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Grand Traverse Herald, July 25, 1907
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
. WUdman e r tte Palace e
r HobbMI aad
. the former bd
The Anartcaa Soelaty ol BqoUy at I
noB FrMmrY
? e'eleek U thowraalng
I rrMnii eoanty. «UI bold a plenie Of tbe bride and ra. Bey TatUe mtli
•woklar, Hteh. Jaty
Mia, Jacoby U mother of Bdward
dauchter of Grand Baplda «bo
at BdUaoa Bay ta DaaaUr-i park m^
•trwK th* hofMeC F^ank
not know of tbe wedding but hap- Jacoby who te Mr. Wlldmui a baker
Augact 14. Tba addrau at tba dv
at 1 e-elsck thl» ■fumoon and aland has been here about Utree weeka.
peoed in a few mlnulea before
win ba BMda by Hoe. Ocorga O. Wl
«wugk it aimeat dcmalUM tht houM
She bu beoo aobject to tbe cpelU for
eeremooy look place.
auta organlter Not oely to«
A. b. of C. Pknlo.
a. and after flnding this or
were taken before a bank
decided to bold no ingaeR. Mia.
of fema roaea and UlUca laatefully
Jacoby went op null* about i o'clock
anaAped In one comer of the
objrct ot the meetlac is to bate
down, aad about an boor Uter
good UOM aoetatly. aad gtre an op- and beneath three belU neatly Ued to
TM fean tvl^antly atrwck tht clilmgether by white ribbon.
The ring a ell^t BoUo waa beard, bat thou
portiBiir to tartnera gaparally
mr » thla.waa knaalMd eff and foul*
below tbonght It to be tbe eloalng of
baltar acgoalated trith tba lenice waa uaed.
ot aatii tbe eeenlng
a dgor.- It ,
or llva
were tarn Uirousii the oUecU and atma of tba organlnUoa.
The bride wore a 1
and klllad tha deg. K did not injar* bars ot the A. 8. of B. ai» loTllcd
Mr. Rahric or hU fainlly in Uw allsht- attend, but the pablle gancrally. Tl
Paaaiitt on doowward. it tan
carried white rose*.
When rouimlng from do
After the ceremony all adjouroed
about 10 o'clock Friday rvciilnp. Geo.
Sipea. of SOS PouitacoUi atreet. tbe dining-rooDi, which was prettily
Ha. Rakrte. Wa wifa and t«a ahll- Ml from the aWewalk and fractured decorated with ferns and ribbon*
mor of the occaslco.
dran'aaare In tM parlor at Um Uma Jill left leg-. Mr. Slpra bad turned
The bride and broom were tm
from ^Ixtb Mroet off oolo Fine
and Mr. RahHe am holding hta baby
of the atrrcl. The aidewalk tended, except that tbe bride'* fsl
Inhlaarma. Tha child «m tom tram emu abruptly near the alley bet'
W. Hubbell. gave bU daugl
iiy . Tbe ribbtin bearers wore Vera
Ma arma and thream to tha floor with Sixth and Sc»-eDlb atraet* and i
k Mr. Sipea could not ace Hubbeil. niece of the bride, and True
groat vielenea but boyand a ahaklng
and eaat about in apilirtan.
' Tba dag waa lying on tha fl
One sad leaure Pt tbo ease U that
Room SIONowStoto Bank Building.
mothre's death belog the Srsl to greet
im on his retan.
Their former home was in Bloomt-
Cnmeion. Helen Stout. Florence HU- being ridden out on a run with
OllicU and LooUe Shep- hours of the awkpe of these
bard went to the Brltner oMtage at points to theft.
ler, Della
,w^ all the time for the past
There were about eighteen people
engaced In plektng the cberriea
the {arm aad when tbe lumn came
of them got under tbe root of
H Mil SL aihl Litko .\\f.
Photu-s. I^. l!
<'itv, -kW.
j. ssacHett
have the Best Tea
the Market
We Believe
If J-'u h
your lil
.mlinl is V>>-oiir
.. try
. a
.- (^■nltJK.a
mpl,- 11011111! atftliie
!i your I'oiiitiiir luu.k.
Price, SOc per
Were Guests at.Elk Rapids.
I N;r
luwn.- of Elk Rapid-. Mrs t). 0. >l"f
and Sir*. A. 1' Cameren. wl;>'.
Kuesis of Mr> Ibill- r. also .d Kk
Raid d>. n-tnii.,-d Fiulay . ..-i.ti.i:. lid-..
Travvrw- City L.d.es having .unvUtat.^
jolly house pan..'
Wednesd’av and a imriy. of rixtocii
took the inlatd'waier way tiip r- Bci
lalro. wl.ee a tory pK-a.anl rimcnjoj.d.
la tbe evening, they
Canby of the Church of Christ. The
ceremony, took place In their new
home. 118 Eart Fourtoenth street and
State News.
TlhUlu.s liio-s. l.f •
Jai-k*.'ii. i-fi
I :• t - .-t h..r
w:,» wilnesaed by only a lew friends
Beth are frwn ibis ctly and h
large number of friends to wish them
-i:...r .um- WvW W.Bd ............ ..
raiep lKiJ!«-r. while be uet.t e ;i
i-li'ni-d Wih.k- wu.- =.
leaked out and tbere were
Automatic Washer
If you want the best washing machine made buy
a "1904" Automatic, \Vc claim that the * I'JM” will
do the work quicker, better and easier.than aaj other
washer made. Our proposition is! Take an Auto
matic iiri'l try it tliirty days then if you like it buy it.
elaborate kldknapping scheme.
I.rday ami will In- cue al«.ut t«
e fact that the ceremony oc- w.-i-k.-. P'tng from here lo Maeklna
cured soaoer than was expected, this where be will wilnes- the Bntshof the '
ills neck was twisted so bird that er. L. .8. Baldwin, of Nobb-*vtlle,
Mr. and Mr*. H. J- Taylor and
he felt Of it to ace If It was bmken.
Inil he suDer<4 no III efferls from tbe of Chicago passed ihrough Ihe
this mornlnt on their way to Omeua.
where they Wilt spend 1h» r»-malndvr
Heavy Rainfall.
at the Clover*.
Tbe rain atruck tli<- city
F. C. Ikrmon.l wont irj !>llvur lake
that has fallen here In some
There was a vivid eicclrlcal tUsplay
bcavy thunder rrwsbes but
many and varied plans for tbe enter
of the groom Including so
moBlbs aad three a portion of the
the porch ami waited for the rain
•Uioe. la all arcenty rallrs of the
cease. Mrs. Kmdl being among th«
fell throna> «»d »!»«•> got away with
roadbed bare bem grarcIM aod '
When the boll came, all of the ebrronly a small shower of rice.
two weeks work will be Ukm up
pickers were more or lea* acvercly
At Grawn, howi-ver: Dave Campbell
•oMh of Kalrra.
shocked, but Mrs- Knoll wss the roost
as up band and then).n Inlerhyriirti,
seriously Injoted and bad to be taken
Want to Elk Rsplda.
John A. Lorangcr »aV them and the
her taomo In this elty. No m
WUtcria Bebekah lodge of Ihb city.
orcupaols of the far wen
rk wm: done IbU aftemon as
Ko. 4Iu. went to Bk Rapid* last evenirc of the fact that there
the pickers bad enough pt tbe ilghllag, arheie Uicy wore royally CDter.
rly married couple aboard.
nlgc and went to their homes. Tbe
tnlned by the BIk ItAPtds lodge. Two
ladder was torn to btu.
candldauw arcre iolUated into
D. Morgan was at the farm
-BOt Baplda lodge which U an (dder
S.iiurda> s Record,
Imc but did not stand under >
one in U>ls ciiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Charh-s Joflrlc* are
porch, which was atMWl three rods
a* their guest her broth
from the tree, but was a rod nearer,
and ghlic it only lasted
minmes. it was one of the bi
ai ul! linion
Got our liuuri-s and cominr*- our ^raJ< * U-furv buvin:!
Look for lb.-BiKU.slI'bnL
had.a dauoe and u lunchcin wa.- al->
Cbarios A. Jackson and Ml»s Rose tendered them a. .he Butler hem..
the way of Deinrit.
L. Taylor, both of ibis city, were Everv imimcnt was full of phasui.
Ihe affair was d-!i,rt.lful h, every
(he elty they will go to SOver iriiliort ill mairiage yVida.- afior
Uke. where they will spend two weeks noon at 3 o'clock by the Rev. J. A respoet
edge of the happy event should be happiaesa
come public property buL as n*usl
Baldwin baa been temporarily
Two Inilna hate boci
Wo c.irrj
a full litw‘ of
borne. ElgiD. HU and return home by
Taol Bay Friday for a week's iloy
imping mit.
Lightning Struck Ladder.
p largo tent being need'for alerplng
Unon ihclr retonj to the city they
Last creaing. they Krtmi Friday 's Record.
will make ihelr home Icmporiril)
entertained a party of east aide young
Xlghtnlng atnwk a cherry trr
people, a marahmallow roast on the the farm of B. j! Morgan Just w««t of with the bride's parenii. 607 Weal
Frflkt street.
. beach being enjoyed despite the rain. the city this afternoon. demoUshing
It was not tntended that tbe knowl
Margnette. tracka between here aad
Traverse City, Mich.
Selhyou your bill fora liousv .T Itam.
vious to the ceremony tbe wedding
Where arc the Home
growing among the Isndlng
•■fiorec thlcvcaV
But Jordac, Micb.. July IS— PUao
bouses of the cUr. At '
has beeo teaching at the Boonrille
nlilRH-r the worda for It
^aeted yeatantay. will itlre
and was a very popular teacher there movement Is a tery worthy one
^ Jordan throa no* iiiiia>trl«i. t>e ao. but clrcamatancce pniul that
not only the eicrks but
and her pupils will rr-gret -that the
with an Inrastaeof of over halt « Milwill not be wllh them next year. She proprietors sod patrons of tbe M
Uia and empteylns orer 400 net
as weU. It should be encouraged.
has had several years ‘^eaperienre
Sheriff Juhnson s aitniwt a
Flank E. Baird o( BaSalo
Tbe following stores are now closed
cotwlry schools in this vicinity a
liK cud to inralM ao bones owned
has a Host of friends In the city and Friday alterscoiis aad the prospects
by llorr ArmKirong ind U-llUsm Uui
are that the custocn will become gen
nearby isowns. Al one lime she
tbe litm fumaoea at Boyne City, which which drcH>pcd but >f cxiatenee Wed- Ttrr prominent In elocutionary work. eral and conUane ibroogh tbe warn
wore arid to Berry Broa.. of Detroit,
. thought at
iMwday night.
her Rost, better knowa is
a«l tmUd a ebareoal Iron furnace
J. W. MUliken.
that they had strayed notwltbatand- Chris, Is a ncceasful young buslnets
here of the aamo’mpaelty
Steioberg Brothers.
____ of Ihe elty. being idenllScd
lag the iael that horaea were beard
Boyne aty plant
Hannah * Lay MercanUIe Co.
tbe Arm of Ross A Monroe of the
^ W. 8. Sbaw and W. S. Matthnwa. being urged into a run early ThutaUamlltoo Clothing Company.
pool and billiard parkunr He bat
dbomleal men. wtu erect a wood ah day morelng oo tbe south side, but been in business In the eliy for the
oobol idant which wUI be the aocend sftcr making inquiries at crery
The Funeral.
past Ave years and bat mat!
Urgeet in the Dnitad Ststca.
Fr.uii Miu^ay'R Kuctwd
roads for miles around in every
ceet ot his work, branching
Tbe two idanu win be located on lion, the Cblcf executive of the
incral of Fi'yi l*>wU who
keeping always up-todate in improi-r^
tbe water front and adjeliilnc each ly thinks there U mure to the story
ments aad for the beneBt of his pa- dirti Us( F-riday. wa^ l>.l.l fiwti Ih.
other. Ttw ^rceal prodncod by the than was at Ural anpposed.
trona at his place of business. "Chris' FU« MethodiM church ywii nhiy at
ttamlml glut will be.uMd by the
.The Rev.
offorM 1
The Armstrong horse has always has a large number of friends la Ihe
Iron work!.
been left to do almost as he pleased cly. both socially and as biislaes* »hort prajei- at tb<- hou*e at
Tbe Beat Jordan Lumber company
Ihofr^-nlcre look l>Lic<- al th<- rburch
qnd never before has left the I'rem- men. who will wish him i
arO emet a new mUI which wfll take
new ventnre and many years of hap
IBS but Thuvadiiy mornii
the raw Umber Milppcd In from the
I (he rtiurt* the nrinirter apoke Of
covered Unit the animal had made .it* piness.
wooda and cot It to longtba for the
kind dl*poviil.in of the man
The bride'e boquet was thrown
way under a wire that fenced It
uae of the cbomlcal idanL
M. wvH'aud rtiwig lull ••».- shoit
ic snceeutul girt was Miss Grace
hide of the bamiard and arier wan
no plant of tbe iron w
i.iiil be dwell e*|>telally
dering about the neighbors yard in Slight, .
bare a capacity of » Una of pig iron
A very elaborate dinner, wa served* hi* gi-uerusilly.
an ain
dally and the chemical plant will ham
'ITk- lluiwl oflci-ings wri- man;
the Misses Creee Slight and Meds
towaid Sixih sU;^1
X4 retorta.
ning <>o. the pavemeni ; and afterward Sehoolcreft waiting npon tbe Uble. ia-ainllul marly covering Uic chaticel
. Os dock! will be bout for the Undnf the ohurrh, sol piece* coming from
without doubt was t
lag <4 orn aUpped hy boau. All of the
I»dc.-* uf whlfhhowasa member,
horses heard by U K. Glblsi being
bnlMtaga wUl be erected aa lapldlr aa
lull Imwivik wore cliosim frwn
Chicken Sandwiches
urged to a run on Otik sttoeL
poeaible. Tbe aurreya are now being
the K. O. E. and wore ihc following:
Tbe Dunn boree was released from
McGtiiry. Janio* Mood.v, lame*
5rnll Salad
Asrerted Cakes
the barnyard by the bnwking dowi
AMtber tadnatiT wOl be i
Piaeapiilc Glace MrtJiunl*. Andrew Glddiug*.
a gate and was seen by Al Armluge Crape Punch
Mfll which Will omplsr It men.
Cale and Mike Kehoo. Thi- honurari
Wedding Cake
Bride's Cake
near the aaylum at 2 a. m. from where
There mat be 4W new booaea oracl
l.rarMw wore choeen from among tbe
Mr. and Mrs. Ross left last ev
to SIxUr atreet and met another
ed la the rllUfc to piortde honeo tor
• on the 5:3$ Pere Marqoelie tr
bontc. the aound of their hoofs coming
t^ laborera who will be 'brought
Birth the Porewtorsandtbo €aglcs
- Chkago. where they wlU spend
to him dlstlnetly.
me time the guesU ot the bride's atirndvd In a body.
There la a poMibiliiy
boTsea have been cared for by
At BeltfMr CoHaga.
and will also visit the groom's old
The MUera Imogcne and Kargnrct farmer but the fact that two
bnrg. Pa., where the rwmaias
taken. Aside from the son Bdward.
Mn Jacoby leaves anolbce
march was played.
Miss Hubbell for the past two year*
ber atm had taken a day eC aad
Noah-ta-waata. the news of
wbeee It ended and he teU oC of the Irwin. During the service Jay Mast- BurklerTT'a, aad a cousin in KingspUyed the violin accom.panied
^lanee vu called and
by Miss McLean on lh<- piano. Pre
to bU home.
be wax taken t>
tha family and wai UHed.
3 per Ceil allewed m niKDepntls
tha kltchan, waa antiraty tarn
tip, waa unlnjurad.
Money to Loan on Imnrovcd Rea! Estate Only.
the body when rte
erarybody to be preoent
parution bdtwoan tha dining roam and
A Gesenl BmUac BbsIbcss DtK
PlAtgGla^StMoi Boilnr and Aceldont Insuranc*.
that Hrv WUeman
A BMwt cordial lavliaUoD U extended iwblle utin trimmed with ml lace and
appUqse trinuainga.
Tire Insurance!
ITraverse aty Slate Balk I
! A. TRACY LAY, FiaMdiOfc
A OARLAMa CaMiler.
from '
Ui-iv they mill go to ibe S<.o.
AeiH>ni|.au}lnc the eapialii. Mis. Munugw. ao.l
aiul Mr-. R. J. Meitei. Mr
ll-ni> Smith and Ikwald ran
TTio parly Mt^nboul !■, im-1<
miwning. |,eating
Ihe bay against a bead wmd
. A New IndMUy.
Orders ■re iKwriac u'l" ih-- TravClialr etitiip..h} *0 faet that
mure help must be taken and on r
factory room la being aiM-d. Tlwh»k now- is that ibc taelory wi:
keirt Irtisy tor a y.-»r tureiog out
chair* a d.iy. and as <he bu*lneafaown such a derld..d incr<3i«c lately.
niuuds Bin KUiej
Iioible 111 Bern Sispetl it
to Find Oul.
and Cup Grease
I* piidiable that a* the excclh-ni
-this morning and can>e back with -lx eharacler of Its .ui'piit bocotor* still
K««« that complqieir filled his basket. faiiher known Uwt e'lXi Hu*, will IA. H. P«k went to
'b-nild. Mr
thU excs-.-do.lpies<nt Ihe eompnny
.-^momob-lc and Ca* I-.n^me Owners arr herrby
notified that Prokoj. Kys. U i has Ksiablished a Gas
oline. Gas Engine Oii a-.vl C>if* (ircasC (or dope) sution at the Corner of Front and Cas* St. Traverse City.
Cup Grease is put up in 3 - 5 and 10 Ib. Pails and
in large Cans-we sell any amoum. There is no danger
of I ire with out system, nc wi can fill your Gasoline
Cans any time after lights are bgHtcd'
This is the pi .' ; where that good Chase and
Sanborn Coffee and i ei ;> kept.
3AV. JULY as, nor.
I2em of Grand traverso Summer Resorts WOMEN WHO CHARM
He*ltk Is th* First Essentisl Toward MsKLa^ •
WOBUIB AttractiT*.
8p<«lkl to Ib« E^'<«Idc Hnvrd
I'M :
t yel UiaiI U «hat hap-]
only the flv*___1..—.
wnrv calviT.
CTovit* <
0 eovi whow lioslnt-M it U (o fonilidi milk for ll.»
KonMa but In lbn.mhrnlDe. tie brlndlc
eov e>T« birth to twin rslves. The
UtUa oBw wnv tlpniKl vilb'crrai
miieh inticmt-In the procvH-dlin;*.
lUb. ChlRajsii; Mr*. Citiilf N. O'Counor. Mi— Mnrlliri rT- s-j:, Cniiul
RiUilili-; Prof. Jtnrt Mm. Frank U. Coo
ctant and wm tVoodbrldxo of tb** Volr*lij of
Mr*. CUarlr* J.
iriD. Mi.« Mansin.1 SlHn and Mi»c
Erelyn Sl"ln. Clnrlnnatl; (
by. civil wijrlnper of the '
Fort Wa.'-nc; Mom* Maj
Hush U Jtlchnrdii. Waco. Texas:
•» Mary and Urrtt- Beaiuy.
• lay. Cliiclnnati: Ur*. M. E. BiilUvnn. ColiiinMr*. B. M. Wwkly. '
. C'llman. Mii-srs F
^ ^'r*-,
Mr*; Francis
Mies Grace are The
.Are Now Aimoet X
Sjiecla! to *he Ev.-tilr.E Reevird.
Sc.-iht.awanTa. Mii-h. July Jo.—Mrs.
Frantis B. PurdU- and dauRhter Grare
JD. l*iirdie of l.ii'-i.o* Airev, South
:-Mnrrica. are at Ni-ah-te-wanin. where
he summer. Alt
B ihe;r I'reseni tu«u
a creai many ytwr
as >p.-m in the Unit''
Ne.*b-U-wanta Harber.
w.iti* -t imdersli**!
ue North Amerirati*
I Mr*. Purdle Mat-* Ih.vt *he ha* been
I. A. SEWALD ENTERTAINeD.Ea™“*nd'» far has found Chins'eo
|alliacilte ati'l l>-a'illlul. I.« I'lare that
■ vsting t
ising Mat
the denw follace [omi* aiT-he? of,
Ri'-en. v.idd'-nly ihe l*.(h will di«-l'»..a lilile cleared r-I*" known a* tild InRnrd'*;i*
Mi« I'urdle Itas been
th.- FN-eiiliig Record.
:ii the W'sronslii Stale university af
RpicJaJ to the EteniliR Record
EdReW''-‘-"l. 'lieti., July
Madison at whieh plar.*- Mr Purdle acI Mission. Mieh. July * - A .:.A. Sewald, Ji:*! U-t.,re bet reluiu l»,i-v.miiaiiieil th.-m akiuc four week* to
ge* are now uboiii all
I her bourn In Jackson, Rave a very .juake the trip fi >ni Ueumu- Avrv-e to
iileasuint fa:i-vvi-ll iiativ at'Ihe preiiy
dr. Ihjrdle is forel*n
The me.-iinR*j„.„^^,. „(
rv'semalive for R- «. Ihinn C Co.,
(hose who have made Old Mission affair was In the iiaiure of a fagot'
lerritory Wine all of Stuiih Amersummer home for yea™ !- a wal j pariy" us each Rueui was exixTied to 1
Mr. Ihir'lle was ebosen to Rive
•iinlnn, assncialkm* lire furnu-d
'"'•'"••d > «t
n'lmlT.-.on (he program. I
addrvw* of welcome when Secrend the repreeenutive* of 8p
t Dairies. I'itie. wild rose* anti coreop- j
r Elihu Root visited Uiieltti* Aires
field, ChlewRO. Knoxville
aftenioao. aho htramr a mother
------------ ------------------------- It a-ent
It forth that
abe had brooebt three mile
the world. The live new bom animals
are now the cester of aiiractkm. mocb
ao than a aeo aerpent would t>e
as the calTd are mueh In erldcore
while a aea aerpeni wver Is when
Tbe Laelanau. which is wider the
lent of H. B. Borland affaln
- thU ’
baa many cinKs aoiona;
Ibeo bents: Mrs. H. W. H
aoa. and maid. Clnrd&snatl. O.; ..
e. K nimke and .cblidreo. 8L Louis.
H{*a 'Bthel Morrow. St. Louis: Mr.
and Hia. LewU VolidiL ar.. Cincinnati::
Mri. Lewi* VoiRht. Jr., and three:
children. 8t. Lonis: Herman
wife and eblldren. Ctacbinatl; Herman:
ti|ien fire
l swell*
Nearly t
ship, niere Ls alw:iys
faiiillle*'iis'cnlns i" «he «-lecHon* while
qulrv for faniillar faces
Itupiilai loll.
I the pine km>i* ciackW and rjvc every coltage will !*• oeciipleil. Al
ilh a hope of their
(heir speedy
IxdnK made loIlrhi and warmth.
Ihe recehl arrival* ul Ihe hotel
"'c*. Sewald ontrlbiiled a niimhei
regalia on'of elocnli'murj ^t-liSal selecHoii
Sevenil new fl.u-i wall Ihinagii save sev.Tti
.niwerti, Nichols J, Van Antwerp
IR*ll4,lied I
added while a* fonthe whole program laiUR
ti>s Regan,1 all of Clncinmitl, O.
B plentiful• aa*;wllh great pl.-.ouiie.
I. lAinIs. Mo_
.ror/'s;;. “ir:;., "etJ;;: I ^
R^. Ml»s Dorothy
Mrs Schaefer and the Misses Doris
Hoitenee anif Mary Schaefer of Chleaso-nre In their ro'laRe.
J. S. Robertson and family occupy
Mr*. Graham's coUjiro. the RoU-rt
eons helcR from Paducah, Ky.
iThe oaka.
Mia* I.-icy n
•f Jacksonville t
5. Byron
would not eeem like sumoier al'_
next year they brmiRht their frleni
they relumed thi* year. There is
suaptelou entertained also that the
eenial K’-neral and his
Jey comlns north.
Ill the Oak* «ettloment are:
and Ml* Phil Beckir and Mr. and
NTS. William B-vker. St. Louis: the
MiB.veK Flon-nee and Ruth and Arthur
Dllnian of CTnryiinatl; the Rev. “
Bradley and famlly'or Cleveland:
Spear of Oberlln i« oceupjinR
tViicht mttase siih Mrs. WrlRhl and
son Norman of Oberlln, 0.
____ ...vww—~.
Ceneml and Mrs. Grierson and Mrs.
The younic pw^ will en>oy a dance Carrie Cavendw of Jacksonville,
at the Lcelaaaa this ereolni:.
"i «he Oarrlwin.
Nm hathhobses are beioR built atl Mr. and Mrs F. II. Hooker and
th^LeUnan and the UUilnR bcarb is A^xandcr of^
“"*4, g™'
P. Goebel, rnernbr
rdonatlj Wllflain H- Stafford, meml r
of eonateas, Milwaukee: Frank 8ulliran. anclimaU: Mr. and Mra. K. Sein.
aheiner and aoe; CloclBnall: Mist
Bmdoc OSPer. aDcinnati: Elden
and DelU Bemls. Ionia: S. 8. Steiner
and famUy. asolnneU: Waller S.„
naher and wife. Mra. QeorRe Fisher
■ad eompenlOD. Wlltlam B. Fisher,
Miss tlulda Kughler,
West nth street. Svw
write* :
"here Iv a beaui.v and attr
* in h.'iltl whieh is far g
.a mere regu'..niy of fewtuo
A wlcklv.irritabW,. an.l complain!
rru'* a 'cload
; *!.« is not only
liepression vviUi
1 Is
unhappy brr—If but
> -a damper to
all joy and happiar** rben with ber
familT aad friend*.
of So.X
IWrMr* flukhami-rnr onnibv I
lerrilJr «*,«y, was
IrouWe .I _______
nervem. liT«shks.aad,i.AalUb* Unw. i
tunk different moU'-he* without l/eaffit
Lrdlw E llukbmn. V-grCabl, Unp-^
>s* rucamoModwl wnd wvlblo ds mmilk* I
u oiwnpWriv nwoevd n
It U tbe bright, healthy, v
■roman wboaiwsvw charm* an
lonablne wbervvrr she goes.
>D find* ihst hcrenenries
are fiagging ao<l that everything tire*
ber: if ber feminioe system fails to
sl!->lt<-d duties there JS
cws. slei-pli-w-orw-v faintness,
bmtkacbe, headache, bearing - down
and irregulantirs. causing
Dt misery and melucholU.
she shi____ __________
Plnkhui’a VefeUbM
made frvMn native mots and herbs will
dispel all these troubles- By correct
ing the eauw of the trouble
where other treauneat
Women who are troubled with
baekpaiiiful.T irregular funciions.
. ...
-l.diwplama'-he. bl.-atingivirflwtnlencel
ments. isSainmation or nieerata*.
that l>earuig-dowo feeling, dlialaesa,
to'p^n-t braJlh and
strength bv Uking Ljrdia t. Pinlc
hsm s VegvUblc Compound.
*ln. PIttkM’fi MtasHt n Vma.
Women sufTering from
of female
with Urw.
. From Urn
may be
given, the trouble
viDptoiov give
Mtedwnd th qulckfwt and MCeel
_______________ _ advised. »>et iJf ber
vai;t ToluBW ..f experienee In tresUnff
female ills Mrw. Irifikham ^g~ba«^
iTnr:™. .TT.7.n-: Ml
•U> Avenue. Nvw
DmrUn Pinkbam:-
Rishop C
ChaA Edward IVvvwlrocIi
Keniiicky with
his son SiiinhiHW. 1
rg enjoying the good
W. F. Drown of Traverse CTly. wax
John H BiSM-lI AablOR
fishihR a
Honor. Mich.. July IC-Misa Coca! In town Monday.
-They will Ik- g.gie a week.
E MItl-T and Mrs C- J. Mc Horn. V. S P. O. clerk. vUltod Sun-: C. A. Brigham drove to OrawfillMHugh of Tvnv- ('<a>d ruitag-- have gone
Mrw Carl Palmer, day.
up un ihe'M»ni-i<*, river on a Ashing South Hotni-steaii.
C. H. Olney « Son reedved a car
■ lip when- ih'-v will Is- Joined by Dr.
Jdlu Haitlc Ab1*-y. formerlr clerk load «r wall paper last week.
.Miller and Mr. McHugh luid make the
bonieward irlp together.
Cbarlea Jotansop lbs dmcglR baa
in the post office at this piaoe. and
-The place of the pump, " Js a cl>(.
•V Covey
nulB In
luge owned and occupied by Mi. and
few daya.
Mr*. \V. H. Davis, Jr., with llielr child
If at the
New bultdinga are •prtiifliic OR
cn, who an- »is-n<ling their Wh year
grounds, here, everywhere. A grrat nmny have
on the r.-son. Mr*. Duvls
has at
pieeeni a rister w1ih her. Mrs. Abner On lYIday night Bnisadler Gnoetal ■ to live in twu as they ara-aagWe to
Hairi.-i aiiil little daughter B<-tt.v.
-Delra " Weaver with a kM. more amalli get bootea.
1 .
UiulsvlUe. Ky.
l-oys pnicisded to make Rome bowl.
Chief of police lUll gathered In a
(Iv.'ilook n'lieg**. tile summer 1
All of the available old waws. cow fine bunch of baaa Monday.
.Mrs. S-wald
•if Judg', B Sinilh of ■lurJiiiiall. is
cherries. A Rood same of Igise hull
o|uui and )ia:i of bis family are le-r>I* also amnRed fur and It is fully ex- le'st* ai iliVans cannon surroundtd the doaicllc | men evosmd bau at Buckley tau Friiwcted that the Yacht cJiih will give the l*-iieflt'.or her health bill she im- ITwo of tlx- children. Anna
■u> some lolly Salnnlays.
pioveil wi i-ap!d!.>
in ihe hraclm:
uf the pharmacist and ri-mlerv*! the I day. result 19 to 0 In favor of BackThe Jacksonville. HI.. raUniy
of tlririid Traverse air (hat she was al'h'
latest popular airs, until Ibi- bride and . ley.
camimn. Is weadlly
le iv i'iin lii'ioe l"Ug belnre ,-l.e exgroom appeared on the piazza with a | Sunday Buckley and TbcmipaoBVlBe
nionR the new Comer*
Choice bos erf PIllMiurg stogies and; News
played ball .at BBCkley. r
Mr. Brown and smi, who huv.- luu'ii
r*. L . 0. VauRlit. Mis*
lib- the view of the water own not refreshment*, which bad a very sooth-j-Buckley Irimmcd them to the tone of ’
III the l-aihrnp • i-itage lor wuii'- line-,
>Dd. Mil
excelled. The beauiHul |ien1nsiila tng effect on the boj-s who darted | SO to 3. Can't you find a
Mr. Kiinvi llen r> turned t'* his home
Mr. Carl C*rr of Lebanon. IndChicago oil the sii-oniir Sunday
Ttie ever |N>pulnr hotel ' The PiiK-*"
■g hut
l.ul his family retoained.
is fia^ ailing with RTieMs. The follow. 'venlng
Kilgore, who Is the bead of a
Mr. Kiigii
Ing are registered for the summer;
cocpeitige firm,
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ayer*. Mr and Mr*.
J. P. Brady. Mr*. L. F. McColloiigh and Paducah. Ky.. t.i 1'«ik
Perry WTlIlams all of Chicago
r»- Dys;.!-, is "Xpectinc her mother
W. F. Uirdie and Mr*. T. I. Faiisle
Evanston. III.
m-nd the Riitumn nlih h<T.
At Lor Oabln cotta«e. Mr*. Mary
There aie many more apTillcallons
jAwn U open for the summer.
Mb's Katherine Barr of Jocksonvllta.
W. Fhnlda, Mis* M. OsnboS and Ed
1 ^ Eilgewi*>d
Mr*. Adrlon Yates and Miss
Mies Buenn Draper also of Jackson Mr. and Mr*.
ward 8. Jeroore. of anelsnaU.
d ar pn-s' 111 and
ville. Mrs. Helen HIcc of Oberlln and I»iil*e Yate* of Ormand. Flortula. nlooted.
there is ronsld'-mlili talk of enheging
At the Anderson colta«r. Mia.
propecly. consisting
rlie ri-*i>it piviiserty.
.C PalDCT and sons of Paducah,
There an- men- aliraetions at BilgebennUfiil lrr«e* and
ih thv
U«l« and Ella Slone have jut
are located.
«T*id. the sunrise* being *0 |'ciiiiilfi!l
tunved to their home In ChlcaRa
Sunaet Lodge.
Mr*. Lucy HiiRhes and
lIuRbe* of Grand Rapids are at CPmp expecting several Florida giiesm foi
aaet Lodee at present and
e ejected. Tbe LodRe Is not <H<en
At Bonny Banka, or -the slRn
Mr*. C. n. Kniea <rf La Grange. III.. over Travel*,,, tl
thugli they were 1 nsinicleal
the DS'l. " are Miss Rcbecra Rlrhnu
U at Btwch collage'tor a month.
and Miss Kalberlne lUc of Grand
Mr*. A. J. Wewley of Chicago will ful. ruse linud t
aext ypara they trrpuRht their friends
George \Vel.l»T, ta. and Bert Ma
the 8*010 cottaRc. Mrs. Ballard Slone's.
aad now the capacity Is taxed us In
lone. 2*. Ionia eharaet'o. got Into a
addlUon to the thlrty-flve arfadi of (Irand Rapid* is a Ruest.
Late arrivals al Rushniore ho'jsc quam-l while drinking Th iisdiiy aflerThe Rev. C, E. Ixtckbart of Travi
there, many are comidR. Amooc the
an- Mr. iind Mis* Regie of Buffalo,
rieoU are Frank Oowd and family. City vltlted at the Santo oolURe.
MHrion and Mildred PIckell. grand- AtKnil g oel'wk Webber hunted U|.
children of Mi* Bone are also here Malone and fin d thre«, shot* tirOkm
„. CooklnR
. jiklnR all of
erf Cincin
CTocln- '“The* )^i^y wiir^’^wuipled «
Schweare. Mrs.
for Ihe ttimmer. F-Wr the month of | with a rvv'her. twi ehih<m taking
belnc iwenlv-flvc Clncln-,weck by Mrs. W. H. H. Kl *
nati. there beli
Aiumst every room Is taken and
natl'people In all: Mr*. Frank Grave*, uausluer. Mr*
H. H. Itancroft
ready there t* talk of putting up reus shattered the kn-e i"im ami the oihi r
Mrs. Harsh. Grand Rapids: Mr. and jsrksonvine. 111. next seek.
luther than to say no.
j i« n'-tra:' !l the i.'k atsne the knee.
Mrs. Warner. ChlcaRO.
The R«e*t* rxiiwtcd next week
The Porter house has very good j''>l'lier vim- arn-,t.*l .iml Uwked up
Tbete ere nix coIIarw at Sunset 1
p j waddell and daushler. Mr*.
booking* also. A. L. McClay and son'and Mslone w;.-; taken o. hi* home
Lodee and all are full. Aimuis thej^j,
i,rowii. Mr. and Mr*. J. W.
'if (Tiloaen. are new arrival* and Miss M*lme-'s m'Mher w.-\* l.urle<l Thursdav.
“ F.
F. Oelebell and i,® ,md daiicliler. Ml>« Susan f
_____ ________ ___ a. E.
Portland.: WeM--r s-v:d be did not warn in kill
Ilf JackMiinllle. 111.
dan«hier. Cbk»«o: J. <5. 8h-'<«
Ml** Hnidswonh 1* a leaeher Malone, hut did intend
faaMir. d>kwp>: Busrnc Wheel'
The Mls»e* Ik vler of Grand Rapids Ore.
will oecupy thlder Dee cottace.
■oea, Belcdt. WIa
At the LodRe there Is a dance evenMr*. Clara D. Iherson. two sons
Mis* Edna O'Brien was hostess to
week. two toad* of yoiinc pniple went and Mr. .-ind Mm. DilUnicfaani all of
one of the famous beseb supiier* ou
to lAke Leeinnan l<w a picnic Thurs CkJidwater will be here next week.
irdav evcnlne last. Tbe Montrice,.
day and a lamich party to Cedar Lodge
Plerw, Vwughau and O-Brich families
waa also esj^ed.
ji>hn Hpihw, of JleiiomlH'—. ha:
the event.
The Clever*.
■r<-<l the Uauliful park site knui
O-Brten exi^ct*
soon to give a danc
Tbe rwRlster of the doverw show*
Mra. J. M. Dlxoa and dauRhier. Cln- I'.iUbt point. Viilo.-d-al ir.U.ooo. lothc ing party in the large music room of
the collap'.
clnnati; Mra. J. M. Bamaby, Coliim- r'ly. :
Is on
bus: Cari O. Wilson, wife and two
Dr. G. N- Krelder. wife and children
tStlldren. Nashville. Ky.; Mis* Getof Spnngfleld. 111., arrived on Str.
<Mde B. Bnelbh. HIn Jane i>. BigMia-soiiri and are settled In their eolap-. Salome Krelder. Uie latest ad
dition to the Krteder family, made the
trip at the tender age vrf lour weeks
and now that »he ha* seen tbe idace.
Iocs .not
field people
Ivnrk to Old HiwIoA.
rcss Ihe iKiy, the Island, while
'Beyond, aereoiThe ships are seen
Wiiere Traversi- City sit*, a queen.
".Mrar T. H. C Allen and family 0
rineliinali are among the reeenl nrr
vals to take iiosses.rion of their eoi
tage. They an' now cosily willed for
Ihe summer not enui bothering with
house kieping bnl dining at the hotel
.'frs. J N Rolierts. chlldcn
II have a cmiage ftw
nlly <if
John 1
s nliely selli.ri al TTie Maples
.-ind SK' enteriainiiig Miss llauna of
»Mr*. M. R. Wane and family am
some mor-' Ciminnutl is-<iple here lot
the sumnn-r months. liid>*-4 11 is gen
■•l•.•llv iinderrio.*! that any j*-:>on
f-otn Clnrinnsil found wanderliiR any
plaee away foim N.-ah ta-wafiU dur
ing the h-afsl M-awin are eertainly
lost and iheir frieniU should lorik
after presenting Mr. and Mr*. Covey'
with a handsome willow rocker. All
Overseer Frank Blood Is out with,
](o call an extra
10 remedy
He wlU meet the
Richard Brown. who> has )£en laldjbuafil the last of this week and dlaup for some time wtih blood poison-'cii** Ihe matter,
ing Is feeling somewhat heller al this.
If a -•v'Helsi ie*»lon I* called the
jolhtr pri.poslllons which be liaa had
Charles GoEir had the roUfortunerin mind will also undouht.rily be prw
to drop a ralh'da hi* f's/i while repair-[einled to the It^xlature.
R C, Co. Hast ^
week and U laid up for repair*. Cbar-j-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Woodman ha!! on
jjwm r@y
July iSth. Mu»ie by Hagunond's cHy^
if you are
enough 10 receive an fneitalJoD, picnse,
ali.eDtl. !f not. whj—
The Fisk Male Gimrlel ar« billed]
fur this plare on Thnmlay night. July
::th, at the Conpregatkmal
Mr. and Mrs John Acha are at Onekama at ib<- i.erisidt of Mr*. Acha*
brother, who was sever-.ly waJipri by:
(be burstlus of a steam pipe on board
a steamer July 4.
Mr. and Mr*. Ira Cordon" are vl»-'
Trunipower, at Rar'-d
Mrs. Willlsm Orlach of'Manistee.j
Is the guest of Mr. and
daj-t. Mr. Gerlacb sill a
day and try and persuade
Mr. and Mr*. C W. Chandler an.l
children of Cedar Rapid*. la_ pasvuri
Ibtoiwh the city yesterday on ihcir
^ OrxeVirwof Oii 1-fe.aion
•■1 Beeort at the Karbor
CUrk. No. fIT BotPvard
I the loss of the sctiool approprtaUoa as
Iby the lvfd*laiure.
Manl-iee, Mieh . July U-Tbe body ley ha* a policy in the Michigan Homel
of Captain Hairy May of ih<- steamer and Hospital assortaiion which wiu
Arcadia, was l- 'iri'l on the beach
help some
BIc IMinl A'! -<-'Me this moi-nlng and ■ Al Durke of D- lroli. Is vltllisg hU
wn* Idemtfi'ri by a life pre—rver
brother ln-law, -"Dad* Wright.
Tb:- WT's
ili;:d body recover<<
be. a select party
wav to their cottage at Leland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fluil of Chicago
are staying al dhr Park Place.
y and son
"Mr. and Mrs' D. H
Mis* G. H. Richardson of Chicago
• staving In the city lor Ifae suiuu
Alice R- Demster of Cedar Kai
ls staring at the Park Place
r. and Miw. William Mac
ping at the Park for the •ain
Lansing. Mich., Jaly
Warner practically decided to call a
of the legUlature this
blood in hi* eje hunting after poHl*.‘TT
fill! unless the Mate board of educw
tax. Oetti r dig up. boja, aad savA............... ..
tion cap devise aome way to provide
trip to FrankfML
needed funds fv rt>e Central Notaiai
County Clerk Kcwion Ely. wife and
] school *1 Ml. PleaaanL
family were visitor* in our berg last
He held a conference' with otlMala
lot (ho school rnterday and wna UTged
Ing track for the 0
Pound HW Body.
For Special Seaafbfi.:
united in wt|bing tbem Joy and pros
ne-of the
Bncklcy. Mich., July
Dr. EagOB I* very sick.
Bert Edeetl went to Kingsley Mon
Ml*. Aro Borden who has been sickj
Old MiaawlMi Viewa.
for Boete time U Improrlnc.
ARIOSA cema m
one pound packagn
__ only, sealed for yow
ptoteclion to insure your
gcttiiig the gauuw old«
fashioned Arbuckles'
ARIOSA Cofiee everytime.
Be real angry if they sokI you
a substhulc, which is not as good
and may in time ruin your
digestion and nerves.
MOE' *
OrMt EMnna.
WhMtIng, W. Va,
pttchM.fTBin Oranen. Elkint. RearttfbBTf, TimMltan and *th*r tewmt
alDcq hla deolh Mrv Wnilbmaou
■mu wablH ihechUdiWB lo ccxne there
ilnoil make UiHr boose with her. Mr.
Kvri-vrt ga«e up hla paaltloo aa round-
h«v*e foreoian at Traverar Cliy to |S>
Thr Maaiub * Lay Merc. O
lo trork Monday. HI* wife waa
The UbBnxb A Ur Co.
him on the exeunion. but waa i
Trevrrao City Bute .Baok.
lured and arrtred home wtib the body
•treat rollway-and Intorurbin projaet
on the train.
Deeds lo the Ctrtrr ConstnicUon Cb
praparty laaaaa that will apgragau
pportunRy ia new forthcoming. tbririraflic
Urr Herl-ert Is utterly pmii
roaougrr. Ur
naarir mojIOO.
tho moating of tho beard otismd.
Tfwverbe City, aiid I over the ti-niWe arcident. Boib ahe
FlRaan bridpaa wvra waahad
omoblle. tn 11)1' h>r busluind bad uiany frlendj
diractera of tha board of trade
' »~—
lha nilraada damapad and at Qrafton
Tjrirtrta vail*)' uH of urrinc ralcM foliewtd br tha Hvar'galnp
the peaple of Travoma City abdi
vieintty dablr* to
ralUbla and aubtuntial
banka aiang Ka wtieta tanpth. eauainp
a otnirch fram
dawn tha rapinp rlvar.
The report explalne itbelf ond will be j fart^^“th?lTl5.l«r^ii^r"
1$—Thrat rcad VrKh Inloreot. The Carter C®"-'
taara drewntd and one klllad by lipbt-
Tha daad:
J. Miliar, wiioaa boat
Pacii. drowned
iday'a Record
Kninklin wbo has been
the past three weeks vUlUng
ara known to ha»e baan kiliad In a aa- tiruetien cempany of Chicago,.pro-1
Followinc Mr. De Di-uin ibev sent
vara rain and elactrleal atorm. Two pesot to build a nroet railway and thelf_ Rcovral_ rounscI_ and dlrecior,
■an from hero to Elk Rapids
Btleudins 10 the pn-parall
Italy and on to Patoskay next prvposed fninclilse
n of the Street Hy.. and Inu-rl
r.Bven aeon therafter.
K. corpriraiion*.
ovartumed. prepealllon ii
Hr. Im- Bruin and Ur. Denne*
> construct a etreet
wtiOa try- railway lo the city and interurban to
Inp to ford a atream.
friends and relaiiv«w returned u> tbe
Moudy stAooi in Oilcagu today.
W. W. Beldlng w<mt t» Chkwgo oa
-Pusinexs today'.
Merton Wilspn bas returned to hit
home at Hiugbam after spending tome
timis? In tbe city.
Chicago' urv the guests of Mr. sad
Mrs. Ik L. Stoveneon.
From Thursday * Rceurd.
Typartf vailcya fear aevtral million
Frank Mco-s ha* rpturno!! from a
businos ti!|> In Grand Rapids.
Mrt. M. K. IVsen ueni to M.mlttCC
pallona of water will bo proclplUtad
for a few days this morning.
Mrt. A. R. UowriK vf Maekinne has
Jaekeon. Mlih. July IB—Frank Kap
return<-<1 to her home afn-r wpend.ng
time rialting her muther
rinakl. apod 25, wai found dead on the
Mlchipan Central tracka thia me
Inp. A train had cut him In two.
B. A»hley lias ivlurgi-d to her
at Wallou after vls!(‘({ig Irleuds
waa aaon late lact night quarreling
it Street as it Will Appear When Street Car Line Is Built.
with other potei and foul play U
Of faith in Tra<
City and Vlclbi^ in an Improvoi
of Mia kind, thay ask that bondt bo
taken by lecal parties which would
porcona have boon overeemt by the be Brat mortgage bends' bearing S per
hoot, dropping down like oheep. All
intereet with the Intercat guar
tha hoM)ltole ore overtaxed and
anteed. Thtte funde will be dfpeeltthe Traveroe City SUte bank
witb them.
the railroad
Traverse City to Petoskey.
The pruposlllon before us.
outlined, I*
OoiiMrdcllon Co., pmpi
. ..
struct and put In tminedlate opetatlno upon the streets of Traverse City,
a street ear system oprraUng approxImotidy elcfat miles of track.
This road lo be of a heovy sertlou
of rail, with tbo most up to date equip
This loral road will ronstUute the
hub of a future eysiem of inliTburli
lalls'ay. which will develop as (i
as tbe demands of onr district and
tbe flnajires of our country peontt.
Simultaneous with the buUdlng of
Arm Injured.
thereby' affording afccelute security to
' WhUe at work at Betuier a factoey these who Inveet. Tbe report of the
MiBday, mainltis. Mm Jordon had hia
lUon cpmmitiee was received
ritfit ann very aererely mu by a rip
the rlly line. It Is proposed to build
by the board Of direetore freight and Inlerburban
lino fro
aao. While radchinp over the aa«- for
gone porpoae his rijtbt one became yealcrday, and work will be
ontBMited oo<l nan polM Into the taw menced ‘Immediately upon the proathis, before wtuler. The
Aaverlnc an artery }iwl above tbe
will be governud by tbe geDCral coobow. Tho man iW profuaety and It
incll «vfll be baked for a dlilons then surrounding us.
«%a^tboi«bt that before a lAyafdan
The Carver Consiruciion Co., work
franchlaa which will give Traveroe
^ coold arrivo that be would dia bot tbe
lUrely with tbrlr own capital, and
ombnUnce woa called and the yooDf CHy flrat elbM 'etreet ear pervlee and
an orRsntxatlon promoted ■ao takebtotheOetraJ botel on eaai afford connoclien by rapid tranalt to
BfBth airret where bis wound waa Elk
RapIdA. The propoaltien
ia to
> Invest thvir money.
etreet cars at frequent Intervale
The Carter Construction Co., like all
he cHy and connect with the Elk ntber organitations. would not feel
unified In tyltic up In a community
million dollars this fall.
Armod wtUi a owaie oarralted ahot
thr.-e million later, unless
each way every hour. Tnie le an
■on, a 44 calibre heroe piatel aa long
ihere was suffirlent local
0 that It
oa hla arm. another emaller revolver, important proJact and the proaa hat taken In ih© pruposiliO
s entirely
would not bo n>cardcd
a knife big enough to kill an ex. and been aakad by the bdhrd of trade
lotelsn conKiratlon.
Is built now.
a shoo box fliltd with ommunition, give publicity to the onterpriaa.
not at all by these people, depends
Following it the complete repJK;
Oonlel Couilnt. a negro doctor, roam■Irely utsin their receiving sufficient
Travetw City. Mich.. July 17. 19
.1] snpport to make them feel safe,
Od the woods of Grant towndiip aH
Is '
To the Dlrvctore of Ihc The Traverse
iotorday night and waa brought to
rnough lo prevent any unjust dlw
Clly Board of Trade.
Inalioo ngainsi them.
Jail oaHy yoatarday morning *y Shir- Oentlemen;
la exchange for the local financial
Bubjeot—Report of TVans|»rtatioD
nteresl. tliev pn.pose to give the peo
ple of Grand Tiawrse r. gioii. a first
Last winu'r the Traveroe City board
iortgag6. 5 porcent Ixmd upon I
with tbo Moa that hlo nilghbera were of trade Issued a call lo the other
trying to get hie farm In the n
citiee of Grand Tmvcrwe resioi
This means that whatever mapey
oaotem portion of the tewnahip i
Bl Traverse City, on Dvea
e eonttlhnte I* Invest! d In ourRHsfrom him. Ha put hie ateck In the mb. IbOC. (0 consider war* and tuoani
■Icl. and that we bold a first mo
whereby inigoved transportation farlt- gage on this luvesuneot.
bam. boarded up the doom and
lUes could bo 8«ured for our dlslrtci.
dowa. did the aome to hit houae and
A prospe<-tiis will he Usiied. slatli
Thls meUaE wtaa well atlecdvd. and
oat tfewn to watch.
after an liifomial discussion, a cotn- ihc pruiwvitlon In dci.-ill, expisloli
.ox appointed conslsUDg of :he bonds, and the terms under whi
mwhen they got tee many for
ibor each from Bve diSermit Ihey will carry on the work, and U
I took to the wood!." he aaid. “1 didn’t
will l>o distributed u> t
1. S. Bandera waa appointed
want to kill anybody but I want*
■Tso City, and made chair- peoide ol oiir eommunity.
I iim arwured by the-»e gentlemen
pralact my righta. When I gel In
that as soon as a sufficient amount of
weoda. they kepl^ following me and
the committee of Arc. three these bonds have been siiscrlbed r
one of them came'up behind, walkin. withdrew.. <either by dlr«l tvalinu
Boake il a safe pniposlilon lor tbe...
otoeped over, l pulled m* gun an’ toT
as above mied. work will be Immcdialely staried.
’im f lay down er I’d lay *lm down.The Charlevoix repr
authorised hy tbe Hannah t
“They want t’ git m’ farm away. I
«. St.irks, has takbn____ __
ertarts. whum I repret.-at. lo
pot tbo beat farm in the country an' St and has materially aided in lavaallal they will head the «iib«crip.
tlun list for Ibi^si' bonds, with a liberal
I get MnetcoA doods to it."
amount, which amotmt 1 will l>e al
None of the eanridgoa in the var.
r here to redt
berty to make public slroullan.-oos
•charged. The
Ittve prior to \h
Uh the Issuing of the pfoBj«>ctua.
o good offices <
This rejwrt Is rcspectfuUy subthe
Otaon. and It waa there that the efjnltlod.
it. S. Sanders.
Acero found him In cenveraotion with
W.. W.'l,. I
Chairman Transportglion CommlUec.
a group of men who had managed
the Carter Couslrurtion Co.
keep him quiet for aome time. H
The Carter IVnisInrction Co.. Is *
Flewxr* for th* Dead.
ht gattan Into the wooda and begun eonmriiilun whose busluess is railroad
1. McGowan. r>muilh»us!‘
thoeting. It it probable that aomeohe ^cofistriirtlon. and i am in poxsesslou
of ihe ftilli.wing Utter of Introduction:
ill Ihiur.huan. h i' Biaid.ty nighi
would have been hurt end mu<
Chleaeo. HI, July Uth. ISkT.
where Introuble experienced in his capture.
0 the l*eople of Grand
funerals of tbe unftwtiinate I'.-i'- MurK.vlon:
The man is 70 years eld and h
1 take tileasuiv In Intradurinc to the querte enipli>yiw who u.-obeen -off for tome tiate.
Hla wife
ConBoturday’s w reck. He U«.l. v
was admitted to the asylum aome
struclIr>n.,compKay, whose busluvss is
beautiful pillow av b« offering fnwn
ago. and aince then he h»s lived
Waa Anaad With Woapena.
of ttehiat. hlwdiai
««.d MO y«w mmay baefc. Mr. CopmIFolSa-. IMarvr. JfMUpoo C«7. Jxd.. sayai
iIwartbwdMdUftscnoldml. The«iala
MvwUmaaastoekof pfkc Shay IKAM
0.4MayMtxnMad0.4hUA RetUaBWIpol
^■«UJma4Pr.A.W,Chaaars01«t------ ttetooMiMMf Ucoboxotelldmli .
Sb A.W. caoM MMaoxb Ob.. baCalo. H.T.
>9 iohMPB DtH Co.
I me. us Kenileiiiiti Who have ample
tsourees and able lo fulfill any
tUons which ibvy may under
ctmsldiT 11 v«ty fortimale lor our
district that we have be>'n able ip
Inieresl men -vf ability ia cmr proposi
-tor I feel Ihsi II not only means
iportalloo. with which will come
eal beginning of onr derdr^mant.
In this city,
Mi»x JJeien Pray h'fi this morning
B for Ctoftor OU. Pate-
H-.Brownell and
reliirtied to itielr home at C3ies.ining after vlKitlng Sirs. Brownell’*
liareiiu In this city.
w. George E. Thomas who has
lieeD visiting Sirs. Kneeland to ibl*
city, ha* reurnod to her home at Chiigo, O.
Mrs. U n. Has-kins reiiiraod to her
home In Wallou l.d.ay. after spending
short lime wiiji Mrs. F. E. lloberU
I this city.
E. L. Hugltes 'has returned from Doolt. where ho alicoOed the Vndcrlakcni' convention.
^ Sean tbe Signainre of
The Kind
You Huyb Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Year*
Sheep killing
ise-i- at
dogs .have
a-liiniiga! li the lut. st, l.e-lag s.
r. - uiglil.
AJ :> x-ssinii >4 Mid (WHirl. beM at
a!.. .iHiee. )u the City Of Trati rse r'l.v. in said county, oa lire :ral .
day of July. A- U IKOt.
Pnw*q.t: ll.ni, Fred .B. Walker,
Judgi- of !-rol«;i-.
Grand Traverse.
reiale «.f Dolls
In the matter of the estate of Mark J. IV-srie. Willie, Mllu and t'arl C. a fwtlvo! 'Si-k. I■'•cillllillg August -. Ross, late of »«ld craauty, rlecewsed.
Corlill. iinniirs.
to.wlileh most Vt Ih- siiHe’« hwlges
NotIre is hereby giv.'ti llial four
. Hiliikor. g'lardlan of saM
will !*• iiivll.d. "nie eeniral poOltin month* fnmi the nth day of July. A.
having niMl In said nnirt liU
<f the celehr.AlUin will lie a stri-el fair, I>. 19*‘T. have l>een xduwod for crodl- isiliiini .
iliBl be lx- author.
Rccowwl lo
but -liicidrB'ul fialurcs will Itirtude tors to present their claims against • ir.-d. i-nii-aivei
said tlegeaaed to said court fur ex-j mortgagr' tb•re^ of said crialr .
|iarudi-s. drill cumiHUllon'. niiri other amlnatlou and adjustment, and that in cenaln n-al
stale thcrHa dea
ivi-nts In which -inany -Maceabi-e all cirslltiirs of aal'l di-caawd arc re-'crila-d.
qulrcd to present .their claims to said
lojg*-* of Mie stale Will parliclpa;
lt Is oidcrod. Uist th* nth day of
The tail eii'l 'H'
'lunll cyi t<>n<‘-Hit court, at the prolate officq. In tha Clly Aiiu-asl.A. 1>. I9U7, atf«(ia>ldO(4(lnlll*
of TravtcTe C!tv. In waid Cminty. oir !. r.n.mn. at said1 probate
1 ’ ’
.Vi’.-II viHage. nine inUcs n-tlhW!-*! oi
<.r before the IHh day *'f X’nv.-m»>er
•pointed for bearing .
Ii!:ihd;il-. M-ielay. and dtd «i.iiriih’-i
n. 191-T. and that said clxlms
J, la iliUm.
JI- heard t.y said court on Thai
:.l le -ir.ii: ige t.i imihl'i'gs. X’..l*xly
he H'h day of Noieml-er A- IX
il by (luti
>i ten o’clock is Ihc forenuus.
•r. for Hi:
Auln No.
spew-ding l»-ar Finnk,Fated July lOlhr A. D- f»7.
ci s iv<- wrefe* prt-vhtns lo said day of
•■ninuili. ctinsed Fanner W.lllain litvliIiir-.ring. lir IheRiniid Truvorac Herald,
■*. Harry Geer and ron UaUs of iier's ream lo run awny and dump him
Cadillac are tbe gueau uf relatives In
.-ar Cuvo. two yvaS. ago. and
hfssr-a lavt y
Its growth has t>pen very rapid and
ily one assessmeirt has been ina.'o
a n. -isMapirr prinivd and rireu!at«d la
Judge .of Prolwite.
self anil wife into the dkeh.
wmv Isiilly hurl. Tin- driver of a-.ito
17'»:. lusleail. of wwiiing, lo *<•«• If anyCTCLONK IN'SfBANCE.
l.iwiy wa>- l..:li-d. liirm-il uu full iiower Graini Trav.-i'w.
Alviut 500 of our Wt farmers In ami r:iti aw:,v.
In 111!' mnii-T Ilf the*i«ilal
sured last year In the Stale Mulual
Tie- I..t sn..-vii
1-ojU-r lii the field llnnrii. laic fif sjid.co
Cyiloiie Co., of which ex-Govvrnnr
Tlemili .‘ii-iriCI dh'l S*iiio!-iy evening
k-h Is ii.-e.-ld-nt.
'XOtin. ts h.-r<-hy glv. n Ih:
al Ih- office of he- .loc'.ir a‘ Had Aw.
Muuy furmerw in kllchlcan have lost
n.iBiIhs fp.m Un- Jvjh day of
will!- t.vvaiifna fer iti-:itnjeni^ Arthur
D. IWT. have IwD allow..l t
the I.rnfits of a lifetime by ryVlone*.
las- I'.et.-: Uaf hiJtid
tors to preo nl tb-lr ■ lai-ois
ihe'wise ni.vn will profit by their
,\\i- htg hoiieH-.'. w,.a gips] «id d—va-d to S...U c" (rt
This company luild over IJO.non -
rwEMlsh......................... I 01
te-::..... '.- '.-.j* *•
HsnlrtM......................... tllSSW »m* a
Vts'Coezwm'* A-A sTB.
ll.v uf Klnuslcy *
Train, Cor 0«d»r fily itU rnnrmaM
TJi!i.YrS.r”.AirXi?r^ Prore-revarrir.
______ic«' and Michigan Farmer i
• it \v.ai.kf:h.
J :-lg- of I'.-.il.e
f»rmer shNuld be wllhmil ;i pn
tills ri-Uahle eotnpnuy, as II c«.<
Bute New*.
The New Brandt Spray
l.iiliiC'-ioii c0nuty fiiwiere will l«•hort on oat*, es'isv!' hy mis', hui
hrim+s kre good for an .•xc-Il.-ut cr-.p
■d ry.,
Thtv.- dogs wvrt- sh..'
The latest of all devices for exterminating all
kinds of Insects.
No M'aste of lime by* stopping to pump It
• ahead. Can be done as tbe
operator goes along.
le-olt "f
i»d dog score ;<t A<liiar.. aud ollv.Iirllc n. .igi->l
h.is l-tsn wui 'o .Ami
.Arbor (r.r to-aiin*til.
IJdiPk. lak.n from Ho
diutrtal school by X. S
IV overalls, hlo!’
For Dis^ribu-tine
Paris Green, Bordeaux Mixture and etc, tbls
sprayer has no equaL
MUc'i.-lI. of
■or. has run :i»ay.
Ttu- ho.shirt
M;:rkey. fanner* of Ti-konsha. hav.r-r.-ived woid that they ar*- heir- ; ■
ejeh hy the death' of
hacheto: mirit ia Ib-nv-r.
When Judge V-vnO's-i ruled In laveof h-r h':-!’.i.and In .a
Jw si.*t'e-l
f.v t'Osre'“:i-'n •••f their cbil.l. MrN-Iile II. Miller, <<'Hill~lale. riisp-'
Into her hoshaiid s iirriis In a I-ur-ne
caused So nnicU iroubk-
man,v kwol employes had
friend* frontage, had brek.-n Im-i again an'
swalt.d a <vrgjili- el rewk'.-rv.
ig I’ue dead or Injured. Mr.
Idep-Jty was sect to the scene. Gowun caicii her*- from PIynKu;th
Joshua Paniard. agid «>’. ;i Mts.-ia
: nlmo« every victim. His lather
slppi preacher and phs^tcian. apiiearvsi
was among the lliu r»t Ittjun-d.
Al H. Herbert inove.1 to looia la»i in the country clerk's office at Pot!
It <1
.X t-VverlshnCMA. ll Furca Dirirrhri-n aud Wlixl
Colic, ll relU-vea TeoUsloff Tmublex, ciircx C»uMI|iat>on
and FbUiileiu-.v. It oxunilLtUre lire FikmI, n-tnilatcw the
btomarli umi Jfowels. eivliri; bcalthFaml iruturul aleep.
Tbe ChadreuS l‘aiiacca-The Motbra-'a >'neud. -
Bailie I'r.-ek Marcala-cs will irnve
msy bo a greai Inflaenee to tbe f
W.-dne*d!.y wUh his wife ro ma'xe Huron, Monday to secure abieense tindustrial growth «f our coaiuuiiliy.
1 am also Kieatly pleased at Iwinc tbelr home with Mrs: Herberts motb- rtuitry Mrs. Martha J. Washburn, •’.c
able to present to you a company si .r.Mtw. JeAin WllUatus.>n. whose hue- a widow <if that dty. but was nual-Iband ■Ih'd tw«* moothr b|3 Wllliams- to secure the ducuBcnl becaarsc hTonrs very truly.
furgpi some of the ni-ceosary’ Infornia<«i was for thirty y<aiw
askvAby th*- clerk.
the bPlh-r shop of the road
A. Itaey Ur. PmiMt
No Return in so Years.
“Me «on. wlien n lad nf tixteen. wa*
tn.ul.l-,I wirh limn..r -ri In- ru-e ai»l
afl'-r n-iiie I'cnl. iiru It--m..li.- In-wa*
fr>"»l fr-.m ev.-rv lumi-.r oo.l hae <..ntinievJ
1- th- iir>--.*ot iito— aft.v
Iw.-jilv «--ar. hav- |>.aM,xl. V-iir t’liii.
!-iim K-ap lu>! !.•*) ii-evl in mv raniihfur eev.-ral !->wr- ami 1 ha' '
t'uiwura Il-m.'lH-n.
Uariun. M-., Ihx:. I.
it* afro U its ^usnuitee.
tidegAia message
loeal iruinmeo ir« A. F Her;>ert
halt eluitge "f th>- i\>;:ndh6u*e nmll from Horrmia besich
Ina by the sheriff »t port'Hurvm.
«o tinK ago.
' .
that F. U
H.vffnu.n. who
e new*, of th!- wr<-ek ra’ssed
gloam to settle over Uie y.ir>ls
been made wirier bts per.
bo-o eiuedrf th*
mMskw. she « u
Btiwked alsut a
f.iruiifbt later by
• furk.oe. iu-hmg
and yamful
tK.u all over h"T
Uxly. w.)»*Ully
anns.<d contiderablo sire. Bli- hufft-nxl
a great !|.-al ami f.>r ihre.- s,ek« we
nnr-'l her ev.-rv r.blh!. u.uig all lha
ntis.lii'. w- i-euM H-.iili -J. N-ilimg
w.eild le-tp.
VV- ii„-o r.'.nenil.v.d
hating Is-anl m> iuih-Ii aU.iit ('um.-<ita
Ifa-cu.^Hw. W- sent lor lie tii and afl.V
teit>ruv'm-!ji, niicj,
u»iur onle ..ne
o-mi-lei.- - t
ilw t'uiii-uia It.-nevlH-e.
In liv.'
Oay. Ilie Htth- i.iie.
murli l!.Miir>.v hail l-"-neiu
and lia- l«--r> w- .l f->r a long Ibne.
F. Uu-reiia.li:. U.K. 11.3.1Uxk.-ndkJd.
'and J
Dr. C. C. Davl*. who U vlalllng sis
ters In Detroit will leinru Monday.
Cut in Two.
“It i* in mv opinioo tny duty to jnlo
lixtf.- wIh.
th- ( uticura llemedjcw After my pamiOauf bt.v cf aU-ut
the upper peninsula.
Tlia dam at Thomac hat been t
upon them and are
—> and
AJlownocmeloiIeieelveyonln tbis.
-All CotTitferfetiK, Imltatinris and ** J<i'-l-<i<!.g<HMl'*are bat
Kxpcrttnetrix that trifle writh aiwl cutlunirer the health of
lafauu aud CbUdreu—Experieueo ajpUuM KxjteriinenU
deuragement it given, they
The rain ia-atlll falllnp and preater
oned and the people In
in use for over 30 Tears, has borne tbe signatore of
W. \V. Parr and \V, S Kelley left
Ibis morning for u biuinesa trip lo
Elk Rapids this fill, and If proper cn-| wtn-k.
jmrdUiUly nft.T the piaiiilne of
Jehe R.'^iito went to Umena’ thU
fninrhise, cbaiierii will be obAt MeCembi tha water came In a ready to put In auffieisnt money
la‘n<-d for the Sirerf Hallway C
Co., lo morning to spend a few days with bis
and tho Interlxirliap
preat wave which wracked the heme
the line immediately.
Freight Railway,
to operatv from
w. N. dark of Siiiioes Bay has reof Mrt. Mary lUI^ carrying
turm-U to bis htuiie alter speeding a
throe e fher email children. The bedfew days In this !-ity. .
lea have net bean recevered.
Mrs. A G. Dolenbaiigh Of
John Ktina, atruek by llphtninp.
trouble Ii feared.
The Kind XoQ Itare Aheays Boo^t, and tvblcii haa beqn
It ta faarad
(hat many ilvaa hawa baan (cat
Zanaavilla. .Obie,
Kiing L........... ..
Body Af^er an Attack of Measles
—Nursed Every Night for Three
Weeks-Nothing Helped Her.
Be Good
to your Icct
Get a pair of our lijiht
weight duck fjf i.anA’as
Shoes, jo't the kind for
ba>inland harx'esting.
-■.I.-, your
Jor l/u-.. (Utkcr
-cf I'r'-hi'AS alb tiujcbfl fast aa a
Wiil tprAy. row 1 milcbtii:
W.ll Spray from
'.ijly one rillingof three ^allont.
I S to 20 Hii'8 Of PotatoM with oach
stroke ot lh« pump.
wi:v M-cnd umr
»'h-r yi now can get whs' ,vo3 h»ve
KutM mM fUauUHcv of The
Hmw y«wis Folk* e«rat>in«
I Mil Uy Mvtr to %wrry or
frwi otoKrt toiythJo^
' .
I will tfy to bo levins, h
•nd hind to evorybedr
•vory llvins
\ scKsaJW y
-Poob! that's m^tog. What i
at work humming two white lawn
aprens. Whua 'they sKmpod to <vin•1 pNimtoed to—to iron her Mppare prem-rs both aoUeed that wUiic
-Aad yoa’ll give up'a lovely poivr I Lydia's ctiiehrw were aUnost lartslbla
for that!Sally's griuned up la the fare <4 the
"O Aaa Flaherty, do go right along! j amall needleeromaa with what aremod
My grandma wU! brwr yoo.
a deristre wraiie.
croes-myheart It as good to
y«i made wich a tou wrilt^vi o Sai:y* l-ro*. but ininred
about at aebool the other day.lately her customary jaanUntos
Dorvat gaihered up her toll sad ssserted
..tiwif. -Uy stiicbc* are bigteemt Lcbtcr—R-acon
needle* and fied to tbe kitchen door. gi-r'n yoers." she remarked with eU-'
rvatflmtgvt-Yea BuL«
It was not Ann Raherty's coaxing! borutv carvlesrsess, -'bitt 1 don't care
-e.aad have more lime
that made the lair drop Into-the bas-jU licy are. Ueause. you see. I'm goraej.«>hMpr>toal* n-"*
ket of rc4led-down cloOnw which shejlng to pa;g.n lace and cover 'em all_
:niBiy Sl
drew from tmder the kitchen t.ible. It, up,“ .
u tbe longing for a '-It-.K- tot puppy |
artist friend told us recently of
! Mil her own.
|, p^pij
flrvi attempt at water•tlie centre kingdom of. the
Bnt she winked hcrolc.-tnr as she: colors »:u« v.-r> far from a suttx-u.
put ber Ilillo cricket Ix-rido the lroo-;GenUy. eo as not to Uisconrage the
tu].tcd to Chl=-«ue. and from this',
Ing-board aad mounted it Sbe fiatum-jgiri. tbe teacher i.daled out
word the Pi-riugucse gave It the name
ed out a niffle and ran It over. Not a ; fret after another, and the silence
of Chinv 0;ln* i>ro;ier rnoaist* of_ .
wrinkle in It!
J with which her cmirism was rre>-lv«d
Dorrea began so take a lively inter- made h- r wnrjer if tbe asplnc: for lay hiS litthful dog Tvprr. Thinking , eighteen pr.n loce*.(eooUilBlug TaO.OOtre
It In the cap. which onile excl-sdcd iartUilr kntuwc w.i« not'coming to the to liave some fuu with the dog. be C4« people.
Lhoughts nf puppies. Thump, thump.: conclusion thn: flic bail blundered la | P»ve a shout ,-iod a Jump into ibe i
went tbe little l^an—thump, thump! (choosing ber fl.-U! ..f effotr. Tbf girl's thiekrt os it all Ibe gante ever prss'
A Wonderful Cow.
No wonderJ^bby Mltlward got close (first words,
dtop-lled that;tocled by game laws ffWn aarendlog: A l.lt'e four-yearciM w*s ukea on
' 1 the kitchen door before sbe board;
\ h'lnier was- doshlag. through the * visit to grnndmama in tbe eouhtrr..
-j -I've picked cut tho frame for it al- ‘ hushes. A* he .-xpeeted. Tiger cwlne Tbcre. for toe flr>t Ume. be bad n
-ilo, hot Dewca.-; Knapp Ironoil her Kady It's r\al wide and baadsome— bounding »n<l i-arkirg to the fr;y. end - oi-.-ir rtcii of a row. Ih-. wi»Ud etatod
grandmoTTier's Sunday rap!" he cried: | ibe most cxpcnslvo one In the store." .sora
the trirk that was play.-d 'and look on wbfW Ihv man follkad.
for Bobby never could resist making, Th«-n afirr a moment's hesUation. "I'upon him. sm-aki-nack and iaid down '*"il asked ail manuerof ^onileDa. In.
rtijmrs. wbclLrr ib- occasion ealicd guess nol«dy’ll not re a few Uttle mli
1?;«' itniatnsa re»uaicd liU ’l*to way be lenreed that tho
>r It or not.
takca la the picture, as long as tiie'-fiutlcs. and wu^ tard at work for two inwAr^ Irtioriie* un the row's bead
"That's ttxjp." laughed Dorci-s Uk- ftome'r nice"
jor three
when all at once tbc’wi.v c..n.-I bores. Now. the lltlW.
le H plca-vantly. -TA'llh only ««e These two girts, like many other j dog roao fi\-ni liis slrep. s- t onia. and j fellow knew of only one kind of her*,
wrinkle. Bniibv. and that doesn't people In this world .4 ogrs. mUunder- • ey«* In tie dln-ciicn of the woods, and a few dayt after olitalalBg Ibl*
■ rtooJ the use of oroamenL. tU.- piir-1 save a l-aik. and made,* rush for the informaUre. hoaring a strooge. Mtow"IVe got something for voii" saidl
I'cauty is not to cover up do 1 former d.-pth*. The luaa Mlowed the lag iiols.- In the yard, be ran out to
Bohby. making a sudden dive’ for a ' ^«-is. Only that which 'to fine in it- i ool• r, t- lo a tre.whKl. U- asrertatn its cauae. In a tew mlnu^
basket hidden under the hooeysucklei
^Ivsenc* to
atornid. The vl.viwas hs-nding canin- ccogiwtoUtioni to^he r-^uroed. with wonder and delldit
l«*h. "Alnt ho erte. hoy?" And out.'•*d"l*iU- in:'l- I«>: bat wbea the geutU-uiau depictid on hi* countenoare. exetoimIltUo Wae.ey^ puppy, as soft Ouiogm-.'s raih. ilml. would U- groteo-^ catuv aud lx.;.4i oaxlo-jsly to scan tbo lag. -Mamma! .maraina! di. 4o e-—
|hoar);» for the bldd<n cuce..Ti^r!out ^re! The c«w'a Mowing ber
... ., woodshed
i silk and lively as a cricket.
A young girl, tbe doucUtor o', wval- gave :i sailsBcd "ah. woohl" Uatowcdjhorn*:*
••Ooh! ' creamed tvircas. hugging
. -O Bobby, f wauud it so. you thy parents was sent to a •‘Hert a.gtonec of cooicmpt on his oiaster.t
sriiod in the Ebsl to study Preach. and, siriklng a dignified gait, walkknow!"
palming. There orroinidlsh | lark to his couch with the appearance ■ Two smvi eebg. J «>}* were aet to
-Yes ' said Bobby, grav.-ly, "Ann
Auppli-mi-nt her j a -bu: wiio had siiuaied all a«-onnL!,'. w.-edini: onlott* and started oE at opFlaberiv told ite. But when sh« got,
sad had k-n nothing duv on viUicr |.r.iu-enito of the n-w to work toward
there they were .11 gone 'cent this onci •■J^xalKm. but to cmnci-ol the
I onr. She l.vlked niigrammaileall;.-. was sidi ^
wo an-ither. “I's done - more lhaa
s.ivcd for jvxi "
---------------------h-ou." said Dun. prtocaiHy. -No yoo
t-uatly Ignoiani uf liu-raturr.
Whwi Ann Flaherty c c hark the
How Ch-ns Got It* Name.
|rm't!' asarvu-d 8*m. “Ye* 1 1a den."
.ind Itobtiy I
vould not have trekomd up tbe
lapping t
I'pwnnto of 1100 yean arforo Christ' clsofltig down the row. 'U'« lOU
lU- ChlncK wore a people ruled by a nearer to you dan' you to to ffle."
loo. mw a">■ “I
had bc-ti
a lit
llttb- wiser »he would
- dynasty of kings, of whom, like the:
......, ..
of .............
known tliii' i.i.iliing Is more abturd :I’haraobs of old. there is no clear bi*-l
ton-, and not onUI the -Chow" dy-| When the king of Siam vlslud
than an orai!Ui:ut‘*d ignoroiftc.
Snilk-s arc lu-aiiliriil who thiy are nasty. U. C. 1125. Is there any dear-winiknr Muue rears ogu hr was given
Pauline-* Bead*.
tic OJU-hlBlng of a cheerful and kind- hisb.rr of the main Chlni-re state.; a magniflre-nt suite of .noins on Ihw
Pauline had been a very nsughty Ij splriL But most of us are familiar [ The OUncse Jake their hlstoiT B»ck _ B,-si floor, t.ul frosn the first it wasgirt, and mninmn was at her wits' end. with the other. vartetV,—the smiles ti- the llnu! of Noah.
; .asy to sre ihat he was not sotlsfled.
^-hat eoulii she do to make her Ilulo!
Thi. V cij aiKii ut iTBplre ha.« 1.:roe' Then the troth leaked ooL It U «u»aaa-imed !<■ cono-al some di.-*daughter remember
'.-..•lie fiw-Iiug down In tho heart In Itt tltfie many names, for U was |.,n,ary in Slam for the mocareh to
Impatient wicked words any more?
«i.-'s mi«-d i( Iguelil- or uolov-ly. eusuim when a new dynaMy aBenadod^ .i..«n m the top of Uw house. -aa*rPauline was one of iti
.. ,s not improved bv tiring adorned the ihrooe toglTc onuUH-r Bome tothe'irt tuerven,'' and toot utlien should
Honed mile 0ris in the world, «n1.i ,.^1,
picraiol words.
cmplrs. aa Hal-gue, Chum-gur. Hoa-! occupy ihu cxalied nXRM-^icb he
When she was tn good humor, one of;
wmieihlng hex. etc., according to the Bome of e.mi.KH-n'd ►lioiild be hi*, upsd bis
the sweetest. But she ws, vey hasty..
^ conceal toe uorighUy and
ruling monarch.
' tnajcwiy until the cbamberUla pro
and When anything displeased
Every grace of pe.^on or
be tr .0 mime is said to be Ch-im-! t ided him with IcdUer opanaeou.
that urr-.ilv-loncMe of hi-n» would say
«houM be ihv oxbad. nnklod word:, before she kn-.'w It.
, tlghur tvauty-'wi.kli,. or
«Ise thee arc :u- iitivi-jia!.;.- aP li,.it
story one alKrui »little girl like
001* OkT -ros isisfconsa tt'.'
yoo; and how do you suppose she
^^^y of ..rn-v 0
learoedfo control her trouldescune
9 •)»8ip o3X«9 pueaJ[V) o) Xres g^)i
pandajd v,
, cKit it —Exchar.se.
V o88»j>({dsoi]dod£Hpira[iQjaArjpo^nire^uoD)! , 9^'
“f dem't know. 1 am sore, raamms."!______________
1 I 'ins^cXf 9x^U3 jnoi ni3ipSQ»i)f pire dn Bppnq ||
answered Pauline, throi.eh her tear*?'.
* oeg's Joke on Hi* Master.
"•Well I UTI tell you,' etmtln-ued,
BrnH.-man w.us .Tgap d oni- day
ito>ri72tu3 ryjojy-wpix i'-i.'.,.
mamms,' taking the penitent child in'^,^
•pSUgjpDAk 39UB88|SDJ JO gJDAAOd JltoX
her lap and stroking her soft hair,
^l..-,,.i„g i^uj ,u u,.- su.i,
pm p3)snBipc9 n maiflif jnoX asneoag
"Her rroiher had rome beads, bliek:
one and white ones; and taking a prrt- —-------------- ----------- -------------- -- •
«anuT)oo3 t]8no3 8onpvq
whenever she ^heard the'
nanghty words com* from ihal li'tle
tongue she put a blaek lu-ad in the
box, but when ber dffghter remem-'
bered and did not say toe had words I
they came m her mind, she pul
white one. Then at nlcht she^
Have your
• grease
theWaiM ap
Cut Stone Work
Mica Ade Grease
Cleorocre. Mich
June 21. 1907.
Dear TTesldeot: —
wriuco to the SonWlillame.
shine Oul), 1 will now write and i
■ eeend VIei Fre^nl—Mra. I
Pemorey EhlrldA
If 1 cannot Join Uie Bunsbtoe Club,
Orsanlxd Decembor & IME
live OB a farm near Glen Lake: t like
go boat riding. Hy usrie has
j-acbL I hnve loU of rides on that
do nni go ti> srtniol now. Our srt»o»l
Hy Uachnr'a neme U Ulss Ida
Qeed Night ond Oeed Morning.
Keaaen. i like her very mueb. Please
A t*lr lltUe cm wi ooder * l«e«
sfmd mo a card and buUoD? 1
Seorlsc as Iodr as hi^ eye* rouia w
Ttoa owiydlwd ber work aod folded It done for tbla Ume.
Prom lour Snnablncr.
'Helen Doiwey.
ABl Mid. **Oear work, good-olibt. Age 8.
indeed yon rosy jmb our aub. and
hope you will write agato
R. F. D.-No. 2.
Back a aWBber o( took* eaua erwr I
idne 22. IMT.
, bead.
Dear Preetdenl:—
Crytox. -Caw. raw!- os tliHr way
My sister antUbrolhor have Joined
Sbe mM. as she watehod their eorlous Uie Suosbloe Oub. They got ^
card aad button, ao I thought I
*lit«lo blBOk'uilogs. cood-alsht. geod- Uk'e to bare one loo. Will j-ou please
send me a card aodbullooT I also bare
have B little tuwUier who would like to
Join the Cradiu Hull. HU name UJul
Tte bmde* ncdgbod sad Uio
tua Jbbnsoo. He is five years old.
lot go lu school. 1 p> to school
' n* AeopN -Bleat! bleatr cane
Tra\wr»o''city. MW-h.. R. F. D.
day. when wc bare scfaonl, but
the rood:
July ». 'W7.
AD aoMBlnc to say. with a qolct de- nur Bcbnol was out on the 7Ui of Jime. Dear President: —
and I pissed fmen the first grade Into
have been reeding the Sunshine
the second grade, it Is thundering leliers for a loug whllb. My papa
and raining now. We have bad ni Ukes the Herald and
long time. I have a pet <»t
idw-ay* read the letters. I enjoy
Is blackJe. I named her a< them very n»ch. I belong to the SunSbe did not say to the swL -CloedbeeauM- she is all black- I watch the Ebirro Clnb but hove lost my card and
•Iglit!•very mortang from 7:00
• TbeBsh sbe saw him there like a t
Ftor pea I Mve
11:00 o'clock. TVwtnLToday m-kol
when I wav Dewey aad a Uulo pony named Prince.
of iisbt;
watching the eows. t found some ripe Plcflv Md me a card and buUua.
fto- she know ho had God's tiiae
they tasted very good,
Your Sunshiner.
m yetterday. but it was Age 8.
Xellle Smedlry.
w.ilk. 1 live on s farm
glad that you enjoy the Sunr.1 nlln from
rm?n >
t mile
about Ihn
shine letters so much. Your new
must close.
The toll p(ak tosgtoye bowed hU
card and buuoa have bees scat yo-J.
1 good-by.
nfo Lake. Nicb.
FTwn your Sunbeam.
• July M, 1907.
Age 8.
Oscar Johnson
IX-ar Prcwldomi—
day write and tell us w
A>d load mue Utoy tied wp her balr.
I received .vour nice letter too
AM saM, «a her knees ber tanxlle klBda of Wads you see when watchiag tlmo ago. Celia was glad to get her
the cows. Your Irttcr wna very
card and button, i take music lesdons
. P«JW.
now. 1 bare four little kttiens.
Davison. Mleh, B. F.'D. No. 4. like to watch Ihotn play. tVtl ;
I And. wbUe on ber idttow ebe sotUy
June 34. 19C7.
please send klyrtle and Emma Smith
8ba knew aothiac more UIl afahi U Dear PteeJdwit;—
a card and button In my aarot
was day;
1 rccrired my card and luntoii on glad
owes are' In bloom,
the farm In summer time.
AM au thUiM aald to the boaoUful Friday tost I was very glad to get
both and I will try very much to be
"Oood-mendnx. eoedtoomtng! our
every day. ! am to
of help to mamma. I bare three dolls,
Nvllle Slrabsn.
kitten tor pets. 1 used
I like to see the rose*, too. Isn't
up north once, and my papa says
Th* flwiBg.
nice when siimmer Is here!
win go hack north this fall,
*'Bow do you like to go up to a swing.
it tor becier north than I do here, t
Up to the air so UaoT
eve^ morning. And'oaeh day lliey]
s lUOc tJr) of nine sammetw. I
Oh. I do tktok It the pleassBUBtUlng
tried to put more w—e beods ■'
my deer grandpape and grandBrer a ehUd can do.
box than they h.ud ir day hefore.!
resmo-w tbla siulag. I will close, bopUp In the^ bM over the wMI.
guppo-slng that you and I try it. dear.'
It It dowbllrss as true as It » curious,
:g to be a true Sonstalner.
TUI I MB eee so wUe.
Pauline gave a little sish. ".tonn'l
though, as It now stands. It Is very red the white ones." si
nwm your Sunhlne girl.
Blvers and trees sad Mttle aad aU
I5>v1>-0 N. Palmer.
Over the eoaBtryMde;
"I .hall h.uve only blaek one. n..put;
pigeon making bre.id;
I am sure jou are a greet deal of
TDI ! look down on the garden green.
I the box."
1 raw a girl composed of ibresd;
help to your mamma, and Uial you are
Down' oe the roof ao brown;
W.vmira pare her a loving kis.'. Ihcn
1 swm > towel one mile sntuirc:
tree Sunbeam.
Up to the nlr'l «e fljlag again.
pm her dean Bnd weal about her
I saw a raesdow in the air;
Honor. Mich.. R. F. D. No, L
Up la tbp air gad flowa.work.
I saw a {urkei wtdk h inil-:
June 25. 1907.
It wa.s not long before something
i saw a pony m.ike a file.
Dear President: —
again happeued to dlspUI saw a blacksmith tn a Imx:
1 will wrile a few words li> you <■>The hot tears .tilled her e>cs
1 saw an oranp' km nn ov;
ay. 1 received Hie card and button,
n nauehly-words were alrei.dy
I saw a Isncher mad<- of steel:
am Ihirtrtsi j-eara old and I am In
HMssi Oortoy, OtoBtoere. MIHi.
'at the lip of her wilfni iong»ie. when—
I saw a penknife dance a red:
Oacar JMMoe. SaUons Bay. Midi.. the thth grade. 1 like pdng to school
-No." cried she. wiih a tiiiirk. de
I saw a tailor twelve feet high:
In tbe summer. This is a pleasant
B. P. O. Ko. 2.
lied shake of her eurly heiid: ' No.
I raw n ladder in a pie: .
aistbeth Janet Templeton. Oilragn. day. Our school is out now. We have
I saw an apple fly awny;
tiwnlbs vacaucw. 1 have a
shn ran to mamma with her fac*I raw a sparrcni making bay;
Cora Kelly. Honor. Mleh., R. F. I’ frirtid. rvira Kelly who would like li*
1 saw a farmer like a dog:
alt smile*.
the Sanahiar dob very much.
No. 1. NaA BHit by Mary Hannees.
I >a» a puppy tnlvicg gtoe;
-I Aid d-i i:!" - lie • v< l.i:Ti!e.t. JerieiMyrtle aad Emma Bmlth. Fife Lake. Her address is the s.-ime 3.< mine. You
--Givc me a white Ipivid. mamma
aend her the eanl aad button. 'I raw *iirce men who saw these, too.
MMl Name* sent by Nrttle SUwbnii.
And' will confirm what I tell y<
Ptoyd, Betaard aad John O'Leary. We live onA torm in the country #nd
’ —Exchange.
How plea'ed and h.irnv pnnma
,kr piMsnre In'tbc fields In hay
Honor. Hleh. NaBM aent by Fern
and how pure rnd wh'<e ti e I;*
Dorcas's CroaaAdy-Heart.
It Is pleasant I think. I muat close
••Tlicy won't siav on when you hitch tie. shiny tend looked to Pa-iMne
•'IT never,-nevrr oerer have any
H. Y. P. •uneblM Ctab CrMIs Roll. for this lime,
them orer!” cried Dorcas from the
f-rom you loving friend.
Julius JMam. age nve yeaiw. Sut
vindew-sral. where she bsd retired htoek one. to put In there with that
Mary Hannena.
beautiful, s hite head'" sbe cried. • I
ton* My. lliA.. R. F. D. No. 1. Name
But thought she tried very brnve!>
This U a Kn ely Ume of year and
BMt by Oeear Johnaaa.
Indeed, the <ld haVlt eo-jld not he
do not wonder you'enjoy bclag out au Mlggled up. grandm:
Mere Is Mch a pretty lltUe etorr of doors.
Omodma laughed, 'aad patiently cooqcerei! at Ooee ar.dI P3::!i^;i;
IbLk *n-.s put in
ttot year president saw In owe of tbe
"Dssal^led" tbe queerly taesbed
But she was ni
July 2. i*e:.
city p^Mrs A short Ume ago. Sbe
thinks yoo will all enjoy reading nboH ■ Deer PreNdeot:—
•■I s'pjse," said Dorcas with a sigh. and toe white oa« ai
• teore than the black, and she
tbe mother robin and b*by birds:
i am going to writ
I’ lt't eooier oa the doo.--«cp. I'l! knit
doesn't empty the ho* bat once a
~On the It-mlle branch of * certair 11 tisrc three WretbeTW
'■’■‘Itm: there."
week instead of every day. beca-:.se
nllread renalng < ,t of New Haven. I to Join ih* Bimshine Clnb. Their I Ar.a naberty came np tbe road.
d.->»sft -feel naughty so ofien as
mch >e
is kept In
aad Jtfita
— i name*
nmuirv are .Floyd. --------- —
j -| ia golB* 10 Smith's for a puppy,
She used to: and sbe hopes that be-.|
when the traffic ' o'Leaty. Floyd I* nine y.-or* old.
four peppies
a peat while her pretty b
to henry. It stands In the yard at the ; n*td to aeveo and John la five, potirth i give as-ay loday._ Come ns. asd be'U
. Out school , give voii one. too." She hung Icslntatbe opened to reeelvc»toe black J
1.- and ---------------to aoraetllBea nut iof —.
July wlH be here
-----l>ead« any nvo
naed ter a period of wrenl week*.! ««* ont tbe 2l*t of June Onr teachIt haiRgnmil. «oe day reesnUy. that or * name was LuHi, Oely and she j
emging ail sumroer
U WM nsMed. after a rest of more uved at Empire t goera thto-te a!l lijop , puppy. "But 1 rant." she said
-My Stitehr* are Biggei-n Yagra."
than a month, and the coodiietor had} ran • rite for this time, so 1 will cto*e. •
It was In toe lUva wh<m th* daily
it Bttaehed tu liU traia to-make the I\.| your Snnsbloer.
fcwlnr!--- ..a was i-ar: o: m. re s:-,"luilenm. During the dme IMt It-had j
Pere OY-varv
Ij,,^^ tratolng. that two UtUe duunin*
i>.> -
lahi Idle, a tebia bad boilt ber
OB the rods onder the car. and had
there batched ber Uttle onm. nnien
the ear Mt the yards, the robin Al
lowed. flying the 18 miles, and reaehod
the station one lalnale betalod the
train. Sbe sinRird ont the mr wh!!e
It lay to the jmrd there, and witched
and fed ter UlUe brood,
startad back, she flew after It as be
fore. arrlvlas at about the time 11
did. In bis way the btUe Idrd family
made the trip four time* that day.
distance of 78 mllfo. When the
<«ach was ooee more aldetracked
the yard at the outer terminal, the
mother took ber place on the
and comfort her naked Uttle
Tbit to'eldent was wtumased by
tit the employes, and is true I
every partieular.-
nd ftm have * good tlase on the
Foonh «< jBlyT What did you do?
Qnplre. Ulcb.
July :. 1»7.
Dear Presldmit:—
I will now write a few Itnca to yon.
1 thank you vrey mutb lor my card
and butum. They are very oke. I
bad a Jolly Umo the Fourth and
sorry when it was. over. Hy pmm
gave mo fifty cent* to spend,
eebool Is out now. so I bare to help
about the farm. Hoptog this reaches
you. I will close with Uet wIsImb.
One of your SanshUuTw.
Rud Boyntoo.
Tou most Imve liren able to get
lot of thing* for the Fourib of J.ily
with fifty e«U*.
Empire. Mich.
July 7. l»7.
Dear Pretodrat:—
I thought I would write Ui you and
tdl you that t got my card and
ton. They were very nice. Neva
thought hers was very nlre too. and so
EMoa's. My cousin Is out here
from Seottvllle. and all the fun t
Vould not toll you obouL I bare one
doH about a foul high. Her name U
BesMe. Wdl. as niy letter la gelltog
long. I wiU dose.
ge li>.
Martha noytiion.
i sbcild Ilk.- to HOC your dell I
you like to make droam for her?
Acme. Mich.
July 8. 1907.
Dear Prrslil.nt —
thought I would write you a fe
Unre and Kk you kmow how I a
spending irty vacaUon. Grandma and
>ut to U-iand to see
and brottwrs. tt'hlle 1 was
there my hivlhcr
almost off la the mill. They had two
doctors to dress the arm. Tbe doctor
Ihinks he ran save the arm Brother
Is now g<lUng along Just finely, but
torribU- when it was done.
My pa pave mo a little jmppy: liU
ime Is Don. As niy Mier is getUng
gotto long, I guess 1 will close.
»om your Sunshiner,
gc n.
Gladys tiro.
1 am so sorry that jour brwher had
such * aad Ume. and hope he I* bel-
will he paid tf> any pen
find one atom of opium,
have no; l.e^n tampcrol
Dr. M.’rs- rcjn.dirs cure !y
Ihcir Mrcnt::!irtitr" and du-.i;:oratin- clTect tip.m the fv r.-o">
syrteir. and not by weakci'iuK
tiic nerves.
work done
Pay later.
/You will be surprised how easy it 'wHI
be for you to KCt a new home or have
the old one repaired or painted if you
lebiis do the work. We make the cost
moderate and the payments to suit you.
Monday, Wednesdaya»a Saturday
Miles Medical Co.. ElkharL lod
Are three goo:! days on which to
Business University
Th<: oth< r days to buy it are Tuesday, Thursday and
l-r:day. Uu: no matter what day you buy it, you
tan a]tv.-iy» feel sure that when you use it you
arc '.joicn to have sufKirior results.
tM.I*. he reli f.lji-p^eul- ’’•ir-1
Hannah & Lay Co.
pretoOily tben to o
young earn In their buaka. The appetlslog odor of the sweet. Juicy beniels
preparos cee for that oDn toothdMi that has stood the teot of Ume. to
ifideal u> corer-before punioa lo the ■tavly of preparaUm. to rae of the
eat deUcacies of the Maara.
mm. Wbm doee, maore the hooka,
(ore Ming. .The syrap should be
are vnricius. IndigesUbto food la and raoled before preparing
stemarii is oav caara. Going to mehia. To this syrup add two cups
la a drprrased stale of nfnd of melon palp, two iraapooos of
tastes quite aa good as when ra i ewrara tbr eonieis of tbe mooth to be Jnlee. and a speck If red coira
pkmie trip- If >'ou want drewn down ud gives a sad expres to rive n t delkate pink color. FVeeie
aoch ■ dbimr as ouly puttlieiu Hlehl- sion in going to sleep think of piess- like other ki*. and
wboi neariy
eui give, try the following the
frotcu stir In the other white of one
gorvlnrra of (he great Spirit, of'tcc. braten Miff with a level tableUme yon upend
fishing grouads. The
Jo>» at life, the Uesslngs of home.j »poou of p.iwdercd sugar. Thke out
Thera to aerar a Ume wtra dlnaei
idredae llghtlr wtth aalt. butter aad a yet to wlthla the reach of all. Qtpeo- addlUra to the ratal ccid dslaUra are friends, parents ra Chlldrea. I'nder no the lestrv after Inrnlug raou^ to
duM o( pe|>p»r and eend lo the table. Islly doea It appeal lo youthful appeUpotatoes, trash green com
mix the egg and kc stand to flntob
WbCB aerved in thla
anaaer. the tea. and In after life, srhat delicate aod tho ftsb vrfaleb it U takes fra
thought. If }-<*■ have enemies, rorgive
cODooetlra of the rame lo the most granted repiae In your basket
ptopo- war to eet the com U to
Prune lee Cream.—Oneholf rap of
them—even hive them
Love to the Hunr*. pitira and run through the
ernr row of gralaa with a Aarp kalfe elabocais B«eu can compare with the
tad with the UMh
The fim requlstie In eoetolag this great IwantUl.-r «.f the lacw of women fo.»d eh<.pp«T, st.-wod laiUl sivfi
ishlooad rooiilng car. cither as
dinner to to mshe n big fire, using Rtid hate nn.I evil tlwsighis set ron- water le eon-r, and snimr to.sweet,
“WHI. Harr.** uM he eoto hit tmd crater of the gralo, leaTiag the hull, roasted la the busks, browned Ir
whicb U said to be the oolr ladlgeeU- oven, or toasted before a bed of glow.; targe stumps of wood, nnUI a ffood hot li-artwlse.—Journal « Hj-gicne.
one rap
ereatn. unehalf cwp
td of ccals
ble part, on the cb,
■mbers and iKTliaiw dueled
sugar, and .me eu)> of milk heated
n kaov net whatever welt do:
The poratrs see washed clean, and
<n».'Jgh to dlMiDlve tbe siiimr: be.
planted end aowcd. but (hinst will
la the tollowlac redpea ii one tor clean wood ashes?
pricked to proreot brawtiog. Rake
caaslog com that. If amomtelr fol
pUoe at one side ef the fire oad
lowed. will prare excellrat: bat the
Useful Uvhdry Hints.
hoBOetaepor of llailted tine, ead maar
It mauetw no( how aeccmplitli
denaada on that tine. wUI And the
oosekeeper may be. it Is always
Urn a wnJIe aa ahe taiBod ^Toa proeoio of drying the com aa passible tor her to learn aonel
(roai her work.
about Isabdrrlng Tbe subject Is.
eoea. aa that of caanlag tt. It to -bet as IneshaosUble as the mooted i
She too, had her triala and wo
oom. bat Uo Id Hamlet's madness. In tbe first
'■Dnt be ao aad. Joha. the lane majr ter to eat" than the
the ashes to cool a trifle. Plat*
tho potatoes on the rooted ashes;
sprinkle wlih hi
lop heap a few cooled Mbra. then top nnlnkie with mj
with hot cials. pariclbg ihecn down elnsel}- eov.-r.-d It
well, aad leave for aa hour. Take off
WI-'mi the tamer ea^ la to fala dto- will
to be used In restoring brown llora; aad
better to nae about a doeen large
botOe of Javelle water.
HIB taoa waa ao boaoT. aad bright: eara at a time. When ent. apread a
To remove tea aud coffee stains,
"Oh. Mhrr. ear wheat baa tamed nit paper In the bottom of a bread paa.
spread tbr stalmd portion ove
pul the corn on thla and piece In a bowl ^ pour iKiitliig wwl<>r nv>
Aad the coca U a baaatltal atfiL'
- hot oren. taking I
from such a bright as to give It lorro.
gins to lUiffen stir In half a pint of
chopped Maraschtiin rh.-rriei.. together
with four tablespoons of tiH- rordlal;
continue frooxlng until very
then pack In Indlrhliul
the eoTb's natural awodasto toother
Hiniw la a kaadfal of aalt
and bare p*enty of bolUng water-
fee cuiM os -ou dcMre imffs and All
half full. Place In a' sti
boiling water.
S.-rvi- with sweet
oned erranL
(JhocolBte PudOmg.—lius
■ JTBfl. ORRTBrp* McKIEkSaV.
IVisid Keosbe slnov Emporia, Eas.,
-I saffsred very tnneh with a severe
eold In the head aad was always »>■clsialng of feellnc tfroff sad dnreiy.
When mj mother soggreud and lostoted on my taking a Anr flenles of
■oo. I did so, and la a shori tims |
Ilk# a new psiaon. Hy muttvar
praJwt M veirM(*(r aadsodol.*'
CatrtHtaeg M Fc-ra«a.
Mr*. M. V. Joooa, Bonkng ^risici.
-Webavs bren oring Pwmafor soosa
lime and have no hosluncy in nMom>
mending It for tbs Ihonaand OBd one
altmsDtsul hnmanlly.
-Fromaperwaa/rdafl shall oot hew.
Hale to.tec»mm«nd It. aspwclally to all
suffering women.
•'Ptnutt Ass gafiMd fhff raoMsM
and s pttnianrDi suy la uur bosss."
A orcot TaMe.
Mr*. Anna I.mdsr.sR. B. &, n*s*elL
Hinn.,vrrltes: *-i png Penina anal am
well. I wiHil-lr-.l '■« wKliout that gTv-s>
tonic fur Ira Urn..* its cvai.’*
linen*, mb ..n salt as M*ni sa pnsslbte,
and wash In ih.- uounl way. !( not
enllrt-ly rt-mov.-d. ap|.ly lemon Juke
made in the morning ra the day be
fore. Place on tbe stove a |dnt of UicD a niefy flat-iron? Rub then with
milk, wlten it tirils add Half a capful flnr emerj- dust and ssrcM o(l. If you
nf nugaf. two laUesponfifuls of (nrn- cannot make them aninotb. send (hebi
Ktarrh. rae tablespoonful of grated
factory and have them ground..
I'ln.-ain.le aod RasplK-rry l^isCrpam.
—Cut off the loji <rf a large pineapple,
alas come out resdily.
eboeolaie and a little vaullla. \M II
OKik imlll very thick and smooth, then
tiK- Move to cracked, a pood eemcnl to m;id(- for It aa-Xidtuw*: Wood
taken In cbooeing com that to "last
pour Into mmd.i* until Arm.
righL' The grains should be well
ilUcd out. yet eollrely soft and Juicy;
with whipped cireim.
Fig Pudding.—Beat two eggs irlUi
filled In the -cracks whet) the Stove to
egs-to-sK'r vmUI Ugbt. then add ooe
cup of milk and two raps of slfud
flour sOr In slowly and beat WiUI
cool. It will eora harden.
The best way of Iresling n Move
that has not been blacked for aoote
who desires to have toe- heod avll set
com CroqueUcs.-Take one plot of te dry.
The to-d clothing
Paint may he leiuovcd from the on her ihmildei*
grated corn and a plot of sulc bread
wHrm. and
on.j all'.w
crumbs, mix together aad ea^n with laost deUrate fabric* by patiently rub *h("ild to- light but wurm.
ouch It frori*
(he ulr to |Nii* through
and pepper; add a beaten egg bing the epot with chlonift
own lloee may be kept looUng the air Inf’s lr-d. a-hich so^^KX*.tn.-*
two Ubleaporafnls tf flour,
pireiytation (r.«o
all together aad make out Into small new naUI worn out if It to waAed lo sniuruUvi
rioqucitr*. Boll three In gnitrrbtwad ■lareb water and liay tea. kinke flour OUT iKHIes. dore not ps-** off.
cdomUa and fry In boUlng fat. This starch In the ordinary way. Fo
, makes a alee entree where meats and drras put on the strae a cominoD
pen full of timothy bay, i>our on
lor arala. Tbcre are doaaaa of ways heavy dtobea are served at a dinner.
Cora (Juslard Cakes.—Grate tt
and boU unUl tbe water to a dark
of aamag this detteious wegetaWe.
greeo color. Turn the bay lea Into the
few of wWch Hoae Cbaer has adwt- can of com. add balf-plnt of milk,
with amS of ta loleaa. Sooathiiic
of the aaae eSact to obtalaod by loar.
—Hg the iaaer brake on whoa the oora
angel cake Itghllj- s|wead with tinted
• , VT turn,
• TO tfy to keep the odte aad oda •
«d for tho brasdt of Its fwadem
RaaatlBg to ths btaka iwtalas sU of
e«l-l oaliiu-al
• TO Bake the thmlly laoBaa ranch :
• , olway.
• With aoaM lifl orar (or a ralay '
• Thla to ihsoolyaytophooywhlBI
hreakfasi. To ..n.- pim ci.ld .niimeal
grciind elnnanKm and a cupful of hot add on.--halr cup sugar, v,.ii.» three
milk; stir until .smooth and add with eggs, one ieasi>K<n'butler. iiDi-half
then with a strong a|iuoo i
:-nd 1.0(1 rplt «I1 tbe pokun. si.v*
To cleanse
(be pulp. Myaratinc it from
1 article soiled with moat Juice, wash Medical Talk. Carefully rins.-out ih.core, which should 1»- rejeeied. Sugar
m.mlh after .-aeh exivcrtoniilvii. Afi'-i
rat la cold water, then wlpi wn
(h.- froli. l.-i li sUin.l Hanie tlni.-, then
ih.ater aad srap.
inur off rae cupful of JukiTrim
If they eaaaoi be readily Indented
KueHoo applied to It. then a ptWlllee
OsBile arid should be employed
tbe plneapiile-shetl at the Isnugn,
with the thumb nail aad are
very good treatment for the
remove Iron met. Wet the stained
it will stand firm ana ebil Iq the re
. catohr, ckpety bUa of gbyloaophy. al- mUky throughout, the com to
(inditry Inflammation. Even if t
■pot wKh cold water;
Hakli wx-ll one |.lnt of red
nadr traaiad and ready to bo plaeod hard. Nothing sattofaebMy cu
■troug solution of the arid; let stand
ra.-pberrl.-s, a.Id ooe fo-urlh of
on Bo wMl, Ibera to werra ga a te- made of It. Com diould be oooked as
few mlmites and rtnae. nTicn the
nf^sugar. and the pliM-appIv-Jirlce.
worried ■ora as possible after being githmd.
. Biodod in busy. taoi;ried
makfflal. The old-fasbira.vl tUxsevdl''’'
stain baa dlseppoared wash In
BOBwuta But It ramalna tor a writer' Otoe mcch of lu sweetneas will be
moota water. ' For a stain cause
Take from the a
add tbe Julcc
In Ooud Eooaafceaplag to «
loal. It oblldcd-lo bo kept over night
stove poltob wash wblle the black Is wounds are getieiwlly of a very alight
Jemon. more . UU- If neeflod. and
the haaks ahrald be Idt on aad (he
freeb In cold water with naptha enap. ebaraeter. and the tronblo Is that no
igMCad out alngly oo a odd cellar
can say that they will iirodiice any
There aro three reagrato for ink
one oupful nf
know, tor It goaa to the Borli wtth a floe.-.
I'Pvulls. But If they are treated
Blalaa. A fresh blot may Id removed
sugar until light and frothy, flavor
auraatB. U arary vooiaB who c
his way in the Hart it to a very,
A delldoua soup to made In
by milk. If the Ink bna
:ih v-unllla, and fnv-xr as lec-errem:
H attmna to al teaat a part of what wise; Take throe large cam. Orala
good prereuthm.
oxalic add or Javelle
hen half fron-n add the frull-Julce.
It teaehae. aba wOl ha»« taken maty
Atiolher slmide and offenlve
on from them and put the cobs
effective. The add Is mil alwnyv
and finish freering. FilMnto the plne-footalapa on th^ path ot poaoa.enl to me smoke of liuniing w
■rap kettle: cover them with suoccsrful, os much depend* upon
apph-shrll. H t It in a drr-p mold or
Bcre to *Tbe Boraakaaper'a Symph three qoarts cf boiling water and boil
should Ue the raw .wool Just fn«n the
quality of the Ink. The Javelle wi
fr.v-r.-r-Tiin. and
let It stand
Where the raw word cannot
riowly for belt an hour. Thra take out
bran found salisfactory in every sheep
l-sekid lu KW- and salt (or an hour or
obtained, flannel
woolen elolbs
the cobs, put In the oom. boll
loiicer. S.rve on a plate covered with
.• TO do the beat I can from mon
may Ik- used, hut in ray oplnltm •'«'
MUdew. of all sulUB. to the most
tU alMiL
|iricr»s (d maiiufaemn- would partly
through a wire sieve and put back
Ginger Sherliei,—-Make a l.-nmn
• Aod pray for added oMagth wtth* l»e keige. Bub together three table- difficult to ren»ve. Apf
dretrny the efficacy of Ihe remedy
buttermilk and sunshine
ater lee and freere: rut freir oiinre*
1- reason for this to. the raw wool
spDoufuto of butter sad ooe of flour;
slight-dlscrioratioo. but a stubof piwerved glngv-r llilo very small
stir this Inlo the soup. Tben add one
iwrn stntn lamally tost as lc*g
anations ot Ihe sheep. The wool plWTv., adding to It 1*0 tablespoonfuls
plat of hot cream aad the beaten yella
fabric. The nae of ammonia is the
Ih.- gliig»-r synip: stir lino the
should be placed In the IwUran of a
of tvro eggs. Cook for a mlnole longer
If (he staina
large kettle or anj: suluvb'e vessel, in froren Ice and ivaek.
and aeosoo with aalt and peppi
very bad bang for
flanana Fluff —Slice six large l«naIhe bnitom uf wnlDi are live coals
tumee of ammonia, then w-a
1*. Siinnkle wlili lemon Juice and
Tlicn the foot or injiirv>d limb shoiilrt
Com aad Tomato Crataid.—To oao
Repeat the iwocesa or Icngt
to- plac-d In the ketth- and tborougtily CTMl.-d eowan.it aad place directly .m
cupful of com OIL from the <*>».,
Ume .If necessary. FW thla
the ire- 1,1 chill and ri|»-n .for at least
eovered. so that tin- an»>ke nuiu.u .-sfata- egge sHghtly beaten, a little salt,
pnt.B little ammonia In a Mason jar
an limin, Mash them sto<..ihly with
• To aalta. tatoad id frown at Pate.'
paprika and ralra Juice, ud a cupful
aad allow Uic stained port
a wrs»l.-n sporsi. adding a scant riip
• Vhtdi ptaeed me in a Many al- '
wards Ik- applied lo.the wuutid.
aad a quarter of milk. Hto sad beke
fabric to bang Into Uie Jsr ao that tt
of powd.-red suiair and the stiffly
waya lata
la butteied moulds set lo a pa
wiU not touch the liquid. Cover, aud
• To Beals; to do the aewtng. mead- '
tovatep Whil.s -f iw» eggs, which
Hjgicne of tbe Bed.
. When Him tom oot oo a
let stand aa long as
should to- lightly fol.ted ID. now [.eir
lag. aad
The tovt to the plaee wh-rc
platter with brotlod tomatoes an
• The tteBHtd ooiaU thtags alwaya ’ aad over all a cream oauce made with aton-e iroMinenl has lu-eo found to m- SJKUI.I alKiiil one-lhird of our lives
A into the fo-en r. tiindng Ihe crank for
Urriy efface tbe moet bO|>riOBS Of mil woman who has tv«rh-d sixty Im- fo.ir mmiiies. 'IT until there to a slight
xoful eweh of boUef ood
dew stains.
• Aad do (bam alwaya wlih a chaon. ' flour and one cupful of milk.
siK-nl twenty yean. In In-d
Many l«d r.-ttolanre. »ii-n half a Idni .'f whlpTo remove grass stain*,
,y JK- .Id'
tel heart.
habits and Itid p.>»igon» aiv foniied p.-d cream msyjKChicken and Corn.—Joint aod etew
fabric: rub In snene soft soap and as during Shv-p Some girls asMime an at
y of mil*
• BoeasBO la Ufa they oasa to be
spring dilcken. W'ben tender,
. IlQ.-d
ay pan:
titude which en.mps the chest so that clivM.uiI crimp(d paiavf
move from the Are. cut from the brace
• To know the ptam tor oracythlag '
resi.lnitlori to not full and complete
Put a layer of the meal
Rsal manner, and tbe stain will
Ci.n(.in Vul
This d.K-* their health reurh harm.
le a baking dleh. then a layer of green
erally disappear.
(-ich. -nKKrth riu-turd from a *cant |i
TV shiKilder< sh-.iild
finely cut from the oob. Sprinkle
to Bwaop.
To wash delicate ginghams without fo.-s.-11-d then, nor the
fold.-d of ntlk. (w-n eggs and a heaping (ahlethis with asll. pepper aad btu of butWh.-n cold, add a
lading, add u tsMcsiuonfuI uf liirpen- lightly oviT the cb.-si
• To brew, to bake, to answer qoaeA najro.w tod *porvn of sugar
yn-cr with another layer
I.int of w-hlpi«d erfwm and a scant
tine to a ^tou ot lukewsun
the dilckra. craUnulng thla luSI the
• To be the aalaaprlag td iba tsa- *
and soak the gannent la this soluUoa not have room to s[rruwl ov.-r a larg.- cup of prvwerved ginger *v-nip; now
dtob to filled. Have the wjt layer of
Oy dook.
com. aod rover with bica of bofter
• (Or that effect) and see that np
warn suds. Oo not let tbe garmont gnuesqu,- fhap.-*. The pUiow should frown ">ur in thr.*Ue. bnt rinse It quickly through sev- 1.- smiill an.l hard. A soft pilb'w cbolvi-ed walnut-' uiid i
waxen and bang It in the shade should nut to- irieuled t>> any girl silred Canlrai ginger
• la oot of tiaa. or ttae. or aooa. or
3hnn4 m emfft UhU
«emt Csed PuOdingf
Tbe f.>lh>wing dainty
three eupiols
nts or ralaln*. one teaspoon
of thin cream heated to the sralding
lemon .-Xtrart. and stir
point in H double botirr: Oral
gelber Iborouidily. Then ts-ai
yolks of four eggs tinUl thick,
add Just be
slowly pour the hoi cbueolair mlxtnre
fore sedtlog In the oven
Hake for
them. Iwsiting alt the while
twenty minutes and sene hot to the double boiler and coot
whipped cream, or a saure If
til sllebllv thickened. Pour Int
vessel surrounded with crushed lee.
Qu.K-n Pudding.—Botl tog.-th.-t
and whvn rnid add one pint »f doable
nr oilnnie one quart of milk,
email fish lo poelUon. Prop the board eream whipped to a stiff froth. Turn
pint of bread crumlw and one
before a b« bed of eoala. w-*tch
iRt.i ihe fre<-ier can and freere
slKionful of butieir.- Put Into a
carefully and turn frequooUy. •When sod mush; add the «likes of (.iut
ben nsd add the yolks
.-ggs hesteo with thn-e tablrapramfuls
beaten Ilglit; add
Ilf puwdided sugar and continue freei- ped niiilns. one-half enp of aitgai
Ing until quite
Utile nutmeg. Bake till brown Beat
Mint Jelly.
liealer. stir down with a spoon, adding
the whilea of three <iare li> a stif
new form of mint as an sc
the melon dl«-; cover cl.wely; pack
fioth with tfarratrespumifuUtff sitgitr
pnnlmriu to 'smb la mint Jolly,
afrr-h In Ice aod salt, and let suiid spread this over the lop aud t-towi
make It. strip saffleient Iraves from nu h(mr to ripen.
quickly In a hot oven.
theh- Blslks t® make a c-apful. packed
Blsreilt (?miai.—Rub tbe yellow rind
Ratoln Pulto—Take a cup
huasure. Poor over them a pint of of two lemons on lumfis of cut tugar.
eggs, onrxfrartfa cup butter. » s-founh
boiling waler. eovra chfsriy
then crush the sugar lo. a i>ow-der.
uf swtvri milk, i
keep w-arm over hot water for twenty addlog balf s cup ot ooafratloqer's
.pt’wder and flour to make ■ rather
minutes, then strain. Mca.-tui-e the
sugar, twelve
thick batter, a oip nlalns and flavor
fusion and add more waler to mi
a pint of stiffly whipped erram; turn
□U pint. Soak one-half of a pack- Inlo the freiier and as the cream be ing to the taste. Grease as many cof
and aUmng it Dp erary tew mlautoa. Bosax and cold w-alrr 1s the remedy
vfa« it li thoroughly bMted'
bopolsta stains. S|>rinkle
oe bar boa.
through. If cODTeulent, alternate the stained spots with boiax and aoak in
-How. Jeha. let bm aar to roc thla.
a oren with ptaclag the eora In
water, after which treat as for
n wa Wtn hot wait till the harvaat U the hot aiiosbine tor a litUo while; tint
and coffee Mains. For frolt stains,
the tiulcker It can be dried the better. uer boiling water with onotalf cop of
Via wmn * baartiebe will mUa.*
When dry enough to put away, it wlU Javelle water to two galloDs of wslrr.
be very ll^t brown In color and bard immerwr tbr stain: soak a short time,
Aad *tla met oolr thaa la the worta- oDough to rattle. A teacaptui will be and rinse In several waters. Fruit
auiriclcnt for aa ordinary-alzed family. stains may also be removed If the
Bat la Beat other tUap laar be ao. Soak it for aa boor or ao before oalng
goads le wet thfough with atoobol be
>f gi-lstlne in one-half of a cup <if
It we talf ooa w^ to oee the oat- aod'put to cook in auffleleat hot water
fore gotag to tho laundry.
cold m-BU-r; stand over hot water until
corer. adding bk«w If necewaary.,
1 f. Uttir milk or lomoo Juice aod dissnivtd. 8Ur Into the mint Intualon,
be ao aeed tbr oar w
mtea trader and the water aearlr
will frequently be sll that it will
we. lablospoimful of lemon Jnlee
cooked out of it. add a cupful of ri^
leoeaaary to use. Wlno stains
two tabU-sponfiils of imwdered
sweet milk, butler tbe also of a wal- sboidd be eorered with salt aa soon aa
sugar. Mold, preferably In, Individual
■alt and pepper lo, taite. and made, theu trended with botllag water.
• Do Uty dotjr—that le beat.—
thiekra with a apoooful of flour made
described for fruit stains.
• Aad Imvo ooto Ihr Loid the reoC
a thla paste with water before may also bo removed-by ooveving with
sUirlBg It In.
bMUng milk. If washed lo cold water
»at whether for caaning. drying, or vrhlle qiUle rrosh. milk and'
She looked at him ihH, with a aaine
t-n.-d cboeolate
of the outer busks uf the corn, turn and ru.'lc add half a lnw|>onnrul of
Iqper ones back and remove
pot ao pleaatoetotbefdf^UaaheaUna place, eren If you have stationary
And tUw all he righted, who It In the orra give* It a brownlib tuba, hare also a w-asbing mschlne If the silk. Bring the hraks ra
boe. wbemaa the canoed eora to beaa- paaslUe. have two wringer*, one for ear and give a U^t twist, then bar?
la bot ssbes as fra potatoes aad leave
llfallr white.
sheeu and spreads sod rae for th«>
n ho-jr. Fra the Ash UM- bnink
Weaka bare padhed br ud tte ha^
To dry It. apllt every row of Bmlna smaller articles. Tbls «UI be found
wblle ftoh ra sUrra of halibut
net U o'er.
aad allce them off le thla larera,
be an ecoaotny In the end. Oo the
If small DA are uacd. apllt dow-n the
Aad the bam mutag ever with aeraping the mb llghUr
elf let there be a jsr of borax; ooe
aad fsaten with new wire nails
grala: .
with the back of a knife to get oot all of eloride of lime, (or desperate stains
u oak or hldanr plank
Aad ererrthiag joeing ao heallhtaUr the remaining milk in the gralna. Tlie and for dlsfeetlbg; a Jar of rock salt,
sold lo bousebedd fun
com will prolablr be "intmhj - look to set the color In new prinu: a
this pnrpose.) Lay (hr fish skin
rot there hm boea hooBl^M rela.
the milkier It U the flnei- of wheat bran for washing delicste
Bide down.
Two nails wUl hold
cut the gmlna.
iwss, some bay. chopiied cuarsel}-, to
aooti tom.
inU set aside
>1 i.laee. Crete
and serve In sherlK-l t
over each iKirthm two tai.i.-spo(-n* 'd
lm|*>n.d gingvr ale
nd*T Ice.—Boil half a
(er of a euirful “f wat.-r
thin stream <•(; the
white of aj*«E and
irs unesi*. itnd restless sH'
s!e,.p \„ lm;«toKlbl.-. Sotn- wom-n sSJ j very fresh, *•
(hey ran sb'-p only 'm (me sld*-.
s... then there
If *ynip to nmi
H.nielhiiip psnly (r.-ere.
i-» an'l »a!( In equul |>roi>ortlooa. re
el (o a pjKtc with (-old water, and
smooth, add three tablcwmonfi
melted butter, a diM o? aalt. heaping
paper, adding jinn a HUk clroa grease
teaiTooiifwI o^ baWng powder, halfpound of choice dried Bga.'chopped
almost any kind. (I will aliin lake,*
pollah after a few UvalmeBU of uAa
flne; mix well axul liour Into i
ding dish greased with biittra: set In
a steamer over hettle of botllng water
and steam two hours; siwve with hard
sauce mmlr hy mixing smooth sugar
Itrokeii' china mar be mended by
making i(^nghl^pia».;of«a white of
an egg anil flour. elranlDc the lirokea
edgi-* from mart, aprendln* Utem with
and liiilier tugellier and gnitlng
Ihe paste and hoMing the parts IP-
meg over R.
gelto-r while wet. wiping off all that
.*«.-* («a. U nioal be held or fastened
What a Hairpin
The wife (g a KaOKis farmer g-"
In pnwlllon until dry.
«}o in iKKl al night ui aleep; and not
tired of askhig him to fix ihlngi- about
lo think over the trouble* of the day.
th-' hovisv tjist need(-(I fixing, and
day after he had coroe home I
nor (be anticipat'd triala of the mor
town, told him sliu had done the work
row. One woman said: "I pUo my
next day’s work each night afler rr-
UrlDg. '
• And you know. " wbe said,
drawers that wa» lorkod for over i
she looked It.
month and whirh you raid couldn'
be oiK-ni-'l exto-jK by a lockarolUi'
Well, irtumidianily. "1 opened ll,-W(-1I. well' How In the world db
vra do lir-
Poor uuh'. nervous , thlag.
Tc Serve el Rarilee.
long and itorrow nlUnw with Ihh*
currant-jelly and place two together.
Sardine Sandwlchre-Spirad thinly '
-With-4 hulrpla. And the ovei
(kK.r. ' -she rontlniuyi. "has been slip
(riit bread and toy a plcked-op ranUne
upon each *lk-e. sprinkle lemra-Jnlce
ping artnind on one hinge for ever w
over JVBU befoiv- aervlng.
long. Juki lieewuse you were too Ux;
Fririt Punch-One quart each at
canned ptnrappl*-, red rwapberry. sour
to fix It. ton Ifs all rigbl now."
-'Well. I'm glad you had It fixed."
Mad It axtsll I flxcd.lt tnye«»
It crayon
portrait of
« btvlroin. and that
mother that .--Uw
almost six solid
eherry-J'ilce. added to a alroog lelnonade; add one pint strung Mack tea
and cnialied lee; when a>.-n1o« flU •
glBsseK one-fuurtJi with the brat
brand •>( giru»-T ale
Nut Saiiflwieto-*.—Granted almond*
hook* —f got it up with a hi»»k I made
n;y*, |f—out of a halfpln.''
or whIi.iH' with olh< r not* nan tomad- M-f. deliel.sia sandwlclie.
iiev.-r would liring me
-Wc'I. well." WHS all he could
ytxu've !»«•»
eoHXlng him and bribing him (ra
a year trying to break him of I
a !ii;v pit.cli of aalt or ooi.-ry Kill, or
. HIM.- eJiopiHd pickle fra savnes,
y„r '*.*•( san'lalches It will la- ('SJltd
"With a hair pin?" he intjulred.
II,at cround'atmond* blen'P»-!t with
at,(ted choreJaie. or with anger and
.1 lliil- l.-iDon-JuireChopjevt dates
"Nol" she snapped.
re.mbine wvU with waloat* and cocoa-
hto nail;-', and I broke him la a •
cooeel With a balrbrnsh "
ptit, and ralsui* an- P"*! •*** “F
Hcipfiri HinU.
C-K-oacut MararoOOS.—Crate enough
The lorn pages M IkmIo. may l--.era«anv:t
to make two raps Olid a
TnemKwl with white iluue paper
iiair “1 pewdr.r'd sugar and eoraiAb
Splrtta of ammonia. V qRuted. n;* ;ere-.m to mnl*ien. Add Uie towien
rtiphil of
Idled wills a aivouge lo fadod or dl." ' sMv-* M iwoegga. mix well and drop
t*ieir in a colored ajsiui lo a rairec will Mteii i v the M'vmful iipoe waxed paper
"f » baking pan
suffly whim>ed lestore the color.
Finger marks may l»> removed tom, miiek.- .t. a hra. oven.
While kUII
till (*«il. l'*e
-r. ad-Jlng sugar vanihibed ftiniHure b> nibbing well .arn.. .prinkto with powdered wigar.
ot.-r If drelred; with a very llulo sweet oil «iK*n »,
Jan, Sandwlobew—Are the orarw-t
[ihir.c for afternono tra*. Inatred of
d the meringue, ooft rag.
wrong with them. One •idu to po.i>Mehm Sherto-t.—Cut
ripe eant.vatairii. l« the goods soak in H a ■*— sUy ni.-l evenly developed *Rh the
don of pepper, leaspooe of salt, n
kxipes or muskmeioos Into quarter*
other. A healthy womai
spoon of sugar, three eggs, whitsa ralantos and wwA without soap- '
aod seiape out tbe soeda. Scrap the
sleep and should steep
beatra stiff, aod ora of Hour. Bouer starch w«] clean the (abrie and
snd then on the other, even changing | pulp with a silv--( knife and peea*
rinalng will be necessary.
gem pant or custard mips. Stand
Some Ihj.exgh a wire etraJner Make a syrup
Lard wHl remove tar or wheel imcoo*riou*iy lo the night.
pen of b« water, If custard cups i
of one and oue-balf cups of sugar aod
grease. Bub the spot with laid, as If women twist nod contort their fares
used, sad bake twenty minutes.
<«ie-halt e.ip -rf to.aiiig water and cm.k
and wbra Uw eialu to well diirU.u *lee|. Into bad sIhukv* and thus
The Ladles' World gives the follow,
five minute*, or until dear; cool bwform
lag methods of using com:
To uke Main* out of Hnen, dip (be'cake
apottod pans Immedlatelj
Oit the bread In narrow flagei
ptire 1 l.-ngMui pi*cref. aad lay them log-cabiB-
melted tallow aad Oie Ink will tuiveiwlae on a pUto that to raverod with
* fancy dMly. Cut the bread very
Very often It to the abort hln'.or ihin, butter wef), then apread with
auggawUon IhM we read aomewh-,-| Jem. Raaptw-rry-. Mrawbrary. peach or
Wfaicb provew a mountain of help .-i , plum are wihtable.
These with meat
Pages tt0l4
FNa auaritir* lUcord.
0«Mt. Mleh, July lO-A
Imalnar Pera
atreet. lODia.
Bdvard Conan. tS yron, brakoman
of paaomifor train. Onmd badga.
od aa*on paaoanpar eora and hurlad
thorn railing down tha ellfT. Thay did
not toko lira aa raportod.
MMlwi tnifi
looia; borne la Bimini
Condaetor filalar aaeapad with lnjar>
M< a fratflit train taah plaoa at 1«
tea, bat Ray Jacoba, tha firaman, waa
aWaek ,ttila momlna- at
K waa lapartad that forty or
Tha fralght crow Jumpad and
Tha btoMhaanotyat boon plaoad.
PMRia havo boon MIM aiHt ao Many Tha oMuraten train
alavan ooaehaa crowded to the plat-:
Mom an« oUiar ptaaao wara calM to
oMoiid On oMarInga of tha Injorod.
Tba aaoatalaa mm wait ermaOad. JMt
how tha acoWaat
forma and tha care wara tom to apllntom and boOi onglnaa damollahad.
Tha work of roacoa bagan with tha
franay of daaporatlon.
Raltef tralna
aoon on tha oeona and blooding
Ytotlma draggad from tha dabr
Pr. WIlUam E. Kaana aaoloui
dio In tha aun. praying for holp and
Br. r. W. RabbloA tha Rora MarguatU
cMaf avrgaon. haa boon
Mymaath by tha road oHidaU on a
apaclai train ta laava Dotralt at
RaHraad efflelila daniad thorn had
boon a wraeh, bat latar admlttad that
tharo had boon a
raaorta at tha Union atatlan ara that
many orara kldad.
. Many daad bodlaa havo boon uhan
tram tha wrookad train.
A dia
tram lanU roporta that thara
batmoan «a handrad and ao«an
drod foaona on tha train with tha
wildaat anaiaty a*ar tha faU of ralatlvaa and friando pravaltlrm.
nina daad and fifty Injurad of wtrich
aoaaral will dia.
bogging for,watar.
Tha oxaaraian
Ing In tha raaeuo work and hondrada
r paopla ara now at tha aeana.
DetrclL Mleh.. Joly 22—Banner
Huntna. aged '24, of Ionia, one c(
thooe aeitoualy Injured la the SaleB
;k Satorday. died tbli morning
BL Mary-a boapiul.
Roalns w In a erUloal eoodlUob
when be ^waa brought to_Detroil
the relief train and transterred to St
Mary's boaplinl. He araa mSertng
from Inlerwa Injuries and cOBeam
of the bnin and waa uncoaetooa a
of the time op to hit death.
Mtea Otenn Rnggina. hit steter,
rtTod in Dotiolt Sondny and waa at
bar brother's bedjlda when he died.
HU -deeth brings the roll of tUnUtlei la the erraek up to tblrty-tva
The rnoet that a rdlet train waa
aent frp6 Detroit aerersl minnteo batore the ooHUIod actually bwaned
ludleatro tbM the accident waa
of aome one'i caieleasneaa
waa laadad wMh naariy ftaa handrad
Para MarRaotta omployao and
liao from tha lania ahopa.
ttmotawaot baaad fralght hoadon
looia. Mlcb., July 2t-TUrtyflea
penoos ara daad aa tbe raault of the
at Satem btnr
Tbe oomplete Itet of killed U
as follows;
Cbartea Broad. 19 years old, boiler
IO|iercent Saved
Is better than
50 per cent
Benjamin Dorllag. 41 yean, cn
ter Pera Marqaetle sbofio. 411 Bait
Lincoln aTeeue.
lire. Abraham Bddy, Sd years. Prallie Creek. loaU.
PYed ntsgerald. 20 years. Pera Margoette abopa. 301 Beat Frost street.
ked OalUgher. 1» *yeaue. Mnrrel
WlUard Stager. SO years. Pera Maraeue sbopa. Kansas Ctty. Ma
John Tofet. 16. Pera Marquette
stopa, 426 Alien street, toala.
Alban Trautweln. pen MarqoetU
sbopa. FbieM atreet. Ionia.
UaU F. Walton. 12 yesuu. studeaL
tuber engineer oe Pere Marquette,
James TUsmrd. 30 years, boilermak
er Pera Marquette shops, bat Lafay
ette etreet.
Harry WUIliaa. 17 years, sn
tuber engineer on Pere Marqaetle.
W. 3. Ooraell. U years. Pare Mae
quette abopa. 340 bat Waablngteo
atreet, Ionia.
Banner Hngglaa. aged 24. died la SL
Mary's bosplUI. DeiraiL itaU i
Pere Marquette who In any way had
anything to do with tha oparotion of
trains on that fatal day. will ba
Bau Lafayette strweL lonte.
B. J. Pteley, 37 yean, eonduetor
passenger trate.^ 366 North JeSenoo
street, lonte.
Henry a Reyaedds, 42 years. Pere
Harqoette eoglneer. 440 bat ;
tireoc lonte.
Mra. Anguet Rlebeter. No. 445 Altec
street, lonte.
DanaU Regera. 19 yean, painter
Pere Marquette ahopa. Lowrtl. BUeb.
Homer .emltb, 14 years. lonte Wag
on company. Sooth lonte itieeL
Detroit. Mleh_ July 2*—Late today
n Inquest to fis tha raspontibillty of
ta Pere Marquette wrack
Celumbit and ftan Pedre u
collision off Shcltar Cmra. Mtndoelna'
tea running of trains on the read will county at midnight
ba drawn eoL
will be held bafora Jualiec Jealin in tea town hall at Northvllla. Prea-I
ocutor Rebiaen and Coroner Parker
The coast where the aeeld
!d >a badly supplied with UgMq and
"Our bualnesa here haa increai
frequent marina tragtdiaa havt
such propertiena teat wa muM
red tears.
batter facilltiaa for handling IL and
If wa cannet get the nrcaaesfy prop
erly at a iwaaonabla figure, tha Pstos.
moved south." said Oivlalon St^rin-
The property problem came up st
ir tee plant for a new round house
had been cmnpIcUd which call for a
conerate buoys enough to save eighty of. tea
It waa at first planned
on tha alte of
get* and slaty effictra and c
which waa dattroyed by lire sarty In
the spring, but to do tela. It
The Columbia carried 16B cabin patsangart. twenly.one atoaraga pasaonColumMa’a paaoangara.
the back of three lets on Lsko avonuo
C. L. Dayton a CanUidau.
Th*> roolrart fiu ilio r S. P
The owners were approached on tea lodan iHilldInR was auanlnd (u Uithor
win by ter bulIrtiOR cmir
subject but tha officiate of tea road
could come to no termi with team.
It te alee being planned to Imprmra
Id mederniM the yards, the material
The new round house Itaalf would
: a big Improvamant te tha city at
will be modern in every particular,
freight train, will be one of tec imp
capable of earing for the largoat types
tant —**ii~iTi
ef locametivca and have an uptbdate
It la said that every official of t
large tumuble built in
Conductor Hamilton who waa ar- being on the way at prasanL
The San Padre te a tmall vtaaol and
only carried two boats
lowtrad. Th# crow of the San Podra
a managed le throw out ropoo
When asked If the 1
and their famlllaa be feraad
patehcr In Detroit would be srrened, te leave the cltyi
le Pere Marquette officials te
routed from their bertha by tea crate,
there woo scarcely a chance for thoir.
pany'a mill yards and if these cannet
Aaaittant Prosecuting Attorney Rob be obtained, tee house will be built at
reatad foilowing his autement made
of them women and ehiidreo. all were
about eighty feat In depth
ison said teat there would be some acme aeuthern point probably Thempthing doMig at tee Inquest but what aenville. the division headquart<
sensation vrill be. he n
moved there and aeeret of railroad
he had mlsToad hla order*
Tha Columbia
•a crowded with paeoongor*, many
eonereta building of etetoan'atalte and
tiena would not eonflicL
he will be arrested."
The eecnta en board tea two vaalit ware appalling.
but the Coumbia oank.ao rapidly
ba present Protscutlng Atternay Thera ar* ether locations under adSheldon of Ionia, made this arrange vioemenL one at tha aouthera and ef
ment so that tha official l^vaatiga. tha Traverse City Manufaetui
he said, "No. net now; I don't think
machine shop In connection.
Michigan’s Big Store
worked toffrther. and «
:ing eoanaluee tn beliig ahio to
■Ar such a bnUdlug. ra few aodetba can boate
freeing thedr oara
lodiP bulMItv
PMoa were atodd by Jena C PMap»rn. attbUed.
IMx were reoMred m foUowa:
Uehty and BUak.v, JH.779.
TUcauaa McAdUn. 611420.
Ladher A Irwtn. 110400.
R. J. Mercer, (boating) |U2g*.
R. J. Mercer. (planUng) ISM
Aina A CMr, (brating) fl,2n.
Ama A Oole. (phanHitgi »H6.
H. A L. Merc. Ok. (beaUng) . He
K. A L Mere. Oo, (ptunHag) UM.
Charira Prechaaka. Jr. .arho has
Iresn in tela dty a number M'yean,
baa decided to maU hM boma M
Milwaukee, where be will angage la
boalnraa. Mr. Proehaaka tntendod to
leave here the laUrr ^ cf tbe weak.
dlaeoverod that It wonld be owtsaary for him to gn teat nIgbL T»a
Elks' lodgr, of iriiicb be vaa a T«ir
iar member, had arranged a eon.
maion and tareardl raeentlan for
Ur. Prechaaka for Tbrasday eraiitog
bta hla sudden departure made «Ut plana nroresary and hr va«
given an ovation at tea d^xA vbte b*
(‘eparied ycMorday aflernoon. A rarr
handaome toatimonlal In tha sbapa
’ a gold beaded umbrella, aullabtr
•graved, was proMmlad en bebatf 9t
Ihe Elks' lodge, ter preaentallon baBag
made by J. A. Loranger.
Proehaaka was d«totr aBectofl
It erldeoee of regard of bU broiber Bika and ao statod la laapcnaa.
Mr. Preebaxka baa been a neabar Of
the lodge ever since hla raaldaMa
here, and be baa for same time oarrad
aa ireaaarer of the otvalmtlon. and
crenlmr 15th and will be bulll nt trd
|•^nw<vl brkdt and be 4S1SI. eqtilva111 Ui Ihrrv- ntortoo la brtgbL
The dlnltiR room. tmokiDje Toom,
kllrtini. rtr.. will br <b the bear
ppmiml finer. Thr lodpr room also
audllnrlura and tedire' parlnr -will br
ter anrond floor, larpr gaJlnry
lonko thr audflortan). thr hrlMit of
rellliMt In Ihr mom brln« 24 foot. The
llm floor «11l br carried on cast
colomm-. and ter erilloit. 43iSl3. of tbe
auditorium rarrinl on tnuaea.
The roundaUciu will he of
carried dnu-n (n aolld ooil. and the auperamictunr will be of trick and
auel. The building will br locnlnd
HI eonicr T>f Oak mod Freni
etrerls fadag Front Mrort.
ter with tbe ED». aa vell-«i vjth 41
Plaim have been arranged to make peopio of the dty. all of whom ragn
(be bulMIng aa oenrly fireproof aa teat he finds It neesaaary to mM
l•n.wible.Bndof Eood cunstrucUou oon-
The Hannali & Lav Mercantile Co.i
pertad 100 livaa were loat
twenty feet wide and extanding acraaa
« than ena himdrad injur
sMerlnc the ataouat of WDey lateM
The btdlAnc has been anaagod
with plenty «f eadta and everythtag
teat will make it a daalrable hrutottig
a couTCuiaue to the sticag giwu.
laembmUp of tee C 8. P. S.
The CMumbla waa sunk and It la rw
Mutt Have More Room.
FKmi gatontey'a Record.
aaaary to obtain a atrip
I which thirty-one peraena
that iome startling Infermation ai
to a Record raporter this m.
Among tbc list of daad is tha name
pf A. P. Kabart. Mr. Heben—If It bs
•aa round bouao foraman
man until about a month
when he went aeirth ta uka a place
tha Ionia machine shops. He waa one
« bast liked man at this and of
tha division.
queatMtoappear and it la axpat
tandant Enaal of the Pare Mara
Mein itreet, loela.
Cbartte Hans. &I years. Pera Mnr>
qoette Miopa. 420
street, lonte.
Herman Haas, IS yeara.
Cbartea Haas, stodeot. 420 East La
fayette BtreeL
Pan! Haaa, It years.
Cbartea Haas. Pare Mamue
420 bat Lafayeue atreet.
Allen F. Herbert, 44 years, machin
ist Pera ai]gaette sbcg>B, 316 Bsst
Main ntraeL Ionia.
WUItem Gant, 20 yeara, 176 East
Front atreeL Ionia.
WlUUm Grame. 20 year*. Perc Mar
quotte shops, 446 Jones streeL lonls.
Homer Jones. 36 yesre.
Pere Marquette. West Main street,
H. A. Knowles, 27 yesn, flremnn
If pMsanger tnJn. CotUns. Mich.
Frank Latham, IB years. Marvel
Unuteetadng ecopany. 224 East
Frant atreet. loala.
Mate street, loids.
Cbartea McCauley. 60 yeara. fm«-
Many Mad.
•an Franciaee July
just rcaehad here UM tea aiaamara,
P. and JR.
PttoDda for Posh
and Proflt
SL ata&da for Best
and Riut.
We Are Pushing
After asplendid season’s business in furniture our buyer
found that onr sales had increa^ largely over any previ
ous season, and that to meet tl^ growing trade he would
10 per cent Reduction
Ev^ piece of furniture is marked in plain Figures
tbe price it mu« sell for when we receive it. (The
house that marks goods in plain Rgures is safe, low
priced and aggressive. If goods are marked in char*
Mteri the intention is to deceive in price or quality.)
So It per ecnLdlscoiut means fUlt for ttc.
Ou^tock is always complete in Furniture for every
room in tbe house from kitchen to drawing room.
Eitohan tables tor..................
tXW ‘
UcDoogel Osbiaets Inob............ »U.7S to SVH eech
Oebinet Bsom trooi.............................UM to 7M eScb
Tbps for these Bsmm....^............................... 94JSesch
Dining Room Furniture from the ordinary kinds to
the higely polished Oak or Mission Styles.
Dining TbUee tfom........................... T. -.-t&M to UM
Side Bosrda Bufleto nod Side Teblee, ranging
Sat of 6 Dining Obsln....... .homtl.7S to
Bed Rooni Suits
:i pieces from.................................. S18.00 to UM e ttiil
(«d Droeeerafrom........................8............$«0to*8^
Commodto fioiD.......................................................... $4.00 toU.OO
Chiffoniera from.........................................................$7.M toJ7.S0
Droeeing Teblea from...........................................$10.00 lo2S.00
Iron Bede end BrsM B<-ds from..............$L00 to 55.00
Woven Wire Cota..........................................$L75 t.- 4-00
Suitgry Steel Folding Beds from.......... $5.00 to 8.50
Mantel FoUing Beds from.............
$14JK> to UM
Dretoing Cbsin, Slipper Cbaira, Bed Ritoiii Rockers. Etc
Cdetiratcd Bradbury Pianos,
The best in the world...............................$400.00'
Henoing Pianoe......................................................360.00
Fsmnd OectUian Piano.........................
Fairand Parlor Organ............................................... 66.00
Music Cabinets................................... $5.50 to 13.00
Music Beoebee with Music Cabinet I4.^to 16.00
Organ and Piano Stools,..................
i\25 to 2.60
Piano Scarfs.......................................... /l.50to6.75
Library Furniture
Library Tables from......$6.50 to $26.00
Small Stands from......... I.SOto 12.50
Couches as soft as a government
job. but not so hard to get.
Priced from.................... 7.50 to 54.00
Leather Chairs from........... 6.50 to 45.00
Gunn’s Sectional Book Cases.
Library Cwesfrom.............. 8.50 to22.50
Combination Cases......... 12.50 to 28.50
S(d8 Custklons and Bed Pillows,
ranging in price from--60cto $4 each
Down Cu^ions....................45c to $ 1.75
Silk Flosses from.................35c to 1.00
Life Geese Feathers, per pound...........85c
s Today and Ends Ang. 1$.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
6aid -Trarcrse HcnM
r M^ofUla t
boy t
e stitegers. rate 0.
at On his book.
d It U
(hoBcbt toat te bis *
bare retanted to tbeir borne astlo.
toe child bad stepped off the stringer
Tbe tebool fcooee bat receircd
ew ooai ot
red palat oo tbe o«t> and bad tellea te.
OB toe pUIng wi
Mr. Blefcard stated te a Rseoid repteM. tb«r bave twe« onder the aiu- tide aad preea taslde.
Jobe Butb baa the boat taonte at reaentetlve tola morning toat tou
ct KKCC prifmte lattlti
Oreea Uke laading aearly completed. body had probably not been te
vkM (DM about tbo cootrr to/
an boor when foand.
porpoM. Tb« Trararaa aty pUa U He It alto extendlnp the dock.
Mr. and Mri. Tlebrey have a teat He diserrdila toe sunstroke or drowslfor «a roteeame voBBtttoe to oaiptor
opoMit n«a>c«r to kxA otter U« sp BCsr Dark Lake aad are irepated
deum and w that abowa ara prc
ras theory, saying tbal tor boy
ttroag, hralihy little rbap and was
•S slwhmB. rate COSD B-a>—bHastb«v4>cw
rori^aara.i-iwrurt-ewrClw >wt4 viowsty
« Oraad TtsTw.
e 10th Day Of August
From Wedneudsy't Record.
tmdoDbiedly not affected by Ue
As for being sleepy, as It was ti
Tba as quMauena s
y My. Tha luual maricut
Hwckleberrlet are comloc'lD dolte after dinner Ume, he undoub
eatarallr (an upon aoe la «hargc ot
naDacmnt. thla BBaacar to be thtek now, ibcre betas more ihaa last was too hungry for that Mr. Rlckerd
.BMml •* tk« fomotan •
uadrr tbe dlreeUou ol tb« exaenare year.
things that be tnieoded to catch
■tjnat ooe more- aad then go booa.
Improvementa to Be Made,
catching that
Tbe aUraetloDt would be taeored
r Grand opera bouse silt under‘parately. aod each woold be oader yn some extessive Improremeou wlih- nafortuoste boy lost
The family bad been at Acme only
The rbicng.i cherry market pk-k-'d
•• At a teMOas ot tbe dtiwtora of the dlieetloB of tbe exeaoUre
ID the next two *reeka. The
one week aad telmdcd to stay two up a trifle yi»u-rday. which qit'cV:4be board of tifde
reeeire a new cost ot psint nod
weeks more, 'rat the uafOrtonate sed- coed tbe teiylng here. Alihixutb
emertalomeBta ftrbitbed
will be briebtened up convMemhIy.
dent caused them to return to toe city market te md.iir.-t, It 1* unlikely
would be deao and not ob|eeUonaUe
while a number of ImproreiiH-nu will
Hew ta Cure Chllbtalna
Satnrday night.
Ronald Seemed
to a propoaed atreat raUwap aad
>r people aad the ItVse number ot
be made ou both the opera liouse aod
<4llbUlB*.of hit life at
laaatea to Petoaferjr.
For aeverel people who woold be here. Trarerte
Steinbcrw Bitxher't store,
-S' Jivhn Kt-nip.
tc Ijuyln
bay playing about the water conUanpropcaltloa la asolber r«at of aa ez- aiy U the mote brimtnlly llsbted
Me. I
Ris-kb-n'* Arnica Salve.
iailm Stclnben:. whose home
ally and 'gMttg swimming” almost
ered .around Jl.::.
tooUoo to Petoafcarfor aa
Have oJ
dir ot lU eltf In the elate and with
cry day. The boy had demtmsirs
Two cars were *hlpp«l last night •■vcclTcii
*uh>" IPmrano^ for'
all of tbe electric Il«bte inrped •
bis ability to aire fur blmaclf *o well, flong wito alvml :-o<> roses fnmi the f.-ver sore*, indoti-ni
t tha Carter Coeatroetloo coanpaor liaiidt ot OHiBlc/ free eDtertalnnM
Ir.wi l,ue*
that mtlo anxiety was felt concern < xi<m» romirany.
at CUeaee ia tbe cltr aad eletaltr and other nuntcrout alltuclIaDA
»kln dlsrases. ;Sc at
A. toiglv-e'
ing bit toodnesa for
aaklax lavaati^oni. aad calalac carnival ot this klad would altiact
IlniR fo . Hannah l*n;g Si.irv. S. E..
A Pine Building.
atatlatlea. ner
Summit CTty. Mich.. July K!-Mr*.
;wQod avenue school last year and was slowly. The d.niau.l
tbis aaetkm la ripe for a raUeaa
D. C, Vlbher wa* found dead lying on
j>ron>ol«-d to tbe fifth at the c
oatum of ibU klad, andlnc coodlQoaa
be no from CadlHar. Cbarleouch tote mornteg. -'She bad
of the term
Ronald was very popu
jHOi ■oattaeorablafor aoeb aa <
bale roiirt for llu- fisinty
Tdx. Nodfaport. Elk Raiddt. Hanltbeen up during the night caring lor
The plains ad- thick w-lih h»akl--1-r. Gland Travrvsc.
lar Btnong Ills pteynates and
prlaa. Tbe Oaiier CoaatmcUoo com- tee and TbompeotiTille and
b«r daughter. Mrs. Lucy lta.l.-r
MosHiu of said Coon.
«Hd.-r p.-op'-’' a* well, the little ry pickcra bm the greater portion ot
be employed from
I'rolvate <d1in- In lii.- C
her InftiDt child and twd evlileully UId
tbe crop te le-ing *hlpi>-<l tnrm edher
fellow Bulking frii-nd* rtnilllr and
•Kvrite aad relUbUltr aad tbej pro- these tm-ns on (be days tbe cxeunlon
Tiavi-rw' Ctiy in raid f.'*sitii>
down un toe couch to rest.
>ea« to baiid a llaa It tber rcoelre are run. If tbit propoaltlon should
iatnlng (hetn.
Hill da, of July. A- u. ii-i;.
Mr*. Vlbfeer had leeii In oxcelleBl
Fntl H.
He waa a mmk- pupil of k
proper eoeoaneecient from tUs dtr be properly potbed aad under
beatlh and her death waa tut neezJudg- tf I*ro1«l.-.
Aniorig ih'- mislde l•ny■•rs at ■
[.outee Buck and waa Mie of her best
•ad Ttdnltr.
rtefal manacemeet. tbe Beeotd
In the matter of ihe estate uf Julia
Rted aa It was sudden She Icavos
-re are George Golly, Henry Miit.vhoter*. al a r«w«it recital dlsUnllevea that Traverte City would
. Tba report of
huabsor. on«- daughter and two sons.
|lD»«-nt*11. drwi-ioavl.
I and yronk Norris.* of the Wag
.'oHamlUae U priatod la aaotber cd- Ubiltb o annual eanilTal week that iThe remotes will be taken to Surs- gulsbliig himself by his neleclloo. The
fr eoodueted. to attaed to th* adr«rtlilBK and and oUkt work aa «twld
v.^r, ::si7r".;:or
o advertise the town
Mb aad will ezptam Itaelt. It viU would I
>a aeeo that tbit win offer a food la- and fu attractloos than anytbtni cite
.vaaltteBt, aad, at the aame Uma «lre and at the tame time. *lve ow own
. nareiae City aa
p doubtwill be ta
it aaedt badly aad ooe vtalcb will do Tbit raalh
lumomra- tor burial.
trail brom* till* afternoon
Budden Death.
Fred Lewlt
C. L. Dayton ot Letead parecd
After struggling for month* against
tbroogh the dty on hts way tc
hoiiHewM ndds/.vnd tuaklng
test for more delloile
teore towards tbe d
telre yesterday and while te the cilj
fight (or life, Frrd H.
K0OO aaa aaytblBC dee. la taeU and II It proposed to call a pnbUe announced hts eandblaey for nomlnsLewis, aged » years and h
«M (treat railway aad
laterorbaa meetlns to RHe It fnrlber attention.
tbe day. passed awaj- at It oclock
Uaa will be ot more beoellt to tbU
from toe 17th district. Hr.Dayion was ThiiraUay night at hte h.au.-, S>J"
«lty tbaa eeVerwl ordlaartly larse tecWould
intle late in declaring bis tetenUont
rent street.
The Chicago Tribune offer* Jr. for
la tbit conaecUoa H it well
jt tolDks that vrito the''ald -of his
Fred Jicwl* had s' Urge nomber of
that tbe Traverte City peo- a letter butt exidaJning the reosout friends he can secure the Domina
friends te the city and was well liked
ata pwohate tbe diet mortme boodt
tion as.be te a member of the liar wherever be was known. He
.BMoUooed to tbe report. Tbe lalerett Many of tbe ielters sro '.umorous.
etgieclaily Interested
:. hearty.
some fiipiu-nl.
OB Ibeec bdidt wDl be (wxiteed by ------. .........
I. aad the picture of health and
«d toe Carter Coattntctioa compaay Amoax tbe prist yesterday wjt
strength, aod when about a yet
««H It tbe railroad doe* not prodoee foUowiaf which will be inierm
he was uken ill. fate friends thought
L. Dawsite and Qmcr II. Van
that he would soon recover and be
"I haven'l been off the farm for
6tce were nnlUd In marriage ii
punetlott company, ebowt. that they. year: *5 vo«dd tray me a ronod trip Church of Chrtet paiaonage Tuesdni toe same old )oHy Fred.
However, the malady was diagnosed
toMBMlneo. have ffreut fakb In tUt
a.* cancer, and when II
ner along and have a whole Usy
projeet and In Ua pit«i Uier on.
Wlonifred Grabam.
They left thU known ih.-il he miin undcrco an
tt mean ot couree tost aa Inter- cliy life. I ain’t much on letter*, hut
be faced the ordeal bravely
I bet noone wants that five worse than momteg for Gladstone when- they
mitan wfli rwB from thU dty to Poid a si
shun time before return- and cheerfully, going to Ann Arbor
will spend
I do. Yoon In hopes.
• dMkey. topplnff toe
making Uieir where he entercl toe I’niversity hos
ing to'tote I
-H. NIobols. Norwood.
mtai in the state and a splendid agpital rcraalnteg there several weeks,
ytealtiiral comtry. •hlch woold fl»o
writing frequenGy to hts friends and
ilreet inlet to Trwverne Qty from
eotnlng back weakened but
Qk Rapids. Hleh.. uly ft—N.
iterttory wUeb te now bard to read
DeBruln. toe chief engineer of toe Carbrave aod hopeful.
romtdabort wayn. The BeeKls decline eooiteued despite tbe
ter OoostnioUon company, left Elk
Ronald, the lU-ycar-old son of Aldci
4M beitevee that this te tbe
Rapids yesterday, going north,
men A. W. Rlckerd. of the Second operation, and agate be left the city,
Manual street ranwny and interotbab
tote lime going to Big Rapids where
make a prellmlaary examination
ward, was drowned at Acme,
project eibl bat ever been broogbt to
toe country betw^ BIk Rapids. Char- morning. How 'the accident occurred two operations were undergone.
mr noUee. and backed by aoeb a coolevolx. Petoskey. Mackinaw aad Oiep will never be
On acooat of the location of the
«ttB m the Carter O
tbonght that be i-ltoer became dirxy growth, many of hte friends thought
boyganjteV. «• beUere tJ
He-wfll retam to Traveae City toe from the inn or dropped aslts-p and that he would never come back alive,
ipouM be BBdotrtited. BbooM the peelatter part of this week.
fell from toe stringer on toe d.»ck bul courage and will power
of toJt Tldnlty take bedd
stni present and he came back to the
where be waa fishing. .
Matter wlUi xesl. the Carter CoottroeMr. and Mra. fteadlt Enterteia
Mr. Rleketd and family are spend city, a mere shadow, still
Jttea company promtee a railway In the
Ss.ra the Bratet-cd fUlnn.) Dlspalah.
weakened, but te spirit, the
ing the summer at Acme and
•treeu of TrnrerM City this fall and
-Mr. and Mra. W. A. John
Fred as he was before trouble
iMae to BU Bapidt. Tbe project It held an Informal roceiUloo at their o'clock this mornteg. the little telTow
Since toon he has l-cco
■meUeal and looks extremely favor- hoome on North PiawtecnUi sovtte, tuned out fishing. He was clad te
gradually, wasting aw|y from a large
iw hat and overalte and wiu c
ifale and we believe that toe bonds Saturday evening last
down to a pitiful eighty pound*.
cited over toe good time be wa* about
W be •
-Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Beadle of TravAll
> have.
j Tbo-Hannab A lay Intereite wHI erar Qly. Miehlria were too piestr
medical efforts, fie suffered grral
Making hi* wa>- to the old dock,
Mki a good Mock of theee bonds toon- of honor and fifty ladles had been
pain, the attack
he trv>k up h poslilon on the slringcr
•elvea. A. Tracy. Lay. prealdent of vllnt to meet (hem.
o'clock in the mornlnR until the I
toe Hannah A lay Intereate. warmly
"After an Infiwmal pr«ecnlaUrai of aod hi* luck was excellent as Hi
te deato. Tbe end was »im|.ly
t toe Carter O
toe gnnte. the canpany were invited ber of flsh grow and grew. T
passing from pain Into peace, and
toinlng brlgbUy out tocre
•nmpany aod are wllllns to I
to seats oo tbe oool veranda where
while the expressions of Aortw
«Mr own fndt In tolt project. The the alUacSJvpIy arrantod teblea s
are many
rays affeeted the Utile fellow. Either
oonaervnttem vbkb toe Hannah ft dainty refreshment* ga'^e *“ •'oiir
friends arc glad to know hte suffer
that or lulled Into dn
lay emnpanles have alwnyi eiereteed delight
ings arc over,
arm air. he plunged
^ reaolled in a great Ananclal
a»Tbo evening was »|»ol In most
te addition to hU alfc. Mr. Lewis
1 water
•eat for Qteta eorpenUont aod wben lightfod manoer. (wiih Hr. and Hre.
leave* the following relatives; Mra.
Ileiznan Dcosler Dotlrcd toe liitle
they warmly recommend a project of MuiMoiie as host aod hostess) EspecT. <:. Nlrhrihv-n, hte niothi-r. Haiol.t.
straw bat floating In the bay imd
^ kind and propose to Inveot In It. Islly pleasing wus the rendering o
Frank and Klorriicc Nfc-h<4s-ii
Clyde aod EarlI Buiice
ilkere may rely open their jndgmenL ImprompUi musical program by tbe
brother. Elsin C. U-«te.
and Charles Glendenniog. made
e an lia
Iftte project U one of Inmottasee
Mtesen Kren and Bchnitz.
Intette City and
Item that It toonid be taken bold of
filtt p«ot eoeriy at tote time.
fttrect Carnival,
fft momneet te oo toot to nsUbItah
«b annonl ntreet rarnlval In Trai
Tbe plan was tuoeoted K
•melnra <^e beard of trade at
«mU meet^ yenterday morelng and
i te detail
iMne It was not <
U.Ae oaUlned for contide^on. toe
Man wiu be to have toe ediinell glvf
•a use et Vnloa and Front streeu
^ toe porpeae of entertainment for
Me adiele weuk. It u
■iSb toe matter a Ttaveree City en•teprtte aad not a privbte eni«i
vcsUgallon. finding toe lltUc body rett
Tha Right Name.
Mr. August Sherpr-.
charming visitora wll remain la too ing on the bottom. Near It wjit
overseer of The i-oor at pevrt Madii
fish prde and a fish * a* impaled
city for a week or ten days."
saj-^i: --Pr. KliiR-s N--W Ufe P
the hook.
rightly namorf: ih.->
a-t tr
Orsnpt Maetlng.
Sheriff Johnson of this city was nr*
vewhly. dn more cavl and m.ike»ne
Reeular meeting of Grand Travenu- tIBcd and te romirany with a Record (eel Ivetler lhan any other laxallvc."
grange No. HT8 will he called to r>r- repoitcr drove Immedlilcly to «the Gunramc-d to cun- biUon.m-M. an
A. Itucive
der at 1:30 July flth at the Orange
e. breaking tbe news to toe (ami consllirailon. ;*c at 0.
Drug C».. Hannah Dnie Store, S. E
lull on Casa street. Subject foi
ly over the tclep)M>v
Wail A Son* drug Mtm-s.
cuBSion; "ESeets of Home Infioance
Tbe funeral aervice of little Ifi-ycarFERSONALB.
on the Toimg.- Leader. Hr*. 1
-Hr. and Mra.
r house.
All UiD-c are (duii Hii
school (Dates.
•hack pork, per hid.............1S.W
r bock linrk. per Ib .................. 11
Short cuiof pork, per bbl....l*.«)
Urd, per Ib
•bble and entouslattic busibeat men
bat alwnyn been a favoraWe one
too recent Poorto of July celebration
ijmnnniiitifn toe wisdom of leaving
to enterpHte of tote klad to t
toao. of a fesponstble committee.
Mt te proposed
to seeac a large
Taasced lorarfhlag to dcre^
,di,iBlect red kill poiasura.
wU da tb* wmk.
Wr h»v» a spreioJ book
let oo diaesgn -d Powltiy. Call oevmte lor one.
Imerican Oral Co.
Tiiv<r« CUJ. HlclL
Counsel From the South.
and cirv-uterisi
Ham. ,wr Ib.
We soUcil your banking bus>
Iness; and with tbe assnracne
on onr part that It wUI be_ kept
stricUy private
. *. >
Traverse City State Bank
Drcsscl i-iiiltry........................................ H
Chlck.-n*. Ii>e w.-ight ...................... 0f>
Live Hogs ....................................................e-,
Good Things for Summer
at the
t--id', ol.Tain..!
City Book Store
r d-i.-* h.wio“I->» 'o iKif'-nii
C.oi-n'i.iii-'ti .
oid Ronald Rlekei^ wa* beld th
Candidates admitted to
From Wednesday * Record
r. and Mr*. Fr-d L Smith left
third and fourth degires. All vteUlng tCTBoeB at I o'clock frpm toe borne of
pWMtt. Hr. and Mra A. W. WekTU TRfi
members always welcome.
morning on
erd. n» North Oak atruet. toe Rev. Charlevoix. Petreki-y and other iionh
PHe Driver Here.
D. Cocftlln offioteUDg. and mai
lioint*. They cxpecl i" '-e ;
Tbn John Naylor floating pile drlvn frlesdt being te attendance, to* little
several day*.
owned by John Houroe. arrived te tb<
being covered with beaoUful
A number of young ladles of
city last night behind toe tng M. Van- flowers.
irsi M. B. rbun* are spending
ells and 1* at work on the Northern
Sunday August 4tb.
after 9 o’clock Saturday tost
» at Omeua.
Michigan Transportetka company’s
Train w;i i-ave Trav-TM- rny a
Mr. and Mrs. William Turner,
the little fellow went ftablng oi
c.n-. a. m
i^ce jerat-re
dock. Tbe driver has been at Charieihe^ dock at Acme. His (atoer bad
e.- vlsluvr*. are eiiendliig <he
for some time but worked
(or blm aad started him off.
le Chequaiiieffon.
m* Bay two days on tlie trip up!
i^lMMrs V. Burget
On tbe dock was an aged gentiemaa
the bay.
ikw of tote city at'en/l.il the funeral
by the name of Lewis who was
Berides doing some «-ork on
fishing. The fish were biting excel
• A. F. Herbert of I<
passenger dock, the outfit will comclime of Saiurdt.v's
lently and both toe bo> and the
pine tbe piling ot toe river’s mouth.
E. N. Franklin who has be-n in tbe
sd a good catch
(y tbe past three weeks, vtetilcg
Shortly after I o’clock the boy ask
Wylie, Mtclu July 14—The tew suit ed Mr, Lewis U It was dteaer Ume friends and relatives, returned to
for slander, between IVUbur Johnson yet and he said that It was and after. Moody school te Chicago Mcedsy.
Pere Marquette
'• “»T5SSireo.*.a
IMtteg an exseatlve eommiuee of re-
It lr> giv.- Mito.- tahiabb- adnlnlsiraUMii aeiouni
Ih.ise wtM> MilTiw With latuiIwHlrluu prajiiig I
iwck snil kidney tnojuli-.- tayi J.
thepr**f .tiid for t
R Blank, nshlp. of Ihrak. ’rimn.
■1 dte'ribuiicm of I
.- IID.V.-.I <» nn oluolulc eertalaLr
sai.) eol.-,ie.
W.-Ili.HlBo.w will |••'lllvel}
It te ODte-re.1 that Ih-- flti da> of
f Ibis .ItelTmoana c..ndll‘no The
Augia-t. A U IXT. at "-n o-ehiek In
1 Is'ltl.* lu'v.- m- gn-ai D-lief and
r<-n-n-»ni. nl said jiDkraU- .ditce.
IT taking -V f.-w tuoo- l>uih-s 1
mid 1* Im-ii'Ii) aiijsilnli*! fio •-*
V rotiipl.-i.'ly cured: mi curnpleioly
iiiHltiliig and nlliiwlnK said nettrunt
I it lK-c»rD.« a ptfraMiD- to leuuuihi-annc' said la-iitloii
;>d Hite gn-:.i D-treid, • S.di1 nndev
te fiiilher rvntered. that public
iDimoe al C A IhicW Ihug Co.
llulico iboD'd lie giKW liy poldlesthm
-.ipy of rblh iml. r, f«*r thn*- uucg ‘.l.«v». 1
•• we>-ks jtDO lou* to said day rrf
iMKirlng, in th.- Grand Traverse Herald
r,.id eou.
Traverse Cily
MammocksDeligbtful Bocks at I0C‘ISC‘2SC‘35C‘
S0c-7Sc-$l.00‘fUS and u/y-
Ice Cream and Berry Sets Fine
Vases, China and Glassware.
Pere Marquette
Mr*. Jennie SquiiTO mud three chU
and Lnuliu Kmbner. caused no end Tbe boy bad been fltdrihg oo toe west
•en left yeMerrIay for Lake City,
side of toe dock aod at to« tUse.
of ereltement te toe lltUe
to toe Borto Mde aad Mr. where they win vtalt relaava>.
i^iTM at wbleb amnll ndmtenleu WyHe. at some cf toe moat
Miss Mabel Haines, a wartoer te toe
IM to ba Marged. Tbe free attiao- people of the town w^re mixed up in Lewis wMt home.
Prom toe new dock there U a walk local seboeds. left yesterday
Tbe trial wns held In toe
tjMi veuld bare to be paid for by
et tnterlodien before Jnstlee Per- with a railloff leading te tbe old dock Grand Rapids, w-lieD- *he will
to» (tty or fro mafnnd raised for that
the rcuialnder of the nummer
PMpoaa. Tbare wotUft be a soluble
fiurvday. July SSth.
Train will temvc Tr*,-r**- CU,
The Hobart Co. prop.
Traverse City, Mich.
»w<uio Tmvtwi Mtmto.
Mra. F. A. dahneoa and Mfa. H
Nord left yeaterday for Bkban. ind..
good prtoM.
CUeacQ flrv U now oaotracUiic for
t-pODBd baakett. packed atkd daHrered
9 ■ omCBB-A. Trmr W- PrM«irt
aatk. TUm Pr^Mt:
at cam. Growera ate isdina to detitOMlilir; A.MlvMrd.«.j.8>Tll4a«. Btosd » eaota. w«Ui good proapacu o<
aacurtng tbat flfura.
Om«!TOBS-A. Ttmt L«r. B. I
where they wIU retaaln for tone
Tlaltlna frteoda.
Mr. and Mra. R. J. Rnrertaon
Nortbpoit were in «be city for
There is one tbiof ihii vill
cure if—Ayer’s Hiir Vi*or.
It is s resular scalprinedlcise.
It quickly destroys ibe gernis
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had 10 disappear. A
bealfhyscalp meansaereaideal
to you—healthy hair, oo dan
druff,no pimples,no erupiions.
day yeatorday.
Pa^aa Lata than Half Crap.
Ota*. Mtt. JaUw *. ----------- tead
IMd. a C. Datlt. J«T7 ■aBlna. W.
S fcr cot BiiMre4 n nine D9«iU;
and Mlaa Kelaonofpad
Wichlgas haa conaidanblr leaa than Iliac pataed through the dly yeater
halt a crop of paacbta la alglit. accord- day. They are renirnlng from an au
the estimate furnlahed by
tomoblie trip to Nurifaport
coretpoDdenu and It -Is much
northern pMnto.
than that to fact. When one notes the
Mrs W. M. Kello^ and daughter.
large per evm of
killed last October
orchards Mary, who have been risiiiog In the
ataithern part of the sute have re
Berrien ..........................
liirntd u> their hunie m tola city
four counlles which have been produc-; They are accompany by Miss Anita
ing as many peaches as all the root of; Cartright of Homor.
the stale—It muat be wldent that the
Wimarn Holliday left fur bis boio<
Tt>» bMt kind ef a UwUbosUwI '■held lor
Honor. HI
notthweslern part of Michigan has
in Toronto yesterday after vlslUnr
Van Blatloom haa fpooe to Alba
Mg Job oo band to produce one-half relatives In this city.
Tlait her aoo George and wife.
average crop. The Qbertas
•Irevalln Ca;v
Eda.ird roiti.- nii'
Mn. Aon Ronenbrook U rtaitlng
have proven, to be especially hardy, Herb Ariitoa have Joined the cberr?
her pnrcBta In Kaiatnazoo and daring
Mn. R.'a ahaebee Roaa la making an hath In tree and hud. for where there Hick-r.' at Old M .<>'• n
aYfol elTon nt bateblng It
Cbarlea Bennett la roatleating
the aouthem pan of the aUle.
Wiliam Rtomlton haa cmghi
any pesehes at all, the Bbevts
.\-thur Verim tu.s re-.iiM.-d fror
os 10 give the beat pro:<peci fur
Grand Rapids where he has spent llw
laat few months.
In the following toble is given the'
kfrv- E Hoalstad of this city, wen?
per cent of a orop In earii of tbe peach
many in in Otter lake during
final three or fodr daya that the water growlog counties, as estimated
In the lake haa receded three feet or ibeee reports. With this ta given foe
o Bingham to
Mr. and Mra.
relatives thb
nod Manlatee came very nearly dep<^
There is more to that word BEST than may at first appear, to you.
It means a good deal to be THE BEST STORE: it means that it must
be BEST in every way. It means that the store must have the besf ser
vice, the best goods and the best prices.
!—Horae. cow.
bugs and
U Randolph
While we carry
high priced, we also carry low priced, but wc do not carry the trashy
kind, that is dear at any price.
We sell you merchandise that is rcliabie, merchandise that when
you buy. we can feel that we have given you something that is worth the
price and will make you want to come again.
I Rclivf for Women.
It is this kind of business that has made us Tbe Best Store.
Our goods are all marked in plain figures and we are always glad to
have you look and compare prices: the more comparing you do tbe better
satisfied you will be to trade here. Read the following prices:
Ormy tio-. le-ror. M
C. 1. UiUitw went to Kalkaska
The Rev. John Hlr»hl*erger of <
rtoiiall la In the city vhduig frleniU.
and made blnmeU aequaintad with hia
lolly who are aojouming with/Mr.
mod Mn. John Lewit. fortnerlj- of ibU
OTATR OF MICHIfiAX. THE MIObale I'ounybir the Coiilily
Grand Traverse.
At a sessl.Ui of Kill,I CoiiriLhebl Jt
If l•rob!lle office ill the rtiv hr TniiCity. In aaUI foiinlv, on Hie K-Ui
ly .rf July, A. D- tortT.
Mrs. I. A.
hompson of Grand
Rapids IK vlKltlng In this city.
Mrs. Clareoee
Stater left thi
morning for CaJiltae. where site wi
CUik and Venn Barber was poatponed
Islt with retativew for a few days.
nntll Friday evening. July Si
John Lamsnn and Howard WhIUng
' this city went to Cndlltar In artenil
Uto lasm party given by the Ladlea*
Aid of the OCFDgnwtIooal diurcb Uit
FrMay.evenlPg wna alianded
City and Ltidtogtuu. where they ■
Islt with friends.
and Boae RoseobAk took In the excniwlon from Trdveme Oly to Petakey
The adeet bop to be given E. 8.
Mrs. A. W. Morse and daughter
Maude left thia moniiiig for R
.. . .
ultUng the bniB.
Heasn. E. 8. Q^.'M. W. Q-Brlen
at.PetoakPy Mr. Clark called
sujlng at toe Pari,
here they Wll visit for n few day*
The eiearaloa Bandar to Copemith
Bondar nn>< teprt a fine time.
By best goods we do not mean high priced goods.
where they wll vis|f for a few days.
day, with Mlaa Dean'a pnienta at Elk
CBEtar Kcnau.
FOR SALE^Tlit- fralt f.irm of the
late l.-icy Bateman, alt-aat.-d d,
miles north of the city <m the pen
InniU. House nemly new. The ptop• erty <-o« $8.uw>. A most ta-autlfiil
jtlace. Will *ell to hlgbe»a private
I.ii1.l.-r. T.-nn« to sul'
r T Bateman exeeuti
r.2i E!e>-enih siraei. To
Bllltam Brown has returned from
cmapBriaon ■ similar eatlmale,
morn, and atlll n going.
bnainesa trip to Ms
Hr. and Mra. ira Gordon retnnx^ made by the aeeretary of state. Tbe
Mrs. Phil Crifflih ssd children.
Monday from a few day*' outing at
Brace. Bewide and Phil. Jr . of .Northpeach
Bapid City.
passed through
Misa Una Dean and Mlldied Ookey freeze.
moniiog on (heir way
to Cadillac,
rwtonted from a two weeka’ visit Mon
thuAmav, july m. imt.
For that
_ In hir war W_____
ne«cd 65 par «FBt of an ar«rac« crop. aht will vUlt wKk frtattda.
Ciinlatioi tnis tni. 2,825
Hra. B. D. Budaber U SorUtport
t Uw dtr
Pn-seni( Hrai. Fr.sl. A. Walker,
idae of PniUalP.
In the matter of tie- i-ltalcof Getirge
le short ship ciiruli meeting whirb
large crowd. The bandaome town of
poBcieB a
Mr. OKTord'a wna bewulifully deoorat.
will take itlace to toe next three days.
MUs C'atoeriiie Blpj>I(« of this city
: ripe. The country Is
left this morning for a ftsll
and all fctods
of fruit
ed «U bCbln«M lanterna a)
friends at Grand Rapids.
be high. Buyers hive alpromise
aum realized. A large crowd from
ready commenced
01 for
BvBtoBla drove over and enloyed
Hldil^ peachea. paying IS per
e biiahC
the boapltaUly of <nr ciUzena.
Blbertaa packed In bnahel
tVllllams Sunday and led out a horse
<ntw rained
baakeu and from 11.50 to Il.TS for
thirty of bla frlnida at hia cottage oo
I aa the roof of toe building crashed
amaller larletiea.
Tbese prices
Jay gained considerable notoriety
Platte lake laat Sunday.
conaldeved fair in view of the crop nod
r years ago on the Rrurtli of July.
Mlaa Theda . Htgiter earried oS the
rket, but some fancy stock may
Booon aa champion Aabennan. aa abe
be expected to net even a UtUe higher
drop of
figure UUa season.
fifty feet.'
Apples Are Dropping.
Hiram McConkey, the Springport
On Monday errenldg. July 89. Jaa. S.
Wilkins, diwensed.
Owear Simiiaun luiviiig filnl in aald'
win his niiBl ailtiilnistnitlon aeenniil.
lid hU pi-titlon prating (or the allow-;
ann- iliensff ami for the a’s^igniiiMii
and disirlbiillon of the lesldue uf said I
It is ordered that the 12lli day <rf
iigtMM. A. D. I90T. at ten o'elnek in
le (orenoOD, ul saiil prnliale offiri-.
• and Is hereliy nppointi-d for <ianiining and allowing said aernunt
anti hearing said t«-ililoii:
It n> further oriWed.' that publiej
notice thereof be given by piiblirsitk
ropy of this order, for three Oi
reMKive weeks Ui said day id' lo-arlii
.* Grand Travers,- Iboald, a new*
taper printed and cireuiuiisJ In sal
Early leporta indicated a large crop farmer who while'temporary Insane
Kennedy of Sagtnaw. will ddirer an
Ulontrated stereoptlena lerfiiiof apple. forMlcbiga
last week doused hintseU with' kero
sene and set Ilia clothes on fire, is
“Ihe B-ar In Cuba." In M. W. A. hall. cold, wet weather
Judge of ^■rol«te.
There will be IM viewa from edected resulted la the blasung of many bios- dead from bis Injuries.
pholograpba and are the beet tbni nit
A good deni of drop la n
bring reported and there Is not o'
They lopicaent
8a8A Itoders. aotdicva. warahipa and nttohalf an average crop la sight
The campaign
ama of the UnUed Sutes and Spain
Seventy-five Shirt Waists that are soiled and massed from handling
that are worth SI 00 and $1.',^5. A trip to tbe tub and they are as
good as ever. While this lot lasts we are going to sell them for.. .S9C
One lot of ladies'fancy embroidered
hose, special at............................. ......................15c, 2 PF iOT 25C
Lot of children's fast black hose, good quality, worth lOc. pair... 7C
One table of children’s fine ribbed hose, a splendid hose, for _ _
. girls, we consider them very special at---- *,................................1.........l5C
Ladies fine fast black fine gauge hose, made by the "Shawknlt" peo
ple, makers of the best hose in the world, special ^
............................................. 3 pr. lor 50c
Croond. PrMDt inwpccU lad
Creo a licbt lo a laadlum cnv—«ot to
A new lot of ladies’ wash belts at............................. 10 OUd 250-"A new lot of belts in black, made of a high quality of elastic. They
are new and are proving very popular. Two
51 and $1.25
•20 doz. ladies hemstitched barred mull handkerchiefs, only........5C
There are a few pieces of those 30 in. percales, worth 12>ic. for $C
can produce.
Prints have advanced since last week, but we flrtll
have some of those short lengths at .....................................5 8nd:^g
nnd the Und nnd naval baUlea of the a^nst the San Jose scale, taken
wr«r for hamanity of 1S98.
Alao by the Bute HoriouJCaral aodely,
Shoes for
haa resulted In very thonwgfa spray
acdiea of the taUod nrd t lie
tore of Banilago and the dfMnicUon ing with lime snd sulphur, especially
of the Spantah fleet Mr. Kennedy In tbe commercial sections.
At prswent s targe number of buyers
epwt the yenm ltt9 and 1900 In :hr
are to tbe state and many of toe best
orchanU have been purehased. When
crop bos been "lumped ofT' on th<
apd 10 cents,
trees, the present price Is from $1.*5
Bverybody come.
to It per
Grand Traverae Ahaad.
- Pawilla. Hldk. jQlr n.—Seen
C. B. Bmeett cf thBatata bortlcnltnr■1 eedety haa compiled sad lanied
the only frnlt report for Michigan.
A few good orchards, containing
Tba report aayn In part:
snch vaHcilee as Northern Spy, JoeHie eerere freeze cf October 10 laat
atbaa. Red Canada. King. etc..
proved hioet diattioos to the south
sold St from tS.S0 to $3.25 per
halt of the "fruit bel.t" Trees were
■>arrel for tbe fruit picked and placed
fun of sap ad most of the peat
on toe peeking taUes.
These last
dmidi In Berrien. Van Boren and
prices are, of course, only tor fancy
aoMhern Atle^n -oouatiea were
srieticii and fancy grown fruit. Miieil
thmAy ruined. Toung trees
orchards of BaMwIos. Spyes. Kings.
killed by the btradreda t ihcoaaade
B'agners. etc., are selling at from
and evmi some amde orchards
Itw to IS.S0 per barrel for both first
the anow line, and
some vineyards
ware alao rained, emaectally oo low
• groond.
North of fVnrille. Allegan
Spring frosu also did modi damage
Frost Hurt Seiall Fruit.
The early Uoasema of strawberries
WbHe there is a fair crop of Euroean plums toe Japanese vorlettos
were Injured by the winter and ■
about as scarce aa peaches, better
tae a good crop, where the canes were failure aa was ever kaoioi In MIdii
»M killed In October, but the hma in ^n and sour cherries are light. e>
Betrimit connty took a targe part at ospt to the northern sections.
the ncate aereage of tbeae berrica.
Goaoeberries hew br«a a tight crop,
■bd the acreage has been to reduced Wednesday's Record.
the narkei has been firm.
Owvams net full but nrarly all
tkmi report "Aort stems."
- mgtket It anUdpated.
A good
Mra. Richanl Reynolds left yester
day tor a risll «1to iriatlves at West
Bimiieb. She experu to be gone about
tree weeks.
Want style in their Shoes just as much as grown
Three special numbers in Gloria silk, pan^on frame,
runner, at $1 00, $1 25. $1.50 and others up to $C.
Shirt Waist Suits. We have seventy-five of these to dose out at "
very special prices. They are in lawns, percales, t^mities and ginghams,
in both white and white with floral designs, also pretty checks in the
ginghams. They were good worthy goods at the original price, at the
reduced prices they are doubly attractive. They sold at from $3 to $4.60.
Choice of the lot for $'2 75. Get busy oo these.
Lot of colored Shirt Waists, good patterns and colors, nice *for
house wear 50 and liOc goods
Lot of Peter Pan blouse waists, worth $1 and $1.50, (or 7tic.
up people, but still they must be built to endure
severe service.
. The only time the children are not
Every Tailor Made Suit In toe
House at a Special Price
hard on their Shoes is when they are in
bed. Let them romp and play, it’s right
an^ it's good for them, but buy them
There are some good patterns of tbe Dress Goods reduced from 50c
to 25c, $1 to -50c. S1.50 to 75c.
Dc not forget the Silk Sale at :5ac, 5>c and TSc.
Shoes that will stand the racket.
Our ChUdren’s Shoes VWU Do I«,
A good many people do not know that we sell these, but we do.-and
sell them right. You will be surprised how good a hammock you can buy
for S! 25. from that up to $6.
Ladies'and Misses' Bathing Suits at $2.75 and $5. Made from good
quality of mohair in attractive styles.
We are showing advance styles of new fall dress goods.
the new things first let us show you these.
Hr. and Mrs. A. E Pnlrer have re
Orapat Will Be UgM.
turned to their home at Surntnll City
Moat of the Michigan grapes
after spending sesne time in this city.
growh in Van Borsa and Berrien Mn. Georgs Stotvs has returned
KomUes and theae sectkms wen
Sammlt Qty. after vislitog to t
hard by the Octobw freete. eqiei
Boys and Girls
Other Tees Frnits.
ITS are a very light crop, there
weee caught by spring fitiaf. cutting
Lombard plums are generally the
the crop short and pric« have ruled
best variety reported.
talrty high.
Sweet cherries ate atywit as near :
BlackbreriM and raaptNVriea prom-
bdow the demands of the market that
■Dd second gmdes. parked ip'banwls
and delivered on cars or at boat dock
CDoaty. the freeze did much leea dam betog to the southern pan of the
not over aneonarter of on at
age and mo^of the Hlchlpn peach
top. About one-half a ert^
crop will this year have to come from
the northenTpart of the fruit belt central and northern secdons.
to BtnwberrieK
riianees of there being toe estl
«d nnmber of barrels of fralt
picking Utne.
Umbrellas. We are showing a very strong line of these at medium .
Store open tomorrow. OMay afternoon.
If you like
Grand Traverse Region.
WoneiTO 00»M»»0_M»EWT«.
MM mtM MMh th* H«raM otnca net
tottr «i*R Tueeder neon et each week.
Hid If cerrMpondente fall ta find
thalH In, they Hay be Meured that It
veal lo Bh Raidda
KhM do Ttni Iblek.
D and
B«lK and wont
the km
. Owdaer and
Mra. Clata Copeland U on L
. and !
idtTea. potato aalad. piwitd
ice Cfeam. rake and coCee v
l relatlxee la Detroit. Brie. and
e Tiitted her dauebter. '
on the lawn. The Ublea i
one ot Un. E. F. Dune.
Charlie l.Mll» of Eraoetos, atiteed
Mra. R. S. Ollbert I* mill with
e thiee j-ear old Ixw-. Everett, of
date i.dpb' brotber. S H. Ortom, who I* elrk
.Mlerdar moraine and vill epei
Kra. Oceola Porter. who
; Mr and Mra Elmer Beach while pUyheel
Mr. and Mr*. HarErave* lisiilev veeka vltb bit father. Mi
pleaslnp aaliafactlon to
>iin<i ■>!<- belli fiiiuiil *nnre dead )
Elve'EnioiT CartU' of Crawn S
here a »borl time 0
Mra. R. B. Flood and aou t knmet.'a miacelleanuoua pruerani at Ibe) Mis. Wbitisaa fit/m
returned hunie last week from a two town ball on Tneaday evetins^Aus. 9. ^vlsltlna ai Mr
iMis la-fore
week* trip to Oraad Raplda.
< ' ilanci
r, and »'
" ~
Ju'J' —•
: of Trai
Mpeni i. .
Mi» UWIe KH.^d of Cadillac
bulldlDi; a lioii-e vD hU
or. laal week.
tlvpd ihla eveoindl*ior!i. u. Ml .lud Mi>. Bert Banm*.
W. P. R
Tburaday. Julv IStb. a daodhter.
July St
il ibe house and h
.......................... -............ .........................
Uicbaei Welwh of Acme waa the
iple*.'’ East Empire, called lu town t (mno Sunday
Mr. and Mr*. Oeorfe
The Farmora' Society uf l>j:
ne tTief"!
m»u«- aioutiai
®"° OUhen.
:*-iar|;e r*:ik of Italian railroad
ebool faiMae
«.:e-usaaed :n repali'
idama of the
.elley Lum-
Some Information Regard
ing Bank Deposits
SavllCi I>$p»sits—A little look it given.
intep-xt <-onipoiui<l<«! each -Inne and IVi-mber
Iniereet - yntiime for three jeara from date of
laat entry.
Cenlflcates of DepesUs - A (.vrtiticate it inu<<‘ iti.
itead of il book. Drava interx-si.
liiiereat un
tlii-ai-ceaat* on>-\'ear fMm date
I pnac
------. _ ... Augwt 1C lo and loclu.
^ couf«
log tbe Seth.
! y„r.•. S'lndiv cvenlag. Aug t.
The imdlea- BwBt gave a atgiper: mi.s Cjirrle Rocn
at Ibe home of Mr*. Geo. Dame oO;id* U vlfitiog ben.
E WD-kinc'lAwtxnce river
Friday last.
v. S. Hall ol Buckley
^^;vineent. where Ebe mull visit
Ivan Scott god Mlsa Hand Prabst for Mr Eesll
were united In marriage at the Coo-,
Lest Wedueedav Mr* Hajar and;' . Br and Mra K
Wilson's Siilui>lu>
ivnlng. i>
of the busy times.
•”;r:itcnded as ilie Mrnier dance
• ■ lluiae
mended -say they
•ry injoyah
H. Keev. s ba* }ust comCape
• >di of carpenli-r
for Adam Mitlafnrd.
* Edtl
opers-vlUe. came,
flTtin .McClure
e“l«; . iT Tii
The FIT. M. M.. will glt-e I
aoeUI on (be lawn li
Porter’* rewldeoce oi
July :4.
Japanese lawn
freul of W H.
the ev«ilng of
iMs eruilog with
Mra. C. R KebI gave a pretty
^rden pwny Friday aneraooe at her
home. Tbe occnalon was In honor of
Mra. HeMinan of MunUIng
were Z6 gneou presiept. Oialra. hanhock* and settee* were arranged Invtcingly on the spackma grounds. Two
ds were glvi
givee. Tbe Brat
flower etmiept*
Mrs. W’.
W. B ______________
Johneoe and
wuD by Hr*.
aecDOd by Mra. W. P. Robertaoh.
0 epesd tbe anmraer at tbe Both prize* being large boqueta of
Iba. Frank Rjatmom and daagbter ot
RaBaoDnlle. N. T, antTed yeaterday
nmnUng to apead a few weeki wtUi
bar vreou. Hr. and Mra. A. Voice,
r. Voice U aerloualy II
could draw,
-lay. und drove
• xcurab-n S-in-l
examine ilie dai
iniogi' done by
. .
and . ngin- of the
A Rtnorii mill. I.•^n*■rly• the
rvlniild the rniil.
Every 'day can be
The B. U of tbe M. E church, gave
Mr. and Mra. E. A. tnilUtn*
a very euccessful ice cream aoclal at‘their daughter. Mra. Golle, one day
Tlie Rev. and Mrs. Burdge relumed
lo their home at Benxoala Saturday,
morning after having epcot the week
with Mr. and Mra. J. F. Mathew*.
The car ferry gave an exettridon
from Manistigue to Charlevoix last
Hra. LaFOnise of Traverse City la
tbe guest of Mra. P. Wurzburg,
Mra. Leander Buaa and cfalldien left
Saturday evening for Ldand to spend
a couple of weeka with her mother,
Mra. Karting. Hr. Baaa accompanied
her reluming today.
mail.- .M-.-pi
May lx- writh-t
>s tbe
>3t to
Mlaa Stella Barnc* of Grand Rapid*: l-huraday evening.
Mi*»ourl. to ,p.-ad some
l» the guc*t of Mrs. Baraca and
Mr*.. Yeiiman* of Kingsley c;,lie,*?
" ”•
daughier Maggie.
the tielghl*.rhoort last Th-irwd.v
, Day. .rf Lcreleh^ge. t.l-r. l.«ke-
“ iV
parent;................................................. ..............
Maiiles." E;rat Empire, las'
Mr*. Adolph Kieiiiuvin
an-l du
(er Miss Mela, with M
Senil and
ss Ellii Rl-rachlmrn
Rsnaio lK-rl»-r, maid
n Weber and Mlaa Mar? Shone and otachmiin.
on the Mlsand George tVeber.
Ella niersch- curl Wedm-edHV. They wlll *|xiid the
b.-irh was ciresi«-d ........................................
onmii* cuiuge.
immci' al ih- Kb-ron
Miss Shone wore white Ivilllanilnc.l dlew-whll--," on Glen
Tbe MisM-s Ri>si HeJIa-l and Miirsun-t ;
xir •
. illon, son Frank and
StKme BUended
Edd. L
Ml*. Gludia, Mra McKee
Weber a
and Jacob Weber ulieiidcl Ilie I
daufifaivr Mi*. MtKee. arrived on
I, Hay their niarrl.-d live* be the tMut Salorday for -Ki-nwood."
la tbe wub of their Frank Uilk-c I ruu^it in a flue 1
long and bapi
many friend*.
Mr. and Mra John Fasel of Wex
ford are spending a few day* at the
benne of Irwtn Rawlings.
danghter* Jennie
I France*, c
George Gray and nelcra. the kHsaee Sunday i
Kate RawUngs
Inga and MynJt- Gray at- Wm. Far
plcnlc at Kingsley, .Saturapent
■hn Xewhall of
irrtav jiiirt Suinlav
jmy 77,
Hr. au Mr* D. H. Da> andfamUi.
nP ..1, no hidl rdlu rdlu idludlnlu
Ravmonrt Wyse of Empire, has been
spending Ihe week with hl» sUler,
Ml*. Archie Fonlne of thla place.
A |»ny of .lx i-oiolMing of Mr.
Lee WlgtiTtnon who hart Ills toe
puiatcd one day last «c*-k u getting Hnrlbim. Mr. Easiorl.ropk.
Fh-win and «>ii*in and tbe Hisses
along nicely.
D. Crandall has tbe new cement Erwin were arrival, for Gregory's
wall under bis barn nearly eoroideled. ra*ort. Saturday,
July 27.
Mr. and Mra. C. B. D>-e and Paul
made a short visU at A. Thayer's
Willie FonuD of Travenie City
atitnles h n-ceipt
.•eipt for
f-.r t
the depositor. -A aafe nnd
invenit-iii way foi paying
iig iall acvoimt*.
W<iniiih i-liix'k i'Ooka
. B«». Hnm .r,„.
in Crnnd Rapids, ha* returned
bare bees jrlMtlnit
Hra. Jim Tnmiiwwef of ihli pli
Jitraed home today.
Bora, to Mra. U-e Patjpr. a
lira. U M. Miller wmi to
Saturday to apnid the day. H
Dr. BooMecker boui^ tbe Utfeo
Tm Buren lota iuat eaat of bla realdanse. He ekpecii to bnlld bim a
home In tbe near IWure.
Qalte a goodly number of yoang
- people gathered at tbe borne ot W.
, H. Rebertaoa'a Saturday evening;
evestng was apenl in muaic. An
Joynble time waa bad by all who w
' pramoL
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wood and :
of Bpyne Oty. arrived in town thU
noralng to vKIl their aletar. Hra. F.
BieketL of thla place.
Mra. F. Andenon came tram Travene City today to -riflt her mcAber.
Clara of- South Hllioo.
Jfra. L.C
office la receiving
- - - aa weu aa
d wife apent San^ at Plracm-a Point
All tbe membera of tbe I^ltde*
re out of
big end I
tor a big Pk
Hr. and Hra. OeUy of Barker Creek
are la tows today.
Brery one wtablng to epend Ibelr
Braiday afleraoco In a pleaaent way.
•0 to the H. ft Sunday echool. Our
Ir. C. f
how teeatenalB every
aat aray.
Cotne ose. ecoe all. paat and amall
to Field Day. Aag. 17.
July a.
______ _
Cbtckllic Accanits-Moat conveuieut for tboae who
wi»h to liivi- clu-cka to otht-ra.
check i-oii-
house, la.-jt. Alnsle
money In chicken*. ••••- »—
chleken* nel him I15.<X> a week, cleae
or .all ei|irtii-e». Uiui. Inieod. to keep
more chlekeB*........................ Adalore MjirilD.-aa la one of the
icKy ones to have a large
aches* ojiples till,
i. year
Mra. Heiiiy E. Carlisle
Carllsh is ftwllng
jIU- puTlhly agniti
If wc Iiaxe the wevilher then* will
I Mime fln<- cr»|>* of coni laira-il lo-o'
O-'lave IVinuiie ha* foiirieen acre* of
corn and if nothing hapi* n», will yield
send bushels.
bu.*--' -vf-'thoiiNind
right. Put iu nsm.- com and h** i-oia
tom .loe. not exhaust the soil
able on di-mand.
urilli-n order
No myoents
of oi-poailor.
iiiieas contidential.
People's Savings Bank
Plenty of Traverac CHy Besdera Hava
The* Eapenenca.
Vi.ii lax
The}- can't keep up the conlfaual .
A. A Pray Is bsldiog a bath
in hit '
I'atsoo. who has l-eeo
l>ark give* mt—il aches and
- —..
lug for Mr*. Gilb.-rt Pray, retorned • l-S'O..
I'rluaTV troubles set In.
IXui'i wall longer—take Bunn's KM
Mr. and ^r». Ed. Pray vUlud at
Camp 111. Sunday.
e niy peuidi' I
Mra. P. Uadh-y wen;
lu IL.|ii-l
Clly. Saturday.
Janm WalKon cniiKhi a brook m«t t
Ti-ylor. 1I7»
Madlsnii nreei.
lelgtiral 14 iMiiiiid* Siiiulay
;Traverv<. niy. Mieh.. *ay*: -«(umf
lenliig I. on th-sick
the sick Ilel.
llet. |’■ ft' >• >vara ago I w
Mary Gh-ndenliig
The |cni».bo|i|>vra aie
pstn. I
onif of Uhi MVps around. Iieiv.
Ilf kidn”n-glini
July 71
har<11,v l.-nd .>
.loop Of
llrtitloll II
try work,
e wewk. cnniaimsi a
lent BUd had aI*o a
rylng s
rv-nirallc-s. 1 procured Doan'* Kid
ney Pill. n1 tl
Bugbee Phamney^ J
hud r
iiM-d tlK-m 1)111 .1 *lioii time
iK-fore iIk- acbes, |uUu> uiid kl<Lue> ■!<. 'iilieeiiiftit dlsu|>peiired."
•orti-e. The
Fi.r tale by all dealers. Price M
----------U I. reiira, Fo«ier.Mllh-jrn Cu..
for the I’nltfrt
Mring, r
If U.*e
D '6 tesni and t
ivs.ilted 111 a 'I
gOI*l C|-ll|1.
•iw.-en Ihe 0.
1 K. U * S . team
ory for Ihe O. W.
O. W. D.'s
A* ]>rai-ilre makes
■lie B.M7^a.'ri'y'p!;u f«ran.,lra.|,.a
Last Week of our July Clearance Sale
Refrigerators and Ice Boxes
Must I'D.
We do not w'HDt to
tarry a sinL-Ie one over
.V ('ood Jartp' sixe
Ice Bon t.......................................................................
^ f/}
* •OU
Refrigerator l;irgo onoogli for liotel or roatAii
one we liHvc sold dozens
f 1
A Few of ttie^ Many
of this season, sule priw......................./ / ’OU
THREE REASONS why we can aud do sell Furniture
cheaper than any other house furnishing
store in Northerf Michigan.
Bargains for this Week
First—We are the iar;;est evclusive house furnishing store in Northern
Michigan and buy in lancer quantities than any other, therefore
can buy cheaper.
Second—We do our own buying and use our own money, and when we
buy we make a dollar go as far as possible.
Third—We do our own managing, and therefore have no high saUried
men to pay.
A good nlid oak teUe with fooi-incb ttuved
O *7 C
leg,4S-4nobpoliihed top................................... 9« / 9
at $4.75. $6 and
This means a big saving to you, as what it
costs to do business makes the price of goods.
«B6DdOBkDlBiDgBooui Obain
OT H|*
with iBBther Mat.................................................../♦/9
&«Aoe Solid Oak Bed Boobi Suit, Franeh
PUto Minor.........................................................
in 4.pi«e....................
OM Brcaaen sad Comnodes are golnorew,
•arAiwof coat We Iiave about t%vlce
Ihe eioek we wlsb to carry.
vnn|nY7 For the balance of
r 1C r, r, our July Clearance
Sale we are going
to give free of charge with every
ten dollar purchase one sel ol the
lamons DOVER SAD IRONS, those
who have used them say they will
use no other.
with good gloM Saiih......................................... 4bA9
A good all kleel conitnictcl
-y Cfl
Couch, coverctl in bt«t Veronal at/v/
Others as low as $3.25
Cbe store that Crusts
tbe People
A C0Ll>
Others OB op to $50
Our Stock ol
Hammocks and Lawn Goods
Must Be Closed OuL
Wo are selling
Lace Curtains.
From 20c |Mir pair up to.*••[........................ ^ 1 2*0^)
Rope I'ortieres in all colors and lengths,
<1* 1 ^
from $1.7r, per pair to................................ 1 tl.VJU
Tapestry Curtains
A .^00(1 lon.^ curtain, lull width and length... $3.75
WiDdow Shades 10, 15, 25,35 and 45c each.
Large Shades made to order.
Brass Extension Rods with silvered knobs- each............... ~e
Brass Sa*h Rods with knobs, each........................................
Stair Rods, both Wood and Steel, per do?— .............**5c
Carpets and Linoleum
ITammoc^s al tliis
salt- :i* low as........................................................
Lawn Seltce* at.......................... ..........................
Lawn Rockets at..................................................t
We have about 75 pieces of Carpets and Linoleum with
from -5 to 15 yards in them that we are selling at prices that
win surprise. Sotne of them as low a> 10c-
V. SLATER CbebaoeStorelearnedtbeto Crust
The Original Home Furnisher of Northern Michigan
•tfwi It
with the 0
coop about
epaofd OD Praot atieoL
Hr. Lardle. ebaiimaa of tha poHee
Oksaco «M raftfred to tike ■traM
•ad vUIn twwBHttait. the ordtnuM euBDiitaa. atated that tbe commit.
oonnlUM, the dty MtorDer and Ire bad poae to a great deal of
thraa atihwa of the botd oT trade tiooble o»er be mailer aad had coo.
at tbe'inaetlas <H the cltr eouadl ferrrd with ibe Die departoMBi aad
the cfaief of poilee aad bad looked
Uoitdar erastnc. the
BM this BonilDt at f;U aad tevie* orer the cnglaa booae. It waa aug
geated that the ooop be taken for
the matter.
Preatdest SaaUi vai <mt of the dtr auble for aa extra team Cor Are pu
bat Howaid Moaadmari. dee preal poaei and that a new ooop be built
daet of the board of trade, naiiwid OB the market alt*. Tbe coop would
Prank HanUnoa. O. P. Chrrer aad be built of oement blocka aad all tbat
would coat would be the labor: II
W. P. Cfwaer aa the eomnUtee.
Tha roqnaat vaa embodied io the being poailble to iiae tha material
for aaythinit elae neeeaaary. Also If
tbe engtoe booae u eiteeded to tbe
OBeadl of Tneerae Oltr;
alley, aad there ti raom tor tbe coop
ne naderilcMd Kipei
tbet eooaeat, peimlaatoa and aothor- the coe
ity be KlTeo, fninted aad vmted, br used aa a tool bouae by tbe board of
roar bMorable bodr. la them, their public wotiu.
regard to the olflee on Frant
• and aaatiaa. aa
street Mr. Ijtrdle ,aold that Ibe
Ihdlridoala or aa a bodr e
tbc engine bouae were aoc auluble
r the lawa of the
a down town oCdoe wi
atate of Mlehifah ooder the pn
ble for all. telepbonea could be pnt lo
aad ia ease ul a call, the telephone
row on the red light and
go there and anawer IL
to. to eowtnM. oim. hold. DoUDialn
aad operate a alnale track afreet rail- Tbe extra expense for the wfaois thing
eed not exceed tlOO be
war aretem for tha traBaportaU'
Mr.Palmeraaldthat Itw aa an Impostloo to aak the velunleers to gK
other Stffat freC*ht. to be operated br up and answer the telephone at alMiL
Tha mayor said that there was no
anr OMtlee power other than a a
kKOBOtiTc, with all proper coOTCti- trouble between the fire and iKillce deIhat both workad in barleM tariKHita, awltetiea, aide tr
and tbat the Ulepboae matter
eorraa, Ta, feeder imea. polea and apcould be aatisfaconiy arranged.
On Hr. Palmer'a mMloo. Hr. 1msto the aoecMafol aad eeooomla
eraOoD tt eo^ atreet rallwaj are- die sopporting. (be oomtn
tarn la. aloop. aad npoo the followlDi la racclred and died.
- eaiaed atreela. alleri. aTeanee aad
Team it Neeeaaary.
other public ptaem. and all interreaMr. Priedneh then itrged on tha
tar or eoBBeetlac brtdpea cm aaid council the oeeeaslly of
roale ia Mid dtr. town:
or securing another team. eUUng
la Pnot atreet from the eaat dtr that be was nervous every lime tbat
llBlU to Oarteld aeeotw aad from there was n fire and that the matter
■ Bailroad heetma to Biureod aeo
sbouldn-t be delayed. As the ways
la B|htk atreet from Cataa atreet
os committee hadn't provided
In the bodget. be suggested
to eaat dtr Unita.
la HsBaoB araBiie from the aaat that the council
dtr llBtta to Fraot atieet.
Mr. Lardle atated that the idea
Ia MoDaoo areeoe from the
u to have a team stabled there aad
dtr llmlta to Proot atreet.
the driver sleep In the house.
la OarhcM amioe fnn the aoutii
The mayor tbea broogbt up
dtr UmUa to PealBaula atreet.
coop oueatloB again by auggraUng
Ia PeataiBala atreet from Oarteld that (be hook sod ladder tiwck be
pulled out and tbat a sbed be built
there. After a liuie more dlaeusaloo. the tmyor cmied that be had
la aaitow atieat from Booa atnet dooe hU duty aa mayor aad aaU that
be was through with the amUer.
to Weat bar.
Hr. WJnale said be was always op
Ia Railroad «?mrae tram :
posed to putting the coop on tbe
atreet to Ttewt atreet
ket site, believiug that It abould be
dosrn town.
OWnl Rim
The next step waa the intradcetioa
la Park atreet from
of a ocmmuBlcaUoB from Oeoege
WiDBle offerieg to rent the fraot p
B tiBiM atreet from the. aouth dtr
at 165 Frant street
IlmiU to Bar atieet aad theo to ' the. city tor police headquarten at |7
Dortb aad cf.tha dtr dodt
a moath. Hr. Palmer moved that it
la Beeeath atreet from TlaKxi be accepted aad Hr. Abbott seconded.
atreet to kbawood aveaoe.
A.roll call rote was ukeo sod all six
la Beeentb atreet firm Uaka of (he aMermea prcMBt voted tor the
atnet to Bhawood aveaae.
motloo. tbe mayor declartng it lost,
la PtUNteeath atieet from t
saying It took a two thlrda majority.
•treet to iRdatai street
The city attorney was aafcea for
U Hetmrao atreet from DlrUloa his opHiioa and said that the motion
street to the weat dtr Hmlta.
irried. He then got the charter
la Bar at>wd fnm Onloo atreet
and showed that readntkms. etc, even
tha north eitr Hmlta.
involving money, could be passed srith
to Baiter atreet tram Ualoa atreet
votes. Another clause said that
to Ua aMtera extremltr.
no eootract could be mmde without
In Dirlilao atieet from Proot atieet
two thirds majority. The mayor
to Bar atreet
belld that thii would be a contract
aad detiared tbc motloo
board of
public works to make plana and eatlnutea <r-the coat o( building
Bom the north aide of Bar atnet
the market alie or west of the presat Bmwood areone. aeroaa the dtr
L loestloo was then
pait. to a .cooaaetloB with the ktaa- Abbott moved (he adopthm \nd Hr.
Uloe and Northeaalern railway track. Palmar supported and the motioe
ried after U waa decided that It did
as wfll, to the oolalot^ of roar boooi' not fix any location hut waa simply
aihta bodr. protect the dchu of the I determine the cost.
John O. Chrter.
Chartea A. Denneea.
Batad. Trarerae CItr. Mlab., Jair
a, HOT.
The Ceap Quaatlen.
The major-a eommookottoo li
laid to the dtr priaoo aad the
Ur of aa oftea tor the chief of poBee WM reed to Ihe eooodl by the
etoftoaad the maiar portloo of the
meeltof «w derated to a dlaooaaloci
Of thii. Mr. Pal^ held that the
■orw WM ia errof la r^ad to the acttoo of tha eooadl Jane if. aaylac
that Hr. Btoale bad mada no auct«*.
tloa that the commluee coofer with
the mayor, hat that tha marer bad
aakad that the maUer be beid ap that
he might ooDter with the «
aad that he could coovtoee them that
they awe wraap.
Mr. Prtedndi objected to this,
emuat that hk Temembeird the mettoo b« Mr. Lardle held that the may
or wu to cooler with the commitua. Mr. WloBlr dUo't exacUy reMmbor bat tbeugbt tat hla moUoo
waa to datcr tbe mottpr anUl it waa
looked orer with the mayor.
Ibe moror dated that the clerk
had tbe motloo that tbe report br cecrtred and placed so toe but be waa
certala that -aad the committee con
fer «ith the mayor” abould be added.
. He then euted that be bad made htmoeif dear ia hU odmmualmUoa aad
oootor with the mayor or the maror
the Ant ear had arrived ovet
Pere HargaeUe.
Hr. Moon thought that each read
should hare half and Ulked at length
<» (hem atlev of lalraeaa. He aald
that the Pere Marquelle should
treated (airly and (hat be bad tlOO to
help pay fur the real estate for the
rouadbouae Hr. Lardle didn't
why any other aldermao should have
Ibe say of who should handle
brick for the Third and Ftourcb
wards. Mr. Moon mpported Ht.
Lardle's motion wbbii carried, bat
until Ibe clerk bad read It five (
la reapoBse lo requests.
New Paving Filler.
A. J. HIM. repreeeniing ihe AmeriID AapbaliiiBi and Rubber. Cn.. addreaaed tbc ce.iiidl on the meriu of
the material his compuay put out
This filllog is pul on brick pevemeni
place M cemecl grout, It makes
■ iwvement nolsle«. holding tbe
brick firmly and protects them (ram
chipping, the coat being only « or 10
• mtwe a square yard Ibcn cement.
Many Michigan cities were using the
material, 4l being una^ecled by beat
cold. Mr. Lardle moved that tbmalerial be used on Eight street. Mr.
Moo supported and the motion
On Mr. Moon's moUon. Mr. Psimer
supporting, the board of public works
Instructed to repair Ibe MeOiirry
sewer on Tael From str«1.
State News.
Judd C. Wood, <rf Greenville, look
imble Tuesday w^ile moving hay :
the county farm, breaking several ribs
and hurt hlmn-If seriously «ber ways.
Receipts aisbe Grand Rapids iioat.
rice (or June were |SS.n35,C9, a gain
ot 18.63 per cent over June. l«i€.
three of Ihe 60 largest pcMlolftces In
country showed a larger propor
tionate gala.
1 scarce are farm laborers, despite
unusually high wages offered,
many farmers near Ptmtlar hare been
forced to look to the county jail for
aid and bare paid fines ranging
»5 to 126 to get men to help horyest
le bay mxm.
Tbe police at Battle Creek,
veatlcatlng the tbootlng op o( Charles
Hoa's bo
borne OB Hamblin archue a few nlgliia ago. While the fam
ily were retiring aereral bullets came
throu^ a window. Tbe poilee so far
say they have no clue.
‘nterw's a mlx-op In regard
pw juvenile court act. Neftber drcull or justice court Judira have been
officially Infomied that tbe probale
court has been made tbe juvenile
coart. and they refuse to recognise
der exploelon took place tuKil s telegram was received that ke escaped
Tba supreme court has reversed the
dedNoB la the Jotaa B. OoS will case
and ordered a new trial. Goff willed
property, worth 8M.OOO. to the
Biaie SplritiialMle society, dislaberiiIng bU son Leslie.
-Nevada, the Lost Mine." was pro
duced by Reed CHy talent at lilgbe
opera house In a msnaer better
most ol the prolesalooal troupes
there. The proceeds are to help In
Ihe repair and eulargemeni ol
CoagreMtluoal cbarch.
The city ol Baton Rapids sold 115.k) w-(Uih of 6 per cent paring iKKide
I aiictkn. the Harris Trust Cu.. get
ting (hen at s premlnm of 6665. 6'our
ouulde firiDs and the loc^ banks
were bidders. The balance required.
615,«>0 more, will be furnished
locally oa shvn-Ume paper.
General Newra.
A graduated rod. which rises and
fills with the butiom's vsriulloDS, U
aw used to chart rivers.
About 6600.I-O0 U annually spent fur
cigars and wines runsumed In Ihe
large cliila of Nt-W^'ork city.
• New Vork city government ex
pends 61.«K.<K>0 each day.
Each'person in Che Vnlted Stales
sea. HI malchn every day.
Judge Paul Albers, of Brealau, Ger
many. has published an article on the
ibjcTt of "Tbe Oath," la which be
lakes a siroog stand against the pre
vailing custom of admiaisteving an
oath to persona who arc called upon
> testily In courts of Justice.
Bishop John Scarborough ot New
Jersey plans to celebrate hts priestly
golden jubilee on Aug. 14. I9«K. He
has iM-en a l>isho|> for 33 years. He
was born In Caslle Wellun. County
Down, on April 36. 1S31.
The prlnre of Wales spoud most of
his leisure time la reading and pasting
irapsin a sump album. He lias one
tbe finest private c^UccUons in Eu
rope. all of wldch he has classified and
pasted blmsi-ir.
Point Barrow, la Alaska, is Uic (iirIheat fxiinl north In this rounln'. To
get (here one must go to Soettle. then
by sU-amer I.0«i miles to Valdei. and
then y.TOO mllw by sled. It Is quite
IltUe trip to ukc on American soil.
Siberian butler goes to Hamburg,
relished and sent to the far east as
German producllon. Russian <
con to Ju|wn In ua Auairiaa ditpilso
and Ruaslan calico is sold iberv under
German wrapper.
Gen. Lawrence and Senator Galllnger. wbo are la Paris, on learolog Giai
sale dcecendaal of Paul Jones was
Bring there lo. abHiInta destltulK
vlHlied Gie aged lady, paid up her re
outstanding debts and placed
comfortable acouui in the bank lor
The M. r. R. has b«wn made defendK in a suit for. 650.000 brought by
Of aO Ihe slang expressions with
James J. O'Mera. father of Mias Julia which we are alTIlcied today, observes
O'Mera of Kalamaxoo, wbo when a Ihe Railroad Haa s Mogatioe. Ifae
Dash of electrtclly coming from the
mean Uu- most are. "It's >ii
otonnan's vewlbule, last fall, fright- you " and "On the job. "
ted her and she juniped off. dying
"Worked to Ooath." was a verdlce
to hours later.
a liondim roruner's jury
WMey Harrisoo. aged *0. a pioneer case ol laalielle TburKood. a w
farmer living aoulb of Hasting, ended yean old. who died after a bard dal'
Ife by aeadlDg a revolver shot
the washlub.
through bis bead. He bod suffered
In answer to a complsinl made by
(or years.
• town council ot Camborne, ElogA Ore which started when a barrel land. that the caretaker of tbe
ol paint exploded in the store of Seth
. ground bad allowed the
Hyatt at aaytoo village nearly de- lo grow to aa Inooovenient height (hat
straeed the place, causing a loss of officer replied that the doi.key which
bad formerly eaten tbe grass ftd died
Mrs. J. K. Chaimell. one erf Horeners of lockjaw and he bad be«o unable
buy another one to lake Its place,
ost pramlneol women, died Wednes
rbe natiirallzsGon reluniH of Canday morning from a general breaking
down. She iras born In Morenel in ada for the i<ast year show that
per cent of tbe immigrants, after
Knigfau of the Everlaailng Pleasure the necesaary three years' residence,
win bedd their aamuU clam bake at uke the mtb of nllegtance. The
settlers In the west an
Hcoroe Piers, commeaclng mldnl^L
Auguat 14. About 1.600 members are nearly all becoming t
as they a able
' be present.
Paris is repeated
Hiebigan poatmasters appointed:
times In ihia country, the best known
Wanted Mere Meney.
Viola. Maeklaac Co.. Hlnaie Wilson,
A communicatloB from (be team- vice V. J. Pesasat. reeigiwd; Winters, places bearing It Is-lng in Keoiucky.
--era unloa asked the oounoU ------ Alger 4to.. Charles F. Wlntera, vice J. Berlin Is used SO times. Vlqpna
Dublin 17 ami Warsaw 14 times
decitlon bad -beca arrived' at in re H. Shady, resigned.
Petersburg appears only twice In
gard to the demaad for (4£0 a day.
Two more caadldatea bare appeared country, and Madrid (our times. wIUj
Hr. Laidie aald that about twenty
one .Madrid Springsdays ago. tbe council Instncted (be
Jtrttn Duridson, one of the oldcsi
board of public works to allow (be
Wykes and James Baraelt. Jr- oC
a day (or twenty days- Grand Rapids, having filed petitions and wealthiest citizens of Wichita.
Kan . has never In bis life worn a
He aald farther that nearby towns
necktie. Every moroing In the year
paying tS.SD to 14 and didn't see
Hmaster Bill Webster, the 8oo be puts on a newly laundered c
why Traveree City abould pay more.
never a neektle. He says be
He then moved that (he commuakathink he could stand ooe. and
recelved and filed. Hr. Wlaand county amimittce refused to Insee how .any msn can be rvmforlnle anpponlng.
dorae him for another term at post- able with one on.
Hr. Moon aald that at (he time of
The (act is recalled that once Bcnja
(he request (or the tacrease. that
■uch anxiety was fell by the par- min Harrisoo, after his term as presi
they promised that It wm aaly while
hay and feed were so high. Tbe enta of Alverdo Corwin of PonUac. dent, Introduced Threvlore Roosev.-ll,
Governor of Sew York, to a Dilsprices^ were aow normal and be be
lieved la aticklag to a promUe. Tbe Georgia, on whidi the disastrous pow xionary convention as "a young man
was received and filed.
•rick Hauling.
Hr. UHie called tbe atleeliea o(
tha council to the fsec that tbe haul
ing of brick from the G. R. A 1.
Eighth street-cost the reaidenu of the
R^oici Our offor
atreet 10 cents a Unussod more than
haul rram be Pere Marquette He
stated that glvlnglheO. R. « I. «fty
out of-sixty-five can of brick
was an lajuatlce to (he resldem
For $S500 Cash trade we will give one
Bghth street aad to -the Pne Mar
Standard Talkiag Machine, absolutely Free.
qoelta. He moved that Ibe matter
of baullng brick be put into writing,
(he O. R. 4 I. agreelag that It would
K> mere t4 hoH them (haa from
the Pec* Maiquette.
The matter of whether the G. R. 4
Til WaSnvortk Sir..!
I. ahouM have bod flfir can or
It'M Up To You
Come aad see.
who waaU lo r^otm the worid'betwoen suartsa aad eaasrL"
The amallasl watch In (ha wocid Iv
in (be pooseaslon of a LODdoa jeweler,
mee beioaged to ibe late marquass
AUgieoey. wbse taste In omammu waa exiravsgaat and bltarre.
sire of tbe gold ease ot tlUs
Lilllpatlsn watch Is jmt (hat of the
sQuIlest English etdn—a silver three
pence. Tbe minute hand U an-eigtaib
r un Inch long.
The widow of Auguste Bsitboldl
>e erewlor of the vislule of liberty.
New York barbor. la addlUoo to glvIng a collwiiou of on treasures to the
of Colmar. Alsace, her husLtadV hsilve blrth|.lace. has present.
> the raunlrlpul auihortlles at Col640.0irt to lie used In founding a
Bartholdi museum.
The Cbarlng Crosc. Euslon 4 Hamp
stead railway can boast <X having the
isi iindergroond suiioa In tbe
I This is at HamiuUead. Eng
land. and is 186 (eel deep.
G'-rnian merchant wbo died at
Coltbus Jilt 625.O00 to found a chureb
lu Omsianllni^'le (or all denomlaallons. Tbe sermons are to be preached
pause to consider that their bodies an tog oni of everything. Travri by tal
merely machines to do work, fnrnaeaa «r sesL agricttltun-. eonatry Ufa. all
to wbk-b necesaary fual la burasd. must le BcrUced to atiltty. n>e vety
worttsliDps In which worouot parts are perfumes our wives delight to. £W«|h
supplM and siorerooBU la whl>-b faal ' tikeo fruo a fiower labeled bettle.'ato
and food
made (rum fiouere no lunger, bnt freto
needed* Fnrtbcr, like any olber plecs I the byproduct <■( coal Ur dlatUlaOML
ot apparatus, the body works better | \Ve of tbr |>a»lag gcm-ratloa. wrllea B
aader oensln cln-umaiaares. Its fires ! correspondent of the Ulder and Prtvac,
burn lieller with fuels of eeruia aorta. ] besvc a sigh sod hope the "*ee<aa”
tolled lu rerutn i-n'is-rtlnns. and It | will at least Ust our (laie. hut (he ramcannot keep In |*rf<-ci cundlll<« unless , Ing men must either go with tbe aevr
ruratshed with proper msleruls. Mas I order of ibliiga or ba left habtad wltk
thtoka be eau be'-snsc be U hungry:! Uie borwe
he raally eats becsoae bis budy Is cry- [
Festiwi (Us Guoak
lag out for bulhllng msterislt with [ uWe never openly cuiuplala about
which to repair the s.asie that Is ak
,rf u,, cooking," began Sabbuiio,
ways gulag on sod (or fuel to keep tt i
was uklng dUnisn buiuc to dlaaeif warm, sod It Is rather "finicky [
-t„ (rar (he cook will get mad
•s to tbe supply It wants for each ot | ^ leave."
(ticae purpnoes At i pinch it can use
-ffurely," protested nituiSD. “yau
almost auy tblng digestible for either, duo-, ox|.eci me to do stnhlng tike"—
t«t It groaas and cvraipUlns sod paa- j -,,n. „( rugne you re too polite, bat
lahea Its anfortnaste possrsaor tf It is j i
,-*ulloa you Jwrtlculsrty agwtast
not properly ireated.-Criiicnden Ha^ i pratalag the cooking or abe'll demaad
rtelt In fit Nicbolsi.
public rellgloas sei^ce waa r»
Drawing Reom.
ceutly .-ondurird In Estwrauto. tba
A curious and regn-iisbic revival el hew uDl%MwaI IShguagc. In Geneva,
(be word -draw' In the «-use of "with, Switzeritnd.
draw" oivnra in "draw lug ruom," Here
(be origlual meaning of tbr word U
lost taesuaa •■(
lueiiisme prouna-.
Itu-atcd. Solssly.
Pbforxbeim. Oermany, isasooset sev- '-IstloB by the uoi->liioatvd.
NuUce U horeby given (hat sealed
-sl choral socleliiw. a few weeks hearing It uirutiuucd as "droylng bids wiadie rwxsved by W. C. NelouB
at Its Iwst or as "drurln: m'm" l.'-lsnd. Mtcb.. at shy lime before Bah
go ilRwe socletlee recelv<-d a letter ruom"
St Its worwL" would SUS|«. I It of Iwlag
which i>ur|M>iu-d lo come from a s» s ix<om to wlil.-h li> wMlidrsw fur tvlsx ur.lay.-Augusi 3rd. 19<i7, at 10 u'chiefe
the (uminoa for the ereclloc
clety of German singers lu New Yiwk ath.n. Most word, uf ib- klicl though, in
I'oir House lor L/N-lanan county.
Inviting Ibe IToiztielmcrs lo go
bote DO l•ll•-r i'IkIiii to our sdujlratkia. Said P<«r IKiuse Is b> tie erected (to
New Vork to join In celebrating ami many he»e a worse ..or to uur ■ bo issw farm of Leelanau county to
- five hundredlb anniversary of the sense of language. "I'srI.T'' Is an ugly Kaws'ii township In said rounly and
founding of the German cborul so- grenib (turn Ibr old iuunas|.-rlsl "par- ro be built accrdlng to plana aad
loir." or ruum where sjieakliig was slriirutsbed. and lo ba
deUra of that city. The Pforah.-lra- k.wcd. and -isjiid-lr.'’ that early Victo- spi'.'incatloaa
eompk-l'-d wUhIn tlx awnlU after
<-re at once uccr-iiii-d and bet lo work 'ilau expression uf gentility. Wgsn by I bid is accepted. Tbe s.i|wrint«kdeaca
retu-arse and lu make their'prep- In-lug a rouiii (u sulk to. "HltlliiK
Ihe Poor and Uulldlng r
to n-ject any and
anxiona fur the journey. .But just be
le1'I'lans and BpeclAcatlons
I effei't and s.> Is ''Ihtug
totf"- Tlie
fore thi-y Blaiied some one puintal
rom^ l«ck b. “drawtof
>"■ '~H-ried at the .dfiee of J. C.
<> them that W'tl years ago not
S-..M. S> lasst • I’riemm. Bute Bank building. Travboueet word.. St iMst.-------Mlrt.lgsn: «r ol (bo offH*
truly were there no Germans m New'
'los H. ArkertDAD- Emplro.
York, but Ihut Cfaristopher Columbus
_------—--------------j Mlrhlguii: or at Ihe uffic* of W. C.
had iiiil fvi-n Oisctivered America. The'
Clever W.th th. Cards.
, Selreio, l..elsnd. Michigan
I'forzhelmera then look a grrat oalb
Gome years ago a CTtoln county jail ‘ uiie.l l.-lsnd. Mich.. July i. 1*07.
Charles It. Ackt-nusn. Cbalrama
o meniloo the subject to any one.; vaa undergolug etleiislve alleratlous.
W. C. Nelson. BecreXary. 2*-3t
Ibe story got about, and has al-' during whl.-b tIUH- a goiig of plckpock
equalled Ihul ot (be famous cap Ms, four m number, w ere arreeled ooc
market day Owing lo the uKcntloot: --------------------------------------------------tain of Koepenh-k In popularity.
<he lot were i-oaflu.M for a lliue in one!
Admiral Yamamoto is esjieclally ills- cell, but were pls.-ed under strki surnguished us the organixer of the Tclllsnce. the core uf tlwju l>clug s|>e-:
i-latly lutrusled to Ihe s.-rgrBaL Tbe;
day after during bis rou:H. be iqded!
them playing <'arda, when be iirutuptly ;
oiu-n-v! the door and summuiml a M [ Kslamason. Mich.-"Looklag bock
Klug George of Greece is proud of
his ability to do (arm work. He can re;n‘S‘ThC,^uera‘’rre‘3^7rara^“’^plow, "cradle'' grain, lake care of cat- (uilv sesrehed. hul no cards wcrel"^'^' "*<‘*'"'‘1 ««> kuBcrtog bamaafound. II«wcT.y, thec*rdpls}iflg«III!]“y- » >•
<>» «>e most pleastof
(k- and hurees and milk cows.
The Ceniian emperor hat a senp- rouiliiuc-J until tbe dey oa which the reB.vtlons of my Ble that by carefdl
bouk cuntaluilig caricatures drawn by pickpockeu were to l<e sent to tlic si- ri-sesrch and study. I have baea aaslxcs for trial- Then the em-ertot.-nd- ai,l«l. not only to general praeUM.
very kind man
by spa-clal rcfnedlee, to he tastrovorllc with every ooe. aske<| them it
a favor to tell him where (hey bad bW- mentsl In saving llto. promMIng
deu (be cards They -told him tbat aa health, aad bringing happlDeas lo
soou as the sergeant aud bis comrade ibousamls and (hmaiada of suffrelaff
eolcred lh.-‘r cell they stuck tbe pack mortals.' —Rev. R.' Peagelly. M.’d'
In h!« iNv-ket and picked It again be
Inquiry at KsIMUzida-UMi. dl»
fore he left, as a proof of whbh they clusi-s Ibr fact that to mentlODlag spapresented him with the much used clal remedies above, Dr. Fengelly roNet Oiseeursged.
psck.-Pesrson's Weekly.
ferred lo his experience uf more than
'•Cau'l you rctllu- that you're merely
"How U It inml you nave e.ccica xir. twenty years of actual praeUee la tha
wasting my Ume and your own?' com
llbink s uiciober of your tlubr asked (reatmenl of Ihe dlaessea of women,
plained the busy lurrrbsnt.
"Why toT' asked tbe Insoraaca a uisu of a Iricoil. who wos an actor. during which time bo invariably pro- '
"I thought ibul ouly Ito member# of
scribed ^-iia-Fborn. the well-kiioa'S
'-I told you sume time ago tbat I was tbc profcoshui wgre cllglbU'."
•Tlist's uu." w as tbc replj: “hul "Woman's Friend" aad regulator, and
insured t» the limit "
"I know you did. bnt a man will say Blank IIS s pullilclaii la uue of U»- which hns found ready sale aatong
tbc reliable dnutglsta of the load. If
moat anything to gel rid of so tosnr- U-sl uct'irs to Ibe wurid."
you are tick or ^llag.'Ti^M *Wi!l.BBTbe WelveW touas|ea.
He was tcillug a thrllllug story of doubledly desire to teat the aiHfto <ff
ooe of bli balrbreadUi escapee abroad, this valuable womaa's medicine. Just
MlnUtar-Now, my beloved brarera. aad tbe young girl leaned forward anil aak your druggltt for Zoa-Pbora. No
next Babbatb evenlog I aball begin my buug ui«n his words btralblcssly.
other explanalion will be aoeded. Toa
aprt-lat aertei of aermone on Pbareob
".tnd they were ■«. uesr." be eald.
of Ancient Egypt" Gambler In the "that no could see tbc muzzles of tha win gel tbe prescription used so sueccssfully by Dr. Fengelly. already pre
Congregation (wblapering to frlcndi Well, wouldn't n fade ye lo know tba
"Ob." sbe gaeiKd. "buer glad yos pared and compounded to just tbe
game dated back tbat farl-Cblcago luuM ba\c bei-o that they bad tbeir right proporiluae, and put up to acolad,
Blerillzed, one dollar botGea.'
vinzzlcs on;"
In each package will be found •
Aug Tbelr
• Awlsl (
copy at "Dr. Pengelly's Advlea ta
.. .. tbe nature of women lo he a
Aatbliag Atidrew-Tnni tack. paL Woroen." a medical book, fftvlag todelation to men." growled tbe oU torn hack! This town you'rs i-c<
tsTPstiDg and iDstrucilve laformatioa
to Is awful. <TiUly Nytee Wut's w
with ir* Ambling Andrew- W'.v. every about bB the diM-ases of wofoen and
araslsst. "aud U .. . body keeps a dog. there's tbnv> rotritio' the way to sueeesifully tieal them IB
to bog their detosioDS.''-E
acboob'. a soap fsi torv, so' tbe ton's (he privacy of ywir <jwn home with
sstus to Bnlh.-Ulustreted Bits.
out itny publicity wbatc-ver.
Woman’s Lite Saved
Tho PuroKiaso O'F ai
r.ii-ics still u (he certainty uf complHc ‘•uU^facHoD.
There can be no q.'J‘'Klon abrnl Quality, or Value,
or Durability, (or not only has uur I'isnu dcmoortru'c-l its r-ip-rloriiy. but 'he Guarai.ti-e ol-'tldi
lli.-ist—the broadest and most Iibciul Guarantee evt-r written—stands lack uf evecy I'Unu bearing oaf
tVll4_^our lung-established n-ptiuiiim and every dutlar of our rv-s>.urr<-s at
ibe iMrcJiSser
may rest ussuml that o<ir PIsnu Mutt fulfil all the claims we make for IL
If you could watch (hr- pro«r-ss of a GRINNBIA- BROS PIA.VO
throiieb tbc eight months r'-qulied for Its cunsiniciioii. Inw—'lgatiOK
the quality of ihc material, iise.1 and otmerving the cat- 'ak-n f.>
have each pan perfectly made sr.d adjusted—then yug wu-ild rr-ally
agi-ee with us ilut we are msnufa«unng as fin- a Flanu aj- ni'ioi-y and
esperienre can produce. This u what we aim to do and w.- sr<- saiufir-d with nmhlDg short of the BEST.
luniiy f
play It;
learn alwiit Its ooti.lriirtlon ami lb. ability
more laqulri-> you msk- among P
lighted r,«
Piano YOU should buy.
Griiinell Bros.
Plano Mannlactiircrs and
MleUgan*s Largest Dcalcra.
-iraverse Ctty Slore* IW E.ftatSL
A't S'teinbers Bro'th<
A sale you can t afford to stay away from! It begins July 26 and will continue for two weeks. Every item adver%
tised here is bran new goods purchased this season. To close out many lines and prepare
for Fall purchases we make some awful cuts in prices.
Dainty Summer Dress Materials
Grcafly Reduced
Unprecedented ? Well, Yes!
Colored U'ash Goods, While Goods. Dimilies. Mulls. ,lf. Ituudtedi
oj ’(hoiee patients.
Mulh. While lod colored
wortli C5 and 7Sc at.........
Ind» Liuou worth 12*0
7 Rn
a+r I •a-rv-r
L-*'’-' s Tailor
gr.rat b.-llurs at 8l>.0u
Mulls worth 40 and 50c at
PersUn Lawns. 50 it. wide
0 C sa
doubb-roU, worth 6U-. at.. jQC
Fina Dimities worth Wo.
1 patterns at.
At 75c, 98c, $1.25 and up to 3.50
Suits that «, r.-
Skirts tlial were |1J 50 i.ow............................$7.25
.''kins ili.ii wi-fo I'i
TiTiw ....................... $4 95
Skirts that w. ro 84.'4J and $.',uo m,w.........................
One of «.ur biggest banJaiiis is a l;.rg.- Ui moitd .-'i rwul worth
$1 25. sale price.................................................................................................
White Muslin Underwear
$7.501 ' uS“oo';t’-::' S4.95
Indian Head and Glasgow R
$.1.00 .Ijck.ts
$2.50 I
o' 10 nnii I6e L«».. ino.tl; Torehon.,
andtlUO...................... 4VC
ChUdren's Muslin Draw
ers and Waists ill all
sizes at I2i, lOaud.................OC
All 2o and30c Embroiderks
includiDi; wide Corset
' Ooren worth 35c now___
worthtl00 at..
11.60 Tilu
SO nnd tiOc EmbroiderUa at 39c
at »Sc
All Over Laces
la Blank, White and Cream, worth $1.00 and SI .23
Then worth SOo for.................................
........................ 89c
Wliltc Hose
WMIe Embroidered Bella
Tba oraateat varietT, tbh prettiest
Laos Hoae, the best Ribbed Bose
«rat ahowB at
It ss and 45c per pair
Some with Pearl Bnes
s taibr male,‘. some
extra sizes, worth 15c, at.
One h)t MUaes White Ribbed 1)^
Hoae, worth 15c per pair..'... g(j
Leather Hand Bags worth
SOeand tl.OO.'cboiee.
Jiugham is
wortli by the yarrl Three
btylef.two at sec; iiiealJ&^C
Suits that wer»‘ 87 .50 at........................ .............$4 50
Suits timt w.-n*
$3 50
C*l Cfl
Suits that wore $2! 75 at ..
............................... ........... wl • D U
A ffrand big assortment, many of the prettiest patterns
reduced.20 to 30 per cent, from their
already low prices.
^2 95
*iS^!S:i5«KSi,T2: At 95c
Baby Bonnets
Limn. S,!k «nd Mull, trimuitsl with Enil.roi.lerv
aiel L-ice Worth •!. aud t-'- at..........................................
Also a lot of rolorod skirts in black mkI navy, for
ladies Bul uiiosis. worth $1 2-i aod 1..5(J. at....................95c
Ladles White Collars
OUR BEST Those White Skirts that, we
sell special at
$1.75, $2.00 and $2.50
........... 6c
Handkerchici Bargains
They arc the brst fitting ami, the iKtsi maJ.; Skirts
evershown aniwhere at any price.
• Ladies'
Ladies Long Silk Gloves
Shirt Waists
riam .™,1
il,. 1^, „.„rtoo»t m ll... dlj .t
91.35, 91^0 91^ 92.50 and 93.00.
Lmg Lisle
<i loves at 75c, 85c and.
Huoiiroils and thou
sonde of tfiu pri'llh-,^t
< vi-r shown liy aii.i (uu-
or Misses and Children,
snsde of White DocR io
Turban and Tacht Stylea
with or without peaks,
worth 2.*> and ifoc. at___ ;...
Positively the
Lowest Prices
Men's aothiinn at aThird OR
Towels at a Great Savina
Satin Dtmaik Toweb pui
easily wortlr40o and .'lOc .
Cottoa Towetlag at less than
wholesale prioo for this sale ...
At 29c
Lace Curtains—Extra Special
wr fineat high emde Curtains,
tS and 16 kinds, tliissale............................................................^9 •
300 yards. 20 in. White Wash.
27 in. White Habutai Wash Silk
worth 60c........................................ 47c
200 yards Fancy Silk for Waists
or Suits were 5'J and <>5c.........3Sc
iio.i ::.u»at.... 1.50
IIS in. White Poplinette. half wool
will Wash. reguUr ‘JHc value 22c
10 pieces Fancy Dress Gpods.
principally plaids or checks
were 50c...........................................29c
Ir 98c
ntis Waist for 98c.
White Waists that were
... At 49c
Ladies' Kimonas. worth
Ladi.V Hons.- .lackeU worth
30c and tVic... At 39c
-'.V-................................... Al •■9c
Lone Kitr.uaas. worth $1 J5................... At 7^
Ladies' Uiiderwear..AI aostng Ont Prices
Men's Straw Hals, latest ehnpe-s.
worth J1 2.'> an.] 1 XI.
to close at.......................... / OC
Boys' Waists, white and colors.
Children's Sailor Hats,
CottOB Sox, mizo'l colors.
■Xh- ami <'pUo -lualitiet. at
In this line wo Imudlo nothing i.ut REST UW'ALITI'
of underwear.
rWo believe that seconds are dear
at any pri>«)
Ladies VesU ill regular and e«n si/A-s. worth
.... ....19c
&........ lOc
Sen's 50c Undeiwear 33c
Men's Shirts, p!.Tin and ph ai.d.
whilJ’an l e.lofed.
fS Q _
worth $] 2.7 and l..*A at . a/OC
During this Kile we will sell s>'mo of our best lOe
w /w
< >ne lot of long si- i-ve Vests, wortli 2*>o .it___ '.... $ / Vr
4(>-inch Brilliamine i royal
blue, navy and browni, a
a good 50c value....................... ::sc
During this sale we are offer-
tS'inch Light Fancy Plaid and
Check Suitings, were S-’ic - -50c
^ing exceptional values in
44-inch Silk and Wool Crepe de
Chene (tan. grey, brown and
cream), regular price $I......... T-jc
Men's Caps, gor.i siyin. i,.,t
many of n Sityl. worth -'lOc 1 Q-*
to $1, to close at................. 1 %7C
Crtlorcd waists, worth ott'
Men's and Boys*
Cotton Pants,
worth $1. at................
all IIZ.W 4 to II. woMh
riX. at.................................
White Waist'
f;d""i:l5-|. At 69c
Biff Saving on FnrnRhtnAc
handagme designs, wortli t«5c,at ...........................................................
81.50 Napkins at $1.10
1 5
Men’s Summer Snils i„ iiahi „„1 J„k .
|l2.KJ:i.id 13 .X'. nt....................
o.tW.at......... 92.50
Table Damask
Pina, firm and dnnble. Neat patterns.
Worth 11.60 per dozen.
Sale price..................................................
Colored PetUcoats I'ink,
anil Light lllue worth $1 00
at 69e Shep^rJ Cheek
Sat«.-u worth $l,.jO at...
lliwo Snpjmrlers. ail sia s.........................................................
AnoUier lot of While,Skirts, wurih
>1 2-->. J.50 hi»i-jC0. m,«lly..ue
( f a kiuil, will be soM..................
While Parasols
White Skirts
One lot of WhitoSkirls m.vlo of pare Lino;-, Imlis Lite
While Caps
Covers worth ;{ov’.4’
Those worth 2.‘pc at.
H^valocs at........................................2Sc
30c values at........................................39c
You cauT allord to miss IL
One “
The Prettiest Corset
The Prettiest Mnsllo
Drawers wunh T.v
SM New Carmenls Just unpacked
the Prettiest White
Underskirts worth
$1.25ami $1.:4J.....................yOC
Thaw worth $2 30 at.................. 91.75
Thow worth $150 ul...................92.95
. ^ ,
Lawns worth6c at..
The ntl thing for White Skirto and Dresses, <m 17c
qwHtrat........... .....................,........................................................
We show one of the lantrst lines of iV'Ispreods in Ibe city hej iu-,1. f,iuK«<i
scalloped Bud cut corners
" ’
Alabama 8iiri‘laid».
"mpUm Voih*
Bnd«ie E
worth SOoI at.............................
Bedspread Inducements-
$25.00 and $30.00 Ladies Tailor
^4 A aa
Made Salts at ............................ blUwUU
all Black Goods.
We give Premium Tickets
with every 50c purchase.
r;»E«lM'lO I‘«ISIir«OTOIu!
An Odd Ki«.akr.
I Asailm o. ba\ia
Ihnv BiBt harp bam a srat per_ _ ,i
■••al charm In JatfaranD Dsrla sot- e._, doc* lb Ll« espedltloa le .or u.v ’"'P* !»•»•••
'“»»"•* “ ! woman,
his lamp la! withatsodlnc fala ratbfr \a«atarpl.r tic re*;,.n*, told aotce of tbe Netii.aw ! ^
w.viU! i-cn-ba.*o one from ;
forl.kWpti hr trw from p.rt|akiac
tbat ncall at««k. 1 don't Ufco
war^ addrewa. aed tt bap JeaiiipJ to
Aetlra preparathma art beias made
vbo bai «{
---------jij^ t 1^-T.ai* jBUftiUB I’lam u Ultra
them. "Hip auaB-iloa •■auMid eonster- '
'*»» aHmel. Iiidrcd. .-at* nt^fab
fas tbe frtat reklap to
amomo- tbe roontrr .....................
<« barp failed lo ,bbapiraj amoOR tha worU'a Kirat lUinrln. prailiao
“Yep'Di.'’ aaU tbe luitcber poIlb>!y.J aiptible loflorooe
COCP of marrlrtw
marrlniw tiea. may
mar ■
trite drlre. which la bpiot o«TPOl»d
.dnir, ftp bpanllful wrt- oi
of tlie radeU oiilr Ii.t iLa N'alloaal tilrfnrr at but with a lonrb of Irony In bfc« an-; U
e cxiitanatioo of tbp tart
«» •lemaab-a. nie manjCf'*'Itab-m*
^«e of the
,pidPf. TbeaP weba,
*er;'a»* nilri.lt* In ererr
I rarla and that of tba Britlab ma«Vac. aner. "that do perm to he a tn>id Oral: tbat t nomber
bar f? D..nU«TB mca. Ua ■
'' r^ort SPd DP« day with a
tla. aad fOT whJrh more thao a acoce l
ndlatins tluTwik
Id outllop.
outlloa. wltb
with ndlattns
; at Ixtodoo. It «wlalo« a milUoD aod t- of buDP. bet (bp anlnialp what'* <-»ai ! pemooal friend*.
>nd.. lUcp
like niuw
of Mi
of MUtea bare alreadj- bPen made.
fratn «mter
«mer to
lo rtn
rtmuBfarnw i half rolutnaa tod ».000 minoaorlpta. In' to ibiP markM now w^m« f. baie; ehnaerta. CWper cf New Tort.. Jrea of j
fb'we do not neU.“ be aahl. Amurah ,
'• 1® roa*t It m an ore«
At fli»t It |iad bppB ppoposed to ae ; ,ud aaimuTlDC a aprtpa of
iMotrie.Tha moat Important
e*tm:-.beLl. "Von wldnsi to
•'f®'*"- **'h .wiiona earlir. parp
more or-le** bonr In'em. And reell; . CooneeUeut. tk>reea and •-lllca of;
tort amite^thr^ Central A-ia. hm ,
p^rdrt b> n.torall«. „|„cPl»Pd
' ITPOlTPd wai ppolwhlr
C-..P." PcM
man. *«.-au;
•*'7 leaf, red wine and h>;t-a
an animal* l« hnllt now I dent nee bow 1 reanaylmnla. bmhe tbe natural ImtiJ* i
^ tte roSJ^ .*^^1
: “* *“«**? nrcbltacimwl a.tnorpmmt the nwpreaalon of tbe Socict.r of Je<t>i they cau CM aloue without hone*."
. Ipvii riaally tt
■ of borne and bl.-.l and f.mclit f.T tbe' Aiuuttdwrra p. .'t
ttneadad Earth.
-S«^l. WhpSTii
»»JCD moat of thr JP«tm
“Thai may all t«. true." »aM the lit : Confp-lerary. A *<v.lbero friend
' dlarorrnv]
--------- t!i;.t' the■ ''loB-tii.iici
Em el l l\ ;is wrote of -piwwork-'
ala. aara the Londoa Tclegrairii" A ' jrhTr
t|p‘noinatranj lli.-rc wap”a wkk^l' ^Tl'cd’ iiTm at“n«uV,7lr‘Vfrw“vpa!n >'•' »=• ciu.ral.mt to-rh;'«prosouriivd iweway-woPt" It was
Stimlan ownmlltee haa takS tta mat- I
rt6™0on,^.al librtrr, Amons them wa. the
m her eye.-hot thi. mornlnc I! before he died rrfprrpd to thfc. rar*i lb* Netsblllo U:,nicer __
j »W-Ce»lPd hy lipp had Une ^.,r^>www. of
ter in hniid and
■» enta^-j famoo. roIl«,|on of Count Zalwkl. r,.u^ „ W-.l elicl lame It. f- pc.i- traU of l.b, ni.ittrr act went .a to dc ’
• the aiiia, an.1 ib* duralrie w.-iIU mado
Hia kaat Cbai
it whleh It dladimM ftTcoiidlS .
5?“'*"“® "f S®-®™;
»od lO.- wpr. cod J Ipnrp tt to you. both-t now.: arrllri. hU bocw .hcIM hr ,.li>ea and
• Pt w i •^cJr.-ini lb lb--- wuu’erfcl arrhl*
I the 'BiallPd at tbe jcMill rolleceln ITai
roote. Thla will oennlDly Iw the Wr ] „„
1 not Tbe mon Important mairnwript li.
the phoiocrai-h.T*'
> Imleber eoiihl i
..verl™.L.'d I
nolomobU* drive ever imdertakPiL ]I too powerful
knuca talbe atMlenia end *<niu- of tba
powerful for ftp nplder to overcome bbrary I* tbe "Co.!ei Pinaitlci» " of tbe word in tepir -Indianar-.H* Npwa.'
and penerfni water* of the calf of hridal eoiipie.’ I Wonder wliy they aUe*l
boitsp* la (he worU today are of
U able to break them
] Greek Bible, bronchi to Kmaia hy lYnUextro 1 wonder If o« bis e.re reste.1 al»=y« njdi off to tbe pboicwrairiKC
tbip C'ci-tm.-ilon. 'itoi^lelet write* of
How did the aplder learn Ibe art of femnr Tbebendorf In 1*«» from tbe
Birr no that ctret. b of ara. where now ' •» *®oo »» fte knot Ip tied."
Id nlkMIIty of tbe motora and car*, makinc tbene webd? Their crest. In- Conrent of Sf. ('atharlne on Mmut
t-haii-au lu lUe drfionnieut of AlB
rrom IVklBff the llite'lleB Ibroocfa Kalennlty and pertecllim of ee«metric einal.-Sew Vort Tribune.
iieht <d hla .
-fan. Tfrsa. Iitutsk. on lAke Bafkal:
: and thn
I ank« ef the Hod-' **“' '* '*
•“>* Ian chan.
well.- ba.l a.Tj.ilmt
Traat Omak. reiroparl^ ;
Uie ^p“*iurt U la
T~.'.7. — .
! ocB-a.Ion tbe pie«t
romra«ted their pence with
Enrwn^ aaloob. Eaaan. MJnl Nor- : , niatter of Inatlnct. He learns tbat!
Old Irma of OW EcrfllaraJ.
|din«er. A man with a
•» **'*« dlffcren<-p. lo he found Tboae who learn bUtory fram itoae*. a* n l.rllllant talker ai
man i irnrrsl M..rri< &'bafr
Brlslum to Pa^
different eplders | tboae who travel t.. read tbe Ions ac- t .IO on ei eedh.ct.v fumij
MorotHOan, ^be eelehrated "klux . vior«-at Fon- I «•
mm °**.^'».'°^
the cblneae *•*'’'***■*■'*
eapllal to ^
Kal and bUolwenatJon*
i... lead
i^.j him
•Mint «r pppm
tu ibink
races bbi
and tuumn* In tbe tlma uhlMi lUe N'orw
-----------------------taloehleau. |iUuled tmder Ibe rrlcn of
• d'dar.-j.-t I’je la
mroagp «
that be can dtoceiti a aorf of actual aearred bolWInc* of the past-will find heonlly. The mah P.ld a p.v.«.i ator.r.
' Henry IV.. PT..W acaluM a-wall in'the almr!.*'kurs.-h-J mrvU. What to Mealyted datrtrt over Chlne*e roada and prafreaa. which be calls erolutlon in In old Inna one quality popsiwl In tba and
.uuUrd; Then rume a
-My husband Is a brute.- said tba P>tV not far from tbe easile. aad tbe
a^tobet-New Tort
i^taln paaaca for a dinan-w of
maklnc anwme ai.lriet*. aaiue decree by no other retnaint of third ittory. and tbe novelist sat uti- eaelialrie woman.
craiv- arv h.chl.r e.sit*.s:eil i..r yocr
________ _ , M
I The common h..u*e spider epla* o antlgulty. They will find hrnad ho- m.'tw.!. even clo-imy. "I, was a v...iy
-Hare you been acoUInc himt”
Bl;.e.. it..- rrf ul.hv *
■ natOpp rr*ew.iil«>t
~ racawa tba crsaaloB of nrera
quite different from that of tbb man nature. Cathedrals will cl'« T®“ c®o4 aiory ," c|iirtr.l the aovellrf ;; men-Of course I have.”
' lisbed t'.c trm-« base rlway. hp»M>
Vr*. Bea’isiii Tt*- s .iko leniried
.•arhma thare a
* brldcca. Hi'fnU
- ' •
• - eartles cod I<t. "Why didn't you h"icHi' "1 »»
-.Vb. 1 auppnee he talked back and
au' tl'tt. the |Wu**Ms suinc , ^'C Srpi. Bcuh^i;. Ae*. I >np|**w he
nobles and : forty year* old," imlil ItJi.rijson Bnnly, jacd harsh lancuaee.”
■ •»>" «•“ coffer* of tbe mmwtsr of; wanted to herin on «iu.,Piblne eiaj.-»
already tnrelrd In the diatrirt ny a dark eomer with an IrrcCTlar'shect cltle* the report of tbe cnllJ*roan and , -and t*o stortes are enouch.-Worse than tbair Beyawnedr
New I'lrk I'lrsa
that tbe peasants bare Urc* flafteata of cloaely woven tneabes aptvad Iwfore, merebaol. But It Is at tbe wa,r*lda
at au pcriBla. on whlcb they coo*tanlly
tul« U tbe aplder'a liirklne •“» “*** •"
toCMber. It 1* there.' «waa wltb earta and rattle, and that bole Tbe
and place of refuc*: the outopread i At tbe romfnriahle hoeiptry. that each. I
' they will be iarce enoueb lo fury iIm ereb to Its tnare. Tbe wolf aplder , tot* tlta®-«bt«wa aside hi* calUncnnd
antomoblM. over. A creat ponkra of make* a tuboUr bole with a blnfrt I J«MIe* with hU nelchl-r ai a waythe line ta alao very picturesque, esj-erefuer. and apresito no I 'ater. Inn* bay never been rc.orrnpd
dattr tbe aectica between Lake Balki.;
' for Miff neck^e*a. It ba* cr. r been
Hire, islyinc enilrriy <
and Tomft. srbere the road lie* akme piowaax
tbelr prble
pride to
lo tw>ki
iw>ld out weieomioc
welenmicc arms
to overrome tbe onsoapectinc >*Mr
tbo foot of Hrfly mountain*. Cohmel Ttotlm. ■ cum another specks* of aphler to ai: who can pay tbelr way. what-,
Kovttsky. a Bmnber ef the Busalan conatrtcu a
alinpler tnbe
lobe without e'M tbelr character or creed, and In-1
Geecraphleal aorfely, ha* Joet retumn tbe risk of beinc ;
ad from a trip atone tbU very route,
Accord nc
I to a dtotincutobed natural. eheated hy ihpM who Lave not a crmit. i
aad. acrortlnc to him. those srbo uke
They must And a room for tbe kins. I
part to tbli norel drira Win enjoy It 1st at Wasblncton. these different kinds If need be. and a abelter for tbe iwllt* I
of webs or neats rcpreaenl so many
stafps of deretopmeDt. This Batural. •tnneer wbo ntcfatly cuts purses ca |
IK Is of oplnton tbat at tb* bcclnnlnii tbe ktoTs hlcbwar. Tbe rnntwsyi
tbe only kind of weh tlmi any spider
d Into!
knew bow to apin era* a simple cons.n
.in an !
■paslal.HstM Far Mm Who Will Oe- Intended to protect It* «-cc». Then a tbe pallericd conrtyanl. and wllhln
aWs Hkwr HaywOMT* Fata.
web for tbe nroteetton ot (he. spl.tor hour mine boot mu*l screw up bl« (ace [
Tbe juty wbirfi will try Beereiary itaejf from In eneiple* was woven fora welivme to those wbo post to botj
' I
Vaitom D. .Haywood of tbe Wesieru around the cocoon. Tbto;weh bad nn puraull.—Indoors and Out
FkdarattoB of Mlneiu tor oomplk liy la Sffwnlnc for lasras* and ecreaa. and
FhasM af tAs Natienal Oaiti*.
tbo.raaider at Caldwell. Ida. on Dec.
weha. torrdded for use only dm-;
There are two kldc* to aliuoet any-,
bO. UtK. of foRBer Uoeemor lYatik
Cteanenbaqt will keep b
are etUl spun by
fn.iu lielus nu exo-i.tlou. .From the
tbe trial, aoya a dtopatcb
Boise, -apldera.
Tbe next step
fa snare. It bt
bas been sucse*fed tbat I
“* “*>'
Aball be kept tocetber and to •lualoi
luHed from the accl-l
**”• •to‘*d|«lul of the |.ror.».i.«ifrom pabUe contact and tbe hlcber ■ dental aptoutoc of (bread** over and ' •* I'laJ er Ibe Icnctie bn* u ilub lu each
conrti bare always Ini
tubulnr re-1
areond tbe openinc of
r«* ‘**1
.« ««.« B.
4r^ Ubcr,.
„„„ .r ».!”',srs .!L“■
fora ratbtf than
the jnr.
Idrad a bouse for them. TLe bouse.
, Isttnctlre, well built etnicture. standtoff on a neat town and carden. to just
ecTasa tbe street tbat Ainka tbe rear
'tr Ads county conrlbotwe and within
ahoot 300 feet ef fte courtroom.
To make the dally Journeys of the
Jury as ^Irect as possible tbe sheriff
baa constructed a temporary stairway
fiura tbs rear of tJ^e second stoiy of
tbs eonrtbooae. -Iis upper landlnc to
ptatfom of a Are eacapa. aniTlt to
Tsaebad ttarooffh tbe anteroom
ffadia Wood's Mtainbers. Tbe jury
tberefMe be taken directly to tbe stairaray wltbont toarinc IbC
•ors of tbe counrooD. An oAlctol cook
has been teUIncd. and arrancement
,hat» been mad* with toea) store* for
ffond and rarirt aiff^ly of food. Pour
teuiffs, two for day duty and two for
lliCbt ssrrtce. will piard tbe jmy. The
toimae will be carefnlly and ennstantly
watebad. Entry to tbe open lawn will
W prahiutsd. One
artu tamato at bom* irblle tbe jury ..
te coart and tbe lUcht twiilff* arlll do
etoeptoi dnrtnc tbelr aratrtu
'Fapar Kettle* For Otrmas SsWleet.
^ tt It stated that preparstlona are be^
^ made to fumtoh the aoldtoia of
lb* Oennan army with paper kettlm.
Wbteta are a dapaneae InreoMon.
tbeoBfa tbe Dtenrito are made of pliable
ffapsr. they bold water readily. By
-peottoff water into them (bey can be
boBff over tbe Are wlftout huminc for
« toofftta of ttiiie esfltoleot to boll tbe
■toatsr. One kettle can be ined about
times, aad tbe cost to tow.
further d
ef tbs bouse spider, and It rracbed its i
hlffberf fonn when the eardeo spider *'“•>
«re «.K-k coipteamed to constniel Its beauilfully i l*>"«-l'roi-'nj' "nnu'-rt. To th.-eindtoted webI cited jmttlsani at a came eaW. jilajcr
In all tbl* (hero jiay be discerned *• ■“ «an.e*l conirwtant for hi* aide,
seme >«aemUaiK« to tb* procrest vf!
niHii/rfi.. I* from fon-lim parts
architecture smoDff men. The earliest I»'HiW l.e au liiiponaut fact tbat
repreaealatlves of the human race \
''Inal men. employee* with
were content to dwell to car** audl “torie* ».>i hy rouii.anle, that all Iwrudely constnivled tuts. Then more I <“W: to ll.v miuj.' .•..riwrali.m. and that
aUborate dwelllnc places and build-1
P«7 for plnyluc and not
toes Intended for other puri**>e« wero! ^oc "innluc. To the public It Is a.
) c»»ue. T,. the pre-btent of Ibe com
conslnicted nnilL b.r aucrc«*lre ai
adrsBClnc as baa tbe aj.lder. we Lavs pany it may !*• a Rood
arrived at tbe temple*, palace* and (otmance."—tVniur)'.bccsea of ctrUtoed-IUe.~8L Ixmls Itopnblk.
-Il« ran np tne Aichta of atnir* In
hl< aiiviety to |w«pn«r to Mis* tiiiduy
ami tlii-» .euhlu'l tqeuk Uvuu*<‘ bo
As Arise® Sapsir •t Talk,
WA* out of brenth.”
-Tre bad lo cet a new trarlwr."VVlut <llil el..- aa.vr
~Tour old one cerilnc carele**T' “5I.C said -riiiut hcon ne'er won
"No. bnt his baby to bcffUmtoff to my fair lady.' and turned him down.”—
sWe OB $ia«n a yoarr
“Tea. I believe | coaid If the people
•ext doer hadn't imwe thao W.ooo r,
year and my wife knew ic—Cbtcaffo
• pawar tai
This is a clean sweep of all summer goods and broken lots
from all departments. We have given all summer goods the
“go-by” price, so this is your time.
^ ,, .
Note (he following: di
>evcr.Tl lots. About ifixi suits
(Many lines, alati blacks, arc heki
in reserve and arc not included in
this sale. I
Lot). Suits from *7 .VI
l-ol.Suits from S12
Young Men's Suits
Size* :!.! lo :wi. hail'lsniuo wa L'.
from Il'J In $1'^.
carry the largest Aock of Paints,
VarDisbes, Brushes &ad Wall Finish.
We guarantee our White 1-cad to cover bet
ter, look whker, not to peel or vhalk off in 5
years. We also guarantee our (cwcll Paints
the same way.
Discounted from S3 to $3
Lolof Men's biiH'ii P^m'.s. worlh
Wc also handle a cheaper
f:: tw to 1 .-O, now
line which wc sell at $1 il5 a g.vUon.
$2.35 to 3.35
Men's Underwear
Broken sin' 2-x- e(**U
Ask tor our Color Cards and
look our stock over
If yoor size is berv. it's :i snap
Broken size* .70c good*
half hitoe,
Lot of re-.
Men’s Rne Straw Hats 25 per cL oti
The Majestic
248 E. Frost SL
Lot omen's $1 and $1.25 Col
ored Negligee Sblrts........ 85c
Lot of Men's $1 Colored Neglige
Sblrts........................... 75c
Lot of Men’s $1.50 Colored Neg
ligee Shirts.................$1.15
Lot Of Men's SOc Colored Negli
gee Shirts..................... 38c
Oasfl In TssOipIdo.
Tb* rime worn questtou of “Hint
twaftsa Of'fte pinar has new riven
way to -Whst beeenMri of the tootli
picfca?- *irt a qnesttoo tost rrb nev*r b«ea abto to answer.- asid a leatau
tant kaeper. -allbnruft 1 ask II every
year arbm my tootbpiek bill come* lu.
T*bay them ebsap to bare quantltlea.
Rot my bin to so nnlmporunt Item lo
•y expenses. T^y ranlft from tbe
table* and eountfri at If by mafic, for
they do not ffo off oos or tsro at a
time, bat by toe bandfut. TVby imder
^ canopy a coRoma abeuM b^ blmSett to s handful of toothpicks tt tb*
oendualec of bis moal I cannot under•tand. It seaoa ai if be mutt feed
them to tbe dor-ar nee them for Are
tteuad. for tbe neXtSy he to sut* lo
Thaw op for anotter handful. Time
Ud am* asaln I bare earn a coatooibr dump (be entire raotanu of ibc
toelbptek boUer Into bli pocket, and,
tttbaaffb I was UMlimsnt. 1 could not
Frtm over ao ainq|l a (Iilnf as toothRicbB. If yoa aearcbrd (he inrketo of
ttie aea out af ten you'd Aud from
Ita to a dosea tootbpleks tucked away
k them. I eaa see wby a man beto*
wamlf to a bunch of matebea wbo
he hoys a <lfar, but tbl* toothpick
ffftft S* ieyotto to* "-New Tork rraet
Tbs Csnditisn.
We Are Making a Clean Sweep
ifs a Money Saver
Some SnappyBargains in
Boy’s and Children’s Suits
S2.50 Suits for............... $1.65
$3.00 Suits for.................$2.15
$3.50 Suits for.................S2.65
$4.00 and $4.50 Suits for. .$3.6$
$5.50 and $6.00 Soils for. $4.6$
Youth’s Long Pant Suits
$7.50 and $8.50 Suits for. $5.»S
$9.50 and$i0.50 Suits for.$7.95
Boy’s White Lioeu and Colton
Lot Boy’s Knee Pants.
regular 50c goods for......38c
Lot Boy’s Knee Pants,
regular 60 to 75c goods for 50c
Lot Boy’s Knee Pants,
regular $1.25 goods for.. 9Sc
Lot Boy's Caps regular SOc
goods for.......................25c
Lot Boy’s “Teddy Jr.” Flannel
Hats SOc now.................29c
LcH Boy's Straw Hats worth
up to 25c now......................15c
Lot Boy’s Straw Hats SOc
kind, now.................
All Boy’s Indian Suits worth
$1.50 for............................75c
Hamilton Clofhing Co.
Try them for Inach
and yon will have them
for dinner.
The most nntritioas
staple made from wheat.
iBrt frwcf padu^
Mr. sad
i. M. Porter
talBtac their sepbew and wU* of
LoiSasport. lad.
I. R. t.
Ralph and CM
of Windfall,
>yd L. SDllh aad wITa to W. P.
IS ft, lots I».
Xseir. trastee, W. 116
lad. are rttlUas their anal. Mrs. 8.
u^SO. block 4. H. U h Co.'s lUh.
i. Wrciog.
Mias Edith Holeoob oC Trarer
H. L Hobbs aad wife to School DUatr U rUitioB Mias Hai*ar 8pe
Hre. Chaa. BncUey aad daughter .
Ict No. 4. parerts,
Sebotdcraft. are rtoltla* Mrs. Back- J. W. Jaefcsoo sad wife
* *•
J. E. Cornell and wife, lot 14. Eests Mokesa.
Oiss. H. Hentel aod wife to >leBry
ia^. aH at owls. Sec. 36. T. :e. R.
G. K. Scell veol to Saclaaw last
W'edneadar. called there br the Arm
for vbieb be la wortlnc at hla trade
aa mlUirrlgbt.
and Mrs. 0«o. Keeblu. who hare
In Detroll Ihls summer. hsTC
spemdln* the paM -week with
Mn. Nesbitt's pareats, Hr. aad Mrs.
J. Wiley.
turned o her hoDie li
Mrs. E. J. Noble and children of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pulver and Mn.
eo. Holleobeck went to Traverse
ily today to altrad the funeral.of
ttir Round Rtokerd.
July 2S.
Hurkleberrylng to the order «if the
day here.
Dan Pratt baa purchased a driver of
Mra. J. Abbee.
GtnemI News.
San Marino U the smallest repubi
a the worid and has an annual rv
•nue of only |1S,«0I>- lu army cc.
>Utfi of 900 soldiers and 160 officers.
New York city U the second JB the
Union for sire of per capita debu It
being I1I3.SS. NewtoD. Mass., coming
with *116.58.
Raymond Talbot, newly appointed
asor «>f the Preoch departmeot
e Boston unlveralCy. to only J1
of age.
c South American repubtles have
urgently Inrlled King Alfonso to visit
bmi Ibis year.
The Oermaa emperor and empress
re cgpeeied to visit London to No
Bren- loch of the human skto conains S.6iMt perspiration pores.
Chlna'hnd Jsi<an logi-lher |>roduce
126.<s« Ions of silkk annually.
T.ooo women to
1 United
' and minister to tbe
each readdi« to the wtedow below.lawh
dfmni the brtldl^tbe taddera ’^T'
Act No. *7* of the PaWIC Aott of
l*er. you as* haswhy noUfiad that a
eatamsttleailoo from the cop floor u>,toeraaaaa of 1» Csotortos sad 6M PriBrnry Beetlon to to ba hsM in
the RTOuiid. The manipalaUce is Sim- vorltetm. The Increase to most marked your rooniy on tbe aaemrt Tnaafiay to
AngttsL 1*07. rt wWeh tten fliH8fltw
to meet to amTtstfca for tha purpme
risible, sod does not disfigure the: “d la esubllshmenta using taw ms- ,at making a gmierBl tvrtafem of tb*
fsosd^of the building to t^ m^Ber, terlsls.
ConsUlirtlon of the State of Htafalgan.
______ ordinary ouuMe Iron stair i . .
shall be nomtaatod by all poUttod
esse does. A public Mat of the new! *
Eskimo at Cape Perry to
eseape has prored aueesmful. and the]
wltnrm whtweaf. I teve banwhto
ex-'lscliude Tl. BHUab northwest pnssw setla BT
Vienna fire brigade repna
hand this StoUenth dv at
pressed iTSeIr apptorml of ...
July. A. D. INK.
of .K.
the ..rtoelo.1
principal ‘
Celery will Ibe one »r
Chaa. 8. Jttomim.
crops produced
Grand Ttovana Ceanty.
u; *"'1*
y«rs solidly embeddad
ran<m nty, Col., this
the fact that
)- Injured the
the growers have now begui
celery. Celery has been raised sue-]
e.«r..l|v by a l.-w grower*, aod has scheme put forward by Juato Setra.
I■een found too be one G<
c< the best paypay-. Mexican minister of pub’lc tostrueing CP0|« One grower grower
Kr"w" reslreal^ ,h.. recent closing smslon of
d *1.575
tl 676 Horn
fiom me
(me aod
and a half acres
It year,
r, ann
another *600 on less than an be Mexican coogms.
an arte of planUng
re. The c
tvnitom H. Newman, presidsot
» sboul «*60.
me New York
iivia Mwitnu
Ceoiral railroad, probe Interesting
There will be need of iaUiat of
“• •
- probably j
Boy Other n
secticides- '
lug. say* Popular Me- - piie Stole. The loul utanber of seals
- at Hoi held
beld by him Is 119.
Sprtogt-. ArK., to mpurad In raising
For Potato Buga Botbing
■nvcrlon has the mde»i water works
alligators for the market. The de
huever been diacovered that
of any English town They
mand for the hides to use to ma
made by Atulcla..rounla* of
facluring purpoees to eonstontly
is as good as PURE PARIS
creasing, w-blle parks and toot buy
and prrsi-tited In the
GREEN unfortunately many
live replllrs for oxhlblUou.
brought frum a distance
BMdoDce of a mind In all animal*,
get hold of some of the poor
eien the lowert. Is found by
W. <rf «»•
Headley. The amoeba exercises the
<>r Ruwia baa starinl grades with which the market
iwraer of choice when It rat* aod tbe |
is flooded aod results are not
irse-like gnlrmy of onecelled Infuso-'* ^
Ian folkwlngihg- The ciartoa satisfactory as the Potato
I the school three times a week
es to be agluteri by Jars re!«*»«• l tolenato. showing that It and criUcIzes or oommend* the pupits. raiser not only wastes time
leml-er mat a Jar to banness. In addition to singing the crartoss
and money but also loses bis
pupils lesrn to play on lbe -'hsUUil.a" potatoes.
Stala Newt.
national Instnimeot, something like
Snnte folks have been accused of
We carry none but tbe
having "lial* In their bellfrie*." but
The Han llbrair. at Pekin, contoto*
Mr*. Janette Brower, of Bad Axe. has
the work* of several Ihooaand aiithorr L avanburg’s Star Brand of
Iwes in hers. At any rate, they are all
Pure Paris Green and store
Itolloeopby: at sevetal thousand
through the wall* of her houne. When
mathematka: of many hundreds
it in a cool place assay from
ever she wants some bouey all »hc
of bondreds on medicine;
has to do to to imll off a shingle or
oil and water which often
liorc a holAin the sldtog aod top a more than 1.000 port*, pie library makes the very best Green
deposit. She recently pulled up the
Kiss Rrt>y Bow of Elk Rapids spent
few days with friends at Kew*^—
Floyd Bate-.
l' of Wales
Gaston from Ohio, preached
tost week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hockridge spent the West Almira ttchool boose Suoday win be held at Ssansea fur tbe first
years, from Aug. :n to *1.
Sunday with friends at Elk Lake.
Twi-lve of the finest Welsh
Kah choirs »
Mist Tinie Ssekett of Beltolre Is
Ed Brooke of Burdlckvllle has quite compete,
that o
apendlog a few days with her ristec,
freak nature of a
I be present,
a one I
Miu. C. 0. Bsroes.
■mverse Bay linemen are boay putX toes, andtwoctows
sent prl<^ >• tl.OOO.
ng to new phones at Kewadln.
He will have It on
The pariUmem buldtog to WelllngJ. N. Paiudlae aad family of Kal- exhlbli
ltd of Aug. at Burdtlk1. New Zealand, i» the largest wot
saaka. who are qteodtog two weeks
. has It pickled to alcohol.
e to the world. In W«
Ht their cottage oo Torch Lake, called
r New Zeato
1 Kem-sdlo friends Suoday.
July S3.
argo churches and buaioess to
Since IKsn mote than TOO.flno.mm.OOO
Cherry picking to the order tt the
Mrs. Susan Hatch sod daugl
floor of the family spare bedroom and
iltlng day. They are very plenUfUl and of United Slates for lumber alone, In- got many pounds of hooey.
Don, of ktadlaoii. Wls. an- visli
eon. Ed Becker of Degrawvll
vine. good quality. Charleo Bartln has had eluding
SO,<HNI,000.000 r^t
f^t oi
of conltec„ siMHNi.owi.ono
Miss Anna Jacobs of Chicago, who
We have handled tbe saide
George Peck and a good amount to aell.
slumpoge cwmai
Canute of tbe
.imber siumpage
Mtoa Ina Kennej- H
^lly of this place.
brand fo/ years and our cus
a few daya In towm vb
Mr. aod Mn. Joseph
ried Sunday to Joseph Howard, also
«-Pre«ldcnt ralrbanks wi
tomers always report sure
. frieirta and rriaUvea lut week.
address at PuI-ln-Bay
the Windy aty. The marriage was
The Rev. and Mrs, E. M. Konos
n file to the and good results. In bulk
tbe ipi»u.',i.ranged when some of the bride's oflleespeeli
I apent Sunday with their daughter. occaalocI of the unveiling of the
of said clerk
meal rommemora
•• 1. Laiwa O'Connor of Tbompson- Lake
tor labor
amlnntfon. Bids
or in boxes. Prices tbe ytty
Bte. Aug. 6.
Geo. peek and famUy Sunday foranoon
materials and should be ma^ bolb
^vernmAt oBiclal*, who have here: might as well be married at
lowest that good Paris Green
Htm Maude O'Neil of Traverae aty. lofoi* bad no expense allnwauce for-to wall longer, and then ae
and then both famnies spent tbe
word for a structure of red brick and
Ibe same rt cement. Building
afternoon with Mr*. Rose Barth. The vtelWd over Sundaj- rtt B.
B. B- Reynolds. upping on pariw
can be »old at
pariM- car
cars, will hereafter^ pwicrtpl o
party served Ice cream and Other
Ik- allowed to cent*
.the young lad}'* loiter*.
I that they arc bc_----tofiled
. to Mr. and Mr*. Charles Bow- tmn>ose.
led by cerilflcd rteck of *300 as evl.
I Tbe trouble which ha* tov
President Roosevelt has lieen
^ lenccd over fte biring of
m!^*E "lid'le*' Aid society rt edtogohunUng in Abyssinia aft
InfonbaUnn. address the imderslgned
Schultz, wer* before last.
We are itfad to learn that W. Alien Bendon will meet with Mrw Gwe term expire., with Sir John Harilng-lento to tbe puWlc scbools al Camden, commlUee at Kslkaaks, Michigan.
Bowman, at her farm next Tburaday. ton. the BrtUrti mlototer to that couo-jfnr tbe past two years
•----b N. Wolfe.
. much better. He
- -ladles
•- tbe forenoon
York for hU health and also to see
ee. The
hi* brother of Minneapolis. Minn.,
who 1* B physlcton- He to under bto
-- Cot. Front k I’nioo St.
brother's care, and feel* grrwlly
Dalsd July S3. 1907.
Tnvm'Oity. Mi<^
St R. EB RcynoW's for Uic frames. sUwebed to the window c
eouraged abo-tt bto health. He had
eveningg at
puroosee of clsetlng officera.
eeen bU brother for *0 year*.
lie Lrtlcr Dny Salntt of Wort
There was a dance Saturday
Ing at George Barih'a Jr. The
ra. In honor of Mn. Bnrihto Z8nd
nrd«y ud Svrodsy. A toige miml
rviHE TELEGRAM below announces (he fact that Schwartz Bros., of Chicago, have accepted onr offer of 6t
The Latter Day Saint church waa of delegrtc* from the cborehss
erae aty. Joylleld, South BosrddedlOBted a week ago Sunday. «everal
^ cents on the dollar for their surplus stock of merchandise to the amount of $9,100i00. The stock is now in our
and BurdlckvIUe were presem.
from inland coming for the nervloea.
1) «.
store and will be marked and placed on sale in a few days. The purchase of this sto^ of merchandise at tbe
Nathan Rouse has bMo
r 'sheriir.
WUlard’tT^^ler was Id Kfagsiey
tart week In the Imerests of the
Intenstloasl Onrrespondernee sdiort.
ttila and Gall Rodgers are rtoltlng
their grandpireato to Union. Ur. aad
Mrs. ‘nwodore Rosen.
Htas Marina Abbott has returned
from Trarene aty. and U
at the home of John Wall.
tapping the malna to aiipply water tor
. the Kinney srlal mill, aad Ralph
Mrs. Nona Anderaoo of Traverse
aty. aeeompanled • b> her busband
Tisltad retaUrea here Uat week. The:
Intend going' to Arisooa noon to maki
tbrtr future home.
Ihe Rev. Herbert oaodoeted the
ta the cutrt of
Mn. C. J. Barkman irtnnied Mon
day from a abort vtalt at Sparta.
Miss Own Wall of TravOTae City
Is TisUlng irtaUva here this week.
Mn. nnrtor ntmed Monday Tram
a visit at Orawn and Traverse aty.
Koch of Grawn vtoiled here
A oameDt .walk Is being told sooth
«( the bslgn bolliking.
Is D. Adams has left for the West,
and Lwter McCoy baa taken hU place
ta the tonal efaaeae faetorrMtan Beta Wrtdmao of Altoona, was
the gnM of Mn. NaUle Bell the Ut(arparfotthc wertL
Mr. and Uia. D. U ttisign
vMUn Monday.
Tba Rite. W. H Herbert wi
Tmvnrne OHy Meaday.
Mn. Anna Fkntoo was In Tmyerae
aty Ttanadgy end Wednesday o( tart
Mra W. B- King and
C. J.
Hserr Koople's lni«r«rt In the livery
Fsnl SchoeUie reUiraod Friday
evening from a two week's vaesUon,
psBMd rt MuAsster and JaelmoD.
mm Bowta Bxnrtt pMsed Sunday
In Trsvarao Qty.
lbs. ChartW Tbayer Is ertertalnliig
her motter. Mrs. VaBAmbarr. aad ber
sister. Mrs. Hesg. boUi rt Cortland.
e aU doll
graai Is atortlag nit..........
- around Ihe^tarmere have had lots
>ero, Ibere
trouble i
not enough
any damage.
t> noUee them e
Ae other* are sending In good graaabopper r«lpe. 1 will oHer
each farmer would |dow p all tbe old
ital* fall. Uiey would do a
good Job at killing tbe peato. As that
wouM expose tbe
Mr. and Mrs. Bea Johnson an
xpy pareata of a big boy.
Javid Pee* cut hay laal week for
o of Oviau aod also cut Geo.
IS Hai
n vUb
In this vicinity
to awlsttog Mr*
Wm. Well. In her household dutlc*.
Mr*. U Cwrr came up from CadUlac
Saturday and returned Sunday.
®^Mr. rtid M« Willie Wilson
Sunday al the home of E. J.
Mr*. Wm. Chriatrtiber Is on tho sick
Mrs. elms. Cook visited
hOM rt W. Wrtl's one day ta
H»— Loella Poraythe to l
Ml*. Urby Bancroft to her household
price of 53 cent* on the dollar will enable us to offer tbe people an unusual opportunity of supplying their wants in,
seasonable merchandise at unheard of prices. Will also inark down and place on sale our Entire Stock of Mer
chandise to make it the largest and most
Unprecedented Sale
that has ever taken place.
*‘£fpli Sagers made a bwdnesa trip
> Hodge Bunday.
July *2._______________
MlruD Taykrlmd
*- s a borse tmt i
PanMn* Instltuta.
One day Farmers' Instllule
I*. Ortx. Ta
Claiwe hall. Traverse aty on Satur
aad Mn. 1
day-. August lOtb. 1907.
Program. Forsneon.
Him Gladys Cbubb has been on tbe 10:00—The Crewmery v*. The Home
ne farortrs of this plaoe are al
Dairy. N,
Hull, DU
alck lUl tbe peat
•oat throoBb haying: ou art
Mis* Ada Oamph .
dry waatber, the crop wDI be
c42iSw Methods........V. A. McCool
frieod, was borne from Tra'
Hone ktathods........G. A. Robertson
Hr*. Oaittoe
The Most Prortlcal Method* of Im
spent Monday and Tuesday with
proving Our Public Kinhway*
parento. Mr. and Mi*. J- Hlrt.
*. W. Mebert
The Traverae Bay Tolepbooe Co. s
Tbe liUle Misses UbIm of Kiortlinemen a^re ^^reprt^ Uie Itoea
tey spent a few daya with *
«Ry Holeft tart week.
Hockridge of Kewadln 1;00-Feedlng and Care
Wlllta Box vMud to Kingsley over
Dairy Cow to Summer---- N. P Hull
Is TialUng with Mtos Gladys Cbubb for
Oltotaalon. led by..........Bdwtn Illack
B couple of weeks.
Mbit Bogart to Imp
Hiss Gran CampbrtI has been enter, 2:00—Rest end Recreation on the
Mr*. Ira Lintoe oaUed oo Mrs. Bytolnlng her friend. Mias Shirley Dona,
A bswvy nto^^ wind Friday did more of BolUlre. Uie part week.
RsdtoUoo..........................Zuron Urtd
Hr*. Flora Dunphy has been
SOlte a llUle damage to Uie fruit trees
fiw Traverse City for a few days 3:nn—CultlvsUoB nnd CoviT Cn>i»
«< tUa/^loG.
for tbr Orohsrd............A. P. Graj
Rhoda Halsu spent Wedaesday visiting her daughter. Mrs. Edd Masled by..
. Bight nad Tbnrsday with Ines Barrrti in.
' amp rt Ml..........
John Parkinson left today for
Tbe ptenlc ----------- ------*- - - _____ __
-lampshlre, where he will visit tbe
ifltoiBBBt aSnIi
W. Br Ora}-. PresldenU
«mes of hi* childhood.
Word has beec received from John E. O L»dd. Otustorv.
Jachl fro .................
HnuBbergcr. leu* 1. 2. 3 8 snd 9. See
Lost Monday was an Ideal day
the picnic at Deep Water Polol. Al
-6 member* of the Urthodtot Sunday
- - . setaooi came up oo tbe steamer Mabrt. m a Merebsnis bank. Srt-. 6, T. 26. H. 12.
AU seemed to enjoy tbemselve*.
Msn-to Mlllsr to Wsmm Plvrev
Mr and Mra. Frank C. Hcwley.
parcel*. Bsyslde. *1M>.
• Walburga. 9
Jrtm and Ruth Kelley to Sadie Pal
mer, lot 72 and wi, rt 73. block 3
BaysM*. MOO.
Oiarie* A. Cbalker and wife tn EItu
Crane Burnett, lot 69. Oak Heigbu
The Globe Department Store
We always do as we advertise.
. SSS.'"
> /I
yu i
) I \j/^ rtl
-J ,
n ■v-r
>)'7. , r^F.
9 ! 0 n n Cl
_____ F '
*7'4yr A M
. WUdman e r tte Palace e
r HobbMI aad
. the former bd
The Anartcaa Soelaty ol BqoUy at I
noB FrMmrY
? e'eleek U thowraalng
I rrMnii eoanty. «UI bold a plenie Of tbe bride and ra. Bey TatUe mtli
•woklar, Hteh. Jaty
Mia, Jacoby U mother of Bdward
dauchter of Grand Baplda «bo
at BdUaoa Bay ta DaaaUr-i park m^
•trwK th* hofMeC F^ank
not know of tbe wedding but hap- Jacoby who te Mr. Wlldmui a baker
Augact 14. Tba addrau at tba dv
at 1 e-elsck thl» ■fumoon and aland has been here about Utree weeka.
peoed in a few mlnulea before
win ba BMda by Hoe. Ocorga O. Wl
«wugk it aimeat dcmalUM tht houM
She bu beoo aobject to tbe cpelU for
eeremooy look place.
auta organlter Not oely to«
A. b. of C. Pknlo.
a. and after flnding this or
were taken before a bank
decided to bold no ingaeR. Mia.
of fema roaea and UlUca laatefully
Jacoby went op null* about i o'clock
anaAped In one comer of the
objrct ot the meetlac is to bate
down, aad about an boor Uter
good UOM aoetatly. aad gtre an op- and beneath three belU neatly Ued to
TM fean tvl^antly atrwck tht clilmgether by white ribbon.
The ring a ell^t BoUo waa beard, bat thou
portiBiir to tartnera gaparally
mr » thla.waa knaalMd eff and foul*
below tbonght It to be tbe eloalng of
baltar acgoalated trith tba lenice waa uaed.
ot aatii tbe eeenlng
a dgor.- It ,
or llva
were tarn Uirousii the oUecU and atma of tba organlnUoa.
The bride wore a 1
and klllad tha deg. K did not injar* bars ot the A. 8. of B. ai» loTllcd
Mr. Rahric or hU fainlly in Uw allsht- attend, but the pablle gancrally. Tl
Paaaiitt on doowward. it tan
carried white rose*.
When rouimlng from do
After the ceremony all adjouroed
about 10 o'clock Friday rvciilnp. Geo.
Sipea. of SOS PouitacoUi atreet. tbe dining-rooDi, which was prettily
Ha. Rakrte. Wa wifa and t«a ahll- Ml from the aWewalk and fractured decorated with ferns and ribbon*
mor of the occaslco.
dran'aaare In tM parlor at Um Uma Jill left leg-. Mr. Slpra bad turned
The bride and broom were tm
from ^Ixtb Mroet off oolo Fine
and Mr. RahHe am holding hta baby
of the atrrcl. The aidewalk tended, except that tbe bride'* fsl
Inhlaarma. Tha child «m tom tram emu abruptly near the alley bet'
W. Hubbell. gave bU daugl
iiy . Tbe ribbtin bearers wore Vera
Ma arma and thream to tha floor with Sixth and Sc»-eDlb atraet* and i
k Mr. Sipea could not ace Hubbeil. niece of the bride, and True
groat vielenea but boyand a ahaklng
and eaat about in apilirtan.
' Tba dag waa lying on tha fl
One sad leaure Pt tbo ease U that
Room SIONowStoto Bank Building.
mothre's death belog the Srsl to greet
im on his retan.
Their former home was in Bloomt-
Cnmeion. Helen Stout. Florence HU- being ridden out on a run with
OllicU and LooUe Shep- hours of the awkpe of these
bard went to the Brltner oMtage at points to theft.
ler, Della
,w^ all the time for the past
There were about eighteen people
engaced In plektng the cberriea
the {arm aad when tbe lumn came
of them got under tbe root of
H Mil SL aihl Litko .\\f.
Photu-s. I^. l!
<'itv, -kW.
j. ssacHett
have the Best Tea
the Market
We Believe
If J-'u h
your lil
.mlinl is V>>-oiir
.. try
. a
.- (^■nltJK.a
mpl,- 11011111! atftliie
!i your I'oiiitiiir luu.k.
Price, SOc per
Were Guests at.Elk Rapids.
I N;r
luwn.- of Elk Rapid-. Mrs t). 0. >l"f
and Sir*. A. 1' Cameren. wl;>'.
Kuesis of Mr> Ibill- r. also .d Kk
Raid d>. n-tnii.,-d Fiulay . ..-i.ti.i:. lid-..
Travvrw- City L.d.es having .unvUtat.^
jolly house pan..'
Wednesd’av and a imriy. of rixtocii
took the inlatd'waier way tiip r- Bci
lalro. wl.ee a tory pK-a.anl rimcnjoj.d.
la tbe evening, they
Canby of the Church of Christ. The
ceremony, took place In their new
home. 118 Eart Fourtoenth street and
State News.
TlhUlu.s liio-s. l.f •
Jai-k*.'ii. i-fi
I :• t - .-t h..r
w:,» wilnesaed by only a lew friends
Beth are frwn ibis ctly and h
large number of friends to wish them
-i:...r .um- WvW W.Bd ............ ..
raiep lKiJ!«-r. while be uet.t e ;i
i-li'ni-d Wih.k- wu.- =.
leaked out and tbere were
Automatic Washer
If you want the best washing machine made buy
a "1904" Automatic, \Vc claim that the * I'JM” will
do the work quicker, better and easier.than aaj other
washer made. Our proposition is! Take an Auto
matic iiri'l try it tliirty days then if you like it buy it.
elaborate kldknapping scheme.
I.rday ami will In- cue al«.ut t«
e fact that the ceremony oc- w.-i-k.-. P'tng from here lo Maeklna
cured soaoer than was expected, this where be will wilnes- the Bntshof the '
ills neck was twisted so bird that er. L. .8. Baldwin, of Nobb-*vtlle,
Mr. and Mr*. H. J- Taylor and
he felt Of it to ace If It was bmken.
Inil he suDer<4 no III efferls from tbe of Chicago passed ihrough Ihe
this mornlnt on their way to Omeua.
where they Wilt spend 1h» r»-malndvr
Heavy Rainfall.
at the Clover*.
Tbe rain atruck tli<- city
F. C. Ikrmon.l wont irj !>llvur lake
that has fallen here In some
There was a vivid eicclrlcal tUsplay
bcavy thunder rrwsbes but
many and varied plans for tbe enter
of the groom Including so
moBlbs aad three a portion of the
the porch ami waited for the rain
•Uioe. la all arcenty rallrs of the
cease. Mrs. Kmdl being among th«
fell throna> «»d »!»«•> got away with
roadbed bare bem grarcIM aod '
When the boll came, all of the ebrronly a small shower of rice.
two weeks work will be Ukm up
pickers were more or lea* acvercly
At Grawn, howi-ver: Dave Campbell
•oMh of Kalrra.
shocked, but Mrs- Knoll wss the roost
as up band and then).n Inlerhyriirti,
seriously Injoted and bad to be taken
Want to Elk Rsplda.
John A. Lorangcr »aV them and the
her taomo In this elty. No m
WUtcria Bebekah lodge of Ihb city.
orcupaols of the far wen
rk wm: done IbU aftemon as
Ko. 4Iu. went to Bk Rapid* last evenirc of the fact that there
the pickers bad enough pt tbe ilghllag, arheie Uicy wore royally CDter.
rly married couple aboard.
nlgc and went to their homes. Tbe
tnlned by the BIk ItAPtds lodge. Two
ladder was torn to btu.
candldauw arcre iolUated into
D. Morgan was at the farm
-BOt Baplda lodge which U an (dder
S.iiurda> s Record,
Imc but did not stand under >
one in U>ls ciiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Charh-s Joflrlc* are
porch, which was atMWl three rods
a* their guest her broth
from the tree, but was a rod nearer,
and ghlic it only lasted
minmes. it was one of the bi
ai ul! linion
Got our liuuri-s and cominr*- our ^raJ< * U-furv buvin:!
Look for lb.-BiKU.slI'bnL
had.a dauoe and u lunchcin wa.- al->
Cbarios A. Jackson and Ml»s Rose tendered them a. .he Butler hem..
the way of Deinrit.
L. Taylor, both of ibis city, were Everv imimcnt was full of phasui.
Ihe affair was d-!i,rt.lful h, every
(he elty they will go to SOver iriiliort ill mairiage yVida.- afior
Uke. where they will spend two weeks noon at 3 o'clock by the Rev. J. A respoet
edge of the happy event should be happiaesa
come public property buL as n*usl
Baldwin baa been temporarily
Two Inilna hate boci
Wo c.irrj
a full litw‘ of
borne. ElgiD. HU and return home by
Taol Bay Friday for a week's iloy
imping mit.
Lightning Struck Ladder.
p largo tent being need'for alerplng
Unon ihclr retonj to the city they
Last creaing. they Krtmi Friday 's Record.
will make ihelr home Icmporiril)
entertained a party of east aide young
Xlghtnlng atnwk a cherry trr
people, a marahmallow roast on the the farm of B. j! Morgan Just w««t of with the bride's parenii. 607 Weal
Frflkt street.
. beach being enjoyed despite the rain. the city this afternoon. demoUshing
It was not tntended that tbe knowl
Margnette. tracka between here aad
Traverse City, Mich.
Selhyou your bill fora liousv .T Itam.
vious to the ceremony tbe wedding
Where arc the Home
growing among the Isndlng
•■fiorec thlcvcaV
But Jordac, Micb.. July IS— PUao
bouses of the cUr. At '
has beeo teaching at the Boonrille
nlilRH-r the worda for It
^aeted yeatantay. will itlre
and was a very popular teacher there movement Is a tery worthy one
^ Jordan throa no* iiiiia>trl«i. t>e ao. but clrcamatancce pniul that
not only the eicrks but
and her pupils will rr-gret -that the
with an Inrastaeof of over halt « Milwill not be wllh them next year. She proprietors sod patrons of tbe M
Uia and empteylns orer 400 net
as weU. It should be encouraged.
has had several years ‘^eaperienre
Sheriff Juhnson s aitniwt a
Flank E. Baird o( BaSalo
Tbe following stores are now closed
cotwlry schools in this vicinity a
liK cud to inralM ao bones owned
has a Host of friends In the city and Friday alterscoiis aad the prospects
by llorr ArmKirong ind U-llUsm Uui
are that the custocn will become gen
nearby isowns. Al one lime she
tbe litm fumaoea at Boyne City, which which drcH>pcd but >f cxiatenee Wed- Ttrr prominent In elocutionary work. eral and conUane ibroogh tbe warn
wore arid to Berry Broa.. of Detroit,
. thought at
iMwday night.
her Rost, better knowa is
a«l tmUd a ebareoal Iron furnace
J. W. MUliken.
that they had strayed notwltbatand- Chris, Is a ncceasful young buslnets
here of the aamo’mpaelty
Steioberg Brothers.
____ of Ihe elty. being idenllScd
lag the iael that horaea were beard
Boyne aty plant
Hannah * Lay MercanUIe Co.
tbe Arm of Ross A Monroe of the
^ W. 8. Sbaw and W. S. Matthnwa. being urged into a run early ThutaUamlltoo Clothing Company.
pool and billiard parkunr He bat
dbomleal men. wtu erect a wood ah day morelng oo tbe south side, but been in business In the eliy for the
oobol idant which wUI be the aocend sftcr making inquiries at crery
The Funeral.
past Ave years and bat mat!
Urgeet in the Dnitad Ststca.
Fr.uii Miu^ay'R Kuctwd
roads for miles around in every
ceet ot his work, branching
Tbe two idanu win be located on lion, the Cblcf executive of the
incral of Fi'yi l*>wU who
keeping always up-todate in improi-r^
tbe water front and adjeliilnc each ly thinks there U mure to the story
ments aad for the beneBt of his pa- dirti Us( F-riday. wa^ l>.l.l fiwti Ih.
other. Ttw ^rceal prodncod by the than was at Ural anpposed.
trona at his place of business. "Chris' FU« MethodiM church ywii nhiy at
ttamlml glut will be.uMd by the
.The Rev.
offorM 1
The Armstrong horse has always has a large number of friends la Ihe
Iron work!.
been left to do almost as he pleased cly. both socially and as biislaes* »hort prajei- at tb<- hou*e at
Tbe Beat Jordan Lumber company
Ihofr^-nlcre look l>Lic<- al th<- rburch
qnd never before has left the I'rem- men. who will wish him i
arO emet a new mUI which wfll take
new ventnre and many years of hap
IBS but Thuvadiiy mornii
the raw Umber Milppcd In from the
I (he rtiurt* the nrinirter apoke Of
covered Unit the animal had made .it* piness.
wooda and cot It to longtba for the
kind dl*poviil.in of the man
The bride'e boquet was thrown
way under a wire that fenced It
uae of the cbomlcal idanL
M. wvH'aud rtiwig lull ••».- shoit
ic snceeutul girt was Miss Grace
hide of the bamiard and arier wan
no plant of tbe iron w
i.iiil be dwell e*|>telally
dering about the neighbors yard in Slight, .
bare a capacity of » Una of pig iron
A very elaborate dinner, wa served* hi* gi-uerusilly.
an ain
dally and the chemical plant will ham
'ITk- lluiwl oflci-ings wri- man;
the Misses Creee Slight and Meds
towaid Sixih sU;^1
X4 retorta.
ning <>o. the pavemeni ; and afterward Sehoolcreft waiting npon tbe Uble. ia-ainllul marly covering Uic chaticel
. Os dock! will be bout for the Undnf the ohurrh, sol piece* coming from
without doubt was t
lag <4 orn aUpped hy boau. All of the
I»dc.-* uf whlfhhowasa member,
horses heard by U K. Glblsi being
bnlMtaga wUl be erected aa lapldlr aa
lull Imwivik wore cliosim frwn
Chicken Sandwiches
urged to a run on Otik sttoeL
poeaible. Tbe aurreya are now being
the K. O. E. and wore ihc following:
Tbe Dunn boree was released from
McGtiiry. Janio* Mood.v, lame*
5rnll Salad
Asrerted Cakes
the barnyard by the bnwking dowi
AMtber tadnatiT wOl be i
Piaeapiilc Glace MrtJiunl*. Andrew Glddiug*.
a gate and was seen by Al Armluge Crape Punch
Mfll which Will omplsr It men.
Cale and Mike Kehoo. Thi- honurari
Wedding Cake
Bride's Cake
near the aaylum at 2 a. m. from where
There mat be 4W new booaea oracl
l.rarMw wore choeen from among tbe
Mr. and Mrs. Ross left last ev
to SIxUr atreet and met another
ed la the rllUfc to piortde honeo tor
• on the 5:3$ Pere Marqoelie tr
bontc. the aound of their hoofs coming
t^ laborera who will be 'brought
Birth the Porewtorsandtbo €aglcs
- Chkago. where they wlU spend
to him dlstlnetly.
me time the guesU ot the bride's atirndvd In a body.
There la a poMibiliiy
boTsea have been cared for by
At BeltfMr CoHaga.
and will also visit the groom's old
The MUera Imogcne and Kargnrct farmer but the fact that two
bnrg. Pa., where the rwmaias
taken. Aside from the son Bdward.
Mn Jacoby leaves anolbce
march was played.
Miss Hubbell for the past two year*
ber atm had taken a day eC aad
Noah-ta-waata. the news of
wbeee It ended and he teU oC of the Irwin. During the service Jay Mast- BurklerTT'a, aad a cousin in KingspUyed the violin accom.panied
^lanee vu called and
by Miss McLean on lh<- piano. Pre
to bU home.
be wax taken t>
tha family and wai UHed.
3 per Ceil allewed m niKDepntls
tha kltchan, waa antiraty tarn
tip, waa unlnjurad.
Money to Loan on Imnrovcd Rea! Estate Only.
the body when rte
erarybody to be preoent
parution bdtwoan tha dining roam and
A Gesenl BmUac BbsIbcss DtK
PlAtgGla^StMoi Boilnr and Aceldont Insuranc*.
that Hrv WUeman
A BMwt cordial lavliaUoD U extended iwblle utin trimmed with ml lace and
appUqse trinuainga.
Tire Insurance!
ITraverse aty Slate Balk I
! A. TRACY LAY, FiaMdiOfc
A OARLAMa CaMiler.
from '
Ui-iv they mill go to ibe S<.o.
AeiH>ni|.au}lnc the eapialii. Mis. Munugw. ao.l
aiul Mr-. R. J. Meitei. Mr
ll-ni> Smith and Ikwald ran
TTio parly Mt^nboul !■, im-1<
miwning. |,eating
Ihe bay against a bead wmd
. A New IndMUy.
Orders ■re iKwriac u'l" ih-- TravClialr etitiip..h} *0 faet that
mure help must be taken and on r
factory room la being aiM-d. Tlwh»k now- is that ibc taelory wi:
keirt Irtisy tor a y.-»r tureiog out
chair* a d.iy. and as <he bu*lneafaown such a derld..d incr<3i«c lately.
niuuds Bin KUiej
Iioible 111 Bern Sispetl it
to Find Oul.
and Cup Grease
I* piidiable that a* the excclh-ni
-this morning and can>e back with -lx eharacler of Its .ui'piit bocotor* still
K««« that complqieir filled his basket. faiiher known Uwt e'lXi Hu*, will IA. H. P«k went to
'b-nild. Mr
thU excs-.-do.lpies<nt Ihe eompnny
.-^momob-lc and Ca* I-.n^me Owners arr herrby
notified that Prokoj. Kys. U i has Ksiablished a Gas
oline. Gas Engine Oii a-.vl C>if* (ircasC (or dope) sution at the Corner of Front and Cas* St. Traverse City.
Cup Grease is put up in 3 - 5 and 10 Ib. Pails and
in large Cans-we sell any amoum. There is no danger
of I ire with out system, nc wi can fill your Gasoline
Cans any time after lights are bgHtcd'
This is the pi .' ; where that good Chase and
Sanborn Coffee and i ei ;> kept.
3AV. JULY as, nor.
I2em of Grand traverso Summer Resorts WOMEN WHO CHARM
He*ltk Is th* First Essentisl Toward MsKLa^ •
WOBUIB AttractiT*.
8p<«lkl to Ib« E^'<«Idc Hnvrd
I'M :
t yel UiaiI U «hat hap-]
only the flv*___1..—.
wnrv calviT.
CTovit* <
0 eovi whow lioslnt-M it U (o fonilidi milk for ll.»
KonMa but In lbn.mhrnlDe. tie brlndlc
eov e>T« birth to twin rslves. The
UtUa oBw wnv tlpniKl vilb'crrai
miieh inticmt-In the procvH-dlin;*.
lUb. ChlRajsii; Mr*. Citiilf N. O'Counor. Mi— Mnrlliri rT- s-j:, Cniiul
RiUilili-; Prof. Jtnrt Mm. Frank U. Coo
ctant and wm tVoodbrldxo of tb** Volr*lij of
Mr*. CUarlr* J.
iriD. Mi.« Mansin.1 SlHn and Mi»c
Erelyn Sl"ln. Clnrlnnatl; (
by. civil wijrlnper of the '
Fort Wa.'-nc; Mom* Maj
Hush U Jtlchnrdii. Waco. Texas:
•» Mary and Urrtt- Beaiuy.
• lay. Cliiclnnati: Ur*. M. E. BiilUvnn. ColiiinMr*. B. M. Wwkly. '
. C'llman. Mii-srs F
^ ^'r*-,
Mr*; Francis
Mies Grace are The
.Are Now Aimoet X
Sjiecla! to *he Ev.-tilr.E Reevird.
Sc.-iht.awanTa. Mii-h. July Jo.—Mrs.
Frantis B. PurdU- and dauRhter Grare
JD. l*iirdie of l.ii'-i.o* Airev, South
:-Mnrrica. are at Ni-ah-te-wanin. where
he summer. Alt
B ihe;r I'reseni tu«u
a creai many ytwr
as >p.-m in the Unit''
Ne.*b-U-wanta Harber.
w.iti* -t imdersli**!
ue North Amerirati*
I Mr*. Purdle Mat-* Ih.vt *he ha* been
I. A. SEWALD ENTERTAINeD.Ea™“*nd'» far has found Chins'eo
|alliacilte ati'l l>-a'illlul. I.« I'lare that
■ vsting t
ising Mat
the denw follace [omi* aiT-he? of,
Ri'-en. v.idd'-nly ihe l*.(h will di«-l'»..a lilile cleared r-I*" known a* tild InRnrd'*;i*
Mi« I'urdle Itas been
th.- FN-eiiliig Record.
:ii the W'sronslii Stale university af
RpicJaJ to the EteniliR Record
EdReW''-‘-"l. 'lieti., July
Madison at whieh plar.*- Mr Purdle acI Mission. Mieh. July * - A .:.A. Sewald, Ji:*! U-t.,re bet reluiu l»,i-v.miiaiiieil th.-m akiuc four week* to
ge* are now uboiii all
I her bourn In Jackson, Rave a very .juake the trip fi >ni Ueumu- Avrv-e to
iileasuint fa:i-vvi-ll iiativ at'Ihe preiiy
dr. Ihjrdle is forel*n
The me.-iinR*j„.„^^,. „(
rv'semalive for R- «. Ihinn C Co.,
(hose who have made Old Mission affair was In the iiaiure of a fagot'
lerritory Wine all of Stuiih Amersummer home for yea™ !- a wal j pariy" us each Rueui was exixTied to 1
Mr. Ihir'lle was ebosen to Rive
•iinlnn, assncialkm* lire furnu-d
'"'•'"••d > «t
n'lmlT.-.on (he program. I
addrvw* of welcome when Secrend the repreeenutive* of 8p
t Dairies. I'itie. wild rose* anti coreop- j
r Elihu Root visited Uiieltti* Aires
field, ChlewRO. Knoxville
aftenioao. aho htramr a mother
------------ ------------------------- It a-ent
It forth that
abe had brooebt three mile
the world. The live new bom animals
are now the cester of aiiractkm. mocb
ao than a aeo aerpent would t>e
as the calTd are mueh In erldcore
while a aea aerpeni wver Is when
Tbe Laelanau. which is wider the
lent of H. B. Borland affaln
- thU ’
baa many cinKs aoiona;
Ibeo bents: Mrs. H. W. H
aoa. and maid. Clnrd&snatl. O.; ..
e. K nimke and .cblidreo. 8L Louis.
H{*a 'Bthel Morrow. St. Louis: Mr.
and Hia. LewU VolidiL ar.. Cincinnati::
Mri. Lewi* VoiRht. Jr., and three:
children. 8t. Lonis: Herman
wife and eblldren. Ctacbinatl; Herman:
ti|ien fire
l swell*
Nearly t
ship, niere Ls alw:iys
faiiillle*'iis'cnlns i" «he «-lecHon* while
qulrv for faniillar faces
Itupiilai loll.
I the pine km>i* ciackW and rjvc every coltage will !*• oeciipleil. Al
ilh a hope of their
(heir speedy
IxdnK made loIlrhi and warmth.
Ihe recehl arrival* ul Ihe hotel
"'c*. Sewald ontrlbiiled a niimhei
regalia on'of elocnli'murj ^t-liSal selecHoii
Sevenil new fl.u-i wall Ihinagii save sev.Tti
.niwerti, Nichols J, Van Antwerp
IR*ll4,lied I
added while a* fonthe whole program laiUR
ti>s Regan,1 all of Clncinmitl, O.
B plentiful• aa*;wllh great pl.-.ouiie.
I. lAinIs. Mo_
.ror/'s;;. “ir:;., "etJ;;: I ^
R^. Ml»s Dorothy
Mrs Schaefer and the Misses Doris
Hoitenee anif Mary Schaefer of Chleaso-nre In their ro'laRe.
J. S. Robertson and family occupy
Mr*. Graham's coUjiro. the RoU-rt
eons helcR from Paducah, Ky.
iThe oaka.
Mia* I.-icy n
•f Jacksonville t
5. Byron
would not eeem like sumoier al'_
next year they brmiRht their frleni
they relumed thi* year. There is
suaptelou entertained also that the
eenial K’-neral and his
Jey comlns north.
Ill the Oak* «ettloment are:
and Ml* Phil Beckir and Mr. and
NTS. William B-vker. St. Louis: the
MiB.veK Flon-nee and Ruth and Arthur
Dllnian of CTnryiinatl; the Rev. “
Bradley and famlly'or Cleveland:
Spear of Oberlln i« oceupjinR
tViicht mttase siih Mrs. WrlRhl and
son Norman of Oberlln, 0.
____ ...vww—~.
Ceneml and Mrs. Grierson and Mrs.
The younic pw^ will en>oy a dance Carrie Cavendw of Jacksonville,
at the Lcelaaaa this ereolni:.
"i «he Oarrlwin.
Nm hathhobses are beioR built atl Mr. and Mrs F. II. Hooker and
th^LeUnan and the UUilnR bcarb is A^xandcr of^
“"*4, g™'
P. Goebel, rnernbr
rdonatlj Wllflain H- Stafford, meml r
of eonateas, Milwaukee: Frank 8ulliran. anclimaU: Mr. and Mra. K. Sein.
aheiner and aoe; CloclBnall: Mist
Bmdoc OSPer. aDcinnati: Elden
and DelU Bemls. Ionia: S. 8. Steiner
and famUy. asolnneU: Waller S.„
naher and wife. Mra. QeorRe Fisher
■ad eompenlOD. Wlltlam B. Fisher,
Miss tlulda Kughler,
West nth street. Svw
write* :
"here Iv a beaui.v and attr
* in h.'iltl whieh is far g
.a mere regu'..niy of fewtuo
A wlcklv.irritabW,. an.l complain!
rru'* a 'cload
; *!.« is not only
liepression vviUi
1 Is
unhappy brr—If but
> -a damper to
all joy and happiar** rben with ber
familT aad friend*.
of So.X
IWrMr* flukhami-rnr onnibv I
lerrilJr «*,«y, was
IrouWe .I _______
nervem. liT«shks.aad,i.AalUb* Unw. i
tunk different moU'-he* without l/eaffit
Lrdlw E llukbmn. V-grCabl, Unp-^
>s* rucamoModwl wnd wvlblo ds mmilk* I
u oiwnpWriv nwoevd n
It U tbe bright, healthy, v
■roman wboaiwsvw charm* an
lonablne wbervvrr she goes.
>D find* ihst hcrenenries
are fiagging ao<l that everything tire*
ber: if ber feminioe system fails to
sl!->lt<-d duties there JS
cws. slei-pli-w-orw-v faintness,
bmtkacbe, headache, bearing - down
and irregulantirs. causing
Dt misery and melucholU.
she shi____ __________
Plnkhui’a VefeUbM
made frvMn native mots and herbs will
dispel all these troubles- By correct
ing the eauw of the trouble
where other treauneat
Women who are troubled with
baekpaiiiful.T irregular funciions.
. ...
-l.diwplama'-he. bl.-atingivirflwtnlencel
ments. isSainmation or nieerata*.
that l>earuig-dowo feeling, dlialaesa,
to'p^n-t braJlh and
strength bv Uking Ljrdia t. Pinlc
hsm s VegvUblc Compound.
*ln. PIttkM’fi MtasHt n Vma.
Women sufTering from
of female
with Urw.
. From Urn
may be
given, the trouble
viDptoiov give
Mtedwnd th qulckfwt and MCeel
_______________ _ advised. »>et iJf ber
vai;t ToluBW ..f experienee In tresUnff
female ills Mrw. Irifikham ^g~ba«^
iTnr:™. .TT.7.n-: Ml
•U> Avenue. Nvw
DmrUn Pinkbam:-
Rishop C
ChaA Edward IVvvwlrocIi
Keniiicky with
his son SiiinhiHW. 1
rg enjoying the good
W. F. Drown of Traverse CTly. wax
John H BiSM-lI AablOR
fishihR a
Honor. Mich.. July IC-Misa Coca! In town Monday.
-They will Ik- g.gie a week.
E MItl-T and Mrs C- J. Mc Horn. V. S P. O. clerk. vUltod Sun-: C. A. Brigham drove to OrawfillMHugh of Tvnv- ('<a>d ruitag-- have gone
Mrw Carl Palmer, day.
up un ihe'M»ni-i<*, river on a Ashing South Hotni-steaii.
C. H. Olney « Son reedved a car
■ lip when- ih'-v will Is- Joined by Dr.
Jdlu Haitlc Ab1*-y. formerlr clerk load «r wall paper last week.
.Miller and Mr. McHugh luid make the
bonieward irlp together.
Cbarlea Jotansop lbs dmcglR baa
in the post office at this piaoe. and
-The place of the pump, " Js a cl>(.
•V Covey
nulB In
luge owned and occupied by Mi. and
few daya.
Mr*. \V. H. Davis, Jr., with llielr child
If at the
New bultdinga are •prtiifliic OR
cn, who an- »is-n<ling their Wh year
grounds, here, everywhere. A grrat nmny have
on the r.-son. Mr*. Duvls
has at
pieeeni a rister w1ih her. Mrs. Abner On lYIday night Bnisadler Gnoetal ■ to live in twu as they ara-aagWe to
Hairi.-i aiiil little daughter B<-tt.v.
-Delra " Weaver with a kM. more amalli get bootea.
1 .
UiulsvlUe. Ky.
l-oys pnicisded to make Rome bowl.
Chief of police lUll gathered In a
(Iv.'ilook n'lieg**. tile summer 1
All of the available old waws. cow fine bunch of baaa Monday.
.Mrs. S-wald
•if Judg', B Sinilh of ■lurJiiiiall. is
cherries. A Rood same of Igise hull
o|uui and )ia:i of bis family are le-r>I* also amnRed fur and It is fully ex- le'st* ai iliVans cannon surroundtd the doaicllc | men evosmd bau at Buckley tau Friiwcted that the Yacht cJiih will give the l*-iieflt'.or her health bill she im- ITwo of tlx- children. Anna
■u> some lolly Salnnlays.
pioveil wi i-ap!d!.>
in ihe hraclm:
uf the pharmacist and ri-mlerv*! the I day. result 19 to 0 In favor of BackThe Jacksonville. HI.. raUniy
of tlririid Traverse air (hat she was al'h'
latest popular airs, until Ibi- bride and . ley.
camimn. Is weadlly
le iv i'iin lii'ioe l"Ug belnre ,-l.e exgroom appeared on the piazza with a | Sunday Buckley and TbcmipaoBVlBe
nionR the new Comer*
Choice bos erf PIllMiurg stogies and; News
played ball .at BBCkley. r
Mr. Brown and smi, who huv.- luu'ii
r*. L . 0. VauRlit. Mis*
lib- the view of the water own not refreshment*, which bad a very sooth-j-Buckley Irimmcd them to the tone of ’
III the l-aihrnp • i-itage lor wuii'- line-,
>Dd. Mil
excelled. The beauiHul |ien1nsiila tng effect on the boj-s who darted | SO to 3. Can't you find a
Mr. Kiinvi llen r> turned t'* his home
Mr. Carl C*rr of Lebanon. IndChicago oil the sii-oniir Sunday
Ttie ever |N>pulnr hotel ' The PiiK-*"
■g hut
l.ul his family retoained.
is fia^ ailing with RTieMs. The follow. 'venlng
Kilgore, who Is the bead of a
Mr. Kiigii
Ing are registered for the summer;
cocpeitige firm,
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ayer*. Mr and Mr*.
J. P. Brady. Mr*. L. F. McColloiigh and Paducah. Ky.. t.i 1'«ik
Perry WTlIlams all of Chicago
r»- Dys;.!-, is "Xpectinc her mother
W. F. Uirdie and Mr*. T. I. Faiisle
Evanston. III.
m-nd the Riitumn nlih h<T.
At Lor Oabln cotta«e. Mr*. Mary
There aie many more apTillcallons
jAwn U open for the summer.
Mb's Katherine Barr of Jocksonvllta.
W. Fhnlda, Mis* M. OsnboS and Ed
1 ^ Eilgewi*>d
Mr*. Adrlon Yates and Miss
Mies Buenn Draper also of Jackson Mr. and Mr*.
ward 8. Jeroore. of anelsnaU.
d ar pn-s' 111 and
ville. Mrs. Helen HIcc of Oberlln and I»iil*e Yate* of Ormand. Flortula. nlooted.
there is ronsld'-mlili talk of enheging
At the Anderson colta«r. Mia.
propecly. consisting
rlie ri-*i>it piviiserty.
.C PalDCT and sons of Paducah,
There an- men- aliraetions at BilgebennUfiil lrr«e* and
ih thv
U«l« and Ella Slone have jut
are located.
«T*id. the sunrise* being *0 |'ciiiiilfi!l
tunved to their home In ChlcaRa
Sunaet Lodge.
Mr*. Lucy HiiRhes and
lIuRbe* of Grand Rapids are at CPmp expecting several Florida giiesm foi
aaet Lodee at present and
e ejected. Tbe LodRe Is not <H<en
At Bonny Banka, or -the slRn
Mr*. C. n. Kniea <rf La Grange. III.. over Travel*,,, tl
thugli they were 1 nsinicleal
the DS'l. " are Miss Rcbecra Rlrhnu
U at Btwch collage'tor a month.
and Miss Kalberlne lUc of Grand
Mr*. A. J. Wewley of Chicago will ful. ruse linud t
aext ypara they trrpuRht their friends
George \Vel.l»T, ta. and Bert Ma
the 8*010 cottaRc. Mrs. Ballard Slone's.
aad now the capacity Is taxed us In
lone. 2*. Ionia eharaet'o. got Into a
addlUon to the thlrty-flve arfadi of (Irand Rapid* is a Ruest.
Late arrivals al Rushniore ho'jsc quam-l while drinking Th iisdiiy aflerThe Rev. C, E. Ixtckbart of Travi
there, many are comidR. Amooc the
an- Mr. iind Mis* Regie of Buffalo,
rieoU are Frank Oowd and family. City vltlted at the Santo oolURe.
MHrion and Mildred PIckell. grand- AtKnil g oel'wk Webber hunted U|.
children of Mi* Bone are also here Malone and fin d thre«, shot* tirOkm
„. CooklnR
. jiklnR all of
erf Cincin
CTocln- '“The* )^i^y wiir^’^wuipled «
Schweare. Mrs.
for Ihe ttimmer. F-Wr the month of | with a rvv'her. twi ehih<m taking
belnc iwenlv-flvc Clncln-,weck by Mrs. W. H. H. Kl *
nati. there beli
Aiumst every room Is taken and
natl'people In all: Mr*. Frank Grave*, uausluer. Mr*
H. H. Itancroft
ready there t* talk of putting up reus shattered the kn-e i"im ami the oihi r
Mrs. Harsh. Grand Rapids: Mr. and jsrksonvine. 111. next seek.
luther than to say no.
j i« n'-tra:' !l the i.'k atsne the knee.
Mrs. Warner. ChlcaRO.
The R«e*t* rxiiwtcd next week
The Porter house has very good j''>l'lier vim- arn-,t.*l .iml Uwked up
Tbete ere nix coIIarw at Sunset 1
p j waddell and daushler. Mr*.
booking* also. A. L. McClay and son'and Mslone w;.-; taken o. hi* home
Lodee and all are full. Aimuis thej^j,
i,rowii. Mr. and Mr*. J. W.
'if (Tiloaen. are new arrival* and Miss M*lme-'s m'Mher w.-\* l.urle<l Thursdav.
“ F.
F. Oelebell and i,® ,md daiicliler. Ml>« Susan f
_____ ________ ___ a. E.
Portland.: WeM--r s-v:d be did not warn in kill
Ilf JackMiinllle. 111.
dan«hier. Cbk»«o: J. <5. 8h-'<«
Ml** Hnidswonh 1* a leaeher Malone, hut did intend
faaMir. d>kwp>: Busrnc Wheel'
The Mls»e* Ik vler of Grand Rapids Ore.
will oecupy thlder Dee cottace.
■oea, Belcdt. WIa
At the LodRe there Is a dance evenMr*. Clara D. Iherson. two sons
Mis* Edna O'Brien was hostess to
week. two toad* of yoiinc pniple went and Mr. .-ind Mm. DilUnicfaani all of
one of the famous beseb supiier* ou
to lAke Leeinnan l<w a picnic Thurs CkJidwater will be here next week.
irdav evcnlne last. Tbe Montrice,.
day and a lamich party to Cedar Lodge
Plerw, Vwughau and O-Brich families
waa also esj^ed.
ji>hn Hpihw, of JleiiomlH'—. ha:
the event.
The Clever*.
■r<-<l the Uauliful park site knui
O-Brten exi^ct*
soon to give a danc
Tbe rwRlster of the doverw show*
Mra. J. M. Dlxoa and dauRhier. Cln- I'.iUbt point. Viilo.-d-al ir.U.ooo. lothc ing party in the large music room of
the collap'.
clnnati; Mra. J. M. Bamaby, Coliim- r'ly. :
Is on
bus: Cari O. Wilson, wife and two
Dr. G. N- Krelder. wife and children
tStlldren. Nashville. Ky.; Mis* Getof Spnngfleld. 111., arrived on Str.
<Mde B. Bnelbh. HIn Jane i>. BigMia-soiiri and are settled In their eolap-. Salome Krelder. Uie latest ad
dition to the Krteder family, made the
trip at the tender age vrf lour weeks
and now that »he ha* seen tbe idace.
Iocs .not
field people
Ivnrk to Old HiwIoA.
rcss Ihe iKiy, the Island, while
'Beyond, aereoiThe ships are seen
Wiiere Traversi- City sit*, a queen.
".Mrar T. H. C Allen and family 0
rineliinali are among the reeenl nrr
vals to take iiosses.rion of their eoi
tage. They an' now cosily willed for
Ihe summer not enui bothering with
house kieping bnl dining at the hotel
.'frs. J N Rolierts. chlldcn
II have a cmiage ftw
nlly <if
John 1
s nliely selli.ri al TTie Maples
.-ind SK' enteriainiiig Miss llauna of
»Mr*. M. R. Wane and family am
some mor-' Ciminnutl is-<iple here lot
the sumnn-r months. liid>*-4 11 is gen
■•l•.•llv iinderrio.*! that any j*-:>on
f-otn Clnrinnsil found wanderliiR any
plaee away foim N.-ah ta-wafiU dur
ing the h-afsl M-awin are eertainly
lost and iheir frieniU should lorik
after presenting Mr. and Mr*. Covey'
with a handsome willow rocker. All
Overseer Frank Blood Is out with,
](o call an extra
10 remedy
He wlU meet the
Richard Brown. who> has )£en laldjbuafil the last of this week and dlaup for some time wtih blood poison-'cii** Ihe matter,
ing Is feeling somewhat heller al this.
If a -•v'Helsi ie*»lon I* called the
jolhtr pri.poslllons which be liaa had
Charles GoEir had the roUfortunerin mind will also undouht.rily be prw
to drop a ralh'da hi* f's/i while repair-[einled to the It^xlature.
R C, Co. Hast ^
week and U laid up for repair*. Cbar-j-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Woodman ha!! on
jjwm r@y
July iSth. Mu»ie by Hagunond's cHy^
if you are
enough 10 receive an fneitalJoD, picnse,
ali.eDtl. !f not. whj—
The Fisk Male Gimrlel ar« billed]
fur this plare on Thnmlay night. July
::th, at the Conpregatkmal
Mr. and Mrs John Acha are at Onekama at ib<- i.erisidt of Mr*. Acha*
brother, who was sever-.ly waJipri by:
(be burstlus of a steam pipe on board
a steamer July 4.
Mr. and Mr*. Ira Cordon" are vl»-'
Trunipower, at Rar'-d
Mrs. Willlsm Orlach of'Manistee.j
Is the guest of Mr. and
daj-t. Mr. Gerlacb sill a
day and try and persuade
Mr. and Mr*. C W. Chandler an.l
children of Cedar Rapid*. la_ pasvuri
Ibtoiwh the city yesterday on ihcir
^ OrxeVirwof Oii 1-fe.aion
•■1 Beeort at the Karbor
CUrk. No. fIT BotPvard
I the loss of the sctiool approprtaUoa as
Iby the lvfd*laiure.
Manl-iee, Mieh . July U-Tbe body ley ha* a policy in the Michigan Homel
of Captain Hairy May of ih<- steamer and Hospital assortaiion which wiu
Arcadia, was l- 'iri'l on the beach
help some
BIc IMinl A'! -<-'Me this moi-nlng and ■ Al Durke of D- lroli. Is vltllisg hU
wn* Idemtfi'ri by a life pre—rver
brother ln-law, -"Dad* Wright.
Tb:- WT's
ili;:d body recover<<
be. a select party
wav to their cottage at Leland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fluil of Chicago
are staying al dhr Park Place.
y and son
"Mr. and Mrs' D. H
Mis* G. H. Richardson of Chicago
• staving In the city lor Ifae suiuu
Alice R- Demster of Cedar Kai
ls staring at the Park Place
r. and Miw. William Mac
ping at the Park for the •ain
Lansing. Mich., Jaly
Warner practically decided to call a
of the legUlature this
blood in hi* eje hunting after poHl*.‘TT
fill! unless the Mate board of educw
tax. Oetti r dig up. boja, aad savA............... ..
tion cap devise aome way to provide
trip to FrankfML
needed funds fv rt>e Central Notaiai
County Clerk Kcwion Ely. wife and
] school *1 Ml. PleaaanL
family were visitor* in our berg last
He held a conference' with otlMala
lot (ho school rnterday and wna UTged
Ing track for the 0
Pound HW Body.
For Special Seaafbfi.:
united in wt|bing tbem Joy and pros
ne-of the
Bncklcy. Mich., July
Dr. EagOB I* very sick.
Bert Edeetl went to Kingsley Mon
Ml*. Aro Borden who has been sickj
Old MiaawlMi Viewa.
for Boete time U Improrlnc.
ARIOSA cema m
one pound packagn
__ only, sealed for yow
ptoteclion to insure your
gcttiiig the gauuw old«
fashioned Arbuckles'
ARIOSA Cofiee everytime.
Be real angry if they sokI you
a substhulc, which is not as good
and may in time ruin your
digestion and nerves.
MOE' *
OrMt EMnna.
WhMtIng, W. Va,
pttchM.fTBin Oranen. Elkint. RearttfbBTf, TimMltan and *th*r tewmt
alDcq hla deolh Mrv Wnilbmaou
■mu wablH ihechUdiWB lo ccxne there
ilnoil make UiHr boose with her. Mr.
Kvri-vrt ga«e up hla paaltloo aa round-
h«v*e foreoian at Traverar Cliy to |S>
Thr Maaiub * Lay Merc. O
lo trork Monday. HI* wife waa
The UbBnxb A Ur Co.
him on the exeunion. but waa i
Trevrrao City Bute .Baok.
lured and arrtred home wtib the body
•treat rollway-and Intorurbin projaet
on the train.
Deeds lo the Ctrtrr ConstnicUon Cb
praparty laaaaa that will apgragau
pportunRy ia new forthcoming. tbririraflic
Urr Herl-ert Is utterly pmii
roaougrr. Ur
naarir mojIOO.
tho moating of tho beard otismd.
Tfwverbe City, aiid I over the ti-niWe arcident. Boib ahe
FlRaan bridpaa wvra waahad
omoblle. tn 11)1' h>r busluind bad uiany frlendj
diractera of tha board of trade
' »~—
lha nilraada damapad and at Qrafton
Tjrirtrta vail*)' uH of urrinc ralcM foliewtd br tha Hvar'galnp
the peaple of Travoma City abdi
vieintty dablr* to
ralUbla and aubtuntial
banka aiang Ka wtieta tanpth. eauainp
a otnirch fram
dawn tha rapinp rlvar.
The report explalne itbelf ond will be j fart^^“th?lTl5.l«r^ii^r"
1$—Thrat rcad VrKh Inloreot. The Carter C®"-'
taara drewntd and one klllad by lipbt-
Tha daad:
J. Miliar, wiioaa boat
Pacii. drowned
iday'a Record
Kninklin wbo has been
the past three weeks vUlUng
ara known to ha»e baan kiliad In a aa- tiruetien cempany of Chicago,.pro-1
Followinc Mr. De Di-uin ibev sent
vara rain and elactrleal atorm. Two pesot to build a nroet railway and thelf_ Rcovral_ rounscI_ and dlrecior,
■an from hero to Elk Rapids
Btleudins 10 the pn-parall
Italy and on to Patoskay next prvposed fninclilse
n of the Street Hy.. and Inu-rl
r.Bven aeon therafter.
K. corpriraiion*.
ovartumed. prepealllon ii
Hr. Im- Bruin and Ur. Denne*
> construct a etreet
wtiOa try- railway lo the city and interurban to
Inp to ford a atream.
friends and relaiiv«w returned u> tbe
Moudy stAooi in Oilcagu today.
W. W. Beldlng w<mt t» Chkwgo oa
-Pusinexs today'.
Merton Wilspn bas returned to hit
home at Hiugbam after spending tome
timis? In tbe city.
Chicago' urv the guests of Mr. sad
Mrs. Ik L. Stoveneon.
From Thursday * Rceurd.
Typartf vailcya fear aevtral million
Frank Mco-s ha* rpturno!! from a
businos ti!|> In Grand Rapids.
Mrt. M. K. IVsen ueni to M.mlttCC
pallona of water will bo proclplUtad
for a few days this morning.
Mrt. A. R. UowriK vf Maekinne has
Jaekeon. Mlih. July IB—Frank Kap
return<-<1 to her home afn-r wpend.ng
time rialting her muther
rinakl. apod 25, wai found dead on the
Mlchipan Central tracka thia me
Inp. A train had cut him In two.
B. A»hley lias ivlurgi-d to her
at Wallou after vls!(‘({ig Irleuds
waa aaon late lact night quarreling
it Street as it Will Appear When Street Car Line Is Built.
with other potei and foul play U
Of faith in Tra<
City and Vlclbi^ in an Improvoi
of Mia kind, thay ask that bondt bo
taken by lecal parties which would
porcona have boon overeemt by the be Brat mortgage bends' bearing S per
hoot, dropping down like oheep. All
intereet with the Intercat guar
tha hoM)ltole ore overtaxed and
anteed. Thtte funde will be dfpeeltthe Traveroe City SUte bank
witb them.
the railroad
Traverse City to Petoskey.
The pruposlllon before us.
outlined, I*
OoiiMrdcllon Co., pmpi
. ..
struct and put In tminedlate opetatlno upon the streets of Traverse City,
a street ear system oprraUng approxImotidy elcfat miles of track.
This road lo be of a heovy sertlou
of rail, with tbo most up to date equip
This loral road will ronstUute the
hub of a future eysiem of inliTburli
lalls'ay. which will develop as (i
as tbe demands of onr district and
tbe flnajires of our country peontt.
Simultaneous with the buUdlng of
Arm Injured.
thereby' affording afccelute security to
' WhUe at work at Betuier a factoey these who Inveet. Tbe report of the
MiBday, mainltis. Mm Jordon had hia
lUon cpmmitiee was received
ritfit ann very aererely mu by a rip
the rlly line. It Is proposed to build
by the board Of direetore freight and Inlerburban
lino fro
aao. While radchinp over the aa«- for
gone porpoae his rijtbt one became yealcrday, and work will be
ontBMited oo<l nan polM Into the taw menced ‘Immediately upon the proathis, before wtuler. The
Aaverlnc an artery }iwl above tbe
will be governud by tbe geDCral coobow. Tho man iW profuaety and It
incll «vfll be baked for a dlilons then surrounding us.
«%a^tboi«bt that before a lAyafdan
The Carver Consiruciion Co., work
franchlaa which will give Traveroe
^ coold arrivo that be would dia bot tbe
lUrely with tbrlr own capital, and
ombnUnce woa called and the yooDf CHy flrat elbM 'etreet ear pervlee and
an orRsntxatlon promoted ■ao takebtotheOetraJ botel on eaai afford connoclien by rapid tranalt to
BfBth airret where bis wound waa Elk
RapIdA. The propoaltien
ia to
> Invest thvir money.
etreet cars at frequent Intervale
The Carter Construction Co., like all
he cHy and connect with the Elk ntber organitations. would not feel
unified In tyltic up In a community
million dollars this fall.
Armod wtUi a owaie oarralted ahot
thr.-e million later, unless
each way every hour. Tnie le an
■on, a 44 calibre heroe piatel aa long
ihere was suffirlent local
0 that It
oa hla arm. another emaller revolver, important proJact and the proaa hat taken In ih© pruposiliO
s entirely
would not bo n>cardcd
a knife big enough to kill an ex. and been aakad by the bdhrd of trade
lotelsn conKiratlon.
Is built now.
a shoo box fliltd with ommunition, give publicity to the onterpriaa.
not at all by these people, depends
Following it the complete repJK;
Oonlel Couilnt. a negro doctor, roam■Irely utsin their receiving sufficient
Travetw City. Mich.. July 17. 19
.1] snpport to make them feel safe,
Od the woods of Grant towndiip aH
Is '
To the Dlrvctore of Ihc The Traverse
iotorday night and waa brought to
rnough lo prevent any unjust dlw
Clly Board of Trade.
Inalioo ngainsi them.
Jail oaHy yoatarday morning *y Shir- Oentlemen;
la exchange for the local financial
Bubjeot—Report of TVans|»rtatioD
nteresl. tliev pn.pose to give the peo
ple of Grand Tiawrse r. gioii. a first
Last winu'r the Traveroe City board
iortgag6. 5 porcent Ixmd upon I
with tbo Moa that hlo nilghbera were of trade Issued a call lo the other
trying to get hie farm In the n
citiee of Grand Tmvcrwe resioi
This means that whatever mapey
oaotem portion of the tewnahip i
Bl Traverse City, on Dvea
e eonttlhnte I* Invest! d In ourRHsfrom him. Ha put hie ateck In the mb. IbOC. (0 consider war* and tuoani
■Icl. and that we bold a first mo
whereby inigoved transportation farlt- gage on this luvesuneot.
bam. boarded up the doom and
lUes could bo 8«ured for our dlslrtci.
dowa. did the aome to hit houae and
A prospe<-tiis will he Usiied. slatli
Thls meUaE wtaa well atlecdvd. and
oat tfewn to watch.
after an liifomial discussion, a cotn- ihc pruiwvitlon In dci.-ill, expisloli
.ox appointed conslsUDg of :he bonds, and the terms under whi
mwhen they got tee many for
ibor each from Bve diSermit Ihey will carry on the work, and U
I took to the wood!." he aaid. “1 didn’t
will l>o distributed u> t
1. S. Bandera waa appointed
want to kill anybody but I want*
■Tso City, and made chair- peoide ol oiir eommunity.
I iim arwured by the-»e gentlemen
pralact my righta. When I gel In
that as soon as a sufficient amount of
weoda. they kepl^ following me and
the committee of Arc. three these bonds have been siiscrlbed r
one of them came'up behind, walkin. withdrew.. <either by dlr«l tvalinu
Boake il a safe pniposlilon lor tbe...
otoeped over, l pulled m* gun an’ toT
as above mied. work will be Immcdialely staried.
’im f lay down er I’d lay *lm down.The Charlevoix repr
authorised hy tbe Hannah t
“They want t’ git m’ farm away. I
«. St.irks, has takbn____ __
ertarts. whum I repret.-at. lo
pot tbo beat farm in the country an' St and has materially aided in lavaallal they will head the «iib«crip.
tlun list for Ibi^si' bonds, with a liberal
I get MnetcoA doods to it."
amount, which amotmt 1 will l>e al
None of the eanridgoa in the var.
r here to redt
berty to make public slroullan.-oos
•charged. The
Ittve prior to \h
Uh the Issuing of the pfoBj«>ctua.
o good offices <
This rejwrt Is rcspectfuUy subthe
Otaon. and It waa there that the efjnltlod.
it. S. Sanders.
Acero found him In cenveraotion with
W.. W.'l,. I
Chairman Transportglion CommlUec.
a group of men who had managed
the Carter Couslrurtion Co.
keep him quiet for aome time. H
The Carter IVnisInrction Co.. Is *
Flewxr* for th* Dead.
ht gattan Into the wooda and begun eonmriiilun whose busluess is railroad
1. McGowan. r>muilh»us!‘
thoeting. It it probable that aomeohe ^cofistriirtlon. and i am in poxsesslou
of ihe ftilli.wing Utter of Introduction:
ill Ihiur.huan. h i' Biaid.ty nighi
would have been hurt end mu<
Chleaeo. HI, July Uth. ISkT.
where Introuble experienced in his capture.
0 the l*eople of Grand
funerals of tbe unftwtiinate I'.-i'- MurK.vlon:
The man is 70 years eld and h
1 take tileasuiv In Intradurinc to the querte enipli>yiw who u.-obeen -off for tome tiate.
Hla wife
ConBoturday’s w reck. He U«.l. v
was admitted to the asylum aome
struclIr>n.,compKay, whose busluvss is
beautiful pillow av b« offering fnwn
ago. and aince then he h»s lived
Waa Anaad With Woapena.
of ttehiat. hlwdiai
««.d MO y«w mmay baefc. Mr. CopmIFolSa-. IMarvr. JfMUpoo C«7. Jxd.. sayai
iIwartbwdMdUftscnoldml. The«iala
MvwUmaaastoekof pfkc Shay IKAM
0.4MayMtxnMad0.4hUA RetUaBWIpol
^■«UJma4Pr.A.W,Chaaars01«t------ ttetooMiMMf Ucoboxotelldmli .
Sb A.W. caoM MMaoxb Ob.. baCalo. H.T.
>9 iohMPB DtH Co.
I me. us Kenileiiiiti Who have ample
tsourees and able lo fulfill any
tUons which ibvy may under
ctmsldiT 11 v«ty fortimale lor our
district that we have be>'n able ip
Inieresl men -vf ability ia cmr proposi
-tor I feel Ihsi II not only means
iportalloo. with which will come
eal beginning of onr derdr^mant.
In this city,
Mi»x JJeien Pray h'fi this morning
B for Ctoftor OU. Pate-
H-.Brownell and
reliirtied to itielr home at C3ies.ining after vlKitlng Sirs. Brownell’*
liareiiu In this city.
w. George E. Thomas who has
lieeD visiting Sirs. Kneeland to ibl*
city, ha* reurnod to her home at Chiigo, O.
Mrs. U n. Has-kins reiiiraod to her
home In Wallou l.d.ay. after spending
short lime wiiji Mrs. F. E. lloberU
I this city.
E. L. Hugltes 'has returned from Doolt. where ho alicoOed the Vndcrlakcni' convention.
^ Sean tbe Signainre of
The Kind
You Huyb Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Year*
Sheep killing
ise-i- at
dogs .have
a-liiniiga! li the lut. st, l.e-lag s.
r. - uiglil.
AJ :> x-ssinii >4 Mid (WHirl. beM at
a!.. .iHiee. )u the City Of Trati rse r'l.v. in said county, oa lire :ral .
day of July. A- U IKOt.
Pnw*q.t: ll.ni, Fred .B. Walker,
Judgi- of !-rol«;i-.
Grand Traverse.
reiale «.f Dolls
In the matter of the estate of Mark J. IV-srie. Willie, Mllu and t'arl C. a fwtlvo! 'Si-k. I■'•cillllillg August -. Ross, late of »«ld craauty, rlecewsed.
Corlill. iinniirs.
to.wlileh most Vt Ih- siiHe’« hwlges
NotIre is hereby giv.'ti llial four
. Hiliikor. g'lardlan of saM
will !*• iiivll.d. "nie eeniral poOltin month* fnmi the nth day of July. A.
having niMl In said nnirt liU
<f the celehr.AlUin will lie a stri-el fair, I>. 19*‘T. have l>een xduwod for crodl- isiliiini .
iliBl be lx- author.
Rccowwl lo
but -liicidrB'ul fialurcs will Itirtude tors to present their claims against • ir.-d. i-nii-aivei
said tlegeaaed to said court fur ex-j mortgagr' tb•re^ of said crialr .
|iarudi-s. drill cumiHUllon'. niiri other amlnatlou and adjustment, and that in cenaln n-al
stale thcrHa dea
ivi-nts In which -inany -Maceabi-e all cirslltiirs of aal'l di-caawd arc re-'crila-d.
qulrcd to present .their claims to said
lojg*-* of Mie stale Will parliclpa;
lt Is oidcrod. Uist th* nth day of
The tail eii'l 'H'
'lunll cyi t<>n<‘-Hit court, at the prolate officq. In tha Clly Aiiu-asl.A. 1>. I9U7, atf«(ia>ldO(4(lnlll*
of TravtcTe C!tv. In waid Cminty. oir !. r.n.mn. at said1 probate
1 ’ ’
.Vi’.-II viHage. nine inUcs n-tlhW!-*! oi
<.r before the IHh day *'f X’nv.-m»>er
•pointed for bearing .
Ii!:ihd;il-. M-ielay. and dtd «i.iiriih’-i
n. 191-T. and that said clxlms
J, la iliUm.
JI- heard t.y said court on Thai
:.l le -ir.ii: ige t.i imihl'i'gs. X’..l*xly
he H'h day of Noieml-er A- IX
il by (luti
>i ten o’clock is Ihc forenuus.
•r. for Hi:
Auln No.
spew-ding l»-ar Finnk,Fated July lOlhr A. D- f»7.
ci s iv<- wrefe* prt-vhtns lo said day of
•■ninuili. ctinsed Fanner W.lllain litvliIiir-.ring. lir IheRiniid Truvorac Herald,
■*. Harry Geer and ron UaUs of iier's ream lo run awny and dump him
Cadillac are tbe gueau uf relatives In
.-ar Cuvo. two yvaS. ago. and
hfssr-a lavt y
Its growth has t>pen very rapid and
ily one assessmeirt has been ina.'o
a n. -isMapirr prinivd and rireu!at«d la
Judge .of Prolwite.
self anil wife into the dkeh.
wmv Isiilly hurl. Tin- driver of a-.ito
17'»:. lusleail. of wwiiing, lo *<•«• If anyCTCLONK IN'SfBANCE.
l.iwiy wa>- l..:li-d. liirm-il uu full iiower Graini Trav.-i'w.
Alviut 500 of our Wt farmers In ami r:iti aw:,v.
In 111!' mnii-T Ilf the*i«ilal
sured last year In the Stale Mulual
Tie- I..t sn..-vii
1-ojU-r lii the field llnnrii. laic fif sjid.co
Cyiloiie Co., of which ex-Govvrnnr
Tlemili .‘ii-iriCI dh'l S*iiio!-iy evening
k-h Is ii.-e.-ld-nt.
'XOtin. ts h.-r<-hy glv. n Ih:
al Ih- office of he- .loc'.ir a‘ Had Aw.
Muuy furmerw in kllchlcan have lost
n.iBiIhs fp.m Un- Jvjh day of
will!- t.vvaiifna fer iti-:itnjeni^ Arthur
D. IWT. have IwD allow..l t
the I.rnfits of a lifetime by ryVlone*.
las- I'.et.-: Uaf hiJtid
tors to preo nl tb-lr ■ lai-ois
ihe'wise ni.vn will profit by their
,\\i- htg hoiieH-.'. w,.a gips] «id d—va-d to S...U c" (rt
This company luild over IJO.non -
rwEMlsh......................... I 01
te-::..... '.- '.-.j* *•
HsnlrtM......................... tllSSW »m* a
Vts'Coezwm'* A-A sTB.
ll.v uf Klnuslcy *
Train, Cor 0«d»r fily itU rnnrmaM
TJi!i.YrS.r”.AirXi?r^ Prore-revarrir.
______ic«' and Michigan Farmer i
• it \v.ai.kf:h.
J :-lg- of I'.-.il.e
f»rmer shNuld be wllhmil ;i pn
tills ri-Uahle eotnpnuy, as II c«.<
Bute New*.
The New Brandt Spray
l.iiliiC'-ioii c0nuty fiiwiere will l«•hort on oat*, es'isv!' hy mis', hui
hrim+s kre good for an .•xc-Il.-ut cr-.p
■d ry.,
Thtv.- dogs wvrt- sh..'
The latest of all devices for exterminating all
kinds of Insects.
No M'aste of lime by* stopping to pump It
• ahead. Can be done as tbe
operator goes along.
le-olt "f
i»d dog score ;<t A<liiar.. aud ollv.Iirllc n. .igi->l
h.is l-tsn wui 'o .Ami
.Arbor (r.r to-aiin*til.
IJdiPk. lak.n from Ho
diutrtal school by X. S
IV overalls, hlo!’
For Dis^ribu-tine
Paris Green, Bordeaux Mixture and etc, tbls
sprayer has no equaL
MUc'i.-lI. of
■or. has run :i»ay.
Ttu- ho.shirt
M;:rkey. fanner* of Ti-konsha. hav.r-r.-ived woid that they ar*- heir- ; ■
ejeh hy the death' of
hacheto: mirit ia Ib-nv-r.
When Judge V-vnO's-i ruled In laveof h-r h':-!’.i.and In .a
Jw si.*t'e-l
f.v t'Osre'“:i-'n •••f their cbil.l. MrN-Iile II. Miller, <<'Hill~lale. riisp-'
Into her hoshaiid s iirriis In a I-ur-ne
caused So nnicU iroubk-
man,v kwol employes had
friend* frontage, had brek.-n Im-i again an'
swalt.d a <vrgjili- el rewk'.-rv.
ig I’ue dead or Injured. Mr.
Idep-Jty was sect to the scene. Gowun caicii her*- from PIynKu;th
Joshua Paniard. agid «>’. ;i Mts.-ia
: nlmo« every victim. His lather
slppi preacher and phs^tcian. apiiearvsi
was among the lliu r»t Ittjun-d.
Al H. Herbert inove.1 to looia la»i in the country clerk's office at Pot!
It <1
.X t-VverlshnCMA. ll Furca Dirirrhri-n aud Wlixl
Colic, ll relU-vea TeoUsloff Tmublex, ciircx C»uMI|iat>on
and FbUiileiu-.v. It oxunilLtUre lire FikmI, n-tnilatcw the
btomarli umi Jfowels. eivliri; bcalthFaml iruturul aleep.
Tbe ChadreuS l‘aiiacca-The Motbra-'a >'neud. -
Bailie I'r.-ek Marcala-cs will irnve
msy bo a greai Inflaenee to tbe f
W.-dne*d!.y wUh his wife ro ma'xe Huron, Monday to secure abieense tindustrial growth «f our coaiuuiiliy.
1 am also Kieatly pleased at Iwinc tbelr home with Mrs: Herberts motb- rtuitry Mrs. Martha J. Washburn, •’.c
able to present to you a company si .r.Mtw. JeAin WllUatus.>n. whose hue- a widow <if that dty. but was nual-Iband ■Ih'd tw«* moothr b|3 Wllliams- to secure the ducuBcnl becaarsc hTonrs very truly.
furgpi some of the ni-ceosary’ Infornia<«i was for thirty y<aiw
askvAby th*- clerk.
the bPlh-r shop of the road
A. Itaey Ur. PmiMt
No Return in so Years.
“Me «on. wlien n lad nf tixteen. wa*
tn.ul.l-,I wirh limn..r -ri In- ru-e ai»l
afl'-r n-iiie I'cnl. iiru It--m..li.- In-wa*
fr>"»l fr-.m ev.-rv lumi-.r oo.l hae <..ntinievJ
1- th- iir>--.*ot iito— aft.v
Iw.-jilv «--ar. hav- |>.aM,xl. V-iir t’liii.
!-iim K-ap lu>! !.•*) ii-evl in mv raniihfur eev.-ral !->wr- ami 1 ha' '
t'uiwura Il-m.'lH-n.
Uariun. M-., Ihx:. I.
it* afro U its ^usnuitee.
tidegAia message
loeal iruinmeo ir« A. F Her;>ert
halt eluitge "f th>- i\>;:ndh6u*e nmll from Horrmia besich
Ina by the sheriff »t port'Hurvm.
«o tinK ago.
' .
that F. U
H.vffnu.n. who
e new*, of th!- wr<-ek ra’ssed
gloam to settle over Uie y.ir>ls
been made wirier bts per.
bo-o eiuedrf th*
mMskw. she « u
Btiwked alsut a
f.iruiifbt later by
• furk.oe. iu-hmg
and yamful
tK.u all over h"T
Uxly. w.)»*Ully
anns.<d contiderablo sire. Bli- hufft-nxl
a great !|.-al ami f.>r ihre.- s,ek« we
nnr-'l her ev.-rv r.blh!. u.uig all lha
ntis.lii'. w- i-euM H-.iili -J. N-ilimg
w.eild le-tp.
VV- ii„-o r.'.nenil.v.d
hating Is-anl m> iuih-Ii aU.iit ('um.-<ita
Ifa-cu.^Hw. W- sent lor lie tii and afl.V
teit>ruv'm-!ji, niicj,
u»iur onle ..ne
o-mi-lei.- - t
ilw t'uiii-uia It.-nevlH-e.
In liv.'
Oay. Ilie Htth- i.iie.
murli l!.Miir>.v hail l-"-neiu
and lia- l«--r> w- .l f->r a long Ibne.
F. Uu-reiia.li:. U.K. 11.3.1Uxk.-ndkJd.
'and J
Dr. C. C. Davl*. who U vlalllng sis
ters In Detroit will leinru Monday.
Cut in Two.
“It i* in mv opinioo tny duty to jnlo
lixtf.- wIh.
th- ( uticura llemedjcw After my pamiOauf bt.v cf aU-ut
the upper peninsula.
Tlia dam at Thomac hat been t
upon them and are
—> and
AJlownocmeloiIeieelveyonln tbis.
-All CotTitferfetiK, Imltatinris and ** J<i'-l-<i<!.g<HMl'*are bat
Kxpcrttnetrix that trifle writh aiwl cutlunirer the health of
lafauu aud CbUdreu—Experieueo ajpUuM KxjteriinenU
deuragement it given, they
The rain ia-atlll falllnp and preater
oned and the people In
in use for over 30 Tears, has borne tbe signatore of
W. \V. Parr and \V, S Kelley left
Ibis morning for u biuinesa trip lo
Elk Rapids this fill, and If proper cn-| wtn-k.
jmrdUiUly nft.T the piaiiilne of
Jehe R.'^iito went to Umena’ thU
fninrhise, cbaiierii will be obAt MeCembi tha water came In a ready to put In auffieisnt money
la‘n<-d for the Sirerf Hallway C
Co., lo morning to spend a few days with bis
and tho Interlxirliap
preat wave which wracked the heme
the line immediately.
Freight Railway,
to operatv from
w. N. dark of Siiiioes Bay has reof Mrt. Mary lUI^ carrying
turm-U to bis htuiie alter speeding a
throe e fher email children. The bedfew days In this !-ity. .
lea have net bean recevered.
Mrs. A G. Dolenbaiigh Of
John Ktina, atruek by llphtninp.
trouble Ii feared.
The Kind XoQ Itare Aheays Boo^t, and tvblcii haa beqn
It ta faarad
(hat many ilvaa hawa baan (cat
Zanaavilla. .Obie,
Kiing L........... ..
Body Af^er an Attack of Measles
—Nursed Every Night for Three
Weeks-Nothing Helped Her.
Be Good
to your Icct
Get a pair of our lijiht
weight duck fjf i.anA’as
Shoes, jo't the kind for
ba>inland harx'esting.
-■.I.-, your
Jor l/u-.. (Utkcr
-cf I'r'-hi'AS alb tiujcbfl fast aa a
Wiil tprAy. row 1 milcbtii:
W.ll Spray from
'.ijly one rillingof three ^allont.
I S to 20 Hii'8 Of PotatoM with oach
stroke ot lh« pump.
wi:v M-cnd umr
»'h-r yi now can get whs' ,vo3 h»ve
KutM mM fUauUHcv of The
Hmw y«wis Folk* e«rat>in«
I Mil Uy Mvtr to %wrry or
frwi otoKrt toiythJo^
' .
I will tfy to bo levins, h
•nd hind to evorybedr
•vory llvins
\ scKsaJW y
-Poob! that's m^tog. What i
at work humming two white lawn
aprens. Whua 'they sKmpod to <vin•1 pNimtoed to—to iron her Mppare prem-rs both aoUeed that wUiic
-Aad yoa’ll give up'a lovely poivr I Lydia's ctiiehrw were aUnost lartslbla
for that!Sally's griuned up la the fare <4 the
"O Aaa Flaherty, do go right along! j amall needleeromaa with what aremod
My grandma wU! brwr yoo.
a deristre wraiie.
croes-myheart It as good to
y«i made wich a tou wrilt^vi o Sai:y* l-ro*. but ininred
about at aebool the other day.lately her customary jaanUntos
Dorvat gaihered up her toll sad ssserted
..tiwif. -Uy stiicbc* are bigteemt Lcbtcr—R-acon
needle* and fied to tbe kitchen door. gi-r'n yoers." she remarked with eU-'
rvatflmtgvt-Yea BuL«
It was not Ann Raherty's coaxing! borutv carvlesrsess, -'bitt 1 don't care
-e.aad have more lime
that made the lair drop Into-the bas-jU licy are. Ueause. you see. I'm goraej.«>hMpr>toal* n-"*
ket of rc4led-down cloOnw which shejlng to pa;g.n lace and cover 'em all_
:niBiy Sl
drew from tmder the kitchen t.ible. It, up,“ .
u tbe longing for a '-It-.K- tot puppy |
artist friend told us recently of
! Mil her own.
|, p^pij
flrvi attempt at water•tlie centre kingdom of. the
Bnt she winked hcrolc.-tnr as she: colors »:u« v.-r> far from a suttx-u.
put ber Ilillo cricket Ix-rido the lroo-;GenUy. eo as not to Uisconrage the
tu].tcd to Chl=-«ue. and from this',
Ing-board aad mounted it Sbe fiatum-jgiri. tbe teacher i.daled out
word the Pi-riugucse gave It the name
ed out a niffle and ran It over. Not a ; fret after another, and the silence
of Chinv 0;ln* i>ro;ier rnoaist* of_ .
wrinkle in It!
J with which her cmirism was rre>-lv«d
Dorrea began so take a lively inter- made h- r wnrjer if tbe asplnc: for lay hiS litthful dog Tvprr. Thinking , eighteen pr.n loce*.(eooUilBlug TaO.OOtre
It In the cap. which onile excl-sdcd iartUilr kntuwc w.i« not'coming to the to liave some fuu with the dog. be C4« people.
Lhoughts nf puppies. Thump, thump.: conclusion thn: flic bail blundered la | P»ve a shout ,-iod a Jump into ibe i
went tbe little l^an—thump, thump! (choosing ber fl.-U! ..f effotr. Tbf girl's thiekrt os it all Ibe gante ever prss'
A Wonderful Cow.
No wonderJ^bby Mltlward got close (first words,
dtop-lled that;tocled by game laws ffWn aarendlog: A l.lt'e four-yearciM w*s ukea on
' 1 the kitchen door before sbe board;
\ h'lnier was- doshlag. through the * visit to grnndmama in tbe eouhtrr..
-j -I've picked cut tho frame for it al- ‘ hushes. A* he .-xpeeted. Tiger cwlne Tbcre. for toe flr>t Ume. be bad n
-ilo, hot Dewca.-; Knapp Ironoil her Kady It's r\al wide and baadsome— bounding »n<l i-arkirg to the fr;y. end - oi-.-ir rtcii of a row. Ih-. wi»Ud etatod
grandmoTTier's Sunday rap!" he cried: | ibe most cxpcnslvo one In the store." .sora
the trirk that was play.-d 'and look on wbfW Ihv man follkad.
for Bobby never could resist making, Th«-n afirr a moment's hesUation. "I'upon him. sm-aki-nack and iaid down '*"il asked ail manuerof ^onileDa. In.
rtijmrs. wbclLrr ib- occasion ealicd guess nol«dy’ll not re a few Uttle mli
1?;«' itniatnsa re»uaicd liU ’l*to way be lenreed that tho
>r It or not.
takca la the picture, as long as tiie'-fiutlcs. and wu^ tard at work for two inwAr^ Irtioriie* un the row's bead
"That's ttxjp." laughed Dorci-s Uk- ftome'r nice"
jor three
when all at once tbc’wi.v c..n.-I bores. Now. the lltlW.
le H plca-vantly. -TA'llh only ««e These two girts, like many other j dog roao fi\-ni liis slrep. s- t onia. and j fellow knew of only one kind of her*,
wrinkle. Bniibv. and that doesn't people In this world .4 ogrs. mUunder- • ey«* In tie dln-ciicn of the woods, and a few dayt after olitalalBg Ibl*
■ rtooJ the use of oroamenL. tU.- piir-1 save a l-aik. and made,* rush for the informaUre. hoaring a strooge. Mtow"IVe got something for voii" saidl
I'cauty is not to cover up do 1 former d.-pth*. The luaa Mlowed the lag iiols.- In the yard, be ran out to
Bohby. making a sudden dive’ for a ' ^«-is. Only that which 'to fine in it- i ool• r, t- lo a tre.whKl. U- asrertatn its cauae. In a tew mlnu^
basket hidden under the hooeysucklei
^Ivsenc* to
atornid. The vl.viwas hs-nding canin- ccogiwtoUtioni to^he r-^uroed. with wonder and delldit
l«*h. "Alnt ho erte. hoy?" And out.'•*d"l*iU- in:'l- I«>: bat wbea the geutU-uiau depictid on hi* countenoare. exetoimIltUo Wae.ey^ puppy, as soft Ouiogm-.'s raih. ilml. would U- groteo-^ catuv aud lx.;.4i oaxlo-jsly to scan tbo lag. -Mamma! .maraina! di. 4o e-—
|hoar);» for the bldd<n cuce..Ti^r!out ^re! The c«w'a Mowing ber
... ., woodshed
i silk and lively as a cricket.
A young girl, tbe doucUtor o', wval- gave :i sailsBcd "ah. woohl" Uatowcdjhorn*:*
••Ooh! ' creamed tvircas. hugging
. -O Bobby, f wauud it so. you thy parents was sent to a •‘Hert a.gtonec of cooicmpt on his oiaster.t
sriiod in the Ebsl to study Preach. and, siriklng a dignified gait, walkknow!"
palming. There orroinidlsh | lark to his couch with the appearance ■ Two smvi eebg. J «>}* were aet to
-Yes ' said Bobby, grav.-ly, "Ann
Auppli-mi-nt her j a -bu: wiio had siiuaied all a«-onnL!,'. w.-edini: onlott* and started oE at opFlaberiv told ite. But when sh« got,
sad had k-n nothing duv on viUicr |.r.iu-enito of the n-w to work toward
there they were .11 gone 'cent this onci •■J^xalKm. but to cmnci-ol the
I onr. She l.vlked niigrammaileall;.-. was sidi ^
wo an-ither. “I's done - more lhaa
s.ivcd for jvxi "
---------------------h-ou." said Dun. prtocaiHy. -No yoo
t-uatly Ignoiani uf liu-raturr.
Whwi Ann Flaherty c c hark the
How Ch-ns Got It* Name.
|rm't!' asarvu-d 8*m. “Ye* 1 1a den."
.ind Itobtiy I
vould not have trekomd up tbe
lapping t
I'pwnnto of 1100 yean arforo Christ' clsofltig down the row. 'U'« lOU
lU- ChlncK wore a people ruled by a nearer to you dan' you to to ffle."
loo. mw a">■ “I
had bc-ti
a lit
llttb- wiser »he would
- dynasty of kings, of whom, like the:
......, ..
of .............
known tliii' i.i.iliing Is more abturd :I’haraobs of old. there is no clear bi*-l
ton-, and not onUI the -Chow" dy-| When the king of Siam vlslud
than an orai!Ui:ut‘*d ignoroiftc.
Snilk-s arc lu-aiiliriil who thiy are nasty. U. C. 1125. Is there any dear-winiknr Muue rears ogu hr was given
Pauline-* Bead*.
tic OJU-hlBlng of a cheerful and kind- hisb.rr of the main Chlni-re state.; a magniflre-nt suite of .noins on Ihw
Pauline had been a very nsughty Ij splriL But most of us are familiar [ The OUncse Jake their hlstoiT B»ck _ B,-si floor, t.ul frosn the first it wasgirt, and mninmn was at her wits' end. with the other. vartetV,—the smiles ti- the llnu! of Noah.
; .asy to sre ihat he was not sotlsfled.
^-hat eoulii she do to make her Ilulo!
Thi. V cij aiKii ut iTBplre ha.« 1.:roe' Then the troth leaked ooL It U «u»aaa-imed !<■ cono-al some di.-*daughter remember
'.-..•lie fiw-Iiug down In tho heart In Itt tltfie many names, for U was |.,n,ary in Slam for the mocareh to
Impatient wicked words any more?
«i.-'s mi«-d i( Iguelil- or uolov-ly. eusuim when a new dynaMy aBenadod^ .i..«n m the top of Uw house. -aa*rPauline was one of iti
.. ,s not improved bv tiring adorned the ihrooe toglTc onuUH-r Bome tothe'irt tuerven,'' and toot utlien should
Honed mile 0ris in the world, «n1.i ,.^1,
picraiol words.
cmplrs. aa Hal-gue, Chum-gur. Hoa-! occupy ihu cxalied nXRM-^icb he
When she was tn good humor, one of;
wmieihlng hex. etc., according to the Bome of e.mi.KH-n'd ►lioiild be hi*, upsd bis
the sweetest. But she ws, vey hasty..
^ conceal toe uorighUy and
ruling monarch.
' tnajcwiy until the cbamberUla pro
and When anything displeased
Every grace of pe.^on or
be tr .0 mime is said to be Ch-im-! t ided him with IcdUer opanaeou.
that urr-.ilv-loncMe of hi-n» would say
«houM be ihv oxbad. nnklod word:, before she kn-.'w It.
, tlghur tvauty-'wi.kli,. or
«Ise thee arc :u- iitivi-jia!.;.- aP li,.it
story one alKrui »little girl like
001* OkT -ros isisfconsa tt'.'
yoo; and how do you suppose she
^^^y of ..rn-v 0
learoedfo control her trouldescune
9 •)»8ip o3X«9 pueaJ[V) o) Xres g^)i
pandajd v,
, cKit it —Exchar.se.
V o88»j>({dsoi]dod£Hpira[iQjaArjpo^nire^uoD)! , 9^'
“f dem't know. 1 am sore, raamms."!______________
1 I 'ins^cXf 9x^U3 jnoi ni3ipSQ»i)f pire dn Bppnq ||
answered Pauline, throi.eh her tear*?'.
* oeg's Joke on Hi* Master.
"•Well I UTI tell you,' etmtln-ued,
BrnH.-man w.us .Tgap d oni- day
ito>ri72tu3 ryjojy-wpix i'-i.'.,.
mamms,' taking the penitent child in'^,^
•pSUgjpDAk 39UB88|SDJ JO gJDAAOd JltoX
her lap and stroking her soft hair,
^l..-,,.i„g i^uj ,u u,.- su.i,
pm p3)snBipc9 n maiflif jnoX asneoag
"Her rroiher had rome beads, bliek:
one and white ones; and taking a prrt- —-------------- ----------- -------------- -- •
«anuT)oo3 t]8no3 8onpvq
whenever she ^heard the'
nanghty words com* from ihal li'tle
tongue she put a blaek lu-ad in the
box, but when ber dffghter remem-'
bered and did not say toe had words I
they came m her mind, she pul
white one. Then at nlcht she^
Have your
• grease
theWaiM ap
Cut Stone Work
Mica Ade Grease
Cleorocre. Mich
June 21. 1907.
Dear TTesldeot: —
wriuco to the SonWlillame.
shine Oul), 1 will now write and i
■ eeend VIei Fre^nl—Mra. I
Pemorey EhlrldA
If 1 cannot Join Uie Bunsbtoe Club,
Orsanlxd Decembor & IME
live OB a farm near Glen Lake: t like
go boat riding. Hy usrie has
j-acbL I hnve loU of rides on that
do nni go ti> srtniol now. Our srt»o»l
Hy Uachnr'a neme U Ulss Ida
Qeed Night ond Oeed Morning.
Keaaen. i like her very mueb. Please
A t*lr lltUe cm wi ooder * l«e«
sfmd mo a card and buUoD? 1
Seorlsc as Iodr as hi^ eye* rouia w
Ttoa owiydlwd ber work aod folded It done for tbla Ume.
Prom lour Snnablncr.
'Helen Doiwey.
ABl Mid. **Oear work, good-olibt. Age 8.
indeed yon rosy jmb our aub. and
hope you will write agato
R. F. D.-No. 2.
Back a aWBber o( took* eaua erwr I
idne 22. IMT.
, bead.
Dear Preetdenl:—
Crytox. -Caw. raw!- os tliHr way
My sister antUbrolhor have Joined
Sbe mM. as she watehod their eorlous Uie Suosbloe Oub. They got ^
card aad button, ao I thought I
*lit«lo blBOk'uilogs. cood-alsht. geod- Uk'e to bare one loo. Will j-ou please
send me a card aodbullooT I also bare
have B little tuwUier who would like to
Join the Cradiu Hull. HU name UJul
Tte bmde* ncdgbod sad Uio
tua Jbbnsoo. He is five years old.
lot go lu school. 1 p> to school
' n* AeopN -Bleat! bleatr cane
Tra\wr»o''city. MW-h.. R. F. D.
day. when wc bare scfaonl, but
the rood:
July ». 'W7.
AD aoMBlnc to say. with a qolct de- nur Bcbnol was out on the 7Ui of Jime. Dear President: —
and I pissed fmen the first grade Into
have been reeding the Sunshine
the second grade, it Is thundering leliers for a loug whllb. My papa
and raining now. We have bad ni Ukes the Herald and
long time. I have a pet <»t
idw-ay* read the letters. I enjoy
Is blackJe. I named her a< them very n»ch. I belong to the SunSbe did not say to the swL -CloedbeeauM- she is all black- I watch the Ebirro Clnb but hove lost my card and
•Iglit!•very mortang from 7:00
• TbeBsh sbe saw him there like a t
Ftor pea I Mve
11:00 o'clock. TVwtnLToday m-kol
when I wav Dewey aad a Uulo pony named Prince.
of iisbt;
watching the eows. t found some ripe Plcflv Md me a card and buUua.
fto- she know ho had God's tiiae
they tasted very good,
Your Sunshiner.
m yetterday. but it was Age 8.
Xellle Smedlry.
w.ilk. 1 live on s farm
glad that you enjoy the Sunr.1 nlln from
rm?n >
t mile
about Ihn
shine letters so much. Your new
must close.
The toll p(ak tosgtoye bowed hU
card and buuoa have bees scat yo-J.
1 good-by.
nfo Lake. Nicb.
FTwn your Sunbeam.
• July M, 1907.
Age 8.
Oscar Johnson
IX-ar Prcwldomi—
day write and tell us w
A>d load mue Utoy tied wp her balr.
I received .vour nice letter too
AM saM, «a her knees ber tanxlle klBda of Wads you see when watchiag tlmo ago. Celia was glad to get her
the cows. Your Irttcr wna very
card and button, i take music lesdons
. P«JW.
now. 1 bare four little kttiens.
Davison. Mleh, B. F.'D. No. 4. like to watch Ihotn play. tVtl ;
I And. wbUe on ber idttow ebe sotUy
June 34. 19C7.
please send klyrtle and Emma Smith
8ba knew aothiac more UIl afahi U Dear PteeJdwit;—
a card and button In my aarot
was day;
1 rccrired my card and luntoii on glad
owes are' In bloom,
the farm In summer time.
AM au thUiM aald to the boaoUful Friday tost I was very glad to get
both and I will try very much to be
"Oood-mendnx. eoedtoomtng! our
every day. ! am to
of help to mamma. I bare three dolls,
Nvllle Slrabsn.
kitten tor pets. 1 used
I like to see the rose*, too. Isn't
up north once, and my papa says
Th* flwiBg.
nice when siimmer Is here!
win go hack north this fall,
*'Bow do you like to go up to a swing.
it tor becier north than I do here, t
Up to the air so UaoT
eve^ morning. And'oaeh day lliey]
s lUOc tJr) of nine sammetw. I
Oh. I do tktok It the pleassBUBtUlng
tried to put more w—e beods ■'
my deer grandpape and grandBrer a ehUd can do.
box than they h.ud ir day hefore.!
resmo-w tbla siulag. I will close, bopUp In the^ bM over the wMI.
guppo-slng that you and I try it. dear.'
It It dowbllrss as true as It » curious,
:g to be a true Sonstalner.
TUI I MB eee so wUe.
Pauline gave a little sish. ".tonn'l
though, as It now stands. It Is very red the white ones." si
nwm your Sunhlne girl.
Blvers and trees sad Mttle aad aU
I5>v1>-0 N. Palmer.
Over the eoaBtryMde;
"I .hall h.uve only blaek one. n..put;
pigeon making bre.id;
I am sure jou are a greet deal of
TDI ! look down on the garden green.
I the box."
1 raw a girl composed of ibresd;
help to your mamma, and Uial you are
Down' oe the roof ao brown;
W.vmira pare her a loving kis.'. Ihcn
1 swm > towel one mile sntuirc:
tree Sunbeam.
Up to the nlr'l «e fljlag again.
pm her dean Bnd weal about her
I saw a raesdow in the air;
Honor. Mich.. R. F. D. No, L
Up la tbp air gad flowa.work.
I saw a {urkei wtdk h inil-:
June 25. 1907.
It wa.s not long before something
i saw a pony m.ike a file.
Dear President: —
again happeued to dlspUI saw a blacksmith tn a Imx:
1 will wrile a few words li> you <■>The hot tears .tilled her e>cs
1 saw an oranp' km nn ov;
ay. 1 received Hie card and button,
n nauehly-words were alrei.dy
I saw a Isncher mad<- of steel:
am Ihirtrtsi j-eara old and I am In
HMssi Oortoy, OtoBtoere. MIHi.
'at the lip of her wilfni iong»ie. when—
I saw a penknife dance a red:
Oacar JMMoe. SaUons Bay. Midi.. the thth grade. 1 like pdng to school
-No." cried she. wiih a tiiiirk. de
I saw a tailor twelve feet high:
In tbe summer. This is a pleasant
B. P. O. Ko. 2.
lied shake of her eurly heiid: ' No.
I raw n ladder in a pie: .
aistbeth Janet Templeton. Oilragn. day. Our school is out now. We have
I saw an apple fly awny;
tiwnlbs vacaucw. 1 have a
shn ran to mamma with her fac*I raw a sparrcni making bay;
Cora Kelly. Honor. Mleh., R. F. I’ frirtid. rvira Kelly who would like li*
1 saw a farmer like a dog:
alt smile*.
the Sanahiar dob very much.
No. 1. NaA BHit by Mary Hannees.
I >a» a puppy tnlvicg gtoe;
-I Aid d-i i:!" - lie • v< l.i:Ti!e.t. JerieiMyrtle aad Emma Bmlth. Fife Lake. Her address is the s.-ime 3.< mine. You
--Givc me a white Ipivid. mamma
aend her the eanl aad button. 'I raw *iirce men who saw these, too.
MMl Name* sent by Nrttle SUwbnii.
And' will confirm what I tell y<
Ptoyd, Betaard aad John O'Leary. We live onA torm in the country #nd
’ —Exchange.
How plea'ed and h.irnv pnnma
,kr piMsnre In'tbc fields In hay
Honor. Hleh. NaBM aent by Fern
and how pure rnd wh'<e ti e I;*
Dorcas's CroaaAdy-Heart.
It Is pleasant I think. I muat close
••Tlicy won't siav on when you hitch tie. shiny tend looked to Pa-iMne
•'IT never,-nevrr oerer have any
H. Y. P. •uneblM Ctab CrMIs Roll. for this lime,
them orer!” cried Dorcas from the
f-rom you loving friend.
Julius JMam. age nve yeaiw. Sut
vindew-sral. where she bsd retired htoek one. to put In there with that
Mary Hannena.
beautiful, s hite head'" sbe cried. • I
ton* My. lliA.. R. F. D. No. 1. Name
But thought she tried very brnve!>
This U a Kn ely Ume of year and
BMt by Oeear Johnaaa.
Indeed, the <ld haVlt eo-jld not he
do not wonder you'enjoy bclag out au Mlggled up. grandm:
Mere Is Mch a pretty lltUe etorr of doors.
Omodma laughed, 'aad patiently cooqcerei! at Ooee ar.dI P3::!i^;i;
IbLk *n-.s put in
ttot year president saw In owe of tbe
"Dssal^led" tbe queerly taesbed
But she was ni
July 2. i*e:.
city p^Mrs A short Ume ago. Sbe
thinks yoo will all enjoy reading nboH ■ Deer PreNdeot:—
•■I s'pjse," said Dorcas with a sigh. and toe white oa« ai
• teore than the black, and she
tbe mother robin and b*by birds:
i am going to writ
I’ lt't eooier oa the doo.--«cp. I'l! knit
doesn't empty the ho* bat once a
~On the It-mlle branch of * certair 11 tisrc three WretbeTW
'■’■‘Itm: there."
week instead of every day. beca-:.se
nllread renalng < ,t of New Haven. I to Join ih* Bimshine Clnb. Their I Ar.a naberty came np tbe road.
d.->»sft -feel naughty so ofien as
mch >e
is kept In
aad Jtfita
— i name*
nmuirv are .Floyd. --------- —
j -| ia golB* 10 Smith's for a puppy,
She used to: and sbe hopes that be-.|
when the traffic ' o'Leaty. Floyd I* nine y.-or* old.
four peppies
a peat while her pretty b
to henry. It stands In the yard at the ; n*td to aeveo and John la five, potirth i give as-ay loday._ Come ns. asd be'U
. Out school , give voii one. too." She hung Icslntatbe opened to reeelvc»toe black J
1.- and ---------------to aoraetllBea nut iof —.
July wlH be here
-----l>ead« any nvo
naed ter a period of wrenl week*.! ««* ont tbe 2l*t of June Onr teachIt haiRgnmil. «oe day reesnUy. that or * name was LuHi, Oely and she j
emging ail sumroer
U WM nsMed. after a rest of more uved at Empire t goera thto-te a!l lijop , puppy. "But 1 rant." she said
-My Stitehr* are Biggei-n Yagra."
than a month, and the coodiietor had} ran • rite for this time, so 1 will cto*e. •
It was In toe lUva wh<m th* daily
it Bttaehed tu liU traia to-make the I\.| your Snnsbloer.
fcwlnr!--- ..a was i-ar: o: m. re s:-,"luilenm. During the dme IMt It-had j
Pere OY-varv
Ij,,^^ tratolng. that two UtUe duunin*
i>.> -
lahi Idle, a tebia bad boilt ber
OB the rods onder the car. and had
there batched ber Uttle onm. nnien
the ear Mt the yards, the robin Al
lowed. flying the 18 miles, and reaehod
the station one lalnale betalod the
train. Sbe sinRird ont the mr wh!!e
It lay to the jmrd there, and witched
and fed ter UlUe brood,
startad back, she flew after It as be
fore. arrlvlas at about the time 11
did. In bis way the btUe Idrd family
made the trip four time* that day.
distance of 78 mllfo. When the
<«ach was ooee more aldetracked
the yard at the outer terminal, the
mother took ber place on the
and comfort her naked Uttle
Tbit to'eldent was wtumased by
tit the employes, and is true I
every partieular.-
nd ftm have * good tlase on the
Foonh «< jBlyT What did you do?
Qnplre. Ulcb.
July :. 1»7.
Dear Presldmit:—
I will now write a few Itnca to yon.
1 thank you vrey mutb lor my card
and butum. They are very oke. I
bad a Jolly Umo the Fourth and
sorry when it was. over. Hy pmm
gave mo fifty cent* to spend,
eebool Is out now. so I bare to help
about the farm. Hoptog this reaches
you. I will close with Uet wIsImb.
One of your SanshUuTw.
Rud Boyntoo.
Tou most Imve liren able to get
lot of thing* for the Fourib of J.ily
with fifty e«U*.
Empire. Mich.
July 7. l»7.
Dear Pretodrat:—
I thought I would write Ui you and
tdl you that t got my card and
ton. They were very nice. Neva
thought hers was very nlre too. and so
EMoa's. My cousin Is out here
from Seottvllle. and all the fun t
Vould not toll you obouL I bare one
doH about a foul high. Her name U
BesMe. Wdl. as niy letter la gelltog
long. I wiU dose.
ge li>.
Martha noytiion.
i sbcild Ilk.- to HOC your dell I
you like to make droam for her?
Acme. Mich.
July 8. 1907.
Dear Prrslil.nt —
thought I would write you a fe
Unre and Kk you kmow how I a
spending irty vacaUon. Grandma and
>ut to U-iand to see
and brottwrs. tt'hlle 1 was
there my hivlhcr
almost off la the mill. They had two
doctors to dress the arm. Tbe doctor
Ihinks he ran save the arm Brother
Is now g<lUng along Just finely, but
torribU- when it was done.
My pa pave mo a little jmppy: liU
ime Is Don. As niy Mier is getUng
gotto long, I guess 1 will close.
»om your Sunshiner,
gc n.
Gladys tiro.
1 am so sorry that jour brwher had
such * aad Ume. and hope he I* bel-
will he paid tf> any pen
find one atom of opium,
have no; l.e^n tampcrol
Dr. M.’rs- rcjn.dirs cure !y
Ihcir Mrcnt::!irtitr" and du-.i;:oratin- clTect tip.m the fv r.-o">
syrteir. and not by weakci'iuK
tiic nerves.
work done
Pay later.
/You will be surprised how easy it 'wHI
be for you to KCt a new home or have
the old one repaired or painted if you
lebiis do the work. We make the cost
moderate and the payments to suit you.
Monday, Wednesdaya»a Saturday
Miles Medical Co.. ElkharL lod
Are three goo:! days on which to
Business University
Th<: oth< r days to buy it are Tuesday, Thursday and
l-r:day. Uu: no matter what day you buy it, you
tan a]tv.-iy» feel sure that when you use it you
arc '.joicn to have sufKirior results.
tM.I*. he reli f.lji-p^eul- ’’•ir-1
Hannah & Lay Co.
pretoOily tben to o
young earn In their buaka. The appetlslog odor of the sweet. Juicy beniels
preparos cee for that oDn toothdMi that has stood the teot of Ume. to
ifideal u> corer-before punioa lo the ■tavly of preparaUm. to rae of the
eat deUcacies of the Maara.
mm. Wbm doee, maore the hooka,
(ore Ming. .The syrap should be
are vnricius. IndigesUbto food la and raoled before preparing
stemarii is oav caara. Going to mehia. To this syrup add two cups
la a drprrased stale of nfnd of melon palp, two iraapooos of
tastes quite aa good as when ra i ewrara tbr eonieis of tbe mooth to be Jnlee. and a speck If red coira
pkmie trip- If >'ou want drewn down ud gives a sad expres to rive n t delkate pink color. FVeeie
aoch ■ dbimr as ouly puttlieiu Hlehl- sion in going to sleep think of piess- like other ki*. and
wboi neariy
eui give, try the following the
frotcu stir In the other white of one
gorvlnrra of (he great Spirit, of'tcc. braten Miff with a level tableUme yon upend
fishing grouads. The
Jo>» at life, the Uesslngs of home.j »poou of p.iwdercd sugar. Thke out
Thera to aerar a Ume wtra dlnaei
idredae llghtlr wtth aalt. butter aad a yet to wlthla the reach of all. Qtpeo- addlUra to the ratal ccid dslaUra are friends, parents ra Chlldrea. I'nder no the lestrv after Inrnlug raou^ to
duM o( pe|>p»r and eend lo the table. Islly doea It appeal lo youthful appeUpotatoes, trash green com
mix the egg and kc stand to flntob
WbCB aerved in thla
anaaer. the tea. and In after life, srhat delicate aod tho ftsb vrfaleb it U takes fra
thought. If }-<*■ have enemies, rorgive
cODooetlra of the rame lo the most granted repiae In your basket
ptopo- war to eet the com U to
Prune lee Cream.—Oneholf rap of
them—even hive them
Love to the Hunr*. pitira and run through the
ernr row of gralaa with a Aarp kalfe elabocais B«eu can compare with the
tad with the UMh
The fim requlstie In eoetolag this great IwantUl.-r «.f the lacw of women fo.»d eh<.pp«T, st.-wod laiUl sivfi
ishlooad rooiilng car. cither as
dinner to to mshe n big fire, using Rtid hate nn.I evil tlwsighis set ron- water le eon-r, and snimr to.sweet,
“WHI. Harr.** uM he eoto hit tmd crater of the gralo, leaTiag the hull, roasted la the busks, browned Ir
whicb U said to be the oolr ladlgeeU- oven, or toasted before a bed of glow.; targe stumps of wood, nnUI a ffood hot li-artwlse.—Journal « Hj-gicne.
one rap
ereatn. unehalf cwp
td of ccals
ble part, on the cb,
■mbers and iKTliaiw dueled
sugar, and .me eu)> of milk heated
n kaov net whatever welt do:
The poratrs see washed clean, and
<n».'Jgh to dlMiDlve tbe siiimr: be.
planted end aowcd. but (hinst will
la the tollowlac redpea ii one tor clean wood ashes?
pricked to proreot brawtiog. Rake
caaslog com that. If amomtelr fol
pUoe at one side ef the fire oad
lowed. will prare excellrat: bat the
Useful Uvhdry Hints.
hoBOetaepor of llailted tine, ead maar
It mauetw no( how aeccmplitli
denaada on that tine. wUI And the
oosekeeper may be. it Is always
Urn a wnJIe aa ahe taiBod ^Toa proeoio of drying the com aa passible tor her to learn aonel
(roai her work.
about Isabdrrlng Tbe subject Is.
eoea. aa that of caanlag tt. It to -bet as IneshaosUble as the mooted i
She too, had her triala and wo
oom. bat Uo Id Hamlet's madness. In tbe first
'■Dnt be ao aad. Joha. the lane majr ter to eat" than the
the ashes to cool a trifle. Plat*
tho potatoes on the rooted ashes;
sprinkle wlih hi
lop heap a few cooled Mbra. then top nnlnkie with mj
with hot cials. pariclbg ihecn down elnsel}- eov.-r.-d It
well, aad leave for aa hour. Take off
WI-'mi the tamer ea^ la to fala dto- will
to be used In restoring brown llora; aad
better to nae about a doeen large
botOe of Javelle water.
HIB taoa waa ao boaoT. aad bright: eara at a time. When ent. apread a
To remove tea aud coffee stains,
"Oh. Mhrr. ear wheat baa tamed nit paper In the bottom of a bread paa.
spread tbr stalmd portion ove
pul the corn on thla and piece In a bowl ^ pour iKiitliig wwl<>r nv>
Aad the coca U a baaatltal atfiL'
- hot oren. taking I
from such a bright as to give It lorro.
gins to lUiffen stir In half a pint of
chopped Maraschtiin rh.-rriei.. together
with four tablespoons of tiH- rordlal;
continue frooxlng until very
then pack In Indlrhliul
the eoTb's natural awodasto toother
Hiniw la a kaadfal of aalt
and bare p*enty of bolUng water-
fee cuiM os -ou dcMre imffs and All
half full. Place In a' sti
boiling water.
S.-rvi- with sweet
oned erranL
(JhocolBte PudOmg.—lius
■ JTBfl. ORRTBrp* McKIEkSaV.
IVisid Keosbe slnov Emporia, Eas.,
-I saffsred very tnneh with a severe
eold In the head aad was always »>■clsialng of feellnc tfroff sad dnreiy.
When mj mother soggreud and lostoted on my taking a Anr flenles of
■oo. I did so, and la a shori tims |
Ilk# a new psiaon. Hy muttvar
praJwt M veirM(*(r aadsodol.*'
CatrtHtaeg M Fc-ra«a.
Mr*. M. V. Joooa, Bonkng ^risici.
-Webavs bren oring Pwmafor soosa
lime and have no hosluncy in nMom>
mending It for tbs Ihonaand OBd one
altmsDtsul hnmanlly.
-Fromaperwaa/rdafl shall oot hew.
Hale to.tec»mm«nd It. aspwclally to all
suffering women.
•'Ptnutt Ass gafiMd fhff raoMsM
and s pttnianrDi suy la uur bosss."
A orcot TaMe.
Mr*. Anna I.mdsr.sR. B. &, n*s*elL
Hinn.,vrrltes: *-i png Penina anal am
well. I wiHil-lr-.l '■« wKliout that gTv-s>
tonic fur Ira Urn..* its cvai.’*
linen*, mb ..n salt as M*ni sa pnsslbte,
and wash In ih.- uounl way. !( not
enllrt-ly rt-mov.-d. ap|.ly lemon Juke
made in the morning ra the day be
fore. Place on tbe stove a |dnt of UicD a niefy flat-iron? Rub then with
milk, wlten it tirils add Half a capful flnr emerj- dust and ssrcM o(l. If you
nf nugaf. two laUesponfifuls of (nrn- cannot make them aninotb. send (hebi
Ktarrh. rae tablespoonful of grated
factory and have them ground..
I'ln.-ain.le aod RasplK-rry l^isCrpam.
—Cut off the loji <rf a large pineapple,
alas come out resdily.
eboeolaie and a little vaullla. \M II
OKik imlll very thick and smooth, then
tiK- Move to cracked, a pood eemcnl to m;id(- for It aa-Xidtuw*: Wood
taken In cbooeing com that to "last
pour Into mmd.i* until Arm.
righL' The grains should be well
ilUcd out. yet eollrely soft and Juicy;
with whipped cireim.
Fig Pudding.—Beat two eggs irlUi
filled In the -cracks whet) the Stove to
egs-to-sK'r vmUI Ugbt. then add ooe
cup of milk and two raps of slfud
flour sOr In slowly and beat WiUI
cool. It will eora harden.
The best way of Iresling n Move
that has not been blacked for aoote
who desires to have toe- heod avll set
com CroqueUcs.-Take one plot of te dry.
The to-d clothing
Paint may he leiuovcd from the on her ihmildei*
grated corn and a plot of sulc bread
wHrm. and
on.j all'.w
crumbs, mix together aad ea^n with laost deUrate fabric* by patiently rub *h("ild to- light but wurm.
ouch It frori*
(he ulr to |Nii* through
and pepper; add a beaten egg bing the epot with chlonift
own lloee may be kept looUng the air Inf’s lr-d. a-hich so^^KX*.tn.-*
two Ubleaporafnls tf flour,
pireiytation (r.«o
all together aad make out Into small new naUI worn out if It to waAed lo sniuruUvi
rioqucitr*. Boll three In gnitrrbtwad ■lareb water and liay tea. kinke flour OUT iKHIes. dore not ps-** off.
cdomUa and fry In boUlng fat. This starch In the ordinary way. Fo
, makes a alee entree where meats and drras put on the strae a cominoD
pen full of timothy bay, i>our on
lor arala. Tbcre are doaaaa of ways heavy dtobea are served at a dinner.
Cora (Juslard Cakes.—Grate tt
and boU unUl tbe water to a dark
of aamag this detteious wegetaWe.
greeo color. Turn the bay lea Into the
few of wWch Hoae Cbaer has adwt- can of com. add balf-plnt of milk,
with amS of ta loleaa. Sooathiiic
of the aaae eSact to obtalaod by loar.
—Hg the iaaer brake on whoa the oora
angel cake Itghllj- s|wead with tinted
• , VT turn,
• TO tfy to keep the odte aad oda •
«d for tho brasdt of Its fwadem
RaaatlBg to ths btaka iwtalas sU of
e«l-l oaliiu-al
• TO Bake the thmlly laoBaa ranch :
• , olway.
• With aoaM lifl orar (or a ralay '
• Thla to ihsoolyaytophooywhlBI
hreakfasi. To ..n.- pim ci.ld .niimeal
grciind elnnanKm and a cupful of hot add on.--halr cup sugar, v,.ii.» three
milk; stir until .smooth and add with eggs, one ieasi>K<n'butler. iiDi-half
then with a strong a|iuoo i
:-nd 1.0(1 rplt «I1 tbe pokun. si.v*
To cleanse
(be pulp. Myaratinc it from
1 article soiled with moat Juice, wash Medical Talk. Carefully rins.-out ih.core, which should 1»- rejeeied. Sugar
m.mlh after .-aeh exivcrtoniilvii. Afi'-i
rat la cold water, then wlpi wn
(h.- froli. l.-i li sUin.l Hanie tlni.-, then
ih.ater aad srap.
inur off rae cupful of JukiTrim
If they eaaaoi be readily Indented
KueHoo applied to It. then a ptWlllee
OsBile arid should be employed
tbe plneapiile-shetl at the Isnugn,
with the thumb nail aad are
very good treatment for the
remove Iron met. Wet the stained
it will stand firm ana ebil Iq the re
. catohr, ckpety bUa of gbyloaophy. al- mUky throughout, the com to
(inditry Inflammation. Even if t
■pot wKh cold water;
Hakli wx-ll one |.lnt of red
nadr traaiad and ready to bo plaeod hard. Nothing sattofaebMy cu
■troug solution of the arid; let stand
ra.-pberrl.-s, a.Id ooe fo-urlh of
on Bo wMl, Ibera to werra ga a te- made of It. Com diould be oooked as
few mlmites and rtnae. nTicn the
nf^sugar. and the pliM-appIv-Jirlce.
worried ■ora as possible after being githmd.
. Biodod in busy. taoi;ried
makfflal. The old-fasbira.vl tUxsevdl''’'
stain baa dlseppoared wash In
BOBwuta But It ramalna tor a writer' Otoe mcch of lu sweetneas will be
moota water. ' For a stain cause
Take from the a
add tbe Julcc
In Ooud Eooaafceaplag to «
loal. It oblldcd-lo bo kept over night
stove poltob wash wblle the black Is wounds are getieiwlly of a very alight
Jemon. more . UU- If neeflod. and
the haaks ahrald be Idt on aad (he
freeb In cold water with naptha enap. ebaraeter. and the tronblo Is that no
igMCad out alngly oo a odd cellar
can say that they will iirodiice any
There aro three reagrato for ink
one oupful nf
know, tor It goaa to the Borli wtth a floe.-.
I'Pvulls. But If they are treated
Blalaa. A fresh blot may Id removed
sugar until light and frothy, flavor
auraatB. U arary vooiaB who c
his way in the Hart it to a very,
A delldoua soup to made In
by milk. If the Ink bna
:ih v-unllla, and fnv-xr as lec-errem:
H attmna to al teaat a part of what wise; Take throe large cam. Orala
good prereuthm.
oxalic add or Javelle
hen half fron-n add the frull-Julce.
It teaehae. aba wOl ha»« taken maty
Atiolher slmide and offenlve
on from them and put the cobs
effective. The add Is mil alwnyv
and finish freering. FilMnto the plne-footalapa on th^ path ot poaoa.enl to me smoke of liuniing w
■rap kettle: cover them with suoccsrful, os much depend* upon
apph-shrll. H t It in a drr-p mold or
Bcre to *Tbe Boraakaaper'a Symph three qoarts cf boiling water and boil
should Ue the raw .wool Just fn«n the
quality of the Ink. The Javelle wi
fr.v-r.-r-Tiin. and
let It stand
Where the raw word cannot
riowly for belt an hour. Thra take out
bran found salisfactory in every sheep
l-sekid lu KW- and salt (or an hour or
obtained, flannel
woolen elolbs
the cobs, put In the oom. boll
loiicer. S.rve on a plate covered with
.• TO do the beat I can from mon
may Ik- used, hut in ray oplnltm •'«'
MUdew. of all sulUB. to the most
tU alMiL
|iricr»s (d maiiufaemn- would partly
through a wire sieve and put back
Ginger Sherliei,—-Make a l.-nmn
• Aod pray for added oMagth wtth* l»e keige. Bub together three table- difficult to ren»ve. Apf
dretrny the efficacy of Ihe remedy
buttermilk and sunshine
ater lee and freere: rut freir oiinre*
1- reason for this to. the raw wool
spDoufuto of butter sad ooe of flour;
slight-dlscrioratioo. but a stubof piwerved glngv-r llilo very small
stir this Inlo the soup. Tben add one
iwrn stntn lamally tost as lc*g
anations ot Ihe sheep. The wool plWTv., adding to It 1*0 tablespoonfuls
plat of hot cream aad the beaten yella
fabric. The nae of ammonia is the
Ih.- gliig»-r synip: stir lino the
should be placed In the IwUran of a
of tvro eggs. Cook for a mlnole longer
If (he staina
large kettle or anj: suluvb'e vessel, in froren Ice and ivaek.
and aeosoo with aalt and peppi
very bad bang for
flanana Fluff —Slice six large l«naIhe bnitom uf wnlDi are live coals
tumee of ammonia, then w-a
1*. Siinnkle wlili lemon Juice and
Tlicn the foot or injiirv>d limb shoiilrt
Com aad Tomato Crataid.—To oao
Repeat the iwocesa or Icngt
to- plac-d In the ketth- and tborougtily CTMl.-d eowan.it aad place directly .m
cupful of com OIL from the <*>».,
Ume .If necessary. FW thla
the ire- 1,1 chill and ri|»-n .for at least
eovered. so that tin- an»>ke nuiu.u .-sfata- egge sHghtly beaten, a little salt,
pnt.B little ammonia In a Mason jar
an limin, Mash them sto<..ihly with
• To aalta. tatoad id frown at Pate.'
paprika and ralra Juice, ud a cupful
aad allow Uic stained port
a wrs»l.-n sporsi. adding a scant riip
• Vhtdi ptaeed me in a Many al- '
wards Ik- applied lo.the wuutid.
aad a quarter of milk. Hto sad beke
fabric to bang Into Uie Jsr ao that tt
of powd.-red suiair and the stiffly
waya lata
la butteied moulds set lo a pa
wiU not touch the liquid. Cover, aud
• To Beals; to do the aewtng. mead- '
tovatep Whil.s -f iw» eggs, which
Hjgicne of tbe Bed.
. When Him tom oot oo a
let stand aa long as
should to- lightly fol.ted ID. now [.eir
lag. aad
The tovt to the plaee wh-rc
platter with brotlod tomatoes an
• The tteBHtd ooiaU thtags alwaya ’ aad over all a cream oauce made with aton-e iroMinenl has lu-eo found to m- SJKUI.I alKiiil one-lhird of our lives
A into the fo-en r. tiindng Ihe crank for
Urriy efface tbe moet bO|>riOBS Of mil woman who has tv«rh-d sixty Im- fo.ir mmiiies. 'IT until there to a slight
xoful eweh of boUef ood
dew stains.
• Aad do (bam alwaya wlih a chaon. ' flour and one cupful of milk.
siK-nl twenty yean. In In-d
Many l«d r.-ttolanre. »ii-n half a Idni .'f whlpTo remove grass stain*,
,y JK- .Id'
tel heart.
habits and Itid p.>»igon» aiv foniied p.-d cream msyjKChicken and Corn.—Joint aod etew
fabric: rub In snene soft soap and as during Shv-p Some girls asMime an at
y of mil*
• BoeasBO la Ufa they oasa to be
spring dilcken. W'ben tender,
. IlQ.-d
ay pan:
titude which en.mps the chest so that clivM.uiI crimp(d paiavf
move from the Are. cut from the brace
• To know the ptam tor oracythlag '
resi.lnitlori to not full and complete
Put a layer of the meal
Rsal manner, and tbe stain will
Ci.n(.in Vul
This d.K-* their health reurh harm.
le a baking dleh. then a layer of green
erally disappear.
(-ich. -nKKrth riu-turd from a *cant |i
TV shiKilder< sh-.iild
finely cut from the oob. Sprinkle
to Bwaop.
To wash delicate ginghams without fo.-s.-11-d then, nor the
fold.-d of ntlk. (w-n eggs and a heaping (ahlethis with asll. pepper aad btu of butWh.-n cold, add a
lading, add u tsMcsiuonfuI uf liirpen- lightly oviT the cb.-si
• To brew, to bake, to answer qoaeA najro.w tod *porvn of sugar
yn-cr with another layer
I.int of w-hlpi«d erfwm and a scant
tine to a ^tou ot lukewsun
the dilckra. craUnulng thla luSI the
• To be the aalaaprlag td iba tsa- *
and soak the gannent la this soluUoa not have room to s[rruwl ov.-r a larg.- cup of prvwerved ginger *v-nip; now
dtob to filled. Have the wjt layer of
Oy dook.
com. aod rover with bica of bofter
• (Or that effect) and see that np
warn suds. Oo not let tbe garmont gnuesqu,- fhap.-*. The pUiow should frown ">ur in thr.*Ue. bnt rinse It quickly through sev- 1.- smiill an.l hard. A soft pilb'w cbolvi-ed walnut-' uiid i
waxen and bang It in the shade should nut to- irieuled t>> any girl silred Canlrai ginger
• la oot of tiaa. or ttae. or aooa. or
3hnn4 m emfft UhU
«emt Csed PuOdingf
Tbe f.>lh>wing dainty
three eupiols
nts or ralaln*. one teaspoon
of thin cream heated to the sralding
lemon .-Xtrart. and stir
point in H double botirr: Oral
gelber Iborouidily. Then ts-ai
yolks of four eggs tinUl thick,
add Just be
slowly pour the hoi cbueolair mlxtnre
fore sedtlog In the oven
Hake for
them. Iwsiting alt the while
twenty minutes and sene hot to the double boiler and coot
whipped cream, or a saure If
til sllebllv thickened. Pour Int
vessel surrounded with crushed lee.
Qu.K-n Pudding.—Botl tog.-th.-t
and whvn rnid add one pint »f doable
nr oilnnie one quart of milk,
email fish lo poelUon. Prop the board eream whipped to a stiff froth. Turn
pint of bread crumlw and one
before a b« bed of eoala. w-*tch
iRt.i ihe fre<-ier can and freere
slKionful of butieir.- Put Into a
carefully and turn frequooUy. •When sod mush; add the «likes of (.iut
ben nsd add the yolks
.-ggs hesteo with thn-e tablrapramfuls
beaten Ilglit; add
Ilf puwdided sugar and continue freei- ped niiilns. one-half enp of aitgai
Ing until quite
Utile nutmeg. Bake till brown Beat
Mint Jelly.
liealer. stir down with a spoon, adding
the whilea of three <iare li> a stif
new form of mint as an sc
the melon dl«-; cover cl.wely; pack
fioth with tfarratrespumifuUtff sitgitr
pnnlmriu to 'smb la mint Jolly,
afrr-h In Ice aod salt, and let suiid spread this over the lop aud t-towi
make It. strip saffleient Iraves from nu h(mr to ripen.
quickly In a hot oven.
theh- Blslks t® make a c-apful. packed
Blsreilt (?miai.—Rub tbe yellow rind
Ratoln Pulto—Take a cup
huasure. Poor over them a pint of of two lemons on lumfis of cut tugar.
eggs, onrxfrartfa cup butter. » s-founh
boiling waler. eovra chfsriy
then crush the sugar lo. a i>ow-der.
uf swtvri milk, i
keep w-arm over hot water for twenty addlog balf s cup ot ooafratloqer's
.pt’wder and flour to make ■ rather
minutes, then strain. Mca.-tui-e the
sugar, twelve
thick batter, a oip nlalns and flavor
fusion and add more waler to mi
a pint of stiffly whipped erram; turn
□U pint. Soak one-half of a pack- Inlo the freiier and as the cream be ing to the taste. Grease as many cof
and aUmng it Dp erary tew mlautoa. Bosax and cold w-alrr 1s the remedy
vfa« it li thoroughly bMted'
bopolsta stains. S|>rinkle
oe bar boa.
through. If cODTeulent, alternate the stained spots with boiax and aoak in
-How. Jeha. let bm aar to roc thla.
a oren with ptaclag the eora In
water, after which treat as for
n wa Wtn hot wait till the harvaat U the hot aiiosbine tor a litUo while; tint
and coffee Mains. For frolt stains,
the tiulcker It can be dried the better. uer boiling water with onotalf cop of
Via wmn * baartiebe will mUa.*
When dry enough to put away, it wlU Javelle water to two galloDs of wslrr.
be very ll^t brown In color and bard immerwr tbr stain: soak a short time,
Aad *tla met oolr thaa la the worta- oDough to rattle. A teacaptui will be and rinse In several waters. Fruit
auiriclcnt for aa ordinary-alzed family. stains may also be removed If the
Bat la Beat other tUap laar be ao. Soak it for aa boor or ao before oalng
goads le wet thfough with atoobol be
>f gi-lstlne in one-half of a cup <if
It we talf ooa w^ to oee the oat- aod'put to cook in auffleleat hot water
fore gotag to tho laundry.
cold m-BU-r; stand over hot water until
corer. adding bk«w If necewaary.,
1 f. Uttir milk or lomoo Juice aod dissnivtd. 8Ur Into the mint Intualon,
be ao aeed tbr oar w
mtea trader and the water aearlr
will frequently be sll that it will
we. lablospoimful of lemon Jnlee
cooked out of it. add a cupful of ri^
leoeaaary to use. Wlno stains
two tabU-sponfiils of imwdered
sweet milk, butler tbe also of a wal- sboidd be eorered with salt aa soon aa
sugar. Mold, preferably In, Individual
■alt and pepper lo, taite. and made, theu trended with botllag water.
• Do Uty dotjr—that le beat.—
thiekra with a apoooful of flour made
described for fruit stains.
• Aad Imvo ooto Ihr Loid the reoC
a thla paste with water before may also bo removed-by ooveving with
sUirlBg It In.
bMUng milk. If washed lo cold water
»at whether for caaning. drying, or vrhlle qiUle rrosh. milk and'
She looked at him ihH, with a aaine
t-n.-d cboeolate
of the outer busks uf the corn, turn and ru.'lc add half a lnw|>onnrul of
Iqper ones back and remove
pot ao pleaatoetotbefdf^UaaheaUna place, eren If you have stationary
And tUw all he righted, who It In the orra give* It a brownlib tuba, hare also a w-asbing mschlne If the silk. Bring the hraks ra
boe. wbemaa the canoed eora to beaa- paaslUe. have two wringer*, one for ear and give a U^t twist, then bar?
la bot ssbes as fra potatoes aad leave
llfallr white.
sheeu and spreads sod rae for th«>
n ho-jr. Fra the Ash UM- bnink
Weaka bare padhed br ud tte ha^
To dry It. apllt every row of Bmlna smaller articles. Tbls «UI be found
wblle ftoh ra sUrra of halibut
net U o'er.
aad allce them off le thla larera,
be an ecoaotny In the end. Oo the
If small DA are uacd. apllt dow-n the
Aad the bam mutag ever with aeraping the mb llghUr
elf let there be a jsr of borax; ooe
aad fsaten with new wire nails
grala: .
with the back of a knife to get oot all of eloride of lime, (or desperate stains
u oak or hldanr plank
Aad ererrthiag joeing ao heallhtaUr the remaining milk in the gralna. Tlie and for dlsfeetlbg; a Jar of rock salt,
sold lo bousebedd fun
com will prolablr be "intmhj - look to set the color In new prinu: a
this pnrpose.) Lay (hr fish skin
rot there hm boea hooBl^M rela.
the milkier It U the flnei- of wheat bran for washing delicste
Bide down.
Two nails wUl hold
cut the gmlna.
iwss, some bay. chopiied cuarsel}-, to
aooti tom.
inU set aside
>1 i.laee. Crete
and serve In sherlK-l t
over each iKirthm two tai.i.-spo(-n* 'd
lm|*>n.d gingvr ale
nd*T Ice.—Boil half a
(er of a euirful “f wat.-r
thin stream <•(; the
white of aj*«E and
irs unesi*. itnd restless sH'
s!e,.p \„ lm;«toKlbl.-. Sotn- wom-n sSJ j very fresh, *•
(hey ran sb'-p only 'm (me sld*-.
s... then there
If *ynip to nmi
H.nielhiiip psnly (r.-ere.
i-» an'l »a!( In equul |>roi>ortlooa. re
el (o a pjKtc with (-old water, and
smooth, add three tablcwmonfi
melted butter, a diM o? aalt. heaping
paper, adding jinn a HUk clroa grease
teaiTooiifwI o^ baWng powder, halfpound of choice dried Bga.'chopped
almost any kind. (I will aliin lake,*
pollah after a few UvalmeBU of uAa
flne; mix well axul liour Into i
ding dish greased with biittra: set In
a steamer over hettle of botllng water
and steam two hours; siwve with hard
sauce mmlr hy mixing smooth sugar
Itrokeii' china mar be mended by
making i(^nghl^pia».;of«a white of
an egg anil flour. elranlDc the lirokea
edgi-* from mart, aprendln* Utem with
and liiilier tugellier and gnitlng
Ihe paste and hoMing the parts IP-
meg over R.
gelto-r while wet. wiping off all that
.*«.-* («a. U nioal be held or fastened
What a Hairpin
The wife (g a KaOKis farmer g-"
In pnwlllon until dry.
«}o in iKKl al night ui aleep; and not
tired of askhig him to fix ihlngi- about
lo think over the trouble* of the day.
th-' hovisv tjist need(-(I fixing, and
day after he had coroe home I
nor (be anticipat'd triala of the mor
town, told him sliu had done the work
row. One woman said: "I pUo my
next day’s work each night afler rr-
UrlDg. '
• And you know. " wbe said,
drawers that wa» lorkod for over i
she looked It.
month and whirh you raid couldn'
be oiK-ni-'l exto-jK by a lockarolUi'
Well, irtumidianily. "1 opened ll,-W(-1I. well' How In the world db
vra do lir-
Poor uuh'. nervous , thlag.
Tc Serve el Rarilee.
long and itorrow nlUnw with Ihh*
currant-jelly and place two together.
Sardine Sandwlchre-Spirad thinly '
-With-4 hulrpla. And the ovei
(kK.r. ' -she rontlniuyi. "has been slip
(riit bread and toy a plcked-op ranUne
upon each *lk-e. sprinkle lemra-Jnlce
ping artnind on one hinge for ever w
over JVBU befoiv- aervlng.
long. Juki lieewuse you were too Ux;
Fririt Punch-One quart each at
canned ptnrappl*-, red rwapberry. sour
to fix It. ton Ifs all rigbl now."
-'Well. I'm glad you had It fixed."
Mad It axtsll I flxcd.lt tnye«»
It crayon
portrait of
« btvlroin. and that
mother that .--Uw
almost six solid
eherry-J'ilce. added to a alroog lelnonade; add one pint strung Mack tea
and cnialied lee; when a>.-n1o« flU •
glBsseK one-fuurtJi with the brat
brand •>( giru»-T ale
Nut Saiiflwieto-*.—Granted almond*
hook* —f got it up with a hi»»k I made
n;y*, |f—out of a halfpln.''
or whIi.iH' with olh< r not* nan tomad- M-f. deliel.sia sandwlclie.
iiev.-r would liring me
-Wc'I. well." WHS all he could
ytxu've !»«•»
eoHXlng him and bribing him (ra
a year trying to break him of I
a !ii;v pit.cli of aalt or ooi.-ry Kill, or
. HIM.- eJiopiHd pickle fra savnes,
y„r '*.*•( san'lalches It will la- ('SJltd
"With a hair pin?" he intjulred.
II,at cround'atmond* blen'P»-!t with
at,(ted choreJaie. or with anger and
.1 lliil- l.-iDon-JuireChopjevt dates
"Nol" she snapped.
re.mbine wvU with waloat* and cocoa-
hto nail;-', and I broke him la a •
cooeel With a balrbrnsh "
ptit, and ralsui* an- P"*! •*** “F
Hcipfiri HinU.
C-K-oacut MararoOOS.—Crate enough
The lorn pages M IkmIo. may l--.era«anv:t
to make two raps Olid a
TnemKwl with white iluue paper
iiair “1 pewdr.r'd sugar and eoraiAb
Splrtta of ammonia. V qRuted. n;* ;ere-.m to mnl*ien. Add Uie towien
rtiphil of
Idled wills a aivouge lo fadod or dl." ' sMv-* M iwoegga. mix well and drop
t*ieir in a colored ajsiui lo a rairec will Mteii i v the M'vmful iipoe waxed paper
"f » baking pan
suffly whim>ed lestore the color.
Finger marks may l»> removed tom, miiek.- .t. a hra. oven.
While kUII
till (*«il. l'*e
-r. ad-Jlng sugar vanihibed ftiniHure b> nibbing well .arn.. .prinkto with powdered wigar.
ot.-r If drelred; with a very llulo sweet oil «iK*n »,
Jan, Sandwlobew—Are the orarw-t
[ihir.c for afternono tra*. Inatred of
d the meringue, ooft rag.
wrong with them. One •idu to po.i>Mehm Sherto-t.—Cut
ripe eant.vatairii. l« the goods soak in H a ■*— sUy ni.-l evenly developed *Rh the
don of pepper, leaspooe of salt, n
kxipes or muskmeioos Into quarter*
other. A healthy womai
spoon of sugar, three eggs, whitsa ralantos and wwA without soap- '
aod seiape out tbe soeda. Scrap the
sleep and should steep
beatra stiff, aod ora of Hour. Bouer starch w«] clean the (abrie and
snd then on the other, even changing | pulp with a silv--( knife and peea*
rinalng will be necessary.
gem pant or custard mips. Stand
Some Ihj.exgh a wire etraJner Make a syrup
Lard wHl remove tar or wheel imcoo*riou*iy lo the night.
pen of b« water, If custard cups i
of one and oue-balf cups of sugar aod
grease. Bub the spot with laid, as If women twist nod contort their fares
used, sad bake twenty minutes.
<«ie-halt e.ip -rf to.aiiig water and cm.k
and wbra Uw eialu to well diirU.u *lee|. Into bad sIhukv* and thus
The Ladles' World gives the follow,
five minute*, or until dear; cool bwform
lag methods of using com:
To uke Main* out of Hnen, dip (be'cake
apottod pans Immedlatelj
Oit the bread In narrow flagei
ptire 1 l.-ngMui pi*cref. aad lay them log-cabiB-
melted tallow aad Oie Ink will tuiveiwlae on a pUto that to raverod with
* fancy dMly. Cut the bread very
Very often It to the abort hln'.or ihin, butter wef), then apread with
auggawUon IhM we read aomewh-,-| Jem. Raaptw-rry-. Mrawbrary. peach or
Wfaicb provew a mountain of help .-i , plum are wihtable.
These with meat
Pages tt0l4
FNa auaritir* lUcord.
0«Mt. Mleh, July lO-A
Imalnar Pera
atreet. lODia.
Bdvard Conan. tS yron, brakoman
of paaomifor train. Onmd badga.
od aa*on paaoanpar eora and hurlad
thorn railing down tha ellfT. Thay did
not toko lira aa raportod.
MMlwi tnifi
looia; borne la Bimini
Condaetor filalar aaeapad with lnjar>
M< a fratflit train taah plaoa at 1«
tea, bat Ray Jacoba, tha firaman, waa
aWaek ,ttila momlna- at
K waa lapartad that forty or
Tha fralght crow Jumpad and
Tha btoMhaanotyat boon plaoad.
PMRia havo boon MIM aiHt ao Many Tha oMuraten train
alavan ooaehaa crowded to the plat-:
Mom an« oUiar ptaaao wara calM to
oMoiid On oMarInga of tha Injorod.
Tba aaoatalaa mm wait ermaOad. JMt
how tha acoWaat
forma and tha care wara tom to apllntom and boOi onglnaa damollahad.
Tha work of roacoa bagan with tha
franay of daaporatlon.
Raltef tralna
aoon on tha oeona and blooding
Ytotlma draggad from tha dabr
Pr. WIlUam E. Kaana aaoloui
dio In tha aun. praying for holp and
Br. r. W. RabbloA tha Rora MarguatU
cMaf avrgaon. haa boon
Mymaath by tha road oHidaU on a
apaclai train ta laava Dotralt at
RaHraad efflelila daniad thorn had
boon a wraeh, bat latar admlttad that
tharo had boon a
raaorta at tha Union atatlan ara that
many orara kldad.
. Many daad bodlaa havo boon uhan
tram tha wrookad train.
A dia
tram lanU roporta that thara
batmoan «a handrad and ao«an
drod foaona on tha train with tha
wildaat anaiaty a*ar tha faU of ralatlvaa and friando pravaltlrm.
nina daad and fifty Injurad of wtrich
aoaaral will dia.
bogging for,watar.
Tha oxaaraian
Ing In tha raaeuo work and hondrada
r paopla ara now at tha aeana.
DetrclL Mleh.. Joly 22—Banner
Huntna. aged '24, of Ionia, one c(
thooe aeitoualy Injured la the SaleB
;k Satorday. died tbli morning
BL Mary-a boapiul.
Roalns w In a erUloal eoodlUob
when be ^waa brought to_Detroil
the relief train and transterred to St
Mary's boaplinl. He araa mSertng
from Inlerwa Injuries and cOBeam
of the bnin and waa uncoaetooa a
of the time op to hit death.
Mtea Otenn Rnggina. hit steter,
rtTod in Dotiolt Sondny and waa at
bar brother's bedjlda when he died.
HU -deeth brings the roll of tUnUtlei la the erraek up to tblrty-tva
The rnoet that a rdlet train waa
aent frp6 Detroit aerersl minnteo batore the ooHUIod actually bwaned
ludleatro tbM the accident waa
of aome one'i caieleasneaa
waa laadad wMh naariy ftaa handrad
Para MarRaotta omployao and
liao from tha lania ahopa.
ttmotawaot baaad fralght hoadon
looia. Mlcb., July 2t-TUrtyflea
penoos ara daad aa tbe raault of the
at Satem btnr
Tbe oomplete Itet of killed U
as follows;
Cbartea Broad. 19 years old, boiler
IO|iercent Saved
Is better than
50 per cent
Benjamin Dorllag. 41 yean, cn
ter Pera Marqaetle sbofio. 411 Bait
Lincoln aTeeue.
lire. Abraham Bddy, Sd years. Prallie Creek. loaU.
PYed ntsgerald. 20 years. Pera Margoette abopa. 301 Beat Frost street.
ked OalUgher. 1» *yeaue. Mnrrel
WlUard Stager. SO years. Pera Maraeue sbopa. Kansas Ctty. Ma
John Tofet. 16. Pera Marquette
stopa, 426 Alien street, toala.
Alban Trautweln. pen MarqoetU
sbopa. FbieM atreet. Ionia.
UaU F. Walton. 12 yesuu. studeaL
tuber engineer oe Pere Marquette,
James TUsmrd. 30 years, boilermak
er Pera Marquette shops, bat Lafay
ette etreet.
Harry WUIliaa. 17 years, sn
tuber engineer on Pere Marqaetle.
W. 3. Ooraell. U years. Pare Mae
quette abopa. 340 bat Waablngteo
atreet, Ionia.
Banner Hngglaa. aged 24. died la SL
Mary's bosplUI. DeiraiL itaU i
Pere Marquette who In any way had
anything to do with tha oparotion of
trains on that fatal day. will ba
Bau Lafayette strweL lonte.
B. J. Pteley, 37 yean, eonduetor
passenger trate.^ 366 North JeSenoo
street, lonte.
Henry a Reyaedds, 42 years. Pere
Harqoette eoglneer. 440 bat ;
tireoc lonte.
Mra. Anguet Rlebeter. No. 445 Altec
street, lonte.
DanaU Regera. 19 yean, painter
Pere Marquette ahopa. Lowrtl. BUeb.
Homer .emltb, 14 years. lonte Wag
on company. Sooth lonte itieeL
Detroit. Mleh_ July 2*—Late today
n Inquest to fis tha raspontibillty of
ta Pere Marquette wrack
Celumbit and ftan Pedre u
collision off Shcltar Cmra. Mtndoelna'
tea running of trains on the read will county at midnight
ba drawn eoL
will be held bafora Jualiec Jealin in tea town hall at Northvllla. Prea-I
ocutor Rebiaen and Coroner Parker
The coast where the aeeld
!d >a badly supplied with UgMq and
"Our bualnesa here haa increai
frequent marina tragtdiaa havt
such propertiena teat wa muM
red tears.
batter facilltiaa for handling IL and
If wa cannet get the nrcaaesfy prop
erly at a iwaaonabla figure, tha Pstos.
moved south." said Oivlalon St^rin-
The property problem came up st
ir tee plant for a new round house
had been cmnpIcUd which call for a
conerate buoys enough to save eighty of. tea
It waa at first planned
on tha alte of
get* and slaty effictra and c
which waa dattroyed by lire sarty In
the spring, but to do tela. It
The Columbia carried 16B cabin patsangart. twenly.one atoaraga pasaonColumMa’a paaoangara.
the back of three lets on Lsko avonuo
C. L. Dayton a CanUidau.
Th*> roolrart fiu ilio r S. P
The owners were approached on tea lodan iHilldInR was auanlnd (u Uithor
win by ter bulIrtiOR cmir
subject but tha officiate of tea road
could come to no termi with team.
It te alee being planned to Imprmra
Id mederniM the yards, the material
The new round house Itaalf would
: a big Improvamant te tha city at
will be modern in every particular,
freight train, will be one of tec imp
capable of earing for the largoat types
tant —**ii~iTi
ef locametivca and have an uptbdate
It la said that every official of t
large tumuble built in
Conductor Hamilton who waa ar- being on the way at prasanL
The San Padre te a tmall vtaaol and
only carried two boats
lowtrad. Th# crow of the San Podra
a managed le throw out ropoo
When asked If the 1
and their famlllaa be feraad
patehcr In Detroit would be srrened, te leave the cltyi
le Pere Marquette officials te
routed from their bertha by tea crate,
there woo scarcely a chance for thoir.
pany'a mill yards and if these cannet
Aaaittant Prosecuting Attorney Rob be obtained, tee house will be built at
reatad foilowing his autement made
of them women and ehiidreo. all were
about eighty feat In depth
ison said teat there would be some acme aeuthern point probably Thempthing doMig at tee Inquest but what aenville. the division headquart<
sensation vrill be. he n
moved there and aeeret of railroad
he had mlsToad hla order*
Tha Columbia
•a crowded with paeoongor*, many
eonereta building of etetoan'atalte and
tiena would not eonflicL
he will be arrested."
The eecnta en board tea two vaalit ware appalling.
but the Coumbia oank.ao rapidly
ba present Protscutlng Atternay Thera ar* ether locations under adSheldon of Ionia, made this arrange vioemenL one at tha aouthera and ef
ment so that tha official l^vaatiga. tha Traverse City Manufaetui
he said, "No. net now; I don't think
machine shop In connection.
Michigan’s Big Store
worked toffrther. and «
:ing eoanaluee tn beliig ahio to
■Ar such a bnUdlug. ra few aodetba can boate
freeing thedr oara
lodiP bulMItv
PMoa were atodd by Jena C PMap»rn. attbUed.
IMx were reoMred m foUowa:
Uehty and BUak.v, JH.779.
TUcauaa McAdUn. 611420.
Ladher A Irwtn. 110400.
R. J. Mercer, (boating) |U2g*.
R. J. Mercer. (planUng) ISM
Aina A CMr, (brating) fl,2n.
Ama A Oole. (phanHitgi »H6.
H. A L. Merc. Ok. (beaUng) . He
K. A L Mere. Oo, (ptunHag) UM.
Charira Prechaaka. Jr. .arho has
Iresn in tela dty a number M'yean,
baa decided to maU hM boma M
Milwaukee, where be will angage la
boalnraa. Mr. Proehaaka tntendod to
leave here the laUrr ^ cf tbe weak.
dlaeoverod that It wonld be owtsaary for him to gn teat nIgbL T»a
Elks' lodgr, of iriiicb be vaa a T«ir
iar member, had arranged a eon.
maion and tareardl raeentlan for
Ur. Prechaaka for Tbrasday eraiitog
bta hla sudden departure made «Ut plana nroresary and hr va«
given an ovation at tea d^xA vbte b*
(‘eparied ycMorday aflernoon. A rarr
handaome toatimonlal In tha sbapa
’ a gold beaded umbrella, aullabtr
•graved, was proMmlad en bebatf 9t
Ihe Elks' lodge, ter preaentallon baBag
made by J. A. Loranger.
Proehaaka was d«totr aBectofl
It erldeoee of regard of bU broiber Bika and ao statod la laapcnaa.
Mr. Preebaxka baa been a neabar Of
the lodge ever since hla raaldaMa
here, and be baa for same time oarrad
aa ireaaarer of the otvalmtlon. and
crenlmr 15th and will be bulll nt trd
|•^nw<vl brkdt and be 4S1SI. eqtilva111 Ui Ihrrv- ntortoo la brtgbL
The dlnltiR room. tmokiDje Toom,
kllrtini. rtr.. will br <b the bear
ppmiml finer. Thr lodpr room also
audllnrlura and tedire' parlnr -will br
ter anrond floor, larpr gaJlnry
lonko thr audflortan). thr hrlMit of
rellliMt In Ihr mom brln« 24 foot. The
llm floor «11l br carried on cast
colomm-. and ter erilloit. 43iSl3. of tbe
auditorium rarrinl on tnuaea.
The roundaUciu will he of
carried dnu-n (n aolld ooil. and the auperamictunr will be of trick and
auel. The building will br locnlnd
HI eonicr T>f Oak mod Freni
etrerls fadag Front Mrort.
ter with tbe ED». aa vell-«i vjth 41
Plaim have been arranged to make peopio of the dty. all of whom ragn
(be bulMIng aa oenrly fireproof aa teat he finds It neesaaary to mM
l•n.wible.Bndof Eood cunstrucUou oon-
The Hannali & Lav Mercantile Co.i
pertad 100 livaa were loat
twenty feet wide and extanding acraaa
« than ena himdrad injur
sMerlnc the ataouat of WDey lateM
The btdlAnc has been anaagod
with plenty «f eadta and everythtag
teat will make it a daalrable hrutottig
a couTCuiaue to the sticag giwu.
laembmUp of tee C 8. P. S.
The CMumbla waa sunk and It la rw
Mutt Have More Room.
FKmi gatontey'a Record.
aaaary to obtain a atrip
I which thirty-one peraena
that iome startling Infermation ai
to a Record raporter this m.
Among tbc list of daad is tha name
pf A. P. Kabart. Mr. Heben—If It bs
•aa round bouao foraman
man until about a month
when he went aeirth ta uka a place
tha Ionia machine shops. He waa one
« bast liked man at this and of
tha division.
queatMtoappear and it la axpat
tandant Enaal of the Pare Mara
Mein itreet, loela.
Cbartte Hans. &I years. Pera Mnr>
qoette Miopa. 420
street, lonte.
Herman Haas, IS yeara.
Cbartea Haas, stodeot. 420 East La
fayette BtreeL
Pan! Haaa, It years.
Cbartea Haas. Pare Mamue
420 bat Lafayeue atreet.
Allen F. Herbert, 44 years, machin
ist Pera ai]gaette sbcg>B, 316 Bsst
Main ntraeL Ionia.
WUItem Gant, 20 yeara, 176 East
Front atreeL Ionia.
WlUUm Grame. 20 year*. Perc Mar
quotte shops, 446 Jones streeL lonls.
Homer Jones. 36 yesre.
Pere Marquette. West Main street,
H. A. Knowles, 27 yesn, flremnn
If pMsanger tnJn. CotUns. Mich.
Frank Latham, IB years. Marvel
Unuteetadng ecopany. 224 East
Frant atreet. loala.
Mate street, loids.
Cbartea McCauley. 60 yeara. fm«-
Many Mad.
•an Franciaee July
just rcaehad here UM tea aiaamara,
P. and JR.
PttoDda for Posh
and Proflt
SL ata&da for Best
and Riut.
We Are Pushing
After asplendid season’s business in furniture our buyer
found that onr sales had increa^ largely over any previ
ous season, and that to meet tl^ growing trade he would
10 per cent Reduction
Ev^ piece of furniture is marked in plain Figures
tbe price it mu« sell for when we receive it. (The
house that marks goods in plain Rgures is safe, low
priced and aggressive. If goods are marked in char*
Mteri the intention is to deceive in price or quality.)
So It per ecnLdlscoiut means fUlt for ttc.
Ou^tock is always complete in Furniture for every
room in tbe house from kitchen to drawing room.
Eitohan tables tor..................
tXW ‘
UcDoogel Osbiaets Inob............ »U.7S to SVH eech
Oebinet Bsom trooi.............................UM to 7M eScb
Tbps for these Bsmm....^............................... 94JSesch
Dining Room Furniture from the ordinary kinds to
the higely polished Oak or Mission Styles.
Dining TbUee tfom........................... T. -.-t&M to UM
Side Bosrda Bufleto nod Side Teblee, ranging
Sat of 6 Dining Obsln....... .homtl.7S to
Bed Rooni Suits
:i pieces from.................................. S18.00 to UM e ttiil
(«d Droeeerafrom........................8............$«0to*8^
Commodto fioiD.......................................................... $4.00 toU.OO
Chiffoniera from.........................................................$7.M toJ7.S0
Droeeing Teblea from...........................................$10.00 lo2S.00
Iron Bede end BrsM B<-ds from..............$L00 to 55.00
Woven Wire Cota..........................................$L75 t.- 4-00
Suitgry Steel Folding Beds from.......... $5.00 to 8.50
Mantel FoUing Beds from.............
$14JK> to UM
Dretoing Cbsin, Slipper Cbaira, Bed Ritoiii Rockers. Etc
Cdetiratcd Bradbury Pianos,
The best in the world...............................$400.00'
Henoing Pianoe......................................................360.00
Fsmnd OectUian Piano.........................
Fairand Parlor Organ............................................... 66.00
Music Cabinets................................... $5.50 to 13.00
Music Beoebee with Music Cabinet I4.^to 16.00
Organ and Piano Stools,..................
i\25 to 2.60
Piano Scarfs.......................................... /l.50to6.75
Library Furniture
Library Tables from......$6.50 to $26.00
Small Stands from......... I.SOto 12.50
Couches as soft as a government
job. but not so hard to get.
Priced from.................... 7.50 to 54.00
Leather Chairs from........... 6.50 to 45.00
Gunn’s Sectional Book Cases.
Library Cwesfrom.............. 8.50 to22.50
Combination Cases......... 12.50 to 28.50
S(d8 Custklons and Bed Pillows,
ranging in price from--60cto $4 each
Down Cu^ions....................45c to $ 1.75
Silk Flosses from.................35c to 1.00
Life Geese Feathers, per pound...........85c
s Today and Ends Ang. 1$.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
6aid -Trarcrse HcnM
r M^ofUla t
boy t
e stitegers. rate 0.
at On his book.
d It U
(hoBcbt toat te bis *
bare retanted to tbeir borne astlo.
toe child bad stepped off the stringer
Tbe tebool fcooee bat receircd
ew ooai ot
red palat oo tbe o«t> and bad tellea te.
OB toe pUIng wi
Mr. Blefcard stated te a Rseoid repteM. tb«r bave twe« onder the aiu- tide aad preea taslde.
Jobe Butb baa the boat taonte at reaentetlve tola morning toat tou
ct KKCC prifmte lattlti
Oreea Uke laading aearly completed. body had probably not been te
vkM (DM about tbo cootrr to/
an boor when foand.
porpoM. Tb« Trararaa aty pUa U He It alto extendlnp the dock.
Mr. and Mri. Tlebrey have a teat He diserrdila toe sunstroke or drowslfor «a roteeame voBBtttoe to oaiptor
opoMit n«a>c«r to kxA otter U« sp BCsr Dark Lake aad are irepated
deum and w that abowa ara prc
ras theory, saying tbal tor boy
ttroag, hralihy little rbap and was
•S slwhmB. rate COSD B-a>—bHastb«v4>cw
rori^aara.i-iwrurt-ewrClw >wt4 viowsty
« Oraad TtsTw.
e 10th Day Of August
From Wedneudsy't Record.
tmdoDbiedly not affected by Ue
As for being sleepy, as It was ti
Tba as quMauena s
y My. Tha luual maricut
Hwckleberrlet are comloc'lD dolte after dinner Ume, he undoub
eatarallr (an upon aoe la «hargc ot
naDacmnt. thla BBaacar to be thtek now, ibcre betas more ihaa last was too hungry for that Mr. Rlckerd
.BMml •* tk« fomotan •
uadrr tbe dlreeUou ol tb« exaenare year.
things that be tnieoded to catch
■tjnat ooe more- aad then go booa.
Improvementa to Be Made,
catching that
Tbe aUraetloDt would be taeored
r Grand opera bouse silt under‘parately. aod each woold be oader yn some extessive Improremeou wlih- nafortuoste boy lost
The family bad been at Acme only
The rbicng.i cherry market pk-k-'d
•• At a teMOas ot tbe dtiwtora of the dlieetloB of tbe exeaoUre
ID the next two *reeka. The
one week aad telmdcd to stay two up a trifle yi»u-rday. which qit'cV:4be board of tifde
reeeire a new cost ot psint nod
weeks more, 'rat the uafOrtonate sed- coed tbe teiylng here. Alihixutb
emertalomeBta ftrbitbed
will be briebtened up convMemhIy.
dent caused them to return to toe city market te md.iir.-t, It 1* unlikely
would be deao and not ob|eeUonaUe
while a number of ImproreiiH-nu will
Hew ta Cure Chllbtalna
Satnrday night.
Ronald Seemed
to a propoaed atreat raUwap aad
>r people aad the ItVse number ot
be made ou both the opera liouse aod
<4llbUlB*.of hit life at
laaatea to Petoaferjr.
For aeverel people who woold be here. Trarerte
Steinbcrw Bitxher't store,
-S' Jivhn Kt-nip.
tc Ijuyln
bay playing about the water conUanpropcaltloa la asolber r«at of aa ez- aiy U the mote brimtnlly llsbted
Me. I
Ris-kb-n'* Arnica Salve.
iailm Stclnben:. whose home
ally and 'gMttg swimming” almost
ered .around Jl.::.
tooUoo to Petoafcarfor aa
Have oJ
dir ot lU eltf In the elate and with
cry day. The boy had demtmsirs
Two cars were *hlpp«l last night •■vcclTcii
*uh>" IPmrano^ for'
all of tbe electric Il«bte inrped •
bis ability to aire fur blmaclf *o well, flong wito alvml :-o<> roses fnmi the f.-ver sore*, indoti-ni
t tha Carter Coeatroetloo coanpaor liaiidt ot OHiBlc/ free eDtertalnnM
Ir.wi l,ue*
that mtlo anxiety was felt concern < xi<m» romirany.
at CUeaee ia tbe cltr aad eletaltr and other nuntcrout alltuclIaDA
»kln dlsrases. ;Sc at
A. toiglv-e'
ing bit toodnesa for
aaklax lavaati^oni. aad calalac carnival ot this klad would altiact
IlniR fo . Hannah l*n;g Si.irv. S. E..
A Pine Building.
atatlatlea. ner
Summit CTty. Mich.. July K!-Mr*.
;wQod avenue school last year and was slowly. The d.niau.l
tbis aaetkm la ripe for a raUeaa
D. C, Vlbher wa* found dead lying on
j>ron>ol«-d to tbe fifth at the c
oatum of ibU klad, andlnc coodlQoaa
be no from CadlHar. Cbarleouch tote mornteg. -'She bad
of the term
Ronald was very popu
jHOi ■oattaeorablafor aoeb aa <
bale roiirt for llu- fisinty
Tdx. Nodfaport. Elk Raiddt. Hanltbeen up during the night caring lor
The plains ad- thick w-lih h»akl--1-r. Gland Travrvsc.
lar Btnong Ills pteynates and
prlaa. Tbe Oaiier CoaatmcUoo com- tee and TbompeotiTille and
b«r daughter. Mrs. Lucy lta.l.-r
MosHiu of said Coon.
«Hd.-r p.-op'-’' a* well, the little ry pickcra bm the greater portion ot
be employed from
I'rolvate <d1in- In lii.- C
her InftiDt child and twd evlileully UId
tbe crop te le-ing *hlpi>-<l tnrm edher
fellow Bulking frii-nd* rtnilllr and
•Kvrite aad relUbUltr aad tbej pro- these tm-ns on (be days tbe cxeunlon
Tiavi-rw' Ctiy in raid f.'*sitii>
down un toe couch to rest.
>ea« to baiid a llaa It tber rcoelre are run. If tbit propoaltlon should
iatnlng (hetn.
Hill da, of July. A- u. ii-i;.
Mr*. Vlbfeer had leeii In oxcelleBl
Fntl H.
He waa a mmk- pupil of k
proper eoeoaneecient from tUs dtr be properly potbed aad under
beatlh and her death waa tut neezJudg- tf I*ro1«l.-.
Aniorig ih'- mislde l•ny■•rs at ■
[.outee Buck and waa Mie of her best
•ad Ttdnltr.
rtefal manacemeet. tbe Beeotd
In the matter of ihe estate uf Julia
Rted aa It was sudden She Icavos
-re are George Golly, Henry Miit.vhoter*. al a r«w«it recital dlsUnllevea that Traverte City would
. Tba report of
huabsor. on«- daughter and two sons.
|lD»«-nt*11. drwi-ioavl.
I and yronk Norris.* of the Wag
.'oHamlUae U priatod la aaotber cd- Ubiltb o annual eanilTal week that iThe remotes will be taken to Surs- gulsbliig himself by his neleclloo. The
fr eoodueted. to attaed to th* adr«rtlilBK and and oUkt work aa «twld
v.^r, ::si7r".;:or
o advertise the town
Mb aad will ezptam Itaelt. It viU would I
>a aeeo that tbit win offer a food la- and fu attractloos than anytbtni cite
.vaaltteBt, aad, at the aame Uma «lre and at the tame time. *lve ow own
. nareiae City aa
p doubtwill be ta
it aaedt badly aad ooe vtalcb will do Tbit raalh
lumomra- tor burial.
trail brom* till* afternoon
Budden Death.
Fred Lewlt
C. L. Dayton ot Letead parecd
After struggling for month* against
tbroogh the dty on hts way tc
hoiiHewM ndds/.vnd tuaklng
test for more delloile
teore towards tbe d
telre yesterday and while te the cilj
fight (or life, Frrd H.
K0OO aaa aaytblBC dee. la taeU and II It proposed to call a pnbUe announced hts eandblaey for nomlnsLewis, aged » years and h
«M (treat railway aad
laterorbaa meetlns to RHe It fnrlber attention.
tbe day. passed awaj- at It oclock
Uaa will be ot more beoellt to tbU
from toe 17th district. Hr.Dayion was ThiiraUay night at hte h.au.-, S>J"
«lty tbaa eeVerwl ordlaartly larse tecWould
intle late in declaring bis tetenUont
rent street.
The Chicago Tribune offer* Jr. for
la tbit conaecUoa H it well
jt tolDks that vrito the''ald -of his
Fred Jicwl* had s' Urge nomber of
that tbe Traverte City peo- a letter butt exidaJning the reosout friends he can secure the Domina
friends te the city and was well liked
ata pwohate tbe diet mortme boodt
tion as.be te a member of the liar wherever be was known. He
.BMoUooed to tbe report. Tbe lalerett Many of tbe ielters sro '.umorous.
etgieclaily Interested
:. hearty.
some fiipiu-nl.
OB Ibeec bdidt wDl be (wxiteed by ------. .........
I. aad the picture of health and
«d toe Carter Coattntctioa compaay Amoax tbe prist yesterday wjt
strength, aod when about a yet
««H It tbe railroad doe* not prodoee foUowiaf which will be inierm
he was uken ill. fate friends thought
L. Dawsite and Qmcr II. Van
that he would soon recover and be
"I haven'l been off the farm for
6tce were nnlUd In marriage ii
punetlott company, ebowt. that they. year: *5 vo«dd tray me a ronod trip Church of Chrtet paiaonage Tuesdni toe same old )oHy Fred.
However, the malady was diagnosed
toMBMlneo. have ffreut fakb In tUt
a.* cancer, and when II
ner along and have a whole Usy
projeet and In Ua pit«i Uier on.
Wlonifred Grabam.
They left thU known ih.-il he miin undcrco an
tt mean ot couree tost aa Inter- cliy life. I ain’t much on letter*, hut
be faced the ordeal bravely
I bet noone wants that five worse than momteg for Gladstone when- they
mitan wfli rwB from thU dty to Poid a si
shun time before return- and cheerfully, going to Ann Arbor
will spend
I do. Yoon In hopes.
• dMkey. topplnff toe
making Uieir where he entercl toe I’niversity hos
ing to'tote I
-H. NIobols. Norwood.
mtai in the state and a splendid agpital rcraalnteg there several weeks,
ytealtiiral comtry. •hlch woold fl»o
writing frequenGy to hts friends and
ilreet inlet to Trwverne Qty from
eotnlng back weakened but
Qk Rapids. Hleh.. uly ft—N.
iterttory wUeb te now bard to read
DeBruln. toe chief engineer of toe Carbrave aod hopeful.
romtdabort wayn. The BeeKls decline eooiteued despite tbe
ter OoostnioUon company, left Elk
Ronald, the lU-ycar-old son of Aldci
4M beitevee that this te tbe
Rapids yesterday, going north,
men A. W. Rlckerd. of the Second operation, and agate be left the city,
Manual street ranwny and interotbab
tote lime going to Big Rapids where
make a prellmlaary examination
ward, was drowned at Acme,
project eibl bat ever been broogbt to
toe country betw^ BIk Rapids. Char- morning. How 'the accident occurred two operations were undergone.
mr noUee. and backed by aoeb a coolevolx. Petoskey. Mackinaw aad Oiep will never be
On acooat of the location of the
«ttB m the Carter O
tbonght that be i-ltoer became dirxy growth, many of hte friends thought
boyganjteV. «• beUere tJ
He-wfll retam to Traveae City toe from the inn or dropped aslts-p and that he would never come back alive,
ipouM be BBdotrtited. BbooM the peelatter part of this week.
fell from toe stringer on toe d.»ck bul courage and will power
of toJt Tldnlty take bedd
stni present and he came back to the
where be waa fishing. .
Matter wlUi xesl. the Carter CoottroeMr. and Mra. fteadlt Enterteia
Mr. Rleketd and family are spend city, a mere shadow, still
Jttea company promtee a railway In the
Ss.ra the Bratet-cd fUlnn.) Dlspalah.
weakened, but te spirit, the
ing the summer at Acme and
•treeu of TrnrerM City this fall and
-Mr. and Mra. W. A. John
Fred as he was before trouble
iMae to BU Bapidt. Tbe project It held an Informal roceiUloo at their o'clock this mornteg. the little telTow
Since toon he has l-cco
■meUeal and looks extremely favor- hoome on North PiawtecnUi sovtte, tuned out fishing. He was clad te
gradually, wasting aw|y from a large
iw hat and overalte and wiu c
ifale and we believe that toe bonds Saturday evening last
down to a pitiful eighty pound*.
cited over toe good time be wa* about
W be •
-Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Beadle of TravAll
> have.
j Tbo-Hannab A lay Intereite wHI erar Qly. Miehlria were too piestr
medical efforts, fie suffered grral
Making hi* wa>- to the old dock,
Mki a good Mock of theee bonds toon- of honor and fifty ladles had been
pain, the attack
he trv>k up h poslilon on the slringcr
•elvea. A. Tracy. Lay. prealdent of vllnt to meet (hem.
o'clock in the mornlnR until the I
toe Hannah A lay Intereate. warmly
"After an Infiwmal pr«ecnlaUrai of aod hi* luck was excellent as Hi
te deato. Tbe end was »im|.ly
t toe Carter O
toe gnnte. the canpany were invited ber of flsh grow and grew. T
passing from pain Into peace, and
toinlng brlgbUy out tocre
•nmpany aod are wllllns to I
to seats oo tbe oool veranda where
while the expressions of Aortw
«Mr own fndt In tolt project. The the alUacSJvpIy arrantod teblea s
are many
rays affeeted the Utile fellow. Either
oonaervnttem vbkb toe Hannah ft dainty refreshment* ga'^e *“ •'oiir
friends arc glad to know hte suffer
that or lulled Into dn
lay emnpanles have alwnyi eiereteed delight
ings arc over,
arm air. he plunged
^ reaolled in a great Ananclal
a»Tbo evening was »|»ol In most
te addition to hU alfc. Mr. Lewis
1 water
•eat for Qteta eorpenUont aod wben lightfod manoer. (wiih Hr. and Hre.
leave* the following relatives; Mra.
Ileiznan Dcosler Dotlrcd toe liitle
they warmly recommend a project of MuiMoiie as host aod hostess) EspecT. <:. Nlrhrihv-n, hte niothi-r. Haiol.t.
straw bat floating In the bay imd
^ kind and propose to Inveot In It. Islly pleasing wus the rendering o
Frank and Klorriicc Nfc-h<4s-ii
Clyde aod EarlI Buiice
ilkere may rely open their jndgmenL ImprompUi musical program by tbe
brother. Elsin C. U-«te.
and Charles Glendenniog. made
e an lia
Iftte project U one of Inmottasee
Mtesen Kren and Bchnitz.
Intette City and
Item that It toonid be taken bold of
filtt p«ot eoeriy at tote time.
fttrect Carnival,
fft momneet te oo toot to nsUbItah
«b annonl ntreet rarnlval In Trai
Tbe plan was tuoeoted K
•melnra <^e beard of trade at
«mU meet^ yenterday morelng and
i te detail
iMne It was not <
U.Ae oaUlned for contide^on. toe
Man wiu be to have toe ediinell glvf
•a use et Vnloa and Front streeu
^ toe porpeae of entertainment for
Me adiele weuk. It u
■iSb toe matter a Ttaveree City en•teprtte aad not a privbte eni«i
vcsUgallon. finding toe lltUc body rett
Tha Right Name.
Mr. August Sherpr-.
charming visitora wll remain la too ing on the bottom. Near It wjit
overseer of The i-oor at pevrt Madii
fish prde and a fish * a* impaled
city for a week or ten days."
saj-^i: --Pr. KliiR-s N--W Ufe P
the hook.
rightly namorf: ih.->
a-t tr
Orsnpt Maetlng.
Sheriff Johnson of this city was nr*
vewhly. dn more cavl and m.ike»ne
Reeular meeting of Grand Travenu- tIBcd and te romirany with a Record (eel Ivetler lhan any other laxallvc."
grange No. HT8 will he called to r>r- repoitcr drove Immedlilcly to «the Gunramc-d to cun- biUon.m-M. an
A. Itucive
der at 1:30 July flth at the Orange
e. breaking tbe news to toe (ami consllirailon. ;*c at 0.
Drug C».. Hannah Dnie Store, S. E
lull on Casa street. Subject foi
ly over the tclep)M>v
Wail A Son* drug Mtm-s.
cuBSion; "ESeets of Home Infioance
Tbe funeral aervice of little Ifi-ycarFERSONALB.
on the Toimg.- Leader. Hr*. 1
-Hr. and Mra.
r house.
All UiD-c are (duii Hii
school (Dates.
•hack pork, per hid.............1S.W
r bock linrk. per Ib .................. 11
Short cuiof pork, per bbl....l*.«)
Urd, per Ib
•bble and entouslattic busibeat men
bat alwnyn been a favoraWe one
too recent Poorto of July celebration
ijmnnniiitifn toe wisdom of leaving
to enterpHte of tote klad to t
toao. of a fesponstble committee.
Mt te proposed
to seeac a large
Taasced lorarfhlag to dcre^
,di,iBlect red kill poiasura.
wU da tb* wmk.
Wr h»v» a spreioJ book
let oo diaesgn -d Powltiy. Call oevmte lor one.
Imerican Oral Co.
Tiiv<r« CUJ. HlclL
Counsel From the South.
and cirv-uterisi
Ham. ,wr Ib.
We soUcil your banking bus>
Iness; and with tbe assnracne
on onr part that It wUI be_ kept
stricUy private
. *. >
Traverse City State Bank
Drcsscl i-iiiltry........................................ H
Chlck.-n*. Ii>e w.-ight ...................... 0f>
Live Hogs ....................................................e-,
Good Things for Summer
at the
t--id', ol.Tain..!
City Book Store
r d-i.-* h.wio“I->» 'o iKif'-nii
C.oi-n'i.iii-'ti .
oid Ronald Rlekei^ wa* beld th
Candidates admitted to
From Wednesday * Record
r. and Mr*. Fr-d L Smith left
third and fourth degires. All vteUlng tCTBoeB at I o'clock frpm toe borne of
pWMtt. Hr. and Mra A. W. WekTU TRfi
members always welcome.
morning on
erd. n» North Oak atruet. toe Rev. Charlevoix. Petreki-y and other iionh
PHe Driver Here.
D. Cocftlln offioteUDg. and mai
lioint*. They cxpecl i" '-e ;
Tbn John Naylor floating pile drlvn frlesdt being te attendance, to* little
several day*.
owned by John Houroe. arrived te tb<
being covered with beaoUful
A number of young ladles of
city last night behind toe tng M. Van- flowers.
irsi M. B. rbun* are spending
ells and 1* at work on the Northern
Sunday August 4tb.
after 9 o’clock Saturday tost
» at Omeua.
Michigan Transportetka company’s
Train w;i i-ave Trav-TM- rny a
Mr. and Mrs. William Turner,
the little fellow went ftablng oi
c.n-. a. m
i^ce jerat-re
dock. Tbe driver has been at Charieihe^ dock at Acme. His (atoer bad
e.- vlsluvr*. are eiiendliig <he
for some time but worked
(or blm aad started him off.
le Chequaiiieffon.
m* Bay two days on tlie trip up!
i^lMMrs V. Burget
On tbe dock was an aged gentiemaa
the bay.
ikw of tote city at'en/l.il the funeral
by the name of Lewis who was
Berides doing some «-ork on
fishing. The fish were biting excel
• A. F. Herbert of I<
passenger dock, the outfit will comclime of Saiurdt.v's
lently and both toe bo> and the
pine tbe piling ot toe river’s mouth.
E. N. Franklin who has be-n in tbe
sd a good catch
(y tbe past three weeks, vtetilcg
Shortly after I o’clock the boy ask
Wylie, Mtclu July 14—The tew suit ed Mr, Lewis U It was dteaer Ume friends and relatives, returned to
for slander, between IVUbur Johnson yet and he said that It was and after. Moody school te Chicago Mcedsy.
Pere Marquette
'• “»T5SSireo.*.a
IMtteg an exseatlve eommiuee of re-
It lr> giv.- Mito.- tahiabb- adnlnlsiraUMii aeiouni
Ih.ise wtM> MilTiw With latuiIwHlrluu prajiiig I
iwck snil kidney tnojuli-.- tayi J.
thepr**f .tiid for t
R Blank, nshlp. of Ihrak. ’rimn.
■1 dte'ribuiicm of I
.- IID.V.-.I <» nn oluolulc eertalaLr
sai.) eol.-,ie.
W.-Ili.HlBo.w will |••'lllvel}
It te ODte-re.1 that Ih-- flti da> of
f Ibis .ItelTmoana c..ndll‘no The
Augia-t. A U IXT. at "-n o-ehiek In
1 Is'ltl.* lu'v.- m- gn-ai D-lief and
r<-n-n-»ni. nl said jiDkraU- .ditce.
IT taking -V f.-w tuoo- l>uih-s 1
mid 1* Im-ii'Ii) aiijsilnli*! fio •-*
V rotiipl.-i.'ly cured: mi curnpleioly
iiiHltiliig and nlliiwlnK said nettrunt
I it lK-c»rD.« a ptfraMiD- to leuuuihi-annc' said la-iitloii
;>d Hite gn-:.i D-treid, • S.di1 nndev
te fiiilher rvntered. that public
iDimoe al C A IhicW Ihug Co.
llulico iboD'd lie giKW liy poldlesthm
-.ipy of rblh iml. r, f«*r thn*- uucg ‘.l.«v». 1
•• we>-ks jtDO lou* to said day rrf
iMKirlng, in th.- Grand Traverse Herald
r,.id eou.
Traverse Cily
MammocksDeligbtful Bocks at I0C‘ISC‘2SC‘35C‘
S0c-7Sc-$l.00‘fUS and u/y-
Ice Cream and Berry Sets Fine
Vases, China and Glassware.
Pere Marquette
Mr*. Jennie SquiiTO mud three chU
and Lnuliu Kmbner. caused no end Tbe boy bad been fltdrihg oo toe west
•en left yeMerrIay for Lake City,
side of toe dock aod at to« tUse.
of ereltement te toe lltUe
to toe Borto Mde aad Mr. where they win vtalt relaava>.
i^iTM at wbleb amnll ndmtenleu WyHe. at some cf toe moat
Miss Mabel Haines, a wartoer te toe
IM to ba Marged. Tbe free attiao- people of the town w^re mixed up in Lewis wMt home.
Prom toe new dock there U a walk local seboeds. left yesterday
Tbe trial wns held In toe
tjMi veuld bare to be paid for by
et tnterlodien before Jnstlee Per- with a railloff leading te tbe old dock Grand Rapids, w-lieD- *he will
to» (tty or fro mafnnd raised for that
the rcuialnder of the nummer
PMpoaa. Tbare wotUft be a soluble
fiurvday. July SSth.
Train will temvc Tr*,-r**- CU,
The Hobart Co. prop.
Traverse City, Mich.
»w<uio Tmvtwi Mtmto.
Mra. F. A. dahneoa and Mfa. H
Nord left yeaterday for Bkban. ind..
good prtoM.
CUeacQ flrv U now oaotracUiic for
t-pODBd baakett. packed atkd daHrered
9 ■ omCBB-A. Trmr W- PrM«irt
aatk. TUm Pr^Mt:
at cam. Growera ate isdina to detitOMlilir; A.MlvMrd.«.j.8>Tll4a«. Btosd » eaota. w«Ui good proapacu o<
aacurtng tbat flfura.
Om«!TOBS-A. Ttmt L«r. B. I
where they wIU retaaln for tone
Tlaltlna frteoda.
Mr. and Mra. R. J. Rnrertaon
Nortbpoit were in «be city for
There is one tbiof ihii vill
cure if—Ayer’s Hiir Vi*or.
It is s resular scalprinedlcise.
It quickly destroys ibe gernis
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had 10 disappear. A
bealfhyscalp meansaereaideal
to you—healthy hair, oo dan
druff,no pimples,no erupiions.
day yeatorday.
Pa^aa Lata than Half Crap.
Ota*. Mtt. JaUw *. ----------- tead
IMd. a C. Datlt. J«T7 ■aBlna. W.
S fcr cot BiiMre4 n nine D9«iU;
and Mlaa Kelaonofpad
Wichlgas haa conaidanblr leaa than Iliac pataed through the dly yeater
halt a crop of paacbta la alglit. accord- day. They are renirnlng from an au
the estimate furnlahed by
tomoblie trip to Nurifaport
coretpoDdenu and It -Is much
northern pMnto.
than that to fact. When one notes the
Mrs W. M. Kello^ and daughter.
large per evm of
killed last October
orchards Mary, who have been risiiiog In the
ataithern part of the sute have re
Berrien ..........................
liirntd u> their hunie m tola city
four counlles which have been produc-; They are accompany by Miss Anita
ing as many peaches as all the root of; Cartright of Homor.
the stale—It muat be wldent that the
Wimarn Holliday left fur bis boio<
Tt>» bMt kind ef a UwUbosUwI '■held lor
Honor. HI
notthweslern part of Michigan has
in Toronto yesterday after vlslUnr
Van Blatloom haa fpooe to Alba
Mg Job oo band to produce one-half relatives In this city.
Tlait her aoo George and wife.
average crop. The Qbertas
•Irevalln Ca;v
Eda.ird roiti.- nii'
Mn. Aon Ronenbrook U rtaitlng
have proven, to be especially hardy, Herb Ariitoa have Joined the cberr?
her pnrcBta In Kaiatnazoo and daring
Mn. R.'a ahaebee Roaa la making an hath In tree and hud. for where there Hick-r.' at Old M .<>'• n
aYfol elTon nt bateblng It
Cbarlea Bennett la roatleating
the aouthem pan of the aUle.
Wiliam Rtomlton haa cmghi
any pesehes at all, the Bbevts
.\-thur Verim tu.s re-.iiM.-d fror
os 10 give the beat pro:<peci fur
Grand Rapids where he has spent llw
laat few months.
In the following toble is given the'
kfrv- E Hoalstad of this city, wen?
per cent of a orop In earii of tbe peach
many in in Otter lake during
final three or fodr daya that the water growlog counties, as estimated
In the lake haa receded three feet or ibeee reports. With this ta given foe
o Bingham to
Mr. and Mra.
relatives thb
nod Manlatee came very nearly dep<^
There is more to that word BEST than may at first appear, to you.
It means a good deal to be THE BEST STORE: it means that it must
be BEST in every way. It means that the store must have the besf ser
vice, the best goods and the best prices.
!—Horae. cow.
bugs and
U Randolph
While we carry
high priced, we also carry low priced, but wc do not carry the trashy
kind, that is dear at any price.
We sell you merchandise that is rcliabie, merchandise that when
you buy. we can feel that we have given you something that is worth the
price and will make you want to come again.
I Rclivf for Women.
It is this kind of business that has made us Tbe Best Store.
Our goods are all marked in plain figures and we are always glad to
have you look and compare prices: the more comparing you do tbe better
satisfied you will be to trade here. Read the following prices:
Ormy tio-. le-ror. M
C. 1. UiUitw went to Kalkaska
The Rev. John Hlr»hl*erger of <
rtoiiall la In the city vhduig frleniU.
and made blnmeU aequaintad with hia
lolly who are aojouming with/Mr.
mod Mn. John Lewit. fortnerlj- of ibU
OTATR OF MICHIfiAX. THE MIObale I'ounybir the Coiilily
Grand Traverse.
At a sessl.Ui of Kill,I CoiiriLhebl Jt
If l•rob!lle office ill the rtiv hr TniiCity. In aaUI foiinlv, on Hie K-Ui
ly .rf July, A. D- tortT.
Mrs. I. A.
hompson of Grand
Rapids IK vlKltlng In this city.
Mrs. Clareoee
Stater left thi
morning for CaJiltae. where site wi
CUik and Venn Barber was poatponed
Islt with retativew for a few days.
nntll Friday evening. July Si
John Lamsnn and Howard WhIUng
' this city went to Cndlltar In artenil
Uto lasm party given by the Ladlea*
Aid of the OCFDgnwtIooal diurcb Uit
FrMay.evenlPg wna alianded
City and Ltidtogtuu. where they ■
Islt with friends.
and Boae RoseobAk took In the excniwlon from Trdveme Oly to Petakey
The adeet bop to be given E. 8.
Mrs. A. W. Morse and daughter
Maude left thia moniiiig for R
.. . .
ultUng the bniB.
Heasn. E. 8. Q^.'M. W. Q-Brlen
at.PetoakPy Mr. Clark called
sujlng at toe Pari,
here they Wll visit for n few day*
The eiearaloa Bandar to Copemith
Bondar nn>< teprt a fine time.
By best goods we do not mean high priced goods.
where they wll vis|f for a few days.
day, with Mlaa Dean'a pnienta at Elk
CBEtar Kcnau.
FOR SALE^Tlit- fralt f.irm of the
late l.-icy Bateman, alt-aat.-d d,
miles north of the city <m the pen
InniU. House nemly new. The ptop• erty <-o« $8.uw>. A most ta-autlfiil
jtlace. Will *ell to hlgbe»a private
I.ii1.l.-r. T.-nn« to sul'
r T Bateman exeeuti
r.2i E!e>-enih siraei. To
Bllltam Brown has returned from
cmapBriaon ■ similar eatlmale,
morn, and atlll n going.
bnainesa trip to Ms
Hr. and Mra. ira Gordon retnnx^ made by the aeeretary of state. Tbe
Mrs. Phil Crifflih ssd children.
Monday from a few day*' outing at
Brace. Bewide and Phil. Jr . of .Northpeach
Bapid City.
passed through
Misa Una Dean and Mlldied Ookey freeze.
moniiog on (heir way
to Cadillac,
rwtonted from a two weeka’ visit Mon
thuAmav, july m. imt.
For that
_ In hir war W_____
ne«cd 65 par «FBt of an ar«rac« crop. aht will vUlt wKk frtattda.
Ciinlatioi tnis tni. 2,825
Hra. B. D. Budaber U SorUtport
t Uw dtr
Pn-seni( Hrai. Fr.sl. A. Walker,
idae of PniUalP.
In the matter of tie- i-ltalcof Getirge
le short ship ciiruli meeting whirb
large crowd. The bandaome town of
poBcieB a
Mr. OKTord'a wna bewulifully deoorat.
will take itlace to toe next three days.
MUs C'atoeriiie Blpj>I(« of this city
: ripe. The country Is
left this morning for a ftsll
and all fctods
of fruit
ed «U bCbln«M lanterna a)
friends at Grand Rapids.
be high. Buyers hive alpromise
aum realized. A large crowd from
ready commenced
01 for
BvBtoBla drove over and enloyed
Hldil^ peachea. paying IS per
e biiahC
the boapltaUly of <nr ciUzena.
Blbertaa packed In bnahel
tVllllams Sunday and led out a horse
<ntw rained
baakeu and from 11.50 to Il.TS for
thirty of bla frlnida at hia cottage oo
I aa the roof of toe building crashed
amaller larletiea.
Tbese prices
Jay gained considerable notoriety
Platte lake laat Sunday.
conaldeved fair in view of the crop nod
r years ago on the Rrurtli of July.
Mlaa Theda . Htgiter earried oS the
rket, but some fancy stock may
Booon aa champion Aabennan. aa abe
be expected to net even a UtUe higher
drop of
figure UUa season.
fifty feet.'
Apples Are Dropping.
Hiram McConkey, the Springport
On Monday errenldg. July 89. Jaa. S.
Wilkins, diwensed.
Owear Simiiaun luiviiig filnl in aald'
win his niiBl ailtiilnistnitlon aeenniil.
lid hU pi-titlon prating (or the allow-;
ann- iliensff ami for the a’s^igniiiMii
and disirlbiillon of the lesldue uf said I
It is ordered that the 12lli day <rf
iigtMM. A. D. I90T. at ten o'elnek in
le (orenoOD, ul saiil prnliale offiri-.
• and Is hereliy nppointi-d for <ianiining and allowing said aernunt
anti hearing said t«-ililoii:
It n> further oriWed.' that publiej
notice thereof be given by piiblirsitk
ropy of this order, for three Oi
reMKive weeks Ui said day id' lo-arlii
.* Grand Travers,- Iboald, a new*
taper printed and cireuiuiisJ In sal
Early leporta indicated a large crop farmer who while'temporary Insane
Kennedy of Sagtnaw. will ddirer an
Ulontrated stereoptlena lerfiiiof apple. forMlcbiga
last week doused hintseU with' kero
sene and set Ilia clothes on fire, is
“Ihe B-ar In Cuba." In M. W. A. hall. cold, wet weather
Judge of ^■rol«te.
There will be IM viewa from edected resulted la the blasung of many bios- dead from bis Injuries.
pholograpba and are the beet tbni nit
A good deni of drop la n
bring reported and there Is not o'
They lopicaent
8a8A Itoders. aotdicva. warahipa and nttohalf an average crop la sight
The campaign
ama of the UnUed Sutes and Spain
Seventy-five Shirt Waists that are soiled and massed from handling
that are worth SI 00 and $1.',^5. A trip to tbe tub and they are as
good as ever. While this lot lasts we are going to sell them for.. .S9C
One lot of ladies'fancy embroidered
hose, special at............................. ......................15c, 2 PF iOT 25C
Lot of children's fast black hose, good quality, worth lOc. pair... 7C
One table of children’s fine ribbed hose, a splendid hose, for _ _
. girls, we consider them very special at---- *,................................1.........l5C
Ladies fine fast black fine gauge hose, made by the "Shawknlt" peo
ple, makers of the best hose in the world, special ^
............................................. 3 pr. lor 50c
Croond. PrMDt inwpccU lad
Creo a licbt lo a laadlum cnv—«ot to
A new lot of ladies’ wash belts at............................. 10 OUd 250-"A new lot of belts in black, made of a high quality of elastic. They
are new and are proving very popular. Two
51 and $1.25
•20 doz. ladies hemstitched barred mull handkerchiefs, only........5C
There are a few pieces of those 30 in. percales, worth 12>ic. for $C
can produce.
Prints have advanced since last week, but we flrtll
have some of those short lengths at .....................................5 8nd:^g
nnd the Und nnd naval baUlea of the a^nst the San Jose scale, taken
wr«r for hamanity of 1S98.
Alao by the Bute HoriouJCaral aodely,
Shoes for
haa resulted In very thonwgfa spray
acdiea of the taUod nrd t lie
tore of Banilago and the dfMnicUon ing with lime snd sulphur, especially
of the Spantah fleet Mr. Kennedy In tbe commercial sections.
At prswent s targe number of buyers
epwt the yenm ltt9 and 1900 In :hr
are to tbe state and many of toe best
orchanU have been purehased. When
crop bos been "lumped ofT' on th<
apd 10 cents,
trees, the present price Is from $1.*5
Bverybody come.
to It per
Grand Traverae Ahaad.
- Pawilla. Hldk. jQlr n.—Seen
C. B. Bmeett cf thBatata bortlcnltnr■1 eedety haa compiled sad lanied
the only frnlt report for Michigan.
A few good orchards, containing
Tba report aayn In part:
snch vaHcilee as Northern Spy, JoeHie eerere freeze cf October 10 laat
atbaa. Red Canada. King. etc..
proved hioet diattioos to the south
sold St from tS.S0 to $3.25 per
halt of the "fruit bel.t" Trees were
■>arrel for tbe fruit picked and placed
fun of sap ad most of the peat
on toe peeking taUes.
These last
dmidi In Berrien. Van Boren and
prices are, of course, only tor fancy
aoMhern Atle^n -oouatiea were
srieticii and fancy grown fruit. Miieil
thmAy ruined. Toung trees
orchards of BaMwIos. Spyes. Kings.
killed by the btradreda t ihcoaaade
B'agners. etc., are selling at from
and evmi some amde orchards
Itw to IS.S0 per barrel for both first
the anow line, and
some vineyards
ware alao rained, emaectally oo low
• groond.
North of fVnrille. Allegan
Spring frosu also did modi damage
Frost Hurt Seiall Fruit.
The early Uoasema of strawberries
WbHe there is a fair crop of Euroean plums toe Japanese vorlettos
were Injured by the winter and ■
about as scarce aa peaches, better
tae a good crop, where the canes were failure aa was ever kaoioi In MIdii
»M killed In October, but the hma in ^n and sour cherries are light. e>
Betrimit connty took a targe part at ospt to the northern sections.
the ncate aereage of tbeae berrica.
Goaoeberries hew br«a a tight crop,
■bd the acreage has been to reduced Wednesday's Record.
the narkei has been firm.
Owvams net full but nrarly all
tkmi report "Aort stems."
- mgtket It anUdpated.
A good
Mra. Richanl Reynolds left yester
day tor a risll «1to iriatlves at West
Bimiieb. She experu to be gone about
tree weeks.
Want style in their Shoes just as much as grown
Three special numbers in Gloria silk, pan^on frame,
runner, at $1 00, $1 25. $1.50 and others up to $C.
Shirt Waist Suits. We have seventy-five of these to dose out at "
very special prices. They are in lawns, percales, t^mities and ginghams,
in both white and white with floral designs, also pretty checks in the
ginghams. They were good worthy goods at the original price, at the
reduced prices they are doubly attractive. They sold at from $3 to $4.60.
Choice of the lot for $'2 75. Get busy oo these.
Lot of colored Shirt Waists, good patterns and colors, nice *for
house wear 50 and liOc goods
Lot of Peter Pan blouse waists, worth $1 and $1.50, (or 7tic.
up people, but still they must be built to endure
severe service.
. The only time the children are not
Every Tailor Made Suit In toe
House at a Special Price
hard on their Shoes is when they are in
bed. Let them romp and play, it’s right
an^ it's good for them, but buy them
There are some good patterns of tbe Dress Goods reduced from 50c
to 25c, $1 to -50c. S1.50 to 75c.
Dc not forget the Silk Sale at :5ac, 5>c and TSc.
Shoes that will stand the racket.
Our ChUdren’s Shoes VWU Do I«,
A good many people do not know that we sell these, but we do.-and
sell them right. You will be surprised how good a hammock you can buy
for S! 25. from that up to $6.
Ladies'and Misses' Bathing Suits at $2.75 and $5. Made from good
quality of mohair in attractive styles.
We are showing advance styles of new fall dress goods.
the new things first let us show you these.
Hr. and Mrs. A. E Pnlrer have re
Orapat Will Be UgM.
turned to their home at Surntnll City
Moat of the Michigan grapes
after spending sesne time in this city.
growh in Van Borsa and Berrien Mn. Georgs Stotvs has returned
KomUes and theae sectkms wen
Sammlt Qty. after vislitog to t
hard by the Octobw freete. eqiei
Boys and Girls
Other Tees Frnits.
ITS are a very light crop, there
weee caught by spring fitiaf. cutting
Lombard plums are generally the
the crop short and pric« have ruled
best variety reported.
talrty high.
Sweet cherries ate atywit as near :
BlackbreriM and raaptNVriea prom-
bdow the demands of the market that
■Dd second gmdes. parked ip'banwls
and delivered on cars or at boat dock
CDoaty. the freeze did much leea dam betog to the southern pan of the
not over aneonarter of on at
age and mo^of the Hlchlpn peach
top. About one-half a ert^
crop will this year have to come from
the northenTpart of the fruit belt central and northern secdons.
to BtnwberrieK
riianees of there being toe estl
«d nnmber of barrels of fralt
picking Utne.
Umbrellas. We are showing a very strong line of these at medium .
Store open tomorrow. OMay afternoon.
If you like
Grand Traverse Region.
WoneiTO 00»M»»0_M»EWT«.
MM mtM MMh th* H«raM otnca net
tottr «i*R Tueeder neon et each week.
Hid If cerrMpondente fall ta find
thalH In, they Hay be Meured that It
veal lo Bh Raidda
KhM do Ttni Iblek.
D and
B«lK and wont
the km
. Owdaer and
Mra. Clata Copeland U on L
. and !
idtTea. potato aalad. piwitd
ice Cfeam. rake and coCee v
l relatlxee la Detroit. Brie. and
e Tiitted her dauebter. '
on the lawn. The Ublea i
one ot Un. E. F. Dune.
Charlie l.Mll» of Eraoetos, atiteed
Mra. R. S. Ollbert I* mill with
e thiee j-ear old Ixw-. Everett, of
date i.dpb' brotber. S H. Ortom, who I* elrk
.Mlerdar moraine and vill epei
Kra. Oceola Porter. who
; Mr and Mra Elmer Beach while pUyheel
Mr. and Mr*. HarErave* lisiilev veeka vltb bit father. Mi
pleaslnp aaliafactlon to
>iin<i ■>!<- belli fiiiuiil *nnre dead )
Elve'EnioiT CartU' of Crawn S
here a »borl time 0
Mra. R. B. Flood and aou t knmet.'a miacelleanuoua pruerani at Ibe) Mis. Wbitisaa fit/m
returned hunie last week from a two town ball on Tneaday evetins^Aus. 9. ^vlsltlna ai Mr
iMis la-fore
week* trip to Oraad Raplda.
< ' ilanci
r, and »'
" ~
Ju'J' —•
: of Trai
Mpeni i. .
Mi» UWIe KH.^d of Cadillac
bulldlDi; a lioii-e vD hU
or. laal week.
tlvpd ihla eveoindl*ior!i. u. Ml .lud Mi>. Bert Banm*.
W. P. R
Tburaday. Julv IStb. a daodhter.
July St
il ibe house and h
.......................... -............ .........................
Uicbaei Welwh of Acme waa the
iple*.'’ East Empire, called lu town t (mno Sunday
Mr. and Mr*. Oeorfe
The Farmora' Society uf l>j:
ne tTief"!
m»u«- aioutiai
®"° OUhen.
:*-iar|;e r*:ik of Italian railroad
ebool faiMae
«.:e-usaaed :n repali'
idama of the
.elley Lum-
Some Information Regard
ing Bank Deposits
SavllCi I>$p»sits—A little look it given.
intep-xt <-onipoiui<l<«! each -Inne and IVi-mber
Iniereet - yntiime for three jeara from date of
laat entry.
Cenlflcates of DepesUs - A (.vrtiticate it inu<<‘ iti.
itead of il book. Drava interx-si.
liiiereat un
tlii-ai-ceaat* on>-\'ear fMm date
I pnac
------. _ ... Augwt 1C lo and loclu.
^ couf«
log tbe Seth.
! y„r.•. S'lndiv cvenlag. Aug t.
The imdlea- BwBt gave a atgiper: mi.s Cjirrle Rocn
at Ibe home of Mr*. Geo. Dame oO;id* U vlfitiog ben.
E WD-kinc'lAwtxnce river
Friday last.
v. S. Hall ol Buckley
^^;vineent. where Ebe mull visit
Ivan Scott god Mlsa Hand Prabst for Mr Eesll
were united In marriage at the Coo-,
Lest Wedueedav Mr* Hajar and;' . Br and Mra K
Wilson's Siilui>lu>
ivnlng. i>
of the busy times.
•”;r:itcnded as ilie Mrnier dance
• ■ lluiae
mended -say they
•ry injoyah
H. Keev. s ba* }ust comCape
• >di of carpenli-r
for Adam Mitlafnrd.
* Edtl
opers-vlUe. came,
flTtin .McClure
e“l«; . iT Tii
The FIT. M. M.. will glt-e I
aoeUI on (be lawn li
Porter’* rewldeoce oi
July :4.
Japanese lawn
freul of W H.
the ev«ilng of
iMs eruilog with
Mra. C. R KebI gave a pretty
^rden pwny Friday aneraooe at her
home. Tbe occnalon was In honor of
Mra. HeMinan of MunUIng
were Z6 gneou presiept. Oialra. hanhock* and settee* were arranged Invtcingly on the spackma grounds. Two
ds were glvi
givee. Tbe Brat
flower etmiept*
Mrs. W’.
W. B ______________
Johneoe and
wuD by Hr*.
aecDOd by Mra. W. P. Robertaoh.
0 epesd tbe anmraer at tbe Both prize* being large boqueta of
Iba. Frank Rjatmom and daagbter ot
RaBaoDnlle. N. T, antTed yeaterday
nmnUng to apead a few weeki wtUi
bar vreou. Hr. and Mra. A. Voice,
r. Voice U aerloualy II
could draw,
-lay. und drove
• xcurab-n S-in-l
examine ilie dai
iniogi' done by
. .
and . ngin- of the
A Rtnorii mill. I.•^n*■rly• the
rvlniild the rniil.
Every 'day can be
The B. U of tbe M. E church, gave
Mr. and Mra. E. A. tnilUtn*
a very euccessful ice cream aoclal at‘their daughter. Mra. Golle, one day
Tlie Rev. and Mrs. Burdge relumed
lo their home at Benxoala Saturday,
morning after having epcot the week
with Mr. and Mra. J. F. Mathew*.
The car ferry gave an exettridon
from Manistigue to Charlevoix last
Hra. LaFOnise of Traverse City la
tbe guest of Mra. P. Wurzburg,
Mra. Leander Buaa and cfalldien left
Saturday evening for Ldand to spend
a couple of weeka with her mother,
Mra. Karting. Hr. Baaa accompanied
her reluming today.
mail.- .M-.-pi
May lx- writh-t
>s tbe
>3t to
Mlaa Stella Barnc* of Grand Rapid*: l-huraday evening.
Mi*»ourl. to ,p.-ad some
l» the guc*t of Mrs. Baraca and
Mr*.. Yeiiman* of Kingsley c;,lie,*?
" ”•
daughier Maggie.
the tielghl*.rhoort last Th-irwd.v
, Day. .rf Lcreleh^ge. t.l-r. l.«ke-
“ iV
parent;................................................. ..............
Maiiles." E;rat Empire, las'
Mr*. Adolph Kieiiiuvin
an-l du
(er Miss Mela, with M
Senil and
ss Ellii Rl-rachlmrn
Rsnaio lK-rl»-r, maid
n Weber and Mlaa Mar? Shone and otachmiin.
on the Mlsand George tVeber.
Ella niersch- curl Wedm-edHV. They wlll *|xiid the
b.-irh was ciresi«-d ........................................
onmii* cuiuge.
immci' al ih- Kb-ron
Miss Shone wore white Ivilllanilnc.l dlew-whll--," on Glen
Tbe MisM-s Ri>si HeJIa-l and Miirsun-t ;
xir •
. illon, son Frank and
StKme BUended
Edd. L
Ml*. Gludia, Mra McKee
Weber a
and Jacob Weber ulieiidcl Ilie I
daufifaivr Mi*. MtKee. arrived on
I, Hay their niarrl.-d live* be the tMut Salorday for -Ki-nwood."
la tbe wub of their Frank Uilk-c I ruu^it in a flue 1
long and bapi
many friend*.
Mr. and Mra John Fasel of Wex
ford are spending a few day* at the
benne of Irwtn Rawlings.
danghter* Jennie
I France*, c
George Gray and nelcra. the kHsaee Sunday i
Kate RawUngs
Inga and MynJt- Gray at- Wm. Far
plcnlc at Kingsley, .Saturapent
■hn Xewhall of
irrtav jiiirt Suinlav
jmy 77,
Hr. au Mr* D. H. Da> andfamUi.
nP ..1, no hidl rdlu rdlu idludlnlu
Ravmonrt Wyse of Empire, has been
spending Ihe week with hl» sUler,
Ml*. Archie Fonlne of thla place.
A |»ny of .lx i-oiolMing of Mr.
Lee WlgtiTtnon who hart Ills toe
puiatcd one day last «c*-k u getting Hnrlbim. Mr. Easiorl.ropk.
Fh-win and «>ii*in and tbe Hisses
along nicely.
D. Crandall has tbe new cement Erwin were arrival, for Gregory's
wall under bis barn nearly eoroideled. ra*ort. Saturday,
July 27.
Mr. and Mra. C. B. D>-e and Paul
made a short visU at A. Thayer's
Willie FonuD of Travenie City
atitnles h n-ceipt
.•eipt for
f-.r t
the depositor. -A aafe nnd
invenit-iii way foi paying
iig iall acvoimt*.
W<iniiih i-liix'k i'Ooka
. B«». Hnm .r,„.
in Crnnd Rapids, ha* returned
bare bees jrlMtlnit
Hra. Jim Tnmiiwwef of ihli pli
Jitraed home today.
Bora, to Mra. U-e Patjpr. a
lira. U M. Miller wmi to
Saturday to apnid the day. H
Dr. BooMecker boui^ tbe Utfeo
Tm Buren lota iuat eaat of bla realdanse. He ekpecii to bnlld bim a
home In tbe near IWure.
Qalte a goodly number of yoang
- people gathered at tbe borne ot W.
, H. Rebertaoa'a Saturday evening;
evestng was apenl in muaic. An
Joynble time waa bad by all who w
' pramoL
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wood and :
of Bpyne Oty. arrived in town thU
noralng to vKIl their aletar. Hra. F.
BieketL of thla place.
Mra. F. Andenon came tram Travene City today to -riflt her mcAber.
Clara of- South Hllioo.
Jfra. L.C
office la receiving
- - - aa weu aa
d wife apent San^ at Plracm-a Point
All tbe membera of tbe I^ltde*
re out of
big end I
tor a big Pk
Hr. and Hra. OeUy of Barker Creek
are la tows today.
Brery one wtablng to epend Ibelr
Braiday afleraoco In a pleaaent way.
•0 to the H. ft Sunday echool. Our
Ir. C. f
how teeatenalB every
aat aray.
Cotne ose. ecoe all. paat and amall
to Field Day. Aag. 17.
July a.
______ _
Cbtckllic Accanits-Moat conveuieut for tboae who
wi»h to liivi- clu-cka to otht-ra.
check i-oii-
house, la.-jt. Alnsle
money In chicken*. ••••- »—
chleken* nel him I15.<X> a week, cleae
or .all ei|irtii-e». Uiui. Inieod. to keep
more chlekeB*........................ Adalore MjirilD.-aa la one of the
icKy ones to have a large
aches* ojiples till,
i. year
Mra. Heiiiy E. Carlisle
Carllsh is ftwllng
jIU- puTlhly agniti
If wc Iiaxe the wevilher then* will
I Mime fln<- cr»|>* of coni laira-il lo-o'
O-'lave IVinuiie ha* foiirieen acre* of
corn and if nothing hapi* n», will yield
send bushels.
bu.*--' -vf-'thoiiNind
right. Put iu nsm.- com and h** i-oia
tom .loe. not exhaust the soil
able on di-mand.
urilli-n order
No myoents
of oi-poailor.
iiiieas contidential.
People's Savings Bank
Plenty of Traverac CHy Besdera Hava
The* Eapenenca.
Vi.ii lax
The}- can't keep up the conlfaual .
A. A Pray Is bsldiog a bath
in hit '
I'atsoo. who has l-eeo
l>ark give* mt—il aches and
- —..
lug for Mr*. Gilb.-rt Pray, retorned • l-S'O..
I'rluaTV troubles set In.
IXui'i wall longer—take Bunn's KM
Mr. and ^r». Ed. Pray vUlud at
Camp 111. Sunday.
e niy peuidi' I
Mra. P. Uadh-y wen;
lu IL.|ii-l
Clly. Saturday.
Janm WalKon cniiKhi a brook m«t t
Ti-ylor. 1I7»
Madlsnii nreei.
lelgtiral 14 iMiiiiid* Siiiulay
;Traverv<. niy. Mieh.. *ay*: -«(umf
lenliig I. on th-sick
the sick Ilel.
llet. |’■ ft' >• >vara ago I w
Mary Gh-ndenliig
The |cni».bo|i|>vra aie
pstn. I
onif of Uhi MVps around. Iieiv.
Ilf kidn”n-glini
July 71
har<11,v l.-nd .>
.loop Of
llrtitloll II
try work,
e wewk. cnniaimsi a
lent BUd had aI*o a
rylng s
rv-nirallc-s. 1 procured Doan'* Kid
ney Pill. n1 tl
Bugbee Phamney^ J
hud r
iiM-d tlK-m 1)111 .1 *lioii time
iK-fore iIk- acbes, |uUu> uiid kl<Lue> ■!<. 'iilieeiiiftit dlsu|>peiired."
•orti-e. The
Fi.r tale by all dealers. Price M
----------U I. reiira, Fo«ier.Mllh-jrn Cu..
for the I’nltfrt
Mring, r
If U.*e
D '6 tesni and t
ivs.ilted 111 a 'I
gOI*l C|-ll|1.
•iw.-en Ihe 0.
1 K. U * S . team
ory for Ihe O. W.
O. W. D.'s
A* ]>rai-ilre makes
■lie B.M7^a.'ri'y'p!;u f«ran.,lra.|,.a
Last Week of our July Clearance Sale
Refrigerators and Ice Boxes
Must I'D.
We do not w'HDt to
tarry a sinL-Ie one over
.V ('ood Jartp' sixe
Ice Bon t.......................................................................
^ f/}
* •OU
Refrigerator l;irgo onoogli for liotel or roatAii
one we liHvc sold dozens
f 1
A Few of ttie^ Many
of this season, sule priw......................./ / ’OU
THREE REASONS why we can aud do sell Furniture
cheaper than any other house furnishing
store in Northerf Michigan.
Bargains for this Week
First—We are the iar;;est evclusive house furnishing store in Northern
Michigan and buy in lancer quantities than any other, therefore
can buy cheaper.
Second—We do our own buying and use our own money, and when we
buy we make a dollar go as far as possible.
Third—We do our own managing, and therefore have no high saUried
men to pay.
A good nlid oak teUe with fooi-incb ttuved
O *7 C
leg,4S-4nobpoliihed top................................... 9« / 9
at $4.75. $6 and
This means a big saving to you, as what it
costs to do business makes the price of goods.
«B6DdOBkDlBiDgBooui Obain
OT H|*
with iBBther Mat.................................................../♦/9
&«Aoe Solid Oak Bed Boobi Suit, Franeh
PUto Minor.........................................................
in 4.pi«e....................
OM Brcaaen sad Comnodes are golnorew,
•arAiwof coat We Iiave about t%vlce
Ihe eioek we wlsb to carry.
vnn|nY7 For the balance of
r 1C r, r, our July Clearance
Sale we are going
to give free of charge with every
ten dollar purchase one sel ol the
lamons DOVER SAD IRONS, those
who have used them say they will
use no other.
with good gloM Saiih......................................... 4bA9
A good all kleel conitnictcl
-y Cfl
Couch, coverctl in bt«t Veronal at/v/
Others as low as $3.25
Cbe store that Crusts
tbe People
A C0Ll>
Others OB op to $50
Our Stock ol
Hammocks and Lawn Goods
Must Be Closed OuL
Wo are selling
Lace Curtains.
From 20c |Mir pair up to.*••[........................ ^ 1 2*0^)
Rope I'ortieres in all colors and lengths,
<1* 1 ^
from $1.7r, per pair to................................ 1 tl.VJU
Tapestry Curtains
A .^00(1 lon.^ curtain, lull width and length... $3.75
WiDdow Shades 10, 15, 25,35 and 45c each.
Large Shades made to order.
Brass Extension Rods with silvered knobs- each............... ~e
Brass Sa*h Rods with knobs, each........................................
Stair Rods, both Wood and Steel, per do?— .............**5c
Carpets and Linoleum
ITammoc^s al tliis
salt- :i* low as........................................................
Lawn Seltce* at.......................... ..........................
Lawn Rockets at..................................................t
We have about 75 pieces of Carpets and Linoleum with
from -5 to 15 yards in them that we are selling at prices that
win surprise. Sotne of them as low a> 10c-
V. SLATER CbebaoeStorelearnedtbeto Crust
The Original Home Furnisher of Northern Michigan
•tfwi It
with the 0
coop about
epaofd OD Praot atieoL
Hr. Lardle. ebaiimaa of tha poHee
Oksaco «M raftfred to tike ■traM
•ad vUIn twwBHttait. the ordtnuM euBDiitaa. atated that tbe commit.
oonnlUM, the dty MtorDer and Ire bad poae to a great deal of
thraa atihwa of the botd oT trade tiooble o»er be mailer aad had coo.
at tbe'inaetlas <H the cltr eouadl ferrrd with ibe Die departoMBi aad
the cfaief of poilee aad bad looked
Uoitdar erastnc. the
BM this BonilDt at f;U aad tevie* orer the cnglaa booae. It waa aug
geated that the ooop be taken for
the matter.
Preatdest SaaUi vai <mt of the dtr auble for aa extra team Cor Are pu
bat Howaid Moaadmari. dee preal poaei and that a new ooop be built
daet of the board of trade, naiiwid OB the market alt*. Tbe coop would
Prank HanUnoa. O. P. Chrrer aad be built of oement blocka aad all tbat
would coat would be the labor: II
W. P. Cfwaer aa the eomnUtee.
Tha roqnaat vaa embodied io the being poailble to iiae tha material
for aaythinit elae neeeaaary. Also If
tbe engtoe booae u eiteeded to tbe
OBeadl of Tneerae Oltr;
alley, aad there ti raom tor tbe coop
ne naderilcMd Kipei
tbet eooaeat, peimlaatoa and aothor- the coe
ity be KlTeo, fninted aad vmted, br used aa a tool bouae by tbe board of
roar bMorable bodr. la them, their public wotiu.
regard to the olflee on Frant
• and aaatiaa. aa
street Mr. Ijtrdle ,aold that Ibe
Ihdlridoala or aa a bodr e
tbc engine bouae were aoc auluble
r the lawa of the
a down town oCdoe wi
atate of Mlehifah ooder the pn
ble for all. telepbonea could be pnt lo
aad ia ease ul a call, the telephone
row on the red light and
go there and anawer IL
to. to eowtnM. oim. hold. DoUDialn
aad operate a alnale track afreet rail- Tbe extra expense for the wfaois thing
eed not exceed tlOO be
war aretem for tha traBaportaU'
Mr.Palmeraaldthat Itw aa an Impostloo to aak the velunleers to gK
other Stffat freC*ht. to be operated br up and answer the telephone at alMiL
Tha mayor said that there was no
anr OMtlee power other than a a
kKOBOtiTc, with all proper coOTCti- trouble between the fire and iKillce deIhat both workad in barleM tariKHita, awltetiea, aide tr
and tbat the Ulepboae matter
eorraa, Ta, feeder imea. polea and apcould be aatisfaconiy arranged.
On Hr. Palmer'a mMloo. Hr. 1msto the aoecMafol aad eeooomla
eraOoD tt eo^ atreet rallwaj are- die sopporting. (be oomtn
tarn la. aloop. aad npoo the followlDi la racclred and died.
- eaiaed atreela. alleri. aTeanee aad
Team it Neeeaaary.
other public ptaem. and all interreaMr. Priedneh then itrged on tha
tar or eoBBeetlac brtdpea cm aaid council the oeeeaslly of
roale ia Mid dtr. town:
or securing another team. eUUng
la Pnot atreet from the eaat dtr that be was nervous every lime tbat
llBlU to Oarteld aeeotw aad from there was n fire and that the matter
■ Bailroad heetma to Biureod aeo
sbouldn-t be delayed. As the ways
la B|htk atreet from Cataa atreet
os committee hadn't provided
In the bodget. be suggested
to eaat dtr Unita.
la HsBaoB araBiie from the aaat that the council
dtr llBtta to Fraot atieet.
Mr. Lardle atated that the idea
Ia MoDaoo areeoe from the
u to have a team stabled there aad
dtr llmlta to Proot atreet.
the driver sleep In the house.
la OarhcM amioe fnn the aoutii
The mayor tbea broogbt up
dtr UmUa to PealBaula atreet.
coop oueatloB again by auggraUng
Ia PeataiBala atreet from Oarteld that (be hook sod ladder tiwck be
pulled out and tbat a sbed be built
there. After a liuie more dlaeusaloo. the tmyor cmied that be had
la aaitow atieat from Booa atnet dooe hU duty aa mayor aad aaU that
be was through with the amUer.
to Weat bar.
Hr. WJnale said be was always op
Ia Railroad «?mrae tram :
posed to putting the coop on tbe
atreet to Ttewt atreet
ket site, believiug that It abould be
dosrn town.
OWnl Rim
The next step waa the intradcetioa
la Park atreet from
of a ocmmuBlcaUoB from Oeoege
WiDBle offerieg to rent the fraot p
B tiBiM atreet from the. aouth dtr
at 165 Frant street
IlmiU to Bar atieet aad theo to ' the. city tor police headquarten at |7
Dortb aad cf.tha dtr dodt
a moath. Hr. Palmer moved that it
la Beeeath atreet from TlaKxi be accepted aad Hr. Abbott seconded.
atreet to kbawood aveaoe.
A.roll call rote was ukeo sod all six
la Beeentb atreet firm Uaka of (he aMermea prcMBt voted tor the
atnet to Bhawood aveaae.
motloo. tbe mayor declartng it lost,
la PtUNteeath atieet from t
saying It took a two thlrda majority.
•treet to iRdatai street
The city attorney was aafcea for
U Hetmrao atreet from DlrUloa his opHiioa and said that the motion
street to the weat dtr Hmlta.
irried. He then got the charter
la Bar at>wd fnm Onloo atreet
and showed that readntkms. etc, even
tha north eitr Hmlta.
involving money, could be passed srith
to Baiter atreet tram Ualoa atreet
votes. Another clause said that
to Ua aMtera extremltr.
no eootract could be mmde without
In Dirlilao atieet from Proot atieet
two thirds majority. The mayor
to Bar atreet
belld that thii would be a contract
aad detiared tbc motloo
board of
public works to make plana and eatlnutea <r-the coat o( building
Bom the north aide of Bar atnet
the market alie or west of the presat Bmwood areone. aeroaa the dtr
L loestloo was then
pait. to a .cooaaetloB with the ktaa- Abbott moved (he adopthm \nd Hr.
Uloe and Northeaalern railway track. Palmar supported and the motioe
ried after U waa decided that It did
as wfll, to the oolalot^ of roar boooi' not fix any location hut waa simply
aihta bodr. protect the dchu of the I determine the cost.
John O. Chrter.
Chartea A. Denneea.
Batad. Trarerae CItr. Mlab., Jair
a, HOT.
The Ceap Quaatlen.
The major-a eommookottoo li
laid to the dtr priaoo aad the
Ur of aa oftea tor the chief of poBee WM reed to Ihe eooodl by the
etoftoaad the maiar portloo of the
meeltof «w derated to a dlaooaaloci
Of thii. Mr. Pal^ held that the
■orw WM ia errof la r^ad to the acttoo of tha eooadl Jane if. aaylac
that Hr. Btoale bad mada no auct«*.
tloa that the commluee coofer with
the mayor, hat that tha marer bad
aakad that the maUer be beid ap that
he might ooDter with the «
aad that he could coovtoee them that
they awe wraap.
Mr. Prtedndi objected to this,
emuat that hk Temembeird the mettoo b« Mr. Lardle held that the may
or wu to cooler with the commitua. Mr. WloBlr dUo't exacUy reMmbor bat tbeugbt tat hla moUoo
waa to datcr tbe mottpr anUl it waa
looked orer with the mayor.
Ibe moror dated that the clerk
had tbe motloo that tbe report br cecrtred and placed so toe but be waa
certala that -aad the committee con
fer «ith the mayor” abould be added.
. He then euted that be bad made htmoeif dear ia hU odmmualmUoa aad
oootor with the mayor or the maror
the Ant ear had arrived ovet
Pere HargaeUe.
Hr. Moon thought that each read
should hare half and Ulked at length
<» (hem atlev of lalraeaa. He aald
that the Pere Marquelle should
treated (airly and (hat be bad tlOO to
help pay fur the real estate for the
rouadbouae Hr. Lardle didn't
why any other aldermao should have
Ibe say of who should handle
brick for the Third and Ftourcb
wards. Mr. Moon mpported Ht.
Lardle's motion wbbii carried, bat
until Ibe clerk bad read It five (
la reapoBse lo requests.
New Paving Filler.
A. J. HIM. repreeeniing ihe AmeriID AapbaliiiBi and Rubber. Cn.. addreaaed tbc ce.iiidl on the meriu of
the material his compuay put out
This filllog is pul on brick pevemeni
place M cemecl grout, It makes
■ iwvement nolsle«. holding tbe
brick firmly and protects them (ram
chipping, the coat being only « or 10
• mtwe a square yard Ibcn cement.
Many Michigan cities were using the
material, 4l being una^ecled by beat
cold. Mr. Lardle moved that tbmalerial be used on Eight street. Mr.
Moo supported and the motion
On Mr. Moon's moUon. Mr. Psimer
supporting, the board of public works
Instructed to repair Ibe MeOiirry
sewer on Tael From str«1.
State News.
Judd C. Wood, <rf Greenville, look
imble Tuesday w^ile moving hay :
the county farm, breaking several ribs
and hurt hlmn-If seriously «ber ways.
Receipts aisbe Grand Rapids iioat.
rice (or June were |SS.n35,C9, a gain
ot 18.63 per cent over June. l«i€.
three of Ihe 60 largest pcMlolftces In
country showed a larger propor
tionate gala.
1 scarce are farm laborers, despite
unusually high wages offered,
many farmers near Ptmtlar hare been
forced to look to the county jail for
aid and bare paid fines ranging
»5 to 126 to get men to help horyest
le bay mxm.
Tbe police at Battle Creek,
veatlcatlng the tbootlng op o( Charles
Hoa's bo
borne OB Hamblin archue a few nlgliia ago. While the fam
ily were retiring aereral bullets came
throu^ a window. Tbe poilee so far
say they have no clue.
‘nterw's a mlx-op In regard
pw juvenile court act. Neftber drcull or justice court Judira have been
officially Infomied that tbe probale
court has been made tbe juvenile
coart. and they refuse to recognise
der exploelon took place tuKil s telegram was received that ke escaped
Tba supreme court has reversed the
dedNoB la the Jotaa B. OoS will case
and ordered a new trial. Goff willed
property, worth 8M.OOO. to the
Biaie SplritiialMle society, dislaberiiIng bU son Leslie.
-Nevada, the Lost Mine." was pro
duced by Reed CHy talent at lilgbe
opera house In a msnaer better
most ol the prolesalooal troupes
there. The proceeds are to help In
Ihe repair and eulargemeni ol
CoagreMtluoal cbarch.
The city ol Baton Rapids sold 115.k) w-(Uih of 6 per cent paring iKKide
I aiictkn. the Harris Trust Cu.. get
ting (hen at s premlnm of 6665. 6'our
ouulde firiDs and the loc^ banks
were bidders. The balance required.
615,«>0 more, will be furnished
locally oa shvn-Ume paper.
General Newra.
A graduated rod. which rises and
fills with the butiom's vsriulloDS, U
aw used to chart rivers.
About 6600.I-O0 U annually spent fur
cigars and wines runsumed In Ihe
large cliila of Nt-W^'ork city.
• New Vork city government ex
pends 61.«K.<K>0 each day.
Each'person in Che Vnlted Stales
sea. HI malchn every day.
Judge Paul Albers, of Brealau, Ger
many. has published an article on the
ibjcTt of "Tbe Oath," la which be
lakes a siroog stand against the pre
vailing custom of admiaisteving an
oath to persona who arc called upon
> testily In courts of Justice.
Bishop John Scarborough ot New
Jersey plans to celebrate hts priestly
golden jubilee on Aug. 14. I9«K. He
has iM-en a l>isho|> for 33 years. He
was born In Caslle Wellun. County
Down, on April 36. 1S31.
The prlnre of Wales spoud most of
his leisure time la reading and pasting
irapsin a sump album. He lias one
tbe finest private c^UccUons in Eu
rope. all of wldch he has classified and
pasted blmsi-ir.
Point Barrow, la Alaska, is Uic (iirIheat fxiinl north In this rounln'. To
get (here one must go to Soettle. then
by sU-amer I.0«i miles to Valdei. and
then y.TOO mllw by sled. It Is quite
IltUe trip to ukc on American soil.
Siberian butler goes to Hamburg,
relished and sent to the far east as
German producllon. Russian <
con to Ju|wn In ua Auairiaa ditpilso
and Ruaslan calico is sold iberv under
German wrapper.
Gen. Lawrence and Senator Galllnger. wbo are la Paris, on learolog Giai
sale dcecendaal of Paul Jones was
Bring there lo. abHiInta destltulK
vlHlied Gie aged lady, paid up her re
outstanding debts and placed
comfortable acouui in the bank lor
The M. r. R. has b«wn made defendK in a suit for. 650.000 brought by
Of aO Ihe slang expressions with
James J. O'Mera. father of Mias Julia which we are alTIlcied today, observes
O'Mera of Kalamaxoo, wbo when a Ihe Railroad Haa s Mogatioe. Ifae
Dash of electrtclly coming from the
mean Uu- most are. "It's >ii
otonnan's vewlbule, last fall, fright- you " and "On the job. "
ted her and she juniped off. dying
"Worked to Ooath." was a verdlce
to hours later.
a liondim roruner's jury
WMey Harrisoo. aged *0. a pioneer case ol laalielle TburKood. a w
farmer living aoulb of Hasting, ended yean old. who died after a bard dal'
Ife by aeadlDg a revolver shot
the washlub.
through bis bead. He bod suffered
In answer to a complsinl made by
(or years.
• town council ot Camborne, ElogA Ore which started when a barrel land. that the caretaker of tbe
ol paint exploded in the store of Seth
. ground bad allowed the
Hyatt at aaytoo village nearly de- lo grow to aa Inooovenient height (hat
straeed the place, causing a loss of officer replied that the doi.key which
bad formerly eaten tbe grass ftd died
Mrs. J. K. Chaimell. one erf Horeners of lockjaw and he bad be«o unable
buy another one to lake Its place,
ost pramlneol women, died Wednes
rbe natiirallzsGon reluniH of Canday morning from a general breaking
down. She iras born In Morenel in ada for the i<ast year show that
per cent of tbe immigrants, after
Knigfau of the Everlaailng Pleasure the necesaary three years' residence,
win bedd their aamuU clam bake at uke the mtb of nllegtance. The
settlers In the west an
Hcoroe Piers, commeaclng mldnl^L
Auguat 14. About 1.600 members are nearly all becoming t
as they a able
' be present.
Paris is repeated
Hiebigan poatmasters appointed:
times In ihia country, the best known
Wanted Mere Meney.
Viola. Maeklaac Co.. Hlnaie Wilson,
A communicatloB from (be team- vice V. J. Pesasat. reeigiwd; Winters, places bearing It Is-lng in Keoiucky.
--era unloa asked the oounoU ------ Alger 4to.. Charles F. Wlntera, vice J. Berlin Is used SO times. Vlqpna
Dublin 17 ami Warsaw 14 times
decitlon bad -beca arrived' at in re H. Shady, resigned.
Petersburg appears only twice In
gard to the demaad for (4£0 a day.
Two more caadldatea bare appeared country, and Madrid (our times. wIUj
Hr. Laidie aald that about twenty
one .Madrid Springsdays ago. tbe council Instncted (be
Jtrttn Duridson, one of the oldcsi
board of public works to allow (be
Wykes and James Baraelt. Jr- oC
a day (or twenty days- Grand Rapids, having filed petitions and wealthiest citizens of Wichita.
Kan . has never In bis life worn a
He aald farther that nearby towns
necktie. Every moroing In the year
paying tS.SD to 14 and didn't see
Hmaster Bill Webster, the 8oo be puts on a newly laundered c
why Traveree City abould pay more.
never a neektle. He says be
He then moved that (he commuakathink he could stand ooe. and
recelved and filed. Hr. Wlaand county amimittce refused to Insee how .any msn can be rvmforlnle anpponlng.
dorae him for another term at post- able with one on.
Hr. Moon aald that at (he time of
The (act is recalled that once Bcnja
(he request (or the tacrease. that
■uch anxiety was fell by the par- min Harrisoo, after his term as presi
they promised that It wm aaly while
hay and feed were so high. Tbe enta of Alverdo Corwin of PonUac. dent, Introduced Threvlore Roosev.-ll,
Governor of Sew York, to a Dilsprices^ were aow normal and be be
lieved la aticklag to a promUe. Tbe Georgia, on whidi the disastrous pow xionary convention as "a young man
was received and filed.
•rick Hauling.
Hr. UHie called tbe atleeliea o(
tha council to the fsec that tbe haul
ing of brick from the G. R. A 1.
Eighth street-cost the reaidenu of the
R^oici Our offor
atreet 10 cents a Unussod more than
haul rram be Pere Marquette He
stated that glvlnglheO. R. « I. «fty
out of-sixty-five can of brick
was an lajuatlce to (he resldem
For $S500 Cash trade we will give one
Bghth street aad to -the Pne Mar
Standard Talkiag Machine, absolutely Free.
qoelta. He moved that Ibe matter
of baullng brick be put into writing,
(he O. R. 4 I. agreelag that It would
K> mere t4 hoH them (haa from
the Pec* Maiquette.
The matter of whether the G. R. 4
Til WaSnvortk Sir..!
I. ahouM have bod flfir can or
It'M Up To You
Come aad see.
who waaU lo r^otm the worid'betwoen suartsa aad eaasrL"
The amallasl watch In (ha wocid Iv
in (be pooseaslon of a LODdoa jeweler,
mee beioaged to ibe late marquass
AUgieoey. wbse taste In omammu waa exiravsgaat and bltarre.
sire of tbe gold ease ot tlUs
Lilllpatlsn watch Is jmt (hat of the
sQuIlest English etdn—a silver three
pence. Tbe minute hand U an-eigtaib
r un Inch long.
The widow of Auguste Bsitboldl
>e erewlor of the vislule of liberty.
New York barbor. la addlUoo to glvIng a collwiiou of on treasures to the
of Colmar. Alsace, her husLtadV hsilve blrth|.lace. has present.
> the raunlrlpul auihortlles at Col640.0irt to lie used In founding a
Bartholdi museum.
The Cbarlng Crosc. Euslon 4 Hamp
stead railway can boast <X having the
isi iindergroond suiioa In tbe
I This is at HamiuUead. Eng
land. and is 186 (eel deep.
G'-rnian merchant wbo died at
Coltbus Jilt 625.O00 to found a chureb
lu Omsianllni^'le (or all denomlaallons. Tbe sermons are to be preached
pause to consider that their bodies an tog oni of everything. Travri by tal
merely machines to do work, fnrnaeaa «r sesL agricttltun-. eonatry Ufa. all
to wbk-b necesaary fual la burasd. must le BcrUced to atiltty. n>e vety
worttsliDps In which worouot parts are perfumes our wives delight to. £W«|h
supplM and siorerooBU la whl>-b faal ' tikeo fruo a fiower labeled bettle.'ato
and food
made (rum fiouere no lunger, bnt freto
needed* Fnrtbcr, like any olber plecs I the byproduct <■( coal Ur dlatUlaOML
ot apparatus, the body works better | \Ve of tbr |>a»lag gcm-ratloa. wrllea B
aader oensln cln-umaiaares. Its fires ! correspondent of the Ulder and Prtvac,
burn lieller with fuels of eeruia aorta. ] besvc a sigh sod hope the "*ee<aa”
tolled lu rerutn i-n'is-rtlnns. and It | will at least Ust our (laie. hut (he ramcannot keep In |*rf<-ci cundlll<« unless , Ing men must either go with tbe aevr
ruratshed with proper msleruls. Mas I order of ibliiga or ba left habtad wltk
thtoka be eau be'-snsc be U hungry:! Uie borwe
he raally eats becsoae bis budy Is cry- [
Festiwi (Us Guoak
lag out for bulhllng msterislt with [ uWe never openly cuiuplala about
which to repair the s.asie that Is ak
,rf u,, cooking," began Sabbuiio,
ways gulag on sod (or fuel to keep tt i
was uklng dUnisn buiuc to dlaaeif warm, sod It Is rather "finicky [
-t„ (rar (he cook will get mad
•s to tbe supply It wants for each ot | ^ leave."
(ticae purpnoes At i pinch it can use
-ffurely," protested nituiSD. “yau
almost auy tblng digestible for either, duo-, ox|.eci me to do stnhlng tike"—
t«t It groaas and cvraipUlns sod paa- j -,,n. „( rugne you re too polite, bat
lahea Its anfortnaste possrsaor tf It is j i
,-*ulloa you Jwrtlculsrty agwtast
not properly ireated.-Criiicnden Ha^ i pratalag the cooking or abe'll demaad
rtelt In fit Nicbolsi.
public rellgloas sei^ce waa r»
Drawing Reom.
ceutly .-ondurird In Estwrauto. tba
A curious and regn-iisbic revival el hew uDl%MwaI IShguagc. In Geneva,
(be word -draw' In the «-use of "with, Switzeritnd.
draw" oivnra in "draw lug ruom," Here
(be origlual meaning of tbr word U
lost taesuaa •■(
lueiiisme prouna-.
Itu-atcd. Solssly.
Pbforxbeim. Oermany, isasooset sev- '-IstloB by the uoi->liioatvd.
NuUce U horeby given (hat sealed
-sl choral socleliiw. a few weeks hearing It uirutiuucd as "droylng bids wiadie rwxsved by W. C. NelouB
at Its Iwst or as "drurln: m'm" l.'-lsnd. Mtcb.. at shy lime before Bah
go ilRwe socletlee recelv<-d a letter ruom"
St Its worwL" would SUS|«. I It of Iwlag
which i>ur|M>iu-d lo come from a s» s ix<om to wlil.-h li> wMlidrsw fur tvlsx ur.lay.-Augusi 3rd. 19<i7, at 10 u'chiefe
the (uminoa for the ereclloc
clety of German singers lu New Yiwk ath.n. Most word, uf ib- klicl though, in
I'oir House lor L/N-lanan county.
Inviting Ibe IToiztielmcrs lo go
bote DO l•ll•-r i'IkIiii to our sdujlratkia. Said P<«r IKiuse Is b> tie erected (to
New Vork to join In celebrating ami many he»e a worse ..or to uur ■ bo issw farm of Leelanau county to
- five hundredlb anniversary of the sense of language. "I'srI.T'' Is an ugly Kaws'ii township In said rounly and
founding of the German cborul so- grenib (turn Ibr old iuunas|.-rlsl "par- ro be built accrdlng to plana aad
loir." or ruum where sjieakliig was slriirutsbed. and lo ba
deUra of that city. The Pforah.-lra- k.wcd. and -isjiid-lr.'’ that early Victo- spi'.'incatloaa
eompk-l'-d wUhIn tlx awnlU after
<-re at once uccr-iiii-d and bet lo work 'ilau expression uf gentility. Wgsn by I bid is accepted. Tbe s.i|wrint«kdeaca
retu-arse and lu make their'prep- In-lug a rouiii (u sulk to. "HltlliiK
Ihe Poor and Uulldlng r
to n-ject any and
anxiona fur the journey. .But just be
le1'I'lans and BpeclAcatlons
I effei't and s.> Is ''Ihtug
totf"- Tlie
fore thi-y Blaiied some one puintal
rom^ l«ck b. “drawtof
>"■ '~H-ried at the .dfiee of J. C.
<> them that W'tl years ago not
S-..M. S> lasst • I’riemm. Bute Bank building. Travboueet word.. St iMst.-------Mlrt.lgsn: «r ol (bo offH*
truly were there no Germans m New'
'los H. ArkertDAD- Emplro.
York, but Ihut Cfaristopher Columbus
_------—--------------j Mlrhlguii: or at Ihe uffic* of W. C.
had iiiil fvi-n Oisctivered America. The'
Clever W.th th. Cards.
, Selreio, l..elsnd. Michigan
I'forzhelmera then look a grrat oalb
Gome years ago a CTtoln county jail ‘ uiie.l l.-lsnd. Mich.. July i. 1*07.
Charles It. Ackt-nusn. Cbalrama
o meniloo the subject to any one.; vaa undergolug etleiislve alleratlous.
W. C. Nelson. BecreXary. 2*-3t
Ibe story got about, and has al-' during whl.-b tIUH- a goiig of plckpock
equalled Ihul ot (be famous cap Ms, four m number, w ere arreeled ooc
market day Owing lo the uKcntloot: --------------------------------------------------tain of Koepenh-k In popularity.
<he lot were i-oaflu.M for a lliue in one!
Admiral Yamamoto is esjieclally ills- cell, but were pls.-ed under strki surnguished us the organixer of the Tclllsnce. the core uf tlwju l>clug s|>e-:
i-latly lutrusled to Ihe s.-rgrBaL Tbe;
day after during bis rou:H. be iqded!
them playing <'arda, when be iirutuptly ;
oiu-n-v! the door and summuiml a M [ Kslamason. Mich.-"Looklag bock
Klug George of Greece is proud of
his ability to do (arm work. He can re;n‘S‘ThC,^uera‘’rre‘3^7rara^“’^plow, "cradle'' grain, lake care of cat- (uilv sesrehed. hul no cards wcrel"^'^' "*<‘*'"'‘1 ««> kuBcrtog bamaafound. II«wcT.y, thec*rdpls}iflg«III!]“y- » >•
<>» «>e most pleastof
(k- and hurees and milk cows.
The Ceniian emperor hat a senp- rouiliiuc-J until tbe dey oa which the reB.vtlons of my Ble that by carefdl
bouk cuntaluilig caricatures drawn by pickpockeu were to l<e sent to tlic si- ri-sesrch and study. I have baea aaslxcs for trial- Then the em-ertot.-nd- ai,l«l. not only to general praeUM.
very kind man
by spa-clal rcfnedlee, to he tastrovorllc with every ooe. aske<| them it
a favor to tell him where (hey bad bW- mentsl In saving llto. promMIng
deu (be cards They -told him tbat aa health, aad bringing happlDeas lo
soou as the sergeant aud bis comrade ibousamls and (hmaiada of suffrelaff
eolcred lh.-‘r cell they stuck tbe pack mortals.' —Rev. R.' Peagelly. M.’d'
In h!« iNv-ket and picked It again be
Inquiry at KsIMUzida-UMi. dl»
fore he left, as a proof of whbh they clusi-s Ibr fact that to mentlODlag spapresented him with the much used clal remedies above, Dr. Fengelly roNet Oiseeursged.
psck.-Pesrson's Weekly.
ferred lo his experience uf more than
'•Cau'l you rctllu- that you're merely
"How U It inml you nave e.ccica xir. twenty years of actual praeUee la tha
wasting my Ume and your own?' com
llbink s uiciober of your tlubr asked (reatmenl of Ihe dlaessea of women,
plained the busy lurrrbsnt.
"Why toT' asked tbe Insoraaca a uisu of a Iricoil. who wos an actor. during which time bo invariably pro- '
"I thought ibul ouly Ito member# of
scribed ^-iia-Fborn. the well-kiioa'S
'-I told you sume time ago tbat I was tbc profcoshui wgre cllglbU'."
•Tlist's uu." w as tbc replj: “hul "Woman's Friend" aad regulator, and
insured t» the limit "
"I know you did. bnt a man will say Blank IIS s pullilclaii la uue of U»- which hns found ready sale aatong
tbc reliable dnutglsta of the load. If
moat anything to gel rid of so tosnr- U-sl uct'irs to Ibe wurid."
you are tick or ^llag.'Ti^M *Wi!l.BBTbe WelveW touas|ea.
He was tcillug a thrllllug story of doubledly desire to teat the aiHfto <ff
ooe of bli balrbreadUi escapee abroad, this valuable womaa's medicine. Just
MlnUtar-Now, my beloved brarera. aad tbe young girl leaned forward anil aak your druggltt for Zoa-Pbora. No
next Babbatb evenlog I aball begin my buug ui«n his words btralblcssly.
other explanalion will be aoeded. Toa
aprt-lat aertei of aermone on Pbareob
".tnd they were ■«. uesr." be eald.
of Ancient Egypt" Gambler In the "that no could see tbc muzzles of tha win gel tbe prescription used so sueccssfully by Dr. Fengelly. already pre
Congregation (wblapering to frlcndi Well, wouldn't n fade ye lo know tba
"Ob." sbe gaeiKd. "buer glad yos pared and compounded to just tbe
game dated back tbat farl-Cblcago luuM ba\c bei-o that they bad tbeir right proporiluae, and put up to acolad,
Blerillzed, one dollar botGea.'
vinzzlcs on;"
In each package will be found •
Aug Tbelr
• Awlsl (
copy at "Dr. Pengelly's Advlea ta
.. .. tbe nature of women lo he a
Aatbliag Atidrew-Tnni tack. paL Woroen." a medical book, fftvlag todelation to men." growled tbe oU torn hack! This town you'rs i-c<
tsTPstiDg and iDstrucilve laformatioa
to Is awful. <TiUly Nytee Wut's w
with ir* Ambling Andrew- W'.v. every about bB the diM-ases of wofoen and
araslsst. "aud U .. . body keeps a dog. there's tbnv> rotritio' the way to sueeesifully tieal them IB
to bog their detosioDS.''-E
acboob'. a soap fsi torv, so' tbe ton's (he privacy of ywir <jwn home with
sstus to Bnlh.-Ulustreted Bits.
out itny publicity wbatc-ver.
Woman’s Lite Saved
Tho PuroKiaso O'F ai
r.ii-ics still u (he certainty uf complHc ‘•uU^facHoD.
There can be no q.'J‘'Klon abrnl Quality, or Value,
or Durability, (or not only has uur I'isnu dcmoortru'c-l its r-ip-rloriiy. but 'he Guarai.ti-e ol-'tldi
lli.-ist—the broadest and most Iibciul Guarantee evt-r written—stands lack uf evecy I'Unu bearing oaf
tVll4_^our lung-established n-ptiuiiim and every dutlar of our rv-s>.urr<-s at
ibe iMrcJiSser
may rest ussuml that o<ir PIsnu Mutt fulfil all the claims we make for IL
If you could watch (hr- pro«r-ss of a GRINNBIA- BROS PIA.VO
throiieb tbc eight months r'-qulied for Its cunsiniciioii. Inw—'lgatiOK
the quality of ihc material, iise.1 and otmerving the cat- 'ak-n f.>
have each pan perfectly made sr.d adjusted—then yug wu-ild rr-ally
agi-ee with us ilut we are msnufa«unng as fin- a Flanu aj- ni'ioi-y and
esperienre can produce. This u what we aim to do and w.- sr<- saiufir-d with nmhlDg short of the BEST.
luniiy f
play It;
learn alwiit Its ooti.lriirtlon ami lb. ability
more laqulri-> you msk- among P
lighted r,«
Piano YOU should buy.
Griiinell Bros.
Plano Mannlactiircrs and
MleUgan*s Largest Dcalcra.
-iraverse Ctty Slore* IW E.ftatSL
A't S'teinbers Bro'th<
A sale you can t afford to stay away from! It begins July 26 and will continue for two weeks. Every item adver%
tised here is bran new goods purchased this season. To close out many lines and prepare
for Fall purchases we make some awful cuts in prices.
Dainty Summer Dress Materials
Grcafly Reduced
Unprecedented ? Well, Yes!
Colored U'ash Goods, While Goods. Dimilies. Mulls. ,lf. Ituudtedi
oj ’(hoiee patients.
Mulh. While lod colored
wortli C5 and 7Sc at.........
Ind» Liuou worth 12*0
7 Rn
a+r I •a-rv-r
L-*'’-' s Tailor
gr.rat b.-llurs at 8l>.0u
Mulls worth 40 and 50c at
PersUn Lawns. 50 it. wide
0 C sa
doubb-roU, worth 6U-. at.. jQC
Fina Dimities worth Wo.
1 patterns at.
At 75c, 98c, $1.25 and up to 3.50
Suits that «, r.-
Skirts tlial were |1J 50 i.ow............................$7.25
.''kins ili.ii wi-fo I'i
TiTiw ....................... $4 95
Skirts that w. ro 84.'4J and $.',uo m,w.........................
One of «.ur biggest banJaiiis is a l;.rg.- Ui moitd .-'i rwul worth
$1 25. sale price.................................................................................................
White Muslin Underwear
$7.501 ' uS“oo';t’-::' S4.95
Indian Head and Glasgow R
$.1.00 .Ijck.ts
$2.50 I
o' 10 nnii I6e L«».. ino.tl; Torehon.,
andtlUO...................... 4VC
ChUdren's Muslin Draw
ers and Waists ill all
sizes at I2i, lOaud.................OC
All 2o and30c Embroiderks
includiDi; wide Corset
' Ooren worth 35c now___
worthtl00 at..
11.60 Tilu
SO nnd tiOc EmbroiderUa at 39c
at »Sc
All Over Laces
la Blank, White and Cream, worth $1.00 and SI .23
Then worth SOo for.................................
........................ 89c
Wliltc Hose
WMIe Embroidered Bella
Tba oraateat varietT, tbh prettiest
Laos Hoae, the best Ribbed Bose
«rat ahowB at
It ss and 45c per pair
Some with Pearl Bnes
s taibr male,‘. some
extra sizes, worth 15c, at.
One h)t MUaes White Ribbed 1)^
Hoae, worth 15c per pair..'... g(j
Leather Hand Bags worth
SOeand tl.OO.'cboiee.
Jiugham is
wortli by the yarrl Three
btylef.two at sec; iiiealJ&^C
Suits that wer»‘ 87 .50 at........................ .............$4 50
Suits timt w.-n*
$3 50
C*l Cfl
Suits that wore $2! 75 at ..
............................... ........... wl • D U
A ffrand big assortment, many of the prettiest patterns
reduced.20 to 30 per cent, from their
already low prices.
^2 95
*iS^!S:i5«KSi,T2: At 95c
Baby Bonnets
Limn. S,!k «nd Mull, trimuitsl with Enil.roi.lerv
aiel L-ice Worth •!. aud t-'- at..........................................
Also a lot of rolorod skirts in black mkI navy, for
ladies Bul uiiosis. worth $1 2-i aod 1..5(J. at....................95c
Ladles White Collars
OUR BEST Those White Skirts that, we
sell special at
$1.75, $2.00 and $2.50
........... 6c
Handkerchici Bargains
They arc the brst fitting ami, the iKtsi maJ.; Skirts
evershown aniwhere at any price.
• Ladies'
Ladies Long Silk Gloves
Shirt Waists
riam .™,1
il,. 1^, „.„rtoo»t m ll... dlj .t
91.35, 91^0 91^ 92.50 and 93.00.
Lmg Lisle
<i loves at 75c, 85c and.
Huoiiroils and thou
sonde of tfiu pri'llh-,^t
< vi-r shown liy aii.i (uu-
or Misses and Children,
snsde of White DocR io
Turban and Tacht Stylea
with or without peaks,
worth 2.*> and ifoc. at___ ;...
Positively the
Lowest Prices
Men's aothiinn at aThird OR
Towels at a Great Savina
Satin Dtmaik Toweb pui
easily wortlr40o and .'lOc .
Cottoa Towetlag at less than
wholesale prioo for this sale ...
At 29c
Lace Curtains—Extra Special
wr fineat high emde Curtains,
tS and 16 kinds, tliissale............................................................^9 •
300 yards. 20 in. White Wash.
27 in. White Habutai Wash Silk
worth 60c........................................ 47c
200 yards Fancy Silk for Waists
or Suits were 5'J and <>5c.........3Sc
iio.i ::.u»at.... 1.50
IIS in. White Poplinette. half wool
will Wash. reguUr ‘JHc value 22c
10 pieces Fancy Dress Gpods.
principally plaids or checks
were 50c...........................................29c
Ir 98c
ntis Waist for 98c.
White Waists that were
... At 49c
Ladies' Kimonas. worth
Ladi.V Hons.- .lackeU worth
30c and tVic... At 39c
-'.V-................................... Al •■9c
Lone Kitr.uaas. worth $1 J5................... At 7^
Ladies' Uiiderwear..AI aostng Ont Prices
Men's Straw Hals, latest ehnpe-s.
worth J1 2.'> an.] 1 XI.
to close at.......................... / OC
Boys' Waists, white and colors.
Children's Sailor Hats,
CottOB Sox, mizo'l colors.
■Xh- ami <'pUo -lualitiet. at
In this line wo Imudlo nothing i.ut REST UW'ALITI'
of underwear.
rWo believe that seconds are dear
at any pri>«)
Ladies VesU ill regular and e«n si/A-s. worth
.... ....19c
&........ lOc
Sen's 50c Undeiwear 33c
Men's Shirts, p!.Tin and ph ai.d.
whilJ’an l e.lofed.
fS Q _
worth $] 2.7 and l..*A at . a/OC
During this Kile we will sell s>'mo of our best lOe
w /w
< >ne lot of long si- i-ve Vests, wortli 2*>o .it___ '.... $ / Vr
4(>-inch Brilliamine i royal
blue, navy and browni, a
a good 50c value....................... ::sc
During this sale we are offer-
tS'inch Light Fancy Plaid and
Check Suitings, were S-’ic - -50c
^ing exceptional values in
44-inch Silk and Wool Crepe de
Chene (tan. grey, brown and
cream), regular price $I......... T-jc
Men's Caps, gor.i siyin. i,.,t
many of n Sityl. worth -'lOc 1 Q-*
to $1, to close at................. 1 %7C
Crtlorcd waists, worth ott'
Men's and Boys*
Cotton Pants,
worth $1. at................
all IIZ.W 4 to II. woMh
riX. at.................................
White Waist'
f;d""i:l5-|. At 69c
Biff Saving on FnrnRhtnAc
handagme designs, wortli t«5c,at ...........................................................
81.50 Napkins at $1.10
1 5
Men’s Summer Snils i„ iiahi „„1 J„k .
|l2.KJ:i.id 13 .X'. nt....................
o.tW.at......... 92.50
Table Damask
Pina, firm and dnnble. Neat patterns.
Worth 11.60 per dozen.
Sale price..................................................
Colored PetUcoats I'ink,
anil Light lllue worth $1 00
at 69e Shep^rJ Cheek
Sat«.-u worth $l,.jO at...
lliwo Snpjmrlers. ail sia s.........................................................
AnoUier lot of While,Skirts, wurih
>1 2-->. J.50 hi»i-jC0. m,«lly..ue
( f a kiuil, will be soM..................
While Parasols
White Skirts
One lot of WhitoSkirls m.vlo of pare Lino;-, Imlis Lite
While Caps
Covers worth ;{ov’.4’
Those worth 2.‘pc at.
H^valocs at........................................2Sc
30c values at........................................39c
You cauT allord to miss IL
One “
The Prettiest Corset
The Prettiest Mnsllo
Drawers wunh T.v
SM New Carmenls Just unpacked
the Prettiest White
Underskirts worth
$1.25ami $1.:4J.....................yOC
Thaw worth $2 30 at.................. 91.75
Thow worth $150 ul...................92.95
. ^ ,
Lawns worth6c at..
The ntl thing for White Skirto and Dresses, <m 17c
qwHtrat........... .....................,........................................................
We show one of the lantrst lines of iV'Ispreods in Ibe city hej iu-,1. f,iuK«<i
scalloped Bud cut corners
" ’
Alabama 8iiri‘laid».
"mpUm Voih*
Bnd«ie E
worth SOoI at.............................
Bedspread Inducements-
$25.00 and $30.00 Ladies Tailor
^4 A aa
Made Salts at ............................ blUwUU
all Black Goods.
We give Premium Tickets
with every 50c purchase.
r;»E«lM'lO I‘«ISIir«OTOIu!
An Odd Ki«.akr.
I Asailm o. ba\ia
Ihnv BiBt harp bam a srat per_ _ ,i
■••al charm In JatfaranD Dsrla sot- e._, doc* lb Ll« espedltloa le .or u.v ’"'P* !»•»•••
'“»»"•* “ ! woman,
his lamp la! withatsodlnc fala ratbfr \a«atarpl.r tic re*;,.n*, told aotce of tbe Netii.aw ! ^
w.viU! i-cn-ba.*o one from ;
forl.kWpti hr trw from p.rt|akiac
tbat ncall at««k. 1 don't Ufco
war^ addrewa. aed tt bap JeaiiipJ to
Aetlra preparathma art beias made
vbo bai «{
---------jij^ t 1^-T.ai* jBUftiUB I’lam u Ultra
them. "Hip auaB-iloa •■auMid eonster- '
'*»» aHmel. Iiidrcd. .-at* nt^fab
fas tbe frtat reklap to
amomo- tbe roontrr .....................
<« barp failed lo ,bbapiraj amoOR tha worU'a Kirat lUinrln. prailiao
“Yep'Di.'’ aaU tbe luitcber poIlb>!y.J aiptible loflorooe
COCP of marrlrtw
marrlniw tiea. may
mar ■
trite drlre. which la bpiot o«TPOl»d
.dnir, ftp bpanllful wrt- oi
of tlie radeU oiilr Ii.t iLa N'alloaal tilrfnrr at but with a lonrb of Irony In bfc« an-; U
e cxiitanatioo of tbp tart
«» •lemaab-a. nie manjCf'*'Itab-m*
^«e of the
,pidPf. TbeaP weba,
*er;'a»* nilri.lt* In ererr
I rarla and that of tba Britlab ma«Vac. aner. "that do perm to he a tn>id Oral: tbat t nomber
bar f? D..nU«TB mca. Ua ■
'' r^ort SPd DP« day with a
tla. aad fOT whJrh more thao a acoce l
ndlatins tluTwik
Id outllop.
outlloa. wltb
with ndlattns
; at Ixtodoo. It «wlalo« a milUoD aod t- of buDP. bet (bp anlnialp what'* <-»ai ! pemooal friend*.
>nd.. lUcp
like niuw
of Mi
of MUtea bare alreadj- bPen made.
fratn «mter
«mer to
lo rtn
rtmuBfarnw i half rolutnaa tod ».000 minoaorlpta. In' to ibiP markM now w^m« f. baie; ehnaerta. CWper cf New Tort.. Jrea of j
fb'we do not neU.“ be aahl. Amurah ,
'• 1® roa*t It m an ore«
At fli»t It |iad bppB ppoposed to ae ; ,ud aaimuTlDC a aprtpa of
iMotrie.Tha moat Important
e*tm:-.beLl. "Von wldnsi to
•'f®'*"- **'h .wiiona earlir. parp
more or-le** bonr In'em. And reell; . CooneeUeut. tk>reea and •-lllca of;
tort amite^thr^ Central A-ia. hm ,
p^rdrt b> n.torall«. „|„cPl»Pd
' ITPOlTPd wai ppolwhlr
C-..P." PcM
man. *«.-au;
•*'7 leaf, red wine and h>;t-a
an animal* l« hnllt now I dent nee bow 1 reanaylmnla. bmhe tbe natural ImtiJ* i
^ tte roSJ^ .*^^1
: “* *“«**? nrcbltacimwl a.tnorpmmt the nwpreaalon of tbe Socict.r of Je<t>i they cau CM aloue without hone*."
. Ipvii riaally tt
■ of borne and bl.-.l and f.mclit f.T tbe' Aiuuttdwrra p. .'t
ttneadad Earth.
-S«^l. WhpSTii
»»JCD moat of thr JP«tm
“Thai may all t«. true." »aM the lit : Confp-lerary. A *<v.lbero friend
' dlarorrnv]
--------- t!i;.t' the■ ''loB-tii.iici
Em el l l\ ;is wrote of -piwwork-'
ala. aara the Londoa Tclegrairii" A ' jrhTr
t|p‘noinatranj lli.-rc wap”a wkk^l' ^Tl'cd’ iiTm at“n«uV,7lr‘Vfrw“vpa!n >'•' »=• ciu.ral.mt to-rh;'«prosouriivd iweway-woPt" It was
Stimlan ownmlltee haa takS tta mat- I
rt6™0on,^.al librtrr, Amons them wa. the
m her eye.-hot thi. mornlnc I! before he died rrfprrpd to thfc. rar*i lb* Netsblllo U:,nicer __
j »W-Ce»lPd hy lipp had Une ^.,r^>www. of
ter in hniid and
■» enta^-j famoo. roIl«,|on of Count Zalwkl. r,.u^ „ W-.l elicl lame It. f- pc.i- traU of l.b, ni.ittrr act went .a to dc ’
• the aiiia, an.1 ib* duralrie w.-iIU mado
Hia kaat Cbai
it whleh It dladimM ftTcoiidlS .
5?“'*"“® "f S®-®™;
»od lO.- wpr. cod J Ipnrp tt to you. both-t now.: arrllri. hU bocw .hcIM hr ,.li>ea and
• Pt w i •^cJr.-ini lb lb--- wuu’erfcl arrhl*
I the 'BiallPd at tbe jcMill rolleceln ITai
roote. Thla will oennlDly Iw the Wr ] „„
1 not Tbe mon Important mairnwript li.
the phoiocrai-h.T*'
> Imleber eoiihl i
..verl™.L.'d I
nolomobU* drive ever imdertakPiL ]I too powerful
knuca talbe atMlenia end *<niu- of tba
powerful for ftp nplder to overcome bbrary I* tbe "Co.!ei Pinaitlci» " of tbe word in tepir -Indianar-.H* Npwa.'
and penerfni water* of the calf of hridal eoiipie.’ I Wonder wliy they aUe*l
boitsp* la (he worU today are of
U able to break them
] Greek Bible, bronchi to Kmaia hy lYnUextro 1 wonder If o« bis e.re reste.1 al»=y« njdi off to tbe pboicwrairiKC
tbip C'ci-tm.-ilon. 'itoi^lelet write* of
How did the aplder learn Ibe art of femnr Tbebendorf In 1*«» from tbe
Birr no that ctret. b of ara. where now ' •» *®oo »» fte knot Ip tied."
Id nlkMIIty of tbe motora and car*, makinc tbene webd? Their crest. In- Conrent of Sf. ('atharlne on Mmut
t-haii-au lu lUe drfionnieut of AlB
rrom IVklBff the llite'lleB Ibroocfa Kalennlty and pertecllim of ee«metric einal.-Sew Vort Tribune.
iieht <d hla .
-fan. Tfrsa. Iitutsk. on lAke Bafkal:
: and thn
I ank« ef the Hod-' **“' '* '*
•“>* Ian chan.
well.- ba.l a.Tj.ilmt
Traat Omak. reiroparl^ ;
Uie ^p“*iurt U la
T~.'.7. — .
! ocB-a.Ion tbe pie«t
romra«ted their pence with
Enrwn^ aaloob. Eaaan. MJnl Nor- : , niatter of Inatlnct. He learns tbat!
Old Irma of OW EcrfllaraJ.
|din«er. A man with a
•» **'*« dlffcren<-p. lo he found Tboae who learn bUtory fram itoae*. a* n l.rllllant talker ai
man i irnrrsl M..rri< &'bafr
Brlslum to Pa^
different eplders | tboae who travel t.. read tbe Ions ac- t .IO on ei eedh.ct.v fumij
MorotHOan, ^be eelehrated "klux . vior«-at Fon- I «•
mm °**.^'».'°^
the cblneae *•*'’'***■*■'*
eapllal to ^
Kal and bUolwenatJon*
i... lead
i^.j him
•Mint «r pppm
tu ibink
races bbi
and tuumn* In tbe tlma uhlMi lUe N'orw
-----------------------taloehleau. |iUuled tmder Ibe rrlcn of
• d'dar.-j.-t I’je la
mroagp «
that be can dtoceiti a aorf of actual aearred bolWInc* of the past-will find heonlly. The mah P.ld a p.v.«.i ator.r.
' Henry IV.. PT..W acaluM a-wall in'the almr!.*'kurs.-h-J mrvU. What to Mealyted datrtrt over Chlne*e roada and prafreaa. which be calls erolutlon in In old Inna one quality popsiwl In tba and
.uuUrd; Then rume a
-My husband Is a brute.- said tba P>tV not far from tbe easile. aad tbe
a^tobet-New Tort
i^taln paaaca for a dinan-w of
maklnc anwme ai.lriet*. aaiue decree by no other retnaint of third ittory. and tbe novelist sat uti- eaelialrie woman.
craiv- arv h.chl.r e.sit*.s:eil i..r yocr
________ _ , M
I The common h..u*e spider epla* o antlgulty. They will find hrnad ho- m.'tw.!. even clo-imy. "I, was a v...iy
-Hare you been acoUInc himt”
Bl;.e.. it..- rrf ul.hv *
■ natOpp rr*ew.iil«>t
~ racawa tba crsaaloB of nrera
quite different from that of tbb man nature. Cathedrals will cl'« T®“ c®o4 aiory ," c|iirtr.l the aovellrf ;; men-Of course I have.”
' lisbed t'.c trm-« base rlway. hp»M>
Vr*. Bea’isiii Tt*- s .iko leniried
.•arhma thare a
* brldcca. Hi'fnU
- ' •
• - eartles cod I<t. "Why didn't you h"icHi' "1 »»
-.Vb. 1 auppnee he talked back and
au' tl'tt. the |Wu**Ms suinc , ^'C Srpi. Bcuh^i;. Ae*. I >np|**w he
nobles and : forty year* old," imlil ItJi.rijson Bnnly, jacd harsh lancuaee.”
■ •»>" «•“ coffer* of tbe mmwtsr of; wanted to herin on «iu.,Piblne eiaj.-»
already tnrelrd In the diatrirt ny a dark eomer with an IrrcCTlar'shect cltle* the report of tbe cnllJ*roan and , -and t*o stortes are enouch.-Worse than tbair Beyawnedr
New I'lrk I'lrsa
that tbe peasants bare Urc* flafteata of cloaely woven tneabes aptvad Iwfore, merebaol. But It Is at tbe wa,r*lda
at au pcriBla. on whlcb they coo*tanlly
tul« U tbe aplder'a liirklne •“» “*** •"
toCMber. It 1* there.' «waa wltb earta and rattle, and that bole Tbe
and place of refuc*: the outopread i At tbe romfnriahle hoeiptry. that each. I
' they will be iarce enoueb lo fury iIm ereb to Its tnare. Tbe wolf aplder , tot* tlta®-«bt«wa aside hi* calUncnnd
antomoblM. over. A creat ponkra of make* a tuboUr bole with a blnfrt I J«MIe* with hU nelchl-r ai a waythe line ta alao very picturesque, esj-erefuer. and apresito no I 'ater. Inn* bay never been rc.orrnpd
dattr tbe aectica between Lake Balki.;
' for Miff neck^e*a. It ba* cr. r been
Hire, islyinc enilrriy <
and Tomft. srbere the road lie* akme piowaax
tbelr prble
pride to
lo tw>ki
iw>ld out weieomioc
welenmicc arms
to overrome tbe onsoapectinc >*Mr
tbo foot of Hrfly mountain*. Cohmel Ttotlm. ■ cum another specks* of aphler to ai: who can pay tbelr way. what-,
Kovttsky. a Bmnber ef the Busalan conatrtcu a
alinpler tnbe
lobe without e'M tbelr character or creed, and In-1
Geecraphleal aorfely, ha* Joet retumn tbe risk of beinc ;
ad from a trip atone tbU very route,
Accord nc
I to a dtotincutobed natural. eheated hy ihpM who Lave not a crmit. i
aad. acrortlnc to him. those srbo uke
They must And a room for tbe kins. I
part to tbli norel drira Win enjoy It 1st at Wasblncton. these different kinds If need be. and a abelter for tbe iwllt* I
of webs or neats rcpreaenl so many
stafps of deretopmeDt. This Batural. •tnneer wbo ntcfatly cuts purses ca |
IK Is of oplnton tbat at tb* bcclnnlnii tbe ktoTs hlcbwar. Tbe rnntwsyi
tbe only kind of weh tlmi any spider
d Into!
knew bow to apin era* a simple cons.n
.in an !
■paslal.HstM Far Mm Who Will Oe- Intended to protect It* «-cc». Then a tbe pallericd conrtyanl. and wllhln
aWs Hkwr HaywOMT* Fata.
web for tbe nroteetton ot (he. spl.tor hour mine boot mu*l screw up bl« (ace [
Tbe juty wbirfi will try Beereiary itaejf from In eneiple* was woven fora welivme to those wbo post to botj
' I
Vaitom D. .Haywood of tbe Wesieru around the cocoon. Tbto;weh bad nn puraull.—Indoors and Out
FkdarattoB of Mlneiu tor oomplk liy la Sffwnlnc for lasras* and ecreaa. and
FhasM af tAs Natienal Oaiti*.
tbo.raaider at Caldwell. Ida. on Dec.
weha. torrdded for use only dm-;
There are two kldc* to aliuoet any-,
bO. UtK. of foRBer Uoeemor lYatik
Cteanenbaqt will keep b
are etUl spun by
fn.iu lielus nu exo-i.tlou. .From the
tbe trial, aoya a dtopatcb
Boise, -apldera.
Tbe next step
fa snare. It bt
bas been sucse*fed tbat I
“* “*>'
Aball be kept tocetber and to •lualoi
luHed from the accl-l
**”• •to‘*d|«lul of the |.ror.».i.«ifrom pabUe contact and tbe hlcber ■ dental aptoutoc of (bread** over and ' •* I'laJ er Ibe Icnctie bn* u ilub lu each
conrti bare always Ini
tubulnr re-1
areond tbe openinc of
r«* ‘**1
.« ««.« B.
4r^ Ubcr,.
„„„ .r ».!”',srs .!L“■
fora ratbtf than
the jnr.
Idrad a bouse for them. TLe bouse.
, Isttnctlre, well built etnicture. standtoff on a neat town and carden. to just
ecTasa tbe street tbat Ainka tbe rear
'tr Ads county conrlbotwe and within
ahoot 300 feet ef fte courtroom.
To make the dally Journeys of the
Jury as ^Irect as possible tbe sheriff
baa constructed a temporary stairway
fiura tbs rear of tJ^e second stoiy of
tbs eonrtbooae. -Iis upper landlnc to
ptatfom of a Are eacapa. aniTlt to
Tsaebad ttarooffh tbe anteroom
ffadia Wood's Mtainbers. Tbe jury
tberefMe be taken directly to tbe stairaray wltbont toarinc IbC
•ors of tbe counrooD. An oAlctol cook
has been teUIncd. and arrancement
,hat» been mad* with toea) store* for
ffond and rarirt aiff^ly of food. Pour
teuiffs, two for day duty and two for
lliCbt ssrrtce. will piard tbe jmy. The
toimae will be carefnlly and ennstantly
watebad. Entry to tbe open lawn will
W prahiutsd. One
artu tamato at bom* irblle tbe jury ..
te coart and tbe lUcht twiilff* arlll do
etoeptoi dnrtnc tbelr aratrtu
'Fapar Kettle* For Otrmas SsWleet.
^ tt It stated that preparstlona are be^
^ made to fumtoh the aoldtoia of
lb* Oennan army with paper kettlm.
Wbteta are a dapaneae InreoMon.
tbeoBfa tbe Dtenrito are made of pliable
ffapsr. they bold water readily. By
-peottoff water into them (bey can be
boBff over tbe Are wlftout huminc for
« toofftta of ttiiie esfltoleot to boll tbe
■toatsr. One kettle can be ined about
times, aad tbe cost to tow.
further d
ef tbs bouse spider, and It rracbed its i
hlffberf fonn when the eardeo spider *'“•>
«re «.K-k coipteamed to constniel Its beauilfully i l*>"«-l'roi-'nj' "nnu'-rt. To th.-eindtoted webI cited jmttlsani at a came eaW. jilajcr
In all tbl* (hero jiay be discerned *• ■“ «an.e*l conirwtant for hi* aide,
seme >«aemUaiK« to tb* procrest vf!
niHii/rfi.. I* from fon-lim parts
architecture smoDff men. The earliest I»'HiW l.e au liiiponaut fact tbat
repreaealatlves of the human race \
''Inal men. employee* with
were content to dwell to car** audl “torie* ».>i hy rouii.anle, that all Iwrudely constnivled tuts. Then more I <“W: to ll.v miuj.' .•..riwrali.m. and that
aUborate dwelllnc places and build-1
P«7 for plnyluc and not
toes Intended for other puri**>e« wero! ^oc "innluc. To the public It Is a.
) c»»ue. T,. the pre-btent of Ibe com
conslnicted nnilL b.r aucrc«*lre ai
adrsBClnc as baa tbe aj.lder. we Lavs pany it may !*• a Rood
arrived at tbe temple*, palace* and (otmance."—tVniur)'.bccsea of ctrUtoed-IUe.~8L Ixmls Itopnblk.
-Il« ran np tne Aichta of atnir* In
hl< aiiviety to |w«pn«r to Mis* tiiiduy
ami tlii-» .euhlu'l tqeuk Uvuu*<‘ bo
As Arise® Sapsir •t Talk,
WA* out of brenth.”
-Tre bad lo cet a new trarlwr."VVlut <llil el..- aa.vr
~Tour old one cerilnc carele**T' “5I.C said -riiiut hcon ne'er won
"No. bnt his baby to bcffUmtoff to my fair lady.' and turned him down.”—
sWe OB $ia«n a yoarr
“Tea. I believe | coaid If the people
•ext doer hadn't imwe thao W.ooo r,
year and my wife knew ic—Cbtcaffo
• pawar tai
This is a clean sweep of all summer goods and broken lots
from all departments. We have given all summer goods the
“go-by” price, so this is your time.
^ ,, .
Note (he following: di
>evcr.Tl lots. About ifixi suits
(Many lines, alati blacks, arc heki
in reserve and arc not included in
this sale. I
Lot). Suits from *7 .VI
l-ol.Suits from S12
Young Men's Suits
Size* :!.! lo :wi. hail'lsniuo wa L'.
from Il'J In $1'^.
carry the largest Aock of Paints,
VarDisbes, Brushes &ad Wall Finish.
We guarantee our White 1-cad to cover bet
ter, look whker, not to peel or vhalk off in 5
years. We also guarantee our (cwcll Paints
the same way.
Discounted from S3 to $3
Lolof Men's biiH'ii P^m'.s. worlh
Wc also handle a cheaper
f:: tw to 1 .-O, now
line which wc sell at $1 il5 a g.vUon.
$2.35 to 3.35
Men's Underwear
Broken sin' 2-x- e(**U
Ask tor our Color Cards and
look our stock over
If yoor size is berv. it's :i snap
Broken size* .70c good*
half hitoe,
Lot of re-.
Men’s Rne Straw Hats 25 per cL oti
The Majestic
248 E. Frost SL
Lot omen's $1 and $1.25 Col
ored Negligee Sblrts........ 85c
Lot of Men's $1 Colored Neglige
Sblrts........................... 75c
Lot of Men’s $1.50 Colored Neg
ligee Shirts.................$1.15
Lot Of Men's SOc Colored Negli
gee Shirts..................... 38c
Oasfl In TssOipIdo.
Tb* rime worn questtou of “Hint
twaftsa Of'fte pinar has new riven
way to -Whst beeenMri of the tootli
picfca?- *irt a qnesttoo tost rrb nev*r b«ea abto to answer.- asid a leatau
tant kaeper. -allbnruft 1 ask II every
year arbm my tootbpiek bill come* lu.
T*bay them ebsap to bare quantltlea.
Rot my bin to so nnlmporunt Item lo
•y expenses. T^y ranlft from tbe
table* and eountfri at If by mafic, for
they do not ffo off oos or tsro at a
time, bat by toe bandfut. TVby imder
^ canopy a coRoma abeuM b^ blmSett to s handful of toothpicks tt tb*
oendualec of bis moal I cannot under•tand. It seaoa ai if be mutt feed
them to tbe dor-ar nee them for Are
tteuad. for tbe neXtSy he to sut* lo
Thaw op for anotter handful. Time
Ud am* asaln I bare earn a coatooibr dump (be entire raotanu of ibc
toelbptek boUer Into bli pocket, and,
tttbaaffb I was UMlimsnt. 1 could not
Frtm over ao ainq|l a (Iilnf as toothRicbB. If yoa aearcbrd (he inrketo of
ttie aea out af ten you'd Aud from
Ita to a dosea tootbpleks tucked away
k them. I eaa see wby a man beto*
wamlf to a bunch of matebea wbo
he hoys a <lfar, but tbl* toothpick
ffftft S* ieyotto to* "-New Tork rraet
Tbs Csnditisn.
We Are Making a Clean Sweep
ifs a Money Saver
Some SnappyBargains in
Boy’s and Children’s Suits
S2.50 Suits for............... $1.65
$3.00 Suits for.................$2.15
$3.50 Suits for.................S2.65
$4.00 and $4.50 Suits for. .$3.6$
$5.50 and $6.00 Soils for. $4.6$
Youth’s Long Pant Suits
$7.50 and $8.50 Suits for. $5.»S
$9.50 and$i0.50 Suits for.$7.95
Boy’s White Lioeu and Colton
Lot Boy’s Knee Pants.
regular 50c goods for......38c
Lot Boy’s Knee Pants,
regular 60 to 75c goods for 50c
Lot Boy’s Knee Pants,
regular $1.25 goods for.. 9Sc
Lot Boy's Caps regular SOc
goods for.......................25c
Lot Boy’s “Teddy Jr.” Flannel
Hats SOc now.................29c
LcH Boy's Straw Hats worth
up to 25c now......................15c
Lot Boy’s Straw Hats SOc
kind, now.................
All Boy’s Indian Suits worth
$1.50 for............................75c
Hamilton Clofhing Co.
Try them for Inach
and yon will have them
for dinner.
The most nntritioas
staple made from wheat.
iBrt frwcf padu^
Mr. sad
i. M. Porter
talBtac their sepbew and wU* of
LoiSasport. lad.
I. R. t.
Ralph and CM
of Windfall,
>yd L. SDllh aad wITa to W. P.
IS ft, lots I».
Xseir. trastee, W. 116
lad. are rttlUas their anal. Mrs. 8.
u^SO. block 4. H. U h Co.'s lUh.
i. Wrciog.
Mias Edith Holeoob oC Trarer
H. L Hobbs aad wife to School DUatr U rUitioB Mias Hai*ar 8pe
Hre. Chaa. BncUey aad daughter .
Ict No. 4. parerts,
Sebotdcraft. are rtoltla* Mrs. Back- J. W. Jaefcsoo sad wife
* *•
J. E. Cornell and wife, lot 14. Eests Mokesa.
Oiss. H. Hentel aod wife to >leBry
ia^. aH at owls. Sec. 36. T. :e. R.
G. K. Scell veol to Saclaaw last
W'edneadar. called there br the Arm
for vbieb be la wortlnc at hla trade
aa mlUirrlgbt.
and Mrs. 0«o. Keeblu. who hare
In Detroll Ihls summer. hsTC
spemdln* the paM -week with
Mn. Nesbitt's pareats, Hr. aad Mrs.
J. Wiley.
turned o her hoDie li
Mrs. E. J. Noble and children of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pulver and Mn.
eo. Holleobeck went to Traverse
ily today to altrad the funeral.of
ttir Round Rtokerd.
July 2S.
Hurkleberrylng to the order «if the
day here.
Dan Pratt baa purchased a driver of
Mra. J. Abbee.
GtnemI News.
San Marino U the smallest repubi
a the worid and has an annual rv
•nue of only |1S,«0I>- lu army cc.
>Utfi of 900 soldiers and 160 officers.
New York city U the second JB the
Union for sire of per capita debu It
being I1I3.SS. NewtoD. Mass., coming
with *116.58.
Raymond Talbot, newly appointed
asor «>f the Preoch departmeot
e Boston unlveralCy. to only J1
of age.
c South American repubtles have
urgently Inrlled King Alfonso to visit
bmi Ibis year.
The Oermaa emperor and empress
re cgpeeied to visit London to No
Bren- loch of the human skto conains S.6iMt perspiration pores.
Chlna'hnd Jsi<an logi-lher |>roduce
126.<s« Ions of silkk annually.
T.ooo women to
1 United
' and minister to tbe
each readdi« to the wtedow below.lawh
dfmni the brtldl^tbe taddera ’^T'
Act No. *7* of the PaWIC Aott of
l*er. you as* haswhy noUfiad that a
eatamsttleailoo from the cop floor u>,toeraaaaa of 1» Csotortos sad 6M PriBrnry Beetlon to to ba hsM in
the RTOuiid. The manipalaUce is Sim- vorltetm. The Increase to most marked your rooniy on tbe aaemrt Tnaafiay to
AngttsL 1*07. rt wWeh tten fliH8fltw
to meet to amTtstfca for tha purpme
risible, sod does not disfigure the: “d la esubllshmenta using taw ms- ,at making a gmierBl tvrtafem of tb*
fsosd^of the building to t^ m^Ber, terlsls.
ConsUlirtlon of the State of Htafalgan.
______ ordinary ouuMe Iron stair i . .
shall be nomtaatod by all poUttod
esse does. A public Mat of the new! *
Eskimo at Cape Perry to
eseape has prored aueesmful. and the]
wltnrm whtweaf. I teve banwhto
ex-'lscliude Tl. BHUab northwest pnssw setla BT
Vienna fire brigade repna
hand this StoUenth dv at
pressed iTSeIr apptorml of ...
July. A. D. INK.
of .K.
the ..rtoelo.1
principal ‘
Celery will Ibe one »r
Chaa. 8. Jttomim.
crops produced
Grand Ttovana Ceanty.
u; *"'1*
y«rs solidly embeddad
ran<m nty, Col., this
the fact that
)- Injured the
the growers have now begui
celery. Celery has been raised sue-]
e.«r..l|v by a l.-w grower*, aod has scheme put forward by Juato Setra.
I■een found too be one G<
c< the best paypay-. Mexican minister of pub’lc tostrueing CP0|« One grower grower
Kr"w" reslreal^ ,h.. recent closing smslon of
d *1.575
tl 676 Horn
fiom me
(me aod
and a half acres
It year,
r, ann
another *600 on less than an be Mexican coogms.
an arte of planUng
re. The c
tvnitom H. Newman, presidsot
» sboul «*60.
me New York
iivia Mwitnu
Ceoiral railroad, probe Interesting
There will be need of iaUiat of
“• •
- probably j
Boy Other n
secticides- '
lug. say* Popular Me- - piie Stole. The loul utanber of seals
- at Hoi held
beld by him Is 119.
Sprtogt-. ArK., to mpurad In raising
For Potato Buga Botbing
■nvcrlon has the mde»i water works
alligators for the market. The de
huever been diacovered that
of any English town They
mand for the hides to use to ma
made by Atulcla..rounla* of
facluring purpoees to eonstontly
is as good as PURE PARIS
creasing, w-blle parks and toot buy
and prrsi-tited In the
GREEN unfortunately many
live replllrs for oxhlblUou.
brought frum a distance
BMdoDce of a mind In all animal*,
get hold of some of the poor
eien the lowert. Is found by
W. <rf «»•
Headley. The amoeba exercises the
<>r Ruwia baa starinl grades with which the market
iwraer of choice when It rat* aod tbe |
is flooded aod results are not
irse-like gnlrmy of onecelled Infuso-'* ^
Ian folkwlngihg- The ciartoa satisfactory as the Potato
I the school three times a week
es to be agluteri by Jars re!«*»«• l tolenato. showing that It and criUcIzes or oommend* the pupits. raiser not only wastes time
leml-er mat a Jar to banness. In addition to singing the crartoss
and money but also loses bis
pupils lesrn to play on lbe -'hsUUil.a" potatoes.
Stala Newt.
national Instnimeot, something like
Snnte folks have been accused of
We carry none but tbe
having "lial* In their bellfrie*." but
The Han llbrair. at Pekin, contoto*
Mr*. Janette Brower, of Bad Axe. has
the work* of several Ihooaand aiithorr L avanburg’s Star Brand of
Iwes in hers. At any rate, they are all
Pure Paris Green and store
Itolloeopby: at sevetal thousand
through the wall* of her houne. When
mathematka: of many hundreds
it in a cool place assay from
ever she wants some bouey all »hc
of bondreds on medicine;
has to do to to imll off a shingle or
oil and water which often
liorc a holAin the sldtog aod top a more than 1.000 port*, pie library makes the very best Green
deposit. She recently pulled up the
Kiss Rrt>y Bow of Elk Rapids spent
few days with friends at Kew*^—
Floyd Bate-.
l' of Wales
Gaston from Ohio, preached
tost week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hockridge spent the West Almira ttchool boose Suoday win be held at Ssansea fur tbe first
years, from Aug. :n to *1.
Sunday with friends at Elk Lake.
Twi-lve of the finest Welsh
Kah choirs »
Mist Tinie Ssekett of Beltolre Is
Ed Brooke of Burdlckvllle has quite compete,
that o
apendlog a few days with her ristec,
freak nature of a
I be present,
a one I
Miu. C. 0. Bsroes.
■mverse Bay linemen are boay putX toes, andtwoctows
sent prl<^ >• tl.OOO.
ng to new phones at Kewadln.
He will have It on
The pariUmem buldtog to WelllngJ. N. Paiudlae aad family of Kal- exhlbli
ltd of Aug. at Burdtlk1. New Zealand, i» the largest wot
saaka. who are qteodtog two weeks
. has It pickled to alcohol.
e to the world. In W«
Ht their cottage oo Torch Lake, called
r New Zeato
1 Kem-sdlo friends Suoday.
July S3.
argo churches and buaioess to
Since IKsn mote than TOO.flno.mm.OOO
Cherry picking to the order tt the
Mrs. Susan Hatch sod daugl
floor of the family spare bedroom and
iltlng day. They are very plenUfUl and of United Slates for lumber alone, In- got many pounds of hooey.
Don, of ktadlaoii. Wls. an- visli
eon. Ed Becker of Degrawvll
vine. good quality. Charleo Bartln has had eluding
SO,<HNI,000.000 r^t
f^t oi
of conltec„ siMHNi.owi.ono
Miss Anna Jacobs of Chicago, who
We have handled tbe saide
George Peck and a good amount to aell.
slumpoge cwmai
Canute of tbe
.imber siumpage
Mtoa Ina Kennej- H
^lly of this place.
brand fo/ years and our cus
a few daya In towm vb
Mr. aod Mn. Joseph
ried Sunday to Joseph Howard, also
«-Pre«ldcnt ralrbanks wi
tomers always report sure
. frieirta and rriaUvea lut week.
address at PuI-ln-Bay
the Windy aty. The marriage was
The Rev. and Mrs, E. M. Konos
n file to the and good results. In bulk
tbe ipi»u.',i.ranged when some of the bride's oflleespeeli
I apent Sunday with their daughter. occaalocI of the unveiling of the
of said clerk
meal rommemora
•• 1. Laiwa O'Connor of Tbompson- Lake
tor labor
amlnntfon. Bids
or in boxes. Prices tbe ytty
Bte. Aug. 6.
Geo. peek and famUy Sunday foranoon
materials and should be ma^ bolb
^vernmAt oBiclal*, who have here: might as well be married at
lowest that good Paris Green
Htm Maude O'Neil of Traverae aty. lofoi* bad no expense allnwauce for-to wall longer, and then ae
and then both famnies spent tbe
word for a structure of red brick and
Ibe same rt cement. Building
afternoon with Mr*. Rose Barth. The vtelWd over Sundaj- rtt B.
B. B- Reynolds. upping on pariw
can be »old at
pariM- car
cars, will hereafter^ pwicrtpl o
party served Ice cream and Other
Ik- allowed to cent*
.the young lad}'* loiter*.
I that they arc bc_----tofiled
. to Mr. and Mr*. Charles Bow- tmn>ose.
led by cerilflcd rteck of *300 as evl.
I Tbe trouble which ha* tov
President Roosevelt has lieen
^ lenccd over fte biring of
m!^*E "lid'le*' Aid society rt edtogohunUng in Abyssinia aft
InfonbaUnn. address the imderslgned
Schultz, wer* before last.
We are itfad to learn that W. Alien Bendon will meet with Mrw Gwe term expire., with Sir John Harilng-lento to tbe puWlc scbools al Camden, commlUee at Kslkaaks, Michigan.
Bowman, at her farm next Tburaday. ton. the BrtUrti mlototer to that couo-jfnr tbe past two years
•----b N. Wolfe.
. much better. He
- -ladles
•- tbe forenoon
York for hU health and also to see
ee. The
hi* brother of Minneapolis. Minn.,
who 1* B physlcton- He to under bto
-- Cot. Front k I’nioo St.
brother's care, and feel* grrwlly
Dalsd July S3. 1907.
Tnvm'Oity. Mi<^
St R. EB RcynoW's for Uic frames. sUwebed to the window c
eouraged abo-tt bto health. He had
eveningg at
puroosee of clsetlng officera.
eeen bU brother for *0 year*.
lie Lrtlcr Dny Salntt of Wort
There was a dance Saturday
Ing at George Barih'a Jr. The
ra. In honor of Mn. Bnrihto Z8nd
nrd«y ud Svrodsy. A toige miml
rviHE TELEGRAM below announces (he fact that Schwartz Bros., of Chicago, have accepted onr offer of 6t
The Latter Day Saint church waa of delegrtc* from the cborehss
erae aty. Joylleld, South BosrddedlOBted a week ago Sunday. «everal
^ cents on the dollar for their surplus stock of merchandise to the amount of $9,100i00. The stock is now in our
and BurdlckvIUe were presem.
from inland coming for the nervloea.
1) «.
store and will be marked and placed on sale in a few days. The purchase of this sto^ of merchandise at tbe
Nathan Rouse has bMo
r 'sheriir.
WUlard’tT^^ler was Id Kfagsiey
tart week In the Imerests of the
Intenstloasl Onrrespondernee sdiort.
ttila and Gall Rodgers are rtoltlng
their grandpireato to Union. Ur. aad
Mrs. ‘nwodore Rosen.
Htas Marina Abbott has returned
from Trarene aty. and U
at the home of John Wall.
tapping the malna to aiipply water tor
. the Kinney srlal mill, aad Ralph
Mrs. Nona Anderaoo of Traverse
aty. aeeompanled • b> her busband
Tisltad retaUrea here Uat week. The:
Intend going' to Arisooa noon to maki
tbrtr future home.
Ihe Rev. Herbert oaodoeted the
ta the cutrt of
Mn. C. J. Barkman irtnnied Mon
day from a abort vtalt at Sparta.
Miss Own Wall of TravOTae City
Is TisUlng irtaUva here this week.
Mn. nnrtor ntmed Monday Tram
a visit at Orawn and Traverse aty.
Koch of Grawn vtoiled here
A oameDt .walk Is being told sooth
«( the bslgn bolliking.
Is D. Adams has left for the West,
and Lwter McCoy baa taken hU place
ta the tonal efaaeae faetorrMtan Beta Wrtdmao of Altoona, was
the gnM of Mn. NaUle Bell the Ut(arparfotthc wertL
Mr. and Uia. D. U ttisign
vMUn Monday.
Tba Rite. W. H Herbert wi
Tmvnrne OHy Meaday.
Mn. Anna Fkntoo was In Tmyerae
aty Ttanadgy end Wednesday o( tart
Mra W. B- King and
C. J.
Hserr Koople's lni«r«rt In the livery
Fsnl SchoeUie reUiraod Friday
evening from a two week's vaesUon,
psBMd rt MuAsster and JaelmoD.
mm Bowta Bxnrtt pMsed Sunday
In Trsvarao Qty.
lbs. ChartW Tbayer Is ertertalnliig
her motter. Mrs. VaBAmbarr. aad ber
sister. Mrs. Hesg. boUi rt Cortland.
e aU doll
graai Is atortlag nit..........
- around Ihe^tarmere have had lots
>ero, Ibere
trouble i
not enough
any damage.
t> noUee them e
Ae other* are sending In good graaabopper r«lpe. 1 will oHer
each farmer would |dow p all tbe old
ital* fall. Uiey would do a
good Job at killing tbe peato. As that
wouM expose tbe
Mr. and Mrs. Bea Johnson an
xpy pareata of a big boy.
Javid Pee* cut hay laal week for
o of Oviau aod also cut Geo.
IS Hai
n vUb
In this vicinity
to awlsttog Mr*
Wm. Well. In her household dutlc*.
Mr*. U Cwrr came up from CadUlac
Saturday and returned Sunday.
®^Mr. rtid M« Willie Wilson
Sunday al the home of E. J.
Mr*. Wm. Chriatrtiber Is on tho sick
Mrs. elms. Cook visited
hOM rt W. Wrtl's one day ta
H»— Loella Poraythe to l
Ml*. Urby Bancroft to her household
price of 53 cent* on the dollar will enable us to offer tbe people an unusual opportunity of supplying their wants in,
seasonable merchandise at unheard of prices. Will also inark down and place on sale our Entire Stock of Mer
chandise to make it the largest and most
Unprecedented Sale
that has ever taken place.
*‘£fpli Sagers made a bwdnesa trip
> Hodge Bunday.
July *2._______________
MlruD Taykrlmd
*- s a borse tmt i
PanMn* Instltuta.
One day Farmers' Instllule
I*. Ortx. Ta
Claiwe hall. Traverse aty on Satur
aad Mn. 1
day-. August lOtb. 1907.
Program. Forsneon.
Him Gladys Cbubb has been on tbe 10:00—The Crewmery v*. The Home
ne farortrs of this plaoe are al
Dairy. N,
Hull, DU
alck lUl tbe peat
•oat throoBb haying: ou art
Mis* Ada Oamph .
dry waatber, the crop wDI be
c42iSw Methods........V. A. McCool
frieod, was borne from Tra'
Hone ktathods........G. A. Robertson
Hr*. Oaittoe
The Most Prortlcal Method* of Im
spent Monday and Tuesday with
proving Our Public Kinhway*
parento. Mr. and Mi*. J- Hlrt.
*. W. Mebert
The Traverae Bay Tolepbooe Co. s
Tbe liUle Misses UbIm of Kiortlinemen a^re ^^reprt^ Uie Itoea
tey spent a few daya with *
«Ry Holeft tart week.
Hockridge of Kewadln 1;00-Feedlng and Care
Wlllta Box vMud to Kingsley over
Dairy Cow to Summer---- N. P Hull
Is TialUng with Mtos Gladys Cbubb for
Oltotaalon. led by..........Bdwtn Illack
B couple of weeks.
Mbit Bogart to Imp
Hiss Gran CampbrtI has been enter, 2:00—Rest end Recreation on the
Mr*. Ira Lintoe oaUed oo Mrs. Bytolnlng her friend. Mias Shirley Dona,
A bswvy nto^^ wind Friday did more of BolUlre. Uie part week.
RsdtoUoo..........................Zuron Urtd
Hr*. Flora Dunphy has been
SOlte a llUle damage to Uie fruit trees
fiw Traverse City for a few days 3:nn—CultlvsUoB nnd CoviT Cn>i»
«< tUa/^loG.
for tbr Orohsrd............A. P. Graj
Rhoda Halsu spent Wedaesday visiting her daughter. Mrs. Edd Masled by..
. Bight nad Tbnrsday with Ines Barrrti in.
' amp rt Ml..........
John Parkinson left today for
Tbe ptenlc ----------- ------*- - - _____ __
-lampshlre, where he will visit tbe
ifltoiBBBt aSnIi
W. Br Ora}-. PresldenU
«mes of hi* childhood.
Word has beec received from John E. O L»dd. Otustorv.
Jachl fro .................
HnuBbergcr. leu* 1. 2. 3 8 snd 9. See
Lost Monday was an Ideal day
the picnic at Deep Water Polol. Al
-6 member* of the Urthodtot Sunday
- - . setaooi came up oo tbe steamer Mabrt. m a Merebsnis bank. Srt-. 6, T. 26. H. 12.
AU seemed to enjoy tbemselve*.
Msn-to Mlllsr to Wsmm Plvrev
Mr and Mra. Frank C. Hcwley.
parcel*. Bsyslde. *1M>.
• Walburga. 9
Jrtm and Ruth Kelley to Sadie Pal
mer, lot 72 and wi, rt 73. block 3
BaysM*. MOO.
Oiarie* A. Cbalker and wife tn EItu
Crane Burnett, lot 69. Oak Heigbu
The Globe Department Store
We always do as we advertise.
. SSS.'"
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