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Grand Traverse Herald, October 12, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
C&irattJi Mtu^v^ Itjeralib
Dr. J. A. Snyder,
•SATman om.
: ssS=
rauv -««»»»- nmiMi-
Real Estate
Btiamess Cards.
bow lent and fiL
Bat Or MerriBBB
money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Merchant Tailor
aad Mc tbe eltcut sew liar of
ttpriar »t7l«o of Woolen ao«r
OB aolr. wbleh irill be oaAe op
Ib the Lbteal StTlca. Bod at
aBeli Low Prioea bi will aorprU*
- *
«-*»€ «tew« a Uac ■
MB Bllea.at tbp pbm of .par
! twaatp atllaa aa boar, wbaa I ■
i-t i. tt- .p-iaa
1 karT^e—e il^^^ <=aJ trala eowlaf aftar aa liMbMe
tee.lj Berkei.r »Mlf
e „........t.i„w'su^'ror;^t:
Thee be whipped ap k.* borae. old'and ated'e lot ai'mmiJar
bbe woald naaare •
Jot to do
Traearae City. Mich.
'***^ *^* ' ••rblaichtof Ik a aaa
X^r^'r^icblfuL- '£d EBe. be'Stl^
resardrd ber alateea brr iberr
kheeaid. daaperaielp.-we baa* e«t s......
................ .
Plate aiaaa. Steam Boiler and Aecident loaarance.
".“..'r LTs,
illerasd be -veatr s™ tb^l^
illar* BBd
aad Ilb« -iaatHootiDo.-1 ,dd«l wua a-wal
He blBMdf WM poor aad aab.UOM. M. H Orvw
He waata
liuir old ladf wi'ib ai
.lohMon Block. Pboae Ta
I fiOtiL UUJK lusua MU.
U M M* w
• O. P. Carver
„.Le'bo»p tal eurae
Ul'ol 1 paaaraa. •
• I dareiar ' aa
set a ebarit; pna.t
*• • -IMrab’a kitebro . .
the ot -ctiooablr
- l.aaa. 1
“'•" do ko:.w bo- to eook. I ««bl
It eaea
Oenoedr I ecJe Saw to jiae laea
-Ceei J - aa-d ESe. MarfeLy.
told t>*. Rerrieaaa we were foil
... ~ n. :,sr..7Utfi.'s,TS!?=ra:L
to«:d hare ».
freak air pad ibe
rv. j:rir.
(iria o
ahraad to1 iBe
uy triced
ike ayarlf
I <„i Qf iaeremrdojr. Baa bad Ibrowa
thcaiShLtor the plalfar* ear—ibovch
,, I oow aoc aeer r» there wM a mMaal—
I dut. " aavl Ceeiiy.
Her m *
't'- aad before wa had collected oarBeaaae
the tMa off the
Onitf beojiue accu*tomi?<l to tb.-if uae and tou are )oat
j rear of the ear apoa the track.
Uaele Sasi > ' leeuuouon.
- -iiaalicaliy
without one. We btve them for leunarsture, for Uiry uae. for Bter. ' Taia way aad that they Sew. tOl
IB the rad we will ail
roa (ml* t* edaea-.ed." aali
lo «o to. -TOibkicf ' iaoB(bl y.i^ -of
Saaliytwoof them ataek aprlshtlaa
sad at ber ( ecic ban's ioelitallaa.
a Fvi.r. .ooktac
a. if it« ’ we aaiC abual craak frieo^Mf
iliziDi; purpoeeA, «ud for Ihermooielen.
caule roard. The seat iMomat the
'pear* like a Boorboaae.
• > a oeupleare iikeeblifFia la a
coal uuaBUwck thae. thee* wMSkv
BrniL' Preei-riptioiu and FbouI}- Be<-ipt« to oa. We till Ibrm ft’d tma a heap better
Ibe doctor
ae er*t.“ way..' aaid Ifra Crew
-Tbey Uli
rtSc crBoh. aad peer west the t/mia.
irea t re- be wailed ob. aad they do Bot al<
ri|;bT. wilb drtiL’f that are ritcbt. at prioee that ate riirbt.
Berkeley Jirl*—Ibcre w«
' bow how mock troebie thee are .
of ibem—were aeaied la ibe dim o.a
•They oiichia-t IP be - paid
Ilul ! IbiBk that Ibc boon) oajbl
bat 1 taUpwawa
' '
aae parlor. UpleDiac daUfuLy
a laa [ had tried to paaa the
■* ready to fall at bar faat.
Tbeir feLber. ibe ooc .
TEA VEE.SE CITY, RICH to their Boaaia
Hiaa barah Tareer opeacd ber eyas
lor. bad diril aaddenly. leariaj oalj
.. -broal
i* aol atroac es4d(b
1 wDodermeBi when ahe. bebald aeeee
Old ClocB I* a Kyuary
the forty-acre farm; wbicb wae bearlij 1 T yuB (o teach. ' aaid Ceci.y.
* fit a
The aeiebbora lodiridkal- | tr that •• ..............................................
r baidn/
bamoal SmiU. aa ofator at tha
Bortffa<«t- ^
ly aad eollectieely <
-> poliaa aUtMM. haa a
woBCrn^ Wa‘TB"ber^cbri^'’'hTr" ’<«i*‘*l^'‘ ij'' *"* P»T‘»« “* .dollar* a
wbat WM to become o
Mk at hla hama which
She htal dnecB^^he d^w '
? 7/i he«f^ of jaU peyius
to me.''coatibaed UiM Kali aroiad ibe
BBUydey after day. itae off i
apMaala^ .
t*B»e. t
jai, whore beeb aeel mway
loot IB *.l kifideof weather will di
It,” •
■*e rc'.lmy.
ril kart o’ too.iab octioot
■ometlmec •be Bad beea oat -Law. pear* Uke edae
• •e*r»o haaffoa tha wi
I will pay 16 to 80 centa for unwaabwj w<k>1. 6 cents for hides.
la the aijbL
' uu„, •
aboot Ulaja. ImefiaaUir'
IITM Hawla tha 0mlU ra
wbat are weroiBj todo’"del^c-r
r*)ler pawiaj the tars- kacaa araaaa.
aaaBawaaaiateimeti vltk a eawelrle aa $8 to $3 for botee bidea. from 86 C6DU to $1 For vheep pelU. and
I .1 rics
Now. it
bBffffy wjth a colored b^ dock ttoppadai
afaaamklaciaiae Aea« Lae Vaa the bbjheat market price for fur* of all kiu.lk Please try aie for your ____________
^aalelatl^^t iroiB to Bctuoi bad
••»* arvfciBjto IhiBk," aaewered be*-lr b.m, perr^ wwtfaily
vUlratfaal vkaipaaeaU tae.
loireed the drcMBiakcrt tewie. the
rrvea yard They'pear* lobe ba'ppy.
yoaeocld tel sp drwuakiar
It wae boI arduoot Itaiakier. bow- a« rviaarhrd lo tha boy. "tbey'r*
W. V<
■ play with Alihoaffb tha dock *a
r1«bt here
IB Ibe parioi. that wovid be erer. but* Bewtpaprr adiertiecmenl. laajbiac like tbey wa* happy."
•car kapt Uma. U waa' laft kaaftaff
od rou wuuido't bare to' that decided toe Krraeley jirm aetoi -Tbey'* aa latuiootioa als't they
real at
or Maaciatlaa'i «ak«.
enpUa«aa>aUM Bewnrit
,,-hal they wvoddo
U «« Cec.iy . Mbia Sam • ’ aeked the boy.
Om Biffkt iMt wMk. JaM aa tha Hm.(aMtioOed Cecily Hrrk- who found iL
see laoffbrd. asd cried
Ihr wort .tarlied the old maa. Ha ly paeparad U raUra. uU old dodw
-hr para
Oallaaaa. Prtcaa Ml te bauar aafaaara
LlBieo." aad ttira reed a.ouo.
. coufBcd aad wroaaed aad aaaa tack la
■Haa u Uak. Tha aatlr* bmlly wM
S. B. »TT.t.»»
»orae the place -IK bare
Waaiod, a borne in the rtoairy dar-; uc b*CTy
Him Knilrr "Yc-u *alr ' laj tamscr for as Old loraild lady.
•Uc -Ihdir* will be loaely wba do iaIcaa't Her 1 ff the monjBje '
« bycbeer-<(Uh»uos break* Bp.~ »ald the boy.
•oaad* e a. TWy
ThcB Eflir Ibe yoiiB*e*l
wail upoe - Oeyoaly
Key oaly taka* kacr ole poMOM la ^
eley ffirL*. acted io a drcidedly repre- Ber aad pul up with ber craaklaeM.
m badroaM HaWtiyaad
! b-o*iole maDBer
bbe boned bar fB.-e- Hull b*re abolMOOie. iali.fr.of food.
Th, Brr.rlcy (irli were iadeed lose*
ioB the arm of ’her cliair. aad ■obbed
■obbrd . Adore**, wltb term*. U. H I). lai* of ly after tbr departareof
:i*uaad u It ucklaj awrliy
wa*----------• jea- ttce
»lly .....................
lb.t Ml a—
Aa aacaaay t*dla( cama pear t
aad l*i^ they aaid. bet
UrmaB aad a teboier . ao« Ibal Aubir
"M’rL 'cried tbr Uirec lialeaerv
llaMoari. baddaaly tha alack Mopai
We emot • few reliBUr ttieD to
.tie la
"Mcwi:i take ber. of cuurte," Mid
u • war by ibe dower bed ia the yard «>Mla( the cMa tha raaty. daat ac
pneaot tbe atiuacvst aad btvl
' that
the at-at yooBj doctorcoturrata- ervd ramaaBlB of tha work* w--------■>T
r. 1 SB aaree ber wbea
.icx'ident BDil Sirknies loBufauve
! M they bad baaa for year*.
. lateo Cecily oe ber owB aad ber *Mcn'
ale. -e*k
1*00-...- -naBfiaed yoawoaldMM
Conpan;. in the world, naitn*
ccea ber
all nfbl thai day yoc dcclatad yoa ia«
A myetery oartAMly. hat aa•ettledi <withoat the atnal aaloont
! Hellc Be
I were ffolac to keep the old hoMa~ be likely u h* rapaatad. aad^aolhlHF^^
of red ta
oar layekrtr m iBr ilraae Trmrrrv. | « froBl wi
Ok forfaer.-’taid Belle.
icntiral Botarot *o
nr.aew HiatBSt.
bam I* lyiBff bi* be
at Birbl at the mm# hear, a taw
I -Wrl'., I reckoo
ilM pMt 10. the dack affhta kacaa
l *be be awfa: for H. H II to
laaid Him barab. ri
- I keo< yon hada-L”
to lick, Tbc roaacar Umlta. who H II
ber craBkloe** ' L’emly. you'll'
’ra‘* had brtier uj u
yaart eid. ba^alraady ratM kat^*^
Kbc n
raiBTd krr ryr*.
ryr». tbey
tbey------------Bat h
I aelenaiaedMthisk
Trav.*rBe City;
biiebrd *bOw brr tor cuuouy. we d Jot die if if *00*1
Ml oat wr bad lo Bare Ber la tbr boaae ail tbe
' To
-<»feoor*rthrocjb Ibe cibib; rooa
-OBly I (T.dB't.'' »headded I
I ao attempt at aa laraw
■ sha.. 1 write witb term*-'
~ ,IM him fter*r.f )il pomoD.'Mid
Th* cloak Uakad M
trur idM WMB't orirlaal.
Irlle. fMd.ios
fMd.iis E£i-'* bowrd bead Cier.y.
______________ at dee mlaalM.a^ttaa.
iwrred a M—tpaapr a8*aniaed
Wake BP. I'UM. wr rr joi to jns aod
l! ii,lhr cioMlias of termt wa
with aa alarmiBff wklrr. oaaoad.
ear it. I onir 9am -iL ik.k lo Aofi.r. baiab.r uac
If Ibe old lady
ocaoae »be* tbc oide*-. asd Cecily crat«-bo Bad to *r waitM oa fber lirrmapy ia thrtpHoc.For t<-p .year* 1 have haudl,.
Ibry - tih'" exrlaimrd tberrl forloealy.
■*lelddoek.-«Ti«wr- /aferOmaa.,
0 Ibiok ber prn ard you aad I ran a-i Bad Ui be eorerfsl wbetBi
^^-rcily. woulda’l ;r-u like te fo
ireamiaeof taeiMiiia frit imriior col. tor would b
pay lor It.
cm the oiber haad f tbr ,
It wm’b almao for aayoM to tab
WM a forma: Oer ..tm* wrrr rcaMBable. abc
-d be rapt tech a CDarctMtltrB. bat I'^c
■ leio
IBIO tbr pereonal tore lo come. »ua rery
rery poMiby
-He Blade so icjuine*
ladBce ham did II He ffst oat of bbi baftT at
Orer one hondrwd in auct-esaful operation in Ibia i-ity
le the wart/ka did wUbaU
iBffalrt of bl* rrea
fnroda to fo.iow ber tbe rate, aae Oc-lrrma to tbc boMc
, Bewapapan ha aallaeMd darlot tha
anil aurroun-lini; couDtrt'. .K ifiiarant-e born! lyivni
like all tbc eooelry
: with tbe aew* of bm aaekpMMdeoaiTM of a day * raa.
-Oh. joal om
with erery furnace act by
It jrttlBr hi* o*otbrr-ls- igv
tbey were la * bad war
JVO BLUFF! ssr..d
at 215 Front Street.
MOW. AU«v ^
•p C.ulbM>r. Aumn.t •>
^. UM4M la CkaBMrj. Upatlal au_____
ta M Lav aa«
IjnoW thi^?
>WWWM ttoaa.
OkM. ■««. M * ■ Siaca
JT55SS,a,f«2?Trararaa Uu.Miek.
OaOSB. Auar—j aav t
Telephone 130
____ is,",'!”:
D&itedSUtesBeneToleit Society.
Inm CItrSdml ol lasic!
J.I.IUCe91E.DbLSvL .
omr'pMl^ Mtiaa ol
Front Street.
Treweree City, Micb.
Scrubbing Ftoors
can never be made
a plea»=in}: pastime,
but one^alf the
labor will l>e saved
and the results im- '
proved l»y usit^
Gold Dust Wash
-HlMiLKS ISON .»TIN fUi, . 8OOFIV0 \
I tl... u.:. 1--’ '.*1*. l'BL-.rue- * Hm-Iiw** F
. Bn* WBU-V Ke-dm-ru4..-
^ 'Wr*..»w*ln~iwtnr»v.Mv-rtj .tjetj
fWKVy: Iw *• * SL f «... f
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Best livery la Northern Michigan.
ia tbe larmbaaae oa ihi
law off oa ua." Mid En,.
Tbe kali door WM ttaadlar wide
caaiOB*. wore bi* eircr aad Bl oor tiiar
<’r di* bbbI.'’btxmdrd Halle
’ opee
L'arir 9am ratrred tad
ir Prwepapara I____________________,
adopted daoebter »M dead, whra tar
Ur tome (rMl or yraod relalioa. dowa taodealy apos ISe ebair wbervoa
idoelorralaed tbr b.frtef bare m tbr perbaM '•*><! Aboie
inr fcl liUir lady bad •ctUad bcTMlf. evtoff. aad aoBM day* 1 aollael aaaaI kaap eaa aopy of
leocBly to order to (O iplo tbe milk but"Fire oo.ian a week i* tbe uua. L,kr tbc iillir oid lady be wm paatlM pic of koadrad.
--k diffaroat paper u read •yimfu
I lac** asd boy feed for inr eaiur. acd pru-r tor coasU-y board." Mid CecLy- bart
rp with OB my day* oft. Biamtma
I at Ui* doctor * laacral. alto tar larjett. --sball I Mk •cres '
- Creily caLrd ber Bitters, aad the tear •iaapw
ni r*b
! IB tbe eocely. Be wm » in £r art.uo*
- C» you ibiok,' *eid Belie dsbioa* jjrt* c»lbrrrd abovl bl«-ia »Lerm.
Hardly thlak aa aamy
He laid, while bit oaod* irembied oo ly. ' ihet a mas win be wUlior to pay
-|-ai old." tad l.'aeU ms: --rm tha BuralAff.
bit caar. that be-M
* (et(el- terra
aerea dollar* a week for hie Bu>iher-io
moiher-io *baky
I waat to be takce faet-rstc paper* M that war* paUlahad. weald
■obof bi
yoa’ I pat tha dapUaato* te varteaa
Fb!.- law or hi* BBBl" "
mtc of
Id aad *1
thaa. I
____ ___ I...
Wuea the* eraaky
O my dear 'know if job
pad my carpeM M make them aaCl aad
bow to take ear* of Ibemarlrr*
-A ch.id. ye*." retersed Cecily
tiotf darioj '
Uiek. 1 rtca them amayI mb them
Feller.-raolaiord I Lcle »am. b.iBkuif ; They were a.i torry'lor pner bad . Tbr jlrl*.
iklnc be wm wai
lor kiaduac.
Hy daa. tM'oaly tama
ha Weak lltllr ryr*. -*io t rear bc«e beee pot at teres do.rar*—bea ihrirt io( ooked f
la Uc bOMB where my wife baa bm
eaajbt ndia roupd tbr arifbborbood ler *** poae. Ii would btre beeo wacr
The o.d m
laBffb^ WWy.
is all kiPdt of-ratter tod at *1- boor* wbaettadarr
H H. Ii wouidoir. the litue b.i
Of the otjbV Tbra hr meaiiooed tbr er MreooiecMd D L»e
the laetiloolioo.
eaplalaed. ’
- wi..icf to pay -ti, ae ,
wbea yo* ala't cM aothiac alaa ta dm
Mid.-aad [ made up my miod tbn
bo-.-raony uid ib .aauu
Yob ral* la edae
I-ca beep haowa to adlA iwapli d< tmm
aad tberc to irare -bat moary I jot L Buot or mutbtr .0 law or jraodi
to koow ••
ai oac*. ordenoj * c
aa iatlildOtioB "
rdtcaicd aaeo *tood aboal
Tbe Berkeley rirl* were prtfrciJy lo meet brr *i me *■
what aseaM hodm have for Udaff- lea
iawar* that ibeir rode bam Fs irr wm iov.oj WroseadBy
ke my daocblcr.
I-vplted" wbeo their moibrr had climb
I with wr bad •
.> bsBd* were irem
'edoalof a**cood-»i-»ry wiodow lo rso *aul Bd.e
Ur i» *a
ua Ur kaob of bit eaa*
He raja
-EMd allthaarw*tapat*Ciata^thaa
{away with tbe baodioae eoooirdi
ibrm With >e;f pityiar rye*
"I wasa'l
lU: be time aaoaffh U tmekU tto
lioauadaf marryioj old Srd K;r
k-ad to ber but tbe had a happy Ufa. hooka
1 hacea'l eome to that UlM
t Krrteley jiri She d be flad if yo* d lake.Mrv of m
If tor creaky otbnr rrcartioc-lB.
"W* wU uke cat* of yoa. Lb
Sam." laid a:, the Herkel^ ffn-l*
d 1 oalyraad U
Ibry woa.d on
,b J fri
with diffsuy
t nckt-taHT-.
fal lb.DC to leare
Uoo.aad l-oprd.
*low:y. -U keow that I Miied UH
other*. tb*i ibr i
' place the laautoolloe. ’
weald be worti
- rbr faaBl**! UiB( ahiMtlt."
■ley fii
’ Bel r Hrrbeley that Bicbt. *ki(
Hhaa p----------------------------------I*.
I 1. wear t
tareatb* of cra'e'ful^relief
crelrful relief »i
*i Ur
ibr drpartdrp*
low baa ware lalrodaaad. Paawy ware
le Sem whro tbr third .•»;
kitcbi B aproa. •
'Maad all. if Usi
bMees of the Sr«l pair aaaa ia Hahtenaa.
Boy arrirrd
Tbi* wm Dr Her
They at eaea bnami theaabjaatajaat
.Liaal eaaae
nmao, from ibr oearr»l towo. prob*o;y
laelitoUoe ’ -■ 'i.iio.. En.'/..
of ail the oAcwa of tha Secy Dayart
-ril pot It,
U- Berkeley *
r • sOoot ■'
*brly IS aha BfUraeaB ^
ikcy.BB^ arrMilBle maaBer
- J'll coeer mytcif wiU* wbiu aproa
Borauc I* Ptlaiv**
• feat hacha ao aa
kaowa tbe Berkeley* for yMT*. aad jru
if »be lOok. ai am.’ mu Aa ,|lr*U at flr»« :• alway* the
Ia aa iaurrt
Ctrl* told bim B0rc*cre*dly bow *ie miaerac :.r for w* ee c«l to do oar *affwmuos
HmI thai i* *Bfieieot U
wa t^ MUaof bHfrtoada wto
thayW Bbffnwd doriac Uc tWiU of m*1 u keep ber
A* Coaaib Sarah K»rrk tbr *biB I* caoeeb U eoMe
tbclr CoMis barab aad Uwir Lpei* My*, we
mb lHe* off uc moricac* ”
Ideau V ct;m* am-redcimd iMCMibie
Sam. aad Ihrr lasfbcd licbt-be*rtadly
( wlah we ecald.' *lkbad E£,
Co-! Mtm* the Ir* fMcba Uem. aad they
at Cade Sam * fern- Uat Ury micbi will sMt ber *t the *-uuoB. aad Ccetiy ! rema-a *o latii th* beildiac oollaeaaa ^Maaaaad tha atriacik te riU^ hi
ui«k be bad cbaBjed bi* miad ii re will ae la black "
]<>m wblS of baai^ *BK>ke aad air a
card to th* iMUtotn Tbra they all .
--I win wear a wb'tc e*il. ' Mid Ce- *affi nrat U caa*c sea to Iom com
laappow I Boat taka thaa* Ma0
et them-lahed
them -lahed le lora
lorp. rmphailcally. diy. deaoeniely
---------- lely
'• People wii;
wli: Uik.
uik. 1 mvi
**«*m. I beUerc
beller* that pamcM
pat»cM who
iw. tat It caa't be helped. I'wcrvt ci« m taraiac
taraiac ta.ldiac* Mffer lam
that pwTple woald c«
a.ui her aod .hr briaf* a*
aboat Ucir affair*
* drirm m* te it.*
Icmioior craaka we omy be able oUrr
"Yoar coaiiB. HiaV^a'!*"-it
m<wv fr
loc *wy
rwy macb.
mack. l»aV
laaV ahe*"
ehr*" <i*mtleeed
oamtloard abi* to pay off tbr miwtc*cc "
r-.r* t-t .(r,.irt»wwi.
the yoaaff
laff docUr.
docur. fMteaiac
tMteaiac biepcaebi* paaeua Wedarariy moiBieff Ceetly Berko-1
Watiac biacC
liiacC ryn
ry«* *poe
*poa Cecily * pretty
pretty ley etaned fur th* tutioau meet U 1
--------------------------Caea -D-w't thlak me * traitor wbea H. D '* ehaiwr, aad the other throe '
Viilace oa ta* Hoca.
I »< B -l*l»* that I H
oj t- cirl. aetviao dowp u -ait la * rtat* of
of-Boiate For
' -She my* we wUI taca total] the la * aettenoa*
wOmaer. -Him Caetiy*
Coeilt * Ii
ty»t*r»OM whmper.
Ji H »lt«aMd
hoaM." enrd EB*
ber *pO* adi micaty »low,-*»d ^ . ....Ti
.hiM «wr iwim.
la th* par- ■ -cat mauly.............................. - ________
breCTTiUta. wMtMm-.
' U chow their tncediiBeMaad ebeerfaloetafrtM ihebaclaauff
'srsT.s zS'-
’ •"..f.rrIS i-mu,.
... doaotearolobscoVooBia Sarah laaeuf her." aatf Efit. uakiac apoa *'"'1“’ **"*
roUarUlakot aaythiac f w m u do." , the hail aiepaaad poaaiac ba^t Bar bw
•aid ChHIy narkalry. aad th* yoaof: cemlacdaaHaff-eap. "I aJmoaiwiah wa
The Brief
darter liked th* awaiebtforwart way tad laarard the d.-o» amkaih trade.’
rotanad bl* r***. U
* Wtael thataad. II
tatbay^ OaHly
......................... ..
-^wbb SH^otiTSHL.'
f Ah lea*. ^ had ao hep*
nM»H«feODwa7 b«c*« «0
ThCTdy vtA tbrtf ai«* P«>‘
ikMWMWralM^ IWtMiMb^
■la^«eMMtmu4 Ito toM
im*t to Mk« all tbri fomt tlimf.
• ftotorr
kUMO^Wtotola. Okftois KB0i7
touttomlikadtdrtkto pwptM vaAartak* torfar ibtofa (or the prcatotoCtaphto bM ballt aorto of aat fmr. Wa baaa triad to arraafa i
tevito tmnorj. MV tto b>7 apana Ual «mU attract tbe larfcai
«. TU taiUlar «M a
paUMBCa. Wc waat lb« paopU to baar aad aajar tbaae r«od
lltoliiiirtbifi to kaeek-doirB iers t
- M<a*4ampeaUapraalaaa.
Amt|j«la<M«totol Am atoaaA; btoan
- Ha.
Mia. W. B. a HlUhall,
kttkrlU to-B. BHiIrtof. t» Beat Btotb
Ma. m-»
W. H. [taka, U.. •
Ma. wa-Mra. Oartntoa Htoara. i
. Ma. m-i. A. Moatofaa. u: rraal
eftka ceaiatlttoa. U to rlia to
lineal paailUc aasbar of paopla ita
blfbeat aad Boat balrfal wrlaa
torutoaiaata that aae be riraa tbev.
laat anbltloa to nake tble
laaie eoarae a reaal eoorr
for tba caaaiet plaaaare aad coed of
tba paopla
We de pol raa it to saka
aopaj. Tfaaprtaa of-tba eoonc hii
tbarafore baae Bade laia than <
bafora. It la eoaSdeetJ; bopad bp
bat aoBBtblac Btore tl
tba Ckpatoe or tbc eourae will be reallied fran It. FroB rear
Blfh lebool Itbran baa baaa ealarced
»r tba addlUoB of ae« booba parcb
aMd troa tba proeaeda of tbla c
Tba library la pot eoBpIrUd.
HettJaad raceltcd
board aod eoarleoualp replied to
qnaaUone Irua Besbare recardl^
anaocaBaBl aod work. Wblla *a
a>Bc B aor deuda all of tbe Banbera
did aeiHelicaCTae. IB a fraera! wap ^
tbrp all appeared blfblp eaUedad oltb ;
tba beildlac.
Tba coBsilue baa aulboritad tba
papoaatof fT.oiavo on tba eoatraet
aloea tba aew arraaccBeet at tba
preeloaa ntatlar.
*blcb added to
about 114.Mu prleelonalp ezpraded.
eaa total onilap l> data of aaarip
A:;U00. While aoBeealrma bare been
iBlttae bei.etea
dine can ^
tbe amonni of' ibe appropriatioo.
tarp near IL Tbe appropriation •
•U.OUI fee Uie bnlldlnp and A'-.i»u
reothefltlaoelpBlael; bn«D. aod for tnrolabiBc. It waa feared laal tall
It la eerr daalraWe tbal Bore book! be that It woBid be .Bponelble to com
Ma to-Ur. ».«. Ftoad. 7M Wabator added fros pear to pear. Ke« beeka pIcM toe bulJdInc for anplbiof near bICTCIe. Tbe hup •
araeomiac oat eoaatasl)p.
toe appropriation bet carefnl aanaceaud
le feared l
Ma. HA-Mat. W. T. Hooikotm.
Ibeae aa are aaltad to oar
aest. wcetoer wlib tbe cioae attaotlon acHooalp II j I'rd
be added to order to keep i
of toe eonolltoe, bae
Tbe aarri.i <
Ma. a»-J. M. Mato, au Fwt awaal. ap to data
balloon at Ibr K.lsru.-.t fair waa
made tbrillisr *’v th'- -i»urerp tiial
Tbe reaarle aaat plat.will be i
the balloon wa. m «rr
«... tC’.m-n i
TtaaeaaMitotkadlractiaaal aa
at the Clip Kewa dtaad to tbe poet
■Wck to tbe trap r
Matorta laUnr to Bartbaart
efioa oa Satordap. Ool. ri
Tbe eaic
.[..1 K'U. air. when .be ,ui luutr. au.i iirbppM
•mA tha raatoaato M'tkt prfi
ofaaaaoo rtaaitad aeaia «il| btfla
Mfclp with the paracbnl
aaraa o'clock a b.. pod the n
ooeaed qairkip. aaeioc bv a
■a aad Aaaton tras both aaaBent deilrae that all aboald
Tbe Hinane Journal Utiok.
nAap. TWaaadaofti
prepared to pap aaafa for tbe rta
Ma. Mi-W. M. auabr. ait
Ma MT-4WL O.B. Horat. lu Watk-
Ml la raatlr (alt aad tba No peraan trill ba allowed to r
Beratbaaaii laata J<o alnclc aicbt
reaerraa wUI be aold before
Tbe firet aaaber of the conrae will be
tbe lactare bp TbOBaa DIXoa. Jr , on
•TbaBaUlc Op of F'raadom.- Mobdbp olfbU on M. All procraBe. ao far
aa poaalble. will barla proapUp '-at
C B. floai.
K. B. Bvipta.
atavracMI^lba raatdMto fan ibe
KUJad Her Oaacbwr
VhMlhp afMW Abd I
TbeapaoaeUla. Mich-. Oov5.-Mte.
Ita Maw Tort babkaniBMh hare Ibla -Mato Aaklaa, a wnaan aboat is p.
WMblbnwiUbPtohaAOvar tba pro- of i«a, U la tba eaatodp of tba oBi
fMtof loatoi aad ad>aaMl torriiorp bare, abanrad with tba avriar of bar
Mi tba aiPMlafaa bnafkl to tbalr
MMaa. Mt. iakaiM <rm raBila ba • rlrlbatLacbaaapolaoaadbphar:
MNlMwaaha W paab tba paoji ‘ ar. Tba weaaa alae attoapud b
hataalf aad aea. Olen. atad ala. bat
« r>iac to be a .
flip {Ba fete pear, and'that the tide • I
iraerl i. a1rt.eir .-.vine tn.i
'm m
dieiodicrit. The time to cm ... .......
baciimlnK or before it eUrtt. If «uu ere
raa-down —Iruild t-onnrlf op ' Make
' tiauje K> iittmc and well that i-on(ioe aettru cannu find a footholiJ.
FUl )Mr
whh rich, ml bloodbuild up etrun'e, bcalihv flenh-put voui
diceWl\-e •)-arm in perfect order. Don't
dne aloBc half deed. You map be well
aewrilainol.. Tbe fullowinclnirt from
Mn. Jeanir Dincman. of A'en Bunn.
Kalkaaka Co.. Mbb., wUI tell pou bow
to do it. Sbe aepa; -'Bcferc I took
. Mn. Aaklaa aad bar two ebUdran
Vban M a data w
la- troa Boaor paatardap bad
r a( iba WaBabi Clab Frlware aboat Iowa aeUI aeealac, when
•Mlalanattoc proHim. Aaklae aacarad a rooa of Uaa•MMMCiTM Bbiar the UbdBahtp
lord SBlto of tbe OoaaereUI
■«< MM.'H.B.earaar. (alba
tibai limit tba ptaUBtoa
MM Baattof «M prMldad OMT bp tba
lac. TbearoBaaaadehUdrati ratirad
itaftoa|riilliit.MiB. W. D. Taroar.
I WM bardie aUr to do mp track at all:
at toe aaaal boar, aad aothlnc
Aa toatWM (raa tba W. & T. U.
beard of toen bbwI toU aoraUc- hedtoaln in me left ade aad back, and
imA. tarlttoc tba alib to aaoi a dalebad bearUdir alt tbe time. I tried voitr
wbaa the eall4 to a ladp paatlac atoec mrdiHoe and It helped me. Leel •fnna
BMa to Iba iMrtat aaotautoa to ba
tba haU that bar little b>p wai
Ibid a had cm^; «* ao bad I bad to
btoibatoani waak. aad Mn. J. A.
be to bad all
time. Me bnahand
aad Iba weald Ilka to
MaMMM waa ap^toi daNtoto.
aa eallad. Oocton dtoeen aad tboucbl ! bad conramnido.
fbt we would irp Dr. Piem’a
.JliB. HaatofM wUl aha flra
■ett wara aamsoead. and aoon
ca Medical DiecMrp and before 1
aaMtratotba alab to Iba ialnatoe
aaurlQc toe tt»«. feand toe daoebtar bad ukra one bottle 1bt couch alopprd
' nalmm to iM waatlac a< lha Mato
Haiporia Iplac daad la bad and toa
MmMeaorWatoaa’aOlato at JaahBolhar and bar lltUe aea Qlen earp Rtandsc."
M aaato alaalad M tailowa: Kia. M. A.
•Ink wito all toe ladleattoat of polaMM Mabarto. Hn. «. C. Oapraai altorrhlcb
nOBOiUtoc toaad it
Mtoa: Mia. B. B. OaiMr aad Mn. P.
Inqalrp of the molbw allcitad the
to jaake hare eoat aboat
toot that tba bad alaad Ihtrtp craiai
It lh« aaoant RM waa apaat
lha fMOl aab)aal tor tba atoarof Borpblaa vlto wine and haraelf aad In maklnr tba aaat and weal eatnaeae
■ WM BMtal ProbtoBa. aad Hra
tba cblldraa had token It. Mra. Atklu with ttoae arebae-w ooafdra
Dr. Pierce’s
Qolden Medical
MthaladlaMhara amdarad at
tba batai M tba wblw tBapla
toUaftba wapi fa whlab Uep I
bMsb«l Mda ta mtUa rWtora.
amted at a‘.u.i»'.
A farmer oe.rU'.o.l Hareu ba. hern
eapev'imenllnc ‘o l i.e rai.ior -f oeauuo
tola aeaaoB. wtib .udb •!]««... tnaih.
map CO iBto toe buainrea on a l.rcr
tcale nest pear, m bv baa deui iu.irat
ad that the aoll l-iereahoui i. well
lirosch’s Meal Market
I adapted for tbe crowinc o> the roobera.
A. a reeult of leal week', meeiihc of
toe Leacaeof Hleblcao Ueoiclpalltle.
a more bae bees eiarted to baee tbe
tacfalhture elan a eanilarp eoc'seerinr
dcpartsenlaaan adjanel of toeetatci
beard of kealtb
MaMip. aad la
looklac oeer toe balHinr tbt beard
><l.fled with
Whattoeoummituebtl auue. aad
to probable that the aeuaa of toe oe
Il^wt-ie.,!. fn-m
Choicest Meats, Pnultry and Game.
E'O'wl lA HocMpon..
The atate board of eerreuilen. aed
ebarlitaa baa ae udp problem to aol.r,
Tbera waa an appropriation u put in a
btoUbc plant at tbe boapital of toe
borne. Iron baa made eoeb a blc ad.
eaaea that toe work eaoDoi be doAr
for toe amohot appreprlaled
wbat can be done It toe problem for
f reih. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages ttc.
35c to 50c a pound.
phoDP 4
r. BB080B ft 80NB.
tle.dB.poftoe.sprrelrar.to ,„rrtoh i
tbeao.tail.t1...aB0 iBtt th -r oanno. i ‘
head wa» trnblp cni aed
ofannll-crdlt.-kof t.m. ur rae*u«;'*’“'*:ltoap are to-rcerlee no oompcntaiion IBe win rreoerr.
Tbeheeretorpofelatelilsfariaed ihtt’ The barklnc cf bit dor will mei Fred |
Utohtodalptoiapontsrtaeuorrelrata “»•'*
Coruhoa. t.tnn
Ida I
wbedOBOLfomtobtheiDforBatlow to
bp i
to* proaeoatlac atiomep
iMctci doc. a runawap rh.ned
Later '
Iny kind aod agy |>ri<B.
the Brat, rriora thr Lowait.-
O'. J. BREznsr^,
-nep Opneral Oren ba. farni.bed
rrtarp of .late an op.otoD to toe
Ata reealt nf ridinc a ou-p.tlr at
etfeet that -operelaort mu.t teralefa
olcbtwitooai a lamp. Eimer ui:,ns.
theetatc deparlmenl with farm au-|
luitoTraquI^ ■i;.“tor".utu,^~ The ^
*“» "" ’A
altomepccncrtltap.lil.tor impera- “I*-'®--raontoc Ihto a «c drtern
HtoeEllaBottor.acodi: peart, and
raldlDC with her mother Otar Fottorla.
A Choice Line of Teas^i
1248 Frolit Street.
TraverM City.
•»«•«-« ^«Wbt for R.o<k, d.»ac«- ,
T®* PtotoUff ba. beeo awardan a jude- j
erat worklnc around an oil etoee kVi ,
dap auralac wbea her elotbto canebt: Biebard Stafford of North Brancb.
era. Sbe WM ra frlcblfollp burned .rawed 5J5 baabeli nf onu oo #»• ecree
C to tbe orlflaal that ebadtod le a few aleaMe
bhr otcroondlbu erarae. add thinki be
wsealonaattoe time, aed to le not, Pm doer jMt n llitir htiirr then aep
t to headded to toe hilcktcf toaro
known Jnai bow tor aceldent happen. I
farmer m toe wbo.r rlatr of
s ata eoat of aboot (MO Tba cb
la toe qaalltp of toe brick fraa
•To wboBcear flsda- Talerrapb to
bMabaaa«l*M to thaB. Bba. arfad Aratp Tboau, Boaor. Mieb. aad If be
ataMUaa M tba aalBllM al the probeOBB Ci*» him eeerptbtoc that « to
taa. iinilillp la.tba wap of Baaaal
BP crip. Mpea. hate aad tboaa There
WaiAlM. had praettoal (armlac.
la Boaep aaooeb to pap for mp n>
out. OareM Mlewad with an to- aad lead a wlafraa aad to bap at
tiwMiM papv oa the Bara~
Wpahaeftba gttt\ aapabUlitaa i
Fred Acae. Oentral
Uadbp Ibla caaa. aader propw
DakaMleb. We win all bate u be
bariad to toe elotbae wa baee here,
ptiMBd tba Ttow that Iba axample
doa-l waat aap ahretodt ter aap ei me
bp tbe wUte mat wm far from the
We wiBH baee to bare our bodice
bM Ml tor blM la teUaw. Sba did wnabed. ealp oar arse aad lanea Tbore
MtaCw aap M*aial aelata of tbe to ao aaod of aa toqiMt tor I am la sp
•natqaMtewhkh M
a a
afilattoc tbe riebt Btod had baee totoadad to do
.. bat *
toll that tbe thto tor two pnara. He enre that w.
are raallp debt bntort we are .barfed
thaw baa pet «aaa ri*aa It.
"Mara Aeaii.4a totaraatlBc talk ahem tot Mor- wMpfnaadla ebarre of
MawMfieaabp Mia. M. C Dadfa. the etoton aad aba dletatod tbe toltow.
JtoB.Bad«abaarWM^tlaiiUba Clip. tof taltccam. wbleh waa aebt to Aeop
Mi wbathM aMhlad to flea a HeM Itooaaa.
Boaor. Mtob:
wMdpMkvaaMba'•Marrto to daad. lamarrwMA Wm
WhUa a
liMMiafftoaMarBoaiaUctoB. wUah
■Iwwaatotonate abaw awlp the b
The amouol ul .I...uep lefi in in.- . it
bp lourieu tb.- ..tat .sna r .. e-i.
mlltot will be approead to raralar tm-
idlamv* aMu.im-inaJKWKI.
STiiVI- oi ,U.\\i:i-:. t.un:>
U-u« scrviLxwilh
lean aitiiiuiii »■' ujetc.
I Jewel Stoves
and Ranges
witb tba areaBCBBtat aad daClarad tot balldtocaceaalarodUtotbe
Bpdiiaatka of Rrmitator Wara... efiad to aratot la tba Aeuuw<i~
acrebaitotoiT wai fBpaaalad aad
OMtaeur Madlaad aialpd that ba
ttor Mihtoc aoBi taatlanap af
■paetodtobaeatba balldlBc datobad
to a atoloA MoBdap awralMbrCbrtotaat
'•toa. Aaktoaa^aas -artU -Ufa
WbUaibabaUdtorliHailB aa aa-
; We have them higher and lower too, of course, but at this
particular price we will sell you Garments that
compare with many sold from $12 to $14.98
Kiohuu fur veer fa
J, jSu. MOI5rr.A.3-T3:H3.
Reabm MUffiUUB jBB|ALP..OOT6m 1». UM
i Bbnw Bbbw. itli Mto
m. B DaffoB. Btattan unnt at Uto
Ana. WM ta tto Htp peaurdap.
I*b eblU Hit. tndi *•■
r Mt hM
Ltd T.
Mr. ato Mr* PbU a
. Ird; HarttoCB^i^
0. t. Draa aad taallp. of Watorlon. UMto*totiB^*tod?
Mto H*m« OartoU la vwitof ralaA Jebaeen, Jeraep .
tatoU*aa to Qhlearo.
Hia.J. 0. Boaitaaa <m4 aea to** lip of W. B. Daaa
Krtbaar. pair White Lepberan,
Boa. Parrp Haaaah loft paawrdap Ui: mmU far labia aa*. tad: carrou
■to* to Mapl* Ctip to }oto Mr. Be*
for atoek.
4nM*rto*lUto**cbarir*ela eaap for tto fall laaUeal at Obtaape.
■lap. Ut; Wblu baaa* let:
a*ortto**tol*trtoMr.aad Mr*.
Hr* Led T. T*aato«toe rotaraod
. 3rd; BrU pea*, ted: fBrdaa
MrrWMS «>•***.
U« lOikafM *Mf«k tecMry.
UkMkMaM»M<tk»t tb* pU»i «w
Wk. •«« H k dlMlIUr; ud mtmr
f r- to** «raditi*d tto report.
A* Eaoea> to* kKnrm timm Ito
ftor ktotto ton (toi ito todM
tto---------ww mltol**!/ Ui»t of
t *to oitor pn>
4* to frM* poUtow 4liU*Mlr for
l■•torMMrtolto predMM of *
, Wtor- B*l tto *»tof—»*t *» tb»
•to it w*i •aptoUtoUp *tot*d itol tto
tUto *•
»weM Mtoto
•tot*u4ltatttolBltoUa*teM----to tto 4WIIUBC l*d**trr »m i
to4la*pt**4«Ptor Mtor of U*
Oto Olab U PrapoettoooUto *bo*» U«
0* ctftolt
tof*fto«lb‘>- * <•« rtor* *r° t)»**
••* • C*B dab torato aaoef ib*
••■ton of tto W*^*e-tooc elab aed
ter two.— to tbar*
rl*kli7 totwaaa tto local aapart Bark*
■aa. OappIcaoeatooUadkailutt*
r< ara Baap asporu to
tU. Mtp wbcCba** Bad* pood rrconU.
1>mrto( tto Ufa ol-tb* laat pan deb to*
■ mttoWa-taa-Uaf
MBltoB took place
Ida, betlttoaaffaal
Mab pTtoBda.
bet H
4r*u trill a«t a* cook.
Mn-O. B. Beat rctartod to Orasd
Rapto* paatardap ahar
Ttolt la tbl* dtp.
Mr*- 0. Haelatp of Ordar Qip la tto
lUto tto laBllpel J. J. Baliar.
u. Darldtto ha* iroea to CbletfO
to lain aa *l*etrlc*I eearaa
P. Ctoaaroa ba* rataraad
H tot Bltdl* CItSa ba* roe* to Oilaate
to a *1*11.
Be*. A. B Wall* ba* rataroad (reia a
*1*11 of ****ral ttaaka la low*.
Ml* J. a Mania aad daafbtor b***
■to* to • *toii to to* fanlly of Dr.
■beptord. at SpriDfflcld. 111.
Mr* Ocerf* old* b*» rataraad to bar
BawyTanadHtote* feMnd (nb
tr«pMCbknfn.<MaAH lad »•-
Pin Our Newspaper
paaa. Aid; wlater rpe. lit.''backwl
UL di-plap of wlBier apple* let; aw
elar of fall applt* let
Hr* Krabaer. eaa prane*. lit; can
tad; Jellpeakt. uu aook'B.
paotordap from a week eUlt with Hr.
ato Hra J A. PaaataptM at Lake
r. 0. Hoasaaa left laat alpbt oa a
baalaam trip to Otatnl Lak*
Dad* aad U. H. UrlOth weal to
Laaalap laat er^ap ta d*l*cat« ffOB
Oraad Traeer** Lodpe. Si too, lo toe
read Letompaieatof tb* I. O O. F
PbllC Steer of U* Ulefatpae Starch
Co. rataraad peatordap from Cblearo.
A. L. Jopee eame hack from a trip to
Ur*ad Rapid* aad Dtiroll laat rree.
Dr. Kepn of toe aaplaa retaread
eleeaniBp from Iieiredk
Or H R. Aad?r»uD amred In town
lo tbe coodi they teU oT. We alvsyt bare jdM wbat we Rdeer.
tiae. no natter bow impaaajbiy low tbe price nay aeem.
(bouBanda of tr^ tbiriR* in Uiia pte-eniBeotly tbe pmv
plni' eSore we eDotneeBle
•nomrfBle a fei
few of ibe
B. P. Make, pair poat*
■leek*, tod; red ontoa*. UA
J. Harrall. Uto aabbap*.
bank potato** let. white
ap^p m.
---------------- 1.I. apeelal; Wealtbp
M pear*. Ul; Flealab tee
Cbarlu Miller, draft Ban. Itt; rod
wlater whaaA tad; dlaplap of Bp 1**
Hoelreai rraba. U'i
HraalT peart, tod; HarUelt. tod Hi
"emoB. Ut; Krfffer, ut- RarlrCn*
1 oeaeb. Ii
HUoa. Ut;
(lu»oe Purple, l
; c'tleelWn -•
-labo. e
toat eiptat from Canad*
poutoe* Ut. collecUnn ol ci
rock* s-ri; ereai separator, diploma
W.»I.H^«.'. K»oe»*
)tafortab> Ut. Beautp ol Uebro:
Wm Whreler.
■bite wlnl^ wheal,
bar d»Bp bur. Mr* B C. Tpirr.
H.'c. Deepm ba> coae to Kal>a>la Ul: California Bueaei*. red; Rmplre
Hr* A. Adall h*. rcluraed from
State, Sari. .N'orlh Foie. In, Bme of wheat. I'd. Rseulaior crabapple* la'
tor > abort time.
Erin, Sod. Ratal Sew V.irker. sod;
*ldt to CalllorBl*.
Tom Yonnp. alnple roadater. cUaa !
W K Wripfat la la Saplaaw peraolp* tod; Hobbard ..,ua*b. If;
Him «r*ee CaaelDpbkB ratbraad
wbera be h attcadlBp toe Freeb) icriaa buckwheat.Sni. boar)aetol MSlm.tod;
iMt *r*nlBp frcto Coprtalab.
llpeaa, lal. can nd niranu. l*t.pood
Mr* JobaRaaBlewaa called to H'p
eberrle*. 3rd; atrmwbeme*. foil
L. A. Fratt of Ana Arbor.
■apld* peelerdap bp
berry Jelly. 5
>1 bar*oB Will, wbo I*
Hr* Aooie Soale bat poor to liapf- tomato Jrlip. Ul. p‘am i
tw. where *he will attend the (iraod sad. watermelun preaerre* Si
Arcbl* MI’ler waat loCopcmtoh pea.
Ctootor el tbe urdor ol tbe Kaetera
lap oe batlana for Uic UamlltuD
kattto ptototoa to toaad. iBoartb* •CletolapOo
•>be.eoet«*tod la tor
Ferep Holdeworth reuraed Tomdap atirroooe ip Wiitnioptoa, North
CaroUaa, where be S a Brcbanleal
eaploeer In ibc molire power d. panbl* BOtoor'* dealb.
•eto. J^'B. MbriclaP.
It ol tbe Allaotic Gout Line B'p
Md a taw -eUirn. wbo will probablp
a pa*urd*7
\toe. McLellae
. Hr Holdeworth It an old Tr*r
|atoaaBetl*atotor*»ttoto* prop^ IroB Chlcapo
>eCltp bop, aad ha* maop (rleodt
CIlpAUarorp Haalp C. Itodp* baa
X who will be inlerr*le<l lo know
U to propaaad to bare a aarta* of eoa rataraad froa a trip to Cbteape and
ecsm lo bt* cboeea profm*0 .,f 1.-^1^ toU fall at tnttaaal Pk :W*To«
JalleaT Haenab ba*reUmed Irao
___________ ‘
H. Herbert. C. C. Knowlwn aad
* tripleCbleado and Kew Vork.
e UcLaarblio bare poBe to •Iraod
Bf- rraool* Litorarp OtroU
wa* la Kew York l**l Hoodep aad bad
Rapid* to attoad toe reantoa of tbe
TtotoatoraadJaatoretotoB of BV
tto plraeer* of »«alBd Admiral Dawrp- Flrai Hlcbipno Koploeer* aad Ueebao
>M*to aehooi told a BarUap Priand Hr* Blswortb 'Bpkrr of
Mar aftoraeoB. after aebool.
Him Uprile Uloor of Saranac. It r
Icraod tto Bk PraaeU Utorarp Clrel*
Hpalap *ad faaiily
iac brr Orblber. I
Ttor batd totir tnl Baetlar Pridap
leara lor Crlpplr Treab. Col.,
Hurriammol HbpSe'lo
•toatap. Tbaplaa lor tb. pear-, work
Teaadap. Tbrp will to aceompi
tottootodpofllurawra aad btotorp
bp Ural* Vae lipalap.
tVIIHain Heart and Hr* Am}'
Tto Idlowlap *r* tto oMeet*Uoo J 0 llirkamaof Hulleod. 1* la
Tpler ol Sopne h .>li* aod Hr* C. H.
IWdaat-Mto* BltU* Kawlh*
k* dtp.
rpler of Mauuio are pumu of Hr. and
[alia* Stolaberc wont to I'
Hr* Jal
t. W l-rck of Real Niatb Slreck
:iB Ulllaa Wall*,
toekep p*«Mrd*p lor a *1*11 with b
OameroB.' of the procerr deit—Mto* Aaal* Kaaer.
daafbtor. Hr*. Boaraibil.
partmeai. ol the Ucruaatiie Co. baa
■-Ml** deaa Tofdaka.
Wmiarn L. Wiiwni ba* poac
pone to Cblcapo on bualema for the
*-MlB Pearl Bmarp.
MartaeU*. Wl*. wbar* be will eater
ela** s. fed. alnple roadster, .
Ur*. Wsllaee HcQueer. Rekle
coop of foir beam and
larpe breed. Uiaad Sod: cotton rop.
•awpw. Hal Porrp, oaAldrrBaa Db
laiire faraltare boaea. He ba* beta
pear la toe fnral■ to Utof»t*ra“-lHa.
Utreatorcof J. W. malar.
Jadpe aad Hr* i
aad Hr* F K. Scott of HaaUtoe.
H Lockbart lalt pederdap lor
Kaebrtlle. Teaa.. wbrr* be will
(deta toedaeial eourae u VaaderbiU
Ualeardtp tola peer
i; bead koitwooleo
Hi*, a. uisfba; fuebtla*. let: tuber
B» beronla. Itt. mlla*. lit
A Hlatka. >u*tebe<l uam. dnfk Ut
dr*tt colt, ut
Hr* Uarr.e. «Uir nrpet. let; toi
•pards r*p carpet Itt: oollectloa of pisli
aad faorv needlework,
oeedle work. ....
1*1; basd m*d.
biaokele, Ul. worakd rap.
Lldr. Ul. pillow afaami. Ul; pUl'
ter dolley. Cad. nboto bolder. Ut; otbeorer. Sod. display of faBCp work
«e have preparyd foe too—aavinayoo in noat cm a folly GO per
i-rtii.- *!•*)-* ondi r«e|jinR oor oonpeliUm
8ioot iiuiili-Bi'hixl cult.
New fall I'eli.-oe, .-li.ii.v elyloa.
ijuality ...
SC/S/Af£SS ,
Horses for Sale
at Pioneer Livery Stable
Now is Your Time to Get Bargains.
dee tpan ol pood black borae*. all tooad. pood w irkm.jyrlpbt SSOii.
One pood, blockp bull* orowa
not to kick. PHee. «7h
» pear* ol. , wripbt I'lw'.
blcvkp I lilt. See farm
Adam Soaoek. mare four pear* old.
One pair bar peMmp*. Spear* old. ranpp bui t. pood. klDC wfwiier* and
Snd; black i>au, ut: parden peat, 3rd; pU>d dritert, I'rice. FSS'.
winter rye sod. while winter 'beat..
ueepalrof eslrapo.^ black peldilpa.e pcaruol.l. weipbt s>«i . 1 bare
worked ibeee home* all auiunirr. they *r* one of the l>*»t all-arouo.l teatut I
L«elanaw Countp Fair
•rer owned. Frlee. »3.iii
l.lat <if premiunia nwardeS at tbe
•rianaw Countp Aprirullural Far,
Harp SulllTan, brood tnarrand c
Hne brown peMlop. •: yr^ nlh. weipbt Itoo. extra pood draft ber*r'
!? aad r*
d.pi^.ip, Sept.
Itrl it^r. bi
bstl call, Ut: bdller
dapple pray faur*e. yeartold. weipht I'-oo, ha* a aatoll blemi'i-h oo one
white'*wloler wheat. Sod;
|li*P and
rose*, .'od. picture Iraram. Ut and Snd, blod lep. r&d worker. Price, ITi,
dUplayof lirtue paper work.-sod: .dii
^ll U UelUi.per,
per, ihreepear
:. I" pear* old. blockp bnill. pood farm a
play of wax flower*. Ii l; rr*x cram, lit
1 Uarrli ol Bdpee Fella it la
Trrmmio. Jeniep
rp calf, sad; HnlW», AmWon. olate luwreace', lal.
tr pip, three mon'
Sboriff Adam Balllarto of Mapl* Clip
Doe parr brown p'rldlap*. blockp built. he**p bone, weiphi
r. yrar* old.
Haldeo'a llluth. tod. TwAty-Uuuc*.
■wa* La tb* dtp paetordap.
Ha^dwln. lat; Kiap of Tumpkloa,
<o I draft teem, worke.1 oo ap latm allaummer. Frlee. SSMj
and Hr* S. B. Walt bare pane UI^lWapi
- •
Sod; parden pm*,
One Inc pray marr.-: yearn old. weipht II-.. pood for all work, double
luff, lun^ pear old amre. ut.
to Alba to ridt relatiee*
IH; winler rye. 3-d. buckwheat. Snd:
I, lit: thru pear old cow, Sari;
Mlmapplr. Ul. Keewick
Hop. Ul
H. iiberlle ol BiapbaB. wa* I*
rliop heifer. 1*1; buck lamb. Sod.
Haldwin. Ji
■y Sweet, in. Kit
(ine.cxtr* pood black home, fire yean old. blockp built, welpbt 13
oeoelailad bp .laptop ••AB*rle^' bp
•brep, Ul; coopol lour bent and
ern Spy. Snd. \Vio
mtier. larpr breed, Ird.
ttooaUr* aoeUtp. Mb. Aaal* K*b|.
1*1; Hpalnp. Sod, Trno
Hra K Cluff. ptirol fca'I
are*. '. pear* old. welpbt StCai, popd worker* and pood
tom pitoUlap at to* plaao
; Lombard plum. UA
Carrie Ti mair. band knit wool
o I pair. Frlee. As-Vt f. Itoniiaora aad wife ol Maple
ock* sod.
hand knit miUen* sad
Itp. were la tto dtp peetetdap.
pair of bay drirei*. •. yrar-old, weiphi Slum, eao atep eloae to 3
, wa. rl*.a
srrnp. U’; faocyailk rap,
’un Lnep Cork, mat
Hr*. Uel Socle bar poor t> Maple
L Ul; table
lat' cjrer. lal. peo wloer minotoa'. rery alyliah and prompA Frier. •S'-n.
Frldap oraatop bp tto Senior Up»«»
•am, 1*1; pr»pe jelip, Sm
tp to Inspect U>« Woman's «diel
knit leppio*. Ut: enoeb plllor
line extra popd bay mare, blockp bnili. Bre pear* old. welpbt Iton.
pickle, 20d; cr*bnpplt j 1
«l too Ototral aebod tmlldtop.
er. IM; plo cuahloo. lal; |^aUe
Oorpt of toat plate.
D potterp. 1*'; Rice
Tto Bad* wa. A tto b**l. ***•»!
dolley. Ul. embroldared aproo.
Arebitocl F. E- Moore returned
apple*, lit:' TwenlyOne blockp bnill brown m»re, 3 pearaold. weiphi I loi. pood form marc.
MBbar*bdap l-artllj •Doond. Tbo*»
I. Ben Dart*, tod; SpiUriJ. daroiop aod patchinp. Sod, darslopoe
to* dtp pestaedep froB a trip to S
trtofaralehad Bad. were: Bdo* MolPrice,
It; darnlor cm oottoo. Ut.
I.M. irbo pare a ptoao
tto Ml**..
'ranaceodent ernb. h
Hoc nice round boilA dapple pray mare. 7 peart old.w-iphl U-n. haa a
• ballon b-ilm. Ul. kolial.pHr* a Ukriaad of l>.>tn>it b eisiUnp
rUett pear. Ui: blackberrp
•p,^ and Clara Bataor tororto with
Ctedkerthief. Ul. act lab.c
inch OD bind lep but ool lame, ao extra pooj aluplr worker. Frice. lluu.
trtoad* la to* dtp.
d; rnapborry Jelly, Ind,
• apple .
aet doilr
; blackbrj-rp Jam. tod;
K. C. Uadpe i* tlMllap trlaad*
A pair of poop luarra. weiptal Itiai. extra pood drirer*. .. pear* old
chair. Ill; lldr. Uland Sod; btir plo
_ . J* doUpbtlsl *olo* aad
la Vtaakforv
and pin holder. Ul: bornt mnteh holder*b atple B
, Uara Purueb aad Dai*p
fa all. Ul. can honey rtoeUeorpe OalklaB be* relarard from Blekle. tod;
Kiadipp.rc me a call. All kioda of atock token
xebaopr for borae*.
>aoaor*iBl*ato*Uea* ee to*
par. Ul; dried appim. Ui; can crab
Chleapo. where be baa p
Urabain bread. I
■Bilk biacolu.
appim. UI. can paoeeberrlm. lal: emo
lal: aampklo oie. Ut.
Itare for toe ocw barber abop
hucklebrrrlm. Snd; cao ol pear*, sod.
6 K Cate, boar.o
with J. I
occapp la partoatttolp*
rMpberrle*. Snd: black
soar Icaa than one tear old. ut; pip.
tbraa abort tolba wWab wore tboronpb. Laapwortbp.
plum botur,
tlx Boatoe old. Ul; buck Iamb. 1-V
Ip oaiopad. Lottie Ma*b epok* ei
• jolly,
la WIllli
Hi*. S U. Cau. dlaplty of batter.
berry'j'lly' 1*'; red**chtrrp'icily.
••■ptoaad Bar**- B«rt Hoatopa* r**a batpaad Bik Bapldt puiardap. *ubDd; df* poiuda batter In roUa. lal;
Ctabapplr j-lly, Ul; pinm J*i'y,
re aeabd* butter la crock. Ui; diaplay
Btolkea ••Ttopaehi* and raor. bo- poealDfa'wItoc**** fortbeCircalleoarl.
I c^ed fralt. ted; cno of black'
tmmm tto Paltod HtoUa aad Ureal , TberoQ L. Deaemore and wife, wbo
Hr* A A. HeCop baa rataraad aftora
V. Fialick. UBtobed dririop te
flail at Uraad Rapid, and Hudaoa. lad
Ml* J. U. Johaaoa returned laai
A. 8. Frill coop r^our I
Robert WaltorMpbt freai Abb Arbor.
atnaJI Weeeeir Ui, 1
TblllMnni-1tto oaanlap
FrsabWraaa'kp. clerk at.tbe Park brood, tod.
Cbarim Frits, back, two peat* old.
••R«Bl**di Tbat Oraal wa* a bettor Place, will aitaod tbe (eeUral lo Chin
MIlUoo* of doUaiv la the <
Ut; buck Umb. 3rd: pair Boen dnelr placed by Hr* Mary Bird. Harr thorp
(aaoral tbaa U*” Tb* qatotlon wa*
Ul; potttom. Califorula KotteV'lai
nu Ihr lifr of brr child, which thr
voUbaadtod bp Iboa* parUcipaUop, tberepo to Hllwaekre f jr a flelk
Kmpire SUte. UI; Rural Sew Vorkei
•peed from croup by the oi
tto *p*ak*r.lorto*»m-Balirr belap
iBler apHr aod Hr*. Uou S Ii..*b of SaltoB* Ui; Kiop Philip'corn. III. wlaler
Minute Coupb Cure.
It •
•pd 'Ox.
MoatoUilbortaod AbIm bepeoldt. aad ,B*p. were la.tbe dtp last ceeali
ion. eolila and throat a
tbew far Ua aapallre -warr Preab attend tbe wcddlap of Ur Iteaa'* al*.oble*. F C. Thompaoo.
Movatap aad
UetTep 3 Allra.
tee. Bobp. tt I’erey H. Uoldaworto.
_____ eel. 1«l;
jBlpaadoaldadlafaror oi tto afflna.
TryOraio-O; Try OraialO:
Or. A A. Snpdrr ba* pone to Kale- •Ireealtf. Cod, S«. a crab l«t.
•towwad 1* a
On* of tto ato*l.*aW*bl* part*
tto oratlea oe "Hoaiorid Dap.
Tto arilk'* rapertiwa* plree
_________ __
dd. lit
II aad fad; embroidered rap.
bed »|
band made epom. Ul
a A S Friix. toilcl teA Ut aad
hand knit Blueov It’, band kolt
U Kletober and latkilp hate poae
rbeled fsacinalor
.mo mau. ut aad :
' U. Atwood bM relaraed V
.1: flatiron hnlri. Lo* Aopelm.
Banal*'* Oabbap* ladnsirp.
.led bp bU wire-t moiber.Hr*
BoBiBla. Hld>.,Oct. V- Fnrmtr.of
Bm*« malp think tbat toe beci rale S UoadcKb. Ml* UoodrUb ba* luade
Clip brr bomc lor aaarlp fortp
lipp It aot la It Wito a new indoatrp
i; bocklebrrrte* l-umeloi
tbat hat baaa opaaad *p la that tae- ptai* *ad to* pood wtabe* of maap
friend* will folio* her to her eew
tiea. Ttat** pear* apo a Obmpo
bHiIob Berebaal aaa* lato that c
bebarb. iti; blackberry j-lly, *sd.
Jktto farsera to
p ..
jel'y. 1* ; enrraot j-Up. Sod;
r*H* a BOW oabbap. called to* Holland
crab apple
apple J»Up.
Jrlip. sod; plum Jelly, tod;
Dr J. it Snyder baa pone on a b
whiah waa aapaaiallp adapted for aWrole plant jelly. 1*1: raapberry Jelly, lal.
awbeerp jrlIp..Ul: qoloer J ■ lp. ted;
MCaadablpplBf laapdlalaaeea
Tbi BBu trip to Kaltmaaoo
Ur wm
ipr J'lly. sod; blackberry jam. sod:
*M to* iadatup ha* frown rapidip
Hra. Doaald McDmald of Empire la plcklm. UA; crab apple pi-ki
lira. 3rd;
aa that CaMBU ^ato tto oabbap* eroi tB tbeeiipyt*itl.r trteeda
peach’ plekir* Ui. f-oit pickle*,
pear pickier, toi; u.x*d pioklm.
Bey- C T Stool haa p me oa
tomato plekim.
a. 3rd: ooloa pieklra.
TUa paar a aaaber of bapaca are la
«Bkt-*aaatUB to Hioamota.
tomato plchlmUti; ptampi klc*.
Rap Uamafftoa of Cadillae. apaet
tto Said, lor toe crop, and prtae* tor*
tHan tollO per toa froB « M. tto Maadap in Ihia dtp yldUap Crtaad*
>d bo>
Mlptoal aaatrael pdo* Aa tto pleld
tbal^ar Bpdor.
Hr. UabbaU. pieaidaat el toa Lp
aoem, traalod tto patoerlap to aa ax
MUaat aad ^telU *p**eb wbl*
toMBBeb appradatod «bp the aadl-
II Cord** of Lei iiid it in the c
B. Blackwood w»* la ibedtp fi
H abOf110 ton* to tto tor* tor proRt
How * TB*?
to tto'CarBaca will ba larpa. a*
r Our BaMirU Hall* Brwar* l«r
aaa r*— ul Catarrk tan raa*. br rtwri by
■nabln* lor planUap toe eabbapa
■rtotlp lauaaad to* aapaaat of ratelep ^■•'ISTtiSSptA____________
yr> tbr**err*lna<l.h*<xk*u*n
.harrkau** r
F 3 CW
toM tbH pear. Oa* farmer baa ralMad«l.«etarkla «Md of :« aerat.
; dleplnp of cab*
Iti: trail «ak*
______________________ caraBcl mke.
aaKrtalnp braad. lal; crab apple
ilerrinfton. dlaplap of
'half batbel .bmra. tod:
la* Ul; 0B*-t
lU* Snd; Wealth
idee'a BImb
I: Thilaas '
Double ilirvad Ti.kiotf, a tlyetAl.-sju-.v--...,............
H.-avy Xaj) Wliii.- Shaker. Se.- ii..
. ...
Twill.sl d-ml'I.. N*i- Sliaki-r. luually lOi-. o^price..
liO iiu-li Tall!'- i>i>iiia*k. nurpriiu' ptii-e ..................................
ill Imiuu anil tray double faced Ootitu;.
An AluriutllM Nlioa iut; cif
. lea. Dot olitainable elaewbere. I’rii-ee li« titan
Imlf tlioec -'liartrcd by euy oilier bouae. The alyliw are tlie
l>-el »-■■ ilBii- ever rbon-0
bo«-0 Tliey
They are the work of oor owe
OWS deaiRsera'-rkilUsl nrii*t» in tlicir line.
auiifolly Trihtin.
..................................................... $1.60
iValLiut; UkU in all tbe neyr.wt ehaptw and ci>lorin«a.. '
'S«-.'ll liu<- "f Ttuun. Iiraul-d ami wilb featbera-.-.ftSo RBd 48o
An iiiien<eiiiu: stuck of ni-<t fall clulliitiK i* bere.
It'd tbe pick
i4 III!' wry lirel nioki-m—tbe pick only.
Sweel Urr A- t'u. e fHiiiynia onion maile I’anta and Overalta.
every |«ir i^rauleetl; new {mir for every one tbat
rfpe............................................................................... ...................................60o ap
.MeuVt' iod uuiou <*Marmerr SoiU; fall atylea and neal
. have all the appearau ee and Gniali of reiro-
. .. $aoo
>.Y.(RI uariueiits. our npra-ial
i. _
. .. .
D the newiiil Icut and
ClieviotH, Worsteds, aod ( •
rboice of 8co^
A decided bar.
A*ain au.............................................................................. r..$4.RD'
our IS uc. Clay
r •■mpliasi/e tbe crest
A'real valum
valurti ii
Siiiu; Dobhy. well lailiired'. perfei:! io dt. and cofT il
til'- latest prviailinc style; lieel of lininj^, silkt aewej.
ill H w.ird all
II the coulneea
cooilneea of a 112 suit.
Special out
let hsle priee............................ .. ......................................................................$7.90
‘■DtoeoTBT of Am*rka"-
Btar*pbp of Oolamto
Badtaltoa-Md^ U
J.-lly. in; huckleberry Jelly. Ut;
Brttato,’- aad MIb Martoa Pnlt »pck« bare bean TUtlnp Hr. DeasBorc'i
bl pmra. Sr.'; c*l
j-lly. Ut. prop* Jam. Ul; Rlom
aa tto work* el a faaant palaior aolU. Hr. andHr* B V. Iten.morr
.BOf applejul.r,
Ul; peach marmalade. Ut; crab
J-lly. tod
tUlrd. ■’Tto.ot'* netaroi ’
ol Maple Clip, paaerd ibroapb tokt dtp
apple marioalade, Ut. app'r manna
Ba akaaUaat orlpUtolotoip wa* wrtt- pcBiertUp Ob tli.ir'wap boata to Uellc
lade, Ul; crybapple picklea. Ut. meloo
toa bp LoUp Harrla aad read bp Bdaa BprinxaMu*
too aabjaei brlnp,
N. W. UerrlnptoB ol Soloa. wt*
epoow. Sad; Jri*ee
tp llxw. Jernep
tofMdolUldHlBlOB- MIDI* Hlaor tbe dtp pe*UTd*p.
ripp heifer. 1*1;
I; Jrc»ep brifer
br.._ call..
Jereep bull calf. Ut: Jeiaep bnll.
WW Pi«*n to* iBproBpM on -Pli*t
Rl. Pr*p of i|*bel wa* la tto dtp
J. Ul;
Ul; lloleteln
lloleteln cal
calf, 30d
,„p..-------•* taaohlap.*. wbleb *ba
11 Fiabrr. Jeraep bull, c
Suuiii: 10 I Shn-iiuii. reasular l.V- t^joJ*
Blue and hrnyrii Denim, you'll tbiuk It rbetp al ISji-.
oui price . ..
Udcpond brown mare, weipbl llu". bliad la one eye. p^ drirer nnd pood
ir blark borae*. Are peart old. i
>1 fall IBlI.-ni* Odline.'V uort
Fitu- lUtti
’■-attiUi;, free (nini *ne> kH. alwayt 7c.
Apruo (iitu-Laiu*,
(fiiusLaui*, *k*'k' .iiiR
Yard yriili- M liite Miuliu,
tv. Uerrinptoo, pair marta. clam
Ooepair prop ^Idlnpe. wripbl skhi. .me ha* n epario aod the otbeToor
li'.pair roadater*. data s. UA
» B R Horke. riUplap of ttaau* .tiff lo front tael, they are a pood farm t>-aa>. >; and : pear* old. Frice w tb act
paper worli. U'. firecracker ball*, lal; ol bareet*»lsl.
quilt. Ul. let) yarda rap car
pet. Sod, ■|uarl elder rioepar. Ut
tVm Frau, oatebed dririop team
claa* s.Tnd. alnple roadater, c.aea -■.
the boston stobr
l>>Htber lined -Mitis............................................................•
-M.'o'k_\1 Workiuc Oliivea......................................'..............
Mule Skin (•aoiitlels....................................................................
Heavy rudixvliirts and Drawers...............................
Fvtra lieavv lleeceil Sliirle and Drawera...................
Heavy w.*4 rii-e.-il Sliirts and Drawer#....................
H-avy Workiuc Sliirls. latv front wilb packet..
Heavy .leiaey WoikiuA'Sbirl.............................................
lieavv Cotton S-.i........... .........................................................
Kil.UslW.«.l.Scx........................J..;............. >................. ..
Kxlra lieav, wool Uiblkal SoX....................>...................
Sisii. b CajM.'.
Capa. putl-duwD eer pmte
Bludi t'a|M. i->(ra tine .|uelit> ..
Conliiroy Brigiiton t‘a|>..r
Meu'slalest elylo Sliff Hat brown and bUck..
TiixT''. Strajije'd ...............................................
(iood mr-.m; ebaped. 72 inch, antp strap..
Wool blmik'-ts. 7 III ’'tx'.'O. stay under «tn
Heaiy ileetxd, Artav ami whiU-, 10-4............................................ 4
firay wool 6-ji.iUitd Blanketa...................................... ;.$1J
A MILL PRICE on all w.*.l lO-d White Blutketa; for
Ilil* creai outlet tale will sell a lisnitMi'aoinber of
int R-'i I
■t Blaokals. fuU 10-4. at tbe nobcaid of '
price of . . .
Id Our Cloak Department.
One KuntimI anil eighty-ninr samjilc-* i>f Lailir-fashionable Jackets, Ca|>es, Collarcttc-s. Missi-s and
Children's Jackets, boin;hl fruni one of th»- mos| leadinn cloak nianufaciorcrs in the east, al one half of man
ufacturer's cost, and in order lo incirt ihis fall o|»eitinj;
with u bii5 rush ttF »i!l place same on sale at a lrille
above cost.
Ladim Hearer Cloth l ap. a. Thio
I* Ohitarra Brlakr
l^im' iTDOd hrarp Boucle lApe*. AnC‘>ra for iriiemed. or
lioed. ;s» inrbrt twerp, worth A*, -er fall oevoier tale
Ladim'3S inch flo Silk Fioih Cap> t. Aepora fur tnmme
well i.eed. told bp maop foe An>. oer price
Ladira' K'eetric !<e*l rollarettr*. handaomelp Irimmr
otheraatk AS. our price,
Ladira Hrary llrarer Jackeia. ebeap al A3, oar price
Ledie*' Corrn Ciotk Too Jacbeta. dnab'* brraated. lapped
■caad. ailk Meed tbronfftaoat. t* raloe. oar (all oproinfi
Ladira* black, hrary. all wool Krr*ey JachrU. ailh lioed.
AbtoefboeA worth $- to. ibia fall opeotac asle
2 68
Hlaaet' terer JackeU
»oc it the l-etl
nxhtir luolrlrd tt ool
nr comfortaUebal uku*
I UitiBg
Ktory l*«
_____ __________
AUdree'i aasple terer Jackcu
. blBe.-wortk »« aad M. w price
1 98
3 89
5 48
1 45
2 98
4 97
4 97
5 65
a rad. rraea Bad aarp
Ladle*' {aahiemable plaid.'^raadp made, tall dBlrt Wate.
tolly w«wih II 75, on/ fall opaaler ml*
A toU Ua* of Ladim' FjaenaleU* WrapBar*.
ap troB
1 98
Tliey Are!
Ilave yon ever seea factofy
fiample shoes sold Rt these
We bare placed oa aak
following goodR at Uiese ioyr
prices. •
n'a bne vici kid aboea.,...
Men's workinir aboss ...............
Women's box calf aboea............
Women's vici kid ahoaa...........
Women'a KaoKanM aboea....
MIbm arain lestber aebool d
■i kid achiMi) dxM.
Boy's aboea. b
Mea'e velvet ■
eatore la model. AS ia aaeBrcd.
»to «>vle> fax men. womeo
■Hd^ktan. MedceeUby
J. M. Lewatr*, ■aataa.Hmm
IHB ptBSB to do ye«f (bU parehBBiBC t* at
Oppete C. dk W. M. DtpBa
TraTftrse City, IfIch.
Hnadieda of different kitids of
aboa them wbcB joa
A. S. MUli', neln^ SbH iu. iI
I Hl&ALD. OOTOm m im
»ddlm>to Bdia Wo^. I
Mtaad. Horrl* Wood.
U»am<Mathd «B> *at ea tk*
a B. D>r at oi«>
^ znsrKnsrsr^
b«a.tto*atMUwn W b.
■m vMMMotfUr »pfrafc«a<a< ^
thaaaoM Bbortf «lspM> toUowd
hte boa WDUuaduv to lUtel. tbai
M krhv Otwk. ••< Am»7 to Oaml
t«ba wh«« bo wm vrmtti.
«*-•• l«arta~» ■
d d ertaity aad aim aaprert.
Urt« lab-i* d Uli olty
.. jeaoa d AUao PbUlpa n. Aaaa
W. a JohoMa of Um SMtb Ai
^borOa.. W.aCfcWBU^of U.»k -pblUpa-atereo waa paatod ea'tba
1*^ Uo» Co.. Old J»«» fcM«a d poaadaddaaarte.
TMimeay waa tabaa la tba oan d
(b» CMra L«ab« Oo. d Ominl
Uk«.«ancteMMddnr»dt u. tta Aaaa Barbara Daw «t baae t. Daw.
thadar*abatof axtrameeraelly. aad
MVOTlloa d tba Ha«(
waalt with totaat to kUL Tba raa
BOtlalabod. TbtoaoU toralora
la Mom^ Taaa.
no aao’iailMi b«:a> •oltb fraat matur el aUmoay that will probably be
aaseancoBub bobitao loidiM tod- oattJad oito! eonrt.
ra wore Imsead la tba erimwooi dodon d Bortben Ui«bt(.s are
to wbieb fnllt waa oi
Aorea Homro wao flrao oao yo
iTod from many J not •
bard labor to loeto. Borbart Partptodflac aapBart «»
Watton d Importaaoa to ih.
Elbert O. laito waa deed SM. arbl^
fWCbaai L«BOa£o.-oMI
Itolr •»la* priooa. It wo. tba aoaoc d
WM tmU hao* bon • *«7 MrioM tba wooUar that tba follo*lac prloot
•n bid It aot baa far tho wMM •boaU pcaraU;
«ah d tha tf* dapartaaav wao ftooLoaf raa—Osa lack. BH: fradta.
C.*W.H.tnaK aallad tbolradaparuanttetbawatbdsn tba alara
aeoadad. a bat Uaa bad atartad la
tbady kUa.aBd tba Bra bad aada
aaab baadvaj that It wowlaail to a*
aoM *ac7 oarloBt ptoportkiaa la a b«
■Infaa. at tba kila trai Ml of laai
btol W. at. O.dthaalliyi aad Mia Haty Wood Ate taoa a prumlarat
pte. Tboaa boabo an ea ralo. aad
nrao warto d walaemo wan n- anoraylaa far tbo prtra oahad ter
toaddtoby Mro. riaae J. W. SMM tboot. Tbay an d a balpdal aad
^ Mn. JraatoMaamtof d Patemy. IpiMIral aataro. aad aeraprba aaooral
telaadl^ addima d tba aomte aom d tofarmate aad aeaalal that
wragInebyBor-BaretoyJoaaa. paa- an rary rolaaUa. npi'bltly to tba
iwd tba Prtomdo ohareb. Tba aab- yeaa«.
jaetoftbo oidirao woo "tba Dorllb
Tba tat twoaty mlaatra d tba
nut HUl." Tbo arlla d tbo drtab aaoelwi
ad oal pn«Tam oador lU ebai«« d Mira
d Jearabtoe Vadm.
Loabo Bock
Mn. Parey BoUawertb raaf a Laltoby
io bar dallcbtfal alyto wUeh baa ae
woa tba baorta d tba paapla. A ptoao
aalaettoe by Hba Voder waa pUyed to
bar raaol rbarmtor atyU. aad >ba
plod tbe atteatioa of tba eoart Then
day afle.nooD. Moat of tba toaUmoa;
b to. aad tbe raaesay r> to tba lory
tiitlaily wra body ladolfod la.
by 10 o'clock today.
PariridAe b
ifoalaMaa woa laaUy poaoad prooldtof
eharpad with dloprato* of cbatuil
that aa men meaayoboaldba paid to
Maaabaatanaranhltaot aaOl farthordbaalfaad tba board, tb*
late alaopraoidad that a anfai
allwed to bwa tokeo ool of tbe
ty aad anld
tftdofi qad ardluot far tba parpoae
After tbe diapMol ol tbe Mau eaae.
dafitte ol oema aatebla aacUatbe oonrt ratamed th« caaa ot Uerbarl
PartrldfOi ebarced with dbpralas
morlfocad properly, it waa elaia
d tea * <Wa for work OB tba oehcd that Partridta bad takaa a -borae
banite. won allowod abd ordored wbieb Cbarlea Moetafee bald a ehat-
by Mra. P. J. Howard rtoa praaldani
By aeaeto! reqarat. Mra. Ctorpa^
at larya of the oryulxatlon. She lac
rpralcd bar daliybtfel rcodtoy. "T^ae
to u Impromln derotlonal acrrloe. af
a Slrlka.- which woa
Im-which tba coamote may the roeelrad with
0 Ida E. Dobm. wile of 1
Bborl O. Bllto waa ehanmd with
Tbo aaod rlalatloa af tba Uqoor tow. aad entarad bald la tbe foreneen Taaaday. and all
were ready far tbo opeatoy lereiee
laat of tbe
Tbto OtoaUny waa opaaed witb a aaatriad bafacp a jery to the raplarto ap
OOB ot teatlmony. Tbe keynoU ol tbe
peal nit el Asfwt Sara ra. f
eoeeeotloa ana ylna at Uito me
Btpbaal. Tbe partiaa to tbit nit
ladtoae, Aaee llrlDf at Paababatowa SB "Victory." Amoay tboaa •
aad tba Bapbael'i bear Sliffala. TraUPatber ud Hotbar Stoele. of Morlb:
dniaf tba
porl, «rfao baae yrawn old In the work
lerUod asd temaeruoe.
Owtoy to the asaaotdablo ahaeace
of Mrs. B. A. Campbell of KerU
wbl# Aaee
t of tbalaoaay that waa paid, thedtotnctpraaldeat. ud of Mra P.
tba farm of tbe Sapbuto, i. Howard, the alee praaldant at larye.
aad look ooe ol tbe baraaa aad tome ol tbe macUny are* prraldad oaor by Mn.
tbe otbar Ibiap that were owned la Etta Wtaitmu. of Kortbport.
A memorial boar Iq^boaer of Mlm
partaarakip. The borae waa aftarPraoera E WlUard waa led by H
wardtobtatoadbyVnd Pratt oa
J. Canto of Tnnrae City. It
Beta that had baaa rlran lor iu
u Impreaoln oeeaaloa. and tbe
taraad onr to Bara Bapbaal. A
nplarlaad tba property, aad tba <
baa ban appealed from the jn
far faialtan tram a
able that Iba balldtof
a teaary
odOMoalt ODait eu ba> bold
to tba
bafldfaf. AtoooialamBtoBtoteaary
faofay Iba baUdiar to batof eoaaadtba promd tba elly
wffl boar oaa-haU tba aapraaa.
Lttifabatnaltoa bratow wit fa.
itapUibii by tba baara of aaparrtoon
teorday. Tba board apaat aoaaidar
----------- ■•irry a propaattioD
faMiaCtecotefartaratobtoc tbe
OOBH namaftba new baUdtof. bat
aftar aatae diaearaira at tba afuraoaa
Tba paUUoaof Oalbarlae B P. Ladfata for tba tale of lud far tba baDafit of hmmtooraon. waa token ap
thaanotoy. The petilioo waa puiad. aadJ.T. Bunab waa appointed
apedal ynardlu with aatboclly
teU the Plasloc property on tba earBar of Sixth ud Wadtworib atraaU
Pruk Smith, who bat alnady atoned
eontraetfor ila panbaaa. Tbe m
tldanUoo of tbe tale to to ba fa.Mu.
Mra Macdallna Clark waa pet oa
the ttoad. ud bar taatimony waa
tabaa to bar dirorea anlt ayato
Cbaa. A. Clark af Wimaa>bary.
Ida M. Woodward re.
Joba H. Woodward, at at . waa tak.
npatiba aranlny aemlon Tbto ea
wUl raqnlre eooaldarablc time lor ita
call and inspect the garments we show—leant the
prices and be ^ur
orj of tbe womu wbo bu dooe more
tbu uy otbar for Ute raaae of
Oredaatlato-Mn.' Sqalrra .of Petra
key. Mml Lyooe of Petoakey bad
ftoh di NorUiport.
P.auee-Mtb. Sloae of Petoakey.
Mr*. Vaoybu ud Mr*. Kortbrap
CoartootoB—Mr*. P E Tr»rU. Traa
ene City. Mr*. P. J. Canto. Tnnf«e
aty. Me*. Kearnv Cbarleaol*.
Bmototloa*—Hr*. Oarpoator. Bendoo. Hr*. Minora. Tnaeraa QV. Mra.
Nadya. Ctaarlaaela.
Tba laadiay paper of tbo aftarnooa
araa eatiUed "Tbe I nm Uiate Aim ud
Parpomof llic W •. 1 L' . Watt we
aboald do, ud to>» we ao.«ild do >t
The paper waa tall ef balpfal tbooyhi
and was rotad a mMtarfBl eaUlra of
Um aims of tba aaloa.
Clrenlt eoart reeenrased Me
r bUM will ba I
mMoatopu of tba Ha-o.*. A maqalay. aad rbaaraty mattora
Up Mraoutfla 0
tokeo ap. Berary dlnroa talu
iba parlor* of tbe obareh far dba daledtopoaad of aad daaara yruted, while r*U> aad tbair frioada Soma ef tba
peoplaafUm town tbeoybt that tbe
Oaaehucary pro eoafcaao ena;
maato wen far rale, bat tbto to ut tbe
lU^ forte ladeaa to the mattar.
dtopoaad oL thalof Jamm B BaebaVa. raae. Tba teed to dalkloa*. bat
far Ua dclacatra aad ter. trlaada
boaH aadrabmluadattoteoal of Iba
waa eraalty aad adaltary. A dccnc only.
waarrqeud. A aow raae waa p
Tba onalay eiraloa waa opomod aaltb
tbaralaadar. tbat of CaroltocJ. Kto- a oooy oaraica, led by Dr. B A. Bolllncy aa. Bltam Caoey. iba eomplaiai day. Tbad.
batoy aMraraa raaaltr.
Klod by.Boa. J. A. Birady.
toad, af wblek Baa. Parry Buaah
aambar of ebueary eaaea
oaakrtbatod tljoo aad tba eltlaaaa of
ptotod. aad tcatiiBoay waa tokaa costed to a fawfittioy w
Etta M. VaaPtaei waa Mayor Paaak
•ha MM
fa telte to tba am
DmarE.Vu. part of tbe city. Tbe arte
appoprtotodbylbaaaaatyyraoBd of ontaivy aad tba '<
to-\tb. I
Ear. W. T.
Mn. Haraqy Oartto maloamai
I to Um
We’ve been told
B»uyaltotto,JaU'udPrtooB,Mra.tlyamtlooa." br Mrs, Ctorrie Paxton
I Tba Bddreaa wae ftiU to the brim w.ib
Plowar MIraloa. Mra. P. J Canto.
'aayrralioBi ud belpt to rlyot Ilttoy
Seldlera ud Sailor*. Mrs. L. E to tbe prraaat day. ud tba ntotios of
, tba problem of oar time.
Pnaa ud Almahorae Work. Mary B [ Attar a "alirer apaecb- by tbe
New Fall Top Coats
anil Overcoats
laocc, tbewleniperaace doxology
An iBTiUlloo waa reeeired from B. i aaoy. ud tbe meelioy waa diimtoaeti
. Moryu. offerlog the la<liea the uae : witb the beardieiioa,
f fail linry to make a drrre aboal tbe : Today will mark Ibt dose of
lly. The iarilalioo waaaeeeptcd.a’id (eBCCeMfel cOBtenUon.
Mr Horyu was teadered a hearty:
role of thuka far hto kiedotta.
Sam Iln wo* .0 Kalliat . yesterday
ladlea will take tba drtre tbto atorelBy ;
n boaloea*.
at e.to U the weather permits.
I ^
Hr*. H K. Brinkbam hi
* jaialt loSayioaw.
dtopoaad of, tbe ladim ud Uieir I j c, Biebanto baa retarned from .
frtoadt want to a aeareely Irat tolenal-, b„ioam ulp to Charle.oix.
Bdl*.ebiekeo pic dtoeer. : iir.^g Mr*. J Eellyof Boat Jordu,
Tbe food waa dellelooe ud prepared
retarned from a irtp to Cbtoaye.
U>e way for Ute apludul proyram tbat ,na .rr apeadtoy a few dayi with Mr*,
fallowed la Uie afternoon.
, q a Vuderron of State atml.
is ahead of all other clotbiog sticks
in town as to values ofTvred and as
regards correctness in styles. t>ur
own confidence in the goods prompts
us to ask your inspection of our line-
Prices are $.S.OO to $'2«.0U.
SEE OL'K srilii.
Hi*. M*aboa tolrodaeed tbe g»d '
Utenwr* table, on which tba work* of
\V«. t-arry ibfUi in
....ALSO snow THE....
■tmaa Bam orTBaTaraarr imai.'
Grand Rapids, Imperial, Drover,
and Mackinaw River Shoes.
No Better Shoes are Made.
Ap|>!e*-CuU* udwlndraito. xoe per
" "•
Sold only by Tbe Old ReliabU BhemaB,
Oxen For Sale.
B J. noROAir
Boots and Shoes Potatoes
Before Selecting Your
To Faniius and Polalo Shippers:
Fall and Winter
Owinc to til'- uniianal lartT'' pvr-1
I'vtilatfv Ltf
UDais-ri'hBDt. :
aliir (xtaUM-a iLia aeaeou. wr- bare
it) ordrr Ui mak>- a market;
(or earn**, lu ran our fsrtory oii aa i
many of tbto pfroilc -if iwtahiee oa ^
we rao oblaio.
Uur farlory. vLirb boa a trap. |
ec-ity of 10,000 touabeto of poUtora'
[wr day. to □-« r-utnplffa and
Calf at our store and inspect our stock.
We have everything you need.
w.- j
an-rraiiy 1« tak.- all tb*- <-ull po-|
tbat are
will ^y tb.-ir full valor-.
8avr all
yuur OBniertbantabla |
ptlalora and arib- us f»r t^ooia* |
We Name a Few Prices Below:
The Michtgai Starch Co. ^
Trarrrw (.’ity, Mich.
Men’s Plow Shoes.............................. 76c. $1.26. $160
3oys' Plow Shoes......................................................................76c
Women's Calf Shoes, lace or button...................... $1.60
Women’s Colt Skin Shoes.............................................. $2.00
48 pairs Women’s Bntton Shoes, formerly
Wagons for Sale
At Pioaaor Lieery qiaUc. B J. HerraBd. Proprictor
. Ooc4 aprtog arageo with t arata. SM on
Obc Platform Wagoe. I arata.
good coeditioa '
..................... fa oo
I Obc Lambor Wagoa. I la. Ur* .
Oa« Light Wagoa
Osegood Horriaoa Wagee. » )B.
tire, doable bca. wbifflelm
ud oKk yoke, good ac sew
"RICHIRD CltVEl,” bj Winstno Cbirellll.
i| tba largest aaU- ol aoy b<x)k •lariogHa^mWin
oaotuo. X«*w York Oily, Cbb-aifn. Albany, Buffalo. Um
Atup-bra. Oavaland A»d other cittoa
The otory i* Id Ibp
into lha ebaraefara of tb" oi<-o wbo made faidory at that
The acDtimf-nu’ of ibc partiMoa are portray^
oa L'c^hir’slly an wf bod tboa<- of North aiwl South io
-1U«J Bi> k" Thr- ab>ry i* tbrillimtud iuU4tariy interostiDt; from mxi-T lo cov>-r
"TBE lARlET PUCE." b; HaroU’Praleric.
A roitiuc*- of ibe Hty. a atudy of '-Imrarter io tb« whirl
pool of atock jagirb-ry anil ‘-orpurati'Mi jobU-ry—sppre.
ciatrd lay men—iaterratiug U> all.
"WBER TBE SLEEPER WilES,' bf fl. C. Wells
"A mutorviMM of imaipnative teolua" A BiciBltot ol
t>xUy awakra in another mitar)Tb>- ae<jo>-l to tbto docade of truoto udcuDibiora ih eagirrafad—tbe d^lar to
pat before the mas.
“WT KEHEDr." byS.li. CfOctel-oiBif the Aithirslest
for 1 Omt each, atoo tl»- mouuto is b colors at oatue priea
C3±-ty Boolfc S-boaro.
sold for $1.25 and $1.50. for.................................... 96c
-.-r -------
The Lat^
Rubber Goods a Specialty.
-W. F. TXAItag-A-,
We have the best $2.00 Shoes for Ladie*^
and Gentlemen.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
McNamara BIk.
Tkaiiini; Placb.
CttstoM Made Shoes j
Reporttog O
* Co . maken
b ahipptolr m
■a thuaoy ot
I.cl. pair ai
Mrs EtU WhilmcB raadneled — '
open parllamant, "Wh.l Sopwlntendeaw an to Oar Work." law
ot tbe delegBle* ]>inedr
RkLI.ASiI.K ami Poi>l't,AB
rara't^earse City-, Mlola..
Tba deroUoaal aerrlce fat tbe after-------------------------------DOB was lad by Mra. Pnnr J W j
Reaolnuoni .
lone Tba fir«i iblay on tbe proyram . Wberea*. Ood. la hit prorldeae
a»a eery excclleptpaper, -The Ideal 'taker from oor mldet oar cater
beany eoeore wiUi a bumoroni aelec-'i xbr I
tion. "Tbe SafT.-oyc Caeetion ~
' pany •rodil.
1 judge as to the menu of
our offerings.
by critical judges of clolbing values
—up-to-date Traverse City dressers
tbat our line of
darboot to ebanrad with utortop 'lb* tbto eoatuUoB.
Batwfan forty and fifty delayataa
of E. a. Joaaa,ud aloaltof elcaia.
tobaeeoudeudy. Tba can will ba anprtaent. Abie addremra and bdpfal dtaoamloaa will fill tbe lime.
IrM at tba aaxi im
StTaote aporatort aaraieo a btU
far •u.to. far frolfht oa fat faol ot
teiiaaB.waapaaaatod bytbeO. S
BLBy.Oo. Aomamaalrate acaorn•aaiod tbo bill aiattot that tbaooaMter bad aot paid tba aaooaat ud
that tba raU way aompuy woald bold
•hi aaoBty Im Iba amoaat. It wat
teod that than wma etbar bUto of
taoama Mad. a^ tbto waa taaUy ratead to tba baUdlaf aammlttaa.
We make no false claims for oar floods bat tell 70a
what we believe to lie honest facts, inviting 70a to
esu lan reporu ud asyfesUoae that j o{ ihr moat belprsl of tbe oooreoUoB
ware »ary bclplal;
f„, xke aobjaet waa "Leadtog
ipeel almoat tba aetlreday
WedandaT to laktoc iratimoay to tba
: appnciatloe of her bfaaiifol cha
Tbto wae fallowed br a yeoenl ,dU. ted oar deep eyiopathy with o«r
at. Dthm^iUe bill to act
Tba taatimoay ot
waautaU ncolnd.
J. Corito. cormpoodlny eecre- :,fl|.rtloo
aad tbe eaaawul onr to tbe ad>oarard tary; Mra. Piue J. W. Sujoa. tmaa ] Seaolr-d. tbat tba charter of ou'
It; ud Mra. P. J. Howard, eiee-pml-1^rkve be draped for tklny daya io
that will meal ban a week from
Moaday. after the Leatoau eobnty aaa
otioo* he p'OrralMl tolbr
and a ropy be
Kollowlay tbto rime a Boe paper 00 baahaad of' Ihr
... d--oaa.r.l
. ...
The dirorea aait of Ktomy n. Klo
tba "Datlw of OBleera''by Mr*. Carrie aenitoihr ChvM' Tiu
oey waa pot orer tba term, aad will Paxop. praaideat of tbe luib dUlriel '
aot be triad Ull Jaaaary.
Tba paper waa fall of belpfol aayyea-'
Tbe cate ol Aeco re. Sapbael wUl be
pot 08 today at k o'clock. Tbto
MimBlaacbe Hakkellaaay a >ery ‘
Jery can. the laat ooe on the ealai
pleaaiay aolo. "Yea, there, to room tor j
ApyUi Wutod.
The eaae of Ida M........................
too" a nlH-tios dsdiealed U> Ulml
eaid tor choice
M. Woodward at--------------------------—
et tl. wb:
^Urd, She wraaoeom-fuiod by Min |
*11 nrietiri
aadar adrtoamaBtaame
cBtfarme time afo.'
tea Moffall.
j 1,
hare u or-cbai
-b*rd to »ell. don't
ribadoeldod for at
A fioe nadloy waa ylrea by Mra.
ra polBt ol law to iaroitad to tbto
Alice Carpenter, ealitlad-Tbe Women;
ae.'aad tbe mauar wUl reqatre
oa a Strike."
She reapooded to a
tal morwafo. The
dart Sited ropertod Ibat tba dood Jaiy at II o'clock, aad at r.ti a verdiel
offallty wat broafbt to.
a at tba
Tba aeeoed caaa ayairat Praak Halil- lotiitocltytoMw 1
day wat called op. uod with tbe
aaol cf the proaccuiur. it waa pat over peranee workera from tbto dtotrlct an
to alienduee. ud tba meatlDya an
erm. BallUay •
fall of lotertat ud profit. ' Tbo*
bb own rooecalkaaer.
tentted to tba temprraaee moreaernt
lb far tba Caatral,
euaoi afford to mtoi tbe aamtoaa of
te parte e« Mm baUdlap.
nniess we cao please jon and save you money as well.
MaryE. Bcaioa atoo mitad. - I'rr
PoUowIny tbto. tbe coanetlOB weal Crept to W;ib Mpibar." wbieb waa
lato u boar to wbtob the taithfaioera ymlly co}ayee
aad doaotcdaBorlaolMra. S. A. (fampPollowtoy tbto proyram. Bet, D.
belle of Kortbport, waa boaored with 1 Ooeblla led to a abort dorououi oer
toocblay tribntra.
A yneUoy wa> | nee. ‘Zhaa toe yraatuun from ter
rradfrom bar, and wat warmly re- fnleraa] deloyatra were yiree Hr*,
ealrad. Mrs. Oampball to Irtny at bar J A. Montayne apeakiay ter tbe WoNortbport. Tcry Ul.
Uer [ mu't Uab ud Mra. S. C. Deapraa lor
wao pal oe early to tbe day. aad pareata. "I-'alher ud Molbar' Steele.. tbe Ladlea' Librarr AaaoelaUon. Tbe
the whole day did aot derolop all d an to attaadanra opoa the eooneUoa.; daleyato who wat to apeak for tke I. U
tbotoaUmonylobatatradBoad by the
Tba claim b that Ollnr of profit. Tb« fallowtny nperiatend-1 The addiM
JH ecu. »; ahlpplaf call, r
maoB. Sit-M;
Oaaaad gaaqobrtof
aad aaa-hatt. Sl«i two lo«*. tto; two
aad ono-balf toeh. tsii tbrn laeh.
«».»; throa aad oao-half laeh. Ki. •l.ooo
acpaetotloa ol aOD»ietloa. •
a boy named UwaUrtao.
tboocbl that tbb wonld ba atroa(
ifb lor eoarlctloo. bnt tba jary
tbUca IB aaolb'r UfbV and ao 0
nanlt.'Uienrdletwaaclraoaa aUtod.
Tbaraaaof Barben Panridca oee<
Almost tbe whole Uma of Ibt eir
mrt Taraday waa ooeaplad with
BBOa-Ooe aad ooo-qaartor laeh. to of the rave year. Ollnr L. BUI died.
«aodOBa-ba!f.*ls.»0, two laeh. Bow It to claimed that at tbe Uma
BU BO; two aad coo qnartor laeh. lit;
amlfCBiaal waa made
bw that banad *007 rwdUrot
GUd Baaalaaadbit saa vara oa tbraa laoh. IW: Ibroa aad oao-ball
put tba coareyaaoe of Ue property,
IIS.M; four laeh. BI6 The
tbawdpraBptir. aad t*o llaai of
aot eoabd.
wan qalaUr laid,
ooe loeb. C.MTwodiToreeeaaaa
I plsTad ea Ua
baeaaa of Aaaa Barbara Daw ta.
irli«. baildlwra. Tb<
Oiiealt Coort
liaac F. Daw. to wbieb aome ol Aba
The oerdkt of tba jery to Urn
|w kUa whitfa otaada
Berman Maao. ebarfod with burflary. tnUmoay wat lakae Moaday. waa laTaraday. ud a decree wae
twaaeain trat eoaridacablr WMaaarprbalo tba aadlaaoe la Ui<
d. bal tba aBdaot work d tba
tarprba to tba aeeaaad. irrutod. Tbe matter ol alimoay wat
rodltfroB oartooi daaaffa.
proaasoiloo aattird oalof cjarl, Mra. Daw reeeltIttotbaacbttbattbaBra orlrlaatod aad prebably a aarprba to all eacapt laf 11.000.
Ol Allaa PbUlpa ea. Aaaa E
tottMtoaUfalaaet the dry Ula. aad the }ary. Wbaa tba rardlel of "aot
wat naodbyaMTh fnw tba mill pmllty" war haedad la.tban waa Waak Phllipi wat fialabed Taeaday moratof. ud a dtcraa waa putad.
ttodi ar tram a Bowlar loaomoUm
aaramaat la the taora of maay la
Then an foor dirorea palu yet to be
triad ud aome other nob )ary oiattera.
Bermaa Maaa waa charfad •
Jott baton the eoart AdJ^arae^ for
aatarlac tba aton of B. d. Jooea
Blmweod anBoa. aad ataallof fnai tba day. tetiimooy waa taaea ud a
of dinroe waa p»aa Walla
tbafoodototbobaudlac- Tbe atroatPattaapll
to bar aall aratoat Unat
rat taatlBWoy afalaat bim. aad tlut
PetlOBfUl. Tbe ^roaad claimed wae
spaa wbieb the pnaocotloe
d ^wood araaaa a
AmT wbUa tba moa
Manonic Block,
Traverse Oity, Kich.
Traverse City.
_ Bb*pt» tm«M mutp,6owm le, um ,
Cbwfih Xtobtlea.
«klk CB Wwl rraat Mnai
AtlhsantlatcfftbeW.P. M.8. ot
ospleM tp eiB*oad
hnlLB ebanhlhs toUowiwef
to > (trip tetwMn tb« Wot ed Moodap aormlac. bp wUeh &raa|baeto
dt.Oeie beeeae owaara o( tbe balldli« | alter.
rrast atraet krUre »pd Opk
tebpbmntppd •ikondtowaMfitrtkM^ OMspled bp tbea. ae a ^aabfar basl-J bootoet peon a
«. adj HBiar the Can atreei earioe pea tbe a
. The flra baa operated tbe bosl-1 peon aco- With ooe eeeeptieo la all
,-Hn. F. B. OHC
natadaCB at tbc apple er^eraWr
aeroral peon aoder aieoae wUdi i three peon tbto eaoaoob <ntpot b» Third Vtoe Pnekleet. Hn loha Paw
to os Uw lurcMt. M the «lDtor »C8>I«« woeld ban eapired oazt Hap. Tbep : been the larreot. the total ^aetlor
toxre^oedlap Smeary. Hm. W
itocPBCio The cBineitr of
hanbendoioca pood bMiona aBd!eeis(.J.ooo.OOO Of tbto qaaauip T. Bozbarpb; Tmaarer. Kn. I> B
pUai to poi acarl; rapdcd. bowe
have boepfat of 9. C Ocopm tbe os-'aboat too.aoo bdebanaUIl to be pet
»pd tbuT «UI b* •bto ta baadle all
iBdadiap twla. dttpnej la tbe kilaa Thtoea
pppla IkU e»D bt faratobed tbrto
Idlapa. aod tbe
BBd ealldlBp. Tbe eoeelderatiOB was [ baap o
JoroM Marral ot th« Ira of Jeiooto 9t.«d0 Tbep will eooUoae tbe piaab. | panto hoee beea laaed to ibeir empaeWilltoa g. saia. a pioneer
Next pear praa- Aatrla eoatp. dtoo at tbe boar of bit
Harrol A Os. broken, of Btotse.
■as., ms ia tbs eit; Tbanda; oo
daaphier. Mrs. Arab. Ctoarnm
............................baaiasM wtU tbs Hiebiraa StoRh Oo belldii
Twch Lake, SatonUy of last neek.apd
Mr. HarTelb flra irUI haadlc tbe probelied Koadap. Be eaac lo itdoetof tbe Btar^ Co. for tbe New ealeable piece ot propenp aad tbe Bra
ooeetp la tact Siaoe tbe t
baa bolll ap a ttariTlop baaiaen.
Baclaod eutaa
of b« wiletcrrtal pcaaapo, be baa
frfeada of Rce. «
made bU bea* rrttb bit daapbter. Hn
Tbatraaspeet Warraa wbtob e^ed
froattoa Fraaetoeo aboal Keptoaber
Bit eblldrea are Mrs. Areb. Caaer
tot-aiTtred at HaailaoB tbe stbot twibecoonriio be pU«D la Stela, terjinee to tse paetor^ bmaebold.
After lb# fiat eorprUe bowescr, Hr. lofTorth LtVe. Mrv V B Bail o'
Oelober. This to the ship which nrrird berp'a (irasd for the beeeEv of tbe
Ceotral Uk., Hrs. E I DarU oi
tbe Brat coapaap of eelcateefa who eo-. plpe.orpaB food of tbe CoafrepatlABal end Uca Woodhacae rallied and enter- Tnrene City. Hra Ueorpe H Morse ol
ulaed ibelr panto sery plenaaBtly It
luted troB thUeltr. aaoo( then beiof
O.tober 15, aad ae exorptioeal treat waa pot loop BoUl tbe paeeto remindrd . Ohio, and U.irer. Frank and Gilbert
Will Boberu.
tbeir boat that It was taU thtrtyelxth 1
OBOcdlaaoeat e
The oriploal g leen City gaartcl will birthday aad celebrated tbe oceaatoa i
^led of eoaanapttoc
eoaaell o>et last Blfbi
be the chief atiraetioo. bet e pdmber to Ue moat fitUap maoaer peaalble. A
jj, Klapaley ThnwUy oiphi
■ed frasehUe foraatrept railway. of ottaen will bare a place oe the pro- beaaUfol (
at tbe ape of
Tbe remaio* were
ABordiaaaeeconriDf tbeaattei will 'praa tbal will docbilm be aa pleaawai prseenled mftor which i
boae of hU aUler. Hra W
be drafted aod aabaitted ta tbe
lap. MUaJoecpblae Vader will play
with Mr Bopbeeaa.apobn- j
Xiolh.treei. Tbe
■ of tbe whole bcfoK i
two pipoo aelectlcoa. bealda actlop aa
box eootaialap aoaa . {nooral was bcJd ato'cloek Hoedrp
praaatod to tbe coeecil.
aceoapanlat. aad Boirard Ersat Loop,
r fora of',
liap. from Sa FraaeU etaoreh.
... _____ Jobe P.
3 pears old, d..d
before a Trarcrar Cltp aadienoc.
mlnlator replied la a i
a ot tbeir i i^oix^ap erenlap aboal v o'.cloek. at tbr
I^a F. litat will recite, cad tfar tally rerealed aa apprec
at rrork Jn the baakel feelory.
hoBi of bU slater Mrs. Frank Carna.
many wbo bare hnn^ him will pot
at work eo tbe alaahiar Otocbiae.
tbe aacbiae ao lalered the tbaab tbal
Dr. Kaeelaad bad taaapauleUat tbe
AndenoD Pleaoed GnUty
eaeoed Ida*.
Tbr rmbrul meat ease that t
traded lo aocta atteatloe to ibU riclo. News Stand. Ilw Bather cs^e Monday
J; w. ■uuan-r.Ji .f'lwB
Htoi Btbel Daon of tbtocitp bea
.IJedopiotbe I'olled Sate*.
a. r. rineiMB T»— >siMa
ereainpand arrised here only
eaploped to tearb the orerfitw papile DialrtotConniP liraad Bsplda TTii
Plans lor Senior Aimnal.
tweplp Btonln before tbe iiltle f.-Uow
(roa tbe eeeoad aad third cndee la day. TboBW U Aodersoa of Rapid
T-hr Seaior clan held a meetlap laat died. Tbe rrmaini wer.- takeo to SI
tbe eeeUBl boUdiac. CBleHap apoa bei City waa arraipaed on tbe ebarpe
doUnpnterdap Hla Dana U wri: eabealiap rto ot tbe faada betoopiap Tburaday afler aebool at which a ana- Jobaa for barlal
plana aad arraapeaento were
qaallfiedforbcrpoeiUoa. beinparrad lo tbe pal oftiredepartmeav Be plead
bate of the Slate Noraal Scfaool.
A Tbefiaai tcarto
•ralllp. bnl offered la rxteaaalkn the
Dpaal." An Aoaaa]
Circulation this week 2,275
Coald Dot ripraa tbr raptarr of
a pradoatlopclen to tbto city baa Aooie
Oa Pridap ereaioc »t tbe reriew of
E. Sprinper. of l■blladrlpbls.
had. a* It eoata mooey aod re- wheo Ur. Eiap'a Now Diaeorery eurrl
Varem Clip Teat. No. sTl. K O T debt, aad bad takea tbe Boarp to ■
la LatnoB to eatp Sli erltb actol- H.. the wioter profraa w.ll be ooa Ufp tbe demaoda of crediton wbo w
qolm a preat deal of extra work. All erof a back Inp eoupb that for aiao\
clam, wbldi eomprlan aboot ynra bad made life a bordro Shr
There will be two caadldatea pnaloptbelr deamade Be bad exnya: "After all other rrnjrdlea and
peeled, be laid, to be able to retora
thirty members.
for laltlalioD aad the cereaooln
doctors failed It soon remored the pain
moaep before It was mined.
worktop for ooe. ao aa e starter it waa la my ehrst and 1 caa cow sleep souod
be followed bp a "Detcb" sapper,
ro a< Prakop Kpaalba.
Ir Aeder
coed prorraa rrtll be pi'
decided to pire a peapkln-pie social, ly. somrthiop I can scarcely rrmcipber
dotnp before. I fee: like soundipr its
r Dear foiare.
bodp will hare a pood time.
alees thronxboel the uolrersr. ' Hr
taane aa Aaaaal will nqnlre KtoyT New'ufiSi.ry
Hr. Aaderaoo baa.been aeotraeod to
two aod ooe helf prare at tbe Itotrolt
booee of corrwclioa lie freU (bi
will be prorised for tboee praoe keeolp. aod is appareotip a
that do Dot care lojelo la tbe daoeiop
Tbe cerice will euatiaae eerrp two
A Port of Entry,
weeks tbroupboel Iheae
liter of oiak
makinp Trareree Clip
enirv baa been nader eoaaidTheredap a aarrtope took place
eraliuo with tbe aatborllia at Waahat the boae of Hr Van Upnlnp.
laptOB for some liae aod a few weeks
Spra^atreeL Tbe bappp coaple •
.'•UetealBapbaelaad Loatoe Aalwe- Hr. Pred K. Bial aod Rabp HprUe apo'l'FO. A ParrofOrand Hareo.i-blal
per. eolleclor ofcoaUiaa for the dntricl of
atOpi. lad Ian, wara Itoaaaad Hoodap Urahaa. The oeieBoop wai
(araed bp Joatlee Cartto. Holb an Wtolriaea.l aorlbern HiehipM;'rrw.
W nattp._______________
wall kaowB Bad will reeeiee coaptmla- la thir dtp to look op tbe adrlaibllilp
crealiap a port of eairp here. Be
UUoae (toa a wide circle of frleada.
Deer beaten are alreadp aeearinp
lleeoen aad petUap reedp for tbe anaea. wbtob opeaa the atb of Noeeabrr
Tbe followiap hare alreadp eecared l|.
■ froB CoBDip Clerk Newtoa: C.
P. Foliar, loterloebeo: Darid Dapa.
Boiaait Qtp: Charlea UcUio. Readoc;
D. B. Wpakoop. Klapclep; F. >l. Ssilb
Bat L. Jebam of Wimaaabarp aai aad B. Brtotol. TrarerwCilp.
Maona B Jobeaao of Allapaa eoaalp
At the Allepaa lair Frldap 1t>aap
ana Itofaad to ered Moadap.
U. B a. Baitoborp-a rnkielea speeder.
Wsrtoaai ara hasp pdapariap tbe alto WM eaeorted to tbe track bp tbe News
tartbaBawpolotowardioBoeof Joba
hope' Bead of Qraad Bapide. aad hr to
laid to bare made the faetnt time ever
oatbe track, fietoblap tbe laet
half Bile la int. ooe qaarier la
flad paatardap bp Jaa
da. aad oee cipbth in iss arcoadA with tbe track oolp la fair coadiClanon jOreilMi baa ballt a new
walkadjaeaotto bit peeparip oe tbe
wB. Taraarof tbto dtp. died
Mnrtij while oa a etoll to CUITord.
Mn. Taraar waa with hla.
baaa aarahaaad bj Pmah SaiU.
Dapatp Qaaa War^te Oraar bat
• aaoppoltbe retto^ fan* laws
of tbe dip.
!■ the hardware
Tba I O. O. T. bare arraarsd for aa
evaMraappa-. boa tloto'dock Satapdap eraalac. d abort prafraa will
BMn OBBlkeW baa raaoted to Ibe
aeewei BWhtatnat aad Ube amae.
ta tba haaat faraarlp'ooeopled bp
T. M. Pataa. the eoatb tide flortol.
haiaddedaeold elocace ran lb ble
Crkea bane, aad ether laprorea
^Wparli^toraBraal boat aad
aappar Odaber to. tbe apealaf c
laitridpeeaeeoaThe Baaaui to iadebted to Hra. A. 8.
, BrUa at Hapto OHp ter rebwooe teapin ct tba cikn wbtob wntnl pHr a
at the Hama CItp (air.
MDe vVite ott sa.Vc \.\vts vaecV
atvAi M)\uVe Wtcij Vasl ThS iLOietv
C-aVveo "VCravveTs.
They are Well Made,^'''*
Trimmed in Braid and Bnffled Yoke.
■M-easare S \~Z •aariis a,\
bottom. 0^ stttt, atvii466Te made
tto sett a.\, 1^0. 'VDc ■o.to ^ovtvq
do TViTV ttvcm ovA. aA A9t \»\u.Ve
ttve^Vasd; C-oVors bVaeV &tvA
vtvAxqo \iVaL
Bissarek'i I»a Stry*
re 001 found where --toniacli.I.
KIdeeysaod Bowels are out of order
sneccas they bnop. use 1‘r -K re » Sew
L'.fc Pills. liDly Vi cenuat s i; WaiFs
aad J. <• Johason s drop siortw
Not Quite SaUaiieO.
Tbe Hoard of pabllewerki Taceday
toapeeled the eoutb abntmeat nf the
Catoa etreet bridpe. which recently de.
eeloped a crack, wbicb ladibated that
- maaoary waa la bad abape. A care^alnatloa led tbe board to coocliide that the defect waa not a aerlons
aad that while the crack waa ae
imperfecliOD. It woald out aeceaearily
impair the atreapth or safely of the
atmeuire. There bare beea Ji«i toos
depoaltod id the exearatioo
apatoat the abntaeet. the weipbl of
wbicb. topetber witb tbe aatnre of tbr
to ibe rlrer
ID or aeflliap. wl
k meatiooed. Whilr
board belier,
e defect is
Doi aerioaa. ibey will withold
aace of tbr bridpe for a while lo drier-;
mofC fully tbe extent of the dam
^OT tttom a.d- ■ ^
J. W. Milliken s.
Just Hats!
Just Collarsl
W'e arc sole agents fur the
cflclifated "Ixjnglry'
Sfll at tbff uniform i«rice of
As much attention
should be paid to the shape of
the hat to havr ii lit the face
as the head. A man with large
full face wants a different
shaiK- from the tall man with
small features. The Tedbras
are a drc'sy hat. H.i'c them
in all heights and different
widths of brim.
Same with
Stiff hats.
Jfave them for.
young men, middle-aged men
and heavy sei elifcrly gentle
men. I'h«' C rushers loreyery
day wear. Tour sha|>{-». I .raeco.
i’asha. Turban and Small, tt'e
lit all heads'
■\i^a.±‘b’s iDx'-ia.g S-t03?©.
eocld not find a market elsewhere.
Uerpe HcKeaao will be caplala of Uir
elereb. wbicb baa beea practlclap for
lenetiae. Tbe lice eo to aa followi
L e. HcKeoa'ie: I. l. Hapatrd; 1. p.
lAidlei e. Helatoab; r. p. Vopeltoap;
Sater; q. b. Bdp
Bolda: I h. Baper: r. h. L'lphtoe: f. b.
le. TDapklasaad Bvlepare the
Oeo. A HeCaripeT. (oraerlp of tbe
B-eard eotopseiapraoa. hat who enItoUd la tbe
»rap when Cap
nlD Bell rraa bere;^ta aow-oa hU way
pnant. aad lha eacaataa wae a ^
Ladies’ Calico Wrappers.
cure ail Iroablee of ll
Leaps Price 5(ic end $i Tris
brtUes liic at S. E Wail's aad J <i
i<> Hik'
Jubeaoa'i drop atom.
orablp aad bow to dtp la a port of
(leorpe H. i^roea baa been appbieted
depalp colleclar a/! roaloas of tbit
port and will cDler op>o hit dotice at
at once HrreVemed Ttaundap from
ilraod Bareo where he war called to
reeelre hla ioilraelloaa bil appoint,
meat bariap alreadp beea made.
' Tbli actioo of the porerameal will
OurSatrioBs department
be of importaoce to tbIa cltp aa it will
wesiTs. drowns o! aim and uysrd. se.
.U0WS islrsrst ISersos. Ail deposju rrt.sra
permit Ctoaadlae and olh. r torelpa
daliaole peodt to come direct here loetcadof poiap tbroapb diaUai poru
of entry.
Ailepeo to t>r Too Small
Dipaty'dame Wardeo Hark Craw
npalhat-a eoaplaiot will be iwora Coatrsvior Haydrn called oe atj! Stl«) tiHHll turn II rtu 111 tvyliv ew
t Horst U <
lis moraiop tiy him apaiaat Jeba Clerk Riekerd Teesday alter tbe
orebeetra aaonp the popilt who pimp Barry, tor siolatloa of the atate
mymeai. bat owiap to the fact
'be fdaao aad rioHa In tbe School of
beard bad aoi yet accepted
Moale. Tbe clan will bade at r. to
-..b. tbeamoontwae withheld i
'O two prerlona oi
btordapcrealapaad tofree toall pu- aloai fii
farther amice Irem the board.
mto of tbe echoed. Be bepao a free .fonadia tbep
r Mr. Barry.
ciphtreadlatfelatt Wedondap for ell balbesraiablelopiee
pqpUa le tbe rtolla asd p'abo deaart- that waa eeitoteclory to Hr Craw, cod
• Tbto to to be free also to all
laed that be woald ia fnlere reeelre no
A piece nf braech from an apple tree iBderslaed Sth. aad that he woeld
BOW cm exhlbittoa la tbe baildlnp DOlify all from whom hla fiab were
oeeapled bp-tbe
hipped toeoDslpii ooamsifflib tablu.
erpeeiallp aa 'nlerd|r some fiab were reccired
ar. Tbe braoeh Mr. fiar^'a addreas. aad were am
reloped apples
packed, bai were taken lo the C. A W
lentbaaatoetot;iU leaptb. and fire H. depot and eonalpoed lo Cbica«a. Can be secured and mainuined by tie use of CartoltD*
hare talirn off. makiap twebly that Deputy Craw adrtoed Hr Rirry ip la
-won U.eltdb lo a apace of len tbao apart the fish, and if'there were any eum Avenarius’as a coating of the insick; of your
oov The appin were prowa aboat SBall oars, to tell him aq<l.«o proeeeu- chicken coop. One application is sufficient to destroy all
aim from towa. '
ronld be made. Mr Harry exam
Htor S. B>by Ucao of tJ I city, aad ined the fish aad declared them lo be Ijcc and keep them away. Prepare for winter by u.<in|'' it
all ripbl- Mr. Craw made aa exainlp.
aitoe. aad stated tbatoat of OT.'. ponpda now. One Dollar a Gallon, it
fi«b that were pKl
edat tbe ho-oe of tbe brlde-a
ire too satall. Thee amall -fiab ,
pareouoo Weet.Kiphib street. Sator
It In the atrlam
da} eeeelbp at elpbt o'clock. Ber. t)
tioehliB pertoraed ibecrremoap id the
see of tbeir ima?diate relaiirca
Hr. aad Mrs. B-Id, worth bare maay
(rtoada here, wbo w l jiinlacaapral
alaliunt and brst wii'n-s.
a bplbeC A W. to nilrrad. fire
traeki rrfll be laid la tbe roaad
e. daaUlBC lla eapeeUp.
Than oriii be v > Bore SuadapcxB to Haatotce. oe
the M. A N. B. B B . Seedar. October
t bexiooinr I
^ Wtb. aad Baadap. Odober Wtb' - Oadn tba aew r^traiioB law pbp
Ukc their
ip of tbeir rec call polaton. Serera leads wen
eaired Satardap aad arraapeaaut
bciap made tor more delirertca Tal,
W. 1. Browe to rebaUdlBf tbe lerpe pear there U aa eapaoal qsaniiip
(laaa boaae oa tbe csraer of Beedolpb
aad.Bap atreeto. Tbto balldiac wea
raaeaUp bamd'. It will be avd aa>
' Tba fira wardaaa eaterad apao
tbair dattoa Hoodap. Tbe propertp
Qwaen wni all-reeelre aeoppof tbe
ftnatdlaaoee. aad tbe rrardeat will
•afiaae tbe ardlaaoet etrletlp.
a^Olerb Bmerd to aeadlaf eat
BBtlintelbeowoen of preeertp who
hare iatadlrTWalba. Taeewearwill
haraqaltad to naad the wain or bare
Warbiaptoo and last week tbe r
Dearly MM and for that renaoa the
ctoaa bare b^a early to raiee tbe
aoaey. and it caa be doae only by tbe
liberal petroaape of the people aad
bnalaen mee. Pan of tbe aaoaat
will be raised by adtenUiap. ae the
en mea of the city will be asked
ilribute. Tbe rat tbr clan wilj
try and raise by eoelals aad reUrUialU darlap the wloler. lo wbtob tbe
leas are asked, to help make thu
abaMtUBlcItp.Aetaffapenta day
. Tb*
The most needqd garment
•At well titling garmcnis as
“Remeniber it is not only the Price that makes the
Bargain; its what yon get for the Price."
date in every resjiect.
Dry Feet
and tit.
th«r rb-v-s f.»r Indiiaolid iwatb-r St>li-Ddid val.
oee —
or double breasted from So 50
$1.50 a pair $l.2$aDil$l.90aj»ir
CheeKully, " if not satisfactory'
in fit. tinish. fashion or laLric
lad here )ioi
ioi Tom
Stricily iip-to
Cassimerc Suits at S5.00 are
worlii lie.tiers in quality, make
of Trav-rH.' Citj sli-w
value* in
fia-llini;. Oor Fauioas Bar- Shoe* -etj lieli. perfwt litunin Shrsm fi>i ladiiv Mid tint;, apli-ndid vwarini;
luwii. $'’.~5.,Aud^5U val- ^nuine Kid Sboes. coif
uca for
92 aod tl T.S eUr-wberc.
$1.98 a pair
Wear Proof
High Cut
WelL not quifr. bat
Mt-d'a Wet We*tb,-r
tliey w«ir an Mtr* 1.l«>nK Sboea, Jurt the ones for
limt-. Our work *lioe*
* for. fall wsAT-wUl kMp out
tta* Vtotwr Aod otAtid lola
ot hfird nnge.
98c, $1.25, $1.50
S! udS2.se I piii.
Same with our blue
Serge and Chevoit, in single
n-'-.l nLo-e thal fit
g«>d. look go-xi and *v«r
cooii Opr eel«brAt«d
toctaool Bbow arv that
Here we supply all demands
in shape, sire and quality,. 15c
201; and 25c the pair. 'F^ver
use the ■■Linenc" cuffs, 215c the
'"bolt of five pairs; Use until
soiled then throw them away.
Just Overcoats!
Just Suits!
Absolutely everything in
this necessary ar.icle. All the
newest shafies. Some shapes
never change. Fashion makes
others.^ Our |jig sel^r is the
■Two for a quaftir” collar in
:iH shapes.
We fit the young
man wiA Xo. 12 neck or the
man with Xo. iS.
tver use
the "Thioner-thickness" cellar
—four ply reversible, corded
edges, can be laundered both
sides, sells at 25c the one.
to So>.V5.
Our treat guaran
tee — "\bur
If unable to please from our
stock w'e will order a suit for
the finest line of
samples on the market.
in these days and cool evenings.
your needs.
have aniicipaud
Our counters
pilled high with the best made
overcoats in the market.
b*u\s one of those dressy Cov
I f you want a'Melton it
ukes the same money-.
tic Beaversaredandies. Want
a Kersey'
them in
They >c a great seller and very
dressy. We struck the popufancy in our Montenac^Novelty. Raiinee and Vicuna.^Oood
goods, well made and low
in price, always sell-
SScudSU 'piir
ALFRED V. FRIEDRICH, The Hainab & Lay Mercantile Go.
fer tba ptedaot o( •«* BidM; ha ea^
sum TBATSbBB BniU), OOTOBm M. 18W^
a paaen eay that all
rttoBM iMt Friday.
waMbaralnala Uat
laBoltoBd liftoitiafat W. Oosto- twealtedlB
walfrom (btoMea_...________
bM )aat aabarsed from Dakota.
eUder wiator tbto year
____ toad tbe W. a TTu. ceeraatkto ai
aadtt^lV. Ba/*■“ TraearM «ty tbto wask.
are atee the eeam of the aqalrtaU.
Oeo. oni. wko hM bsea seriOBaly 111
Hr. Ctoalkel to doi^ qalU a baHsasa w aereial mestke. to sew ahks to ba while tbe Urde which alwayi yo eoatb
at tbe Brat Approach of cold e
slaaybteriay nuU attbeOeaur aod
an rmlrtay their bmu for a
tenancy od them.
maay Meade la tbto pUoa
8U1. a yoaty lad reaU
■ HBPBI . ——
be j Port Heroa,.wa. playlay wiU a caa of
Weaaaeday for Bly Bapide. where
a bnklay la the erdar o( the day. Ua trill tarlay tbe farm ap ayala.
rrMar far ft
wmkt’ rt
will attend tbe Perrto |r‘—
eebooi; powder aad eenw matobta. BU balr
tbto wiator.
elayed aad there are a i
Mr. aed Mn C Crlttoadea aad eto^ i
t,am» oo ble baod*
Cbarim OleaoD to os tbe sick U
of Trararae
•e ICUy. wbo wars la tbUl,^
* Otf
H. H. Welch M sMlyaaUlcd la bis
a V._______
reck, rotaroed
iMtWMkWlWTBkA; Admiral Dew«ye--ffSir,
ber old trieade.
». wbi^b war
llr.VMaubutl*»>UdU« ■ •MlA. H BafPtobv. lael Prldey.
I After lodye Salardey aiybt tbe K (> preeeated to Heyor Haybery
am partof i.ii; tuia laa
potato dlCrlayiT.
y are at bene
i T: H
“ erereaarpr
toe leDueace of Father
Mltb bh bride, aad they
r of the day tbto : of (be Lady Ha<
We all weleei
city, ekaplaio i
; ...
lay that tbe Bic KelybU w
braatlfal weather.
bjtotod with the
Pleber aad Mr. Doeel of|hare ref^meote of lee
C^WI*»II MM bM iMt
loedI aad etripce oeer the dty ball al
—hM. OA naCe a bealaM ‘ cake, aod a reoeral -----------------plaaoed
yood U
tbe O. A Lember
itopartlclaaiele ibeeojoy
triple —.“Mtimat
aaabU to be praeeat.
Cedar eempa are apnaylay up
Hha Addle HcMi
Grand Traverse Begrion.
M— -—- »-■— tasfeMtelU*'
polee belay yreater ibaa (or maay
K.bl .,1 — Crt.
! >•“ C,"
W. K. BMW bad wUa of
I Trarerae City, arrieed Balarday nlybt iwiee wbet they
*WM r. Bha*w CM Saadaf.
Hra. Oeorye Coek aad etoter <
' to epead Beaday wiib (rieode ia tbto
Mn. AlanadM retanad Satarda/
Beemac of Empire rUitod Mead*
Hr. aad Hn. Jasaa HaaiBi^Tlj
, place.
They left Hobday lor their
4na> Paaa. Hkli.
1 A MO foot bridye al Ltpecr yaee way
and at Port Uaelda laat week
Him. C Walkar hM aaUmad from Oty'teurd^^tnl’ay
retarali _ Monday.
OBf »e^ [ The Bobool et tbto piece wtlII yiee a ' Jasl aa a traetioa enylne earrriny Peter
FeMWBTUla. He.
Dell Pelrbaaki Btorad to Blk Bapide
d to yirlay < eoaBBdrum aocial Friday aiyh
,D named Vae Kickeraon
Kia. roMt aad fraaddaathtM. VlaItowobBlI. Ererybody to cordially le-- wa, p„.inj oeer Tbe whole outfit
......................................a bwn ■■
^ wbara thajr ha«aapaal (be peat
eeeood crop of bay from ibel
Hla Ada Paliteekt aad Era Breon
bead Tialtod trieede at Trararae City HenU Cocre«poe4el>c.
aad Beaday.
_____ place Taaaday.
Hr. aad Mrs. LlakUtter are rlaltloy
llr.aad Hn. Baclajref MMaea Cl
fneadt here.
VMM at Wm. areaetea'a laat week.
aod Hn J. A. BbUob riiltad
Hr. aad
nera Barwood eaats haaa yaetarda; tbeirdaaylhter at rife l«ke '
Sol. LoaBerotiUlkaakaiabereayaU
aMl-eeUacel tb.Boardafii4»r. with bocaea.
etai at Fnaklart today.
dlyyinr their poto
U L Harfae ntened from bli eiaii
ta Bela, IU-. Thanday.
Meel Id dliMlet
t Ma 1 ..
tbfaa yaan
»m Ooia rataraad yaatarday fro
i^t^y hB aea aad Saa^lar i
tha yaaM efl. e. Mona Baaday.
I. Frlak, tetaraad bon* Ur
Hra. Oon Uardeer U qalte alek.
HIM Btearat baa retnrned l<
bOBM la WieeoBelB.
Hn. Carter of Trarerae aty ie etaylay with Hra. Bbeldoa.
borbood called bi
dOoBi baa rrtamed from Ooarbarelbeaprat tbe aammer.
Taylor drore
Hre. Halley aed
0 Waltoa Baoday
tkatawaaabae toMorhoe iba (obd
•aHaaadtba aaar Otaayt hall Baler
dv- IbaMaUarlllacaabaeoMplelad
TUnaaa aaw naaban ware lalUatad
aad Mn W. 8. smetle aad
Oar BOW yaatar aad (aailly are aat- laoybler bare rstarard from tb
tlad la tba Mraaaafa bow aad arc Halt to Bollaad aad Uraod Baplda
tMdy to raoBlra eallaia.
Hn C. Haey. tba UiMi Atrm a
Allee Haey aad the Mlrace Addle. M
at tbabaM^'w.'u rltakli^FWda) Oe aed Bertha Uobbe bare relsra
troatbalr rlall toUwyaaerllle. lad.
affa aan plaaiut tima a
Ueorye Bbeldoa la eery aiek with I
Itta aaadlaai tcaay that tl ipaaioraad
ttle bepa of bla rreorery.
Mtea Hey Uewey'b clerklay for IMMOhM.aarlaadaaM bMt trao. BaraeulBe.
HM Thick took adraBtoye of the es■daaardfhnaUto rWtiaff trkadali eonloe to Detroit laat week.
W. W Brower drore orcr to Traeeree
Afoed May besara batahaaaaole Ci^ Baadey.
«Mr atabaida ter foed BratM.
Wm Loop, wbo -eold hie farm here
Ite aaaaal nrirtiM at the A
aed weattoUic npprr paniaaula '
II) ha bM la the bShvatUt
le bark la rile Lake ayala.
Barbera Boyder le rery atok
haUdlacaB additlea oarrysral
ml fr<
Hopercleor Hitn It-t to at Trarerae
;ity aie week aucadlay tbe aaseal
meetiay of tbe board.
^.■atMaaia baUdlaf aateaaaalC. H. Bayer of Trarerae Cl|y to bay-----------------d predtabia aatartaia
-laM aad
_____...iad la tba are
arM kadalfad le attar
dMialiBBaBt< aad a rai
Mia. Joa
Mn. Draaaadar oS tnront City U
yWMiChar aethar. Mia. BelaaeBr
a B. PaOcaw hM baas la OisaarUlr
the part ttna Msaha attaadlac to ba^
. Mr. aad Hra. fraab f^ak an nak-
. Mr. aad Mit. BsMt Daaraw aad aee
terabstarsad to Ibalr hoM at Bmi
^.aad Mn. Minm Thayer aad Hr.
M wlta et taaira rlalUd
niaMaatb Bataiday aad
a twin brother llelny Is Caaada. Ber
eeal weeka ayo Hn William Waeelcr
pare birth to twin boy*. Two
State News turns.
altar the Canada brother's wile prePlalnwell boasnitaat she U knows '
lied him with s boy aiind a ylrl.
tiles Arbor bay Is noted for yood an-, uronybont the sUU M tbe •Iowa of
UBrloy frrar or fire days pretty ylrla"
heary blow la>t week a resael rode.onl
tbe storm at aoebor io safety.
Ha Taylor Iissttrrlny terribly from
e (eared be wUI loee bie
a wofand on a Inyer of bis left baod.
made by a sllcer ol steel as bs was
passlay hie baod orer a piece r<f yas
Heery Dupraw. ayed M, was drtwspipe.
Bis band and ai
ed at Riel Tawas. He stepped tbrooyb
swollen, tbe pain etui
floor ot
saa- tb® hrok.
bead, and to.....................
sc seeert he
e tosleepfor sereraldaysand nlybu. Itte IXeaarioy station.
.Vclsos lbs pond at BUndUb. bis load roing
Jest before be besTT Storm
toe bottom. Ue managed to crawl out
ulesoe teent o Cblayo
Wbao be came back toe boat Mweeer. witb his teem.
Is Wbeo
in.Bs_It was
— blow
At Warren a train struck toe rear
so bsrd, so be took a trip aorlb.
be boat's return they dropped la al wheel- of Auruit Sebert’s bicycle,
Olen Harea lepy eaoqfb lor blm and a tbrowing him intoafence and laarint
lew ol bis yoods to land; tbe reft bare
off btocoat tail and one of his sbo«.
Ukeo a ride to Cbicayo.
Nererttaeleas be was ooinjared.
Nonbpon Department
OsTid L-ehteg, soo of a West Bet
t ler isr UtSeSU
Ul *
City mrrebaot. felllDto tbe riser anib
im^bar^ Alice K. UlU imlled was going down (or tbe third time,'
wbeo a compasion natne.1 HeCtouleC
MM Battle Dame want to 0
jumped In and rescued blm.
onday tor a etoit of a few days
r. end
and Hia L. H Campbell.
Tbe death oftius
Hr. aad Mrs Dsn N. Fi
illostraies toe old saying (bat be went
toU plaee,Bstsr- the pace that kills. He hsd IIO.uju in
casta a year ago. bsi dMipaiM it all
lyru John, wbobs^bnya eisltIng her parenU le this place (or ae.eeral aod died insane.
eceol beary in
days, reiorned to Bsttoas Be' Tonra.
slderable loss to toe farmers of Kator
LMnderBnmand Him Ida Bartli^ coubly Uroogb toe destrscllon ot
ot Lelasd were nailed is marriage tooussads of busbels 'of onioos which
early Hacday iMrnlng at toe H.B pareonaye. Rcr H/E Whitman officiaUag, bad been polled and left on the ground
Hr and Mrs.'Boas will make toel4 to dry oultstuu borne el Good Barbor. where
Kltber land to pretty cheap up io Al
be bas a poeitios la
cona eounly, or else horses come high.
Hr and Hra. W. B Porter retorned
home Batorday. after making aa es- A Hsrriirille msu Uss Iradrd bit borte
uoded rtoit witb relatirm and friends sod boggy for eighty seres of isod.
in rarioos parts of Wtocooaln aod at forty seres ol whu-h to bearily wooded
Udinyton. HUb.
with Boe bemlo.'k.
Mrs Bamuel Gayoon left Batorday
Al Biles. UM Anns Duffy slept on s
(or Cbarlerols u attend ber eon
bed tick for two nighu ibsl coouloed
Charles, wbo to rcry low.
S bine racer owar (igir feet In leogtb.
ne tick had recently been refliKd
Mrs. Jesal
.rsntroay of Booth Han- with straw.
Itou Island amred
Tired Weiaeadar ‘
All Berrille, Bruce Lew it. ayed n. was
itb ber
bi par
eiall ot a eooele ol■ weeks
Kitchen of accldeolally shot and killed wiib sabot
ents. Ur. aed Hra.
tbto place.
CUD by Willie Faye
Faye plsyfollj
lUa. Mary Wilson and famUy arrirad said, -fil sboct you." They
rednmdey from Fos Island, where
toil? brJr'’^ bunting witb lour other boy. sad the
were left slooc. It to not koown
wbetoer young Faye knew toe goo
loaded or not .
re rtoltois in this plane
A squirrel with four dlstiocl UDs.
a eery yood atuadance at escbyrowlpg directly from the body,
was shot by A. Fritkey of Driroit. Mon
bald at tola place Bsturdey of last day, os tbe Bloryson rlrer. Ir miles
k. and toe meetloys were eery '
from Hougblos. one tail sis Incbas
tereatlsf aod profllable A free din;
lOtfg grows direct from tbe spipsl colwas yiean at toe town hall by
ladles of toe U. K ssd Coog'l ebarc
omo: two are oo tbe left aod one rn
(or toe beneSl ol tbe deleystae ■
tbe rlybt of this, each Bte Inches tong
mostb'a rlsll iBsoothsra
Lyae Uorioa c isytal s yrse f<
It eae •
a by some of U
Hn Herbert lillborl aod KaUer U
ben baee both baae eery sldk, bet s
J- 0 HaMS. A. D. Bekar. Olao
lowest !
J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store,
0 Front Street.
At Lanslny arreral weeks ayo the
antboriilee were compelled to close the
es account
Traveree City, Hich. |
smmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmntmmmm mi4.
epidem c of aeiylet fe.er, ’aod
rropesed Last
week a ( yesr old girl atuofling toe
• Have yon «v®r trii-d th« Hew 8top®r
Logan street school wss sirlckeo wiib
dipbtoerla sod died Hondny mm-elng
Tbat scOooI was osdered closed ycater
day and a slricl qusraoiine
Husking Gloves, |
16c, 26c, 38c. 60c, 76.
Twenty three erar«igo Mrs.Armour,
i.ow of Grand Ktpids. gave sway her
yesr-old son. RoberlJ Ara
tost dsy she bas not seep bin
beard tost hr Is heing in Inis oo ber way there to boot I
' .
K"eV?lh,ng*.rHluk?d Cam titromv'lc 'to"..'.W .
•'..t l-» n.-rsJ I
l.■Uie U>n.e WeHner
1*'<- sped M-»eo 1
two dsys. Her d
that It was ssercr
eau sad prlends
cd by
sopri I I esflh sod
bright face mbs the lore
eter ssw h-f
H..r >.,rter>i.g
for tor Lord as a ->
will -pA^Vo>t
w«U to ae« tu b*b>re yon purchaM your ^all and
Wintar Ouiflla.
] S. BENDA & CO.,
124 ProiA 8t ^
Traverse City. ^
semg In .-barge the
furolsbiDR ol , home for tbe family .1
Charles F«n. o ukr toe olsceof Uie
one recent y detlruyed by lire. »
thsok nil of llime woo taste L-oelrib,
uUiS so hberally They are now settled
u Ibeir new bu'mr op the Br.iuio farm
and through the kindness of friends
'ill nut go into tbe winur without s
home and tu farnisbings.
ftibbed the drsTt.
A s’srlling inciarol is narrated br
lobn ll.■•er of I'hiladelpbis. as (uriow.
'I wss in so awful condition H> skin
•as sliiiiist yrl.o S’, erre suol'en. tongue
-'nusliy in back
des. onappeii
r day
was idtise
Klectnc Katie's
To my great J
a decided ut
mcpi. I 0 lutmurd I
weeks, end am now .
know they robbed toe grate of soother '
tietitn ••
No ooe should fall to try '
them, onlyi'k-. guarmoleed, si n E |
Wait's and J G .IsbnsoB's drug store
My jilusli Robes at $1.50 io $3a3re the heft in
the city.
Blankets for street or stable at prices within the
roach of all.
Sec my e.\tra good line-of Sweat Pa«Is for only
'2-5 cents (*aeh.
All wool knit Gloves and Mittens only
A i:ood lined Work Milteit,
Trunks, the best, for
$2 75 and $T50
card 01 Thanks
We wish to thank oar neigbbtrt and
friends who ssslSUd durltag the illorsi
and death of our Ibtlog baby Hyrllr
who has passed to ber beatenly borne
We also wish to extend our many i
The home of Ueorye Werner of Ann ibnoks (or toe beeuUful fliwers Ibst ,
Arbor was bsdly damsyed by a fire
whleb It to supposed was siaricd by a
sayre whom Weroer kicked eff the
perch (or bolberley blm the elybl be
Jek OeeUas'i Eev* Steed It
fore. As tbr orgro left he muitored s
If he'd bed Itching Files Thry'ir '
terribly snooylog.'bot Jloeklen's Arnica •
e will cure the wor
Wbeo Hite Nellie Caeansugli of CalBBcl awoke she tusod her mother.
Hrs. Johanna Ceeanaugb. dead In bed tbe beet sslee It
bealde ber. Mrs Caeanaoyb hsd been E Weitsud J
. dipgritts I
ailing (or some time, but of leu (ell Io
VhrMt tost bs would yci e»eo before
Whips for 10, 16, 20 and 26c.
; They Have No Equal.
Jno. T. Beadle.
Kimball Pianos and Organs...!
Traverse City, Klob. ^
S'Job f rinting
Anybody will tell you tbet these goods are entirely
reliable. Sold at Factory Prices at 132 Front Street.
•sw mm.
•bssl from BOBtbera Mieblyaa sM
Mlto HatKia Bilwa la Morklay tor
. K.,Y. -se reoeleeJ-by “*•
claimed to U s«
coed. If set the bmi, esrtoitoe yrowe.
rood ylslda are reported', bat the
to ha abU to aoM to tba d
IS hh arerh U tba pto-
B. Dews has aearly flaUbed htoseorsB of thraablac aed baa ylraa
MnTbna^^BrM^on »i
aoahtbair ^>Mith-wlU
i kia eUar mill ths
r. B^la had ayeodylaldot
M ba^ at asta^ ^ ssd.^-aUly
I can say that values at Roadie’s ^
are just us re|)resonlod.
the tsrmen Tbe etore to yood, sad the
prise to also yood.
ru DMMera ^ wtb of BoUy
ilo , and being unsble to shake Uii- outs
from toe tree they bad fixed their ryes
spoo. got so SI and cut it down.
'hic'i they suiirpetl it cooipirtj.ly
its frail
are made in tbe largest ^tory of its
kind ih the world.
the (aUoMiay are (be
I just ,
We have a full line f
(0 of Furniture. Stoves, and all kinds of house furnishing ^uitds at
or retom a bo-k will do eo e.lber oo I ‘>»«T U>»t *m erewlac at Ue
vredeaaday* or Satardaya between tbe time west down with tbe wreck, t
boon of 1 and 6 p
Faraare report ibe potstoerop aa be.
■ay a eery Ilybt oee
Tbe reported
yield to from to to S>i baabato per sera.
P. 8. Oreao. wbo bee bees railroadlay It tor eereial yean paeL U sow ele■ttoy btopareata.
I parcata. Hr. aad Hn. Ueo.
- "
Bla beadoaaraonatpreaeatto
VUltye Jaaetloe. la.
J. B. OrMB aad wife west to Obisayo
to the escanloe Uit weak.
L Waller, who aaltotad atKal______ _ Beat Illlb. la BOW at JeScTMto
Barraekt. Mo
la bee bees aaalyaad
to Co. R. 2ltb tl B V. lefty., aad as.
pacte to Inra f
J. O Crotavaad father of Kiayalay
are la towa ea BsWnUy.
Beery Blackman ofTrmeerBeCIty did
Pb. BaraaUlae aad wife eUitad Haa- bBSloBBS at tbto pises itel Friday eiybt.
lloas Iset wsek. osllad tbi
■stoss DeGolierof Oolorado, (orasriBSMofHrmB.
ly s raetdsot of ibis plsee. smtsd last
Hn Goldatuek of Petoekey. wbo
esatdowD to rtoit bsr brotber, Vb.
UM Bilecr of Chlesyo, who has base
BsTMlelDS. ta qelu ill st' '
St toe Wsnkssdb (or tbe past moeto.
Mn A Prsak took sdrsatsye of tbe left for bsr boiM Prldey OD tbs tuatS'
loarslOB to elaLl relsuree la Chleayo.
^Use ol
Hn Laeratis Brower, who bet beei
•sgieeo I
eltlay bar Msa. K C end W. W
SI the I
rower, for eome time, lafl for bar old
Taeedsf eeei
oma la larbsm eoeaty laat wark,
e snsploas of the Beeel
:n Leltle Brewer
saeompaayioy b
roe leii aae uaeo lerormeie lor prw
parley rrOBOd for wbaat,aod sUbeuyk
oiBebofltwsa aoao Isle It to'leekliiy
Felly BB to tba srrraye.
Do nut liuy any other wooiJ when you can net Oak for the same price.
^ recrivird a full car load of solid Oak Chairs and can supiily you.
emoitli 6&u1'k1
IP FM biw. Tnan Ob. M •
• N. E. STRONQ.Biiipr.
offeml, for
ou npply
viUt otber yndM of HAniMi H 96M, «aOO ud $10-00.
(lapMtoW dlmwlqlM
THyerse Herald
«WM •ewlsry l»at rm**r*»x Md
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
SRoetaton at Maer atallsHa
radotetaled by a bat, raUotttot aaae tbe
>f fortyolckl ploete aad:
bead of tlaty plaete.;
•itbUtoralMrwblebror aort tbu
two yton htt beta hW boat. In teeitdaw>t«IUiptoiaeU already pUaatd
Ibt adalral will «o V> VrrBoal Moaday. at the rarat of W Mtrrard Web!-.
After a raeasUeo at ibt elate eapltol.
oa the IStb laet.. ht will fo to Rottoa.
laerptiea Ibtr* la bit
14 latL The O'yapla
_ ■
Tfar-n yon can
II u Arm Hir of Cttieaco. eaid Sl .u>
Of tbe many Mood miredire. B 8. 8.
I*" directed
it tbe only ooe which oan reach de«i>- that oo Soec .h B.y bedhplayed la Ibr
d. eiolent eaara. It nerrr failt to
ii.uirb oo.nlaU;
• i.ib.-ri,
teWAPpaa Miaeutt. i
I ipiwlUr.OiiJ
uf the
toa Miaowit
MP. Nearly taaoe atoool abl^dtaa. with baawtea. marebto ptot the
atatM. wbleh zraa modelad by tba Bwadtob aealptaryahtotodt
At.Cbiaaro. BaiTtel BeUbarU. S
f yaaritadra^ftotoraycanUlad aad
a paralytic, hai bad bar aifbt aad (be .
CM of her limbi rtetored (hnmfh (hi
areaey ol tbe \-raye. A tew dato afo
Htatre rrolodnal turrey. ba* rrtSrerd
IniDi b>r p-oBieblr rap'
if Ci|y.
{ Cor. Front and Cass Sts.
d it the OBle
to»^?S 'nteyfo-.i't of
r.loe to rrirB. erklU. Iflorderto letea lilai free
tbtowoib.be will CO- ne amlr»td
"viSaa^ book*‘Ba^fne^8witt
Ao rff >ri it brlay mile to W'-ct
ftty Boral datlea
Portber tbaa thla
pelet. (bodeparlaeat bB4oel yet rn---------------------------------------- inffdoD tlratetear dcbool. wbrre I r wie
n to deflte lU olao* for Adairml
atooeaedprmoeserf the enrorralo-.e lA .imi'ir attempt au.le at
Oewoy't falarr
•at. oee of tbe moel eotafale other iapi I “1 '
•'»' ’•
MaaeaobeM u UpBo d» KoRloley
errr la Cbloaifo looked OB
Tbe Ktnk of iinain bow Iroidr tl:.Riataa.Oet 6-Ttr krpaWlcaa eon
Jadye K ibltaai. ebalrmaaof tbeeota llnu.oou • .re poM tbio iib-nfa year
eteitoo for the oomloaUeo of eaodiffl l:ee OB oemoouiea. Inlrodncil r>‘c ^ a7-i. and (11 .oi.iai) otpre iilkr*. Ila
datB for Btale ottote woa held today
retary 1^.0, ihr pcealdlay L«eer of the | dote cl.-eatatioa m«eoli'me taai ieereatTbera wm a abarp eooieel belwaa
| ed S11 .soii.noc
Oeeenl OattU Uaild. j . aad dpeaker
I be aeerrtary w '
rapiriry, ^Bere baa beea aerioai riotliif
Matte of tbe Hoate of Brprteeaulirra ipeeeb. Tbe prraW
tor (be Boalaatloa of IleateBaqt roe for eard aod raoeind a trowel (mm the i Kalpoolir.
mlaara bare rotbrd rarioat elaimt aad'
baadi of Archil* cl Cobb
rrmorfd tbr ore ia defi acr cf a atroap
dararol BatM wat followed by Ouiidt plauae
w« coaliaaoa. u-w thr preal.,
daat ratoed hi, baad - Hr look tie ,,,,
tbrm ovmr s»d
Rhlptoo Brwkfan Food.
CraokM Wheat.
Ppiujobat Bpat Pood,
Qrape Nota.
Oranoae Plakaa.
i-Ulpberry Vito*.
WhPAt OriU,
Oat MaalBollpd Data./
6br«dded Whpat BucuiL
dll and Valcaei* b>« ■ Mill I froio See
Praaewee for HaeUa with tbe Tweatj
Dib-.n re( mroi aad a lar, e bGoi er o:
ad to ton haatedtoMy Ito Haalla.
aareiled Prtday. la tbe pnetome to aa
tirrabfaat in five ■niaatos
with any tif th* bivoLfael fuude wr hatv.
for a boiur . o the Her of Ite ll irry
parade ie No York tbe oilier day Tie
for two dtya
Hal than to toka tta pipsa to Ita
ffpabapt BwhetUa. wblab bM batoi
per wltat kitMl you maul us to enm! you
BIthop H ary c faiir' •• fo. .f u
the Pb lippioot la be&a.fof the Prutrclast Kpitoopel ehareb of America.
yUet, tor her ordert.laaard today, err
So|»reet«daioaM fraa New York to
•eaioa. tob- pat oat of oobbImIoo
aad htezteatirtlyrtpalmd
arieribtRatoa ctrrmtelte. Adoii
■»! Diwey It eterriedt? reia*n to
Waahlvtoa to meet hit onHrayu a of
tbe PhtllpplBe oaaa.lttioe
lajBf today eald that the admlrml't
tlmeprobehly weald b- f-'ly on-npled
latbedellberatlostv' (be ^alitPo.
rade'wat arraarad a Blot d»Uload»M
tnmn. Md «B tfc<M MmlMT U»r
•SilffSMMliMthsl lbs MwrV diUM it out pradooe. Ihb Mrtfbla'm- «'«drd tbe fora>Ca gnMtA, r»
wUob (be doctoea a« fcdallj rraaieai cSl^.Ua. Oeloa aad 1 jofrd■ (WMWllll>C*0 ffiM bla pM(Mi
»Mr«rM*>M h* pleMwl The M■IrsI *•», >bwto«. Kt bK iMUaec.
dsUcMd fiw—lly from Um Olyayts. talat «pon eotmUeat lnaoeeot ca
M or Ule dota. Ho trill ulefn^ Ibt
Gearral Ntwi
osMMitaoBMroltbttbls o( To«p
. Bta a doe
blMtllloM bMl do»o hit far tod
which waa teal bite hr ezoreta all U-i
way from Manila.
Till tne Last Minute^
Mich, j
BpatoBe 0«w. AtlBMB. Oic^siB.
teowelfal of mortar and threw It
.h.H m the
«d B plBtfbra, whieb wee rrcelred with the baae of the atni.r
MBiBt te BBd mdopted. The dBaaelal played tbe - Star SpaBpled Baboei '
->)BBkteyt: ■■BswdiBBd Botea. payable bat the rhrera of Uir ernwri, »lm->
ib eelB. teeet iMeatebliaaed by law
ba payable la yold. asd ptoriaieii
The mllllery, aarel eod eU.V |>ini e rrr i iNcrntlT on a farm B'a' Nra lijthteadef irlbeaapoly of old wbea re- till! eftereooB we, n elrwrd by I’mi eo. lodlask . I >hn ’ K Smak. tbr
. fai iB*r * ho dite-.trrcd th- rich rein of
qalnd. Tbe Bep ^blieaa party etande drai HeKlaley, Sebor Merlseei.
-----------------.-.-V. .j tealaieiB
j inlBrral. had trtrral epeeiisene a>uy< d
ter of fereica affair* la 'Mrainu,
I. aad we
l.eBrirro( Caeada eel otlirr' tii. tail rzorrta rrpi.rt tbat llir ore l» of
le Fil
Fifty elalb
ie l/^e
l!b(aUbrd f Ural* Tbr day waa bnV hlyb rradcand ilir nm Uilbi'ton •
br trry larpe
r.brrT ie mm-ti rzc
march waa j lujm.d
orrr 'bn &Dd. aad nmapector*
aoperftei oar mBoetary ayateai that
(oiey utrr tbr fnmad tdjvrat u>
(beea will ba ample mooey for the r,WUESTION ANPWEKEU
paadlarbetleevof tba coaatry. aed
itnaiik fi
Vn. Au,;.;*t Plowrr atlll lie.
to to arm aad os^ H>e treaaory that
lariralaalrof aoy medicibr In tbr ri.
lanT be perfrci U-a.di w.ibobt____
Haaaatall Uma prateet tbe aillobil
lllrdworld. Voar lUoUiera and rrain) blrod
Hanlw-k K:-> il llittcri makra
mothera Deter tboa(bi of u«:ne aov ln r. blood
Toea eon io»iorair-the
•.the platform teya: "The .blnt rite
•Im foi Ibdlyrrlion or lliiinu-. ' wh ile extern
41 It
jeldom heard of App
Jokrab Sicx-kfur.i. llu.‘i;doi.. Mr.
paqaaliSadly oppoaed U> iraate. toObo- Proilritino or ilea
arc, ru- . breird a wr. raBBiof fer letcDicrn
^y aad the teplUlUsUoa of artioDa Tbe, awd Abpa,
Flower to clnis uui yi araaad cured hir plln of loof • Uodtbr lyatem aod
.00 fcrmraliii. a of inp by irriog OeWUi'r Witch Haul
aad MdMiaUtc talaaUoaa "
..B uf .Sa'.riIt cure* all akin dll
» to ezpreaeed ie tbe peteio• the nrrrouiaBd or- C Tliompaoo
SkUcatoaadaUMametehlpor McKla.lyitem. asd that i«
M#. aad the •taet. eetleboe aad ,k
•B fcriiny dull aed
teltbwbleb tbe pra,Meet baeapproee
headicbeeatd olUrr
need 1 few d arr i f >
ad the parpleziBc problrmi ariaii
form, to
otblnr in
roae 1 lie maltir with yonr
Jai. t) Jr-hniun'i.
aar peotoaad (nut that the preeret
heaUlItteaeaebebroarhi to ao mily
id that e»DQam. oWed
Tbr Ulow
low Hiy
l•^rachrr, • Ber J
Belle Eire. Ill , eeyt. -After
Mhitob B^ BBlatalB la tbe Phllip- eBfrrioir from B oaeola! or limy
trouble tor Uai aeera, I wee cored by
ptoaa. bltberto (be boae of ^raau.
Oor Mlaate Ooarb Cere
ft la all tbat
Itat froa. liberal aad p
that ie claimed for It aed more
$ 1.00.
(hell wai teepblaed aad (be (amor ra
id. WTbi child wte able (o mete
fradeally reeorerlBf ber
vaafbe. ao Amerleaa who hw
wjrkeo Bp e larfe trade ameef (be
laople of New Ualoee. aarrowly eoteped belBf eaefhi by (be aatAraa a
few weeki aco
Borly is deptetehar
aegba wKb lereial mee weat oa a
irad iBir lad acieotific trip ep tbe Mato
nrrr asd laadreneat y caeuIttoaB utfriiBdiy territory and were eompelled
to reterai baiUly to toeir laeBcb. U
broke dowD aad tbe boat drifted help
Iwiiywltbtbe earreot Tse aotlrte
ran aloa« tbr ibore. baruaf apaara al
thOK >B tbe craft, white otberi follow- '
ed la rear ceaore. Pereral ol (he (OOP
were woBoded. bul a aall wat rlffod
up aad the launcbAoi oui of raaeb of
CDDSDltatiDii and Eiaiaiaatia'a Free and Strictl) Canlldeat'Hl
DRS. 13. S. cS: CO.
Americtii ledicil iiiil Sorglcal Institute ol lusk^oii, licli.
Sottol Wlii^xn-e, Xx^-v-ex“se City.
‘ Oct. 12. 1899.
pOR 8A1.E
omcr Houri frw • a IB. to 8 p m
oatotlac old ttatodard. i
Fine Artistic
Job Printing
”i=r' stl
n.iw. HZ', V* HZV
at the HERAm,OFFICE.
' »
■tm.' H>. o< H*n.
Ttoa’t aafr u be a day witboat
Dr Tboomi-e Keirctrtc Oil la tbeboate
KereroaB tell wbat momeat an ecciUaat Oor. W. Hairay Craae
deal to olar to bappee.
antelaatod ter o*ereor by aeelamaOraarali Oalld prteaated
Bat ploaty. Kodol Uyapeptia Cure
rill diftet wbal you eat.
• wat alao made by
roablte E B Uimble. Vint'
rayt. "It relletrd me from
ted (or attorasy OMral
aad eared m(.
It I, now my rrerlavtbip frteai------------P. C. Thempeob.
rramdat'e Weotora Trip.
lllOarr. 111.. O.t. 7-0 4
"U yoa aeoar the world yna will
ipa of tbo htotonc Kac t eolloo. erSed a remedy equal to Oar Mil
> Abraham Ooajrh Cura," eaya Editor Tackle
liasola aad Btopbae A. Doarlae ba^ •ie Mkaaopy. Fla . •Huttler.- It
(emlly of UUrIppr aad latc
- tbtor aateccaUe eertoe of debaui
iDd( from
pnrumteia. broec
v.uu^aod all threota'
la tba Halted Stetee a*
F C Tbompaoa
KoKialey aad Poeu
Ereryb dy'i Habit to Itchlaf pilea.
Smttk tbto moralBC di
Bicb aad pocr. old and yoonf-tenible
tbe tortara they ■alfrr. Oaly ooe lorr
toat balwtea ttatee oaat leaden of careDoaa'i Oitooeet.
aafr: eaa’l fall
41 U
ThatotoldeMaad eabtoot mrmbera
lyi were a
toara OBOerUd Uroarb tba city by
pnitelaaat eWzne ia a lotot Uae of
sarrlaoa‘The eatbatiam of tbe
grm^ll aloof tbe reoto waa aa.beoaiiad. At Ua eampaa a freetlaf
dnaitbaatoto of llltaow waa drllrarcd
by teator Callem.
Tbe pmldcat
apobe brie^ roTlewlac tbe bieterle
At tba
tbatealaforCbicaofhltejn, Oft. s.-BarTOQBdad by sea
wbeoldalbadi^omatle ralmUoaa of
ut wu MMI.. ntera ■■ uwn m»
IIV hr U IK WrMrM I. Irtew Uf 4iel
.*.*,1 *r *.,> MHIluuwur
t*rr.,*M II UW4ml IkU riuw-ter mu 4iy
FARRUNO & VOTEY ORGANS: Xo better make known- A larpe- liof of small Milsical
[ Merchandise alwars on hand. Call and inspect our stock.
Broscb Block.
ArcyU. Ito.
It «arca c uzba, colda. *
frlpDeaadall tbroataud lung tronblm
F. C. ThoopaoB.
.K*^TK•: TII Cl'kE *an
The M- A N K- R E Co. will .r
aoday czraritoB trataa to Ma
00 the (ollowiBf d<
May I
Joae 11, «: July H
Traini Iran 1
fllwTw tel mw» te.
• k, teri»it^»CTuW»»^n ^tetenw«e__Ateii
6IACE M. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor aad Manager.
: 8S4 Front St.
OBBoNioaou rrks *14 ,,**..1.1.4
The Traverse City Music Co.,
Belara. lea,.- Maoiitee s
Jeaal rate, ooe fare roued trip bi
allatallOB* not to ezctod
Ezear •
^^fiute MantoloeoB aKeraaW Soa- \
-It did me more food thaa aoytblnf !
.erer amd.
Hy dyapepilB wa* of I
lontha- ataadlnf. ■--Now-I am well." |
writea.S. B
. Keetor.
...rtor. Hotolaftaa. iKa> .
ol Kodol. Drapeaeia
It dJ
difeiu. |
wbat yoa totr F. C. Thompeoa.
icb tbine ai --aammer o
where l>r Fowlefi Eztrac
Platform Wagons.
Open Road Wagons
^and Concords-
r« lAbato u4 ChiUm.
1to KM Ta HanAhifs BraU E
UlACUZkOI*!! ElW e,m4 u r
Come to The H££ALD Office for Job Printing
The Herald Job Office
CAJiSTPia xT=rm
»wrtob-r Ulh, (IM.
m » r-rkHl. e. « IM, 4W. u Ite rWBI Ite W
Largest line ruled and unrmed flat.
Linen, Bond and Parchment pa s=isi=t~s55S£&=
CteSf‘te tewsr teweir.^s^ y>!te
per; Envelopes of all kinds, and
Card board of every description.
Do not miss the chance to boy a good buggy at cost
They must go. We need tbe room for fall and winter goods.
^ Q. E. BOUGHEY & CD..
■et C O a w ley *a<
Raak. I
•»s t s » po WHviTf any iRn ■ii!tvFCnN. wpi
brly i
la tbo mofla formod by tbo aeatb aod u^'&i
' tbr brat
wsat wlafa of tba tadaral bolldlaf
• ^^.‘-o'i^to*’
lluie oUto . ■are soMtlpatioa.
Jadtaao aad Daarbera atraata. aad la
■atto aad al) llTtr and bowel
(ramt of tba I'ahM LtefM elab.re
te F-TC. ■
li« atooda wora erected lor tbe w
otodi^Vm PneMeei Marliteh aed
pony boa Mazleo; Pniteler Imarlw
of Haekiad Poaaible to Obtain.
ar.It-.rr, ................ ....
rteWitt'i i
aito etbar Oaaadiaa aotebltei membera
of (ha HoKtaloy teWaet aad diplomatic
The Huai Baceeatoul aad BcieDUflcTruatmeat of All Diiitoia aad Vaab.
have just added a car load oi
OM OneJflBuw Cough
" - m
The trademark stands for l>e*t worktmn-hip 3
and cboicesl matena!.
fora the boar (to tba ncemd^^in.
eacemdbira. (^
atraate aarroaadiiic tbe block oa which
Shaatoaitkalototoorucaew baildlnf
•totokh ware paekod with people.
MeteT wtodaw la tba rally dteoraud
• takep
to of. Btao oa tba atael flrdteaadtbatodtoal boUdiaf tteelf ,
yeeydbaadrada of *i
Traverse City, Mich. =
........I:,,:....:..............;........... ."
^-W. -W-.
dEMiii myiiiajBmtg jW6m ift, mr
J. W.
------ C.CLL SPECIAL----------------
Cheviots in all colors, 54 inches wide, very
heavy, extra value at $1 j» per yard.
Oolored Suitings,
66 in. Wide, Very Heavy.
These goads were bought at about haH their
regular value. Colors brown mixed, blue mixed and
black. We have marked them 5SC, 60c and 65c yd.
27 in. Cheviots,
Very Heavy, 2^c Yard.
These goods make excellent^ dresses for
lice and' warm for every day. yet good
school wear. Nic
enough for Sunday. .
Broken Lot
Oolored Dress Goods.
Regular 75c kind, to close at 49c. A few de
sirable colors left in this lot of Vigereau Suitings in
brown, gray and state colors. .Ask to see this lot—they
ara good.
One Lot, Only a
Few Left, Single Patterns.
Regular $1.25 to $1.50 kind, to close at
and79c the yard. This is a broken lot from different
kinds of high quality dress |iattcrns, and we have put a
lick, 69c and 79c yd.
price on them to clean up the lot qui'
Dress Plaids,
About 16 Styles Left.
Worth 8c. go for 5c a yard. These plaids are
very good values for the price. Better qualities have
never been sold for lest than 8c to loc a yard. Make
good'sehool dresses for the little folks.
Another Lot, Better
Goods for 10 and 12)io yd
These two prices represent about fifty dMTergnt styles and colorings, plain whipcord, fancy brocades,
novelty suitioj^ plaids, etc. Price loc and la^c yd.
Fall’s Business This
Ppogressive Store
Has Ever Done!
Early purchases at less than the now prevailing prices en
ables us to offer bargains in every department. Absolutely cor
rect styles, greater assortment than ever. Increased volume of
business enables us to make a lower per cent, of profit and war
rants us in guaranteeing every price we make to be the low^t in
the market. We believe it good, sound business principle to
“guarantee satisfaction with every purchase.” “To make right
what’s not right.” To pve money back if wanted. It has made us
friends in the past.it 1)7111 do so in the future. It inspires confidence
in the reliability of the store. We expect to make improvements
every season. We are never satisfied to stand still. We invite
your inspection and want your trade.
Some Special Features ef Our Cloak Dept. I
No. 903—$2.98
For Your Wedding
Goods dome to Us.
We take special pride in our stock of deli
cate shades fur evening wear and wedding gowns in
wool, silk and mousselane.
For Silks and
Trimmings of All Kinds
We have no competition. We have always
n leaders in this department in uarticular.
particular. We are
ter prepared than ever to keep the place. One of the
lular silk corded Taffeta, all colors, 7'sc to $iax> yd.
Braids from 2C yard to S5.CX3.
Carpets, Oil
Cloths and Linoleums.
New carpets in (all pattenns are ail in now
and ready for your inspection. We'atil
- ,.ill sell and recommend Lowell Carpet to be bettor thaWany other
carpet, .fully guaranteed. Wilton Velvet, oriental
ntal designs, at $1
up. AtmrfisterRqgs at $3.55- and$3.7;.
We arc always in poskton to attendee w^ts in Linotcunta—we carry thelflabous goodi—ihejrare the best.
French gored
bhorl waist...................................................1
.Another sj>ecialty.. U entirely new in dcsign Cannot break at the waist line.
is a giani in strrn^. Price................ ^ X • \/V/
If you have had trouble with your corsets and cannot
be suited elsewhere, we want to see you.
Combination Suits,
heavy fleeced -
Single garments, 1 Ra
pants, vest.each
These goods are all cotton, but of extraordinary x’alue..
1 hey cannot be dutilieated by ourselves or others.
No. 2618-—$600
Wool Uoiicle Jacket, strap trim
med and lined throughout. Good,
durable and warm. Please ask to
sec this garmeiU- Only . . .$5.00.
No. 1664—$10.00
Black all wool Kersey Jacket, vel
vet collar. Skinner satin lined '
Iguar.inteed for two seasonsi best
lio jacket in America today.
No. 2498—$4.00
Plain Kersey, velvet collar, double
breasted all wool jacket. L'annot
be found elscwhprc for the price.
ladies' wool seamless,'
put si^e. narrowed ankle and foot, (>er pr- ^.5C
U..liyC Syaml«,.'?ll
wool. IH.T pair............ ISC
All wool Boucle lacket. half lined
and big storm collar. Biggest drive
w'e haVc this year for the money.
Wril keep you warm. .Ask to see
it f«»f.................................................S7-.10.
No. 913—$10.00
Black Beucle Jacket,lined through
out. strap trimme<{. storm collar,
double breasted, and like our No.
) 5(>4, cannot be surpassed . >ia
No. 1642—$12.00
All wool Kersey Jacket, lined with
satin. (Skinner s|, point trimmed,
button trimmpd. Comes in all celors. We think this jacket surpasses any for. ■..........................$i3ax>.
Hea\ y (iennan Ifou, Ir Cape, trim
med all around \villi bear fur.beautifully lined
imh I'lush
trimmed, from and collar faced
back, i-xtra ijij.ility lining, l-'iilly
guaranteed Saji, best plush. Jio.
L.d;.-.- A.irachas and Kid GiuntlM
Gli.v... lordminc.....................................
Boude Ca|>c, ;v ■ inches loiii;. e.vir.i
(juaiity lining, full thibhei trim
meii. extra wide sweep,
us year
our price
No. 676—$6.00
Is a plain I’lush Cai>e, -.0 in. long,
thibl>ei trimmed, full sweep, and is
i-qualtoan> 5f-.jo,ape in the mar
ket- Remember the price S') 00.
No. 686—$6.00
No. 401Kj—$6.00
Same as No. .
long, making a
dies cape for -
I or 1 rimming
Underwcjr and Childmn’. Drero,
3o. 4c.5c.ee, 7c. 8c. lOcTi
.AH Linen.
hem stitch.
Lace edge
hem stitch 15c. 4 for
Is our leader in tiie Cape line. It
is crushcii (itosh. being full 30 inch
long, widcsw,-« p. thibbrt trimmed,
and well wonh more money, but
we sell it for
\VI THin T GAUNTLET, $1.00.1
No. 401—$4.60
No. 660—$7.60
76c and $1.00 kffi'M^fTENs.
No. 602-^$10,00
No. 932—$7.60
Is a Black Kersey Jacket, lined
throughout with good Komaine
lining, (which wearsl.stitched trim
ming. double breasted, and a good
^rment to wear.
Just the one
No. 1077—88 00
No. 2616—$6.00
-per pair ■
Hemie Cape, 7, in, lies long, full
tlul.l.ei irimm.-.l
W .• tlutik it is
rsir.i line lor the |inol-ljumiiw
it for .................................................S4.0J.
No. 863—$7.60
All Wool Ke rsey la.;ket.
throughout, equal to m;
jackets. Our price is
knit, per pair-----
No. 802—$4.00
Black Cliilh Jacket, half lined,
strap trimmed, double breasted
very cheap at....................... . .^3.uS.
Great Aggregation
of Fine Dress Stuffs at 60c
We take s|>ccial pride in calling )’Our atten
tion to our black dress goods which is by far the finest
north of Grand Rapids. We cannot mention halfof the
good ihtnjrt. but these are aome worthy of special atten
tion: 53 inch black homespun at 8100; <;6 inch black
cheviot, sponged and shrunk, at #1.35; <i3 inch black
herriog bone cheviot at $1 cu; 56 inch black lioucle at
6wyard; 58 inch extra heavy cheviot, sponged and'
shrunk, at $300 the yard; 56 inch Venetian at $i..is the
yard; black blister crepons at 1.35. 1.50. and
$3 50 the j ard.
ivy dr
front, good form . Prii
trd. This is
of the strongest
)f popular priced stuff in the store. Far
incyy Mixlines of
ids. brocades, all wool flannels,
dots. plai<..................................
tures. polka
lerei. etc.;
etc.| 25c the
Black GoodslOo to $3.60 per Yard.
Strong Line of
Fancy Mixtures tmd Plaids
the yard, consisting of ,t6 inch all wool Vene
_____ __________
36 inch all
twilled coverts.
46 inch all wool
plain coverts,
half wool fancy coverts, 46 inch all wool
se^es, 53
5 inch all wool Hannels, tS inch all wool novelty
suitings, Jamestown fancy stripes and checks, all wool
plaids^frcnch flannels, etc., all'at 50c the )%rd.
Is a-4>etter quality plush, wulcr
sweep, and a bctijrf cape in every
way than .No. 5^5. The main fea
ture of this cape is the cut. which
is perfect in e^ery detail----- S7.50.
No. 938—$9.00
Crush./^lush Cape, extra quality
plush, full trimi
mmed with tnibbet.
full sweep, and:an excellent cape
NARROW FANCY RIBBONSHave sold for 5c, 8c, 9c, yard—
GOING FOR 3c YARD^—6Blankets,
Quilts and Pillows.
We want your blanket and bedding busineaa,
and we know there is only one way
get iu and thatis
by selling you the best goods for the least
mooejr back if you want it is
beour gwaraotee. -
AimilAl GHErilK.
Largest Stock—Lowest Prices Consistent with Best Values!
$7,S« MEN'S sons—^
we have been selling for the past three
years never have been and never will be equalled in
value and price elsewhere. Cause why' Cause others
will never be satished with so small a profit as these
suits give at the price. Larger line than usual this season.
$10.00 SUITS..
Anticipating a great demand for better
goods this fall, we placed larger orders than fisual for
suits from ten dollars to fifteen and eighteen dollars.
Ten dollars will give you choice of
handsomely tailored goods in black,
blue and plaids—best cassimere
and fancy worsteds.
$12.00 TO $10.00
in more colors than you
ever dreamed of—all styles of coatsingle and double breasted vests—goods
that would cost you $.oxio to $joco at
the uiiors.
Fancy Stripe Worsteds
are Much Worn Now.
Our assortment of these wilt astonish
you, for. it's completeness.
occupy a good share of our floor space on
second floor.
S7.50 Overcoats and Ulsters
We offer have attained as en
viable a reputation as our $7.60 suits—
. Blue Chinchillas, black Frieze goods are
among some of the best bargains in this
$10 to $22 Ulsters and Overcoats
embrace some of t he handsomest coats and
best values produced this year.
“Warmback” Ulsters
Now you're talking—it's OUR I'ndcnvear
that IS sold by the "cord " every year.
IO cents. Natural Gray color.
19 cents. Natural Gray, heavy.
3$ to SO cents for the : best line
ever saw. Red. Brown. Blue. Tan.
Fleece Lined goods you
The stock of Underwear we tarry will astonish
are some of the kinds:
Natural Bilk Fleece-Brown mixed color.
Wool Fleece-Brown. Tan. Blue.
Camel's Hair. Wright's Health Underwear- best ever
sold for the money.
Scarlet Pure Wool—Good for rheumatism
Swiss Conde—will not shrink.
Combination Suits-AII Weights and Prices.
Jaros Underwear
in above lot are the most comfortable coats
made; double cloth from waist to collar, both back
and ff'ont; made in Chinchilla and irUh Frieze goods.
Aak to see them.
is UJo wall known to need a recommendation here—ab
sorbs the perspiration—prevents colds—warmest made.
Fur Goats, $12.00 to $30.00
All Doctors Indorse it"Ask to see ti.
All the bestmakes—no poor ones. Goat.Dog,
Calf. Coon, almost any kind of fur $^e can furnish. See
them early.
Working Pants.
Best makes, fully guaranteed—
9i40 to $6; Our popular priced goods at
Best line ever shown.
$2.00 to $3,60
are splendid wearing goods—Blue and black
chevtou—plain mixed goods—Coat, pants and
vest fcM- boys 3 to 16 years. Do not fail to make
a visit to our Children's Department, if you have
children to clothe. You know we haveone room
especially for children's goods now.
Wool Kerseys at $160 to $2.00
Carharttand Berkshire Pants
Overcoats and Ulsters.
When in our store look at our Chil
dren's Overcoats and Keefers, Fine as
Handsome Goods,
$2.00 to $6.00.
introduce themselves when-you see them. Here's the
warrant on every pair: “Warranted not to rip, and we
will pay you 12c for each suspender button that comes
off; 60c if the waistband rips, or a new pair If they rip
elsewhere within 60 days after date of purchase."
You see you can't lose in buying them. They fit as
well as many of the $6 grades. Prices $2 00. $2.26.
$2.60, $2.75. 'Handsrme line patterna
We aim to'buy only
Best lade Goods for GliildreiL,
Bvery farmer should have one of ours.
Mackinaws, Kersey Coats-
'Tbii fsraeai.U rxi»r»Dt««d Vo be made is Ibe b««l powiblc abSMr ssd of rood Bsieria'
sad is wamBted perfset wbes told bj o> We <ril rapalr fra* ot ebarfe. *h
Ihto ticket, wltblc Obe year (roa daW bereol.
eoj dc ecto of worloiestblp. eod replace aay
aktu that at* defoetl**.
We easaot take it back after It be« b-ee wot do doce Ibie raaraetee ooee* ordisery wear
atd leer, ni-i- dvmec* eaaeed by ee'elceeaea* or aboir
.Not a thing for workingmen's comfort but our stock cootaim it. Leather
Coals $5.00. Red leather or corduroy lining, bat oil tanned. A«V to see them.
Duck Coats with best slicker lining, both wind and water proof. Tlela^feM’
assortment you ever saw.
Rur Coats.
Fine Line 50c to $3.00.
Full line Fur Caps—just the thing for the sever*
cold weather. Big line Flush Caps—low prices.
CMldren’S Koee Pants.
Duck Coats, Leather Coats,
Read Oor warrant.
Will Stand Hard Wear.
Among many other good things is a “two in one"
Sweater, knit double, heavy as an overcoat—Only $1.00.
Large line both cheap and fine sweaters.
put this out, bring to us. sjjd we wUl show you ths bestUne
god best valnse in the dty. Guarantee it.
with other*.
Dr. J. A. Snyder,
•SATman om.
: ssS=
rauv -««»»»- nmiMi-
Real Estate
Btiamess Cards.
bow lent and fiL
Bat Or MerriBBB
money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Merchant Tailor
aad Mc tbe eltcut sew liar of
ttpriar »t7l«o of Woolen ao«r
OB aolr. wbleh irill be oaAe op
Ib the Lbteal StTlca. Bod at
aBeli Low Prioea bi will aorprU*
- *
«-*»€ «tew« a Uac ■
MB Bllea.at tbp pbm of .par
! twaatp atllaa aa boar, wbaa I ■
i-t i. tt- .p-iaa
1 karT^e—e il^^^ <=aJ trala eowlaf aftar aa liMbMe
tee.lj Berkei.r »Mlf
e „........t.i„w'su^'ror;^t:
Thee be whipped ap k.* borae. old'and ated'e lot ai'mmiJar
bbe woald naaare •
Jot to do
Traearae City. Mich.
'***^ *^* ' ••rblaichtof Ik a aaa
X^r^'r^icblfuL- '£d EBe. be'Stl^
resardrd ber alateea brr iberr
kheeaid. daaperaielp.-we baa* e«t s......
................ .
Plate aiaaa. Steam Boiler and Aecident loaarance.
".“..'r LTs,
illerasd be -veatr s™ tb^l^
illar* BBd
aad Ilb« -iaatHootiDo.-1 ,dd«l wua a-wal
He blBMdf WM poor aad aab.UOM. M. H Orvw
He waata
liuir old ladf wi'ib ai
.lohMon Block. Pboae Ta
I fiOtiL UUJK lusua MU.
U M M* w
• O. P. Carver
„.Le'bo»p tal eurae
Ul'ol 1 paaaraa. •
• I dareiar ' aa
set a ebarit; pna.t
*• • -IMrab’a kitebro . .
the ot -ctiooablr
- l.aaa. 1
“'•" do ko:.w bo- to eook. I ««bl
It eaea
Oenoedr I ecJe Saw to jiae laea
-Ceei J - aa-d ESe. MarfeLy.
told t>*. Rerrieaaa we were foil
... ~ n. :,sr..7Utfi.'s,TS!?=ra:L
to«:d hare ».
freak air pad ibe
rv. j:rir.
(iria o
ahraad to1 iBe
uy triced
ike ayarlf
I <„i Qf iaeremrdojr. Baa bad Ibrowa
thcaiShLtor the plalfar* ear—ibovch
,, I oow aoc aeer r» there wM a mMaal—
I dut. " aavl Ceeiiy.
Her m *
't'- aad before wa had collected oarBeaaae
the tMa off the
Onitf beojiue accu*tomi?<l to tb.-if uae and tou are )oat
j rear of the ear apoa the track.
Uaele Sasi > ' leeuuouon.
- -iiaalicaliy
without one. We btve them for leunarsture, for Uiry uae. for Bter. ' Taia way aad that they Sew. tOl
IB the rad we will ail
roa (ml* t* edaea-.ed." aali
lo «o to. -TOibkicf ' iaoB(bl y.i^ -of
Saaliytwoof them ataek aprlshtlaa
sad at ber ( ecic ban's ioelitallaa.
a Fvi.r. .ooktac
a. if it« ’ we aaiC abual craak frieo^Mf
iliziDi; purpoeeA, «ud for Ihermooielen.
caule roard. The seat iMomat the
'pear* like a Boorboaae.
• > a oeupleare iikeeblifFia la a
coal uuaBUwck thae. thee* wMSkv
BrniL' Preei-riptioiu and FbouI}- Be<-ipt« to oa. We till Ibrm ft’d tma a heap better
Ibe doctor
ae er*t.“ way..' aaid Ifra Crew
-Tbey Uli
rtSc crBoh. aad peer west the t/mia.
irea t re- be wailed ob. aad they do Bot al<
ri|;bT. wilb drtiL’f that are ritcbt. at prioee that ate riirbt.
Berkeley Jirl*—Ibcre w«
' bow how mock troebie thee are .
of ibem—were aeaied la ibe dim o.a
•They oiichia-t IP be - paid
Ilul ! IbiBk that Ibc boon) oajbl
bat 1 taUpwawa
' '
aae parlor. UpleDiac daUfuLy
a laa [ had tried to paaa the
■* ready to fall at bar faat.
Tbeir feLber. ibe ooc .
TEA VEE.SE CITY, RICH to their Boaaia
Hiaa barah Tareer opeacd ber eyas
lor. bad diril aaddenly. leariaj oalj
.. -broal
i* aol atroac es4d(b
1 wDodermeBi when ahe. bebald aeeee
Old ClocB I* a Kyuary
the forty-acre farm; wbicb wae bearlij 1 T yuB (o teach. ' aaid Ceci.y.
* fit a
The aeiebbora lodiridkal- | tr that •• ..............................................
r baidn/
bamoal SmiU. aa ofator at tha
Bortffa<«t- ^
ly aad eollectieely <
-> poliaa aUtMM. haa a
woBCrn^ Wa‘TB"ber^cbri^'’'hTr" ’<«i*‘*l^'‘ ij'' *"* P»T‘»« “* .dollar* a
wbat WM to become o
Mk at hla hama which
She htal dnecB^^he d^w '
? 7/i he«f^ of jaU peyius
to me.''coatibaed UiM Kali aroiad ibe
BBUydey after day. itae off i
apMaala^ .
t*B»e. t
jai, whore beeb aeel mway
loot IB *.l kifideof weather will di
It,” •
■*e rc'.lmy.
ril kart o’ too.iab octioot
■ometlmec •be Bad beea oat -Law. pear* Uke edae
• •e*r»o haaffoa tha wi
I will pay 16 to 80 centa for unwaabwj w<k>1. 6 cents for hides.
la the aijbL
' uu„, •
aboot Ulaja. ImefiaaUir'
IITM Hawla tha 0mlU ra
wbat are weroiBj todo’"del^c-r
r*)ler pawiaj the tars- kacaa araaaa.
aaaBawaaaiateimeti vltk a eawelrle aa $8 to $3 for botee bidea. from 86 C6DU to $1 For vheep pelU. and
I .1 rics
Now. it
bBffffy wjth a colored b^ dock ttoppadai
afaaamklaciaiae Aea« Lae Vaa the bbjheat market price for fur* of all kiu.lk Please try aie for your ____________
^aalelatl^^t iroiB to Bctuoi bad
••»* arvfciBjto IhiBk," aaewered be*-lr b.m, perr^ wwtfaily
vUlratfaal vkaipaaeaU tae.
loireed the drcMBiakcrt tewie. the
rrvea yard They'pear* lobe ba'ppy.
yoaeocld tel sp drwuakiar
It wae boI arduoot Itaiakier. bow- a« rviaarhrd lo tha boy. "tbey'r*
W. V<
■ play with Alihoaffb tha dock *a
r1«bt here
IB Ibe parioi. that wovid be erer. but* Bewtpaprr adiertiecmenl. laajbiac like tbey wa* happy."
•car kapt Uma. U waa' laft kaaftaff
od rou wuuido't bare to' that decided toe Krraeley jirm aetoi -Tbey'* aa latuiootioa als't they
real at
or Maaciatlaa'i «ak«.
enpUa«aa>aUM Bewnrit
,,-hal they wvoddo
U «« Cec.iy . Mbia Sam • ’ aeked the boy.
Om Biffkt iMt wMk. JaM aa tha Hm.(aMtioOed Cecily Hrrk- who found iL
see laoffbrd. asd cried
Ihr wort .tarlied the old maa. Ha ly paeparad U raUra. uU old dodw
-hr para
Oallaaaa. Prtcaa Ml te bauar aafaaara
LlBieo." aad ttira reed a.ouo.
. coufBcd aad wroaaed aad aaaa tack la
■Haa u Uak. Tha aatlr* bmlly wM
S. B. »TT.t.»»
»orae the place -IK bare
Waaiod, a borne in the rtoairy dar-; uc b*CTy
Him Knilrr "Yc-u *alr ' laj tamscr for as Old loraild lady.
•Uc -Ihdir* will be loaely wba do iaIcaa't Her 1 ff the monjBje '
« bycbeer-<(Uh»uos break* Bp.~ »ald the boy.
•oaad* e a. TWy
ThcB Eflir Ibe yoiiB*e*l
wail upoe - Oeyoaly
Key oaly taka* kacr ole poMOM la ^
eley ffirL*. acted io a drcidedly repre- Ber aad pul up with ber craaklaeM.
m badroaM HaWtiyaad
! b-o*iole maDBer
bbe boned bar fB.-e- Hull b*re abolMOOie. iali.fr.of food.
Th, Brr.rlcy (irli were iadeed lose*
ioB the arm of ’her cliair. aad ■obbed
■obbrd . Adore**, wltb term*. U. H I). lai* of ly after tbr departareof
:i*uaad u It ucklaj awrliy
wa*----------• jea- ttce
»lly .....................
lb.t Ml a—
Aa aacaaay t*dla( cama pear t
aad l*i^ they aaid. bet
UrmaB aad a teboier . ao« Ibal Aubir
"M’rL 'cried tbr Uirec lialeaerv
llaMoari. baddaaly tha alack Mopai
We emot • few reliBUr ttieD to
.tie la
"Mcwi:i take ber. of cuurte," Mid
u • war by ibe dower bed ia the yard «>Mla( the cMa tha raaty. daat ac
pneaot tbe atiuacvst aad btvl
' that
the at-at yooBj doctorcoturrata- ervd ramaaBlB of tha work* w--------■>T
r. 1 SB aaree ber wbea
.icx'ident BDil Sirknies loBufauve
! M they bad baaa for year*.
. lateo Cecily oe ber owB aad ber *Mcn'
ale. -e*k
1*00-...- -naBfiaed yoawoaldMM
Conpan;. in the world, naitn*
ccea ber
all nfbl thai day yoc dcclatad yoa ia«
A myetery oartAMly. hat aa•ettledi <withoat the atnal aaloont
! Hellc Be
I were ffolac to keep the old hoMa~ be likely u h* rapaatad. aad^aolhlHF^^
of red ta
oar layekrtr m iBr ilraae Trmrrrv. | « froBl wi
Ok forfaer.-’taid Belle.
icntiral Botarot *o
nr.aew HiatBSt.
bam I* lyiBff bi* be
at Birbl at the mm# hear, a taw
I -Wrl'., I reckoo
ilM pMt 10. the dack affhta kacaa
l *be be awfa: for H. H II to
laaid Him barab. ri
- I keo< yon hada-L”
to lick, Tbc roaacar Umlta. who H II
ber craBkloe** ' L’emly. you'll'
’ra‘* had brtier uj u
yaart eid. ba^alraady ratM kat^*^
Kbc n
raiBTd krr ryr*.
ryr». tbey
tbey------------Bat h
I aelenaiaedMthisk
Trav.*rBe City;
biiebrd *bOw brr tor cuuouy. we d Jot die if if *00*1
Ml oat wr bad lo Bare Ber la tbr boaae ail tbe
' To
-<»feoor*rthrocjb Ibe cibib; rooa
-OBly I (T.dB't.'' »headded I
I ao attempt at aa laraw
■ sha.. 1 write witb term*-'
~ ,IM him fter*r.f )il pomoD.'Mid
Th* cloak Uakad M
trur idM WMB't orirlaal.
Irlle. fMd.ios
fMd.iis E£i-'* bowrd bead Cier.y.
______________ at dee mlaalM.a^ttaa.
iwrred a M—tpaapr a8*aniaed
Wake BP. I'UM. wr rr joi to jns aod
l! ii,lhr cioMlias of termt wa
with aa alarmiBff wklrr. oaaoad.
ear it. I onir 9am -iL ik.k lo Aofi.r. baiab.r uac
If Ibe old lady
ocaoae »be* tbc oide*-. asd Cecily crat«-bo Bad to *r waitM oa fber lirrmapy ia thrtpHoc.For t<-p .year* 1 have haudl,.
Ibry - tih'" exrlaimrd tberrl forloealy.
■*lelddoek.-«Ti«wr- /aferOmaa.,
0 Ibiok ber prn ard you aad I ran a-i Bad Ui be eorerfsl wbetBi
^^-rcily. woulda’l ;r-u like te fo
ireamiaeof taeiMiiia frit imriior col. tor would b
pay lor It.
cm the oiber haad f tbr ,
It wm’b almao for aayoM to tab
WM a forma: Oer ..tm* wrrr rcaMBable. abc
-d be rapt tech a CDarctMtltrB. bat I'^c
■ leio
IBIO tbr pereonal tore lo come. »ua rery
rery poMiby
-He Blade so icjuine*
ladBce ham did II He ffst oat of bbi baftT at
Orer one hondrwd in auct-esaful operation in Ibia i-ity
le the wart/ka did wUbaU
iBffalrt of bl* rrea
fnroda to fo.iow ber tbe rate, aae Oc-lrrma to tbc boMc
, Bewapapan ha aallaeMd darlot tha
anil aurroun-lini; couDtrt'. .K ifiiarant-e born! lyivni
like all tbc eooelry
: with tbe aew* of bm aaekpMMdeoaiTM of a day * raa.
-Oh. joal om
with erery furnace act by
It jrttlBr hi* o*otbrr-ls- igv
tbey were la * bad war
JVO BLUFF! ssr..d
at 215 Front Street.
MOW. AU«v ^
•p C.ulbM>r. Aumn.t •>
^. UM4M la CkaBMrj. Upatlal au_____
ta M Lav aa«
IjnoW thi^?
>WWWM ttoaa.
OkM. ■««. M * ■ Siaca
JT55SS,a,f«2?Trararaa Uu.Miek.
OaOSB. Auar—j aav t
Telephone 130
____ is,",'!”:
D&itedSUtesBeneToleit Society.
Inm CItrSdml ol lasic!
J.I.IUCe91E.DbLSvL .
omr'pMl^ Mtiaa ol
Front Street.
Treweree City, Micb.
Scrubbing Ftoors
can never be made
a plea»=in}: pastime,
but one^alf the
labor will l>e saved
and the results im- '
proved l»y usit^
Gold Dust Wash
-HlMiLKS ISON .»TIN fUi, . 8OOFIV0 \
I tl... u.:. 1--’ '.*1*. l'BL-.rue- * Hm-Iiw** F
. Bn* WBU-V Ke-dm-ru4..-
^ 'Wr*..»w*ln~iwtnr»v.Mv-rtj .tjetj
fWKVy: Iw *• * SL f «... f
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Best livery la Northern Michigan.
ia tbe larmbaaae oa ihi
law off oa ua." Mid En,.
Tbe kali door WM ttaadlar wide
caaiOB*. wore bi* eircr aad Bl oor tiiar
<’r di* bbbI.'’btxmdrd Halle
’ opee
L'arir 9am ratrred tad
ir Prwepapara I____________________,
adopted daoebter »M dead, whra tar
Ur tome (rMl or yraod relalioa. dowa taodealy apos ISe ebair wbervoa
idoelorralaed tbr b.frtef bare m tbr perbaM '•*><! Aboie
inr fcl liUir lady bad •ctUad bcTMlf. evtoff. aad aoBM day* 1 aollael aaaaI kaap eaa aopy of
leocBly to order to (O iplo tbe milk but"Fire oo.ian a week i* tbe uua. L,kr tbc iillir oid lady be wm paatlM pic of koadrad.
--k diffaroat paper u read •yimfu
I lac** asd boy feed for inr eaiur. acd pru-r tor coasU-y board." Mid CecLy- bart
rp with OB my day* oft. Biamtma
I at Ui* doctor * laacral. alto tar larjett. --sball I Mk •cres '
- Creily caLrd ber Bitters, aad the tear •iaapw
ni r*b
! IB tbe eocely. Be wm » in £r art.uo*
- C» you ibiok,' *eid Belie dsbioa* jjrt* c»lbrrrd abovl bl«-ia »Lerm.
Hardly thlak aa aamy
He laid, while bit oaod* irembied oo ly. ' ihet a mas win be wUlior to pay
-|-ai old." tad l.'aeU ms: --rm tha BuralAff.
bit caar. that be-M
* (et(el- terra
aerea dollar* a week for hie Bu>iher-io
moiher-io *baky
I waat to be takce faet-rstc paper* M that war* paUlahad. weald
■obof bi
yoa’ I pat tha dapUaato* te varteaa
Fb!.- law or hi* BBBl" "
mtc of
Id aad *1
thaa. I
____ ___ I...
Wuea the* eraaky
O my dear 'know if job
pad my carpeM M make them aaCl aad
bow to take ear* of Ibemarlrr*
-A ch.id. ye*." retersed Cecily
tiotf darioj '
Uiek. 1 rtca them amayI mb them
Feller.-raolaiord I Lcle »am. b.iBkuif ; They were a.i torry'lor pner bad . Tbr jlrl*.
iklnc be wm wai
lor kiaduac.
Hy daa. tM'oaly tama
ha Weak lltllr ryr*. -*io t rear bc«e beee pot at teres do.rar*—bea ihrirt io( ooked f
la Uc bOMB where my wife baa bm
eaajbt ndia roupd tbr arifbborbood ler *** poae. Ii would btre beeo wacr
The o.d m
laBffb^ WWy.
is all kiPdt of-ratter tod at *1- boor* wbaettadarr
H H. Ii wouidoir. the litue b.i
Of the otjbV Tbra hr meaiiooed tbr er MreooiecMd D L»e
the laetiloolioo.
eaplalaed. ’
- wi..icf to pay -ti, ae ,
wbea yo* ala't cM aothiac alaa ta dm
Mid.-aad [ made up my miod tbn
bo-.-raony uid ib .aauu
Yob ral* la edae
I-ca beep haowa to adlA iwapli d< tmm
aad tberc to irare -bat moary I jot L Buot or mutbtr .0 law or jraodi
to koow ••
ai oac*. ordenoj * c
aa iatlildOtioB "
rdtcaicd aaeo *tood aboal
Tbe Berkeley rirl* were prtfrciJy lo meet brr *i me *■
what aseaM hodm have for Udaff- lea
iawar* that ibeir rode bam Fs irr wm iov.oj WroseadBy
ke my daocblcr.
I-vplted" wbeo their moibrr had climb
I with wr bad •
.> bsBd* were irem
'edoalof a**cood-»i-»ry wiodow lo rso *aul Bd.e
Ur i» *a
ua Ur kaob of bit eaa*
He raja
-EMd allthaarw*tapat*Ciata^thaa
{away with tbe baodioae eoooirdi
ibrm With >e;f pityiar rye*
"I wasa'l
lU: be time aaoaffh U tmekU tto
lioauadaf marryioj old Srd K;r
k-ad to ber but tbe had a happy Ufa. hooka
1 hacea'l eome to that UlM
t Krrteley jiri She d be flad if yo* d lake.Mrv of m
If tor creaky otbnr rrcartioc-lB.
"W* wU uke cat* of yoa. Lb
Sam." laid a:, the Herkel^ ffn-l*
d 1 oalyraad U
Ibry woa.d on
,b J fri
with diffsuy
t nckt-taHT-.
fal lb.DC to leare
Uoo.aad l-oprd.
*low:y. -U keow that I Miied UH
other*. tb*i ibr i
' place the laautoolloe. ’
weald be worti
- rbr faaBl**! UiB( ahiMtlt."
■ley fii
’ Bel r Hrrbeley that Bicbt. *ki(
Hhaa p----------------------------------I*.
I 1. wear t
tareatb* of cra'e'ful^relief
crelrful relief »i
*i Ur
ibr drpartdrp*
low baa ware lalrodaaad. Paawy ware
le Sem whro tbr third .•»;
kitcbi B aproa. •
'Maad all. if Usi
bMees of the Sr«l pair aaaa ia Hahtenaa.
Boy arrirrd
Tbi* wm Dr Her
They at eaea bnami theaabjaatajaat
.Liaal eaaae
nmao, from ibr oearr»l towo. prob*o;y
laelitoUoe ’ -■ 'i.iio.. En.'/..
of ail the oAcwa of tha Secy Dayart
-ril pot It,
U- Berkeley *
r • sOoot ■'
*brly IS aha BfUraeaB ^
ikcy.BB^ arrMilBle maaBer
- J'll coeer mytcif wiU* wbiu aproa
Borauc I* Ptlaiv**
• feat hacha ao aa
kaowa tbe Berkeley* for yMT*. aad jru
if »be lOok. ai am.’ mu Aa ,|lr*U at flr»« :• alway* the
Ia aa iaurrt
Ctrl* told bim B0rc*cre*dly bow *ie miaerac :.r for w* ee c«l to do oar *affwmuos
HmI thai i* *Bfieieot U
wa t^ MUaof bHfrtoada wto
thayW Bbffnwd doriac Uc tWiU of m*1 u keep ber
A* Coaaib Sarah K»rrk tbr *biB I* caoeeb U eoMe
tbclr CoMis barab aad Uwir Lpei* My*, we
mb lHe* off uc moricac* ”
Ideau V ct;m* am-redcimd iMCMibie
Sam. aad Ihrr lasfbcd licbt-be*rtadly
( wlah we ecald.' *lkbad E£,
Co-! Mtm* the Ir* fMcba Uem. aad they
at Cade Sam * fern- Uat Ury micbi will sMt ber *t the *-uuoB. aad Ccetiy ! rema-a *o latii th* beildiac oollaeaaa ^Maaaaad tha atriacik te riU^ hi
ui«k be bad cbaBjed bi* miad ii re will ae la black "
]<>m wblS of baai^ *BK>ke aad air a
card to th* iMUtotn Tbra they all .
--I win wear a wb'tc e*il. ' Mid Ce- *affi nrat U caa*c sea to Iom com
laappow I Boat taka thaa* Ma0
et them-lahed
them -lahed le lora
lorp. rmphailcally. diy. deaoeniely
---------- lely
'• People wii;
wli: Uik.
uik. 1 mvi
**«*m. I beUerc
beller* that pamcM
pat»cM who
iw. tat It caa't be helped. I'wcrvt ci« m taraiac
taraiac ta.ldiac* Mffer lam
that pwTple woald c«
a.ui her aod .hr briaf* a*
aboat Ucir affair*
* drirm m* te it.*
Icmioior craaka we omy be able oUrr
"Yoar coaiiB. HiaV^a'!*"-it
m<wv fr
loc *wy
rwy macb.
mack. l»aV
laaV ahe*"
ehr*" <i*mtleeed
oamtloard abi* to pay off tbr miwtc*cc "
r-.r* t-t .(r,.irt»wwi.
the yoaaff
laff docUr.
docur. fMteaiac
tMteaiac biepcaebi* paaeua Wedarariy moiBieff Ceetly Berko-1
Watiac biacC
liiacC ryn
ry«* *poe
*poa Cecily * pretty
pretty ley etaned fur th* tutioau meet U 1
--------------------------Caea -D-w't thlak me * traitor wbea H. D '* ehaiwr, aad the other throe '
Viilace oa ta* Hoca.
I »< B -l*l»* that I H
oj t- cirl. aetviao dowp u -ait la * rtat* of
of-Boiate For
' -She my* we wUI taca total] the la * aettenoa*
wOmaer. -Him Caetiy*
Coeilt * Ii
ty»t*r»OM whmper.
Ji H »lt«aMd
hoaM." enrd EB*
ber *pO* adi micaty »low,-*»d ^ . ....Ti
.hiM «wr iwim.
la th* par- ■ -cat mauly.............................. - ________
breCTTiUta. wMtMm-.
' U chow their tncediiBeMaad ebeerfaloetafrtM ihebaclaauff
'srsT.s zS'-
’ •"..f.rrIS i-mu,.
... doaotearolobscoVooBia Sarah laaeuf her." aatf Efit. uakiac apoa *'"'1“’ **"*
roUarUlakot aaythiac f w m u do." , the hail aiepaaad poaaiac ba^t Bar bw
•aid ChHIy narkalry. aad th* yoaof: cemlacdaaHaff-eap. "I aJmoaiwiah wa
The Brief
darter liked th* awaiebtforwart way tad laarard the d.-o» amkaih trade.’
rotanad bl* r***. U
* Wtael thataad. II
tatbay^ OaHly
......................... ..
-^wbb SH^otiTSHL.'
f Ah lea*. ^ had ao hep*
nM»H«feODwa7 b«c*« «0
ThCTdy vtA tbrtf ai«* P«>‘
ikMWMWralM^ IWtMiMb^
■la^«eMMtmu4 Ito toM
im*t to Mk« all tbri fomt tlimf.
• ftotorr
kUMO^Wtotola. Okftois KB0i7
touttomlikadtdrtkto pwptM vaAartak* torfar ibtofa (or the prcatotoCtaphto bM ballt aorto of aat fmr. Wa baaa triad to arraafa i
tevito tmnorj. MV tto b>7 apana Ual «mU attract tbe larfcai
«. TU taiUlar «M a
paUMBCa. Wc waat lb« paopU to baar aad aajar tbaae r«od
lltoliiiirtbifi to kaeek-doirB iers t
- M<a*4ampeaUapraalaaa.
Amt|j«la<M«totol Am atoaaA; btoan
- Ha.
Mia. W. B. a HlUhall,
kttkrlU to-B. BHiIrtof. t» Beat Btotb
Ma. m-»
W. H. [taka, U.. •
Ma. wa-Mra. Oartntoa Htoara. i
. Ma. m-i. A. Moatofaa. u: rraal
eftka ceaiatlttoa. U to rlia to
lineal paailUc aasbar of paopla ita
blfbeat aad Boat balrfal wrlaa
torutoaiaata that aae be riraa tbev.
laat anbltloa to nake tble
laaie eoarae a reaal eoorr
for tba caaaiet plaaaare aad coed of
tba paopla
We de pol raa it to saka
aopaj. Tfaaprtaa of-tba eoonc hii
tbarafore baae Bade laia than <
bafora. It la eoaSdeetJ; bopad bp
bat aoBBtblac Btore tl
tba Ckpatoe or tbc eourae will be reallied fran It. FroB rear
Blfh lebool Itbran baa baaa ealarced
»r tba addlUoB of ae« booba parcb
aMd troa tba proeaeda of tbla c
Tba library la pot eoBpIrUd.
HettJaad raceltcd
board aod eoarleoualp replied to
qnaaUone Irua Besbare recardl^
anaocaBaBl aod work. Wblla *a
a>Bc B aor deuda all of tbe Banbera
did aeiHelicaCTae. IB a fraera! wap ^
tbrp all appeared blfblp eaUedad oltb ;
tba beildlac.
Tba coBsilue baa aulboritad tba
papoaatof fT.oiavo on tba eoatraet
aloea tba aew arraaccBeet at tba
preeloaa ntatlar.
*blcb added to
about 114.Mu prleelonalp ezpraded.
eaa total onilap l> data of aaarip
A:;U00. While aoBeealrma bare been
iBlttae bei.etea
dine can ^
tbe amonni of' ibe appropriatioo.
tarp near IL Tbe appropriation •
•U.OUI fee Uie bnlldlnp and A'-.i»u
reothefltlaoelpBlael; bn«D. aod for tnrolabiBc. It waa feared laal tall
It la eerr daalraWe tbal Bore book! be that It woBid be .Bponelble to com
Ma to-Ur. ».«. Ftoad. 7M Wabator added fros pear to pear. Ke« beeka pIcM toe bulJdInc for anplbiof near bICTCIe. Tbe hup •
araeomiac oat eoaatasl)p.
toe appropriation bet carefnl aanaceaud
le feared l
Ma. HA-Mat. W. T. Hooikotm.
Ibeae aa are aaltad to oar
aest. wcetoer wlib tbe cioae attaotlon acHooalp II j I'rd
be added to order to keep i
of toe eonolltoe, bae
Tbe aarri.i <
Ma. a»-J. M. Mato, au Fwt awaal. ap to data
balloon at Ibr K.lsru.-.t fair waa
made tbrillisr *’v th'- -i»urerp tiial
Tbe reaarle aaat plat.will be i
the balloon wa. m «rr
«... tC’.m-n i
TtaaeaaMitotkadlractiaaal aa
at the Clip Kewa dtaad to tbe poet
■Wck to tbe trap r
Matorta laUnr to Bartbaart
efioa oa Satordap. Ool. ri
Tbe eaic
.[..1 K'U. air. when .be ,ui luutr. au.i iirbppM
•mA tha raatoaato M'tkt prfi
ofaaaaoo rtaaitad aeaia «il| btfla
Mfclp with the paracbnl
aaraa o'clock a b.. pod the n
ooeaed qairkip. aaeioc bv a
■a aad Aaaton tras both aaaBent deilrae that all aboald
Tbe Hinane Journal Utiok.
nAap. TWaaadaofti
prepared to pap aaafa for tbe rta
Ma. Mi-W. M. auabr. ait
Ma MT-4WL O.B. Horat. lu Watk-
Ml la raatlr (alt aad tba No peraan trill ba allowed to r
Beratbaaaii laata J<o alnclc aicbt
reaerraa wUI be aold before
Tbe firet aaaber of the conrae will be
tbe lactare bp TbOBaa DIXoa. Jr , on
•TbaBaUlc Op of F'raadom.- Mobdbp olfbU on M. All procraBe. ao far
aa poaalble. will barla proapUp '-at
C B. floai.
K. B. Bvipta.
atavracMI^lba raatdMto fan ibe
KUJad Her Oaacbwr
VhMlhp afMW Abd I
TbeapaoaeUla. Mich-. Oov5.-Mte.
Ita Maw Tort babkaniBMh hare Ibla -Mato Aaklaa, a wnaan aboat is p.
WMblbnwiUbPtohaAOvar tba pro- of i«a, U la tba eaatodp of tba oBi
fMtof loatoi aad ad>aaMl torriiorp bare, abanrad with tba avriar of bar
Mi tba aiPMlafaa bnafkl to tbalr
MMaa. Mt. iakaiM <rm raBila ba • rlrlbatLacbaaapolaoaadbphar:
MNlMwaaha W paab tba paoji ‘ ar. Tba weaaa alae attoapud b
hataalf aad aea. Olen. atad ala. bat
« r>iac to be a .
flip {Ba fete pear, and'that the tide • I
iraerl i. a1rt.eir .-.vine tn.i
'm m
dieiodicrit. The time to cm ... .......
baciimlnK or before it eUrtt. If «uu ere
raa-down —Iruild t-onnrlf op ' Make
' tiauje K> iittmc and well that i-on(ioe aettru cannu find a footholiJ.
FUl )Mr
whh rich, ml bloodbuild up etrun'e, bcalihv flenh-put voui
diceWl\-e •)-arm in perfect order. Don't
dne aloBc half deed. You map be well
aewrilainol.. Tbe fullowinclnirt from
Mn. Jeanir Dincman. of A'en Bunn.
Kalkaaka Co.. Mbb., wUI tell pou bow
to do it. Sbe aepa; -'Bcferc I took
. Mn. Aaklaa aad bar two ebUdran
Vban M a data w
la- troa Boaor paatardap bad
r a( iba WaBabi Clab Frlware aboat Iowa aeUI aeealac, when
•Mlalanattoc proHim. Aaklae aacarad a rooa of Uaa•MMMCiTM Bbiar the UbdBahtp
lord SBlto of tbe OoaaereUI
■«< MM.'H.B.earaar. (alba
tibai limit tba ptaUBtoa
MM Baattof «M prMldad OMT bp tba
lac. TbearoBaaaadehUdrati ratirad
itaftoa|riilliit.MiB. W. D. Taroar.
I WM bardie aUr to do mp track at all:
at toe aaaal boar, aad aothlnc
Aa toatWM (raa tba W. & T. U.
beard of toen bbwI toU aoraUc- hedtoaln in me left ade aad back, and
imA. tarlttoc tba alib to aaoi a dalebad bearUdir alt tbe time. I tried voitr
wbaa the eall4 to a ladp paatlac atoec mrdiHoe and It helped me. Leel •fnna
BMa to Iba iMrtat aaotautoa to ba
tba haU that bar little b>p wai
Ibid a had cm^; «* ao bad I bad to
btoibatoani waak. aad Mn. J. A.
be to bad all
time. Me bnahand
aad Iba weald Ilka to
MaMMM waa ap^toi daNtoto.
aa eallad. Oocton dtoeen aad tboucbl ! bad conramnido.
fbt we would irp Dr. Piem’a
.JliB. HaatofM wUl aha flra
■ett wara aamsoead. and aoon
ca Medical DiecMrp and before 1
aaMtratotba alab to Iba ialnatoe
aaurlQc toe tt»«. feand toe daoebtar bad ukra one bottle 1bt couch alopprd
' nalmm to iM waatlac a< lha Mato
Haiporia Iplac daad la bad and toa
MmMeaorWatoaa’aOlato at JaahBolhar and bar lltUe aea Qlen earp Rtandsc."
M aaato alaalad M tailowa: Kia. M. A.
•Ink wito all toe ladleattoat of polaMM Mabarto. Hn. «. C. Oapraai altorrhlcb
nOBOiUtoc toaad it
Mtoa: Mia. B. B. OaiMr aad Mn. P.
Inqalrp of the molbw allcitad the
to jaake hare eoat aboat
toot that tba bad alaad Ihtrtp craiai
It lh« aaoant RM waa apaat
lha fMOl aab)aal tor tba atoarof Borpblaa vlto wine and haraelf aad In maklnr tba aaat and weal eatnaeae
■ WM BMtal ProbtoBa. aad Hra
tba cblldraa had token It. Mra. Atklu with ttoae arebae-w ooafdra
Dr. Pierce’s
Qolden Medical
MthaladlaMhara amdarad at
tba batai M tba wblw tBapla
toUaftba wapi fa whlab Uep I
bMsb«l Mda ta mtUa rWtora.
amted at a‘.u.i»'.
A farmer oe.rU'.o.l Hareu ba. hern
eapev'imenllnc ‘o l i.e rai.ior -f oeauuo
tola aeaaoB. wtib .udb •!]««... tnaih.
map CO iBto toe buainrea on a l.rcr
tcale nest pear, m bv baa deui iu.irat
ad that the aoll l-iereahoui i. well
lirosch’s Meal Market
I adapted for tbe crowinc o> the roobera.
A. a reeult of leal week', meeiihc of
toe Leacaeof Hleblcao Ueoiclpalltle.
a more bae bees eiarted to baee tbe
tacfalhture elan a eanilarp eoc'seerinr
dcpartsenlaaan adjanel of toeetatci
beard of kealtb
MaMip. aad la
looklac oeer toe balHinr tbt beard
><l.fled with
Whattoeoummituebtl auue. aad
to probable that the aeuaa of toe oe
Il^wt-ie.,!. fn-m
Choicest Meats, Pnultry and Game.
E'O'wl lA HocMpon..
The atate board of eerreuilen. aed
ebarlitaa baa ae udp problem to aol.r,
Tbera waa an appropriation u put in a
btoUbc plant at tbe boapital of toe
borne. Iron baa made eoeb a blc ad.
eaaea that toe work eaoDoi be doAr
for toe amohot appreprlaled
wbat can be done It toe problem for
f reih. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages ttc.
35c to 50c a pound.
phoDP 4
r. BB080B ft 80NB.
tle.dB.poftoe.sprrelrar.to ,„rrtoh i
tbeao.tail.t1...aB0 iBtt th -r oanno. i ‘
head wa» trnblp cni aed
ofannll-crdlt.-kof t.m. ur rae*u«;'*’“'*:ltoap are to-rcerlee no oompcntaiion IBe win rreoerr.
Tbeheeretorpofelatelilsfariaed ihtt’ The barklnc cf bit dor will mei Fred |
Utohtodalptoiapontsrtaeuorrelrata “»•'*
Coruhoa. t.tnn
Ida I
wbedOBOLfomtobtheiDforBatlow to
bp i
to* proaeoatlac atiomep
iMctci doc. a runawap rh.ned
Later '
Iny kind aod agy |>ri<B.
the Brat, rriora thr Lowait.-
O'. J. BREznsr^,
-nep Opneral Oren ba. farni.bed
rrtarp of .late an op.otoD to toe
Ata reealt nf ridinc a ou-p.tlr at
etfeet that -operelaort mu.t teralefa
olcbtwitooai a lamp. Eimer ui:,ns.
theetatc deparlmenl with farm au-|
luitoTraquI^ ■i;.“tor".utu,^~ The ^
*“» "" ’A
altomepccncrtltap.lil.tor impera- “I*-'®--raontoc Ihto a «c drtern
HtoeEllaBottor.acodi: peart, and
raldlDC with her mother Otar Fottorla.
A Choice Line of Teas^i
1248 Frolit Street.
TraverM City.
•»«•«-« ^«Wbt for R.o<k, d.»ac«- ,
T®* PtotoUff ba. beeo awardan a jude- j
erat worklnc around an oil etoee kVi ,
dap auralac wbea her elotbto canebt: Biebard Stafford of North Brancb.
era. Sbe WM ra frlcblfollp burned .rawed 5J5 baabeli nf onu oo #»• ecree
C to tbe orlflaal that ebadtod le a few aleaMe
bhr otcroondlbu erarae. add thinki be
wsealonaattoe time, aed to le not, Pm doer jMt n llitir htiirr then aep
t to headded to toe hilcktcf toaro
known Jnai bow tor aceldent happen. I
farmer m toe wbo.r rlatr of
s ata eoat of aboot (MO Tba cb
la toe qaalltp of toe brick fraa
•To wboBcear flsda- Talerrapb to
bMabaaa«l*M to thaB. Bba. arfad Aratp Tboau, Boaor. Mieb. aad If be
ataMUaa M tba aalBllM al the probeOBB Ci*» him eeerptbtoc that « to
taa. iinilillp la.tba wap of Baaaal
BP crip. Mpea. hate aad tboaa There
WaiAlM. had praettoal (armlac.
la Boaep aaooeb to pap for mp n>
out. OareM Mlewad with an to- aad lead a wlafraa aad to bap at
tiwMiM papv oa the Bara~
Wpahaeftba gttt\ aapabUlitaa i
Fred Acae. Oentral
Uadbp Ibla caaa. aader propw
DakaMleb. We win all bate u be
bariad to toe elotbae wa baee here,
ptiMBd tba Ttow that Iba axample
doa-l waat aap ahretodt ter aap ei me
bp tbe wUte mat wm far from the
We wiBH baee to bare our bodice
bM Ml tor blM la teUaw. Sba did wnabed. ealp oar arse aad lanea Tbore
MtaCw aap M*aial aelata of tbe to ao aaod of aa toqiMt tor I am la sp
•natqaMtewhkh M
a a
afilattoc tbe riebt Btod had baee totoadad to do
.. bat *
toll that tbe thto tor two pnara. He enre that w.
are raallp debt bntort we are .barfed
thaw baa pet «aaa ri*aa It.
"Mara Aeaii.4a totaraatlBc talk ahem tot Mor- wMpfnaadla ebarre of
MawMfieaabp Mia. M. C Dadfa. the etoton aad aba dletatod tbe toltow.
JtoB.Bad«abaarWM^tlaiiUba Clip. tof taltccam. wbleh waa aebt to Aeop
Mi wbathM aMhlad to flea a HeM Itooaaa.
Boaor. Mtob:
wMdpMkvaaMba'•Marrto to daad. lamarrwMA Wm
WhUa a
liMMiafftoaMarBoaiaUctoB. wUah
■Iwwaatotonate abaw awlp the b
The amouol ul .I...uep lefi in in.- . it
bp lourieu tb.- ..tat .sna r .. e-i.
mlltot will be approead to raralar tm-
idlamv* aMu.im-inaJKWKI.
STiiVI- oi ,U.\\i:i-:. t.un:>
U-u« scrviLxwilh
lean aitiiiuiii »■' ujetc.
I Jewel Stoves
and Ranges
witb tba areaBCBBtat aad daClarad tot balldtocaceaalarodUtotbe
Bpdiiaatka of Rrmitator Wara... efiad to aratot la tba Aeuuw<i~
acrebaitotoiT wai fBpaaalad aad
OMtaeur Madlaad aialpd that ba
ttor Mihtoc aoBi taatlanap af
■paetodtobaeatba balldlBc datobad
to a atoloA MoBdap awralMbrCbrtotaat
'•toa. Aaktoaa^aas -artU -Ufa
WbUaibabaUdtorliHailB aa aa-
; We have them higher and lower too, of course, but at this
particular price we will sell you Garments that
compare with many sold from $12 to $14.98
Kiohuu fur veer fa
J, jSu. MOI5rr.A.3-T3:H3.
Reabm MUffiUUB jBB|ALP..OOT6m 1». UM
i Bbnw Bbbw. itli Mto
m. B DaffoB. Btattan unnt at Uto
Ana. WM ta tto Htp peaurdap.
I*b eblU Hit. tndi *•■
r Mt hM
Ltd T.
Mr. ato Mr* PbU a
. Ird; HarttoCB^i^
0. t. Draa aad taallp. of Watorlon. UMto*totiB^*tod?
Mto H*m« OartoU la vwitof ralaA Jebaeen, Jeraep .
tatoU*aa to Qhlearo.
Hia.J. 0. Boaitaaa <m4 aea to** lip of W. B. Daaa
Krtbaar. pair White Lepberan,
Boa. Parrp Haaaah loft paawrdap Ui: mmU far labia aa*. tad: carrou
■to* to Mapl* Ctip to }oto Mr. Be*
for atoek.
4nM*rto*lUto**cbarir*ela eaap for tto fall laaUeal at Obtaape.
■lap. Ut; Wblu baaa* let:
a*ortto**tol*trtoMr.aad Mr*.
Hr* Led T. T*aato«toe rotaraod
. 3rd; BrU pea*, ted: fBrdaa
MrrWMS «>•***.
U« lOikafM *Mf«k tecMry.
UkMkMaM»M<tk»t tb* pU»i «w
Wk. •«« H k dlMlIUr; ud mtmr
f r- to** «raditi*d tto report.
A* Eaoea> to* kKnrm timm Ito
ftor ktotto ton (toi ito todM
tto---------ww mltol**!/ Ui»t of
t *to oitor pn>
4* to frM* poUtow 4liU*Mlr for
l■•torMMrtolto predMM of *
, Wtor- B*l tto *»tof—»*t *» tb»
•to it w*i •aptoUtoUp *tot*d itol tto
tUto *•
»weM Mtoto
•tot*u4ltatttolBltoUa*teM----to tto 4WIIUBC l*d**trr »m i
to4la*pt**4«Ptor Mtor of U*
Oto Olab U PrapoettoooUto *bo*» U«
0* ctftolt
tof*fto«lb‘>- * <•« rtor* *r° t)»**
••* • C*B dab torato aaoef ib*
••■ton of tto W*^*e-tooc elab aed
ter two.— to tbar*
rl*kli7 totwaaa tto local aapart Bark*
■aa. OappIcaoeatooUadkailutt*
r< ara Baap asporu to
tU. Mtp wbcCba** Bad* pood rrconU.
1>mrto( tto Ufa ol-tb* laat pan deb to*
■ mttoWa-taa-Uaf
MBltoB took place
Ida, betlttoaaffaal
Mab pTtoBda.
bet H
4r*u trill a«t a* cook.
Mn-O. B. Beat rctartod to Orasd
Rapto* paatardap ahar
Ttolt la tbl* dtp.
Mr*- 0. Haelatp of Ordar Qip la tto
lUto tto laBllpel J. J. Baliar.
u. Darldtto ha* iroea to CbletfO
to lain aa *l*etrlc*I eearaa
P. Ctoaaroa ba* rataraad
H tot Bltdl* CItSa ba* roe* to Oilaate
to a *1*11.
Be*. A. B Wall* ba* rataroad (reia a
*1*11 of ****ral ttaaka la low*.
Ml* J. a Mania aad daafbtor b***
■to* to • *toii to to* fanlly of Dr.
■beptord. at SpriDfflcld. 111.
Mr* Ocerf* old* b*» rataraad to bar
BawyTanadHtote* feMnd (nb
tr«pMCbknfn.<MaAH lad »•-
Pin Our Newspaper
paaa. Aid; wlater rpe. lit.''backwl
UL di-plap of wlBier apple* let; aw
elar of fall applt* let
Hr* Krabaer. eaa prane*. lit; can
tad; Jellpeakt. uu aook'B.
paotordap from a week eUlt with Hr.
ato Hra J A. PaaataptM at Lake
r. 0. Hoasaaa left laat alpbt oa a
baalaam trip to Otatnl Lak*
Dad* aad U. H. UrlOth weal to
Laaalap laat er^ap ta d*l*cat« ffOB
Oraad Traeer** Lodpe. Si too, lo toe
read Letompaieatof tb* I. O O. F
PbllC Steer of U* Ulefatpae Starch
Co. rataraad peatordap from Cblearo.
A. L. Jopee eame hack from a trip to
Ur*ad Rapid* aad Dtiroll laat rree.
Dr. Kepn of toe aaplaa retaread
eleeaniBp from Iieiredk
Or H R. Aad?r»uD amred In town
lo tbe coodi they teU oT. We alvsyt bare jdM wbat we Rdeer.
tiae. no natter bow impaaajbiy low tbe price nay aeem.
(bouBanda of tr^ tbiriR* in Uiia pte-eniBeotly tbe pmv
plni' eSore we eDotneeBle
•nomrfBle a fei
few of ibe
B. P. Make, pair poat*
■leek*, tod; red ontoa*. UA
J. Harrall. Uto aabbap*.
bank potato** let. white
ap^p m.
---------------- 1.I. apeelal; Wealtbp
M pear*. Ul; Flealab tee
Cbarlu Miller, draft Ban. Itt; rod
wlater whaaA tad; dlaplap of Bp 1**
Hoelreai rraba. U'i
HraalT peart, tod; HarUelt. tod Hi
"emoB. Ut; Krfffer, ut- RarlrCn*
1 oeaeb. Ii
HUoa. Ut;
(lu»oe Purple, l
; c'tleelWn -•
-labo. e
toat eiptat from Canad*
poutoe* Ut. collecUnn ol ci
rock* s-ri; ereai separator, diploma
W.»I.H^«.'. K»oe»*
)tafortab> Ut. Beautp ol Uebro:
Wm Whreler.
■bite wlnl^ wheal,
bar d»Bp bur. Mr* B C. Tpirr.
H.'c. Deepm ba> coae to Kal>a>la Ul: California Bueaei*. red; Rmplre
Hr* A. Adall h*. rcluraed from
State, Sari. .N'orlh Foie. In, Bme of wheat. I'd. Rseulaior crabapple* la'
tor > abort time.
Erin, Sod. Ratal Sew V.irker. sod;
*ldt to CalllorBl*.
Tom Yonnp. alnple roadater. cUaa !
W K Wripfat la la Saplaaw peraolp* tod; Hobbard ..,ua*b. If;
Him «r*ee CaaelDpbkB ratbraad
wbera be h attcadlBp toe Freeb) icriaa buckwheat.Sni. boar)aetol MSlm.tod;
iMt *r*nlBp frcto Coprtalab.
llpeaa, lal. can nd niranu. l*t.pood
Mr* JobaRaaBlewaa called to H'p
eberrle*. 3rd; atrmwbeme*. foil
L. A. Fratt of Ana Arbor.
■apld* peelerdap bp
berry Jelly. 5
>1 bar*oB Will, wbo I*
Hr* Aooie Soale bat poor to liapf- tomato Jrlip. Ul. p‘am i
tw. where *he will attend the (iraod sad. watermelun preaerre* Si
Arcbl* MI’ler waat loCopcmtoh pea.
Ctootor el tbe urdor ol tbe Kaetera
lap oe batlana for Uic UamlltuD
kattto ptototoa to toaad. iBoartb* •CletolapOo
•>be.eoet«*tod la tor
Ferep Holdeworth reuraed Tomdap atirroooe ip Wiitnioptoa, North
CaroUaa, where be S a Brcbanleal
eaploeer In ibc molire power d. panbl* BOtoor'* dealb.
•eto. J^'B. MbriclaP.
It ol tbe Allaotic Gout Line B'p
Md a taw -eUirn. wbo will probablp
a pa*urd*7
\toe. McLellae
. Hr Holdeworth It an old Tr*r
|atoaaBetl*atotor*»ttoto* prop^ IroB Chlcapo
>eCltp bop, aad ha* maop (rleodt
CIlpAUarorp Haalp C. Itodp* baa
X who will be inlerr*le<l lo know
U to propaaad to bare a aarta* of eoa rataraad froa a trip to Cbteape and
ecsm lo bt* cboeea profm*0 .,f 1.-^1^ toU fall at tnttaaal Pk :W*To«
JalleaT Haenab ba*reUmed Irao
___________ ‘
H. Herbert. C. C. Knowlwn aad
* tripleCbleado and Kew Vork.
e UcLaarblio bare poBe to •Iraod
Bf- rraool* Litorarp OtroU
wa* la Kew York l**l Hoodep aad bad
Rapid* to attoad toe reantoa of tbe
TtotoatoraadJaatoretotoB of BV
tto plraeer* of »«alBd Admiral Dawrp- Flrai Hlcbipno Koploeer* aad Ueebao
>M*to aehooi told a BarUap Priand Hr* Blswortb 'Bpkrr of
Mar aftoraeoB. after aebool.
Him Uprile Uloor of Saranac. It r
Icraod tto Bk PraaeU Utorarp Clrel*
Hpalap *ad faaiily
iac brr Orblber. I
Ttor batd totir tnl Baetlar Pridap
leara lor Crlpplr Treab. Col.,
Hurriammol HbpSe'lo
•toatap. Tbaplaa lor tb. pear-, work
Teaadap. Tbrp will to aceompi
tottootodpofllurawra aad btotorp
bp Ural* Vae lipalap.
tVIIHain Heart and Hr* Am}'
Tto Idlowlap *r* tto oMeet*Uoo J 0 llirkamaof Hulleod. 1* la
Tpler ol Sopne h .>li* aod Hr* C. H.
IWdaat-Mto* BltU* Kawlh*
k* dtp.
rpler of Mauuio are pumu of Hr. and
[alia* Stolaberc wont to I'
Hr* Jal
t. W l-rck of Real Niatb Slreck
:iB Ulllaa Wall*,
toekep p*«Mrd*p lor a *1*11 with b
OameroB.' of the procerr deit—Mto* Aaal* Kaaer.
daafbtor. Hr*. Boaraibil.
partmeai. ol the Ucruaatiie Co. baa
■-Ml** deaa Tofdaka.
Wmiarn L. Wiiwni ba* poac
pone to Cblcapo on bualema for the
*-MlB Pearl Bmarp.
MartaeU*. Wl*. wbar* be will eater
ela** s. fed. alnple roadster, .
Ur*. Wsllaee HcQueer. Rekle
coop of foir beam and
larpe breed. Uiaad Sod: cotton rop.
•awpw. Hal Porrp, oaAldrrBaa Db
laiire faraltare boaea. He ba* beta
pear la toe fnral■ to Utof»t*ra“-lHa.
Utreatorcof J. W. malar.
Jadpe aad Hr* i
aad Hr* F K. Scott of HaaUtoe.
H Lockbart lalt pederdap lor
Kaebrtlle. Teaa.. wbrr* be will
(deta toedaeial eourae u VaaderbiU
Ualeardtp tola peer
i; bead koitwooleo
Hi*, a. uisfba; fuebtla*. let: tuber
B» beronla. Itt. mlla*. lit
A Hlatka. >u*tebe<l uam. dnfk Ut
dr*tt colt, ut
Hr* Uarr.e. «Uir nrpet. let; toi
•pards r*p carpet Itt: oollectloa of pisli
aad faorv needlework,
oeedle work. ....
1*1; basd m*d.
biaokele, Ul. worakd rap.
Lldr. Ul. pillow afaami. Ul; pUl'
ter dolley. Cad. nboto bolder. Ut; otbeorer. Sod. display of faBCp work
«e have preparyd foe too—aavinayoo in noat cm a folly GO per
i-rtii.- *!•*)-* ondi r«e|jinR oor oonpeliUm
8ioot iiuiili-Bi'hixl cult.
New fall I'eli.-oe, .-li.ii.v elyloa.
ijuality ...
SC/S/Af£SS ,
Horses for Sale
at Pioneer Livery Stable
Now is Your Time to Get Bargains.
dee tpan ol pood black borae*. all tooad. pood w irkm.jyrlpbt SSOii.
One pood, blockp bull* orowa
not to kick. PHee. «7h
» pear* ol. , wripbt I'lw'.
blcvkp I lilt. See farm
Adam Soaoek. mare four pear* old.
One pair bar peMmp*. Spear* old. ranpp bui t. pood. klDC wfwiier* and
Snd; black i>au, ut: parden peat, 3rd; pU>d dritert, I'rice. FSS'.
winter rye sod. while winter 'beat..
ueepalrof eslrapo.^ black peldilpa.e pcaruol.l. weipbt s>«i . 1 bare
worked ibeee home* all auiunirr. they *r* one of the l>*»t all-arouo.l teatut I
L«elanaw Countp Fair
•rer owned. Frlee. »3.iii
l.lat <if premiunia nwardeS at tbe
•rianaw Countp Aprirullural Far,
Harp SulllTan, brood tnarrand c
Hne brown peMlop. •: yr^ nlh. weipbt Itoo. extra pood draft ber*r'
!? aad r*
d.pi^.ip, Sept.
Itrl it^r. bi
bstl call, Ut: bdller
dapple pray faur*e. yeartold. weipht I'-oo, ha* a aatoll blemi'i-h oo one
white'*wloler wheat. Sod;
|li*P and
rose*, .'od. picture Iraram. Ut and Snd, blod lep. r&d worker. Price, ITi,
dUplayof lirtue paper work.-sod: .dii
^ll U UelUi.per,
per, ihreepear
:. I" pear* old. blockp bnill. pood farm a
play of wax flower*. Ii l; rr*x cram, lit
1 Uarrli ol Bdpee Fella it la
Trrmmio. Jeniep
rp calf, sad; HnlW», AmWon. olate luwreace', lal.
tr pip, three mon'
Sboriff Adam Balllarto of Mapl* Clip
Doe parr brown p'rldlap*. blockp built. he**p bone, weiphi
r. yrar* old.
Haldeo'a llluth. tod. TwAty-Uuuc*.
■wa* La tb* dtp paetordap.
Ha^dwln. lat; Kiap of Tumpkloa,
<o I draft teem, worke.1 oo ap latm allaummer. Frlee. SSMj
and Hr* S. B. Walt bare pane UI^lWapi
- •
Sod; parden pm*,
One Inc pray marr.-: yearn old. weipht II-.. pood for all work, double
luff, lun^ pear old amre. ut.
to Alba to ridt relatiee*
IH; winler rye. 3-d. buckwheat. Snd:
I, lit: thru pear old cow, Sari;
Mlmapplr. Ul. Keewick
Hop. Ul
H. iiberlle ol BiapbaB. wa* I*
rliop heifer. 1*1; buck lamb. Sod.
Haldwin. Ji
■y Sweet, in. Kit
(ine.cxtr* pood black home, fire yean old. blockp built, welpbt 13
oeoelailad bp .laptop ••AB*rle^' bp
•brep, Ul; coopol lour bent and
ern Spy. Snd. \Vio
mtier. larpr breed, Ird.
ttooaUr* aoeUtp. Mb. Aaal* K*b|.
1*1; Hpalnp. Sod, Trno
Hra K Cluff. ptirol fca'I
are*. '. pear* old. welpbt StCai, popd worker* and pood
tom pitoUlap at to* plaao
; Lombard plum. UA
Carrie Ti mair. band knit wool
o I pair. Frlee. As-Vt f. Itoniiaora aad wife ol Maple
ock* sod.
hand knit miUen* sad
Itp. were la tto dtp peetetdap.
pair of bay drirei*. •. yrar-old, weiphi Slum, eao atep eloae to 3
, wa. rl*.a
srrnp. U’; faocyailk rap,
’un Lnep Cork, mat
Hr*. Uel Socle bar poor t> Maple
L Ul; table
lat' cjrer. lal. peo wloer minotoa'. rery alyliah and prompA Frier. •S'-n.
Frldap oraatop bp tto Senior Up»«»
•am, 1*1; pr»pe jelip, Sm
tp to Inspect U>« Woman's «diel
knit leppio*. Ut: enoeb plllor
line extra popd bay mare, blockp bnili. Bre pear* old. welpbt Iton.
pickle, 20d; cr*bnpplt j 1
«l too Ototral aebod tmlldtop.
er. IM; plo cuahloo. lal; |^aUe
Oorpt of toat plate.
D potterp. 1*'; Rice
Tto Bad* wa. A tto b**l. ***•»!
dolley. Ul. embroldared aproo.
Arebitocl F. E- Moore returned
apple*, lit:' TwenlyOne blockp bnill brown m»re, 3 pearaold. weiphi I loi. pood form marc.
MBbar*bdap l-artllj •Doond. Tbo*»
I. Ben Dart*, tod; SpiUriJ. daroiop aod patchinp. Sod, darslopoe
to* dtp pestaedep froB a trip to S
trtofaralehad Bad. were: Bdo* MolPrice,
It; darnlor cm oottoo. Ut.
I.M. irbo pare a ptoao
tto Ml**..
'ranaceodent ernb. h
Hoc nice round boilA dapple pray mare. 7 peart old.w-iphl U-n. haa a
• ballon b-ilm. Ul. kolial.pHr* a Ukriaad of l>.>tn>it b eisiUnp
rUett pear. Ui: blackberrp
•p,^ and Clara Bataor tororto with
Ctedkerthief. Ul. act lab.c
inch OD bind lep but ool lame, ao extra pooj aluplr worker. Frice. lluu.
trtoad* la to* dtp.
d; rnapborry Jelly, Ind,
• apple .
aet doilr
; blackbrj-rp Jam. tod;
K. C. Uadpe i* tlMllap trlaad*
A pair of poop luarra. weiptal Itiai. extra pood drirer*. .. pear* old
chair. Ill; lldr. Uland Sod; btir plo
_ . J* doUpbtlsl *olo* aad
la Vtaakforv
and pin holder. Ul: bornt mnteh holder*b atple B
, Uara Purueb aad Dai*p
fa all. Ul. can honey rtoeUeorpe OalklaB be* relarard from Blekle. tod;
Kiadipp.rc me a call. All kioda of atock token
xebaopr for borae*.
>aoaor*iBl*ato*Uea* ee to*
par. Ul; dried appim. Ui; can crab
Chleapo. where be baa p
Urabain bread. I
■Bilk biacolu.
appim. UI. can paoeeberrlm. lal: emo
lal: aampklo oie. Ut.
Itare for toe ocw barber abop
hucklebrrrlm. Snd; cao ol pear*, sod.
6 K Cate, boar.o
with J. I
occapp la partoatttolp*
rMpberrle*. Snd: black
soar Icaa than one tear old. ut; pip.
tbraa abort tolba wWab wore tboronpb. Laapwortbp.
plum botur,
tlx Boatoe old. Ul; buck Iamb. 1-V
Ip oaiopad. Lottie Ma*b epok* ei
• jolly,
la WIllli
Hi*. S U. Cau. dlaplty of batter.
berry'j'lly' 1*'; red**chtrrp'icily.
••■ptoaad Bar**- B«rt Hoatopa* r**a batpaad Bik Bapldt puiardap. *ubDd; df* poiuda batter In roUa. lal;
Ctabapplr j-lly, Ul; pinm J*i'y,
re aeabd* butter la crock. Ui; diaplay
Btolkea ••Ttopaehi* and raor. bo- poealDfa'wItoc**** fortbeCircalleoarl.
I c^ed fralt. ted; cno of black'
tmmm tto Paltod HtoUa aad Ureal , TberoQ L. Deaemore and wife, wbo
Hr* A A. HeCop baa rataraad aftora
V. Fialick. UBtobed dririop te
flail at Uraad Rapid, and Hudaoa. lad
Ml* J. U. Johaaoa returned laai
A. 8. Frill coop r^our I
Robert WaltorMpbt freai Abb Arbor.
atnaJI Weeeeir Ui, 1
TblllMnni-1tto oaanlap
FrsabWraaa'kp. clerk at.tbe Park brood, tod.
Cbarim Frits, back, two peat* old.
••R«Bl**di Tbat Oraal wa* a bettor Place, will aitaod tbe (eeUral lo Chin
MIlUoo* of doUaiv la the <
Ut; buck Umb. 3rd: pair Boen dnelr placed by Hr* Mary Bird. Harr thorp
(aaoral tbaa U*” Tb* qatotlon wa*
Ul; potttom. Califorula KotteV'lai
nu Ihr lifr of brr child, which thr
voUbaadtod bp Iboa* parUcipaUop, tberepo to Hllwaekre f jr a flelk
Kmpire SUte. UI; Rural Sew Vorkei
•peed from croup by the oi
tto *p*ak*r.lorto*»m-Balirr belap
iBler apHr aod Hr*. Uou S Ii..*b of SaltoB* Ui; Kiop Philip'corn. III. wlaler
Minute Coupb Cure.
It •
•pd 'Ox.
MoatoUilbortaod AbIm bepeoldt. aad ,B*p. were la.tbe dtp last ceeali
ion. eolila and throat a
tbew far Ua aapallre -warr Preab attend tbe wcddlap of Ur Iteaa'* al*.oble*. F C. Thompaoo.
Movatap aad
UetTep 3 Allra.
tee. Bobp. tt I’erey H. Uoldaworto.
_____ eel. 1«l;
jBlpaadoaldadlafaror oi tto afflna.
TryOraio-O; Try OraialO:
Or. A A. Snpdrr ba* pone to Kale- •Ireealtf. Cod, S«. a crab l«t.
•towwad 1* a
On* of tto ato*l.*aW*bl* part*
tto oratlea oe "Hoaiorid Dap.
Tto arilk'* rapertiwa* plree
_________ __
dd. lit
II aad fad; embroidered rap.
bed »|
band made epom. Ul
a A S Friix. toilcl teA Ut aad
hand knit Blueov It’, band kolt
U Kletober and latkilp hate poae
rbeled fsacinalor
.mo mau. ut aad :
' U. Atwood bM relaraed V
.1: flatiron hnlri. Lo* Aopelm.
Banal*'* Oabbap* ladnsirp.
.led bp bU wire-t moiber.Hr*
BoBiBla. Hld>.,Oct. V- Fnrmtr.of
Bm*« malp think tbat toe beci rale S UoadcKb. Ml* UoodrUb ba* luade
Clip brr bomc lor aaarlp fortp
lipp It aot la It Wito a new indoatrp
i; bocklebrrrte* l-umeloi
tbat hat baaa opaaad *p la that tae- ptai* *ad to* pood wtabe* of maap
friend* will folio* her to her eew
tiea. Ttat** pear* apo a Obmpo
bHiIob Berebaal aaa* lato that c
bebarb. iti; blackberry j-lly, *sd.
Jktto farsera to
p ..
jel'y. 1* ; enrraot j-Up. Sod;
r*H* a BOW oabbap. called to* Holland
crab apple
apple J»Up.
Jrlip. sod; plum Jelly, tod;
Dr J. it Snyder baa pone on a b
whiah waa aapaaiallp adapted for aWrole plant jelly. 1*1: raapberry Jelly, lal.
awbeerp jrlIp..Ul: qoloer J ■ lp. ted;
MCaadablpplBf laapdlalaaeea
Tbi BBu trip to Kaltmaaoo
Ur wm
ipr J'lly. sod; blackberry jam. sod:
*M to* iadatup ha* frown rapidip
Hra. Doaald McDmald of Empire la plcklm. UA; crab apple pi-ki
lira. 3rd;
aa that CaMBU ^ato tto oabbap* eroi tB tbeeiipyt*itl.r trteeda
peach’ plekir* Ui. f-oit pickle*,
pear pickier, toi; u.x*d pioklm.
Bey- C T Stool haa p me oa
tomato plekim.
a. 3rd: ooloa pieklra.
TUa paar a aaaber of bapaca are la
«Bkt-*aaatUB to Hioamota.
tomato plchlmUti; ptampi klc*.
Rap Uamafftoa of Cadillae. apaet
tto Said, lor toe crop, and prtae* tor*
tHan tollO per toa froB « M. tto Maadap in Ihia dtp yldUap Crtaad*
>d bo>
Mlptoal aaatrael pdo* Aa tto pleld
tbal^ar Bpdor.
Hr. UabbaU. pieaidaat el toa Lp
aoem, traalod tto patoerlap to aa ax
MUaat aad ^telU *p**eb wbl*
toMBBeb appradatod «bp the aadl-
II Cord** of Lei iiid it in the c
B. Blackwood w»* la ibedtp fi
H abOf110 ton* to tto tor* tor proRt
How * TB*?
to tto'CarBaca will ba larpa. a*
r Our BaMirU Hall* Brwar* l«r
aaa r*— ul Catarrk tan raa*. br rtwri by
■nabln* lor planUap toe eabbapa
■rtotlp lauaaad to* aapaaat of ratelep ^■•'ISTtiSSptA____________
yr> tbr**err*lna<l.h*<xk*u*n
.harrkau** r
F 3 CW
toM tbH pear. Oa* farmer baa ralMad«l.«etarkla «Md of :« aerat.
; dleplnp of cab*
Iti: trail «ak*
______________________ caraBcl mke.
aaKrtalnp braad. lal; crab apple
ilerrinfton. dlaplap of
'half batbel .bmra. tod:
la* Ul; 0B*-t
lU* Snd; Wealth
idee'a BImb
I: Thilaas '
Double ilirvad Ti.kiotf, a tlyetAl.-sju-.v--...,............
H.-avy Xaj) Wliii.- Shaker. Se.- ii..
. ...
Twill.sl d-ml'I.. N*i- Sliaki-r. luually lOi-. o^price..
liO iiu-li Tall!'- i>i>iiia*k. nurpriiu' ptii-e ..................................
ill Imiuu anil tray double faced Ootitu;.
An AluriutllM Nlioa iut; cif
. lea. Dot olitainable elaewbere. I’rii-ee li« titan
Imlf tlioec -'liartrcd by euy oilier bouae. The alyliw are tlie
l>-el »-■■ ilBii- ever rbon-0
bo«-0 Tliey
They are the work of oor owe
OWS deaiRsera'-rkilUsl nrii*t» in tlicir line.
auiifolly Trihtin.
..................................................... $1.60
iValLiut; UkU in all tbe neyr.wt ehaptw and ci>lorin«a.. '
'S«-.'ll liu<- "f Ttuun. Iiraul-d ami wilb featbera-.-.ftSo RBd 48o
An iiiien<eiiiu: stuck of ni-<t fall clulliitiK i* bere.
It'd tbe pick
i4 III!' wry lirel nioki-m—tbe pick only.
Sweel Urr A- t'u. e fHiiiynia onion maile I’anta and Overalta.
every |«ir i^rauleetl; new {mir for every one tbat
rfpe............................................................................... ...................................60o ap
.MeuVt' iod uuiou <*Marmerr SoiU; fall atylea and neal
. have all the appearau ee and Gniali of reiro-
. .. $aoo
>.Y.(RI uariueiits. our npra-ial
i. _
. .. .
D the newiiil Icut and
ClieviotH, Worsteds, aod ( •
rboice of 8co^
A decided bar.
A*ain au.............................................................................. r..$4.RD'
our IS uc. Clay
r •■mpliasi/e tbe crest
A'real valum
valurti ii
Siiiu; Dobhy. well lailiired'. perfei:! io dt. and cofT il
til'- latest prviailinc style; lieel of lininj^, silkt aewej.
ill H w.ird all
II the coulneea
cooilneea of a 112 suit.
Special out
let hsle priee............................ .. ......................................................................$7.90
‘■DtoeoTBT of Am*rka"-
Btar*pbp of Oolamto
Badtaltoa-Md^ U
J.-lly. in; huckleberry Jelly. Ut;
Brttato,’- aad MIb Martoa Pnlt »pck« bare bean TUtlnp Hr. DeasBorc'i
bl pmra. Sr.'; c*l
j-lly. Ut. prop* Jam. Ul; Rlom
aa tto work* el a faaant palaior aolU. Hr. andHr* B V. Iten.morr
.BOf applejul.r,
Ul; peach marmalade. Ut; crab
J-lly. tod
tUlrd. ■’Tto.ot'* netaroi ’
ol Maple Clip, paaerd ibroapb tokt dtp
apple marioalade, Ut. app'r manna
Ba akaaUaat orlpUtolotoip wa* wrtt- pcBiertUp Ob tli.ir'wap boata to Uellc
lade, Ul; crybapple picklea. Ut. meloo
toa bp LoUp Harrla aad read bp Bdaa BprinxaMu*
too aabjaei brlnp,
N. W. UerrlnptoB ol Soloa. wt*
epoow. Sad; Jri*ee
tp llxw. Jernep
tofMdolUldHlBlOB- MIDI* Hlaor tbe dtp pe*UTd*p.
ripp heifer. 1*1;
I; Jrc»ep brifer
br.._ call..
Jereep bull calf. Ut: Jeiaep bnll.
WW Pi«*n to* iBproBpM on -Pli*t
Rl. Pr*p of i|*bel wa* la tto dtp
J. Ul;
Ul; lloleteln
lloleteln cal
calf, 30d
,„p..-------•* taaohlap.*. wbleb *ba
11 Fiabrr. Jeraep bull, c
Suuiii: 10 I Shn-iiuii. reasular l.V- t^joJ*
Blue and hrnyrii Denim, you'll tbiuk It rbetp al ISji-.
oui price . ..
Udcpond brown mare, weipbl llu". bliad la one eye. p^ drirer nnd pood
ir blark borae*. Are peart old. i
>1 fall IBlI.-ni* Odline.'V uort
Fitu- lUtti
’■-attiUi;, free (nini *ne> kH. alwayt 7c.
Apruo (iitu-Laiu*,
(fiiusLaui*, *k*'k' .iiiR
Yard yriili- M liite Miuliu,
tv. Uerrinptoo, pair marta. clam
Ooepair prop ^Idlnpe. wripbl skhi. .me ha* n epario aod the otbeToor
li'.pair roadater*. data s. UA
» B R Horke. riUplap of ttaau* .tiff lo front tael, they are a pood farm t>-aa>. >; and : pear* old. Frice w tb act
paper worli. U'. firecracker ball*, lal; ol bareet*»lsl.
quilt. Ul. let) yarda rap car
pet. Sod, ■|uarl elder rioepar. Ut
tVm Frau, oatebed dririop team
claa* s.Tnd. alnple roadater, c.aea -■.
the boston stobr
l>>Htber lined -Mitis............................................................•
-M.'o'k_\1 Workiuc Oliivea......................................'..............
Mule Skin (•aoiitlels....................................................................
Heavy rudixvliirts and Drawers...............................
Fvtra lieavv lleeceil Sliirle and Drawera...................
Heavy w.*4 rii-e.-il Sliirts and Drawer#....................
H-avy Workiuc Sliirls. latv front wilb packet..
Heavy .leiaey WoikiuA'Sbirl.............................................
lieavv Cotton S-.i........... .........................................................
Kil.UslW.«.l.Scx........................J..;............. >................. ..
Kxlra lieav, wool Uiblkal SoX....................>...................
Sisii. b CajM.'.
Capa. putl-duwD eer pmte
Bludi t'a|M. i->(ra tine .|uelit> ..
Conliiroy Brigiiton t‘a|>..r
Meu'slalest elylo Sliff Hat brown and bUck..
TiixT''. Strajije'd ...............................................
(iood mr-.m; ebaped. 72 inch, antp strap..
Wool blmik'-ts. 7 III ’'tx'.'O. stay under «tn
Heaiy ileetxd, Artav ami whiU-, 10-4............................................ 4
firay wool 6-ji.iUitd Blanketa...................................... ;.$1J
A MILL PRICE on all w.*.l lO-d White Blutketa; for
Ilil* creai outlet tale will sell a lisnitMi'aoinber of
int R-'i I
■t Blaokals. fuU 10-4. at tbe nobcaid of '
price of . . .
Id Our Cloak Department.
One KuntimI anil eighty-ninr samjilc-* i>f Lailir-fashionable Jackets, Ca|>es, Collarcttc-s. Missi-s and
Children's Jackets, boin;hl fruni one of th»- mos| leadinn cloak nianufaciorcrs in the east, al one half of man
ufacturer's cost, and in order lo incirt ihis fall o|»eitinj;
with u bii5 rush ttF »i!l place same on sale at a lrille
above cost.
Ladim Hearer Cloth l ap. a. Thio
I* Ohitarra Brlakr
l^im' iTDOd hrarp Boucle lApe*. AnC‘>ra for iriiemed. or
lioed. ;s» inrbrt twerp, worth A*, -er fall oevoier tale
Ladim'3S inch flo Silk Fioih Cap> t. Aepora fur tnmme
well i.eed. told bp maop foe An>. oer price
Ladira' K'eetric !<e*l rollarettr*. handaomelp Irimmr
otheraatk AS. our price,
Ladira Hrary llrarer Jackeia. ebeap al A3, oar price
Ledie*' Corrn Ciotk Too Jacbeta. dnab'* brraated. lapped
■caad. ailk Meed tbronfftaoat. t* raloe. oar (all oproinfi
Ladira* black, hrary. all wool Krr*ey JachrU. ailh lioed.
AbtoefboeA worth $- to. ibia fall opeotac asle
2 68
Hlaaet' terer JackeU
»oc it the l-etl
nxhtir luolrlrd tt ool
nr comfortaUebal uku*
I UitiBg
Ktory l*«
_____ __________
AUdree'i aasple terer Jackcu
. blBe.-wortk »« aad M. w price
1 98
3 89
5 48
1 45
2 98
4 97
4 97
5 65
a rad. rraea Bad aarp
Ladle*' {aahiemable plaid.'^raadp made, tall dBlrt Wate.
tolly w«wih II 75, on/ fall opaaler ml*
A toU Ua* of Ladim' FjaenaleU* WrapBar*.
ap troB
1 98
Tliey Are!
Ilave yon ever seea factofy
fiample shoes sold Rt these
We bare placed oa aak
following goodR at Uiese ioyr
prices. •
n'a bne vici kid aboea.,...
Men's workinir aboss ...............
Women's box calf aboea............
Women's vici kid ahoaa...........
Women'a KaoKanM aboea....
MIbm arain lestber aebool d
■i kid achiMi) dxM.
Boy's aboea. b
Mea'e velvet ■
eatore la model. AS ia aaeBrcd.
»to «>vle> fax men. womeo
■Hd^ktan. MedceeUby
J. M. Lewatr*, ■aataa.Hmm
IHB ptBSB to do ye«f (bU parehBBiBC t* at
Oppete C. dk W. M. DtpBa
TraTftrse City, IfIch.
Hnadieda of different kitids of
aboa them wbcB joa
A. S. MUli', neln^ SbH iu. iI
I Hl&ALD. OOTOm m im
»ddlm>to Bdia Wo^. I
Mtaad. Horrl* Wood.
U»am<Mathd «B> *at ea tk*
a B. D>r at oi«>
^ znsrKnsrsr^
b«a.tto*atMUwn W b.
■m vMMMotfUr »pfrafc«a<a< ^
thaaaoM Bbortf «lspM> toUowd
hte boa WDUuaduv to lUtel. tbai
M krhv Otwk. ••< Am»7 to Oaml
t«ba wh«« bo wm vrmtti.
«*-•• l«arta~» ■
d d ertaity aad aim aaprert.
Urt« lab-i* d Uli olty
.. jeaoa d AUao PbUlpa n. Aaaa
W. a JohoMa of Um SMtb Ai
^borOa.. W.aCfcWBU^of U.»k -pblUpa-atereo waa paatod ea'tba
1*^ Uo» Co.. Old J»«» fcM«a d poaadaddaaarte.
TMimeay waa tabaa la tba oan d
(b» CMra L«ab« Oo. d Ominl
Uk«.«ancteMMddnr»dt u. tta Aaaa Barbara Daw «t baae t. Daw.
thadar*abatof axtrameeraelly. aad
MVOTlloa d tba Ha«(
waalt with totaat to kUL Tba raa
BOtlalabod. TbtoaoU toralora
la Mom^ Taaa.
no aao’iailMi b«:a> •oltb fraat matur el aUmoay that will probably be
aaseancoBub bobitao loidiM tod- oattJad oito! eonrt.
ra wore Imsead la tba erimwooi dodon d Bortben Ui«bt(.s are
to wbieb fnllt waa oi
Aorea Homro wao flrao oao yo
iTod from many J not •
bard labor to loeto. Borbart Partptodflac aapBart «»
Watton d Importaaoa to ih.
Elbert O. laito waa deed SM. arbl^
fWCbaai L«BOa£o.-oMI
Itolr •»la* priooa. It wo. tba aoaoc d
WM tmU hao* bon • *«7 MrioM tba wooUar that tba follo*lac prloot
•n bid It aot baa far tho wMM •boaU pcaraU;
«ah d tha tf* dapartaaav wao ftooLoaf raa—Osa lack. BH: fradta.
C.*W.H.tnaK aallad tbolradaparuanttetbawatbdsn tba alara
aeoadad. a bat Uaa bad atartad la
tbady kUa.aBd tba Bra bad aada
aaab baadvaj that It wowlaail to a*
aoM *ac7 oarloBt ptoportkiaa la a b«
■Infaa. at tba kila trai Ml of laai
btol W. at. O.dthaalliyi aad Mia Haty Wood Ate taoa a prumlarat
pte. Tboaa boabo an ea ralo. aad
nrao warto d walaemo wan n- anoraylaa far tbo prtra oahad ter
toaddtoby Mro. riaae J. W. SMM tboot. Tbay an d a balpdal aad
^ Mn. JraatoMaamtof d Patemy. IpiMIral aataro. aad aeraprba aaooral
telaadl^ addima d tba aomte aom d tofarmate aad aeaalal that
wragInebyBor-BaretoyJoaaa. paa- an rary rolaaUa. npi'bltly to tba
iwd tba Prtomdo ohareb. Tba aab- yeaa«.
jaetoftbo oidirao woo "tba Dorllb
Tba tat twoaty mlaatra d tba
nut HUl." Tbo arlla d tbo drtab aaoelwi
ad oal pn«Tam oador lU ebai«« d Mira
d Jearabtoe Vadm.
Loabo Bock
Mn. Parey BoUawertb raaf a Laltoby
io bar dallcbtfal alyto wUeh baa ae
woa tba baorta d tba paapla. A ptoao
aalaettoe by Hba Voder waa pUyed to
bar raaol rbarmtor atyU. aad >ba
plod tbe atteatioa of tba eoart Then
day afle.nooD. Moat of tba toaUmoa;
b to. aad tbe raaesay r> to tba lory
tiitlaily wra body ladolfod la.
by 10 o'clock today.
PariridAe b
ifoalaMaa woa laaUy poaoad prooldtof
eharpad with dloprato* of cbatuil
that aa men meaayoboaldba paid to
Maaabaatanaranhltaot aaOl farthordbaalfaad tba board, tb*
late alaopraoidad that a anfai
allwed to bwa tokeo ool of tbe
ty aad anld
tftdofi qad ardluot far tba parpoae
After tbe diapMol ol tbe Mau eaae.
dafitte ol oema aatebla aacUatbe oonrt ratamed th« caaa ot Uerbarl
PartrldfOi ebarced with dbpralas
morlfocad properly, it waa elaia
d tea * <Wa for work OB tba oehcd that Partridta bad takaa a -borae
banite. won allowod abd ordored wbieb Cbarlea Moetafee bald a ehat-
by Mra. P. J. Howard rtoa praaldani
By aeaeto! reqarat. Mra. Ctorpa^
at larya of the oryulxatlon. She lac
rpralcd bar daliybtfel rcodtoy. "T^ae
to u Impromln derotlonal acrrloe. af
a Slrlka.- which woa
Im-which tba coamote may the roeelrad with
0 Ida E. Dobm. wile of 1
Bborl O. Bllto waa ehanmd with
Tbo aaod rlalatloa af tba Uqoor tow. aad entarad bald la tbe foreneen Taaaday. and all
were ready far tbo opeatoy lereiee
laat of tbe
Tbto OtoaUny waa opaaed witb a aaatriad bafacp a jery to the raplarto ap
OOB ot teatlmony. Tbe keynoU ol tbe
peal nit el Asfwt Sara ra. f
eoeeeotloa ana ylna at Uito me
Btpbaal. Tbe partiaa to tbit nit
ladtoae, Aaee llrlDf at Paababatowa SB "Victory." Amoay tboaa •
aad tba Bapbael'i bear Sliffala. TraUPatber ud Hotbar Stoele. of Morlb:
dniaf tba
porl, «rfao baae yrawn old In the work
lerUod asd temaeruoe.
Owtoy to the asaaotdablo ahaeace
of Mrs. B. A. Campbell of KerU
wbl# Aaee
t of tbalaoaay that waa paid, thedtotnctpraaldeat. ud of Mra P.
tba farm of tbe Sapbuto, i. Howard, the alee praaldant at larye.
aad look ooe ol tbe baraaa aad tome ol tbe macUny are* prraldad oaor by Mn.
tbe otbar Ibiap that were owned la Etta Wtaitmu. of Kortbport.
A memorial boar Iq^boaer of Mlm
partaarakip. The borae waa aftarPraoera E WlUard waa led by H
wardtobtatoadbyVnd Pratt oa
J. Canto of Tnnrae City. It
Beta that had baaa rlran lor iu
u Impreaoln oeeaaloa. and tbe
taraad onr to Bara Bapbaal. A
nplarlaad tba property, aad tba <
baa ban appealed from the jn
far faialtan tram a
able that Iba balldtof
a teaary
odOMoalt ODait eu ba> bold
to tba
bafldfaf. AtoooialamBtoBtoteaary
faofay Iba baUdiar to batof eoaaadtba promd tba elly
wffl boar oaa-haU tba aapraaa.
Lttifabatnaltoa bratow wit fa.
itapUibii by tba baara of aaparrtoon
teorday. Tba board apaat aoaaidar
----------- ■•irry a propaattioD
faMiaCtecotefartaratobtoc tbe
OOBH namaftba new baUdtof. bat
aftar aatae diaearaira at tba afuraoaa
Tba paUUoaof Oalbarlae B P. Ladfata for tba tale of lud far tba baDafit of hmmtooraon. waa token ap
thaanotoy. The petilioo waa puiad. aadJ.T. Bunab waa appointed
apedal ynardlu with aatboclly
teU the Plasloc property on tba earBar of Sixth ud Wadtworib atraaU
Pruk Smith, who bat alnady atoned
eontraetfor ila panbaaa. Tbe m
tldanUoo of tbe tale to to ba fa.Mu.
Mra Macdallna Clark waa pet oa
the ttoad. ud bar taatimony waa
tabaa to bar dirorea anlt ayato
Cbaa. A. Clark af Wimaa>bary.
Ida M. Woodward re.
Joba H. Woodward, at at . waa tak.
npatiba aranlny aemlon Tbto ea
wUl raqnlre eooaldarablc time lor ita
call and inspect the garments we show—leant the
prices and be ^ur
orj of tbe womu wbo bu dooe more
tbu uy otbar for Ute raaae of
Oredaatlato-Mn.' Sqalrra .of Petra
key. Mml Lyooe of Petoakey bad
ftoh di NorUiport.
P.auee-Mtb. Sloae of Petoakey.
Mr*. Vaoybu ud Mr*. Kortbrap
CoartootoB—Mr*. P E Tr»rU. Traa
ene City. Mr*. P. J. Canto. Tnnf«e
aty. Me*. Kearnv Cbarleaol*.
Bmototloa*—Hr*. Oarpoator. Bendoo. Hr*. Minora. Tnaeraa QV. Mra.
Nadya. Ctaarlaaela.
Tba laadiay paper of tbo aftarnooa
araa eatiUed "Tbe I nm Uiate Aim ud
Parpomof llic W •. 1 L' . Watt we
aboald do, ud to>» we ao.«ild do >t
The paper waa tall ef balpfal tbooyhi
and was rotad a mMtarfBl eaUlra of
Um aims of tba aaloa.
Clrenlt eoart reeenrased Me
r bUM will ba I
mMoatopu of tba Ha-o.*. A maqalay. aad rbaaraty mattora
Up Mraoutfla 0
tokeo ap. Berary dlnroa talu
iba parlor* of tbe obareh far dba daledtopoaad of aad daaara yruted, while r*U> aad tbair frioada Soma ef tba
peoplaafUm town tbeoybt that tbe
Oaaehucary pro eoafcaao ena;
maato wen far rale, bat tbto to ut tbe
lU^ forte ladeaa to the mattar.
dtopoaad oL thalof Jamm B BaebaVa. raae. Tba teed to dalkloa*. bat
far Ua dclacatra aad ter. trlaada
boaH aadrabmluadattoteoal of Iba
waa eraalty aad adaltary. A dccnc only.
waarrqeud. A aow raae waa p
Tba onalay eiraloa waa opomod aaltb
tbaralaadar. tbat of CaroltocJ. Kto- a oooy oaraica, led by Dr. B A. Bolllncy aa. Bltam Caoey. iba eomplaiai day. Tbad.
batoy aMraraa raaaltr.
Klod by.Boa. J. A. Birady.
toad, af wblek Baa. Parry Buaah
aambar of ebueary eaaea
oaakrtbatod tljoo aad tba eltlaaaa of
ptotod. aad tcatiiBoay waa tokaa costed to a fawfittioy w
Etta M. VaaPtaei waa Mayor Paaak
•ha MM
fa telte to tba am
DmarE.Vu. part of tbe city. Tbe arte
appoprtotodbylbaaaaatyyraoBd of ontaivy aad tba '<
to-\tb. I
Ear. W. T.
Mn. Haraqy Oartto maloamai
I to Um
We’ve been told
B»uyaltotto,JaU'udPrtooB,Mra.tlyamtlooa." br Mrs, Ctorrie Paxton
I Tba Bddreaa wae ftiU to the brim w.ib
Plowar MIraloa. Mra. P. J Canto.
'aayrralioBi ud belpt to rlyot Ilttoy
Seldlera ud Sailor*. Mrs. L. E to tbe prraaat day. ud tba ntotios of
, tba problem of oar time.
Pnaa ud Almahorae Work. Mary B [ Attar a "alirer apaecb- by tbe
New Fall Top Coats
anil Overcoats
laocc, tbewleniperaace doxology
An iBTiUlloo waa reeeired from B. i aaoy. ud tbe meelioy waa diimtoaeti
. Moryu. offerlog the la<liea the uae : witb the beardieiioa,
f fail linry to make a drrre aboal tbe : Today will mark Ibt dose of
lly. The iarilalioo waaaeeeptcd.a’id (eBCCeMfel cOBtenUon.
Mr Horyu was teadered a hearty:
role of thuka far hto kiedotta.
Sam Iln wo* .0 Kalliat . yesterday
ladlea will take tba drtre tbto atorelBy ;
n boaloea*.
at e.to U the weather permits.
I ^
Hr*. H K. Brinkbam hi
* jaialt loSayioaw.
dtopoaad of, tbe ladim ud Uieir I j c, Biebanto baa retarned from .
frtoadt want to a aeareely Irat tolenal-, b„ioam ulp to Charle.oix.
Bdl*.ebiekeo pic dtoeer. : iir.^g Mr*. J Eellyof Boat Jordu,
Tbe food waa dellelooe ud prepared
retarned from a irtp to Cbtoaye.
U>e way for Ute apludul proyram tbat ,na .rr apeadtoy a few dayi with Mr*,
fallowed la Uie afternoon.
, q a Vuderron of State atml.
is ahead of all other clotbiog sticks
in town as to values ofTvred and as
regards correctness in styles. t>ur
own confidence in the goods prompts
us to ask your inspection of our line-
Prices are $.S.OO to $'2«.0U.
SEE OL'K srilii.
Hi*. M*aboa tolrodaeed tbe g»d '
Utenwr* table, on which tba work* of
\V«. t-arry ibfUi in
....ALSO snow THE....
■tmaa Bam orTBaTaraarr imai.'
Grand Rapids, Imperial, Drover,
and Mackinaw River Shoes.
No Better Shoes are Made.
Ap|>!e*-CuU* udwlndraito. xoe per
" "•
Sold only by Tbe Old ReliabU BhemaB,
Oxen For Sale.
B J. noROAir
Boots and Shoes Potatoes
Before Selecting Your
To Faniius and Polalo Shippers:
Fall and Winter
Owinc to til'- uniianal lartT'' pvr-1
I'vtilatfv Ltf
UDais-ri'hBDt. :
aliir (xtaUM-a iLia aeaeou. wr- bare
it) ordrr Ui mak>- a market;
(or earn**, lu ran our fsrtory oii aa i
many of tbto pfroilc -if iwtahiee oa ^
we rao oblaio.
Uur farlory. vLirb boa a trap. |
ec-ity of 10,000 touabeto of poUtora'
[wr day. to □-« r-utnplffa and
Calf at our store and inspect our stock.
We have everything you need.
w.- j
an-rraiiy 1« tak.- all tb*- <-ull po-|
tbat are
will ^y tb.-ir full valor-.
8avr all
yuur OBniertbantabla |
ptlalora and arib- us f»r t^ooia* |
We Name a Few Prices Below:
The Michtgai Starch Co. ^
Trarrrw (.’ity, Mich.
Men’s Plow Shoes.............................. 76c. $1.26. $160
3oys' Plow Shoes......................................................................76c
Women's Calf Shoes, lace or button...................... $1.60
Women’s Colt Skin Shoes.............................................. $2.00
48 pairs Women’s Bntton Shoes, formerly
Wagons for Sale
At Pioaaor Lieery qiaUc. B J. HerraBd. Proprictor
. Ooc4 aprtog arageo with t arata. SM on
Obc Platform Wagoe. I arata.
good coeditioa '
..................... fa oo
I Obc Lambor Wagoa. I la. Ur* .
Oa« Light Wagoa
Osegood Horriaoa Wagee. » )B.
tire, doable bca. wbifflelm
ud oKk yoke, good ac sew
"RICHIRD CltVEl,” bj Winstno Cbirellll.
i| tba largest aaU- ol aoy b<x)k •lariogHa^mWin
oaotuo. X«*w York Oily, Cbb-aifn. Albany, Buffalo. Um
Atup-bra. Oavaland A»d other cittoa
The otory i* Id Ibp
into lha ebaraefara of tb" oi<-o wbo made faidory at that
The acDtimf-nu’ of ibc partiMoa are portray^
oa L'c^hir’slly an wf bod tboa<- of North aiwl South io
-1U«J Bi> k" Thr- ab>ry i* tbrillimtud iuU4tariy interostiDt; from mxi-T lo cov>-r
"TBE lARlET PUCE." b; HaroU’Praleric.
A roitiuc*- of ibe Hty. a atudy of '-Imrarter io tb« whirl
pool of atock jagirb-ry anil ‘-orpurati'Mi jobU-ry—sppre.
ciatrd lay men—iaterratiug U> all.
"WBER TBE SLEEPER WilES,' bf fl. C. Wells
"A mutorviMM of imaipnative teolua" A BiciBltot ol
t>xUy awakra in another mitar)Tb>- ae<jo>-l to tbto docade of truoto udcuDibiora ih eagirrafad—tbe d^lar to
pat before the mas.
“WT KEHEDr." byS.li. CfOctel-oiBif the Aithirslest
for 1 Omt each, atoo tl»- mouuto is b colors at oatue priea
C3±-ty Boolfc S-boaro.
sold for $1.25 and $1.50. for.................................... 96c
-.-r -------
The Lat^
Rubber Goods a Specialty.
-W. F. TXAItag-A-,
We have the best $2.00 Shoes for Ladie*^
and Gentlemen.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
McNamara BIk.
Tkaiiini; Placb.
CttstoM Made Shoes j
Reporttog O
* Co . maken
b ahipptolr m
■a thuaoy ot
I.cl. pair ai
Mrs EtU WhilmcB raadneled — '
open parllamant, "Wh.l Sopwlntendeaw an to Oar Work." law
ot tbe delegBle* ]>inedr
RkLI.ASiI.K ami Poi>l't,AB
rara't^earse City-, Mlola..
Tba deroUoaal aerrlce fat tbe after-------------------------------DOB was lad by Mra. Pnnr J W j
Reaolnuoni .
lone Tba fir«i iblay on tbe proyram . Wberea*. Ood. la hit prorldeae
a»a eery excclleptpaper, -The Ideal 'taker from oor mldet oar cater
beany eoeore wiUi a bumoroni aelec-'i xbr I
tion. "Tbe SafT.-oyc Caeetion ~
' pany •rodil.
1 judge as to the menu of
our offerings.
by critical judges of clolbing values
—up-to-date Traverse City dressers
tbat our line of
darboot to ebanrad with utortop 'lb* tbto eoatuUoB.
Batwfan forty and fifty delayataa
of E. a. Joaaa,ud aloaltof elcaia.
tobaeeoudeudy. Tba can will ba anprtaent. Abie addremra and bdpfal dtaoamloaa will fill tbe lime.
IrM at tba aaxi im
StTaote aporatort aaraieo a btU
far •u.to. far frolfht oa fat faol ot
teiiaaB.waapaaaatod bytbeO. S
BLBy.Oo. Aomamaalrate acaorn•aaiod tbo bill aiattot that tbaooaMter bad aot paid tba aaooaat ud
that tba raU way aompuy woald bold
•hi aaoBty Im Iba amoaat. It wat
teod that than wma etbar bUto of
taoama Mad. a^ tbto waa taaUy ratead to tba baUdlaf aammlttaa.
We make no false claims for oar floods bat tell 70a
what we believe to lie honest facts, inviting 70a to
esu lan reporu ud asyfesUoae that j o{ ihr moat belprsl of tbe oooreoUoB
ware »ary bclplal;
f„, xke aobjaet waa "Leadtog
ipeel almoat tba aetlreday
WedandaT to laktoc iratimoay to tba
: appnciatloe of her bfaaiifol cha
Tbto wae fallowed br a yeoenl ,dU. ted oar deep eyiopathy with o«r
at. Dthm^iUe bill to act
Tba taatimoay ot
waautaU ncolnd.
J. Corito. cormpoodlny eecre- :,fl|.rtloo
aad tbe eaaawul onr to tbe ad>oarard tary; Mra. Piue J. W. Sujoa. tmaa ] Seaolr-d. tbat tba charter of ou'
It; ud Mra. P. J. Howard, eiee-pml-1^rkve be draped for tklny daya io
that will meal ban a week from
Moaday. after the Leatoau eobnty aaa
otioo* he p'OrralMl tolbr
and a ropy be
Kollowlay tbto rime a Boe paper 00 baahaad of' Ihr
... d--oaa.r.l
. ...
The dirorea aait of Ktomy n. Klo
tba "Datlw of OBleera''by Mr*. Carrie aenitoihr ChvM' Tiu
oey waa pot orer tba term, aad will Paxop. praaideat of tbe luib dUlriel '
aot be triad Ull Jaaaary.
Tba paper waa fall of belpfol aayyea-'
Tbe cate ol Aeco re. Sapbael wUl be
pot 08 today at k o'clock. Tbto
MimBlaacbe Hakkellaaay a >ery ‘
Jery can. the laat ooe on the ealai
pleaaiay aolo. "Yea, there, to room tor j
ApyUi Wutod.
The eaae of Ida M........................
too" a nlH-tios dsdiealed U> Ulml
eaid tor choice
M. Woodward at--------------------------—
et tl. wb:
^Urd, She wraaoeom-fuiod by Min |
*11 nrietiri
aadar adrtoamaBtaame
cBtfarme time afo.'
tea Moffall.
j 1,
hare u or-cbai
-b*rd to »ell. don't
ribadoeldod for at
A fioe nadloy waa ylrea by Mra.
ra polBt ol law to iaroitad to tbto
Alice Carpenter, ealitlad-Tbe Women;
ae.'aad tbe mauar wUl reqatre
oa a Strike."
She reapooded to a
tal morwafo. The
dart Sited ropertod Ibat tba dood Jaiy at II o'clock, aad at r.ti a verdiel
offallty wat broafbt to.
a at tba
Tba aeeoed caaa ayairat Praak Halil- lotiitocltytoMw 1
day wat called op. uod with tbe
aaol cf the proaccuiur. it waa pat over peranee workera from tbto dtotrlct an
to alienduee. ud tba meatlDya an
erm. BallUay •
fall of lotertat ud profit. ' Tbo*
bb own rooecalkaaer.
tentted to tba temprraaee moreaernt
lb far tba Caatral,
euaoi afford to mtoi tbe aamtoaa of
te parte e« Mm baUdlap.
nniess we cao please jon and save you money as well.
MaryE. Bcaioa atoo mitad. - I'rr
PoUowIny tbto. tbe coanetlOB weal Crept to W;ib Mpibar." wbieb waa
lato u boar to wbtob the taithfaioera ymlly co}ayee
aad doaotcdaBorlaolMra. S. A. (fampPollowtoy tbto proyram. Bet, D.
belle of Kortbport, waa boaored with 1 Ooeblla led to a abort dorououi oer
toocblay tribntra.
A yneUoy wa> | nee. ‘Zhaa toe yraatuun from ter
rradfrom bar, and wat warmly re- fnleraa] deloyatra were yiree Hr*,
ealrad. Mrs. Oampball to Irtny at bar J A. Montayne apeakiay ter tbe WoNortbport. Tcry Ul.
Uer [ mu't Uab ud Mra. S. C. Deapraa lor
wao pal oe early to tbe day. aad pareata. "I-'alher ud Molbar' Steele.. tbe Ladlea' Librarr AaaoelaUon. Tbe
the whole day did aot derolop all d an to attaadanra opoa the eooneUoa.; daleyato who wat to apeak for tke I. U
tbotoaUmonylobatatradBoad by the
Tba claim b that Ollnr of profit. Tb« fallowtny nperiatend-1 The addiM
JH ecu. »; ahlpplaf call, r
maoB. Sit-M;
Oaaaad gaaqobrtof
aad aaa-hatt. Sl«i two lo«*. tto; two
aad ono-balf toeh. tsii tbrn laeh.
«».»; throa aad oao-half laeh. Ki. •l.ooo
acpaetotloa ol aOD»ietloa. •
a boy named UwaUrtao.
tboocbl that tbb wonld ba atroa(
ifb lor eoarlctloo. bnt tba jary
tbUca IB aaolb'r UfbV and ao 0
nanlt.'Uienrdletwaaclraoaa aUtod.
Tbaraaaof Barben Panridca oee<
Almost tbe whole Uma of Ibt eir
mrt Taraday waa ooeaplad with
BBOa-Ooe aad ooo-qaartor laeh. to of the rave year. Ollnr L. BUI died.
«aodOBa-ba!f.*ls.»0, two laeh. Bow It to claimed that at tbe Uma
BU BO; two aad coo qnartor laeh. lit;
amlfCBiaal waa made
bw that banad *007 rwdUrot
GUd Baaalaaadbit saa vara oa tbraa laoh. IW: Ibroa aad oao-ball
put tba coareyaaoe of Ue property,
IIS.M; four laeh. BI6 The
tbawdpraBptir. aad t*o llaai of
aot eoabd.
wan qalaUr laid,
ooe loeb. C.MTwodiToreeeaaaa
I plsTad ea Ua
baeaaa of Aaaa Barbara Daw ta.
irli«. baildlwra. Tb<
Oiiealt Coort
liaac F. Daw. to wbieb aome ol Aba
The oerdkt of tba jery to Urn
|w kUa whitfa otaada
Berman Maao. ebarfod with burflary. tnUmoay wat lakae Moaday. waa laTaraday. ud a decree wae
twaaeain trat eoaridacablr WMaaarprbalo tba aadlaaoe la Ui<
d. bal tba aBdaot work d tba
tarprba to tba aeeaaad. irrutod. Tbe matter ol alimoay wat
rodltfroB oartooi daaaffa.
proaasoiloo aattird oalof cjarl, Mra. Daw reeeltIttotbaacbttbattbaBra orlrlaatod aad prebably a aarprba to all eacapt laf 11.000.
Ol Allaa PbUlpa ea. Aaaa E
tottMtoaUfalaaet the dry Ula. aad the }ary. Wbaa tba rardlel of "aot
wat naodbyaMTh fnw tba mill pmllty" war haedad la.tban waa Waak Phllipi wat fialabed Taeaday moratof. ud a dtcraa waa putad.
ttodi ar tram a Bowlar loaomoUm
aaramaat la the taora of maay la
Then an foor dirorea palu yet to be
triad ud aome other nob )ary oiattera.
Bermaa Maaa waa charfad •
Jott baton the eoart AdJ^arae^ for
aatarlac tba aton of B. d. Jooea
Blmweod anBoa. aad ataallof fnai tba day. tetiimooy waa taaea ud a
of dinroe waa p»aa Walla
tbafoodototbobaudlac- Tbe atroatPattaapll
to bar aall aratoat Unat
rat taatlBWoy afalaat bim. aad tlut
PetlOBfUl. Tbe ^roaad claimed wae
spaa wbieb the pnaocotloe
d ^wood araaaa a
AmT wbUa tba moa
Manonic Block,
Traverse Oity, Kich.
Traverse City.
_ Bb*pt» tm«M mutp,6owm le, um ,
Cbwfih Xtobtlea.
«klk CB Wwl rraat Mnai
AtlhsantlatcfftbeW.P. M.8. ot
ospleM tp eiB*oad
hnlLB ebanhlhs toUowiwef
to > (trip tetwMn tb« Wot ed Moodap aormlac. bp wUeh &raa|baeto
dt.Oeie beeeae owaara o( tbe balldli« | alter.
rrast atraet krUre »pd Opk
tebpbmntppd •ikondtowaMfitrtkM^ OMspled bp tbea. ae a ^aabfar basl-J bootoet peon a
«. adj HBiar the Can atreei earioe pea tbe a
. The flra baa operated tbe bosl-1 peon aco- With ooe eeeeptieo la all
,-Hn. F. B. OHC
natadaCB at tbc apple er^eraWr
aeroral peon aoder aieoae wUdi i three peon tbto eaoaoob <ntpot b» Third Vtoe Pnekleet. Hn loha Paw
to os Uw lurcMt. M the «lDtor »C8>I«« woeld ban eapired oazt Hap. Tbep : been the larreot. the total ^aetlor
toxre^oedlap Smeary. Hm. W
itocPBCio The cBineitr of
hanbendoioca pood bMiona aBd!eeis(.J.ooo.OOO Of tbto qaaauip T. Bozbarpb; Tmaarer. Kn. I> B
pUai to poi acarl; rapdcd. bowe
have boepfat of 9. C Ocopm tbe os-'aboat too.aoo bdebanaUIl to be pet
»pd tbuT «UI b* •bto ta baadle all
iBdadiap twla. dttpnej la tbe kilaa Thtoea
pppla IkU e»D bt faratobed tbrto
Idlapa. aod tbe
BBd ealldlBp. Tbe eoeelderatiOB was [ baap o
JoroM Marral ot th« Ira of Jeiooto 9t.«d0 Tbep will eooUoae tbe piaab. | panto hoee beea laaed to ibeir empaeWilltoa g. saia. a pioneer
Next pear praa- Aatrla eoatp. dtoo at tbe boar of bit
Harrol A Os. broken, of Btotse.
■as., ms ia tbs eit; Tbanda; oo
daaphier. Mrs. Arab. Ctoarnm
............................baaiasM wtU tbs Hiebiraa StoRh Oo belldii
Twch Lake, SatonUy of last neek.apd
Mr. HarTelb flra irUI haadlc tbe probelied Koadap. Be eaac lo itdoetof tbe Btar^ Co. for tbe New ealeable piece ot propenp aad tbe Bra
ooeetp la tact Siaoe tbe t
baa bolll ap a ttariTlop baaiaen.
Baclaod eutaa
of b« wiletcrrtal pcaaapo, be baa
frfeada of Rce. «
made bU bea* rrttb bit daapbter. Hn
Tbatraaspeet Warraa wbtob e^ed
froattoa Fraaetoeo aboal Keptoaber
Bit eblldrea are Mrs. Areb. Caaer
tot-aiTtred at HaailaoB tbe stbot twibecoonriio be pU«D la Stela, terjinee to tse paetor^ bmaebold.
After lb# fiat eorprUe bowescr, Hr. lofTorth LtVe. Mrv V B Bail o'
Oelober. This to the ship which nrrird berp'a (irasd for the beeeEv of tbe
Ceotral Uk., Hrs. E I DarU oi
tbe Brat coapaap of eelcateefa who eo-. plpe.orpaB food of tbe CoafrepatlABal end Uca Woodhacae rallied and enter- Tnrene City. Hra Ueorpe H Morse ol
ulaed ibelr panto sery plenaaBtly It
luted troB thUeltr. aaoo( then beiof
O.tober 15, aad ae exorptioeal treat waa pot loop BoUl tbe paeeto remindrd . Ohio, and U.irer. Frank and Gilbert
Will Boberu.
tbeir boat that It was taU thtrtyelxth 1
OBOcdlaaoeat e
The oriploal g leen City gaartcl will birthday aad celebrated tbe oceaatoa i
^led of eoaanapttoc
eoaaell o>et last Blfbi
be the chief atiraetioo. bet e pdmber to Ue moat fitUap maoaer peaalble. A
jj, Klapaley ThnwUy oiphi
■ed frasehUe foraatrept railway. of ottaen will bare a place oe the pro- beaaUfol (
at tbe ape of
Tbe remaio* were
ABordiaaaeeconriDf tbeaattei will 'praa tbal will docbilm be aa pleaawai prseenled mftor which i
boae of hU aUler. Hra W
be drafted aod aabaitted ta tbe
lap. MUaJoecpblae Vader will play
with Mr Bopbeeaa.apobn- j
Xiolh.treei. Tbe
■ of tbe whole bcfoK i
two pipoo aelectlcoa. bealda actlop aa
box eootaialap aoaa . {nooral was bcJd ato'cloek Hoedrp
praaatod to tbe coeecil.
aceoapanlat. aad Boirard Ersat Loop,
r fora of',
liap. from Sa FraaeU etaoreh.
... _____ Jobe P.
3 pears old, d..d
before a Trarcrar Cltp aadienoc.
mlnlator replied la a i
a ot tbeir i i^oix^ap erenlap aboal v o'.cloek. at tbr
I^a F. litat will recite, cad tfar tally rerealed aa apprec
at rrork Jn the baakel feelory.
hoBi of bU slater Mrs. Frank Carna.
many wbo bare hnn^ him will pot
at work eo tbe alaahiar Otocbiae.
tbe aacbiae ao lalered the tbaab tbal
Dr. Kaeelaad bad taaapauleUat tbe
AndenoD Pleaoed GnUty
eaeoed Ida*.
Tbr rmbrul meat ease that t
traded lo aocta atteatloe to ibU riclo. News Stand. Ilw Bather cs^e Monday
J; w. ■uuan-r.Ji .f'lwB
Htoi Btbel Daon of tbtocitp bea
.IJedopiotbe I'olled Sate*.
a. r. rineiMB T»— >siMa
ereainpand arrised here only
eaploped to tearb the orerfitw papile DialrtotConniP liraad Bsplda TTii
Plans lor Senior Aimnal.
tweplp Btonln before tbe iiltle f.-Uow
(roa tbe eeeoad aad third cndee la day. TboBW U Aodersoa of Rapid
T-hr Seaior clan held a meetlap laat died. Tbe rrmaini wer.- takeo to SI
tbe eeeUBl boUdiac. CBleHap apoa bei City waa arraipaed on tbe ebarpe
doUnpnterdap Hla Dana U wri: eabealiap rto ot tbe faada betoopiap Tburaday afler aebool at which a ana- Jobaa for barlal
plana aad arraapeaento were
qaallfiedforbcrpoeiUoa. beinparrad lo tbe pal oftiredepartmeav Be plead
bate of the Slate Noraal Scfaool.
A Tbefiaai tcarto
•ralllp. bnl offered la rxteaaalkn the
Dpaal." An Aoaaa]
Circulation this week 2,275
Coald Dot ripraa tbr raptarr of
a pradoatlopclen to tbto city baa Aooie
Oa Pridap ereaioc »t tbe reriew of
E. Sprinper. of l■blladrlpbls.
had. a* It eoata mooey aod re- wheo Ur. Eiap'a Now Diaeorery eurrl
Varem Clip Teat. No. sTl. K O T debt, aad bad takea tbe Boarp to ■
la LatnoB to eatp Sli erltb actol- H.. the wioter profraa w.ll be ooa Ufp tbe demaoda of crediton wbo w
qolm a preat deal of extra work. All erof a back Inp eoupb that for aiao\
clam, wbldi eomprlan aboot ynra bad made life a bordro Shr
There will be two caadldatea pnaloptbelr deamade Be bad exnya: "After all other rrnjrdlea and
peeled, be laid, to be able to retora
thirty members.
for laltlalioD aad the cereaooln
doctors failed It soon remored the pain
moaep before It was mined.
worktop for ooe. ao aa e starter it waa la my ehrst and 1 caa cow sleep souod
be followed bp a "Detcb" sapper,
ro a< Prakop Kpaalba.
Ir Aeder
coed prorraa rrtll be pi'
decided to pire a peapkln-pie social, ly. somrthiop I can scarcely rrmcipber
dotnp before. I fee: like soundipr its
r Dear foiare.
bodp will hare a pood time.
alees thronxboel the uolrersr. ' Hr
taane aa Aaaaal will nqnlre KtoyT New'ufiSi.ry
Hr. Aaderaoo baa.been aeotraeod to
two aod ooe helf prare at tbe Itotrolt
booee of corrwclioa lie freU (bi
will be prorised for tboee praoe keeolp. aod is appareotip a
that do Dot care lojelo la tbe daoeiop
Tbe cerice will euatiaae eerrp two
A Port of Entry,
weeks tbroupboel Iheae
liter of oiak
makinp Trareree Clip
enirv baa been nader eoaaidTheredap a aarrtope took place
eraliuo with tbe aatborllia at Waahat the boae of Hr Van Upnlnp.
laptOB for some liae aod a few weeks
Spra^atreeL Tbe bappp coaple •
.'•UetealBapbaelaad Loatoe Aalwe- Hr. Pred K. Bial aod Rabp HprUe apo'l'FO. A ParrofOrand Hareo.i-blal
per. eolleclor ofcoaUiaa for the dntricl of
atOpi. lad Ian, wara Itoaaaad Hoodap Urahaa. The oeieBoop wai
(araed bp Joatlee Cartto. Holb an Wtolriaea.l aorlbern HiehipM;'rrw.
W nattp._______________
wall kaowB Bad will reeeiee coaptmla- la thir dtp to look op tbe adrlaibllilp
crealiap a port of eairp here. Be
UUoae (toa a wide circle of frleada.
Deer beaten are alreadp aeearinp
lleeoen aad petUap reedp for tbe anaea. wbtob opeaa the atb of Noeeabrr
Tbe followiap hare alreadp eecared l|.
■ froB CoBDip Clerk Newtoa: C.
P. Foliar, loterloebeo: Darid Dapa.
Boiaait Qtp: Charlea UcUio. Readoc;
D. B. Wpakoop. Klapclep; F. >l. Ssilb
Bat L. Jebam of Wimaaabarp aai aad B. Brtotol. TrarerwCilp.
Maona B Jobeaao of Allapaa eoaalp
At the Allepaa lair Frldap 1t>aap
ana Itofaad to ered Moadap.
U. B a. Baitoborp-a rnkielea speeder.
Wsrtoaai ara hasp pdapariap tbe alto WM eaeorted to tbe track bp tbe News
tartbaBawpolotowardioBoeof Joba
hope' Bead of Qraad Bapide. aad hr to
laid to bare made the faetnt time ever
oatbe track, fietoblap tbe laet
half Bile la int. ooe qaarier la
flad paatardap bp Jaa
da. aad oee cipbth in iss arcoadA with tbe track oolp la fair coadiClanon jOreilMi baa ballt a new
walkadjaeaotto bit peeparip oe tbe
wB. Taraarof tbto dtp. died
Mnrtij while oa a etoll to CUITord.
Mn. Taraar waa with hla.
baaa aarahaaad bj Pmah SaiU.
Dapatp Qaaa War^te Oraar bat
• aaoppoltbe retto^ fan* laws
of tbe dip.
!■ the hardware
Tba I O. O. T. bare arraarsd for aa
evaMraappa-. boa tloto'dock Satapdap eraalac. d abort prafraa will
BMn OBBlkeW baa raaoted to Ibe
aeewei BWhtatnat aad Ube amae.
ta tba haaat faraarlp'ooeopled bp
T. M. Pataa. the eoatb tide flortol.
haiaddedaeold elocace ran lb ble
Crkea bane, aad ether laprorea
^Wparli^toraBraal boat aad
aappar Odaber to. tbe apealaf c
laitridpeeaeeoaThe Baaaui to iadebted to Hra. A. 8.
, BrUa at Hapto OHp ter rebwooe teapin ct tba cikn wbtob wntnl pHr a
at the Hama CItp (air.
MDe vVite ott sa.Vc \.\vts vaecV
atvAi M)\uVe Wtcij Vasl ThS iLOietv
C-aVveo "VCravveTs.
They are Well Made,^'''*
Trimmed in Braid and Bnffled Yoke.
■M-easare S \~Z •aariis a,\
bottom. 0^ stttt, atvii466Te made
tto sett a.\, 1^0. 'VDc ■o.to ^ovtvq
do TViTV ttvcm ovA. aA A9t \»\u.Ve
ttve^Vasd; C-oVors bVaeV &tvA
vtvAxqo \iVaL
Bissarek'i I»a Stry*
re 001 found where --toniacli.I.
KIdeeysaod Bowels are out of order
sneccas they bnop. use 1‘r -K re » Sew
L'.fc Pills. liDly Vi cenuat s i; WaiFs
aad J. <• Johason s drop siortw
Not Quite SaUaiieO.
Tbe Hoard of pabllewerki Taceday
toapeeled the eoutb abntmeat nf the
Catoa etreet bridpe. which recently de.
eeloped a crack, wbicb ladibated that
- maaoary waa la bad abape. A care^alnatloa led tbe board to coocliide that the defect waa not a aerlons
aad that while the crack waa ae
imperfecliOD. It woald out aeceaearily
impair the atreapth or safely of the
atmeuire. There bare beea Ji«i toos
depoaltod id the exearatioo
apatoat the abntaeet. the weipbl of
wbicb. topetber witb tbe aatnre of tbr
to ibe rlrer
ID or aeflliap. wl
k meatiooed. Whilr
board belier,
e defect is
Doi aerioaa. ibey will withold
aace of tbr bridpe for a while lo drier-;
mofC fully tbe extent of the dam
^OT tttom a.d- ■ ^
J. W. Milliken s.
Just Hats!
Just Collarsl
W'e arc sole agents fur the
cflclifated "Ixjnglry'
Sfll at tbff uniform i«rice of
As much attention
should be paid to the shape of
the hat to havr ii lit the face
as the head. A man with large
full face wants a different
shaiK- from the tall man with
small features. The Tedbras
are a drc'sy hat. H.i'c them
in all heights and different
widths of brim.
Same with
Stiff hats.
Jfave them for.
young men, middle-aged men
and heavy sei elifcrly gentle
men. I'h«' C rushers loreyery
day wear. Tour sha|>{-». I .raeco.
i’asha. Turban and Small, tt'e
lit all heads'
■\i^a.±‘b’s iDx'-ia.g S-t03?©.
eocld not find a market elsewhere.
Uerpe HcKeaao will be caplala of Uir
elereb. wbicb baa beea practlclap for
lenetiae. Tbe lice eo to aa followi
L e. HcKeoa'ie: I. l. Hapatrd; 1. p.
lAidlei e. Helatoab; r. p. Vopeltoap;
Sater; q. b. Bdp
Bolda: I h. Baper: r. h. L'lphtoe: f. b.
le. TDapklasaad Bvlepare the
Oeo. A HeCaripeT. (oraerlp of tbe
B-eard eotopseiapraoa. hat who enItoUd la tbe
»rap when Cap
nlD Bell rraa bere;^ta aow-oa hU way
pnant. aad lha eacaataa wae a ^
Ladies’ Calico Wrappers.
cure ail Iroablee of ll
Leaps Price 5(ic end $i Tris
brtUes liic at S. E Wail's aad J <i
i<> Hik'
Jubeaoa'i drop atom.
orablp aad bow to dtp la a port of
(leorpe H. i^roea baa been appbieted
depalp colleclar a/! roaloas of tbit
port and will cDler op>o hit dotice at
at once HrreVemed Ttaundap from
ilraod Bareo where he war called to
reeelre hla ioilraelloaa bil appoint,
meat bariap alreadp beea made.
' Tbli actioo of the porerameal will
OurSatrioBs department
be of importaoce to tbIa cltp aa it will
wesiTs. drowns o! aim and uysrd. se.
.U0WS islrsrst ISersos. Ail deposju rrt.sra
permit Ctoaadlae and olh. r torelpa
daliaole peodt to come direct here loetcadof poiap tbroapb diaUai poru
of entry.
Ailepeo to t>r Too Small
Dipaty'dame Wardeo Hark Craw
npalhat-a eoaplaiot will be iwora Coatrsvior Haydrn called oe atj! Stl«) tiHHll turn II rtu 111 tvyliv ew
t Horst U <
lis moraiop tiy him apaiaat Jeba Clerk Riekerd Teesday alter tbe
orebeetra aaonp the popilt who pimp Barry, tor siolatloa of the atate
mymeai. bat owiap to the fact
'be fdaao aad rioHa In tbe School of
beard bad aoi yet accepted
Moale. Tbe clan will bade at r. to
-..b. tbeamoontwae withheld i
'O two prerlona oi
btordapcrealapaad tofree toall pu- aloai fii
farther amice Irem the board.
mto of tbe echoed. Be bepao a free .fonadia tbep
r Mr. Barry.
ciphtreadlatfelatt Wedondap for ell balbesraiablelopiee
pqpUa le tbe rtolla asd p'abo deaart- that waa eeitoteclory to Hr Craw, cod
• Tbto to to be free also to all
laed that be woald ia fnlere reeelre no
A piece nf braech from an apple tree iBderslaed Sth. aad that he woeld
BOW cm exhlbittoa la tbe baildlnp DOlify all from whom hla fiab were
oeeapled bp-tbe
hipped toeoDslpii ooamsifflib tablu.
erpeeiallp aa 'nlerd|r some fiab were reccired
ar. Tbe braoeh Mr. fiar^'a addreas. aad were am
reloped apples
packed, bai were taken lo the C. A W
lentbaaatoetot;iU leaptb. and fire H. depot and eonalpoed lo Cbica«a. Can be secured and mainuined by tie use of CartoltD*
hare talirn off. makiap twebly that Deputy Craw adrtoed Hr Rirry ip la
-won U.eltdb lo a apace of len tbao apart the fish, and if'there were any eum Avenarius’as a coating of the insick; of your
oov The appin were prowa aboat SBall oars, to tell him aq<l.«o proeeeu- chicken coop. One application is sufficient to destroy all
aim from towa. '
ronld be made. Mr Harry exam
Htor S. B>by Ucao of tJ I city, aad ined the fish aad declared them lo be Ijcc and keep them away. Prepare for winter by u.<in|'' it
all ripbl- Mr. Craw made aa exainlp.
aitoe. aad stated tbatoat of OT.'. ponpda now. One Dollar a Gallon, it
fi«b that were pKl
edat tbe ho-oe of tbe brlde-a
ire too satall. Thee amall -fiab ,
pareouoo Weet.Kiphib street. Sator
It In the atrlam
da} eeeelbp at elpbt o'clock. Ber. t)
tioehliB pertoraed ibecrremoap id the
see of tbeir ima?diate relaiirca
Hr. aad Mrs. B-Id, worth bare maay
(rtoada here, wbo w l jiinlacaapral
alaliunt and brst wii'n-s.
a bplbeC A W. to nilrrad. fire
traeki rrfll be laid la tbe roaad
e. daaUlBC lla eapeeUp.
Than oriii be v > Bore SuadapcxB to Haatotce. oe
the M. A N. B. B B . Seedar. October
t bexiooinr I
^ Wtb. aad Baadap. Odober Wtb' - Oadn tba aew r^traiioB law pbp
Ukc their
ip of tbeir rec call polaton. Serera leads wen
eaired Satardap aad arraapeaaut
bciap made tor more delirertca Tal,
W. 1. Browe to rebaUdlBf tbe lerpe pear there U aa eapaoal qsaniiip
(laaa boaae oa tbe csraer of Beedolpb
aad.Bap atreeto. Tbto balldiac wea
raaeaUp bamd'. It will be avd aa>
' Tba fira wardaaa eaterad apao
tbair dattoa Hoodap. Tbe propertp
Qwaen wni all-reeelre aeoppof tbe
ftnatdlaaoee. aad tbe rrardeat will
•afiaae tbe ardlaaoet etrletlp.
a^Olerb Bmerd to aeadlaf eat
BBtlintelbeowoen of preeertp who
hare iatadlrTWalba. Taeewearwill
haraqaltad to naad the wain or bare
Warbiaptoo and last week tbe r
Dearly MM and for that renaoa the
ctoaa bare b^a early to raiee tbe
aoaey. and it caa be doae only by tbe
liberal petroaape of the people aad
bnalaen mee. Pan of tbe aaoaat
will be raised by adtenUiap. ae the
en mea of the city will be asked
ilribute. Tbe rat tbr clan wilj
try and raise by eoelals aad reUrUialU darlap the wloler. lo wbtob tbe
leas are asked, to help make thu
abaMtUBlcItp.Aetaffapenta day
. Tb*
The most needqd garment
•At well titling garmcnis as
“Remeniber it is not only the Price that makes the
Bargain; its what yon get for the Price."
date in every resjiect.
Dry Feet
and tit.
th«r rb-v-s f.»r Indiiaolid iwatb-r St>li-Ddid val.
oee —
or double breasted from So 50
$1.50 a pair $l.2$aDil$l.90aj»ir
CheeKully, " if not satisfactory'
in fit. tinish. fashion or laLric
lad here )ioi
ioi Tom
Stricily iip-to
Cassimerc Suits at S5.00 are
worlii lie.tiers in quality, make
of Trav-rH.' Citj sli-w
value* in
fia-llini;. Oor Fauioas Bar- Shoe* -etj lieli. perfwt litunin Shrsm fi>i ladiiv Mid tint;, apli-ndid vwarini;
luwii. $'’.~5.,Aud^5U val- ^nuine Kid Sboes. coif
uca for
92 aod tl T.S eUr-wberc.
$1.98 a pair
Wear Proof
High Cut
WelL not quifr. bat
Mt-d'a Wet We*tb,-r
tliey w«ir an Mtr* 1.l«>nK Sboea, Jurt the ones for
limt-. Our work *lioe*
* for. fall wsAT-wUl kMp out
tta* Vtotwr Aod otAtid lola
ot hfird nnge.
98c, $1.25, $1.50
S! udS2.se I piii.
Same with our blue
Serge and Chevoit, in single
n-'-.l nLo-e thal fit
g«>d. look go-xi and *v«r
cooii Opr eel«brAt«d
toctaool Bbow arv that
Here we supply all demands
in shape, sire and quality,. 15c
201; and 25c the pair. 'F^ver
use the ■■Linenc" cuffs, 215c the
'"bolt of five pairs; Use until
soiled then throw them away.
Just Overcoats!
Just Suits!
Absolutely everything in
this necessary ar.icle. All the
newest shafies. Some shapes
never change. Fashion makes
others.^ Our |jig sel^r is the
■Two for a quaftir” collar in
:iH shapes.
We fit the young
man wiA Xo. 12 neck or the
man with Xo. iS.
tver use
the "Thioner-thickness" cellar
—four ply reversible, corded
edges, can be laundered both
sides, sells at 25c the one.
to So>.V5.
Our treat guaran
tee — "\bur
If unable to please from our
stock w'e will order a suit for
the finest line of
samples on the market.
in these days and cool evenings.
your needs.
have aniicipaud
Our counters
pilled high with the best made
overcoats in the market.
b*u\s one of those dressy Cov
I f you want a'Melton it
ukes the same money-.
tic Beaversaredandies. Want
a Kersey'
them in
They >c a great seller and very
dressy. We struck the popufancy in our Montenac^Novelty. Raiinee and Vicuna.^Oood
goods, well made and low
in price, always sell-
SScudSU 'piir
ALFRED V. FRIEDRICH, The Hainab & Lay Mercantile Go.
fer tba ptedaot o( •«* BidM; ha ea^
sum TBATSbBB BniU), OOTOBm M. 18W^
a paaen eay that all
rttoBM iMt Friday.
waMbaralnala Uat
laBoltoBd liftoitiafat W. Oosto- twealtedlB
walfrom (btoMea_...________
bM )aat aabarsed from Dakota.
eUder wiator tbto year
____ toad tbe W. a TTu. ceeraatkto ai
aadtt^lV. Ba/*■“ TraearM «ty tbto wask.
are atee the eeam of the aqalrtaU.
Oeo. oni. wko hM bsea seriOBaly 111
Hr. Ctoalkel to doi^ qalU a baHsasa w aereial mestke. to sew ahks to ba while tbe Urde which alwayi yo eoatb
at tbe Brat Approach of cold e
slaaybteriay nuU attbeOeaur aod
an rmlrtay their bmu for a
tenancy od them.
maay Meade la tbto pUoa
8U1. a yoaty lad reaU
■ HBPBI . ——
be j Port Heroa,.wa. playlay wiU a caa of
Weaaaeday for Bly Bapide. where
a bnklay la the erdar o( the day. Ua trill tarlay tbe farm ap ayala.
rrMar far ft
wmkt’ rt
will attend tbe Perrto |r‘—
eebooi; powder aad eenw matobta. BU balr
tbto wiator.
elayed aad there are a i
Mr. aed Mn C Crlttoadea aad eto^ i
t,am» oo ble baod*
Cbarim OleaoD to os tbe sick U
of Trararae
•e ICUy. wbo wars la tbUl,^
* Otf
H. H. Welch M sMlyaaUlcd la bis
a V._______
reck, rotaroed
iMtWMkWlWTBkA; Admiral Dew«ye--ffSir,
ber old trieade.
». wbi^b war
llr.VMaubutl*»>UdU« ■ •MlA. H BafPtobv. lael Prldey.
I After lodye Salardey aiybt tbe K (> preeeated to Heyor Haybery
am partof i.ii; tuia laa
potato dlCrlayiT.
y are at bene
i T: H
“ erereaarpr
toe leDueace of Father
Mltb bh bride, aad they
r of the day tbto : of (be Lady Ha<
We all weleei
city, ekaplaio i
; ...
lay that tbe Bic KelybU w
braatlfal weather.
bjtotod with the
Pleber aad Mr. Doeel of|hare ref^meote of lee
C^WI*»II MM bM iMt
loedI aad etripce oeer the dty ball al
—hM. OA naCe a bealaM ‘ cake, aod a reoeral -----------------plaaoed
yood U
tbe O. A Lember
itopartlclaaiele ibeeojoy
triple —.“Mtimat
aaabU to be praeeat.
Cedar eempa are apnaylay up
Hha Addle HcMi
Grand Traverse Begrion.
M— -—- »-■— tasfeMtelU*'
polee belay yreater ibaa (or maay
K.bl .,1 — Crt.
! >•“ C,"
W. K. BMW bad wUa of
I Trarerae City, arrieed Balarday nlybt iwiee wbet they
*WM r. Bha*w CM Saadaf.
Hra. Oeorye Coek aad etoter <
' to epead Beaday wiib (rieode ia tbto
Mn. AlanadM retanad Satarda/
Beemac of Empire rUitod Mead*
Hr. aad Hn. Jasaa HaaiBi^Tlj
, place.
They left Hobday lor their
4na> Paaa. Hkli.
1 A MO foot bridye al Ltpecr yaee way
and at Port Uaelda laat week
Him. C Walkar hM aaUmad from Oty'teurd^^tnl’ay
retarali _ Monday.
OBf »e^ [ The Bobool et tbto piece wtlII yiee a ' Jasl aa a traetioa enylne earrriny Peter
FeMWBTUla. He.
Dell Pelrbaaki Btorad to Blk Bapide
d to yirlay < eoaBBdrum aocial Friday aiyh
,D named Vae Kickeraon
Kia. roMt aad fraaddaathtM. VlaItowobBlI. Ererybody to cordially le-- wa, p„.inj oeer Tbe whole outfit
......................................a bwn ■■
^ wbara thajr ha«aapaal (be peat
eeeood crop of bay from ibel
Hla Ada Paliteekt aad Era Breon
bead Tialtod trieede at Trararae City HenU Cocre«poe4el>c.
aad Beaday.
_____ place Taaaday.
Hr. aad Mrs. LlakUtter are rlaltloy
llr.aad Hn. Baclajref MMaea Cl
fneadt here.
VMM at Wm. areaetea'a laat week.
aod Hn J. A. BbUob riiltad
Hr. aad
nera Barwood eaats haaa yaetarda; tbeirdaaylhter at rife l«ke '
Sol. LoaBerotiUlkaakaiabereayaU
aMl-eeUacel tb.Boardafii4»r. with bocaea.
etai at Fnaklart today.
dlyyinr their poto
U L Harfae ntened from bli eiaii
ta Bela, IU-. Thanday.
Meel Id dliMlet
t Ma 1 ..
tbfaa yaan
»m Ooia rataraad yaatarday fro
i^t^y hB aea aad Saa^lar i
tha yaaM efl. e. Mona Baaday.
I. Frlak, tetaraad bon* Ur
Hra. Oon Uardeer U qalte alek.
HIM Btearat baa retnrned l<
bOBM la WieeoBelB.
Hn. Carter of Trarerae aty ie etaylay with Hra. Bbeldoa.
borbood called bi
dOoBi baa rrtamed from Ooarbarelbeaprat tbe aammer.
Taylor drore
Hre. Halley aed
0 Waltoa Baoday
tkatawaaabae toMorhoe iba (obd
•aHaaadtba aaar Otaayt hall Baler
dv- IbaMaUarlllacaabaeoMplelad
TUnaaa aaw naaban ware lalUatad
aad Mn W. 8. smetle aad
Oar BOW yaatar aad (aailly are aat- laoybler bare rstarard from tb
tlad la tba Mraaaafa bow aad arc Halt to Bollaad aad Uraod Baplda
tMdy to raoBlra eallaia.
Hn C. Haey. tba UiMi Atrm a
Allee Haey aad the Mlrace Addle. M
at tbabaM^'w.'u rltakli^FWda) Oe aed Bertha Uobbe bare relsra
troatbalr rlall toUwyaaerllle. lad.
affa aan plaaiut tima a
Ueorye Bbeldoa la eery aiek with I
Itta aaadlaai tcaay that tl ipaaioraad
ttle bepa of bla rreorery.
Mtea Hey Uewey'b clerklay for IMMOhM.aarlaadaaM bMt trao. BaraeulBe.
HM Thick took adraBtoye of the es■daaardfhnaUto rWtiaff trkadali eonloe to Detroit laat week.
W. W Brower drore orcr to Traeeree
Afoed May besara batahaaaaole Ci^ Baadey.
«Mr atabaida ter foed BratM.
Wm Loop, wbo -eold hie farm here
Ite aaaaal nrirtiM at the A
aed weattoUic npprr paniaaula '
II) ha bM la the bShvatUt
le bark la rile Lake ayala.
Barbera Boyder le rery atok
haUdlacaB additlea oarrysral
ml fr<
Hopercleor Hitn It-t to at Trarerae
;ity aie week aucadlay tbe aaseal
meetiay of tbe board.
^.■atMaaia baUdlaf aateaaaalC. H. Bayer of Trarerae Cl|y to bay-----------------d predtabia aatartaia
-laM aad
_____...iad la tba are
arM kadalfad le attar
dMialiBBaBt< aad a rai
Mia. Joa
Mn. Draaaadar oS tnront City U
yWMiChar aethar. Mia. BelaaeBr
a B. PaOcaw hM baas la OisaarUlr
the part ttna Msaha attaadlac to ba^
. Mr. aad Hra. fraab f^ak an nak-
. Mr. aad Mit. BsMt Daaraw aad aee
terabstarsad to Ibalr hoM at Bmi
^.aad Mn. Minm Thayer aad Hr.
M wlta et taaira rlalUd
niaMaatb Bataiday aad
a twin brother llelny Is Caaada. Ber
eeal weeka ayo Hn William Waeelcr
pare birth to twin boy*. Two
State News turns.
altar the Canada brother's wile prePlalnwell boasnitaat she U knows '
lied him with s boy aiind a ylrl.
tiles Arbor bay Is noted for yood an-, uronybont the sUU M tbe •Iowa of
UBrloy frrar or fire days pretty ylrla"
heary blow la>t week a resael rode.onl
tbe storm at aoebor io safety.
Ha Taylor Iissttrrlny terribly from
e (eared be wUI loee bie
a wofand on a Inyer of bis left baod.
made by a sllcer ol steel as bs was
passlay hie baod orer a piece r<f yas
Heery Dupraw. ayed M, was drtwspipe.
Bis band and ai
ed at Riel Tawas. He stepped tbrooyb
swollen, tbe pain etui
floor ot
saa- tb® hrok.
bead, and to.....................
sc seeert he
e tosleepfor sereraldaysand nlybu. Itte IXeaarioy station.
.Vclsos lbs pond at BUndUb. bis load roing
Jest before be besTT Storm
toe bottom. Ue managed to crawl out
ulesoe teent o Cblayo
Wbao be came back toe boat Mweeer. witb his teem.
Is Wbeo
in.Bs_It was
— blow
At Warren a train struck toe rear
so bsrd, so be took a trip aorlb.
be boat's return they dropped la al wheel- of Auruit Sebert’s bicycle,
Olen Harea lepy eaoqfb lor blm and a tbrowing him intoafence and laarint
lew ol bis yoods to land; tbe reft bare
off btocoat tail and one of his sbo«.
Ukeo a ride to Cbicayo.
Nererttaeleas be was ooinjared.
Nonbpon Department
OsTid L-ehteg, soo of a West Bet
t ler isr UtSeSU
Ul *
City mrrebaot. felllDto tbe riser anib
im^bar^ Alice K. UlU imlled was going down (or tbe third time,'
wbeo a compasion natne.1 HeCtouleC
MM Battle Dame want to 0
jumped In and rescued blm.
onday tor a etoit of a few days
r. end
and Hia L. H Campbell.
Tbe death oftius
Hr. aad Mrs Dsn N. Fi
illostraies toe old saying (bat be went
toU plaee,Bstsr- the pace that kills. He hsd IIO.uju in
casta a year ago. bsi dMipaiM it all
lyru John, wbobs^bnya eisltIng her parenU le this place (or ae.eeral aod died insane.
eceol beary in
days, reiorned to Bsttoas Be' Tonra.
slderable loss to toe farmers of Kator
LMnderBnmand Him Ida Bartli^ coubly Uroogb toe destrscllon ot
ot Lelasd were nailed is marriage tooussads of busbels 'of onioos which
early Hacday iMrnlng at toe H.B pareonaye. Rcr H/E Whitman officiaUag, bad been polled and left on the ground
Hr and Mrs.'Boas will make toel4 to dry oultstuu borne el Good Barbor. where
Kltber land to pretty cheap up io Al
be bas a poeitios la
cona eounly, or else horses come high.
Hr and Hra. W. B Porter retorned
home Batorday. after making aa es- A Hsrriirille msu Uss Iradrd bit borte
uoded rtoit witb relatirm and friends sod boggy for eighty seres of isod.
in rarioos parts of Wtocooaln aod at forty seres ol whu-h to bearily wooded
Udinyton. HUb.
with Boe bemlo.'k.
Mrs Bamuel Gayoon left Batorday
Al Biles. UM Anns Duffy slept on s
(or Cbarlerols u attend ber eon
bed tick for two nighu ibsl coouloed
Charles, wbo to rcry low.
S bine racer owar (igir feet In leogtb.
ne tick had recently been refliKd
Mrs. Jesal
.rsntroay of Booth Han- with straw.
Itou Island amred
Tired Weiaeadar ‘
All Berrille, Bruce Lew it. ayed n. was
itb ber
bi par
eiall ot a eooele ol■ weeks
Kitchen of accldeolally shot and killed wiib sabot
ents. Ur. aed Hra.
tbto place.
CUD by Willie Faye
Faye plsyfollj
lUa. Mary Wilson and famUy arrirad said, -fil sboct you." They
rednmdey from Fos Island, where
toil? brJr'’^ bunting witb lour other boy. sad the
were left slooc. It to not koown
wbetoer young Faye knew toe goo
loaded or not .
re rtoltois in this plane
A squirrel with four dlstiocl UDs.
a eery yood atuadance at escbyrowlpg directly from the body,
was shot by A. Fritkey of Driroit. Mon
bald at tola place Bsturdey of last day, os tbe Bloryson rlrer. Ir miles
k. and toe meetloys were eery '
from Hougblos. one tail sis Incbas
tereatlsf aod profllable A free din;
lOtfg grows direct from tbe spipsl colwas yiean at toe town hall by
ladles of toe U. K ssd Coog'l ebarc
omo: two are oo tbe left aod one rn
(or toe beneSl ol tbe deleystae ■
tbe rlybt of this, each Bte Inches tong
mostb'a rlsll iBsoothsra
Lyae Uorioa c isytal s yrse f<
It eae •
a by some of U
Hn Herbert lillborl aod KaUer U
ben baee both baae eery sldk, bet s
J- 0 HaMS. A. D. Bekar. Olao
lowest !
J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store,
0 Front Street.
At Lanslny arreral weeks ayo the
antboriilee were compelled to close the
es account
Traveree City, Hich. |
smmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmntmmmm mi4.
epidem c of aeiylet fe.er, ’aod
rropesed Last
week a ( yesr old girl atuofling toe
• Have yon «v®r trii-d th« Hew 8top®r
Logan street school wss sirlckeo wiib
dipbtoerla sod died Hondny mm-elng
Tbat scOooI was osdered closed ycater
day and a slricl qusraoiine
Husking Gloves, |
16c, 26c, 38c. 60c, 76.
Twenty three erar«igo Mrs.Armour,
i.ow of Grand Ktpids. gave sway her
yesr-old son. RoberlJ Ara
tost dsy she bas not seep bin
beard tost hr Is heing in Inis oo ber way there to boot I
' .
K"eV?lh,ng*.rHluk?d Cam titromv'lc 'to"..'.W .
•'..t l-» n.-rsJ I
l.■Uie U>n.e WeHner
1*'<- sped M-»eo 1
two dsys. Her d
that It was ssercr
eau sad prlends
cd by
sopri I I esflh sod
bright face mbs the lore
eter ssw h-f
H..r >.,rter>i.g
for tor Lord as a ->
will -pA^Vo>t
w«U to ae« tu b*b>re yon purchaM your ^all and
Wintar Ouiflla.
] S. BENDA & CO.,
124 ProiA 8t ^
Traverse City. ^
semg In .-barge the
furolsbiDR ol , home for tbe family .1
Charles F«n. o ukr toe olsceof Uie
one recent y detlruyed by lire. »
thsok nil of llime woo taste L-oelrib,
uUiS so hberally They are now settled
u Ibeir new bu'mr op the Br.iuio farm
and through the kindness of friends
'ill nut go into tbe winur without s
home and tu farnisbings.
ftibbed the drsTt.
A s’srlling inciarol is narrated br
lobn ll.■•er of I'hiladelpbis. as (uriow.
'I wss in so awful condition H> skin
•as sliiiiist yrl.o S’, erre suol'en. tongue
-'nusliy in back
des. onappeii
r day
was idtise
Klectnc Katie's
To my great J
a decided ut
mcpi. I 0 lutmurd I
weeks, end am now .
know they robbed toe grate of soother '
tietitn ••
No ooe should fall to try '
them, onlyi'k-. guarmoleed, si n E |
Wait's and J G .IsbnsoB's drug store
My jilusli Robes at $1.50 io $3a3re the heft in
the city.
Blankets for street or stable at prices within the
roach of all.
Sec my e.\tra good line-of Sweat Pa«Is for only
'2-5 cents (*aeh.
All wool knit Gloves and Mittens only
A i:ood lined Work Milteit,
Trunks, the best, for
$2 75 and $T50
card 01 Thanks
We wish to thank oar neigbbtrt and
friends who ssslSUd durltag the illorsi
and death of our Ibtlog baby Hyrllr
who has passed to ber beatenly borne
We also wish to extend our many i
The home of Ueorye Werner of Ann ibnoks (or toe beeuUful fliwers Ibst ,
Arbor was bsdly damsyed by a fire
whleb It to supposed was siaricd by a
sayre whom Weroer kicked eff the
perch (or bolberley blm the elybl be
Jek OeeUas'i Eev* Steed It
fore. As tbr orgro left he muitored s
If he'd bed Itching Files Thry'ir '
terribly snooylog.'bot Jloeklen's Arnica •
e will cure the wor
Wbeo Hite Nellie Caeansugli of CalBBcl awoke she tusod her mother.
Hrs. Johanna Ceeanaugb. dead In bed tbe beet sslee It
bealde ber. Mrs Caeanaoyb hsd been E Weitsud J
. dipgritts I
ailing (or some time, but of leu (ell Io
VhrMt tost bs would yci e»eo before
Whips for 10, 16, 20 and 26c.
; They Have No Equal.
Jno. T. Beadle.
Kimball Pianos and Organs...!
Traverse City, Klob. ^
S'Job f rinting
Anybody will tell you tbet these goods are entirely
reliable. Sold at Factory Prices at 132 Front Street.
•sw mm.
•bssl from BOBtbera Mieblyaa sM
Mlto HatKia Bilwa la Morklay tor
. K.,Y. -se reoeleeJ-by “*•
claimed to U s«
coed. If set the bmi, esrtoitoe yrowe.
rood ylslda are reported', bat the
to ha abU to aoM to tba d
IS hh arerh U tba pto-
B. Dews has aearly flaUbed htoseorsB of thraablac aed baa ylraa
MnTbna^^BrM^on »i
aoahtbair ^>Mith-wlU
i kia eUar mill ths
r. B^la had ayeodylaldot
M ba^ at asta^ ^ ssd.^-aUly
I can say that values at Roadie’s ^
are just us re|)resonlod.
the tsrmen Tbe etore to yood, sad the
prise to also yood.
ru DMMera ^ wtb of BoUy
ilo , and being unsble to shake Uii- outs
from toe tree they bad fixed their ryes
spoo. got so SI and cut it down.
'hic'i they suiirpetl it cooipirtj.ly
its frail
are made in tbe largest ^tory of its
kind ih the world.
the (aUoMiay are (be
I just ,
We have a full line f
(0 of Furniture. Stoves, and all kinds of house furnishing ^uitds at
or retom a bo-k will do eo e.lber oo I ‘>»«T U>»t *m erewlac at Ue
vredeaaday* or Satardaya between tbe time west down with tbe wreck, t
boon of 1 and 6 p
Faraare report ibe potstoerop aa be.
■ay a eery Ilybt oee
Tbe reported
yield to from to to S>i baabato per sera.
P. 8. Oreao. wbo bee bees railroadlay It tor eereial yean paeL U sow ele■ttoy btopareata.
I parcata. Hr. aad Hn. Ueo.
- "
Bla beadoaaraonatpreaeatto
VUltye Jaaetloe. la.
J. B. OrMB aad wife west to Obisayo
to the escanloe Uit weak.
L Waller, who aaltotad atKal______ _ Beat Illlb. la BOW at JeScTMto
Barraekt. Mo
la bee bees aaalyaad
to Co. R. 2ltb tl B V. lefty., aad as.
pacte to Inra f
J. O Crotavaad father of Kiayalay
are la towa ea BsWnUy.
Beery Blackman ofTrmeerBeCIty did
Pb. BaraaUlae aad wife eUitad Haa- bBSloBBS at tbto pises itel Friday eiybt.
lloas Iset wsek. osllad tbi
■stoss DeGolierof Oolorado, (orasriBSMofHrmB.
ly s raetdsot of ibis plsee. smtsd last
Hn Goldatuek of Petoekey. wbo
esatdowD to rtoit bsr brotber, Vb.
UM Bilecr of Chlesyo, who has base
BsTMlelDS. ta qelu ill st' '
St toe Wsnkssdb (or tbe past moeto.
Mn A Prsak took sdrsatsye of tbe left for bsr boiM Prldey OD tbs tuatS'
loarslOB to elaLl relsuree la Chleayo.
^Use ol
Hn Laeratis Brower, who bet beei
•sgieeo I
eltlay bar Msa. K C end W. W
SI the I
rower, for eome time, lafl for bar old
Taeedsf eeei
oma la larbsm eoeaty laat wark,
e snsploas of the Beeel
:n Leltle Brewer
saeompaayioy b
roe leii aae uaeo lerormeie lor prw
parley rrOBOd for wbaat,aod sUbeuyk
oiBebofltwsa aoao Isle It to'leekliiy
Felly BB to tba srrraye.
Do nut liuy any other wooiJ when you can net Oak for the same price.
^ recrivird a full car load of solid Oak Chairs and can supiily you.
emoitli 6&u1'k1
IP FM biw. Tnan Ob. M •
• N. E. STRONQ.Biiipr.
offeml, for
ou npply
viUt otber yndM of HAniMi H 96M, «aOO ud $10-00.
(lapMtoW dlmwlqlM
THyerse Herald
«WM •ewlsry l»at rm**r*»x Md
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
SRoetaton at Maer atallsHa
radotetaled by a bat, raUotttot aaae tbe
>f fortyolckl ploete aad:
bead of tlaty plaete.;
•itbUtoralMrwblebror aort tbu
two yton htt beta hW boat. In teeitdaw>t«IUiptoiaeU already pUaatd
Ibt adalral will «o V> VrrBoal Moaday. at the rarat of W Mtrrard Web!-.
After a raeasUeo at ibt elate eapltol.
oa the IStb laet.. ht will fo to Rottoa.
laerptiea Ibtr* la bit
14 latL The O'yapla
_ ■
Tfar-n yon can
II u Arm Hir of Cttieaco. eaid Sl .u>
Of tbe many Mood miredire. B 8. 8.
I*" directed
it tbe only ooe which oan reach de«i>- that oo Soec .h B.y bedhplayed la Ibr
d. eiolent eaara. It nerrr failt to
ii.uirb oo.nlaU;
• i.ib.-ri,
teWAPpaa Miaeutt. i
I ipiwlUr.OiiJ
uf the
toa Miaowit
MP. Nearly taaoe atoool abl^dtaa. with baawtea. marebto ptot the
atatM. wbleh zraa modelad by tba Bwadtob aealptaryahtotodt
At.Cbiaaro. BaiTtel BeUbarU. S
f yaaritadra^ftotoraycanUlad aad
a paralytic, hai bad bar aifbt aad (be .
CM of her limbi rtetored (hnmfh (hi
areaey ol tbe \-raye. A tew dato afo
Htatre rrolodnal turrey. ba* rrtSrerd
IniDi b>r p-oBieblr rap'
if Ci|y.
{ Cor. Front and Cass Sts.
d it the OBle
to»^?S 'nteyfo-.i't of
r.loe to rrirB. erklU. Iflorderto letea lilai free
tbtowoib.be will CO- ne amlr»td
"viSaa^ book*‘Ba^fne^8witt
Ao rff >ri it brlay mile to W'-ct
ftty Boral datlea
Portber tbaa thla
pelet. (bodeparlaeat bB4oel yet rn---------------------------------------- inffdoD tlratetear dcbool. wbrre I r wie
n to deflte lU olao* for Adairml
atooeaedprmoeserf the enrorralo-.e lA .imi'ir attempt au.le at
Oewoy't falarr
•at. oee of tbe moel eotafale other iapi I “1 '
•'»' ’•
MaaeaobeM u UpBo d» KoRloley
errr la Cbloaifo looked OB
Tbe Ktnk of iinain bow Iroidr tl:.Riataa.Oet 6-Ttr krpaWlcaa eon
Jadye K ibltaai. ebalrmaaof tbeeota llnu.oou • .re poM tbio iib-nfa year
eteitoo for the oomloaUeo of eaodiffl l:ee OB oemoouiea. Inlrodncil r>‘c ^ a7-i. and (11 .oi.iai) otpre iilkr*. Ila
datB for Btale ottote woa held today
retary 1^.0, ihr pcealdlay L«eer of the | dote cl.-eatatioa m«eoli'me taai ieereatTbera wm a abarp eooieel belwaa
| ed S11 .soii.noc
Oeeenl OattU Uaild. j . aad dpeaker
I be aeerrtary w '
rapiriry, ^Bere baa beea aerioai riotliif
Matte of tbe Hoate of Brprteeaulirra ipeeeb. Tbe prraW
tor (be Boalaatloa of IleateBaqt roe for eard aod raoeind a trowel (mm the i Kalpoolir.
mlaara bare rotbrd rarioat elaimt aad'
baadi of Archil* cl Cobb
rrmorfd tbr ore ia defi acr cf a atroap
dararol BatM wat followed by Ouiidt plauae
w« coaliaaoa. u-w thr preal.,
daat ratoed hi, baad - Hr look tie ,,,,
tbrm ovmr s»d
Rhlptoo Brwkfan Food.
CraokM Wheat.
Ppiujobat Bpat Pood,
Qrape Nota.
Oranoae Plakaa.
i-Ulpberry Vito*.
WhPAt OriU,
Oat MaalBollpd Data./
6br«dded Whpat BucuiL
dll and Valcaei* b>« ■ Mill I froio See
Praaewee for HaeUa with tbe Tweatj
Dib-.n re( mroi aad a lar, e bGoi er o:
ad to ton haatedtoMy Ito Haalla.
aareiled Prtday. la tbe pnetome to aa
tirrabfaat in five ■niaatos
with any tif th* bivoLfael fuude wr hatv.
for a boiur . o the Her of Ite ll irry
parade ie No York tbe oilier day Tie
for two dtya
Hal than to toka tta pipsa to Ita
ffpabapt BwhetUa. wblab bM batoi
per wltat kitMl you maul us to enm! you
BIthop H ary c faiir' •• fo. .f u
the Pb lippioot la be&a.fof the Prutrclast Kpitoopel ehareb of America.
yUet, tor her ordert.laaard today, err
So|»reet«daioaM fraa New York to
•eaioa. tob- pat oat of oobbImIoo
aad htezteatirtlyrtpalmd
arieribtRatoa ctrrmtelte. Adoii
■»! Diwey It eterriedt? reia*n to
Waahlvtoa to meet hit onHrayu a of
tbe PhtllpplBe oaaa.lttioe
lajBf today eald that the admlrml't
tlmeprobehly weald b- f-'ly on-npled
latbedellberatlostv' (be ^alitPo.
rade'wat arraarad a Blot d»Uload»M
tnmn. Md «B tfc<M MmlMT U»r
•SilffSMMliMthsl lbs MwrV diUM it out pradooe. Ihb Mrtfbla'm- «'«drd tbe fora>Ca gnMtA, r»
wUob (be doctoea a« fcdallj rraaieai cSl^.Ua. Oeloa aad 1 jofrd■ (WMWllll>C*0 ffiM bla pM(Mi
»Mr«rM*>M h* pleMwl The M■IrsI *•», >bwto«. Kt bK iMUaec.
dsUcMd fiw—lly from Um Olyayts. talat «pon eotmUeat lnaoeeot ca
M or Ule dota. Ho trill ulefn^ Ibt
Gearral Ntwi
osMMitaoBMroltbttbls o( To«p
. Bta a doe
blMtllloM bMl do»o hit far tod
which waa teal bite hr ezoreta all U-i
way from Manila.
Till tne Last Minute^
Mich, j
BpatoBe 0«w. AtlBMB. Oic^siB.
teowelfal of mortar and threw It
.h.H m the
«d B plBtfbra, whieb wee rrcelred with the baae of the atni.r
MBiBt te BBd mdopted. The dBaaelal played tbe - Star SpaBpled Baboei '
->)BBkteyt: ■■BswdiBBd Botea. payable bat the rhrera of Uir ernwri, »lm->
ib eelB. teeet iMeatebliaaed by law
ba payable la yold. asd ptoriaieii
The mllllery, aarel eod eU.V |>ini e rrr i iNcrntlT on a farm B'a' Nra lijthteadef irlbeaapoly of old wbea re- till! eftereooB we, n elrwrd by I’mi eo. lodlask . I >hn ’ K Smak. tbr
. fai iB*r * ho dite-.trrcd th- rich rein of
qalnd. Tbe Bep ^blieaa party etande drai HeKlaley, Sebor Merlseei.
-----------------.-.-V. .j tealaieiB
j inlBrral. had trtrral epeeiisene a>uy< d
ter of fereica affair* la 'Mrainu,
I. aad we
l.eBrirro( Caeada eel otlirr' tii. tail rzorrta rrpi.rt tbat llir ore l» of
le Fil
Fifty elalb
ie l/^e
l!b(aUbrd f Ural* Tbr day waa bnV hlyb rradcand ilir nm Uilbi'ton •
br trry larpe
r.brrT ie mm-ti rzc
march waa j lujm.d
orrr 'bn &Dd. aad nmapector*
aoperftei oar mBoetary ayateai that
(oiey utrr tbr fnmad tdjvrat u>
(beea will ba ample mooey for the r,WUESTION ANPWEKEU
paadlarbetleevof tba coaatry. aed
itnaiik fi
Vn. Au,;.;*t Plowrr atlll lie.
to to arm aad os^ H>e treaaory that
lariralaalrof aoy medicibr In tbr ri.
lanT be perfrci U-a.di w.ibobt____
Haaaatall Uma prateet tbe aillobil
lllrdworld. Voar lUoUiera and rrain) blrod
Hanlw-k K:-> il llittcri makra
mothera Deter tboa(bi of u«:ne aov ln r. blood
Toea eon io»iorair-the
•.the platform teya: "The .blnt rite
•Im foi Ibdlyrrlion or lliiinu-. ' wh ile extern
41 It
jeldom heard of App
Jokrab Sicx-kfur.i. llu.‘i;doi.. Mr.
paqaaliSadly oppoaed U> iraate. toObo- Proilritino or ilea
arc, ru- . breird a wr. raBBiof fer letcDicrn
^y aad the teplUlUsUoa of artioDa Tbe, awd Abpa,
Flower to clnis uui yi araaad cured hir plln of loof • Uodtbr lyatem aod
.00 fcrmraliii. a of inp by irriog OeWUi'r Witch Haul
aad MdMiaUtc talaaUoaa "
..B uf .Sa'.riIt cure* all akin dll
» to ezpreaeed ie tbe peteio• the nrrrouiaBd or- C Tliompaoo
SkUcatoaadaUMametehlpor McKla.lyitem. asd that i«
M#. aad the •taet. eetleboe aad ,k
•B fcriiny dull aed
teltbwbleb tbe pra,Meet baeapproee
headicbeeatd olUrr
need 1 few d arr i f >
ad the parpleziBc problrmi ariaii
form, to
otblnr in
roae 1 lie maltir with yonr
Jai. t) Jr-hniun'i.
aar peotoaad (nut that the preeret
heaUlItteaeaebebroarhi to ao mily
id that e»DQam. oWed
Tbr Ulow
low Hiy
l•^rachrr, • Ber J
Belle Eire. Ill , eeyt. -After
Mhitob B^ BBlatalB la tbe Phllip- eBfrrioir from B oaeola! or limy
trouble tor Uai aeera, I wee cored by
ptoaa. bltberto (be boae of ^raau.
Oor Mlaate Ooarb Cere
ft la all tbat
Itat froa. liberal aad p
that ie claimed for It aed more
$ 1.00.
(hell wai teepblaed aad (be (amor ra
id. WTbi child wte able (o mete
fradeally reeorerlBf ber
vaafbe. ao Amerleaa who hw
wjrkeo Bp e larfe trade ameef (be
laople of New Ualoee. aarrowly eoteped belBf eaefhi by (be aatAraa a
few weeki aco
Borly is deptetehar
aegba wKb lereial mee weat oa a
irad iBir lad acieotific trip ep tbe Mato
nrrr asd laadreneat y caeuIttoaB utfriiBdiy territory and were eompelled
to reterai baiUly to toeir laeBcb. U
broke dowD aad tbe boat drifted help
Iwiiywltbtbe earreot Tse aotlrte
ran aloa« tbr ibore. baruaf apaara al
thOK >B tbe craft, white otberi follow- '
ed la rear ceaore. Pereral ol (he (OOP
were woBoded. bul a aall wat rlffod
up aad the launcbAoi oui of raaeb of
CDDSDltatiDii and Eiaiaiaatia'a Free and Strictl) Canlldeat'Hl
DRS. 13. S. cS: CO.
Americtii ledicil iiiil Sorglcal Institute ol lusk^oii, licli.
Sottol Wlii^xn-e, Xx^-v-ex“se City.
‘ Oct. 12. 1899.
pOR 8A1.E
omcr Houri frw • a IB. to 8 p m
oatotlac old ttatodard. i
Fine Artistic
Job Printing
”i=r' stl
n.iw. HZ', V* HZV
at the HERAm,OFFICE.
' »
■tm.' H>. o< H*n.
Ttoa’t aafr u be a day witboat
Dr Tboomi-e Keirctrtc Oil la tbeboate
KereroaB tell wbat momeat an ecciUaat Oor. W. Hairay Craae
deal to olar to bappee.
antelaatod ter o*ereor by aeelamaOraarali Oalld prteaated
Bat ploaty. Kodol Uyapeptia Cure
rill diftet wbal you eat.
• wat alao made by
roablte E B Uimble. Vint'
rayt. "It relletrd me from
ted (or attorasy OMral
aad eared m(.
It I, now my rrerlavtbip frteai------------P. C. Thempeob.
rramdat'e Weotora Trip.
lllOarr. 111.. O.t. 7-0 4
"U yoa aeoar the world yna will
ipa of tbo htotonc Kac t eolloo. erSed a remedy equal to Oar Mil
> Abraham Ooajrh Cura," eaya Editor Tackle
liasola aad Btopbae A. Doarlae ba^ •ie Mkaaopy. Fla . •Huttler.- It
(emlly of UUrIppr aad latc
- tbtor aateccaUe eertoe of debaui
iDd( from
pnrumteia. broec
v.uu^aod all threota'
la tba Halted Stetee a*
F C Tbompaoa
KoKialey aad Poeu
Ereryb dy'i Habit to Itchlaf pilea.
Smttk tbto moralBC di
Bicb aad pocr. old and yoonf-tenible
tbe tortara they ■alfrr. Oaly ooe lorr
toat balwtea ttatee oaat leaden of careDoaa'i Oitooeet.
aafr: eaa’l fall
41 U
ThatotoldeMaad eabtoot mrmbera
lyi were a
toara OBOerUd Uroarb tba city by
pnitelaaat eWzne ia a lotot Uae of
sarrlaoa‘The eatbatiam of tbe
grm^ll aloof tbe reoto waa aa.beoaiiad. At Ua eampaa a freetlaf
dnaitbaatoto of llltaow waa drllrarcd
by teator Callem.
Tbe pmldcat
apobe brie^ roTlewlac tbe bieterle
At tba
tbatealaforCbicaofhltejn, Oft. s.-BarTOQBdad by sea
wbeoldalbadi^omatle ralmUoaa of
ut wu MMI.. ntera ■■ uwn m»
IIV hr U IK WrMrM I. Irtew Uf 4iel
.*.*,1 *r *.,> MHIluuwur
t*rr.,*M II UW4ml IkU riuw-ter mu 4iy
FARRUNO & VOTEY ORGANS: Xo better make known- A larpe- liof of small Milsical
[ Merchandise alwars on hand. Call and inspect our stock.
Broscb Block.
ArcyU. Ito.
It «arca c uzba, colda. *
frlpDeaadall tbroataud lung tronblm
F. C. ThoopaoB.
.K*^TK•: TII Cl'kE *an
The M- A N K- R E Co. will .r
aoday czraritoB trataa to Ma
00 the (ollowiBf d<
May I
Joae 11, «: July H
Traini Iran 1
fllwTw tel mw» te.
• k, teri»it^»CTuW»»^n ^tetenw«e__Ateii
6IACE M. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor aad Manager.
: 8S4 Front St.
OBBoNioaou rrks *14 ,,**..1.1.4
The Traverse City Music Co.,
Belara. lea,.- Maoiitee s
Jeaal rate, ooe fare roued trip bi
allatallOB* not to ezctod
Ezear •
^^fiute MantoloeoB aKeraaW Soa- \
-It did me more food thaa aoytblnf !
.erer amd.
Hy dyapepilB wa* of I
lontha- ataadlnf. ■--Now-I am well." |
writea.S. B
. Keetor.
...rtor. Hotolaftaa. iKa> .
ol Kodol. Drapeaeia
It dJ
difeiu. |
wbat yoa totr F. C. Thompeoa.
icb tbine ai --aammer o
where l>r Fowlefi Eztrac
Platform Wagons.
Open Road Wagons
^and Concords-
r« lAbato u4 ChiUm.
1to KM Ta HanAhifs BraU E
UlACUZkOI*!! ElW e,m4 u r
Come to The H££ALD Office for Job Printing
The Herald Job Office
CAJiSTPia xT=rm
»wrtob-r Ulh, (IM.
m » r-rkHl. e. « IM, 4W. u Ite rWBI Ite W
Largest line ruled and unrmed flat.
Linen, Bond and Parchment pa s=isi=t~s55S£&=
CteSf‘te tewsr teweir.^s^ y>!te
per; Envelopes of all kinds, and
Card board of every description.
Do not miss the chance to boy a good buggy at cost
They must go. We need tbe room for fall and winter goods.
^ Q. E. BOUGHEY & CD..
■et C O a w ley *a<
Raak. I
•»s t s » po WHviTf any iRn ■ii!tvFCnN. wpi
brly i
la tbo mofla formod by tbo aeatb aod u^'&i
' tbr brat
wsat wlafa of tba tadaral bolldlaf
• ^^.‘-o'i^to*’
lluie oUto . ■are soMtlpatioa.
Jadtaao aad Daarbera atraata. aad la
■atto aad al) llTtr and bowel
(ramt of tba I'ahM LtefM elab.re
te F-TC. ■
li« atooda wora erected lor tbe w
otodi^Vm PneMeei Marliteh aed
pony boa Mazleo; Pniteler Imarlw
of Haekiad Poaaible to Obtain.
ar.It-.rr, ................ ....
rteWitt'i i
aito etbar Oaaadiaa aotebltei membera
of (ha HoKtaloy teWaet aad diplomatic
The Huai Baceeatoul aad BcieDUflcTruatmeat of All Diiitoia aad Vaab.
have just added a car load oi
OM OneJflBuw Cough
" - m
The trademark stands for l>e*t worktmn-hip 3
and cboicesl matena!.
fora the boar (to tba ncemd^^in.
eacemdbira. (^
atraate aarroaadiiic tbe block oa which
Shaatoaitkalototoorucaew baildlnf
•totokh ware paekod with people.
MeteT wtodaw la tba rally dteoraud
• takep
to of. Btao oa tba atael flrdteaadtbatodtoal boUdiaf tteelf ,
yeeydbaadrada of *i
Traverse City, Mich. =
........I:,,:....:..............;........... ."
^-W. -W-.
dEMiii myiiiajBmtg jW6m ift, mr
J. W.
------ C.CLL SPECIAL----------------
Cheviots in all colors, 54 inches wide, very
heavy, extra value at $1 j» per yard.
Oolored Suitings,
66 in. Wide, Very Heavy.
These goads were bought at about haH their
regular value. Colors brown mixed, blue mixed and
black. We have marked them 5SC, 60c and 65c yd.
27 in. Cheviots,
Very Heavy, 2^c Yard.
These goods make excellent^ dresses for
lice and' warm for every day. yet good
school wear. Nic
enough for Sunday. .
Broken Lot
Oolored Dress Goods.
Regular 75c kind, to close at 49c. A few de
sirable colors left in this lot of Vigereau Suitings in
brown, gray and state colors. .Ask to see this lot—they
ara good.
One Lot, Only a
Few Left, Single Patterns.
Regular $1.25 to $1.50 kind, to close at
and79c the yard. This is a broken lot from different
kinds of high quality dress |iattcrns, and we have put a
lick, 69c and 79c yd.
price on them to clean up the lot qui'
Dress Plaids,
About 16 Styles Left.
Worth 8c. go for 5c a yard. These plaids are
very good values for the price. Better qualities have
never been sold for lest than 8c to loc a yard. Make
good'sehool dresses for the little folks.
Another Lot, Better
Goods for 10 and 12)io yd
These two prices represent about fifty dMTergnt styles and colorings, plain whipcord, fancy brocades,
novelty suitioj^ plaids, etc. Price loc and la^c yd.
Fall’s Business This
Ppogressive Store
Has Ever Done!
Early purchases at less than the now prevailing prices en
ables us to offer bargains in every department. Absolutely cor
rect styles, greater assortment than ever. Increased volume of
business enables us to make a lower per cent, of profit and war
rants us in guaranteeing every price we make to be the low^t in
the market. We believe it good, sound business principle to
“guarantee satisfaction with every purchase.” “To make right
what’s not right.” To pve money back if wanted. It has made us
friends in the past.it 1)7111 do so in the future. It inspires confidence
in the reliability of the store. We expect to make improvements
every season. We are never satisfied to stand still. We invite
your inspection and want your trade.
Some Special Features ef Our Cloak Dept. I
No. 903—$2.98
For Your Wedding
Goods dome to Us.
We take special pride in our stock of deli
cate shades fur evening wear and wedding gowns in
wool, silk and mousselane.
For Silks and
Trimmings of All Kinds
We have no competition. We have always
n leaders in this department in uarticular.
particular. We are
ter prepared than ever to keep the place. One of the
lular silk corded Taffeta, all colors, 7'sc to $iax> yd.
Braids from 2C yard to S5.CX3.
Carpets, Oil
Cloths and Linoleums.
New carpets in (all pattenns are ail in now
and ready for your inspection. We'atil
- ,.ill sell and recommend Lowell Carpet to be bettor thaWany other
carpet, .fully guaranteed. Wilton Velvet, oriental
ntal designs, at $1
up. AtmrfisterRqgs at $3.55- and$3.7;.
We arc always in poskton to attendee w^ts in Linotcunta—we carry thelflabous goodi—ihejrare the best.
French gored
bhorl waist...................................................1
.Another sj>ecialty.. U entirely new in dcsign Cannot break at the waist line.
is a giani in strrn^. Price................ ^ X • \/V/
If you have had trouble with your corsets and cannot
be suited elsewhere, we want to see you.
Combination Suits,
heavy fleeced -
Single garments, 1 Ra
pants, vest.each
These goods are all cotton, but of extraordinary x’alue..
1 hey cannot be dutilieated by ourselves or others.
No. 2618-—$600
Wool Uoiicle Jacket, strap trim
med and lined throughout. Good,
durable and warm. Please ask to
sec this garmeiU- Only . . .$5.00.
No. 1664—$10.00
Black all wool Kersey Jacket, vel
vet collar. Skinner satin lined '
Iguar.inteed for two seasonsi best
lio jacket in America today.
No. 2498—$4.00
Plain Kersey, velvet collar, double
breasted all wool jacket. L'annot
be found elscwhprc for the price.
ladies' wool seamless,'
put si^e. narrowed ankle and foot, (>er pr- ^.5C
U..liyC Syaml«,.'?ll
wool. IH.T pair............ ISC
All wool Boucle lacket. half lined
and big storm collar. Biggest drive
w'e haVc this year for the money.
Wril keep you warm. .Ask to see
it f«»f.................................................S7-.10.
No. 913—$10.00
Black Beucle Jacket,lined through
out. strap trimme<{. storm collar,
double breasted, and like our No.
) 5(>4, cannot be surpassed . >ia
No. 1642—$12.00
All wool Kersey Jacket, lined with
satin. (Skinner s|, point trimmed,
button trimmpd. Comes in all celors. We think this jacket surpasses any for. ■..........................$i3ax>.
Hea\ y (iennan Ifou, Ir Cape, trim
med all around \villi bear fur.beautifully lined
imh I'lush
trimmed, from and collar faced
back, i-xtra ijij.ility lining, l-'iilly
guaranteed Saji, best plush. Jio.
L.d;.-.- A.irachas and Kid GiuntlM
Gli.v... lordminc.....................................
Boude Ca|>c, ;v ■ inches loiii;. e.vir.i
(juaiity lining, full thibhei trim
meii. extra wide sweep,
us year
our price
No. 676—$6.00
Is a plain I’lush Cai>e, -.0 in. long,
thibl>ei trimmed, full sweep, and is
i-qualtoan> 5f-.jo,ape in the mar
ket- Remember the price S') 00.
No. 686—$6.00
No. 401Kj—$6.00
Same as No. .
long, making a
dies cape for -
I or 1 rimming
Underwcjr and Childmn’. Drero,
3o. 4c.5c.ee, 7c. 8c. lOcTi
.AH Linen.
hem stitch.
Lace edge
hem stitch 15c. 4 for
Is our leader in tiie Cape line. It
is crushcii (itosh. being full 30 inch
long, widcsw,-« p. thibbrt trimmed,
and well wonh more money, but
we sell it for
\VI THin T GAUNTLET, $1.00.1
No. 401—$4.60
No. 660—$7.60
76c and $1.00 kffi'M^fTENs.
No. 602-^$10,00
No. 932—$7.60
Is a Black Kersey Jacket, lined
throughout with good Komaine
lining, (which wearsl.stitched trim
ming. double breasted, and a good
^rment to wear.
Just the one
No. 1077—88 00
No. 2616—$6.00
-per pair ■
Hemie Cape, 7, in, lies long, full
tlul.l.ei irimm.-.l
W .• tlutik it is
rsir.i line lor the |inol-ljumiiw
it for .................................................S4.0J.
No. 863—$7.60
All Wool Ke rsey la.;ket.
throughout, equal to m;
jackets. Our price is
knit, per pair-----
No. 802—$4.00
Black Cliilh Jacket, half lined,
strap trimmed, double breasted
very cheap at....................... . .^3.uS.
Great Aggregation
of Fine Dress Stuffs at 60c
We take s|>ccial pride in calling )’Our atten
tion to our black dress goods which is by far the finest
north of Grand Rapids. We cannot mention halfof the
good ihtnjrt. but these are aome worthy of special atten
tion: 53 inch black homespun at 8100; <;6 inch black
cheviot, sponged and shrunk, at #1.35; <i3 inch black
herriog bone cheviot at $1 cu; 56 inch black lioucle at
6wyard; 58 inch extra heavy cheviot, sponged and'
shrunk, at $300 the yard; 56 inch Venetian at $i..is the
yard; black blister crepons at 1.35. 1.50. and
$3 50 the j ard.
ivy dr
front, good form . Prii
trd. This is
of the strongest
)f popular priced stuff in the store. Far
incyy Mixlines of
ids. brocades, all wool flannels,
dots. plai<..................................
tures. polka
lerei. etc.;
etc.| 25c the
Black GoodslOo to $3.60 per Yard.
Strong Line of
Fancy Mixtures tmd Plaids
the yard, consisting of ,t6 inch all wool Vene
_____ __________
36 inch all
twilled coverts.
46 inch all wool
plain coverts,
half wool fancy coverts, 46 inch all wool
se^es, 53
5 inch all wool Hannels, tS inch all wool novelty
suitings, Jamestown fancy stripes and checks, all wool
plaids^frcnch flannels, etc., all'at 50c the )%rd.
Is a-4>etter quality plush, wulcr
sweep, and a bctijrf cape in every
way than .No. 5^5. The main fea
ture of this cape is the cut. which
is perfect in e^ery detail----- S7.50.
No. 938—$9.00
Crush./^lush Cape, extra quality
plush, full trimi
mmed with tnibbet.
full sweep, and:an excellent cape
NARROW FANCY RIBBONSHave sold for 5c, 8c, 9c, yard—
GOING FOR 3c YARD^—6Blankets,
Quilts and Pillows.
We want your blanket and bedding busineaa,
and we know there is only one way
get iu and thatis
by selling you the best goods for the least
mooejr back if you want it is
beour gwaraotee. -
AimilAl GHErilK.
Largest Stock—Lowest Prices Consistent with Best Values!
$7,S« MEN'S sons—^
we have been selling for the past three
years never have been and never will be equalled in
value and price elsewhere. Cause why' Cause others
will never be satished with so small a profit as these
suits give at the price. Larger line than usual this season.
$10.00 SUITS..
Anticipating a great demand for better
goods this fall, we placed larger orders than fisual for
suits from ten dollars to fifteen and eighteen dollars.
Ten dollars will give you choice of
handsomely tailored goods in black,
blue and plaids—best cassimere
and fancy worsteds.
$12.00 TO $10.00
in more colors than you
ever dreamed of—all styles of coatsingle and double breasted vests—goods
that would cost you $.oxio to $joco at
the uiiors.
Fancy Stripe Worsteds
are Much Worn Now.
Our assortment of these wilt astonish
you, for. it's completeness.
occupy a good share of our floor space on
second floor.
S7.50 Overcoats and Ulsters
We offer have attained as en
viable a reputation as our $7.60 suits—
. Blue Chinchillas, black Frieze goods are
among some of the best bargains in this
$10 to $22 Ulsters and Overcoats
embrace some of t he handsomest coats and
best values produced this year.
“Warmback” Ulsters
Now you're talking—it's OUR I'ndcnvear
that IS sold by the "cord " every year.
IO cents. Natural Gray color.
19 cents. Natural Gray, heavy.
3$ to SO cents for the : best line
ever saw. Red. Brown. Blue. Tan.
Fleece Lined goods you
The stock of Underwear we tarry will astonish
are some of the kinds:
Natural Bilk Fleece-Brown mixed color.
Wool Fleece-Brown. Tan. Blue.
Camel's Hair. Wright's Health Underwear- best ever
sold for the money.
Scarlet Pure Wool—Good for rheumatism
Swiss Conde—will not shrink.
Combination Suits-AII Weights and Prices.
Jaros Underwear
in above lot are the most comfortable coats
made; double cloth from waist to collar, both back
and ff'ont; made in Chinchilla and irUh Frieze goods.
Aak to see them.
is UJo wall known to need a recommendation here—ab
sorbs the perspiration—prevents colds—warmest made.
Fur Goats, $12.00 to $30.00
All Doctors Indorse it"Ask to see ti.
All the bestmakes—no poor ones. Goat.Dog,
Calf. Coon, almost any kind of fur $^e can furnish. See
them early.
Working Pants.
Best makes, fully guaranteed—
9i40 to $6; Our popular priced goods at
Best line ever shown.
$2.00 to $3,60
are splendid wearing goods—Blue and black
chevtou—plain mixed goods—Coat, pants and
vest fcM- boys 3 to 16 years. Do not fail to make
a visit to our Children's Department, if you have
children to clothe. You know we haveone room
especially for children's goods now.
Wool Kerseys at $160 to $2.00
Carharttand Berkshire Pants
Overcoats and Ulsters.
When in our store look at our Chil
dren's Overcoats and Keefers, Fine as
Handsome Goods,
$2.00 to $6.00.
introduce themselves when-you see them. Here's the
warrant on every pair: “Warranted not to rip, and we
will pay you 12c for each suspender button that comes
off; 60c if the waistband rips, or a new pair If they rip
elsewhere within 60 days after date of purchase."
You see you can't lose in buying them. They fit as
well as many of the $6 grades. Prices $2 00. $2.26.
$2.60, $2.75. 'Handsrme line patterna
We aim to'buy only
Best lade Goods for GliildreiL,
Bvery farmer should have one of ours.
Mackinaws, Kersey Coats-
'Tbii fsraeai.U rxi»r»Dt««d Vo be made is Ibe b««l powiblc abSMr ssd of rood Bsieria'
sad is wamBted perfset wbes told bj o> We <ril rapalr fra* ot ebarfe. *h
Ihto ticket, wltblc Obe year (roa daW bereol.
eoj dc ecto of worloiestblp. eod replace aay
aktu that at* defoetl**.
We easaot take it back after It be« b-ee wot do doce Ibie raaraetee ooee* ordisery wear
atd leer, ni-i- dvmec* eaaeed by ee'elceeaea* or aboir
.Not a thing for workingmen's comfort but our stock cootaim it. Leather
Coals $5.00. Red leather or corduroy lining, bat oil tanned. A«V to see them.
Duck Coats with best slicker lining, both wind and water proof. Tlela^feM’
assortment you ever saw.
Rur Coats.
Fine Line 50c to $3.00.
Full line Fur Caps—just the thing for the sever*
cold weather. Big line Flush Caps—low prices.
CMldren’S Koee Pants.
Duck Coats, Leather Coats,
Read Oor warrant.
Will Stand Hard Wear.
Among many other good things is a “two in one"
Sweater, knit double, heavy as an overcoat—Only $1.00.
Large line both cheap and fine sweaters.
put this out, bring to us. sjjd we wUl show you ths bestUne
god best valnse in the dty. Guarantee it.
with other*.
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