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Grand Traverse Herald, June 06, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
: OltAkO TAAVtlllC HtlMIft THUMDAY. JUNt B. 1«07.
» tad btd tvo
. is tbc Asia
------------------—---------------1 tb« ora b«rt«
o, A..--
vUl inlUste s cUm o( AftMo at the
B«beat Tneadar erra“
I rapidly la
hi. tiM
li I
Bk aapldi.
lorqy. a l<-yMr«ld boy. «a*
. . ;t«n la boih left by two t1elou «O0 white rMmlnc troai aebooi
Batarday ereslnc Matahal Mtxwdl
picked sp Jake AsdersM on tbe east
side, drosk and full of diftsrbsnce.
HU wife naked Uui he be loAed up.
By BondM Ae bad ehsnied her mUd
and asked that be be let r> and Jake
raa released.
Ben Peloakey. n Harbor SpHsft
llan. was picked np Sunday, full
bard eldw and whUbey. and ioebed
up. Monday he was let go on asapended eenienec.
b '
• - on Char
!. baring
lie UtAeUon.
— ‘S eaet alder, who haa
M of running a blind
•gainst Mlcbelecm «pd be baa Wn
bound oeer to the dre< I court.
The -lid' U on In
_unday cvemhlng IndIhaM
fin mill* were closed, but U
ten were all on the stre
watAIng bis compeutor to eee that
'none was told by him while the watch
er was denied that pHrilege.
Conrad Benslnger of Kewadin
erecting a large bam tOzSO in size,
nreat prcparstlon* are being ma<le
ir the meeting of the old settlers' asIdaat_____________ ,
ocUllon at this pUce on June ISih.
weKtatnc aboot is toos. was reeelTed
but Tbtuaday and taken to the power Tbe eaercises will be held In tbe opera
bouse anrt It 1* eipertcd that the cor
bonee TauSay.
ferry will bring a large crowd from
A 1600-poond
Aased and received fur the Norwe- North)>orT and other points in Leelai
fUn Alireh on tbc test aide.
C*^. Whylsnd U pulling up a aeen-room bunioilo* on his resort proi
P. blow out at Clare tast T
erty on tbe shores of Elk Lake. Jui
nliht I...........................................
oB Uie Kewadin road. The siriiciui
la a portable sBair. built by the Herelow company of Bay City, and U the
east aMe lebooli have a record i
largest portable structure ever turned
•dBaM by any other aradea. T'
bare not had a urdy mark durlns
It by the <
•Tie stear
year, and their per cent <4 attend!
barrels of cement
haa been »8.
BmA itKim of tbe caat aide arhooli Thursday.
baa added two new plciurea wlibin
The Maccabees gave n dance
their hall last Friday evening and t
beto Wlleox and wife of
a fair •
bare presented ten new booka to tbc '^garFozof North Milton, who
library of tbe eaet aide achooL Ura. pieled hit aludlei at the Wisconsin
WUeoa U a fortner realdcnt of BIk agricuilursl college, has been with the
Bapidi. DOW Ideniltled with (he OU- 'eiperiment station of that insiiiutlon
■ir the last three year*, engaged la
ilty work.
Charles Alezsniler. who
paid a fine for bis t
.............. went
thewar path again
Uat Friday and prepared lo bombard
II Friday afteraoon. June ITih.
**Ei«*Mday eresla* H. C. Btod«ett
sad wUe ca*e a plaao aod m»c rectul
at the Preabyiertao chureb. auended
by about one hundred. .Both are moaieUm^ of rare talent, and tbe redul
WM a treat to those atteadlSK.
Tbe Aiamsi reception U beM at tbo
<«tn booae mday eTeaios.
SebooU cloae Uda week.
. Heaiy WelBer of Detroit U vlaJtla*
bl* rAtUrea hereabouts.
allm enp beridei a lot of
e their ettorts Tbe cup mnst there than would be bit share on i
or«e time* before It becomes eutera seaeoast.
be won tbrwe
Jobna Hopkins nnlversiiy win hence-1
forth admit women a* aludents and!
after tbe same manner that the Othe brood Jump, covering IS feet «
uclvrrsltlea adopted. Each pi
en and ooe halt loAee of earth,
>r mat admit women to his clues
track was In frightful shape nnd
Traverse Clly sprlnier* bod no chance
chonei-sniid the Bal'.hiii'in- patsconfident the professors are rva<
to cut loose. Miller losing the cent
»-elcome womei, viudeni*.
as be was forced to spriol thro< ,
sand. Feller* rairtbe quarter mile ID change of attilude M said lo tie ibe
S7 seconds, smashing the local record. work of PrT-5trtent Ira Remsen.
ilator McHelUn ha* appoime.! Dr
The (ollosrlng are tbe events and
the places that Traverse City won:
Dr. Seth T.'Siewari. di-.-irici superui
Football punt—Walt first.
100 yard dash—Miller, wcond; Simp icndejila «f Sihools; Miss KvoJig
K. Whliney. district superlnieiide
soo. third.
High lump—l*leraon. first; Walk* charge ut vurrtion school-- and
gro-juri*. and
l>r. Lailier
third: height 5 It.. C.
fliiilci:, director of pb>ylcal tt.iitiirip.
440 yard dash—Pellerii. first:
<-o-mnlT!--iio represent Sew York c-u
II convention of ib- Piatcround
Ing secoud: 39 felune 20 25.
i'lersnn. flrsi; Whiting
Broad lump—1'
well, presldin uf tb.- I’.ii-;-'
second: distance .
et im Ii
and Slut■d by J.diii I», Hivketener. Jr.
Pole vault—Fieri
Fifth Avenue Hapiist rbiircli.
)ik, eoiiiplahl'some of the
. II.- II tv-li>iigi:iy II. U.e elnss u;r
111 ing -gnv.-ir hr onisidi :.. Tin- s»<tiHalf mile run-Ho M.w.
*.n-lHammer lliniw—Amii-bueiliirr. first. i,ir> Ilf lb.- eli.ss
ni, nil.-rv. .r
12K feel.
iiUliiWof wliom live ill
2Sii yard dash—Piiniumn,
liou.-H-s. Oiiier l«Mird--r-. Imvi- o:;r...(<9t<hl a lend-ncy in Sisitr
KJairy H
and l*ivsld--iil Tc-\-ii.
BlC>«le- raci'—in> place.
-"■* I*}?"'
Base tall throw—F.ilk'i
Traverse Otj State Bail
A TRACV LAV, Pwiliint
50 raid daah-MlHer.
Former Smaior DiiboD li;i-i chi-i
sou. second; time Ti 4-!l.
DIscu* throw—Amtsbueeliler. first: 111* r--*i'l< iif*- ill WushliiCTiui and t.-il. t
his family bark to Iduho. wh. r- liFeVer*. Becciod; U>4 feel 1 Inch.
There was no oppovlUE lewms for will si«-o U-glD Hu- juibllrail.ui of i
he loeril - - -......... ......... lllgh-ela-“» wi-ekly p.-wsiuii- i'^ ai Hoi-.
Ih.-stale ca|,ital. Mr. Diibois hail iii
i.-pd.-d to acf-i.i iho
CAPITAL, saooooo
Tire Insurance! ^
Pint* Clua. StMm Boll*r «nd Aocte
A Geunl BiAiw SmImm Mi.
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Room 3 ] o New State Bank Bulldins-
Traverse City. Mich.
Sfli you your bill for a house or bam.
i-ar^ at till timee
a full line of
Get our iliftiTf-s and compnn- our grades before buying,
Look for tbe Big Revl rinot.
Call on
f lui- t'liaulauqua
lauqua vlix-uiiK I'
June 1 —Joseph W,
Phon«. Bell 390; Citx. 30S.
Cor. E. >-lh .St. and Like Ave.
s b'ctiitv
iwered de.atb's sumnirmt
Dlckerman anawei
lust FVlday evening at his home three ii 1* uQJ-T-IV«id Ihiii lie har ulian-loii.-d
miles south of ' ' . vllUge. after au lliiil ji’jri.M-.*
ihs duration. Mr.
n speul the |m“I Tmi.v yi-j
of the I'ulv.-ri-iiy -if Wlwmi^ln. I
in this towiiBhlp and leavKUlned tin- hoiior in rviih.-r an mid wi
AllhoBghau earnest »iud-nl, lie nev.-r
stood well in hi* tlaK»i« an.! im Huai
Choiee riicoIori-J -Tapan particularly fine flavor and
eyaunnatJon fell s-veral murk* sboil
p jj. Powers apent Saturday
exceptional etreiigthIf yon Lave trouble getting a
el thC Htuuduid r.-quln-d for giaduu
t-a lha< i* to your liking try a ssoiple ponud oftbia
SpaclalW ef
tl m. Jiivi t•<'ro^«* iliut lime, houev-r.
—fide. Harebal Maxwell and H. S. ’ utUe harm was done here by i
We will take our cUaucoa on your ooming back.
luierAnderson went after him and lodged
f„*i Monday olgbl.
him Id the lockup, but he dldn t auy.
p,ed McFall spent Tuesday here,
Moved by this-fan. Pn-»ideni BuKcom
and within an hour or ao was out. eri-^ Harr,- Thompson, station agent
called the faculty together apd uuid- a
dently having had help from the outtrnnaacled buslneae Jn .to
fight in th.- young fellon's behalf.
•Id*. He baan't been seen since around Saturday.
Another vole was taken and La Fol
here, and no one ia anxious to see
y,. anj Mrs. Ellsworth Billman
letti vcrambl.-d .through l-y u narrow
him. He Is a "bad man" from the tertained her father. Mr. J. Cadh
«*a Kw*
Blue GrM* stA*. and If he will only
Traverse Clly. Sunday.
Abe Hummel, the New York lawv.-r
• away everjbody wlll.be aatisBed.
J. Frankfalber Is spending i
who WAS convin.-d of eonsplnir;' 1»
0 observance of Decoration Dai’ «eek with friends and relatives
coDoeelloli wllh the D-Klge-Morse dl-.except tbe doting of tbe qtorea
in the first of ihe week .11,1 not kill uU
a partUl air of "nothing doing."
Martin Pcpllntikl who was severely
At the regular meeUng of the K. of injured by faUlng frooi a tramway Olackwvlr* irdiiiid iirlsim u
of ihe OeeuDu poach cioji. Fnilt grow
P. Lodge next Wedneaday evening, tbe ahlle working at the Bingham mill, nf assorting veg,-i»l,lc. In ttip sion■•r* from si'voralv«-cllon* of that coun
ink of Royal will be conferred to be „lurtied to hia home here Friday afiei room. from which he will tnmdlc ty Usll.sl Iho big orchard* uii-l iii
illowed by a feed.
I speoding three weeks at the sanltar- ihvni to lliekliclicn iu u wboclbarrow.
H- dcclun-s hi* InUutloii lo write o «l>ecled the Ireos nnd found tha' a lilg
Bpearing sueken. below the chute.
rn>)< lb sHIl alive, i.iid that iMUriiig
_ fumlAlng amuaeraeol and food for,
r a. McQueer I* building a walk Muik .,f lil.s pili-oti 'iiml oili.-r- oxp«-ri□rSBABOH
no furilier cold wealhi-r a fair rroj,
a good many these daye. Tbe flA are ^jong bis property. This Is an example
York i-iiv ar<- snitM-sl.iit |H-riuriH.l of iicacli.-s and oilo-r fniii will 1„ratiQlng quite plenUfully In tbe river ,rh,ch more might well follow.
Lees debles damped Inio the sireel*
wunder-i Mr. Huaim.-l i> uiiil.-r-t.«i.l to liav.- ai
jui-.n notmaii.
Dmiid Ha>- 0. r.s
It U claimed by Ihoae whoae repuU- ,nd more walk* would
as*l*l wunder-i
Two papers for Uta prloa af ona.
Una for troth, In a amall matter like |ul!y in Improving the aPiK-arnncp of■ gr.-at deal of awkward dociimenliiryleritily found a
»-vldvnc<- in bis i«>*w**ioti
| uniloulucdly to a |,rolii»ioric age.
a aoow atom, ha* never, lo Car aa gtir town.
J. M. Hramh'tie. ui Kalntuur.io. g,-ii------------- --------------j is a knife made of pure j-opjo-r
oral «iijH-rln(endenl of the.M. I’ R..
Bit by a Oog,
;gul'<- ■ile-'l.v fusliioncd.
This co
has l*s-n |>rnmoii-d to iLt- iVKiiion of Pays'for both a full year.
Baa afe
e were wlbdrlha In North rtmis Tuesd.vy,
.1-rDvn. 'I'm _
g-ni-ral tiiuniig,-r of 1h..,c«ra|,uu,v to nounumaitt -Alaewher*
ni,mii-l l.iiihi.-r* or volii,- loon- aii-f
j,)„ A Klotichttie nf 1'niverac City
l(. Ellkut of Lansing.
if Arthur Ariusiroug. >
Th- f;. -i thsi then- 1*.
e three and spenl a
days of last week with
a few
h.inacquaintni e» here.
idri-d niih-> t.f that w-cUon mnkes it
r diphthcri
ihu, .hi* k-nlf- wu. l.rlmgUt
o (ainll:
OM Settlera Meeting.
indcr quarantine, g,,^"
csi.-half iu4>'s '<li*‘u'*' t'lo*'"- Rome
The <rtd aetOers' meetliig thU year
larg.- «•
A number
Rebek»ha from Travlumber of Rebeki
win be held at Elk Bapldi. Tbe opera
i] in an fltl.«,a
pure copiu-r
me City
■ tv came out W.
....• — evenscared for the meetattend the Initiation of
> ben
member* Inlo the lodge here.
I. ut.ln.a1 wh'-ii
wh.-n te ".'"I
su-ldMily ’u™--' ''-'' f
lo . xpl.aln how it
I a gatberiat
Rehearsals are being held for the and at
roomy, very light and pleasant
.itlonal ninventhms of Ihe S5igprogram to be given Children's Day. head I
it-aring il»There IS room for a big crowd, and
a and Mu I'l.l Epslhm soSunday-. June 9th
...e wo,...
i.unil I* at
the crowd will be there.
scl„«il of loiisic win.ri-in.-li;.lf Inches In ii iigiti anu uu.ui
This meeting promises to be tbe big
II ArlKtr the
half au Inch wide.
If jn>n atebnilding a house wc w-daUlike to Ggare
gest gatberiog erf the kind ever held
Al-iiil thlilv
Honor. Mich., June l.—n.rjsc clc.anIn northern Michigan. Captain Bobertwith ]fon OD your Kaila, \ alloy Tin, Bnildiug Pkper,
ig time. Thu male populatlmi-well,
with his Northport-H
I> II hail Ihs-Ii Mideiiiik; with ii v .r
Locka. KdoU and Hiogi-s. Painta. OiU and VsniiahM
any old plaferry will, tor tbe day. dn>oi
.-at and ii I' ihi.ugl.i He- young nia
and etc. for we <iin aavi-yon aome muneyk
We nisk«
bun ihl-i
The dop h;.' h.-en Killed.
niglil. hiivln
at Sutton* Bay, Norihport Traverse, City ,
aapocialty ofbuildcra Imrdware and. onryears of exand Omenu.
Tlien again, the big called there hy the scrii.u* Illness of
beat will be a tight worth ■oeing for her daughter. Lotlle.
periciice in tbia Jiui-of hhrdware eaables tie to give
Mrr. Fordlck of Empire Is vlsiliiig
the "land lubber*" among tbe
^’on the ffToab-st postibL- valoc for your tnoaty. Cone
friends in the burg, also Mi*, end Mr*.
it I* Intended to make it a jolly W. P. neymolds of Eniplrc are visiting
y'in and looL cur Block over asd Rct cur prices sod we
good time, and for that reaaon there
IL‘a'l'inch for A. \V. Rlrkerd of
arc eatisfieil tbnt you will say Trades ia the plsee to
win be no fonoalUy. Tbe Old SetTraverse
Uers will come together, talk over old
buy lisrdwnre. See our eaay running, Can't come off
setting five or six fine
times, tell alorles of early daya in
Uln Dnilniin W« ^ave the B«l Te. on
the Market
Dr. F.
tired to kpeni
paiwnu at Bean' point
left the latter part
W. H. H. Sears left
btialnea* trip Into
of lait week OD
that win keep —
tbe ktate of Main.........................
(700 home tor a mniith or at* weeki.
Dr. i. C. Gauntlcii
was called to
IVIBUaauburc Wedu>-$dav to attend
Mra. John Adrer.
L. M. CUPP, who her been with tbe
•iBter fanltore etore as ondertaker,
will more lo Kilkaaka aooo and «scm Is bnalneaa.
Tfe damace to fruit or crope from
KoMay'a esow—or tbc freeze of that
Wn. B. Bnoaball of Cbleapa. tbe
eleetiWas wUb tbc it^Bc eompas;
has rested tbe Darle place os Tra’
erae arbase.
Bms Brea, set tbelr seU Tuesday
tod hare eommesced tbe ceesost fleb*^llo BUfDO haa-takes a i
as bafsaceman at tbe depot.
Bw Heuk. a esrpeoier. at work for
(he Iron Company, bad a foot badly
qnsloed and bnrtaed Wedseaday
momlsc by^ heavy Umber falling on
it. • He *in W laid sp for eeveral daye
MtaUbsUndlscthefactUiatno boses
» Deeber of Traverse Clly has
BBCed at Usner by tbe Antrim
od Company.
mine Saturday afleraoon. Ina va. Ai
Huber'ar.. baa been appoint-,
ImasMT. Pnom now im Mrs.
obleet of, bis
tbe ob)e
:n has adopted a chicken
la other word* they sotlfy all owaen of poultry to kmp their
S of alxsa or
matter nhost wws or U>e further doSb7oC adreriUlBC on tbe aldevalks.
at our bStiMti ncs have been in tbe
CbeSnad trsotne dv»U
7»rm Mud Tlngfde
The Farn|crs’ Store
' *t year's tion to tUose ignorem of th.- la*.
^ ^ .veuu,.
------------------meib^rs of‘the '
General News.
Jndgliw from tb* expertene# af tb« janilly have nothing to pay.
Edsard Arihur Rohlnsrat. son of lU,'
IMamaka of eld ptopM wbe have taai-;
p,i»r Robinson, the Lonlon drr
•d Or. A. W. CkSM'* Nerve PlUs. they ^ June 13. Further announcemenu will goods ____ _ .. j^srs
• Ibe made by Ulls and p---------n to be cxacUr asitad to evercoOM
rupi. having msnagrd
32.lM.upn since be came of
odd age.
tbaaa condlilonA canseque
Tbc Britlnh embassy will |,c e«ta
lished for the summer at Intervale. N
Onllfce erdlnary w
U Glk Rapids. Mich.
H in the house of the Ule Rev. John
ChaseW Nw« PUM an eaUrcly reWorcerter of Newlonvlllc. AmbaasaaawattTs la action, asd cure br formLoeal Team Won Out.
dor and Mrs. Bryce and the Had Paemtar new. firm &sab and tissue, and
the Weakness
author, are oe' the Intarreholaatle mee^eld^ere ye*
■ '
rday. They negotiated elghiy-etght
t of the 153 polnta aad recelTed a|
Far aala l>y Jehnaan .Onig Co.
Grand Traverse, laugh over the mis
hap*. adventures and good times
I'liliig were very
the people were few and far bclofTBk Raplda. pradoalsd from U-e
impressive. Tbc Bcv.
Mr. Burdge
- - ,t of the University When harddilpa were expected, and
when If they didn't come wo were spoke with much toellng. taking hi*
text from Jorti' 4 and C. The last
clmise of the verse, "Whal M.-an Ye
anS bring your (anily and the neigh
The EUi Baplda aavlnga bank
bors. Don't ml** thto great gathering
^^depoaiu to tbe amount of |19..Every year the ranks of the plo- blem.
for the yea
thin more and more rapidly ■ "ne »
The aaw miU abut down Monday
those who came here In the '40a, Much praise 1» du.- Prin. P>-wle*> :ii
tavenoos becauaa of the atorm.
Is ssslrtants
(or their uiiilnug ■•ffurt
and the'60s will be gone. SOj________
> Mra. Mia Seely baa rewnied from
i meet at least once a year to.making this year
Mabel, where she was lor about ^
: acqualniance—to take each ceasful yo.ar* In the history of the
«K>% earing lor ber mother during ber
nr.- siieuding
other by the hand once more and tb achonl. The teacher*
happy tbelr vacniion ni their rfsp.-cijve
Tlie Manlstaa took on between ISM bid CMdi other God
long yeare of ^temeer home*. Miss Holmw soi»g >'■ Munlsti-e.
and 17H barrelg of cement when In ending
Isbor'tbat ba* changed our beautiful Miss HoUUiet to hi-r hoiiie In south
■itafdny nlgbt. conaigned to Hllwr Grand Traverse region from a wilder ern Michigan.. Miss Lilly and ML*
Baaness lo a prosperous and busy com Buchan being resident* of Honor. Tbc
patron* are well pleased li- note the
evening were well attended, noiwlih- munity.
teacher* will all rciura ucxi >«-ar.
•tanding tbe atorm. The Rev. Mr.
The Cleaner tvatii. Smith D-'an acre.-------Ttiempaen preached a r«narkably day. Jun- ._.
bcait and tbc hosts will be guests, for gallon visited PlBl'c Arbor Siiiurday
•tnng nnd praetienl aermcB.
all who are there will have direct In evening and were the—'
terest In making tbe mceUhg what It by tbelr close auentlo
hand. The;
is aure to be. tbe m<m suc^sfol a^
tbe happiest ever held by the assocli thov practlccd^logetber almost dall;all winter and have perfected ihcrjselves la their work. Orvlll sajs l-a.li
the hall free, hot It Is and perseverance has made tim;
that all those who attend master of the situation.
: their own provUlons aside
Revenue Officer A. Colter psld il„>
a ge br the blood gcU ,
imed ai
above. There will hamlet n_ vl*jt_ la»t_»a^k
r and Impure, and from those nsmed
swiv. to.ausplx th* nourishmenl required be • picnic dinner st noon in tbe hall, some "(“be ciilxvnawoasidcra. -. .
a men were caught svll.ng wii.i
bring dishes; these will siUwn
tTboep vitality at hlgh-wst*r mark: Vou need n
I lull knowledge of 'lu'
-r.' coiu-il on to pa> "P,tv ilollsrs and two oih. re
I 5*-lrg
UP tbe aystem. Hbeenu s box
m aU dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chare Medi.
^Acye, car, NPet
Price, 50c per pound.
t mill Toetday
Cal mm M lUc MMIt.
Traverse City.
c principa
Jacob H SchlB
iner of the
speaker at tbe annual dim
Jewish benevolent society B'nai
Tuxedo hall, Kew York city.
SchiO advlaeil tbe Jewish youlh to
l~. MTlni ihe greawr wportunlUes
liara I >oor Boilers.
Mr. Farmer
XXXX CoFfeeXhums at work
Tastes good always — because it’s always good.
Always the same because it's always blended
and roasted just right
Extra good quality, because it’s imported direct
and sold direct to dealers.
Other coffees must pay a profit to importers,
bndeers and jobbers. You save three profits in XXXX
Coffee. The saving goes into higher quality.
That’s why McLaughlin s XXXX Coffee is so
much ^fter than any other cofke at the gomepi^ce.
The handy air-tight package and the glaring of
pure sugar keq»s this coffee clean and fresh—pro
dust, dirt and foul odors.
McLaughlin’s XXXX Coffee is sedd by
All F'lrat-Olass Orooors
Fruit Grower
this is to let you know that i Frokop Kyielka have
a fresh stock of fine ground land Plaster, fresh Lavaoburg Paris Green in ooe pound packages, pronounced
to be the best by past experience.
The Acme Potato Planters, Corn Planters, Sifters
and Sprayers manufactured at Traverse City. There ia
no doubt that you will have to buy some of theie goods
so we sincerely ask you to see our stock and give ua
your patronage. We guarantee (.Quality and Prims.
Inquiry by Mail promptly anawered. Address
BcMol Boartf Meeting.
Tbr primary achool maBey lai
The report waa accepted aod adept,
wa« L14.6M aod thU year, li 1
ed OD Mr. MonUsuCe motloD.
mated at 116.000.
Leetuec Courae.
ThU year Ihe aalarlea Of (be teacb.
In hU report. Supertetondent Gilbert
the beard of educatlen haa cttimatcd ere mere locreaeed and laat year, iba
javo tbr reccipu aod capendlture* for
the need! of the aeheeli fer the com- achool term leoptheaed
—. — ---------- tbf lecture courae. The total cash remaklns M IncTcaaed expense of about celpla for Ibe year J0O6-7 wtrt II,
Ing rear for all purpeaaa aa fellowe:
14,'"W. Noil year, the intert^l and 3*6 05 and the expenses for rannia*;
•^rtntendeni-a aalary.............
sinklo* fund will have to he locreaaed ' the course were |LOS:.78, leaving
.Taoehan' aalaHea.............................
because of the Increase in the bonded | profit of I2S2.36. There had been
Jaoltara- aalhrlaa............................
Indebiedneat of the city.
The general atreei ux will remain'li.tn.ot
>i»el .......................................................
about the aame while the lUte ax will
Among the expeneea
•re 1800-fc
■Beeica ......................................................
Pitodrleb thought thatI Ulenl and 1140 for c . . .. honee ret
Sugpilea. papera. pane, etc.........
year would run
e balance receb
Ived had been e
InUreat en bonda..............................
Ke Slated ihot while (I
■enses of tbeeliy
l>i>eQ inrreased.
Repaira en bulldinga.......................
ill the while, The Bssessi-d raluailoD I bniry
Ilepaira on greynda.........................
ilned practically —------ . Elcetrle llghta.....................................
nic. George W. Laidic and
The budget was the prlaclpal
ness before tbc apecisi meeting t.
council last evening. The brdinaare
flxllig the salaries was adcriied on Hr.
Palmer’s motion.
The ordinance to defray the IlablUtles by general taxation was adopted
on Mr. Winnie's t
The mayor appointed Tbomae Mup
r*T city eleeirIcUn.
Antoine Furtseb. a widow, asked
that eome action relieving her fmm
a etdewalk aasewsment of *3T.PP for
her propeiHx on Bay street. Referred
........................... and walks committee on
__________ m
.. petliloa . . _ _________________
avlng n balance of J7u.4n on
wwvr 111 sifter district No. T, .slgm-d
Many peojde had suiipoaed L
iiy H. A. Laiigworihy and oihcn
^ed number of i>aved streets lui
the elly would
.1 down the cost Hf
The itendanee and scholars bclniis- lef.'rred in ihe si-wer coniniluee.
kis-plog up thi
rlri'elB. Imi ihi- re- jnt fo the month enaing May 3 was
the cost of cUwning given,
There were 1.97o pupils be
:lon rurb and gutter
ought the total up 1 |(ingin at the end of the month and
»onl to Elghith street, signed by LeOn
resented Uu-------•
- - •
F. THUS ai.it oihers. was referred
the eomniltKK.
month mas 3.P14. The percentage ■
a (K'menl sidewalk on
I attendance was »l.l.
east Stale stn
J64 [
The iiumlier belonging durtiig the
’'"jmi.nth at the dllferent seboou was: 1.1 the rommlitee on site.
——^ High school,
Central, r.n:,; Union
•e rwTh<- w..ys and mestis c
..I2.3.K Ktreei. 244; tkwrdman avenue. 3.10
omtiierided that sufficient r
Fifth ward
PO'-.-d Oak I»ark./I4. Klmw,«s1 avenue, 3.11
ksncl for park purpnsi-a: lie sold at
nitre In lake u|i the iiou-s brid Iiy B. J.
: sprii.kllng the
Vk. .
Power (Union St. Mds)............
Water ....................................................
Teela and Equipment....................
Telephone aervioe.............................
(iwurancc ...........................................
Furniture .............................................
Sewer at Elm«*oed building ...
Truant offiecr'a aalary...................
Superintendenfa elerh................
Freight, cartage and espresa..
Commencement eeerclaea............
Laboratory eapenaae.......................
Printing and etatlenery................
Kindergarten .....................................
Library Work ..............................
First t
SiTond wanl
Third ward .
FHih ward
Taking of Cenaua .................
Typearriur auppUca...................
Deduct at fellowai
Non^eaident Tuition ..
"H Montague.
“W. 0. Foote.
“George €. Hoyt,
“Committee on Ways and Mean*.'
Tim report
Tha following
“We your a
will amount during the coming
year to t2g«« in addition to tl
mill bx and that a reeommen
M ^e by thto beard to the eounei
of the CKy.
mine, wan mainly devoted
Ion of Ibe finances of Ihe
dry. prevlont to (be adoptltm of the
anrprliie to Ihe memben of the Inaird
and ebnwed aotne careful flKuriug was
nceeeaary In all dcp'artmenla. The
wayi and means rommlUee stated
that In making iho budget,
budget. everything
mesible bad been
. ukon
. ikon ini
into eonsidoratlon and It was believed
Imdgei would cover anything
would cose Bp and in case of a fund
being exanetad. «o inoro expendlluree
would be made.
The mayor eUt^ that bic comnnDlcatlott would apply to the council as
arell w the
board and that aa H
e annual budget,
d be taken Into
year, the U
variODS wards varied as eome
raise a atrees tax. but tho Second and
ntth ward! would give a fair basin
to work on.
L«ei yi
rarde we
-SrhoolB .
Geneml clly ...
Slreel dlsirirt .
Slato tax .........
County tag ....
Total ..........................................
Ter IftO....................................
Fbr IfifiT. aa Dearly aa r.
mated, the Uxce will U-;
General city ..............................
iniereei andy.alnklng ...........
Kirwet disirfn ............................
Slate tax ........................................
Ctounty tax...................................
f’er tl.
eets will Ik- lidded ?<.
Will prtllwblv Ik- Inert
Mr. FVl.-drieh said
of publle works was
a which would iuerv-ase
Idvncy of i
would not
de|iar ncDi but pn
I Ibis
dee re e Ihe.eost
______ niati-rlall
ni .t.-riall>.
pului. tl
1 and
ting on hiB
hli rari aUsi-nt, mlndi-dwatching Ihe sun shlw.
School Exptnae.
Tbc tolsl ensl of the iK-h.ails for lilt
year was Id.l.oisv
Of this .-.mount
tlh.tsm bonds were p.-ild aod tll.aid
new buildings, making tin
•rating rosi for the coming yeai
uid be t4*.3<ii> -and the estimated
cost for tho roming year. liS.oOU,
which included natural locreaacl.
s City has always iKK-n
her support of the whools,
..............yriedrich. aod has shown a
dispoellion to bear Ihe expense withcomplaint, bin be believed that It
wliM- and px)d business Jodgraeni
to add any n>-« deiuirimenls just
pment anyway.
lOtvil from hli
niesiige In Iho i-oitncll Iasi year: -A
swollen lax rsic Is as much to Ik>
dreaded ns swollen mortsHiy and
••we must c.it our garmenla accord
ing to tho cloth.On Mr .Motrtagup-s niolinn. Ihe mmmunlcailim was received and filed and
ordered printed In (be i.raceedings. A
dmllar one will be preeenled to the
council-thls evening.
Teacher*' Committee Report.
•Vour comnililec ..n teaclu-niwi.uld
.piwtfully rccommeud that the f«lrlng K-iicJiers be i.lTi-red iswliions
our scliis.ls fur the ensuing year;
-Miss KIlxalH-th Bronson, who Is
w teaching in the High school at
ila and Is a graduate of Olivet col:e. to take the place of Miss -4gn.-s
Thompson: Miss Edith IMVls, who Is
•Ipal of the High school at
Concord and Is a graduate of the Uni
•tally of Mlehlgan to uke the j.lace
HIse Ethel Taylor: Miss l^dla
oenlg. who is now leaching at Oxrd and Is a gniduaic of the Slate
orraal college to lake the place of
IBS Alma Browu; Miss Davie and
Mies Bntoson to receive »r.5 p.Ttnonlh
Koenig to receive »8;.5a i«-r
Miss Mamie Kusfield. Miss Flor
ence Perkin*. MUs Cynthia Payne.
Mlastennle BaHon. Miss C'allsU DunJU.JS, Currie I*urdy
. ...re. we.
!• folUiwiag ieachers be offered ikwIllnns for The ensiling year:
(■race Theobald, who Is a gra.ltiate of
the Centml State Normal and Is now
leaching at Battle Creek, at »(5 per
month: Miss Currie Melden. whn Is
-u:S014 now teaching In the Boardtoan avenue
bulldlng at S4T. pt-r mouth: HUs Grace
Brodle. who Is a gmduale of Ihe
Wesleni .Normal and a woman of exIHTl.-nce ai *45 i*ei
McWelhv,'who is u gniduuie of the
fetitnii N.
Id who has laitcbl at
ns, HI SITkv is>r month.
c Hiil.l»-ll at «46 |wr moiitt
tile bulldlug- ■w. O. PtKtle.
. .mn.
the law pnrvlded
IS seliiKil 1 nth.- c
closed for
•af. ihal srhoni i
rm this aftemoni
mailer of
Gllh.'Tt reported
non-t Udei.i tuition in regard
famll a. On Mr. Hoyt's motion the
of the Blue cblldten was rceimimlliee on achools
On Mr. Hoyt's motion
a Pli-ri-la boy wai excused'
1 froi
1 this amount wl
eiinea tor snng hooka for cdiapel
. The cantata will be made a
t amounted, adjourn
dings tt
> purchn-^e
whool hulldlngv. The lowest blddi
ms the Hobart comiuiny, who »:
iupply them for S1C.6A.
nils amounting
to $61.6*
iddeil to the report of the eUlms at
.ecounts eommltiee and allow t t.
Id re*|K>nsc to jelteia >.. varioi
clerks «if tronrds of edueu-l»i. il
Kulamaroo school bnsr.l
iwrd sent
senl u <
their by-laws inuisedi some ilui- ;.gn.
lirailon from Andi:i>iAndlti. (len
the pilnary
, auted that Ihe
lOney apportionmetii for Si>
-emher would probably 4k- *5 per
Woman'a Club Reaolution.
A resolution from the Womuu's club
asking that the tsiard expend 'l2.«oh
for esublishing niimual training and
domesiir aclenre In iho school* wus
rocelred nnil jilaeed on file. The rm.
olullon asked that
be expended
for each of these bninrhes and w:-s
slgncl by Mrs, J. F. Gillespie, presienl. nnd Mrs. C. A. lliimnioud. secrcThi- report of Ihe tniani
sh..w.-d lliHl be hud traveled 1"5 mil
rarried 43 packjigi'S. served I noli'
visited 54 h.mtes and there had be
14 eases reported
The treasurer's report showed,
balance In the contingent fund
I3.ITT.53. while there was *3.111
rash »n hand. Clerk Gltlii
the oue mill tax sliould be credited t.
the tenebera'- aalaclia1 fund
tent fund over
would leave the cont
drawn *1.365.3* and
.1 of *11.
Th- City Budget.
From Saturday ’s Record.
The budget of the city for the oorolo year
ie «73A» against tW.SSO
Uat year.
year’s ' budget
divided as feiiewe:
.......................................... t 1AO0
Engineer .....................................
Health officer ...........................
Attorney ............... ........................
Judge of recerdorid court
SuoL water worka
Board public worke ...
Chief of fire department
Aiaietsnt chief....................
Two firemen, each ............
fireman .............. ..
Taro firemen ____
Chief of police .................
«-rence to the great Abraham Uucoln
telling of the awful tviponsibllliy Ibtr t Despree. Mrs J F tillleaple.
w'birh was just ahead of Ihe tbit
Mrs. Will E Mamn. alternate. Mt*
resied upon him. how he dismissed
of oir!
soldiers, marching
his rarew'snd worries with a joke that
uiid.T iheir colors.
Young America
An cxci-lli-nt address cm manual
was well represented al the end of
lialning-was given by Mr*. H. B. Oarthe iin-. alsnn one ih.isand rhllrlren
n-r. the talk being a Ascription of her
murcbUig with flag* and cheering at
visit to the Saginaw sebooi and the
luty aga" said Mr I'mlor. ''We ba'
grnerwl expresalon was that such debeen able lo Hew this greatneu at
partmenis should be esubllebA In
Af CHy Opera Haute.
Ibe schools here soon. Mr*. J. A. Medistanre and know him a* a whole
Al the City (ipi-ra noose a V
Mauii. favored with a v.wal soloed
After eoiiiluiilng the tribute for
Steles flag was ireeivi-d by sixteen
tbc .\tu~-s Ruth Roland and BMse
short lime. Ihe sja-aker passed
school children, followed by a v
ners and loaded with scfaoni cbUilren
solo by FI E. White and ritiialisile
l*‘si f
of May as king as Hie .-(lars au
II had r
etch for disinfecting ear
ious disesacs.
mother U good health,
periciice ol maleraily i auld not tw
appnwched w iihoul <»
preparation, as a w
- ---- - - -|cond;..._
the blcaMags of a good
Ing of Ihe line. The Sptnkb war vet- charge at San Juas mil—Thfmdore
CorrcepitPdlng secretary. Mlsa Oam
'erans follawed the band luid Mayor Roosevelt ’
Friedrich with Judge Umlor wer
Flnatieial secretary. Mrs. R.J. Prlew.Abraham Uneeoln.
Treasurer. Mm. (t. B. Cook.
hind ih.-m :n a carriage. Neat In line
At Ibis point, the speaker mad<
wae a Urge final decorated with ban
flyss.-s S. Grant lelling of hU Helor
aftcTiusni c
vices by the G. A. R. commander. F. D. ies In Ihe war. hi* Indomnitable
during which i I and wafer* were
Msrvin made the closing remarkr and his hamauily.
Genernl Robert FT Ix-e was
*t»aklng brt.-fly.
metiii..ned, how he ha.l luren offered
the command of thr cMl army
h.-ld al SI
when Virginia S.-.-.I.-.I. Jie euuld
e's Grand
iml hper* house. June 77. at
"War ever has U-en and I believe fight against ills mother slate
Tlie following I* the promay.n i.ieDuring
ehiBK: the side <-f the Soujb
lieh he had
i liove."
d of eduri
previously toad
•. Master Roy I'erkelt; cboraa. The
linn- The e.rmi
The alms of |»*re congres were brought out.
ses. disarmament agreemems
South Has Proven lu Leyally.
I*rania—-111* Pearl of PrlceleM
like measures ate truly an advat
The south has |iniv.-ii its lojull;
eivHizallon. lessening the chanre of dared i»- s|K-aker and cited the Sl«o
The eimimunleatlon was receive
filed on Mr. Lardli's motiup.
war. but they will never ^tngrate Ish.Amertcan war fur print, el
A general dlseiisslon im strt-et
the final appeal to the trial nf
-Plghllng Joe- WheeliT .vtid Ihe I
Ing WHS then Indulged In. Tom Shane
FTora-MIss He n McGarry.
tif the
the iKKird of publle works I'
lelling The fuM'ire of (he various altempred of the south who eullMed und.-r
Uly—Mtss Hut' llncbn.
1 enri.im.
that lia.1 b.-eii
‘seltlemetits of the gr»‘at qneMimi of stars and stripes an.I al*.. the nephew
V1I.I.-I-;•Miss FWneo Kisgirly.
.r.ii a da: sUv-cry prove this.
lered. Thc.coBi hai
-Miss Margaiel
irgait Graliam.
of general Hoherl B. J>>e. who repre
and under the sysl
irla—Mia* Eva Curtis.
• Thus it was that Ihe torch of
seated the gnverament in Cuba preced
night and. cleaning ii]> Iho d1rMn*lhr
Oeoana—Mis* l.ouliie .Merles
would !«• a dollar which was lighted at Fbn Sumpter log the war.
In 1S61 -SCI onr nation Into a furious
was left iinscttlrd. Ihe flaruc of jnieisecine sllrfr.
Fleleora—Miss RophlB Blleky.
•You have not yeated. In
ihalile to make any sugfeb-stia—Mis* Ruale Weleler.
-Thus it was that folloi
world affect a material
aerurlly upon your arhievemeBl
Psyche—Mias Haitte Belaky.
evitable mntrqaenees of •
Aiwa)* have been and atlll are in th<
Cbrlsllna—Miss Heirs Blvek.
Th.' mailer of Ihe eliy englnt-er re disease, sorrow and mourning and
•’Sweet VIolota"—sung in cbarwcUr,
forefront when progreselve measuri-i
ceiving mtniK-nsailon for time s|w-nt through nearly five decades have
an- to be enacted or enforced, Voi little girls.
while out of Ihe city came up and II titiued Ibe cipisequences of a wat
Instrumental dnv(-“La Baladiu).“
was the sentiment that as the
are almMl a unit as we are. In up Miss.* Maude Lafayette and Margaret
like of which DO other nallnn has
pays for his whole time, whatever
bolding Ihe measure* advanced by our
ever U-re within Its bordet*
recelv ■s fmm outside sliouId go '
Have you ever rcfieeied
II was a
fight of brother
what an impression one master mind
; mdeu again Mon.la
brajher. neighbor
can have upon rnlmons of hit fellow
iJitle Ro-ivep drill and pantomime.
nelgblKir, friend against friend,
creatures? Has It ever occum
Mlrsee Hebm Dyer. Kathleen Slater.
was a grand conflict, a noble conMcmoiial £»ay Exereieet.
you that by the endomement of our Eugenia Holmes. Marion MeCloaky.
FTom Thiirsds-y's Il.-cord.
Rici. a strife between henK-s from the
president, he has created orthodox Angela SThwallier. Celia OHila. Clare
t'nilor. Am<-Ila Gnll«rd. Nellie HooUWith the siiJrll of reverent remlnls. commanding gcoerul lo the merest
political doctrine out of Ideas 11
hen. Josephine Klnniiran.
c.-nee p.-rvadlug the atmcMi.here the jirivutr. It ia ah honor to have par
decade ago were cnosldered
Etsay—"Woman. InfiueoelU," Mlsa
Memorial day exiTelse* were earried ticipated In the I.wfninesa and fierren.-atrle.- Huellmatilel.
pollUeal hearsay? Measures de
ness ol II: in its vielorie* and de
out today l.y McPherson post, th
<ff the Roses." llai '
and despised have been enacted Into
Misses ETfi.'
feats, TJ.C noble dead
R. C. and the Spanish War V.-te
law and Ihc wheels of progress
tl. Uamlei
Kale Srhneb
ibose dying since
The weather conditions were ideal and field of battle,
moved taster In the last fire
upon injuries
lie iK-lier could have berm asked for. whvihiT omeequent
than in a quarter of a cent.iry iK-fnre Regina Klliikner. Mary Hlere.
hough Ihe searvity ..f flowers limit,
•This ImprcsMon rreale.1 by •nirv.
ed the deeiirailng to some extent at aw s of nature are truly, deserving of
don- RootevHi perraU.-s all walks am
ill honors done them by the ai
ihe tfioFlery. Never before has Trav
eondiiloob of life! HU hat. bia horse
rrse City d.-eked h.Tself in soch au day of remmorallon We otwerve.
. Nesrmaa aaacy.
his hunting have all lan-n .llseusa«l
• IS Shsill we render our hlgheat
.•lubontie nianaer for Memorial day
-iiclan Gtilbara.
His liking (or large families has en
ii.m.rs tn those of the great army still
Vaiedlelcry—"Veritas." Master BmU
rho down town i.u-.iness liiiii,o*. al
cleared him lo the funnnate paiv-nli
Riosi wiriioiii eveepilon. shi>u.-<I lU-' ,|ir-ad to iih by kindly Provide
of numcrcKiB offspring while childhood
PnneclBilon iff diploma* by Rtffitt
"Your honors rest lightly up<
ustional eolnvs while some of ilieni are
has turned Its bark u|>on the doll, the leve.end Henry Joseph Richter.
us a well worn, well earned maolcl
iboriilely irlninioii.
toy of many gpoeratMins, and becoimThe gradneles are
The various orgunl/* lor.s lo whom upon deserving shoulders. Yon have friinltc for the Teddy'U-ar,'
Hlr)iK> HueJImanlel
the sailsfuctlon of seeing a reunllet
Ilia Kllnglesmllh.
"iKiiig may weeoolloue to have
Ihe ordinary publle gaihere.1 at Crang. nation with Ibe principle forever
men to lead ua. to k<-ep alive the epirlt
this morning ami wer.' taken i< esiabllshed that the nation is first it
Oneida Raleaaed.
of truth, honor and justice among ■
Oukwood In carriages.
A. Ihe gut- all that pertains to the nation, that
Cien Haven. May 31.—The Ug
for upon thoae foundations must I
separated Into eomtnllie.-s unf i.ur stales have lo deal only with then
Meyer roleaeed (he Oneida from North
hum our publlr and privaic Instlt
- iitou Island this monilDg and baa
placed flowers on tin* graves ov.'i relations to their eilUens. As has st
rpon those ronterstonea are
,-n her to Riargeon Bay. Bbe it
whiehthe stars uud strl|vs were wav i.den been uid. wc can now spell our
leaking hadly bui part of the crew
sel the strtieture* of liberty.
There are more of them Ibii nation with a big K.
D the North Hanitou life aaving
• In eommemorailim of the vl
A Great Nation.
year and the boys in bine that arc now
station went with her (o aeatat at the
."You have lived to see a nation « (If our dead. let us nut forget the pumps If nereasary.
lK-ncBth the mmI at Oakwood numlM-i
real, so magnificent,
so powerful burial yesterday of Hn,. MeKl
2, a half doien of them being veler
reserved by your aaeriflee, your Ihe lK-loved»fle of our inarlyn-d
rs of the Cuban war
An et ergreei
Rorkley. MIrh., May 3I.-A1I parWent
rTtilsm. your love of cbuniry
resth was place.! on eurlr grave ant
tbips of Ihc Memurial day prograa at
<ur wildest fancy could not
>r nearly six year* she has .a
lisneh of flowers drta.p-'<l by lovlnf
Buckley yestifday were carried fiut
ivc pictured It In the sixUrs.
c-d 111., call to join her husband In the
hands h>-lped to carry ecaueihlng ol
r time and the pro
in all re*|ierUiK-yotid. Al laal her wish
feeling of the old soldt.-rs lo Ih« sacrifice was great, y.i.ir haydshi
ic exercises attendiDt upon the
iKK-n granted and a nation bo*
iris of those who pauMsl and bsik.-f
raising <ff tho flag |.«le were etpeoalrerance to one of her m-ist wo
ly Imi.resslve. Keeirlng time lo Ibe
Yt.ii live In a land where your
women, a,worth* life nf a worthy nmniel m.islr, the chtldim of the
Ritual Service.
publlr achool. with Ibetr wavlnr fiaga.
m. I*
appreclai.'d—v..nr grand
•hed with the old vrteraDB. the
ilei.-nietii, reeo^nired. ami. as luuch
upl-led. •'ass.-mhiy"
wns Idowti
"The departed who aaer'lfieed their
I young (arrw making a atrlblng
a iii.ilon can *do. reward.
<es (or our country shall ever iro
-SI. with thr old soldier*.
I'in d'M-s more
for Us ve'
e grove, aupldied
The dinner
held in praiefii! tuemury. The irusi
tmi. Ihe riiuaJlalic
■ll-ry Ihap any bmth.-r nation on imposed by ih.in n|»n us Hiall be .1th r-'.ffee li.v tiu
ibi- addrfisee*. the
; A. H- r.-ri-moii:
^'-311 with irierea*..11 iKUTlODs .of the
tv.-r-- we t-> live Id some toreign
ighi lircerx-. a Ir.ish t.v.-r ever;
IIP wen- Hi rt-Uitrred that Ib'uo'
• The |.raise and .banks of a grate
d w’h. re ih.. inni law of smeivign
fur having
. the sain.' b.'auillid .nual w«
riil riallnn foMnw- iliepi.
May their
loinr-d in Ih.- day sp.-ni la
r of
1 Mihj.-el Is e.mrlanliy liiipresaed
Ihe ritual Ihal has l»-eii read o
*she* rt-et ID |K-ace aod the frulU of
U1 u*. Wlure the soldier 1* taught ihe-f arhievemeni <Je*een4 10 many the nation's d*4d.
Meninrtai day for years and that wl
.' dying lor the king 1- the highest
eoniltirre lo Ik- read .Ml the Ihlrtb-t
oerved ever one year .
The health officer to
But the man at WaahlagtoD. the _
Waman'a CliA Elaetimi.
The parade started from the pact who does thlDgi. tbc man at th*
At th* anaua] meeUag iff the W*barracks at I ;30 beaded by the Queen square deal, aav to it that Cqba was
lan* Onb Friday, the rcdlowlng
City land and marched over the route given the chance (or self goveniseoi officer* were elected;
President. Mrs. Will E UanJn
that had iMym planned, cast on State for which she entered (be contest witli
to Boardman avenue, north to Front Spain, and Cuba, the dependeot. cqi- veil*'*
G««nte 6. Coand west to the City opera house.
pressed colony of Spam was given
vice presldenl. Mr*. K. L.
C. H. Johnson and Ernest Selensky her liberty through ihe efforts of the
were mounted and oversaw the
same grand American, who lead the mo^'^"*
Mr*. E. 4. Ham-
^jfnld* of lire stars and stri|-'s ami the
rlmKTiy, fairness and ji.Mtre represent.
..led by our flag
of school chirdie
realnets wheu, after lbs’ awl .1 co
let. the prineipl.. oi the domioaiii
standby of American nmtherw in preparing for chiMbirth.
1 orl; say* in
I motherkneu aUint
■or who had k-artied
life urged m-- to trv
> the good it didm^.
I rravrted .mielilv and am In the best of health now
Ltydla E. hnkham's VegeUble Coaironnf k certainly a snccewfnl
remedy tar the peculiar weaknetae* and allroenU of wniqen.
At ‘•*‘“*™red almost everv form of F'emalcromplaint*. DtaggingSensatfon*. Weak Ba.-k. Falling and DisplacvrocnU. Inflaramation, riccr*.
tiotis snd Organic fi-Lva-KW of Women hnd U invaluable in preparing for
Childbirth and during the Ckangv <>* Life.
Plnkhaiii*8 Standing Invitation to Women
fvroalc weakness are invited to
ler esiablishi-d.
l'sep,i them fr-.o the nttik- ol .'/ustimy-ere into tbr rehks of pr-sivs-.- wllh,fio'!' di.-aster. Hul \ou -w-ri- uo eoui.
One mill for aeheel purpoee*.
For intereot and (ink.ng fund,
mill in ward* One, Tw
and Frvg.
Ward One. one m.ll
asaeaeed valuation for
.'c f-«W rv,m
. rliy loda;
glM'li to Presllj.-m H-srk.
iJaUie and L> if. I'owerr
•I Ijioy made a great army nf noble,
uu eouiity banker. speDi
Jtriotir men, but yon also iininefie
le week III
wl • whipping
lat arni> when Ihe necessity for It Pla.ie river near Hcm-H(«• tor br.s
ri'Uit tn Ik- Jire;
The World Saw.
Rd six^ly.five o(
"Thr worl.; saw our nation prove 1
■c ancccmfnUy than by any
icine because It gives tone
rth to the entire feminine
mg dis|>Ii
oeratuin and infiammaUun,
ruwuli IS less sufferiag aad
^■Idrcn healthy at birth.
than tbiriy
Lydia E. Pinkhan’sVegetable Compound
'You have helped nirr naii-m prove
1' its cn aiii-s» in a rrllk-al |K-iiod.
PreparaiioB for bealthr roster-
Took Pretirient Trout.
mm •atqrdar'a BacM.
ked in le.
• LapMoc
: ibj.«e>
i- produ'is and only^ ii
CVS uo-it fi-ibmg wHb b!
rnioc soldiery, joii w,;re -he highest
I type of rlilicn soldp-ry the world hai>
pronounve.1 aqiI :he sweet note* of h'
Warrls Two and Five, three mille "taps" rang out on the spring slr.ltH
on each dollar asseesed valuation, for d'.smlsring the p»tb--rtng
Again Proved Grealnesa.
uir na-iop. again prov.-d !•* gr«
Flow*-* for gailer*.
w-ten Ii raised lo il,.- dignity
ort:y bef«T- ii-tm. the \V K c ;n‘
I.'cr pari'ui. Ihe np|.'e*se(l isli
on each dollar of aaacssed valuation (leld'llielr M-rvle-s on Cass street
The world.smi>d or sneered
fer street d.Mr.et purposes.
, bridge, scailerlug flowei* t« ih<
we hail vr Ifl«h iii.ic.vca l■•^««rb
' Ti.r report was signed by the ways wr.ier 111 IIM-Imirv ..f Hie ju.lbrtw wb,
.«r b-fl.v sluf......................................
street d'strict purposes.
Wards Three and Four, two mills
............... .
1 SUy
the 3irv-sb!e:ii. but (her.-iii-l-ly for the euiire :-r.
ly and lh*y were »er\—l
dent, private ear on th
Il dcimncd from Laasi:
e.-illed 'heir i.dl wlikti wa.-- foll->we<ll*
t diatnet by "Amenca.
The bcuedlction was
d Mr. Powers are both I
he r*.
tumUh t.
inner i- i the rbi.-f ex.-r-itlve of .
li-l Bu i-s but sOll more proud
You get» heaping
poMnd of the pure
old-fathiooed Arbuckle*'ARIOSA
— Cofiee. thM took
care of the nerva nod tiigetboa
of your grandparent*, aod ha*
been the leading cotfee of the
wodd for 37 year*.
• You’ll never have: to qiat
drinking Arfauckle*.'
u Don't let any man iwkrdi yM
over to ct^ee 1^ pay* him big
pro6u al the eipen»e of your
heart, itomach and Dervet. •
eRAND TiiAVeme HCRALd. THtniWAV. JUNE «. mr.
T»i« RmWtnl •« LankinaLatwlas. Mlehn May tl^raaldantl«l My. tka ctrlminatiny laatvra of tSa
MUMh winivarHO’ af tha MkhiBan
AfHMttifrsI eoltiBa. brokt with tha
au« ahinlng and with aniy a
Claud! ffaeklnB'tha aky glvlAf promlaa
of a beautiful day. Tha aaHy morning'
o ganOesnen are very popnUr memKMgalcy. Mich, May
A hearlTt of (he lodge as well as talgblr escmed eltUens. and the tributes paid braaklng tragedy In which lltUo «■
Bat great aa lu aerWeea hate
(he paat. the departmest of
rtillurc baa a atlll larger and of uaefnlneea ahead. It baa been deallag
*lUi fTOwleg cropa. It nnat hereafter
deal alao with lineg uod. Hitherto
asrirulioral reaeareb, inatmctlon and
axltailnn hare been directed almoat
toward the produr
It Is time to adopt In addition
slot of view. Hercfifter the i
year«ld Haxel Leggett lost l.e? Ufe. occarved at Hodge yMterday i^nioca,
Tbe little girl, bor Uttle brother and
crowded with people and'
founding of thlm enUege U an event
- of nallonal dimiacance. fur Michigan
we* the flm attte In the union to
found this, the first agrlrulturel coltege In America The nation Is to bt
congralulaled on the fau that the con'
great at Washington repeatedly ehacted laws designed lo eld the several
states In eatabllihlng and maintain'
ing agricultural and mecbaolral colleges.
1 greet
tbrongfa their represeniatlves who
bare gathered here today and bid
them god upMd tn their work I no
lota heartily Invoke tucceet for tbe
maehanleal and agrtcullnral achooU.
«e yield (
-e: It will 1
but it 1
standing o
Partners n
t aeblevement.
. roEntor
government and the government can
best give Its aid through aaaoclalions
of farmers for there Is no grester agrteultoral proUcm than that of deilverthe farmer the large hodv of
agricultural knowledge which has bee.o
accumulated by the national and state
governments and by the agricultural
colleges and schools Nowhere has the
governmeut worked to belter advanllhau In the south, I'hero the work
c by the depanniem of agriculture
R with the col
The peopl > of OUT farming reglcms
must be abb ' to combine among (bem....................Uie most efficlcut means
of protecting their Indnsiry from the
highly organised Interests which nowsurround them on every aide A field
Aa a people there la nolhing In
whlcb we «ke a Jualer pride than our
for at toiuit a generation we have been
waking to the knowlcdsc Hhal tber.^
oust be additional education (.cyond
(hat provided In (tic public school as
. It it managed today. Our school systom baa bllberto been well nigh wholr lacking on the aide of Indi
Inlng. of the iratninK w
n for the shop and tbe farm This
is a most serious lack,
of farm
to tranaporiatlon
look at the peoples of mankind .s they
he dUlrihulltm and manofact preecBl without
raw maierlals. It Is only
a or
one of the
that (•luatrlBl
ralnlni la
through such combination that Ameri
moat pottait factors lo naUmi
tUmtal di-vrican farmers can dcvi-lop to the full
nlted SUtea
Wc of the Unit.their economic and social power. The
combination of this kind h.vs. In Den
Mt^'lodlridual cltizeii aball U'trained
mark. for insuace. resulted in bruig00 aa to be Hleetive Individually as
»ple back to the land, and
as economic unit, and lit to bo organthe Danis
laed with bla feUows. ao that be a ‘
compete li
tlrey can woit In efficient fashloo
only ai hom'
golher. This qacatlon la rlinl
tnture progress, aud public attention
Agriculuirai colleges jmd farmers’
isiiiutea have done much In lostnit'
and Inspiration', they have stood
-^etjof our democratic life
ibe nobility qflal
shaSd tnnilsh the hlgheat average
ordinary slty of keeping the i_iadnstrlal training.for
In training for industry. They have
Itnan. Bat It Is a eitrloua
veloped technical departments of b
thing that In Industrial tralnlLg
practical value. They Seek to provi
have tended Ito devote
equlp(or the people on the farms «
odneinc high grade nni a
_____ and
ni M broad
thorough as to fit
rather than I
._. the highest requlrcmenlt of
I, lor Inatnnce. comItlrenshlp. ao that they can cst.ibpara favorable with the best
and malr-*........................ ........................
where aa we have done almost
neUang to equip the private aeldlers
in^'dTmiallon more than equal
' Of the todoatrlal army, the mechanic,
the »eui worker, the carpenter. In- to that of the city.
deed. too often our acboola train away
from tbe shop and tbe forge, and this
fact. together
of the old apprentice aystem. baa reanlled in each an absence of faclliaea
for prarldlag traOned Journeym - “ '
la many of onr trwdes almoat
le tbe workmen i
a means that there
mutbod pro_______
_ .
_ men in the
uadea. and that this mutt be coordl' sated with the pnbUc school system,
yio Industrial school
I. but ft can furit (rf which a flnnkh the mat
tshed Jonmeyman can be made; .
a* Ml englDeerlag acho^ fnralshes
tbe training whidi rsiablc* lu gradu
ate* speedDy to become engineers.
• oopends on Farmorw.
There Is but one person wboee wcltare la as rlUI to tbe welfare of (be
whole country a* U that of the wa
workor^bo doci manual labor ■
that It the Ullor of tbe wfil. the ft:
or. U there U one leaaon taught by
bHtory It It that the permanent greallitM of any oute must ultimately de------ g
of Its
jo^laiton than nptm anytUagelte.
unr^amThe corner aUne* of
nc band,
raw material, and lls
____________ c and distribution no the
other. These two great croups of eubJocti gre repraaenled In ih<- national
fovernmnu priorlpally by tl
----------MIb oI agriculture and of
ahd labor. The pmdnclioo of raV ma
terial from the surface of the
aoch notable results.
cot even the posinfflce. which comes
tnio more direct ami beneficent
c people
tact with the dally life of tbe
than the department of ,._1culturc.
if prariioal
ben• Id of
pabik money expemded.
________ braltlv, o«ti»* oa4
slfaci bp tka «a e(
iJoSTaiAio.M. V.
Par tali >r Jobnm Dni( Co.
tLeIr parents of Toledo. 0.. were visiling at the home of tVlllMm Seeley
P. Reynolds t
ck were T
and wife Mrs. LeggeiCs parents.
The mil* city children were dellgh'ed with the country and were eager to
• the city In all kii
or, la other word* tn
•fvcMciea. •
lirtnylDp abont thr beat kind
The prcaldcntlal train ever tha t-ake Ihr farm for tbr «al(r of prodoettap the
Shore arrived at 9:4S and waa greet beat kind of mep. The yorernment
ed by a great throng of peepla. Qev- must reeofolte the far reacbln* linportaorr of the atody of treeinient of
emor Warner, at the head of a regi the problrma of fann life alike from
ment ef state troepa, met the presi
Borlal and the economic atend'
lU; and the federal and slate de
dent and hk party and formed an so
nials of agriculture ahnuld coeon to the aUte cepitel where I
■•IH-raie m every pirlnt.
a reception In the
Merc Than One Aim.
toward tbe city is larg<4y
deieBTltied by the anperlur sncitil o
epeke from the balcony of the capital portnnllles l« be enjuved there, by "
greater vividness and morement of
building and It It catImaUd that
of nearly 40000 was eongro- rity life. Considered fn.m the isiiol of
view of national effleienry. the probgatad on the eapHel grounds
the farra Is as miieh a pr
streets adjoining when he begai
attractiveness as it Is a pr
prosperity. It has ceased
Ltnting hadTever acen such It day be merely a problem of growing wb'
and com and cattle. The problem
. befera. The otroete unre a riot of prodoctlon has not ceased lo be f
oefora and people and the groat throng daraental. but It Is no loniter An .
gdva the preddent a wcicofftc that he Just ax (ckmlng to read and write
and cipher am fundamcnial: bul nre
will never forget.
longer tbe final ends of ediicalicm.
ProeMent'e Addneca.
The president said tn stibatanec;
The fiftieth annireisHry of the
Empire. Mich.. Jnne 1.—
rent to Traveroe City
tbe Maccabee
last Friday night. Hr.eo by H.
BPatteogin was quite well attendwl and
ethre waa greatly eojayed.
. H Mlmnsugh returned UBI
dav from Bay Field. Wisconsin.
.. A. II. Fasdick la vlBlting In
Pat Bowes of Travenu- City w-a« Ir.
0WT1 Insl week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blushlnger of
Iraod Pmpids are visiting here.
Mr*. Fred Bennett of this place left
Tni-adav afternoon lor I.Mid1nelon lu
jedn her husband who It working lo
lUi- lighthouse there.
N. P nallej s machinery and engine
have arrivetl and he Is prejiariog to
build his min which will be located
take part la all the doings of the farm.
Conseqnenily. whoa Bert Seel^. Ibeluncle, hltcbe.1 up the horwes to the biy
wagou and went to the field to bring a
load to the barn, the children went
They jv-re seated on the hayrack
enjbylug iheir fide imnicnbely when
they came lo some rough ground. The
rattling boards on the hayrack frighi
oned Ihv ht>r>.-» uud before they could
be brought iindrr cunuo) the children
bad be.>n tbruwu off. tbe heavy wbei-l*
passing over the che*i of the
Hastily «aU>eriug up the criubeJ
. P. Heynolds was ao Honor caHeri but still breathing form. lU-rt Seeley
{ ran to tbe hnn«e. Medical aid was
Lewie^Ilea will more to Cedar this . quieklv summoned but It waa too late,
i few niinuie*
mklln and
ank Conk!
. .........................» In town laai Frldi.
The funeral of Mrs. Mqegic Young
< East Emplr,. was held fn the M. C.
hiireh here lari Sunday afiernoon.
Ira Young was SI years old.
John Bowen has purrhaoed tbe
Plaont house on Wlice street now oc-,
ipled bv him.
William Morris, formerly of this
place l-H now located
The electrician Is here iustalling the
ejeetric lighting tyttciu.
The Emidre school InsphaTI team
ill play the Empire Greys Decoration
The Empire Greys were defeated l>y
the IndeiK-iiiJeiiU of Traverse ritv
Sunday. It rained nearly all th»
while the game wa* being played,
and ihe grounds were very muddr and
pKcheil and Reynolds caught for Kmpliv. The Trav.-rw<' team came tq Lake
Ann on tbe S.inday
drove ncross to Pea
they look the Empire and
cfn train to Empire. When tncy wengoing back to Pearl lj«ke the engine
and coach ran off the track about a
mile this side of Peari Ijike and the
Independents had to fuoi It lo l*earl
Tm- Empire Greys will pby the
Maufslee Records nest Siitidny on the
Ekuplrc diamond.
The Ri-eonls will
■■ ■■
isis-a-nger l««il
acrifi<^'TTie little boy, was thrown heavily
the ground but fonunaielv escaped
tbe hgavy wheels and while seriously
hurt it Is thought that his Injuries will
not prove fatal. The piirmt* are overv.-hr-ln.ed by thi- shock.
Igan gmrrl lo.|ge. F. nud A. M., adJoimied yi-*ierd;iy afiernoon to rnwr
one year hence In Jadtson.
The eleciion of officers was com
pktc-l >-e«ter«1ay afternoon, and y>an
els fi. Clarke of ttlat won tbe onl}contest, U-lng elected grand marshal
Acting Grand Maricr Cbath-s E. Sweet
of Dowagiac stepped Into the grand
and Herherl
Mnniagiie of
I gerlaitotB anJ dthtirifn.
Pveirts Applied to Hosp'rtilt and
Doctors but Couid Get No Re(ieT-GrewWorM UnderDortor*s
PfMtriptiofi — Friendi Recom
mended Cuticufa— Result
•■WeexpAwtojtm betewith our b*st
thanks tor the c-ty of our baby
OWOJ totm
sexema. The etxeina appraird_ w^
ApafectBcfwdy forCoasSefitio^Sour SloiHclLDiiKtbM
Sifnabue fff
Soalc: the hand* on retiring, in a taL
erewniy l..ti*T of f'li
and aiioii.t lively
inira Oint............................ cai»~ »iurad the
Uintmeat on, linn I'iecv* .if ol'l lit*
eottoD. Wear ■! inng tl« night
IS* lioon ini|>M*tbl<> In New York oi
.. emirttiv SI from II" i" »i: pfr w.argt' U"nilH'r».or Iswyi'iw wf over •
Dr Gorcas was l ail. d liv tint'
.I'art' Miindliig who were grailuai
;;t a meeilne t,f wiirklugnii
.1 both t-ull-'gv and law w'lmul.'’
ritual UUKUg
during ihi
.1..Visit *)! .
Jumped thrrrugh to the deputy grand
master»hlp by mutual coiiwtil as a nward for his long servii'cs.
F, O. GIII»-rt was vleri.-.i grand lee-
The other offii-<'rs all movi-d up one
For Over
Thirty Years
lodge finance c«mmltt»'.
lurer, vice Frank T.,ly>dc»- irf IK-mdt,
The office is j»Tnianetit.
Bears the
applied to wM-nd doctor, and bospiuli.
rich of whirl, gave u- MUnrihing diner«it even’ lime, bul i.ntliii.g limugbt r^
lift. A t-hv-ician rvcomiii.’iidcd a salve
which we threw int.. the £rv alter two
dav*’ tl— a.- the et-aetna brrame worse
sotbat thebabyrarat.bedlii-t faee. At
last, one pf o'jr Iricod- rvconitnended lo
Ui Cuiinira Soap ai-.l Ctiticura OimiTMKit
lev dav* alt.-ntards improve
mart could he noted. •'=■:><* then wb
bare n»ed nothing In;’. C.iticura Soap
and riitir-ura thntrtituit. and now Ui
babvi<*ix montbsoid ail'd botuic cured.
AU that we t»cd ww» one cake ol Cutleura Soap and I wo box. * Cuiiciira Ointmsst. ootmg in all (1
Kvm lbs
peoieet titan cun i«v that inttrod of
Uiiowing it into tlw' doctor’* Up. 1
mj'sdl only-make tsrlie dollar* a week
as a leamsier, b-it I raeosnuK-nd tbe
CulicursR.'tne.iiiw*iraQglyto all mothen whose rluldreo vifier Imn surb dtscaavs. Thi'V atr cls'an, liannl'-w and
good. C. f Kara au'l Wife. 3« 1 iaet
fiitb Sinri, New York. JUndt 30,1«J&”
Cilr. fur iweiity years chairman of the
|tIib Kinil Yon Have
Always Boa^
Gnrgis’is ....
iloiiartmoni and
Hambietonian Stallion
I-riiic.. Pu-himl. ol J-ipau
acqunimanc.'.rf highliiutt
». C.III--'td hi* ii-il I.. ^ta- ,
i.-.-*11..d that Iswd
Hq*.-.'tl. When
It t.i tju.'. n \,
"d iK-rm*J<'«y«:
Stats New*.
Rc|>orl has bei'u rocr‘lvc.1 ai Kahn
■0, from a mining company In wh
William McKic. the druggist,
Chloroformed hlms.-lf and mother, was i
Investor, <denying the Klsienienl.
: McKie 1
iment. It
d ahoui $.-1. n through
:h Ibis
IS with the
Tbe residents had hardly c
sed to
larvel over tbe story of E
mdopling a Bell
It was disc
Moore’s family cat had assumed (
custody of a brood of small rtilckei
which had no mother. Pussy cat
for the chicks during the dsy.
It, and is
lem at nighi,
lem as though they
of Dr. John Gamidiell. i
ncr catch fur i.no of I
KbcliJi I
hU fish 1
ashore where he used bl* hand* i
prevenl hia'catch from getting awa
prond of
Csncrat Ntwa.
A copy of his wfii.- house palming
of President McKinley ha* iHvn
(ir Corn<-llus N. Bli»* by’sW. I>.
,hy and It ha* t«n-n given by Mr.
o the Vnlon Leairae club of
Young and Frad —.................. ^
-ral a------ of '•
Hnron. In wUeb
frontage ate Inv.
Wednesday T oung
to leor down the fence recently built
by Hoffman and when HoffmM ana
hla two men. John Miller and Ttoma*
McOotT, htueked Wm. be callrt
aheriS. All Ihive wero arvot
Hoffman and Young huiii say i
People rettaim i
^e least tb« boaored brotbon Vm not give np
—■ the vicinity are held in jeopardy at
thev fear Injury a* alr.'qd> *bot-.have
wished Ood-apoed on tbeir Joun .
ihy boni) oC th*ir cblldbo^ These been reported aa having been fired.
lug mora shout &.wmt>-Root. am] hew to
findoulifTOuhavtkidnc. oibUodertrhlt. Wbinwrrting.trt^nuonreadigg'
griierouioffcr ia tbu paper anemic >
sddras* to Dr. Kilmer
^Bar^e bmic* are
Swamp-Rool, Df. Kilmex i Swamt-P.'
and the addres*. Biogbamton,
%every, bottle.
l.’.-t..rd.-nu,. that the _«.h day,d
! j^d alttiwln* saidaWBituI and bearing
»siq iK-iitlttn-
*1 kind of help to owalu al III a t
.t'k Is the n-.-nt culb-ge gra-iits-.c.
lug lawyer of New York i
laber by declaring: "It I*
Iialling to fitid the IiomiKT .if fuillege
graduate* of hmg Handing w
y filling <rh-rical iKWilion* It flh|
. F..T nisnv j
Percheron Stallion
' i?rrb. tbrvnit <>arf far tha .Juasly
0*«d Tfwotrai'. in tluia^r
' “
opy of Ibis order, fnr (I
-----------.... weeks prrrtnas to said
of h.-aring, in the Grand Trav
Herald, a e.—n.r-r vrtu.v.* anrt
lid nraniy.
cnlticd in
Judge of Probate.
n & R. b m un
I D'O a r»«:.lrti <jf 'hs- »i»t*. In,x r»»..l-v al;
a »'* m
Three Years Old
Terms $10.
Heta.'i. a ra.
t-noi»l pwbUab-1 au-l ,
Twiada________________ l_*.«_____
«a«k. t,.f y .-;nS«d P<«»f 80t ***!*•
iieystone* Mich.
CUaey Traable Makes Ton MlscraMo.
musioL "^Mir ™tdb^
Six Ye^rs Old
Louis Brennan, the nan who Invent
R. W’righl. superintendent
an peril
schools in Benton Harbor.
Is being ed the gyroscope railroad In 'England
? to ilemoastrai-Going to Seelland.
sued by Hiss Gertrude Wood, a fortner
After the regular business scaslon leai^er. for fiS.MO. Miss Wood allegea
of the Elks Thursday night nearly one alander and charges that the superin
aiouuy Ho.vntoo. the first a
hundred members gathered around the tendent w-as res|K>DSiUle fur the loss
banquet board In honor of Robert 'Of her position, having made deroga' ralfrr. Is not so fortunate.
Princ- Edward. eldv"t s-m o
Caldwell and Alderman James Hur- tory remarks lo the schwl board con
prince of Wale*, has ilevi-inped quitechle, who are to leave nest week on a cerning her ability.
I amount of ability as a singer. It i*
trip to ScoUand aud other points In
Tbe law baa Inid a heavy band on
id he has a staging voice far aSoi
Buropc. The occasion waa a 19h. Ihe family of Henry Buckley of Flint,
e average and has l>e"'n x-lecied a
-smoker,- one of the old-fashioned whieh Is represented smong the Inraemlter of the tliiilf oI the Knyal
ktpd. with old-fashioned things to eat males of Ihe
ih' Jail hy father and son.
aval collegi’. wh.-fr he I* iill-ta'lllig
r is
and old-fashioned things to amoV
The father
1* 5<TTinK time for dnmkrnSChlKll.
whlch the son, Charb-s. has Just
as clay pHkis and genuine Po
King Carlos has e<irfcri'il th.and one of tbe old-time go
been am-sled for tbeJhefi of *3 from
liartni on A. Piitterwoit. manager
i. The fare was plain but who
his mother. The boy wa* found
and there waa plenty
It. aj
Pontiac. whM« lie had pom to visit
-! feel
18 enjoyed as much aa (hough
some of hla former chums,
of hi* persotiHl efforts t.. dfv.'lop c
been one of those kind, whose sorry for you—on the squ.ire 1 do,"
■l-vii'ins lK*t«.-en
1 calls
for cvcnthlng in tbe was the symputhetic tvniark of the
lit.Hl Staf Tills uupnFrench
The tmly thing father as bl* son was led through
d.-nied honor to Mr. FatK-rom t« eFreurh about this was thal it was a malD eorrldor on hi* way to the hoy’s mented on with great itit.T.'i.t l,> i
refreshing reminder of the Highlands w ard tn Ihe Jail.
members of the dlplomati, cor, •side of the Rhine.
1 am going to die-'. After making Lisbon.
AI the beginning of the banquet
> statement, at tbe same time c
Toastmaster Billings wad two letters Ing her daughter. Mrii. George W«n
lolle- - •
---------of Brighton, aged 98 year*, died
Attorney George G. Covell and Cbarif* her bed Thursday morning, shortly
Piochaaka. Jr., who wished Mr. Cold- after six o'clock. Mr. Warner, who
Mr. Murchle God sNcd on bad arisen, did
reach the house
their long Journey, a good time and before she had passed away. Heart
expressing regreu that (her could not failure I* given a* the Cause. Best
.Mmitvl rvvrvl«Dd'
be present at the fafewell gathering. the bnslMind. two sotis and a dsugl
Ill the wor.'iirta;
piiwr* 1* sure lu tt
Slcwarfs orchestra furnished Instru sunive.
, pia-lc b, Ih.
mental music and the Elk*’ qimriel
week a Tesoluliod was quieUj
did several ^ v^ slumskllpf»d_ through tbe^^ae ap^-roprior
sn IniproiBptu progi.
members. Notice was scried that if
_ .let rcmeilv.
.................cs proceeded. During Ihe
•onld 1
not rocinded there
It irlhegrrslniedbanquet Alderman Murchle and Mr.
* jerkr
, ,
Ihe reyrtutlon
ical inn^ -f Ihr
were called ul>ou the Boor
ick and t.he lacldeni forgotten i
lib a handsome
and each presented
Km as |ios*ibi<-.
, 8 lestlmrirlBlireElk*' emh
Theodore Liim-. r .v'uing n-itlmHb
e ntenrber* of
the lodge.
gard frvur
■nt over to Kalaaiar'Ki thici- vears
i-ncravcd Elks'
They were
so at the age of 5". by a wealtBy
heads with diamond eve*'
mv'.;-t. »U'l > w.itsirrv.:..'.
Qcle tn save him from Imprisonment
marked. The presentatloi
plcte surprise to the honored genue- for robbing a Jowelry store, and who
r popnlar- wa* arrested (or assault tb<-re Is*r
Bnghfs IHveaae. which i- Uiv »urvi
member* of the loige. January, wa* Thursday night taken u.
uoub.eAlthough Mr, Murchle Is an alder- Detroit to be returned to th- NciherDf. Kilmer s Swnmp-R*®*,-^
Unds. He wa* found
immigration offi- oTOuende! for everything,
degenerate, and
aerc *uecr*»luUy.
dais- s
he D-Jtcb
tnted lu so tl
■rninrut Is comrvllcd by treaty pro
vision* to pay the raiwasr* of Luua' work and io priv
he full
Ho will prohaUly be proved so succesK'
much better speoch- rcpslrisllaD.
Caldwell ii
. Murehie although he med for tl* earlier qyime upon his whieh *11 fTsulersoflhbpspvr, who haw
an alderman. He expreraed the roachlng Amsterdam.
-----------lents of hlmaelf and Mr Mur
chle when he staled that hnth.of them
would never forgw the kindness of
the Traverse City Elks while they
woreabrood- Besldra being a *peochniakcr Mr. OOdwell is also a singer
and he rendered the beauUful Scottb
Uliad "Annie Leoria." to the
penlment of tbe orebAtra. It
Jolly gatbertog and ewwyonc presmi
........................ -
- •I; aiiiv ihorv-if and f<ir Bsvlgnmail asd
.j '*""' dtaltibuUon of Ihe fi-sldiie
aald-tu.raid lie- , ,
-Tin-tv's pivntj
l..rd-' i:k.- ytarx l'f.
m very fva’PIPT* like me,College gnidu.iK'S w-'m to I-*- abo'-i!
Ji.' rbeaiie** thing- going la
!»'>“''• ""
•1 with I
Harry bad a
is uaiurally
- - . . -—
He Iniidi-d wiih
at the mouth of Carter
|io»iroiit tucasiiiing
The lad
„t luv.iiai.' In the lii*Ht-r Ol til.'
w-idlari K Wil-in, doocasvd.
W lllfani 1>.-xii r having flb-d In *aM
Work Shoes
We have moved into the I.^S.
State Street, where wc hawc
one half acre of floor space devoted to
Farm Implements,
Machinery. Wagons,
everything that you could expect
to find io an establishment of this kind. Wc
arc in better bhar< than ever to serve the
wants of our customers.
Wc wish to call especial aurntion thU
•week to the IRON AGE line of Garden drills.
Seeders, and Cultivators. This is the most
popular line of Garden tools sold in this sectiOD.
Wa cordially invite every farmer io the
Grand Traverse Region to call and look us
We have many things that interest you.
Soft upper leather—iolid
Mle leather aolof. Leather
all through Mada Ua comfort and good wear
Queen City Implement Go.
131 State Siie«
Tiinise Ciq licli.
• T-'
itlIMb, tfIVMMY. iUNt A^ior.
spMaga. where mr ant llres. I hope
LUIIaa CaaweiL
laaT It Bke to bare SaBShlnera
orer tbe United BtatM! TUa we
we bars two new niembera fn
Dallaa. Teaaa. as well as tbe r
frtMa Idaho. Tour presMeat Is espec
Islly ^ to pot the names of Rattle
Traylor and lAniale Lynch on
Trarerae City. Mk*,
Apr. <4. IM7.
Drar PreaMeet— 1 wfU write you a few lines this
erealng. seeing that I hare noihlaa
else to do I would like rery
to Join tbe Bunshloe Club, it
would please send me a card and bnttoo. For pets. I hare two kineas and
a dog. I caJl tbe kittens Tiger a
Niger and my dog's name is Bob.
like then rery much 1 am lo (be
sistta grade. 1 am iw>-|re yeurr
Our sctaool to out now. It was ou
Ikth of April. My teaefaer's name wa<
Miss Edith V. Ca.ter. Hoping to
this In prtnt. I will close, so good-hye.
T«T UM. I htrs a little slater. Her
M Mary, ghe M four yeara old
and would like to Join the Rradle Roll. Oat PreiUdeDt—
JB June. ”t wL eterenT^JT^’lT'rt''^"”
week, and my next Mnhdjy I will (^- t^rtUmas J em a hoadkertbler. a
f like to read Ibe letters in'handkerchief hot. i|,ree Christmas
the Herald very tdufb. ye have been! cards and some catid v and ants I
taking the paper almost » year now. i | jve nne sister r-nfl tme hrorhev TheI. my flrst letter. I will close ^ (.elpng t.. the Soti.htne n.ili. Well,
(or this tllbe,
|, *„es« 1 *!,| rioae f.u- this Utr.Y-.ur friend,
This wMk we hare an Arbor Day
Fern OT.eary,
j Vo.jr Sutist-iti.-.'
Eaaay. that was deUyed U the
I am glad to pm Mary's aitfle on .Ace t*>,
<;. n.-rt.-»- nsrt.
Bay 8l
Floreaee Warrea'a name should hare
the Cradle R„i!, What a Tiiimb..r .d ■ I' am sure
must tare hid. a
•»«» llvl«» thin*,^
oor Arbor Day Hoeor Roll,
dear lltiie Siinhesms we have!
; lev. iv Chrls'tiias If. nice
b.. a
but we wiu enjoy her
Kings'e.v. Mich.. R. r. D. No. 1 'sun-hlner. isn'' :t* .
W I avitr fWl In tryfaV *• *•
nurb as (bough it bad been printed
Ad^alde Mallory,
15..: i
l>!.n-!. Mlt!./
with tbe others. I^rr la ber nice III-,
un glail to have you for a Sun- Dear President*,„j,
■ ler and tbe naay;
abiner. Adelaide, and hoi» you wil
avo not written for
Pre.,d-t,.A friend ol our SoBahlne aub baa
Trarerae City. Midi. write again.
mt oa a pretiy alary aboet
t..,y..u V».i.«"si' l-irleutH.s Ki. Milhdaj Wn»
Apr. •». 1907.
Bingham. Mich
w how I am gefinc along
eirang-r .........
roUBi that came to Detroii
tcbih .-r A.-'rii I ,Hlna I c^ol
Dear Presideni—
Apr. S.'.. IJ-tT.
n and hope this le„cr Wi:l,,.„
■prlac. aod Bested in a belldlac that
• any.hltiL: ..i..-e u. teil
bare not wriiten for a tong tim« Dear rreskleni—
>en were workinc oa. He leys:
find you the same. We hare only flve]ci„!,. I think 1. w pre.., a* jt can be
- f.it .ho .,u,« Ileping ,y«. wiu
now I will write. I also send I
I thought I would write to the more we-k* of school here -and I Anil',
“OoBBtruetion srork that waa betog
story aboot “My Farorlte Tree," Wi Herald as 1 hare not written before.
glad when school Is out tor then I.every ,lay -j.y
i. Viola Poesinc
ruabed on a new leaMence orer
lake the Herald ahd 1 love to read the
to school every .toy. I ai
.have some fun. I -in teU yn„ ,
OoodwlD arraoe stopped aoddeoly
Viols IkMlDg.
Suosblne lederr. We have
the second grade.
My teacher's about the birds I hare
I saw ten
her name Is Ilenrie.,, i *i.h
day aad peace came to a pair of timid
. IS alee snd. 1 am
■ks DOtp Bcbocd. I like to
• is Florence Shelly. We gathered rnldns ln our field all a. ..nce They y,,
roblni that hare flutiered beertbrokent. 1..H- airaagtf- any
school, and I like my tee.-ber.
hunting for som. thing ... eat.lana Imttoi. too She «ael -Im- -nuld
ly aboot the beada of the workmen
RnMMM-eUn MM>.
log the gtottpd was covered with There Is a meadow lark that comes {
alneo two tiny blue eggs came 1:
to all tbe sdiolars. I am In the eighth
nr«t Vie* PmWMrt—MaMI B«Ua faalBg la tbelr neat a lew days ago.
I have two brothers. Their
sits In n tree In .mr yard. Wei-............ ............
.................— grade. I hope I ran gradusie,
names ar.- Juilus and Plot'll Their
lo h.-ar him sing We ha\.
Barly is the aprlag the robins bnllt
I do not. I wni -tty. try again " Hop- ages are ten and three. I guess my
ly-iwo mile chicken*, -nils Itbelr neat in a nldie ot one at
•acwM Vka l>rMl«f> M*i.
see this In print, and also ray
r Is long eeough for the first
can think of for this tint- --mAalshed windows and surted ho
lore to you and alt the Siina
time. Hoping to see this In print, f »ood-b5-e, Fr.nn,
ConsumptioQ is less deafUy fKan it used to be.
kaaplnc. They ntade rw foaa aboot
will say good-hye.
Your loving frtidul. •
It. and la return for the cbeer of tbelr
Tour Sunsblher.
Roy FewtoM.
Certcin relief and usuaOy complete rccowy
aewg the workmen left tbem ondlsFTorenee Wi
What a lo.
roblna you saw- I
Perrin Reynolds.
wiD result from the foliowim treetment:
My FaverHs Tfwt.
Ever wi many of your fr^ds are should like to hear the meaduv iark
Tbe nest went uadlscorered antll
Although 1 hare seen many kinds Sunsblners. are they noif We have a he doeni-i come Into the cliy,
weA ago. when tbe profiwm of tbe
( I
Hope, rest, fresh air, utd—ScotTj
-Ona. TOi^ -niroa.Fife Lake. Mich,
work carried tbe men back near tbe of trees. I like tbe Maple tree best. In hlg list m Miss Shelly's srhool.
Apr. ?s. 1507. y EmziU.'on.
It waa «h oU. old. old. old lady,
SutloQs Bay .Mich..
window tbe roblna bad chosen for tbe spring the maple tree sc
Ahd a boy that waa bait paat
Apr. SC. 1507.
tbelr borne. Only ooe robin Antlered
A.L DKUCOIST81 BOe. AND ft.'oo.
ABd Uw aray that (bay playad UBotbw aboof them, and he sms In a eoaUn- JDSI budding and wbeo the leares Dear President—
ft has been sn tong sinre I wrote in
Waa baaaUfuj lo aa*.
Tlank you for the card and biillaa. you that I thought I would -rile
nsl lUle of eadteornt. flitting fraa- bare Just come our. In the
I was gtod to see my letter >n the again. We have two eows; ooe. two
calty aboot the beads of the men near- my farorlte tree serses as
Wtm eeoMB‘t-r> maalax aad lamping. ewt the window. A few days ago be al^e for the people when tbe beating Herald. 1 have-a (uK kltleo: sbe is year* rrid. oae a year old. and a rail;
And tba boy. no mom coold be;
In winter. I am
pigs; iweniy-seven chickens;
loined by his mate, and the two
For be waa a thin lUUe fellow.
t tbls beatiUfuI
cat. and Iwo kiueo*. I go to nchis.l
hapi up aa angry acag of protest
'Wnh a thin UtUe twiated knee
and I like my teacher. His name is
iboin tbe beads of tbe men. who down and then it serves as boralngtor
I bad Dot forgotten Arbor
ooldn’t Imagine whet R waa all
?k«P Mt m the yellow anll^t.
Day. I -ill a
o luiiaea for
ler ia tbe winter, or very early In
Laura Hotsiod
Oot onder Ute caaple tree.
Cradle Hull: my brother
And (ben happened along tbe con Ute mtriag. men bore holes In these
I abould like to see the cunning lit Ibe Cra
Aad (he came that they played. I'll tractor tor the bonding. E. H. Hart maple trees, and make a kind of spout tle kitten. I am ao food of cats.
, »;«ter. Howard and loMtle. Howard I*
tHl yea.
five .veara old and Lollle two yeah*
ford. who Urea at SIS Holbrook In these botes, and then a kind of
Acme. Mich..
Jnmaa It warudd to me.
areane. and who lorn birds. Hart- sugary water sports forth aod (hen
Apr. J7. 1907. old. I have six brothers, but only one
r. Re beard the note of fear tbe wnenbn gather It In paUs aad take Dear Pmldeni—
n waa bldewad^oeeek they were
Your Sunshine boy.
and alarm in the blrda chirping, and
to (be bouse and put It in a Urge
Aa 1 have not written lo the Sunla»Lucus Fuller,
sh to boil it down and make maple ahUie Club tor a long lim.-. I will Age II.
looked-for the nest. There were tbe
Tboach yoa'd nefer bare known It two Uny eggs of a beautiful blue, end Tup and tbroogh aaottaer process. now take the pleasure of dolog *o.
Here is your letter at tosi l^clu»
tobeIt becaetet maple sugar.
be comprehended all tbal they
Joined two year* ago but in aoine INd yon think I bad forgotten you?
mth aaoM.oM.old.eM lady.
Kingsley. Mich,
to the fearful roblna.
Now. as I am nearly through my way neglected lo write again. 1 live
Apd a ^ with a twkted knee.
Apr. 2S. ISeiT.
Hartford tried lo make tbe birde story. I will tell you ooe thing more
farm of 1£0 acre*. I go to sebord
iderataad jbat no barm was meant ihst they do wUh my farorlte. tree. nearly ever}- day. l am In the sixth D> nr Presideni—
IMa boy woqM bend Ui face down
A* I have riot written to you for
then. He warned hli men. And then, They saw many of my farorUe trees grade. I do not knnm- If I will |.ss* or
On hM one Httie nwd rlgfat knee.
I would rodny.
when It seemed tbal the mother robin down Into logs and then they are
I hope I will. My teacher's
And he-d naea eiwre aba waa bldHag.
fretting ber life away, be (old
token to tbe mill and then made Into,
Mr. Ryan. He to a good I am going to Kfliool yet. but nrhod
la caaaam One. Two. nrea!
to atop work. No more work will lumber. Maple is also used for floor.' teacher. He give* Ringing lesson.* at a ill soon -U- out and w<- will hatw
be done near the robin's nest for three lag Id (he bouse and also
, ..._____„
tor Diaklng'
church every- Tuesday night.
t:alveH, They are Ixdh ret and
weeks, Hartford decreed today. I
fumltuiv-. This tree la also used in! have some names to a nd tn. They
. My br.dher r;i.-n 1-. *iek now.
that time, the big eon tractor aays,
pleasing children. They take the'are a* follows: ' Elda Itorr, leui.
- o- a little girl in our nt-iglil»irand be knows blrda sad is ibeir friend
4 play dfcss-maklng wiib Coldie Stile*. I think
Rat ha atUl bad Two aad Three.
little eggs will hare broken nnd lem.
now long eniMigh.
l win cl.r*.-. Hop. bond who would like lo Join 'In- Siae
>•11100 Club, tier name i* |.l,i N.-»tbe mother robin will be happy with
This end* my siorj'. I wonder If Jng to see this In print, I remain.
"Too are la. papa'a bedroom.
Special Bargafnc on
She want* to iiuve lo-r card
her young.any of the Sutistalner* agree with me
Your friend.
U the cheat wt^i the ooee
Carpets. Rags, etc.
and liuiton fteui In my name. W> M.
that tbe maple to tbelr farorile tree*
Ruby Stiles.
Two socb nice letters have
Have -yon bad your examinaiion*
aha aaM *Tea are
from a couple of new SuosbiDers who
Maple City. Mich, R. F. D. No. 5. yei7 I ho|H- you |ias*ed.
N'-llb- WilMin.
Utw in Idaba Ulllan and Bninle
Acme. Mich,
Apr, :3.
What are you going in do in v:
T enteruinlngly. and yoor Dear President—
April 27. 19D7
lion? Plny.ilm-- I* certainly nio! thought I would write tor a card
flraera that srere seat her. They
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
od a button. I am ten Years old.
“It east bw the UtUe oapbegid
quite diSereat from say she erer saw. have two brottaer* and two sisters. Club. Please i>end me a card
When.mamme'a thlw oaed to
Here are tbe letters;
button. I am seven year* old. I
am going to achool every day. 1
8p U mast be tte ddUMwtwm, I
RocIcTlIle. Idaho. teacher's name to Belle Halverson,
in tbe first grade. My teacher's nauie
- Hay t:. 1M7. bare two atoters going to school and
iulrooney and I Uke her '
127 S. South Unioo Street
, And be barnd her with hto Three. Dear President—
one bioiber. My Utile broiber's name much. 1 have not been going
We hare taken the Herald a long is Charles. I bare a story to send you school for tbe last (wo w<-ek*. I
Than aha oovered her face with ber time and I like the Sunshine pan aad
Jumped off SelSert's barn and hurt
lo print la the Herald.
would like to Join, so pli
ankle. As 1 have nothing more
That were wtlnhlcd Ud white s
a eard-and button. 1 used to lire in
Evetjrihiag depends upon
ly. 1 wilt close. I remain.
HelcD Coleman.
HIcfalgan. but bare bees here
your nerves. It is nerve force
Your friend.
Helen's story to very interostlog
ABd the goeased where the bey waa a year and like It better than I did
that causes the brain to direct
Martin Siite*.
aad well written. Here It li
the motion of your body; it i*
Michigan. I barmT been to school
I wonder if your ankle i> all •
Hawaiian Children.
With a One and aTwe and ATbiwa. this aprtng. as i bad tbe neaalea and
nerve force that causes vo.;r
>w. I siaeerely hope so.
I will now tell you aomethlng about
my eyes trouble me ao I can't study.
Carry a complete and
Honor, Mich, R F. D. No. 1. heart to pulsate, and send the
. ABg they aerer bed stirred from their We hare Are miles to go to echool Ibe Hawaiian children. These cbljdblood through your veins: it
April 27. iw;.
1Jive on a little Island. The Utond Dear Presidentfull )iDe of
is nerve force that causes' your
aad we fide oar pony. We hare two
• Bight under the maple tree—
I but only one saddle. 1 hare is-in the Pacifle ocean. There a
received the card and buiron a
This old. old. CM, old lady.
• Islands than one. I will now t«
kidneys to filter the blood,'and
seen quite'a few coyotes aboot here,
ak you ever so much tor ihem.
what tbe chlldran Uke to d
Aad^^thej^ with the lame UUIc two badgers and oae wildcat, aad
to school and 1 am in the flflb
In fact, nerve force is the
hare killed Ms of rattle saakm. One Their main food is poi made from
grade.* I like school and teacher*
nu dear. «ear. dear, dear oM lady.
power that runs your body.
was nearly tour feet ioeg and it bad root. These children love to go swii
h. My learher's name
And the boy who waa halt past ♦Wrea rattles and oae botton. Pa rolng and fishing. They have n- Mbs Lulu F. Daly of Bmplr-. Man
if you feci worn-out. irritable,
nervous, cannot sleep, or e;it
killed oae orer four feet long that iAm many play things. They love flowers Manners and Sophia Helmet would
twefre rauias sad two buttena. Tbe very much. They put flowers In tboir
e to Join the Sunshine Club, well, have pain or misery
other awralag an eagle Ut on a rock hair. Tbe Hawaiian children love their
please send each of them a card SBywhere, your nerves are
Tbey are always amlUng andweak, and your system run
not far from tbe bouse. My ancle baa
t huiton. 'This (* all tor thi* rime,
down. To restore this viialiiv
eagle hwonied nod it looks as happy. This Island (bat tbe HawaltoD! *0 good-bye.
Prompt and Coniieons Treat>
take Dr. Miles’ Nervine which
ebUdren Uve on is about as big oa
(boo^ It were aUre and ready
Mary Chapman.
w-ill strengthen and build up
Connecticut and Ibe nearest
monfto Alt
Menlo suies. Acme. Mich.
*y. This will be all lor tbls tli
Did Mary and Sophia Uke (heir
land is ihousaods of miles off.
Mary Bbomla. Sattoot Bay, Mieh.
hope to be one of yoor Sunabln.
card* and buttons, too? Perhaps ihey the nen-es. You cannot be
Cit. Pbooea-Rea Dce. 290. Office. 32
without strong nerves.
Adalalde kUUoiy. Trarerae Qly
Tbe Hawaiian chDdren make tbe
wrlle to the Sunabine Club. a^. beahhy
"F®r ' »lglit*vo year* Dr U::er
brat ef everything, and are contended
io* »n3 Anll-P*Jn P;i:» l,av» fcrva
Bennie Casw^
Sultona Bay. Mfcb, Ncn
ar cloM comBanlen*. Itorlv m marUmy May Dentoad. TramM aty
BocktiUe. Idnbo. with what they have. Hawaiian child
April r/W7.
rtra W«. whll. raiBinc cl.-WrvB. mf
aeitn became all wom-eut—could cot
May U. 1907. ren are pretty to spHe of tbelr dark Dear PresWent—
Coop; bsS n« «ppc-.li*. indigntion
skin. Tbey bare bnnUful brrrsa
had. an« hue >u<-h awrU 4 riv
tamle aad umtB Catwea Badi Dear Prcaideat—
I have long been iblnklng about V«T
Then I besati usle* Or. M,-.
Floyd Smlih, Wanafcr.
due. Idaho.
Aa my brother it wriUng to you, I eyes, curly hair aad merry mouths. your Sunabine Club. Please send m.- Nervine, (nd ti «BCe I l«x*ri <- im
prove. »nd Kvoi) leusd mraeif In
Tbcir ieelh are while and even. Tbe
Hattie Traylor and LoobIc l^Bdh Iboogbt I would Uke to Join too,
card aad button. Our school wa.ObBsa Teiaa.
please send me a card and button. . country U eo warm that the children
II tbe 25tfa of March. We bad loi*
Helea CoMman. Maple Oty. Mich..
nine yean old tbe third of Hay. wear tittle clothing or non
fun at the last day. I have tour
Dr. Mile*' Neevlno I* told br roue
who win svirantee that nv*
»- F. D. No. t
My Aunt Oladya came up aad spent Women aad children wrar flowers la brothers and two slater*. My psrenir SruqalK.
he»t Wrti* w»l beneht. It it (oil*, ho
Ida Newmareh. Klageler. Mich. the day and atayed all night. Hama tbeir bat*. The flower* look pretty
also the rest, of the peopl- will roluns yoor moner.
Name seat by Netlle kniaoa.
made ns some candy aad we bad
on the cblMreat' and s-omen *
Medical Co., ElkbarL Ind
around here. My laat teacher * nam*
>i*nha sad Roel Boynton. Empire. of fuB. For pels we hare a pup named It makes them look as if they were was Marie Telstad. and my eiuiilvs
Mich.. R. F, D. No. 1.
Jombo. aad a cat named Topsy and ready for a picalc or a boUday (east
reading, spelling, arithmetic,
why yon sbooldbay BoydeU-a Mixed Pamu.
Mera Vermi. Bmplre. Mlch_ R. F. twMty-flre llule chtekena.
Some Bvery bouse Is anrmuaded by gardens geography, language and physiology
l^f^Tt'f.v havi- bi-pii iibiidlf*! an 1 nst-i in tht-se parts for
full of maar kinds d flower*.
D- Mo. 1. Hum seat by Maitba batched out February J7th. and
tbe flftb grade. Well, my
twenty five years. Th.-y h»ve atbcrl th.,- irai.
(be cblldtea are sent to school, eight
getting grown now. i have a i
now lung enough. I gu<
Sod—Tbey are the ebeapeat paints quality couaidered that you
Lewis aed Ooldle Stltee. and Edna aamed Blue and be bucked me oS om moatht s >-ear. Tbey walk if they, 1 will clooe tor (hi* time. Hoping
can buy —one eallon of white weiffba 17 Iba They etasd
Heer. Acme. Mkh. Kamea sent by day aafl I havea t ridden bim aiaee. must, bat if possible, they swim n see this In the’ Herald. 1 remain.
morir Oil and wiU spread farther ti.on otbera.
Raby sates.
We have some beautiful wild flowers ■cBool.
Your Sirashlaer.
Ula BarflaM. Hade CKy. Mich..
here, and I win put some la this
Tbey learn to read and write. They Age H.
Mary ShumU).
:ird-We aund beck uf tbem will our guarantee when they are
properly appliol.
X. F. D. Mo. 1. Kmae eewt by Mary letter but pot many amell good. It have tbe same siudle* as Ute boys and
What did you do eo tbe last day nf
mowed yesterday. bo,t didn't stay as girla hare la our scfaotria. There
school? Did you have a program?
II yon think ol poioUag boy Boyd elTsPalatB.
Wiliam Chsea. Trarerae
City. snow never does out here. It either oot much work to be done. Tbe girl*
Honor. Mich,
Mkb. R. r. D. Ne. & Name scat by blows away or melts so we don't have ieare to make pateb-wotk quilts; tbe
April 26. 1907.
OoMie Chase.
any aleigh rides or coasting aad then* boys do what Uttle tardealag
Dear Presldeal—
Mary Maaners aad Bephta Heteer.
pMee to skate as the water runs to be doee aad learn to prepare die' 1 received my card and buTtoo Fri
Hcskw. Mich.. R. F. a Ho. 1. KuBfo off too tost to t«< Oaw to frwete. Next tan root from which pot to made.
tnmst atf’s Cudhi Dmt Stm
day. and I think tbey are very nice
mat by Mary ChapMa.1
tiaw 1 wlU ton you «bMt the hoi
Helea Colemaa.
1 tbbik the Smuhiae anb is growing
^ «*f«UISMW of T>m
MmM Vaa>t p«llw ««nMM
iH. V. F. ««mUM Oi* Cr*«a
MU7 Oliawr, ■(• t«Mir ywt.
Uonoc Kkb. NkM MDt br fm>
lUrRrr ud OrvhB Kaldbrtac
MajOe air. Mich.. B. F. a No.
Nsaw M«t br Mvr Borfecul.
Bldob L««T«ace Borntett. age
iDoatba. Bnplr«. Mldu. R. P. D. No
1 Name MBt by Martba BorotoB.
Howard Fnllcr. a«c fire rean; Um
tib Foliar. ac» two rean. nrc Lake
MIeb. Namea aaat by Loeloa Polkr
Cut Sloiie Work
Are You Wideawake
Think of a Conch that has alwayF-=<ia4 for
$18.00, now $9.85.
Kitcben Cupboards $5.85 up.
It Takes
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
Smith Realty Go.
Farm and City Property
For Sale.
Somo Rrarasons
Want to Win?
$. £« mail $ Sons
Home Cbeer offers n few auggretkai
In th* Siac Room.
angnr mnd ooc euneo of gdatlnwln
A tablespounbil of melted butter,
douUe bdler. When boiling. aUr In the for serving tbe winter vogeUWes It
bcatea yolka, cm aUreb. etc. 8«
rhteh wm help to tide wallowed, will rare croup and boarsseas.
over a lamp and
away to cod. n'hen cooL beat thi
wbilea of tbe eggs until very fctiff: the nook over nnUl
excellent remedy for pains Jn
Ir in and set in a cool pigee forvtwo re on the fnarkCL
Parsnip Balls—Bolt the parsnli
tbo back of tbe neck a* a result
• three hours.
being exposed to a dreogbl. I* a plas
Spsnlab Puffs—Into an agate aanee- 111 water until tender, drain
ter composed of two pans of
pan place two Ublespnonruls of bol laah. Season with salt, pepper.
WhH« W*
one of mustard. Mix ami spread
*n>e bcodi are soeli dear baadi:
I a piece of muslin and apply
Tta(7 are ao full; ther tore at gur da- made wbicb time cannot efface. When
reeled part.
teacup of bot water. When this I bot lard.
you are lying quiet in your lait tieep.
noi try to sweep an invalid'sl
comes to tbe boll, add sufflclent Sour
Creamed Parsnips—Boil a doxen par
8« oftan. tbcr aearcelr Uiou^t bow do you want them to think of
:e ibe aide irf tbe snips until tender. Hake a drawn om. but wring a clean cloth o-jt uf
youT-RecuIale your words aod dreds
lid water to which a few drop* erf am
saucepan, then allr Id one by one. the butter sauce as follos-s: In a small
trtflea acarcelnhmiihc about so thato^our memory will always
yolks of three eggs, boat for iei
8o maor don*: Umt do
the dearest of their poaacaalooa."
thoroughly mix a tablespoonful of monia have been added, and earefully
wipe the carpet, matting or floor turn
So Baar ttalaga for ne aod you—
miQutec aud drop by teaspoonful
butter and two tablespoonfuls of flour.
It ttetr fODd will! nlatako,
ing and rlDrlng tbe cloth and changing
Wbat-a the use of blaming oihrre for to boillag fat. Serve wlib a fruit s
B cup or more of hot water aud
Ve wall tnay beud, a'ot broak.
le wnti-r a* it gels dirty..
dusted with powdered sugar,
the fault that Is your own—
ver_^ water until melted. Boil
Few p«-ople. eicepi trained nursp*.
Wbat's the use?
ire and itour over parsnips wbicb
Tber are aucfa food, frail Ilpt
know that a resiles* patient U made
have been drained. Serve vw>* hot.
IKlut'a the liae of abifllng burdena
That apeak to ui. Prey if lo*b ttripa
more cumfonable If tbe cureer*
rtnd of one lemon, slv tablespoonf.
you abould carry all sIudo—
of the under sheet are carefully pinned
Tbem of dlacretlon masy timee
of sugar, yolks of two eggs beaten
' \Miai'8 tbe use?
Or if they apeak too alow or jjalck.
one plat of milk, a lltUe salt, and bake sbo-jld be used In cooking spinach, be- to the under *ide of tbe mattre** with
safety pin*. Draw the sheet tight and
aucb crtmea
Lbout one hour. Beat the whiles of
if the world refuses to
t securely. It will be a i
We may paaa by for'wa nay aee
two eggs to a stiff froth, and one cup water, which Is easily drawn out
heUer remedy im
snd the suffering psiieni.
Daya not far off when thoao amall Weep about the home-made trouble* of confectioner's sugar. Juice of one slow heat. The liquid which clings
That have made tbcir borne with lemon, and spread over the podding: the leaves after tbe spinach Is wash
worda may bo
Treatment.of Sprains.
Meld not an alow or quick or out of
when cold place In the oven again and Is all (hat is needed if tbe saucepan
Pe-ru-ma for »y»>
containing It Is placed on a cool lutri
Wbal's the use?
We ofm bear It said that ' a siiralii
place, but dear
uf tbe stove tubeat slowly.
—Umiver Times.
is worse than a brva*. - and as fi
Beeanae Ute llpa tbat spoke are no
^ UmUcotarrk.”
Lemon Flunt—Scald four cups of
the lime which usually elsrmore bere
milk aih^ three rounding tablespoons -EitcaMoped Salsify—Berape the root*
S. B. Eartman, if. D.
Houaekeaping Without lea.
of sugar. MU two level tablesj
and cut Into inch pieces, dropping Into conrerned, tbe Maiement may be cor
nay are aodi dear. (antUar feet that
A War Veteran’s Experience. .
To the housekeeper who has always
cornstarch smooth In a little
cold water to prevent dlsooloration. rect. says the Youth's Companion.
been accustomed to Ice, getting along
Aiaot dta path with onra—feet fast
One great hlndranc- to tiu- sjieedy
B.D.C., writos:
without is a dirHeuIt mailer, aays an lemon. Cook the whole together for small piece of salt codfish has been
or alow.
cure of sprains lie* In the f*rl (hat not
we have an Ice houi
ilniiies. add the well-beaten yolks added and boll until lender Butter a sufflclent Importance Ls attached to
And trying to keep pace-lf they aod always flU U the tret opportunity,
ree eggs, and stir consianily for baking disb and place H isyer of the
tbe boiteai weather of summers flve minuCei. Cool slightly and strain salsify on the bodom. Sprinkle
ranabatfor a long tla* brem reSgrkai and Sommer CalwrlL
Or tread upon some flower we fain
pression that it Is “only a sprain." a
brtngB no terrots to tl
dish. Beal the white of tbr
some buttered cnios. then add
would take
course of active treaiWem Is enter Tbevetoafurin uf .-aurrh e-iwelslly cardedosthere
We can always have our milk kept
inUI dry. add tbe lulce of
salsify untl)' tbe dUh is oArly full,
Bpoa our breast, or brniae some reed. sweet, keep tbe butler Ann and fresh,
ed upon which is calculated to to prevalent In spring and summer, called •-ondulons of this kind.
Or cniBh poor Hcqw until it bleed,
crease the mischief and retard the re This form of rattrrh c»|».--i*!ly drand keep flab, poallry and meats Just of sugar. Pour over the custard and
il brown.
We may be mute.
ranges the stoms-’h. l-.'pw-dr and other with which Peruna nitoas fresh as a butcber could. But not
ice cold while fresh oi
Not turning quickly to impuU
>n^ firm white
bat happen* In a soraln Is briefly organa of the alslumv-ni The whule srmpioms and lb* aatUtaetlon which
Baked Cab
more than one of my neighbors hi as made.
are of
The ligaments which bind
laucoiu UactliDlDS ihq stomach, liver, people caprara
cabbage for fifieen minute*, changing
an loe house, and on an average
Orange Cream—Take the Juice and the water then for fre*b boiling water. Joint, for il is about joint sprains
bowels and kldn--y> U lo an inflamed IVroaa.
Ti«ether anch a little while along don’t chink ten per coot of all tl pulp of three oranges: add Juice of WheiTthe cabbage is lender, drain and
CMOITfe •( CtMMelL
are writing, become pneally condUion. and these organ* fail lo perfarmers have one So, what to do with half a lemon: three cup* of cold water
form thelrprojwr fun -tluu. ,
] jj, q^- R.CslUbaa.propri»lor Of Big
the tray
aside until perfeclly cold. Chop
out ice la a question of
Bysit-mlr• catarrh
may' I- -------------- ‘ Hill ' Partn,
catar-*-----' vn, and a promioenl frolt
and (bird of a cap of sugar.
We artll*be patient while we t
the force of the blow rone*.
fine and add two well beaten <Wy as the present i
h« accompanied by c.
Are and let come to a I
stock TOlMV, 01*nvar, Va-,
Tbe resii't of ihU rondlilnn
spoon of melted butler, a llllle
poru of Ibe body. In
SOD promlsea a light Ice crop in many
in. Dlsolre two tabiesponnfuls
So mmny little faulU we And.
Ism backing cough. iLtnayivolsoaiof cornsurch lo a lltUe cold water pepiier. a teaspoon of salt and three thing* to obvious. An unnaiunl
We aee tbesn—for not blind
*.«-lai>d with caurvh in U.e bead.
-spoons of cream. Stir iboronghly gree of freedom to permilled to i
sod add It tf) tbe strained Juires; boil
la lovt. but If you ud ^
B.,. 1. ,,p„ .1 — Oi...
—■ r““
workings of the Joint, snd tbe pan
for IS minutes or until the
bake In a bnltered baking
family's comfort In warm weather 1a
once become* inflamed and swollen tarrb sll il.e organ. ..( tbe aldomen are , *' ™“*'
to have cool water to drink, to keep stsreb cooks clesr. Then set
Tbe active rfse to which tbe Joint U
They win not be faaita then, grere tbe milk sweet and cool and the butter
perfectly cold. Beat tbe whites
Dyspepsia aad BIHousoeaa.
| -yiy bead.stomach.lafaci, my whois
put. under the Impression that tbvre^
fanlta—to you and me
and meats fresh and good. It la pos of tbree eggs to a stiff white frorii potatoes until aoR: scoop out tbe e«
But loat odd ways—nlatakee or
and put through a vegetable prei
sible to do all these things If one will and stir Into the comsiarch and Itjs
other lim-s .blliuu.De*.. or 11m- )>aiies(' nuiblng w->uld do m* any good.
ready to serve. Or put the cream Into To each two cup* of mashed pouto al
go to the trouble to do It. But It «
m*v lmsu*pevi<-«lo( baring kidney dis-1 "1 liscl almost given up. JdaeldadM
stemmsd giasse* and make a meringue
I tablespoon of melted butter,
Involve the neeessily of being able
t-s-o or appendit Ills.
I try a l■ul(l• of your Parnat Md
The flrst thing to be done it to
Baya ehaage ao many t])lngaSysieiaic caiairh precent* symptom* U bad laki-n b»1( ib* boltls my appoPI*
keep an abundant supply uf fresh, cod of the white* and beap it on top of ibe equal amount of sugar,-a teaspoon of
which rreeniMe cloMty a ffreai many came to me and my bend boeoZM oU
water and to have a oellar tbat stays crasitf. placing a candled cherry on top salt, balf a ulispoan of pepper and the merve the pan In hot water. The
of each.
We BOO ao diffemtly In. sunt
i rlgbi ’■
yolks of two eggs. Mix well, theu ter should be as bot as can be borne, dlfferwnt dUvasv-s.
cool, unless one la so
showers. '
shape Into rolls, dip In beaten eggs
have a spring handy, with a spring
K ways to make a cbarlotte-rusi
ItMakea words tonight
then in bread enunba and fry unil temperature by freqoeni additions. It
Those who have thle
w-m be necesaan’ to continue
May be so eherished by totnorraWs along well with tbeir milk and butter the following: Une the bottom
rown In bot deep fal.
end pointed in design eon be
sU'W'cd tomaus-s lu boiling [Hilnl. odd
and can also keep fresh mest longer sides of a cbarlotle pan with sponge
Escalloped Turnips—Boll the lur
w-w-ed in a plain bog to fit a caobia^
butter, salt and iwpper. Stir In I
iriavor one pint of crea
We vlU be pi^t. for we know
than without It.
Dips In salted water, cut Into cubes
01 four beaten t>gKF. stirring oee wag the stripe covering part of ose olfle.
vanilla, and qdd a half pound
Ikere'e soeh a little way to go.
But most, farmers bare no spring, verlsed sugar: whip it to a stiff froth.
) tablespoon of butter end one of
(or two minutCK. Half a cupful uf boil It might be tied with a cord, or
The part is then to be tightly Bd
—From LUe of Prancea Wlltard.
tl they bare a dug well they can make Have ready Ibe well beaten whites of flour together, add half u pint of mllk- ped In s bandage in a portion Just ing cream may iw add>-d. Serve on *ewed- and a curd used to tie up tbe
a good substitute for the spring boose
sUr until it boils. Butler a
iwouppi^ ennict*. -A longer “tbrow*
egg* and mix lightly with tbe
short of absohiie flxlty. The be
l>y putting some shelves In Ibe well whipped cream. Fill the charlotte pan ing dish and put in a layer of turnips, tide to use In such a case I* wl
A small quantity of lomatrwr* can be of colored canv'lr^q^'bHk (tripea.
-Pe^ need fratn na nothing
near the bottom, to which they can and place over the Ice for the
allentating withe sauce until the dish called In medical parlance, n 'Mar used in tomaiu sauce, added to soup,
sewed eidee. with (be
no nndi pa good dieer and enlower with ropes, buckets of milk, but- loite to set.
alteroatlug with sauce until the disb tin's Bandage." This is a long, narrow or strained and added lo the gravy of fringe Inside unless il Is very preUy:
eonrageaent. Ufe ia bard tor
freab meat and other things. This
nearly full. Dot with buttered strip of sheet rubber, of sufflclenl fried liver, together with a leospuuo- fold with (bl* seun In tbe center of
Tapioca Ice—A cold Uploca pudding
most exeeHent aubsUtote for both
moderate oven.
one side-end sew up one loag edge.
strength to withstand considerable (ui of iwpper sauce.
called tapioca Ice. it 1* useful for
a spring bouse and Ice bouse. WItbout
At tbe cushion In and cew np (be
strain, and fitted at «ie end with tapes
-Kind wmda are abort to
and with only a bored tbe simple summer dessert. Pour
other long edge. Tbi* place* botb
(or tying. Il Is easily seen ibat by tbe
benplog ubienpooafuls of tapioca
fteme Good Graham naeaipea.
ageak. bat tbelr echoes ere endRules for keeping Young.
well, however. If there Is no cellar
bonier* on top. If too long (or tke
use of this bandage the desired relief
should be soaked over nlgfa
der tbe house, the best thing to do Is
A crrtitrlbiitor to &)od Cheer, in :
rusbion. sew tucks.of equal depth tt
water. In the morning apresd a layer
dig a pit as deep as eireumstances
i-ach end. If tbe border* ore too (nr
fruit—cherries stoned,
permit, put an earth
tbe end
(or Utlo. It
practical recipes for the use of gra
peaches, nsiug tbe good
dug down place for a door, like mauy
JImuM l»e
ned son when fresh is not to be had-r ham flour, all o^hlch she has tested What to ds With Sits of "LeR-Over" er permit* l;crs.-if In hecome dowdy i,,.irer bag cover like tbe OBe
ccllar doors. A cave or pit keeps
though! or dress, and m*k<-a hi-r»e!r siigg<-(t>-d.
n cooCITg. and knows
In the bottom of the pudding dish
Tbe poem which beads this column cooler (ban any place above ground. Sweeten this to usie and cover <
Every house* Ife has dozens of wayj as liilert-Ming as jRiwsIbh-, fe
Samples of Uce curtain ends nuk<
know* that an Inn-Illgeiii h*>k I
was aent U> Home Cbeer. by one of lu By keeplug milk and meal In deep
besoUful pillow cover* over c^iq:
tapioca, adding a quart
Graham Bread—Make a sponge of of re-cooking meat* and potatoes, but (ace tak.-s away i<-n years of lo
oU mends, lire. Irene Pomeroy bnekeu set In tubs kept fltled with
a faMvy eeeurUI patten, est.
ter, and bake slowly for an hour. white flour. I like the spring wheat at too many table* the lefl-over
BUelda. wboee own poems bare freab water. Id the pit, they
to (be dealgq. under laid with
When done aet on Ice untR needed.
flour tieM. When nice and light, add
younger. Sh«- C'» * eui into Ufe. and
bronghl maaaacea of cheer to mnny kept very well.
> delicate shade, raffted with the
sugar, a little molted butter, ner table. If. Indeed, they are
Ruby Tapioca-Half a plnl of tapio
readere. Tbe poem given today U
But the beat way. If one
and tbe raffle bordered with
ca. bsir a plnl of currant Jelly, ones
and stir In gradually enough graham thrown away as useless; aud yet
takan^trom tbe life of Prances WllUrd tbem. Is to use porous earthenware
vegetables admit of so many wa
inteitioe. la very bsndeome. It
one-balf pints of cold water, four oo<
hide wheat flour to make quite
of pmtMig’hfcr '.mtlivsbcif.'ntver or Is pretUer when the lace goes Into
and volcaa tbs thought which abould
tbe water in which tbe
of sugar and tbe rind and Juice of one
('batter and put into baking ro-cookitig. that they might help solve
bucket* are set These are in common
curs to anyl-ody. She makes herself
two Mdse, and leavee tbe
lemon. Soak the tapioca over nlgni dishes. U*ben UghJ bake from one the vexed question. What shall
making na as tender and kind to those use In tropical countries. The consUnt
Ibe social sun from wt.ich radial.-* oppoolte corner sbowtsg the Irregular
In a half pint of water. In tbe morning half to three-fourths of an hoar In a have for sup|.er?" If one would
we leve. every day of our Uvea, na we
from the surso many beams lh-.'‘d-liuht is given ouiline of the design.
put wKb it tbe skin of a lemon (pared moderate oven. Il should l>e a nice one's wlis to work.
would be, were we to know tbat It face of (he Jar keeps It and the water
like an apple, in ringvi and add the brown This l» very much liked for
would be their latt day with ua on this Inside cool ond thus coots the milk snd
woman who. t-sause -d per knowing
Th* Foot Bath.
plnl of water to make out the
a change from white bread by almost and tomatoes allow of perhaps
earth. Along thU came llm
a drsfl of air can be kept
greatest vam-iy in cooking and wi
IB. inspires in other
Let It simmer until clear Take out anyone, and a part of the while bread
•Aalde from tb* regular batb. (tad
tbou^t is the following from
up about these Jars they keep things
d.-slre wad becomes
ITovlded there is enough
the lemon peek ndd tbe Juice of the sponge may be used in Hii.s way on
feet should be washed at least ooee •
very cool Indeed.
. IM' re-cooked in almost
lemon and the Jelly aod sugar
liaklDg day.
to a mailer of * few
dictii.ii. iti>m>-l«d>- on.-e sati that i
way glten ihe'cooh liookr. but
Of course all housekeepers kne
simmer a few moments. Take It
minute*, and insure* neatsou, rOdf.
thing in the wotM to do? It requires cooked meats, protected from
Graham Gems—Two lejrupR sour
lu viih III* small quanililei woman was as yoitiLg as she looked.
>m tbe Are and when partly coot
and comfort. If the tired fbopglH <r
no edoeauoo. no culture, no high po- keep much better than raw one*. Solo
I do IKU ihink su A woman Is the age
pour it Into a gl«*s dish and
saieswomaa. who has been BUDdlng
atUon In eoelety—on tbe contrary, the case of poultry and other
(hat btli.-r t>-U|ile believe
egg. itwo If eggs are plentyi two sway as "too little to fuss with,
burden . When ready t
fur lea hour*, would dip her toM Istu
three quUiflcaUooa rather detract
IS her ow n fault if. at fifty, she does'nt
soon, cooking and then heat
'cr it with sweeteued and whlpi>cd tablespoons melted butter. :ind enough cupful of stewed corn will mt
a basin of cold water. iDiUad of corltnan Its fadUty of execution,
impre.ss the woilil at large with
ing over is a very common prarllce. In cream, or with the white of egg beal-n gftiham or whole wh«-»: flour in dish of scalio|>cd rorn sufficient
Ine btr banga, or doing up her bock
and everybody can do It. young and the case of beef and pork i
which two scam kv.-l teaspoons of small family Butler a pudding dish, Idea that ux thirty she stepped
bair. she yould have a lighter step
old. though na a rule the more years the plan of frying tbe meat doi^. then
the (onniain of .lenial youUi and con
aliernaie la>ers of br
sods have been well stirred to Dial
dish. Cranberry Je«y can t
cluded never tu grtiw any older Even and feel more like walking bolM tkdB
not too thick a bsiier. More or le
crumbs and corn, being careful
packing Id Jars -and pouring
preferred to currant
hare the top and liotiem layers of woman's ag.- is in h.-r own hands, and
soda w-lll be needed according to soi
enough lard to coiyr It (borougbly.
Moonshine—Beat tbe whites of six ness of ni!1k . If two eggs are us<-d
WulKliig beats (be («>e(. itdBdiBg
coaes a habit ao strong that It warp* This will keep It freA a good many
crumbkN Pni a little huiier and salt she make* ii what
raus-s ib-m to iwell. Ud both ore
eggs to B very stiff froth. Then
their Jndgment. clouds their jintep- day* In even- hot weather.
1 layer of corn. Pour
win bear less flour. This recipe mj
' gradually seven (ablespoaofuls
tir-B»me *h-n prolotiged. Ttaef* ore
Oon. and prejudices their optuloo,
be varied to use whatever material enoneb milk to cover, aod hake
however, many anbatltute* (or
Boxes and Ba^.
powdered sugar, beating until stiff and
kind* of (ootbathl. dad
^UJe at the same Urns It arouses snminute*. If you have bartlly enough
OB.- ha* on band. Tart s
available. There Is nutbln^else
Every household should have It* autbortue* differ oa lo their value.
then beat In half a cup of l-trt sour milk w ill n-qiiire a teaspoon
tagonlsa In the untortunaU who hap that U so good and adds so much
rn nse thicker layers of crumos.
w-Hl.marked bos>-s and bags f.-r
peaches cut in tiny bits. Set on ice
Hot water eoUrge* the feet by draw
pens to encounter the Individual.
and add a b<-aien egg to the milk used
baking ixnrder and less soda.
summer comfort, bonce I urge upon
proper Borltng out of jalds and ei
to them: when uoed.
"Do you want (he answer to H
-upful of stewed corn will
Ilule leftover sour cream may be i
farmer who possibly
of silk* and cloths and linen*, say*
they should le- rubbed and exercised
whipped cream flatorvd with extract instead of .butter. 1 bavc^ade ■
eeonndrum? Do you guess what
sufficient corn oysters for four peo- ,exchange. Every odd by of stuff t
ellher dig In the ground or build above
b-fore attetupUng to put oa a tl^t
of vanilla.
this eaalett thing to do It is faultclout gems from one cup^inoderaiely I>le. Drain well, then add a well-beaten IS at any else should b« sav.-d —:
ice house, and All It with ice.
toxoi. Miistanl and bot water la a
Sponge Ulles—Drop a large spoonful ihick sour cream aod anf <ff so-ar milk.
flndlng. The mother begins It with
1 a tiblespooaful of milk
irt of house will do. Only get tbe
never know when you will ne.-d a titj (o-jtbain will sidetrack a fever If takea
of sponge cske batter on a buttered Whatever combination of material It
her baby, the father keeps it up
eSbugh flour lo bold (hi
Ice. pack it In »I'h a space of elgbi
ire a nervous headache, aad
sheet at Intervals. *o that they will used, one needs but to use Judgement goiher. adding half a teaspoonful of iof silk to line a collar or a -t.-ip ..fl
the growing son* and daughter*, the Inches sll round next to the walls.
si-ep. Bunions, com*, and
huiband or the wife can make the Oil this wlih sawdust or other suiishle
and the results will Iw -atisfariory baking powder to the flour. Fry the d.resse.s and surts Is t-. g.) over the
roiiousn.-s* arc nature’s protecUon
home a bell upon earth by mea
msiertsl. and cover thick on top. This while bot. roll each llille cake together of-en add a few crumbs from shred- ze of large oysters lo buUcr and
*i>ue leather. Two bot
tl. the employer can embitter tbe daya will make the (smlly eomtonable and on one side Into a form tike a calla der wheat biscuits or breakfast Bakes, rd mixed
Tj even' IlltJp whlh- an-1 c-' rid Piotbaths a week and a IMtIC pedieurIlly and fasten with a wooden tooth chance to be left over.
Ua cmidoyes. (be icachen
Lovers of this vegetable will And
(be housekeeper bsppy.
all that belong tu gartn.yn'- yni icg will remove the cause of bbcIi
pick. When these arc to be served
check Ike preffresa of the most ambt
1 Bread-One cup sour mll'K. >rn muffins delirious, and they are
All with beaten cream tbat baa been
(Jou pupil, and soctety can mar tl
alf cop molasses, one egg. one •ally better when the cooked corn have discarded. Metier snli in c-Cold CMsserts for Wann Osya.
A warm batb'wttb aa ooace ot^
bappincas of iU most favored mei
used. Beat together one cupful of ie*e bag* whenever you aro
tea»i>oon soda, a little salt: make bat
Herewith are given a number of sweetened and flavored. Remove
drif** on to someone less fortu'nai- sail in It IR aboot as reetful aa a sap.
ter about like cake and bake at once- rbopjied corn, drained almost dry. a
good eunimer desserts, nearly
quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, a te«n be prepared In (ha early
“Oh. the pity of It all. tbat neither
spouoful of melted hutttr tad the Pl*r«5 that nuach. They help out rough towH, put oe fmh itocktag*.
church nor state, nor sebooL nor so- morning, before the best of (he dsy
Simple Rest Cure.
VegHabIsa in Early flumracr.
beaten yolks of t*o eggs. Add tme cup wonderiuiiy with any fixing over Or have a chance of *000*. and . (he
rteiy, noe home. Is frre from this blast becomes too intense, snd which
w-iman who was “ready to drop" will
Wben i red. especially ID sun
ful of mtlk. and then stir in one and
tag evil—that we wllUngly lend our tbe better for a wait of a few hours
There Is always a hetwee^/Hme.
lie. tber>- are always l.onies lond
tfaoughu aod our toncoeu to the work ia a cool place before serving.
10 time to rest.-try bathing one half cupfuls of (lour In. wfatcb a tewing schools of which ih> 'managers have a very good BBdentasdUig Is
when the winter vegetable* arc grow
of pulling down, not building np. and
ing old and usteU-s«. and It Is still too the face with diluted witch haze! tablespnoorul of flour has been sified. are on;} to-> glad to g.ft jiisf the very ten minutes. Tbe qnlekesl relief from
Cold - Lemon Pudding-Beat
fatigne Is to plnncc the foot Us lea
twwteg ears where we should be yolks of six eggs and add tsro scant early (or the fresh summer vegeublei- Brush tbe hair a few stroke* ai
thlDgs y-ou are discarding.
roid water and keep U Immeraod osUl
(old in the beaten whites of (he
healing wounds. .
ounces of corn starch, and beat until unieaa oee bad a limitless pock.- adjust hairpins. Slip off .vear i
there U a seuaUon of waistb.
"Think of theec ihlngatbe nint Ume amooth: add tbe-Jnlce and grated rind book, and access to a good fruit aud and stockings aod bathe tbe feet with Half fill heated muffin irons, and bake
Another tonic (or Ue sole to a haadharel. and put on clean stock- in a brisk oven half an boor.
yee are tompted to acoM and dont do of (wo lemons and a very little water vegcuble store. Tbe majority n
In limitless variety can Im- ma-Jc ful of alcabel. Thii to a aare way to
Scalloped tomatoes ore mada
lOd different shoes. All Ihli
IL TUnh a Utile lees of your own to tbin It. Pot the balance of the wa mankind, however, must still go d
the scalloped corn, but without tbe from odds and ends <>( all s-.ri' The dry the feet-after beiag ool ia tbe
feeUngt and a UiUe more of thoee of ter—a quart should be used aliogetli- the root cellar or tbe vegetable bii takes hardly more time than It fa*,
‘throws- of a few yewra ago find use storm.
er—with ihree-fourths s< a pound of and bring up "tbe same old thing*. taken to wrUe It. but how It re*» you milk.
olhM. Tbe older omo can bear
Systemic Catarrh of Summer
of the
< ib 12
Mr. M:C:nBick thcaght
vary aad treasurer stated that K waslperpiesta.- ulcsticts a*
shall alto anoint the poU.e. special
lm Lc<u raid
ftepari at ■•nr.A
~v ft,”: b:-i :f
At th« B*«tcg of tb* dtr «OM»cU ptilM u<d watchmea and iW.I fix . «;y was tjj sttHl t;r s:th a l?arl tjs:t3--.ry It. tit cr.t.l to make a|-.-.v _-u =irr.-.i-. g«te-tap M t
aelr sa'.ariee tut li no cate shall jfr. Lsirdle ex;U.Uni tai*. • Mau"l«-t smt;, spirCTriatl.m ttr -^.e ctittrabc..«t Bov.r, wKh ireiai Tmtin ..na
>»«'« chMtel
::ci«r the etiae rs'.e. Mr. AiVt: ;;:n ct Ut Vrir-D The c?=ig;n:?.-! X- L.-.;- c- -ei tt'.i tce cot
uftr* sad pc-li-e OtMiim-Kit* they erricd" the or’aonnee, ncr •hall
v .<
tbry appclni mere' loan cat- pol..-'^ cc-ldc't ree bi-_ --,.;h -i b:o.ti Tri-aid •; 1-rd thv f.' a t-> -.ilc-vd
•xa C.rJ iLi th-.t ippr.-v-a
cf lb* CUT uader i bond sj '
lake the rteparim-iii.-, uut ui
V.'ifb the
. III.-. l'i].I...DS n’Ould in.- iUj...i
man for every S4»M pe„|,lii d{)sg.it„n I.i I.p
The U ,VSJ Util rJ E D Bsrne .
jdomls.r. with J. II. MoCourt and E.
or WM latradnoed. die but* at the Tho board ajiall have the power lo Mr. Rlckerd didn’t fed ihst be cuuh make eiinugh. Th<-> also ask.id that
jhe fire and other depaMmeni* bel
U. UiDor os sorcili-.. iraa approved.
dtr nperrUon tor maUoc tbe a«- make rulee sovenilas the police delowed to take part'In the parade,
MOTment roll for BficbUi sad Wsxb- parttnent and aball prescribe Ibe prop mov^ ns an amendment il
The matter of certain lou on the
erd, City Clerk Gillls. Tom Shane of corner of Eighth and Vnl.m flreelslj
ta*U» *ro«» were held op and tho
mi'l.-e «.Hi[d-jny all bills.
lug. Mr. t’almcr raove.1
Fire Department
tbe sins'is and walks comnilttve ofjwhicb had Wn placed on the assessMil ot Meat sad Milk Inupcrtnr DockJ. \V. Ila.inen. m n-s|N>us.> t.v a qm
labird. but ilic-re wn* tin M-rond. Th<
The l»»rd ehu|l have full omtrxil
the Isnird ..I imldlc works and hHn-|m.ii.| rtdl for fiaviiig. was tvferrrd I
<rsT warn slw> rofcirc'd lark. A emit
III.- am.-nilmviit was six I" linn, slated that
Oosl at wlaor balocu «w irsiuucb the fliv depurliueut. all the apparat toll! i''eslTv,qs sod walks c..mmUico tore-’s...,u.„:nil.'si7e.it.M;'v"'ri
rd. siMc U0« bHoc the srantioc of us and the alarm telegraph system, three. .Messrs. Lanlle. Moon and Mur- day morning. wl.lU- It had : iM com-: •
Other Boaloeaa.
|...n Jour le.
j ill.-ii, «m. Mr. snd Mrs. James OrtfA Hctit at tho iDieroeciloa of Roae etc. They shall appoint one fire chief chle voting uo. The vote on the mo- pleled Its *-nrk. bad *l.««T
•"’* autliorlied to pmvld.'f^d'^h.r
UMi"* 'iracc.^^aht “.'lir. «d Mrs. WDllini as amended, stood elgiii lu one. *rrl|iii<ms. Th.-re was a ba lance of I
able only for cause. They
aimt aad the Prrr Uarqiiette rallabout
gmemwsT. for vblefa Dr. Wooo baa been
there wasn’t, quite
Supervisors' Billa
Achtlar for sereral laotilba. The pc- inR the department and shall appoint
e,"he iKvnse this >-.-ar, A qoestion camel laiura Maryorl.-. daughter. ’Mr. and
sbisl i
iz» siiaie Biree.
broker not a “"- l-«t->etie VV. Case. T13 Wotatcr
The commlitw on claims and nr- enough money, with Ibe oib.-r sub
many firemen as necessary, the
UUoa of the blercle Hd<n for psH
was reterri'i! u> the fire commluee.
l« cjilxens of ihe Unit- counis rpponrd that they had not al scriptions that w.iuld cune In and the
»aa referred to the ordiaaoce cooitn
The wharf c-immiil^ rvparted lhal ||
“'•r'^'.V“nVc-id.. dsughter. Mr. and
(ae and one bnndred and thy dolUrt ed Bistes and n-sldenU .if Traverse lowed the bills of the ciiy ass-ssors fser til. y figiirH.1 ih. y rpuli J
for making the asscssmi-ul ndls
waa Allowed for the Fourth of July City for at l.-asi one year.
___, IJi-i
Toiind tl
Tbe btiard shall fix the salaries of they considered them excessive.
Mism imivssl that
blocks on Webster sire.-t staling that' Harry Alii.o, s..n. Mr. and Mtw,
proprisTJ." Mr^Lani”.' moved"" thstj'’"'''"' **’'
They also r
sewers had been pu. In with the ex-i"“”'‘ J'’hn‘->n. *’:k Stale street. April
The ordlaaaee anwodlog the chari le chief and firemeo and may re Mr. Winalt^ motliia th.- bills w
— .1... -,i.. __ .. , ^ ___ __ ...
- lommend.-d that esilmaies hi- reee
er to provide for a board of fire and quire the chief to *lre bonds. They referred back to the claims and aca water main would lie f
May, daurtier. Mr. and Mrs.
police ooBDlaslaDen waa Introduced have tbe power to porchaae «iclae8 counts commlttte.
Harry fhenowelh. 43S West Tealb
street. May 11.’
by Mr. lArdle who atated that aoeb and apparatus but not the pdver to
Hethe* Charloiiv. daughter. Mr. aed
a board wonld Uke these two depart- buy real estate or construct build- counts eomrniltee stated that the com
A, Monroe. '•IS West
mittee bad thought Ibiit the bills wennionihlv' leave <>r absenre
neDU out of polliici. the ordinance lORSKle.enib street. Msy U.
high, the roll for Eighth street r. of bicycle riders asked tlisi the! ’
The board ahull deslgiiate the du
betne copied after the one In force
Son. Ur and Mrs. Emor HockstcM.
lighting recrni-'h'>n>e ia Scotland.
Si:. I&SI Slate slrys:-l. Hay I». .
ties of Ihe department but shall not, costing «:i and the one for Washlnp aard of public works provide hleycle
tn. Manistee. ;
Daughter. Mr. and Nr« ~
gj$. tbe assessors having
AtBooc the prorlalona of the ordl- bare power to direct the chief at a
Mutt Pay Fines.
worked about three days and the bills
aaaea was that tbe control ot the re.
j Th«w's trouble In sight lor tl
The board shall have the power to running from tS to $30. The report
flro aad pollee departmenu
The report of the committee
peliiion lie refemid to the ^ard of
• ----------- ---Ih.-y I* «l1ow<-d 1
npder a board eonaUUnc of three
claims and accounts was allowed. peicefully- snoore irff llielr load
is to the path of a fire and which In tbat the whole council could consid-r public works with lower lo an.
Tbeaa peraona are
Mr. Palmer eluting that a bill of $]3'.<: .-o-ii sap' in the city prison olid go on &ri T. Henry. 1 s East fYoot slrecL
Mr. Mo>m suied that he thought
ai^oletad by the mayor for a term of their judsment would be haxardous tbe matter
for the pest house would lH> ivinmrd i '•’•’t'’ »»y rejoicing the next morning,
Intpectar'a Bill.
tbe wbeelmen of the city
stand. Inside o( three
three roars. Tbe ordinance la to take
Mamie Edith, daughter. Mr. aad
lo the conntv
1 Insiead, ihey will have lo appear
bemonths, tbe owner msy make a sarorn
l-e fined and Mrs. Carl Osrsr Id-nn. «$ Bast FYoBI
Tbe conmlitee on claims and
sirvei. Hay 2i;.
claim tor darnsRas In which esae the> counts didn’t approve tbe bill of C.’”“‘
much to build the paths.
Lola, daughter. Mr! and Mrs. Rom
i^odrich believes llui this
property will be appraised,
R. Dockeray. meat and milk m»pec-|'*™"^
'fund • ■II- necessary. Anthurin-d.
I «ould
goxl pisn. Chief Ashton Hines. Sir WHoier sire.1. May $.
IHT. tbe necMid tor two yean and claim is made, the board may order tor. as they believed (bat a fee should j
[■elu May. daughter. Mr. and MrA
to as carrying lights
I and-milk Inspector's re- agr.-es
Willli n MeMe. I4J Bast Tenth •'—*
kick as t:
the building nppralsed and compen- be charged the dairy and market ownthe third for three years, the
The matter was diarussed
I port W.-.K received and filed. Tbe con- good
advantage and noboJy would o
polatmebU thereafter to be for three aale tbe owner. It shall also be taken era for making Ihe InspecUon and t “'“»?’»•
opinions being P«ldi.ion of
meat markett and dal- Ject except the diIrunks,
Into consideration tbe llkellbood of a limit placed on the number of Vi's-1
yaara. There ia no eompens
"'»'«> '»>•<
good. He
coaiieeted with membership of the the building being destroyed by fire Its. The bill amouotei to $40.
*■"'■'‘1 «>*i
,ihe ert-.vm slandard Ire reduced from]
Library Report.
hile. ni East . _________ ___ .
lMard.:Mr ean any person boldlns any and If it Is deemed that tbe building
Mr.-Moon moved that the ways and i
‘‘*‘^1'' f"’’ *
|3t) lo U. that Is-Ing the United States! Tho fullewlng Is the report of Miss
Charloue. daugbiFr. Mr. and Mrm.
1 the year. Ihe stroeis v
would be destroyed,
eleeUveprappMativeorAce bea i
means commluee estimate ihu
standurd. The retiori was acepted' Helen Btoui, city librarian, for the ames Kerns. H-ri Cast .ireet. Hay
be allowed,
ber «C tbo board.
. be Charged and the number of visThe mayor favored maklng;^^
tecommendatlon refe^^i
Tbe board shall make out an esti s neceaiary. The motion carried.
Tbo msnben of tbe board ahall
the ordinance commluee
I »*y>ks given eut-ncliog, 130,1: JuDebt Occreaaa^-..
elect CSC member pteaMent and aball
., ..-.e.., VOS_______ loe
ShUlCr Wl.hd,
The decrease in Ibe puMle debt Of
alicr elect an elector secretary and talcing the deparineots for the com .... means commluee, staud tbat tUe|'''»^
Winnie’s mollon. the matjy;.3;o.2.> cash on hand
(he United States lo Ihe amoant td
fix his salary. Tbe board ahall hare ing year. The ordinance repeals an commlu4 had the matter of making:' ________ _________________
«> Ih'- ordinance
com-^ The report of A, F. Nerlinger. judge
over etghl and a half mlllloo dollars
mluce to report a
during the momb of May. Is an iDdh
SB offiee forelthed by the city and conflictl^ Inwa, charter provisions ( the meat and milk Inspector’s oJflce
ft«-nrder's court, showed
eallon of ihe continued incrcaoe of i»tbo city ahall alao fnmlsh all tbe pecsalaried one. underronsldenulon, but
Municipal League.
jl.iiloii of onHoanccr. two of the blcycelpu over expenditure oota hbneadCMary booka and faralture. The board
Law Over.
had been unable to agree. He iboughi
The prcsldeut of tbe leagvic of Mich-: cle <>rdinanc<-s. two fast driving; four
Ing thv several lines of rnormoos oadiell tppon to tbo council each
Mr. Inrdle stated (hat In order ibat that the council should know where lean MunicIpallHes. which meets In, drunk and dlsord.-riy, seven small'
■ lonal outlay rreenily entered Bptw.
The entire public dclii of tbe United
the legtalaure might pass on Uae they stood on tbe matter.
Detroit Thursday. Friday and Saiiir-I boys for breaking windows, one rlo- average 43.
Slates Is now less Iban the approprlaTbo board shell here the power to.
idment, Il would be neceaaary to
Fourth at July.
day of this week, asked that the may> receiving stolen I
IIODS of tecenl single oesahnu ot tbe .
appoim a merahall wbo aball act as
It last night. To get It before
nsilonal congress, and Is far leM «w«» >
ebM of poUes sad be shall not be the bouse, be moved the adoption,
that of any other country of even sec
ond or third rate ImporUnce as comlaiDOrod eseept tor eeims. 11107 Mr, Moon socotided the motloo.
s also to bring alii under false pretenses. To tbe county'
-linpAfttiit'CMmeil HMUng.
h ^
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
The Great Shopping Center of the City
Most attractive because you do not have to go from the
building to find your every want. Every item on your list
can be supplied without leaving the building.
We are the' Universal Providers. Rubber Stamps
Rubber Stampi are the most cooveoient, and no office
ahouid be without some. Date liaes, your name aod
addr^ to use on eovelopes and packages. A set of
rubber type »o that you can set up aoythiog that you
may need for labelling your packages, or a statement
to put OD some goods. Stamp Pads in any color ink.
Sumping Ink for renewing the pads. There are some
efficea Aat have dozens of these stamps, and they do
■avc Bo much time. Let us figure with yon for anythiog that you want in this line. We uke orders and
ffll them on the shortest notice.
Comfortable as Well as Stylish Footwear for Men
CJ^ords are the most comfortable of all summer
Men’s Patent Leather in everjthing from those
natty swing shapes to the broad conservative ones,
priced at $3, :i 50 and 4.00.
A table full of Men's Patent Leather Oxfords at
S2 TO, made up of pairs from our 5!^ 50 and 4.0(' lines.
They are bargains, every one of them.
Going Away?
New Line of Iron Beds
Need a good “Grip” or Suit Case. See that big line
that we have, and almost every style that you can
think of. The “Grips” are all leather lined and sell at
$,6 60. 7.60.8,00 aod 10.00.
Just unpacked the biggest line that 'C^e
have ever carried. All manner of colors
of enamels and these are priced from $2
to $35.
Another lot of Bed Springs sell from
»X», 6.00. 7.50,10.00 and 12.00.
tO $ I 8-
ot a„ kinds from $2.25
,,„iS-».VT.T';rrJ[''v';,s*““- *”
In »U manner ot lency
Nothing more acoeptaUe
than a nice box of Bon Boas.
Tbe Dnv and Book D>.
fuD of tbe deiatiwt that are
A better line vou will not hnd. Bleached Linen at
-50c. 75c, SI 00. 1.25 and 1.50 a yard. We have the
Napkins to match the $1.25 and 1 50 grades for $3.00
to 5 00 a dozen.
A fine line of Unbleached Linens at 30c. 40c, 50c,
7.5c and $1
Buck Toweling. 15c. 25c. 45c. "5c end $1.
Bath Towf-linu. 5c. 10c. 1.5o. 2.5c find :{0c.
”Kub Dry" Towels, 25c. :«k.- a&fJ 40--.
Kuh Dry" Woeh CJotlis, or.
Hnck Towels, good liig onee. 5c. lOe. 15c. 25c aad 30c.
Damask Towels. 20c. 2.5c. 40o. 50c. 75c. SI end 150.
Turkey Red Table Linen. 20c lo 50c a yard.
Ruhber CoUaTS
Just the thing lor
Sommer use.
OC, OF 2 lOF 15C«
Hie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
■HMM (ncr ndfidiv «t Tnnm* d«,
Mary M. Sehaab.
Bletaih trade—Btbel Moater,
i. Alberu Lefamao.
IWrttowoetaWMoy, n
Solo. DoHt Bowen.
abots teemed to tire It r
Hotel PufchaeM.
atrenxtb aad U Bed over the h
The Kedi-ta-wania hotel baa been was lost mat
ortSiaaed b.r Janet E. Forman of
•r tbe beast in the
Porple and told are the data col- ■.
irwnd Rapldt tronr tbe Hunt-eoute.
ora and the elaae Bower, the red reee.
tbe boiiae baa
The folIowlBt pttamra wUl be Urea:
Resort h « u»Dted to S«-Bb-ia-wania
S«i------------------- --------------—
tel and it will open about June IS.
,o jrutt ibelr ehlldren o
MUt Mary Kroupa of Neah-ta-wania
Sect—"Eiimtaer." Cboni*.
»1U be tbe manager this afwaoa.
t : U . B
Saluutory, "fine Quam Vlderi.*'
to-' S 1
' r
I I 00 , U
Song-'-Mlolms.-drive It from the confloct o* tbe
Jtecitaitoo. "Tbe Golatt
^Tnd." Dolores Britta
Soot—TnvlutlOB.- Claat.
Drama—"The Heirs ot
taflT la Uae wiUi tt* nw«t rndnnesd
nstM 01 tb« onloo .ta the dlrvcUoD
at luwmsM legiaUUae. So dUturi>-
Scarf raotattke.
Valedleioo-. "The End Crowns
Worlc," norence A. Moteir.
iBS-or uir«Maaalile requlreatMts «UI
be tnnde of ibe compenle* dodne boilBe» la tAlt Mate, bat It will be
•ootfit to soard epOott e tvpeUUoe
or tbe ntou flacnal aba ms ot eoe-
The Her.
have to CD alowly.
tiaavT leap randing hit ei
*"^"*iniuch power before and all the weak
tote M^eaanew. pning themaeivu;
a will show.
•beat the beOer, and even eruthing
"We have plenty ot orders ahead
lateBUeifc.enQlneor Philip Ballingar!In fact we are anowed under with:
dfMfincRy •taped on hit aut. applied,
, i place w toon u we get tbe atlSoeas
and tr ap ddas, averted
A. «-l.,
third and
N.. «
Ijm apeidsnt was caused by
. ..iA
Flour. H.. L. A Co't Best, bbl
, ,,5
four cared for. A bit 1
1 w.........................
». „««.
s;;,.s"Cc"r£.'; Km
Butter, creamery, per
' nettor a.ir.
— ^«.th».AttCkpMBAad lust cam-^um .oda focmtaln aeon.
J work on two care which were;
Stephen Shewfelt passed away Sunr behind
the Bve that canted *5«F erenlng.at tlie w of lOyurs.
Urn trouble. They moved these l»«>,for®b'i^,"L»*WDeT*hartot <^r*e!
ahead by faasd to make room for/
a. Brighara U building a new
more ear* that werewtU.I further back store. Tbe front will be occupied at
on thp aifilat and tha Jar that ‘»ey|a ha^ ^
Is having hU boicl
gave the other cart Maned them BOV. t
ihf alowly toward the main track.
Fine ReelUl.
I pupils of Hite
lie teacher. 1
treck. mid hegHmlng the IS «
colUalon. when
H3^= “
Buying Frioaa.
r<wner. no eleci
. _
Bel-. able and....................................
a slight delay
linger did everything In bla power | troubled ensued In securing lamps. Al
to atop tbe train and toeeeeBed la though lb* majority of the doss were
very young aad the hall was but dim
ugteriaUy fietswaalng lU speed by
ly lighted, their InstnicUon had been
tha time the empty Bata clashed Into
ihorougli that the entire program
rendety-d without fault reflectlBg
upon tbe ability of their
Tert Up Engine.
the pupils. The program
OoBring at gn angle, the ear tore
e Tin Soldier." (Hackh) Bessie
away tbe whole right aide of the pilot,
broke the cylinder
•■Emma WalU." (Schmoll) Helen
March. fOnrlltt) Manrine Foote.
••Bright Flower- walls, iKohler)
degree into the abape ot a letter -V"
onald Rlckerd.
and knocked the front tnicfca from
"Evening Song." (Webb) Uargnret
under tbe lank. By the time that this
mpEh damige had been completed, **^'a*eV." (Webb) Tdna Campbel- )
lob POIV onto tbe boiler, breakfti*
tbe running board and throwing tbeir
'waliht agalnBi the cab.
ear srat derailed and met tbe comer *^Hnppy Farmer." “HunUng ^g."
Schumaan) Alice Bauman.
of the baggage car srhleh was a
•Fairy Polka." (Spladler) Marie
*^nk.- (Uehner) Marie Tofdnka.
Legs en Engioa.
"Tulip." (Uebner) 0«tmde Taylor
The patten gets pUed o
■ Dancing SplrtU." (Bokm) Helen
eoaebea to aee the engine atUI on the
mtls but enveloped in a cloud efj ’’^•Tbe UUle Wandemr,"
Btaam. which drifting away, left tbej Maude Bea.
1 aro. Come." (Metcalf) Mrs.
aM of baring been whitewashed;!
afelS S.'ZS
All of whicli above described real
ate I win expose and offer for sale
... puliUe vendue, to the highest Ud
der. at the front door of the Court
House ul the (Ml)' of Traveme City,
ill Grand Traverse r»umy. that being
the place td
boldine tbe Circuit
Court within said County, on Tues<lav, July f-, A D, 19I>7. at ten o'elock
in tlie for-nuon of Gial day.
Ual.-d, May 31. A. 1)., I9U7.
SU-rlff ot Grand Traverse County.
Attcirnevs f.ir I’lUlnlllT.
Bi'slne-S A^dre-sCenter
Reni-m, Harbor. Michigan.
ran waa backed down and took the
tor toidinr the I'lreolt Court for said Coonty
ol OrandTrarrr-e.
at Tea o'el.Mk in thi- form.-iB of-ltd dM.
Chicago, Junv
XtrolL Jmi'e^<VTieal.!<5S; com
Bear In Villcu<Moaroo r.-i,UT. illrli. June C-Thi
Utile vIMiiai- •■iiSBt:<d in a p-lmine.
old -fashioned bear hunt this nioruliiK
despite the efldrts of Glen COpH
Charles Duell. assisted bv W
liam l^g. tbe animal is still at large.
There is much fear attionc the fanner*
adjacent to the village that their live
stock will sutler through tbe depreda
tions of the animal which wa# the
first one seen here la many years.
Tbe bear, which waa a luouster
black one. etilercd the village
>r at tlu> top of' the' grade.
Mr. Bellinger
hsd attempted
I'lreuit Court I'omn iMloaet
I'Biww/jticT aTIw'ay'''
c.f the
-. begin
Hy-<Mm-i 1- iii.nl- (icini
sooihlnc nil- u’l'l tnilt'ams and
Inins tbi- •>-,-im-ki:..ng Iirnp-iln li:-dicalliiii is
mil breath-. H
ihe resplrainry <ntsns, klllinR i--. It due in m largTineasurc in abuse of larrhaLgertnf anr soruhine any lrriia-|
the bowels, by emplot-ing drastic piir- tion ihi-r.- nuv l.,- in the musou.s m-nigstlvet. To avoid all danger use only hraae.
The compl-te Htgvm-l Outfit cost*
Or. King's New Life Pills, the sale,
bn’ II: and S. E. Walt A Sons give
gentle cleanser*
and Inrigomi
ttn-ir persona! guarantee with each
Guaronieed to cure beadache. bUI
package :liat uion>-y will be nf'iudeil
ness, malaria and Ja-undice. at C
unlesf the treatment does all that la
Bugbee Drag Co.. Hannah Drag Si
. B. Walt A Son's drug sl^^.
to offer, would
R Sebomberger $ $onfi
Cili/cns Phone (SI.
R--I1 Phone is".
To Oar Saving Depositors
and Others..........................
DepogiUi made in our Savings
during tb« first five day* of tbit month
draw interiAt from the first of June.
We issue a neat B3uo Savings Hook and jjay
thp<p pt-r coot intcft-st. l•omp>llnd■•■^ twice a
$1.00 Starts an Account.
Traverse City Stale Bank
Xorthem Michigan.
Flags for Decoration Day
lire here in great numla-rk and nt any I'ri'v d<-sired for the little "Tiny'' ones at^Sc per dowtn
tothelsrgc Banting Flags,from $8.50 1° 85.00
Base Ball Goods
Ours is the most
complete atoek north of Grand Rapids.
you in this space a series
of practical.tcsied recip-s
Wall Paper and
Window Shades
Season is now on in full blast.
Went-Ter hadao
great a bnainess aa now an'i it sliows that our stock
Ho-dar »t S—. 1-0...
I wish that the public and whoever has any
try and have it ready by that time, and }-flu can bt- sure you will be
mooey ahead. Do ool fail to do so.
is the largeat and prices most satisfactory.
' - -—•'_«»
Mr. j-M ■ s.'X- ‘“lJ:“ 1^..
'•St issrs!-,. s:,s “di’”-
Tlie senior cla*a at
for a larger one.
Tlie Oidesi ami Strongest Bank it
nsol. istere-l and<s»t- :a iwid . sii.e ..I the
fol!ov-ina.de.enbed larc-l- ot land to «it
LnU tVMtr Si r libi aad iweati «u mi ol
Bajsid. Addiii.ata tbe >-lUace (mei- aty.of
Trayepse. Xlehtesa. la said Conalr aad !>iate
in aj-e.ipdaie-.- a-iili the tefiii- of -atd dr--n--.
The}- claim there Is a decltae of two rents a pound and .o>w.^waiUof
Hyeetel and Relief\nd Curt
Wilt Be Guaranteed.
wlih nfii-nsiv'-
at whleb' Uma the belated train waa
Btnr ■would
' 1 have made
ned date.
not buy.any more wool at those price* after my coolraet expires.
cnade by Spalding are witho-jt .joestioa the finest
O. u.. .~o. TbU <«* ..^’SSL'b.K- i£os.!i»iK
d the Pare Marquette will run
i Itoiij Travers*
been injured, or niaklng
r me for the trip.
and best quality to be found.
about 7 oelock lb the evMilnf
It is probable tb»: The Bat ears would
have crashed iai^ the coacbet and _
Wool Wan^od
1 will buy all tin- wfxi! I can gel up to June IClh. 1997. lo
If ynii Inivi- c.n.irr
He Fought at Gettysburg,
le, and paid out muco moor., —----------cine to imie purpose until I began
taking Electric Bitters. I would not
take 65im (or what they have done for
me." Grand tonic for the aged and for
taken by another engine. No. 4 being
Great Oommander N. 6. Boynton of female weaknesses. Great 1
e«^ ^eas. aad tha Korthpjort
a body builder; «
the Maccabees and Perry F. Pow.
r& aJaa palled out.
I ot Cadillac will be la the city Tbu
min ba^ bam a tow aec-
G.iv Warner bas sent a cheese t..
Judge orprobale. '*>- Woman's hospital at Saginaw. The
a sale nest week.
David Paiker. of Fayette, N. T..
loM a foot at Gettysburg, wri
"Electric Bitters have d
“Oypsy Rondo." (HaydnJ Key Uia- good thanks
eoafbet back to tbe depot to await,nts.
Imeiicaii Drag Co.
TiEvcrse City, Mich.
o'clock in tlu- forenoon.
Dated May 2Mh. A. U ISstT.
“inSii“-i:v'.:rrTb;.’?l:StiiJ; is;;
Pratt aad Ashler B I'ostl- sre .lefenrtsnts
JJotk^lshsreberTentlist I •,iall---II at ,.n>
We h»»v » »pcci»l tootIn .m diHoau ul |■DeV
try. Call o> wrttr lui one.
^•BeaMe." (Gug D’ Hardelol) Mrs.
Tbe empty
n, IboT. have Iwn sllus-il lor cn-dllors to prt-seni their'claims against
sisid deceased to »ald euilri '
nation and adjusimeilt. an
hat all '
rrt^iluni of said deceaso.l a: V required
to present their claim- to
at the probate ■•{fie-', lii the city «t
Tmverse fit}, in ^l;id eounty. on nr
Wfore the 1st lUy of October. A O.
)iii>7. und that said claims wilt l>e
beard by said court on Tuesday, tlilat day of OcteUr. A. O. IboT, at t<-n
^tU^^tTSinvoTy.Micblean. Uay
tJie aeoottd car. loaded with logs, was
criiiUpg toto the locomotbro and the
NoUre Ik hyr>-b> git-->i the' four
months from the Jbih d-t „f Maj. A
Netles of Sale.
Iiy virtue of a WTit of Fieri Facias
issued out of the Circuit Court for the
o wroT-'rv Mia by rltoreof an Mni«t and County of Berrien, in favor of The
ervr of ebr OT>mi Cunn fur tbr Cunniy of Fanner* A ilerchonts Bank of Benton
Harbor. Uiebican. and against
Pril, A. b. la/:. Id tbr abwrs roUUrd .-auar goods and
chattels and real estate of
enr> W.
Carev. In said County, to me directed
and delivered. I'dld. on tbe 4
of April, A. P.. ISM. levy t
Ing describod real esute.
esub to-wlt;
I One 11, Two (2) and Three
(3); Nortbenst quai
alMo c'riock la rtsfoMaooo. or so anrh
St quarter (Ai)
tasrsofassas bsasmsTT m.slsf the staugin
(5). Also that port
dnstJ tasaO" eampUiaaat ter JadrsmeaL
rter (■*) of Southeast
of Soutbeust quarti
Five (5) lying
'U of Section
Und.lacMsd lo Ursad Trara-as Cooely. Stao quarter <^i
of HlchlcM. to wii: Tbetrest rra tloDai bsit
b and West of a line drawn across
of Utssouib-imi'Cnaner. and tbs oostbw.i
quorter quarter aeellon and parwith and one-hundred llOOl feet
aSlhrir "atr tw^Bi sw*‘^ib"noT^^t
from the center line of tbe H. A N. E.
s2o tbJ witbsU^if ll.e\'(S»aM‘<?Bs5v^'it>d Railroad.
Also Northeast quarter
(ti) of Nonhtrest quarter 1',);
Northeaat quarter (’4) of Northeast
ot tlM aertb W-.
Northwest quarter (\»)
gnartsf *se sha* ourUl wvt gaarler of tbe
quarter (»il; Northwest
Bve-b-esstqosrteralllo soetlaii •eeenteen irla ta.atveaty-scToa ijr-oorib ol raneeelereo quarter («l of Northm'est quarter
(II .s-eai.erenit s» setssod tbe mm -ids there
(t, t, Souibeast quarter (>4) ot North
ot.hrretofotvdesdnlto Jullni T.Hannah
AlM> tbe north ra«l uoarier or the -Diitb MM west quarter m). and Southwest
Qnnr'or of section nreniyloartNi ezcopi ton quarter 04) ot Korthwoat quarter
lirreo laths narih-eaal i-orge-tbersof la tosm
t».) of Section Eight (S), all In Town
iwentv-fire cril
of Range
abors d-senbed wlU be Sent eold aad It that twelve (131 We.st. AH of said
bo But •nfiloleauoi.sy the -aiil Judreoaeai j>rln
lying nnd being in the Ck; inty of
Grand Traverse, and Slate < I MIchl-
the grade. Tbe Bats were moving to ■
Buck being .
alowly that the engine crew could aol, 8. Rowley who had
. detect It and evarythinc waa thought yocal numbers on ibe program.
U, M M,.
almoM In
will do the wotL
ThSu’jrtnion“'^f'drastlat, u' OaU. per bu ...
ow olce'f
nicely settled, and hu as floe a Clover seed ..........
The due w«c brine unloaded at n«w
Uie oval wood Dlah companyk rollM hit right hip irtjurod.
hale coiih for the eoiintvyrf Grand
Traverse in tbe matter of ihi-. slat*- of
George K. Newcomlie. d<-o usi-il.
' SS^ t ■riSfcSnpts.nul.
Tbe pei
Peek waa the only person Injured at furnish musk both dsya.
In tlma to meet' the paaaenger train aporu of a]] kinds, bone races
t to Pay.
A gratitude that
writes 0. S. Clark.
. va, "for my resru
from death, by l>r. King's New Dli
ivery. .Both
Both :lun;
i iliraugit carelessness •
lecKnt that d
aktng New Discover}'.
The ominous
is dry. barkli
1 up. the union iH-lng a
cough fliilt before the fi
useo, auli
divorce rases are,
ihe total : thlrl).thr.-e
r- before Julge Mayne. equalled New 1IMscoven- for coughs,
colds and all tthroat and lung com•antwcl by
bv C. A. -Uugbee
plaints. Ouarantwcl
Store. S. K.
Drug Stor<'. Hannah Umg S
Me nnd tl.
Wait A &.ns, druggist
Trial bottle fro-.
CSr.:a5 Osan (or tbe CDOoly of nrsod tVav-1
Yesterday was a vi
the city market, only
• •Inc
• eted.
Price of potatoes Is clown a llitle t
; stock bmueht luduy fru
s at Buckler, tbei fttcon. per lb .
urm. and the celebra-
wradi and traffic was ddayad about lean.
■ sta-f
11 s Sbijl
S: i
i.'.is I:
ludg" Ilf Probate.
of Mrs. A
N, R. railro
tailing Prieaa.
Claartack pork, per bbl.............fU.BB
aearback pork, per lb.........................U
Short cut of pork, per bbl.... 11.U
,out of the Joints."
at Bias, Just loaldo the yard lim-
g ; g ' "^r f»
4, ; »
"‘"-s! g.sai:-"
Potatoes^ 40cto45c
Jut working out the rbeu-
It is further onlered. That public'
notice thereof be given bv publication
of a copy of this order, for three soenessive weeks prertous to said day of;
bearing. In the Grand Traverse Her->
aid. a ueaspaper prlnt>-d and eircuUtted lo fhlJ coiiti'y.
"S’, itsI
E-S;S E,s.g;s,||.,
fiUrch Faetery at Wei
Tbe Biarcb factory atarted t
vUus day.
at oar conoUr Ul^gu it a profll- terday with about alsty men. The
field for ell Udm ot '
pUni is only ruonint days now and
ikd It it well that ao time has been will oonllnue to do w> undt all the
loM ia^MkiBg to Koard the Jntereets weak apoiB In tbe maclUnery
of the people ot our atate who are covered.
“We a
X held at Um prebai* otfic*. in
city of Tmvme City, la sold
tiir. ce the fftth day of May. A. I)
1907. Prvseni Hon. Fr*ri R. Walker,
Judge of Probate.
In the matter of tbe estate of Lofield
Brown, late of told county, deccoss-d.
W. S AndevsOD having Bled in sold
coun his petition praytng that the
admlnlftrailtm of sold estate be grant
ed to E. E. Miller or to some other
It Is ordered that the 17lh day of
June. A. P ifr.T. It ten o'clock In the
d for beoriot l
Mid petition.
ill Eir.:;?.si7 ..
«al ot tke iBTfcr inaonace eompealee
matWlT ewwdJOK tbelr mooey Id
Neh dlrecUana.
lii.li S “?T,"
Circuit Court.
term has been compiled by Cou&i
Clerk Wallet and will probably ke«,
I he coun busy for some time. There.lire three criminal cates; the ease of :«
the People vs. IJoyd Hulbert and An- ,5
n WHm- ilsy's R'>oird.
Okpadj s« .
CUmr ;*
«u.-.ii;S ,K KT’:■ ”
.Ssthanlel Youc -*-■
•>-«'same charpe at
liam White fur bastardy,
fader Issues ol fact.
will again come up. •-oiieA-reUig
Williamsburg famllj a bo have
lirougbi M) much tiouble on themThe «Bt*lde quetatiena by wire, net M-lves snd the cotirt thi-otipb family
mstlers. It is 11 ca-o- <>( us-.iiiii]>sii u|e
dipped from ether paperc et the pre
PreseDtatifln of diplomas.
fl^aab. BUnbeth Brina. Outrode
Koeinlo, Dmjiy Hontnlnta.
Tto Prldun
Ka.« RROnvIUe.
Mr. OWlan aad Ur. Do___ onarved. promptly took,
op <Ae dUM.
Tbe ajtfrntl tnr»ed
and fiod and tbe men peraaed it aatll
tb^ and ^ bear were aJmoet
■ luodore.' Mr. Lac
Grand Tiarasc Bcrald
.rsL’s.;‘,k c...
Genrade C;S0
, SuiS
Brogli. A*n»
C;Se a.
a m.
--'^.WolcotL Alberta Lebmon. Edith
--------St- urfioy. osd Doris Bowea. Before d
See poster* or ask Uckei
H.'F.*MoeUer. C. P. A.
City Book Store
CbeBobart go.. Prop.
• $34000
OfIUa»-A Trmcj Ur. ftm
nwECHaeh. TN*
«MOK)«A-A. me, Ur. ;
S KT eeat Alitwe4 m Time
■ Let Me Lean Harder on Thee,
ras auDic by Mrs. Stltcs, Alice Derby
md Haute WllUnaan.
Forward Hotranent is ttaa Bnoday
neboed, & a mas.
Slnstns by Mr. and Mrs. Irteh. “I
The HUslonaiy Idea in Us Bela.
Ibe SundayBefao
was ttren
by the Bar. B. FlenUnf.
................. Berlin
-srtln Wll.
“God be with You.” t
le aflen
closed with prayer by the Rev. B.
» Wlllsey.
>. Taylor.
lylor. Pres.
baring a nice warm raio
Cimlatioii nis iteeL 2.82S
i. V. Frt«
Bbennu 'A I
1 dotbei.
J- W. HlllfkeD—Po^ cnrUlu.
Oriascll BnM—JuDe record* no*
StelDbety Brew.—Our Friday and
Satorday aale
A. W. Bartak—Oor new *Use.
Globe DepL Store—Offers to ibe peo
QaesB City Imp. Co^Farm t
J. W. 8Uter-RooD'9i*kloc a
Fire en West Tenth.
The leildnee of A. ArmUase. 403
Weal Tenth atreet. waa badly dan•fed by tre Saturday eveolns, '
4^0 beinc nnknoaro. aa Ibc
van away at the lime. It Is probable
^ it had amouldered (or aom<
Tbo alarm waa dlacrorered by people on the atreM and aa alarm pboned
In. The department reaponded with
an excellent run but by the time they
were at the bouae. tie Are waa comInc tirouAh ibe roof, but. altboush
they were handicapped by the low prea
sore from the water works, the fire
waa out within a eery short time.
Byataaders attempted to carry <
the (oraltnre and succeeded in sari
a portion of It but when the ori
waa brenmit out It waa probably burn
tat intlde as it Irarat Into fiamea and
wan aoon a heap
The fire tan between the walls and
canaed considerable damage,
bonae is owned by Dennis Kell
Hla* Myrtle Gardner, at her home
on Berenth street enurtalned tblrtyffre friends Monday ereninc In honor
of Omar Fulgbum, who eoes i
It. the company eoDilstlns
keab ci^rfci, their, wires, husbands
and Mends, lee.cream, cake
Bondi were aerred durtne the erasing
nnd a program of MdUU<
ate Siren. radtsUotia being by HUs
Baker. Mrs. Herkner. and Joaepb Allor. The evening was
*Bcst and before the company dls. paread, Mr. Fulghnm was
^ wltb a pair of field gUsaee.
Baldn* wUl eniertaia in Us honor.
The mill here finished Ibc cut Sal
rday and nulle a number of the iioys
ive gone to tbe woods to peel ba
There was a large crowd attend
ic dance here Saturday evening, J
Shorter naya come one and all.
Roy Byrum rlslied Miss Ada Co^
en of w<«i of Ovlalt Sunday.
Jim While and daughter NeUle
rerc Traverse Clly caller* Monday.
Orandma Tucker rlslied her sisier,
Mrs. Rachel Remington OccoraUon
aurley KInster and wife have gone
1 boUBi-keeplDg In tbe Wynkoop
ouse. across the road from the East
side rhnreh.
Roy Berman went to Cedar Monday
to work for J. Bulllvan.
Mr. aud Mr*. Thornburg of Maple
Clly visited her brother. Wm. Whlnrey and family Snaday.
Jim Bulllvan of Maple Clly attended'
the dance here Saturday night.
Mrs. Jane Harvey visited be
Frank, of South Kasson Sunday.
CUB Ralston and wile visited his
parents at South Kasson Sunday.
Hiss Canute returned from
Blaine Marata was a Traverse City
caller Monday.
Miss Nellie While visited Ml
Hlrtb Ssrander Sunday afternoon.
Mr*. WU! Griffith and little a
of Kassoo. visited her psrenu.
d Mrs. Elmer CrainI s few ‘
Howard Dunn returned Thunday
from Kalamazoo college, passing Sun
day with his Parana, and leaving
Tuesday for Chicago, where he *111
enter Chicago uMvertlty for tbe sum
mer. He will return again In Sep
Tbe basement on the new Unden
building has been completed.
^..S'ork It progressing on Dr. Fenton's
Mdlllon to bis new drag store bntldIng.
Louis Msnlgold now bat a fine slock
of groceries and aboet In tbe Huff
building, having decided that Klngaley It^a^ood^ph
W. Dunn's Bill Started up Tuesday
tbe tic B for n side track to be
(o saw tb
lo load tbe logs at the
built in c
loitb end 0
Beniamin Schaub It borne from hli
work in Traverse City and relieved
Agent Briggs today.
The ball game yeeterday between
Bnttoii* Bay and Provemf
* • '
a victory for tbe borne
ore waa 10 to 2.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Scbaub spent the
Sabbath wftli Mr. and Mr*. &t and
Mr. and Mrs. Tice spent Wednes
day evening la Cedar.
Mrs. Briggs Is making an eiUndod
Tisii in tbe souihern pan of tbe tuts
Tbe higher grades of tbe school re
membered our soldier dead by plant
ing flags and placing flowers
Ibelr hallowed graves May 3fl.
Hr. Slater bas moved bis family
10 Ml*. Belange's bouse.
Earl FranVIather Is working on t
. R. section.
' Mrs. Tucker who was quite sick
able to be out again.
Grandma Valley is able lo walk c
slD^ tbe pleasant weather bas ;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Hosier vlsJled
here last Sabbath.
Mr. Stevens carries a memento of
Sunday's ball game, the
1 tbe Jaw.
The Rev. Reussman expects lo leave
I a short time on a European trip.
June 3.
Miss Sophia Dago and sister Oh.,
re visitlfig friends and relatives of
this place.
Ole Olsen spent Saturday and Sun.
-IV a-lib his daughter and son. Mr.
ad Mrs. F. J. Miller nnd II
>n of North Hanlioo.
John ToraoD rolled on >
Mr. and Mrs. Tom KHderhouse and
vln daughter's look dlnorr with Mr.
ad Mrs. W. Kelderhouse and family
Miss loulse Brammer bas been
vl.liing friends and relatli-es of tbit
pitee and Glen Arbor, the past «-eck.
Mrs. John Burflend ts on (be sick
Hat yet, (be Dr. called ii
***M s. Geo. Newman and daughter of
Tran•nie City vlsUed with her pai
ents. Mr. an Mr*. Torson and famll
laai week.
I a reason io fell proud
her school boyi as only three .out
of tbe nine wove n
A Hair
Netrty eyery ooe likes • fioe
btir dressiog. Something to
mtke tbe hair more manage*
able; to keep it from being
(00 rough, or from tplining
at the coda. Something, too,'
(hat %-ill feed the hair at the
same time, a regular hair-food.
Well-fedhair will bettrong.and
vill remain where if belongs—
on (he head, not on the comb!
Ladies’ Tourist Coats
Agent’s Samptes Under Priced
While there are oot many of
these (only 621 there is enough
to make the selection just hne:
if you wait several days it will
not be so goc^.
Ths best kind ol a tsstlaaoBlal■■aeld far ovsr slat* wssn."
/Cy/ O oauTncTsaxL
'"T bate court for Ibc county of Grand
At a session of said court, beld at
the probate ofOee. m the clly of Trav
erse Clly. in said county, on the rwh
day of .May. A. D. IfitlT. rresool: Hun.
FYed R. Walker Judge of Pr.ibat.. Ir
(be matter of the eMate of John
ly-eee. late of said rounty. ditceascil.
Sieiibeu lauiuer having flleil In said
conn his JH-Ililoii praying that he may
be authorized, empowered and licensed
to sell St pnvaie sale the Interest,
of said estate tn said real estate there-!
In descrllied.
orden-d that the 22nd day of
June. A.. D. 19n*. at ten o'clock in the.
.urvuown. at said probnie office, be and
Is hereby appointed for hearing said!
Il isffanbrr ordered that pnhllc no-:
tire tbereof be given by puhliratiim of'
a ropy of this order, for three sncce*
sire weeks previous to said day of
hearing, in the Grand Traverse Her
ald. a newspaper printed and circu
lated in said counlT.
Judge Of probate
They are fully up to our standard
in quality and finishing. All are
hfty inches long.
$7.50 fo $9.00 for......
$ 4.95
10.00 to 13.50 for......
$ 7.50
14.00 to 18.50 for --.. ...... $17.50
^NV^b Unity boys
that they would have to work,
Previous b
score was 9 lo 1.3 In favor of North day *enlces beld in the I’oruig'-!
Unity. Tbe.v will play again In 2 Baptist cburrh'at Kalamarou. l
A. R. marched, and 16 the i>ar*di
who has been work- niarchliig as a soldier of the rank ami
Ilou recently, la
at tbe Port Oneida dock today bring
Sell Your Cream
ing wltb bim Mr. Olsen's organ and
Sell your cream lo the Traversebis own things. He baa quit the IsCity Elgin Creamery. Top prices and
square treatment guaranteed. Doth
write, 316 Rose street
bome of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa.
Ni'B, in honor of their lltGe daughMyrlle. About iwenly-five guests
St. Petersburg, June r.—Tbe Russian
nresent, Mr. Herman Prsbtc in
lertalned the company with some 0n< government has decided to double tbe
■ jtlons on his graphone which track of the Siberian railway. A sec■etween i
enjoyed by all. tVe had a good
g the pre
as we always do there.
nc 2.
Every Weman Will Be InteresUd.
lurch and Sunday school was
Sisviv.-r 1 Surrounded by their seven children,
ided at (bis place Sunday,
I‘I tweniy (wo grandchildron and four
las. Box and family of Kingsley
i.i greai-granilchlldren, Mr. and Mrs. Redvisited over Sunday with Amos Box.
rr mnnd Wslsh celebrated their Unieth
Mrs, George Taylor is in Sunn
-ailed their bv ibe sickness of■ Mr*.
S. L. Ho)-l
Ho)-t and her daughter, Mn».
ly Howell.
I>eg leave lo correct a luibtake I
I staled (hat Chaa.
it week.
Chappie had 1,
fortune. But we are all glad
seek bis __________________
that be found It nearer borne.>. be and
Hlsb Bertha Lick were very quietly
married at the home of the Rev. Mr.
Platt on the 22nd of May. They will
make Ibelr future homo wltb the
groom's father fi>r a while.
Ity Hanufaclnrtag C
tipped to that place.
Md Fisher bat re-leaaed J. S.
Brown's barber shop, taking poaaesSion of the premises Salurdsy. His
many frlcnds^wlll
him again
Beport o
Ipb Case nas si
ered from her long lUnei
Junday acfaool association held
able to-----------------■—
etanreb at Neal, May 26. 1907.
invalid's chair.
Called to order by tie president
BnslgB m-as among tbose
Bobert Barney.
Song aervlee. led by Mias Ftorence visited the state capital last wee
the event of Roosevelt's vlsll.
Page, No. 6-l■^3M.
Edwin Cbaufty played a couple of
Prayer by tbe Rer. Meredith.
Tbe Value of the Bible by the Her. immes aa second baseman for '
:ley team .last week.
Herodltb, was vary Utmating. DU- Buckley
W. Mebcn buI rented the A.
/ RobL &mey,
Sposr street.
Overfadt bouse o
Heredltb and Hn. Wilson.
Ul function
^^JtedUUon by Fbm Cara
In honor of
for dinner ud so
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
dal hour.
B. J. Case, last
A good crowd t
in tbe Sarloum.............................
Devotional exerdses led by tbe Rev. -teaslon was one oi c. .. .
Decoration Day wa* Ideal for an oc We were very sorry lo note that
line of base hall was played uc.
Reports of the Superlnieodenta of casion of Its kind, and tbose who ris- Ibis place Sunday. We think U 0
Home Downmem and Priawry De- Kod Evergreen cemetery found (bib young people would give this thing a
day ewrytblng that they could
UUIe senoos thought, there would be
Seentaty and treasurer* coHection.
fewer Sunday games.
I1A1. Amount In treasury $3.36. BxTbe social held at C. A
pensas $IJ6.
last FYlday night was oiil such a surG. A. Shearer elected Sapcrlnleod- afternoon exercises In
*s as the ladies anilcl]>sted. though
ant of Temperance.
neat liltle sum was realirod and
Rev. Tburaton gave tbe invoratloo,.
Sdo by HIM Florence Page, a
tbe Rev. Platt (oDowed by a talk filled le supper was enjoyed byrall preseot.
panted by Mlsa Mabel Oreeno.
Warren To.v|or drove to Walton
Snaday Bdwol Bvangelisatio
Sunday to visit this nephew, Calvin
..._ _____ .. -«th
,h those who w
Mia. D. F. WUaon. Tbe lojdc
tbe bine and those
IC wbo wore the gi
ably and ccnvtnetafty bandied.
Angle Osborne s|>ent FYlday nlgbt
Solo by Mias Mabel Greeno. accom- Frank W.
Ith Inez BarratL
ui I
^nled by Hits Florence Page.
May Malcbcit was In Traverse Clly
. . Duniy. then gave
Our Beat for tbe Maaier. wa
le day last week.
dStUod at Robert Walter wws abteni which waa eloquenL foTCCluI. and InWord has Just been received here of
rorward^oremeot In our To»n .(ercating from atari to fiulah. A male
e death of Jlrs. Roily Howell of
quartet composed of Dr, Fenton. Prof.
ablp*. by C. H. Bates.
Summit City. She leaves an Infant
Roll cnll of schools. Cedar Run : Ctark. Paul Scboittlo and Herrey
few hours old, a husband, father and
No. 4. IS; Neal. 6: Howard. 4: Gut Tripp furnished several musical num totber to monni her loss, besides a
ber*. and tbe program closed with the
too. 0; Silver Lake. 1: Lone Troe. 4.
oBl of friends, whty extend Ibelr
Next coerentlon will be held a henedlctloD, pronminoed hy tbe $lev.
bimNo. 4. In AUfDst on Wedneaday 14. t
be beld at tally and picnic. Closed aelt an old veteran bad charge of the
by song and dismissed by tbe Rei- program as president of Ibe day.
RobL Barney. F
Ptord FWnntns, Sec.
•N'8 PANTS. .Choice
Mr. and -Mr*. A. Brk-kaon of <k>od
hundred pair Men's Fine Pants.
Sunday Seheel Cenv»
Vortb $l.in. I2.O0. and.(2.Se. al
0 s|>rnd Sunday wltb
of the twenty-sei
SSe. See big display Id our
ling borne Monday
acbool convenllooI of Bast Bay
we»l window and don't form-t
beld al the Cour
this Price Is for FYldav and Sa'
Mr. and Mi*. Joe Iftnerson of Acme,
fade school house
apcnl Saturday night and Sunday wltb
1. 1*07.
BROS. Traverse City, Mich.
‘ "
- — raed at 16: hor parents. Ml
The morning sees
eo oTIock with k s<
- - - rrleo led by
iday t
Mrs. B. Sliic*.
which will
Mrs. Florence Howell, wife of Pol1‘rayer by the Rev. B. Fleming ai Sunday school convention
weeks from last ley Howell and their infant child db-d
fifteen mlBDtes wltb the Word. Hal be held ttavre three
SI the home of Mrs. Howell's parenis.
- bn Galllvah has purebased a new Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hovi. Mr*
Whecr there Is a perfic design, there
died at 9:.tn laM night, the
must be a perfic designer, a perfic
Sbetfer Is having
child died at 3:30 this afienioon. Thr
creation, a perfic creator
uew donkt
okey and every
funsral scrrices wilt be held at the
Address of welcome by Mr*. Willlb na> mg lots of
•f fun
listening I church at 2 p- m, tomorrow. Tbe
unny blaUing.
Its will .. .
- Kerman t* borne again from I'oderl
S. Brown of Kingsley.
dress of welrome.
“ObUd Omverston,' was tbo anb>ecf
e SoUai lUnd made a man-l
dlsrusscd by Ouirlct Irish.
practice Friday nlgbt from the ■■
DUcasslon. C- H. Estes
Friday and Saturday at Stern
Kev. B. neraUtg.
berg Brea, a sale of Men's
RedUtlon by Gladts Brelthupt
-Pats Me Not,” waa then sung. Af
Pants, choice of ooe hundred''
ter dlamlaaal. by tbe Rev. B. Fleming
the morning acaalon cloaed.
pair* Men's Fine I>ama. worth
After dinner and aortal bour tbe from the west. Everyone will be glad
$1.60. 12. and $2.6<'At only sse
afietixxm aeaalon was opened by ting o wdeotse Mr. Lautner back again,
See big dl.play In our w.\.i
ing. ”On U. Vlelory." -Lo tbe Golden le has been gone about three y«-ar*.
June 4;_______ ;______
window and dotiT forget (hit
Fields Are Smiling," “i n Go Where
Yon Want He to Oa”
.price IS lor FTtdav- and Satur
A Certain Cure for Aching Feet.
Raporta of adiooU and reporu of
day only.
i^eeatraaa Ab« Pua BampW of
ji ?stt2;,-KSr;EWK-iiss;3
If these had been purchased in; a regular way they
would have been much highei\bi by, takini
agent's samples we are able to offe^ them very much
underpriced. The prices below will‘ show how
These are the season'i best styles in
Silk Coats and are especially go^ as a
summer garment. They are stylish
and dressy.
0>me Id Eton, Pmty* Cntaway, LonarBox
HaU Fined Styles.
There is variety enough as to trimming in each style
to make the showing very complete.
$7.50 lo $2340
Sherman & Hunter
This Name Sounds Well
In Connection With
$7.50, $10, $12, $13.50. $15, $18.
Everybody will Ire wanting OxforJg for Ibi- nc« few
weoka. for tl.ey are i-cruialy the most comfortable an-1 satis
factory Summer Shoes knoam.
$ltf, $f3.50, $15.
$10, $12, $13.50, $15. $18.
SHike us pro>e it
$3, $3.50, $4, $4,50, $5.
$1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50.
25c 50c $1.'
50c. $1, $1.50.
f ixfords in Lace. Button-or Blacker Styles,
i'lifonls for 5Ien. ’Women. Boys, Misaes and Chii.Ireo.
$60c, $ I, $ 1.60, $2, $2.50, $3.
'50c, $1. $1.25. $1,50.
Sherman & Hunter
236 East Fnint St
Ttmist Cttf, lidijgu.
Omntj Traverse Region.
IM*r th»n
noon of OMh wook.
I H oorroopondofHa 4all to
to in, ttioy
oftor tin
Ooemr CusUff opOBt tbe
TroTeroe Cliy.
Mn- U Abbott »CBl to
- f ibli
(hit tnoraUw to apcnd t
with Men
b«, - Mr.
” ftSn. to Mr. and Mm. Len HalUday.
*»«L .
'I 'h*
iiSlo Mr sS Mrs. Bert Hopkln.. ; H>r numb,
‘sss r.T.sa'r.
Trarorae Oty Is
rWUns frtead. In this -el,hbort«tod.
Lulu and Nora Fonon
dcr^^waa as follows: Uusl^. Or<
D.rt Hopkins.
afternoon.: ttor no<
.Bid Msdirs; invocaUon. the Ber. J. V. Deeu; Bert
^tho J
*'—i. Kennedy and Cyros Darts btd the nilriortnne «; J"” “ *
dsuyh. «•>- 3'-- » »ir>,
A naiuber of the people <d thia
iaiDUlory, Mlsa bsTe the hslr bortied from around bia the
Milt Bdyt:
Tommy ll^bin Usl Tnesday w
dliibo!lio.Hl attended the. memorial
Htnory and efe. sod fa« ^ eye
bi«r J. Bolton;: Class
Pwphw. BOTOI C.
Bi^w; Pisao
rttw.-n tb • Leach i
reholhl'boiaas sad
Duet. Mn. W. J. Tbooto.
aod Kiss
Ml«» lypt- and
Iny the hay. be
Bordao Valediclory. JaoieoO.ltoroaa;’!>lork an . blown oui
pleoc of
one baekwai
Solo. "Bloc tbe So::k Yob Sane In DbT« load
. jnd to .
1 i.r Frankfort has- b
dlaeovered ... _
cd Old. Mn. W- B Johnsloni Addron. aboil
reniovt<d Sunday he was lurky.
sun I^I fw the I
Prof. Cation of KalaraMOo;
Huilc. his forehead and «
of Klnito'
Ur, Jay I
The prea<-matton of Ihe.
intlislttner of Highways. Henry ».
r will
Childr.ui a l>s« eserriace was held
Mplonaa aaa made by Prof. J. F.
irilalC has dellvetod his t«d;
ol tbe Bvaaeellcai ehureb tast 8«n^
Mathews. Bonedtelloo. tbe Bcv. J. U.
nlf and the overseers of hlgh-:ot
•venlnc Bhlrh were laraely attended
wayw are aw to give you a call W
Jtreatlv eo)oyed by all presThe ente/talnment aiveo by Mre.
the anaplcee of
Fiank '
Mr, Wilkinson bought six
y sick, her
Lena Coats Is '
outheaat of toan.
r rattle to be pastured
iiiOeniiritwnert by Mra. Vanomlnea
Mr*. Porter alio «a»* •«»«?»'I
n tbe
. .sture and Its a big help lu ihW year s
UK pits* •«
U Ttrr BBOffrtola. but
•n account in tbe
Savinas Bank
pewW tow ••'lie
awpHin^i you* n«
be dtowiog intofiBt
‘‘“l-lS^drojnurLydl. Peour
The Rev.
Hurlbul and Prof, and Mr. Reuben Stl^ aro rvtendi^ ’''w^'Ld' M^i. Bert Bannon vHItcd, have
Sdiool closed on Friday last for
conducted serrlcce at Omens ibclr broi wlahea. The
Mrv r. L.
,. Domtne gtinday.
tb« Bonmer Teeatka .
Mr, and
beloa their
their marriaitr which took
SI Sunday erenlDR
•be orchards look grand now . being
The BoT. Doets spent Friday In UTbe
. held Sunday
Kinyaley. Saturday aftertuvw.
Mr. P- Wurrhorg baa leased tbe place at Kinyak
Its a lltli • earn ro
Everybody come
happy couple were attended Id full bloom
alldina, formerly need aa the poet
8. W. Porter has been appointed
Bthel CrauiiuU of Keystone predict what the crop will
hxou I
.office, for a shoe store.
dicntloiis are good '
Notary PnbUe.
om the .eighth
and 1 11 nvher. The bride
Hto. Kelson la the meal of her
Ik jumper
tired In a^rt>»n »llk
j.iinoer ault and a fuiored region
ell workl
t relalng- Tom
ntilv adapted for t
(due Bilk
sister. Mn. W. P. Bobortson.
I her attendant In blue
Bilk elmlUrly
June r._________
Barton who owns a farm tear Del
The Kev. J. O. Ooeta. psiuar of the
writes lo Octave Uumlue------ — •
M. R diSTrii for the paat three >
Mias Ethel Olbha of Tinverre
'has. Walsh totnrned Monday from
coutilty. the mud Is kne.- deep
ten 8atar4ay norolnx for P
Miss Emma
and her friend Mi*a Hooker vlalied
flail oinotiB his people in the
^ were not sowed yet
and t
Boalit rtokota. where be will be*1ii
1 pan uf the ataie.
He wa.
eighty near tlie Black
Tom owns a
*'^ra *Phmp &ehl*™el and sons have
rial eceot for if
reek, and favored
fayored th
those atiendlns
nlMDled by h
bit brother Mni. Walsh week,
le bad it In the market
tew days visit near
8. eo»«*m«>t <* th.
a until later.
.but It is not for mie now. as
will not relnni
.Usoa locBted near tl
he writes Octave: -Doa’i be Mirprisisl
Old Mr. Oiler Of north of Iobti
.. E. G. Rawlings apenl
Dpets and oblldroa t
_e summer.
Mf. Deota has many taken sick with heimncrmhagc of
for tbe
Hatchet neisbborhooJ
visited his tonop^our'neigbbors.- Thir counlry
•- ^ anro^r^KlngsleT has erected
ritonda. wbo wish him suceest In hla bladder at Kingsley
motlier. Mra. Anlvlta Olblai Sunday
d to bUim. Put your shoulders
He cai
there moat of laai
new Alblun
wmd-mlH for
sew M4 g( Ubor.
The elder Mra. t:ibb> atlll ctmiinurs
wheel and never gi>
. Monday T>r. Brev
Deeonulcm Day was appropriatolv
Charles Latoen'
QUlie feeble.
aiu-nJ him agalo.
Juhn Baiir "f Monroe renter spent
€*ier»ed. A proeearton was formed
Mrs leaale Flirpnlrick arrived Mon y|,i|. atid all will be
y Baylngloii Is L-........... .
at tbe ball sad Udm with flowers
dav evenlUK to vi-ii her piirema Mr
Jim Uaiinon of Acme has tht
proceeded to the cemetery where the Frank Sayera, Mrs. Fr
^'*Mr*ond"u*n^' Hiiray* Workman
Biul Mrs. Foster and tiUier-relallv.-t
usual exercises were held. The boys son and Mrs. HoUlday
‘’ei" . Ik-ach who » • laid U|i w|i
sound drill Id Idiif ami »-hHe unifornia
I.- number who attended
piece of sle
leg caused-by
acted aa military escort.
A baaket
ay at Klagsjey.
Traverse Oty Muoday. and st. was n,
that fCr many year*
dkaer was served st the bsll.
thy wreck of the passenger tralu
i ^In
t o‘Mo«*. the proffram w S»''en.
which occurred in ihe facitry dlatrlet,
which eonsisied of redutlona. by Rl- worked to improve the appearnnee of hut was unlnjnried and arrivi-d home
and under an
mtto Oomatoek. Jolla Miller and Mrs. the place. Special attenllon being eoveral hours Ister
than schedule
;n»ciedB. B- Flood. Sows by the sebooU. OBid to the lota of non-reaMetiia.
June 4.
and addresse* by the Rev. J. D. DeeU
heard ” ..
sad J. Comstock, commander of tbe
grieved and locked Thursday even
ing when a telephone nnsaaage came,
, The Queen City Quartette. aasJaled
Tneoday. the cancer specialist •
stating thni Mr*. John Seely was badMr Francli Odell will move ti
by Harry Hamer. pUnlsL and Her
the ancer f
ce^iftilly removed
Rspiils soon.
man Klrchner. coraetlst gave a con
r. Dlckc
1. Mr.
pose of JohnIt DJekcrsoii.
Mabel Tompkins returned yeacert under the auapleea ol tbe EpsiMTlaU
. ,_j fortunate, as
pro’ yd that Ihe I
wortb League last Thursday evening,
mooiha terday to Mrs. Seelej' s after d Mr. Dickerson that
Seelv'8 sister.
visit HI home.
which was enjoyed to the ftillest ex
ire the _______would have effected
Toledo. OMrs. Minnie PaU visHetl
tent and the hall was lllled to Itt ulface
Ms «ni
other al Hotl
rnis laat Sunday.
moat capacity.a
' '—. •"
C- Cook U the proud ow
Miss Oertiirdc Deels B-aa^ple^m- aiiu lur lujwi.-u
of the same parents, the uiMhrr being
ling wllli his parent:
few davs vialti
“‘e Ph'^ald made a trip i
rs Bund!
and Mra. ‘ 'L Domlne.
>. a dcllclo
mau last week.
actaoel elaaa. After games,
Lewis Is building a
family. Mr. Percy TbompsiKi and his
luncheon was lerYed.
fitti^rided Ihe funeral services
The high school comn
RuMli Vanderilp U building
held tSalurdav afternoon.
>rclMi wore held In the
”'5; rj^'rE..
'“cTr.:i'in;u»« new buggy
June 3.
-Mav the Utrd trip you make Bucknann neglect n aching back.
Ion's Artilem Salve kiwwn u> ail.
writes J. G Jenkins, of Chapel Hill,
, .. really kidney ache.
S. C. "It quickly took Ihe pain uui of
To cure the back ^ must cure tba
a felon for me and cured U in a won
dcTtully short time." Beat uneorth for
Korea burns and wounds. :Sc at 0 A. *“lf“'?ii don't, other kldaey ips will
Bugbee Drug Co . Hannah l>rug Store.
Crtnary trouble*, dlsbetto. Blight's
S. H Walt A ftons drug stores.
A Trsverae City eiUxCl
cure la «aay.
Will Hunt bad another slrl
Sunday. Ihii It la some -berter
Mrs. W. A. MurrwL 631
John Dean had a sick horse ls«
m City
•For nearly BftoM ywara I suffered
Mr snd Mrs W. S. Curry of Elk from backaefaea and kidney trouble.
Rspids spent Satardapnlghi and Sun1 became wesa. nervous and depress^
‘^‘u *i
Mto.Vm. Dtagman will ed- There seemed to toe no strength
la ray bar* whatever. I doctored hut
have to go back to Atm Arbor again
oWalned no relief until 1 proeun-d
B not getting along very well.
Dlngnun la very .bad with and used Ihian'B Kidney PlIU In 1I!">1
I gave a public atatem«il wrdltig
Miw. M.'j. Stocking* took advantage
of the exrnrsloc Sunday and went
..,. eased to endorve It."
o. PMost^U. visit her’ won. Wiu;plea,
ta cehu" “li«rar illbSrn''?o
'’'The^'lBsc* Mae Wealrji and Beni
Hunro have rented rooms In Traverae New York. at.k- agents for the United
going there to do drows- States.
Bring in ydur cata
log and compare
prices and quality
with what we are
showing. We know
that we can save
you money.
Iron Beds
A good full size Iron Bed, 4 ft. 3
inchefl high, at.........................................
-Another Bed. 4 ft. € inche* high, made of extra
Sanitary Couebes
Made of he^vy IX mchaogte irons, has 26 coil
•pringfl. at each end. springs are sopporttd u^neatb with 6 oil tempered iteel springs
We sre showina asms cxcepOonally big valnes in this line
WeareUiowuiaa lull «i«c Couch, upholstered
io jood Veloiir. with heavy oak frame g0,5O
A number 1 Boflton leather Coach,
conatruction. and turfed top.
at............................................ — .............
Easiest kindof easy payments
>use purnisning tine iv wm ptxy jrwv SS.
Cbis Sale will continue unflll June 14tb
Beayy Furniture
Ruds^ 0arpetSy
floor Cooerinfis
Such as Dining Room Tables. Bed Room
Suites, Sideboards aod Book Cases are the
pieces that take up the most room, and here
is where tbe deepest cm in price is made
Our line Is exceptionally large and must be
cut about one-half-
Throw Rugs that formerly sold at S-. $3.
$4.50 and
$1.50, $2.25, $3.50
and $4.50.
that formerly sold for $10. $12.50.
$16 and $25 are now selling at
$8, $ 10.50, $ 14 and $20
Odd Dressers
that sold at $■?- $1*. $10. $15 aod $U* arc
now selling at
Large room sire Rugs in TapeKry. Smytya,
Velvet. A-tminiter aod Body BruiK>s that
.old from $IS to $40. now
$^0, $7.75, $12, $16
$12.50 to $30
We are showing a -fiideboard madeofflolid
oak, with 12x20 mirror,
| j _50
carpet at
..... 40c
We have a nunlber of remnants in
Linoleum. Oilcloth and Carpel that
we arc closing out at cost.
A Combioation Bookcase and Writing Desk.
7-2 inches high. 8S inches wide. w|th
12x11 mirror, Lf> either
1 O Cpt
mahogany or oak, at ..........»
We have room for
only a few prices in
this space, but the
prices are cut in the
same proportion on
everything in our
stoves and Ranges
This ft a good time for you to bay a Range or
Cook Stove. We have an extra large stock of
these and are making closer prices than were
ever made on a good linej of stoves in Northern
Michigan before.
We are selling a good range wiiji 16-inch oven—
6. Sort! boles, at
, $29.00
We heve Cook Stove* eU l»e «r«y baK
$4.00 up
We also have a mn nac ol «uoliiK
Stoves, selling up Irom
Be we Md loefc ttto^
over before towylap.
S1.3.tcr Easiest kind of easy payments
He Original Home Furnislicr Of Northerii Michigan.
OkAND VkAVilM HfekMO. - ^olbbAV.
A. W. >arUk «
N«w tttM.
«* M« peeetT ftto of A. W. B»r.Uk A Bon, fomteriy ot Wiibcitn. BarUk A Co., via b« r«My for bualn^aji
la a fev Oara. Mr. Bartak. haa ukwi
bla t<a. E. R. Bartak. Inio pann»ralilp
........................ ba*a ot» ot tl lha‘ llB*
anS lai^it Krocr^ atom
tkU «(
doD ot tba BUte. Tbr kuildlnf
141 E
rrow atrrvt
of tba tnoat:
atmeUro aU._________tte airvAL It has
kiDoderarroaiBtid la
_j feat vWr.
Tbr ikrorma) (^anlna ot i
1 Filla).............. .
Fiiday a
a will have oo dlaplay larfc qaaoUliea of nev aooda
aitneUTely Aiapieyed aad i«ad>- r
- ______
puce Bktnrday. The ttterter of tbe
atore la h«titpped arllfa
fa every
appHahce Hat can be purchaaed for
«iieiui-a» uf Ibai character The ta
Ui»e dinUy wtad9Va In front affotd
^■poniuitiy tor aurarilve ezhIMta.
While the two diaplay wlhdova In the
rear of the hQlldIkK.vIll be need for
dlapUrlDK aoeh eominoiIiile« as are
Bsed chiefly by farmers. The elorv
U equipped with eeaeral -'SlleoiSales■ten" ebon- eases and other fluon-s
Ip keeplDC with an op-IOHlate and m»d
em retail tlore.
InUrler -Arranpementa.
On the »«ai side t.f .. ..............
tbe eotrance
• is n rigar case, at back
of that a cabinet for tobacco*,
cate of tbe some kind sdjtdi
cigar eaa»,.and next to It is placed Oie
eonfecUonery rase, the stationery
ease adjoining that Facing the entnae* la another handaone glass
cane, which Is to be used for the dl*1>Ib)- of dried frulU nod barit of
a latge aund for freab frulla.
Of tha caani menUoned on the
aids, are arranged abelving
fee mill will
no eonairucled aa to afford aafety
from doit 1
the good* dl*pUyed.
The back part
lit of the booth I* a
ratiiad tor bniabe* and small paint
caaa Od tbe west aide are the n
Diihea. Mc. and adjoining that ia
large ^ce irf shelving and cotinlers
for voodenvare gooda, and next
that la tbe privau offlce of the fli
in tbe center, back of tbe tea and cof
fee booth. Is a large ruck fur palm
vanlsbea. olU. and dry colors, and o
tbe east aide opposite that, tweniyaeven dItpUy caaes with di
compartmenta, the display b
closed ta the glaas fronts of the caaes.
One of tbe DetweUer leelest refrlgar-
; herd to
joM at tapper t^ne Toeaday aUbt, From Monday'* Record,
ir trtnatonoer on a pole la tbe rMr
of the City opera boone block '
lovochlp. 1
out aM or..........................................
iboiit a
doren. bustooM
Bide ot From street
KIM to> the
old reliable ul( tor nil
Lamps, Uy.
»».. ■*“
Daa» of Mra. Svaan fitsven*.
Another old pioneer of thl* region.
Mrs 8iMU Bterettf.
at her borne ta Bingham, of aii age.
bdng over el^ty years old. Her boaband, Aaa A. Btevena. died ooe year
In Leelanau coonty
years and had made
BhMea one daaghter. Mrs. Margarette Pollen, of Bingham, she ler—'
three sons. Lafayetie, of Detroit.
Undo ot Bowers Harbor and Getwge
of Blnghaa.
Mrs. Stevens was a wMoan that had
bad made many friends la tjeeUnan
eonaty to the past forty ythis. who
will be sorry to bear of her death.
Her fnnersl was bHd Tuesday
at 2 ^ m. to the church at Blogbam.
and bar remains were laid In tbe
Blii^m cemetery by the side of her
boaband. who died one year ago.
fieheel Closed.
E. 8. Jones, who taught the Dell
school near Ktngaley. doted a very
aueeeatfel term WednmMy.
I a large crowd present at the dong. Gregory
tog'exerdses and Ur. H. - . . of
tklf dty delivered an esedlent addiWs*
m *«aeteTla. Its BenciM aad Uaea.'
Mr*. J. D Hilton of nte Uke was
in tb- nij- today.
Ralph Case of Klngrley transacted
bnalne** In the city.
eanarstl Nawt.
Wheat Crop Short.
must ba maiked *adnHeriM.- «r
LobdeB. June £—A merger of United
valparaUo. June S—Tbe wheat crop "compound."
tAriii AAdraat Kditsra.
StateTroal Imerear* Is
foISed «
“ •»’'««. “d • '»r,e qaantHy
to ficotland. Negotiation* aro now in ^
b» imported.
Rmseveii will deiive- an adteas at tbe
meeting t.f the Nttjunal BUmrtal awhlan*. In which quite]
Wl'hin i
soriailrai at the Jamesiovn imsballlon
i-r of
prtnelpal col-'
'* 'O be an u|»-n-*hos
a large number
„ (he
on June n
il I. looked forward to
LotbUn and Mid Lothent>|t»ctc.r*
lerlea In ftoti LotbUn
, - which
-»jen i.
i< a ieadiiiL ______
Willi rnitch iutetef.'
naoing -indur
Laberara h
'ustry in ficotland.
. June Wt
The capital of tbe combluc
are taking a
It Is believed,
MomreaJ. Jiin..
The «.'lue of the posslmlnlc view of lbe|r eofw pro*I«.ij:;.oor..
In lliinrsrta laborer* are all
which H supimeed nech-I at th.- same ilme. aad vagna
an- ralslcg hiah.r ever week. Some
proposed air.mgcmeni will lead to a '
of the .MHI dietrirl* have been recent
gr-tder de^dopmenl ot fnlntng '
ri»Kl. SCI hi.* mea«iirah'.r
ly fluolcd, *■• that winter ooni ba'
throughout Ihe east of ficollanU. Tl..I Ireca .le*truye'l. Vegetation is a month
il &KI Uihlan hti been moo-, * np io the mislnx of cant in
behind the average time.
than trebled I
sequently the <
umlnatloo bad
resorted to.
Dr. W. B. Moon rolurned home .Satmie Ih Liirtl:
The iranble started at Walt'* drug
0. P. Sterr
aloro and exiended to the 8. H. Knox tirday from Atlantic. Iowa, where h-!
company. The trouble ^id no* occur attended the High scboril eoininvnee-1
ment exerdaea, hi* non being one of | *ir*. IL I
.‘-'ii r;.ii I
the giaduales.
He also vlalted his Ann ibU ni'
g where *h.. W.ll vlsll
brother. Dr. W. S. Moon, who I* bet-1 friends.
piny’s n
and car
Prof. 1. B. GUben left Saturday for I Sherman todsS'
were brougbi ..
tern Unk» offl<
tffice. 'Manager ____„_________________
King bad . Marquelie. ______
(hero _
h- will
....... Inspect
inspect Ihel
Mr»| WJlsey left
itaalla. June*l—Th*
and- managed .Vortbern Stole Normal school. Some! tnorning for
one aolli
. Itary little <candle
(. [the Philippine rallroa.
make that do.
lime ago Mr. Gilbert was appointed a
The R>-v. H.' K Bargeit lef
II Is to connect Vaulla w
ling fur Chh-ago, where he
member of the committee to laspee
. I were• used at J
Jackaoo's store, the light* going
the state noimals hy Lulber Wright visit mend'.
E Whiling .nd wife who have U
there about 7 o'clock, Th.- patron* of state aupt-hnlendent of public ioktiuc
rlslitog Ezra Banker and family
Brolher's thirst
I'rdev" •lopniellT
Ktngslcv thiK mo
Miss Ijiry Take left Saturday foi this eliy. Went to Ktngsicv
foreed to find the opening* In nhelr
faces hy the aid of candle* strewed Big Rapids where she will vi-^lt sill Ing.
■ I’tind.II of Grown wan in
about the back bar In various pUres friend*.
the Intemlnn
Mnnllc Rai
while ai the Hurry Back the same
Mis* Clara Wilson, a teacher in tip
Go to l.*Uf*tV tin* ircsmt AV;
of nii<-r|o<-hcn
me(h<id was employed, the rostaiiraui
•I- passed through iht
polo uin- from Tond" a* fur It* .-tair.i
city 1today.
fortunately being supplM with gas. city Saturday
1 her way to her hum*
Ijiwrence C. Haylf
■ lynet of Acme iran«At Wilhelm's irrocerv, miidle* were 1i at Clure.
neied business here
•re today.
used prlndimlly to And cimdli'S '
closed Friday;
, the 'li.iit.Ie
Mra, Walter I'elkey of Shreveport,
the numerous riiHiomer* that r
Mis* Beaulah Tuttle of Grand Rap
Pandacun aad Paco, whet
after them. Clvls' dgur store ht
Ids. has rejiirnetl to her borne uflef U.. is in the city and will spend a be^anoiber station, whent
eouple of mi
h* with her sister. Mr.^.
bnrd time, there being no light a
visliiiig frleads
main Iln- which Uier
ler hraneb'
I the cigar
MJs* Emily
Rliey of Northpori.
■t for t’avi:.-, Botiiang*'» and l.oe
through ibe'elty
ber way to Big Rapids, where she
Charles M. Selby reiuine.1 lo 111* I
Managers Barred.
The*S. II. Knor company ccloscd at will ailelid KcPuiil,
I/indon, Juii- r.-The Briti'h A>home lit Gotlesvllk. todut lest'ing III-!
u o'clock, but Ifae bookkeeirer* uml
Mrs. John Grace has reiiinXHt in
other* whn remBliied at iilglii. used her home at Uancelona after visltlug wife, tioe .Mi** Agne* Murclile, lo t.rt-'. o**ocl;ition. at a rec-in uiectiiiR
*|M'm1 a few more day* wllh her
>er par- • derijitl. I>y a gc*ul ma>>rilv. that man
rnndhw. 1'he i•n*lBl Telegraph com- Mr*. Rohen Gilchrist <jf ifil* city.
••nis III this city 1»<ore Joining him.'ager* hereaPer shonM not b.- elielble]
nanj'h office was llgliied with a crip
Mr. and Mra. U Dean have murnml I TTie coupl*- w i-r.- ifnatried In Paw Pawl to txcome memlM-rs of .the org.it.Irupled oil lamp, while Stewari's aradctbeir home at Kalkaska al
May 2* from where they took
triji tlon. Tile re>.olulhHi. i< was vaplainniy. where Miss Buck waa giving a re tog friends
thisI cHr.
to BiiITbIo and Niagara ~ " tretura-1 efl, did not refer to Kuch manugei*
cital. was also lighted with oil lamps.
Adeline Wil«..............
of Cadillac, has r
toe wav
and telephone turned to her home
eleeirie light
e Bflei
kindss of trot
trouble Visirwilb friend* In this city.
ompanles had t
. cJty
toaklng 1
A. Vernon of Ibl* elty went to
xampie will
whom the new* of her marriage came
lie enlani
Frankfort Saturday on hustocss.
US somewhat of n Kiirprlse bwt their
other m
I and the e
F. H. Benoetl of East Jordan, was
*T^i’lde*’wAs In darkness until to the citv on a biisloess trip Satur goo.1 wlfhAt will follow her lo her
new home which will !*• in Goble*. on the future of the organlrr.tioii in o'clock
ck this morning.
The mlxup a
sinned at midnighi MonG. A. Carison of Cadillac. Is viKil- opi»rator
New Railroad Signal*.
rnused troutile
whan Iht
Phlladelitola. June r.—A new systeiii
school Ing frlenrte In ibis city for a few-day*.
the Boardman
Mrs. E. H. Evan* of this cllr. left
of railroad signaling which inrolve*
building hy bnishlng against
■ItRiiB.-t di-iiertuivs fnini
trie light wire*. All day yeslerday the Saturday for Empire when- she ri*liAnnouncetnenii
• - the city today of
ioJ 1- now In cipeilmentiil wr
telephone companies were bothered ed over fiundi.y,
Miss Alice FT'-rich of Maple City. Hulile Evelyn Bluntrosen ..................... —
on the I*, iiiisylv.tnia railroad
and last night's wind aded to the con
I* <lovelo|ied bv a Si'-cbl contmli
fusion of bringing the phone and llghL vlsile.1 with friend* on the penInMiln Aba-r Rosenthal. The wedding umk 1 •'
mer Sunday.
wires together on the west slde....Thar
pluc at the tionie of the bride's lutr luJ. D. Itetts of. Northport. passed erne. Mr. and Mr*. Mostw Blumro*en.! oti
secllon <ff tbe city was col off
through the city on bis way lo Pierre, Detroit Tui-r..lav et mlng. 'Tlie happy | Isfiicto
the lighting plant and the Inca
South Dakotii. where he will report
I Instead rf dnwnwani front
^lately left
lefi on a weddlni
CMII IlghU were put to working .
(or .luty as an Indian commlasloner
early' this morning while tbe »
nd stni he at home to Ibdr,
this evening.
< In thia city after June 15. ■
i the included ('-cautl<in"l and veril
■ Ifht* were let go until later.
Miss Florence Austin left Saturday
Rosemhal is the proprietor of c»l ('clear"! i>os!tlon*. Two sect*-'
where shtv visited friends over Sun
obe atore and I* a very success-' phore arms and two lights arc used |
Tramp* fi*«*r Keep Away.
ung Imslneas man with a large i for every IndlraUon. except
‘Tlng-a-ltog.'' spoke the telephone
Miss Ida Sbunk of Grawn waa to
r of friends to wish litoi httppl-1 governing Iow-sikhu] movemenis; for;
t police hcartqurjaera Tues.lay night, the dty on business Saturday.
HU bride is a charrotog young , ilicse latter an additional *mall aim.
•Thera'* a man begging on I”'
J. W. Patchln reinrtied from Charle
of Detroit with manv frlcnd.-t iii' and dim light are provided.
teenth alreet." said a voice at t
voix sntiirday where he spent two
Tlie signal* are used lo lUvc Iw.i
;ber end. and Crief Ashton storied days OD buainess.
kinds of Indications when
.r the door to look the matter
John and Gus Morrison of Provc"►top" position: lui Stop, wait ii sim---'
Holiart. the n-yearhimself.
mont, were ’■
------- Knapp feR headfirst
Ifled lime, and then proceed. tUi Slot,
••Bu-i-t-*-*-x-*r spoke the bell.
and remalu until tbe signal Indicate*,
Central school h
"Send a policeman up on Ur
Mliui Mary
tog this
inflicted a fieep "nroceed." The former Is .UsllnguUh
_'ir Flfieenth.' There a trs
Mayme Sulli'
right eye The boy. with ed by a longer upper
gash hve
hanging around here." were the wo
Thinlons was iilaylng near light* offset from a vertlt-ul
aeverel oompai
H]mken into the ear of the man i
Arnold Deilers
eirolt. is spend- the dliel
(ip missed his fooillig. toiler 1* dislingulshed by having
mswered the telephone.
Ing a week al Vouch1 In acarch (or
ll length and Hie iighi*
le of the jiipes. several
The chief drove away In haste after
erilcal line. At iut.f
disposed 1
both offenders.
Mareha:i Satneron of Grand Rapids.
the signals Indicate
••Bux-i-x-i: Biff! Bang!" «
U. visiting frietids to this city for a
■There's a Iramp tn'tag *
*’w'illUm Lorani
Blk Rul
grub on i'lue slrwl." howled
lent ot
er. Mr*.
cullne voice, and before the receiv.-r Charles Carver
T uf $
was hung nil. noises Issued from "
that aoundcl like cholera morl-us
• Attractive Ol^ey.
Near the entrance on tbe veet aide
of the aUwe la anunged a splendid
Alsplay of tbe National Blaeuit eompany-i gooda. This display was bought
from the pure food show In Grand
BapMi and was erected by a practical
man who devotes hU lime to thi* pm^
pose and wbo came from Chicago lo
do the woik. Tbe back part of the
4tore will be devoted to the dlsida>%C heavy good*. The front basement
has been finished off to the extant of
Mgty feet, and can be used for varlou*
putpeaea wherever required. The lav
atory Is erected at -ooe end of ihl*
Under the sidewalk
I* the oil room which
which bai; a caiiaclly
for a large quantliy of nil. and- which
rest of
la separated fromi the,
•Send a police officer to Sixteenth
lug by a eament flhor wall. Tbe room afreet quick!" wallpd i frightened
b lighted throat prtam llghta from woman. "There's a tramp
.mp walking
above, so that there will be
through our house,"
' ally of tbe uie of uaiche* li
The whole town seemed alive with
In case ct fire in the tdl root
amps. From all pari* of Foniwiiort
be enUrely abut off from t
nne hurry call* for the police and
pan of the bonding.
_re men In the engine htmwe were
kept buay answering the imperative
t la a Caplimroons of the telephone.
am heat for
Chief Ashton located hi* two near
This Is also eoineenth on Union and loadnl them
into hto rig. They bad slept off .me
In the co<m Motid.vy nlgbl. but
In the morning and
_____ _i8lr way. with
____________ __ . large regettblei mending outfit and a hard It
luck *ton'.
wbero froth vegetable* can be Ooe of lh(
quantUMi. The remaJn- deaf a
kept in lar
racket, proqenting a
-------------------________ BOtwill
. de-; card on which was primed n te^lly
of the
Totefl to the Btoreage of heavy |
...................of potery entitled
Ae hydraulic freight elevator
from the main floor to tbe basement with plenty to help tbe speechless
and la ee arranged that In c<rid sreathanderer.
er goods can be delivered Into the
In tbe meantime, Officers Jennings
basement without opening the door*
td Salensky were to Ihe Fere Marof the store.
quelle yaitl* looking for the real.
Bartak A Son are very proud
They located myslcriou* sound* In a
Whelr pew quarter* and they hi
box car which proved lo be the aiidlSOD to feel so. The bu
ble sleep of one knight of the Ilea who
r enUrtdy l<
bad transformed himself Into a boore
ant ooor. Kofafs D
blotter, \nibout wnklng him. they.
Mtag located back <
wallM for more and within a (cw
entraaoe. Thu U li
mlnute* another showed up.
icJng, a
room being provided gfor the geatleiD«n and a rem room for the ladle*.
The froot office* of this floor
• leasad by Dr. S. W, Oanntleit
Dr. Davla, denOat. The top floor has
bean leased for flee yoar* by the In
dependent Order of Porestera.
As aforesaid, the atore will be
open on Saturday for buainea* and
ll will doubtless be a very busy place
and dne of the moat aucoeaafnl trad
ing iPlace* In tbe city.
«. 1«07.
through tbe dty ihto monlag
way to Grand Rapid*.
Mr*. Fred Cate of Honor.
dty this morn
:*ley. where *ht
way to Klngsl
her parents.
Mayor A. V Priedribh left for Port ,
Huron thl* monung. He will go on I
to Detroit tomorrow and meet the
firemen's U<lelegatlon from this dty.
rain and wind lo the comfortahle, do'
boarding .house that the city provides
for such unfortuTistea.
'^Esrlv this morning, the (our were
token w Judge Serlinger's office and
pleaded guilly to the charge of vag
rancy, the court giving them the limit,
sixty days In the Detroit House of Corlectlon. They gave their name* as
John Fox, Frank DlUoo. Frank Bmerm and WTlllam Ryan.
This affair ahosr* a determined afpan of the police and
rid Traverse City Iof its
>g lh<
they will flghl shy of the? city
..., ...
qali' work In
of a like pen.vlty. The qalcfc
getUng tbe
the men out of the way
•. ... should
•Iff J<
alto be apreelaled a* Sheriff
win leave' early to the morning
them (or Detroit, thus bringing but
little exiiente ou the county.
The hums were much shocked nl
Georgetle Morgnn rt •tiirncil
home : dav on Ihe Missouri a
extended ■
I friend* I
lyqjn Ilak-r went to Detroit today
uii a vaculluii trip.
Miss Eunice Kelley left y.-*torday
Bflcruoan for Unia. Ind.. where *he
will attend the graduating exercise*
at Howe Militiiry school, her brother,
ITattk. being one of the graduates.
Mrs. K. Prh-st went lu Kurlin tots
• Mis.' Nellie Lewis Ik visiting ut
Arthur Chrlstofferaon of Sherman,
spent Sunduv In tbe city.
MISK Mum'lc Evan* returned to her
home In fiherinap ufier sjiending yesteiday to the city.
Mra. J. J. Dailey of Manistee passed
through (he city today on Iter way lo
George Miller went to Mancclona
today on (nisiness.
1. M. Winnie left for Gladsloiic this
morning on a business trip.
Mrs. JuKvph O’Brien rolurned lo hei.
home to Kingsley today.
Mr*. Man' I’ulrer Is visillng at
Robert Caldwell vlsllcd to Charle
voix yesterday in r1n*e up some busi
ness matlera previous to his departure
for Surope.
Mrs. F. O. Balch returned to Chi
cago today after spending a short
time wllh her mother. Mrs. Lorin
M. E. Haskell was called lo Mason
today I
serious illness of hi*
cago. we
here, passed through the clly this
morning on bis way to Charlevoix.
Mrs. Herman Hyman, two children
and nephew. Leo Weller, will leave
Prldav for .New York, where tber sail
(or Europe on the Kaiser William
n. Mra. Hyman will visit her (ormer
home to -Wuitenberg and Mr. Wcilcr
wll spend I me time with bis parents
Id Prnssto. The parly will probably
ennany tor a number of
remain in
I rope.
momtog swhere they will visit friends.
When leaving the building, on
Mtas Mina Bdw.
them tald to Chief Ashton, pre.
lev this morning.
Ing bis sentence wiib something
Mrs. A. W. Peck is visiting trlatlve*
Boonded like this: n-x-isto! $Q‘
“Te railroad
J^ Hj^en
Hyden went ■to Kroyra
didn't yer
Elijah Porter left
morntog. whe
Big Work.
With bnt a-atogle team and his (wo
Mra F. F. Smitselh of SuUons Bay.
3 help Mm. James Avery has]
has passed throug the ciiy
city lhls
this morning
ipleled a record breaking on her way to Grand Rapids.
eiaclly twenty-|
The Rev. I. Hertberg.
piece of work, to exactly
... who
— has
— been
seven hours, be removed 297 yards of i holding meeliog* to the State streA.......................... —built] school bouse, left this muralng lot
____ _
llroadj oilben.
avenne and Washington street.
jjr*. J. F. NuiUng left this raomlng
Ifor Pi. Wayne, where ahe will join
a Ashton. Dr. E L- Ashioni
husband. Mra. .Nutting waa hen
and family have retoraed from wH-lsrtih the S. H. Knox company lo a*
UaaiBburc, Vm, where they spent the -si in the opening,
/ O.
Btelflns ot Leland,
A. W. -Bartak and Son
......... .
June Records
Now Ready
The very latest Songs and Instrumental pieces
rendered by the best Singers. Players. Bands and
Keep up with the limes. Musically by procuring
some of these bright, new. attractive June selections.
You will enjoy them, your family and friends will enjoy
them too.
Vour \ ictor and Edison will be a constant and ever
new delight if you get the new Rcconls a« issued. And
wlia: better entertainment could you imagine'
Come and hear the new selections, or wiite for
June Bulletin mailed free.
Grinnell Bros.
Traverse aty Br SBCii: iCS E. fical St*
Friday and
Saturday at
Steinberg Bro^.
Children’s White Aprons
Beg to Announce
New Store
Children's White Muslin Skirts
with ruffles, worth 12c, for Friday and Saturday
only........................... ........................................... vC
ChOdren’s Muslin Drawers
Hemstitched, worth 12;^c, for Friday and Sat- 0^
on Saturday, June, 8th.
Ladies’ Corset Covers
We believe we have the finest grocery store
in Northern Michigan and it is stocked with the best
line of groceries that couid be found on the markei.
We think our reputation in the post of serving
our customers with only the best thi^igs the market
affords at a right price will entitle us to a share of
your patronage.
Ladles’ Muslin Drawers
urday only........................................................
While Shirt Waists
We cordially invite you to
call and see us in our new
Bed Spreads, good big size
Brass Extension Rods
with fixtures, for Lace Curtains, worth 10c and i
Grocers, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Wall Finishes,
Leptons line Teas and
Friday and Saturday only
at Steinberg Bros.
Traverse City, Mich..
t of liuakeram b*«h uchool;
.\ll.ert H. Miner ■■
Ml*. Frtok|®*"'
PAt^’A Harllanda Addition. | liu»«. who pee^-^brou^
Bom, to Mr.
proup of I’l IVIla M t-in>rry
Snmoetx, a boy, Ma
iltuinp an iuMlailon Vif tliat oi'<)-r.
,„!* Wm Hlirtell
MIxx Cora i'my made. .
a trio
pvtilnp «o fr«-»(!
•, JSa'tifdj)-.
. rai^.sl
- m............lliat
Tom Fra>- wiBl
tlie p..lir. were n
eallid .itld i< -Will V
Tiavenula»t Saiiirday.
iN-firT*- they
S.-C 1*. T
Depend Upon
tt£ voo.-ic:«m*. «f ui Ji>--=;iag tl*c
;ra Tray dr;ra
SUner lifois Starch
3 F!i: Ktt-IE-O
• r;i r-.i. rie
i «1f-
Kde*' Fray «.i:
ay nlEln by a <
McIV-riutiit and t
siiri'riMHl lael Vii
*■ .«» >«, Set- i. T.
r--.'.r.; tii ; .r.r.r f;,.
•Elrio taler sal dijwii rallier hard
Watson. Then Waieou refused lo
IV.- lie- i.taiii and ki-pt McFllroy tin
it.il ti:; nildnlghi.
Now Walson
d.clarvs I— will have lln- iiusuv ji
>i-'d loi assault and Imii.-rv.
Aei'ordiiig l.. ;• s|"-na! from Itu.'viis. tl.. Mon.l.i} murnhig. Mrs. murl.-s
GlUis.-of that ciiy, widow- of au Aun
r pnd.-ssor. has Is-n la-g.iewth.-d
sni |iv the will tif r. W.
, H-wlii. •
Chas. T. Ceilereten- and wife to
aliihrOase; parcels. Il'in.
FlOyrt L. Smith, el. nl., lo 0»rar
SlTtiiiHMi. t*arc*-Is. ♦l.ofl.
Snilih Really Co., to Oscar Simpson.
W'S of lot 14. block IC. Or I*. T. t'..
0. R. * I, n. R,, ei. al., -o Chari.-.
W, Rai.-y. loi r., hl.a-k la. FIfe lAk-'
Jloses Bnwerman and wife to WalT G, Caully, parcels. $l.«fib.
Gi-nrge Ulu. to I>. S. Webb, lui 0,
oeV IS. S. Fife IJikv. $15.
A son WUH bom to Mr
Wm. H. Fife and wife to Floyd
Bert Sberldan. Imu week.
nilrh. p.-.rcWii, I*. H.'s Jiid. $1.*V
Mra. Price and mile daughter of
Jolin Huff and wife to Mr-:. Mary
Grand Rapid* i
Manigold, parcels. $.50.
parent*, Mr. an il Mra. Robert Oliver,
Wm, Hendricks and wife to Michael
F. B. Fisher .........................
•l«>. 1ms ir. and If. liKs-k m, H Lmade a bualnea* trip Ip
IP Traverse
CityCo.'s ]«i. $IJ!50,
Cbarie* Drncka. Sr., nnd wife to
-s. Gray and IlliIc son of BllllarasCharips L. Draka. Jr., jutrcels. $2,000.
liurg are vlsiilnp her
Lollip A. .Cli vi-land to David W.
A well intended and pleasant dancEdward
Brooks of Bordlekville.
■g parly in Ray s hall last evening, hI«V2. Oak Park. $il5il.
Howard WTilUng and wife to Wm.
CTOsaed to South Hanltou Island. Wed
lutic from Traverse City.
*. Crotser. and Floyd L. Sniiili. parnesday.
The Mabel and Glen Arbor c
MUa Carolyn Kellie, who has been pondenee were slightly mixed
Allart H. Miller to John A. Dill,
teaching In the acboola at EMntoo
larcels, Goodrich's “rd, $*TS.
Harbor, returned to her home' at
The schooner Stafford loaded with
John Rennie and wife lo- John D.-H
Sleeping Bear Point. Tburaday.
lumber fiom Nessen'a dock Iasi week.
md wile, parn-js. r.onirtrtch's 3nl. $K.’pi>.
Ur. Owen, travelllnp aaleatnan for
Bugene fuller weni to SoiiCh ManlMulhew Reich lo frank Reich, e':
the Ocorpe Reeder Shoe romnany,
Ml ycaiordny In the Wonder, after
if sei< of sw >,. See. 2!.. T, l-f. R. J-'.
transacted bnsioeaa here Friday.
Ir. Burge**' family and good*. Mr.
Capi. Pugb and wife and Mr. and
urges* ha* iM.-en here some time pre
Mrs. Larson, all of South Uanitou. paring the house on his Utile farm at *'w'ni. F. Harsha lo Aifn-d Uif.ims‘-e,
5. block fi, H. L.
4lh. $5.
called here Saturday.
the mouth of the river, tor their
Alfred lAfonteei. anil wife lo Allien
The Mlaaea Beaale Farrant bnd
Alice Day Wi Sunday on the "niinol*" ***Two weeks ago Cbarless Gibson's Brager. lot 5 and fl block 5. II. L. £:
for Cbleaffo. where they will apend mother, who had been hera for a vUli. Co.'* 4ih. $d»o.
aome time with Mlaa Parraufi r'------- returned to CharleYoU. last week. Mr.
Mra. C. U Frank.
Gibson received a Jeiter from "Mr. and Mm. Firm Becker
telling of her marriage. She is i
children of Uatde Ciif.
kere Mra. Barber,
Mr. and Mr*. Waracss visited
Two Bret occurred hem this week, Empire loda}.
one. the bam of laaac Ralmo, which
June 5.
burned to the ground Saturday nigbl.
the other, a alight blaxe la.a aoeel
In the home of Minor Farrant. des
troying eoBslderable clothing but do
ing slight damage to the building.
Thla lire occurred Sundai
Both Brea are -thought
eaaied by
of this place called
'' . Vo(i
Bi^plre Smdsy.
_________of Bast Empire called
here Sunday. Us daughter. Miss Ida.
who has been rlslUng reUttves here
rMumed home with him.
...e O, H. G. girls met with Mis*
aara Allen and celebraled her Uih
blnhdav anniversary. All enjoyed the
party very imicii and all Join In wish
ing her many happy return* of the
***Mi*s Lulu Ro** and daiightr
Cedar. vl»Ui-d Sunday with her
lU. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Metier,
MU* aara • Allen spent Saturday
night with her friend, Ml** Jessie
ljr»--ih*r. ha* lie
of rcrcirim: an
fcir *
fowls friuii Japan. J. K.
kribama, Is the Jafi wlio ptirchai-s-'l the
Michigan chied.*.
. Bay City.
... goisj cveu
<ie ul pris'iii
s flutll
UI Muripli-iii.1 ealiliu.
lll'.oi Coni'iiii II. Herls-n and Jam.-s
Henderson, Jr., *on .sf Mayor Hend.-rson Ilf Atm Arbor, were i|Ulei!y .marri-il at the Bpt»roi«j imrsonoge Saturyimg couple
The yoiii
duy nighi
FI. Wortli. T<-*., shortly.
-U-iiio, aa^ 25 }•'
of Si. Thoma*. Oiil , a giullemi
.npliearlng young chap, reiireseni
himself to he a physician supply hu
agi-ui, forgi-d the name of a .
knnwyi Ray fiiy docior to n eln-ck
Monday he was sent m !■
li.r from six months to on*-jear.
Adrian ha* a m.vstery. Hs u inys
IrTV Of a suit cas»- full of glKNl clothia’ld a package of letters nddresKi-d i<
William Meliennlii. FU-'t
l-a. The crii> had le-i-n left on tin
local factory. Idiu-r a sail
found on lb.- luuik ol
of ckitiii
river ami
William MeIJrTjnill.
S. C, .1
lenimi. which jaTcliauce lie took
notion to hand an.body v.o-ulcl alw
swamp them. The fruit ln-<iu-iuu
Is a iiiTfeci lemon In shaia- and color
niensure* 14'- Inchea In cirnimfer
eiice and weighs one pound am
ounres. It is on cil.lbillon In
Shalu'i aiore.
Dr. Cox
Ur. W, M. Tuller. of Bowling Cr.-en,
Olilo. owas seve
1 pliic.
land at M:. For............
idisli. nil
I. a mile:- souibwest of Si.indisl
ba.-i t.Uc<-d 1‘-'| Ai.gora goals uu.l s.-re;:il tumdi.-d she. p on Ih- place. He
taya the gu.ils in • a pa>Uig inv.-sin» nt. They live oi Irruhh, small limbs
bat caiile o.- slus'p
Enjoy Your Porch
0 Detroit. .
... ll«. It is ft
Iseveral hundred d
• cir Allegan Sunday aflern.siii. l.-l
voi.l lubilig ov-r a i-ow liini.-d lb.-:
Inachitli- slioi-t and W-nl down a 4'r ^
It was IhoughI'
seie lerril.ly lnjurie.1. In.i . bt.lh |
were able lo be about Mouday. FWlf r i
mall carrier and deliver* t
iiiiiil In bis car.
S.-veral days ugo Andrew F'ranklln i .
of Midland, chained up his dug
treaiing li
peiinsl lo III- distemper.
kennel i
tacked him and lore his hand badly, iTh.- d.tg was killed and F>anklin wb.i Moinlay wa.- of nn.re il.-m ii*Mjl Ini.
I.S a marrli-d fartm-r liviog In P»*cy-|esi l-etaus.- the Woni.iii. tlvic r
vlPi- was laken bi Ann Artwir to the provenuiii l-npie bad ii.pandtdate
I'ast'eur iri'nimein,
I Dr. Onha .d,
Bab b Th.
A anriunail Northern paswnger! wnrke.Mo)s!l> ... siip,M.n her, but in
train due lit .liirksoii al k 45 Monday fpi'e iirihi.l she wii* .l-f.-iiied.
moriimg l.-ti the track al Clark's! The M.-rcloini- A Alanulaciurer*'
miles south of Jackson,' as-<K-iatinn of Saginaw. ha* succeeded ■
-------• ---------■
w’hib- running . .. ...............................
fiigine pii.-b.-d dow-n an emhankm.-nt,' l..ri.irlnK esiabli*hment* |
______ _ jwlili
______ .
I'irning cmipleielv ovir. Two coat-I.es
pa> roll approxinirtlng
Iiasseiigers, b.it
but n-jji.1-.
n-jli.1-. Anu.ng ih.-m are: Th.- Ralul.-r'
w-re filled with' latsseiigers,
Men's Suits in stylish new patterns in
fancy cassimere and cheviots in single and
double breasted styles, desirably lined
and perfect fitting at
The newest Soft Hats and Derbies in
all the prevailing shades of Tan, Brown
and Gray.
The Queen City Implement Co. w ecknowledgwd ttf be
the liMt pUoe in Traveme City to buy NaUs, Paints. Bam
Tempting Styles in the Smartest Lpw
Cut Footwear. We have them in Black
and Tan for Ladies, Misses. Men and
Bf^ys at the lowest prices.
Don’t loiget that we carry repairt for the Milwaukee,
Peering and Plano Haying nnd Harvesting
ry. You can aave a great deal of time and trouble
by lookup over your machinery before the ruah oomea on to
eeewbat partayon will need. Give ua aUat of the repaira
needed and we will have them ready for yon.
That we may know who reada our nd we will give a aouv.
enir to ereryone preaenting tbit nd aiouratora.
Queen City Implement Go.
131 State Stieet
Tiaieisa Cit) Bicli
Komi Green Dyed
Porch Curtains /
Fitted with Galvanized Iron Rustics
Pulleys and Cords, Ready to Hang
Follow the crowds to the largest Mil
linery department in the city. There
you will always find the most popular
priced hats, splendidly trimmed to meet
the most exacting woman or Misaes.
Come and look; you are always welcome.
49c, 98c, $1.48, $2.00, $3.50
Door Itaek and Hagers* Rope and Haying
Now offers to the people of Traverse City and
surrounding country the Biggest and Best Se
lected stock of General Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Shoes and House
Furnishing Goods at prices that cannoflse du
plicated as we always undersell.
Queen City Implement Go.
Tools. Wo ere eelliag the gennine Key Hay Carriorfi. »mplff
of both Fortt and Sling Cars maybe »oen in operation at
OUT itote. If you ate contemplating building n bam Ihia aea«3ii.
it will pay you to figure with ua.
Molor Car <1>. to employ a1«iil 4i«i.
Ihe liraoks Btwl Cu.. I5<«: the Sirabli- .
Mfg. Co.. 75; the Saginaw Seoil-Steel
works. 25; the Butler Don. r Co.. 25.
The M. * M, as It l» -called, ha* a
loial subscribed fund of t:i2.I2k Id
work with and It feela that Its first.
. * work Is gratifying.
Hembirk v
Merrill. 1* to
rill and Ilemloes capiiaiiata are pi.e
tuollng It and will build at <»re.
Tj,,, H (V <• * A. B. R-. will com.
m-nce building several miles iff new
iia. k ou li Thumb like mraneb for a
inuii.i-r Arm al lk»}'ne aT-
Department Store
New Spring Hats for Men and Young
Men at
lesday and
lih riflins
t he surie
Alva Brook* spent Sunday with his
parents. He is at work for hi*
Kbool. at Bnrdlchvltie. spent Satur Ed Brooks of Almira.
June 3.
day and Sunday with her parenu.
Mr. and Mrs. W». BenneU of this
^JHairtorm BenneU, who Is leeching
b his brother, C. Ackerman
Ginger Sotp*
ar« ago: alL i 1i.-i
ji-Tt-d a* Mis.i < ‘s I
IS for Ulidi.- s* '
i.io’ linn ul ihai lilu.-'
Si hn}l.T Hifl.-r and Miss Ther.-,-a ^
Tht> wenihi-r i-. peitiiia
Mr. Johnron of Grcp>ry’« rewrrt.
anmiiT. Some nre idantlnp
called here Mondar.
olhere that planted (wo w>
iofan Bowen aod Gale Cox.
bavT to plant over, at tne com j
Arbor, were In town Monday.
sprout verj- faa'.
Jamct 1
Wultcr Miller and F. Wlerahoffer
M. Welch'* heeJUt Is nliU raUn-r Anderaun.
y tbia week.
We hope for his »i>eedy
. MalthewK. tniTelllni; xalexman cover}-.
ilerMiii and wifi- «u Jlo*he M. M. '
Highway CA«ntiiiwlDner RtiM te d» or.l Whltkig. E. 41 fi. of Im I'. I.I<K-k
tramucted t
panyF of Detroit,
o. I*. T <• inp u K(b o
here Wedneaday UM,
Almug AOsl' v lit Edcar Roliiiison,
which I* ueeded badly, as
of nw>.«..S-c. 21. T.-rJ.
u beavy
Band and very difficult ui fa^
Iter Co. ransacted h
1 last \V
Mias Charity Johnson called in Glen
Arbor Friday.
essie E. Farrant cloned her
la Bessh
ter a very succeKsful
d Friday
term of ciptat tnonlba.
Walter ToblB of Clenmere. was in
town Tburaday.
F. A. Orepory. 8r, and Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Gmeorj;. Jr., called on frlenda
Iiq*l.aiid died, s
load over.
Mnt. noil
Hlaa Aliet Day called in Glen Arbor cearful lerni
hoiirw which adds one me
tic burp.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sm
R. Day.
inp buslnen* in Truten
Mr*. Blue aod lilile aoo. of Chlcapo,
arrtvnd on the "UlHaouri" Thiintriay.
E. Lewis and wife «
on their way to the home of her
City lust Friday.
father. Mr. Schnoor of Pun Oneida,
where they will aptatd the tiummer.
Sec. so' T.
Roll or Gli<ie, Slip or Slide,
but get to the
grocer’s quickly
for a golden
package of
98c, $1.29, $1.49, $l.?9, $1.98
O'lr line of Furniture, House Furnish
ings. Carpets, Rugs, Mattings. Linoleums.
Draperies and Lace Curtains is the most
complete line we have evei put on sale.
Dress Giorbams
Mutlio comt cov. lace and ombroid
ery trimm.-d at tic^
2^. and «c.
A very ebuioe line
of new atyle Drew
(iingbama at 8c, 10c
and 12c
Zephyr Snltiae
Muilin nigbl gowne
neatly trimme*! at
Mualin night gown*
lieautifully trimmi-J
All new, very neat,
would eell at 85 eta.
Special at iS iCtS.
109 pieoee percale.
All of the new pat
tern, both light and
dark at 8c and 10c.
And our Easy Payment
Plan in that line makes
it possible for you to
- buy them.
Sizes in stock at present:
6 feet wide, 8 feet drop..........
7 feel wide. 8 feet drop............
8 feet wide,-8 feet drop............
9 feet wide. 8 feetdrop..........
10 feet wide, 8 feeidrop....... .
12 feet wide, 8 feet drop..........
We Hang Them Free
Department Store
» tad btd tvo
. is tbc Asia
------------------—---------------1 tb« ora b«rt«
o, A..--
vUl inlUste s cUm o( AftMo at the
B«beat Tneadar erra“
I rapidly la
hi. tiM
li I
Bk aapldi.
lorqy. a l<-yMr«ld boy. «a*
. . ;t«n la boih left by two t1elou «O0 white rMmlnc troai aebooi
Batarday ereslnc Matahal Mtxwdl
picked sp Jake AsdersM on tbe east
side, drosk and full of diftsrbsnce.
HU wife naked Uui he be loAed up.
By BondM Ae bad ehsnied her mUd
and asked that be be let r> and Jake
raa released.
Ben Peloakey. n Harbor SpHsft
llan. was picked np Sunday, full
bard eldw and whUbey. and ioebed
up. Monday he was let go on asapended eenienec.
b '
• - on Char
!. baring
lie UtAeUon.
— ‘S eaet alder, who haa
M of running a blind
•gainst Mlcbelecm «pd be baa Wn
bound oeer to the dre< I court.
The -lid' U on In
_unday cvemhlng IndIhaM
fin mill* were closed, but U
ten were all on the stre
watAIng bis compeutor to eee that
'none was told by him while the watch
er was denied that pHrilege.
Conrad Benslnger of Kewadin
erecting a large bam tOzSO in size,
nreat prcparstlon* are being ma<le
ir the meeting of the old settlers' asIdaat_____________ ,
ocUllon at this pUce on June ISih.
weKtatnc aboot is toos. was reeelTed
but Tbtuaday and taken to the power Tbe eaercises will be held In tbe opera
bouse anrt It 1* eipertcd that the cor
bonee TauSay.
ferry will bring a large crowd from
A 1600-poond
Aased and received fur the Norwe- North)>orT and other points in Leelai
fUn Alireh on tbc test aide.
C*^. Whylsnd U pulling up a aeen-room bunioilo* on his resort proi
P. blow out at Clare tast T
erty on tbe shores of Elk Lake. Jui
nliht I...........................................
oB Uie Kewadin road. The siriiciui
la a portable sBair. built by the Herelow company of Bay City, and U the
east aMe lebooli have a record i
largest portable structure ever turned
•dBaM by any other aradea. T'
bare not had a urdy mark durlns
It by the <
•Tie stear
year, and their per cent <4 attend!
barrels of cement
haa been »8.
BmA itKim of tbe caat aide arhooli Thursday.
baa added two new plciurea wlibin
The Maccabees gave n dance
their hall last Friday evening and t
beto Wlleox and wife of
a fair •
bare presented ten new booka to tbc '^garFozof North Milton, who
library of tbe eaet aide achooL Ura. pieled hit aludlei at the Wisconsin
WUeoa U a fortner realdcnt of BIk agricuilursl college, has been with the
Bapidi. DOW Ideniltled with (he OU- 'eiperiment station of that insiiiutlon
■ir the last three year*, engaged la
ilty work.
Charles Alezsniler. who
paid a fine for bis t
.............. went
thewar path again
Uat Friday and prepared lo bombard
II Friday afteraoon. June ITih.
**Ei«*Mday eresla* H. C. Btod«ett
sad wUe ca*e a plaao aod m»c rectul
at the Preabyiertao chureb. auended
by about one hundred. .Both are moaieUm^ of rare talent, and tbe redul
WM a treat to those atteadlSK.
Tbe Aiamsi reception U beM at tbo
<«tn booae mday eTeaios.
SebooU cloae Uda week.
. Heaiy WelBer of Detroit U vlaJtla*
bl* rAtUrea hereabouts.
allm enp beridei a lot of
e their ettorts Tbe cup mnst there than would be bit share on i
or«e time* before It becomes eutera seaeoast.
be won tbrwe
Jobna Hopkins nnlversiiy win hence-1
forth admit women a* aludents and!
after tbe same manner that the Othe brood Jump, covering IS feet «
uclvrrsltlea adopted. Each pi
en and ooe halt loAee of earth,
>r mat admit women to his clues
track was In frightful shape nnd
Traverse Clly sprlnier* bod no chance
chonei-sniid the Bal'.hiii'in- patsconfident the professors are rva<
to cut loose. Miller losing the cent
»-elcome womei, viudeni*.
as be was forced to spriol thro< ,
sand. Feller* rairtbe quarter mile ID change of attilude M said lo tie ibe
S7 seconds, smashing the local record. work of PrT-5trtent Ira Remsen.
ilator McHelUn ha* appoime.! Dr
The (ollosrlng are tbe events and
the places that Traverse City won:
Dr. Seth T.'Siewari. di-.-irici superui
Football punt—Walt first.
100 yard dash—Miller, wcond; Simp icndejila «f Sihools; Miss KvoJig
K. Whliney. district superlnieiide
soo. third.
High lump—l*leraon. first; Walk* charge ut vurrtion school-- and
gro-juri*. and
l>r. Lailier
third: height 5 It.. C.
fliiilci:, director of pb>ylcal tt.iitiirip.
440 yard dash—Pellerii. first:
<-o-mnlT!--iio represent Sew York c-u
II convention of ib- Piatcround
Ing secoud: 39 felune 20 25.
i'lersnn. flrsi; Whiting
Broad lump—1'
well, presldin uf tb.- I’.ii-;-'
second: distance .
et im Ii
and Slut■d by J.diii I», Hivketener. Jr.
Pole vault—Fieri
Fifth Avenue Hapiist rbiircli.
)ik, eoiiiplahl'some of the
. II.- II tv-li>iigi:iy II. U.e elnss u;r
111 ing -gnv.-ir hr onisidi :.. Tin- s»<tiHalf mile run-Ho M.w.
*.n-lHammer lliniw—Amii-bueiliirr. first. i,ir> Ilf lb.- eli.ss
ni, nil.-rv. .r
12K feel.
iiUliiWof wliom live ill
2Sii yard dash—Piiniumn,
liou.-H-s. Oiiier l«Mird--r-. Imvi- o:;r...(<9t<hl a lend-ncy in Sisitr
KJairy H
and l*ivsld--iil Tc-\-ii.
BlC>«le- raci'—in> place.
-"■* I*}?"'
Base tall throw—F.ilk'i
Traverse Otj State Bail
A TRACV LAV, Pwiliint
50 raid daah-MlHer.
Former Smaior DiiboD li;i-i chi-i
sou. second; time Ti 4-!l.
DIscu* throw—Amtsbueeliler. first: 111* r--*i'l< iif*- ill WushliiCTiui and t.-il. t
his family bark to Iduho. wh. r- liFeVer*. Becciod; U>4 feel 1 Inch.
There was no oppovlUE lewms for will si«-o U-glD Hu- juibllrail.ui of i
he loeril - - -......... ......... lllgh-ela-“» wi-ekly p.-wsiuii- i'^ ai Hoi-.
Ih.-stale ca|,ital. Mr. Diibois hail iii
i.-pd.-d to acf-i.i iho
CAPITAL, saooooo
Tire Insurance! ^
Pint* Clua. StMm Boll*r «nd Aocte
A Geunl BiAiw SmImm Mi.
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Room 3 ] o New State Bank Bulldins-
Traverse City. Mich.
Sfli you your bill for a house or bam.
i-ar^ at till timee
a full line of
Get our iliftiTf-s and compnn- our grades before buying,
Look for tbe Big Revl rinot.
Call on
f lui- t'liaulauqua
lauqua vlix-uiiK I'
June 1 —Joseph W,
Phon«. Bell 390; Citx. 30S.
Cor. E. >-lh .St. and Like Ave.
s b'ctiitv
iwered de.atb's sumnirmt
Dlckerman anawei
lust FVlday evening at his home three ii 1* uQJ-T-IV«id Ihiii lie har ulian-loii.-d
miles south of ' ' . vllUge. after au lliiil ji’jri.M-.*
ihs duration. Mr.
n speul the |m“I Tmi.v yi-j
of the I'ulv.-ri-iiy -if Wlwmi^ln. I
in this towiiBhlp and leavKUlned tin- hoiior in rviih.-r an mid wi
AllhoBghau earnest »iud-nl, lie nev.-r
stood well in hi* tlaK»i« an.! im Huai
Choiee riicoIori-J -Tapan particularly fine flavor and
eyaunnatJon fell s-veral murk* sboil
p jj. Powers apent Saturday
exceptional etreiigthIf yon Lave trouble getting a
el thC Htuuduid r.-quln-d for giaduu
t-a lha< i* to your liking try a ssoiple ponud oftbia
SpaclalW ef
tl m. Jiivi t•<'ro^«* iliut lime, houev-r.
—fide. Harebal Maxwell and H. S. ’ utUe harm was done here by i
We will take our cUaucoa on your ooming back.
luierAnderson went after him and lodged
f„*i Monday olgbl.
him Id the lockup, but he dldn t auy.
p,ed McFall spent Tuesday here,
Moved by this-fan. Pn-»ideni BuKcom
and within an hour or ao was out. eri-^ Harr,- Thompson, station agent
called the faculty together apd uuid- a
dently having had help from the outtrnnaacled buslneae Jn .to
fight in th.- young fellon's behalf.
•Id*. He baan't been seen since around Saturday.
Another vole was taken and La Fol
here, and no one ia anxious to see
y,. anj Mrs. Ellsworth Billman
letti vcrambl.-d .through l-y u narrow
him. He Is a "bad man" from the tertained her father. Mr. J. Cadh
«*a Kw*
Blue GrM* stA*. and If he will only
Traverse Clly. Sunday.
Abe Hummel, the New York lawv.-r
• away everjbody wlll.be aatisBed.
J. Frankfalber Is spending i
who WAS convin.-d of eonsplnir;' 1»
0 observance of Decoration Dai’ «eek with friends and relatives
coDoeelloli wllh the D-Klge-Morse dl-.except tbe doting of tbe qtorea
in the first of ihe week .11,1 not kill uU
a partUl air of "nothing doing."
Martin Pcpllntikl who was severely
At the regular meeUng of the K. of injured by faUlng frooi a tramway Olackwvlr* irdiiiid iirlsim u
of ihe OeeuDu poach cioji. Fnilt grow
P. Lodge next Wedneaday evening, tbe ahlle working at the Bingham mill, nf assorting veg,-i»l,lc. In ttip sion■•r* from si'voralv«-cllon* of that coun
ink of Royal will be conferred to be „lurtied to hia home here Friday afiei room. from which he will tnmdlc ty Usll.sl Iho big orchard* uii-l iii
illowed by a feed.
I speoding three weeks at the sanltar- ihvni to lliekliclicn iu u wboclbarrow.
H- dcclun-s hi* InUutloii lo write o «l>ecled the Ireos nnd found tha' a lilg
Bpearing sueken. below the chute.
rn>)< lb sHIl alive, i.iid that iMUriiig
_ fumlAlng amuaeraeol and food for,
r a. McQueer I* building a walk Muik .,f lil.s pili-oti 'iiml oili.-r- oxp«-ri□rSBABOH
no furilier cold wealhi-r a fair rroj,
a good many these daye. Tbe flA are ^jong bis property. This Is an example
York i-iiv ar<- snitM-sl.iit |H-riuriH.l of iicacli.-s and oilo-r fniii will 1„ratiQlng quite plenUfully In tbe river ,rh,ch more might well follow.
Lees debles damped Inio the sireel*
wunder-i Mr. Huaim.-l i> uiiil.-r-t.«i.l to liav.- ai
jui-.n notmaii.
Dmiid Ha>- 0. r.s
It U claimed by Ihoae whoae repuU- ,nd more walk* would
as*l*l wunder-i
Two papers for Uta prloa af ona.
Una for troth, In a amall matter like |ul!y in Improving the aPiK-arnncp of■ gr.-at deal of awkward dociimenliiryleritily found a
»-vldvnc<- in bis i«>*w**ioti
| uniloulucdly to a |,rolii»ioric age.
a aoow atom, ha* never, lo Car aa gtir town.
J. M. Hramh'tie. ui Kalntuur.io. g,-ii------------- --------------j is a knife made of pure j-opjo-r
oral «iijH-rln(endenl of the.M. I’ R..
Bit by a Oog,
;gul'<- ■ile-'l.v fusliioncd.
This co
has l*s-n |>rnmoii-d to iLt- iVKiiion of Pays'for both a full year.
Baa afe
e were wlbdrlha In North rtmis Tuesd.vy,
.1-rDvn. 'I'm _
g-ni-ral tiiuniig,-r of 1h..,c«ra|,uu,v to nounumaitt -Alaewher*
ni,mii-l l.iiihi.-r* or volii,- loon- aii-f
j,)„ A Klotichttie nf 1'niverac City
l(. Ellkut of Lansing.
if Arthur Ariusiroug. >
Th- f;. -i thsi then- 1*.
e three and spenl a
days of last week with
a few
h.inacquaintni e» here.
idri-d niih-> t.f that w-cUon mnkes it
r diphthcri
ihu, .hi* k-nlf- wu. l.rlmgUt
o (ainll:
OM Settlera Meeting.
indcr quarantine, g,,^"
csi.-half iu4>'s '<li*‘u'*' t'lo*'"- Rome
The <rtd aetOers' meetliig thU year
larg.- «•
A number
Rebek»ha from Travlumber of Rebeki
win be held at Elk Bapldi. Tbe opera
i] in an fltl.«,a
pure copiu-r
me City
■ tv came out W.
....• — evenscared for the meetattend the Initiation of
> ben
member* Inlo the lodge here.
I. ut.ln.a1 wh'-ii
wh.-n te ".'"I
su-ldMily ’u™--' ''-'' f
lo . xpl.aln how it
I a gatberiat
Rehearsals are being held for the and at
roomy, very light and pleasant
.itlonal ninventhms of Ihe S5igprogram to be given Children's Day. head I
it-aring il»There IS room for a big crowd, and
a and Mu I'l.l Epslhm soSunday-. June 9th
...e wo,...
i.unil I* at
the crowd will be there.
scl„«il of loiisic win.ri-in.-li;.lf Inches In ii iigiti anu uu.ui
This meeting promises to be tbe big
II ArlKtr the
half au Inch wide.
If jn>n atebnilding a house wc w-daUlike to Ggare
gest gatberiog erf the kind ever held
Al-iiil thlilv
Honor. Mich., June l.—n.rjsc clc.anIn northern Michigan. Captain Bobertwith ]fon OD your Kaila, \ alloy Tin, Bnildiug Pkper,
ig time. Thu male populatlmi-well,
with his Northport-H
I> II hail Ihs-Ii Mideiiiik; with ii v .r
Locka. KdoU and Hiogi-s. Painta. OiU and VsniiahM
any old plaferry will, tor tbe day. dn>oi
.-at and ii I' ihi.ugl.i He- young nia
and etc. for we <iin aavi-yon aome muneyk
We nisk«
bun ihl-i
The dop h;.' h.-en Killed.
niglil. hiivln
at Sutton* Bay, Norihport Traverse, City ,
aapocialty ofbuildcra Imrdware and. onryears of exand Omenu.
Tlien again, the big called there hy the scrii.u* Illness of
beat will be a tight worth ■oeing for her daughter. Lotlle.
periciice in tbia Jiui-of hhrdware eaables tie to give
Mrr. Fordlck of Empire Is vlsiliiig
the "land lubber*" among tbe
^’on the ffToab-st postibL- valoc for your tnoaty. Cone
friends in the burg, also Mi*, end Mr*.
it I* Intended to make it a jolly W. P. neymolds of Eniplrc are visiting
y'in and looL cur Block over asd Rct cur prices sod we
good time, and for that reaaon there
IL‘a'l'inch for A. \V. Rlrkerd of
arc eatisfieil tbnt you will say Trades ia the plsee to
win be no fonoalUy. Tbe Old SetTraverse
Uers will come together, talk over old
buy lisrdwnre. See our eaay running, Can't come off
setting five or six fine
times, tell alorles of early daya in
Uln Dnilniin W« ^ave the B«l Te. on
the Market
Dr. F.
tired to kpeni
paiwnu at Bean' point
left the latter part
W. H. H. Sears left
btialnea* trip Into
of lait week OD
that win keep —
tbe ktate of Main.........................
(700 home tor a mniith or at* weeki.
Dr. i. C. Gauntlcii
was called to
IVIBUaauburc Wedu>-$dav to attend
Mra. John Adrer.
L. M. CUPP, who her been with tbe
•iBter fanltore etore as ondertaker,
will more lo Kilkaaka aooo and «scm Is bnalneaa.
Tfe damace to fruit or crope from
KoMay'a esow—or tbc freeze of that
Wn. B. Bnoaball of Cbleapa. tbe
eleetiWas wUb tbc it^Bc eompas;
has rested tbe Darle place os Tra’
erae arbase.
Bms Brea, set tbelr seU Tuesday
tod hare eommesced tbe ceesost fleb*^llo BUfDO haa-takes a i
as bafsaceman at tbe depot.
Bw Heuk. a esrpeoier. at work for
(he Iron Company, bad a foot badly
qnsloed and bnrtaed Wedseaday
momlsc by^ heavy Umber falling on
it. • He *in W laid sp for eeveral daye
MtaUbsUndlscthefactUiatno boses
» Deeber of Traverse Clly has
BBCed at Usner by tbe Antrim
od Company.
mine Saturday afleraoon. Ina va. Ai
Huber'ar.. baa been appoint-,
ImasMT. Pnom now im Mrs.
obleet of, bis
tbe ob)e
:n has adopted a chicken
la other word* they sotlfy all owaen of poultry to kmp their
S of alxsa or
matter nhost wws or U>e further doSb7oC adreriUlBC on tbe aldevalks.
at our bStiMti ncs have been in tbe
CbeSnad trsotne dv»U
7»rm Mud Tlngfde
The Farn|crs’ Store
' *t year's tion to tUose ignorem of th.- la*.
^ ^ .veuu,.
------------------meib^rs of‘the '
General News.
Jndgliw from tb* expertene# af tb« janilly have nothing to pay.
Edsard Arihur Rohlnsrat. son of lU,'
IMamaka of eld ptopM wbe have taai-;
p,i»r Robinson, the Lonlon drr
•d Or. A. W. CkSM'* Nerve PlUs. they ^ June 13. Further announcemenu will goods ____ _ .. j^srs
• Ibe made by Ulls and p---------n to be cxacUr asitad to evercoOM
rupi. having msnagrd
32.lM.upn since be came of
odd age.
tbaaa condlilonA canseque
Tbc Britlnh embassy will |,c e«ta
lished for the summer at Intervale. N
Onllfce erdlnary w
U Glk Rapids. Mich.
H in the house of the Ule Rev. John
ChaseW Nw« PUM an eaUrcly reWorcerter of Newlonvlllc. AmbaasaaawattTs la action, asd cure br formLoeal Team Won Out.
dor and Mrs. Bryce and the Had Paemtar new. firm &sab and tissue, and
the Weakness
author, are oe' the Intarreholaatle mee^eld^ere ye*
■ '
rday. They negotiated elghiy-etght
t of the 153 polnta aad recelTed a|
Far aala l>y Jehnaan .Onig Co.
Grand Traverse, laugh over the mis
hap*. adventures and good times
I'liliig were very
the people were few and far bclofTBk Raplda. pradoalsd from U-e
impressive. Tbc Bcv.
Mr. Burdge
- - ,t of the University When harddilpa were expected, and
when If they didn't come wo were spoke with much toellng. taking hi*
text from Jorti' 4 and C. The last
clmise of the verse, "Whal M.-an Ye
anS bring your (anily and the neigh
The EUi Baplda aavlnga bank
bors. Don't ml** thto great gathering
^^depoaiu to tbe amount of |19..Every year the ranks of the plo- blem.
for the yea
thin more and more rapidly ■ "ne »
The aaw miU abut down Monday
those who came here In the '40a, Much praise 1» du.- Prin. P>-wle*> :ii
tavenoos becauaa of the atorm.
Is ssslrtants
(or their uiiilnug ■•ffurt
and the'60s will be gone. SOj________
> Mra. Mia Seely baa rewnied from
i meet at least once a year to.making this year
Mabel, where she was lor about ^
: acqualniance—to take each ceasful yo.ar* In the history of the
«K>% earing lor ber mother during ber
nr.- siieuding
other by the hand once more and tb achonl. The teacher*
happy tbelr vacniion ni their rfsp.-cijve
Tlie Manlstaa took on between ISM bid CMdi other God
long yeare of ^temeer home*. Miss Holmw soi»g >'■ Munlsti-e.
and 17H barrelg of cement when In ending
Isbor'tbat ba* changed our beautiful Miss HoUUiet to hi-r hoiiie In south
■itafdny nlgbt. conaigned to Hllwr Grand Traverse region from a wilder ern Michigan.. Miss Lilly and ML*
Baaness lo a prosperous and busy com Buchan being resident* of Honor. Tbc
patron* are well pleased li- note the
evening were well attended, noiwlih- munity.
teacher* will all rciura ucxi >«-ar.
•tanding tbe atorm. The Rev. Mr.
The Cleaner tvatii. Smith D-'an acre.-------Ttiempaen preached a r«narkably day. Jun- ._.
bcait and tbc hosts will be guests, for gallon visited PlBl'c Arbor Siiiurday
•tnng nnd praetienl aermcB.
all who are there will have direct In evening and were the—'
terest In making tbe mceUhg what It by tbelr close auentlo
hand. The;
is aure to be. tbe m<m suc^sfol a^
tbe happiest ever held by the assocli thov practlccd^logetber almost dall;all winter and have perfected ihcrjselves la their work. Orvlll sajs l-a.li
the hall free, hot It Is and perseverance has made tim;
that all those who attend master of the situation.
: their own provUlons aside
Revenue Officer A. Colter psld il„>
a ge br the blood gcU ,
imed ai
above. There will hamlet n_ vl*jt_ la»t_»a^k
r and Impure, and from those nsmed
swiv. to.ausplx th* nourishmenl required be • picnic dinner st noon in tbe hall, some "(“be ciilxvnawoasidcra. -. .
a men were caught svll.ng wii.i
bring dishes; these will siUwn
tTboep vitality at hlgh-wst*r mark: Vou need n
I lull knowledge of 'lu'
-r.' coiu-il on to pa> "P,tv ilollsrs and two oih. re
I 5*-lrg
UP tbe aystem. Hbeenu s box
m aU dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chare Medi.
^Acye, car, NPet
Price, 50c per pound.
t mill Toetday
Cal mm M lUc MMIt.
Traverse City.
c principa
Jacob H SchlB
iner of the
speaker at tbe annual dim
Jewish benevolent society B'nai
Tuxedo hall, Kew York city.
SchiO advlaeil tbe Jewish youlh to
l~. MTlni ihe greawr wportunlUes
liara I >oor Boilers.
Mr. Farmer
XXXX CoFfeeXhums at work
Tastes good always — because it’s always good.
Always the same because it's always blended
and roasted just right
Extra good quality, because it’s imported direct
and sold direct to dealers.
Other coffees must pay a profit to importers,
bndeers and jobbers. You save three profits in XXXX
Coffee. The saving goes into higher quality.
That’s why McLaughlin s XXXX Coffee is so
much ^fter than any other cofke at the gomepi^ce.
The handy air-tight package and the glaring of
pure sugar keq»s this coffee clean and fresh—pro
dust, dirt and foul odors.
McLaughlin’s XXXX Coffee is sedd by
All F'lrat-Olass Orooors
Fruit Grower
this is to let you know that i Frokop Kyielka have
a fresh stock of fine ground land Plaster, fresh Lavaoburg Paris Green in ooe pound packages, pronounced
to be the best by past experience.
The Acme Potato Planters, Corn Planters, Sifters
and Sprayers manufactured at Traverse City. There ia
no doubt that you will have to buy some of theie goods
so we sincerely ask you to see our stock and give ua
your patronage. We guarantee (.Quality and Prims.
Inquiry by Mail promptly anawered. Address
BcMol Boartf Meeting.
Tbr primary achool maBey lai
The report waa accepted aod adept,
wa« L14.6M aod thU year, li 1
ed OD Mr. MonUsuCe motloD.
mated at 116.000.
Leetuec Courae.
ThU year Ihe aalarlea Of (be teacb.
In hU report. Supertetondent Gilbert
the beard of educatlen haa cttimatcd ere mere locreaeed and laat year, iba
javo tbr reccipu aod capendlture* for
the need! of the aeheeli fer the com- achool term leoptheaed
—. — ---------- tbf lecture courae. The total cash remaklns M IncTcaaed expense of about celpla for Ibe year J0O6-7 wtrt II,
Ing rear for all purpeaaa aa fellowe:
14,'"W. Noil year, the intert^l and 3*6 05 and the expenses for rannia*;
•^rtntendeni-a aalary.............
sinklo* fund will have to he locreaaed ' the course were |LOS:.78, leaving
.Taoehan' aalaHea.............................
because of the Increase in the bonded | profit of I2S2.36. There had been
Jaoltara- aalhrlaa............................
Indebiedneat of the city.
The general atreei ux will remain'li.tn.ot
>i»el .......................................................
about the aame while the lUte ax will
Among the expeneea
•re 1800-fc
■Beeica ......................................................
Pitodrleb thought thatI Ulenl and 1140 for c . . .. honee ret
Sugpilea. papera. pane, etc.........
year would run
e balance receb
Ived had been e
InUreat en bonda..............................
Ke Slated ihot while (I
■enses of tbeeliy
l>i>eQ inrreased.
Repaira en bulldinga.......................
ill the while, The Bssessi-d raluailoD I bniry
Ilepaira on greynda.........................
ilned practically —------ . Elcetrle llghta.....................................
nic. George W. Laidic and
The budget was the prlaclpal
ness before tbc apecisi meeting t.
council last evening. The brdinaare
flxllig the salaries was adcriied on Hr.
Palmer’s motion.
The ordinance to defray the IlablUtles by general taxation was adopted
on Mr. Winnie's t
The mayor appointed Tbomae Mup
r*T city eleeirIcUn.
Antoine Furtseb. a widow, asked
that eome action relieving her fmm
a etdewalk aasewsment of *3T.PP for
her propeiHx on Bay street. Referred
........................... and walks committee on
__________ m
.. petliloa . . _ _________________
avlng n balance of J7u.4n on
wwvr 111 sifter district No. T, .slgm-d
Many peojde had suiipoaed L
iiy H. A. Laiigworihy and oihcn
^ed number of i>aved streets lui
the elly would
.1 down the cost Hf
The itendanee and scholars bclniis- lef.'rred in ihe si-wer coniniluee.
kis-plog up thi
rlri'elB. Imi ihi- re- jnt fo the month enaing May 3 was
the cost of cUwning given,
There were 1.97o pupils be
:lon rurb and gutter
ought the total up 1 |(ingin at the end of the month and
»onl to Elghith street, signed by LeOn
resented Uu-------•
- - •
F. THUS ai.it oihers. was referred
the eomniltKK.
month mas 3.P14. The percentage ■
a (K'menl sidewalk on
I attendance was »l.l.
east Stale stn
J64 [
The iiumlier belonging durtiig the
’'"jmi.nth at the dllferent seboou was: 1.1 the rommlitee on site.
——^ High school,
Central, r.n:,; Union
•e rwTh<- w..ys and mestis c
..I2.3.K Ktreei. 244; tkwrdman avenue. 3.10
omtiierided that sufficient r
Fifth ward
PO'-.-d Oak I»ark./I4. Klmw,«s1 avenue, 3.11
ksncl for park purpnsi-a: lie sold at
nitre In lake u|i the iiou-s brid Iiy B. J.
: sprii.kllng the
Vk. .
Power (Union St. Mds)............
Water ....................................................
Teela and Equipment....................
Telephone aervioe.............................
(iwurancc ...........................................
Furniture .............................................
Sewer at Elm«*oed building ...
Truant offiecr'a aalary...................
Superintendenfa elerh................
Freight, cartage and espresa..
Commencement eeerclaea............
Laboratory eapenaae.......................
Printing and etatlenery................
Kindergarten .....................................
Library Work ..............................
First t
SiTond wanl
Third ward .
FHih ward
Taking of Cenaua .................
Typearriur auppUca...................
Deduct at fellowai
Non^eaident Tuition ..
"H Montague.
“W. 0. Foote.
“George €. Hoyt,
“Committee on Ways and Mean*.'
Tim report
Tha following
“We your a
will amount during the coming
year to t2g«« in addition to tl
mill bx and that a reeommen
M ^e by thto beard to the eounei
of the CKy.
mine, wan mainly devoted
Ion of Ibe finances of Ihe
dry. prevlont to (be adoptltm of the
anrprliie to Ihe memben of the Inaird
and ebnwed aotne careful flKuriug was
nceeeaary In all dcp'artmenla. The
wayi and means rommlUee stated
that In making iho budget,
budget. everything
mesible bad been
. ukon
. ikon ini
into eonsidoratlon and It was believed
Imdgei would cover anything
would cose Bp and in case of a fund
being exanetad. «o inoro expendlluree
would be made.
The mayor eUt^ that bic comnnDlcatlott would apply to the council as
arell w the
board and that aa H
e annual budget,
d be taken Into
year, the U
variODS wards varied as eome
raise a atrees tax. but tho Second and
ntth ward! would give a fair basin
to work on.
L«ei yi
rarde we
-SrhoolB .
Geneml clly ...
Slreel dlsirirt .
Slato tax .........
County tag ....
Total ..........................................
Ter IftO....................................
Fbr IfifiT. aa Dearly aa r.
mated, the Uxce will U-;
General city ..............................
iniereei andy.alnklng ...........
Kirwet disirfn ............................
Slate tax ........................................
Ctounty tax...................................
f’er tl.
eets will Ik- lidded ?<.
Will prtllwblv Ik- Inert
Mr. FVl.-drieh said
of publle works was
a which would iuerv-ase
Idvncy of i
would not
de|iar ncDi but pn
I Ibis
dee re e Ihe.eost
______ niati-rlall
ni .t.-riall>.
pului. tl
1 and
ting on hiB
hli rari aUsi-nt, mlndi-dwatching Ihe sun shlw.
School Exptnae.
Tbc tolsl ensl of the iK-h.ails for lilt
year was Id.l.oisv
Of this .-.mount
tlh.tsm bonds were p.-ild aod tll.aid
new buildings, making tin
•rating rosi for the coming yeai
uid be t4*.3<ii> -and the estimated
cost for tho roming year. liS.oOU,
which included natural locreaacl.
s City has always iKK-n
her support of the whools,
..............yriedrich. aod has shown a
dispoellion to bear Ihe expense withcomplaint, bin be believed that It
wliM- and px)d business Jodgraeni
to add any n>-« deiuirimenls just
pment anyway.
lOtvil from hli
niesiige In Iho i-oitncll Iasi year: -A
swollen lax rsic Is as much to Ik>
dreaded ns swollen mortsHiy and
••we must c.it our garmenla accord
ing to tho cloth.On Mr .Motrtagup-s niolinn. Ihe mmmunlcailim was received and filed and
ordered printed In (be i.raceedings. A
dmllar one will be preeenled to the
council-thls evening.
Teacher*' Committee Report.
•Vour comnililec ..n teaclu-niwi.uld
.piwtfully rccommeud that the f«lrlng K-iicJiers be i.lTi-red iswliions
our scliis.ls fur the ensuing year;
-Miss KIlxalH-th Bronson, who Is
w teaching in the High school at
ila and Is a graduate of Olivet col:e. to take the place of Miss -4gn.-s
Thompson: Miss Edith IMVls, who Is
•Ipal of the High school at
Concord and Is a graduate of the Uni
•tally of Mlehlgan to uke the j.lace
HIse Ethel Taylor: Miss l^dla
oenlg. who is now leaching at Oxrd and Is a gniduaic of the Slate
orraal college to lake the place of
IBS Alma Browu; Miss Davie and
Mies Bntoson to receive »r.5 p.Ttnonlh
Koenig to receive »8;.5a i«-r
Miss Mamie Kusfield. Miss Flor
ence Perkin*. MUs Cynthia Payne.
Mlastennle BaHon. Miss C'allsU DunJU.JS, Currie I*urdy
. ...re. we.
!• folUiwiag ieachers be offered ikwIllnns for The ensiling year:
(■race Theobald, who Is a gra.ltiate of
the Centml State Normal and Is now
leaching at Battle Creek, at »(5 per
month: Miss Currie Melden. whn Is
-u:S014 now teaching In the Boardtoan avenue
bulldlng at S4T. pt-r mouth: HUs Grace
Brodle. who Is a gmduale of Ihe
Wesleni .Normal and a woman of exIHTl.-nce ai *45 i*ei
McWelhv,'who is u gniduuie of the
fetitnii N.
Id who has laitcbl at
ns, HI SITkv is>r month.
c Hiil.l»-ll at «46 |wr moiitt
tile bulldlug- ■w. O. PtKtle.
. .mn.
the law pnrvlded
IS seliiKil 1 nth.- c
closed for
•af. ihal srhoni i
rm this aftemoni
mailer of
Gllh.'Tt reported
non-t Udei.i tuition in regard
famll a. On Mr. Hoyt's motion the
of the Blue cblldten was rceimimlliee on achools
On Mr. Hoyt's motion
a Pli-ri-la boy wai excused'
1 froi
1 this amount wl
eiinea tor snng hooka for cdiapel
. The cantata will be made a
t amounted, adjourn
dings tt
> purchn-^e
whool hulldlngv. The lowest blddi
ms the Hobart comiuiny, who »:
iupply them for S1C.6A.
nils amounting
to $61.6*
iddeil to the report of the eUlms at
.ecounts eommltiee and allow t t.
Id re*|K>nsc to jelteia >.. varioi
clerks «if tronrds of edueu-l»i. il
Kulamaroo school bnsr.l
iwrd sent
senl u <
their by-laws inuisedi some ilui- ;.gn.
lirailon from Andi:i>iAndlti. (len
the pilnary
, auted that Ihe
lOney apportionmetii for Si>
-emher would probably 4k- *5 per
Woman'a Club Reaolution.
A resolution from the Womuu's club
asking that the tsiard expend 'l2.«oh
for esublishing niimual training and
domesiir aclenre In iho school* wus
rocelred nnil jilaeed on file. The rm.
olullon asked that
be expended
for each of these bninrhes and w:-s
slgncl by Mrs, J. F. Gillespie, presienl. nnd Mrs. C. A. lliimnioud. secrcThi- report of Ihe tniani
sh..w.-d lliHl be hud traveled 1"5 mil
rarried 43 packjigi'S. served I noli'
visited 54 h.mtes and there had be
14 eases reported
The treasurer's report showed,
balance In the contingent fund
I3.ITT.53. while there was *3.111
rash »n hand. Clerk Gltlii
the oue mill tax sliould be credited t.
the tenebera'- aalaclia1 fund
tent fund over
would leave the cont
drawn *1.365.3* and
.1 of *11.
Th- City Budget.
From Saturday ’s Record.
The budget of the city for the oorolo year
ie «73A» against tW.SSO
Uat year.
year’s ' budget
divided as feiiewe:
.......................................... t 1AO0
Engineer .....................................
Health officer ...........................
Attorney ............... ........................
Judge of recerdorid court
SuoL water worka
Board public worke ...
Chief of fire department
Aiaietsnt chief....................
Two firemen, each ............
fireman .............. ..
Taro firemen ____
Chief of police .................
«-rence to the great Abraham Uucoln
telling of the awful tviponsibllliy Ibtr t Despree. Mrs J F tillleaple.
w'birh was just ahead of Ihe tbit
Mrs. Will E Mamn. alternate. Mt*
resied upon him. how he dismissed
of oir!
soldiers, marching
his rarew'snd worries with a joke that
uiid.T iheir colors.
Young America
An cxci-lli-nt address cm manual
was well represented al the end of
lialning-was given by Mr*. H. B. Oarthe iin-. alsnn one ih.isand rhllrlren
n-r. the talk being a Ascription of her
murcbUig with flag* and cheering at
visit to the Saginaw sebooi and the
luty aga" said Mr I'mlor. ''We ba'
grnerwl expresalon was that such debeen able lo Hew this greatneu at
partmenis should be esubllebA In
Af CHy Opera Haute.
Ibe schools here soon. Mr*. J. A. Medistanre and know him a* a whole
Al the City (ipi-ra noose a V
Mauii. favored with a v.wal soloed
After eoiiiluiilng the tribute for
Steles flag was ireeivi-d by sixteen
tbc .\tu~-s Ruth Roland and BMse
short lime. Ihe sja-aker passed
school children, followed by a v
ners and loaded with scfaoni cbUilren
solo by FI E. White and ritiialisile
l*‘si f
of May as king as Hie .-(lars au
II had r
etch for disinfecting ear
ious disesacs.
mother U good health,
periciice ol maleraily i auld not tw
appnwched w iihoul <»
preparation, as a w
- ---- - - -|cond;..._
the blcaMags of a good
Ing of Ihe line. The Sptnkb war vet- charge at San Juas mil—Thfmdore
CorrcepitPdlng secretary. Mlsa Oam
'erans follawed the band luid Mayor Roosevelt ’
Friedrich with Judge Umlor wer
Flnatieial secretary. Mrs. R.J. Prlew.Abraham Uneeoln.
Treasurer. Mm. (t. B. Cook.
hind ih.-m :n a carriage. Neat In line
At Ibis point, the speaker mad<
wae a Urge final decorated with ban
flyss.-s S. Grant lelling of hU Helor
aftcTiusni c
vices by the G. A. R. commander. F. D. ies In Ihe war. hi* Indomnitable
during which i I and wafer* were
Msrvin made the closing remarkr and his hamauily.
Genernl Robert FT Ix-e was
*t»aklng brt.-fly.
metiii..ned, how he ha.l luren offered
the command of thr cMl army
h.-ld al SI
when Virginia S.-.-.I.-.I. Jie euuld
e's Grand
iml hper* house. June 77. at
"War ever has U-en and I believe fight against ills mother slate
Tlie following I* the promay.n i.ieDuring
ehiBK: the side <-f the Soujb
lieh he had
i liove."
d of eduri
previously toad
•. Master Roy I'erkelt; cboraa. The
linn- The e.rmi
The alms of |»*re congres were brought out.
ses. disarmament agreemems
South Has Proven lu Leyally.
I*rania—-111* Pearl of PrlceleM
like measures ate truly an advat
The south has |iniv.-ii its lojull;
eivHizallon. lessening the chanre of dared i»- s|K-aker and cited the Sl«o
The eimimunleatlon was receive
filed on Mr. Lardli's motiup.
war. but they will never ^tngrate Ish.Amertcan war fur print, el
A general dlseiisslon im strt-et
the final appeal to the trial nf
-Plghllng Joe- WheeliT .vtid Ihe I
Ing WHS then Indulged In. Tom Shane
FTora-MIss He n McGarry.
tif the
the iKKird of publle works I'
lelling The fuM'ire of (he various altempred of the south who eullMed und.-r
Uly—Mtss Hut' llncbn.
1 enri.im.
that lia.1 b.-eii
‘seltlemetits of the gr»‘at qneMimi of stars and stripes an.I al*.. the nephew
V1I.I.-I-;•Miss FWneo Kisgirly.
.r.ii a da: sUv-cry prove this.
lered. Thc.coBi hai
-Miss Margaiel
irgait Graliam.
of general Hoherl B. J>>e. who repre
and under the sysl
irla—Mia* Eva Curtis.
• Thus it was that Ihe torch of
seated the gnverament in Cuba preced
night and. cleaning ii]> Iho d1rMn*lhr
Oeoana—Mis* l.ouliie .Merles
would !«• a dollar which was lighted at Fbn Sumpter log the war.
In 1S61 -SCI onr nation Into a furious
was left iinscttlrd. Ihe flaruc of jnieisecine sllrfr.
Fleleora—Miss RophlB Blleky.
•You have not yeated. In
ihalile to make any sugfeb-stia—Mis* Ruale Weleler.
-Thus it was that folloi
world affect a material
aerurlly upon your arhievemeBl
Psyche—Mias Haitte Belaky.
evitable mntrqaenees of •
Aiwa)* have been and atlll are in th<
Cbrlsllna—Miss Heirs Blvek.
Th.' mailer of Ihe eliy englnt-er re disease, sorrow and mourning and
•’Sweet VIolota"—sung in cbarwcUr,
forefront when progreselve measuri-i
ceiving mtniK-nsailon for time s|w-nt through nearly five decades have
an- to be enacted or enforced, Voi little girls.
while out of Ihe city came up and II titiued Ibe cipisequences of a wat
Instrumental dnv(-“La Baladiu).“
was the sentiment that as the
are almMl a unit as we are. In up Miss.* Maude Lafayette and Margaret
like of which DO other nallnn has
pays for his whole time, whatever
bolding Ihe measure* advanced by our
ever U-re within Its bordet*
recelv ■s fmm outside sliouId go '
Have you ever rcfieeied
II was a
fight of brother
what an impression one master mind
; mdeu again Mon.la
brajher. neighbor
can have upon rnlmons of hit fellow
iJitle Ro-ivep drill and pantomime.
nelgblKir, friend against friend,
creatures? Has It ever occum
Mlrsee Hebm Dyer. Kathleen Slater.
was a grand conflict, a noble conMcmoiial £»ay Exereieet.
you that by the endomement of our Eugenia Holmes. Marion MeCloaky.
FTom Thiirsds-y's Il.-cord.
Rici. a strife between henK-s from the
president, he has created orthodox Angela SThwallier. Celia OHila. Clare
t'nilor. Am<-Ila Gnll«rd. Nellie HooUWith the siiJrll of reverent remlnls. commanding gcoerul lo the merest
political doctrine out of Ideas 11
hen. Josephine Klnniiran.
c.-nee p.-rvadlug the atmcMi.here the jirivutr. It ia ah honor to have par
decade ago were cnosldered
Etsay—"Woman. InfiueoelU," Mlsa
Memorial day exiTelse* were earried ticipated In the I.wfninesa and fierren.-atrle.- Huellmatilel.
pollUeal hearsay? Measures de
ness ol II: in its vielorie* and de
out today l.y McPherson post, th
<ff the Roses." llai '
and despised have been enacted Into
Misses ETfi.'
feats, TJ.C noble dead
R. C. and the Spanish War V.-te
law and Ihc wheels of progress
tl. Uamlei
Kale Srhneb
ibose dying since
The weather conditions were ideal and field of battle,
moved taster In the last fire
upon injuries
lie iK-lier could have berm asked for. whvihiT omeequent
than in a quarter of a cent.iry iK-fnre Regina Klliikner. Mary Hlere.
hough Ihe searvity ..f flowers limit,
•This ImprcsMon rreale.1 by •nirv.
ed the deeiirailng to some extent at aw s of nature are truly, deserving of
don- RootevHi perraU.-s all walks am
ill honors done them by the ai
ihe tfioFlery. Never before has Trav
eondiiloob of life! HU hat. bia horse
rrse City d.-eked h.Tself in soch au day of remmorallon We otwerve.
. Nesrmaa aaacy.
his hunting have all lan-n .llseusa«l
• IS Shsill we render our hlgheat
.•lubontie nianaer for Memorial day
-iiclan Gtilbara.
His liking (or large families has en
ii.m.rs tn those of the great army still
Vaiedlelcry—"Veritas." Master BmU
rho down town i.u-.iness liiiii,o*. al
cleared him lo the funnnate paiv-nli
Riosi wiriioiii eveepilon. shi>u.-<I lU-' ,|ir-ad to iih by kindly Provide
of numcrcKiB offspring while childhood
PnneclBilon iff diploma* by Rtffitt
"Your honors rest lightly up<
ustional eolnvs while some of ilieni are
has turned Its bark u|>on the doll, the leve.end Henry Joseph Richter.
us a well worn, well earned maolcl
iboriilely irlninioii.
toy of many gpoeratMins, and becoimThe gradneles are
The various orgunl/* lor.s lo whom upon deserving shoulders. Yon have friinltc for the Teddy'U-ar,'
Hlr)iK> HueJImanlel
the sailsfuctlon of seeing a reunllet
Ilia Kllnglesmllh.
"iKiiig may weeoolloue to have
Ihe ordinary publle gaihere.1 at Crang. nation with Ibe principle forever
men to lead ua. to k<-ep alive the epirlt
this morning ami wer.' taken i< esiabllshed that the nation is first it
Oneida Raleaaed.
of truth, honor and justice among ■
Oukwood In carriages.
A. Ihe gut- all that pertains to the nation, that
Cien Haven. May 31.—The Ug
for upon thoae foundations must I
separated Into eomtnllie.-s unf i.ur stales have lo deal only with then
Meyer roleaeed (he Oneida from North
hum our publlr and privaic Instlt
- iitou Island this monilDg and baa
placed flowers on tin* graves ov.'i relations to their eilUens. As has st
rpon those ronterstonea are
,-n her to Riargeon Bay. Bbe it
whiehthe stars uud strl|vs were wav i.den been uid. wc can now spell our
leaking hadly bui part of the crew
sel the strtieture* of liberty.
There are more of them Ibii nation with a big K.
D the North Hanitou life aaving
• In eommemorailim of the vl
A Great Nation.
year and the boys in bine that arc now
station went with her (o aeatat at the
."You have lived to see a nation « (If our dead. let us nut forget the pumps If nereasary.
lK-ncBth the mmI at Oakwood numlM-i
real, so magnificent,
so powerful burial yesterday of Hn,. MeKl
2, a half doien of them being veler
reserved by your aaeriflee, your Ihe lK-loved»fle of our inarlyn-d
rs of the Cuban war
An et ergreei
Rorkley. MIrh., May 3I.-A1I parWent
rTtilsm. your love of cbuniry
resth was place.! on eurlr grave ant
tbips of Ihc Memurial day prograa at
<ur wildest fancy could not
>r nearly six year* she has .a
lisneh of flowers drta.p-'<l by lovlnf
Buckley yestifday were carried fiut
ivc pictured It In the sixUrs.
c-d 111., call to join her husband In the
hands h>-lped to carry ecaueihlng ol
r time and the pro
in all re*|ierUiK-yotid. Al laal her wish
feeling of the old soldt.-rs lo Ih« sacrifice was great, y.i.ir haydshi
ic exercises attendiDt upon the
iKK-n granted and a nation bo*
iris of those who pauMsl and bsik.-f
raising <ff tho flag |.«le were etpeoalrerance to one of her m-ist wo
ly Imi.resslve. Keeirlng time lo Ibe
Yt.ii live In a land where your
women, a,worth* life nf a worthy nmniel m.islr, the chtldim of the
Ritual Service.
publlr achool. with Ibetr wavlnr fiaga.
m. I*
appreclai.'d—v..nr grand
•hed with the old vrteraDB. the
ilei.-nietii, reeo^nired. ami. as luuch
upl-led. •'ass.-mhiy"
wns Idowti
"The departed who aaer'lfieed their
I young (arrw making a atrlblng
a iii.ilon can *do. reward.
<es (or our country shall ever iro
-SI. with thr old soldier*.
I'in d'M-s more
for Us ve'
e grove, aupldied
The dinner
held in praiefii! tuemury. The irusi
tmi. Ihe riiuaJlalic
■ll-ry Ihap any bmth.-r nation on imposed by ih.in n|»n us Hiall be .1th r-'.ffee li.v tiu
ibi- addrfisee*. the
; A. H- r.-ri-moii:
^'-311 with irierea*..11 iKUTlODs .of the
tv.-r-- we t-> live Id some toreign
ighi lircerx-. a Ir.ish t.v.-r ever;
IIP wen- Hi rt-Uitrred that Ib'uo'
• The |.raise and .banks of a grate
d w’h. re ih.. inni law of smeivign
fur having
. the sain.' b.'auillid .nual w«
riil riallnn foMnw- iliepi.
May their
loinr-d in Ih.- day sp.-ni la
r of
1 Mihj.-el Is e.mrlanliy liiipresaed
Ihe ritual Ihal has l»-eii read o
*she* rt-et ID |K-ace aod the frulU of
U1 u*. Wlure the soldier 1* taught ihe-f arhievemeni <Je*een4 10 many the nation's d*4d.
Meninrtai day for years and that wl
.' dying lor the king 1- the highest
eoniltirre lo Ik- read .Ml the Ihlrtb-t
oerved ever one year .
The health officer to
But the man at WaahlagtoD. the _
Waman'a CliA Elaetimi.
The parade started from the pact who does thlDgi. tbc man at th*
At th* anaua] meeUag iff the W*barracks at I ;30 beaded by the Queen square deal, aav to it that Cqba was
lan* Onb Friday, the rcdlowlng
City land and marched over the route given the chance (or self goveniseoi officer* were elected;
President. Mrs. Will E UanJn
that had iMym planned, cast on State for which she entered (be contest witli
to Boardman avenue, north to Front Spain, and Cuba, the dependeot. cqi- veil*'*
G««nte 6. Coand west to the City opera house.
pressed colony of Spam was given
vice presldenl. Mr*. K. L.
C. H. Johnson and Ernest Selensky her liberty through ihe efforts of the
were mounted and oversaw the
same grand American, who lead the mo^'^"*
Mr*. E. 4. Ham-
^jfnld* of lire stars and stri|-'s ami the
rlmKTiy, fairness and ji.Mtre represent.
..led by our flag
of school chirdie
realnets wheu, after lbs’ awl .1 co
let. the prineipl.. oi the domioaiii
standby of American nmtherw in preparing for chiMbirth.
1 orl; say* in
I motherkneu aUint
■or who had k-artied
life urged m-- to trv
> the good it didm^.
I rravrted .mielilv and am In the best of health now
Ltydla E. hnkham's VegeUble Coaironnf k certainly a snccewfnl
remedy tar the peculiar weaknetae* and allroenU of wniqen.
At ‘•*‘“*™red almost everv form of F'emalcromplaint*. DtaggingSensatfon*. Weak Ba.-k. Falling and DisplacvrocnU. Inflaramation, riccr*.
tiotis snd Organic fi-Lva-KW of Women hnd U invaluable in preparing for
Childbirth and during the Ckangv <>* Life.
Plnkhaiii*8 Standing Invitation to Women
fvroalc weakness are invited to
ler esiablishi-d.
l'sep,i them fr-.o the nttik- ol .'/ustimy-ere into tbr rehks of pr-sivs-.- wllh,fio'!' di.-aster. Hul \ou -w-ri- uo eoui.
One mill for aeheel purpoee*.
For intereot and (ink.ng fund,
mill in ward* One, Tw
and Frvg.
Ward One. one m.ll
asaeaeed valuation for
.'c f-«W rv,m
. rliy loda;
glM'li to Presllj.-m H-srk.
iJaUie and L> if. I'owerr
•I Ijioy made a great army nf noble,
uu eouiity banker. speDi
Jtriotir men, but yon also iininefie
le week III
wl • whipping
lat arni> when Ihe necessity for It Pla.ie river near Hcm-H(«• tor br.s
ri'Uit tn Ik- Jire;
The World Saw.
Rd six^ly.five o(
"Thr worl.; saw our nation prove 1
■c ancccmfnUy than by any
icine because It gives tone
rth to the entire feminine
mg dis|>Ii
oeratuin and infiammaUun,
ruwuli IS less sufferiag aad
^■Idrcn healthy at birth.
than tbiriy
Lydia E. Pinkhan’sVegetable Compound
'You have helped nirr naii-m prove
1' its cn aiii-s» in a rrllk-al |K-iiod.
PreparaiioB for bealthr roster-
Took Pretirient Trout.
mm •atqrdar'a BacM.
ked in le.
• LapMoc
: ibj.«e>
i- produ'is and only^ ii
CVS uo-it fi-ibmg wHb b!
rnioc soldiery, joii w,;re -he highest
I type of rlilicn soldp-ry the world hai>
pronounve.1 aqiI :he sweet note* of h'
Warrls Two and Five, three mille "taps" rang out on the spring slr.ltH
on each dollar asseesed valuation, for d'.smlsring the p»tb--rtng
Again Proved Grealnesa.
uir na-iop. again prov.-d !•* gr«
Flow*-* for gailer*.
w-ten Ii raised lo il,.- dignity
ort:y bef«T- ii-tm. the \V K c ;n‘
I.'cr pari'ui. Ihe np|.'e*se(l isli
on each dollar of aaacssed valuation (leld'llielr M-rvle-s on Cass street
The world.smi>d or sneered
fer street d.Mr.et purposes.
, bridge, scailerlug flowei* t« ih<
we hail vr Ifl«h iii.ic.vca l■•^««rb
' Ti.r report was signed by the ways wr.ier 111 IIM-Imirv ..f Hie ju.lbrtw wb,
.«r b-fl.v sluf......................................
street d'strict purposes.
Wards Three and Four, two mills
............... .
1 SUy
the 3irv-sb!e:ii. but (her.-iii-l-ly for the euiire :-r.
ly and lh*y were »er\—l
dent, private ear on th
Il dcimncd from Laasi:
e.-illed 'heir i.dl wlikti wa.-- foll->we<ll*
t diatnet by "Amenca.
The bcuedlction was
d Mr. Powers are both I
he r*.
tumUh t.
inner i- i the rbi.-f ex.-r-itlve of .
li-l Bu i-s but sOll more proud
You get» heaping
poMnd of the pure
old-fathiooed Arbuckle*'ARIOSA
— Cofiee. thM took
care of the nerva nod tiigetboa
of your grandparent*, aod ha*
been the leading cotfee of the
wodd for 37 year*.
• You’ll never have: to qiat
drinking Arfauckle*.'
u Don't let any man iwkrdi yM
over to ct^ee 1^ pay* him big
pro6u al the eipen»e of your
heart, itomach and Dervet. •
eRAND TiiAVeme HCRALd. THtniWAV. JUNE «. mr.
T»i« RmWtnl •« LankinaLatwlas. Mlehn May tl^raaldantl«l My. tka ctrlminatiny laatvra of tSa
MUMh winivarHO’ af tha MkhiBan
AfHMttifrsI eoltiBa. brokt with tha
au« ahinlng and with aniy a
Claud! ffaeklnB'tha aky glvlAf promlaa
of a beautiful day. Tha aaHy morning'
o ganOesnen are very popnUr memKMgalcy. Mich, May
A hearlTt of (he lodge as well as talgblr escmed eltUens. and the tributes paid braaklng tragedy In which lltUo «■
Bat great aa lu aerWeea hate
(he paat. the departmest of
rtillurc baa a atlll larger and of uaefnlneea ahead. It baa been deallag
*lUi fTOwleg cropa. It nnat hereafter
deal alao with lineg uod. Hitherto
asrirulioral reaeareb, inatmctlon and
axltailnn hare been directed almoat
toward the produr
It Is time to adopt In addition
slot of view. Hercfifter the i
year«ld Haxel Leggett lost l.e? Ufe. occarved at Hodge yMterday i^nioca,
Tbe little girl, bor Uttle brother and
crowded with people and'
founding of thlm enUege U an event
- of nallonal dimiacance. fur Michigan
we* the flm attte In the union to
found this, the first agrlrulturel coltege In America The nation Is to bt
congralulaled on the fau that the con'
great at Washington repeatedly ehacted laws designed lo eld the several
states In eatabllihlng and maintain'
ing agricultural and mecbaolral colleges.
1 greet
tbrongfa their represeniatlves who
bare gathered here today and bid
them god upMd tn their work I no
lota heartily Invoke tucceet for tbe
maehanleal and agrtcullnral achooU.
«e yield (
-e: It will 1
but it 1
standing o
Partners n
t aeblevement.
. roEntor
government and the government can
best give Its aid through aaaoclalions
of farmers for there Is no grester agrteultoral proUcm than that of deilverthe farmer the large hodv of
agricultural knowledge which has bee.o
accumulated by the national and state
governments and by the agricultural
colleges and schools Nowhere has the
governmeut worked to belter advanllhau In the south, I'hero the work
c by the depanniem of agriculture
R with the col
The peopl > of OUT farming reglcms
must be abb ' to combine among (bem....................Uie most efficlcut means
of protecting their Indnsiry from the
highly organised Interests which nowsurround them on every aide A field
Aa a people there la nolhing In
whlcb we «ke a Jualer pride than our
for at toiuit a generation we have been
waking to the knowlcdsc Hhal tber.^
oust be additional education (.cyond
(hat provided In (tic public school as
. It it managed today. Our school systom baa bllberto been well nigh wholr lacking on the aide of Indi
Inlng. of the iratninK w
n for the shop and tbe farm This
is a most serious lack,
of farm
to tranaporiatlon
look at the peoples of mankind .s they
he dUlrihulltm and manofact preecBl without
raw maierlals. It Is only
a or
one of the
that (•luatrlBl
ralnlni la
through such combination that Ameri
moat pottait factors lo naUmi
tUmtal di-vrican farmers can dcvi-lop to the full
nlted SUtea
Wc of the Unit.their economic and social power. The
combination of this kind h.vs. In Den
Mt^'lodlridual cltizeii aball U'trained
mark. for insuace. resulted in bruig00 aa to be Hleetive Individually as
»ple back to the land, and
as economic unit, and lit to bo organthe Danis
laed with bla feUows. ao that be a ‘
compete li
tlrey can woit In efficient fashloo
only ai hom'
golher. This qacatlon la rlinl
tnture progress, aud public attention
Agriculuirai colleges jmd farmers’
isiiiutea have done much In lostnit'
and Inspiration', they have stood
-^etjof our democratic life
ibe nobility qflal
shaSd tnnilsh the hlgheat average
ordinary slty of keeping the i_iadnstrlal training.for
In training for industry. They have
Itnan. Bat It Is a eitrloua
veloped technical departments of b
thing that In Industrial tralnlLg
practical value. They Seek to provi
have tended Ito devote
equlp(or the people on the farms «
odneinc high grade nni a
_____ and
ni M broad
thorough as to fit
rather than I
._. the highest requlrcmenlt of
I, lor Inatnnce. comItlrenshlp. ao that they can cst.ibpara favorable with the best
and malr-*........................ ........................
where aa we have done almost
neUang to equip the private aeldlers
in^'dTmiallon more than equal
' Of the todoatrlal army, the mechanic,
the »eui worker, the carpenter. In- to that of the city.
deed. too often our acboola train away
from tbe shop and tbe forge, and this
fact. together
of the old apprentice aystem. baa reanlled in each an absence of faclliaea
for prarldlag traOned Journeym - “ '
la many of onr trwdes almoat
le tbe workmen i
a means that there
mutbod pro_______
_ .
_ men in the
uadea. and that this mutt be coordl' sated with the pnbUc school system,
yio Industrial school
I. but ft can furit (rf which a flnnkh the mat
tshed Jonmeyman can be made; .
a* Ml englDeerlag acho^ fnralshes
tbe training whidi rsiablc* lu gradu
ate* speedDy to become engineers.
• oopends on Farmorw.
There Is but one person wboee wcltare la as rlUI to tbe welfare of (be
whole country a* U that of the wa
workor^bo doci manual labor ■
that It the Ullor of tbe wfil. the ft:
or. U there U one leaaon taught by
bHtory It It that the permanent greallitM of any oute must ultimately de------ g
of Its
jo^laiton than nptm anytUagelte.
unr^amThe corner aUne* of
nc band,
raw material, and lls
____________ c and distribution no the
other. These two great croups of eubJocti gre repraaenled In ih<- national
fovernmnu priorlpally by tl
----------MIb oI agriculture and of
ahd labor. The pmdnclioo of raV ma
terial from the surface of the
aoch notable results.
cot even the posinfflce. which comes
tnio more direct ami beneficent
c people
tact with the dally life of tbe
than the department of ,._1culturc.
if prariioal
ben• Id of
pabik money expemded.
________ braltlv, o«ti»* oa4
slfaci bp tka «a e(
iJoSTaiAio.M. V.
Par tali >r Jobnm Dni( Co.
tLeIr parents of Toledo. 0.. were visiling at the home of tVlllMm Seeley
P. Reynolds t
ck were T
and wife Mrs. LeggeiCs parents.
The mil* city children were dellgh'ed with the country and were eager to
• the city In all kii
or, la other word* tn
•fvcMciea. •
lirtnylDp abont thr beat kind
The prcaldcntlal train ever tha t-ake Ihr farm for tbr «al(r of prodoettap the
Shore arrived at 9:4S and waa greet beat kind of mep. The yorernment
ed by a great throng of peepla. Qev- must reeofolte the far reacbln* linportaorr of the atody of treeinient of
emor Warner, at the head of a regi the problrma of fann life alike from
ment ef state troepa, met the presi
Borlal and the economic atend'
lU; and the federal and slate de
dent and hk party and formed an so
nials of agriculture ahnuld coeon to the aUte cepitel where I
■•IH-raie m every pirlnt.
a reception In the
Merc Than One Aim.
toward tbe city is larg<4y
deieBTltied by the anperlur sncitil o
epeke from the balcony of the capital portnnllles l« be enjuved there, by "
greater vividness and morement of
building and It It catImaUd that
of nearly 40000 was eongro- rity life. Considered fn.m the isiiol of
view of national effleienry. the probgatad on the eapHel grounds
the farra Is as miieh a pr
streets adjoining when he begai
attractiveness as it Is a pr
prosperity. It has ceased
Ltnting hadTever acen such It day be merely a problem of growing wb'
and com and cattle. The problem
. befera. The otroete unre a riot of prodoctlon has not ceased lo be f
oefora and people and the groat throng daraental. but It Is no loniter An .
gdva the preddent a wcicofftc that he Just ax (ckmlng to read and write
and cipher am fundamcnial: bul nre
will never forget.
longer tbe final ends of ediicalicm.
ProeMent'e Addneca.
The president said tn stibatanec;
The fiftieth annireisHry of the
Empire. Mich.. Jnne 1.—
rent to Traveroe City
tbe Maccabee
last Friday night. Hr.eo by H.
BPatteogin was quite well attendwl and
ethre waa greatly eojayed.
. H Mlmnsugh returned UBI
dav from Bay Field. Wisconsin.
.. A. II. Fasdick la vlBlting In
Pat Bowes of Travenu- City w-a« Ir.
0WT1 Insl week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blushlnger of
Iraod Pmpids are visiting here.
Mr*. Fred Bennett of this place left
Tni-adav afternoon lor I.Mid1nelon lu
jedn her husband who It working lo
lUi- lighthouse there.
N. P nallej s machinery and engine
have arrivetl and he Is prejiariog to
build his min which will be located
take part la all the doings of the farm.
Conseqnenily. whoa Bert Seel^. Ibeluncle, hltcbe.1 up the horwes to the biy
wagou and went to the field to bring a
load to the barn, the children went
They jv-re seated on the hayrack
enjbylug iheir fide imnicnbely when
they came lo some rough ground. The
rattling boards on the hayrack frighi
oned Ihv ht>r>.-» uud before they could
be brought iindrr cunuo) the children
bad be.>n tbruwu off. tbe heavy wbei-l*
passing over the che*i of the
Hastily «aU>eriug up the criubeJ
. P. Heynolds was ao Honor caHeri but still breathing form. lU-rt Seeley
{ ran to tbe hnn«e. Medical aid was
Lewie^Ilea will more to Cedar this . quieklv summoned but It waa too late,
i few niinuie*
mklln and
ank Conk!
. .........................» In town laai Frldi.
The funeral of Mrs. Mqegic Young
< East Emplr,. was held fn the M. C.
hiireh here lari Sunday afiernoon.
Ira Young was SI years old.
John Bowen has purrhaoed tbe
Plaont house on Wlice street now oc-,
ipled bv him.
William Morris, formerly of this
place l-H now located
The electrician Is here iustalling the
ejeetric lighting tyttciu.
The Emidre school InsphaTI team
ill play the Empire Greys Decoration
The Empire Greys were defeated l>y
the IndeiK-iiiJeiiU of Traverse ritv
Sunday. It rained nearly all th»
while the game wa* being played,
and ihe grounds were very muddr and
pKcheil and Reynolds caught for Kmpliv. The Trav.-rw<' team came tq Lake
Ann on tbe S.inday
drove ncross to Pea
they look the Empire and
cfn train to Empire. When tncy wengoing back to Pearl lj«ke the engine
and coach ran off the track about a
mile this side of Peari Ijike and the
Independents had to fuoi It lo l*earl
Tm- Empire Greys will pby the
Maufslee Records nest Siitidny on the
Ekuplrc diamond.
The Ri-eonls will
■■ ■■
isis-a-nger l««il
acrifi<^'TTie little boy, was thrown heavily
the ground but fonunaielv escaped
tbe hgavy wheels and while seriously
hurt it Is thought that his Injuries will
not prove fatal. The piirmt* are overv.-hr-ln.ed by thi- shock.
Igan gmrrl lo.|ge. F. nud A. M., adJoimied yi-*ierd;iy afiernoon to rnwr
one year hence In Jadtson.
The eleciion of officers was com
pktc-l >-e«ter«1ay afternoon, and y>an
els fi. Clarke of ttlat won tbe onl}contest, U-lng elected grand marshal
Acting Grand Maricr Cbath-s E. Sweet
of Dowagiac stepped Into the grand
and Herherl
Mnniagiie of
I gerlaitotB anJ dthtirifn.
Pveirts Applied to Hosp'rtilt and
Doctors but Couid Get No Re(ieT-GrewWorM UnderDortor*s
PfMtriptiofi — Friendi Recom
mended Cuticufa— Result
•■WeexpAwtojtm betewith our b*st
thanks tor the c-ty of our baby
OWOJ totm
sexema. The etxeina appraird_ w^
ApafectBcfwdy forCoasSefitio^Sour SloiHclLDiiKtbM
Sifnabue fff
Soalc: the hand* on retiring, in a taL
erewniy l..ti*T of f'li
and aiioii.t lively
inira Oint............................ cai»~ »iurad the
Uintmeat on, linn I'iecv* .if ol'l lit*
eottoD. Wear ■! inng tl« night
IS* lioon ini|>M*tbl<> In New York oi
.. emirttiv SI from II" i" »i: pfr w.argt' U"nilH'r».or Iswyi'iw wf over •
Dr Gorcas was l ail. d liv tint'
.I'art' Miindliig who were grailuai
;;t a meeilne t,f wiirklugnii
.1 both t-ull-'gv and law w'lmul.'’
ritual UUKUg
during ihi
.1..Visit *)! .
Jumped thrrrugh to the deputy grand
master»hlp by mutual coiiwtil as a nward for his long servii'cs.
F, O. GIII»-rt was vleri.-.i grand lee-
The other offii-<'rs all movi-d up one
For Over
Thirty Years
lodge finance c«mmltt»'.
lurer, vice Frank T.,ly>dc»- irf IK-mdt,
The office is j»Tnianetit.
Bears the
applied to wM-nd doctor, and bospiuli.
rich of whirl, gave u- MUnrihing diner«it even’ lime, bul i.ntliii.g limugbt r^
lift. A t-hv-ician rvcomiii.’iidcd a salve
which we threw int.. the £rv alter two
dav*’ tl— a.- the et-aetna brrame worse
sotbat thebabyrarat.bedlii-t faee. At
last, one pf o'jr Iricod- rvconitnended lo
Ui Cuiinira Soap ai-.l Ctiticura OimiTMKit
lev dav* alt.-ntards improve
mart could he noted. •'=■:><* then wb
bare n»ed nothing In;’. C.iticura Soap
and riitir-ura thntrtituit. and now Ui
babvi<*ix montbsoid ail'd botuic cured.
AU that we t»cd ww» one cake ol Cutleura Soap and I wo box. * Cuiiciira Ointmsst. ootmg in all (1
Kvm lbs
peoieet titan cun i«v that inttrod of
Uiiowing it into tlw' doctor’* Up. 1
mj'sdl only-make tsrlie dollar* a week
as a leamsier, b-it I raeosnuK-nd tbe
CulicursR.'tne.iiiw*iraQglyto all mothen whose rluldreo vifier Imn surb dtscaavs. Thi'V atr cls'an, liannl'-w and
good. C. f Kara au'l Wife. 3« 1 iaet
fiitb Sinri, New York. JUndt 30,1«J&”
Cilr. fur iweiity years chairman of the
|tIib Kinil Yon Have
Always Boa^
Gnrgis’is ....
iloiiartmoni and
Hambietonian Stallion
I-riiic.. Pu-himl. ol J-ipau
acqunimanc.'.rf highliiutt
». C.III--'td hi* ii-il I.. ^ta- ,
i.-.-*11..d that Iswd
Hq*.-.'tl. When
It t.i tju.'. n \,
"d iK-rm*J<'«y«:
Stats New*.
Rc|>orl has bei'u rocr‘lvc.1 ai Kahn
■0, from a mining company In wh
William McKic. the druggist,
Chloroformed hlms.-lf and mother, was i
Investor, <denying the Klsienienl.
: McKie 1
iment. It
d ahoui $.-1. n through
:h Ibis
IS with the
Tbe residents had hardly c
sed to
larvel over tbe story of E
mdopling a Bell
It was disc
Moore’s family cat had assumed (
custody of a brood of small rtilckei
which had no mother. Pussy cat
for the chicks during the dsy.
It, and is
lem at nighi,
lem as though they
of Dr. John Gamidiell. i
ncr catch fur i.no of I
KbcliJi I
hU fish 1
ashore where he used bl* hand* i
prevenl hia'catch from getting awa
prond of
Csncrat Ntwa.
A copy of his wfii.- house palming
of President McKinley ha* iHvn
(ir Corn<-llus N. Bli»* by’sW. I>.
,hy and It ha* t«n-n given by Mr.
o the Vnlon Leairae club of
Young and Frad —.................. ^
-ral a------ of '•
Hnron. In wUeb
frontage ate Inv.
Wednesday T oung
to leor down the fence recently built
by Hoffman and when HoffmM ana
hla two men. John Miller and Ttoma*
McOotT, htueked Wm. be callrt
aheriS. All Ihive wero arvot
Hoffman and Young huiii say i
People rettaim i
^e least tb« boaored brotbon Vm not give np
—■ the vicinity are held in jeopardy at
thev fear Injury a* alr.'qd> *bot-.have
wished Ood-apoed on tbeir Joun .
ihy boni) oC th*ir cblldbo^ These been reported aa having been fired.
lug mora shout &.wmt>-Root. am] hew to
findoulifTOuhavtkidnc. oibUodertrhlt. Wbinwrrting.trt^nuonreadigg'
griierouioffcr ia tbu paper anemic >
sddras* to Dr. Kilmer
^Bar^e bmic* are
Swamp-Rool, Df. Kilmex i Swamt-P.'
and the addres*. Biogbamton,
%every, bottle.
l.’.-t..rd.-nu,. that the _«.h day,d
! j^d alttiwln* saidaWBituI and bearing
»siq iK-iitlttn-
*1 kind of help to owalu al III a t
.t'k Is the n-.-nt culb-ge gra-iits-.c.
lug lawyer of New York i
laber by declaring: "It I*
Iialling to fitid the IiomiKT .if fuillege
graduate* of hmg Handing w
y filling <rh-rical iKWilion* It flh|
. F..T nisnv j
Percheron Stallion
' i?rrb. tbrvnit <>arf far tha .Juasly
0*«d Tfwotrai'. in tluia^r
' “
opy of Ibis order, fnr (I
-----------.... weeks prrrtnas to said
of h.-aring, in the Grand Trav
Herald, a e.—n.r-r vrtu.v.* anrt
lid nraniy.
cnlticd in
Judge of Probate.
n & R. b m un
I D'O a r»«:.lrti <jf 'hs- »i»t*. In,x r»»..l-v al;
a »'* m
Three Years Old
Terms $10.
Heta.'i. a ra.
t-noi»l pwbUab-1 au-l ,
Twiada________________ l_*.«_____
«a«k. t,.f y .-;nS«d P<«»f 80t ***!*•
iieystone* Mich.
CUaey Traable Makes Ton MlscraMo.
musioL "^Mir ™tdb^
Six Ye^rs Old
Louis Brennan, the nan who Invent
R. W’righl. superintendent
an peril
schools in Benton Harbor.
Is being ed the gyroscope railroad In 'England
? to ilemoastrai-Going to Seelland.
sued by Hiss Gertrude Wood, a fortner
After the regular business scaslon leai^er. for fiS.MO. Miss Wood allegea
of the Elks Thursday night nearly one alander and charges that the superin
aiouuy Ho.vntoo. the first a
hundred members gathered around the tendent w-as res|K>DSiUle fur the loss
banquet board In honor of Robert 'Of her position, having made deroga' ralfrr. Is not so fortunate.
Princ- Edward. eldv"t s-m o
Caldwell and Alderman James Hur- tory remarks lo the schwl board con
prince of Wale*, has ilevi-inped quitechle, who are to leave nest week on a cerning her ability.
I amount of ability as a singer. It i*
trip to ScoUand aud other points In
Tbe law baa Inid a heavy band on
id he has a staging voice far aSoi
Buropc. The occasion waa a 19h. Ihe family of Henry Buckley of Flint,
e average and has l>e"'n x-lecied a
-smoker,- one of the old-fashioned whieh Is represented smong the Inraemlter of the tliiilf oI the Knyal
ktpd. with old-fashioned things to eat males of Ihe
ih' Jail hy father and son.
aval collegi’. wh.-fr he I* iill-ta'lllig
r is
and old-fashioned things to amoV
The father
1* 5<TTinK time for dnmkrnSChlKll.
whlch the son, Charb-s. has Just
as clay pHkis and genuine Po
King Carlos has e<irfcri'il th.and one of tbe old-time go
been am-sled for tbeJhefi of *3 from
liartni on A. Piitterwoit. manager
i. The fare was plain but who
his mother. The boy wa* found
and there waa plenty
It. aj
Pontiac. whM« lie had pom to visit
-! feel
18 enjoyed as much aa (hough
some of hla former chums,
of hi* persotiHl efforts t.. dfv.'lop c
been one of those kind, whose sorry for you—on the squ.ire 1 do,"
■l-vii'ins lK*t«.-en
1 calls
for cvcnthlng in tbe was the symputhetic tvniark of the
lit.Hl Staf Tills uupnFrench
The tmly thing father as bl* son was led through
d.-nied honor to Mr. FatK-rom t« eFreurh about this was thal it was a malD eorrldor on hi* way to the hoy’s mented on with great itit.T.'i.t l,> i
refreshing reminder of the Highlands w ard tn Ihe Jail.
members of the dlplomati, cor, •side of the Rhine.
1 am going to die-'. After making Lisbon.
AI the beginning of the banquet
> statement, at tbe same time c
Toastmaster Billings wad two letters Ing her daughter. Mrii. George W«n
lolle- - •
---------of Brighton, aged 98 year*, died
Attorney George G. Covell and Cbarif* her bed Thursday morning, shortly
Piochaaka. Jr., who wished Mr. Cold- after six o'clock. Mr. Warner, who
Mr. Murchle God sNcd on bad arisen, did
reach the house
their long Journey, a good time and before she had passed away. Heart
expressing regreu that (her could not failure I* given a* the Cause. Best
.Mmitvl rvvrvl«Dd'
be present at the fafewell gathering. the bnslMind. two sotis and a dsugl
Ill the wor.'iirta;
piiwr* 1* sure lu tt
Slcwarfs orchestra furnished Instru sunive.
, pia-lc b, Ih.
mental music and the Elk*’ qimriel
week a Tesoluliod was quieUj
did several ^ v^ slumskllpf»d_ through tbe^^ae ap^-roprior
sn IniproiBptu progi.
members. Notice was scried that if
_ .let rcmeilv.
.................cs proceeded. During Ihe
•onld 1
not rocinded there
It irlhegrrslniedbanquet Alderman Murchle and Mr.
* jerkr
, ,
Ihe reyrtutlon
ical inn^ -f Ihr
were called ul>ou the Boor
ick and t.he lacldeni forgotten i
lib a handsome
and each presented
Km as |ios*ibi<-.
, 8 lestlmrirlBlireElk*' emh
Theodore Liim-. r .v'uing n-itlmHb
e ntenrber* of
the lodge.
gard frvur
■nt over to Kalaaiar'Ki thici- vears
i-ncravcd Elks'
They were
so at the age of 5". by a wealtBy
heads with diamond eve*'
mv'.;-t. »U'l > w.itsirrv.:..'.
Qcle tn save him from Imprisonment
marked. The presentatloi
plcte surprise to the honored genue- for robbing a Jowelry store, and who
r popnlar- wa* arrested (or assault tb<-re Is*r
Bnghfs IHveaae. which i- Uiv »urvi
member* of the loige. January, wa* Thursday night taken u.
uoub.eAlthough Mr, Murchle Is an alder- Detroit to be returned to th- NciherDf. Kilmer s Swnmp-R*®*,-^
Unds. He wa* found
immigration offi- oTOuende! for everything,
degenerate, and
aerc *uecr*»luUy.
dais- s
he D-Jtcb
tnted lu so tl
■rninrut Is comrvllcd by treaty pro
vision* to pay the raiwasr* of Luua' work and io priv
he full
Ho will prohaUly be proved so succesK'
much better speoch- rcpslrisllaD.
Caldwell ii
. Murehie although he med for tl* earlier qyime upon his whieh *11 fTsulersoflhbpspvr, who haw
an alderman. He expreraed the roachlng Amsterdam.
-----------lents of hlmaelf and Mr Mur
chle when he staled that hnth.of them
would never forgw the kindness of
the Traverse City Elks while they
woreabrood- Besldra being a *peochniakcr Mr. OOdwell is also a singer
and he rendered the beauUful Scottb
Uliad "Annie Leoria." to the
penlment of tbe orebAtra. It
Jolly gatbertog and ewwyonc presmi
........................ -
- •I; aiiiv ihorv-if and f<ir Bsvlgnmail asd
.j '*""' dtaltibuUon of Ihe fi-sldiie
aald-tu.raid lie- , ,
-Tin-tv's pivntj
l..rd-' i:k.- ytarx l'f.
m very fva’PIPT* like me,College gnidu.iK'S w-'m to I-*- abo'-i!
Ji.' rbeaiie** thing- going la
!»'>“''• ""
•1 with I
Harry bad a
is uaiurally
- - . . -—
He Iniidi-d wiih
at the mouth of Carter
|io»iroiit tucasiiiing
The lad
„t luv.iiai.' In the lii*Ht-r Ol til.'
w-idlari K Wil-in, doocasvd.
W lllfani 1>.-xii r having flb-d In *aM
Work Shoes
We have moved into the I.^S.
State Street, where wc hawc
one half acre of floor space devoted to
Farm Implements,
Machinery. Wagons,
everything that you could expect
to find io an establishment of this kind. Wc
arc in better bhar< than ever to serve the
wants of our customers.
Wc wish to call especial aurntion thU
•week to the IRON AGE line of Garden drills.
Seeders, and Cultivators. This is the most
popular line of Garden tools sold in this sectiOD.
Wa cordially invite every farmer io the
Grand Traverse Region to call and look us
We have many things that interest you.
Soft upper leather—iolid
Mle leather aolof. Leather
all through Mada Ua comfort and good wear
Queen City Implement Go.
131 State Siie«
Tiinise Ciq licli.
• T-'
itlIMb, tfIVMMY. iUNt A^ior.
spMaga. where mr ant llres. I hope
LUIIaa CaaweiL
laaT It Bke to bare SaBShlnera
orer tbe United BtatM! TUa we
we bars two new niembera fn
Dallaa. Teaaa. as well as tbe r
frtMa Idaho. Tour presMeat Is espec
Islly ^ to pot the names of Rattle
Traylor and lAniale Lynch on
Trarerae City. Mk*,
Apr. <4. IM7.
Drar PreaMeet— 1 wfU write you a few lines this
erealng. seeing that I hare noihlaa
else to do I would like rery
to Join tbe Bunshloe Club, it
would please send me a card and bnttoo. For pets. I hare two kineas and
a dog. I caJl tbe kittens Tiger a
Niger and my dog's name is Bob.
like then rery much 1 am lo (be
sistta grade. 1 am iw>-|re yeurr
Our sctaool to out now. It was ou
Ikth of April. My teaefaer's name wa<
Miss Edith V. Ca.ter. Hoping to
this In prtnt. I will close, so good-hye.
T«T UM. I htrs a little slater. Her
M Mary, ghe M four yeara old
and would like to Join the Rradle Roll. Oat PreiUdeDt—
JB June. ”t wL eterenT^JT^’lT'rt''^"”
week, and my next Mnhdjy I will (^- t^rtUmas J em a hoadkertbler. a
f like to read Ibe letters in'handkerchief hot. i|,ree Christmas
the Herald very tdufb. ye have been! cards and some catid v and ants I
taking the paper almost » year now. i | jve nne sister r-nfl tme hrorhev TheI. my flrst letter. I will close ^ (.elpng t.. the Soti.htne n.ili. Well,
(or this tllbe,
|, *„es« 1 *!,| rioae f.u- this Utr.Y-.ur friend,
This wMk we hare an Arbor Day
Fern OT.eary,
j Vo.jr Sutist-iti.-.'
Eaaay. that was deUyed U the
I am glad to pm Mary's aitfle on .Ace t*>,
<;. n.-rt.-»- nsrt.
Bay 8l
Floreaee Warrea'a name should hare
the Cradle R„i!, What a Tiiimb..r .d ■ I' am sure
must tare hid. a
•»«» llvl«» thin*,^
oor Arbor Day Hoeor Roll,
dear lltiie Siinhesms we have!
; lev. iv Chrls'tiias If. nice
b.. a
but we wiu enjoy her
Kings'e.v. Mich.. R. r. D. No. 1 'sun-hlner. isn'' :t* .
W I avitr fWl In tryfaV *• *•
nurb as (bough it bad been printed
Ad^alde Mallory,
15..: i
l>!.n-!. Mlt!./
with tbe others. I^rr la ber nice III-,
un glail to have you for a Sun- Dear President*,„j,
■ ler and tbe naay;
abiner. Adelaide, and hoi» you wil
avo not written for
Pre.,d-t,.A friend ol our SoBahlne aub baa
Trarerae City. Midi. write again.
mt oa a pretiy alary aboet
t..,y..u V».i.«"si' l-irleutH.s Ki. Milhdaj Wn»
Apr. •». 1907.
Bingham. Mich
w how I am gefinc along
eirang-r .........
roUBi that came to Detroii
tcbih .-r A.-'rii I ,Hlna I c^ol
Dear Presideni—
Apr. S.'.. IJ-tT.
n and hope this le„cr Wi:l,,.„
■prlac. aod Bested in a belldlac that
• any.hltiL: ..i..-e u. teil
bare not wriiten for a tong tim« Dear rreskleni—
>en were workinc oa. He leys:
find you the same. We hare only flve]ci„!,. I think 1. w pre.., a* jt can be
- f.it .ho .,u,« Ileping ,y«. wiu
now I will write. I also send I
I thought I would write to the more we-k* of school here -and I Anil',
“OoBBtruetion srork that waa betog
story aboot “My Farorlte Tree," Wi Herald as 1 hare not written before.
glad when school Is out tor then I.every ,lay -j.y
i. Viola Poesinc
ruabed on a new leaMence orer
lake the Herald ahd 1 love to read the
to school every .toy. I ai
.have some fun. I -in teU yn„ ,
OoodwlD arraoe stopped aoddeoly
Viols IkMlDg.
Suosblne lederr. We have
the second grade.
My teacher's about the birds I hare
I saw ten
her name Is Ilenrie.,, i *i.h
day aad peace came to a pair of timid
. IS alee snd. 1 am
■ks DOtp Bcbocd. I like to
• is Florence Shelly. We gathered rnldns ln our field all a. ..nce They y,,
roblni that hare flutiered beertbrokent. 1..H- airaagtf- any
school, and I like my tee.-ber.
hunting for som. thing ... eat.lana Imttoi. too She «ael -Im- -nuld
ly aboot the beada of the workmen
RnMMM-eUn MM>.
log the gtottpd was covered with There Is a meadow lark that comes {
alneo two tiny blue eggs came 1:
to all tbe sdiolars. I am In the eighth
nr«t Vie* PmWMrt—MaMI B«Ua faalBg la tbelr neat a lew days ago.
I have two brothers. Their
sits In n tree In .mr yard. Wei-............ ............
.................— grade. I hope I ran gradusie,
names ar.- Juilus and Plot'll Their
lo h.-ar him sing We ha\.
Barly is the aprlag the robins bnllt
I do not. I wni -tty. try again " Hop- ages are ten and three. I guess my
ly-iwo mile chicken*, -nils Itbelr neat in a nldie ot one at
•acwM Vka l>rMl«f> M*i.
see this In print, and also ray
r Is long eeough for the first
can think of for this tint- --mAalshed windows and surted ho
lore to you and alt the Siina
time. Hoping to see this In print, f »ood-b5-e, Fr.nn,
ConsumptioQ is less deafUy fKan it used to be.
kaaplnc. They ntade rw foaa aboot
will say good-hye.
Your loving frtidul. •
It. and la return for the cbeer of tbelr
Tour Sunsblher.
Roy FewtoM.
Certcin relief and usuaOy complete rccowy
aewg the workmen left tbem ondlsFTorenee Wi
What a lo.
roblna you saw- I
Perrin Reynolds.
wiD result from the foliowim treetment:
My FaverHs Tfwt.
Ever wi many of your fr^ds are should like to hear the meaduv iark
Tbe nest went uadlscorered antll
Although 1 hare seen many kinds Sunsblners. are they noif We have a he doeni-i come Into the cliy,
weA ago. when tbe profiwm of tbe
( I
Hope, rest, fresh air, utd—ScotTj
-Ona. TOi^ -niroa.Fife Lake. Mich,
work carried tbe men back near tbe of trees. I like tbe Maple tree best. In hlg list m Miss Shelly's srhool.
Apr. ?s. 1507. y EmziU.'on.
It waa «h oU. old. old. old lady,
SutloQs Bay .Mich..
window tbe roblna bad chosen for tbe spring the maple tree sc
Ahd a boy that waa bait paat
Apr. SC. 1507.
tbelr borne. Only ooe robin Antlered
A.L DKUCOIST81 BOe. AND ft.'oo.
ABd Uw aray that (bay playad UBotbw aboof them, and he sms In a eoaUn- JDSI budding and wbeo the leares Dear President—
ft has been sn tong sinre I wrote in
Waa baaaUfuj lo aa*.
Tlank you for the card and biillaa. you that I thought I would -rile
nsl lUle of eadteornt. flitting fraa- bare Just come our. In the
I was gtod to see my letter >n the again. We have two eows; ooe. two
calty aboot the beads of the men near- my farorlte tree serses as
Wtm eeoMB‘t-r> maalax aad lamping. ewt the window. A few days ago be al^e for the people when tbe beating Herald. 1 have-a (uK kltleo: sbe is year* rrid. oae a year old. and a rail;
And tba boy. no mom coold be;
In winter. I am
pigs; iweniy-seven chickens;
loined by his mate, and the two
For be waa a thin lUUe fellow.
t tbls beatiUfuI
cat. and Iwo kiueo*. I go to nchis.l
hapi up aa angry acag of protest
'Wnh a thin UtUe twiated knee
and I like my teacher. His name is
iboin tbe beads of tbe men. who down and then it serves as boralngtor
I bad Dot forgotten Arbor
ooldn’t Imagine whet R waa all
?k«P Mt m the yellow anll^t.
Day. I -ill a
o luiiaea for
ler ia tbe winter, or very early In
Laura Hotsiod
Oot onder Ute caaple tree.
Cradle Hull: my brother
And (ben happened along tbe con Ute mtriag. men bore holes In these
I abould like to see the cunning lit Ibe Cra
Aad (he came that they played. I'll tractor tor the bonding. E. H. Hart maple trees, and make a kind of spout tle kitten. I am ao food of cats.
, »;«ter. Howard and loMtle. Howard I*
tHl yea.
five .veara old and Lollle two yeah*
ford. who Urea at SIS Holbrook In these botes, and then a kind of
Acme. Mich..
Jnmaa It warudd to me.
areane. and who lorn birds. Hart- sugary water sports forth aod (hen
Apr. J7. 1907. old. I have six brothers, but only one
r. Re beard the note of fear tbe wnenbn gather It In paUs aad take Dear Pmldeni—
n waa bldewad^oeeek they were
Your Sunshine boy.
and alarm in the blrda chirping, and
to (be bouse and put It in a Urge
Aa 1 have not written lo the Sunla»Lucus Fuller,
sh to boil it down and make maple ahUie Club tor a long lim.-. I will Age II.
looked-for the nest. There were tbe
Tboach yoa'd nefer bare known It two Uny eggs of a beautiful blue, end Tup and tbroogh aaottaer process. now take the pleasure of dolog *o.
Here is your letter at tosi l^clu»
tobeIt becaetet maple sugar.
be comprehended all tbal they
Joined two year* ago but in aoine INd yon think I bad forgotten you?
mth aaoM.oM.old.eM lady.
Kingsley. Mich,
to the fearful roblna.
Now. as I am nearly through my way neglected lo write again. 1 live
Apd a ^ with a twkted knee.
Apr. 2S. ISeiT.
Hartford tried lo make tbe birde story. I will tell you ooe thing more
farm of 1£0 acre*. I go to sebord
iderataad jbat no barm was meant ihst they do wUh my farorlte. tree. nearly ever}- day. l am In the sixth D> nr Presideni—
IMa boy woqM bend Ui face down
A* I have riot written to you for
then. He warned hli men. And then, They saw many of my farorUe trees grade. I do not knnm- If I will |.ss* or
On hM one Httie nwd rlgfat knee.
I would rodny.
when It seemed tbal the mother robin down Into logs and then they are
I hope I will. My teacher's
And he-d naea eiwre aba waa bldHag.
fretting ber life away, be (old
token to tbe mill and then made Into,
Mr. Ryan. He to a good I am going to Kfliool yet. but nrhod
la caaaam One. Two. nrea!
to atop work. No more work will lumber. Maple is also used for floor.' teacher. He give* Ringing lesson.* at a ill soon -U- out and w<- will hatw
be done near the robin's nest for three lag Id (he bouse and also
, ..._____„
tor Diaklng'
church every- Tuesday night.
t:alveH, They are Ixdh ret and
weeks, Hartford decreed today. I
fumltuiv-. This tree la also used in! have some names to a nd tn. They
. My br.dher r;i.-n 1-. *iek now.
that time, the big eon tractor aays,
pleasing children. They take the'are a* follows: ' Elda Itorr, leui.
- o- a little girl in our nt-iglil»irand be knows blrda sad is ibeir friend
4 play dfcss-maklng wiib Coldie Stile*. I think
Rat ha atUl bad Two aad Three.
little eggs will hare broken nnd lem.
now long eniMigh.
l win cl.r*.-. Hop. bond who would like lo Join 'In- Siae
>•11100 Club, tier name i* |.l,i N.-»tbe mother robin will be happy with
This end* my siorj'. I wonder If Jng to see this In print, I remain.
"Too are la. papa'a bedroom.
Special Bargafnc on
She want* to iiuve lo-r card
her young.any of the Sutistalner* agree with me
Your friend.
U the cheat wt^i the ooee
Carpets. Rags, etc.
and liuiton fteui In my name. W> M.
that tbe maple to tbelr farorile tree*
Ruby Stiles.
Two socb nice letters have
Have -yon bad your examinaiion*
aha aaM *Tea are
from a couple of new SuosbiDers who
Maple City. Mich, R. F. D. No. 5. yei7 I ho|H- you |ias*ed.
N'-llb- WilMin.
Utw in Idaba Ulllan and Bninle
Acme. Mich,
Apr, :3.
What are you going in do in v:
T enteruinlngly. and yoor Dear President—
April 27. 19D7
lion? Plny.ilm-- I* certainly nio! thought I would write tor a card
flraera that srere seat her. They
Your Reliable Furniture Store,
od a button. I am ten Years old.
“It east bw the UtUe oapbegid
quite diSereat from say she erer saw. have two brottaer* and two sisters. Club. Please i>end me a card
When.mamme'a thlw oaed to
Here are tbe letters;
button. I am seven year* old. I
am going to achool every day. 1
8p U mast be tte ddUMwtwm, I
RocIcTlIle. Idaho. teacher's name to Belle Halverson,
in tbe first grade. My teacher's nauie
- Hay t:. 1M7. bare two atoters going to school and
iulrooney and I Uke her '
127 S. South Unioo Street
, And be barnd her with hto Three. Dear President—
one bioiber. My Utile broiber's name much. 1 have not been going
We hare taken the Herald a long is Charles. I bare a story to send you school for tbe last (wo w<-ek*. I
Than aha oovered her face with ber time and I like the Sunshine pan aad
Jumped off SelSert's barn and hurt
lo print la the Herald.
would like to Join, so pli
ankle. As 1 have nothing more
That were wtlnhlcd Ud white s
a eard-and button. 1 used to lire in
Evetjrihiag depends upon
ly. 1 wilt close. I remain.
HelcD Coleman.
HIcfalgan. but bare bees here
your nerves. It is nerve force
Your friend.
Helen's story to very interostlog
ABd the goeased where the bey waa a year and like It better than I did
that causes the brain to direct
Martin Siite*.
aad well written. Here It li
the motion of your body; it i*
Michigan. I barmT been to school
I wonder if your ankle i> all •
Hawaiian Children.
With a One and aTwe and ATbiwa. this aprtng. as i bad tbe neaalea and
nerve force that causes vo.;r
>w. I siaeerely hope so.
I will now tell you aomethlng about
my eyes trouble me ao I can't study.
Carry a complete and
Honor, Mich, R F. D. No. 1. heart to pulsate, and send the
. ABg they aerer bed stirred from their We hare Are miles to go to echool Ibe Hawaiian children. These cbljdblood through your veins: it
April 27. iw;.
1Jive on a little Island. The Utond Dear Presidentfull )iDe of
is nerve force that causes' your
aad we fide oar pony. We hare two
• Bight under the maple tree—
I but only one saddle. 1 hare is-in the Pacifle ocean. There a
received the card and buiron a
This old. old. CM, old lady.
• Islands than one. I will now t«
kidneys to filter the blood,'and
seen quite'a few coyotes aboot here,
ak you ever so much tor ihem.
what tbe chlldran Uke to d
Aad^^thej^ with the lame UUIc two badgers and oae wildcat, aad
to school and 1 am in the flflb
In fact, nerve force is the
hare killed Ms of rattle saakm. One Their main food is poi made from
grade.* I like school and teacher*
nu dear. «ear. dear, dear oM lady.
power that runs your body.
was nearly tour feet ioeg and it bad root. These children love to go swii
h. My learher's name
And the boy who waa halt past ♦Wrea rattles and oae botton. Pa rolng and fishing. They have n- Mbs Lulu F. Daly of Bmplr-. Man
if you feci worn-out. irritable,
nervous, cannot sleep, or e;it
killed oae orer four feet long that iAm many play things. They love flowers Manners and Sophia Helmet would
twefre rauias sad two buttena. Tbe very much. They put flowers In tboir
e to Join the Sunshine Club, well, have pain or misery
other awralag an eagle Ut on a rock hair. Tbe Hawaiian children love their
please send each of them a card SBywhere, your nerves are
Tbey are always amlUng andweak, and your system run
not far from tbe bouse. My ancle baa
t huiton. 'This (* all tor thi* rime,
down. To restore this viialiiv
eagle hwonied nod it looks as happy. This Island (bat tbe HawaltoD! *0 good-bye.
Prompt and Coniieons Treat>
take Dr. Miles’ Nervine which
ebUdren Uve on is about as big oa
(boo^ It were aUre and ready
Mary Chapman.
w-ill strengthen and build up
Connecticut and Ibe nearest
monfto Alt
Menlo suies. Acme. Mich.
*y. This will be all lor tbls tli
Did Mary and Sophia Uke (heir
land is ihousaods of miles off.
Mary Bbomla. Sattoot Bay, Mieh.
hope to be one of yoor Sunabln.
card* and buttons, too? Perhaps ihey the nen-es. You cannot be
Cit. Pbooea-Rea Dce. 290. Office. 32
without strong nerves.
Adalalde kUUoiy. Trarerae Qly
Tbe Hawaiian chDdren make tbe
wrlle to the Sunabine Club. a^. beahhy
"F®r ' »lglit*vo year* Dr U::er
brat ef everything, and are contended
io* »n3 Anll-P*Jn P;i:» l,av» fcrva
Bennie Casw^
Sultona Bay. Mfcb, Ncn
ar cloM comBanlen*. Itorlv m marUmy May Dentoad. TramM aty
BocktiUe. Idnbo. with what they have. Hawaiian child
April r/W7.
rtra W«. whll. raiBinc cl.-WrvB. mf
aeitn became all wom-eut—could cot
May U. 1907. ren are pretty to spHe of tbelr dark Dear PresWent—
Coop; bsS n« «ppc-.li*. indigntion
skin. Tbey bare bnnUful brrrsa
had. an« hue >u<-h awrU 4 riv
tamle aad umtB Catwea Badi Dear Prcaideat—
I have long been iblnklng about V«T
Then I besati usle* Or. M,-.
Floyd Smlih, Wanafcr.
due. Idaho.
Aa my brother it wriUng to you, I eyes, curly hair aad merry mouths. your Sunabine Club. Please send m.- Nervine, (nd ti «BCe I l«x*ri <- im
prove. »nd Kvoi) leusd mraeif In
Tbcir ieelh are while and even. Tbe
Hattie Traylor and LoobIc l^Bdh Iboogbt I would Uke to Join too,
card aad button. Our school wa.ObBsa Teiaa.
please send me a card and button. . country U eo warm that the children
II tbe 25tfa of March. We bad loi*
Helea CoMman. Maple Oty. Mich..
nine yean old tbe third of Hay. wear tittle clothing or non
fun at the last day. I have tour
Dr. Mile*' Neevlno I* told br roue
who win svirantee that nv*
»- F. D. No. t
My Aunt Oladya came up aad spent Women aad children wrar flowers la brothers and two slater*. My psrenir SruqalK.
he»t Wrti* w»l beneht. It it (oil*, ho
Ida Newmareh. Klageler. Mich. the day and atayed all night. Hama tbeir bat*. The flower* look pretty
also the rest, of the peopl- will roluns yoor moner.
Name seat by Netlle kniaoa.
made ns some candy aad we bad
on the cblMreat' and s-omen *
Medical Co., ElkbarL Ind
around here. My laat teacher * nam*
>i*nha sad Roel Boynton. Empire. of fuB. For pels we hare a pup named It makes them look as if they were was Marie Telstad. and my eiuiilvs
Mich.. R. F, D. No. 1.
Jombo. aad a cat named Topsy and ready for a picalc or a boUday (east
reading, spelling, arithmetic,
why yon sbooldbay BoydeU-a Mixed Pamu.
Mera Vermi. Bmplre. Mlch_ R. F. twMty-flre llule chtekena.
Some Bvery bouse Is anrmuaded by gardens geography, language and physiology
l^f^Tt'f.v havi- bi-pii iibiidlf*! an 1 nst-i in tht-se parts for
full of maar kinds d flower*.
D- Mo. 1. Hum seat by Maitba batched out February J7th. and
tbe flftb grade. Well, my
twenty five years. Th.-y h»ve atbcrl th.,- irai.
(be cblldtea are sent to school, eight
getting grown now. i have a i
now lung enough. I gu<
Sod—Tbey are the ebeapeat paints quality couaidered that you
Lewis aed Ooldle Stltee. and Edna aamed Blue and be bucked me oS om moatht s >-ear. Tbey walk if they, 1 will clooe tor (hi* time. Hoping
can buy —one eallon of white weiffba 17 Iba They etasd
Heer. Acme. Mkh. Kamea sent by day aafl I havea t ridden bim aiaee. must, bat if possible, they swim n see this In the’ Herald. 1 remain.
morir Oil and wiU spread farther ti.on otbera.
Raby sates.
We have some beautiful wild flowers ■cBool.
Your Sirashlaer.
Ula BarflaM. Hade CKy. Mich..
here, and I win put some la this
Tbey learn to read and write. They Age H.
Mary ShumU).
:ird-We aund beck uf tbem will our guarantee when they are
properly appliol.
X. F. D. Mo. 1. Kmae eewt by Mary letter but pot many amell good. It have tbe same siudle* as Ute boys and
What did you do eo tbe last day nf
mowed yesterday. bo,t didn't stay as girla hare la our scfaotria. There
school? Did you have a program?
II yon think ol poioUag boy Boyd elTsPalatB.
Wiliam Chsea. Trarerae
City. snow never does out here. It either oot much work to be done. Tbe girl*
Honor. Mich,
Mkb. R. r. D. Ne. & Name scat by blows away or melts so we don't have ieare to make pateb-wotk quilts; tbe
April 26. 1907.
OoMie Chase.
any aleigh rides or coasting aad then* boys do what Uttle tardealag
Dear Presldeal—
Mary Maaners aad Bephta Heteer.
pMee to skate as the water runs to be doee aad learn to prepare die' 1 received my card and buTtoo Fri
Hcskw. Mich.. R. F. a Ho. 1. KuBfo off too tost to t«< Oaw to frwete. Next tan root from which pot to made.
tnmst atf’s Cudhi Dmt Stm
day. and I think tbey are very nice
mat by Mary ChapMa.1
tiaw 1 wlU ton you «bMt the hoi
Helea Colemaa.
1 tbbik the Smuhiae anb is growing
^ «*f«UISMW of T>m
MmM Vaa>t p«llw ««nMM
iH. V. F. ««mUM Oi* Cr*«a
MU7 Oliawr, ■(• t«Mir ywt.
Uonoc Kkb. NkM MDt br fm>
lUrRrr ud OrvhB Kaldbrtac
MajOe air. Mich.. B. F. a No.
Nsaw M«t br Mvr Borfecul.
Bldob L««T«ace Borntett. age
iDoatba. Bnplr«. Mldu. R. P. D. No
1 Name MBt by Martba BorotoB.
Howard Fnllcr. a«c fire rean; Um
tib Foliar. ac» two rean. nrc Lake
MIeb. Namea aaat by Loeloa Polkr
Cut Sloiie Work
Are You Wideawake
Think of a Conch that has alwayF-=<ia4 for
$18.00, now $9.85.
Kitcben Cupboards $5.85 up.
It Takes
Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
Smith Realty Go.
Farm and City Property
For Sale.
Somo Rrarasons
Want to Win?
$. £« mail $ Sons
Home Cbeer offers n few auggretkai
In th* Siac Room.
angnr mnd ooc euneo of gdatlnwln
A tablespounbil of melted butter,
douUe bdler. When boiling. aUr In the for serving tbe winter vogeUWes It
bcatea yolka, cm aUreb. etc. 8«
rhteh wm help to tide wallowed, will rare croup and boarsseas.
over a lamp and
away to cod. n'hen cooL beat thi
wbilea of tbe eggs until very fctiff: the nook over nnUl
excellent remedy for pains Jn
Ir in and set in a cool pigee forvtwo re on the fnarkCL
Parsnip Balls—Bolt the parsnli
tbo back of tbe neck a* a result
• three hours.
being exposed to a dreogbl. I* a plas
Spsnlab Puffs—Into an agate aanee- 111 water until tender, drain
ter composed of two pans of
pan place two Ublespnonruls of bol laah. Season with salt, pepper.
WhH« W*
one of mustard. Mix ami spread
*n>e bcodi are soeli dear baadi:
I a piece of muslin and apply
Tta(7 are ao full; ther tore at gur da- made wbicb time cannot efface. When
reeled part.
teacup of bot water. When this I bot lard.
you are lying quiet in your lait tieep.
noi try to sweep an invalid'sl
comes to tbe boll, add sufflclent Sour
Creamed Parsnips—Boil a doxen par
8« oftan. tbcr aearcelr Uiou^t bow do you want them to think of
:e ibe aide irf tbe snips until tender. Hake a drawn om. but wring a clean cloth o-jt uf
youT-RecuIale your words aod dreds
lid water to which a few drop* erf am
saucepan, then allr Id one by one. the butter sauce as follos-s: In a small
trtflea acarcelnhmiihc about so thato^our memory will always
yolks of three eggs, boat for iei
8o maor don*: Umt do
the dearest of their poaacaalooa."
thoroughly mix a tablespoonful of monia have been added, and earefully
wipe the carpet, matting or floor turn
So Baar ttalaga for ne aod you—
miQutec aud drop by teaspoonful
butter and two tablespoonfuls of flour.
It ttetr fODd will! nlatako,
ing and rlDrlng tbe cloth and changing
Wbat-a the use of blaming oihrre for to boillag fat. Serve wlib a fruit s
B cup or more of hot water aud
Ve wall tnay beud, a'ot broak.
le wnti-r a* it gels dirty..
dusted with powdered sugar,
the fault that Is your own—
ver_^ water until melted. Boil
Few p«-ople. eicepi trained nursp*.
Wbat's the use?
ire and itour over parsnips wbicb
Tber are aucfa food, frail Ilpt
know that a resiles* patient U made
have been drained. Serve vw>* hot.
IKlut'a the liae of abifllng burdena
That apeak to ui. Prey if lo*b ttripa
more cumfonable If tbe cureer*
rtnd of one lemon, slv tablespoonf.
you abould carry all sIudo—
of the under sheet are carefully pinned
Tbem of dlacretlon masy timee
of sugar, yolks of two eggs beaten
' \Miai'8 tbe use?
Or if they apeak too alow or jjalck.
one plat of milk, a lltUe salt, and bake sbo-jld be used In cooking spinach, be- to the under *ide of tbe mattre** with
safety pin*. Draw the sheet tight and
aucb crtmea
Lbout one hour. Beat the whiles of
if the world refuses to
t securely. It will be a i
We may paaa by for'wa nay aee
two eggs to a stiff froth, and one cup water, which Is easily drawn out
heUer remedy im
snd the suffering psiieni.
Daya not far off when thoao amall Weep about the home-made trouble* of confectioner's sugar. Juice of one slow heat. The liquid which clings
That have made tbcir borne with lemon, and spread over the podding: the leaves after tbe spinach Is wash
worda may bo
Treatment.of Sprains.
Meld not an alow or quick or out of
when cold place In the oven again and Is all (hat is needed if tbe saucepan
Pe-ru-ma for »y»>
containing It Is placed on a cool lutri
Wbal's the use?
We ofm bear It said that ' a siiralii
place, but dear
uf tbe stove tubeat slowly.
—Umiver Times.
is worse than a brva*. - and as fi
Beeanae Ute llpa tbat spoke are no
^ UmUcotarrk.”
Lemon Flunt—Scald four cups of
the lime which usually elsrmore bere
milk aih^ three rounding tablespoons -EitcaMoped Salsify—Berape the root*
S. B. Eartman, if. D.
Houaekeaping Without lea.
of sugar. MU two level tablesj
and cut Into inch pieces, dropping Into conrerned, tbe Maiement may be cor
nay are aodi dear. (antUar feet that
A War Veteran’s Experience. .
To the housekeeper who has always
cornstarch smooth In a little
cold water to prevent dlsooloration. rect. says the Youth's Companion.
been accustomed to Ice, getting along
Aiaot dta path with onra—feet fast
One great hlndranc- to tiu- sjieedy
B.D.C., writos:
without is a dirHeuIt mailer, aays an lemon. Cook the whole together for small piece of salt codfish has been
or alow.
cure of sprains lie* In the f*rl (hat not
we have an Ice houi
ilniiies. add the well-beaten yolks added and boll until lender Butter a sufflclent Importance Ls attached to
And trying to keep pace-lf they aod always flU U the tret opportunity,
ree eggs, and stir consianily for baking disb and place H isyer of the
tbe boiteai weather of summers flve minuCei. Cool slightly and strain salsify on the bodom. Sprinkle
ranabatfor a long tla* brem reSgrkai and Sommer CalwrlL
Or tread upon some flower we fain
pression that it Is “only a sprain." a
brtngB no terrots to tl
dish. Beal the white of tbr
some buttered cnios. then add
would take
course of active treaiWem Is enter Tbevetoafurin uf .-aurrh e-iwelslly cardedosthere
We can always have our milk kept
inUI dry. add tbe lulce of
salsify untl)' tbe dUh is oArly full,
Bpoa our breast, or brniae some reed. sweet, keep tbe butler Ann and fresh,
ed upon which is calculated to to prevalent In spring and summer, called •-ondulons of this kind.
Or cniBh poor Hcqw until it bleed,
crease the mischief and retard the re This form of rattrrh c»|».--i*!ly drand keep flab, poallry and meats Just of sugar. Pour over the custard and
il brown.
We may be mute.
ranges the stoms-’h. l-.'pw-dr and other with which Peruna nitoas fresh as a butcber could. But not
ice cold while fresh oi
Not turning quickly to impuU
>n^ firm white
bat happen* In a soraln Is briefly organa of the alslumv-ni The whule srmpioms and lb* aatUtaetlon which
Baked Cab
more than one of my neighbors hi as made.
are of
The ligaments which bind
laucoiu UactliDlDS ihq stomach, liver, people caprara
cabbage for fifieen minute*, changing
an loe house, and on an average
Orange Cream—Take the Juice and the water then for fre*b boiling water. Joint, for il is about joint sprains
bowels and kldn--y> U lo an inflamed IVroaa.
Ti«ether anch a little while along don’t chink ten per coot of all tl pulp of three oranges: add Juice of WheiTthe cabbage is lender, drain and
CMOITfe •( CtMMelL
are writing, become pneally condUion. and these organ* fail lo perfarmers have one So, what to do with half a lemon: three cup* of cold water
form thelrprojwr fun -tluu. ,
] jj, q^- R.CslUbaa.propri»lor Of Big
the tray
aside until perfeclly cold. Chop
out ice la a question of
Bysit-mlr• catarrh
may' I- -------------- ‘ Hill ' Partn,
catar-*-----' vn, and a promioenl frolt
and (bird of a cap of sugar.
We artll*be patient while we t
the force of the blow rone*.
fine and add two well beaten <Wy as the present i
h« accompanied by c.
Are and let come to a I
stock TOlMV, 01*nvar, Va-,
Tbe resii't of ihU rondlilnn
spoon of melted butler, a llllle
poru of Ibe body. In
SOD promlsea a light Ice crop in many
in. Dlsolre two tabiesponnfuls
So mmny little faulU we And.
Ism backing cough. iLtnayivolsoaiof cornsurch lo a lltUe cold water pepiier. a teaspoon of salt and three thing* to obvious. An unnaiunl
We aee tbesn—for not blind
*.«-lai>d with caurvh in U.e bead.
-spoons of cream. Stir iboronghly gree of freedom to permilled to i
sod add It tf) tbe strained Juires; boil
la lovt. but If you ud ^
B.,. 1. ,,p„ .1 — Oi...
—■ r““
workings of the Joint, snd tbe pan
for IS minutes or until the
bake In a bnltered baking
family's comfort In warm weather 1a
once become* inflamed and swollen tarrb sll il.e organ. ..( tbe aldomen are , *' ™“*'
to have cool water to drink, to keep stsreb cooks clesr. Then set
Tbe active rfse to which tbe Joint U
They win not be faaita then, grere tbe milk sweet and cool and the butter
perfectly cold. Beat tbe whites
Dyspepsia aad BIHousoeaa.
| -yiy bead.stomach.lafaci, my whois
put. under the Impression that tbvre^
fanlta—to you and me
and meats fresh and good. It la pos of tbree eggs to a stiff white frorii potatoes until aoR: scoop out tbe e«
But loat odd ways—nlatakee or
and put through a vegetable prei
sible to do all these things If one will and stir Into the comsiarch and Itjs
other lim-s .blliuu.De*.. or 11m- )>aiies(' nuiblng w->uld do m* any good.
ready to serve. Or put the cream Into To each two cup* of mashed pouto al
go to the trouble to do It. But It «
m*v lmsu*pevi<-«lo( baring kidney dis-1 "1 liscl almost given up. JdaeldadM
stemmsd giasse* and make a meringue
I tablespoon of melted butter,
Involve the neeessily of being able
t-s-o or appendit Ills.
I try a l■ul(l• of your Parnat Md
The flrst thing to be done it to
Baya ehaage ao many t])lngaSysieiaic caiairh precent* symptom* U bad laki-n b»1( ib* boltls my appoPI*
keep an abundant supply uf fresh, cod of the white* and beap it on top of ibe equal amount of sugar,-a teaspoon of
which rreeniMe cloMty a ffreai many came to me and my bend boeoZM oU
water and to have a oellar tbat stays crasitf. placing a candled cherry on top salt, balf a ulispoan of pepper and the merve the pan In hot water. The
of each.
We BOO ao diffemtly In. sunt
i rlgbi ’■
yolks of two eggs. Mix well, theu ter should be as bot as can be borne, dlfferwnt dUvasv-s.
cool, unless one la so
showers. '
shape Into rolls, dip In beaten eggs
have a spring handy, with a spring
K ways to make a cbarlotte-rusi
ItMakea words tonight
then in bread enunba and fry unil temperature by freqoeni additions. It
Those who have thle
w-m be necesaan’ to continue
May be so eherished by totnorraWs along well with tbeir milk and butter the following: Une the bottom
rown In bot deep fal.
end pointed in design eon be
sU'W'cd tomaus-s lu boiling [Hilnl. odd
and can also keep fresh mest longer sides of a cbarlotle pan with sponge
Escalloped Turnips—Boll the lur
w-w-ed in a plain bog to fit a caobia^
butter, salt and iwpper. Stir In I
iriavor one pint of crea
We vlU be pi^t. for we know
than without It.
Dips In salted water, cut Into cubes
01 four beaten t>gKF. stirring oee wag the stripe covering part of ose olfle.
vanilla, and qdd a half pound
Ikere'e soeh a little way to go.
But most, farmers bare no spring, verlsed sugar: whip it to a stiff froth.
) tablespoon of butter end one of
(or two minutCK. Half a cupful uf boil It might be tied with a cord, or
The part is then to be tightly Bd
—From LUe of Prancea Wlltard.
tl they bare a dug well they can make Have ready Ibe well beaten whites of flour together, add half u pint of mllk- ped In s bandage in a portion Just ing cream may iw add>-d. Serve on *ewed- and a curd used to tie up tbe
a good substitute for the spring boose
sUr until it boils. Butler a
iwouppi^ ennict*. -A longer “tbrow*
egg* and mix lightly with tbe
short of absohiie flxlty. The be
l>y putting some shelves In Ibe well whipped cream. Fill the charlotte pan ing dish and put in a layer of turnips, tide to use In such a case I* wl
A small quantity of lomatrwr* can be of colored canv'lr^q^'bHk (tripea.
-Pe^ need fratn na nothing
near the bottom, to which they can and place over the Ice for the
allentating withe sauce until the dish called In medical parlance, n 'Mar used in tomaiu sauce, added to soup,
sewed eidee. with (be
no nndi pa good dieer and enlower with ropes, buckets of milk, but- loite to set.
alteroatlug with sauce until the disb tin's Bandage." This is a long, narrow or strained and added lo the gravy of fringe Inside unless il Is very preUy:
eonrageaent. Ufe ia bard tor
freab meat and other things. This
nearly full. Dot with buttered strip of sheet rubber, of sufflclenl fried liver, together with a leospuuo- fold with (bl* seun In tbe center of
Tapioca Ice—A cold Uploca pudding
most exeeHent aubsUtote for both
moderate oven.
one side-end sew up one loag edge.
strength to withstand considerable (ui of iwpper sauce.
called tapioca Ice. it 1* useful for
a spring bouse and Ice bouse. WItbout
At tbe cushion In and cew np (be
strain, and fitted at «ie end with tapes
-Kind wmda are abort to
and with only a bored tbe simple summer dessert. Pour
other long edge. Tbi* place* botb
(or tying. Il Is easily seen ibat by tbe
benplog ubienpooafuls of tapioca
fteme Good Graham naeaipea.
ageak. bat tbelr echoes ere endRules for keeping Young.
well, however. If there Is no cellar
bonier* on top. If too long (or tke
use of this bandage the desired relief
should be soaked over nlgfa
der tbe house, the best thing to do Is
A crrtitrlbiitor to &)od Cheer, in :
rusbion. sew tucks.of equal depth tt
water. In the morning apresd a layer
dig a pit as deep as eireumstances
i-ach end. If tbe border* ore too (nr
fruit—cherries stoned,
permit, put an earth
tbe end
(or Utlo. It
practical recipes for the use of gra
peaches, nsiug tbe good
dug down place for a door, like mauy
JImuM l»e
ned son when fresh is not to be had-r ham flour, all o^hlch she has tested What to ds With Sits of "LeR-Over" er permit* l;crs.-if In hecome dowdy i,,.irer bag cover like tbe OBe
ccllar doors. A cave or pit keeps
though! or dress, and m*k<-a hi-r»e!r siigg<-(t>-d.
n cooCITg. and knows
In the bottom of the pudding dish
Tbe poem which beads this column cooler (ban any place above ground. Sweeten this to usie and cover <
Every house* Ife has dozens of wayj as liilert-Ming as jRiwsIbh-, fe
Samples of Uce curtain ends nuk<
know* that an Inn-Illgeiii h*>k I
was aent U> Home Cbeer. by one of lu By keeplug milk and meal In deep
besoUful pillow cover* over c^iq:
tapioca, adding a quart
Graham Bread—Make a sponge of of re-cooking meat* and potatoes, but (ace tak.-s away i<-n years of lo
oU mends, lire. Irene Pomeroy bnekeu set In tubs kept fltled with
a faMvy eeeurUI patten, est.
ter, and bake slowly for an hour. white flour. I like the spring wheat at too many table* the lefl-over
BUelda. wboee own poems bare freab water. Id the pit, they
to (be dealgq. under laid with
When done aet on Ice untR needed.
flour tieM. When nice and light, add
younger. Sh«- C'» * eui into Ufe. and
bronghl maaaacea of cheer to mnny kept very well.
> delicate shade, raffted with the
sugar, a little molted butter, ner table. If. Indeed, they are
Ruby Tapioca-Half a plnl of tapio
readere. Tbe poem given today U
But the beat way. If one
and tbe raffle bordered with
ca. bsir a plnl of currant Jelly, ones
and stir In gradually enough graham thrown away as useless; aud yet
takan^trom tbe life of Prances WllUrd tbem. Is to use porous earthenware
vegetables admit of so many wa
inteitioe. la very bsndeome. It
one-balf pints of cold water, four oo<
hide wheat flour to make quite
of pmtMig’hfcr '.mtlivsbcif.'ntver or Is pretUer when the lace goes Into
and volcaa tbs thought which abould
tbe water in which tbe
of sugar and tbe rind and Juice of one
('batter and put into baking ro-cookitig. that they might help solve
bucket* are set These are in common
curs to anyl-ody. She makes herself
two Mdse, and leavee tbe
lemon. Soak the tapioca over nlgni dishes. U*ben UghJ bake from one the vexed question. What shall
making na as tender and kind to those use In tropical countries. The consUnt
Ibe social sun from wt.ich radial.-* oppoolte corner sbowtsg the Irregular
In a half pint of water. In tbe morning half to three-fourths of an hoar In a have for sup|.er?" If one would
we leve. every day of our Uvea, na we
from the surso many beams lh-.'‘d-liuht is given ouiline of the design.
put wKb it tbe skin of a lemon (pared moderate oven. Il should l>e a nice one's wlis to work.
would be, were we to know tbat It face of (he Jar keeps It and the water
like an apple, in ringvi and add the brown This l» very much liked for
would be their latt day with ua on this Inside cool ond thus coots the milk snd
woman who. t-sause -d per knowing
Th* Foot Bath.
plnl of water to make out the
a change from white bread by almost and tomatoes allow of perhaps
earth. Along thU came llm
a drsfl of air can be kept
greatest vam-iy in cooking and wi
IB. inspires in other
Let It simmer until clear Take out anyone, and a part of the while bread
•Aalde from tb* regular batb. (tad
tbou^t is the following from
up about these Jars they keep things
d.-slre wad becomes
ITovlded there is enough
the lemon peek ndd tbe Juice of the sponge may be used in Hii.s way on
feet should be washed at least ooee •
very cool Indeed.
. IM' re-cooked in almost
lemon and the Jelly aod sugar
liaklDg day.
to a mailer of * few
dictii.ii. iti>m>-l«d>- on.-e sati that i
way glten ihe'cooh liookr. but
Of course all housekeepers kne
simmer a few moments. Take It
minute*, and insure* neatsou, rOdf.
thing in the wotM to do? It requires cooked meats, protected from
Graham Gems—Two lejrupR sour
lu viih III* small quanililei woman was as yoitiLg as she looked.
>m tbe Are and when partly coot
and comfort. If the tired fbopglH <r
no edoeauoo. no culture, no high po- keep much better than raw one*. Solo
I do IKU ihink su A woman Is the age
pour it Into a gl«*s dish and
saieswomaa. who has been BUDdlng
atUon In eoelety—on tbe contrary, the case of poultry and other
(hat btli.-r t>-U|ile believe
egg. itwo If eggs are plentyi two sway as "too little to fuss with,
burden . When ready t
fur lea hour*, would dip her toM Istu
three quUiflcaUooa rather detract
IS her ow n fault if. at fifty, she does'nt
soon, cooking and then heat
'cr it with sweeteued and whlpi>cd tablespoons melted butter. :ind enough cupful of stewed corn will mt
a basin of cold water. iDiUad of corltnan Its fadUty of execution,
impre.ss the woilil at large with
ing over is a very common prarllce. In cream, or with the white of egg beal-n gftiham or whole wh«-»: flour in dish of scalio|>cd rorn sufficient
Ine btr banga, or doing up her bock
and everybody can do It. young and the case of beef and pork i
which two scam kv.-l teaspoons of small family Butler a pudding dish, Idea that ux thirty she stepped
bair. she yould have a lighter step
old. though na a rule the more years the plan of frying tbe meat doi^. then
the (onniain of .lenial youUi and con
aliernaie la>ers of br
sods have been well stirred to Dial
dish. Cranberry Je«y can t
cluded never tu grtiw any older Even and feel more like walking bolM tkdB
not too thick a bsiier. More or le
crumbs and corn, being careful
packing Id Jars -and pouring
preferred to currant
hare the top and liotiem layers of woman's ag.- is in h.-r own hands, and
soda w-lll be needed according to soi
enough lard to coiyr It (borougbly.
Moonshine—Beat tbe whites of six ness of ni!1k . If two eggs are us<-d
WulKliig beats (be («>e(. itdBdiBg
coaes a habit ao strong that It warp* This will keep It freA a good many
crumbkN Pni a little huiier and salt she make* ii what
raus-s ib-m to iwell. Ud both ore
eggs to B very stiff froth. Then
their Jndgment. clouds their jintep- day* In even- hot weather.
1 layer of corn. Pour
win bear less flour. This recipe mj
' gradually seven (ablespoaofuls
tir-B»me *h-n prolotiged. Ttaef* ore
Oon. and prejudices their optuloo,
be varied to use whatever material enoneb milk to cover, aod hake
however, many anbatltute* (or
Boxes and Ba^.
powdered sugar, beating until stiff and
kind* of (ootbathl. dad
^UJe at the same Urns It arouses snminute*. If you have bartlly enough
OB.- ha* on band. Tart s
available. There Is nutbln^else
Every household should have It* autbortue* differ oa lo their value.
then beat In half a cup of l-trt sour milk w ill n-qiiire a teaspoon
tagonlsa In the untortunaU who hap that U so good and adds so much
rn nse thicker layers of crumos.
w-Hl.marked bos>-s and bags f.-r
peaches cut in tiny bits. Set on ice
Hot water eoUrge* the feet by draw
pens to encounter the Individual.
and add a b<-aien egg to the milk used
baking ixnrder and less soda.
summer comfort, bonce I urge upon
proper Borltng out of jalds and ei
to them: when uoed.
"Do you want (he answer to H
-upful of stewed corn will
Ilule leftover sour cream may be i
farmer who possibly
of silk* and cloths and linen*, say*
they should le- rubbed and exercised
whipped cream flatorvd with extract instead of .butter. 1 bavc^ade ■
eeonndrum? Do you guess what
sufficient corn oysters for four peo- ,exchange. Every odd by of stuff t
ellher dig In the ground or build above
b-fore attetupUng to put oa a tl^t
of vanilla.
this eaalett thing to do It is faultclout gems from one cup^inoderaiely I>le. Drain well, then add a well-beaten IS at any else should b« sav.-d —:
ice house, and All It with ice.
toxoi. Miistanl and bot water la a
Sponge Ulles—Drop a large spoonful ihick sour cream aod anf <ff so-ar milk.
flndlng. The mother begins It with
1 a tiblespooaful of milk
irt of house will do. Only get tbe
never know when you will ne.-d a titj (o-jtbain will sidetrack a fever If takea
of sponge cske batter on a buttered Whatever combination of material It
her baby, the father keeps it up
eSbugh flour lo bold (hi
Ice. pack it In »I'h a space of elgbi
ire a nervous headache, aad
sheet at Intervals. *o that they will used, one needs but to use Judgement goiher. adding half a teaspoonful of iof silk to line a collar or a -t.-ip ..fl
the growing son* and daughter*, the Inches sll round next to the walls.
si-ep. Bunions, com*, and
huiband or the wife can make the Oil this wlih sawdust or other suiishle
and the results will Iw -atisfariory baking powder to the flour. Fry the d.resse.s and surts Is t-. g.) over the
roiiousn.-s* arc nature’s protecUon
home a bell upon earth by mea
msiertsl. and cover thick on top. This while bot. roll each llille cake together of-en add a few crumbs from shred- ze of large oysters lo buUcr and
*i>ue leather. Two bot
tl. the employer can embitter tbe daya will make the (smlly eomtonable and on one side Into a form tike a calla der wheat biscuits or breakfast Bakes, rd mixed
Tj even' IlltJp whlh- an-1 c-' rid Piotbaths a week and a IMtIC pedieurIlly and fasten with a wooden tooth chance to be left over.
Ua cmidoyes. (be icachen
Lovers of this vegetable will And
(be housekeeper bsppy.
all that belong tu gartn.yn'- yni icg will remove the cause of bbcIi
pick. When these arc to be served
check Ike preffresa of the most ambt
1 Bread-One cup sour mll'K. >rn muffins delirious, and they are
All with beaten cream tbat baa been
(Jou pupil, and soctety can mar tl
alf cop molasses, one egg. one •ally better when the cooked corn have discarded. Metier snli in c-Cold CMsserts for Wann Osya.
A warm batb'wttb aa ooace ot^
bappincas of iU most favored mei
used. Beat together one cupful of ie*e bag* whenever you aro
tea»i>oon soda, a little salt: make bat
Herewith are given a number of sweetened and flavored. Remove
drif** on to someone less fortu'nai- sail in It IR aboot as reetful aa a sap.
ter about like cake and bake at once- rbopjied corn, drained almost dry. a
good eunimer desserts, nearly
quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, a te«n be prepared In (ha early
“Oh. the pity of It all. tbat neither
spouoful of melted hutttr tad the Pl*r«5 that nuach. They help out rough towH, put oe fmh itocktag*.
church nor state, nor sebooL nor so- morning, before the best of (he dsy
Simple Rest Cure.
VegHabIsa in Early flumracr.
beaten yolks of t*o eggs. Add tme cup wonderiuiiy with any fixing over Or have a chance of *000*. and . (he
rteiy, noe home. Is frre from this blast becomes too intense, snd which
w-iman who was “ready to drop" will
Wben i red. especially ID sun
ful of mtlk. and then stir in one and
tag evil—that we wllUngly lend our tbe better for a wait of a few hours
There Is always a hetwee^/Hme.
lie. tber>- are always l.onies lond
tfaoughu aod our toncoeu to the work ia a cool place before serving.
10 time to rest.-try bathing one half cupfuls of (lour In. wfatcb a tewing schools of which ih> 'managers have a very good BBdentasdUig Is
when the winter vegetable* arc grow
of pulling down, not building np. and
ing old and usteU-s«. and It Is still too the face with diluted witch haze! tablespnoorul of flour has been sified. are on;} to-> glad to g.ft jiisf the very ten minutes. Tbe qnlekesl relief from
Cold - Lemon Pudding-Beat
fatigne Is to plnncc the foot Us lea
twwteg ears where we should be yolks of six eggs and add tsro scant early (or the fresh summer vegeublei- Brush tbe hair a few stroke* ai
thlDgs y-ou are discarding.
roid water and keep U Immeraod osUl
(old in the beaten whites of (he
healing wounds. .
ounces of corn starch, and beat until unieaa oee bad a limitless pock.- adjust hairpins. Slip off .vear i
there U a seuaUon of waistb.
"Think of theec ihlngatbe nint Ume amooth: add tbe-Jnlce and grated rind book, and access to a good fruit aud and stockings aod bathe tbe feet with Half fill heated muffin irons, and bake
Another tonic (or Ue sole to a haadharel. and put on clean stock- in a brisk oven half an boor.
yee are tompted to acoM and dont do of (wo lemons and a very little water vegcuble store. Tbe majority n
In limitless variety can Im- ma-Jc ful of alcabel. Thii to a aare way to
Scalloped tomatoes ore mada
lOd different shoes. All Ihli
IL TUnh a Utile lees of your own to tbin It. Pot the balance of the wa mankind, however, must still go d
the scalloped corn, but without tbe from odds and ends <>( all s-.ri' The dry the feet-after beiag ool ia tbe
feeUngt and a UiUe more of thoee of ter—a quart should be used aliogetli- the root cellar or tbe vegetable bii takes hardly more time than It fa*,
‘throws- of a few yewra ago find use storm.
er—with ihree-fourths s< a pound of and bring up "tbe same old thing*. taken to wrUe It. but how It re*» you milk.
olhM. Tbe older omo can bear
Systemic Catarrh of Summer
of the
< ib 12
Mr. M:C:nBick thcaght
vary aad treasurer stated that K waslperpiesta.- ulcsticts a*
shall alto anoint the poU.e. special
lm Lc<u raid
ftepari at ■•nr.A
~v ft,”: b:-i :f
At th« B*«tcg of tb* dtr «OM»cU ptilM u<d watchmea and iW.I fix . «;y was tjj sttHl t;r s:th a l?arl tjs:t3--.ry It. tit cr.t.l to make a|-.-.v _-u =irr.-.i-. g«te-tap M t
aelr sa'.ariee tut li no cate shall jfr. Lsirdle ex;U.Uni tai*. • Mau"l«-t smt;, spirCTriatl.m ttr -^.e ctittrabc..«t Bov.r, wKh ireiai Tmtin ..na
>»«'« chMtel
::ci«r the etiae rs'.e. Mr. AiVt: ;;:n ct Ut Vrir-D The c?=ig;n:?.-! X- L.-.;- c- -ei tt'.i tce cot
uftr* sad pc-li-e OtMiim-Kit* they erricd" the or’aonnee, ncr •hall
v .<
tbry appclni mere' loan cat- pol..-'^ cc-ldc't ree bi-_ --,.;h -i b:o.ti Tri-aid •; 1-rd thv f.' a t-> -.ilc-vd
•xa C.rJ iLi th-.t ippr.-v-a
cf lb* CUT uader i bond sj '
lake the rteparim-iii.-, uut ui
V.'ifb the
. III.-. l'i].I...DS n’Ould in.- iUj...i
man for every S4»M pe„|,lii d{)sg.it„n I.i I.p
The U ,VSJ Util rJ E D Bsrne .
jdomls.r. with J. II. MoCourt and E.
or WM latradnoed. die but* at the Tho board ajiall have the power lo Mr. Rlckerd didn’t fed ihst be cuuh make eiinugh. Th<-> also ask.id that
jhe fire and other depaMmeni* bel
U. UiDor os sorcili-.. iraa approved.
dtr nperrUon tor maUoc tbe a«- make rulee sovenilas the police delowed to take part'In the parade,
MOTment roll for BficbUi sad Wsxb- parttnent and aball prescribe Ibe prop mov^ ns an amendment il
The matter of certain lou on the
erd, City Clerk Gillls. Tom Shane of corner of Eighth and Vnl.m flreelslj
ta*U» *ro«» were held op and tho
mi'l.-e «.Hi[d-jny all bills.
lug. Mr. t’almcr raove.1
Fire Department
tbe sins'is and walks comnilttve ofjwhicb had Wn placed on the assessMil ot Meat sad Milk Inupcrtnr DockJ. \V. Ila.inen. m n-s|N>us.> t.v a qm
labird. but ilic-re wn* tin M-rond. Th<
The l»»rd ehu|l have full omtrxil
the Isnird ..I imldlc works and hHn-|m.ii.| rtdl for fiaviiig. was tvferrrd I
<rsT warn slw> rofcirc'd lark. A emit
III.- am.-nilmviit was six I" linn, slated that
Oosl at wlaor balocu «w irsiuucb the fliv depurliueut. all the apparat toll! i''eslTv,qs sod walks c..mmUico tore-’s...,u.„:nil.'si7e.it.M;'v"'ri
rd. siMc U0« bHoc the srantioc of us and the alarm telegraph system, three. .Messrs. Lanlle. Moon and Mur- day morning. wl.lU- It had : iM com-: •
Other Boaloeaa.
|...n Jour le.
j ill.-ii, «m. Mr. snd Mrs. James OrtfA Hctit at tho iDieroeciloa of Roae etc. They shall appoint one fire chief chle voting uo. The vote on the mo- pleled Its *-nrk. bad *l.««T
•"’* autliorlied to pmvld.'f^d'^h.r
UMi"* 'iracc.^^aht “.'lir. «d Mrs. WDllini as amended, stood elgiii lu one. *rrl|iii<ms. Th.-re was a ba lance of I
able only for cause. They
aimt aad the Prrr Uarqiiette rallabout
gmemwsT. for vblefa Dr. Wooo baa been
there wasn’t, quite
Supervisors' Billa
Achtlar for sereral laotilba. The pc- inR the department and shall appoint
e,"he iKvnse this >-.-ar, A qoestion camel laiura Maryorl.-. daughter. ’Mr. and
sbisl i
iz» siiaie Biree.
broker not a “"- l-«t->etie VV. Case. T13 Wotatcr
The commlitw on claims and nr- enough money, with Ibe oib.-r sub
many firemen as necessary, the
UUoa of the blercle Hd<n for psH
was reterri'i! u> the fire commluee.
l« cjilxens of ihe Unit- counis rpponrd that they had not al scriptions that w.iuld cune In and the
»aa referred to the ordiaaoce cooitn
The wharf c-immiil^ rvparted lhal ||
“'•r'^'.V“nVc-id.. dsughter. Mr. and
(ae and one bnndred and thy dolUrt ed Bistes and n-sldenU .if Traverse lowed the bills of the ciiy ass-ssors fser til. y figiirH.1 ih. y rpuli J
for making the asscssmi-ul ndls
waa Allowed for the Fourth of July City for at l.-asi one year.
___, IJi-i
Toiind tl
Tbe btiard shall fix the salaries of they considered them excessive.
Mism imivssl that
blocks on Webster sire.-t staling that' Harry Alii.o, s..n. Mr. and Mtw,
proprisTJ." Mr^Lani”.' moved"" thstj'’"'''"' **’'
They also r
sewers had been pu. In with the ex-i"“”'‘ J'’hn‘->n. *’:k Stale street. April
The ordlaaaee anwodlog the chari le chief and firemeo and may re Mr. Winalt^ motliia th.- bills w
— .1... -,i.. __ .. , ^ ___ __ ...
- lommend.-d that esilmaies hi- reee
er to provide for a board of fire and quire the chief to *lre bonds. They referred back to the claims and aca water main would lie f
May, daurtier. Mr. and Mrs.
police ooBDlaslaDen waa Introduced have tbe power to porchaae «iclae8 counts commlttte.
Harry fhenowelh. 43S West Tealb
street. May 11.’
by Mr. lArdle who atated that aoeb and apparatus but not the pdver to
Hethe* Charloiiv. daughter. Mr. aed
a board wonld Uke these two depart- buy real estate or construct build- counts eomrniltee stated that the com
A, Monroe. '•IS West
mittee bad thought Ibiit the bills wennionihlv' leave <>r absenre
neDU out of polliici. the ordinance lORSKle.enib street. Msy U.
high, the roll for Eighth street r. of bicycle riders asked tlisi the! ’
The board ahull deslgiiate the du
betne copied after the one In force
Son. Ur and Mrs. Emor HockstcM.
lighting recrni-'h'>n>e ia Scotland.
Si:. I&SI Slate slrys:-l. Hay I». .
ties of Ihe department but shall not, costing «:i and the one for Washlnp aard of public works provide hleycle
tn. Manistee. ;
Daughter. Mr. and Nr« ~
gj$. tbe assessors having
AtBooc the prorlalona of the ordl- bare power to direct the chief at a
Mutt Pay Fines.
worked about three days and the bills
aaaea was that tbe control ot the re.
j Th«w's trouble In sight lor tl
The board shall have the power to running from tS to $30. The report
flro aad pollee departmenu
The report of the committee
peliiion lie refemid to the ^ard of
• ----------- ---Ih.-y I* «l1ow<-d 1
npder a board eonaUUnc of three
claims and accounts was allowed. peicefully- snoore irff llielr load
is to the path of a fire and which In tbat the whole council could consid-r public works with lower lo an.
Tbeaa peraona are
Mr. Palmer eluting that a bill of $]3'.<: .-o-ii sap' in the city prison olid go on &ri T. Henry. 1 s East fYoot slrecL
Mr. Mo>m suied that he thought
ai^oletad by the mayor for a term of their judsment would be haxardous tbe matter
for the pest house would lH> ivinmrd i '•’•’t'’ »»y rejoicing the next morning,
Intpectar'a Bill.
tbe wbeelmen of the city
stand. Inside o( three
three roars. Tbe ordinance la to take
Mamie Edith, daughter. Mr. aad
lo the conntv
1 Insiead, ihey will have lo appear
bemonths, tbe owner msy make a sarorn
l-e fined and Mrs. Carl Osrsr Id-nn. «$ Bast FYoBI
Tbe conmlitee on claims and
sirvei. Hay 2i;.
claim tor darnsRas In which esae the> counts didn’t approve tbe bill of C.’”“‘
much to build the paths.
Lola, daughter. Mr! and Mrs. Rom
i^odrich believes llui this
property will be appraised,
R. Dockeray. meat and milk m»pec-|'*™"^
'fund • ■II- necessary. Anthurin-d.
I «ould
goxl pisn. Chief Ashton Hines. Sir WHoier sire.1. May $.
IHT. tbe necMid tor two yean and claim is made, the board may order tor. as they believed (bat a fee should j
[■elu May. daughter. Mr. and MrA
to as carrying lights
I and-milk Inspector's re- agr.-es
Willli n MeMe. I4J Bast Tenth •'—*
kick as t:
the building nppralsed and compen- be charged the dairy and market ownthe third for three years, the
The matter was diarussed
I port W.-.K received and filed. Tbe con- good
advantage and noboJy would o
polatmebU thereafter to be for three aale tbe owner. It shall also be taken era for making Ihe InspecUon and t “'“»?’»•
opinions being P«ldi.ion of
meat markett and dal- Ject except the diIrunks,
Into consideration tbe llkellbood of a limit placed on the number of Vi's-1
yaara. There ia no eompens
"'»'«> '»>•<
good. He
coaiieeted with membership of the the building being destroyed by fire Its. The bill amouotei to $40.
*■"'■'‘1 «>*i
,ihe ert-.vm slandard Ire reduced from]
Library Report.
hile. ni East . _________ ___ .
lMard.:Mr ean any person boldlns any and If it Is deemed that tbe building
Mr.-Moon moved that the ways and i
‘‘*‘^1'' f"’’ *
|3t) lo U. that Is-Ing the United States! Tho fullewlng Is the report of Miss
Charloue. daugbiFr. Mr. and Mrm.
1 the year. Ihe stroeis v
would be destroyed,
eleeUveprappMativeorAce bea i
means commluee estimate ihu
standurd. The retiori was acepted' Helen Btoui, city librarian, for the ames Kerns. H-ri Cast .ireet. Hay
be allowed,
ber «C tbo board.
. be Charged and the number of visThe mayor favored maklng;^^
tecommendatlon refe^^i
Tbe board shall make out an esti s neceaiary. The motion carried.
Tbo msnben of tbe board ahall
the ordinance commluee
I »*y>ks given eut-ncliog, 130,1: JuDebt Occreaaa^-..
elect CSC member pteaMent and aball
., ..-.e.., VOS_______ loe
ShUlCr Wl.hd,
The decrease in Ibe puMle debt Of
alicr elect an elector secretary and talcing the deparineots for the com .... means commluee, staud tbat tUe|'''»^
Winnie’s mollon. the matjy;.3;o.2.> cash on hand
(he United States lo Ihe amoant td
fix his salary. Tbe board ahall hare ing year. The ordinance repeals an commlu4 had the matter of making:' ________ _________________
«> Ih'- ordinance
com-^ The report of A, F. Nerlinger. judge
over etghl and a half mlllloo dollars
mluce to report a
during the momb of May. Is an iDdh
SB offiee forelthed by the city and conflictl^ Inwa, charter provisions ( the meat and milk Inspector’s oJflce
ft«-nrder's court, showed
eallon of ihe continued incrcaoe of i»tbo city ahall alao fnmlsh all tbe pecsalaried one. underronsldenulon, but
Municipal League.
jl.iiloii of onHoanccr. two of the blcycelpu over expenditure oota hbneadCMary booka and faralture. The board
Law Over.
had been unable to agree. He iboughi
The prcsldeut of tbe leagvic of Mich-: cle <>rdinanc<-s. two fast driving; four
Ing thv several lines of rnormoos oadiell tppon to tbo council each
Mr. Inrdle stated (hat In order ibat that the council should know where lean MunicIpallHes. which meets In, drunk and dlsord.-riy, seven small'
■ lonal outlay rreenily entered Bptw.
The entire public dclii of tbe United
the legtalaure might pass on Uae they stood on tbe matter.
Detroit Thursday. Friday and Saiiir-I boys for breaking windows, one rlo- average 43.
Slates Is now less Iban the approprlaTbo board shell here the power to.
idment, Il would be neceaaary to
Fourth at July.
day of this week, asked that the may> receiving stolen I
IIODS of tecenl single oesahnu ot tbe .
appoim a merahall wbo aball act as
It last night. To get It before
nsilonal congress, and Is far leM «w«» >
ebM of poUes sad be shall not be the bouse, be moved the adoption,
that of any other country of even sec
ond or third rate ImporUnce as comlaiDOrod eseept tor eeims. 11107 Mr, Moon socotided the motloo.
s also to bring alii under false pretenses. To tbe county'
-linpAfttiit'CMmeil HMUng.
h ^
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
The Great Shopping Center of the City
Most attractive because you do not have to go from the
building to find your every want. Every item on your list
can be supplied without leaving the building.
We are the' Universal Providers. Rubber Stamps
Rubber Stampi are the most cooveoient, and no office
ahouid be without some. Date liaes, your name aod
addr^ to use on eovelopes and packages. A set of
rubber type »o that you can set up aoythiog that you
may need for labelling your packages, or a statement
to put OD some goods. Stamp Pads in any color ink.
Sumping Ink for renewing the pads. There are some
efficea Aat have dozens of these stamps, and they do
■avc Bo much time. Let us figure with yon for anythiog that you want in this line. We uke orders and
ffll them on the shortest notice.
Comfortable as Well as Stylish Footwear for Men
CJ^ords are the most comfortable of all summer
Men’s Patent Leather in everjthing from those
natty swing shapes to the broad conservative ones,
priced at $3, :i 50 and 4.00.
A table full of Men's Patent Leather Oxfords at
S2 TO, made up of pairs from our 5!^ 50 and 4.0(' lines.
They are bargains, every one of them.
Going Away?
New Line of Iron Beds
Need a good “Grip” or Suit Case. See that big line
that we have, and almost every style that you can
think of. The “Grips” are all leather lined and sell at
$,6 60. 7.60.8,00 aod 10.00.
Just unpacked the biggest line that 'C^e
have ever carried. All manner of colors
of enamels and these are priced from $2
to $35.
Another lot of Bed Springs sell from
»X», 6.00. 7.50,10.00 and 12.00.
tO $ I 8-
ot a„ kinds from $2.25
,,„iS-».VT.T';rrJ[''v';,s*““- *”
In »U manner ot lency
Nothing more acoeptaUe
than a nice box of Bon Boas.
Tbe Dnv and Book D>.
fuD of tbe deiatiwt that are
A better line vou will not hnd. Bleached Linen at
-50c. 75c, SI 00. 1.25 and 1.50 a yard. We have the
Napkins to match the $1.25 and 1 50 grades for $3.00
to 5 00 a dozen.
A fine line of Unbleached Linens at 30c. 40c, 50c,
7.5c and $1
Buck Toweling. 15c. 25c. 45c. "5c end $1.
Bath Towf-linu. 5c. 10c. 1.5o. 2.5c find :{0c.
”Kub Dry" Towels, 25c. :«k.- a&fJ 40--.
Kuh Dry" Woeh CJotlis, or.
Hnck Towels, good liig onee. 5c. lOe. 15c. 25c aad 30c.
Damask Towels. 20c. 2.5c. 40o. 50c. 75c. SI end 150.
Turkey Red Table Linen. 20c lo 50c a yard.
Ruhber CoUaTS
Just the thing lor
Sommer use.
OC, OF 2 lOF 15C«
Hie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
■HMM (ncr ndfidiv «t Tnnm* d«,
Mary M. Sehaab.
Bletaih trade—Btbel Moater,
i. Alberu Lefamao.
IWrttowoetaWMoy, n
Solo. DoHt Bowen.
abots teemed to tire It r
Hotel PufchaeM.
atrenxtb aad U Bed over the h
The Kedi-ta-wania hotel baa been was lost mat
ortSiaaed b.r Janet E. Forman of
•r tbe beast in the
Porple and told are the data col- ■.
irwnd Rapldt tronr tbe Hunt-eoute.
ora and the elaae Bower, the red reee.
tbe boiiae baa
The folIowlBt pttamra wUl be Urea:
Resort h « u»Dted to S«-Bb-ia-wania
S«i------------------- --------------—
tel and it will open about June IS.
,o jrutt ibelr ehlldren o
MUt Mary Kroupa of Neah-ta-wania
Sect—"Eiimtaer." Cboni*.
»1U be tbe manager this afwaoa.
t : U . B
Saluutory, "fine Quam Vlderi.*'
to-' S 1
' r
I I 00 , U
Song-'-Mlolms.-drive It from the confloct o* tbe
Jtecitaitoo. "Tbe Golatt
^Tnd." Dolores Britta
Soot—TnvlutlOB.- Claat.
Drama—"The Heirs ot
taflT la Uae wiUi tt* nw«t rndnnesd
nstM 01 tb« onloo .ta the dlrvcUoD
at luwmsM legiaUUae. So dUturi>-
Scarf raotattke.
Valedleioo-. "The End Crowns
Worlc," norence A. Moteir.
iBS-or uir«Maaalile requlreatMts «UI
be tnnde of ibe compenle* dodne boilBe» la tAlt Mate, bat It will be
•ootfit to soard epOott e tvpeUUoe
or tbe ntou flacnal aba ms ot eoe-
The Her.
have to CD alowly.
tiaavT leap randing hit ei
*"^"*iniuch power before and all the weak
tote M^eaanew. pning themaeivu;
a will show.
•beat the beOer, and even eruthing
"We have plenty ot orders ahead
lateBUeifc.enQlneor Philip Ballingar!In fact we are anowed under with:
dfMfincRy •taped on hit aut. applied,
, i place w toon u we get tbe atlSoeas
and tr ap ddas, averted
A. «-l.,
third and
N.. «
Ijm apeidsnt was caused by
. ..iA
Flour. H.. L. A Co't Best, bbl
, ,,5
four cared for. A bit 1
1 w.........................
». „««.
s;;,.s"Cc"r£.'; Km
Butter, creamery, per
' nettor a.ir.
— ^«.th».AttCkpMBAad lust cam-^um .oda focmtaln aeon.
J work on two care which were;
Stephen Shewfelt passed away Sunr behind
the Bve that canted *5«F erenlng.at tlie w of lOyurs.
Urn trouble. They moved these l»«>,for®b'i^,"L»*WDeT*hartot <^r*e!
ahead by faasd to make room for/
a. Brighara U building a new
more ear* that werewtU.I further back store. Tbe front will be occupied at
on thp aifilat and tha Jar that ‘»ey|a ha^ ^
Is having hU boicl
gave the other cart Maned them BOV. t
ihf alowly toward the main track.
Fine ReelUl.
I pupils of Hite
lie teacher. 1
treck. mid hegHmlng the IS «
colUalon. when
H3^= “
Buying Frioaa.
r<wner. no eleci
. _
Bel-. able and....................................
a slight delay
linger did everything In bla power | troubled ensued In securing lamps. Al
to atop tbe train and toeeeeBed la though lb* majority of the doss were
very young aad the hall was but dim
ugteriaUy fietswaalng lU speed by
ly lighted, their InstnicUon had been
tha time the empty Bata clashed Into
ihorougli that the entire program
rendety-d without fault reflectlBg
upon tbe ability of their
Tert Up Engine.
the pupils. The program
OoBring at gn angle, the ear tore
e Tin Soldier." (Hackh) Bessie
away tbe whole right aide of the pilot,
broke the cylinder
•■Emma WalU." (Schmoll) Helen
March. fOnrlltt) Manrine Foote.
••Bright Flower- walls, iKohler)
degree into the abape ot a letter -V"
onald Rlckerd.
and knocked the front tnicfca from
"Evening Song." (Webb) Uargnret
under tbe lank. By the time that this
mpEh damige had been completed, **^'a*eV." (Webb) Tdna Campbel- )
lob POIV onto tbe boiler, breakfti*
tbe running board and throwing tbeir
'waliht agalnBi the cab.
ear srat derailed and met tbe comer *^Hnppy Farmer." “HunUng ^g."
Schumaan) Alice Bauman.
of the baggage car srhleh was a
•Fairy Polka." (Spladler) Marie
*^nk.- (Uehner) Marie Tofdnka.
Legs en Engioa.
"Tulip." (Uebner) 0«tmde Taylor
The patten gets pUed o
■ Dancing SplrtU." (Bokm) Helen
eoaebea to aee the engine atUI on the
mtls but enveloped in a cloud efj ’’^•Tbe UUle Wandemr,"
Btaam. which drifting away, left tbej Maude Bea.
1 aro. Come." (Metcalf) Mrs.
aM of baring been whitewashed;!
afelS S.'ZS
All of whicli above described real
ate I win expose and offer for sale
... puliUe vendue, to the highest Ud
der. at the front door of the Court
House ul the (Ml)' of Traveme City,
ill Grand Traverse r»umy. that being
the place td
boldine tbe Circuit
Court within said County, on Tues<lav, July f-, A D, 19I>7. at ten o'elock
in tlie for-nuon of Gial day.
Ual.-d, May 31. A. 1)., I9U7.
SU-rlff ot Grand Traverse County.
Attcirnevs f.ir I’lUlnlllT.
Bi'slne-S A^dre-sCenter
Reni-m, Harbor. Michigan.
ran waa backed down and took the
tor toidinr the I'lreolt Court for said Coonty
ol OrandTrarrr-e.
at Tea o'el.Mk in thi- form.-iB of-ltd dM.
Chicago, Junv
XtrolL Jmi'e^<VTieal.!<5S; com
Bear In Villcu<Moaroo r.-i,UT. illrli. June C-Thi
Utile vIMiiai- •■iiSBt:<d in a p-lmine.
old -fashioned bear hunt this nioruliiK
despite the efldrts of Glen COpH
Charles Duell. assisted bv W
liam l^g. tbe animal is still at large.
There is much fear attionc the fanner*
adjacent to the village that their live
stock will sutler through tbe depreda
tions of the animal which wa# the
first one seen here la many years.
Tbe bear, which waa a luouster
black one. etilercd the village
>r at tlu> top of' the' grade.
Mr. Bellinger
hsd attempted
I'lreuit Court I'omn iMloaet
I'Biww/jticT aTIw'ay'''
c.f the
-. begin
Hy-<Mm-i 1- iii.nl- (icini
sooihlnc nil- u’l'l tnilt'ams and
Inins tbi- •>-,-im-ki:..ng Iirnp-iln li:-dicalliiii is
mil breath-. H
ihe resplrainry <ntsns, klllinR i--. It due in m largTineasurc in abuse of larrhaLgertnf anr soruhine any lrriia-|
the bowels, by emplot-ing drastic piir- tion ihi-r.- nuv l.,- in the musou.s m-nigstlvet. To avoid all danger use only hraae.
The compl-te Htgvm-l Outfit cost*
Or. King's New Life Pills, the sale,
bn’ II: and S. E. Walt A Sons give
gentle cleanser*
and Inrigomi
ttn-ir persona! guarantee with each
Guaronieed to cure beadache. bUI
package :liat uion>-y will be nf'iudeil
ness, malaria and Ja-undice. at C
unlesf the treatment does all that la
Bugbee Drag Co.. Hannah Drag Si
. B. Walt A Son's drug sl^^.
to offer, would
R Sebomberger $ $onfi
Cili/cns Phone (SI.
R--I1 Phone is".
To Oar Saving Depositors
and Others..........................
DepogiUi made in our Savings
during tb« first five day* of tbit month
draw interiAt from the first of June.
We issue a neat B3uo Savings Hook and jjay
thp<p pt-r coot intcft-st. l•omp>llnd■•■^ twice a
$1.00 Starts an Account.
Traverse City Stale Bank
Xorthem Michigan.
Flags for Decoration Day
lire here in great numla-rk and nt any I'ri'v d<-sired for the little "Tiny'' ones at^Sc per dowtn
tothelsrgc Banting Flags,from $8.50 1° 85.00
Base Ball Goods
Ours is the most
complete atoek north of Grand Rapids.
you in this space a series
of practical.tcsied recip-s
Wall Paper and
Window Shades
Season is now on in full blast.
Went-Ter hadao
great a bnainess aa now an'i it sliows that our stock
Ho-dar »t S—. 1-0...
I wish that the public and whoever has any
try and have it ready by that time, and }-flu can bt- sure you will be
mooey ahead. Do ool fail to do so.
is the largeat and prices most satisfactory.
' - -—•'_«»
Mr. j-M ■ s.'X- ‘“lJ:“ 1^..
'•St issrs!-,. s:,s “di’”-
Tlie senior cla*a at
for a larger one.
Tlie Oidesi ami Strongest Bank it
nsol. istere-l and<s»t- :a iwid . sii.e ..I the
fol!ov-ina.de.enbed larc-l- ot land to «it
LnU tVMtr Si r libi aad iweati «u mi ol
Bajsid. Addiii.ata tbe >-lUace (mei- aty.of
Trayepse. Xlehtesa. la said Conalr aad !>iate
in aj-e.ipdaie-.- a-iili the tefiii- of -atd dr--n--.
The}- claim there Is a decltae of two rents a pound and .o>w.^waiUof
Hyeetel and Relief\nd Curt
Wilt Be Guaranteed.
wlih nfii-nsiv'-
at whleb' Uma the belated train waa
Btnr ■would
' 1 have made
ned date.
not buy.any more wool at those price* after my coolraet expires.
cnade by Spalding are witho-jt .joestioa the finest
O. u.. .~o. TbU <«* ..^’SSL'b.K- i£os.!i»iK
d the Pare Marquette will run
i Itoiij Travers*
been injured, or niaklng
r me for the trip.
and best quality to be found.
about 7 oelock lb the evMilnf
It is probable tb»: The Bat ears would
have crashed iai^ the coacbet and _
Wool Wan^od
1 will buy all tin- wfxi! I can gel up to June IClh. 1997. lo
If ynii Inivi- c.n.irr
He Fought at Gettysburg,
le, and paid out muco moor., —----------cine to imie purpose until I began
taking Electric Bitters. I would not
take 65im (or what they have done for
me." Grand tonic for the aged and for
taken by another engine. No. 4 being
Great Oommander N. 6. Boynton of female weaknesses. Great 1
e«^ ^eas. aad tha Korthpjort
a body builder; «
the Maccabees and Perry F. Pow.
r& aJaa palled out.
I ot Cadillac will be la the city Tbu
min ba^ bam a tow aec-
G.iv Warner bas sent a cheese t..
Judge orprobale. '*>- Woman's hospital at Saginaw. The
a sale nest week.
David Paiker. of Fayette, N. T..
loM a foot at Gettysburg, wri
"Electric Bitters have d
“Oypsy Rondo." (HaydnJ Key Uia- good thanks
eoafbet back to tbe depot to await,nts.
Imeiicaii Drag Co.
TiEvcrse City, Mich.
o'clock in tlu- forenoon.
Dated May 2Mh. A. U ISstT.
“inSii“-i:v'.:rrTb;.’?l:StiiJ; is;;
Pratt aad Ashler B I'ostl- sre .lefenrtsnts
JJotk^lshsreberTentlist I •,iall---II at ,.n>
We h»»v » »pcci»l tootIn .m diHoau ul |■DeV
try. Call o> wrttr lui one.
^•BeaMe." (Gug D’ Hardelol) Mrs.
Tbe empty
n, IboT. have Iwn sllus-il lor cn-dllors to prt-seni their'claims against
sisid deceased to »ald euilri '
nation and adjusimeilt. an
hat all '
rrt^iluni of said deceaso.l a: V required
to present their claim- to
at the probate ■•{fie-', lii the city «t
Tmverse fit}, in ^l;id eounty. on nr
Wfore the 1st lUy of October. A O.
)iii>7. und that said claims wilt l>e
beard by said court on Tuesday, tlilat day of OcteUr. A. O. IboT, at t<-n
^tU^^tTSinvoTy.Micblean. Uay
tJie aeoottd car. loaded with logs, was
criiiUpg toto the locomotbro and the
NoUre Ik hyr>-b> git-->i the' four
months from the Jbih d-t „f Maj. A
Netles of Sale.
Iiy virtue of a WTit of Fieri Facias
issued out of the Circuit Court for the
o wroT-'rv Mia by rltoreof an Mni«t and County of Berrien, in favor of The
ervr of ebr OT>mi Cunn fur tbr Cunniy of Fanner* A ilerchonts Bank of Benton
Harbor. Uiebican. and against
Pril, A. b. la/:. Id tbr abwrs roUUrd .-auar goods and
chattels and real estate of
enr> W.
Carev. In said County, to me directed
and delivered. I'dld. on tbe 4
of April, A. P.. ISM. levy t
Ing describod real esute.
esub to-wlt;
I One 11, Two (2) and Three
(3); Nortbenst quai
alMo c'riock la rtsfoMaooo. or so anrh
St quarter (Ai)
tasrsofassas bsasmsTT m.slsf the staugin
(5). Also that port
dnstJ tasaO" eampUiaaat ter JadrsmeaL
rter (■*) of Southeast
of Soutbeust quarti
Five (5) lying
'U of Section
Und.lacMsd lo Ursad Trara-as Cooely. Stao quarter <^i
of HlchlcM. to wii: Tbetrest rra tloDai bsit
b and West of a line drawn across
of Utssouib-imi'Cnaner. and tbs oostbw.i
quorter quarter aeellon and parwith and one-hundred llOOl feet
aSlhrir "atr tw^Bi sw*‘^ib"noT^^t
from the center line of tbe H. A N. E.
s2o tbJ witbsU^if ll.e\'(S»aM‘<?Bs5v^'it>d Railroad.
Also Northeast quarter
(ti) of Nonhtrest quarter 1',);
Northeaat quarter (’4) of Northeast
ot tlM aertb W-.
Northwest quarter (\»)
gnartsf *se sha* ourUl wvt gaarler of tbe
quarter (»il; Northwest
Bve-b-esstqosrteralllo soetlaii •eeenteen irla ta.atveaty-scToa ijr-oorib ol raneeelereo quarter («l of Northm'est quarter
(II .s-eai.erenit s» setssod tbe mm -ids there
(t, t, Souibeast quarter (>4) ot North
ot.hrretofotvdesdnlto Jullni T.Hannah
AlM> tbe north ra«l uoarier or the -Diitb MM west quarter m). and Southwest
Qnnr'or of section nreniyloartNi ezcopi ton quarter 04) ot Korthwoat quarter
lirreo laths narih-eaal i-orge-tbersof la tosm
t».) of Section Eight (S), all In Town
iwentv-fire cril
of Range
abors d-senbed wlU be Sent eold aad It that twelve (131 We.st. AH of said
bo But •nfiloleauoi.sy the -aiil Judreoaeai j>rln
lying nnd being in the Ck; inty of
Grand Traverse, and Slate < I MIchl-
the grade. Tbe Bats were moving to ■
Buck being .
alowly that the engine crew could aol, 8. Rowley who had
. detect It and evarythinc waa thought yocal numbers on ibe program.
U, M M,.
almoM In
will do the wotL
ThSu’jrtnion“'^f'drastlat, u' OaU. per bu ...
ow olce'f
nicely settled, and hu as floe a Clover seed ..........
The due w«c brine unloaded at n«w
Uie oval wood Dlah companyk rollM hit right hip irtjurod.
hale coiih for the eoiintvyrf Grand
Traverse in tbe matter of ihi-. slat*- of
George K. Newcomlie. d<-o usi-il.
' SS^ t ■riSfcSnpts.nul.
Tbe pei
Peek waa the only person Injured at furnish musk both dsya.
In tlma to meet' the paaaenger train aporu of a]] kinds, bone races
t to Pay.
A gratitude that
writes 0. S. Clark.
. va, "for my resru
from death, by l>r. King's New Dli
ivery. .Both
Both :lun;
i iliraugit carelessness •
lecKnt that d
aktng New Discover}'.
The ominous
is dry. barkli
1 up. the union iH-lng a
cough fliilt before the fi
useo, auli
divorce rases are,
ihe total : thlrl).thr.-e
r- before Julge Mayne. equalled New 1IMscoven- for coughs,
colds and all tthroat and lung com•antwcl by
bv C. A. -Uugbee
plaints. Ouarantwcl
Store. S. K.
Drug Stor<'. Hannah Umg S
Me nnd tl.
Wait A &.ns, druggist
Trial bottle fro-.
CSr.:a5 Osan (or tbe CDOoly of nrsod tVav-1
Yesterday was a vi
the city market, only
• •Inc
• eted.
Price of potatoes Is clown a llitle t
; stock bmueht luduy fru
s at Buckler, tbei fttcon. per lb .
urm. and the celebra-
wradi and traffic was ddayad about lean.
■ sta-f
11 s Sbijl
S: i
i.'.is I:
ludg" Ilf Probate.
of Mrs. A
N, R. railro
tailing Prieaa.
Claartack pork, per bbl.............fU.BB
aearback pork, per lb.........................U
Short cut of pork, per bbl.... 11.U
,out of the Joints."
at Bias, Just loaldo the yard lim-
g ; g ' "^r f»
4, ; »
"‘"-s! g.sai:-"
Potatoes^ 40cto45c
Jut working out the rbeu-
It is further onlered. That public'
notice thereof be given bv publication
of a copy of this order, for three soenessive weeks prertous to said day of;
bearing. In the Grand Traverse Her->
aid. a ueaspaper prlnt>-d and eircuUtted lo fhlJ coiiti'y.
"S’, itsI
E-S;S E,s.g;s,||.,
fiUrch Faetery at Wei
Tbe Biarcb factory atarted t
vUus day.
at oar conoUr Ul^gu it a profll- terday with about alsty men. The
field for ell Udm ot '
pUni is only ruonint days now and
ikd It it well that ao time has been will oonllnue to do w> undt all the
loM ia^MkiBg to Koard the Jntereets weak apoiB In tbe maclUnery
of the people ot our atate who are covered.
“We a
X held at Um prebai* otfic*. in
city of Tmvme City, la sold
tiir. ce the fftth day of May. A. I)
1907. Prvseni Hon. Fr*ri R. Walker,
Judge of Probate.
In the matter of tbe estate of Lofield
Brown, late of told county, deccoss-d.
W. S AndevsOD having Bled in sold
coun his petition praytng that the
admlnlftrailtm of sold estate be grant
ed to E. E. Miller or to some other
It Is ordered that the 17lh day of
June. A. P ifr.T. It ten o'clock In the
d for beoriot l
Mid petition.
ill Eir.:;?.si7 ..
«al ot tke iBTfcr inaonace eompealee
matWlT ewwdJOK tbelr mooey Id
Neh dlrecUana.
lii.li S “?T,"
Circuit Court.
term has been compiled by Cou&i
Clerk Wallet and will probably ke«,
I he coun busy for some time. There.lire three criminal cates; the ease of :«
the People vs. IJoyd Hulbert and An- ,5
n WHm- ilsy's R'>oird.
Okpadj s« .
CUmr ;*
«u.-.ii;S ,K KT’:■ ”
.Ssthanlel Youc -*-■
•>-«'same charpe at
liam White fur bastardy,
fader Issues ol fact.
will again come up. •-oiieA-reUig
Williamsburg famllj a bo have
lirougbi M) much tiouble on themThe «Bt*lde quetatiena by wire, net M-lves snd the cotirt thi-otipb family
mstlers. It is 11 ca-o- <>( us-.iiiii]>sii u|e
dipped from ether paperc et the pre
PreseDtatifln of diplomas.
fl^aab. BUnbeth Brina. Outrode
Koeinlo, Dmjiy Hontnlnta.
Tto Prldun
Ka.« RROnvIUe.
Mr. OWlan aad Ur. Do___ onarved. promptly took,
op <Ae dUM.
Tbe ajtfrntl tnr»ed
and fiod and tbe men peraaed it aatll
tb^ and ^ bear were aJmoet
■ luodore.' Mr. Lac
Grand Tiarasc Bcrald
.rsL’s.;‘,k c...
Genrade C;S0
, SuiS
Brogli. A*n»
C;Se a.
a m.
--'^.WolcotL Alberta Lebmon. Edith
--------St- urfioy. osd Doris Bowea. Before d
See poster* or ask Uckei
H.'F.*MoeUer. C. P. A.
City Book Store
CbeBobart go.. Prop.
• $34000
OfIUa»-A Trmcj Ur. ftm
nwECHaeh. TN*
«MOK)«A-A. me, Ur. ;
S KT eeat Alitwe4 m Time
■ Let Me Lean Harder on Thee,
ras auDic by Mrs. Stltcs, Alice Derby
md Haute WllUnaan.
Forward Hotranent is ttaa Bnoday
neboed, & a mas.
Slnstns by Mr. and Mrs. Irteh. “I
The HUslonaiy Idea in Us Bela.
Ibe SundayBefao
was ttren
by the Bar. B. FlenUnf.
................. Berlin
-srtln Wll.
“God be with You.” t
le aflen
closed with prayer by the Rev. B.
» Wlllsey.
>. Taylor.
lylor. Pres.
baring a nice warm raio
Cimlatioii nis iteeL 2.82S
i. V. Frt«
Bbennu 'A I
1 dotbei.
J- W. HlllfkeD—Po^ cnrUlu.
Oriascll BnM—JuDe record* no*
StelDbety Brew.—Our Friday and
Satorday aale
A. W. Bartak—Oor new *Use.
Globe DepL Store—Offers to ibe peo
QaesB City Imp. Co^Farm t
J. W. 8Uter-RooD'9i*kloc a
Fire en West Tenth.
The leildnee of A. ArmUase. 403
Weal Tenth atreet. waa badly dan•fed by tre Saturday eveolns, '
4^0 beinc nnknoaro. aa Ibc
van away at the lime. It Is probable
^ it had amouldered (or aom<
Tbo alarm waa dlacrorered by people on the atreM and aa alarm pboned
In. The department reaponded with
an excellent run but by the time they
were at the bouae. tie Are waa comInc tirouAh ibe roof, but. altboush
they were handicapped by the low prea
sore from the water works, the fire
waa out within a eery short time.
Byataaders attempted to carry <
the (oraltnre and succeeded in sari
a portion of It but when the ori
waa brenmit out It waa probably burn
tat intlde as it Irarat Into fiamea and
wan aoon a heap
The fire tan between the walls and
canaed considerable damage,
bonae is owned by Dennis Kell
Hla* Myrtle Gardner, at her home
on Berenth street enurtalned tblrtyffre friends Monday ereninc In honor
of Omar Fulgbum, who eoes i
It. the company eoDilstlns
keab ci^rfci, their, wires, husbands
and Mends, lee.cream, cake
Bondi were aerred durtne the erasing
nnd a program of MdUU<
ate Siren. radtsUotia being by HUs
Baker. Mrs. Herkner. and Joaepb Allor. The evening was
*Bcst and before the company dls. paread, Mr. Fulghnm was
^ wltb a pair of field gUsaee.
Baldn* wUl eniertaia in Us honor.
The mill here finished Ibc cut Sal
rday and nulle a number of the iioys
ive gone to tbe woods to peel ba
There was a large crowd attend
ic dance here Saturday evening, J
Shorter naya come one and all.
Roy Byrum rlslied Miss Ada Co^
en of w<«i of Ovlalt Sunday.
Jim While and daughter NeUle
rerc Traverse Clly caller* Monday.
Orandma Tucker rlslied her sisier,
Mrs. Rachel Remington OccoraUon
aurley KInster and wife have gone
1 boUBi-keeplDg In tbe Wynkoop
ouse. across the road from the East
side rhnreh.
Roy Berman went to Cedar Monday
to work for J. Bulllvan.
Mr. aud Mr*. Thornburg of Maple
Clly visited her brother. Wm. Whlnrey and family Snaday.
Jim Bulllvan of Maple Clly attended'
the dance here Saturday night.
Mrs. Jane Harvey visited be
Frank, of South Kasson Sunday.
CUB Ralston and wile visited his
parents at South Kasson Sunday.
Hiss Canute returned from
Blaine Marata was a Traverse City
caller Monday.
Miss Nellie While visited Ml
Hlrtb Ssrander Sunday afternoon.
Mr*. WU! Griffith and little a
of Kassoo. visited her psrenu.
d Mrs. Elmer CrainI s few ‘
Howard Dunn returned Thunday
from Kalamazoo college, passing Sun
day with his Parana, and leaving
Tuesday for Chicago, where he *111
enter Chicago uMvertlty for tbe sum
mer. He will return again In Sep
Tbe basement on the new Unden
building has been completed.
^..S'ork It progressing on Dr. Fenton's
Mdlllon to bis new drag store bntldIng.
Louis Msnlgold now bat a fine slock
of groceries and aboet In tbe Huff
building, having decided that Klngaley It^a^ood^ph
W. Dunn's Bill Started up Tuesday
tbe tic B for n side track to be
(o saw tb
lo load tbe logs at the
built in c
loitb end 0
Beniamin Schaub It borne from hli
work in Traverse City and relieved
Agent Briggs today.
The ball game yeeterday between
Bnttoii* Bay and Provemf
* • '
a victory for tbe borne
ore waa 10 to 2.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Scbaub spent the
Sabbath wftli Mr. and Mr*. &t and
Mr. and Mrs. Tice spent Wednes
day evening la Cedar.
Mrs. Briggs Is making an eiUndod
Tisii in tbe souihern pan of tbe tuts
Tbe higher grades of tbe school re
membered our soldier dead by plant
ing flags and placing flowers
Ibelr hallowed graves May 3fl.
Hr. Slater bas moved bis family
10 Ml*. Belange's bouse.
Earl FranVIather Is working on t
. R. section.
' Mrs. Tucker who was quite sick
able to be out again.
Grandma Valley is able lo walk c
slD^ tbe pleasant weather bas ;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Hosier vlsJled
here last Sabbath.
Mr. Stevens carries a memento of
Sunday's ball game, the
1 tbe Jaw.
The Rev. Reussman expects lo leave
I a short time on a European trip.
June 3.
Miss Sophia Dago and sister Oh.,
re visitlfig friends and relatives of
this place.
Ole Olsen spent Saturday and Sun.
-IV a-lib his daughter and son. Mr.
ad Mrs. F. J. Miller nnd II
>n of North Hanlioo.
John ToraoD rolled on >
Mr. and Mrs. Tom KHderhouse and
vln daughter's look dlnorr with Mr.
ad Mrs. W. Kelderhouse and family
Miss loulse Brammer bas been
vl.liing friends and relatli-es of tbit
pitee and Glen Arbor, the past «-eck.
Mrs. John Burflend ts on (be sick
Hat yet, (be Dr. called ii
***M s. Geo. Newman and daughter of
Tran•nie City vlsUed with her pai
ents. Mr. an Mr*. Torson and famll
laai week.
I a reason io fell proud
her school boyi as only three .out
of tbe nine wove n
A Hair
Netrty eyery ooe likes • fioe
btir dressiog. Something to
mtke tbe hair more manage*
able; to keep it from being
(00 rough, or from tplining
at the coda. Something, too,'
(hat %-ill feed the hair at the
same time, a regular hair-food.
Well-fedhair will bettrong.and
vill remain where if belongs—
on (he head, not on the comb!
Ladies’ Tourist Coats
Agent’s Samptes Under Priced
While there are oot many of
these (only 621 there is enough
to make the selection just hne:
if you wait several days it will
not be so goc^.
Ths best kind ol a tsstlaaoBlal■■aeld far ovsr slat* wssn."
/Cy/ O oauTncTsaxL
'"T bate court for Ibc county of Grand
At a session of said court, beld at
the probate ofOee. m the clly of Trav
erse Clly. in said county, on the rwh
day of .May. A. D. IfitlT. rresool: Hun.
FYed R. Walker Judge of Pr.ibat.. Ir
(be matter of the eMate of John
ly-eee. late of said rounty. ditceascil.
Sieiibeu lauiuer having flleil In said
conn his JH-Ililoii praying that he may
be authorized, empowered and licensed
to sell St pnvaie sale the Interest,
of said estate tn said real estate there-!
In descrllied.
orden-d that the 22nd day of
June. A.. D. 19n*. at ten o'clock in the.
.urvuown. at said probnie office, be and
Is hereby appointed for hearing said!
Il isffanbrr ordered that pnhllc no-:
tire tbereof be given by puhliratiim of'
a ropy of this order, for three sncce*
sire weeks previous to said day of
hearing, in the Grand Traverse Her
ald. a newspaper printed and circu
lated in said counlT.
Judge Of probate
They are fully up to our standard
in quality and finishing. All are
hfty inches long.
$7.50 fo $9.00 for......
$ 4.95
10.00 to 13.50 for......
$ 7.50
14.00 to 18.50 for --.. ...... $17.50
^NV^b Unity boys
that they would have to work,
Previous b
score was 9 lo 1.3 In favor of North day *enlces beld in the I’oruig'-!
Unity. Tbe.v will play again In 2 Baptist cburrh'at Kalamarou. l
A. R. marched, and 16 the i>ar*di
who has been work- niarchliig as a soldier of the rank ami
Ilou recently, la
at tbe Port Oneida dock today bring
Sell Your Cream
ing wltb bim Mr. Olsen's organ and
Sell your cream lo the Traversebis own things. He baa quit the IsCity Elgin Creamery. Top prices and
square treatment guaranteed. Doth
write, 316 Rose street
bome of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa.
Ni'B, in honor of their lltGe daughMyrlle. About iwenly-five guests
St. Petersburg, June r.—Tbe Russian
nresent, Mr. Herman Prsbtc in
lertalned the company with some 0n< government has decided to double tbe
■ jtlons on his graphone which track of the Siberian railway. A sec■etween i
enjoyed by all. tVe had a good
g the pre
as we always do there.
nc 2.
Every Weman Will Be InteresUd.
lurch and Sunday school was
Sisviv.-r 1 Surrounded by their seven children,
ided at (bis place Sunday,
I‘I tweniy (wo grandchildron and four
las. Box and family of Kingsley
i.i greai-granilchlldren, Mr. and Mrs. Redvisited over Sunday with Amos Box.
rr mnnd Wslsh celebrated their Unieth
Mrs, George Taylor is in Sunn
-ailed their bv ibe sickness of■ Mr*.
S. L. Ho)-l
Ho)-t and her daughter, Mn».
ly Howell.
I>eg leave lo correct a luibtake I
I staled (hat Chaa.
it week.
Chappie had 1,
fortune. But we are all glad
seek bis __________________
that be found It nearer borne.>. be and
Hlsb Bertha Lick were very quietly
married at the home of the Rev. Mr.
Platt on the 22nd of May. They will
make Ibelr future homo wltb the
groom's father fi>r a while.
Ity Hanufaclnrtag C
tipped to that place.
Md Fisher bat re-leaaed J. S.
Brown's barber shop, taking poaaesSion of the premises Salurdsy. His
many frlcnds^wlll
him again
Beport o
Ipb Case nas si
ered from her long lUnei
Junday acfaool association held
able to-----------------■—
etanreb at Neal, May 26. 1907.
invalid's chair.
Called to order by tie president
BnslgB m-as among tbose
Bobert Barney.
Song aervlee. led by Mias Ftorence visited the state capital last wee
the event of Roosevelt's vlsll.
Page, No. 6-l■^3M.
Edwin Cbaufty played a couple of
Prayer by tbe Rer. Meredith.
Tbe Value of the Bible by the Her. immes aa second baseman for '
:ley team .last week.
Herodltb, was vary Utmating. DU- Buckley
W. Mebcn buI rented the A.
/ RobL &mey,
Sposr street.
Overfadt bouse o
Heredltb and Hn. Wilson.
Ul function
^^JtedUUon by Fbm Cara
In honor of
for dinner ud so
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
dal hour.
B. J. Case, last
A good crowd t
in tbe Sarloum.............................
Devotional exerdses led by tbe Rev. -teaslon was one oi c. .. .
Decoration Day wa* Ideal for an oc We were very sorry lo note that
line of base hall was played uc.
Reports of the Superlnieodenta of casion of Its kind, and tbose who ris- Ibis place Sunday. We think U 0
Home Downmem and Priawry De- Kod Evergreen cemetery found (bib young people would give this thing a
day ewrytblng that they could
UUIe senoos thought, there would be
Seentaty and treasurer* coHection.
fewer Sunday games.
I1A1. Amount In treasury $3.36. BxTbe social held at C. A
pensas $IJ6.
last FYlday night was oiil such a surG. A. Shearer elected Sapcrlnleod- afternoon exercises In
*s as the ladies anilcl]>sted. though
ant of Temperance.
neat liltle sum was realirod and
Rev. Tburaton gave tbe invoratloo,.
Sdo by HIM Florence Page, a
tbe Rev. Platt (oDowed by a talk filled le supper was enjoyed byrall preseot.
panted by Mlsa Mabel Oreeno.
Warren To.v|or drove to Walton
Snaday Bdwol Bvangelisatio
Sunday to visit this nephew, Calvin
..._ _____ .. -«th
,h those who w
Mia. D. F. WUaon. Tbe lojdc
tbe bine and those
IC wbo wore the gi
ably and ccnvtnetafty bandied.
Angle Osborne s|>ent FYlday nlgbt
Solo by Mias Mabel Greeno. accom- Frank W.
Ith Inez BarratL
ui I
^nled by Hits Florence Page.
May Malcbcit was In Traverse Clly
. . Duniy. then gave
Our Beat for tbe Maaier. wa
le day last week.
dStUod at Robert Walter wws abteni which waa eloquenL foTCCluI. and InWord has Just been received here of
rorward^oremeot In our To»n .(ercating from atari to fiulah. A male
e death of Jlrs. Roily Howell of
quartet composed of Dr, Fenton. Prof.
ablp*. by C. H. Bates.
Summit City. She leaves an Infant
Roll cnll of schools. Cedar Run : Ctark. Paul Scboittlo and Herrey
few hours old, a husband, father and
No. 4. IS; Neal. 6: Howard. 4: Gut Tripp furnished several musical num totber to monni her loss, besides a
ber*. and tbe program closed with the
too. 0; Silver Lake. 1: Lone Troe. 4.
oBl of friends, whty extend Ibelr
Next coerentlon will be held a henedlctloD, pronminoed hy tbe $lev.
bimNo. 4. In AUfDst on Wedneaday 14. t
be beld at tally and picnic. Closed aelt an old veteran bad charge of the
by song and dismissed by tbe Rei- program as president of Ibe day.
RobL Barney. F
Ptord FWnntns, Sec.
•N'8 PANTS. .Choice
Mr. and -Mr*. A. Brk-kaon of <k>od
hundred pair Men's Fine Pants.
Sunday Seheel Cenv»
Vortb $l.in. I2.O0. and.(2.Se. al
0 s|>rnd Sunday wltb
of the twenty-sei
SSe. See big display Id our
ling borne Monday
acbool convenllooI of Bast Bay
we»l window and don't form-t
beld al the Cour
this Price Is for FYldav and Sa'
Mr. and Mi*. Joe Iftnerson of Acme,
fade school house
apcnl Saturday night and Sunday wltb
1. 1*07.
BROS. Traverse City, Mich.
‘ "
- — raed at 16: hor parents. Ml
The morning sees
eo oTIock with k s<
- - - rrleo led by
iday t
Mrs. B. Sliic*.
which will
Mrs. Florence Howell, wife of Pol1‘rayer by the Rev. B. Fleming ai Sunday school convention
weeks from last ley Howell and their infant child db-d
fifteen mlBDtes wltb the Word. Hal be held ttavre three
SI the home of Mrs. Howell's parenis.
- bn Galllvah has purebased a new Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hovi. Mr*
Whecr there Is a perfic design, there
died at 9:.tn laM night, the
must be a perfic designer, a perfic
Sbetfer Is having
child died at 3:30 this afienioon. Thr
creation, a perfic creator
uew donkt
okey and every
funsral scrrices wilt be held at the
Address of welcome by Mr*. Willlb na> mg lots of
•f fun
listening I church at 2 p- m, tomorrow. Tbe
unny blaUing.
Its will .. .
- Kerman t* borne again from I'oderl
S. Brown of Kingsley.
dress of welrome.
“ObUd Omverston,' was tbo anb>ecf
e SoUai lUnd made a man-l
dlsrusscd by Ouirlct Irish.
practice Friday nlgbt from the ■■
DUcasslon. C- H. Estes
Friday and Saturday at Stern
Kev. B. neraUtg.
berg Brea, a sale of Men's
RedUtlon by Gladts Brelthupt
-Pats Me Not,” waa then sung. Af
Pants, choice of ooe hundred''
ter dlamlaaal. by tbe Rev. B. Fleming
the morning acaalon cloaed.
pair* Men's Fine I>ama. worth
After dinner and aortal bour tbe from the west. Everyone will be glad
$1.60. 12. and $2.6<'At only sse
afietixxm aeaalon was opened by ting o wdeotse Mr. Lautner back again,
See big dl.play In our w.\.i
ing. ”On U. Vlelory." -Lo tbe Golden le has been gone about three y«-ar*.
June 4;_______ ;______
window and dotiT forget (hit
Fields Are Smiling," “i n Go Where
Yon Want He to Oa”
.price IS lor FTtdav- and Satur
A Certain Cure for Aching Feet.
Raporta of adiooU and reporu of
day only.
i^eeatraaa Ab« Pua BampW of
ji ?stt2;,-KSr;EWK-iiss;3
If these had been purchased in; a regular way they
would have been much highei\bi by, takini
agent's samples we are able to offe^ them very much
underpriced. The prices below will‘ show how
These are the season'i best styles in
Silk Coats and are especially go^ as a
summer garment. They are stylish
and dressy.
0>me Id Eton, Pmty* Cntaway, LonarBox
HaU Fined Styles.
There is variety enough as to trimming in each style
to make the showing very complete.
$7.50 lo $2340
Sherman & Hunter
This Name Sounds Well
In Connection With
$7.50, $10, $12, $13.50. $15, $18.
Everybody will Ire wanting OxforJg for Ibi- nc« few
weoka. for tl.ey are i-cruialy the most comfortable an-1 satis
factory Summer Shoes knoam.
$ltf, $f3.50, $15.
$10, $12, $13.50, $15. $18.
SHike us pro>e it
$3, $3.50, $4, $4,50, $5.
$1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50.
25c 50c $1.'
50c. $1, $1.50.
f ixfords in Lace. Button-or Blacker Styles,
i'lifonls for 5Ien. ’Women. Boys, Misaes and Chii.Ireo.
$60c, $ I, $ 1.60, $2, $2.50, $3.
'50c, $1. $1.25. $1,50.
Sherman & Hunter
236 East Fnint St
Ttmist Cttf, lidijgu.
Omntj Traverse Region.
IM*r th»n
noon of OMh wook.
I H oorroopondofHa 4all to
to in, ttioy
oftor tin
Ooemr CusUff opOBt tbe
TroTeroe Cliy.
Mn- U Abbott »CBl to
- f ibli
(hit tnoraUw to apcnd t
with Men
b«, - Mr.
” ftSn. to Mr. and Mm. Len HalUday.
*»«L .
'I 'h*
iiSlo Mr sS Mrs. Bert Hopkln.. ; H>r numb,
‘sss r.T.sa'r.
Trarorae Oty Is
rWUns frtead. In this -el,hbort«tod.
Lulu and Nora Fonon
dcr^^waa as follows: Uusl^. Or<
D.rt Hopkins.
afternoon.: ttor no<
.Bid Msdirs; invocaUon. the Ber. J. V. Deeu; Bert
^tho J
*'—i. Kennedy and Cyros Darts btd the nilriortnne «; J"” “ *
dsuyh. «•>- 3'-- » »ir>,
A naiuber of the people <d thia
iaiDUlory, Mlsa bsTe the hslr bortied from around bia the
Milt Bdyt:
Tommy ll^bin Usl Tnesday w
dliibo!lio.Hl attended the. memorial
Htnory and efe. sod fa« ^ eye
bi«r J. Bolton;: Class
Pwphw. BOTOI C.
Bi^w; Pisao
rttw.-n tb • Leach i
reholhl'boiaas sad
Duet. Mn. W. J. Tbooto.
aod Kiss
Ml«» lypt- and
Iny the hay. be
Bordao Valediclory. JaoieoO.ltoroaa;’!>lork an . blown oui
pleoc of
one baekwai
Solo. "Bloc tbe So::k Yob Sane In DbT« load
. jnd to .
1 i.r Frankfort has- b
dlaeovered ... _
cd Old. Mn. W- B Johnsloni Addron. aboil
reniovt<d Sunday he was lurky.
sun I^I fw the I
Prof. Cation of KalaraMOo;
Huilc. his forehead and «
of Klnito'
Ur, Jay I
The prea<-matton of Ihe.
intlislttner of Highways. Henry ».
r will
Childr.ui a l>s« eserriace was held
Mplonaa aaa made by Prof. J. F.
irilalC has dellvetod his t«d;
ol tbe Bvaaeellcai ehureb tast 8«n^
Mathews. Bonedtelloo. tbe Bcv. J. U.
nlf and the overseers of hlgh-:ot
•venlnc Bhlrh were laraely attended
wayw are aw to give you a call W
Jtreatlv eo)oyed by all presThe ente/talnment aiveo by Mre.
the anaplcee of
Fiank '
Mr, Wilkinson bought six
y sick, her
Lena Coats Is '
outheaat of toan.
r rattle to be pastured
iiiOeniiritwnert by Mra. Vanomlnea
Mr*. Porter alio «a»* •«»«?»'I
n tbe
. .sture and Its a big help lu ihW year s
UK pits* •«
U Ttrr BBOffrtola. but
•n account in tbe
Savinas Bank
pewW tow ••'lie
awpHin^i you* n«
be dtowiog intofiBt
‘‘“l-lS^drojnurLydl. Peour
The Rev.
Hurlbul and Prof, and Mr. Reuben Stl^ aro rvtendi^ ’''w^'Ld' M^i. Bert Bannon vHItcd, have
Sdiool closed on Friday last for
conducted serrlcce at Omens ibclr broi wlahea. The
Mrv r. L.
,. Domtne gtinday.
tb« Bonmer Teeatka .
Mr, and
beloa their
their marriaitr which took
SI Sunday erenlDR
•be orchards look grand now . being
The BoT. Doets spent Friday In UTbe
. held Sunday
Kinyaley. Saturday aftertuvw.
Mr. P- Wurrhorg baa leased tbe place at Kinyak
Its a lltli • earn ro
Everybody come
happy couple were attended Id full bloom
alldina, formerly need aa the poet
8. W. Porter has been appointed
Bthel CrauiiuU of Keystone predict what the crop will
hxou I
.office, for a shoe store.
dicntloiis are good '
Notary PnbUe.
om the .eighth
and 1 11 nvher. The bride
Hto. Kelson la the meal of her
Ik jumper
tired In a^rt>»n »llk
j.iinoer ault and a fuiored region
ell workl
t relalng- Tom
ntilv adapted for t
(due Bilk
sister. Mn. W. P. Bobortson.
I her attendant In blue
Bilk elmlUrly
June r._________
Barton who owns a farm tear Del
The Kev. J. O. Ooeta. psiuar of the
writes lo Octave Uumlue------ — •
M. R diSTrii for the paat three >
Mias Ethel Olbha of Tinverre
'has. Walsh totnrned Monday from
coutilty. the mud Is kne.- deep
ten 8atar4ay norolnx for P
Miss Emma
and her friend Mi*a Hooker vlalied
flail oinotiB his people in the
^ were not sowed yet
and t
Boalit rtokota. where be will be*1ii
1 pan uf the ataie.
He wa.
eighty near tlie Black
Tom owns a
*'^ra *Phmp &ehl*™el and sons have
rial eceot for if
reek, and favored
fayored th
those atiendlns
nlMDled by h
bit brother Mni. Walsh week,
le bad it In the market
tew days visit near
8. eo»«*m«>t <* th.
a until later.
.but It is not for mie now. as
will not relnni
.Usoa locBted near tl
he writes Octave: -Doa’i be Mirprisisl
Old Mr. Oiler Of north of Iobti
.. E. G. Rawlings apenl
Dpets and oblldroa t
_e summer.
Mf. Deota has many taken sick with heimncrmhagc of
for tbe
Hatchet neisbborhooJ
visited his tonop^our'neigbbors.- Thir counlry
•- ^ anro^r^KlngsleT has erected
ritonda. wbo wish him suceest In hla bladder at Kingsley
motlier. Mra. Anlvlta Olblai Sunday
d to bUim. Put your shoulders
He cai
there moat of laai
new Alblun
wmd-mlH for
sew M4 g( Ubor.
The elder Mra. t:ibb> atlll ctmiinurs
wheel and never gi>
. Monday T>r. Brev
Deeonulcm Day was appropriatolv
Charles Latoen'
QUlie feeble.
aiu-nJ him agalo.
Juhn Baiir "f Monroe renter spent
€*ier»ed. A proeearton was formed
Mrs leaale Flirpnlrick arrived Mon y|,i|. atid all will be
y Baylngloii Is L-........... .
at tbe ball sad Udm with flowers
dav evenlUK to vi-ii her piirema Mr
Jim Uaiinon of Acme has tht
proceeded to the cemetery where the Frank Sayera, Mrs. Fr
^'*Mr*ond"u*n^' Hiiray* Workman
Biul Mrs. Foster and tiUier-relallv.-t
usual exercises were held. The boys son and Mrs. HoUlday
‘’ei" . Ik-ach who » • laid U|i w|i
sound drill Id Idiif ami »-hHe unifornia
I.- number who attended
piece of sle
leg caused-by
acted aa military escort.
A baaket
ay at Klagsjey.
Traverse Oty Muoday. and st. was n,
that fCr many year*
dkaer was served st the bsll.
thy wreck of the passenger tralu
i ^In
t o‘Mo«*. the proffram w S»''en.
which occurred in ihe facitry dlatrlet,
which eonsisied of redutlona. by Rl- worked to improve the appearnnee of hut was unlnjnried and arrivi-d home
and under an
mtto Oomatoek. Jolla Miller and Mrs. the place. Special attenllon being eoveral hours Ister
than schedule
;n»ciedB. B- Flood. Sows by the sebooU. OBid to the lota of non-reaMetiia.
June 4.
and addresse* by the Rev. J. D. DeeU
heard ” ..
sad J. Comstock, commander of tbe
grieved and locked Thursday even
ing when a telephone nnsaaage came,
, The Queen City Quartette. aasJaled
Tneoday. the cancer specialist •
stating thni Mr*. John Seely was badMr Francli Odell will move ti
by Harry Hamer. pUnlsL and Her
the ancer f
ce^iftilly removed
Rspiils soon.
man Klrchner. coraetlst gave a con
r. Dlckc
1. Mr.
pose of JohnIt DJekcrsoii.
Mabel Tompkins returned yeacert under the auapleea ol tbe EpsiMTlaU
. ,_j fortunate, as
pro’ yd that Ihe I
wortb League last Thursday evening,
mooiha terday to Mrs. Seelej' s after d Mr. Dickerson that
Seelv'8 sister.
visit HI home.
which was enjoyed to the ftillest ex
ire the _______would have effected
Toledo. OMrs. Minnie PaU visHetl
tent and the hall was lllled to Itt ulface
Ms «ni
other al Hotl
rnis laat Sunday.
moat capacity.a
' '—. •"
C- Cook U the proud ow
Miss Oertiirdc Deels B-aa^ple^m- aiiu lur lujwi.-u
of the same parents, the uiMhrr being
ling wllli his parent:
few davs vialti
“‘e Ph'^ald made a trip i
rs Bund!
and Mra. ‘ 'L Domlne.
>. a dcllclo
mau last week.
actaoel elaaa. After games,
Lewis Is building a
family. Mr. Percy TbompsiKi and his
luncheon was lerYed.
fitti^rided Ihe funeral services
The high school comn
RuMli Vanderilp U building
held tSalurdav afternoon.
>rclMi wore held In the
”'5; rj^'rE..
'“cTr.:i'in;u»« new buggy
June 3.
-Mav the Utrd trip you make Bucknann neglect n aching back.
Ion's Artilem Salve kiwwn u> ail.
writes J. G Jenkins, of Chapel Hill,
, .. really kidney ache.
S. C. "It quickly took Ihe pain uui of
To cure the back ^ must cure tba
a felon for me and cured U in a won
dcTtully short time." Beat uneorth for
Korea burns and wounds. :Sc at 0 A. *“lf“'?ii don't, other kldaey ips will
Bugbee Drug Co . Hannah l>rug Store.
Crtnary trouble*, dlsbetto. Blight's
S. H Walt A ftons drug stores.
A Trsverae City eiUxCl
cure la «aay.
Will Hunt bad another slrl
Sunday. Ihii It la some -berter
Mrs. W. A. MurrwL 631
John Dean had a sick horse ls«
m City
•For nearly BftoM ywara I suffered
Mr snd Mrs W. S. Curry of Elk from backaefaea and kidney trouble.
Rspids spent Satardapnlghi and Sun1 became wesa. nervous and depress^
‘^‘u *i
Mto.Vm. Dtagman will ed- There seemed to toe no strength
la ray bar* whatever. I doctored hut
have to go back to Atm Arbor again
oWalned no relief until 1 proeun-d
B not getting along very well.
Dlngnun la very .bad with and used Ihian'B Kidney PlIU In 1I!">1
I gave a public atatem«il wrdltig
Miw. M.'j. Stocking* took advantage
of the exrnrsloc Sunday and went
..,. eased to endorve It."
o. PMost^U. visit her’ won. Wiu;plea,
ta cehu" “li«rar illbSrn''?o
'’'The^'lBsc* Mae Wealrji and Beni
Hunro have rented rooms In Traverae New York. at.k- agents for the United
going there to do drows- States.
Bring in ydur cata
log and compare
prices and quality
with what we are
showing. We know
that we can save
you money.
Iron Beds
A good full size Iron Bed, 4 ft. 3
inchefl high, at.........................................
-Another Bed. 4 ft. € inche* high, made of extra
Sanitary Couebes
Made of he^vy IX mchaogte irons, has 26 coil
•pringfl. at each end. springs are sopporttd u^neatb with 6 oil tempered iteel springs
We sre showina asms cxcepOonally big valnes in this line
WeareUiowuiaa lull «i«c Couch, upholstered
io jood Veloiir. with heavy oak frame g0,5O
A number 1 Boflton leather Coach,
conatruction. and turfed top.
at............................................ — .............
Easiest kindof easy payments
>use purnisning tine iv wm ptxy jrwv SS.
Cbis Sale will continue unflll June 14tb
Beayy Furniture
Ruds^ 0arpetSy
floor Cooerinfis
Such as Dining Room Tables. Bed Room
Suites, Sideboards aod Book Cases are the
pieces that take up the most room, and here
is where tbe deepest cm in price is made
Our line Is exceptionally large and must be
cut about one-half-
Throw Rugs that formerly sold at S-. $3.
$4.50 and
$1.50, $2.25, $3.50
and $4.50.
that formerly sold for $10. $12.50.
$16 and $25 are now selling at
$8, $ 10.50, $ 14 and $20
Odd Dressers
that sold at $■?- $1*. $10. $15 aod $U* arc
now selling at
Large room sire Rugs in TapeKry. Smytya,
Velvet. A-tminiter aod Body BruiK>s that
.old from $IS to $40. now
$^0, $7.75, $12, $16
$12.50 to $30
We are showing a -fiideboard madeofflolid
oak, with 12x20 mirror,
| j _50
carpet at
..... 40c
We have a nunlber of remnants in
Linoleum. Oilcloth and Carpel that
we arc closing out at cost.
A Combioation Bookcase and Writing Desk.
7-2 inches high. 8S inches wide. w|th
12x11 mirror, Lf> either
1 O Cpt
mahogany or oak, at ..........»
We have room for
only a few prices in
this space, but the
prices are cut in the
same proportion on
everything in our
stoves and Ranges
This ft a good time for you to bay a Range or
Cook Stove. We have an extra large stock of
these and are making closer prices than were
ever made on a good linej of stoves in Northern
Michigan before.
We are selling a good range wiiji 16-inch oven—
6. Sort! boles, at
, $29.00
We heve Cook Stove* eU l»e «r«y baK
$4.00 up
We also have a mn nac ol «uoliiK
Stoves, selling up Irom
Be we Md loefc ttto^
over before towylap.
S1.3.tcr Easiest kind of easy payments
He Original Home Furnislicr Of Northerii Michigan.
OkAND VkAVilM HfekMO. - ^olbbAV.
A. W. >arUk «
N«w tttM.
«* M« peeetT ftto of A. W. B»r.Uk A Bon, fomteriy ot Wiibcitn. BarUk A Co., via b« r«My for bualn^aji
la a fev Oara. Mr. Bartak. haa ukwi
bla t<a. E. R. Bartak. Inio pann»ralilp
........................ ba*a ot» ot tl lha‘ llB*
anS lai^it Krocr^ atom
tkU «(
doD ot tba BUte. Tbr kuildlnf
141 E
rrow atrrvt
of tba tnoat:
atmeUro aU._________tte airvAL It has
kiDoderarroaiBtid la
_j feat vWr.
Tbr ikrorma) (^anlna ot i
1 Filla).............. .
Fiiday a
a will have oo dlaplay larfc qaaoUliea of nev aooda
aitneUTely Aiapieyed aad i«ad>- r
- ______
puce Bktnrday. The ttterter of tbe
atore la h«titpped arllfa
fa every
appHahce Hat can be purchaaed for
«iieiui-a» uf Ibai character The ta
Ui»e dinUy wtad9Va In front affotd
^■poniuitiy tor aurarilve ezhIMta.
While the two diaplay wlhdova In the
rear of the hQlldIkK.vIll be need for
dlapUrlDK aoeh eominoiIiile« as are
Bsed chiefly by farmers. The elorv
U equipped with eeaeral -'SlleoiSales■ten" ebon- eases and other fluon-s
Ip keeplDC with an op-IOHlate and m»d
em retail tlore.
InUrler -Arranpementa.
On the »«ai side t.f .. ..............
tbe eotrance
• is n rigar case, at back
of that a cabinet for tobacco*,
cate of tbe some kind sdjtdi
cigar eaa»,.and next to It is placed Oie
eonfecUonery rase, the stationery
ease adjoining that Facing the entnae* la another handaone glass
cane, which Is to be used for the dl*1>Ib)- of dried frulU nod barit of
a latge aund for freab frulla.
Of tha caani menUoned on the
aids, are arranged abelving
fee mill will
no eonairucled aa to afford aafety
from doit 1
the good* dl*pUyed.
The back part
lit of the booth I* a
ratiiad tor bniabe* and small paint
caaa Od tbe west aide are the n
Diihea. Mc. and adjoining that ia
large ^ce irf shelving and cotinlers
for voodenvare gooda, and next
that la tbe privau offlce of the fli
in tbe center, back of tbe tea and cof
fee booth. Is a large ruck fur palm
vanlsbea. olU. and dry colors, and o
tbe east aide opposite that, tweniyaeven dItpUy caaes with di
compartmenta, the display b
closed ta the glaas fronts of the caaes.
One of tbe DetweUer leelest refrlgar-
; herd to
joM at tapper t^ne Toeaday aUbt, From Monday'* Record,
ir trtnatonoer on a pole la tbe rMr
of the City opera boone block '
lovochlp. 1
out aM or..........................................
iboiit a
doren. bustooM
Bide ot From street
KIM to> the
old reliable ul( tor nil
Lamps, Uy.
»».. ■*“
Daa» of Mra. Svaan fitsven*.
Another old pioneer of thl* region.
Mrs 8iMU Bterettf.
at her borne ta Bingham, of aii age.
bdng over el^ty years old. Her boaband, Aaa A. Btevena. died ooe year
In Leelanau coonty
years and had made
BhMea one daaghter. Mrs. Margarette Pollen, of Bingham, she ler—'
three sons. Lafayetie, of Detroit.
Undo ot Bowers Harbor and Getwge
of Blnghaa.
Mrs. Stevens was a wMoan that had
bad made many friends la tjeeUnan
eonaty to the past forty ythis. who
will be sorry to bear of her death.
Her fnnersl was bHd Tuesday
at 2 ^ m. to the church at Blogbam.
and bar remains were laid In tbe
Blii^m cemetery by the side of her
boaband. who died one year ago.
fieheel Closed.
E. 8. Jones, who taught the Dell
school near Ktngaley. doted a very
aueeeatfel term WednmMy.
I a large crowd present at the dong. Gregory
tog'exerdses and Ur. H. - . . of
tklf dty delivered an esedlent addiWs*
m *«aeteTla. Its BenciM aad Uaea.'
Mr*. J. D Hilton of nte Uke was
in tb- nij- today.
Ralph Case of Klngrley transacted
bnalne** In the city.
eanarstl Nawt.
Wheat Crop Short.
must ba maiked *adnHeriM.- «r
LobdeB. June £—A merger of United
valparaUo. June S—Tbe wheat crop "compound."
tAriii AAdraat Kditsra.
StateTroal Imerear* Is
foISed «
“ •»’'««. “d • '»r,e qaantHy
to ficotland. Negotiation* aro now in ^
b» imported.
Rmseveii will deiive- an adteas at tbe
meeting t.f the Nttjunal BUmrtal awhlan*. In which quite]
Wl'hin i
soriailrai at the Jamesiovn imsballlon
i-r of
prtnelpal col-'
'* 'O be an u|»-n-*hos
a large number
„ (he
on June n
il I. looked forward to
LotbUn and Mid Lothent>|t»ctc.r*
lerlea In ftoti LotbUn
, - which
-»jen i.
i< a ieadiiiL ______
Willi rnitch iutetef.'
naoing -indur
Laberara h
'ustry in ficotland.
. June Wt
The capital of tbe combluc
are taking a
It Is believed,
MomreaJ. Jiin..
The «.'lue of the posslmlnlc view of lbe|r eofw pro*I«.ij:;.oor..
In lliinrsrta laborer* are all
which H supimeed nech-I at th.- same ilme. aad vagna
an- ralslcg hiah.r ever week. Some
proposed air.mgcmeni will lead to a '
of the .MHI dietrirl* have been recent
gr-tder de^dopmenl ot fnlntng '
ri»Kl. SCI hi.* mea«iirah'.r
ly fluolcd, *■• that winter ooni ba'
throughout Ihe east of ficollanU. Tl..I Ireca .le*truye'l. Vegetation is a month
il &KI Uihlan hti been moo-, * np io the mislnx of cant in
behind the average time.
than trebled I
sequently the <
umlnatloo bad
resorted to.
Dr. W. B. Moon rolurned home .Satmie Ih Liirtl:
The iranble started at Walt'* drug
0. P. Sterr
aloro and exiended to the 8. H. Knox tirday from Atlantic. Iowa, where h-!
company. The trouble ^id no* occur attended the High scboril eoininvnee-1
ment exerdaea, hi* non being one of | *ir*. IL I
.‘-'ii r;.ii I
the giaduales.
He also vlalted his Ann ibU ni'
g where *h.. W.ll vlsll
brother. Dr. W. S. Moon, who I* bet-1 friends.
piny’s n
and car
Prof. 1. B. GUben left Saturday for I Sherman todsS'
were brougbi ..
tern Unk» offl<
tffice. 'Manager ____„_________________
King bad . Marquelie. ______
(hero _
h- will
....... Inspect
inspect Ihel
Mr»| WJlsey left
itaalla. June*l—Th*
and- managed .Vortbern Stole Normal school. Some! tnorning for
one aolli
. Itary little <candle
(. [the Philippine rallroa.
make that do.
lime ago Mr. Gilbert was appointed a
The R>-v. H.' K Bargeit lef
II Is to connect Vaulla w
ling fur Chh-ago, where he
member of the committee to laspee
. I were• used at J
Jackaoo's store, the light* going
the state noimals hy Lulber Wright visit mend'.
E Whiling .nd wife who have U
there about 7 o'clock, Th.- patron* of state aupt-hnlendent of public ioktiuc
rlslitog Ezra Banker and family
Brolher's thirst
I'rdev" •lopniellT
Ktngslcv thiK mo
Miss Ijiry Take left Saturday foi this eliy. Went to Ktngsicv
foreed to find the opening* In nhelr
faces hy the aid of candle* strewed Big Rapids where she will vi-^lt sill Ing.
■ I’tind.II of Grown wan in
about the back bar In various pUres friend*.
the Intemlnn
Mnnllc Rai
while ai the Hurry Back the same
Mis* Clara Wilson, a teacher in tip
Go to l.*Uf*tV tin* ircsmt AV;
of nii<-r|o<-hcn
me(h<id was employed, the rostaiiraui
•I- passed through iht
polo uin- from Tond" a* fur It* .-tair.i
city 1today.
fortunately being supplM with gas. city Saturday
1 her way to her hum*
Ijiwrence C. Haylf
■ lynet of Acme iran«At Wilhelm's irrocerv, miidle* were 1i at Clure.
neied business here
•re today.
used prlndimlly to And cimdli'S '
closed Friday;
, the 'li.iit.Ie
Mra, Walter I'elkey of Shreveport,
the numerous riiHiomer* that r
Mis* Beaulah Tuttle of Grand Rap
Pandacun aad Paco, whet
after them. Clvls' dgur store ht
Ids. has rejiirnetl to her borne uflef U.. is in the city and will spend a be^anoiber station, whent
eouple of mi
h* with her sister. Mr.^.
bnrd time, there being no light a
visliiiig frleads
main Iln- which Uier
ler hraneb'
I the cigar
MJs* Emily
Rliey of Northpori.
■t for t’avi:.-, Botiiang*'» and l.oe
through ibe'elty
ber way to Big Rapids, where she
Charles M. Selby reiuine.1 lo 111* I
Managers Barred.
The*S. II. Knor company ccloscd at will ailelid KcPuiil,
I/indon, Juii- r.-The Briti'h A>home lit Gotlesvllk. todut lest'ing III-!
u o'clock, but Ifae bookkeeirer* uml
Mrs. John Grace has reiiinXHt in
other* whn remBliied at iilglii. used her home at Uancelona after visltlug wife, tioe .Mi** Agne* Murclile, lo t.rt-'. o**ocl;ition. at a rec-in uiectiiiR
*|M'm1 a few more day* wllh her
>er par- • derijitl. I>y a gc*ul ma>>rilv. that man
rnndhw. 1'he i•n*lBl Telegraph com- Mr*. Rohen Gilchrist <jf ifil* city.
••nis III this city 1»<ore Joining him.'ager* hereaPer shonM not b.- elielble]
nanj'h office was llgliied with a crip
Mr. and Mra. U Dean have murnml I TTie coupl*- w i-r.- ifnatried In Paw Pawl to txcome memlM-rs of .the org.it.Irupled oil lamp, while Stewari's aradctbeir home at Kalkaska al
May 2* from where they took
triji tlon. Tile re>.olulhHi. i< was vaplainniy. where Miss Buck waa giving a re tog friends
thisI cHr.
to BiiITbIo and Niagara ~ " tretura-1 efl, did not refer to Kuch manugei*
cital. was also lighted with oil lamps.
Adeline Wil«..............
of Cadillac, has r
toe wav
and telephone turned to her home
eleeirie light
e Bflei
kindss of trot
trouble Visirwilb friend* In this city.
ompanles had t
. cJty
toaklng 1
A. Vernon of Ibl* elty went to
xampie will
whom the new* of her marriage came
lie enlani
Frankfort Saturday on hustocss.
US somewhat of n Kiirprlse bwt their
other m
I and the e
F. H. Benoetl of East Jordan, was
*T^i’lde*’wAs In darkness until to the citv on a biisloess trip Satur goo.1 wlfhAt will follow her lo her
new home which will !*• in Goble*. on the future of the organlrr.tioii in o'clock
ck this morning.
The mlxup a
sinned at midnighi MonG. A. Carison of Cadillac. Is viKil- opi»rator
New Railroad Signal*.
rnused troutile
whan Iht
Phlladelitola. June r.—A new systeiii
school Ing frlenrte In ibis city for a few-day*.
the Boardman
Mrs. E. H. Evan* of this cllr. left
of railroad signaling which inrolve*
building hy bnishlng against
■ItRiiB.-t di-iiertuivs fnini
trie light wire*. All day yeslerday the Saturday for Empire when- she ri*liAnnouncetnenii
• - the city today of
ioJ 1- now In cipeilmentiil wr
telephone companies were bothered ed over fiundi.y,
Miss Alice FT'-rich of Maple City. Hulile Evelyn Bluntrosen ..................... —
on the I*, iiiisylv.tnia railroad
and last night's wind aded to the con
I* <lovelo|ied bv a Si'-cbl contmli
fusion of bringing the phone and llghL vlsile.1 with friend* on the penInMiln Aba-r Rosenthal. The wedding umk 1 •'
mer Sunday.
wires together on the west slde....Thar
pluc at the tionie of the bride's lutr luJ. D. Itetts of. Northport. passed erne. Mr. and Mr*. Mostw Blumro*en.! oti
secllon <ff tbe city was col off
through the city on bis way lo Pierre, Detroit Tui-r..lav et mlng. 'Tlie happy | Isfiicto
the lighting plant and the Inca
South Dakotii. where he will report
I Instead rf dnwnwani front
^lately left
lefi on a weddlni
CMII IlghU were put to working .
(or .luty as an Indian commlasloner
early' this morning while tbe »
nd stni he at home to Ibdr,
this evening.
< In thia city after June 15. ■
i the included ('-cautl<in"l and veril
■ Ifht* were let go until later.
Miss Florence Austin left Saturday
Rosemhal is the proprietor of c»l ('clear"! i>os!tlon*. Two sect*-'
where shtv visited friends over Sun
obe atore and I* a very success-' phore arms and two lights arc used |
Tramp* fi*«*r Keep Away.
ung Imslneas man with a large i for every IndlraUon. except
‘Tlng-a-ltog.'' spoke the telephone
Miss Ida Sbunk of Grawn waa to
r of friends to wish litoi httppl-1 governing Iow-sikhu] movemenis; for;
t police hcartqurjaera Tues.lay night, the dty on business Saturday.
HU bride is a charrotog young , ilicse latter an additional *mall aim.
•Thera'* a man begging on I”'
J. W. Patchln reinrtied from Charle
of Detroit with manv frlcnd.-t iii' and dim light are provided.
teenth alreet." said a voice at t
voix sntiirday where he spent two
Tlie signal* are used lo lUvc Iw.i
;ber end. and Crief Ashton storied days OD buainess.
kinds of Indications when
.r the door to look the matter
John and Gus Morrison of Provc"►top" position: lui Stop, wait ii sim---'
Holiart. the n-yearhimself.
mont, were ’■
------- Knapp feR headfirst
Ifled lime, and then proceed. tUi Slot,
••Bu-i-t-*-*-x-*r spoke the bell.
and remalu until tbe signal Indicate*,
Central school h
"Send a policeman up on Ur
Mliui Mary
tog this
inflicted a fieep "nroceed." The former Is .UsllnguUh
_'ir Flfieenth.' There a trs
Mayme Sulli'
right eye The boy. with ed by a longer upper
gash hve
hanging around here." were the wo
Thinlons was iilaylng near light* offset from a vertlt-ul
aeverel oompai
H]mken into the ear of the man i
Arnold Deilers
eirolt. is spend- the dliel
(ip missed his fooillig. toiler 1* dislingulshed by having
mswered the telephone.
Ing a week al Vouch1 In acarch (or
ll length and Hie iighi*
le of the jiipes. several
The chief drove away In haste after
erilcal line. At iut.f
disposed 1
both offenders.
Mareha:i Satneron of Grand Rapids.
the signals Indicate
••Bux-i-x-i: Biff! Bang!" «
U. visiting frietids to this city for a
■There's a Iramp tn'tag *
*’w'illUm Lorani
Blk Rul
grub on i'lue slrwl." howled
lent ot
er. Mr*.
cullne voice, and before the receiv.-r Charles Carver
T uf $
was hung nil. noises Issued from "
that aoundcl like cholera morl-us
• Attractive Ol^ey.
Near the entrance on tbe veet aide
of the aUwe la anunged a splendid
Alsplay of tbe National Blaeuit eompany-i gooda. This display was bought
from the pure food show In Grand
BapMi and was erected by a practical
man who devotes hU lime to thi* pm^
pose and wbo came from Chicago lo
do the woik. Tbe back part of the
4tore will be devoted to the dlsida>%C heavy good*. The front basement
has been finished off to the extant of
Mgty feet, and can be used for varlou*
putpeaea wherever required. The lav
atory Is erected at -ooe end of ihl*
Under the sidewalk
I* the oil room which
which bai; a caiiaclly
for a large quantliy of nil. and- which
rest of
la separated fromi the,
•Send a police officer to Sixteenth
lug by a eament flhor wall. Tbe room afreet quick!" wallpd i frightened
b lighted throat prtam llghta from woman. "There's a tramp
.mp walking
above, so that there will be
through our house,"
' ally of tbe uie of uaiche* li
The whole town seemed alive with
In case ct fire in the tdl root
amps. From all pari* of Foniwiiort
be enUrely abut off from t
nne hurry call* for the police and
pan of the bonding.
_re men In the engine htmwe were
kept buay answering the imperative
t la a Caplimroons of the telephone.
am heat for
Chief Ashton located hi* two near
This Is also eoineenth on Union and loadnl them
into hto rig. They bad slept off .me
In the co<m Motid.vy nlgbl. but
In the morning and
_____ _i8lr way. with
____________ __ . large regettblei mending outfit and a hard It
luck *ton'.
wbero froth vegetable* can be Ooe of lh(
quantUMi. The remaJn- deaf a
kept in lar
racket, proqenting a
-------------------________ BOtwill
. de-; card on which was primed n te^lly
of the
Totefl to the Btoreage of heavy |
...................of potery entitled
Ae hydraulic freight elevator
from the main floor to tbe basement with plenty to help tbe speechless
and la ee arranged that In c<rid sreathanderer.
er goods can be delivered Into the
In tbe meantime, Officers Jennings
basement without opening the door*
td Salensky were to Ihe Fere Marof the store.
quelle yaitl* looking for the real.
Bartak A Son are very proud
They located myslcriou* sound* In a
Whelr pew quarter* and they hi
box car which proved lo be the aiidlSOD to feel so. The bu
ble sleep of one knight of the Ilea who
r enUrtdy l<
bad transformed himself Into a boore
ant ooor. Kofafs D
blotter, \nibout wnklng him. they.
Mtag located back <
wallM for more and within a (cw
entraaoe. Thu U li
mlnute* another showed up.
icJng, a
room being provided gfor the geatleiD«n and a rem room for the ladle*.
The froot office* of this floor
• leasad by Dr. S. W, Oanntleit
Dr. Davla, denOat. The top floor has
bean leased for flee yoar* by the In
dependent Order of Porestera.
As aforesaid, the atore will be
open on Saturday for buainea* and
ll will doubtless be a very busy place
and dne of the moat aucoeaafnl trad
ing iPlace* In tbe city.
«. 1«07.
through tbe dty ihto monlag
way to Grand Rapid*.
Mr*. Fred Cate of Honor.
dty this morn
:*ley. where *ht
way to Klngsl
her parents.
Mayor A. V Priedribh left for Port ,
Huron thl* monung. He will go on I
to Detroit tomorrow and meet the
firemen's U<lelegatlon from this dty.
rain and wind lo the comfortahle, do'
boarding .house that the city provides
for such unfortuTistea.
'^Esrlv this morning, the (our were
token w Judge Serlinger's office and
pleaded guilly to the charge of vag
rancy, the court giving them the limit,
sixty days In the Detroit House of Corlectlon. They gave their name* as
John Fox, Frank DlUoo. Frank Bmerm and WTlllam Ryan.
This affair ahosr* a determined afpan of the police and
rid Traverse City Iof its
>g lh<
they will flghl shy of the? city
..., ...
qali' work In
of a like pen.vlty. The qalcfc
getUng tbe
the men out of the way
•. ... should
•Iff J<
alto be apreelaled a* Sheriff
win leave' early to the morning
them (or Detroit, thus bringing but
little exiiente ou the county.
The hums were much shocked nl
Georgetle Morgnn rt •tiirncil
home : dav on Ihe Missouri a
extended ■
I friend* I
lyqjn Ilak-r went to Detroit today
uii a vaculluii trip.
Miss Eunice Kelley left y.-*torday
Bflcruoan for Unia. Ind.. where *he
will attend the graduating exercise*
at Howe Militiiry school, her brother,
ITattk. being one of the graduates.
Mrs. K. Prh-st went lu Kurlin tots
• Mis.' Nellie Lewis Ik visiting ut
Arthur Chrlstofferaon of Sherman,
spent Sunduv In tbe city.
MISK Mum'lc Evan* returned to her
home In fiherinap ufier sjiending yesteiday to the city.
Mra. J. J. Dailey of Manistee passed
through (he city today on Iter way lo
George Miller went to Mancclona
today on (nisiness.
1. M. Winnie left for Gladsloiic this
morning on a business trip.
Mrs. JuKvph O’Brien rolurned lo hei.
home to Kingsley today.
Mr*. Man' I’ulrer Is visillng at
Robert Caldwell vlsllcd to Charle
voix yesterday in r1n*e up some busi
ness matlera previous to his departure
for Surope.
Mrs. F. O. Balch returned to Chi
cago today after spending a short
time wllh her mother. Mrs. Lorin
M. E. Haskell was called lo Mason
today I
serious illness of hi*
cago. we
here, passed through the clly this
morning on bis way to Charlevoix.
Mrs. Herman Hyman, two children
and nephew. Leo Weller, will leave
Prldav for .New York, where tber sail
(or Europe on the Kaiser William
n. Mra. Hyman will visit her (ormer
home to -Wuitenberg and Mr. Wcilcr
wll spend I me time with bis parents
Id Prnssto. The parly will probably
ennany tor a number of
remain in
I rope.
momtog swhere they will visit friends.
When leaving the building, on
Mtas Mina Bdw.
them tald to Chief Ashton, pre.
lev this morning.
Ing bis sentence wiib something
Mrs. A. W. Peck is visiting trlatlve*
Boonded like this: n-x-isto! $Q‘
“Te railroad
J^ Hj^en
Hyden went ■to Kroyra
didn't yer
Elijah Porter left
morntog. whe
Big Work.
With bnt a-atogle team and his (wo
Mra F. F. Smitselh of SuUons Bay.
3 help Mm. James Avery has]
has passed throug the ciiy
city lhls
this morning
ipleled a record breaking on her way to Grand Rapids.
eiaclly twenty-|
The Rev. I. Hertberg.
piece of work, to exactly
... who
— has
— been
seven hours, be removed 297 yards of i holding meeliog* to the State streA.......................... —built] school bouse, left this muralng lot
____ _
llroadj oilben.
avenne and Washington street.
jjr*. J. F. NuiUng left this raomlng
Ifor Pi. Wayne, where ahe will join
a Ashton. Dr. E L- Ashioni
husband. Mra. .Nutting waa hen
and family have retoraed from wH-lsrtih the S. H. Knox company lo a*
UaaiBburc, Vm, where they spent the -si in the opening,
/ O.
Btelflns ot Leland,
A. W. -Bartak and Son
......... .
June Records
Now Ready
The very latest Songs and Instrumental pieces
rendered by the best Singers. Players. Bands and
Keep up with the limes. Musically by procuring
some of these bright, new. attractive June selections.
You will enjoy them, your family and friends will enjoy
them too.
Vour \ ictor and Edison will be a constant and ever
new delight if you get the new Rcconls a« issued. And
wlia: better entertainment could you imagine'
Come and hear the new selections, or wiite for
June Bulletin mailed free.
Grinnell Bros.
Traverse aty Br SBCii: iCS E. fical St*
Friday and
Saturday at
Steinberg Bro^.
Children’s White Aprons
Beg to Announce
New Store
Children's White Muslin Skirts
with ruffles, worth 12c, for Friday and Saturday
only........................... ........................................... vC
ChOdren’s Muslin Drawers
Hemstitched, worth 12;^c, for Friday and Sat- 0^
on Saturday, June, 8th.
Ladies’ Corset Covers
We believe we have the finest grocery store
in Northern Michigan and it is stocked with the best
line of groceries that couid be found on the markei.
We think our reputation in the post of serving
our customers with only the best thi^igs the market
affords at a right price will entitle us to a share of
your patronage.
Ladles’ Muslin Drawers
urday only........................................................
While Shirt Waists
We cordially invite you to
call and see us in our new
Bed Spreads, good big size
Brass Extension Rods
with fixtures, for Lace Curtains, worth 10c and i
Grocers, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Wall Finishes,
Leptons line Teas and
Friday and Saturday only
at Steinberg Bros.
Traverse City, Mich..
t of liuakeram b*«h uchool;
.\ll.ert H. Miner ■■
Ml*. Frtok|®*"'
PAt^’A Harllanda Addition. | liu»«. who pee^-^brou^
Bom, to Mr.
proup of I’l IVIla M t-in>rry
Snmoetx, a boy, Ma
iltuinp an iuMlailon Vif tliat oi'<)-r.
,„!* Wm Hlirtell
MIxx Cora i'my made. .
a trio
pvtilnp «o fr«-»(!
•, JSa'tifdj)-.
. rai^.sl
- m............lliat
Tom Fra>- wiBl
tlie p..lir. were n
eallid .itld i< -Will V
Tiavenula»t Saiiirday.
iN-firT*- they
S.-C 1*. T
Depend Upon
tt£ voo.-ic:«m*. «f ui Ji>--=;iag tl*c
;ra Tray dr;ra
SUner lifois Starch
3 F!i: Ktt-IE-O
• r;i r-.i. rie
i «1f-
Kde*' Fray «.i:
ay nlEln by a <
McIV-riutiit and t
siiri'riMHl lael Vii
*■ .«» >«, Set- i. T.
r--.'.r.; tii ; .r.r.r f;,.
•Elrio taler sal dijwii rallier hard
Watson. Then Waieou refused lo
IV.- lie- i.taiii and ki-pt McFllroy tin
it.il ti:; nildnlghi.
Now Walson
d.clarvs I— will have lln- iiusuv ji
>i-'d loi assault and Imii.-rv.
Aei'ordiiig l.. ;• s|"-na! from Itu.'viis. tl.. Mon.l.i} murnhig. Mrs. murl.-s
GlUis.-of that ciiy, widow- of au Aun
r pnd.-ssor. has Is-n la-g.iewth.-d
sni |iv the will tif r. W.
, H-wlii. •
Chas. T. Ceilereten- and wife to
aliihrOase; parcels. Il'in.
FlOyrt L. Smith, el. nl., lo 0»rar
SlTtiiiHMi. t*arc*-Is. ♦l.ofl.
Snilih Really Co., to Oscar Simpson.
W'S of lot 14. block IC. Or I*. T. t'..
0. R. * I, n. R,, ei. al., -o Chari.-.
W, Rai.-y. loi r., hl.a-k la. FIfe lAk-'
Jloses Bnwerman and wife to WalT G, Caully, parcels. $l.«fib.
Gi-nrge Ulu. to I>. S. Webb, lui 0,
oeV IS. S. Fife IJikv. $15.
A son WUH bom to Mr
Wm. H. Fife and wife to Floyd
Bert Sberldan. Imu week.
nilrh. p.-.rcWii, I*. H.'s Jiid. $1.*V
Mra. Price and mile daughter of
Jolin Huff and wife to Mr-:. Mary
Grand Rapid* i
Manigold, parcels. $.50.
parent*, Mr. an il Mra. Robert Oliver,
Wm, Hendricks and wife to Michael
F. B. Fisher .........................
•l«>. 1ms ir. and If. liKs-k m, H Lmade a bualnea* trip Ip
IP Traverse
CityCo.'s ]«i. $IJ!50,
Cbarie* Drncka. Sr., nnd wife to
-s. Gray and IlliIc son of BllllarasCharips L. Draka. Jr., jutrcels. $2,000.
liurg are vlsiilnp her
Lollip A. .Cli vi-land to David W.
A well intended and pleasant dancEdward
Brooks of Bordlekville.
■g parly in Ray s hall last evening, hI«V2. Oak Park. $il5il.
Howard WTilUng and wife to Wm.
CTOsaed to South Hanltou Island. Wed
lutic from Traverse City.
*. Crotser. and Floyd L. Sniiili. parnesday.
The Mabel and Glen Arbor c
MUa Carolyn Kellie, who has been pondenee were slightly mixed
Allart H. Miller to John A. Dill,
teaching In the acboola at EMntoo
larcels, Goodrich's “rd, $*TS.
Harbor, returned to her home' at
The schooner Stafford loaded with
John Rennie and wife lo- John D.-H
Sleeping Bear Point. Tburaday.
lumber fiom Nessen'a dock Iasi week.
md wile, parn-js. r.onirtrtch's 3nl. $K.’pi>.
Ur. Owen, travelllnp aaleatnan for
Bugene fuller weni to SoiiCh ManlMulhew Reich lo frank Reich, e':
the Ocorpe Reeder Shoe romnany,
Ml ycaiordny In the Wonder, after
if sei< of sw >,. See. 2!.. T, l-f. R. J-'.
transacted bnsioeaa here Friday.
Ir. Burge**' family and good*. Mr.
Capi. Pugb and wife and Mr. and
urges* ha* iM.-en here some time pre
Mrs. Larson, all of South Uanitou. paring the house on his Utile farm at *'w'ni. F. Harsha lo Aifn-d Uif.ims‘-e,
5. block fi, H. L.
4lh. $5.
called here Saturday.
the mouth of the river, tor their
Alfred lAfonteei. anil wife lo Allien
The Mlaaea Beaale Farrant bnd
Alice Day Wi Sunday on the "niinol*" ***Two weeks ago Cbarless Gibson's Brager. lot 5 and fl block 5. II. L. £:
for Cbleaffo. where they will apend mother, who had been hera for a vUli. Co.'* 4ih. $d»o.
aome time with Mlaa Parraufi r'------- returned to CharleYoU. last week. Mr.
Mra. C. U Frank.
Gibson received a Jeiter from "Mr. and Mm. Firm Becker
telling of her marriage. She is i
children of Uatde Ciif.
kere Mra. Barber,
Mr. and Mr*. Waracss visited
Two Bret occurred hem this week, Empire loda}.
one. the bam of laaac Ralmo, which
June 5.
burned to the ground Saturday nigbl.
the other, a alight blaxe la.a aoeel
In the home of Minor Farrant. des
troying eoBslderable clothing but do
ing slight damage to the building.
Thla lire occurred Sundai
Both Brea are -thought
eaaied by
of this place called
'' . Vo(i
Bi^plre Smdsy.
_________of Bast Empire called
here Sunday. Us daughter. Miss Ida.
who has been rlslUng reUttves here
rMumed home with him.
...e O, H. G. girls met with Mis*
aara Allen and celebraled her Uih
blnhdav anniversary. All enjoyed the
party very imicii and all Join In wish
ing her many happy return* of the
***Mi*s Lulu Ro** and daiightr
Cedar. vl»Ui-d Sunday with her
lU. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Metier,
MU* aara • Allen spent Saturday
night with her friend, Ml** Jessie
ljr»--ih*r. ha* lie
of rcrcirim: an
fcir *
fowls friuii Japan. J. K.
kribama, Is the Jafi wlio ptirchai-s-'l the
Michigan chied.*.
. Bay City.
... goisj cveu
<ie ul pris'iii
s flutll
UI Muripli-iii.1 ealiliu.
lll'.oi Coni'iiii II. Herls-n and Jam.-s
Henderson, Jr., *on .sf Mayor Hend.-rson Ilf Atm Arbor, were i|Ulei!y .marri-il at the Bpt»roi«j imrsonoge Saturyimg couple
The yoiii
duy nighi
FI. Wortli. T<-*., shortly.
-U-iiio, aa^ 25 }•'
of Si. Thoma*. Oiil , a giullemi
.npliearlng young chap, reiireseni
himself to he a physician supply hu
agi-ui, forgi-d the name of a .
knnwyi Ray fiiy docior to n eln-ck
Monday he was sent m !■
li.r from six months to on*-jear.
Adrian ha* a m.vstery. Hs u inys
IrTV Of a suit cas»- full of glKNl clothia’ld a package of letters nddresKi-d i<
William Meliennlii. FU-'t
l-a. The crii> had le-i-n left on tin
local factory. Idiu-r a sail
found on lb.- luuik ol
of ckitiii
river ami
William MeIJrTjnill.
S. C, .1
lenimi. which jaTcliauce lie took
notion to hand an.body v.o-ulcl alw
swamp them. The fruit ln-<iu-iuu
Is a iiiTfeci lemon In shaia- and color
niensure* 14'- Inchea In cirnimfer
eiice and weighs one pound am
ounres. It is on cil.lbillon In
Shalu'i aiore.
Dr. Cox
Ur. W, M. Tuller. of Bowling Cr.-en,
Olilo. owas seve
1 pliic.
land at M:. For............
idisli. nil
I. a mile:- souibwest of Si.indisl
ba.-i t.Uc<-d 1‘-'| Ai.gora goals uu.l s.-re;:il tumdi.-d she. p on Ih- place. He
taya the gu.ils in • a pa>Uig inv.-sin» nt. They live oi Irruhh, small limbs
bat caiile o.- slus'p
Enjoy Your Porch
0 Detroit. .
... ll«. It is ft
Iseveral hundred d
• cir Allegan Sunday aflern.siii. l.-l
voi.l lubilig ov-r a i-ow liini.-d lb.-:
Inachitli- slioi-t and W-nl down a 4'r ^
It was IhoughI'
seie lerril.ly lnjurie.1. In.i . bt.lh |
were able lo be about Mouday. FWlf r i
mall carrier and deliver* t
iiiiiil In bis car.
S.-veral days ugo Andrew F'ranklln i .
of Midland, chained up his dug
treaiing li
peiinsl lo III- distemper.
kennel i
tacked him and lore his hand badly, iTh.- d.tg was killed and F>anklin wb.i Moinlay wa.- of nn.re il.-m ii*Mjl Ini.
I.S a marrli-d fartm-r liviog In P»*cy-|esi l-etaus.- the Woni.iii. tlvic r
vlPi- was laken bi Ann Artwir to the provenuiii l-npie bad ii.pandtdate
I'ast'eur iri'nimein,
I Dr. Onha .d,
Bab b Th.
A anriunail Northern paswnger! wnrke.Mo)s!l> ... siip,M.n her, but in
train due lit .liirksoii al k 45 Monday fpi'e iirihi.l she wii* .l-f.-iiied.
moriimg l.-ti the track al Clark's! The M.-rcloini- A Alanulaciurer*'
miles south of Jackson,' as-<K-iatinn of Saginaw. ha* succeeded ■
-------• ---------■
w’hib- running . .. ...............................
fiigine pii.-b.-d dow-n an emhankm.-nt,' l..ri.irlnK esiabli*hment* |
______ _ jwlili
______ .
I'irning cmipleielv ovir. Two coat-I.es
pa> roll approxinirtlng
Iiasseiigers, b.it
but n-jji.1-.
n-jli.1-. Anu.ng ih.-m are: Th.- Ralul.-r'
w-re filled with' latsseiigers,
Men's Suits in stylish new patterns in
fancy cassimere and cheviots in single and
double breasted styles, desirably lined
and perfect fitting at
The newest Soft Hats and Derbies in
all the prevailing shades of Tan, Brown
and Gray.
The Queen City Implement Co. w ecknowledgwd ttf be
the liMt pUoe in Traveme City to buy NaUs, Paints. Bam
Tempting Styles in the Smartest Lpw
Cut Footwear. We have them in Black
and Tan for Ladies, Misses. Men and
Bf^ys at the lowest prices.
Don’t loiget that we carry repairt for the Milwaukee,
Peering and Plano Haying nnd Harvesting
ry. You can aave a great deal of time and trouble
by lookup over your machinery before the ruah oomea on to
eeewbat partayon will need. Give ua aUat of the repaira
needed and we will have them ready for yon.
That we may know who reada our nd we will give a aouv.
enir to ereryone preaenting tbit nd aiouratora.
Queen City Implement Go.
131 State Stieet
Tiaieisa Cit) Bicli
Komi Green Dyed
Porch Curtains /
Fitted with Galvanized Iron Rustics
Pulleys and Cords, Ready to Hang
Follow the crowds to the largest Mil
linery department in the city. There
you will always find the most popular
priced hats, splendidly trimmed to meet
the most exacting woman or Misaes.
Come and look; you are always welcome.
49c, 98c, $1.48, $2.00, $3.50
Door Itaek and Hagers* Rope and Haying
Now offers to the people of Traverse City and
surrounding country the Biggest and Best Se
lected stock of General Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Shoes and House
Furnishing Goods at prices that cannoflse du
plicated as we always undersell.
Queen City Implement Go.
Tools. Wo ere eelliag the gennine Key Hay Carriorfi. »mplff
of both Fortt and Sling Cars maybe »oen in operation at
OUT itote. If you ate contemplating building n bam Ihia aea«3ii.
it will pay you to figure with ua.
Molor Car <1>. to employ a1«iil 4i«i.
Ihe liraoks Btwl Cu.. I5<«: the Sirabli- .
Mfg. Co.. 75; the Saginaw Seoil-Steel
works. 25; the Butler Don. r Co.. 25.
The M. * M, as It l» -called, ha* a
loial subscribed fund of t:i2.I2k Id
work with and It feela that Its first.
. * work Is gratifying.
Hembirk v
Merrill. 1* to
rill and Ilemloes capiiaiiata are pi.e
tuollng It and will build at <»re.
Tj,,, H (V <• * A. B. R-. will com.
m-nce building several miles iff new
iia. k ou li Thumb like mraneb for a
inuii.i-r Arm al lk»}'ne aT-
Department Store
New Spring Hats for Men and Young
Men at
lesday and
lih riflins
t he surie
Alva Brook* spent Sunday with his
parents. He is at work for hi*
Kbool. at Bnrdlchvltie. spent Satur Ed Brooks of Almira.
June 3.
day and Sunday with her parenu.
Mr. and Mrs. W». BenneU of this
^JHairtorm BenneU, who Is leeching
b his brother, C. Ackerman
Ginger Sotp*
ar« ago: alL i 1i.-i
ji-Tt-d a* Mis.i < ‘s I
IS for Ulidi.- s* '
i.io’ linn ul ihai lilu.-'
Si hn}l.T Hifl.-r and Miss Ther.-,-a ^
Tht> wenihi-r i-. peitiiia
Mr. Johnron of Grcp>ry’« rewrrt.
anmiiT. Some nre idantlnp
called here Mondar.
olhere that planted (wo w>
iofan Bowen aod Gale Cox.
bavT to plant over, at tne com j
Arbor, were In town Monday.
sprout verj- faa'.
Jamct 1
Wultcr Miller and F. Wlerahoffer
M. Welch'* heeJUt Is nliU raUn-r Anderaun.
y tbia week.
We hope for his »i>eedy
. MalthewK. tniTelllni; xalexman cover}-.
ilerMiii and wifi- «u Jlo*he M. M. '
Highway CA«ntiiiwlDner RtiM te d» or.l Whltkig. E. 41 fi. of Im I'. I.I<K-k
tramucted t
panyF of Detroit,
o. I*. T <• inp u K(b o
here Wedneaday UM,
Almug AOsl' v lit Edcar Roliiiison,
which I* ueeded badly, as
of nw>.«..S-c. 21. T.-rJ.
u beavy
Band and very difficult ui fa^
Iter Co. ransacted h
1 last \V
Mias Charity Johnson called in Glen
Arbor Friday.
essie E. Farrant cloned her
la Bessh
ter a very succeKsful
d Friday
term of ciptat tnonlba.
Walter ToblB of Clenmere. was in
town Tburaday.
F. A. Orepory. 8r, and Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Gmeorj;. Jr., called on frlenda
Iiq*l.aiid died, s
load over.
Mnt. noil
Hlaa Aliet Day called in Glen Arbor cearful lerni
hoiirw which adds one me
tic burp.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sm
R. Day.
inp buslnen* in Truten
Mr*. Blue aod lilile aoo. of Chlcapo,
arrtvnd on the "UlHaouri" Thiintriay.
E. Lewis and wife «
on their way to the home of her
City lust Friday.
father. Mr. Schnoor of Pun Oneida,
where they will aptatd the tiummer.
Sec. so' T.
Roll or Gli<ie, Slip or Slide,
but get to the
grocer’s quickly
for a golden
package of
98c, $1.29, $1.49, $l.?9, $1.98
O'lr line of Furniture, House Furnish
ings. Carpets, Rugs, Mattings. Linoleums.
Draperies and Lace Curtains is the most
complete line we have evei put on sale.
Dress Giorbams
Mutlio comt cov. lace and ombroid
ery trimm.-d at tic^
2^. and «c.
A very ebuioe line
of new atyle Drew
(iingbama at 8c, 10c
and 12c
Zephyr Snltiae
Muilin nigbl gowne
neatly trimme*! at
Mualin night gown*
lieautifully trimmi-J
All new, very neat,
would eell at 85 eta.
Special at iS iCtS.
109 pieoee percale.
All of the new pat
tern, both light and
dark at 8c and 10c.
And our Easy Payment
Plan in that line makes
it possible for you to
- buy them.
Sizes in stock at present:
6 feet wide, 8 feet drop..........
7 feel wide. 8 feet drop............
8 feet wide,-8 feet drop............
9 feet wide. 8 feetdrop..........
10 feet wide, 8 feeidrop....... .
12 feet wide, 8 feet drop..........
We Hang Them Free
Department Store
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