!'h c-iri.'Ts of var-.eis .diwign. s,.|i
Ihe fire.
which cut, O'li the card,- wl-h --wUrq*. dl-covery of Dr. KalnrnDia,
that *a;«t for the year
all. No olhcT luan enw looked at i b"*' f^‘®
p»>d cii-:-*
'The hinged lace
frnsres antk- sc|eh*!,t
the moremtsdern deeigns plan followed
' Attncj.e.] to the
»if a
tele,di'«‘- iiaasiuirii-.- is a lioxiri.e artaosemeiit
tewfr;t.!:og a band stereo
Ucklbg !t,'.r iT.t,-
the S|*>aker.
al the iiiepbta.e V - , tbe tikenese l4
iny.'0''.'s re!-..e 10 eiveo-it iletaiu
f’ref lb- R»iietaco. head of 4be got.
Tug Parson and *He -Ug^t.~ .
•u hoi!
ernmettt c>l>ege of Vs4Ieiuehi. has SIWS
A pi-Vili hart ha,l a caii frertn 'a Tii‘i» cei-ded
Thi,'' diHicg-ji.hed ^'v’Uisri-r- M'-i-
it Is easy to seej sists of a i^ol with variuti* celluloid -A iUrie sagar and
bahtt of writing thu'oriiaaii-nis attached thereto.
*,u i>. jnt-reii»d , in
arjd-'-H ,xtre
)i« Hffb*
He did n'd
ing a reipper wire ar>oit.d 'he ns«-k* of
the ft-be, h- r ime.1 then; hare- in a
A nxmth panned ' rim imth r-il, W;>b the
prry Fone one met bis youngest aoc
The! h it. JoHah
preas ' B--------- ,
1 rvmnlng a motor by mrona
n4 ele<“i;clty fii'-nished by e-^s.- Plirf--,
The; prayer and cdosHeraiiiM,
ever got up connige to tell me. name Jh- drew to lu' his or her patron Of the latt-r. .ine of the slmpiewt c«. the heus. and re rht- f-aice are added
And then we moved
sets of Hiir,-. i,n.i iheii red mre the v^.t suppiy-nf .-he .•aui..tj'are trying far pw-ay f-rer. civtiizaiMio in Alaska,
grate, with sari, drewmy'eyes fixed on he drew
St. Piancis .le Stiles tried tij p.it a!
H,e-|e-t-,.«, ... wt,.m. he S, talking The
ertlfic Atn-.-rai- fir-lie'
While the fa’i.e-r. slei jnsdun- "he i pnire a boor •■. ihr-lsand* ,»ho
sat for a long, lung time in front of tbe'.peeial swain ct the lady who-e ixani.
She was going -ov.n in her!
>vah t.ave
Tr.—r- tf,.m a-7.- J B f-iw ter and W H.
cards re which Ihe I,,,- pa.-vrn, are
,h,- i.uperrala, for exam........ atlache.J are pruned io lire- .rtieets
■'*'>. >»: •!-"
the car rm the .Mrsl principle
certain nuau-r ,.f
w.ltb a vti.ulv--design. ' af. r .wbirh
*>*"■., If iL-tovr-ririt.n wiirtm or. lFmeFnp.A.
.they are .-m>-iSM,|
The vm'.sMMied '‘'■•,r**e___ ________ ■■
1, Hie Pci.
knew how. Girls are foollsb creature*. ;each would conidder the saint w-h.»e • displaced by
.'tarr«- faoldmgs in Ala.-.a.
T. r,,,,], desc-nd-d tix.m llie ,-ariu r ore-
» to think he disliked me-hc stam- j
apfMtsius for
mered «. wbrmever i spoke to him: -,he name, of a
guess it w-a. jnsi
Bind a lime iwtoty-flxv v.-.-xnx before : end »o tbe c'lstom. and
Bnt there nos
C. E B-lTY-h ,»
cam.-ra'l-4l,..i„aud,from tiieM.. .T,-;„s
e waa rorhlnc like Mr. Jones,"! hade the drawing of names of p.-xW'
ciemi,i has diMVivered
•I never bad anything as pretty as abe anld.
i„,tpad he required tire thus forming Jiie fhijiiltar. old-fa.h- making mta, from >pv ^n4.
that. Maybe that's why |
u> have
-He was good looking and so ,uRI; ' K«‘«nc peoph* within his jorlsdlcHon 'cmed l-rv'vs’enTinre, wburii. ,!•.>'
liq-vd ihit, enrart.-d reM-mbles
so aei my bean
on It.
bnt be was jnsi as limit, mod 1 aciediid write the name, of vartiNu Miintfifinid favor
a largeportion. tastes Hke caw's milk and can be
drenaoi bate alwsyi been brown
as carelesa
ami indlffer.mt as 1 on their slips of papi-r iioping that ;of t.Sj; puWtc. -and
rerase 10 be jitic;d at wry m-ich less coat. '
black; they last belter.-
• two
An Ice AirtwnoC ■-
'hat gtfcs.due to .fcetn
IKiin r'l.x ycMtne 'h»m in and o-jr i:ke
,-h.-hinge, at- .-It off
•iv-er wa»- Imlignur
;i wKli -w iiSLC.
"How:«,] h; > hundred sela fa-
vw» a'lR-t»
t* y.mr father going to ;nin a .mail grist mill and ligta up hi*
.hoew- and ground* Eweb s*d ipy«.
Weil." ac,wereii the youngster j-i-jsufflrjeni elertrteity
run ftirty-BvR
pulassiuu -^os-’ diciaily. Ta» ^ v’Hi omyin for ligb% ;sixteen • candle.power .* liigaadewt«iiil
TTie or-jpha'- Ch“ml«ir> !* a g.-e-it science
: t, .1 n,o.i of ap thing. 1, packed '
jlighia. '
tivssOTvr. Harold Spring; canmRtee.
■■ -- -----«LK RAPIDS.
an fiipid*. re»>. B.—H. 8. Anteim Dsn Pslrts^. Fiord Mltc-::?!!. A«■eir^dob&MB.
VM Slaetad to m ^Uce on tb«
coaamM br tbe coontr conrenUoD Itr.* snd Mrs. Wsltor Bukt enterhold St BcUslre Tue^lsr. A. K- Uined tb* ranBK people's Bible cUn
Dongbcrtr reUrin* from th» conmlt- of the M- EL Sandsr sebool Friday
tM bat not (rom pollttei. Hu«b M. ovcDlDE- ThU it a »err Urje elaas
CoMrcn vsr soninstod for achoot and BulkM a lar*o party for entertainDsBdsr the UMbodUU will bare
Use^ aerrket in tb* nuralns snd
cert given in the K. O. T. M. M. haU
by the Copemlsh band was a very sueceedpl affair and as mneb enjoyed.
The Jar of
«r Kn. J. C. GaanUett's clast and
overture, -mendshlp.- band selec-'
eOBalA of metnorlal eervlcee for the
lat* Blahop McCabe.
Y.W.I solo. “Hearts and Flowers.-,
The Rev. L. B. Blaaril moderator
Mlis Charlotte Prwllck.
for tbit dlttriet. tttended t aneting
March, “Bnnger Msrch snd Twt^
farre Tnetdty for the purpota of going
Step.-' by the band.
thitmgb tbe bualnesf fomuU of elect
TH» W. kind *( a testiicor.isl Vh.lln «>!.. with pUmo acct.mpanl-Sold ter uver .;»'-T '/e.:r.. '
ing tbe Bev. Mr. Vail as pastor of tbr
m-ui. "March of the Brr>*Tried." ,by^
Prctbylerlan church of EUt RapMt.
Mr. Vail has preached for the church <lrtr.
A daughter was l>om Friday to Mr.
•everal Bnndayt and Is giving excolleat nUtfaetlon. A toela] ereolnc and Mrs. Joseph 1)111 and«i Sunday a
: Mrs. A. S. Cornell.
elnaed Mr. BltsHI-s day with this m to Mr. and Mrs. William Barker.
Fart II.
Ex-ShcHir'and Mm. Saniut-l CiampcbnKb and It was largely attenhod.
The bay is fmten over and fitber- ID are 'mourning tlicr lu.ss of ii danghare Mtting their nets, tee bouses ■r whirh wuk Uirn and dli-d Saliinlay
Jr-nnI'i Kimball.
are alto teen upon Elk Itke.
} —---------------------Vocal^solo. Mm %V J. Rachow.
Thi- Tearhers' and Painm*’ ass.^ia
Jtmen Thompson reached borne Frl• Muno dmi. Anna I^wU and GladsTh- Hn-s* Was K-lled.
dgy afternoon with tbe remains of bis tkin will hold its annual nievtlng in Rose.
I tVi'lb ih.- u.ight -1 -111...,- I.--brother, WllUtm. who died In tbe (his village Feb. U and tc. Ku pains.
acc<.mpanl; of gr.-,-.i lUntiCr '<«jhy ‘i -l 1“'
oppw peninsula last week, and the Uini’ or energy have br-r-n siuiivd to
ment, "Danule- W>ve WalU." hy
’"T'i”,' ntui
’ Ui.veu bv K-U^i-l PmHlj>y
foaeml took place Saturday afternoon. make this a lue-iing that will leave
OMdoeted by (be Rev. Mr. Tali and Its Impress msui the i>eii|>If. Nolol
Medley ^iirch. “SuSliMOvk--..-."' by.' v ,i .j
. i'.-iav - r-. itb* Ber. Mr. Daniels, and tbe inter speakers snd lwaebr>we have Uh-p »ich.i
.aeot ih-ment was made In Maple Grove cem< cured for the occasion.
, Mr. Pliillipv wnl l.». far
■ U;.'
The saw mill siarie.1 up VV.ilm-sday
T. C. L. A M. Freight. • . '< pitch .rf tie- Ciml- U-lof
MlH Plot* Pierce, a former resident after tui lilleness nivi-ring sevenil
Tile ftv-ighl bnuiglit I
of Bile BapIdA bet obtained a position
la tbe elTlI terrlce commlttlao
•irh-r liorx-.
•-Sficrt arcoimtiints from Chicago arc train that has |a'=«e«l »>v.
w. r.- rn.111
ntanogispher in Washington. D. C.
Ii.r «
W'.-sl.xr >1... ..11.1
Homer Sly. local manager for the uad'illng (be iKeks iIiIk wool; and lasi
tons, or alsiiit ni>u UK! iarr
wriv fi.- lb.- Trau-i'.- Cit-i
Elk Cement company ba* been In Chi f<.r the 13k HapM-< Itrm company.
Miss F^iny Fsli launs apenl Sunday than Ui«- .sv.-ntg.- train.
cago so far this week.
Then* «t-n- ivi-nt} can: of jilg
In Trarenui Ciiy.
Id lumU-r. one empty uud two
cnarbi-x. The freight Is eliipp's! frwm
lut week In Central take.
;„l„. Th-........-.I 'I- '...... iippi'r
peniiiHala |M>lni!i and is ill.-.irib- the hill i- -r....-r,--l wtf. saart ;.i-.l
It SalRKlBy
iBg nocUl funcUon. they were *s- Percy Nolihklub
l">' on a
i)ie<l li.-M- b.-iwe<-i) iheC. It. & 1. ami ihcr.- >
fur a
•IMed In the dining room by^ sevcml
Marumtic. Tlrt- d<->tiiiali"ii «-f
Udie* who in turn prcclded over tbe
Ih<--lni1k nf li iK iViiiisylvaula ix-iut! . -t„|, U4..IV
illi.l W.' (S«. :l
Kra.l- was f
«offm Ud cboeoUte. nnd Hndnmes had.lKvn lust i>R a car in iranvit. - lie
Legiclative Committee.
PM lABg. WIU Bmc*. Fred nil* nnd went to Traverw City u<l Miecvede.l
ri.- I.-!.I th- Uoi-s on lii-li I«'!
30h Bmoe nMlited In fterrlng. Mrs. In having tbe trainmaster *<-iu1 out ah Fr«ni-Fiiila,v-K Ri!*>ir.l.
Tho lH>um- loglMativK -comniinco i«
Herbert Blodgett n planUl of grent engitie to search for
WMUng tiu- Northcni Micbigan oavlum
•kbl, contributed nWeriU nelecUon*.
by pueuTb.- nia.I <-irv.-.| J-i't Jlo-i. u.-i-l
y. in liccldi- Ul»jn ill.- appniprlal- ,.|1.'
Mr. ud Mn. WbitBeld enteruined at
,b.-- 1...IS.-S rt.ulcl n..T inal... It-.' l:~.
Uh«d for by thin lnMiiiiU«m.
' esrda Thnteday evwOng. a week later. monia Sunday.
talent, under tho.i
Those of the ctinimltlv*- who ar.' hcr«'.;
CbM Of the Fire Department H. 8. W.Hunte
H. nriffltb. who put ‘'Forgiven" nni, neprc»caUUv«'S Tiirn.-r. K.'lly.
'Aneme ud Mra. Amerwn opened
tbelr beuUfttl borne for tbe entertaln- utwu the local fdOge. will piny -Soulb- X S. Monrotr uil Vadi-n-.t-n. Mr.
metit of gnests Friday evening. While ern'Folks-' mt the opera houKC nest Parki-r. n member of tin- ways nml
u mmmUtec. is alwj wlUi the liui.l away fcim ih-spinn- cl hnr *
tbe oottpany wu abiorbed lo cards Monday evening,
and mmry making a call came for tbe A son. bora Tuesday lo Mr. ud Ijarty. its Is R«-prcsftitative J. IJ- Mon- !l wa-s tound tb;.i It- Iia. l.-v,a- i
ivs« of this county. The Udie* ac
to tarn ont for a Are which had Mrs. Frank Pascoc.
brokea out In tbe bowling alley. In The Presbyieriu Young People-sno- coniiluying arc- Mrs. Tumor. Mrs.
Jtm tbu five minute* there wu but clety will l>c entertained tonight by Kc-lly. Mrs. I*arkorati.l Mrs. J. H. McmnK-. -TniWi-c* Hart, Davis an.t HaU'c<me geeUemu left of all that large Charle* ud Frank Mcl.*iighlin.
aticl the nfflcc-rs'of tin- inMlIiUloh
The s
garty ud III bcaltb i
bla fran Joining the mat Tbe fire officers as follnw#: Prt-sldcjit. Wclr nic-cting with tlio cmmiuci-.
iident Sol Goldllrtt: vice
pet ont the
Bmmn ' J- L. HoHirtcr. formerly as^dsiai.i
1 (ud ladle* alM) retnraed tor fhrb: eecretary and
ITc»l sivivtary of Ihr Jackson V. M. C. A',
Hodge. Junior-* officer*
Nothing could
beep planned that would have', fur- dent. Glen Morrison: vk«* pn-*id«it. bas boon eoioctctl to fill the varaticj
i-iaryship of tin- Anti A'i">'
nWhed ueb a ipoctacular diversion as Arthur••ood: eecrvUry. Coi* Stone;!of th"
city association- H. K. Oolomen. ih*rcasurw Ray Coc^r.
1I city
talc decreed that night
] rewlenod sivrtM.iry. w.-ni to Jaiaiii
AsoUter effort to bi^ abont elec
Adam Schuler the smiling -drayman.
Trarcisc Qty StaU
CAPITAL, 8200,000
SURPLUS, 830000
Tire Insurance!
Plat* Class. Stsam Boilwr and Accident Insursno*.
A GcBcrtl Basklgc kabiam I^c
Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.
3 pv Ceat gUewet es Tiag bepniu
Room 310 New Stiitu Bank Building.
business cards.
T. Annmr M L>«
Traverse City, Mich.
LUXBEK-A'I iLtads.
DOORS aod WINDOWS All Myles. STORM SASH-Tbe warn klsd.
ROOFINfi-Tbe best aol cheapest
LNTERIOR RMiH-Slock and specia'.
tric HgbUng of tbe village baa ap
pealed. Tbla time It I* Herbert Joynt
Of TraTwa* (JDf who came over Mon
day and male* proposlUona that look
feaMble. He offer* to make a deposit
e(.'|1,«00 which be says be will forfeit
If be doe* not “make good.*' Here’*
hoplag'be doe* for BIk Rapid* need*
the Ilgbt badly enough.
Thta week the good Weighing has
been Improved by the school children.
Bverr night, which will todude lobI|M and, Saturday nlgbL merry
■lidghtng ^rtJe* have been ont enjoyJng the egetflent opportunity for
; Ell's Cream Balm'
Tion.-s. II 1!
We Believe
bl-"' UU .Avenue
\\c have the Best Tea on
the Market.
pcrtii-iilirly liti.- ii..v,.r ..f-i
li J..4 Uc- ir-.til.V
ln-ij; Iry a (Unnj'’-' I'-m.'l ‘.fttn*
- '.ar .'li .ii'-v-* >>i. yi'iir
Ui- L
l*rk‘c,50c per i
Tb* W. a T. D. will' give a valen
ttee aoclml next Wedneeday evening
at tbe borne of Mra. Jens Huson.
ndtool freehmen clus
eieefed officers as follow*: President
Fudna Voegell: vlco president. Grace
Ba^k; Mcretary. Mary Bosley
pAttKtjH ' I
R ISnr ^ttt6rsad Cmrw 5r»M
aiM. -oMIWm
''.vi' »;W. 335
hr* Tor*. , i —
Farms That Grow
tSiTtflhrce PaoRds In tiK SiAhtl
:;cre ll-mcstrAlA
Tarm and Tlrtside
Two papers for the pr.c« of OM
The Farmers’ Store
build a hmisf: or barn this
lf>-ou art; cuing
summer you will be thinking now about your hard*
,re and befun; you l»uy w.r want you to c-•>nie and see
for wc can "avc you some money, ^ou will want
:'rt» Vfl«W
Our barn door rollers arc winners; the door rolls
easily ami h*- door cannot get off the track. We can
sell you ih« >e j40ods j'jst as cheaply as you can send
.-iway for tliem and you s«:c the goods before you payfur them.
Renland Deui
$5, Hill
Our I bamomi I' Sail is j.ist the thing.
w3l be paid to any person who
can find one atom ol opium,
ether or chloroform or —
Dr. Miles’ Remedies.
.This reward is offered be
cause certain onscntpuloiis
persons make false statements
about these remedies, li is
understood that this reward
applies onlv to
purch• the
• ■open market,
• t. which
ased■ in
have not been tampered with.
Dr. Miles’ remedies cure by
their strengthening and invigorating effect upon the nervous
system, and not by weakening
the nerves.
tar mmra. aad weonacod Uwa t©
rtl-Falf> WHI* at* i»W
Wlltialm Sloch
Travec** ctty
can a broader smile than U9bb3 ^ ' °uw»o°»ry. ^__________
Mnce Tuesday, when a aew daughter;
-Regular ar »b* Suor*
Into hlx home.
i i* an »-»i.r«»slon ....................
imbt tin- rtsliig an.I s.-ttiui: of <f-- i "**•
A. J. DoJe of Bcllnlif. county supor- :u d<ml>
,h.- most rY-nr.b.r ,...rf..ra.sn-.'
ntvadent of th© poor, was In town ...
unlvcrs.-. nnWs It Is th.- arlK.ti ^
8. B. Ow-en-canH- over from Dollair©
Monday to look after his fir© loss on
Iding burufd Friday evening.
All kintls of t<hop .v..i’k lo ordi r «>n ••hi»rl notice.
Grt our prices before l>ujin«.
M!k, Ibdica Co. ElkhM lAd
Imporisd direct
blended, roasted, packed m air-ii^ht.
package and soW </rrccf to dealers.
In this coffee you get full value for your money. You get the
extra quality in the coffee through the saving of profits lost in
" es which arc sold through commission houses, brokers
That’s why McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is
so mack better than any other
coffee at the same price.
The handy air-tight package
and Uao glazing of pure sugar
coffee clean and
___ ^_____
protected from dust,
foul odors.
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by
How are the Chickens Laying?
I'ratts FoiiUo- Foo.l will h. li.'ihBm. anil i-gip
arc "out of sight" loo.
V: « ■
-■ -• ot “ :'-. ST •• CSS
Use Toledo I'uli, I’lssier lor the walls, will not
Ifce.e. ask about it, Keep bu.y during the
winter months.
• .1
1-, tt.- fimt
b.v a:. • t:.- t-rst y;rj uu-i.-r
t<-i. j.-ura ol-i j;tvin:f
oirnTri arrswvr to t!.!s ocm .
All first Class Grocers
XXXX CoffeeChums
A. TRACY LAY, Pvssldswl.
Hsmmer blo«'s, stesdily arplicd, break the hardest rock
CouEbing, day afier day, iars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn menibraBCs.
The Bev. Charles DanlcU was elect
ed a delegate to represent tbit church
at the April meeting of tbe Prnsbvle/j- at McBAin.
Mr. sod Mr*. Charles Dnrkce
lumed Iasi week from a lao monibt'
visit' In Kenosha. Wis.
Tbe last club Oance will be held
bt*« Tuesday evening,
Dr. J. C. Oauntif-tt was in 'Bellaire
Friday evv-ntug. aSKiKting In the erganizailoti of the county m<-dicnl
Nami-s.if uinDC-r* will Ugivm in llii.- s|a«i tomellnie
io Kebiu'ary S«u<l auawirxs
by mail
lao «toa«i that will not pan
I with ooe and one^f hieh n>eah. aad
Fpr th« Henid.
Uthwara shonU ha*e |
Pv ««t or the
■ore •ttentiM ia conceded br nearly : *«»««> «
erwyewe. hvt in tUa country ttete Inch meah.
Traverae City would do well to take
aaem -to hare been bnt UtUe done in
the way or ayatnmmtie. aelenUfle hlid>- a lOBBae here. Stooea of all aitea
way bnlMlii*. The eanae of thla U in from the sUe c( a man's bead down
hnnied oa the street to make it aa
a treat meaeure the abort ali^ted
poiiey that apoe people adopt of rot- rough as poaalble. V^Mea m
over tboee not only have to raise their
inc down erery pnWfe lap
kMda orer them but they come down
for fear aomeone elae than U
wU! cn)oy a few cenu aoro benefit oa the other tide with a blow that
dlga out a bole aad atlll farther
than they do.
WRh the old diatrlet ayatea each roogtaens the street.
Traverae City ahould Insist that
neighborhood ecu for thMr on
•ah laUrett regardlcn of the fact Abelr grave! be acreeaed to conespODd
with sute epecificalloas.
that perhafw by that meaaa <
After the grerri U i^ced on tbe
neighborbooda were ent of froa the
anee at principal tthrel while in tarn mad and thonnighty rolled down tbe
they theanetrea are cut off l-y the aboulders ahould be brought up to
W«n adopted by the next dl»- complete the apecifled outline of sectrtet. Wkt the coaaty ayatea yilx tJoo. Tbe sUte coosultlng eoglneer
*onld be Id a Urge pert dcoe away recommends that sods be rut and used
with. A w«U atudled plan woold be for tbe -top layer between graveled
earrUd out (« oooatroct the varioaa inrt and ditches. This gives the gniKi
s start and prevents tbo wastiog away
raadt ao aa to eoaoeet with
of uDcoverod/eanb. A well settled
The coaaty ^ Oread Trerene went rolled aubgredc of earth ahall be raa
back do the pUa caw for fear that for the gravel before it Is spread, alremembering that the Mibi
Treretae City would get more than its
. ahare of the beaedt regardleaa of ibe must be right Urhes or the depth of
the RtavcL below the top of flnlsbcd
, tact that aInMtt half of tbe t
woaW be otilected fim Trarerea City grade.
and that It woold go oouide of tbe
city to dittaat parts of tbe coaaty.
Kathaaka and Uantitee. both border
ing on oar coaaty. have had tbe coun
ty ayatea tor aome Unm and are well
pkaaad with IL
U there may renaoa why Grand
TraTeree poanly abould not be equally
The state has created a department
at t.—«ief with iioD. H. 8. Barle aa
commUalomr. and Prank Rogen. a,
IwacUeal dvll cnglDeer, aa coualUng
angUeer. The state baa also raised
a fund for boanaea to townahlpa build
ing a mile or more la any one year of
highway eonstraeted mocordiag to
thalr apedficatlona.
A tew or tbe inti
oat at r
are given here
for tbe guidance of people who «
a« wtia to attend.
Dlit Itoada.
Earth roads are only makeahli
ha applied la districte where
travel U light and the expease of
gravel or atone roads Is heavy la propbrtlca to amouat of taiaUe property.
But the ImiwovemeoU consist of mixtag sasd aad clay in tbe proportion of
taro parts sand to one part day.
tt Is tbe Buaner of mixing that makes
- the dinrenee betweM a soocms and
It la cislmad that Urn voids or
spaeas nsnally occupied by air be
tween tba particles of ssad mske ap
twwthlrds of lU hulk. Tbe obfoo la
adslag should be to let the clsy ocenpr this-agaee. *To do so It to not
■andeat to overlay sand with etoy sa
la that case much of It would be sofimmi la a WM Ume and wash away.
Bat it Bboald be mixed uriih disk or
other harrow to a ftady divided
dHlpa. TVn when tolled it makes a
fair road.
Bnt nil roads uhMld have the proper
mown aad sedfon. By seedon
■rasa the onUlae ct tba nod of a road
If on* ■honld eat square screes a road.
Tha proper aeetlea has an average
rtoe tram dltAes to center of crown
of CM taeh to the loot Thns a sute
aMed read most be at toast elghtoea
mat wlda tor the trevded part and
that would be aloe feet from ditch to
crown. Tbeo the center of the high
way would be nine inches abovn the
edge or tbe ditch. The aecUon Is
made on a parabolic carve.
But rt^t here to where the average
oonator-raad builder talli down. It
le to coavlace him that
OusIKlea cf OraMl.
There la quite a llUlc dlffcrehec in
the quality of gravel. Must of
gravel coDtaiBB a coveriag of lime
which make* a guod enough binder.
It Is a mistake to have too much, eajrecUlly clay binder.
But gravel which has hardened c
tral parts Is the best wearing.
The weight of vebteles Is borne
Ibe larger pebbles and tbe small pebbloe and particles-of rnisbcd
serve to make It smooth.
it will uke aboilt l,fiOP loads of
gravel such as Is generally hauled in
loose coodliloo to cover a mile of
E. H. Aliya.
Round-Up litstitute.
Lanalog. Mich., Fhb. 8.—The pro
gram for the twelfth snaual round-up
faTTDcn' ittiUiute. to be held al Ionia
Feb. 26 to March 1. to now being dlstrtbnied aad promises to afford much
interest and profit to those who
tend. Tbe railroads and hotela offer
reduced rates and
been made by tbe local committee to
entertain all who attend.
Among the speakers from other
sutes are 1. H. Kale, tbe 'peach
king' of Coanectieul. who will apeak
upoB “Handllag tbe Apple Orchard"
and "The San Jose Scale and Its Treat
ment." Mr. Hale has tOO acres of
apple orchards and aa he has fought
tbe scale for many years is well quali
fied to speek upon this eubtoet and Is
by evetrone regarded as an entertain
ing and Inlerestlag speaker.
Wednesday will be given up to faiia
crops, with cspeclaJ attenUtm to tbe
and culture of corn. The
leading, apeaker will be Prof. P. G.
Holden of the Iowa Agricultural col
lege. who Is by eretyone regarded ea
the pioneer tn caUIng attention to the
poaaihllities of Improving end Increas
ing Uie yield of this crop.
TTi» sessions on Tburedsy win be
readared espedslly Interesting by the
preaeace of Oovereor Waaer who will
preside aad dethrer an addrws opon
"Dairying." Among the other speak-'
ers will be Pref. W. J. Fraser of the'
Univereity of Illinois, who will speek:
in the forenoon upoo "The Importanoe
Baubltohlag aa EfBeicat Dairy
Herd." aad la the afieraooo oa “Some
Importarn Ph^ of the Dairy Feed
ing Problem.’ f Friday will be devote]
to topics retoUag to the breeding aad
of boreei. cattle, sheep and
Among tbe apeaken la addittoa to
those neailoDed above will be Profetaora Smith. Sbaw. Jeffery. Waterraand and others from tbe Agricultur
al college and maay of the regular Insiltute lecturers will also be upon tbe
TLe bandllag of alfalfa, beans, potatoes, strawberries and other crops will
discussed. Forestry, piod roads,
rural scbools. rirlc improvement and
other quesMons will receive aiieotion.
Tbe Michigan Com improvement assoetatiun will have its annual tnecling
at Ionia on Feb. 27 ajid Is arranging
for Ibe largeirt and best corn show
ever lu-id In the state The prires of
fered will be worth nearl.r |5tw. A li»t
of the premiums and rules relating to
the exhibit ran i>e bad by addressing
O. E. Voung. care Michigan Farmer.
Deiroli, or L B. Taft. Agricultural col
Steed a Chance.
Ernest 8^em>kl. siio baa been corresponding with the adjutant gen«-r:il
of the stale national guard. Is In re.
celpt of a letter stating that, at pres,
eni. there is no opening In that organIxatlon but that under certain ccodlttona a company of lov men could be
equipped «-lib rifles.
Since the local boys arrived borne
after serving In Cuba in IK9S there
has been a petition filed with the au
thorities for the admission of a local
company Into the national guard but
nothing has ever been done further
(ban that Mr. Salenskl is Informed,
however, that Traven-e City will be
given the first chance when there is a
vacancy. Tbe spring Inspection may
reveal some fault In some ot the eompanies in the sute wbleti would
cause them to be dropped or other
mauors might arise thai would give
> opening.
if a bnnd of tl.aoo could be offered,
the rifles could be obtaioed and u compaay put In shape to join ibe national
guard when that opportnaiiy piosenU iteeU.
brought about by the wanner weather,
logs are coming Into the city rapidly
loads were
hauled through Front slrcet that re
minded tbe older pedcsirUns of days
when the town was young. Each load
was made up of three logs, two small
ones and one giant. The big Mieks
were fine, solid elm over four feet
In diameter and twelve feet long. They
ocaled 1.2P0 and 1.182 feci and were
for the Oval Wood Dlsb company. Tbe
timiter is being cut on (he farm of A.
Newmaa west of tbe city.
K. O T. M. M. No 871 will give
Ihclr annua! Dutch supper Feb 13tb.
All Sir Knights Invited.
-ale -d i
cliwn. uhito-dst.. m. i.-ha!.di-e
JJnes that av »l*h ti> . hn-r on-
..f^tl:ai*r)!;) g.-irir.
; or.linsij
air l.i..k<-n
»r- i.»- tui..!;
always h
To tl
The qualilv of tin- jhh-.U alui U;.- l.‘sur». -d 11,<• pi.- •. lU .:.l ji-,- .,1
.-t- it i-;
st-ll or 111. chd.in-n
Ni> inuD who Is ai$r to hi . "i>n irii.-i.-:-- sh.vjM ; thi' •■pi—it i-,. j... tv ait!..
of IL
RcmriulrtT.. the UOft thins-a:v
ins Iiiekc-.; up etcr) da>.
your l-aiKalo.
....... ......................................................................................................................... ... ............................
taking adViiittsge
:hi t-«rttcr will
Big Reductions in Children’s , Dept.
rWlHlShas always been one of our sironu’csi and best dcparirn'-'mi, and wc incatt
lokeep ii so. To do this we are making the most cxiraonlinar)' prices on
some odd Jots and some broken lines—lines that arc to.) small to carry into
another season. By closing these on*, our stock is fresii and new each wasnn.
These goods are ihesame choice goods that wc cirry in our regular stoi k, but K)ts
are small and manufacturers are sold out of these same goods. We . ould nor replace ihc same things again at the nrice< we are offerineihem to you.
One lot Child's Soils, ‘aocs :: to (1 j -ars.
One bip. lot Boys' NotWk Suits. as..m^l
WUI dose .it.....................
Or.e lot Children's Buster Brown. Iwtli styles collars, handsome, new.
ime goods, sold from $5
Q gK
toiiuO.now.................................... ■ 0.00
One lot Youth's blue all wool
One lot 'i-piece. suits, ages 10
O Qfe
to 12. sold for $o. now..........
One lot \'outh’s black t'nlinishrd
On., lot h-pktedlort pant* std'.,
we-c $1' and KMHi. now................0> ( O
One lot ^■olIth's Cassimere suits
Worsteds, sold at $s. now....^*^®
One lot You'h's Cassimere suits,
One lot Children's better siiifs.
ages I-". to 2'i. sold for
. T.GS
SliltollOn. now ............
to So. now
One lot Vomit's Cassimere suits.
One lot Boys' Norfolk' Suits, ages
ag.'s!b,o20.sold fur
into 12, were $4 to
$1.-) to !>. ntj.. non .......................... ....
$5. now.................
All Boy’s and Children’s Sweaters in Boys DepartmecI
One Fonrtb Oil. *AI1 Children’s Wool tToques al One
Fourth Off Regnlar Price.
CMIdren’s Reefers
Boys' Overcoats
I.«2. dp. Pit., in.«; to $s. no...
-la.I a- An,-a 10 n. M. Jh l.i * 12. in.w
CliUdren’s Overcoats
Ia.ll .tl.-rtlo».-,.,,u.al,.,10.n... ....$1.50
IM 2-.2.7.H..:i.50,au,. I ndO...... ..51.5B
. Ia.i:i-$5lo-..70.»a« 1 I.. 1.-,. n... ....54.00
Childs’s Russian Suits
“■ •’* ■-‘K UHv« *4ilil liiihvexr friuii $u
........... $3.65
rjilt for pliiy or ctiierwis'*..........................SI.0O
«Jne lot. agci to ‘1, imveiiol.l for from SI
toS-..wiHd«4-t.t.tm.|t......................... $1.50
t Im- lot us .iliove. w illi relrel . dlxn. 1111
Ui Hi on s!-e‘Vf.. aget t 10 s. gold for
fr,mr'.-l..:;.r«.lmw................................... $1.50
ChildrenXKnil Jackets
Uit) j'Vira
la<'i m t. renld b.r has tbaa-'i'lc. liow
Men’s Suits and Overcoats
t the main track. Perhaps be
thlaha that other wise tbe center of
the road would slide out Into the
ditches. But these ebouldetu only
aerve to keep the water, the worst
mranty of roade. la the track to aaften
it Many times a unto rounding up nf
abooldera by Ihrowiag them Into the
coator U too low, or oat of the rrnil If
BOt aaoded, would allow a road to
drain aad vastly improve It
Ravine Raada.
Reads la rnrlaea or on dugwpys
ahoold bare some kind of paving for
goUeru. CobUe sionce make a good
^ la maay cases the cheapest gut^ ter. Much work on theae important
ravine roade la thrown away beeanse
freabeta cut away the road itself.
' Then tbe grades should be not less
than atx feet rise or fall to each 100
teat llBoal if one would gel aute aid.
Gravel Reads.
Tbe eUte elded grar^ raadt must
have the following apccJllcatloDs of
coaetrscUoa. The slope of ditches
, next to tbe track must be not less
Ihaa two borUoatal to one vertical.
Muay builders make the aide dRchea
•o steep that there to danger « overtoreing when two riga have to pass
near tbe ditch. The traveled track
BOft be boi toss than elghleec feet
sriU aloe feel of It covered wlib
gravel, to a depth of not less than
eight Inches. TbU is pot on in two
courses. The first Is pm on six luriiet
de^ and thoroughly rolled whoa it
wU eompaet W five lacbee.
The gravel used In the bottom
cooree must have no stonea that will
not pass s sereeo with two and oaehslf Inch mesh aad the bstonce mutt
have 80 per cent <rf pebUes that will
not pass a aereen with oaeelghtb Incli
meab The
“ top comae muirrearaVa
■here are thrae critical stages in a
nan's life which leave their mark
to her career. Tbe first of theee stages
is wonaebood, or the change from a
care free girl to baddiag womanhood.
The eeoond la motherhood, and the
third U Change of Ufe.
Ferils Borround each of theae stages.
»t of the misery that comes
rn through ill health dates
le or I
porUnt crises
____________________ .TtbatLyAla
e. PMttoa's VegMabto Caafood
made from native roou and herbs has
carried thousands of vonng girls over
the critical period of pnhertv. has
prepared mothers for childbirth, and
in Utor reers carried them aa'
thresh the chsngcofUfe
ly than anv other remedv la
rid. Thousands of
from gratefnl
ratefni ipersons, two of which
are here pnblisL.......
publitoed. sub
fact beyond contradiction.
Mrs Creorge Walters of Woodlawn.
Til. write#:
Deer Mrs. Plekhem:•'! fsri it mv dutr tn Ml you of the good
Lrdia E. Flakbam's V««HaUle rom~t.iD<l
hasdoosms in preperios for rhUdWth.
esbsshbv a rbild a* ran bsfnund anewbwa
I.vdrs F- Pinkham'. T.gwai4r r.eniound
is s Usssiiw to all exprrraal tnoth.rs.'’
Mra. Elva Harher Edwarda of
Cathlamn. VVa«h,. wriuw;
Dear Mrs. riiikham.•'I went t'l tell vou bow t.vdia E Fiskham's VegrtshV rompxmd- rsmot ms
through the crtti wl i-fv.«loflh*fhwi>eser
Ufa srtebout snv umbU wfaaieeer. also
cured ms of a eery •evere fwasle wsaknnw.
1 ewBDot my enough in ptaiae of whsi your
mtdiriaetiBs d-UMi fornie.''
What Lrdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
CefflpoiwtdAid for Mrs Walters aed
Mrs. Fdwsrds it tvill do forothrr wo
men in their cimditinn. Every huffering seoman in the I'niled btaica
is a«ked to accept the follnwlog in
vitation. It i» free, will bitog voo
health and may save four life.
Men's Cat>imert; an<i Mchoii Suits.
Stihl for
Men's Cassimere and Worste«1 Suit>.. SoM
forSlbfN.to SlSUl now ...............................
Men's Black Worsted Sui>. Siyes^t to :i7.
Sold for SliMM and SI-'.'Ni. now.....................
M< n’s Black Worsi«*d Suits.
Sold for $15,011 and
Sizes IH to •)7.
Men's Mixftl Worsted Suit*, regular size.
. $6.95
Fine ('»ood<.
inrluding H. S- N M s. and Stein-Blorh Co’s Goods
4 M Qff
Sold for $20 f)0toS22'*n. now........................................................................
Including Suits for "Stou'. " Men.
M.-n's H-vtca Vl' -.-Caods. Worsted, best m*kes. M.
17 Qff
S. & M's and S. B. Co s.goods. Were S2:5 to J-Y now
* i
Men's Ovt-rcoa:-.. sold all 1 he >ea.son
/ OiT
for.$H"(*. Ill (Al and n fib. now.................................................. 0»7:j
Men's Overcoats, sold all the s<-a»tin
for iJ.fiii. Bl.dO. U.'i'iand lujib. now..........
Men s Ov. r( ->at- sizes
to :ii) sold all sea--'"
for from SrO'" to 17fJf», now. .i ..
Men's Overcoats, all sizes. >old all -fa'on
for from SI 7 ()(• to 2b 00. now • i.......................
nt8. nakhtato bdthdM ta Waaca.
Women suffering from any f-tnn of
female weakness arc invited to
promptly eommunieaie with Mrs.
Pinkhsm. at Lvnn. Ma.ss. I'nuc the
srmptoms given, the trouble mar be
l^trd and the quiekesi as "
wav of rreorery adviv
of ber
vast rolnine of experleo in treating
female ilU Mrs. Pinkh a probablv
bat the very knowlrdge that will
help vour ease. Ber adv
Irioe U free
and belpfuL
s. a quick rcooery s
DarioE it» lc«g record of more than thirty yeers ita loog list of
Actoal cure*, entitle? Lydia E. PinUtam's Vegetable Compound to
tbe respect and coufideoce of every fair mindfd person.
Lydi* E« Plsllta«'s VcCCttMC COfflpOUd USkCS Slch WOOCt WClL
Do Not Overlook the fact that what wc advertise
we have and at prices advertised.
Hamttton Clottiing Co.
Web., r/b.
C. B. ickenun was > cHp TlcUn last
Mrs. R, Brass of Trarerae Ctty Is
nsklSK her dastfiter. Hn. A. E. WU‘ tsr4.
. Miss Kellie Wtaters. cierb la tbc
IwsbWce was iQ Tnveras CUr last
IBsiadar and nnMr.
Tbe Rev. Mr. HsaUss and son
Versa wew In Tparsraa’ QV
Tsesdar and B’sdnesdar:
K. Ofover Is 01 vltb lasrtppe
tbli «-rltinx.
Mn. W. 8. Reed was «alte ill ser• eial dsrs Inst sreck.
The msnr friends of Mrs. Peter
&eh of Piatte will rrpct lo bear that
she la Is a eerious condlilea from
pDlBtoear>- tronble.
Word has been received In the rll'
am that J<din Berry of Osborn is 111
with smallpos. where be contracted
Ibe disease U net I nown.
A dance will be dlren in the sew
bail In PUite. Tbursdtr nigbi. Feb.
Itlb. Din for dance and sopiter
Miss BeatHco Clereland. pHs
toaeber here spent Bundar at
bone In Trarerae City.
■E. R. Dailr was at Battflos Bay oa
Thomas Deering. ]r. rialtod
week wttb bis brother at BIk lUpIda.
, RepresentaUre Bnatlnc was boms
fitm Lansint orer Bondar.
Thomas Deering. Ir.. rlslled last
week witb bU brother, Mark Doering.
SI Bk Rapi&'
The U 0„T. M. M. aad K. a T. M.
m! lodges held a jolnL tnstallaUoB of
oKlcers here Jan. 261b. In their lodge
The worst storm of the se
struck tills place. Batnrdsy non
making the roads well neigh impsasaUc. but four tcans hare been
from the country since.
Mr. Petdfnglll of Orlatt. vislicd his
dangbler.Mrs. A. F. BunUng here Fri
day and Bstoidty.
Miss Mary Sbenn>r of Kalamazno.
who Is risltlng her sister Mrs. Paul
Rohr, has been quite III for some t
B. A. t'oice was home over Sunday;
from GleDgsrrT. Wexford coonty.
where he has charge of a store.
Among tbc little ooes who are III
Bl present are (be chlldien of Dayton
8 Iby. (he tbree-fear.<ild eon
Ames and Breycur^d son of Bert
Mrs. Merton V<He« nnd daughter.
Ester, of Pellsum. are Tlalilng her
paronu. Mrs. and Mrs. W. 8. Reed.
A moTlng picture ahow was glren
In the opera house last Wednesday
erealhg by J. G. Holidiy which was
prononneed to Uc very .good by those
who attesded.
A aocktic and apron sucial was held
In the K. O. T. M. M. hall here Satur
day cecnlng for the benefit of tfae
school library fund. The sreaibcr was
very severe but quite a large crowd
were In attwdaoce.
James Dnlloy. who was so terrisbly
Injured on July 3rd. 19M si Greenbush. Manitoba, by having his legs
. broken J>d1ow the knee, and who has
BlBce been in n hosplUl at Dauphin,
a town about three hundred miles
north of Wnnipeg Is expected home
this week. The left leg has healed so
that Mr. Dailey Is able to step <
but Iho bone In the right leg yas
badly splintered nnd aerersl pieces of
bone have been removed at dIEeieol
Mia. Mnrtey and Mra
ere la AUeo Toesday.
Walter Van-Darren nml wife left
here for camp where Mr*; Van Borrei
will help with Ihe cn^dng.
Mrs. Wsy loft heye Wednesday for
camp where she w ill act as cook unlU
s one can be found to take her
Cedar. Mich.. Feb. P-Mr.
louasreu -was caUed to Lem
Ont.. tost week, by the itlneas of hto
son. who bas appendicitis.
8. E Burke of Maple aiy waa ta
town Wednesday.
Will Colvre was In Traveraa City,
last Friday.
Tire M. & K. E saow-plow bas made
three tripa on this brutch so far this
Harry Palmer spent Sunday
Traverse City.
Mrs. A. Hall and daughter Xalwl
left tost Wednesday, raraute for San
Francisco. Csl. where ihC)- will Join
Ir,husband and father, who
there tost fall to work at
trade. Mr. and Mr*. Hall
have lived In Cedar a number of years
and have made many frlenfis all who
regret to see them go but wish them
a long and prosperous life in their
new srciten hdme.
Mn. A. E Bellinger of Maple City,
passed through town laet Wedneeday.
onronte for Traverse City.
W. Ames went to Baginsw last
Tuesday with a carload of potatoes.
Mrs. A. 8. Smith of Solon was In
town one day tssi week.
The game of “chockon'’ Is all tbc
rage noa-; there are a few ‘■bright”
ones who cant be beat.
Richard Morse was a Traverse CTty
visitor last Tuesday.
The mid-week pnycr mecling met
this week at the home of Mr. sod Mrs.
J. Ross.
Tbo lumbermen arc (akiag sd.rantage of this snow and are brlagiag
the logs In thick and fast
F. J. Bright went to Traverse City
Wedomlay night.
Mrs. Frallck of Maple City and Mrs.
Snllivan did ahoppiog la TnTcree
City last Tucsda.v.
Ilum.r. Mich.. Feh. S-Miss I..enna
Dean, depiily postal clerk, had the
misfortune l» siuasti (be middle finger
her left band tost FrldAV- U be
came entangled In one of the gear
wheels of tfae dater and had H not
been for Orville Slullh seeing the pre
dicament Miss Dean was In she might
have lost an arm. Orville hastened to
ktlss Dean's assisiance. threw the
hell off and kicked the dau-r out
doors, and Orville to the hero of the
boar now.
County Clerk Ely of Frankfort was
1 town Sunday getilitg acquainted
wRh bis fanilly.
George Crtdy was lucky enough to
drew C months In the ionla bouse of
correcUon Issi week for cramping on
to anMhcr man's pocketbook some
time ago.
Ernie Root made himself good with
le fair sex tost Saturday night by
taking a load over to tlie literary at
J)r. gso'UT of l^tka sw was la
The KM You Have Always Bought
Some Valuable Hints
world far 37 ye«n.
Mr. JfctoMmh snw 1 1 AMen Ttolior
Yoiil never bweUp-qtA
I>Mi let soy nun fwilA yM
over to cofee thst psye hfai big
profits gt tfae espeDse of jms
fafitft ttoBKh Md Derves.
FaMUa.OsamawNw a0*l. tUa<«
121 Front Stnvl
.\1. V. H.\UNEK. prop.
$^fic Jtitiericaii.
In ibf niattfc -.t ih- fwtnlK of Alyben*
Bafn-av UtKotaaKt rrenlr. do-naacd
H>KK> i«>,rr*).T erre rhattonr K-.-nih-tnre
.^ li, -lav ..r .Unuarr A ll in'", hare hare
iall»-l f-- fC-dlOKa *f. ,KT—nv tlicir ••lAlwa
• at-»if,-l —i-l
.ai-l rf/-jrl t-a • laK; n
• a- -> -IV-I »lju«-n>»-*'. an-l Ihnl alt -refill-.ri -4
—I I -1- «-rt are- r-.ioir—1 t'Irtr
f.-alflremrl, »l tb- r-.'a'f
Romarlcabflo Success cf-tHe
Griimell Bros. Piano
*'lb da,
-The rrf.hnt* CnwM
Is Convincing Prool ol Its Matchless QnaliUcs
;ii|ver(iqiajf. tbe kiml ip.>rls uf -!
Throuifb sheer fbroe of ni> rit. and with our most ftT*-ci;
loAueli firrijiortious
lielitpi parchaaer#. lhedeu.sti.1 for our <»wn m:ike.>f P-am. o..*
lea* thao five vmri we have iKHttoompfUcllrt treble Ibf st^'.e and Mul|mt of onr fa-Huy
ttvday. notwUbalamling tbrtsr- larRcly jn. reAsed faeihii-s. w.- are w-ar. <-ly al.to fiH .-.il ..r, .
<)ar present plant eompriiM tb.- three plat.U sUuwi, berewHT|. .muH irmiuK -v. r U.
feetjof rtoor apace aod c-.nlipp-'-l witb every im>-lern apiibanw for T.tjli irr-. le piauo Tmielmi:
CouifI be tr^-!'- h'
i«si';*Ti:s who hr,
RAPID CITVftopld Oty. Mich.. Feb. 8-J«ck
Vandervort sras In town Mooday to se
cure the posliloD of yard boss at Kin
ney's mlU. Hto family will move here
Discoursed, Until
Earl Hammond broke bia iPg and
Hashed a foot on the roll way lust
Monday at the G. P. C. Co.
Mra. Frank Hunt fell'down suit*
le day tost week and badly braised
her bsck and one hand. It to on (be
mend'at this writing.
ille a ^limber of old folks 1
Mr*. I. P. Covey a birthday surprise
|isTlr last Monday. Mr*. Covey re Trial Ixilile fn-e.
ceived man.v oostly and useful presns. A bouaUfuI repast was served
I the evening.
Mis* Alice Cold Is Ibe new waitiru
: hotel Eagle.
Mis* Olive BowvT has returned
from her Intcrlocben trip.
Wallin. Mh:U_ l-Vb. fi—Carl Bye «1
(his place was married Jan. Stth. (o
Misa LAxada Openo of South Frank
fort, at the brWe’a home In the pres
ence of their relatives and few friends.
In the evening they held a reception
lo the 1. O. O. F. ball at Wallin,
where a,bounilful supper and refreah
■Penia were served lo about one huo
deed of their frtenda The Wilson
eBndon. Mich, Fell. 8—Mr. Burt ol
ordtMtra. famished the music,
OrawB. was in town this tost week,
preaent wished them aU the triMalngt
looking after l<«gttig interests.
of this life. They were given many
uaefsl and valuable presents. The
bride Is one of Soulh Frankfort's matt
estimable young Udies and the groom
U on of Walln's moat pmspe
energetic yxHing men with a host of
frtends. They are now at home In
Wallin to their friends.
Mr*. O. T. Dobmere wat In Traverse
City Wednesday. MiopiOBg. Apret Kostviek of Chicago to visittng bis friends and brother of this
W. H. Smith loaded a car of pou
toea tost week.
Miss LUxle Webber to working in
town for John E JtAaaon.
Mrs. Annie NortvIA to on the aick
list this week.
, ,
Tlpe I. O. O. F. lodge lastUtad two
pouDGof die pure
candidates tost Saturday nlghL
oU'tmshiitMwd Ar>
from what to heard the goat must
have been over worked.
Ben Ptmte to home from Big Rapids
_____ Cofiee. thM took
where he has taken s courae In tele csiec^ 6w mfret god daesticsi
your«i»WDts, ud his
Beetrlre Fnsthera of Whltesbun:.
boa dreleg^ cofee of the
Tone., to visiting her paTanls. Hr. and
Mrs. Richard Hoas.
Robert Crawford had the mtofor- ra disaslrr Merrlt B liiilh-}' wrote to
Unc to l>e badly injsred Friday, by two fnrnds <jf his In tbc city of Kings
a tilg barn door rsmacaohita. Several ton and yesterday he received a letter I
rtbK were brekm aad he was Injured fiem one. Johu E lUn.IslL The h-U< r .
Interaslly. Ur. Shitllffay to altendlag gltcn an excelb-nt id*-* erf iIk- borm.him.
as Mr. Raodat!'!* brother was
C. Worden's two yvungeat cdiildrett aad h|v Mster lost her husband.
quite sick.
The Jcner v.-*i vrituw Jan -S and : S^ofEyeDestreyedbyWissse- I
Albert Conklin to working for W. states that at least on>- tho ts.tnd p-.>-'
Tried Five Doctors but Grew !
C. Marran.
pie had lost their
while hClwi-eo
The Kind Tea Hare Alwaj* Bon«;bt, mod mbleh haa been
Worse-!n Agonjf Eight Months '
Wayne MeMIUbacI has porchased a two and three thniisam] were injured. la use for over 30 year*, has borne* the aignatore of
— Parents
new organ.
Btfore tbc eartl»Hak« and.fire Kinc--- tiiaile under hia perThe wrecker came do«-n Snndsy loti was a Ik«ik!'ii| i-ity trjt arier»a:il
Cuticura Remedies
They Tried Cuticui
evening to Uft a (on casting which there was nut a single sliop left aUnd-1.
had rolled off a Oat car. from the Ine In the bnsliws's hecth-n. ouly [
- AH Cnunterteit*. Imitations mod “•Tti*t.a>-giMwi”are but
track near Bendon.
. ficaps of ,ni!n> marking the sites of* IN ONE WEEK ALL
Ksfieriiiient* that trifle with mod euiUngrr the bmlth of
Ed. Waters and t IS, Arthur. Ken-'the shops'I and[| store*.
Infauu and Cbildreu—Experieaee aealu*t lUperlmeoU
the time tbe letlc\waa written,
noth nnd Tbo, are visiting retotlves
there was not a ch'irch in the eiu
at Fbciby.
f<u- worship. Mr.
C. Maynard and wife are entertain that could be
e girt, one year iand a half
>n with •*-xnua --it that w*« •
ing’their son from southern Michigan. Randall is a merrhaot i.nd It is to b*whsr tlK- di»-t»»^ »«i>l It »*». t\.-i*U-il I
Ca.«(oria I* a lutmiless Nihstitiile for Ca*tnr OH, PareLois Edwards of Imeiiochen. called pre*ume<I. allboQgh Ih- <100* uot stale in th-- famiir
aixl l»- ,
fforie. i>ni|i-. aini StMiihiiif; SyTtipw. It i* I’leasuiit. ll
aiKl said -Ik- wuuU l5*ail rigl.i .
on friends in Bendon. Friday.
! ill tfie lett<T. that he also lost heavily
in a
liav-. Thi^-c*<ni
cnniuiii* tieiihi-r Ojiiiitii, >lorplitue nor other Nun'olle
Revival meetings
stlH In pro-! He i* st-crcHary nnd ir.-asurer of the
'wi- relied .■n” «l.;T.if *N^‘:"lb- ■
subsiaiit-e. It* age i* iiw |rtutrunt<>e. It <le*tr«ij* >V«rttis
greis at the chnrcb.
Jumaiea Christian Kn.butvor I'niou. said *bt- was -leeihing. a* wwii a* tb.aitd aiUi* reveri-litiot.*. It eure* DliirTlnra ai«l Wind
(o-Ili wer>--thniiigli *Ik- wmiU !•- all "BUI Bowen" was In town Thursday.
nchl. but -b-- -III! gr-w w-on.-, Ihxw
' Colie. ll reliei*-* Teetirini; Tmiilileis eure* Con*tipati»N
Bora, to "Brownie" Johnson and
liir No. 3 saul II wa«***-«ua. BviUu '
I'hiiuli-tii I. ll u»iiniUtc> Iho FiwkI, rr*uli«t«~. Ilin
tiiiio .Ik- wa.1 n-lhuii! but S vi-llvw.
wife, a baby girl. "Granpa Bowen” to
ail* iu*h sore. B'«-il. Ik- **id b-- cnuld
Hlomaeh aim ILiweK, gtiiiig lieiilihy aiivl iiHlunil steep.
Anto-Saleoh Sueday.
stepping high.
to’ip I'cr, «) so- It-i hiiu try
The CliililrenN l‘aiuu-ea-Tlio Mother’s lYlcud.
a wre-k. tint: ttinung wi- tlwti-vt-nil
The luistor* of the MinlMen.'
Frank Regg Is very low with paeuliitl- ifll.tw piinpk- on oik- .< la-r
rinticm will give i!|> Spmlay. Fi-U. :;4. a
et-<-. Cf t-iiun-- we ’iiiumt-d for ili'--:..r
to (he State .Miti-Suloon b-agne. whieh
N-r. 3, lit- twin-- . Vt-r Ulul U*lkl*i Iit-f
Bd. Shock was -In Traverse City. will flll the pulpits of ihe city wtih
evir sii'l KBirt rimi If- >-<uM not d-. am Saturday.
the lK»t k-ag'ie Kpr-al.ii>. A tempei- thing tii.«e for Ik*-. Ilml we had
f Bears the Signavore of
ance mas* hu-eting will t.i- hel.l In tiu- lake If-r tt> i-niD-' t-vt- f,«--iaU»l, »«»»■ il
wiling at the City ..ix-rn hoim*-. wait an u!(*t. S- we went to Urwi-g-t
Sirttons Bay Water Bands.
lo dt*-t»r No. 4. anti Ik- *aid tif- •-*•rhert- the principal aiir'n->i will ««• d<- aight
wa*cviiK-.Lut tliai iK-rouldlK-lp il.
Spitona Bay. Feb. ”.—The uaeii lver«-il by the Rev <1 \V. Slt>rti»w.
\ie th-iigl.t Wf wcul'l tr\ tl.«-tof No.
Wtil. tlwt jrtvtrt*! IIk- *«tik-. . only hi- ,
illiiCtiKsed water works liond Issue
elinrgi-il 810 niotx' ilian. ui>i-tr No. 4.
seems now to bsv<- been eeltied. A
li lo contidir A\e. w*-re n*wrl\- tli-uxxtrac—I. i raw •
one nf tht- CtiiK-nra odvtTTju-iti-01. in i
general meeting was called for Feb.
IIk- naiMT «tMl rifiught Wi- «..<ilii trv ;
r> at 7 p. m , but aa a-legaliccbnlcallty
tlie riitK-iira Treaim-til. *<■ I
and ,
Muiieal Program.
piiri%a-fil a *•-( trf C»(k*ira ii-iiK'-Ifs.
Suiiami Bay. Mich.. F-1>. h.—A'llui- whiili
RIO If. httd in (hn*- ilay* .
our daughter, wh-i had boon i-K-k alx'ut t
. sorial and muslrtil ■•rocrani was giv<-ii
vailed. E. J. Peck was given the fioor
e*-enliig l.j ih- children .of Mr
In Use For Over 30 Years.
rrml.aml in one week all kho-* hud ih«- ,
and talked at some length In favor of ! Michael school The prnr<->-ds -wer-- ai'prer**!.
fif t*tiif«' it muH i.->i o- ;
n short term bond Issue, The long ' f"r the betiefii of the Catlioile chtn
SI--0- th>- <-»--icht hut if WIn..-d I
127 wa, real‘ e.1 and the
CutHTini ill )im-' I am i*4itM--iii iluii
term bond issue was not wlihoiit its musieal 'of
prognitn ws* etijnri-d by nil.
H w-udd liavi- KSVi-d (Ik- ovf. \Vf iIhiiW |
supporters. It developed during the The i.tvh*->li* of the r>>in«-n! reudiTi-d llfr*-1-ti" r>-riK-ili-ao giKul (--u-uov-km
tlist a large rejireseniatlon M-veral fine seb-eilun*
(rf eltJiens were not at all iu favor
Oulek cbwog** frem hm lo <«bl
>• m----------- .. |t,i„i."
jlwt- ..Ih-w. 11,
londlng tinder any eumdderallon, bw-h again trv K-nieE<-o'<*'ltaii''r- *000
eatarfb. a Try:
many of these went home l>cfi
i>riw-: ’■
tbo rote was taken to determine l
voire of the meeting a* to the ionn<
' I fU'm This bnn.KT anil i.u-iler- tarmclr'-* I >*'- <..^.-1 e. k
desired. The eoiinell Is In f.-tvor
tbc Kmg term and evidenUy voted
that way.
After the discossiun
■- f
rinsed, .(hn vote was taken, standing
ftfloen short and twenty long. WTiether
the matter.will rest on this deeifiion
is largely pniblematlc.
s •> sm
One fact was dlwlowd by tb<- dlII m
cussion Qud that w-a* tjiat Sutinns
TrsiT..(. <’iiT •it ]’r*vniM*( l«*s at
xe* for the <-omiug rears will
XVwiiw fiun i'*iUar < ii< m4 Frossms*! arrt**
pirtiic. Iiaving a water works
proposition of about lio.ooo, a sehool
house proposition of fS.Ooh. end a
» i JRNKk.
l>v the Kinihall Mt;-!- llo-jsc. tVo rej.ri-x-iit riine nf the hirgefl
town hall proposillon of ts.noo. with an
fllim* ill ri.i; tV. \V. Kiml.;,II Co. l.juu & Ilea::’, and Ihe Ediassessed valuation of f$S.'K>».
suu 1-hodogrjph Co.
Hint No. 1—Buy >o-ir piano froiu miuio Iiu:i-i- ili.it lia< a vital
N..t s... ;»K. .v..»iBfSK-«
Inleri-H In -ati-lyiiig ' liie puldle <-ii iilaints—iliai must sell good
Fred L. Johnson Dead.
plauos III oriUr to ronliiiiiy In tniMU.rr. ,
gi t
Elk Rapids. Mieh.. Feb. 7.~Fred r.
Him No. 2—IV- run-.rile lioio-.- io>i d-'al with knows what nidsuo
Johnson, aged ST. died at I o'clock
really U, and do.*, iioi inoKlder it sloipl.' 4i pirc-c of furtillore. uod,
this afternoon after a long Illness with
Ihcrefoie all lisht if it does not come unglued.
tuberculosis. In addition to a wife.
Him No. 2—Do not placr .3tiy d>-p--mi< iiee uikiu the teitimonlal*
from unknown people who may know abr-oliiifly nothing of musical
Johnson leaves two little chil
tone. Get a piano with a firn-ilaf* repmailon. ,
dren. He was bore and raised In the
Him No. 4—invortigaie any ••wotid. fl.il” offers very qarefully.
. rut |wi ... if.'-f Trwin i*w»— Trmvwr-K iXly tar Norlkpvt
village, spending hU entire life here,
Remember there Is no saving in l.uying ■-heap, inferior goods for a
and leaves a larga number of friends.
■4va’*.I^<'lty.Mfrp» BOSk
less prieo thiiu you must pay for staii-lard goods.
Hint No. "•—Beware «rf the "jii-lcing-a-p isno- tn-yviur- own-home"
Trains ninv* at Tiava-Kf laiy AmUy wnpt
ferior pianos lare sold
idea. .\s a tnaTU-r of fan. nearlyr ail inferior
luld tic laupbi-d m ID the
WHV. for the naiple reason lha th>V w'ould
The innov«-nrc of tbc pur
KiileM'K'ins of a tlrst-eta*-* plan
60 YEAR**
arT'iri"-i>"t;''icT,.^r* ha-rcil'lmaii'i’iik-f *<w»
Cliasi-r iK'imits Ihi- pkm to Miei-,--.i very
tor and pttl'llsher of the OIM'gn Join
i--'w.-n Tnx-rwi'nv awl Kmiid Hnpld*
Him No. r.-Buy a KIMBAI.!. l'i.m<\
Park. Md ataKinwc cwrw re Ml. It*. «r«BW
iiiit, f.ilbertsvllle. NT Y.. "I* Hr. Kmg N
Kafir B'.rnia« trnis kM hriar Ud Pisw.
If. pi'iiii-i in i-.m-’iToeiion.
ls IK-ll.
New niseovery. It ha* prov«it to l>e
an infaltitile cure tor cniigli* and oddthe be:
making short work of the w.ir-i nf
theni.-We always kwp a Imtiledn iluhou«-! I lH-li.-ve M W lie the mo.-t
OTATr.or an iiin*K-Th*P»o»wi» cren
Q f..f IbKl'fHIBtJ ft riCWIKj TfWVKT—
.............. prearriplioii known (or l.mig
.-M-eUen--* . Ju - pT.-.
Tbc Urimiell Hros Piano i* stricllr ao artisne ereat
r.'nntioii. (i my »i wjioni
lUj- A piano for line muBieian*
is and
aad people of unisical taste .-.nil
number amonp
its purch________
purchasers and
inoDg Its
. roost enibusiastie atlmir.-re.
c «i« proud to aumber
Etiiy (iriuDell Brea Piano if fuliv guareiiteH for an uulimiu-il i.—.
t »
SeUinig direct ftiun ibe factory enables u- to quoU- very low piicea and tin*, eoupi.il w-tti
FUteen Stores
In Michigan
Detroitg Mich.
- Their comxer.'lr.
»"uhl i.il a
umr. ol
i.ac-r. If you are no; a
user of He-: hi» :r ao,v. ,h»l- jw. »
hin:-.o :r, a
-aek. T.ea; will
ir- I'y.- :;r.: cfmany.
& Lay Co.
■HIchlgaD OirU." 1 would like to I Mildred Ferry. Murrell and Wllliaml cats.
r dog named Rover, two!
-Tea. dear; a ioag tlw ago; but it | laa! do r«o s'pa
Snnsbiae Club. Plewae send a Lamb. 1 like to go
school. My] bones and sevra cows. We bare lots
Uke that. I gaMs."
1 bin asd «Akad him la a |H>l*r
card and a button lo me and to Agnee teacher's name U Mlaa Shai
of nowr bere now. I atn in the faurtb
Moppet looked sober.
No, ao, drar; 1 guess not.Plewa to Adam Stephen and to Mary |her very mueb. ThU 1« all a
grade and stndy reading, spelling, ao
' I dida'i ever m4rb aa see one. oiiir [ -Then where Is be. maamaTPlewa. Stephen Sbonlk. Anna tUaefa-i From
ithmetic. lanpuam- and geograp^. I what yv>;« made, mamnu. " she said • ' I donY know, my child.*
hy and to Susan Agnes Flis. Elizabeth
Beulah May Mom c^npoi think of any more, so good-bye. "I didn't ever see a tKtqgbte<t nn»."
Then Moppet curled heraelf up on
Kwht W
«/ TMt
Fils. Teresa Brz..rka. fczerlaw. Berl,lad,to hear from you apai:
• Yorir Utile Srtend.
That was very true bersuae in tbe! on the lounge and bad )u«t bsgna tn
>xiur pi»»iil.-U' UurIii«hI till
Ui-*U Um»$ >•/«( imm^kuM
nwaki and P^er Mazurek. Joreidi
nd to have your srimulmaies
Winie Houdek
. little out-of thc-way town where Mop- j cry In good «T»e«. wb« -Tap! tap!
CAUM". «hPB »hp retd il. She U ROing
Pk-wa. Thomal. Fils. Martin Fll--. Tfi.-y join the timablde Club,
" came a sharp IHHe brak against
to prim ll f.jr >u:i Ufore lonp Woi. i
I wtU »y Mvw to wmrry *r
would all like to i-ia the Senshine
‘ do ynti think the o
? Rover*
Jteople never Hi.vjgtl of eu<* a the-window-. She aprang up. almost
Ibai Ix- Din ?
Omens. Mk-h.-Jan S6. DsiT
• fM *tort toVIMfit.
Club. That.Is all 1 can write.
Ihicp as sending a valeitliDe. 1
wild with joy '
I toUl try to
•• i
JHier... if j,v.i h.id shown on.
- Oh. it s Ihwey!- she cried flying lo
0n>- »f oiir SiiiiUtini* liait sw>t
Mao- PlewA and Elizabeth nis.' '
P.-ime, who ke|r. It-..- rilUge .
the window "6 m imma. come quielt!
nlcx- lMt<-r And a ciioDinR' riw^.
What a pood time so many Skn- grritig to send in my m-phew’s BMelDen- presideai—
to tor M I Mn.
w-fuld have known what It wi
Wba't 1. ihai he's |
fonw! lo tin Any naoic. Wc d>1 wiab IxAms win have trq;eihert I atn glad f«tr the Cradle Ro|;
naneu Wl’^ I wo-z'd liki
I will try to k* to*ln» MtofUl
W4- nlisbt know trho Ii U.
lard Ray Soutbweli. H is one year'Club. PWm- -eart nie a rard ;,nd
to send you the «-ard> and Ikiuoos.
had :ac» M.qvp.u , iWKfai-r V'udd have 1 Mamma didn't znred uv Ipto:—*he
kiMl to torwykM/ Alto to
and eipM iDomfasrdd I will tell you ton I go f-v svb'iol v-very day. 1 an'
•wy <hr|n« Uilny.
l.-ught cav—.inv 1;hai didn'i esz s.*. knew wiihoui looking.
H.rr- i« c.r RAtD«^
Burdickvillc, Mleh.. J;(n, 5f, '
about a little fciif/n that I found when in the third grade f study reafltug,
ai:urh Aa-i i* ua . quire t.-.. iat.- t-.
If I Avar toll lA trytof to Ae
"1 goew." told bhc wMilinc. "1 guNia
Dear President—
rme <ir mv { spi'Ilina. ailthmetlc. and language,
A Very Solemn Oeeatien.
ir* ai> h.recw truly valgnilnc. dcat."
IMn thifltA. I will Try. try
An I liave iKji written for a Inn: friends was with me. t beard a'llltlej Hv ii-acher • name Is Miss Ckura -Hfil- fc**id !•» ire.- Buw
. To l.t«lu with. B Ivader i* Mdwied.
."1 gUrtw jvu ll c.! .-1..- >H M v-ar.;
That 1* ju« whai It H.*nxito tn he.
iiy meow and called ll. It came out | Ion. I like her v-<-ry well. My Lome l«
jand tlie mmiiAny. wKb bBndkorchluls lime. I will w-rlie now, :is it t« storm
Mamma ici Dovey DUmond li
Hie wisids and such a pauy liitlel in Cbkago. hut I am siavibg wiHi my
Mfold<-d irltDRQlarly >i|Mjb their hredt. ing <»il »r doors. I go* hurt last .N‘nBut m-zi .year was a
nil. 1 untied a
iiig as it was! 1 took vi borne and I: slso r. Mrs. CTtas Egfler I like the
. n.
us funny an effwi bh i>om*1UU' vemlier with (lowder. .snil pot 'my fare
and the «h>i-ighi <rf wb; I mMCht lewsejlarge
all sinned full on Hie right side'and
ve i; .Mipte'milk: il drank it and eouutry ouiie we:i. '] neis; Hose, for
Moppet opened
my right hurt a,little, but there are
>-n B weiil under tite stove and j this time.
.simliirt M Moppii. ■
with ragnraee*. '
•-W spots left in yet 1 have not
Urn ilenanee. says, with the pri-.-iles'
•ni lo sleep. We kepi U ahmit iwol Your frb-nd.
T W'i«h i could, lota-trew " >h- sold
Ob' oh* oh' <di" eherri'sUno full
e If. schot.l sh'«-. 'itHll a «f-lt «o
gravity nnd no
.nths, and when it was potr.lo dig-j .\ue IFTI.-tii. r Il.irm-lsrer.rw'dierly.
of Joy to do anything bewide acrrwm.
Monday. Ii.it my eyr is a little w.-ak
vg time .we went fo our tsher place
| am glad oi liave you join ihe'ttoti-.
Mdenin ocrash
Mamuja dkln i (elieve she ssouW. 'Ae-- the (lowers, maiBnia! oHib? and
irld Iasi Sundig ipo'aloei nnd every nieht when | shine t'liiti.- a.fKl am sure you aie a leit I'.n w.i il.ln'i Ipiiv*- caugl.t her say
Then Ihe comixmy repeat the plinise'
that little girt with a wreaih on'
I hi.ve tn do eb-ires in Ihe morn
- came .home it Wfiuhl cotni- to meet l-trne RnnU-tiUi, •
after him; or at least aa many do ibis
VN-zaiiyvuatWii"T.- did ll eunie from* I trever saw
>1 and whe.T
. Hut «uie nlcht it did not rooie.l
as can for Hie long-drawn eounie- ing l>er..re I |p> t.
RrMtoent-^lara Stoea.
ittg >he Mlfrhei .m the h.,1 of Mop^ auyihiSK halt ao prHiy? o. mamma!
iboiiT a mile
mret Vice Prttodenl-Mabel Batea
!■-'» Ul'Uo'zfsl Kturklng
and the ineonpniily of iho phraae. u school. We have had nice weather l.rl. • l.,n, ilm..l,ui
Just ihen Mr. Frazer iistk his pipe
And would you helievc Hut that
¥fimam«. '
-»v| your pfrttv postal' ia«t
p-ove irresistible, sod peneralty ibe ■II winter and not luitcb snow fur •V have never found It since Well.
SACAito Vice PreaWent—lira,
Mi.nflay. We h»vc ha<1 slcknoM. at our ■ I'f of lii> mouth Mr. Frar.i r W4» a tin- l•>•listl little M»p|s-i hegm^_Jo cry
will have to Hose f..' this time
lender and the whole cingpnny break deigiiinK. so the im-n could nut haul
jll^rey Shiclda.
j bouse Miriher was tak«m sick first psier nti.ll, who llflen stOp(S-d tlieie again wllh her urms Iphi rauM. ber
nany lops i» a lua.l, but wci'will gel
Vours sincerely.
after^^ntsed OceemRert. 1tS«.
Rf-lia Drown. j with the tonsTiilis and wa* tdek alKinl dinner rliiokv. He w.,-. a .efv phws
which forfeits are taken. After a few (•noiigh minw yet. W.- Iiave alsiiit iwo
"i s'pnse itW 'cause I'm so glad I
balfemile* to go and pt-i our
We all ho|>e Ihai the d-:.f IIIHf Jibi-.. w-eks. ;md Oi.-n I cum.- down aiii bsiklng man Mop|>ei thoughi. and
I rials Hie forfeits are redremed. but
d.m'l know what lo do " she saU. heIbe real Tun lies In the eudeavur ii»> mail, which Ik in Hnrtllckvilie, dud kitty fiuind another nice home, and a« ^wldi the .same Hiiuc AliewHa became be almtiv always l.rougiu her an up ginning to langh next minuin. "O,
rli'irrbet. tlx- old-time McHhv
:is Rella. .
lu laugh.
who do you s-pose ae«l nr
'hut iwiivs in vk-k I feed little emiw
diat and'tbe MeihislI-.!
NedV Choice.
"So VTOI never had it vab-nfiiie .•||••
Mamma knows, or thinks nbu doM.
MupleCiiy, i
Mrds We.Hitv.w out cnimlBi lotbeiii
Sh.. haiAul iwy cliet-kB.
Old Mission. Mich.. Jan. SO. *n7. there is a church alsuii a mite from us
I She thinks Mr
r IVesidentIhfy com.- ill our eliarnWr window and I.- asked.
enfied Ihe Latter Day .‘taints wblrh Is
Nor eyes ibai ljri«hlly abine;
Dear Presideni-• No sir." i--il.t Mtipte-t l«i'hf.illv'
j J-yjrer cvut.l
uv aluHit It than
. win wrile to .......... ,...
Iin well .....
and ; nuinnia cattvlil twi. Sh- f.-H them
l. u Hme
: -Kor golden cults, ixjf te<Hli like |»«arli
Well. 1 Ibniight 1 wonl.l write a In i*rir.-vtne.
"And iiev.r saw one* Welt! well' ati) one else,
hole* yvHi are the same, i and luy lit j
bird .ws-il *riie>- ate nicely and
This lAlriillne of mine!
few lines to yon. t am qiilie well now rbotT*. I will Iiave to st..p wri'lng.fi'r
t.si- sbe'knuws
Km oh. abe'a Jutl Ihe dearrat, .
exci-{>t a little colif. For pets I have a lids time.
to d.> with
:iinsliiiie Cliih. Plt-sse s..nd u. a card go. I will i-li you wliai 1 got lor
Freni your Sunshlner.
The tnieat and the bent;
little black kitten: we call him Baby.
.laiighlng at b-t? Mepiiei w..iider.sl. ihese mmlB:”
MatJK Jeiik. ind huitfin.' i have :i Utile hrmher ChriKimav, ,1 got a pairof vide tsmilis.
And one more kind you vlll no) And
He crems tn know n pood.deal for n
.<-s|ie wlio would, lil.i- his name on a pair »f sifKkinp«. a gol.let. a eiip But iu-foiv sis- eoutd quite reiile the. Hut M.ippel^iarn
We are all ghvd lo hear (nJiii Hans
In many a long day t n>ie>deat: we all thiuk a lot of him. I hnpe
Ilf tYadl- Rell We have twefilv-stz and yjiueer. an i.pton. five Chir.omas luaiiiT in m t own mta.1. Mie m-anl ;r'
tblx k-tter wUI llud aU ib* Sii^shlners utic*- more. isn'« it nice H.ai he I-.
. ..
• 'liolans tn 'bur s>|„i„|. My teacher's cards.' a verse book, a doll, a hand liiilelapai the window.
cbeeks are faded now:
well. There are ST scholars enrolled Ihie to go lo sdiuud again!
-t»_h il'K Dov.-v Dianitmd!" shecrHsl.|
In Cuban flcIVAAla.
lame is Miss l.vdb Riem-Iis. I am kerchief, a pleuire M«ne ftt.iii Hie .-aafHer dear old eyes are din:
lu oiir school this winter. We have a
Ttaverso (Tiy. MIMi.. R : F. D. C, in Hh> tldri] giad<-. I aDi eipfai veais eni nai! of New Y* rk wniie fr*.iu ■•■raetilng for the moni<lit everyHiingj . fiii«n Iianvis like nrboois wbsre
Her hair'a like snow, ber •atone nr line teacher this year; her name U
d. (l<«Ml-hy«>.
Dothan. Alahanu. some drum Mont tint her pieily drali and while pet | the hours are long nnd Ihe schools
Miss E. Currie.
I am In Hu- fourth
pimevy. Xlahuma
AH«.iiia cot, f.*r oui-i.le - \nd lie's come SBer his dill j keep every Week day for OMIM to tbe
Her Omre isn'i tiin:
grade at school. For t.lirisimas I pot
' y*-ar. because then the children am
Marion 4fenne<iv
I vould write y-nii a le*cbiisimas .-I doll, a toy doe. a rlhbon.
Dat'ob! and Ota! lioTp her!
three dolls, one doll a real large one.
zto .Vopiiei oinme.1 Hie window, and! not ao gr>ai a care at bpme Bal ti
it is nice tn have a family with
\V«- had I Cbrislmas tree In our
Ip and saiirer. five canis'and a
^.'.Thle cr«ndiDamnia of mine;
and two small ones. I guew my cuu.sId hnus- lid I rerelvnl several three Sunbeams in It. Indee<( 1 will t pirrure with frame. I have three hrotb- got a handful of rn>mb>. and fed the imoie of ihe acboulB vezv IliHe U
' 1 wlsb nbai ebe for years nay be
In. Howard Routdi. la polnp lo stay
e half 'If there .ami 1-fi tbe oHu-i learned. Scholai* go to ucbool two
(imtcnls on it M.v bniiher has gone put ijeslle-a mime on Ihe Cradle Roll, era In Hie far aoiiih. in Alnbtr-ia.
with ns for a while ai least. His fath
‘ Hy own dear valentine.
or three years wiihnwt learning in
le woods now,
Onr Sunshine
where they don't have snow. I have luiir on the latde.
• ’
' —YfKitb'a Conpianlon. er and moiber died last fall with lyRendon. Mich.. Jan. 26. I»07.
And not»dy hut Bony, the cal. saw read, and mav write beantlfeily wltbClub is gctlln larger all the time. I
one broiher In WiseonKln who was one
phold fever In Traverse City. I am pie
Ddar President—*
Frazer put Hiose erumhx Into ids oiii knowing the worda they have
le, and I .tni glad. My liiHe sister
of your SuDvhiners. I will close fur
inp lo jiend you a story;
will write you a letter, as T have
great-coni i«ck.>t when he was ready wriuen Thev ■liidy aloud. a*d a
going lo Join jitM as soon
ih'ii. linn-. S<i good-bye. ,
low cloud cold and cmy.
Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel.
wrillen before.' I would like to
in atari.
Am! Betty didn't tell; teacher shouied at an Anericaa boy
d «-nongh. How dm-s oiir Vire.Pres
J'rom your Sumddner.
dropped on 8t. Valetttine'a
Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel live In an oak
Ihe Sunshine cinb. Will you
tienigh maylH- she wondered what he hai was study-tag qnleHy: -mnT bMZ
ident like il where she is now? I linve
L<-to Stevens.
tree in tbe Une. Tbeir children are all
(densu s<md me a card and l.aiKui?
meant to do w;ith them
..u' Can't bear yon* Study louder."
'VniirllDi; and iwlrllng. and soft and grown up now. They have a pretty
"R««Nl-l.ye.he sang out to Moppet,
-Philadelphia Record.
time Mrs.Mabel Uat<-<-Willtams comes
: We have all enjoy.sl Irearlng iiUitit the
home. It Is shndy In the summer lime,
only miswul «m day Inst term of
after lie had baryt-SHed his gray hor*e
Like mile wee iMlera. All dainty and nnd ll is so coi>l and pleasant. There la here I am going, to try and come down scbotil. I like lo go to school. I got : unowliinlK.
inii> htii re.1 p;ptk. "l^iok mil for the
and h.s- lier, I was at a party Friday
A New fllto.
a heauHful orchard Jnsi h.nek of Ibeli
.Elk Raidds. Mk-b. R-'f. D 1.
and I had a nire
Hme. iweniy-ont- Chrisimas pn->cnts iM*
Foui yearold Ruth, who bad uAtM
And t *u«aa tbe sky cblldren were home. als«i some tnu-s which Itear niiti night
Jan. ». I»n7;
And Ihen Mo(>jm-i f.lt sure he wa* seen any woodpeckers, ran into the
folly guests
nnidInB down
They are very- nice nuts. too. Tfcey
houne the other day. and eg^iBefl,
ThHr valentines' airaigbl to Uie elill- have many dfflerenl kinds of nuts for there.. Well, as this is .-ill I can thtnV
Are 11.
Bertha ran. ! { wtiiild like to j<i|n the Sunshine fully to Is- Isuahtsl at.
of. I will close.
"Oh. mamma, there are some birfi*
dtvQ In town.
their luncheon.
I nm gla/1 yon want to be » Sim l‘liili. Pl.-ase wend me a card
Bill the next mitrning vlie had some- Outdoors with red pluih on Iheir
Vonr friviid.
-Beleetod Ooldflnch eats lunchwn with them.
shine girl. Write again, stimi-rime.
lion I am goine to school no
I didjlhlng i-ls.- to think aisxti. Dovey IhaAnna
Sometimes they lake lunebe
I ii>:; go iarl we«>k »x*rause | t
slrk. I nionil didn't rome to to* breok-fasl.
Your lliHo slsicr can Jffln'thc Cra
Sultons Bav'. Mich . Jan 2C. I9c>7.
their Itack.piazza. They have a neaiiii, My leacher's
i« Mi<v
V e;yn j He didn't cre.e to his rtlnnei. .-iibei,
dle Roll if you wish, ind, when she Ikar President —
New members }ol
Writing Otoimala.
ful house. Mrs. Goldflnch is pelting
gets olflrr, have a jil.-fige card and hut- ' { Ihoughi Ihai .1 would write you a TtmiMkln* I III., he. quite well. 1 am | -xn.,'re do yon s'po-e he i«. mamTh.- uacher to achoot asked. "Ho*
rwtdy to leave for ber srinicr honu
in the fmtrth ^ra.ie. My mudies are ■
- • decimal frncHon usually wrlun?"
Tracy Brown. Ray Sirickland. Itor. They all feel very sorry to think that
few lines twioy. l go lo scbiml ev-erj
I Itrtirlli reader, arlthtt»-Hc. g.s»grapli>. ready to fail ' -ll.- jilsa'* core.- I..ine
U.y answered.-Wllh a l«Ad
lA mniuim. Julia Sution. Blanche Or- she has lo go. hot the weather li
Simons Day. Mich.. R. F. D. 1.
anser. Catherine Mofrmt. Ruth Rob- eold for her here. Every- time Mrs
Ktiidii's are reading, spemiig, lunguagi- I physioh.oy. grammar ».l si-llitig I j f.irv every dav Hits winter O mareJan. W. ISOT^
have a mH.-I., w.-vik i.. v-hool. i like]
ertaon. Travorae/Cliy
arithmetic, ami geography. Tii-TC an
Goldflneh comes to six- Mrs Squirrel Dear IfTivsIdmt—
•; te g.. I have a hlack and whit.- eoi.] ---------------------------- - . - ■
Francea RecS; Anole Flees. Johnny she always aak-s her to eomi- In the
As I haven't wrliien to you for a tv..-hl'}-siz seliolais In srh.w.l totlay jhiT nann- is tlMtSy; she likes
Flet*. Sophia Flees. Isadoie.
long Hme I thought t would now do so. We have lots of fun riding down hill quite w. II. For I
honsc. but Mrs. tkildflnoh think!
sent by Frances Flees.
I am well nnd hopv this letter w-ill 1 !ia» - 'a fled. I have my card and l.m «'!ip ntid raurer. a sai-k. of
is nicer in slay on the piazza in *
Mary Plewa. Ellrabeth Fils.
toil yi-t. For i»-t* I hav.- a cat. and i
'nnd you and nil the
lovely Ocloher we.-.lhcr.
4in>1 a Isiv of pt’oti'iis
Stephen. Stephen
t llk.tl that game for this week ikig. who*., name is Jack We lir.v. aud ihrvs- liaqdkeii-bi.
I Uiliik you will enjoy this storv. It
Sbonlk. Anna Rlsefsky, Soann Ainies is ^1 very long.
In-e f*.
M. T.
very much: li was about .''Cuciimlienf"
pl.s-es and a bNy dtvssci up for55ant.i'j
for 55aii
U yOUr baby thin, waak, fretful 7
ni». Tinvaa Bnyrka, Ceiesltiw Herkand I will icacli the t-hlldren in scbnnt
Claus and w. had ti Chrisimaastr.*Isadore. Mlch„ Jan.' IS. l!W7;
, owKkl. Peter Unxurek. Joseph Plewa.
how to play it.
There are many ■t-Vom ymir Irli-ml.
wa* at Hie Mh.s.l li.uita.
Dear PresidentThtraus Fils. Martin Hit. laadi
giimcK we play In srhoo!. 1 will s.-iy
Make him a Scof/’j^ Emuljton
think of any lu.u. s..cibd-hy.-.
I ihuupbi I would write a iMter. 1 some of the names of them: "Sailing
NamessembyMary Plewa and Qlu1 'houid like to see Jack, I am sun-•| Friuu ,
like to read the lettera fa the Hc-rald. im the Ocean," "Ruth nnd J.vmp." he .npijs Ms frolics with you. I
tielh Fils.
j Age 11
Biliih Paige
We take the firani] Traverae Herald. "Ntrelle'a Eye," "IjuidtHi Bridge Is
Siena Swanson, Omeoa.
Ih> Ji.-i'nl for you t.. go i.>
FuttoDs Bay. Mltoi.. Jan. 2>‘.. !!«}>< "
Wc l-ave,loiH of fun in sebviol ptuy- Falling Down," and a lot of ««hers. I
Hertba Ihll. Bendao. R. F. D. 1
days Hut winter i<
/ i
Floyrl Drey. Lealle SWson. Rudolph tng ' Micblpan «rls.“ I am going
Scotfs Lmtiiji-cn « Cod Liver Ofl
ant sorry to yaiv 1 have bmken my sim- Dear President-* I Hurnghi I would wiito j-on //ew;
' ‘
Daffek. Stony lleoch Suashlne auli Cedar to irarit how to ploy an orga
shine Jdn. Will you pfrase send me
lines t.slay, I am wvli and hope youi
and Hypcpboc|dutca prepazed so
it ^
w;e have one ill home. I have a ti
Traverae City, R. F. D. 1
another? | had a pltoiatit Christmas
■ are the same. J am in th. fourth grade.;
Moooefa Valeht.n*
Alrln Well*. Perry Dunlap, I j Con dress. 1 would like to join H-e Si
this year. We had a ^ristmas tree
easily digested by litUo folks.
ner. Wash. Naraea sent l.y Freddie shine Clul>. Pi.m.se send me a card al our bouse. 1 cot lots of pretty ,My studies are reading. sp>-lling. l:ui-! -“/>•■! ■•h'" said Mom»-t. s
presenia. I will have to clivse fre this
Marian Kenniuly, R.it1 Kenaedy. Klees, and to my 'bndhcr. Johnny lime, hoping to «<e this in the Sun twery- day. Mike ii> go lo schwvi. ijh'-'-i ha-l one Itreg'. I've
Censequendy tbe baby *hat is fed on
havoweven bniibera und Hirve sisters. j«n buneri-ituly one. .vou hm
Fli-es. and lo rny friend Sophia Fires. shine Clnb deparira.-ni.
Maple aiy.
i have a little |mm ktuep at b.uue. 11 ' Y.-s. I kn-iw." sad reamm . smilin;
Bdllh Paige. Elk Rapila. R. F. D. 1. That is all i ran write.
Your tree .q-jnl.i-am.
Scotfs Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy,
had Is-kn -T.-arlltic Mopis't
Crarlc Jarrell. Dladys Cate.
From your loving Sunls>atn,
Age 12.
MHdred OHimuis
: little yak-min-- Motv. from one <i
Age 13.
Frances Fires.
cheeked little fellow full .cf heal'.h am! vigor.
Arad Ferry. MiirrHl Ijimh. William
1 .am glad tou tike the games In the
Ep'tnaEaeler j M.misfs o^ |wik-i>. wliU-h som.
lAmb. Ilmdon R. F. D. 1. Nanie«ii,Tjl
I wDiKlrr how von play -Nh-lilgai Herald. I n.-ver played -Saning on
st Is- line to bav.. w juany(l*".l> wa*
enoigh l>. M-n.i. h.-riris. " Plnise Wriic again and tell ut the 0.-.WI" Whai is it llke?by Beulah Hay Moon.
: ail.I siKleis. 1 ani etire v-Mi; ^ Ho;v id :> lovely val.-n'ltii- tluil on
Elmer BurmHster. Sullona Bay. R
ALL IK;ULCIx,r6i SOc. AND tl C
Sirttons Bay. MMi.. R. F tl. 1.
Ijconner. Wa»li.. Jan. Sn. IWT.
.)d'llni.-s togeHjvr. •
l ii't!.- c'lrL s.-n: ;.i!.,ih.-! iliiU- girl !■
F. n. 1.
ear ft-reidcnt—
Jan. M. 1!>«T.
j makv i:p fiu-nds again
Sot,on* Bay. Mich,. K F. D. l.j
thlLk si..- re.nkl hav;
I liave iwo friends who would iik- D-ai President —
« Club Cradle R«ll.
M. V. F. (
As I liave ntit writlen for ii long
• 1 been nia.lguy nn't-. sh.wld v..u, matij
Blsln Bniton. ane one year. Trarerae to kdn the Suiohlne Club, 'nieir
-■prcsuh'ni— ‘
re Alvin Wells and Percy ime. 1 tiHioeht I wmild write I go
fSiy Name neni by Juliii Sniton.
.- an* having lc(
o srhisit fllmnsl eveyy day, I- am In
-all iKxj.-, and <
Dillard Ray SeiiibwtTI. atre one Dnnlap. j have a pet eat: hli
languitgt. znihiy.
yenr.elghl months. Omeno. Name ainl Dick; he c.ncbi>« many rais and mic«v he Hiit.1 .gradi*. My .ctudies nre readhave a new calf out a* Hie lmni;ii ne. spelliiie, amlimerie. and )>enman- said WH- (iiiuld wTit.-preev. mamma? "
by Relta Bro«rn.
every .lay. 1 u fo Ihe f.nirth
We find that we are overstocked on a good many
Ilarcdd ReUmw. aee four years.
things in our line, and as we wish to move some of
.«! I have .1 Iliile l-rtithei wlio' gra.ie. I .have fiv.' iMers and tme atiswe.-vsi. vuiiiiiig
her name is H.-lfti. I like lo pki
SulUms Bay. R. F. D I. Name Miit by
I.i..ib.-r Tb.-ir names •eEmina, Chris ukliig 'up. il. r «
them before we inventor>* on February 1st. we have
1 her. She «ty» «la da. for |«siia. vi.iiil.i Mki-viuy rii.K-h
Cliristloa C.ellBe*».
nanve Is Hai^:.i Geltne.is. iiina.
]'*"“• hn.l il-den. Aa s 'and l.ucelia.| s.lsTl't (h'tr.ugh Vpot them Out and marked them down to cost or below
tmim-miim fur tnsmma. This if all R.ill.
is f.mr .veara ol.i, Manln is iwo.j»"'i'
Thb week the Herald I* printed on for this time. Good-b.vo.
.' Izid yon ever ^
Flere are a few samples:
St. Valeatine'a Day. and yonr presl
Freddie Cook Wil! you pliase send Harold a c.vr.1* **t‘s 'ijra Holton 1 hkc to gr
PratU Horse as.1 CAtile Fool. 7-5c Sai-ks......................at 50c
dcBi wiihea that oor Sunafatae page
sure w;e would all like to plav
Horse and Cattle Food. SI 30 Pails..................at 90c
Th.-r..‘t.inlu.ainS, 1 will | She
wllh Buhy Helen. Wouldn't y.ni like
misht come to each o»» of you
Pralta Veterinary LinimeiiL tJ5.-.....................................at 1 8c
hoping 111 >.s- lh|e 't'‘’vnt -ri\ sch.tiazs in school i.
valentine dircclly from ber. Valeni
le on our Cradle Roil
Pratts Veterinary Liniment. 30c......................................at 37c
t.ll.>s are n-aillng. *pcIUng.
in print.
ate lOTlng mesaages. you know,
Hoffs (iennan Liniment 33c........................................... .at 19c
Omena. Mii-h.. Jnh. 31
euage aiid arithmetic. | ran no
that 1r what she would like you lo f.-el
Martinez ^Vinea-goart Bottles. 50c.............................. at 38C
Dear Presidcmthibk of any more, so gixsi-bye '
Age l«.
Chri-!iin;: GeBne«
IbU week (yea. and every week’l tpe
All Lndies Pocket Books at ) off.
would like to join the Sunshine
From ««ir.friend.
Haroi.1 has bis ca*(l hy this time
loving mesmge stralgtat from her to
Many more bargaina-come and aee them at
Club. I am in the third grade,
L!i:i.- Kulati!;.
am glad your two lUHe brothers a
you. She has so many loving Iboughts
teacher's name is Mr, Clark. M.v i
I am very gl.ui that .vou rhose t<
rr Cradle Roll.
In her benn for yon that never pet
ikes the Herald and I like
write th me. for your writing l.-lson ii
pttntcd tn the Herald, but on Valen
An.1 «*eb dore i* ta.ire «feti»e than
B.-P.|. n. Mich. Jan. 2fi. Ife.T.
M-bfwj|. I am always s» pleased i.
tine Day ibe send* them all lo you on read ihe letters from the Sankblners.
f’"tr luue- the ■ame .itwiitiiT «f aav
ten years old, i must do.w- for
heat from the Sunshlners.
r.iuvf .--xuih reme-lr. however wri!
their Hille ihooght-wlng*.
sd« -Hi-e-d aa-1 L-iwever str-nurlv rw:this Hme. hoping to sec this In print.
long time. I wltl write I’tulay.
I will] Gil.U Pier. Mich.. Jan. 3!^. 1^'.:
oouoeu-le.1 that renesl.v tu>y I.-.
We have ao many nice letters to
II you wiftt 1 am lor Chrlsinutf I gtd D-ar Presidentthat EUlPS
Signv' Swanson.
read this week, haven’t we? And there
doll lifoi-will go It. sleep, and ii.»; I ihonghi I wn.ii.l w;-itc y-.u a!
B.UeSAM i* the
am p1sd Hint yon want to Ih> a
are many more on your preshfent'a
imc Ik Cora: i a.»i a luiok. a pair to lew lines today. I go to sch.s.l ev. ry ;
desk, in the box Harold Kettle made Sunsblber. Write again eonie day.
oves. aiiiograiib aihum. and a pair nr: (lay. ! like my leachi-r very well i;
It has MT<d ib>U3aDtk Uooi e<«.
lor our dear FIrat Preiideat. Next
IssdoTc. Mich.. Jan ;r.. isiC.
ribbons M.v Hitlo brother is well, Heihave five hrother* at home and two;
wifk we win have ihoae printed. "ear President—
b.-Iungs It) the Cradle Roll. I wiil send si*tc^^. One of tny ri.-tcrs i» manied. 1
save.1 thonvaad-r-ihve*.There
Is a story ton. from onr
I thougiii 1 would write- a letter
of tnywcboi.l Dates']sbe five* in TravArve City; and one j
A! all drategU'V. 8>.. SOr. aod SI.
ft1(-.id. Mr* Ray. of (llenmere. It is a ■•e tale the Hrjn.l Traiejs.- Herald, who w..iild like to Join Ihe S-mshlne : i-« working at Kipp-ley I must tell ywi;
Two papen for the price of one II00 pays (or both (or a (all yaar
fnie etury. aud auek a funay one that i'.: have tots of fnn hi actovot playing Club- n::.c!e Jarvu;. Gladys Cas-.^ wh'al kin.l «.i p.'!s i have. I hsv.-thrvK '
' -
Sff ,
Kem|i!» Balsam
Wait’s Drug Store
S. W. earner Front and Union Stred
Best Coooli Osre.
tbe Brand traverse deraid
Tarm and Tireside
ru..|.> »)'
iun.l.n., «
K»ll It »!• Slul It.,
''f) with Hill. « siftae.
iiitu a ties'll sa:trtn>iil» wrth
. !ata<' lomjt of >n-t. ••n.- !•«<»» of
ttil«T and one q.i.rn t.r water.
»imi}i'T. W't> a' tttlv fa: flu- lii.ui*
Jwnr.r a.I.lJiia a inii.- lunie i»ot-r
c iiMi'.
.•-M MX .'a^r.iu and one
'{lip ru:.-t. .(ll■l iTil fn.small idtvw.
le- t.e-u! I».i tir Ihiee Ituieii aa
y U*i..-ii 'iniM- |i)au.' it
Itie niiiTic. i.lid !»><
lud' it. tstraiii <iV
uad ihlrLen H
iht..- ■
l.tw' Jn tb»-
Ib.iilne *‘S. maLt- the mt-ai
■ isii hn.l l.i-leV'K.. it
t« li™n—
Til.* *orl.I win
slioald oolr
K---t fiUti Rt.s'
yuur iicrt.
r-H tht.'<- >..1JB1I«
lu «d bei-l JD vnfllrMdii nJ.l watiir
IJvi- «B Hi*- li.nwmp.m»i
ih«' r^ll;
-Opi’u-alr t’bri>i!lann Hiv
h...-.eriV <‘e- i„n,t
1 III ih.'M- •Stti)
■ Mai,-'
-«»i> {-.-r.-!.
|iiji .*ie
...I'r' .ti c.
i.a i.tt.'.Tl *..
nUtiaa : ;
*.• as til.' i.tliiu-.- on.l si|ta lit.' ilir
.liinV .41 iL
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..TJtiL I:-:-
Ti»' 1*' !;■
;• !« smi lai t<-»ir> Uav,
4'.v|ik- Lii hin . iiliiiiln'. .
Hv mw* t'lHn.i ln«l*ilii
.Vs viv-.'s'*' '
MtH'.'Xitr Mt-tili u;.' h:.f ■’
• ' i
P •
‘ 1^-
r-- s'4
--'..'C-P; ■
•Tluol.ii-ltloof; I rail It --fjp|iinrt.:t’»
i.rj;- If
V;.-rtnt e
;■ T'-y'
':rf. ti r7!'.‘V-4«it's a rwivil
ille ►U7ii i^mws is’.inl »ti>» liears
e.-Ji'-l fitul lll-h:
' nvisi itMlmite.'
> :i tl.-Je "ah .t?
Ii mV,.! j.:e1 l-!.- !l..
n.-. .T
la?.:t;i Mu-
thins.«j". hew* i.tlixt ij.e
- .1--. i.r-i '■'.I ~
^•'st •% rr
‘ ■ •' ■'
- A v»e^ R*iw'"
s'*-' - ■
'.^<‘-1 • WH'.I
•a»k*' H- ‘
-V f
Ir. '.-ivtvbjv
W-'v-i-A-k- ■
-«■' ■ •
'v.iv,'. yr ■*■*•.■- . . • • ;r4t.4s.'
t -
‘v.'Ut, sr ■•..■« .ev.'i;. i-^. y • - ■
•s-'t.n’iai; iBspnetw.
t |y verx- hai'-l 'u d.-cid*; -fui. 8: ii8>
a n's’wnoii tn make the
’ tif IhJiK-s
Anil drives ll.e Hn'i.U awa; .
• J WAR'. Ir:*!11'.e
te iVi.
iI.i'V *w''i -i.-xiije
vl.etV .•
■ ff.xl t.
^SSn-.---:■ r.-:';;.• ■■;.•
r-f.>.1. : !-.,
4Vi^i liuit I no Ilk.' him
H •fre.li.'n. a» the a«.,
../•.':i'.-'V.iek.'fwr ttie',
-tS: -?r«
tl till. Oie pl-ak .if.life uiih iUtbt
ti'iiv.. In
.1 le eaiplUf- Wi’it ■»
-.nJj'Be lUT- bnii? V
“•A U'iCb l« l.l« like nim.liine;
rtt kiAB-i ^ui rti
-«.i. w-iiil.. w.'.n.'i
1 .r th.- l-elv. e-.. 1.5,
; «
v- 1 '■■{ •?'',.•■'• •
>--S«•'.’'fitltfiT.{; '
S I'.'.
ThlBe,-! that Hie up iiihrr*
Jie -..(Bl ih.tilrtW rfhoiiMf-
wT.'i .V'-vi It -*'6
> 'ta'ie-.Meirl'tl of'V'?'
fie'- if-ftt;'*
: .1.
RiTin' «.:Ve ulRt fi.o.si'
••■' '•'."■'H-'* - s
S"'- i-v-ti.'s V's
j-'. :.
aBWere-f; .
I fti-itlo'!"
tV/sfer ,
where Jthi In - .
•V'^ .'<L'
t ,sll.s-I
P . ’■ '
XerriN hm ilit'i ' Jim in—I
I.' ;h<- inwFf imy
1I. 1..-4W
■i .'tt 111., pes.'ii ail<1
Kevei nlsii- whi-ii- Jltii It*--
..............i .'Vi'rTii u<i^7 '• I
f jl—
TrouHe Proif..
Ne|’-f i»H-in l<»
>• ■■'. '.JW-IlP '
; CcM''a’*4 Ceao^-t*'.'
;'y y^U--.4- ■'-■--{‘••ikry:
.•rl.l r’:! ?li.> 1-.-.1 ,»1.
’ . ■
- Maiisan’i K. sLu«r...ii7'
■ fr«-.|.eirtl{r aper
/.' -V I
•" :J> I'V‘Utieaa-.;
ii»t.i.. ht tihnn. ahd
Xetr:.V eu1<l
The X.-.-M*'.'"- sbo'iid l»"
Iv-.i- ,
tir..'is I"-
■f ;t»-4^.a.h;-ln8 |»'i'
-S ai 1- aina>«!
■ a!
a’.-.ir yi«u-.l.5ni-
vnrlH. -Ik .I'ln.:';
• Af-
iJvi* u« n viexir. ami nlimipbliu*. F''
TIiMieali lliis ijaeer
tM... .,. .1.
. "4c itte i»l.«Hvli...i . ..j-v. -3'W•• il.iV;
Il»«e * K-xNl tmi.r..« fitr all
idd salt Wt.|
a»,.| I..J il .irniu.'! l.■..-ml>
, riM-. ami »ilh aeit.-e.'.saiau,.If.-u-
JJvf where the }..)•« jtrejiitd.
■' '
,1,1.wi.iyli.nlf.'il:-: «.■;!■! i.- •••eViit.i 5j, tl.^
........... p'??’
i.c'T-ijiif a'i*w'T‘'''-i''tfii* 'r'
v.s'.ff'-'i 1 r ;}t ■;tVee
4 »}-t-.
V, I'
PajcsT to 14
Song. "Fanner Flna>:" nixib grade danre in Tho
nllroadM ctf tbe UnIM Su(t«. Ii »» no
. in6n> manelous than ihe
Fred Southwirk.
the core
! ba!«e<l !i-: ccixi. i tix Wiiuderfa! animui! tree
ii-ir ev
hM 1j»^ «h» srowib of imlOr <* ib«>
In addition to harir.g tmniedtatriy.
Kganjholdx ih«- xecpod jisliesi re.-orilJoi the; buy ajiy wic
were united In marriage by .1 minis- anniiim of milk
Rrsrt." George Smlib.
was a wa*te,
nice had made no t
r arrangements
of forgery- was glt en suspended sea-
Fell, i; —At the tone*- this afierntwm and w ilt leave to-
arirle*. i
rilUge erJuneil plghl or lomotrow moritlng for Chl-
n the (tart of' h.-t efTinc. h-l.l 1
epafiHoe iif .-ago
e hride al h> at
ler from Traverse City,
In Ote world,
cnUxi-ieilag Iddx'foi
e wajer «
lerf 1)} her;jirexeip
-IHp the Oar;" fifth grade home, last Wednesday at high noon: ‘ . It I. expect'
U.n.!«.' ll.e, I'lrlx u>p<-ned and rc- Mswon of the firm of Mason A Maxoa.
tnav«.r FricMeh arktsl for inft
The bride, who wax dresso-d lu white Itiur Xbe wilt reach
i ationieyx at law ot tliicago. who have
“■ tion m regard tn wImwv the mom'V J-fW.
ct eonmerce and labor, ibr flfrnrea
very durllim n Ik d'lring the n^i >«ar.:
Reclutlon. "Mr. Riael Dorf and the Ian* over white >Uk. juokeil
ai.d am- rtniVndeut;
nbovlBK the eneni to
ehanuing. She was aiirnded bp
ix at
Water I»ljie;" Harrj- Hlhliard.
XX Hum five yearx. Cal.twell lurah-he,! li. He statej that
iraflic baa cn>n are aiacE^V-d (he otu-r- og.-niic a iNiniix of tjtl.j thro’trii Sheriff Johnson. 'The I
‘Ufc of Bayard Tay I'lara Carmeaii. who wax drexs«-d ,j.i
‘ the total cost inrimllna. i>li*e. Ixyinc,
cnrOtOK to ihit teitort the piirrty do- lor;" Oscar Wolculi
in u cream ctdore-l voib-. The bride-,
wax Hjocch; that the
(he vIRacc
vIRace could'
'poke In
in the,Jiighes(
the,Jiighes( terms
of Mrs.
life wiiriii lw.k toj vaiiex. hydrants, irauxP-rrlug taps
bmbUc HbipBenta on (be Inland
Song. “Fair Snug White;" sixth groom wiix dre.xxr-d In the convent
Ix-ift’r ih.ih thix. x»> the bids were, i’arker'and of ihe :u-ilon* of her wm
Funiiac Rag Apple ax the Ctuulns etc, wmdd he'2l;
The r
4uria« • Uecenber lotaM 2.C0
grade chorus.
al bbirk. and was wa1t>-il u|h>ii Irth f-irit-s'.-lown. The council vleeld- toward her. saying that he thought a
t'lu.nipiou of dairy enwx,
j .of the -wat.-r wot
nert-axed :
cumpusitiun "Silierlu;" Emma Pet- l.rideV hiotlier. Ailieri Eg-un. After
•to aanin aiiv. rise for lii.1* f.*: lit.- t«v>'x kindness toward hi*: fhiuher
With the bliiexl of the laulne hhaal
I xtendy
■I three t
IMS.by ov«T 4U>.'s>« «ns
cerenumy a l«uniiful rvpaat watt s
iqjj, jg;
and tin- bids will he o|>ened)--h<>w.«J that
th« :i- was
<1 irf pnxi
1»M by nearly a mimoo (onK. This
Recitation, Arieyi} Aleaaqiler.
i-d. The young etniple will make ihelri
,i„, j
April,' iber.'.,wax axurptn* owe.vper-! P>''’ “• Tf-'*' »'•• f"'‘f
IJ'-i'i *‘sxl alumi him
woederful growth in tnfftr
Violin solo. Doris Howard.
home with li.-r |s-ople for the ptvwiitj »,-atx fiotii Hf'i
309 qua.ix of.ailnB andmaintamanceexpeniueach ami eight ..M'--each.
l^rker came inf. cn.rt this afterCreatly to the Inadenuato faHMllos
Harry llrewx-r. John -- l»wy.'r ' and ^
ly of a Cent." ih-nnle;
Sir. Flebi lx c«indd.-nt.;$I.J3..
This v.-ai /ndrmu fr-.m the
-Judging from the i.vlk last-evening i boon and wax given a talk Wralghi
fumiabtyt by (he railroads
' calay and the general scminn-ui ;tr.>m tbe xboulib-r hy Jndge Maine.
of .iliU place w^nt lojuiai this ciw will ati
eairyfihree quaillapsed. It l-.ked
tnnaportadtai of suppliee.
-vlMag.-.lt i* Af-ry jreobable that j •dutwliig him x.n Jiixi what gnmnd he
Recliaiion. "SL Valeniiae:" Naomi
work for Tom
Way th< w.uld'x hutioix
h tie- xtii-pliix w.Mild If- $3.-;
Some idea may be gained of tbe pro- Chapman.
ni.-n will uke'thv emirel-iandt and afi.-rwxtid giving him the
Ow «if Rag Apple s records i
asi. 'The increase this yrer
ponlcaa to which ihto lake iraBIc
Home;; <xiaimionx under w-hleh'he would l>e
llarix irf milk (e-r day lot |ih< ds.
faster than last, the riiffer■Town wbeo It la known that In 19AC Jullua Hanaluvsky.
A Double Fira.---------- ■ -e
go lUi xo*i»-nil'xl x.qironcw,^ Tlie
x-in tclk Another ix the iuvxIucim
he xaliiiy of the xiip»-rin'«'ud(
The file dep,iritnenl wax culled nut
, excl'ialve of exports
Piano Bolo. Katherine Wilhelm.
ll Ceewth.
■ >oimg mxn piomix.xt faithfully tn live
l.dr iNiiiudx of hiiiier 1ST w>x-k.
g a fiKlor, an*l Ihe report
Canadn, aggregated 75.«l«.fi90 ne( tons,
mem[ up to vhoxe <-oridhlonx, ol>ev the laws
An exhibit of Ibe month's work. In
Cham- madt ilonday rilHtweil Miat there
more than k.KM.OfiO Ions incr«ise orer cluding geography work, druwinc and
i.k,u,h„. n,,,k
llano- ,,|
of 11.:*.,
ll,;*«>. TU.
This would
iiliiHixt Ihree ix-r c-nl oceontlng
the prerlouii year.
During 1906 the manual training work wns placed lo Rimdav iiminiiig and made » sv-coutl,
■ .............. .. l-lij:™.
Ap,.l-;,., I,., ,b,
>•: .M-rtO...
tbe ,1,*
pl|>e ...vdy
already U>.
lo the xaiiie p1a>x- al 3 o't l<wk M.tii
the »->X-JW
Mettnwllri I]u.t
Y.-ar lki..k just p.l.
Y«ael clearancea fropi all porta
room for the benefit of parents
■ I p. ,l„ l.„pl„, p,„ p. Xlrtl„.,foi .h,The next quarter ..„ij
would .
nioinlne to i-xiinsnlxh
uiumIi.-i ,
The |.™,„
pnveiK ,p,„l.r*.lp
lutduberxblp 1.,
ia m-said „
u p.
lakes aggregated 9I.ST1. while In liMij. anil friends.
1 hhize. Fln-f'lib-r Murrey diseoiin w«i
r”::.; t:«1 and the net gam .over last ' narni,
79.90i ycaaeia were deared.
naiieex tile nimor of lueendhiiy ntitdu. Uyki i the son .■( Ibdle Klondyke. une'puiliug m i|k> ;
Death of Helen Rome Kingsley. which w'six rli'ciilnltxl Hiix nionilpg.
One nouble teainre of tbe traffic,
flgnrex I* S::,3Xx. The M.dbt. ■
The ease .>» the People va Frank
Th»‘ Uixl ri'iuirt of the IreasDrer,^
IUk Helen Rose Klngselr dlM «t
There wax a dance in Ihe hall Satw abown by the
eomiliy. aii-l her dam Ih-ii.u I' an- -bowed that at-the end of Ihe yt'sri,dist E^idsctHval ehiiirh Ix the largest | rtr.„h wax kilb-d this morning when
honte rt her faihi-r. F. W. Kings tirday iiiglii and H lx thoiicht that
B tbe fad Ibai i^ostly all tbe r^gfat
I'roiextam laxly In p-.lnt o( member-^ judge Mayn.; ln»trviri.-d the Jury to
tilde Ik- Kohn. the .hxiglitei of HeiiIntake «.-is hulll and p.vidj ,
carried tn vesseU during l»os was of ley. :.«C Ifflh siceci.at 1 o'clock Mon some OIK- might biive druuixd a cigar
-.rjiii.si Slat*-*, other fig-Meiiirn will., a verdict of ho rauw fi»r
,gerwoI.l Oe Kohl, who wax (he hrotberl
there Wixild !w a iMlann- .rf IT.-i,
in (he baxeroeiit wli<-rt- the fire
tow gimde. Tbe lake yeaaela relieved day niomlug «f d(|>)iihi-rlB. She hail
Year H.«k- showing that ttioeiien
the Holstonly iMi-n aii-L slnci- 'Thiinulav nisMi.
U $.t,iH.o U gained.iliix year itverj ,
tbe railroads of ibe proUeoi of (anyseems 10 havt urigliiBU»*-'T»(»Fr-»^^«t^fharired
golDg i» lied Friiliiyxnd tinllisiil
^Vis-sian hie...|
lag this low grade freight, thus leav night her ailment waa ninsl
end of the btiildiug was well wroppex!,
p^^here. 23.v:r,with t«.-rerdy. wax riSaiBred thla
plus xlKuilil Im- continued on
ing the rail llnea free to handle pep membranous croui>.
s depirtmi-nt arrive«l
Sunday whtaris with 3.»-‘,9r.‘ officers.!niorning. a jxJHPnt <if the teMlmuny
Evtm ihen she
1 Apple I
eat making a total of $11
B*l nm .pp, ..
IP., 1
tahable gooda and
There are SFIlljwax taken but the case waa sallsfervan not thought tn lie M-riouiily ill
UDPnqiriatlol:. so he haclea vbicb demand quick delivery ai >ul at
smoke was seen epming from
ptni*-1 h
with iMiildlnax valued at' lotity xeiihM during Ihe tMww recexx.
II u'cUick a change for ll
in.xl would he atMuii
been iti!
building as early ax 3 o'clock but wliy
$l.%n,l::s,nr. and |wis,magi-s .val.u-d at>
marketa. Deaplie the aic^ rendered hy vorsc took place and Iwo'boiirs lai__________
making ;i itx.-al
al -rf llS.-.«x'.
lake aarlgalion. hgwerer. the
ihe passed away. Miss Kingsley wns
I FTOk Wednssday'a Record.
;the lulake, the loti.l .-,.xi won!
roada were unable to care tor the
5l-ihtrilxix.ga\,> l.ist rear for tnls-j
g yenrs old. leaves n hrolher. sister Tbrr-e lines of liox<> w.-r.‘ laid and the
Xrf fmm
X ot -latighierx 'aldwii -$3l.'-'".
under eontrvil tn n vi-ry.few
iraSte that remained, enilrdy owing nnd her parenis.
-lodarypurpox.* IJ.TSS^a*; Air church Us. iMlah Jackson has taken up Ibe
earii of li'c fonner wi#l.rlng fivnn jlorty new- xuhxcribeix wouM lie
momeiiis notw'lilixiamHng tho fac
to thofael that the Unlied Rtatea haa
,esienxlon. BH.tedt; for the 'rrarl so„( ,s^ Cirenli rouri luriav
The deceaWd
$».o-s. to »r..omi, w1il!e the lail.-r. owi......... Sloarvw su.^t bring .he tmly new
Freedmen's Ald.irJlT
‘ ^
not taade prorlsloa- for the exict
in the geoernl
otBcea of (hill it hud riepl up between the walls liig. to the .royal ................... ihe miK^r.
iM-glnalDg vv-xtenla.v afieriKioq. There
and wax gutting the space l>e(ween
water transportation that present
ll-:.,.-:; i..r
«x».s:s. >■•<< ‘ has been a large umouni of evldenoo
the Hannah t Lky
can C:ikH\ In- db-iatxcd of at or before
The delivery <if the pipe would be j
(he ceiling and n«tf.
1'he chimney
e society. |3W.».. F.re the j ,,rcx}uee.l by lx.th'sides,
puny’s store and was one of
Idnli for from ll.oixi (o 3<i.-n,
In April on.l p liad to u> paid for In siipix.n
III and rarriol a large aiuoum
Of the dIRe-efU articles tranaported
of th- MeUiodlst mloixiry. tu-i
The eomplalnant 1. a minor bavtag
ffleient employes In (he establiah
- Rag Api-fe is us mild ax a summei
Ihiriy .igjx. hut
il n.-dti'l
In* ail eluding
by yeaaels daring tffe last year, floui
her home with tbe JncAnoox
horn in Kingsley, tbe half liiirned wtiod into the haxemeoi
ariiTiKMdi.'She lx honii.-xs Mini eleai
,<hurt time
{shipped i
rubbish was
wel down nti,
liixliops and confeo-nce claimants lbe||„
aamonied In 1JS4.979 tons; grain nod vlllaa
white, with tlH- eaeetuifin .of a t--w
! could !«•
Sax seed lo 1.211.19; tons: coal
of her life
rk marks -'n her, neck
S7S>I7 Iona: ore and Blnera.s 43.030.(^dK-mtsh, where she giadiiaied
ago and her buslian.l lx saM to have
In ll which later broke out, The
419 toot, logs and lamber 3.99S.I6S from (be Cupemlsh High school. She
ntiilx-liTlal xalar X
dhiptis.-d .rf hlx '
. which was to
Siii^- her Btrivai 01
Ions nnd nncIassiSed freight £.463.013
atiendeil the local Imsinoes col xecond file did no damage whalevt-r
huVA- ae-o
- t1U when be waa
In Rnxiklyn. she bus (sen
le iviof and rent- walls are welt
It will be Been from this^claaal- lege and thru (ook the posKioo which
Aldermuii Moon wax of tbe opinion
vale-ring from lore long trip h> a liog
Malcolm J.-^'mnle, alde.i
flcatlon that lake traffic la no tmy she held at (he lime of death. She burned and will have to U- tvHiuIli.
car from Heuveltou. X Y.. when- alie
^ ter M-'vhx-s al-Otil the house
entered into etaapetltlon with railroad raa an neeompllshed young woman
out iKii.dlug au.I Ihiii the dunmln.v- First ward, .today annonneed
w js imrciia'xed.
>ti.- Is iiytug to reach a setHetueat
Wanted to Go.
llnea. but rather acted aa a valuable iDd very prominent In nclal circles,
had pine, orer Ihe matter earv-fiilly was a candidate for the o-pubiiCMn
P.ovlded wUh a aumpit^x bog stall
ibroagh the courts.
CoKiopI Is la-iniwniilly knocked .out.
ent being
auxiliary la earing for the heavy ia organist at (he Church of the im
of xurilcie^a wire for a (reck, breeder and beii<.A'<xl that’ the whole city ha-I
le’s Ihe big black horn- (bat nms on
in Tvxpunxe to urglii
traffir for which the rnnda were un- maculate
Conception, she
demonand blalikeied :iud strew bntded tit ■Been cared (or,
marnlng and probably n-ached there
he iioar aldwtif the cbemleal engine
«Me ID mate prutinai,
Mr \Vinnle also stated ;hut ilw re friends. Mr. Winnie ix jiixt cot
atroted her ability as a musician and
he ni»xt'f3x'Idi-<.x iMivliie taste.
o'rl.ick ilitx afiertinon. Oscar
lie horee baa n i<iu
The report bolateta up the eonten- will be aorx'ly miaaed in that place.
poll liH-l liecn i!t--ii III-' mo-i careful Ing hlx i-lgbih year ax itldennai
y iqiiinrSimpson whu waa made hla prebatlon
heuinatlam which, though not < erlous.i
of He nio«t <90i-i.-nt a'nd aide
Uon made by the National Rivers unit
Being under quarantine no fiinenil
otneer. aiteoded to Ibe arrwngementa.
Harbora eonctwaa that sraier
iran- service wna held at Ihe home and will keep him out of the h;im
members of the eoniiuon couneil of
lertry Mr.
Mr , ftUw,-il staid further ihi.l
short time.
; aponatlon in no wlaa will lolure the inlermeni took plnen in Onks-aMl wllbabiuii I.-""' b'et of tho old mains <xiuH
Romantic Wedding.
It waxills.-over.xi Funduv i.igi
Mr. Winnie grew np with the village
iKtainesa or ooatlniied prosperity of
It ceremony.
Mln ixabelte Galllek of this city
i-'wts well lam.ri up .uui i
^tbe railronda. In fact it will atlmulThere-are hosts of friends of the
Th.'cPv cuucii ...........lay night ao-1 slight, additlom.l cost, i.ut he e<m- ami has lived here all hlx life He waa and hhiil UavtxofBvart were unitnd
i.rx-- wax M-ciinxI ftoiii It. J M-PI.HI til.-, bid »r 111.- riipeii }ji
alderman under the old village gov- tn morrisge si
nte nil Hhes of bualneea and permit yiiiing womun who will moiini her loss livery l«ni to take-his pluc.- j
V. n'clnck
e given
- •« nxi 1 -n^^l'lp.- I- i.i Foun.Ivy fo.
Ibe milroade u handle quickly and and the many floral offerings Isue lexeroment several i.-rnix and also under aftermstn at ibe home of Mr. and Mn.
Mis- fmains ilut wil 1 m-1 K'ssl I'ronHil
tli<- city g-ivermueiit.
He has given J a Halion.' Owing to Ibv IIIdcm of
high grade claaaea of (Imnny i« the i-steem tn which she
rolonel was left in bia stall ami
. IlMxI 1
•ity in Ui.- i-ominB ;
elly affairw riuirh of his tlntp and it 1* the bHde'x mother, Mrs. Hatton, the
triigbt. while the lower grade* ere waa held hy Traverse Oily people.
-Hanger lied Istilnd him In the,.,.^,
pHn- wus $37 a i.ui. a
cen-nioiiy whs f wry alm|de affair
uknn care of by ateamboat and barge.
•re wax a requiem high mas* stabliut. When the alarm auntmoniog'
'ight Inrh ti
I’toaker, bill rnnsi-lei.xl a, v.-iT
e.7 ft
favorand no guesla were present.
by the Rev. IV Sheehan In t»
This view U toienalned hy soue of
hr ttwcllsh hbiri
: of the 1
ris.' ,inee*
J’”'*''*'***’’' "“J-''
Ihe iMuilng railroad men of the irnlted Chtirrh of the Immneiilate r«ne<-ji(i(>D
'. Minnie Is a> present « member cvri-iuimy was performed by Justice
wiihlu tweniy-!,,^
■ igh. up a
laled etu-t^ Alderman Cllleli l.in
x o'cloek
(or four hours rlnugeil tlinuigh the limtxiImmediately afterward.
of five frf Ihe mwi important commit- Cnnix.
States, among them James 3. Hilt, TucMlnv morning iii
m lust evening, hi
King people left for ('hlrapt and
t.x-x of the cunell. He U chairman
presideat of the Groat northern mil- ”'
ikening ihe hniM-x and fire lad
Waxlilngtiin xtieet
nta there (bey go to Sub Aatoniu.
of the sUeeiH and walks eommlcee, a
road, who baa done more for the
dies. Ciilunel luliil-ered
to his
add.-d al-oiit $3.«(si for the luuke i
•las. where the groom has a poaltiun
noribweat than any one man.
mi-iiiber <if 111.- committee na claims
plar.-. II.- wax litl lutek. howi-ver. and pipe eyieiishm.
jehsrehex. This piop.rty la not on Ihe
Elk Rapids. Feb. II.—Hose eompany
advertising manager for a Urge
and accounts, a member of the water
Tbe Nntional Rlrent and Harbors
lied while the green hors.- wax hareomminee on water to whleb
»“«* he wond-red who
o. 3 will rHebrole the fifteenth an
com pan;
coagreea la coatlnulag ia its efforu to
Iversary of their organirntloo. by
Miss Galllek has fa
obUin from the .ledetal goTcrat
giving one of their popular dances In
Stale Lank al
an aaanml appropriaUoa of $50,000,000
're honse Feb. 23. Tbix com
the past three yenra and hat
Evart f
for the purpoae of developing the
pany is made np of the most energetic
prominent in the aorlal elrcexaible to bis oonstltm-nts and.tn a{been v.
rtvera nnd harhon of ibo United
- ... .......................hi--"™,
It village. Mr. UavU Is tbe
position to obiterve the needs of the jclos of
Statoa. Tnatend of Etnoovering ia tbe
immediut.-ly w:«it
He thtaxhe.||’
pipe and xpeciul*. It wax also reeom'Hegraff wax received
They are ,-ilways ready and
proprietor of Ihe
raarondk an oppoaltioa to their a
--TMTially in c-card to malleni 1 roo of Marsh fJairuiind and paw ix| th>' atone n.x.r In';
metulixl that the.commitKx- nn.l sitts-r-' *'**''
dlxcttsitig gravel «t
among tbe first to reypooil to ibe fire
Wbieb I IKivis department store and protultho onmnlaatloo baafound airoag
.•,h„l|Wiinlne t. tlieciimmltte
H.- has 1-e.m in .. . .,
Iniemleni of th-'water w..,kx I- di-:
etimbined e.rt- ai.d gnitei
They showed their herolxni
nentir ettnneeied
with »ihev targe
-MIS......................... uohliri;;
and speed lu Hm- last fire (hat tw>0.0.1 l„
Ih. ,.l|..
-------------------------------In 0*«l,
fix-llllgx lu.t to
eurtul. the burning of Mr, rVw<>n's
■■ 1
Haa No Tarrom.
Ugx fur the f,.n..wl^M,vets;
On lb. Snow Plow
Clreu.t Court.
.The two young people were very pojwweight In'" the cvtllar an
On the Snow. Plow.
Waxhlngi.m xne«, Farts To Hope
.. ^
Roi-n , Pprker .ipie-arixl
tn-forciiar In Bvart.
Knmbee IS, Friday and all other building Their hose house is nearly a the fire. Ills inninim Uxins Bay:.
ille awny from Uie place where tbe
like "ioaahB'’ have no lerrora tor Art
Mayn.- thlx. miirning a
I Ju.!g.Behind the simple esiremtmy thla'
me. but b.' flunllv found il.ai ix wa.
re occiired. luil they under the In. nivixbm
■ l^Riglrfh T
Franklin ;
! ,h.-..n.-u x.-x*i,
He aeema i» turn things
afi.-rohiin there ix a' romance. The
•clesx an-l q.ii.-iWl down
■R A I- snow- piow eatgjbt and held ]- . r.ir.iiit c u.
irurlloBs of
their capiato,
uaaallr aigniOront of 111 lock into
bri.te Ix a Kuuiaii Catbotlc and -Is
Mon-lav morning the lug hoi-*- w.th
|„ B»r 'ihi-M- wblleAlir irwIn hacked len feeii
mama of the best of luck and haa Renning. bad a Kin-am of water on not able lo go o:ii for hix iii-rmnt
xi.-adfaxt in bi-r religion while Ihe
■ ■ fanher. tiiuii rtmniuc bark to its home,
been deanonatrailng thli duriag (be the burelnc Inifldlng twenty miimtc-x ••kerclxe. Imi OhUrf .Munay I^xl dun
hat he-wieil.i like gro..iii I- a l’r«rte.rti.ni
Crved made
*-vi'"ifoce-of a yqiine,ralf;
after Ihe jilanu was gireu.
pant few daya: with ito- d.-iai!x ! no dtlfer. nce i., faun aa be raert-ly denboiii Hi.' hmiM- ami mad<jyestetdi.:
The/I,adle's Aid society of the Nor- qtialnitxl with the uppataiux. |
In the Aral tdaee be atoved bia Bib•Parker will
Irf- »i„4l the l.tble for herwif. no matter
- from ,h.. tbrown from tfa
we^an church gave a social Tu.-x<lay
Ing coop oaio the Ice Friday,
broiiaht ii
»m.iiT.»w nioming -wfagt fa,.* b<-iii-f. -His parenu. howia un Ihe north abb- of Hoe Is•inch main;® J”"1‘
'‘>chopped tbrongh thlrtm inches of i-vening In the hullding owned l.y Mr. and for four years he has ..............
1--3" and Hie c«»-exeitled.
lever, w.-re olKlitrate. They did not obII wax largely allrnded
Th<- caiendar »Sa arrangc-d
le* nnd found that it wna Juat thirteen MIckeIxon.
this )e<-i to Miss Galllek herself hut only
ioam.-rx. lakeu hlx plare and':’'’'
-be T r, u A M.
iiiaiei! r«ud_nf pi|ie. being as
morning and
nearl;y every case lx ; ,o.her religloa and ll U said that ihw
feet to tbe boUMn of Ihe hay. Tbe ind piv>nounee.r a Kuerexx. The rro-:;^,..j
xidi- of ihe
-o.,rt the
Wa-d.iiicton xtreel. $1,3151;
«rai daya ffahing he put In. however. >—I.
r.-ady or wlU V t>
tbe a<ljoun>edi,,.„nc mans father ihnwtened to di*rile Coaches Wvrt
XW bell for ihelr ebuceb.
was led i»a*t th.-w, aroun-1 in fr.mi ,rf, Bghtb -treet.$7,b.(; FrankHn.,$l>.:-:
d 39 ponnda of Bah. thrre
t.-rui which wHi IxThe'.pii,.-,!! him- This only made his il«-he . Ugims came-oi
Ray atui, Sre.ma( left .Uiete whi!<
The fimeral serv ice erf Fred C. John-{ his'siiiqw-nde-l hi.rtie«x and back down ■ M-tlm.-•- $l>.J.i;
Ratarday afternoon he toed: a
of Footv V* SteihlH-rg haw lieenj
and he ratrely prte
•ily for 1 xuiddy of water and [
son. who dle.1 mi I o’clock Thursday, j ihe other side
This wax new- lu him ; "I'x-x .'ll.i'di.
ticket on a gmmaidtaae which
it-in.-nt.s for Hre
! Ike• Wg.XUO-Sbig,!
i»u ihe.w
held in Sacred Heart
rburrhjgnd the strange xlile of the xtrem. rs!
Mag given away.
He tore the
The care of the ^>p;.
Prank ^ wryldlng.
■ ax Hm- IV-1.
morwiog at
The-(rigblentri him. -The. hor>e xglffeil. be .Hdopi.-d
the motion rorried,
vedope open and found It was nambei Saturday
un the charge
; he'had i<e«i a»oclFor five
w-ax puase-:. tbr
and Tried
to erowrf-,
The ;flrxi <lial(' of the report eon.
He got the tnaebine and servirt'a were in chargy of the Rev. j and ttembleil
• MX taken up rhix bfterrirew).
Hte-r in Ixisloows Iwt
HScK' bill ll ,wat
Ttnxw.dd- of r,reeavi:ie
ax«i '•-d
thers were Just thlriecn records with Father Faueber and tho High m:i« lf«rh.>r away-from tbe englnex. Every-{ lained the a.-e..nimend;.:b.n that the
hi- niiioectloof and
*e' ha* xev.-r.» ,xiuj. a-.-i (be anlipal.-ww:
choir. Mr Johnson i ihinc eixe In
Hie honW x,'eiued eommiK.-c ati-l xuix--;h'eDi',-'nT be db'i
Kr.ll H. Prar. handii-«l - fa’- e^x
•.kl.|-wr;n« -:;..l-! the snow pb»w
had lived lb Elk Rapids all of biaitdrnnM ond he aeied like a g^xi'n-'■>•''*'•1 '<•'t''trv'h.i>e. hydiam.*.
iowev'eourt .and ,Mi. i'la'i theTefiu-thetrartiwa^xl-qip-dan-J
Omdt Lyceum.
life and was highly respecied hy all j hoo^ritntil be hod walked around ftv^ and
necesxitie;.. bm
back .'.me dix.ancc. the c^r ,-ox M-n',;^.;;
The fifth and nUUt grade lyeeam of who knew him.
He alwa.v* had aU few momenta when be resiim.ri hix th-AWth! b.-x; to a>k for h!dx o^
le- api>oiDied in ;
tangl-xi pp iu the un.b-rw.vfKx of
. the Central belldlng gave the follow pleasabt smile and kind wont for j*ir of indiff.-retir.'to the apparatus. ' Mr-Htlleii njoT.:d that bid* Is*
plow. I- wax releareij by a btahemxn;
lag pragmm Friday afieraoon:
leryone. lb-was a memlM-r of h.we
—i----------------- ^, and the imuioo fsisrie.i;
Current events. Ruth Gi
toniuce «*rried on (be sreal Uk««- l*>
• tfpon lunt iMued by (b<- depamorat
Boidneaa mceilng.
■mpany ,Ko.
This was the only!
Tall to order by tbe president.
Roil call.
orgululiUD to which
Rrndiag of the mlnniei of the last
funeral In a btwly.
bclvmged. |
No bids had ever bcm'sc-c-tred oh
.r> ax il wastjret lan-W'k '
:3—Eight thmi , these articles pn-vkvixly. they being
B fiit'f owner and began to-
E-gM Thousand Debar Cow.
Boston, Ylaxs.. F.-b
Was Eight Veara Old.
bis; xaiid dollar', recently i-aid l.y Daniel! boiighi in ibe snsrk.rf m the le-xi price
Fi.'M, a llrockioti shoe nunnJiiC-iposxKdc. A reprei.mtatlve from Jatnexj'^,
>1- P.IV-. -i-x,?.*» 1* K-e,-
grade erenlng wax
nnd music
Sutu. Briber CartMm
Nesaen City.
John HMI vialied her
BendMw. -A Touching Scene;" Ger- week.
honor of ibo
Games and mu‘ic made the afler.ftv-xiimee'
iter and no power-given ibmi to make la*' Fnday. E F. t'wtr of h7mp-r« wax! From 'Tuaadny'a Raesrd.
'we e .
4 1
i.x' luelr
.mu 4’:iu III.-'rif
Dainty re-
r - i. and at 4*3*
many pretty
to a
P»i- Hire* jwewetit Were Beatrice and WR.
in Older to bring herinm TYitson. Juli Burr. Gertrude Miller.
h>-r pment owner only a mooili. has: which w.As read lo the council:
■ known alj over the co-mty. .Dr. Fra-"r}'>um o
already returaed ft.’x*’or oni-half. of,
"please rel«se to conBvm contracts Hcii of Maple City was chosen as a .-eon to he.-is the siofy written pr«»e. ^Mildred Vader. Maiidb- Eaxiertta.v,
rent siateen lill.le girls were Invited
Inoon-paxe all-to
XibOTvi r-ommissloner
.And Pontiac Bag Apple, Ui. «-ii(rfK-n- any purchases. '
) nomlnaied fur x.fcooi
Selling tK».ks
from bWmiam served and the company diqiarrod for
homes, all ban : enloysii a
eheere ani
inuxly dubiM-d
Yesb-rdAv the mayor recelreil {be, Mr. Carr lx eiiprnut.--«‘b.n'i of the Em-, makmg c*.
gleaaant evening.
n aeruiM’i.xie ■
though she had lireii in the Land, of fribiwlng
t.'legram daied i Chicago pire achool and 4- w.-i; and favorably' briK-i in c
wsatlier’* Lsmeheon.- Vem Knaggs.
trade VolootL
m-d tire.:;
Hugh Deamoad.
Uelanau Convention;
D-land, Mich.. K.-b. 12,'-A-
playing games|full blomicd xi.w-.k ibv htghi-xt pri.xxl,.had bei-r. nothing h^d aho-r ihe hiat- pui-irMn county convention lirid'in
t,aier refi.-xhmeiiix w.ne! bovine tn ihe 1'mte.I 8u(ex.
1 to help her ceb-brale.
Lawrenrw and Almond t>uiuricr en-|Turei and farmer: far » lu.x-k .\v.-d.! B. flow A- Co. laxi w.-.-k m-.de tbe'
Readlag and adoption of (he conaii- lenained a number «rf their friends [ pale faced but -iiulitVtrHxis cow, make:; eomminee j price ..p a iiydraoi tlmi '
•ullon and hy-lswa.
iheir h«ne Tiiex-Uv evening. The) this arqalxtli.oe. to Mr, Kicld'* henl o' wax considered egrvllent l-n; lu ihef-
I.IHle Pauline Butler was K yenra
11—Mrs. Hu- price paid for her. a Mini agreed I for hydrants and valve*.
A.k for Md.v memU-r of the county cmOiitwi? aad,<uiing Auoroey
pmtt hy
the' nxiny; Freda.
last-lor her U4-*i calf, -which Jkis .ab’cady |*iid prorect yieir taxpayers as other' two deireates to ite state ranv.-ntini; frt.mdx of MfA f^ih.rine. p-wrker of Glad.vs
jl-xn aold lo M New- Vori* bPresbr oliciiHw d«i.
Seven] fron here aRnided Ute eish I fancy atorik
, j •;
lAlleB T. Pregtk*."
Hilda and taraire
. w^re el«-ied. Fred Anderson of »i^.rhlcaBo whowp.rfgfe; ron. Rtihert Par-; Knagg*. Ib-len
{w and Ati*re Gonn-rf B’Ui.ics Bay,
.0|tat .and
Hoixaple. Vem
Pl-hrre tm the cbanrej^lih fifoCorin^. l>-.4h.A>era.
jker. »bo w-ax ^Pl-hpt
. •;
I'liBIllilllWHIHlIi'IIIHI llll■■^IHIl■lll■ll I 111 .......III11 I
QmA Tnrcrsc Herald.
M Travira.
mBrald and^record
■4 at a* p«moa^ m Trsmi* Oly.
WUUuutars. MklL. Pab. fi.-Tba
^iirtll iwatlmi eonUniw at ttae
9%« qaart«rl7 iDeMtnx twrlcea at
Barkar Cr«alt wrre «eH attait4e4 <w
WaUiilMr; A wood rapMeaU
fnat WinUMlMrs aUandad pmf _
n4 aftinooB aad alt report a pm4
' Cnplra .SUlaa Tlaltad frlendt bero
tMa «aA aad attaoM (be ap ' '
Mrm. Ot«
Aiauer %*• WS#»Btat *** •P«t Tery P|wt«nt
and mnstc and light mTliew It
t «( lU MboUn U
X W, Anraa apeni Wednuday in
tbit dtaulat
Tmverae City In tbe IntercA ot tba
- nt bp-wbteb be it emplcwed.
d A. MoclMai aada a but
trip to Ca«maa. Baiptre and TntttMM . Mr. aad Mra. Skiver received a vkR
tfom her brother wbote home U In
aty laat weak.
Cedar Run.
W. T. Bowes of TraTerae CUj, waa
Chariot Blllmin irantaciad bulneat
in Travaru City Wadaatday.
la (owa .Tnaaday.
Mr. and Mrt. SnUtvnn auen^ad tbe
Mn. Siraeb it no bettOT at tbU writcteic* «t ti
a. Brlngbaia and tba canlal poat'
maaler. pimnk Wri^Usan want tabbU
battlnc Tnaaday and cot UtWean In
(oar bdura. They matt baae naod
anlAdal bail o< (orelfs madutactore.
Mrt. John Tooley It vltltln* ber
motber at EM Jordan.
fi. a Maynard ot Traverae City
made a buitneaa call bare Wodneaday.
Thao. Bavesot's aon la very aick.
Tb«i, Pararen' MereanUte company
It n buty^ptace tbue days. Beatdaa
lookinc aftar ibeir Unde, they aUppad
JtM pouada of buUer to nortbam
poinu and 2«i dosea oT anca and
larce quantity o( beau.
1). W. ReynoMs at Omwo wu
town Wednetdny.
evanlos. tbe event baiac tbe twentieth
annlvaraaty of Mr. and Mrs. NeUoo't
Coon Sattkn. tbe pouto buyer from
Ptovemont wu in town cm buoloew
0«.mi NM.
U d~d. 1. 1»0 b« PTMMIquiet, sieate. Sheep and lamha—«.4<X>. active; AMee lambs 87U 6
Frank P. Sants of the fina of Lanv J ad to tbe Pnoeb people MaUnslanti
wetbww. 8SA0 « IS.TS; mixed .
Ula Uwyera. bMjtte leatdnce (it tte MipUM Jomt&W <f -|t.48. Hogs—1.700; faWy * NB«tx.
acitra; ymkera. 17.40, «r'87.45. Piga.i been nopointed eolleetor of reTenocB' pMao. wbleb be bad parebased oevetnl
ilxed.lnf PunoHico.
' iyean tafare. and had It restored at
! Ambaasador George Vno U Me.ver.! grmt expense, tr has beeo used as a
i who is returning to the Unhad Statea' Napoleonic maaeum.
to cuter tbe rabiuet as iiostmssterl Tai* prbduels of tte vartoM mlBoa
general, was received tn tirivaie au-1 bi ibe copper country for. the month
dienee by King Victor EaanwH uf | of Jannary «ws as follows: Calemet
1g Hevln. estlmaied 4.3>m tons: FtnakAmbassador Nabiic.
Rraril. bM 1 lln. 888 tons; Quincy, i.jnn
‘cOBsenlcd to deliver au addrcaa In araek. ««S too* estimated; OereoU.
ay's Iteeord.
I Buffalo am Feb. r". l«-f-.re the tJberal j »M tons, tetimaied; Ahnteek. »i loos
retully >
iHoboftfaal Hiy .,n (be
siralUtliy; a slfmaied: TOnona. in
sstireeted every day. The local eu
' «if er-aa.-r itaile r«:«tion> l»-»wven this ! mated: lale Ruyale. 15J u«s: .Mass.
priew era aeppUed' by local dealers.
«smt.y artd LaiW. Am.-ri.a.
1 H'l tona; CbampMn. 1.80S ion.; TriTienl.-l
ih-lris, the l•ari^;aIl pMlan • motnisln. *53 tons. Ualtlc. *;i t,«».
The ewtalda qweut'e<«
wire, net
dipped from other paperw of the pro-
«•*'>«.............. » »
___________ tbe Jnveolle band »a*e
ibMr anauaJ anpper on Peb. « ^d vIoM day.
invllad their betl cirl*. Favorite telectlont were micitred by the hand
when all aat down to a gnuid repatt
new and mittk tl
PotatW, 27 cents
TwiHtly-oiw* loeds were »elgh,-d yexSenator Sfnitlt Will be Here,
hu now been drilnlielv dedded lenlay ua the ciiv srwh-s; only «w
that United Slates Seuior Wllllaai load of pulnlues. Oi<- ix-st cuusUled of
AUen Smlib will be tbe i.emored hsy and ll\e >t««ck.
The imtato market is v\-ry uncertain,
guest of the Orwnd Traverse IJncoIn
dub in this city an March 8. unlesa will) tin- Uhlcago nia»l.rt where it i*.
Mr. Critp^m.
Item sshould bt- a special session of and If ibe wwiin weaili-r k<i-p» ui<.
William CrlHj) of Winiarntbiira I
It Is mure Ihaii IlkeJy that they wl.l
U nut likely.
yiito the large cetiieik very
•t EE. Walter received
A BBBber pr tba folia here are put- eoverlna front a shock brouaht on by
SecreUry Riiten
l.lilly. which wilt fiit-an amkher drop
fainting spall and eipcmarw (o
That means lhal ib-.-ilers .*>er.- wHl
qwita a NtSe Mekneat
drop Ilack to Ibe thi cent 4^sie agsiu.
tba Ml—miliy Jud'anw. moatly
iunrkoi.s are iioiiiiul
BBriler In the week Mr. Crisp, who
*lEa Nellla SUlea la vlalUnc frlenda it aa old non. left bu boate and ttart- daw will, the quallflcuiiun stated. InWheat is Hull.
cd for tbe bam. When be rewM that asuch as there <is nothing appurt-iil
Whi-st imdoiildcdiv - sufferi-d In
tb P. Martb.rManad to WUHants- bonding be wu ovaroome by faint- now. which would ladlcuK- a Eperisl
>im- t-xienl during Jiiiiniirv. M->-«rd
neu and («tl U> tbe floor. Uuble to that SMStor SioKti wlU buiiur GrsiHl
K lu the ilifunnallidi given in ib<ale cn>|, rv-purl isxmisxm-d liMtay. lo
help himself and mallainc that lo lay Traverse coanty on Ihe date specified.
I|;i.-Htluii whr
whelher the'.-v-n-a!
I meut aatloaa- rasulta froai ea Tte auual Uncuin elub buiiqunt has
Injunil ::t;t Crop c»»ries|:|niiilIMTIRLOCHCN.
entll that dale,
rn be eallad tor help. Mm. Criap order pMtpooed
Jinil KIJ
that tenator Smith may
tnterioetaaB. m<±.. Pbb. 8.—Tbe is partially deaf a»d did not bear Ms secured.
ground during ihe tnonlh <
wyua Ooopamge company^ »IU bu erk-t for aid bnt a sbmII gmncldaacbes,«-l
Tte llnc-iip of speakerB I* exo
. 'btliy
well ci»veri-d
Mwtad and thln*a wlU aoon be bum,-rup»- depth <il
Speaker NWho!
afli-r I
ter bbo wmId tbe boate loM her ibal tionaUy good.
.to imiu-s.
of the hiwm of ----------yoons people of Wylie and Inter- tomaane wu caHlog. An lavetil^ Wbtdan
live Sonoa ot St.
lodban bava (Ortned a llteinuua ao- tkm WM iaunedlataly mtee ud tbe Johns.
•rry F. Powers of Cadillac
eMtr and are maatln# onae a v ' (dd geatlemu (cmad in an almoat
of Manimee. wlll
aad C, A. Palmer
nm n»*ri a tea itea.
elouB aondllkm aad uaabla
Jabn Davla la cetuac along nlealy.
of Cadillac has accepleO the
>. Tbe day was extremely cold Weunore
Mm. StriSlaad bu pnrefaaaad a
position as toastmaster. With this
bov eow ae as to be able to bopply ber aad before be wu taken to tbe boose «-xcclleDt array of oraloricnl talent
anara with inlik. rominent young men of the slate :;T cents fur a No. I stuck.
m. Lottla BMUar wUl be tba new
Chlrogo price luday by wix.- Is 41
assured that the IJneoln
DupHe (he severe abode, coupled
eanfar In place o€ Mr. Pany. be
banquet of 190T. will be an eaperlslwith Ms age. Mr. Crisp It able I
ly pleasing event. The details of the
About (be bouse and no lultiis eSecU progmina and the toasts to be respond
tb» atiMU. having taken to tbe woods are looked for from hU experience.
ed lo will be arranged later. Senaior
« aboct ttea ago. at tbarn wm i-----Smith has been a busy man sinee his
Morti them.
eleetiMi U> (be United States sen.-tie
Death of John Hamilton.
and the Qrand Traverse Lincoln citib
DMpIta tbe lender care of bis family Is Mperialty fortunate in being ablnso
to tbe and that of phyddana and frienda.
s him (or thU occasion. 1I
tasaten of tte High acbool _
Jote HamUton. an old reddest
tteCnyopera bonaa PrMayMcbi
rater towaablp. nod ana trf the
proDlnent (armara of this
New ^hoe Slors.
B Mtam «t tbe local acbod. The
Tleinltr. died at tala boms Thursday
■tests vrortcad
Its toi
Traverse City Is to have another
aft'emooD at 3-.W of ralvnlar dlsaase _ew aboe atore located In the SutberbtoMt, in the atorc formerly oc
**Sa1uirw»r'iulefulty decorated of the temrl Mr. HamUton baa teen iBte
cupied by R. W. Rastall. the Jeweler.
Mtt tte ichool and dau oolom The gmitnaUy talUag far tba past year. The new firm will bo Klaasen and
bslaaaa ran «u bong with tbe gold About throe weeks before bis dtalh Bhumaky. two well-known young men
ate bla^ bnnung while form tba he bad a tall which i
who have been In the busluv-ss many
ate Maak tenling wbUq from tbe
galA batelag. aupanM (our large nckaaed tbe enX
Jtweph Klaasen has been engagod
Mr. HamlUea was born I
T. B. •. peananle. Tbe two nppor
In tte trade twelve yesra. He started
Then v>ti net »1 Mtnc ii*
besw waiTdeemted In tba daaa Scodand, Jwn>
with Prank FiiedrlcU iu the Wurxburg
«olM» vkdat and "
block twelve years ago. was two yean,
alil switch Hiz.-l Cream.
of IS be c
teu ate iMd mM red OBwith -Pariter Brothers and ftir several
Tte family settled oa
___ j( the Joalom. The curtain
yeaib past has been with A. Grellick
•wae bang with a kmg itsr of pesnanu. farm In Dummer townablp, PeCarttoe- A Co. Mr. Klaaium Is thoroughly post
chapped or roiiyh sUn.
tody IB the aveolag. a abort pro: oogh coanty. OaUrto. la 1843 he
ed U the ahoe business and capable ul
MOm ot maaki and readinga waa ran- ualtsd In marriage to MIm Margucr- aatlsfylnt the most critical trade. Mr.
itete. avaw Biwbar being wan ra- lu Ball ot Norwood, Canada. In 18S
- - other eMthoie at Mtartatn10 ddeak wbea be o
lean war.------- ..
Battled on kla farm aaai of WllUama- campaign m first IteuieMni. gulug tc
' burg, where be bM since resided and Csba with the company and n,suiuiiig
D I •’deck this momlng.
« shoo business upon his return.
t where he died. Mr. HamUton Is
Prank Shumsky Is a prarlleal shoe
Tired by bla wife, Md seven children. mun, being engaged in ihw sluw wakOeoege. WUllam. Matthew and Mn.
bustness (or f.Hirteen years. Ho
This is a couyh remedy
I ts well nnd fuvonibly kU'iwu.
OayWa WateaaBrace UevnM of WllUamabnrg. Mrs.
that is fast provinj; its
A *Mble wadding wm t
Fitek Peak* of Reeae. Mk*.. and Kbuuicn will make a good eotnblnaUuii
merits, and is sure to
James and David Hamilton of Calu for n successful shoo business. They
Sulher»ar. OBtey ottdBting and the conof years and cxTbe (naeral eervices wore held Mon- imid Ibluck tor a term uf
make them both and
^ momlag (lou tbe M. R church
know they are Kood.
1 and L«alle H. Acker- of wmlatnsburg. Tbe deem
then taken to Mk Snalda tor bnrial.
A find Death. '
the ftee. Mr. Yowg ta charge.
From Saturday's Record,
totesMlMtete Mr. ate Mra. AMlnr- HamlHon-s fonr oldest aona netad m
Vnih four llltle children In tbe hos
BMAiiiB«tlHBw Bt 731 Bute atraet
TTia cbnieb wm thrungad pital. two at home not yet able to walk
Mn. AckermBB at 8» with trtente and retailves of
from the ravages of typhoid and
husband and father lying cold
laed. wMeh togeUer with
death Mrs. Frank Prashll weeps and j
funeral cortege and tbe many refuses, to Is- comforted t.Mluy. At,
9-30 this morning, the bread winner,
Tte foilOWlBC pRMtem WM glvao at moist eyes, attaatte tbe high est<
Ite Baunod avenua iyoeua Fil In which Hr. Hamlllon was held by all ,as summoned by death.
F»r three weeks. Mr. Prashll has
ter BftamooBt
wbo kaew hha.
4-en ill with lyphuUI fever. Two of
Jie cblldrrD. Cnthurtne and Clara,
MM Tteirtv^TTiat the Ame^
He Showte GriL
aaed eigtaloea moiilbs and three ye.vrs
B InMi kM teaa anjnatjy Utette
With hU left ankle frightfully SSectlvely. were sick at home b.v
brokaa and the uule of the foot Urwed gredoalty rwiiven-d from the dlseuMupwwd. Irving Uorst drove from Bea Four others also cmiracU-d It. an.
ton's oarap. five mllea eMt of Ma.rflHid. they were sent lo lUe bospiUl. where
to Ihe cMy Saiurdsy and bad the they are at pres<-nt.
Mwwmia. iwela Beardsley.
Mrs. Prashll U n frail woman und
TMOh Jote BtagaaBk. Maria Kovar. Injury eared for by a physician,
bad been 111 ail summer luii she i.sjL
man stwsred remarkable nerve
care of hee husimnd (or ihi-ee long
wllllnsly talked about tbe injury m
litgly brwdless of (be great pa>n kv weeks II,«' •xcitemenl leadiug her •
that >iin-ris.-d her cl.rs.must have sulferte.
. In tee debate the deeUkm n
IntBKreMtenllnnBiive. TtenrgnTte young man wm loading logs
SMBtB nte Pfa—ilatlwi were exeti- when tte tackle broke and one stick
rolled onto Ua foot. .A^r the bones
Mat. telnc worthy of older pnpUa.
Mr. Prasbil was 40 years old and
bte been eei be drove back to camp.
was weU known to the city, having
A Bit Lead.
IXIXCTkc i.i, on
large nuiuter of frtiuids. He was
Milk Testa
flome kktgo loads have been hauled
yotir peraon or hide it abi>ul
of the C. B. I’. «
Tte following Is Ite record of the
.te teoBl taanwtera during tte paM
iUe liowse. hut platv it in n
rotsfonune came to him. h
- Sw tetea bte John Snnforth thinks milk mumples tested by Heat and Milk whMi
fitruDKn-liubU* hank.
r te bandied one Priday ibat aa- Inspector Duckrray last week.
gonlsed a benefit dance which wm to
8U(-ii a* tbe
: gamed tte proportlona of a youag
No. 2. 4 fat. ISA aollda
have been held in Columbia lull n
No. 5, XTTal. 12.6 aollda
week (r<nn lonlghi. II Is Very prob
an loaded 18.788 poonfia of ooka at ,No. 6. 4.S fat. 12.S soltds.
able that the teneBt will not h- call.sl
.«• Traverae aty Om compaay's
No. 7. 3.8 fat. IXB Mllds.
bur'ihe proceeds will be given to
’ mMM ate tmokd It lo tee Unloo street
8, JJfBt. 12:8Mllds.
- **~*iahil.
No. 9 e fau 14 solida
' anbnni boMS wKhout mlahrwife, eight chflWlifiN- it will .«ni yon :i per
atet WM loaded Id the deo|i i
. S fat.
teLSie, Jeooent interewt aud is poyaUe
12.7 solids.
tba haallng wm bad for a Snl<-. Josephine. John Clara aiid Cath
lanee. Aa It Ukes fifty bushels of tbe
ou DEHANll.
atnS to make up a ton aad tee load
aaiiBUn to almost five ate ooetedf
Alwolnte safety la
ostoaa IU tUe can easily be Unaglaed.
lie of Bull Run (or the Loudon Tlnie*
Under the law the minimum
during tbe civil war in the Vulusl
BadOey. Mich.. Peb. B.—A very pret
(au te 3 and tor nollda 12X Mr. Dock- Biaics. Is criilenlly ill.
ty darting wm aotemlxed hi
eiUT use* a more rigid te« for aollds
tey avening. an. », when Minnie, old- Umn Grand Rapids, oooseqni
Bpeeial Neiiee to tee Farovera.
' aat daagbter of Mr. apd Mrs. eOo. W. there Is a lower sfaowlng.
The managratmt of Ihe new (cod •
-Brown wm ttnlted to William B>own
mill al Wllllsmsbnrg has changed
at Honey. Mite, at tte rte
hands aad the farmers of the sur
• '-tee brides parenU. by tte Rev. Mr.
o eDLartalDOd hvr imKIm
rounding territory are Invited lo bring
rinntwM of Hemey. The newty marTbeir wheat and
ytod eoapl* departed at once for HerIV days last week.
Rtdier Procera Flour. F«s-d grinding
A very pleaaant s(
nay vbeta teey wDI make tkelr tetata
_isa Bthel Cork. W«
When upon retiring from a (rieod's
F, J. Swan.
Owing to the IRmu of Mlea Mande home. Bbe (oond a number of bbr
Carat, feateer te tte ktedem
young friends swalilng ter com]f^
T bu.................................
Wheat, per l«i.........................
Do Your
Hands Chap?
Cherry and Honey
25 cents.
~ K<lwsr<l Phelps Allis. Jr.. 3
ite late fSdwanl P. Allis, of Wlseonstn. has had conferred )>|u>n him llic
knlghilosKl «it the !.eglnn of Honor.
A auperb aBBortimot.
of taiioy om« from
:•«,!. .Cyivorowl ISlb. tvmt .wl no trlsl. Aril
T-ior drml-T rir ,.-1.1 -ienip f.ir fnw l..-]ilri
1...-^ Hr... TbrrnjuriAt Cw., Ruriueter. N. V.
Ic to 3.50
Vtrcvsl*. >«ari«-li>g erf austral Blral.-v
nra'Ir all umIv cuIVlTStlua Fla. «
^ City Book Store
ll/ARTCH-YuBai niM
^..tuttenc^mKy' iDquIn-U II Ben
Tlie Hobart Co. pro!|i.
Warm Up!
Make Yourself Comlortable
Take in the BLANKET SALE at Steinberg Brothers
Drug Store
You Can Save
'When You Start
in to Save
Your Money
Traverse City
State Bank,
I T'.c- I;! ,iil;, ts. bi-<-aii--- »
r f.-lliug 7> 1!lai,k.-lX .H. a
II II.2'- Itlalik.-t^ l..faii«- >
I- w-llliig 11.25 nianki-’x
a ll.3i> H1inl.«.-b,. bcciu«' •
- selling 81.5n BlankHs
V.,U ran Wire'T.Tr ou 82."" lliankrt*. b<-rauw wr arc selling $2.00 BIsnkrlA
Yu-i ran ,«v<- t«c on 82.25 lir;ifik.:tr,,,l-Tait.«e'wc-arc soHIng 82.25HI»nk<-‘.'
Y.ni c:>n »av.- r-Sc <*n J2i'" lil«hl.«*.-|s-f-a.iM- we arc M-llliig *3-ti<> lllunkct*
You can Mv.- 8l-<i.'. on
^«8nk•.-^^ b-ranae wr nie-*eliliig'8M“>
Y«Mi cun save- 8l 2'. on
lll;iiiki-ts. leraiiw' we ate si-liing 8fi'*f' iV::,
Resources Orel $I,6B0.0D0
Traberse City
Stale Bank
A graotl vfiriety of oomic 8od
fancy Post Cuida, 2 i<W Ic.
Tbe moal great aagortment of
You Can Save Money on QuUts, Too,
Decau-ic we have s nice lot of ihvm ihsi w- ai»- M-llIng from in lo 25 i- r
-m-br vslm- y*' j' ’ll
good nwsoo why ymi ahonldn-i invrailgaie thf-Ae baraalns—greatw vaU,- *ef never «llcr-l ^
Bl.-«nke4» and Qtilll. than those we are showlAg righl bow when «-ve,yi,-!y ...... . 'b-hi »'>'! "''t* '
a »»>d »upp!v.
Steinberg Bros.
Travcnc Ctty, Micli.
''' ■
OPUND ntfveiisc moulb, YwuiiaBAY, mmiAitv i
Schuyler MaiHifecUJrieg Ca
Despite ber k» mtlns «bUm<*. the
mrerse CHr. LeeUuan and Manlsi)-
ot^rs, that
: V-
H. Scbuylei. of, the Schuyler rf'vaSy^ereeier
benefit t^Traverst. greei
oompany of Cblcngo. dty
- ihKB
Ibe enconrageraL'ni of doubtdty today to complete ar-
tbe afficoni ^
.. removal
............................ ..... » by. and 1
board, of ............................
trade for the
her way Into the Ice covered
.indKr niumiKtlim^
Tbe lee Is
the board of
Kcversl luonlba. and fur which
and all over the upper lake l( la bmk- was raised at the laat atuiual
for rt-moval expenses.
The Me boM
This rompany Is engaged In repalra momlBi:.
bui did not arrive
earlr tkla
bwDess and baa made a success
haxv been d..
papera of
of TraversiaClty
Ing UlBtl
UiBlneBs with Mr. Schuyler for
v,.«« and ar« fiiuilliar with ib.------ ly yet
advuRlaces of this eiili-rprise.
confidently expected, and Indeed as
that ihls will grew to bo ot>and la probabijr
on Ita way baek f
and subManlatlgue, travelllns slowly oa
manufarturtng entenwt.
count of the Icc.
y^ley. which Is flndmg favor all over,
Scboyler loduj arranged
Ibe LnlU-d Slaies.
Mr. Ifhujler Is |
Bosrdman Rher Klectric Ul
Sold Shoe Stock.
Ibe owner ct property oo l^ng
Ifwr rompady for the pureba
The shoe etoek of Alfred Greillck ft au.l haa been «)mmg here for
nweaearv H.>ctrical motors ft
Knai Front street.
yeare to apend tlu- summer. He lia*
b.,u,uch as an en
be«-n v.-rj- much impreeKod with Vrav-:
. ’
,.nuinmeni wlllbe i
thal. pniprietor erf the Globe
erae Cliv and Ha advanugea and has'
Tb« doors closed at 4 o'clock Tue* accepted the propoxitlon of (be tward
trade to move his plant to (Mh:
day aTiemoon as soon as (be di-al
Big Sun Spot.
Hty. which haa alreMy b
as eoinpleted. and ihr cooda
e pull- Ry Wire to Hu- Evening Record.
ow in poKsessKHi of The GUilto.
This store was l•stal>Ush<•<l
for 1
Itasbear of Alb-geuy. this tuornln
Slid has leuMed coveted one of the grretesl sun spot_ ... _........... ..
e buildli
IdlllK ever noticed bv asuruncmers.
IIbaa conilmied Uie bualneaa since.
corner of Prtrnt and Oak predicts an eleoirical dlsluThance ft
;k %as cooiemplated n'llrtny for
■ :i«H>r liasbear. who
wln> i«
lime and (he stock sra« pod- slroetK for a .vonr, or more, as cliruni- tomorrow. I’roftiisor
stuuces demand.
Ho haa employed knu»-n world wide..«ays the spofti apcontractor Thomas Uoullou
rmrslmale length h
la llK.ntsi miles. H
Mr. KosentbaL................................
rau Ire readily seen tbreugk a
begin preparattoDs for placins (be
giioda on aaU-. Thi' stock omalata «>l
high class (ooiwear for ladies and Ibe work. The Interior of tbu building
conven-EnnUemen, rubber goods and henry
To Break In New Shoes Atwmys Use
goods for working people sod luhiber- l<-nce of the com|*uy and Mr. Mold1<m will carry on the work until it ft
TishtiKSB BBd HtMsriae. cftrsp RwoUm.
leady for the plant.
Hr. Rosenthal will aimounee In
The funer* -aerriee of the nine
few ilayB owing to the great niBh of
Mr.^d —-........................
M™. VIC a palmer placed on Kale.
of i,..
buHluef^ hla rtinipany Is suhji-rted
eras beid Friday afteraoon at 2:S0
time In CJili
slay here Just lung enough to give the
irf the nmt Presbytertan ctaBreh efirj lusliuctlona und as soon as M<mr.»>. MicblKai., one of tbe leading
lag. There waa a proMslo., ol
illding Is ready hero, he will nursery- conci-rnB In Ihe UnltiHl States,
lUol BowMt and ibe mnale for
park bli
write UB that they want a m>od live
borne of tbe Rev. J. J. Sbeeban of the
ship it i
BEent in this si-cllon to sollcl! orders
Immaculate Conception church,
workmen trf the CbIcaBo plant have
Kr*. Huffman. Dr. J- A. Snyder nnd
ony Uklng place at 5 o'clock
for their trees, shrubs, rosea, etc. Ex
ibHr rsmllies lo t
wiutesaed by only the meroben
W. P. Crouw.
perience Is not necessary. They offer
xpecUHl that the
hy and
Immediaie famillei of the jwn*
lire plant will be ac good pay weekly and furnlah canvasuoval of
ompllshed between the
atne outfit free.
Henry Welmer «f Mnnlstoe nnd
We advise any man t>r woman In
if March.
force of the company Is not great, our community, who Is in a jkisIIJoii
MlH Mn HocS at UUs city were united
and Mrs. Campbell
o'clock Tuesday Ibc S:30 U. R. ft >. train for Chleaim there will be from seven to ten fami to take orders for the al«»ve bouse, tu
bs hii mail
trlmo- where they will spend (beir booe)'- lies movi-d here Immediately.
buildiiteebaalcal workmen who earn high
Miss Lndka Is. tbe charmlnic dau wages and will make Traverse City
ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Loitka their perTOanctit home. The contract
of 311'Vine slieel. Sbe is a popuUi
nflernoon l>elwe<-ii
Jn tb* nxter of tb
;Mi«. Anna dehnewi Dead.,
young lady and her clicle of frteuds li
I lire c
Mr. Schuyler
Mra. Anna ffobnun died
at her
lante one. Tbe Eromu is one of the
of llie boartl
beam at Wallin Saturday night of con- inosi popular yoiinB men of the cKy
1,-..rte Inlnln,.
"J* -Pf?
nnpdea. She lenres a family and
amiuni nii-ellDg of Ibe boani c
of '
lie Is IIbe- beml
Jan ::i
Mr. Schuyler is miieh
WM bnrled this aftenoon.
Campbell and Skdeher band and «
w-ilh the outlook and mt<« i
superinlendeni of ihc wuier work - ■
Ulcss -tlty of
iorcc oi
of muvvruv-u
w-orkmen will .....................
• -...........
— ------------------------(he
P'»o« l>ef«"'' i
dotilded w-lthlD a few luumlis. nuriiig!
In Ibe preeenoe of tbe immedlnte
ttb stek, 2,sir
In>. U.
Greening Nursery Co.
Arc You
These are opiM>rtunliles you should not
to advance, and we are ufferlBE them
this Is lta« Um week.
ibla sale. oYur time la limited
CM Bcareely afford ii
■lei pnriors in tbe Stnie Bank
iBf. They wtO lire in Uanmea.
snl and wal
poung pe»>pl
with unllmlK'd
wfnMriis only. Bvil U. Bouraou of (Ad
MtMton and Delmont 8. PricaiTot this
dt/.were united la marriage ai
Nrn. Priest la veil known to tbe
nad At Old Mlraloa vbo wUl wlah
bar moafa bapplnena.
Mr. PrteM la
aotploynd by Ibe Perw Marqnette lallnnd and also haa a host of friends
who are abovertn» tbeir best srisbes
upon him.
After a short rislt at Old
llu- Improved condllloiis and deeri-xiUNl, .
txis'nse deiii'mslr.ited 1u Traverwirily will enable him to make a iiapid
development of Ida business.
Wlille Ibis U only a biubiI eonceni. (Suty. on <h< inh day
Francis church Monday morning. They
dW and baa many frtenda both bare
Hra. Campbell t<
weddInE (n>m t
TbHr plans were carefully laid and
they fpven wept so far as to > '
the BiaUon In a cutler rether
ike cliaarea by ordering a cab from
llrelT stable.
i leuky InfitniBui a tideplKine I
eni at beet. The
II Ik imc which ejiiploys tie highest
class of tkUle<I labor and one which
Ihe prfmllai- advantagr’s »f Traverse
City will enable to grow much faster
than In a city like Clih-ago.
At the
annual ine<nlei-g of Ihe l-vitvl <>r trade
It waa eh-aily shown by the uulsidt-
MMMon tbe couple will be at home to
tbeir friends In this city.
• person wl>o anssrered the phone said he was busy
iklng preprariuns for hU wedding
ilch was to occur the nest
on tbe attemooB of Feb. » at their and the friend Immediately lost
bcMie. three miles noitta of Suttoos Interest In his presence.
All unknowing. Mr. and MrK. Cam|K
Bay. E3U. tbe lO-yearold daogtator of
bell drove to the stailnn and were uiet
with a shower of‘ rice• thal
I held Ibis •
Uttla Ella Mark It Oasd.
Sguons Bay. Mlcb. Peb. ll.-DM
Bar. A. J. Raftataol ofOcUUng.
coach and bev huBbnrid .
into (be next
passing cigars
freely In the hope of causing the *«►
Heme Burned.
pleple In the coach to go Into the
n« borne of M. Fltagerald
Wbmi the train pulled
Bnouslt City was badly burned Sunral Inches deep all
rice waa several
da# nlgbt while tbe body of bU 13^ the floor ud if
If Urey managed
amibaold daughter. Martha lay In rid of it all
before Chicago
fault of . tbeir
MA UtUa casket. Tbe fire originated
nsder tbe range and employes of F.
W. tvilHci's shingle mill catlngnlshed
tbn blaae.
A Little Firs.
Tbe fire d
1 In from tbe home of
A.' B. FDx.219 W. Ninth street Tuesdar morning
n overbeeted
vUeh orlglM
slose pipe.
Tbe blase ran up between
tbe waOs and was bard (o work wUb
bnt one tank of the chemical ezUnAntshed iL
Oanthaf Uttla Martha Irana FlUparald
Far tba Herald.
.Ibnba Irene
dnoBbtar iff
Mr. and
Mrs. Wllliaiu
ntraeraJd. of Bummlt City, was laid
to rest in Bvergreea oemetery. Kings.
iv. FhbniaiT Uth, the services being
hoM In the M. B. dyirch at Summli
Oty by Rar. J. B-PtaU of Kingsley.
Tbe mile one was bora Dec. 31. l»e.
Qod Id Ills wisdom baa recalled Uk
O-der of Eagles.
: •ars ago Tuesday, .i
ipany of
men met tocelber In
These men hud lK-.ti "up
igaliiHt ir Hi limes In their life and
fortune had
not drralt
kindly '
them. As they met loglber. there was
a common ohjecl. there w-ere many
frateniiil orders lei the world lint there
sraa rtiom for another one. tuie that
smild emlwKly prinrlpal" 'hat wouldj
unite men t..Blher elow-ly.
Out of their own experience*, those
men built an order which Is known as
the Frairnal Order of BaEles and
though II Is only etgbt yeare old.
y 1.4W aeries are scattered In all
parts of the country, Manilla. Alaska,
the Hawaiian talands. Mexlca, Alaska.
idn with a membership which t>s
day- la pressing close lt> the half million mark.
Traverse Cliy aerie. No. 3S.-?. cele
brated Ihe occasion last evening with
a ladles s<k-1iI session.and the aBalri
laa tbe most KuccMsful In tbe history '
of the lodge.
So well was H enloyed that It waa 3 o'clock this mornlog Irefiire the daircers left the hall.
pnnudsnd nrculatsd w
Great Oean-up Sale
you netNl footwtvr.
Sl^t place In Ibe borne which rau
nsver be filled.
nlahe.1 l.y Stew-ari'S
;i table with a few of t
We have nimle a
SI Walk-Over......... .................
Men’s SS,Wi Vlcl Kid Dress shoes, for .
StvlUb IMteni U-ather Dress si
:t thji*. ft
For Women
To buy from thoM means a aavlng of 50e to 1
Odds and I'ds fnim tJ and fill.ju liiu-,s .,
.. .
Rut dam-lug
For Children
But we feel tbe dear
little one has l>eeii called to a better
served and iMs feature waa enjoyed
lo Ihr uinioKl.
While the guest, were |«rtaklng
the luinqnrt. nii impi-nmptii program
w-as tmtler.-.i.
Mig Joseph Sleder.
Frank and George Kiuaak. gave some
very pleasing voral iiiimbetw. Her
man Kirt-hner playt'd a cornet solo,
plaving his own piano
and Ray
Magnon and
Dnehm sang a dint.
The affair wa. verv well pliiuned
and excellently carrhtl out and refiocled great credit on the commltlre
In charge,____
bnow In Heaveo.
Breka His Arm.
Betions Bay. Mkh.. Fob.
\ apenkera and great Interest Is es' pseted at tbasa meeUngs.
Tba wedding at Kalamasoo vai
to SalvathM
1.. 1,. H,.'. 11..'
the cseeptioo here.
Starts the day just right. This is just
the place to get just the
coffee that just suits.
We selhhe Old Government Mocha and Java blend at 40 ceota, the good
old stand-by. H you haven’t tried Mrs. Rover’s own special blend, it is time you
did. "This is the result of years of study. Sells for 40 cents.
We sell for 20 cents the Buster Brown, the Bells, the Mexoja, the
Dutch lava.
Something new and good is tbe Hard Water blend at 20cents, 25 cents
and 30 cents.
In the pound packages you can buy the Jersey at IS cents, tbe Arbuckle’s
at 18 cents, the Lion at IS cents, the JConcord
25 cents, the Continental at 20
cents smd the Lexington at 30 cents.
You Will Like These
Sweet Midget Gherkins. 35 cents.
Mustard Dressing,’20 cents.
Sour Mixed Pickles. 20 cents.
Mushroom Catsup.‘25 cents.
Walnut Catsup, 2-5 cents.
Chutny Sauce. 25 cents.
Sweet Mixed Pickles
Blue Label Ketchup
Sniders OysterCockiail^auce.'25 cents.
Colossal Queen Olives. lEic, 2*5c. 50c. $1
Manianilla Olives. 10c. 15c. 26c. 3.5c
Deviled Olives, H>c, 15c. 25c. 35c
Pure Horse Radish, lOc
slunl diMwas. and prvarriM
I. aad by coMaatly taUnt lo
. ■ ■ .•^^fgj-.CHPfgr A oa. Talada. O.
raoMy deroted
Hie Best Goods 'Iliat Are Pul Up.
twCblsnaiB UUS
as SM-tKia
strtKui «it the
pal l.arthrv,
wsa SBppnwd to
Hera to Help.
Captain aud Mrs. Vandevllle
Alpena, who «..re married on Friday
last ai Kalamasoo. win be In the city
SCUrday and Sunday to aaalst Cam
tain Routers In sperisi-meetings at
• Salvation army hall. Mrs. Veode‘
B “
a sister.
THE BIG STORE"—Dealers in Evaryfliing
Id the 35 cent class wc have the Monarch Blend, the Yale Blend, the
Arabian Banquet and Spurt’s Revere. Can recommend them all. Each kind
has many steady customers.
For Men
l«obe His love bad given and made s
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
f^'SiSTRlM^m.tvranraratlre .
seuf,‘^ Of aaoo shoos
Grahd T^ver^ R^on.
tM late to «M. Alio
rM»h the ttoraW ••tea not
toto M cMT«towndeflto fall to DM
:iMf* hi. «wy mmy bo aiwrit that It
» after tlwio_____________
’ r Mlw Kettle Rom vlalted her aitUr.
Xkirie. at the boDio uf A. C. Wrakoop,
"rs.1; _____
_anT Thoapeee. the oparaton hare.
H%’a va...................
VBOiUiw vlalUnc
-Sa Uklna a «ai%’B
'Ma folber at Cednr and
r Daanile of Copenlah la tak-
. 1 Oaa Vallaau
of Lake ABB'vaa
, Ipadar Ru eallar Stonrdar.
yljto N. aWaler la,»eiT aldi at thU
■U-^feme Voloe aaaiatad aa waltera.
Mra. O. RobertacM vaa a rerr capable
aod chamlDc toaatailMraca aod cauaad Bnich BietTliBent by bar tnetboda of
iDlrodoclnc the apeakera. Mra. JohnatOB and Mlaa Bnnlce rendered pleaalotoB. Mini Hiller Bnee a readlnit.
C. ». Kehl aod Mra. CJm». Writr OB WedBcadar to ipand a
■opondto vlth (coau lo arorara.
____BaumlterKer. poeMbllltlea: Mra.
P. R. Darla. BobWe: Mra. J. T. Mathipanr <
the toUevlne tribute to the boat'
liaU on Tucadar
a maetlna
IK at tk
intereat fannere
iere's to our ta
In the raMa« of beau.
e expected ibey'd girt- ua n
Mra. WIlllaoaoD apent W'cdacaday
Id Trareree CHrMra. J. Burdice relBrned to her boiac
In Bentonla Saturday BioniltiE.
R. a. Walter mad Mr. Criap of Traraa City, otonpled the pulpit lo tte
. B. ehuirta Senday inoratoc i
.I. D.
- De
Delta Tbe Utter.
DemeGfaDts ahe has no Volet-la
hoBie Pri
tbe nutter.
day eeentnt from Lenalos.
So flU up your cups lo Ibla cbannlnE
The banket ball club bare rcaumet
_--itn|!« turn meet
We-ll drink lo tbrtr health In thU fine
enlnic at the loarn hall.
flarored punrti.
Mra. G. RobertaoD
lefltbla momloj
BIrney Pickard of Leland apMt
for Dk Rapidc.
Mondar In toarn on business.
C. A. Baumberner apent laal WedFeb. a.
lira. Uuldoaa'a paranu «t MMdeloo.
Fred Bordeaux of Leland
si Wo walker leavea oar vtclnhy to^ for Maaltovac. Wli.. arh«a« he Monday vltb bla parenU.
The Hotbara' raaettnt met at the
^ tha praapact of a food }ot> and rehome of Mra. Gao. Blglov laat WedThe lolloeitiE
rios onoffl*"a. C. WratoSTaltandad the eoBwaelected; Mra. W. H. HuriMi«. C. B- Kebl.-vice prea.
Wrialey. aeereUry. Afte
. Mn. Joe Barken and Mra. Elanr the bnslaaaa and aoeial eeulon Hn
refieebinaoU. con' JCtalB attended the fnaaral of MVa. Btffcrr - aerred
• • •
be bald
rofea drat
at the home of Mra.
Wadnaadny In-ltaxeh.
Miaa Bello Kllmunay af Trararee
I. SpuEle.
City It. the *we*i of Mra. J.
UiS.»“ SL-
Lanalnr Salnrday.
The WoBBB'a dob held tbeir
oatd aoeial avanliiE at tbe borne of
ay evei
Mn. G. W. DBBia laat Toeaday
Inc. Tbe comaalttoe
Se. Me
____ a d. M. BBBfc A.* Voice and Mias
____ ______
.. very en
had. prepared
? C. B. Kahl and dauptitar Oiaea a
joyable and nnlque enteitalnmeot.
Jharadar In Tiareiae CKr.
toblcb wax enjoyod by toenty-flre
P Iho faailir of WID OUl are Ul wtth mecBbera and frtanda. A aong conteat area dren In which tbe gneaU
IT tSa^L Wrialer laa been antol
their ability aa artiaia In lUuafill the VBcantT <» tba acAool traUng aonga. afieraard gueealng tbe
aonga repreaented. Mra. ICatbeara and
a Mr^ O. H. d
Mias Burdge
tbeir ablUly
iurdge abowed
Vf r tbe greateat number of the
ta for
trUaa* and artlatle producUona. Draadng
T‘*T'Nlt*caaa and faaiUr are
Inro S,e^
tunate ooe. Mra. A Barileu racelt
tbo oonaolatlao priae. Following tbia
- needio er-------——----------------for a abort
n of salads, waferm. dir«« a
fralt pBBCh WM aerred. Gladys Dame
'■. SkaUBK la the preaent i
. . a. J. 1^ Clbba aptnt a part o( the
past week in Traettrae aty..
Will Jackson of Tiarene City
' «>e orer Sunday.
Wime and Bdwiu Gran who have
both been quite sick, reentered echoed
The VouBE Peoples'society u« ex'
pccUng to bold a -‘Heart" aoeUl ^thc
Halltdar house Salnrday nldit.Vhb.
tCth. It is hoped there wtU ‘ h
larae attendance.
Feb. It
Joe Coan ef lUnlsIee U the pie«
>4 hU eoaaU. Mrs. Harry Workman,
for a lew weeks.
Mra. Bose Aruulrtiog spat Sunday
with Mrs. B. A. Stone of Nkkeiauo.
Drs. Webster and Van-dtvWalker, of
.. for tbe rcUKiral nf a tumor. Tbe
operation was a saemw and Mrs.
CUrlk K doing fine.
HtaB Violet Shutler expects lo ac
cept a poKtliuD a> clerk In A. B. Stin
son's atorr- In KinysV-y In the luwr
Feb. 11.
Good winter areatber line slelshinE
The 1iiml>em»en are tmpruviiic It b)
ishlBE in their logs.
Clinton Prsr and Slna liubturd
S. E. Le«l> and Chas. Rllluit
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
re the gueslc
Bate* of Bate* Sunday
Vrban Bulsmeee and Uncoln I.ackey
retnm--d home S.vturday from MatiihLake. w-befo they have
Teach Your Wife
Sometbioe of buaiBOM metboda; after yon bav,.
Rooe on four long jooniojr it may be a very (;teet
help to b^. Give her reuoUriy tor family <
andli-tbi-r loom to ktvp a btok accotuL
check, etc.
us and like iL the bauL book is a bnaineas-like
reoortt and each check is a receipt.
Td Ii CliitMl Oil It CMsiMili Ijiss Hull tel
aWE HAVE ransacked our entire store and
•'* warehouse and every piece of furni
P"VEBYBODY HAS an idea that it is necessary
^ to have a lot of ready money in order to
itself again, included in our list of slightly dam
buy furniture. This is not so: our easy payment
lected together and placed on our third floor
aged goods is nearly everything necessary for
system places the possession of a cozy home
.where thay will be sold at prices that will cause
the home. If there issomethin^ lacking'in the
within the reach of all. Here you can supply all
a sensation among economical buyers. These
parlor, sitting room, dining room, bedroom or
your home furnishing wants and pay for them
are the accumulation of the entire year and our
kitchen you can satisfy that want now with about
as it is convenient to you. It makes no differ
recant inventory brought them to light. They
one half the expenditure of i^ney that you
must be closed out to make room for the heavy
could under ordinary circum^ances. If a sav
ence to us whether you are a millionaire or
whether your day's pay represents your wealth
shipments of new goods that are coming and
ing of money means anything to you. you'ean
your honest reputation makes your credit good
we have kecided on a sharp, quick sacaificet.
not afford to overlook this—Think it over.
One reed. 3 witocnl Ubiea and
3 with feeding table, all at leu
money than you will ever be
able to buy tben again.
A good, bea>T. well made high
ebair, flnlBh all^Uy marred.
has a cbeek or mar has Irwii
put In with tbe dmniaged onus.
Come early as tbe beet ones
go first Ytw can get a big com;,
fnrtable arm rocker w-lth mbicr
amt. Just one small chock In
III vomvr segi-«. ♦Ailld w«km1
M-ats or cane, many of lb<tn
1..11 will have to examine clorvly
,!i«-ovcr a naw. still It's there
aod lor this reason .vou may
have It for half what yoj would
any other
in all grain-'. Iu!1 s-t- aii.i
broken s.-i». in s.-ie:xl l«i-ian<-<-'
htere are lull r-i-'r wllh l|ill eiiie
or 1W.0 chairs sligh'lv riamaip-d
and the perfect
we inii In
to make the sei ronipUie are
alone worth mure Ui-io we ask
for the lot.
In six. clctit and t<-e fuM
loticthk. some uf them hsre
Tiardiy a scratch, thewe hare
b'-t-n luuvl as samples on uur
sales DcBirs and (be finish i- just
marred enough to make ><ni a
wonderfiil barcain.
A good M*lld h foot, goldi-li
<e.k Ul.le. a• small split i
In this lot are Inrluded all udd
beds as well as damagt.-d •
lo many instano-s the n-st of
the suit has ls-»-n sold'
Iron bods leaving several st»>d
■lieds on hand that we will dls
poae of at damaged l“-d priow
NOW 65 ds.
FROM 60 cts. UP
FROM 53.75 UP
ONLY $3.75
SeU FYom 53.56 op
___M have •IW
- iUt mured
tigmea. otoera
n toe 01
s g lltUe aoUed.
Om la a ngidar 17.00 coach
n good cooaiUoa. amaU pteee
jf moeldlas bnkeo tram frame,
aa good as ever for eecrtoe
WOU HAVE ian opportunity to buy ferniture
“ n/tutr
kivaf willla/i
now that
in all probability never present
ture that is the least bit damaged has been col
-Beveiwl o(
Several good dreuera Ibst Just
«so^ being In firsKleas coodiilon. Bome were slightly mar
red or Jamed iB shipping, others
from careless handling in the
wanAonae. neverthelews
buyer will profit at least ooetaalf their acinnJ value.
W<- have owt .1 dozin of tboe
lhat.bsdwe tbi- lim.-. It would
pay us i<> refinish Thi-y were
stored lo a damp |iluce and the
fililsb has become dulled in
'some spots, otherwise tfae> arc
perfect. Cu vou inimsgiue it.
a solid oak coramude
\t> have l.tit -m- ,.f ilu-se (hat
we can liicliie In unr ilaniace<--l
lor It is a gulden oak. well flnl.lu-d. five large drawers. b-.,v>
brass irtnimlngs, sneb a chif
fonier a.s you WCTtl-l cbesskeil to
pov IS.rat for. has small check in
side parel. This puis U lu the
FOR $2.25
$6.00 CLASS
we bare doxent oC these in all
aites and tlsla. In tome a rod
has been a lltUe bent, others
have a lltUe enamd peeled oB.
any of them are worth twice the
price yon cne boy them at now
We have dozens of lace cunaiDs
thai have been used as samples
thtoe arc allgtily scdled. in all
Instance where vou are willing
to lake tbe sample, you
just one pair at 33 14 percent
All sample portieres
cloeed out at little more than
balf price. Como in cm- and
buy a K.ftn portiere for Ll.no
You may as well make this sav
ing as not
r Is sick with pneu day evening.
John 1
monia. bit U^tlowly galiilnE,
MUs LudgivcuofLaHstid Is ylKiUiig
Horace PbilllPM lias, recovered fmm Mr. and Mrs. Gilbm l*iay of Htbi-I
bis fall so roneb as to lx- out again.
Rola-rt and Hal Stoop made a trip
There Is a good deal of slekrusa.
colds ana
aod enme
anme whooping
vmvpiug t-uiigu.
Abb* BolKDiere retum<-d home Saiaround tbit winter, which m;ikes it irdav from B.-llalrv.
»ry bad for the schools
ivii Fairbanks and Clau.le Warner
Feb. n.
weie In the nelghbotliooil Kri.lay.
L. Warner lost
1 compani
on bis farm last week.
IsilDE of Messrs. Percr Tbom^
Mrs. Rut-bnior*- is guiug jo Kinev-i
LONG LAKE.______
Tbe Nx little cousins of John Miss Lena Kriser of ,Monr>ie Cen
Slocum, and
son. Ehnie Hiller, EmeM
L-y to visit ]i<-r auui. Mrs ll>-iir) ll.-r-; Plenty of snow' Is the enr of the
- him on hhi tlh bir
-es Martha Sbi
■ert. a fonii'-r n-si.trnt of this pb
lunibeniian now.
Mrs. Philip Scblehtel rciuriK-d from da}-, wblc-h was Feb. '
Mrv D. Hollenbeck is sl;k
Atm Arbor last Tuesday^
idtire her latbet's ilealb
spend the winter with relative* here
Janies CofBeld Is .bpflte from camp
lor. Mrs. H. Thayer, went to Trarerae Hiss Kate Rawlings attendtvl
Traverse t-lty.
few days.
City Thwaday. Feb. 7th. where she tortalnment at Summit City Wednes
Walker has gone to tbt- hos
i S. .8. Wi
• • • Skiver is quite sick.
married to WlHam Henry Spar- day night.
ipllal at Grand
Rapids fi>r treatment.
Will Harrison has purchaeed a ne
- lend s
ling by the pastor of- i
wood marhine.
church. Miss Hobbs ha:
Mones and ^glev Underleaf were
Mrs. L K. RlrbardMD. last SundkyE. B, Gibbs of South Ma>-(leld was
r%rl CVx hat a sick hoipe.
business caller in this vicinity last railed home by the severe siekricii-s of
. Harry Johiiw-n Is on the rick l(t-t.
GUdvs Hsil has been «oUe sick.
tbeir father. A I.tnderiraf.
T(«!>- and Iiun Dubm are troth sick
Miss Cora Prar has ^•eelI rialling
It Is btHter at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stelnmillc.collector for
with the grip.
relatives in Bates the past week.
prominent agricultural
tmplemeni reuimed fcom Wisconsin Wednesday.
Feb. n.
Mrs. Ullle THoff left for Saginaw
ing for Mra. Bd Emory at iirtwenl.
Tlw Limit of Lift.
The Young Peoples- aocietr held
Harry and Will J.ibDwm have L
The mpst eminent medkal aoienl^MlM*linra Knapp of BJackman and
butlnesa meeting Friday evening
Bom tn Mr. and Mrs. Cramplon. a ha-Jtlng logs to Traverae City the past »ts are imAalmoiis in tbe eoBCitlBkai
borne of Mrs. Charlea WaUh. Pete Arhogost of Canada rtslted Mrs
the home
son. Feb. Snd
G. Rawlings last week.
offleera were olfcted
Tbe following offle
Thom Gbering has got a sle\ horse.
n nfe'ls b^r. ^to briuw
C. C IVrklns has gone i<> Grand
Mr and Mrv Harry Workman v
Prea.. Mrs.
Pres.. Percy
mra. 'Walah: Vice
» iu«- na..
Ed Eznory's mill startrd up Uuo- ._. _________
inmeni possible'
.._ the adRapidh.to work for a lohan-o hotiwt.
Thompaoo; See.. Mias Martha Short- ailing in Wexford Saturday,
day morning for tbe winter.
vaorvd knowledge of whtrb the race
His familv will go later.
pb Michels Is s
Geo. Jameson is on tbe sick list.
is now pussewsed. The rrilkal peri
voted to pay the bill for the church
od that determines Its duration,
Ughilng up to Feb. 1st. and to buy a
w-ems to lie tielw<-ea 60 and M: the
"Everybody Should Knew."
and occupy his iting relatives.
rtig for the pulpit.
proi-r rare of the body during thU de
The V. P. «• F. «rf this plan- are hav- Rars C, H IfavT^. a |.n.mln.-nt
Mrs. Fred Brackentnirv of South own bouse.
cade cannot be too slruogly urged;
Seymour Menzies of Grant visited log a rtinlest which has added over 50 ness man c>t Illiiff. Mu., that V
Boardman and bet dau|Ater. Miss
can-H-ssnesB then being ftul to longElla Brackenbury. who is teacbtnE bit uncl^ Harp- ^"orkinau. a few days new inemb<‘ry. also giving an incen
evlly. Kiturr's liest helper after M ia
tive fur an doing the U-st U
tbe school at Holmes' Siding. Wsiled
r wound, or to a easo of Electric Rlllerv. the oclentlSc Ionic
the society.
Mrs. Cbas. W'alsh Friday and Satnrmedicine that r*-vltallxes every organ
■ ■
a nut
lunilior. of our peopU- je i plk-*. . .
I islkiuc about." Giiarantmil ... . . n. irf the Iasi) Guaianteetl by C. A. Bugyiisly.
laving la grl|
Mrs. Janie Hallidav has rftumed
to! lluglM-e Drug Co. Hannah Drug Store. bee Drag (-n.. Hannah Drug Btora. 8.
Hiss Emma Fasol '
from Pellston. where she has been car
K, Wait g Sons.
Is. E. Wall A Suns. '
Elk Raidds uii ilie ice yesterday.
ing for her daughter. Mrs. George Sunday with her i
FROM 35 els. UP
The Homemaker
Jardiniere Stands
n;'-,thsi ar-.- in giwjd
.-..n-iitioTi w;'h ,'he finish marred
in .. lew f-ls.-.', that we. will
We h.v. two r-r thrw mljust
«!.;■ end <l.iveiii«irts that are
ju'i a lifl- sh-.p wora. Their
ionstt-tcP- IS l--rf..wt- You
c sbou.,J,.K
or.-'If '
I- ew-.-h- so.i'l 1
l-ra.'s ITituci-d t
ONLY $10.75
■icMfig ■•v.-ry, iMiir that 'll.,
a iis<-.J ss sampb-s.
1 so on -down in sn H'.-gai;'
• Of heavy r<»pe dr.tia-rics
. ». '}- ;■ I.inai.i ::i «ur entire
t'ar-F- ..'i.artDi-ot l« taciuded
u. 't...v c ,-snH.p Many pb^es
ur=e i-nnuso l“r an ordinary
^izr-d rotim: Siume In granites,
ir.zisl'ise liJs-*(0 brusaetl, veln.iw on-.-rtng you toe biggest
saving of tbe season in cmTpets.
Speaks from Ejqperience
Dr. PibNob
u om o(
• letter frmw Z. t- Baimam.
wbkb explodes a
A Jetter hat been recrived bv the tore, ^^ hb lamp, he aay^ tl
to ZB year* to cut np tbb timber.
tuaUy from B. L. Sansom'Mated Ea
wllb Easier Sonday.
Charles Cntro aad wtf,- returned to
The Onaway powlofSce I
Sberlfl Johnson b aUli uriwiib Bl
oes. Honuna. Feb. 8. 1007. It b a*
tbetr home In Grown this umniUig.
at hU botne.
rt again. Tbe change was made * liiJ n7nro.le‘Ctad^
Isey r
We have moved again; K b 1:00 p. on Saturday nigbl and only a few her birme in Th
m.. and we bare gone eleven miles
The term Indbn i
wera wbe to It until they went for
since IS hours ago. Tbe railroad cumI twenty ysars* after
pany b feeding us two meals a day. their wail Mraday merslng. The Ona - Mi>. J S. Horton V
rich and poor alike. It U raining and way poMofftet- has been
moved so ihtr morning.
' uTarot .
baa since four o'clock this morning, many Umea that U b beyond ihe-keo
Mr>. Hel.-n '
t« wwsu-rn Pennaylvaala. and spread tu
but tbe snow b up to tbe enr windows.
of man to remeraber the exact num•’-'(New
179*. to New York
We BS< miles from Beattie: just when
we will get ihciv God only knows. b«r. For a long time it jumped fr-^
E. E. Maynard and wife weiU t„!br I7M. to Canada by 1821 and to
John and i sra tbe happiest of any on one tmd of the town lo the other. It I* Grown today
. j Cngtand by I83D, The term to. then.
ibc train: some arc very anxious to. satd that Ihe town derived Us name
Mrs. H. Wllkt^i rr-t irned
tq I'..
Americaatom: to write
get Ihnjugh Wc don't caic si» wc arc
txruii- in Summlii Clt> this mbn
something like this: A stranger i
praise of Indian aammer Is i
warm nod comfortallc,
Jol-n passi after spending :a el«jrt time tq i
iltcraiT conrentlon of three
i-d □ eottl Dizhi and had no chill tbU ed to.know -where the postoTSce was,^,^
to Traveme City Satorday and ivlum- morning. It I* cotulng the railroad auti a grixiled vet Said "On the Way." j
no^ All reinraefl
ed home Monday.
company at leaM/J2''."fw a dav and
Baxter H. Bnice, lieycar-oW son of^iu ftnith Hoardnan tbb
J<Ao Olewm of Acme vitdled with j the. are loaing
• • s at least fOu.OdO more
C. N. Broop of Bverott b ameog thosei
parenu. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olesao.'on account of n
not moving no- frrighi
family, last week Ti'iK-siiay. and inriiis. but Ihw can't help ibctashlyes.
wiwt to
re;i:rnfd to hb borne '
I should hate gonr to vrurV ibis morn- academv at Annapolis.
j Ed.
MIm »li> Wheeler
sitciidlng iog If I bad had n pair of nv<-ralls and
Mra. E. l> s:itn;,-y I
or Mi-ibln ’'
pure food show will be held
ligh scluni at Glen Arbor.
ralM ci«i. a< th«-> <>ir< r>-d six d>iltan>
tills morning
losing fruro April 21 to May I. It
day in one u nici and jdiovul.
Miss Lens Oleson of Glen Arimr
A. S Hotuul ten t»r Itroii.l RaplilKi
The miu-t dangerous thing ihat'isusited on .Hiss Poari Lawr ewe day
There Is 1ms of tail limber here, but win folbiw the Grand Rapid* exhibit, Ibis morning whete he will .-rttcnrl i qwn do when affected with a emigh or
Tbe Mate rvtuiblicaii eoaveniioii ar a ) eoM Is i>. use a luedlcim- That eonlams
- ______
is Tamarack, and t1. Bre has kill- h.id April 7 to itMrs. P. J. Burflend. Mra Geo. Uiwr. «vl it. Tlie letters 1 wrote for Ihe last
I whli-kj ora tablet that is ramlr of
TUera Ik a move «m f.wt. sponsored^ deteSBie.
flays are In iho mall car alit-sd Hr the MltiiiCTO
u Kingsley lhis -.^e real tar prodiici IhtttlBg aside
Veterinary 1
'' .j-.
and daughter Pearl, called un Miv.
and I will eloKe and put this m wlili
bjrctlons to filling np with
Geo. CHcsun last week.
MK-ieiy. to esiablisb a veterinary de-j
J. G. Holliday gave an enicrtaln- lh<-m so yiHi will cut tbi-ni all logelhr:
Geftcroi New*.
Uoii'i worrv sIkiiiI ur. .-is we ilon'l psrtmeat In llie Michigan Jtsrirpliarol
menl in the Pon Oneida school bouse
Thc-rt- will, le ant>'h<-r reheraai of! rboiiid be sufflefent to keep one from
but Monday. It was enjoyed by all goover'K-n miles an hour wlii-n w-t college.
do go.
bev4- Mroog medlrlBe*.
who attended.
Mrs. Gustavns Strauss, a residtmt of ••Scen.-s from I .l-alou Uepat" this
K. I. Ibtnsom.
. ,l‘”‘The
.... m>»t sensible as well as the
HiKs Kiln Miller has been VblUng
St. Clair, stnre 18<i5. although first
.............. '_,of IV-tvr Swaam}!! lArtI'only
•irtt 'only sctcnilftc
scientific way
way W> trr-al a rough or
Mrs. W. Wheeler the |«sl week.
coming tUeiv ill lR5i, widow of the Is- sorry i»> learn ttwt be Is laid ii|ilcoIi1 Is I" Inhallt
A ideasanl surprise was giten
Ffdlowing i!m- board of tra-!i- eh-e- lute Gustavus Strauw.
there with Tf-<urmuilsm.
aiiler Salurtby
and Mrs. John Mil
Fred llunn is abliI tloa at Grand Rapids, at which E. A-. nmrsrtay. ngi-d 75 years.
• be around
tue tn tv
vening. AUuil 21 guests
we. ihtviai and lungs
------- ^
nl. A nililDisbt supiier was aerreii
eil. [stowv was liected president :md 8.
Her Arsi i1dc oa n train oaciitml
Mrs. Joseph Wykoff's friimds wiU
Araong the few remedies that a e
Feb. Ui.
A. Mormon and Robert D. - Grabacii. Thursday, when Mra Julia Kr^e*. of
surtv III hw>n that «he is III..
used in this wav. HyronR stand* p
vlco-prestuf-nts. a sitmpluoos banquet Port liunm. -aged 'i9 year*, went to
The W. C. T. V. will meet with Mt». emineul. It Is b
iristi. North Sjirncc sfievl
was given in the Audilorluiu. Wcflncs- rlMt a relative In Detroit, Mrs. Keye« Cbas.
I. aimbermen are taking advantage
Thtnxlav ajieriiisiii.
duy- night. Oyer IdM) feasted. whUo has Jived In P-Mt Huron all her life.
of tbe sleighing.
J. W. Srailb pul son log* in tbe mill
in the gaJlerifw. locAed on and
After suffering y,.*r» of privation.: nirs-j, ,n..r
p.-r -«-vere
attack of eimiluiiH
n effects a tboiough
yard «t Acme lo fire day-* last week.
listened to the siieorhe*.
Sirs. Harguret J. kfonroe ,of Vaessr^. lypliuid fever and will
Frank O'Brien b building, an Jeel
Tbe l•e*l people In Traverse City al
public meeting was
called in aged 73.
hoone at hU resort. D. F. HoxMe »* ,.
ways keep Hyotnel at hand In the win
it^Hlng'maierial for hfs cotia^'ai the K’l'-arr
Vpallanil through the civil w-ar. has juM l>c« :
ier Mster;'Mra a/j. ■er montb and at the find symptom*
resort. B. F. Btotra Is lo do both join Wednesdsy night to eonalder a propo granted a pension -of 8S a month and i Morgan.
■>f a cold or bnmcbisl trouble, nse the
of CTrpenl^ worit.
^;aiilon of l^ix A Schram company, fiftt" back- pension.
Mlwlonary remedy and prevent serious and last
Hlldred Wltbey. the little grand
e anxiou* to locate a big pickle
the ofl-Cxpre.si ,i wish of Mr. and ‘
l^e Ctmgn-ciHooai ehuren ing lllnea*. Jf you have any doubts
child who is lUing with Ezra Wllhey.l
ni,i..e..,v ...wi -1 ...rf
*■' >' ftlwards. ns to tbe effveta fAllyomcl In curing
again a few day s ago,.
Mr*. Bernard Ridgeway, aged .4 and
xvebster street this evening at coughs, colds' hRd liraHttia'l UQuhlev.
well as can be expect- U neccssaiy
« amount or 67. rewpccllvi-ly. lhai they mlglit die;7;S0.
the^guarantee 9 B.
"cukes" necesanry.
■rgether. was f-jlfillt-d Thursday when!
The Sewing Circle of Qiu-i-ti City
ifil should cvmvtAro y«ni
eiiraiive power* A HvomeJ otit
liaU.: Mr*. Bldgiroay pasw-d away a few t Camp. No.
573. will tDevi al
Tbe second -annual
trpbold I
. but is getting along
is 81. and it It does not give aatwhich is the nodal eyeot of
>f the season
htub..,, b.b
oB 8 F Wall A Boo* wiil re
ul foldwater. was given by the Knights
Z. Green b lumbciing this winter
A clock wltlm if
wh.H-1* b the I
Regular ronelave of Tniv.-ra.- City turn vour muuev.
rmplara in Arrooiy
hall. Tuesflay
and he Intends doing some building
Extra bottles of Hvoaei. If needed,
niglit. Over MK> peopie- a
attended, aud unique product of Orville U Allen-1 etmunanden- lonighi.
this apriBg.
can U- oblalBod for 5«c but the eoB815)1 was cl'-an-d.
berg, an optician of Saginaw. Thc|
*»>■ W.-dnes-Uy
P. Fau
ha* bought the Alfred ■
pk ic oulfli Is usually enna^ to e«n>
,lb,WlK,. .bw, I. bull.
1< Jb'™b
several e»dd*
Black bouse from Joe Schmidt aadlannunl Hav festival in AttJ#ArU>r U
will move It onto hU resort on the bay jthe largest ever. The program this particularly peculiar inasmuch a* eaeli)__________________
H. P. BtoHA ha* paich*M< a teUy
pw catter.
ThaCa rtshL L<et*s have an aaaiial
Cnad Trarerae donnty asTiculUral
(air. The ellr and aamniadlnK
07 lAaold work band ta hand,
iMve the Coo4<
cm«< aad as alc« a loeatouBd. LM
ttaa as caa be found
tiwolden to the wheel aad rerffy the
ettae noAe by
latkn—Traverse CHy
»I0—»epolatl<3e 20.00*
'le matter V...............
» North?
Shi- 8 all" right
■pcali (rcMD peraocmi espcrcluws «ith HO iHrtllK
Kcsnlls Talk
niars Why
“NHisiir com ciiKS.
Wc HIV SltiB^Uiw-lbinl* oT the
StHnses la TiHrcnif City today.
Dr, Wolfe’s Branch,Office
M14Winwta BUI.
Dr. B. L. Paulson oi«i»««rist
: be badly hurt. He then went on the
double quick up toward Flsber's mill
all right until be left the road In
amoitg etumpa and log*, when the cut
ter vras soon left behind In pieces,
R. W. MaUtBOB aad Bari Bra
did not learn If tbe horse was fauTl.
bead divr* to Traeerse City
Eugene Pbber and family arc now
The dance at the town ball laai Uvhtg In their new hoase near tbe
PTMay was well attended and all re moath of CrriUl river, that he built
thb winter.
port a aood time.
The Haecabeea held a mceUng in
Mr. aod^ Hra.' Danm Seeley went Raft ball last erenbg.
Feb. 10.
Ra^ds one
baylac poUtoes ooe day It
hcHBo <« aoooonl of the death _______
father returned to bis acfaotd In the
Upper PWnsala last Mooday.
Myna Tbrnphtna went to'Traverae
air OM day Mat week.
The little dangbtera of Mm. John
ooe have bea quite stek the past
R. W. liatteeoa loeded logi at the
depot a few daya laat we^.
Bari Braomhead went to Boardman
PiWay wUh auppUea.
A. H. Webater broke his eaglnc.
orUch be toes in hb lumber mill.
The Grar
e a good r
Ine received a letter from
prominent Ann.. deali
- ..
la fuel and
lumber In Bt. Joseph. Mich . sUtlng
that they had read
the Bast Bay
ce that be had gotten'
out orer 3M0 cedar fence posts. Tbcy •bore.
jyrzr uffers a numln-r of vci..'eminent hand openitc* Indepcnilenily of the)
wanted to know bb price for a carioad
M. A. Ryan I* lowrucllng a singing |artist*, to be heard there for ibe Aral other.
The clock is worked
Iiy J
f. o. b. the can at tbe Kelley Lumber rlaa* at Ihe Acme M. B. church every j|me.
company’s atatlon.
■ icsdsv evening. Free lo all Only
A. H. Wood, for over'.inears a w idlThe Canimer ilaniifacuiring Co., of
Born, to Hr. and Mra Art Graham,
t'.adiliac. pr<H>ahIy holds the record torj
son. Thb makes them a family of
some Ice and frariiired the luanitfai-iuH- of rralus In tbe stale ,
The Manure mill ha* sUried cut- baby, who aectns very well aaiisf
They turn iHit alatm ."..ttoi) craloa a,:
ting ahlngles for Octare Bomlne. He with fab home and i* doing finely,
day. and on several occasions' havehas B No. I quality of cedar logs and
Feb. 12.
iK-i i Clark. «i
they are turning out nearly all firsthigh a* 5.2U6 In a siagte
ffariiire i»f I
grade ahlnglM.
y fulling ft
Rrol Estate Trantfera
day. When 2‘i years agtt Mr. Cumtner
Harrev Martin has letanied from
Joseph J. Sehukoccht and wife to
' paid 820 for his help, his payroll now
8U Ignaoc.
Thnmns Hanabergrr. parcels. 8200.
[i fleun-r up to 4Ir>uI 8::.<)00 a month.
As F'TOBCls Fbrton fs tn balM a bam
>!suniDC. )ired
Gottfried Wli-sl lo Cbarics P. Weav dav frow Idood
J-i'in E- liarar, for many
iqyrtag. h« baaled
■led hcalf*
er. iiarccls. 8425n.
eauro mil
iin 40 ba oawi
Willium S. Eliott.
l.-raii of ll).-;|.ros|.lrnt of the So-ticrr A lUrdSi
ito bciUdliig material.
Civil war and welldim
Furniture eumiunr. at Uuclisnsn. has*
Joseph Fortne b hauling cedar toga .tarti. lot 1.....................
Tlmrsduy innrnlng al Vassar.
n-ilred from active business and If ll.ji
to the' K^ley Lumber company's milt Lake, i
James Hutebinson. aged 63 yearn.
Mra. Anna tuoe and famllv
base moved into J. W. Wllaer'a bnoee.
There wea a pecked boa
booae at the
Orange eochi held at their
lelr hall hat
Wednoeday night
leagthy pragram. a serr. bountifii] sup
per was served.
The net proceeds
ware mser twenty-live doUare.
Martha, the yoangeat ebUd of Ur.
dbd Mm. Wm. ntageraid. died Battir
foncral aervtcea were for A. Adams of Oardeld.
Gu* Don^nc of Saat Head who had
keM 04 the church today at 1 p. m..
Ber. Mr. Flatt cf Klngaley ofAchtlng.
e able to be abmit.
Tbe bodv waa burled In the Kingsley
Vbne bMpme to nniaad logs Satur
day. AadieV naber waa alruck by a
east book and fab Jaw was broken In
4we {daces and fA of bb leetta were
ksacbed oeL He b lesUng as easy
M «aa be egpeeted.
Mm M sWe to be out* apt^
Henry W. Martin In Frank A. Clary,
parcels, see St. T 28. R 1«. 81.00.
PMrmella Clsrk In I. H and Edith
tbrnnell. lots II nnd 12. bik, 3. N. Flic
Lake. 8300.
Hlnim G. Beelev- and wife In Ttank-I
U Ensign, nr frl. >, of ne fri. 14 sec.
3. T 2S. R to. 8470J;;.
John E. Reynolds
-hrriff. C. A. PhlllliMi. executor, c 40
11. of lot 73. Osk HdghI*.
Amanda H. Craluim to Raehel F.
Prince, wtt of lot 53. bik. ''F". H. L. A
Co.’s 7«i, 8900.
Luveroe B, Wood, exeentor. to V|rtpr A. P*tric4i lots 26 and J7. blk. 3.
P. H.’s 2nd. 81200.
H, F Carter and wife to Alilsoo 8.
.Tiul the first esrring>‘Junker in Mos- Spencer h:.v U-en iipfudnied In ' '
kegtiri eouniy. died Thursday. He was plaei-,
Irving S|M-neer wa.< ch<
s pronii)u-m Mason.
vieepn-si.teiil. aud Miss Minnie Bperi-';
R W Mmnnal.l. of Flint. w;it) .-I.-et.
ed Ptvjl.l.-ni of the Michigan 8t*to ei-r has iw-eii appolim-d seerviory and
Velei'inniy associallun.
aud Jiidwin Ireastirer.
Black, of Rlchnioud. was olim.eu zecro-
FrldsT evening,
well attended,
The young folks had
very enjoyable
■ ,] the ju-ighborhcwnl of 81<i,)Mifl i„
The i'vetiiiig lamp iu tile luime ofl*
, *■
, i
John Duiiu. at SU Igouce. receullv l*. I
M-H-'iq"'’ by the boo Hue;
■nhiK that tbe joUv alelgh
_ Itnrt
_______the way homeward.
gant). act siispiciotisly: !heoilseeim-Il'^’"'l**">' ‘o'* coming seamro.
Prank Vessicr baa reoicd Mra. Robto IhiH inI llle
llie IkiwI. and the brass woik 11 "iielJire will 1«
brick. Btilldiac '
ort Bates' farm.
had beciufie
IrJng thi- ismii i o|M-r:(iions will IsArt Giabam Is banllng logs for Oc
till' weather rondl'ions permit.
tave Demine.
Before thu.
.W. I». Young and Co.icrf Bay City,
Aggie and Rirney Pnrioa spent h
lamp touched Thi' ground It exploiled.
w days vlidtlBg friends nnd relait was a elow cull for Ihe meniliers of do))b-is In roal. bimber. q-ood. ctr,,
U»«s la Traverse Qlv.
the famllv. I.ul Ihe Incident
. h)i»e paixliasi'd 17;.)Ht0.)Xl)i t.» 18)1,00.1,Word wns'received from Mrs. ..lenty
lluim. to evolve a tiieorv as
fv-el «rf s-j)^ng hantwvKMl llnibe)
B. Ckrilale.
lale. srho
srtio is
b Uklng eleetri
Clara A. Ramsdcll. execnlrlx.
to - ■iio.-g
Ulsw • o.
of ....
the SlUU.
kind. ' ,
at at Maple
Rapid* for cant
Charles A. Cole, parcel*. 83000.
In the one s-»lft glance be gave this j''***‘“ •“ Otsego eouniy.
a she Is tMng Andy and at
Frederick A. Suuthwiek. et al tn l-v- lamp, ho nolired that the rtiimney bud | with nil logging railwa.vH. cars eti-..
an n. Ilsll nod wife. swU uf awV4. not been pushed Uowa
down to
in the
tbe riui.
rlu>. luavI
j in t-omiiwilon.
There Is a mixiun- ■
*ec. 30. T 26. R 12.
,M, ,l„t1
^ to h««r this.
sick f.-lStt-|
ilnils-r will U- lirouglil to Hay cn>
Joseph Forton add atm Joey art
!. thus ho»
ting logs for John N. Courtade.
sw U aec. 2«, T 28, R 9. 810n00.
Jor iiinmifacliii-.- ul tht- flrlas nllll^
rtnrn. lot No. 72. blk. 47.0. a R.
Mia. AHfagtcm b entertaining ber
ebUr. Mrs. BlleU.
Mews was rceetred last week of the
marriage or Mlw Ida JMutaea to a
man In Mtlo.
PWi. 11.
iplc Cliv
trday with ber paicni
rants. Mr.
apeet Atm
aad Mrs. 0. Peck.
Mr. aad Mra. Jesse Rosa and daui
ingbwith Hre.
ter of Cedar spent Sunday
Boos's parenU. Mr. aad Mrs. Wm.
Meteor aeeompaaled
them home. She expecU to return to
Wm. Meteer b baullng logs tor Mr.
Mra. da Cook and Mra Meteer
trlaited oor aMmol Prlday afternoon.
Tbe Mbaee Rffte and laabeile Batts
at Weol Kiaaao called on Mrs. M. B.
^Bnofca Friday.
Rer. C W. WlllUtna of Maple City
was In oar rktalty OM day hat
FBh. 11.
Id Mra H. I
Mbs Ida Nessen baa cloaad ber
■ school on Hiller hill.
Tbe mall boat came over
•oath Manliou yesterday with elereo
paSBsngora. Mrs. Henr.r Haaa was of
tbe aamber. to vutt her daughter aad
new giagd dangbter.
The Ladha Aid met with Mrs. WealODit Wedbeadav aflenuna. nearly all
tbe members being there. As usual.
Mffve and refreshaeaia wrie sen-ed.
All seemd to enjoy the meeting very
Hr. Spaaldtng sold bb Utile farm
.near the month
» house known
An Announcement.
i«ra are glad b
to secure Farm and Fireside as a premium with tht Grand Travorae
Hirald for the ensuing year. This apicndid farm paper .was given with
the Herald for 1906 to every paid in advance suboertber and theproav
.ium was *0 asliifactory and ao many of our aubser.bera hsva aikad H
the aamc arrapocment could net be made for 19Q7. that we have core
».eleded to iqpite t
effer a* that of a year ago. and the publish-
—- of Farm and Fireside have.very kindly censented to renew the
^hen made with them.
Every «,baeriber to th. Herald, who has paid in full to
each month, giving 24 number* of that great journal each year. This
it the best and moA aatisfaetory premium offer that was ever mada
by any Michigan newapapeK This-premium hae given greet eatiafao
n during the past year to Herald reader*, and wc know that they
will be veiy much pleased at the eppertwnlty given for a contlnuanc*
of this arrangement fer the neat year.
Please remember then, that every eubocriber le the HcralA whe
1s paid in full to Jan. 1. 1908, will receive Farm and Flrceide aboelutoly free fer the full ysar.
Commercial Printing
im Kinds
Rerald and Record eo.
slarfcd Willi a crash. Jfl fact, wc wtre obliged lo lock our doors SI vcral limes daring our opening.
Ibis itself shows ibat it meets wilh ibe approval of tbe public.
This Great Slaughter Sale Will Soon
Be a Thing of the Past.
Take adrantate or this freal nooey-saTior Opportunity, tor It may never preseot Itstlf araln.
Thosuccessof this sale-^s, that you are not limited to make your selections from a few undesirable winter merchandise. The
slaughter of prices prevails in each and every department. No matter whether you are interested in Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes,
Furnishing Goods. Millinery or Furniture, bargains meet you everywhere.
Thera will be a ma
Ray's hall Friday .
oende bell
raing. FYb.
•ni Woodmen. All are cottHallr In
vited to attend.
Mr and Mra. Outs. Bari of Empire
Ttalted hb psreats. Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Kart today.
George Armtlroog of Traverse Qly
vns here on business bat week.
Mra I.afce of Pon Oneida surted
srith a borie and cutter for this place
Friday. The horae was frightened at
aasoetblDg and surfed to run. thraw
ber out of tbe eniur. kkdeed. bitting
bar on tbe forabend. bsvtnc the msrk.
Fortunately abe was too tar
The Globe Department Store
190A at the rate of 81A0 per year, wiil receive, net only the Herald,
but also Farm and preside which is issuad on the let and 16th of
Ancj judging from our satisfied customers we will not
De disappointed.
OmOINATOR« OF- uow i^moKi
vfam wbt «n wum<i«t T«<ci«k mir
m ■ot rmir for h
Fer This P
iM in th* Uf* Bavins Barviea.
•nnnu TM piMM Mp mtt widi tbo______
The aertas
acroQBUr rite naked to fileitdJj tones.'
ron tfpo't hsvn to-Uw oUter
•B kww. tint I want to 4aan erety.
ttia« atmt tbe bsalac^ «I I kw»*
HaifM rainy sanpeo, Mt ne viena
« and MHi befoM
matter riratsbtesed oat and rrlib a
I' MlW
svlet *TI>ank TAK
yen. I Mn
eao do it
It mnmt
\ tbta," left ber amirioyer trUb a eraae
****”** **
t It Km
«. i-i
waye fasenad tt arer tba Core* of
Prom that day on affaire at tbe Rm-1
Made frorkfd. arbite aproned araltrdre Inarfa room. Ne.
ran dlffermliy.
tsmee, pattod ber mareried loeka pUeTbe qnlet yoaos oroman In tbe e«aband wertmil;
ier’e window wae farerw UtUns Balph
-••iron, bke BiUe awe pldred a lctDba Pataambowarariblabewaatodo tbU
a.ii. t-rt-
of eapariallr diaavtnma
darins tb*
jvar or tvo oa tlir Adsntlr and
Vpri^ roasu and os tbe treat Itkee
naaaoal sctirtiy is tte
Urentl^af life earta* derlota.
dacailad to rzaaiiae-aial tw
new tBvcetloaa offered for Uw do»
United 8tatee Bfe'sarins aerrv
__y been aorely used by tbe ef. *ixe senoae coosid«nttoii to tbe
ly boTelliea. *btrb bave been pre-
mted in few addilloite to tbe
I- « tbat-tblBfi wbkb bo bad wanted
i .H ..I.
?■■,!! *“ ^
*® onderubeJm CM^ora.noon war tne ennwea
etralabtway be went off and did
rT**?"* —*** ™?y
Hmjey> wn^ by brown telu
SzTii. **?.?*'^
aiaw aeoereir
Tbe eaahier wae eowtaotly lauia with bnelneei rlrtoee be
^ poeeeea, and as eonsUntly lie
tried to awame tbem.
Tbe cllaias
» came ^ an elderiy uaa Upped Kit
Brtenan witb e nickel, end ae tbe
netted In
w trickled orer
who wae elmost at ber elbow:
another table
-Oee! I tbongbt I read te Uie psperi
r bawl wae nearly emp- that Knoell 8ase waa dead."
ne old geotlemaB toU Sally Loftsi
n lefft at a tUM table.
about tbe tneult as be
ble check.
Sally slktieed op <p»lckly. Balph. rad
and safoMlns a
bW^_OB bar qn^caatan«a,,j^B_ ^ Kitty, a._ .
_ .
mntnw and tbw ber well naalcared
imnertloeal tilt of Lead, wae irib
nairi tapped r»tly asalnat tbe oB,
,h, „tber sltla wbat a onert an-
I5!‘ ®‘
»*”» •**«*
tna BIN.
n.11* «o« o.n lo
mw fianee uaiiy reataa, g,^
«*aaso for a
little typw
nEtnsABu actmosT.
eundaid cqoipuent of Ihe uatkn's
life eavhis eutlona 6or life savere to
day rely aolrly In tbeir rcacne work
00 Ibrea uUmir*-tbe lifebaat duterIt ibr iHirfthe breecbea
buoy. As aucpanorles to tbe nse of tbe
two lact nentlotHd plerra of apparatus
la tbe wmb mm. wblrli Is nerd to
fanri lines to sbl|>s straudod In exposed
Many of the rescues effocted by tbe
United Septes lUe savlnit crews are
by means of lifriioaU or
m tSa ri«lw abool^ of tbe yonoff i artier. ‘Tlien rite tnmad to Balpb.
•Otea la one tbins t
i° S»t7
wmdm. wb« a wbite aiwewd yo«tfa;
Sbe Is tritty.
Not many
a -straan of wtdte donsb OD
nt* uuu wtem tbey jiBTfboau. llurlng the year llU-'i, for '
bad Joat been dienleaed for impertb
boaU and IlfeboaU Dpui
-«bc rmmff man. wba wni Bnipb Put- rmnr»whereas only alioiit bttif a
SM een «rtbe •emer of tba Bmplro
Bnipb ttiTCW beck hle-ibenMan.
hundred pereous wrt« rescued IT the
BMIt af-lnncb-roonu. stnrted bark
Tbcn yon tbink It would bo nil right'
breeriiea buoy or life car during tbe
tn tba Uteben. and, as be pamed tbe to Are berr be naked.
twelve months la {lurettpn.
ww ceiblirbe flaog ber a elance that
**Tbe only thing yon could baro
Tbe ilfeboau nod sutfboats'are each
emn almcW n(ff>eaUn(. Sbe met him done." replied Kitty firmly“I frit
piepeJled by a crew of all or right
vtlb owe oddly reasenring and folly sura you would see It that way."
roween, all trained oarwmeu <ff.tbe life,
He brigbteoed perBnliita bed not thought of firing KUsaving service.
These etaueb craft,
oSpUbly. bM aa be pamed tbe groap of ty. Bbe bad ruled tbe enUra floor eo
wriidiing pel
gMe near tbe coffee counter tbe light long-bot now1
«arii. and hy
died out of US eym OBoe mere.
That BifW Killy woe arnmmoned to Ing and self hallliig iiunlltles rendemi
Kitty BAmnn andled op nt blm fe- tbe tiuy offler. Kal|ita was a trifle pale
virtually unslnkahle, are obrlniisly the
around tbe Ui«. and his rolco waa
Ideal vriiiclea for Ukiug ronslderahle
■'Wban'dyw get tbe ChrMmae tree bnriiy. but bis intrtrtien bed not waver
number of peraous from lm|M>riled v«-soemnrnMt. lUlpbJ Tbere-e one thing ed.
It wen well for Wm. boweeer. selt In a llmiied ei>ace of time.
MR*. Tott neadn't worry about any of tbet dlamlBcnl came no soddoily to
tbe boya eeppinc ber out Sbel bad Kitty Uxat abe actually loot the power,
b» foMne Nad *old malff by ereiy of siieerii.
clatoToyant la town, ar I Bias my
•oiwdists Mshs Important Diocovsry
In Espsrimsnts With Coesins.
^ ’"Her Catbw wMt to acbool with
m^ Sbe comes of very good family
-Oea. bat Ifo ffae to here a pulir
waa Kitty
met Kitty on
ber way borne from
“HoWe tbe UUle old mawr ebe In
quired flippantly.
-Wot-a eaUn* your be mqolrfd aevagely: "Sba's goln' to beat you to -tbe
Claes wllb his nil*, too-no' the oM
I man e tickled to death.
Stye ebe'a
taken Cbe riaealcal eonnes, and then
cere wbo knows IL“
Uf aomewhat uareaseoablc parent
"WeU. wbat do yon tblak of tbnir
cririd-wet nndenUDd why hie boririeh
xelaim^ Kitty, amoolbing ber marcel
««aU not walk, diploma In band.
_at some of yoo wise ones ain't
BBC. two. three with tbe oU fnabiooed
•ort wlUi tbe ri^ Mud of wberit In
wbo bad pBhwd tbeir appreutlcesblp.
MW-to aasklng-ffriddle-aakae In the ber Ibink pot. 60 loug."
wlBdow. Balpb bad tMuMs andlUng
Un’beeooiitB. settling qnarrali In tbo
ingkiii and preserving some aemUjK^dleelpUne among tba pert
Stats News.
Capt. H. C. Oaraey nweally started
>bn U. Bockcfcllrr'a «a.llO>I.Oi» laMItute For Medical Ileacarch iu AVasbillglou annouucrs n dlscovi-ty which I*
retolutiuulu- tbe use of.
In sargery. The Uinrovery
eaiatee to cocnine. Aa ■
■r te Iras dauHW than chloroform. It ntimulaira
Mart, sad after Its inguence has
tided tbe patient becomes deaibl.v
Chloroform doe* not Traduce
ntuMS. but It deprastra tbe heart, and
even a alight overdose is likely t»
cause death during tbe period of unOocalDS has heretofore been reganlsd aa available only for taiuor oiwn
lion* and local appllcailous.as
tootbsebe and external cuts or wounda
Dr. L. East and Dr. 8. J. Mcltzrr of
tbe Rockefeller Institute after a scries
aborate investigations Save found
The treatment for wblrb 1 suggest a
fair trial and wkkb I Invariably adept
la abnadantiy riraple and is as follows:
Uri toe lagaenm itsUeot uke twrive
drequ oC rinaamoB oU. sad repeat toe
dose la an boor. Two boors afirv this
SMond doae let tM piiieoi uke ten
dzofia of AM on. an] ibni let him go «u
taking ten drapa every two boors s-lili
out talermisaloa UU the tempcratnrv
fslb to oonasl or ponsibly a little iu>: take ten drops of
a day for a <lay or
In every diaeaqa ptnbaUy tbe sooner
(be patirot te jdaoad under trestmeat
'be better, fcnd this te pTe-ecDlDeatl.r
tbe case U inancua. And» a |•alle1■t
suffering from tote ‘disease ft systrreaiIcally treated with etnMBioa «i! In tba
mssaer above deacrilied within tores
or four bourn from tbe case: of tbr dte
ease 1 tblnfc lt'wu:4>iobabl.v Iw louml
tbst toe temperature win have moraed to Dormal wiibin twelve boors. liui
If tbe itetieut te not put ooder (restment fur a couple of days tt wiL r>Ni>sbly be at least tweaty-fimr or thirty
bourn befoN toe tetnperatore iteromes
After (be temperature fas. fallen tc
nannal tbe patlMt should remain In
bte room for wt Mast twetiiT-four
boors and if pomiblc sbonb! remnlu
Indoors for a fortber |«riod of 4w« or
tbree days. Bot man.v esses Unit had
been sobmltted esriy. 10
pressing—1 bare permitted to re
turn to their oempatloos sfier only
twenty-four hours’ ran nod m far wlllront any oatowsni result. But 1 always
advise that pattsau sboald remain ladoora for two or tores days If Jbey
__ ________ _____
allow^^o r
Eacb dose ot cinnamon oil should lie
takea In half a wloeglasa or a wineglasa of water. Tbe ell ran be obtain
ed from any . Nspectable druggist In
any town.-Dr. J. C. Bos* In 'e*lle'a
inre Baroa lOO Vest*.
On tbe premise* of a brickmaking
fire baa aerer been }>erniltted ti
out since It wa* flniT tM alight W
years ago. allbougb during that time
It ha* Iteen anim-ted to many Itravy
raltifalla It t'on.W* of lime and cokv
wily a few feet deep, whl.-b ha* lieaa
meauntly renewed in all the many
Police of tbe city of New Tork arrest each day an average of fortyright mea -wbo say that they have no
Baliy wont suffer five mliiulos with
■amen «siwill iw made, and Ibrir nai
a the araC
graved on a amride uhlet la
t house til PllaL A mu.
relics will t.c: 0pe01.1l la tbe basclita. Ok., boat:* the yunagesl girl
pllul in the woiid iu Zndie Wilcox,
tbe daughter of n. W. WUeox.
lives in a hourebuat near the mouth
of the Cniad river, tbree mite* from
Fon Gil«oR. Mr. Wilcox otrn* a nap
tha lauDcb, used u a pleasure and ter
ry hOM oo the Arksasa* aad Grand
rivers. Zadte. wbo te but alae year*
oW. fcleeri the best while her father,
tend* the engine.
u of the
ma and one of the grratrat pearl
ebania in the worid. 1* vislUag W^-.
grante.1 hy the Panama govenimoni
whetvby he bn* almon a mmo,*
of the rnluablo oyster bedi
Pearl islsads that are situated I
PacIBr. ocean aeveaty-five mile* from
city of Paaania.
He ships
pcarik tuoetly to Paris.
One ol the vviungest asslRtanU ever
asusr eolleg*.- la Mte*
who also ban the dtslloctloa uf being the champion
high jumper. Ml*» Babi-uo was recetilly ainminled asrisUal In I»rraldedl
A graduate of the etnas of
mb. MiB* Bab*.* made her wonderjumping nmnl In the cinrs ganioa
1SH*4. wben she clearetl the...............
..jr Met. two Ihd ou.-hslf lu.
full Inch steive the l•e>•I nrevioua rec
ti by a woman. Eicelleacc iu athllc*. however, is not Mis* Jtebsoa'*
ily forte, few she secured the prtetfor Ihe best cIssr Iioem
la auccei^iloB.
hills the po.it\ — quiets ttie
nerves o.nd Induces sleep
At ell iJeokr.. Price 25c 50c (>>U)0
Or EwH S.SIo&iv, Bo&toi\.,M.ss.U&A.
Bankrapt Sale.
We Need the Money and
We Need the Room.
Saturday. February 16
From Wednesday's Rera^.
We will BwiiiR til- ilo.-viT njien f.-vr a Bile
Mrs. H. J.
Vintoa i« tisliiag
Mr*. J- G
Tiirek relumed In
home In l-ike Ana tiu* nmnilug after
spending n slmrl linte In th>- city.
Mrs. T. F Young »'*t u> Clart; th
morning, where she will siwnd a f«
day* with frdlend*.
Mr*. Joseph Coleman reluraed
>r hume In ftelon todov.
Mrs. Ah'* Dean left for Honor this
mornlnE- where she will visit her tisMr». U. KarhanI,
E. Belknap went
to Hatebaa
i'ri.»»-iiig this niomlng. calleil there by
the iIIucMk of his father.
The Rev. A. E Well* of Holland
will rtitidurt 1I10 Horviees al Grace
EplM-opal ehiireti l.imnrrew.
Supervisor Carver of th- l-'irsi ward
and Supervisor Peoehain of While
Wilier rrtumed last evening froit
mri'ilng of the Slate Sopcnlsors' asHiciatloo at Lanslnc.
K. O. lAdd of 01.1 Mlssltm Wi
the city today.
R. E. Walter and Oenrgo E Crisp
went to Nonbpori on business this
llmt will bo n-tDemls TiHl fur a
The Cause of Many
loiijf tinic.
We bave aecurc I a liirgi'
in (
it a ri-J7 low figure, whiob liu ovi-rlok(](>d
'edooe tbia enonnoua Block *
give YOU the beofil of this fiale.
factory eooL Not only
Sveiythiag will go nt I
OH 8 few jirtlclet.
but i>itiu«jly our oatire Block.
Kitchen Cabinets.
Kofkers. Iron Beds, Matlrcssw. Si»rin«w,
1‘Arlor Suites. Couches, Carjitri':,
Vour Reliable
cvcryihing you need.
Furniture Store,
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Siree't
Sudden Deaths.
The Most Dsastet* Spot
Perbaps tbe most desolate spot
earth te a tiny atom swept Islet
Bering aca nearly midway between
AUska and Siberia. Nearly titty milra
from the neareat land. King* teiaml is
jt barren rock, so steep that no bearh
landing esu he found. Here
aoutfaern side, perelied like neats aliove
ilrus tbougs, are the skiti
of tbe walrus buutera. ’ Here
te never shining, tbe sea Drr<
smooth. Cold, cfallly fogs enshroud
idsce in saiamer. while tbe frequent
aud furtehi gales llwt sweep tbraugh
Bering strait at all seasons reader the
narrow antnmit itnlnbabltsble.
lorked during nine montlis of the year,
the natives depeud oitirrly iijioii tlie
seal, wainu aud whale ae a nieaus of ^ e'J'-'
ilisrwxc jiret ailing in this
, -uc
•t»lli> arc caiiscl
by it—licwii cUs-
I V trouble it
tlrekiJiivx -{■dia*.
bi.Kd' will
Tbe Sleeping BWy^ '^ils."
It Is IntexceUng to see bow old in the
mntmel dehmloa about tbe gmUlng at
out bowever, that cocaine instnia of
bBtdm In' tbeir steep.
Ail ctalldran
bring a mild drug In pcallty exerts in
S tble-and more-Sally
Loflue asleep are taken with a cntchlng of tbe certain dosage a profound and far
bmfned befen tbe breakfast neb act (oruert of tbe mouth, which Is as uu- reaching iDflurcra over Ibe luienuil
tn,-It ama a«c«v day. and gradually liks as pMribte to tbe real smile-lbe organs which will render It available
illwraiB^ acemad to panBoate tbo bnmoraas and delightfbl little silent for serious operation*. This te a bocti
existence. During tlw brief siiianer a | WMnl-OglMtn I
noB. •* Bred toohlBg atanogtapbiT in eketek of a laugh, appearing flrat at
stray whaler may visit th* Island f.*,
.i,.m ..„ideai..t.< nriii..«y.rf Iwo.g
any aga tejlBeaw a derbrigbt and: a
. couple
—1- >.»
in gooiiva throngli the dav.
of k
Imt 0.1.
this 1.
I* ...» ...I. ,
month. Yet human eenUmentalltj has
aa and has no liad effect*..
up pivm
ptvii. times ■luTinu
rnftim.inleallrm with the
Insletad on caUlng tbe atecptag gri
lieu . mgii:. The UltM slid tllc rxltarjolii
Tbe King's telanders are
mace dw to flatnlBBCe. a amlte. and
^ g I Mieit of >^wami-Ki»il I. suoii reati.fl.
to tUo AJalkan Eskimos,
even a amlle caused by dreams of en,j. I it sUtid. tltc irjjiical for its wbnderiiil
getex Bad 8t. Moaka mate have
, 'curesof tbelno^• diMressiaK Cwsra.
gars aid privations, and
8«wmp-R<Kt t'-tesreat to take Slid IS
gVBriMtfnBBMdbe wBitnaa BWlly bew W nlntelllgeW cm tUrpaUt at
•^ras mi Prefit la Refuse MeteriaL
toe btet and bravest salteiw la Bering
'!- in Miv-ectii av !
'Bfsold l-v ^11
all dreg"
fl^WcaaiTtbrildrike conntre be fiep- nay Bttaar matron. fW &L AngnstlDe.
Tbs Mnudlag of tiie ADierteaa forasa. Tbsir brats of walrus bide will ioue->V<nsr sire U-i:;.-.. V<id may hs. e
raetewtw In bis *0
i eari7 from ftronty to tbtriy pevsons In sampic laUtieof ti::x woii'irrful urv> <ii
growth of bit owa mind, mmtea ttist
Mrid um kg* some freW tB
b* wo
brwik lliat tvlUall alvol it.
W-lmd bow told of tbs'i
be MBMBdbts be paamd a
Biesik aaasatly aattouo.iii .K..»bOt
that owing
CtMHa wdim. "bariag awaarad preriiLiU~U0‘
—.................... .'hym.!;!. .Addrew.Dr K.lthe rapid maoasr la which fNesta a
-OcoTHe. you oot^bed
tbe marble ledge H111D In sleep." ^cbway echoes
belai*-asa»red damn to Kcenw wood
•fc-dtoalw for be
of at toe ctmceri."
'BrcUlfl.'«WbBwan'Hrillog pulplpc-paper aaaklnr a bdibQ an
■el "R'bst'a too oddaT It
afwurk buBitefi (sr
■m m
ko bakg bmw mallad m
hk-ikep mm Is erar Okely te do sa
rie graaa tMt would te suftabl
paper msklog.
Conveaanl Circle of
MWWgalarty. Don't you tbink eorLang ago tbs Mpply of T*laut lum
Mfla ef-«he«twiriiaas Ptesbiof
gregationsl church was enu rtalnml
KMpb atarted. Be bad not called
ber tot foralture was prai-ttrally
FTom Italy comet tbe legend fro
Mrs C. J. Ebner Snrt Mrs K. I.,. I
tbe aauey walRwas. Re bad
htusted. aad otk has largely tskra to
evening at tbe Edwo;
iSMy triad te undo tbs miecblef abe
plate. For aom« time tba turpsqUae
home. Twenty
voting Isdies
M srnewbL New be wlabed be bad bonMod cueiom of bsaglDg- ap Ibe maker* hare bren putih>d to' floi'
present and a three eoiirse stijijier *»«
Christmas stocking. Good old 8t. Nich
aafUed bar before tbe cDMoater.
itorisl to mret the growing damtuds
liclng caniuNtre have a lot of regulars." be eald olas of Padus used to throw, long knit of tbeir tradr. which tbrestracd to
After the eupjicr a piiignim of
MM anm# apolagetic tone be had em- ted putem tied at both coda Into the make aarlms Inroads oa tb* pla*, for
t»|il<->> was
open wtndowaof tbe very poor people,
pl^ to Kitty Betaman.
est*. Tba tree* were teing used miich‘,^,xvi. Ihe eveiii.ig passtiig roi^t pleas
^tat we srsBl a lot taoN. We ought and tbeee purees were of yarn and not faster than ibay could l>a grown, aad'janil
tusbava erary place at tlmee tables unlike a footlew stockinf. rinally It this meant disaster.
became Ibc ruitom of tbe peoplr
John Colteri of Atneiite. N. Y.. .
t^ briwtou Trio and fi o-rieck.*
Then atteaiion waa turned to the ref
•uddealy Balpb started down the bang these rmply recrptirles out
of the forrais-already used, and
New Y.iik HKwiahst 1
MBtowalria. For tbe flrri ttme be no- tbeir windows on the nigil before expertmeat* were made wblili demnn.|^.j„,„,g,
tisal tM water dribblag from tbe but Christmas so that Bt Kiebtites wouU strated that the nompa of the pine
ter flttea. He appeoactNd tbe saucy pot a gift Into tbem as ba passed by- tiws. which bad erigfnally been poteed
and by. wben tbe crio of tbe Naim over is not worth the treiiide nf dig- Ho told tijo sji'-Hb;!--’ Iio W'oiitil hsi;
BRlUtoi sad said wlih a fnany
him. and fullowiiiE the iiiivire tit thmm bt atomBOM-stolrii waa quite became acarca.,t<iyB wera pat laTortbe trihg out were saturated with raw tur>' and t-'-c Kiiu-'i Itiiigold
«n a
cbtldNB and tawfnl presents for ctosqT matle
These stump*
In tbe north cmmtw. wbenlV 'took Ol
which wm skim milk ilk-l. IU- ha'- lost ooariy lufi
rcteaa up-thwe tmttor ptetee. aM
S'-c Ping. I Rings. BUS
rather chilly at Christmas titan, ffaralsb SI III fortuuea to the men who pounds, and is tetter than n<-w. he
dtn't yau ever again tell a cnetocaor
m^tel<)u- loi -t Eticlisli Kl-s !«.:■'
In some etsra tbe laterrafWa wants log morii for ber money.
tVsio in l•iall-. 0:.i M<-al
Wa waat tbem to get all tbafe coming piece. and It was believed thsl tbe leg question hr.s been raised as l*
good old saint would come down tbn whether tbe stumpa were a pan of (he
and Fr-nu. -r.ly.............
8t each
Invigorate the Oigestien.
Wlamey und dll them. Wben ibese •rlgiaal Umter right aold by the fanaTo inrtgonite th- dlge*(>‘>a
"WMt da yon tbIBk of tbatr depnrasa want out of fashion, storkh.r' ,er to the turpentine maker or reverted stimulate the torpid liver end bowels
Mteded tM girl, wllb an Injnrtd exwere subatitnted and have been nsBl to the owner of Ibe tend after tbe trees UiertVs Dolhing so good a* that old
ytawlon. ns abe turned to a helper.
remed.v. Brandmb* Pilla.
ever riaee.
bad teen cut.____________ _
"Wtet’a come carer blmr
-pictui-. win please call at oavtblch has beeo
"Bbe sis-tus like a vary pnpolar ulrL
"Bt-'s a n-golar jack-of-atl-trades.
■ooietblng bad come over Balpb Put
and nuke ir.<?lr srlertlon as wc
Has s college edocation, loo. bssnT Why, be built bte •wo-garegc-"
nam. a csBloas aenan-of panic. Be
lew vigor to tb
■ not .xi»sM ro coniiiiT-.laiahrV
"IHd he:- 1 wasn't aware that be
bitilad back to tbe rastaler's desk anil
ver;- Digtai tor a week will nsu"Oh. yea Me took wbat is. calM owaed a car.'
p:c«are dral l<ai a oboit liax'
daained agifast tt as if for support. Be
# all that te tvqiiired
For Con
tbr.pnriicsl concN."
-Hedaesn t Tbe only car tkat he'd
-spepsia one or two
admaet aapseteil to era Ibr reprimaad‘What-B tbatr
rpre to buy It jtol a f^l tea bmg foe jtafcpn ,
ad giri daab ont. becanae never befow
"8bs tolpped Ibe rlssslcs for cookrelief.
Mri M dared assert bis antlMttey. Bat ♦ry,-_Cj„fUnd Plaladraler.
....................... •* Pill* are tbe ume fine
iMtaad toe girl really cteaned up toe
. .. ,laxative ionic pill yoor graadpareota
teritor dWNB. and toe girl wboae grandlonfjnsed and iMHne pnreiv regeUble nfe
■rmau.'rn."— ; adapted to every system.
matoer batgebt ber cMbea watrbed ber
___ _
Sold la torery drug and medkino
DoKt Suffer
&U niqht lonq fti>m tooth&che
neursJqia. or rheumoLtUm
Will pay Highest Cash prices for
Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephone-Cik. 3-2. Bell 160.
The ANTHONY Woven Wire Fence
Tb. Kiwt thst Won't CWteOa
The Anthony Fence Company,
■ TECL’MSrH. .SIKM-. t. S. A.
Ii la f«t a* weU *4 aria*
|| ‘ THe Beat on Earth”
The Following Hems
doJi/iMk-toi tbH dCton Bhnattepff apt.
druggist for tbem. SI cents a box.
Later SttUoUea. Augusia. Jte..,^.y - j*togq. riiher plain or sugar crated.
-ra* Sooognt AiMi
No. 7 top. No. ■» teHom. IS No. II. ftiyt to tb* md.
No lighter W«(S.
’•*' *****
^ oMalltod.
STYLES-All boghiv from 7 bar 25 Itsto HOG fttves. to tte ANTHONY Haadard
UtorTS roeb.
Wm. Hoolihan Co.
.Wagons, Implements,
Hardvvare, Paints and Oils
•’Not Better Than the-Best.
But Better Than the Rest.”
Wm. Hoolihan Co.
one ge
Bell Phone ISS-
We offer you today our first showing of the new spring styies’of wearing apparel; that It will naeet
with the approval of the most critical of buyers, we feel sure: for in ail our years of cloak and suit selling
we can truthfully say we have never offered such values as we offer for the spring of 1907.
As for the styles, we assure you every garment shown is from the foremost garment makera 0^_^
America; as to quality, that is a matter that needs no comment, for its the quality that has put our bus
iness where it is today. We cordially ask you to view this handsome collection of new spring creations
no matter whether you are ready to buy or not; even if you do not make your purchases here at all we
s^^ be glad to have you inspect these new things; you will know what is right wherever you buy.
'nrE WANT especially to have
you see our showing'tof low and
'medtam priced suits.
Believing we could hod better suits
:«hao we
ever offered before at
Ren to Bft^ doUan sre have refused ;
to buy suit after suit to sell at these :
prices-. We hoaliy found something
.to come up to our standard.
*Lhere are two that we most ur
gently ask you to call for; they are:
first; a fancj- mixture suit that we
believe the best suit ever sold at the
price. See cut to left.
Another is a panama in plain col
ors and black, etoo effect, full satin
lined jacket. J*ut this suit on and'
aak anyone you like what it oost you
and nine out of ten will say twentyJiyo doUars. ^t isnV wholly in the
'xjuaKty (which is good) and it isn’t the
trwiiBMOg.-nor is it the style of the
suit, it’s just a harmonious blending
of everytkiag that makes it so attrac
tive. We have never yet seen any
thing to equal it. and the price is only
fifteen dollars.
more beautiful than ever before.
It seems each season that makers
must have reached the limit of iheir
cleverness in designing, yet the next
season they bring out ideas that are
better than ever.
This season proves no exception
for they arc the most charming ideas
that have yet been brought out.
The preitv light toned mixtures in
the eton efiecls. Plain colors with
charmi^eton, ssUk lined and elabor
ately trimmed form a combination
that the woman who can resist buy
ing is certain proof against the-beautifel in wearing apparel.
We have made our selections
with extreme care this season trying
to avoid the common-place garments
that you find everywhere.
light mixtures that to see them makes
one think at once of green fields, bab
bling brooks and pretty tlowers.
Charming half fitted coats in light
tones with a touch of color here and
there to add to their bt-auty.
Loose fitting styles in three quar
ter lengths, falling gracefully from
the shoulder.
We are showing a splendid variety
of . both these charming styles,
enough to make your selec^tion easy
and the prices range from
$8.50 to $35
^ery Woman
$4 to {12.50
on e^h side of this panel are a
a few of the many styles of dress
and street skirts brought out for
the woman who likes to be smart
ly dressed, whether her skirt is to
be a low priced one for street wear
or the more expensive one for
party. reception or dress wear,
every skirt in ;our stock is new
and up-to-date and every one is
good value, no matrer what the
price may be.
The showing embraces the best
styles from the many different
makers and every wanted style is
in the selection. Priced from
$3 to $25
HAVE purchased and offer
^ for your inspection a sample
line of ladies’ and*^ muses’ suits and
that in point of -excelltnce in values
surpasses anything ever shown in
this city.
There are no two alike and are
the samples of a hodse that makes a
specially of exceedingly stylish gar
Do not get the idea that there are
all sizes of each, there is only one
garment and one'size. In ladies', the
sizes are smalt, la Misses, there are
all sizes.
There » a limited quanicy of these
and while tbry last we offer them t«
you at
■ Suits From
to this part of the country would see (we came near saying could see.
for thfy could if they would) the elaborate shovring of beautiful waists,
not oaly in silk but lawn. It it a showing that is worth seeing We
bake spared no pains to make it the best in the city, not only as to styles
but at to values. Prices range from
59c to $12.50
pOATS and Jackets possess a
^ charm that are ail their own.
Most of them are in the pretty
25 per cent Off
The New Dress Goods
Are also here and while we have been praising the beautiful things in
the ready-to-.wear garments, it must be remembered that the same cloths
that go to make the ready-*o-wear pretty are just as handsome in the
piece and we show almost an endless variety cf these beautiful goods.
Ever> thing this year is beautiful, even the cheaper grade) are more beau
tiful than ever before. Prices range from, per vard
25c to $2.00
ibr aarfats*^. II w
B b<4Bcjlb<> I
« .-oajIarlBlil.-pUcr.
;ni..n;!i of_________
(bey a-Pte aide lu ‘uTe^r a
rwm Moaday s Rcewrd.
AaimalB SoAcrad Tafiitoly.
Tb.-r«h« B i
doom dorltiK (be a-eek.
Ml- Leo. RrakH rMirtMl la her
Bo< Uu* dUcomfurtH of ib« a>(« «r*r»i
we at *IUer j*kp
nMhtiu; 4ii mmpari boo io that of ib*dismmtiMiit. ha
ibml ibay
leeds IB the etiy
borsn. Th-j aerr Uiro«o alaxii I.v
»..» to la- rniaied.
r home .d »lr». E. OilThe phr^iJs rrf tbr ■hip
ihip atu) (I
th- nw-o ‘ «'«>-'• ■*' »boo»ln« puapol>. ha had bia
Mrs L r. Molme. twtoroed to Her
aa;»- lor<'.,d !*• fuI ItOni
Ironi tide
ooa TO
To in«ifc.- oi"-M
tnm iLMit
loa.l th«-it
lu.'ii auuB
«i—- i*ir. tbr, .21US
we tn Wetford tWa momlac «ft*r
other i>’< ktirp tbem op ibei> fmt *hoot ibe Bab
III (or a ruuple of «oek> a> b
i Many of txe
ba.l Ibeir l,•K^
Th.- iiiiuipy fln
He- j rmutv frteoda la tbe eiiy.
ler *. htp U aWr to be arooixl
brukeu aucl i-^ to la- shot and a» It *be ctrmpau bad
H. Hwtmwe aod Thtwas Sunk.................
Mr HOrt Hn Cmt«a
ten for PM«li,.Arttooa, yuA1
................... ..................
the oilo-r horiot*.
e Wheel. Ml Ub«. M’i'y ETlday
To *d.l to !be <Mber ln>pbI.tT<. Ibe Witby Kicked i • rwiKalp
___ , mil. thelBlrie Barf
............... ..
F. K. Saaims left (or Grand Bapffi*
-ChlaeM- crew mptiuled «nd it w»» c.iUIr and eeni liii> men f.»t
fomra. Foon'i’b ■'
M-w Maytse frrxn., dunac
ca a bBstoeM trip ibis morolac.
Bfr-eaajrt f. • the ahtie mep to >4aad *d 'b«- pioiltieerr wi i» killed aod ««
orer Ibeoi will, plaiola
-We mnJiJ eral luep wounded. anuXie them ladoa ,
Mr and Mr*. E Ihaiaboe are Hi
Mra. T. A PeobalMw. left for CRIhardly I.Jame them • Mid Mr Salra Hr. Ueswiaib} s hruiber
tine in Sbeni,ap nu* ip Tbe «rrt fcmt
ea«o thH oespipt to porrhaite epripc
ekk -Ai. thf I'Tichtac and nx*in«: I-jtiT
Held CauH Martial.
iid Ibe Raoiie'« house
would throw the Uremen asabi-t the
The pri»tner> worv pm ia lron..[
j, o..,, .
I tery iU,
hot boiler head.••
ekcept the
three sailor.
lhai hsd
lC..a>k^ei«..^d,y,.«m.LeM.- :)0ln.^ tbeni. The- admitted tha, j
ProM Tnaaiara Ba«w«.
ahen Ihej- amred there the 'h'-v aer>- plraie. and nfti-r the wdd
Mrs. Coro BnwhaU
hors. , were I
• hBd cim'tltqied a
1 laartla;. I
iftd look in the g1ass>-you will see the effect—
You can’t help puckenng—it mak» )-oa packer
to think of tasting it
_ _
By the ose of so called cheap Baking
l^iwders youiake this‘puckering, injurious Alum
right into your system—you injure digestion.
Md ruin your stomach'.
every <«,- of
Ceptral Lake tod.tr tip acfow
’'jnearli i > «e>-k> .ickitees wiib I
The dilr.eee pooi'-n stonk the trip com ve—el and shot
itrerloua '
illneo id her father W
jiamiiiely well however.
idiootine, a verse of a SoDc leipnlai :
When they reached Manila, there fifty years aa» wa. suns end M i
Mt^ iUnlord Oas—r i<-111 ai pie*
B. Stoww went IP fadinac tm bUwere f.nirle, u ■ men io liie hospii.' Ijmkwoiihy sane :h«« lot tht
the arlp
n«ws today.
Ttf ad-l to Ibe mile: rrouL!-',. the ship «'f thru* present
m,.' Heani« l« imponjins qmte i
r Alpero wool ... Klotalr,
had lieeu prulimsed to -s-iepu.-ii .lay.Later it was leanud that th.. wbo> . i.l,v .it piesetit. Mi> Reams has J»
• Slippiv ..f 1
1 ichai.i-aniTf
iH-n Is'iniutint; fo .1 Texas
n iv. Park left for Gnnd BapMa A
n the cap'ail •s imvate
while ilu- (Dell mike.l ,
lo th
.........................„............ ...
btMtoesa ihla monlng.
TTifs- men «.
to iMIvcr pan-t Mimo. U-l;.v faster sud MarP. I. Hathaway of RtK-heiier. who
the vessel t.. the rt.pfedeiote f.jrtvs. 8ery Clark were absent sll wiwk dorhail III U- {)»' it. iittus.
Eilftt days pflei the upti.iot: -be abip mj. the week ie-!.i:e ia.t on aectMOt liaa been rIsMiBC friends is the city.
was ileltvered to the ii'iiud foii-es ..I im thp grip.
Mr Saleo.kt th. n
Mt this iBunlns W Ow«,swi
Ihe eX|-..Iillon,
................ ....
Far.!— i.lap.!
Mis, Addle C«>plev ,* sl.mly
imC. A Htif retoned to hu Mwe ta
rhiBt-se imilnnii with th.- eveeptliin oT
"The Perfect Tribute,
pr.ieitie ftvnn an aitark of th.- jtrlp.
today after apendlox a
the helmet, a cartridee 1m-1i anttplum.
The last niim1e-r np the procrani
ox w.n. the r.-a.lKia of -The Perfepi Tri-,
tort time In ibe city,
State News.
...I Imie" hy Hot»-n -K Waller Tills dtwll rounty Bebora Cqpai^asKtBer t'rfap
TTtT.l In r.umerti.Ki with This he t.iM of slih
Llnrolii s C.-nvsImi-.: iif.lt.s.
KinimlcT tbla tDcrnioc.
ilie ihiK- man snn which look <hm- The pn-sldeps tbouphi this
(teat {
Alpeuu fur ~MBe time. |, dead from,
r. H WHler weoi to Pcftvbey aa«
man lo.liold it. tine man t.i aim it an.l'sixs'ch wa. a falii.-e beraiise theie’
umiilu-i in fire il, Amona othe: ihltics . was pn appl.ntse l.iii reaflj the hearers
'K.iur small'children s-in lvc. Hoyne City no bnatapsa today.
.:b hut a yitatHtML ihe Mae
he ha.! a copi>.'r r.ipp-d Miinvi cart.; had f.-|t that i.. ai>[ihoid it
wa. a ■
MltUkcn weot to Croud RapBImbar pap-r niill at PUlnwHl, wlil)
This raiiii.iKe has lu-eu ta- sanlf. ye. Ihirtni ifte. n-adlne «f
■on be havma an tMlpui of li> t.Mts Ids on hiistocBs Ibis Bomlnr
twned hy all eivlllred lialinns as (he. who..- story, the lu.uM was as qul-t
pafe-i tUlly
Tbe proditci will be ;
M 1. Weinnd ten Saoday afterqtlle
cpiH'i tx.veiiup on the h.;I'..'t mak.-s; in
si inch.s wide.
Waller displn'
wuTiu.l that to ver heals.
Doon fin- nuVale ti> atleod tbe moIkio Ltnen of Mnnrae bas lowm noil’readiili.n
sbowinp siiRie vp.'nerv' ennvenlloD.
l.y-' (led Thi.i his son l,»w. a merhanie. is
Boxers. Ml Sal.-psi
.if the s.-l.-l-ttoll »
Say plaatfy~
5loyaI is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar—Costs more
'than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health.
: U dead In Tol.sl... «b>. result of heiuc,
hy escBpioB »* (.inie.
I man an.| co.iHude.1 I.v nhowmif
,..f the mailt;,, tree under- whichfnl.aj
; Wtts suif.-ii.t.-ted It. th*- .Aliieticafis
Fullire Melh.eilst
giI IPtini
Plenty of -Trasaea* City Raa«
Pleaaifio SHo.
: Sperial to the Ettmins n.-cord.
' will have a fine
ic in a S^.iss' .
t the concliisliiii of Mr. Salenski'si
Sli'-rmaii. Mich.. FH>. Id.—Thailes amjoe alami
iaii.Jnpis Rulieii K.lwai.M ssb*
ithoiisun.l dollars will be expendcl on
in a
t trill. I
It) ill' II
"Till- (i.-nnaii eoldiefs marched -us' OKI Bridee" whU-h w... listen
Monell. rhinrh iniiin.vrdnents. alsn.
I.SSI lew
-ks. M
The Uocnln's birthday meeltilK <*f iH-iween two fixis and wi-n- expowul; thotiRh ihi-y fuid to. hut ihi- Amcii-iwlth Kr.wt pl.-asure
W.mil exJohn Clark, aged k.*. tears. Imru in
>is hoa
the Men's cluh nf Graro rburefa wps lo a mimienHis fiie. They were saved cans marche.1 aluny with a spring au I' tdws<-»-t-s -a -loiriioiie v..;,-.- and t
the firei lyeia,,.!. *ho n.-m to sea at the ag.Barkarlu- i. really kWi»y"a«ha.
very Iniei^lDe indeed. Then- was a hy the bravery of 11 Jupanesc n-sl- a get up that was good to sec" Tb.‘ 1 'eK-rihro* iir.- qlwi.ys w.-ll cho-i u, I
irf II. visiiixt etery
To cure the bock you ainst rare the
. siwiikcr aK.i coptracUsI ilu- fi.s- an-l, was ar.-oni|.aiil.ut hv llsriv lliim-r,
t from Wckidnevs
Pheroon Pn*l. G. A. R and the speakAt Pekin, they made a hob- ihrong easy ways of ihe Amerlcau eoamum.i .
' Command*' -F. O. Mirwln.
git<- a play-epiiih-il "New llai.i- the 'tW cold crure. 1
don'i. Id her kidpey Ilia folRroeat Salenakl. F. D, Mart in, il. the wall and vnienM tbe imperial - log nfflers with the si 10 and pnmtNsis
f U Martin.
daughter I
city flgt
Oghilag ilielr way to ttM-leSalionslntatm.-is of ,ot..- <d l*!,- other (l.M | »’hfto.u IVsi. G. \ li. was itu n-i.t hall. Krl.lay . A.l-'vlve.
dialiHca. Brighl’a
. t all llaiviiisJ
which 1
bospiials becatise dlgnlUrh-s.
1 spi..ik.-i u».l lu- ^at. l ihiii b- 'laJ. mi.sUip w ill
gnd lac.
ChelKtygun Is to have a abipf
they I
porrun of wnnnrti-d and sick f
on Dec
Mr d.lensll
Uiiinin. ib.- «r.y Mts. «. A. McM.
A Tntre
lilsMi telb
The proerum was opened with the Therv the I'nlted Slali-s insips eif
th, r-vle. of the :i:lU, b..;,,, jee
U.th 111 with III.' cil|i. linn of the state In the bTilltUng of tmw—the
■ Is eaiv
ulaytaji nf -America" by the aast-mhly nu« ..
ire iiiipnnluc a bille now,
. the CheUiyeaii Strnb.-m mtlrwid. Ihe
............................... ■
Mtw, «•
Mtirrei. (kit
Maiviii was a
atter which Eroeai Salenakl addressed , whicb
wus floaliy n-iiinieil
f Iksli has m..ve.l bis lutrlH-t prvoiioters Ilf whK-h hat.- jTtst
iH-en street. Tniverwe (ftiy. MlctiT aayo:
■o .vnd be read the
— pieneni tellliiK
them of his Chli
........ Inio ihf Ttlirt-er biiUding.
, grant.wl a francbiiie to
tnrks "For neariy fifteen 'son, I onirered
their <
. .K.ds
has l«-n aertously ihtimgh there.
the aejge of
Tten Tsln.
Mr. Sal<-0skl
InMbie. 1
i Fi.rnm*ii ;u
_________ J the II
....... ill lor the past two .weeks wlih the'
The engagement of Fat 1. Paomte.
nesimil the
review of
all nations.
:tion. ih.'v
. a 1.VPO.M lag.
I is iraitmving
tpmving q.ilie nipidly' advertising manacer for
Troops from almiist every nmotry
There seemed i,. |e- no strength In mr
. craft wu» ui IriOgll* I one i-hiirt
ir,on-.t forluddn-ss |m;.1
IM-.. --------------Salenakl
hlsb niluio_
menber of Ihe 'world marched past, butI the b.
; Motor Co., of l.jinBitig. aod Miss Ethel hark whalever. t div-toieii l.ist editalAcii-w ■as < hinese. Tbi-^^ju,!
Troop E Sixth 1'niied Sum canity
Ll'.yd Caster tinted hi.* p.in-n(s, Baron, daughter of Attorney Fred- rd DO relief until I pns-ure.1 and oaed
u slings and Iheiv o-eie.
aad onI June K. 1900. thT troopa reLiWt*d SCM.
ihls village last w.-. k
Mr. Caster f erick Bacon iiT St. lauils, Mo., form- Hoan'h Kidnev pills. In |»I>1 I gave O
.1 orders to Imve Fon Leoren“Their uniforms were c
III w’lf.- ifi.-n w’. ni to Grand Uaplds.: etiv of Niles, is iinnuiiDeed.
Tbe pnbllc sialemeiR regarding the cor«
.. -e.iiivs. M..- Slings l.txike like ibiMiIs
worth, and proceeding lo San Fran
Iw stM-uker. 'Their bultuas
v;-d> rebiih-es of Mrs. Cosiei.
wedding Will take place In,Bl t»ni« In effected I.V tbe ose «f noait'. KMoey
Sf.aker. Mt. tAOgw.trhv 1,
“'“■Tcnd the ■niiuals we.-.- ibotcn In
elaeu. (hey emharked on a tmnspuri
Qg aad ilielr carl ridge Iwllii
\Ics K J t'ruyiii' base le-en quite
PtIU and 81 (bU time am pleoaed to
........ * siniggling massand anlied for Cbioa. reacbloi : there
rere up 10 the siandurd.
I.IT S.-V-lal day., I«si, lull Is now
eodorse ii .
•iidn 11
a^jlnally landod after being thirtytvb.
,le lo Is- t.ni o' ,|<s,
.. .
got their pollah.
Fbr sale by all dealers. Price H
t 00 waier.
they miiT-l have used Ihe clay from the
Fnaier-Mllbvm Co.
At Tl«i Taiit. Troop E was among Krtrnn.l. bul they looked 1fine. The Ger-j (he kili-ht-n a
New York •ule agenta for the I'nlted
' Ibe lm»tw Ihal lialtercd the wall down mans keirt alimtsi a perfect line
'I.IS vSMt.
when' was nen-wtitry I.t Hie nieu i.i sl.ty h.- , a.
(hey pansisl in review but (he Ameti-, low d»<*s and wilti the rl..s>sl lint -lies 1 sehtsoier was losi.le.l w lilt i
' Ihe heat from (he horses, the p
aoil I for (be Dortbevti (mO|>s iiii.l s
lake DO other.
mV rillse
Business Locations, Suburban
’Property and Centrally Lo
cated frontage on State and
Unioru Choice Business
Location ■
Ubery Bam Fu^ Equipped,
Re^ Estate, Loans and Investments
Citizens- Phone, - lil9
January 1, 1906-Deposits in Traverse City
Banks, $2,000,000.
Merchant Mills
Gilt Edge Investments
January 1, 1907-Deposits in Traverse City
Banks, $2,800,000.
Showing a Prosperity of Over 40 Per Cent^uring the Year 1906.
Farms have trebled in value within the past three
years. In fact, but few dei-irablc farms in this region
are-for sale at any price.
TTBHOSli prosperity'
m fV
a small perceniage. friends. Just the diffefCQce beiwt en three per cent paid* and
six |>er cent asked, or about twenty-four thousand dol
lars. Then whose prcsperily is this extra eight hun
dred thousand doUars? The mechanic's prosptriiy,
-the fac ory worker's - prosperity, ihe railroad em
ploye's prosperity. the merchant’s prosperiiy. the pro-
.fesstenal man’s prosperity, the local newspaper's prosperiiy, the factory owner's prosperity, the farmer’s
prosperity, the whole Grand Traverse region's pros
And it represents bm a smalU-ponion of the
prosperity of Traverse City and the Grand TravinSe
Traverse City in inerrase'in value alone can
show double the amount of the increase in bank de
posits, while the farmer has gone into the clouds.
Hotels, ’Barber Shops,
We are practically sold out of farms. \\c have
less than a dozen on our list, and several buyers after
each of ihese. This region was never in as prosperous
a cjncHt/ffn as at present.
We are frequently asked the i|oes.iion: •'Wdl,
Wade, whai can 1 invest, in to make some money
Our answer is thi*: Do the sameas we do—invtst
in any real estate in Traver>c City or the Grand Travcr--e region that can be gotten at any reasonable price
and sell at.a profi'. which Can always be done. Some
times ten per cen{.soinetimes rwd and three hunifred
percent, ahdyoiir money is always in a safe place.
. If five years ago we could have had one hundred
thousand dollars to invest in Traverse City and vicinity
we could have had today one million dollars to invest.
If we had one hundred thousand dollars today to
invest in Traverse Citv^nd viciniiy and could have the
samei-heaUh we have liad for the past live years ■ for
which we are thankful • wc could in five yars from
Jan; 1st. l»i~. have
Wade Bros.
One Million Dollars to invest to
Traverse City and vicinity.
This first assertion we can prove, by the sales of
property five years ago and the selling price of today
The latter part of this assertion will prpve itself
in fue yt-ars from Jan. 1st. 1SK)7.
What we can do. Reader, you can do. But there
is one thing that none of us can do. It is this: Carry
money in our pocket and have it earn a profit. 1 hat
time passed awa>- when it was demonstrated that :he
.United States could make good on all its contracts.
So. Reader, always bear in mind that money
the most ab?oluidy worthless commodity in the world.
It never increases or decreases.' It's not like the old
cow~it never comes in. You've got to put it in and if
you put it in right it will come out right, and the right
place to put it in is in Traverse City and Grand Travlerse region real estate.
Look over our list innhe Classified Column of
this fiaper.
Timber Larids
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