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Grand Traverse Herald, February 23, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
©ratijem M$mW
Dr. J. A. Snyder, if™'
D. P. Carver
DENTIST Real Estate
- jswrselTwsaw.
aboaied ascnk.
t’m IJW sswersa. aws," tw(ilied tbe
'fukSe. with a letMiivlf MBlIe.
BSId-bare beard lha< aai di
Second Usidir a Aoeed
. tMJ.
e, beea brfled j*;*J •
Taeaa2arf rM
aw, aaa.1. I<4C ■
aw btws au4«>r m> >w
X.T, -era.hsow. OBe>*<tt>a se^the.r, ba. W-o u. wOc ,Va’a
d. wiia abeuu and rarer.Jro^'hfl Tberr. Haratods potaWes aad a
3B.iir pMty, .two boy. a-d bfloatot ...•ar mba fur a rha-re.
broart> ibe air. driaen by tbe raupai
ic force pat forth br Tuur olbef..«a:l toroau
r oar., aad ..Bded la tue >a d. ..or p re ...
' rri-.ft, „o*
tbrapfawiiop. tbr other .ir^k'.itp oo Ob
. .
(ret and ke^np fmw faL.c.uiyhy betitbio^ . ut b.
a ae^.e.'ut Ump rtonib lup alridc. lbat,..b..o Ca...V.l
'..V urL.;:;,wi-.h
an fw.lie »•
w.oi at al. B«>ar
..•.i.p. 'a.bui .104.1
i..p. wttb
laue.atd .:bK. . .rd ;p, oupe.; .b.v;; o. r -. .. r K;.l .rj
B»,atthtaw.-h an'^r.,1 oa..4....r. .. in .w .. :e
,..eBp a
isoui tuia« wsucs Ml.
idioiTBrr xo
OOHtlLLLIlUI«,lfpMfllLII. B«t
Bora.- aba be«ss. ae baahU/that
uwaanra^veat ballad tar. • ,ba»Iafler
_•» ;« J ;«' u. ykTse - bat• Toa told
bta. nutaea
.ueeup.oo'r.a ’irr,r.r:-.-<.= -b7r-wi
I ,UltbeL..il. Y^.',
idreo (l.rutll .'fit b ■».
Aoiw woseled ata <aad bee
broaJd 7^ Stabta ‘htTbliT’
oae., aad vmk bee taada
rt. MtuBreaw'
You nata ma
•e uae of aiy owa b.-.^
l^n aJoee (tat I'te bdt w. abo^ aa?I
u dabial eon IbeiBiBBW I came lai
CMt aod ter T.Hir taor
!'■ wlllla'
« he. □ '
be touk uo pi\>Uw>c.
hr. iZe^L^riT.
-IV 1>-,
1.^. .., .TT-.r.." ..
ilrrr Ob r*pb..dr wi.
""rr'/i:::::;::: r:: ii7"“
T of o.Hay dellpbt
••*1} land- aoii:»it
to ttr fryv*-
aralta ebaeka la
"1 coiac le Kaa' e «5 M* b> take a c.aiaB. and here ea ay
□ IrbUon of atafilop weal 10 ••laar'
Hree..-' f.on.^
r»t da> o
l>e let ooe take ae-e.aa.
errs of U
b.Ta"mJiahled Jaaec-r w, fcLow.dldB'l
>t •! pe.1
st to pie,.
oi.ar aoy aiaUke pup,map
to bar
................i}' auj"!-.,
; ber e.
1‘erieek.t did nut aiod li
pel-tuu.aTd pW.aipunda.il loukrd
' '
mark. 10 tbe L-a.i Torr bail M
I Tbe <tuA'trr.M.-iWB ewbkut tba MUa-.f faioi-r ^.e,,
' .ame IbiDp >.
• heretuwdio
'ij.lM! fariu waa lakim. but nM by
; Widower Cir,
.ulr.kt ttreew
It i. ia tbe name at
«<y t'ddlrj.ao, baeiop oaetu
d Bauwia a o’r^ ltre|^ir DJin (te
•rdd.Bp p
I rear., till, fcie.cp reavhrd a uwfuoa dibla-eakbat be.Ull diMraa
! '‘ikd wbal u >uui iiatui ' Mked .be.,
D.iue oise.-nBd4'iddla. aa ta ^aya
duwD from or.' .adJ'e wi'.b a i;,
.dw'p .'BA
. n.i-1-.kt-,
white tbe.lrboya
WiOkle in her era
I as rMhiiraalic orcbeatial accoa. ■
•Juba Kiddlejihn.
liejihn. M.m
ir .Uiisimpl
a bobbl
*e:: aare ta>y Uwa Uaioed. —.Vm
teouly cmrr of .
■ ■■
" lory
>ry of
ot Ibe
lb< eillape aud bom-ihiop »er« cal', iiim IW-a,
fur dt»Ti, eye,, „Q.e ,i,e befriended . kilnu'pr.r- -• ' •••
K-ad. Ui India .
berveudfr aud a «'ja
I wander
Icrirp tramp, ,-f
A Uareard atudeal abobaa yW
.•c! utf Itone of ti
nraid.fw.m abi^ci.ua*
ai'd I Uj.iu^L'. au nr baiin
iber.md fras lAhaeu In
ra.r to bi-.a.keij ll.>ric.itc. luruinp lu I
Ibe v.ilape »-a» ju
, UJ Iti'-Bi.
icou u.loa tone aa<
•tic woman Ttsr»,We ,..unr.tcr
ed to 1
; “I r,..:|r
U\ tbr dr.t time
I u Irte.
The maUr.al irf whk-b It U
er hifper
" Laii.er thr.r can
caaj keep i
aad. io rrium. w .o
they .r t ;aB ..c .-l .en.-e tc»;r mvltarr luiaJr II ca led -kunker,' and (I yod
arr,- 1 am. a
a.eaJ .Hair, aitb mi...............................
itani that wn-^ lays 'eum-reu yoa tarn .
UorJe»kT wa. tbe ripbt Pumui Id Ine
aa idea of Weat u la .tke. Tbe .rand b
^TY. Miru.
1 »..h Td ki
bard and a. aiioolh aa prepared pareShe wa> tall aod aleudcr aiiLoulbe
I'a Uaddj the, »cie -afe.vyl k'iti.,l'»e eojijed
liar .parr, ciivl.v "itBubl bi wafbabdJral got CD thia tend with iny whaaL
aomr. iDd-pen«eat wiihoul b-iup urec
» h«mr<ry
-Igi’t ,<■ U--s a. cr-J >. jrold aitb
ind i-tj,reel tie U.ary o! cnay Iratai. »i Iwri lar.'
-p.mo. d
y.-aia ly.
elplu rith'ut beiBfcBg. 1 .wiJ -Tew . aa^lbcnnt. bet 1
bad a oia.terly way ,fr.pifi( .1,'v towsid the b
>:i .en-. io.n in'a'diwrd.
rm.» and uncreu.' I weat-Ifly
>r p ckl
from wbu-o many .bout, at 1 ..-reaii'- one iJf .v .-k-- » jr K rW. .trnr I pot
li.i luile.. .MU aiilca. Tnu, wn,
i.ii luc '.it ' nbr aj ,i.il
i.-ni a bmki u blrur
. ..
b-.r. a:-.
tct.,iwd.mi :u 4 I...I1.- ii av
irri.y i
he . i.uBheJ ~ft:y .tir ,a icht a .'limpnj Am .. aa.- H .f t-.ay . one
1. of be
aa pa- l,if lu^JcT.-nor l.in.u.-k. tbe jp,-j dour 'awkear i aad »-8bar-a,» ■: fut<. brr.
, . hi re lurnilure an,! i-ookin.' mea.i..-'wau Lad «im.wn vrir. c.f luibwler.nif
) go (nr tbe , n.nre i. m lU , .ereminybu is miufu. <o. Tbi n .he ' W U>a wid. weO a-o ibe urpbaa. it wa.
IbroesUrr Aluwt
of c-nr... lam makiuy minej- l.vhrd al her ya de and ;aoili.-.i aeaio ;hr m..', i.a'.arai tiiB<i..Urw.r..*v
uf tur ‘kuBkar'aia loaanaaal
I with me chicken., but .V'B'II plmm-r« ;
.be -a-ij
•'Tbi.Vrr -WP by uir waj. V aui b.rr‘.L.l a
ee -Iiic.1 lar nauee belluca
I'meinU-r IBal l>r iiimlr mimry with'.urh yuod.luoking. ,• >i .»
fam-ly .rt a..>Vir.- c,. -.i.ji'.lr, w
a ai'ta at tbe mlabt two
I eerrcibiiig I'ee haudieJ
1 il leave 1 unvared fur. I'm .uinif W .tup an-d vjv i ntm .ha-ri‘y, Im', ttuok i »br adTbe Clatm Tbai T
PUU OlAM. Bteion Boilu- and Aoddent Inaarancc
1-------- !• MlM W »• *
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
AslHlutar owd. > MT •u.l
AtMravjs ftl Law,
Business Cards.
X<atatt Ideas aad AppUsno^
ALx. wou oVASAjrms.
.IoliD*oD Block. Phone T:s
'THU LUsniNa
Oui-A bw-oiuf sccustonu-d to ilirir uw and
Ukd IM lAr tl«ru>t sew Use ot
bprioc Htjles ol Wooles* now
OB MlA wbleb will be Bsde s|i
is tbe Utest SirlM. bsd st
■Hcb Low t^lees u will esrprlM
without oue.
We bsw theui for lemperaiun'. (or dairy i
ilisiu^ purposes, and for th.-ruiouiPterH
BrioB Preac-riptious aiii^ Family R<-<-ii>re to ua.
at 2:5 Front Street.
1)0 ^o!j
l^noW rtii^?
AMlUer^Draanioe, i> w
rijjbt. with drug's tlifl are rigbl. at pri.f,-s that ar»‘ ri«ht
<<Sll i>s'^-----
Merchant Tailor
lili th,.n.’^VaVdariJ:'bwi^
Apples, Miy ^rade
Beans, Hand picked or acr«en»d,
Potatoes, Empire. Rural and B. Hebrt n.
Seed Potatoes, Ki«Ld®Po“^nS?”"“‘
Partiea at oataide poiDU barlap aboee ploa.e L-orretpond.
Highest Prices Paid.
wltl(e>»w swrsan
Vjr. MkwPk7ed>A
ItaM Ui tM In
Kt^w. •:»»T:ey.JA
rt K.auBS.a.D.autM«a>4
Trsyens City. Mich.
,thcmwiib E il;r Ba'ly- .hr p »ir o.il t .lay awhile with iSi-iu I..-an yet a« nj r.-c hi, b-rf,--. mi-. In, ^iod i .oe
I mat Dis-d. aooi^my ratra . i.l tiuw. I ,,uainlri and hi-'p alraiifl.lrn
up rye-an I br..«ii ti«ehi-a<1. It naaiuap
Them I'D .bar,-., wbi.e ; ta.og,, and I* '.lafted 'i-b.. .oug bj unc •nM.-m;,. im,,erK,i.ai way
i for awhile. Two acre. [ Core their p jnr o.! father ci.-ji
Ii-ek - - - V.iu'r. ai. . i-'a.ui. Ve L i.1;.; -hh."
and llir hundred anu .aiy lthat tbr , Ikin't wail for me I cii, Siirt oiy way .aid ,i.c. bal.Vy
-yi •. aod a*.-c lot
'Sanaa, law aUow. me d-m't u
vompare i back to loa n. aid I'm nwd to bot.and of l-n,s. ii».. uni I .ey ne ,l i . be "wt to
When I'mlired of ill':;
r b.yk u, ; lo .elllio* Ibeir BAbl»." ahe endwrt. . wort. N-.a. if , on om.j je,l p-l them
yo. ■
I a-ilu pu-cl hnm.ir.
■ iai*r. -.te-i .i, t*« i‘if cii - of ch.ckeo,.
A,N ,» Kree« l.< ivd hrf du-jr for | Her . ik-,-«»ti.in aa. ia an (■ ,« .tei.‘■ or V*''■ -.r _(■ c.-..C.i. w'l.cih-oj' ai »c.
the .a-l lithe ane obaerecd Ui hemel?
laito tliat the y in'jy a.au acted .tou an i-*. Vi . .. aoc l na»e a> niu.-L
•d m tired c( Duc-ng Ihe tauiei(.j-a npoo ii al once, and aeni. .milirf p, t me .ef f h-mu-chw!
tslkiog to I t ele J u about the ume ,
er-.l-fii |>. • and thi-TTri'
'Ihr bur. are k'wei b.art
knee, and iwupath.reg with itiduw .•
nd .-puke 'i-g-ool <1
Spark, abiut tbe uimr ba.l hot. and i
hrlpiar Sally -lone, ilrie.. id Ibe aame
iUle fri
- I like to hr.|i heal nrokro brad, t
BDd heart., but I . had tbem w
a Sh’XiUBK Star
The moat preealeut and •.IrancaBt
iefrnO.,1 orthicB of Ue piWDt <a Itat
lar.iiffcreiior betweea ameUornnda
.n.joidig .tar lauBly one wfaiae.
' u large ea.-iBgb W far^lab
material io'ligBl bt Inctlon
n wifj the air,
air. w be enry
1 c mcuaa.on
gbi la Ikr 8i«bt.
Bi«bt. aad even elaible
lie dayl.k-n;
Tbe largeal metaora
aa,teo«i a part of tbrir material la
gut UiroBgb tbe air. tbe rtaidae
rrachtiigtbe earth w tbe well known
tsrteocic .Uiue. Tbe >uba-aa«a ot tbe
.b'lot.ug »lar ia ao limited ba to he eonriy into gaa
Certain nT
rof albaury tk '
».'idea alir. I
Tbe CauM of Mali 8poU
AalboriiimairaiPl wdlSaroa tbta
aa well aa other HPeati-ma ITofmapr
Kc-.IrMya. tv bite apoU on tta flagor1 daw. la tta nalrtUa*'.
• Sawa wUl alwnj
BlmwrsUial lor aome
aaa not noar lie' dalt la buUdiag ap
.benail. Tuc nail la really a raaord af
ta l.fe Imlory. jent aa tta hnlr h.
tlrr/y ba r la inegnlar la outi|ta. A
weak D Mie'b. re, a flaw tbem, Vsprt*
w.l. the lorn ot a maal. or a aWbl'a
.Irvpleaaiieaa. If a mab haa bad a tl'
•er It >a written ia bia nair at wall aa
epbo Ma fager-nslla.
And Ke-Sba Waa BoibTbe muak commiuee of a Drroniire eharsB reeeetly adtarttad la one
of tta Lundon patMev faraa oeynniat
aad uiQa.c loacber to iB.lmct ItacW.
.nag the replie. reerieed w.atta ioia ieerttaiB -ei lor an orgnniat and •«- neber. either lady or gobUaaaao.
ag been both tor ae««nl yonn. i
off-ryou my aerrieea"—*r*tai«at
iTaklag the. aeengn depth of tta t throe altoA than wooU ta
rt^i^ of anlt SM iata deep 11 tta
wa^ •btald oraaoratn.
like ber. aad aayway
bar1oa.k her wiai
yoe waat bm to. wbea abe doa't kn rw
me better tbae .be doea. cees ttaogb
betlar’a good'oongb lor bey*, bat I'm begiaalag to feel peetiy amr aa
bad abuBt ber going aa ycu de Now.
ataad aaidc p'lileJy aad let ber ga."
Bcdsaaaol taUlag bodke atrikdag tta,sod Itay*'*
it. an Aowtaoy*Tta boye^wem attlta^bythdr^i^
walla nad taar.nad of cnahita tla-< vAaaa la a algktg good faOom.l toD
I TOO.- pat i> Jaa. **Wa aaw atb
"ta^ mmr ohaalalad Puilakj .tan."
Tta oldeahdairenUy la tta mmta'u
Ayhar at C
••V tKflaUar Kta aoeai aad Ibp.
ffardotMuWii, Via. talph (
•aU. Dr. aad Via. Boaaathal of
ThaUMvIa Utwarr«oaM; kaU
■ra r. i. Oarta
«ta »fco k
aad Ufa- M. A. & Bobatto was liat
Itoport of Watar TPtwfa notiwina
tba enrapUa of a few tpecial
BoUtodineneeltoMalgkV Than
tau pwt/tloas. u raportt of tba
Bdlng cnHiBlttesa aad eery Uitlc
eaUadapsbtori*** MP* >POi "
tratea.«rttt«a bj itia. Joaai
r, which will prove
grat laOoaUotOirosso. Ilwaaa awat ahla
>t and which It of toub iBpcr•ad lataraaUa#papar.krlarla*oat»ba
. Vha aiaeawloa of Ika araalac *“•
afebanaia^athaoltklt braaeh of Mace to tba dty.. The tpaeUI water
••■Mtrad. Tkal Kapolaaa Baaaivt
ihaafoaadad'br Aafaat Cooila. la
I tba adopita ol
.traattolhaiofaralaai leaadad kf
Bay BlUUtar f*oaa»*d a hawwaai
aatllM, “tatka OataoMataa.
HX|Uu>, fics&VABT M,
WM Maty saved and the
qBalltycfibs Tiaadehadan iaeplriag
tCset apa boU gaeew 'and *alr aewat eattod
to bAb bp BepBlatcBdaBi
ia a few beaky reaBrkt letarrad to Ue
pleuara aeecrded to Ue Tnverae City
taebarahpUa ddt of Uatr fellow
can fna abroad, aad ttpvteeing
Ue hope Uat Ue eordia! relaticet getablkM ae Ult oeeaaton wuld be of
•d alratekM-bbd akewleg ta<«^
d tkenaoeawa aoaU
B^a^et°ara*a^BM^& saBa t^a tBl&le BBUBthae:
i hwBdntBt aakM tbe old ted
-Oui ia«r vauc lawr inium
tor Ue
.. WheUcr
oolt era
van. or Btodle distaaer or tbe
____ they eu read and watch, ud
Uiak. aad espraimtel. aad otaerve.
and do at wa are doM to BOUlBoaaly
todayugo to tbe bright apoB where
sec tbs
. it ap
aprak of le Uat of tlnglotaa of ai
The tacocatfol tcacbgr will Bike 1
tog tke ooe
light sxpma
He 1 Big
by aaylngUal the tea
poiBurrofooe klra-'
i aoea BOt iBCSB that Ue leacber
be Banowl
Binded and akat everythingrmaldefroml
thing at of her life.
A peraa of
idea *ay be a very broad ud Ub i
1 Bioded peraoD if Ue Uta p a
large ooe.
teuhlng b a blfOArt—it b
arte and tbe true teacher Beat
be a real artbk Tbe a«cccatfsl toaeb
er oeed* io a nrc-eslDect dcgtvw tac-.
a tag WBi> ewe ety » e«B>
today ^
'. W. SmiU. wbo V
kaU kaa«ad tka aa*alS»a.
Tba eradla of Ilka Altralitit aeheol
arveoty Bllea to your g cs aty lor
W^W.««aa4 Ortc 8-iik ««k
udtald B
rat la Praaaa <ro« wbteh eoaaWy U
-an profit aad raooai grseat. bvTo tke CoBBU ConaeU of tbe ally of
•ua of Ua aSraatlaa. TM Jodfai
wa had long heard
' ' I excel.
at^ «. Ba^aad. tkaaca to Amariaa.
MM la faaor of tkc aafaUae.
lenee of your aebala. wrought oat by
Tba world of today raally a
nitlee. appolatad tao look they gave oa by coBing to inapeet o
latelllgent and patient toil by loyal
eCiiy, aehool BvUcadt.
Mayor SmlU hat
tbroofb lofty t^ooftt. loaiaf bb
tracbera aod ------------------—
COarfea WUJ
____________ ______________ _______ •! eoBhappy facBlly of tayiog ntee Uiogt. dar Ue gBida
maar al»h» xbm wat a r«
the facaity of entering
iato Ue
daratla for several weeki aad are of
rapeaally to a gathering of aehool worthy aod rarovsl and roergelie iaonghu>nd o-x-upai'env of berpuoiia
AltroUBhaafaratahed the worU
Ual Ue b
«tara(lkecle{kaof tke ratal
aoperIntrBdrBt: aod aa we go brow.
oecttloB wi
wtik lla tree kiaderrarteo. tralaliic
dopl Ue pLi
hot alwat* •1th "be diac'.Bioai.on
af|tkae(trl8tka|vlara of tl
Cbeerec br your grorroua prerti
It la not hr frieotoBi condeaevnUuB to
wa 1 .
crplion to Ur rnlv.
\ttBC cordiality. re cao aeuda:
WkltUf. Tfca obja« of (ka Boatlof tekoolt. eookUic aehoeU. etc.
long diw
r ehlldiabarw that tbr tree tcacorr
wc tball have .. go
.. to
.. Uat
The reaponae waa Bade by beperiaBaoeroleoee lacaodea aet only ekai
>. ud Ue half Lai
aaMtec«aaiaiaa>porm>7 orfaolatton
aad create to large
large tnexp^BM
yet bten told in lu loeHied Uodation
tsndvst T^wnarsd. wbo axpreaavd
efateealoakm.a braoch of Ua EM Ity.kntpraeeatioo. The pregaralioa
Kaliowieg SnorHatoBdrnt Towoeend Ptotbe birhvr grt asA where *ahr her
loralUaliBUfaiv^. imuln Ood. aod
............. . waylotatUfy behalf of himaelf and'tallow workers
«aU Oarka HaOeoal IVolaetlTa
ulf pat heme
peopla Uat wv are getting tbe tbrpleaaBrrrt gmva Utm W — r-• - —...................... ......................................
initt la eae't owo toul to eee pood ia
oiattaa. Tka aH>H*oll<* *“■ * okarwr
Are children Is onr pnmary and
to "PoaadatioBa and
Mkaaoaiocd br 2« elrrka.
" “ tbelneer aod oalTT Batura. Tbe field
graoiiBar acbouU.wbt LIy tnd.4crc«t > •
M'e have njoferred wi
be added that it waa Ur knowledge of ■ sp re« “ The tu\'-cl ■ gave MHa thrr theo'gferr IhingB-of morala. po'ili.t.
for allrsUa U where wa«l hold* away.
Waaw. wbo hai bora loal
the eierileoce of oui acbooU which !ao ooportuolty to rxprcaa ber Wear literature, aaale. Ue public good, -be
;lli»B»elyo Moiw taofWheo the
al la atartiac tke moaemaJ
proBDted iheni to come to ‘Averse! regarding Ue foundaUob of ae rduca grarev tf wial lilt'
Ve.-, bnprlewit
Heart It Voonfi." lo t o.qtt plaatlay
lalaelM aa
In eloaiBg ha atat^ that their | . ion and to adeaB-e orlgloal Uonrbli
artist teseber find, these aama nns'u
,trt but wc I
oftkaaiaeUaraBd L. T, Bcaaatta t«
tbat it:
pleaaut. aad profit | wurUy of emulaUon.
. isinr VOIIU. sou BsidrB. qnick t; i
Urt. Cortit »are a-akort tkeuboi
ould be of
pcmraearaurr. It waa rotod to i
rtoln- ableaad ihatOBr acboo’.i are entitled [ "Bigb S.-hool Idra’w^
Cunno- ■ ipoe4io a call to nob:, r.ibosghi.
f« a abartar aad tba taapon
the* high terBa of prabe beard for : drunu' wa> Ue toaat reepiedcd to oy
wboae death occarred in Jaooary.
tVewald advlac that the atyoa- then IbTOBgfa Ue atate
aaerataiT if** ampottarad to appl;
| l>rorraaor Wnitobcad
Hit UcBe waa ckiidren into s kind ..f comeaDtun.bio
Hri. Fowle neat read a paper writ alTBct an eolirely new plant nod nliow
Uaptaparaoarea lor U. Ai aOOB ai U
After Ue Invocation by Bev. D. Coch-1 the Ideal, of the Uacher and pupil aad
who does this need not f^i that her
ten by Hri. Clark. eoUtled "Child Hr. Cbmpball to go on and operate hb
ahartor a racaiaad a pt
I'lO Ue banqurtrraiieeotedUeBxelvaB he advueed theories
leaching ts tomclhihg apart frem Le'
Ika oljart
schools better ud the ri
Wc woo'd adviae Uat Ue city forn- to the feaal before them.
The late!
osrn hiCTer life. i:iie can Icaob with
ObUd elody. ae a etadj. beran in bb Ue ntoeeiiry Boaej Uat wiil be
that wh»>e-bcarteB devd’ioe ar.d de
laeiBal feast followed and daring tbe ol the labnra of the leacber n
light tt.at u aitHi lecU She imparu
aad koosdt aeda owrc iatlmaia aiaoei- Oarorany U lU■^. Dr. O.' Stknley Hall repaired ud tbat arrangeiBrnu be
O Ue
It developed Uat Ue Hublce fective. He dwell opa
bcraclf Iq her acbuol.
alkaaoloBCtbactarkaefUieGUy. An wat IM eblel adeotBte in U>la.ieoantry. ntxde to proaecnte Ur work
■ favored with hrilliaoi I of a pupil's slarliog ' it light. I
In closing etaperie’-endrat ilrawn
aariyeloalar morameBt wlU probably Ilraceieed lurreatatl liipetnadar
BS to bt
miBds and kright. encTfetic 'teaehvra. clarrd Ual tbr Brat elemen'. in tbe ad Itnprya ed upon the aB.lieoce that V'
kaoaaortka tblaira tka orranltaUoD tka Child Stndy Ooorrtaa alUie Worl
re belieri arraageaenu
whose Interest in their w.rk was made Teceemenl of a scholar eras .to first dis
t essuiiivtl hit atiK-k anil the prin- aod uaaUly auiliid no,
Frota tbia Use it btabccOBr
be suci'C^fu: in ber railing tbe lea. hwill aoaaUer lata-OD. boleot foraoBC
eover himself. Urn tbr rad would be
tanile'.t in manv wavs.
er must luve her pup'ii. and t v appealrary general aad U repiMted
to all parliea. for
iki I purt'baik-U Mtiiif FiiiiiaD ilaiiiliiii and Smok.vl SatoxKi.
bvdraata ud waV-r pip-w
; of tbe ttalB in Bolbert-.m.
Itg to the tender na'.tires of the little
Tbfv ar.' line
That i» nut tfi.' ext. iil ..f hiii stm-k. -he ban Salt
alllis'd Ip cuBDeeilon with tbcpiui al High achoul. was aelacted a> toaet- bis work wbh-fa would shape bis intel
folks intcrevl Ib-rn to their work
UiSTBiy Boetatylogs and tpecial child ttody el
aod uy oUer aateriala Hr. Camubell BUtcr anti he presided wiU Ue ease lectual carse for life VreL ssor tthiteMaekerel. ('<ai Fish. H'-rrtiig aii.l'WLiter'isli iu u-ii-pugnd pailsThe pn-g-nm vas clreed by a trin
Tbongbl aad will power a» '
• TWSaalor Utaraiy tloetoty of lb*
may have toduipaac of Uat would tc
headbeUcvedUalBOreatteatiooShould j
ud grace lor which he b tsi
uaefBl to the Dew wdt-ka. ,
e.>c.ia'ai>g of Mrr.
M II, May. Mis.
You elii.ulil try Soiue'of that tfui.4e.l Halibut nr Ulualeru.
BlfbaMel b^d a r^lar Baatlsf
ioa.e aed abroad Tbe program be given to a social edo^tioB. be be- |
Tbe foel for Ue plut located on Haat
Biagbanaod Miaa Itcvpres.
Ihe three akoold be ttadied
rMayaraalaraad nodaradas eBter
Bay wjl ODdoobtedly have to be cal,.
iBsertbed upon tone Wy wood lieved in social cinba lor Ur high i
Itclure separating OnperioSendent
Natore It tbe ckild't firtl
talBlB«pn|tTaB toa *cry lanca aadl gelhcr.
_____ fur. inU
plaques, at each piste
They were achals. and Ur custom of set formal I
Townsend again expressed Ihr app-q'
aed that child who caret oot for have to be baili
prodneu of Ur oral wood diab laetory. receptions Jar Uc brnedt ofpnpila.to■Id be carried
a nnlcsalt
c;all.>trx>f Ue risiliog toacbvrs f.ir Ur
Thadbeotaloo wai npoo tke qoaa' 1 patera It ahoorBtl. Tl
and being embslllshed with edges of give, gra.-eandrefinemeu'. many cb.l.
wu which they ec relie works
'orks by rrail.
Your oomalt
of child ttody were enoBerated
roeld ask fur
for further
fnriber time to coaler gold and nesciy lettered ibcy made ap
otb« oppotluo^w to
A Idea given of whet U being
.Uroad eompulB ud
propriate and pretty aaveoir..
doo^along that line.
__________ wain be Ue moat i
Tbr first number on Ue program was
bpeaketa on that tide
oretly v<olln solo by Miss Blsccbe
We are of Ur opinion that Ue water
There it nothing to
tide waraCdith Battlagi and AlBoa •ell traniformed
today in Ue Waal lUy U all ^ighi ^t Rarnum. oot of Traverse City's
BoUv. while tke negaeiet waa argood keep tbe heart on fire like a great love
young Bosielans. Hiss Barn im played ' neb sesaoning to
wrWbtV meoUl
I pin Ibeaugg^tlonof Saprriolend
kr May Boyiagtoa rid Joe Baltkey for ehllurenfuture, we doaol believe it would '
,artUlically ud was heanl'y applsudwl diet.
Urt. Htnlo pretented tke nest paper well to locale Uc works
a many of Ue local tesehers i
WBDo'walagwaec i.lo.
Harter's calimate of Ue
ThaeM- porta were; Violio daaU opon "The Duty ol Wwienb CloU To
d sixty that daperinlendant Townee d would I Juaefa tVilba.m favored w:
new plant is one bund
ward PobllcQ«etaoot."wrltlen by Mrs.
• .psciat tra'n was awaiting .
BMaeba BAranB end BMaie Palgki
.nd (SI«o,uuni
(lieo,uuni dolli
raap.md to Ue toast. -'Kxpsnsion."' solo, av which displayed her ric
Jlagiapknl BMy---Jeka Hatoo-- Uary P. Cortit of Charlotte.
.»^..^— all com every one present knew- that some ' voice to good alvantage aud invite
ludes Ur oat ol a reservoir
' irvoir Is es
isn't Club It a training plete. The cost of Uc rdsen
at twenty Ucosaod ifJil.OOOi Uing good was coming, something eethuslattlc applause.
tBfaooU It anlarget or thoold enlarge timatedat
,nd If it wi
wbicb would be food for thought and
.Miss Hamel ll.jldin re.pBded-.-n
dollara and
wt_------every tide ol a woBan't life and bring
direct preasure. Ue urlng aaleruiomenl as well. And they were "tVork aod I'iai. showing Uc Btonr trade wh'ch 1
pump QBdrr
onl ber latent poweci.
In Ur dob la the: c<
coal of Ue reservoir could be de
diaapplinted. qs Saperloirndent
which the pjp.ls
nimeivial and busiaras i
eraryUingaboold bedonedeeanlly and ducted but there b no doubt bat Ual
CUMa Dakar.
Townsend gave an admirable addreu know that to meal the struggles of ter^U of Ue city
BtagnphiTBl—"JaM VklleoBb Bl- In order. The dob thould atand for ell with Ue one of Ue rraervoir greater
------------- -----------------omomy could be oaed to more thu caleulatod to inspire the teachers with I life too much limr must not be devoted
that npUfit: It tbald Utow off Ue
lip." Pnnei. enemy.
a Ue dlSeUnea In Interest nn Ue In. renewed coergy. if Uat were possiolr. i v p!ay>ut iha; p'ay ud -m-k prop- '
q:>art*rs a-..| haUel.,’’ae. ar
fllary." Anna akaeklea of exdotlreoeu aod
ud filled wUii thoughU. which onl. a'cH miug.cl sharpen the i.rutlli-c. . f
v’ruulaleJ q'liie rxteb.ir.-ly a
akoold be tl
prograeaiv.- adneator woo'd advance line pruverbial ' .leuk" and lends lii.u
H'^U bear the dale c
Pximv Hsxxsii
one of Ue Boot indotire woi
Following is a sypopsis of Ue response. I the mental aed pSjsioal coergr wh.rh '"•‘V- ud arv vsecllotl spec mens o
Bid. Bru.
Ulenteta." Ua Parrant. ,
Uitn W. LASniT
Addraasby BuperiniendutTowoscbd i.neces.sry to to-dcrri.ipm.nt.if Wth U-««»unlrrMier's art
Mrs. Cbaae led Ue dteeoHla wbicb
Ft sjuC Dwsmsi
>n lam to talk aind and
sed body
in which Meoomi
followed. Sheepokeof ibewldetpiead
d increase in'
abonl ic not the
al ;hr m »t i
A Utenip and dakaUag aedety
of MonnantoB aod iu edit.
e metropolis of the Slav-'
The report was u
mule Sam's dll
That is a
haown aa the BBortaa Uteiary (t>
Hra. Bobertoaad Urt. Peck
Jicf cities of greater sire;
topic b-tter
. sniu
her hours tban
ed 'and adopted aod
da^kaekaa fmeda tke pealnni'
|Uu iUrlf. That is UecomplaU BU-J
raotod Ua InrUcr lime desired.
kp tke BMsbanol the order of BsorPo«to'iti'eo’c*’a''“ for \«kre tohwUu | of Msoi.'eF, who i. an ex. mn lficattoo
The bard of pobllc works asked for tbry are bonod to d t in time, it win b.' I r( Manistee's w.l. hum >r. eoerfv and BSl training its high ».;hool has. which
iaan. Tke object of the eoeleiyltlB
le a rrainre pul yet included in the cc |
m.TTlo defray Ue expsBM Incurred eeeolbat Uis signiflcarioa of rxoan. 1
a^-oiopiubm-ou ’ Mire
I la readlap u<t tpakiog
e feralag
of a laeal'BBorlai
■ympaUy ol Ue elnb In her recent during the pact two weekv
EVpu*m“ n‘"i°uratmn
AnoUer matter of iBBorUnec
nd the tired has gut to be fs.-cd i
This lotercbange
Ue adoplieo of a resolntioo providlop
bdd their firtt Beetbg at the
proelty day brings
Ual the cogBcil request Cong’
eotog to be hard. niw fnrti
koma of Hr. Powiaon. ae of the
MrahdrBrpreaeBt to congreae lUc nreds •• wD'rs to liva I
His. liuuM i. pO-sAsed u*(
kwa. aad had a eery enjoyable tUae
igandupllllUig iofloe
of this city sod ask for an sppropria .1 ,v. uf onr .•njoiry wneutne ccmau.is natura. hum>rand a style
Tka feUewiag eOearB ware elected:
sir.- many and th.- lauurers few. The
Damocrauc Uniet CoDTuUda.
tior fora goveroiBcot bnlldiog.
■racnera are guihg'.n be rail'd npon V
PtadMt-«. Edward OlsBonv
The real secret of yonttful features!
The Draoeratlc Unia ccuoty
workicei with an appryclal un wl
In sromen ia regular menstruatido.,
Vke pnaldat-Mra. Hyrtle Bathnotion was held Friday afternoop
Hra Harlth asked UronghClerkBlek
tf tbere is on irregularity of any ,
ed that she tasi! capliratr-l U-.________
es^ eopprenaed
> Oruge ball. On boUod of E. L. erd Ust u arrangCBeot be Bsde ghere field.; ye«. and lor the kitchen. W*';
Seerstary—MIb Flora CHiaat.
rather than f -r the parlor, and '.be Her ihcnc Iresird '.ue n udrsu. e. of or too ecantv, too pri
nrs- Ilut.'kjtf'WaguPh anti Sleigbs of aU kiodA
Sprague all members of Ue I'nion by she could deposit s fund fui
hsunuof fs.h ,11. and Ihcc'ubrovn the grade toacL-r. and her addiesi -the trouble will ah
Vamisbing and UpbolstoriDgpn
UpbolstoriDg pronpUy
party were allowed seals asdelegaus of ber family bnrial plat ic '
Ud th' dilellsote'. dawdnug piac'. pror.ri thlt.l.rwa. familiar wi.h tbe ?,*'F
*>« encircled
in Ue eeevestlon.
tery aod have It eared tor by the city and the pared'yroued nf a capneions
i the I
Alrej Ciunera! Blarksiniihiag and FotyrinKInUeabsenraof tbe eouty chair
ber own expense.
Fur crc-\ laUd draiincii to be a day and bright rcuugh to saggest remedi's ■nfferer, although young In years,
H.iraesbocinK • Bpe<-iall}'"Hilly" AbltoU bu charge o( this ‘
IU. Us wtsventloD was called to or- oUer pnaaible reqnesta of Uls kind dreatocr' of a "bonkworm. ora giddy.
Bttaek. Hra. M. A. PowlktB. WlUlaai
which b,xrd', of edu.-ai.MP might prufii will Appear old in looks. The ua<l.-t«rtinvut, and bis r.-putation fur Loowing how to do a gm job ia
dwbyA. V. Frladricb. B. C. Euller
casidrred ud Ue rtqi
IhonghUereboltriflv, wc bare a hon- by and lighten the buritru of the iraco
remedy is
tis, wi-1! buovrn to pil'd ciniinenl
of Acme, waa ebosen
{erred to Ue commltie on ordlnuncn ■Ired whose lot is to be hsrd. tolid.
BtABnEu's Feiale tsnum
griodisg work., day lo aod day uut. rr.
W.’tk io ibi- L'ity will be called /or and di-liwd.
C B. Cooper, aeeretary.
wlU instrucUooa to ihport at UFoest
liter year, oolil they Ssy d.jWB
....1 .i,
N'.i- 190.
The following were
ibr bsrdeo
was Ue reeponse of hnpcnolendent gans, Falling of the Womb, LeucotTbw pla.-e. tbe flew brick factory at cor. I'ciiun and Stale atraata.
There not being two Ulroa of
taodUe State eaveoUm to be held
For I
for ihtae only dn Ua lirawn io •• 1'i.e teacher whom I de- rhma or Whites and Bcanng-dovrn
aembaaprearatUe eouBcU could oot puLltc
iMesd. That oaow briaga sore
a. A. ImagworUy. L A. ITatl. A takenp Ue'matter of Ua proposed is nut Ue sllgfatc'
Seat tkaa rain.- Captain of afilrBatUe.
exist •
due toweaknenain theaimeorgans.
charter ameodmule. so oB BOtia '
Friedrich. Judge i
Hka Hnrie Braaoh. aeaUted by Bd.
rsoi a course Ol ei'.-ij. It. 111.
Adur.se .-f 8up.'r.uWn.:o3i Oraa-n. ' ^^te^S|s«^
board adjonrned to meet agaia Uis
adjusUtilc. cxpaus'vc Ins
OoBat. Hra. Baabtu aod Hra. Pow.
The delegatee elecud to Ue J pdlesal eweolng at 7:Jn lor Uat
- iBoa.
Captain o^Ura. Mr. 1
irat^a'’ ’“o"*f i II
" '
wrong to give cbiloren. as we do. morb rcsjivre-ilseJf tn'o toe
' aa. aariawd by Miaa Flora QcBat.
mat they must forget before ther can faVhfu! aod rfBcieoi «er*
Thunuy 4ftarBoa.ara as
Tae Teachers o Haotste^ Visit Ua
Pbedlaadd Braaeh aad WIO Boahtoo.
dojaslicc to their work, to their seri diliua of lasting honor and apprccia I
"wa* Invmlrd Friday ousyears. luocb that makes ibeBauA U Bpragne.fkslriou:- U. C. Daris.
by Ue intcllaclual forera of Manistee
Potm ^aier Bopptyipprryisti
ud Ua local scbal trachers bad U. conrccllooal "cullarr
Wba the firtt water tnpply cob
Ue tliara-tcri.
We are iuukmg fc
1 public
Bittae laeaaUgatad a poialble aeorce HaHen. W. A Cooper. C. D. Kenya. pleunre of dUpIaying Ue meUods ol sebals ic Ml. I.igsn
,tu: teacher •
tbe suerntfu teacier
itaraMr for tbe fetors for Ultdly Wmtaa Wuder, WiUlam Wilcox. " work lo oar public sebals to the bright sewing and eouklng aad buiui
pcra.)nB. Jenalaga. J. C. Fairbuka. F. Bar- uergcile aduealors from Ue aehairof
nad ssployed Bnglaear Barter to
hat virtue dors nut fall
. __
an laaatlgalla It wat deesed by dsB. CurUe Fowler. 0. U. Millar, John the Salt city.
or spring out of U'
omr. ud love for la
Tbe visiting toacbevs arrived
MtM thnl tbdr apeadltnrea ware ca WUhelB. Andrew Wlllacker. Fraek
•s bidding but it esn be
for labor
Oeu. 0. C. Tbompson, D. B Wynkap. by apodal train on Ue M. A
« large degreq. by any
ol affsin
Itaeatwt and that tkair racomni
consecrated teacher.
railroad ud when they aligbtad Uey
Haa waraaotyat within Us rai
were met by Hapcrloiradent Urawo Ttstluu of what America slauds for
of Ult city.
.baracterislic vili not be
oated^or Canty C
wbo had provided noveyaecra
•cnals are leaders In this braver sod tbe number of pages c
Ua vUltlog tcaeh^ to Ue
wyU.qr field; others aye follow mg which ber pjipils pass
•f HayorHBlU. Boo. Parry. Hannah.
acbal buildings.There were aeveaty in after; many ouen are slowiy awaking resuluorany
H. A Ball ad AldarBcn Lardle. Dot.
i.i be mcaseleetod to take charge of tke cuopaln Ua party beaded by
Bod and Montagne. hare gone
nrrd by thasr'
lemrnu ol
tally oeer Ue graed and mi
charaeu-r which hrr pecs; Hilycaasct I
in ber pupils
Her i
tboro^ iereatlgaUa
Lai night
led tlta report
nd power
nartarnt were visited ud thv w
and in that rt
presence of anch a tea
Oarfiald—J. ti. Baasdell. Ueoige excBplified In Ue regoiar rooUee
lea a power wb;.-h no ir
aertad In all Ue classca aed variouv
eoirpesa or couuio—
»- he (
Blair-C H. Monroe. B W Clyde.
geadea The visiting aehal bs'sbi
ePBalttaa also farort East Bay at
.hr auui ud awttlng the student tt'er to I
Oreen loks—Jobs Baru. Oaresce were deeply interested in Ue work
anarea- Thlt report. tegeUar with
shown them aed le oar ayttem geaer
that nf Us first coBBhtee ud Ue Martin.
al'yasdso gratified were Uey Uai
h.ukr or formslaud pcdagngioal prln- i
rarpBmgilttliipt ol to ealneal a
. PeeiBSola-D. V. HcHnlla. Cortls freqaeat and
fiA'.Uripg coBseoU
glaaar at Mr. Baftrr. It worUy
were lednlged in. Tbe local lead
earatnl ud IsBedlate eotlderatla Fottler.
du'pitar, bu’. ly her pcrsona'lv the I
fcaradise-n. Wyskoop. A Q. tloga< exerted ev'ry effort to Bake Ur i
;.aa4 It ia now for Ut btat InteraaU of
w'll Impart tbe breath of life br giriog |
of Ue Manistee ladles ud gentlci____
u-|.iiat;un sad liopolse to
».-ry (
tbadty to Bakes Bore la Uedli
■s-rtry ihungbl ud Botive .f her -1
Fite Uks-D. C. Hotobioa. J
profitable and Uc result was gratifying
tiMofa new tytWB along ikelinea
toboUboaeud viaigag inatraetors
iigfBtad by thoaa who bars glrm Us Rofigea.
Unia-B. B. fiknianl.
A/tar Ue iDspeetla u hour or so
aattar carcfol aUdy.'
TravsraeCIty—W. P. Cretssr. B.
waxgivaop to explanations ud aortal
Tka ranort of Ula koBBtflei
teacher, whatever li r bUrr .jcalAcalaisi that prerloaaly Bade . aad beiog Spragoe. a F_ Ooopm. C b. Eaya. vtaltlag aaoag Ua teubera unUl
tiuns may be. ou eommud Ue re0- luck in tbe at ernora. when Uey all
coed kasinaB an ud' dbtrna wbo O. C Tbompsa. a 0 HUlar.
,pect aod confidence of her pupils when
LrMg Labs—Ju Hobwlodt.
gaUerad at Ue Ooogrcgauoa’. choreh
harethainteraetaof Utdly at
ibry bare discovvTed that h.rsc'olarDargea.
.b |> is ainrcnly or inaecurato la ebartkair rseoaiBadatiat aboald b
icter 'Tovtearhrr stands before berl^ta—
eept I a B worUy of eotaldrratton ud
■chuol primarily io Ue alVtode of anl^^sllayflM-Tbas.
for nor bent iaterrau. Their repor'
'■•"'10T and It does ooiiakt a brigni \
ascb Oltier and were drasru elieer to
•bowt alto that tbe fi(il eoBaitlee did
■ gtrllongto fiad ont wbviber'^tv. K.r,wTli« 'Fcr» year,. I was
eseb eUer Urough kindred saaeeiaaeher nadentuds her bnslnras |
TighUa aaplaplog a^ enpert ud
sugrrvr tram drsnrtau and i tneir le
reemful teacher wjil pot deem
tlasud parssiia.
rapart kcoclcaraBd coaclntlre that
•vakstoesris Tbr luU...t feud peoCuted
. -_3Wledge of su»3-cis gair.ri in
At h o'clock a basque', was eerved le dlst<v>s. esusmj severe palo sod tbe 1 -rm-the dly will atke no aletakr in foV oranty campaign tommUtae.
Uege or Ue normal school toai.'<eal.
Ua parlorebyUeLadiB- Aid aoriety tkaiofrs*. Kociitt'r bjv carefgi of uy
towing at tbe pleat raecaaeod
It will be eonsluUy extecdiug her
dwel tuSendagraixirs psis after eetiat
ratal bor ion by stedr and tewd;cg
• m early a date at potalOto.
of Ue^bareb. There vrav eoUizg
t *u trraied by u-sut KT-i-isu- and insd
itaamar Alice S
IC will beeome convrnut with tbr
. la tka BCuUae the aarrira of H. D.
foraal abont K Ue utBoat cordiality nseroBs remcd-resiiboct terms sent help
r ys4a. eras d
rr widening dele cf lilera’nrr. tel
Two yean aco I be;sa-«skls( In M.lcr'
OiBpbtll A Soot win eatieu abat
preeaiUng Uroagh the ratire progran
•f the bmt wfaUe era
.ce and the aru. She wilt
at Ue
Xerre snd Liver PUis end ServiBe. U’nn.x
Ihra yaart aad it Bay be that a
Tbe Brea was aa {oUowa:
of Uegreut expoender- of edueasetlBS Saurday oighl.
awerk ! comBenred tmp.revUi«. and pc.-t'aof theprterat'plut'cu be nUI.
tUiisr In tbe trrsiseet 1 was eooc able to lional U'orv ud pbiloeophy. ud out
of the fuIIaeM uf bee knowiedge of
' metbods «f preaer.taUon
1 keep tUm si liaad sed s .aeje dose dusei.
in wiU tloeriag rsths
Ulnga for Ue city 'll has ralM
o osy for a arvvy af Ue pfo)
saccesafaMaebeg must work, ud tbia
arwh" sM WklpseS Crraw
a eetrie railroad to Peloskey. arcurM
‘ ' cLaraeteristk: of U
.nbaeripUoa of ttt.OOO toward
MM aftonoa wt« not at
000 fud ter tbeucnriage'htalthdnek
annaaaLdaeadabttetba dMnw lo tba dty. aad is
ud laereaavdM
•ktowalktog. Thera wera.howe
aittos Iraa a cbalr faeury
a aatad amoagUlrir
some pf Uetr own smBbrn- ud w<
aubvifoMef Iowa alaitan
kowllcaae abopt. IMn eald
mb •
bbRatud I rao.
Tbat P K bu a
Brosch’s Meat Market
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked MealSy9mages Etc.
r. BB08CB A SOV8.
se City Wagon Works!
MiUr Keep Touag
A. J. PETERTTL. Proprietor.
TnwarsE Oity. IflebIgEH.
Our Buyer is in——.
Chronic Dyspepsia Cured.
..New York..
this week inspecting the products of the
best manufacturers.
richer'’” a amTcto*1to teat- I
will receive first attention and our Special
Sale in this line will begin on or about
March 1st.
The showing will be the best we have
ever attempted, and every good housekeepr
er should prepare to take advantage of
this sale.
% ...\\rilheln:i Bros... 5
Traverse Herald
• -I...
IB nlMt
ao* tnm
TM. UA»B*«h|p«llt*BftMB'..i*? -4», b7 O-ef
~ .
TnTMM Oily. *ito ■oUoa pi«wkeoUtf B«*
Btoir. t•■panra7.
Um I tmiM. mai lb* n^aUea wm BdovMd
Bos. i. UOlbteja.
B takra ud apoB i«D. (kapWU.Oeorrt Slairwd «ad W. .
H. C. UiiBkall «
• e<Ua Ollbert
tea oa eradamUai
ila;-P. Priadrieb. «i
Brifhma mad K. C
UiM apoa Hr.Cros'
s' BoUoa G
. tea ws laid oa tee fatde.and apoa bla
..F. C. Oaaaoad
aoUea tee sareeUu prooaedad te
elect by 'towaabis aad wardt tee dalerswa. wbleb rsalled aa fallowi:
ad aa aeUtledte a
Aana-JobB HcDoaald.
mlea. Ite Mloalny:
Blair—U A. Briybam.
AcM-Jate FakJpbat. W. H. Fifa.
East Bay-J.
-J. E Habaa.
PblU]i Baal. M. H. ffaaleb. Bda»ad
FlfeUbe Fred Laidla.
Dame. Jaha HeDjmmld.
Oar*ald-J. H. Baell.
Blatr-«. A Brirten. f- K- Baail
Grant—Fred B Walkeroa. A.
Gras Uke-C P. Teller.
Leerl'tea-M Ballnt.
Bial Bay-J. E Habao. i. V. -loBrMayBeld-E W Ooell.
Paradlte-AT£ Hoirer.
WblUwaiar-E T.
BK-varl. J. a. B
Wai. Otmab J. A. WoIbMroa. U O.
Ormal-F. B. Walkar. F. L. Daalt.
1. K. KMardy. J. IL BateU.
Ormem Lakf—A. B- Cartla.
^ Brldre. W. D. Bridge.
Leaf Uke-Bacesa Out. Cbarlaa
Corbett. Baraoa Boirard, H. Hallau.
HaytaU- U W. Ooalt i. E ttaaa.
das. i. &. WiaebcoBbr. Jasea Wiaa.
O. A. Draka
Pasdiaa-A E Fa'or. B Caaa. F.
Wilaoa. J. P. TiUouoe. O. Boamr. W.
U WiIbm. J. L. Uibba, B 8p«ar. A.
Glbba. A. U Tbaravw. P. Hillar.
Fealaamla-P. F. Lardla. 4. B. Poi
ter. F. E Bre«ra. U. E DrOna. F. I.
Befoemteedteooewyof One Miaate
FstaNlWtakter^_____________ ___
specially OoteTb Oarc. Bteiaias warm yraatly
Him. JbIH ^
AM ml ter'ceiMBm. «klti dUcm.*. aad
Oatee'dlatarbed by enayblay WByreyal
_Ba« la 8M& OrMi Ab.
bb. 14.
im. Hi«».
n>cm. DeWlif* WlU*
ordia-. No ezraae far It BOW. J. O. Jobi
dbB wm» m fiwieer,-' MBBda Aral and brat Lc
mod W
ininte ud '
to*lv riMTirl «ilk ter fcntesd mad
— -iwmBty-tbrcc ycmrmato ecaol-............,
-------------------- IrmaUmBd of a yood article. , WorUrtes «ood» are ,
ire ne a Herr rmlater ud I will
not IniUted.
OeWitt'a Witeb
reyalate tec
sue world.'sid
wtMiO. SI ayeniaa Tbe
____ _________ .___________ four cblldrea.
Hazel Salec.
drayylat banded
• ■ bha abot'le of 0«two boya mad two ylrla. te meara her
. I Wlub Little teriy Eia<
Eiaen. tee fan.«>
)«s A faitbfel wife aad loelay mutet little pilU. 3 U John
cr. abe wlU ba nterd to amdly to tbe
boau cfrele. A yood. lonay ebnttte
ca roffee tern nna Is—
OflbertJ. Bodywwae borate Morel
Isd tewsbip. - Hatecyoa eoeaty.
Mieblyma. la IMt Bla paraau atade
tbeir borne la Ulk Eapida. Hieb . te
■ an. aad that eit^bad beee bU place
isideaM ontll liv:. la wbkb year
____td bla marrfiL^
to Haod
HaydeJd. Hlcb. Tbe Brat two yi
teeir happy aiarried Ufa were t^oi
llbioa^. afterward! maktoy v
■e la Mayfield. Laryety by bi«<
ria had be qslUBed biBaell for
To turn our remaining^
neb belo pniUs
sdtrnat. 'Guiulny ti
taroed hh auenUon t
tedaatry. and bad recently ealablUhed '
u roterpnze bielny retry prnpect cf f
aaecrs brf>re It
Hi« qalei. yeoilemanlidenraaorBad '
Bade for bln frleoda of tbote wh.> ^ f
came in eoolact with h.n. Irrad« whn;^
We are Still
Selling Goods
liut will uut alwaya be able In ofl-r you
Flnt ward—O. 1
Seesd ward-8.
Drrrow. Tbs
«I (n Mat fir
'ic. • were held at tbe 1 f
layat:">'claiik . A
jtlhO of Oitol^
.$100 4
u 4
, We will continuk- ti* site yuu :
Crow. F. Friedr"pou,d.CSuyar.............................................................
'lerye coo
--T inr---------:i pouoclz Hrown Suyar ....................
Foorte ward-Ttea. U. Sbama- E
eourae of trieudz aod neiybbort e
11/Sr» Leaoz. Jaz..o or Li*;:.U.ou.r Soap
Pifib ward-A. W. Jabrmoa. <ite. P. |
10 bara yo..d Uaodry S-zap.......................
. . .
p-.un.l aack i'acktia'Salt .*...................................... ......
All warm aiaeted by acelamatloB tz-'
i play, |•l•aac Joi-.r tehaoc '
cofil id Uirrr eaas when tea balin'
I pjodd Spear llrad Tobaeco
lood w> to !l: Bl to 11 aed ". 10 1* re1 (v/uan ABc-ricaa Ekfle or Slaudani Nary T.iMact-o.
Bted a TabispoeofM ai NiflifL Hale
i ■''”■‘•"“*"■■'■""■"1
Uo ibotloB ibeeraarnUoD adjoaraed.
\ Uvular Hainv per puaae.......................................
Fall of White ScHs OReraUMfs
A raaidcst ol i'urta^c Lake wkile
Care. TrisCUTICURA.AIaCurmd. . f. litar Ilati t rackera. per pooa-.l.
bttcbiagop bla borxa ibe other day.
--------------- .sasdia. i#
F> poaodi. yote O.
DMTly koockrd dowo by a lerrlflc
bleatnlbe cbsU Wuh the luallDct
ot a wrrai ler he grabbed for bla oppo ;
to dii*l Ibai br wa» la puaapatina ;
Ite wild Uaek. t>'here It cemej
fn a be eoeld nai tar. bat bewatal
r ai!: buy
aare tbailt wi.uM ead la a dlBaer
be would partake ol .la tbe hear (aiarr.
Enterprise Grocery,
n ...r c.s.r.
iofsrrirdlo the paiacafe nearby.
Hr Isesa widow aod three eliildren. .
Kol one eblld diet where ten lo-tarrToelmflc iBcideal oeealod inwat e»-,. j,
,,om croup. People Uee IranicilCiMBt amaef ik
^ tbe nlae of Oae Miaale Coufrii
iCpre anti-nte-ttfor
lunp and
A eoapta of Owotao n I yot into
It peter taila J.
rowoeer tba o
wfaicb both clmlBed. and
to law erer tbe natter, bat tbe Jullce ^_We
to whom tbey applied told t*-—
they were botb fool, aad adri
Ueoryr loMtUelbe ownerehip of tbe felloe
. D. Eolte. A. i. Ol
'' Bart Fairbaoka. E T. Pray.
Trmewraa Olty.
Flrmt ward-J. T. Baadla. B. O.Oamip.
1 tell. 3. A: Uooea. 8 UarlBod. 3 A. lyy
' cmmrtr, E T. Bdwarda. O. P. Oarear. " arm er oeio.i.
‘ E HoOsy. H. Vrieala. 8. H. Brown.
: Howard Iriab. 0. T. Grawa. W J. Par-
TbaoosBUteaoa penaaaaalorrmojbalidmaad erdar of bailaetanpirved
Stetesporar, orvaaUaUon sada paraad Bawed tbe order of.baalIst. tbe aoalaatloe of a eaa.
t Ooaatr '
lad. eelntloa of deleyats
_______ ltd, wleeUonof
impart was aesptM aad adopted, and
^teeSaenof Ike cnareatloa took tba
Tbe Brat order of
I ualaes belaf
■BofCoahly CoBaiwIoaC. T. Grawa pn
4te tesa of His Kettlb C. Gray
wan eaBeTOBi anpporta and tbe
Aallom WM Bade by aciUaalloo
Tte ttdlowinrdrlfwmtea
by aealBBatlao to tbe auto eoerretiun:
% E Hall. W A. Newton. A. B Cdok.
ElFrMrlub. F. H. BanllD.
. A raaoIoAoB of inalraetioaa for tbe
ampportol Jadye Aldricb for the tio.
prana eoart Waa prenaated. tmi Oimad
potaa a rule U.ur Uau
Mb waa laM OP tbe labia
U. E Bnyban ol BlaU oftarad tbe
,fpllowlnc reaolnili
1 WBaaaat. There
ere are aarrrral caa ’l■ Irooi lirmod
. ...
liraod rraeere.
^eerae eaan<y
OBlnatlon'if Cireolt jadpe o'
Math Jb4 elal elreaii and r
pUlac that only la tbe united aetloe
afttejaalcia deieyailOB tn be aaleeiMbytbUooaeenUoasa tbb eoanty
bopa loaoeoiopllab aeythlar for any
inadldeln. tberefore. ba It
' Eetoleed. Tha> a rote pf tbU roneea^ be taken by ball'.l and G>e eatidl.
Hate reoeiTlar a majorlly of the entea
BHt aball be the ehntce of thb r'mera.
Uoa mad that ibr ti Jadieial driecats
te aalaeted mod inetructed aoeordlnrly: Itwraamcreated tbattbaaaodldaiea
braaaeiatate thrdr poaltloa pod ri
fepM tea nwelaUom. Mr. Clib.ri
aapted It aad p'ed«ed bU aappon te
Ite atetea ol tba eoBTeatloa.
Cade* fraerfelly aeoadad In tb>
mtea of tea aoaeentiom. wtetreer that
teirblbe. aadarrasd wUb Mr irpUert
Ktetilwe eriteed te aeeara the noBlsattea of a Ormad Trmneaa .man. there
laaat be aallad acGoa.
There waa
iaoaaldarabta diaraaaloa. pro and eoa
'ppem tar notion te te.>pWE>eMlB- ^ and apoa tea ^itea W adopFbF
jtaepat tte aMBo^waa adopted. Tbe
lanraaotloa tb^fneiidid M h ■
iwHb tee fallowisc raaalt:
IF. E Gilbert............. ................................
.{H.aUodta.................. .............. .. ...
IPte day of Hay. 1BP».
Horses! ,
I have as good a load of
ntemUow Hr. Wlbwmte
Iiu..f 111.- lli,v.!..ii
«l. -I- i lilt >" lit WM wiMil.l
Saiiu Kstiri.-u. l,il>.-rlv SaIiii> ninl i
l!r • Ir ... nii.l Inl.-i
bW, i;tiowtli,.M;, UarlraM m,.|
WntMtr. ■
<'liiii".- Bill) II.•» iii--ieii' Ht i>'i|i'i’iu ji.'i.
I’..1 III.- jMiitli'Mi-n a— li««v Jim' r-c . iv.-.! ii n. w Mj.riiie Irii'«f 111.-eiiii'nnt.-i-il Hill! ii.,|iii!iir
“Roswelle” Hats
■'•1 Ab I'.
Uiiii’ 1 Kl/itl 1,11 111.-
Union Made Never Rip
Pants and Overaiis
a*.- tii-r.' •- Tilat - 'niiM.-hil.-tv i;imfaiil.-.*l an-i i>.v.ilivHU
Willi. I..-W I-Iir.if
" Miu-h.i ;..rv lu. '. rv (mrlh-irli.r ’
ra!i,'iii- ill |in. . from 'll-, *1 :i\ >i .VJ, $2‘ilJ
F^arm Mares,
Heavy and Light
Do You Know That
We Handle Wall Paper?
Y-t Bnothurni-w (lH|.Hrtin.'nl hac
n-«d> *«.|| /.im-k-il jiHln-s. ,J 1.
As ever came to Traverse^City, Mich.,
V 1
A Thing of Beauty Overcoats, Ulsters, »
J. 8beer. BedaUa. Mo.. ct»dncteron
r'rctHeatreet omr line, wrilra that bit
i HoaUr». Will Tbirlby. C H. Ptall.
lute danyblrr wa« eery low with
I Wb- Loadoa. Tbs bbaaa
er >ap. and her life aaeed aflecall pLytI
FUih ward-D. Ooeblla. A. R. Jab- ielana had failed, only by oalny Oae
itaaa.Oaa. P.UarTlaoo. Joba Bopklaa, Hlante Cooyb Cora. 3. G. John
lEC-Bopmo. Jeaae Walla. H. Vleloe.
. W. W. FUrcbllA
; All tewM and wards la tbaeoaaty
raprseeted ezeapt Cnioatowa-
-I Tbaraporlof. tbeeoBSltteawiaao'maptadaadadopted.
This Offer Includes
I'li-emi'-", I)inililv mill
nt;..ii (t |.i", -m i-. .i,i!iiii..<l. fr-iiii
.-MI.-1i,?Mm. 1„ TkiImi,.. Fiaii.HJM
tv .Ul>..TaWM.c
Uh-i, Mi.i.-d
city, for I buy them myself from the men that
raise them, and for that reason
cansave you
the middleman’s profit.
You can see them at'Hep. Cams’
Liver7, F eed and Sale Bam—2nd
barn ea&t of Park Place Hotel, and
tmy them on yonr own terms.
.Wood and Cattle taken in exchange.
Men’s Suits, CliildVSuits,
Duck Coats, Men's Jackets,. Etc.
Also Special Prices on Odd Lots at much
cheaper rates than one-fourth off, among whi^h
Several styles .Men's Suits, one ,
of a kind,
-- - i $6.00 and $7.60
Men’s all Wool Kersey Jackets, $1.60
Men’s'Wool Beaver Overcoats, fine
Another lot Men’s Overcoats. $7.60
Seventy-five to one hundred pairs Men’s
Pants, per pair................................$1.00
Lot Men’s Heavy Jersey Shirts
Several styles Men’s Underwear,
odd lots,
- 18cand26o
i.' . i.r nl.
Wm- ilivili-• y-mr ,i
!V.-I '|.-«l.-;/y lu
of U„ll ISj,. r
I-V-T)'lull-t-Ls.- liim li.-.
tiii.-ii! will li.-,- iiiR- |/.>inilar h\ it/, ii/w jim-.-c. i-.imjiaiv»l a.ih
It ,..;i I,«V.. H piirli.r. l.-.ir.H,:n ;.r /olli;..'
f ir b,,,.i.v it will |,ay you t.. m.-m u. \U.- c liliri-illmllij'.
_'iln Our Shoe Department
And I can sell them to you from $^6.00 to
$46.00 less money than any other firm -in the
Ona-Fourtli Off Eegular Prices!
l*i:-Vinel-t'. ................I |v:f..-'
nprilie if'/"■I"
iir- u m.; JU . \ \
Sr.ir.v Ci'iiiiii-ii. Ill- III 111' 1 If. n- <
lik.- Id i-al! v-iiii Ktt. III. ,ii t.i ili'i-..
W. J KOlUN.SON. IVr.pr. |
—mssmm Is a Jay Forever!
’ !(*•
SaeoBd ward-S. C. Darrew.
' Slaaaae. Tboa. Hoalioa. Frank Trada.
3aaas UUIatte. O. L Eaapp. doaaph
KlBSarsam, E W. Gralick, W. 0.
' tOoto. W. H. Orawall.
Tkird ward-W- W. 8o»ltb. A. W.
. I Blekard. F. Friadrleb. A. B. Cook. Goo.
. ' W. Qyde. F. C. Deamaai. 3. T. Baanah
;-0«>.H. Cros.'W. A. Kewtoa. M
[ SaUa. G. W. I'artle, 3. B. Hoaree.
Foarth waro^ 3. Folrbas. J. A.
238 Kruiii Sir.-.-t
into cash we have been selling most lines i^same
on our first floor at
: -■•-■Si.-'ilKlSsS.
Saaday. wb lc Id Ihe Biddle of the
lOiplD* aer™ •Q io bit cborv-b pt .Sew
:ulund,- But. aoreueui
Ill II,- «.-ry Idwl-ralc-i.i,-.- of J3jU, well worli. W.OO.
Our Buyer Down East
Has Telegraphed Us;
for spriDR mod boinmer.
poods at price* that mrill
moye them; must baywc4*it aad yon mustmake room."
W-ha«v th'r-f.,r-V!a-li.-J
any wIi'Tc, aud if \.»j • huI atiiO.vr.-.wii. rj-.i,T or Suit N'OW ir
.roor Urn- to iiivwit. N-\-r m tl;r liiMory .if Clot bine liav-g.od.
btH-n sold A/ cb-sp.
Th- maniHlowu ..u our I'loaka and Ja<-k*
•-U for Ladhte is aim ■iliiiij t^-meadoua sad you rantiul realize
it nilbki.-- you iurtwliiratc. .
Call '-arly and twraiG not u imaipnary bmn.ra-n. ont s Qea-
YouEs &a*pi
The Boston Store,
Come Early to Get Best Assortment!
If Prices influence yoii
you will buy of us.
An Ulster or Overcoat Bought at This Sale will
Pay Good Interest on the Money.
paartagalnHarlhnW toe.
.<eHrtbdnp erne mom gnanm
V bnfmo la Tmmnn Oltp.
m ntend bp Iboan who had
■ • -' W - iJSW
;;;;r4:;;.:;; S
W. r ——-
mi for M*ml importmax. Inpre
H M* boMl Wd
WOTh wlU Uctn nl onofc no nn
roMlrbetanUnnoorteannoB bar>».
Tb« inproeennnu «IU inclndc tl bnU
•ntuotraonewlll be proeldod erlik
Ibit modern noorenlenon. There
bennnrblewneb ntnnd in eoob
ho* nod ooW water will be nl«»j» (>r«fUed.
Tnene ebni .
■edellBC of ibe oUn interior nnd lb'
1st pr«Ma( WM • Mft rl*«a raMrtkj
br 'MInM Mini*
Aad«r»a« to tb«lral*ur Mt« .Jmite
evaau wara given U boom of
Aatem. y«unUy I»1b« hw Wn*
d^. Tb*ra»l**<*«>Ml« obp hKl iba aatoldapoftbaraibrn of Bli
ooIbwM* of UiM
AadonoB Oonairp. Hanp programa wara glvoe
#blab Oaorga Waablagton. bk Ufe
Hn. J. T. B«wlli. Hn- B. J
Hcofoo, Him. VIM. Baltb. Mn. Brootf aad woHu Urmad iba ehlaf ibame.
Hn. Don Croa. Hn. Joha roUowiBgarosdmaef Iba evasta. be
KoUf, Hln a
" ---------Hln Join Bwioo. oDd Hn. H. B. C
BkUL «be iB 1»U oad l»M *w ^
-rUlM^ acsbeelBo'oa." oed «ko «e
iorti mMtmtilmtJj tfca noakn wlU
b«r »lfU of U» olden Unn Tbe »f»r------tpinl I* nonUln* hnpp^
____ ______ of ti>e loBf nr> pMl. n
peelnllr of tbe hcnn epeot in Uw ilWJe
wbool hooen obieh oneTrneon* Oty.
noleeant of lenrnln*. nnd la iw!lor
hnildlnc will be dUed with tbe bn*<
and BU« nodem of thin btad of eon
eeeiene*. The tooon will be enllrel}
ndiud. newl7 pniieeed end deeotnirr
oad nimared fx ererr poalble eom
iortfor reen'e
"'ben eompleted tb'
?nrb Plnac wUl bo ap lo deunnd rqen
H tbie mnrd to nnjr betel In nortberj
HleblCM. .ThecooHnellor the ontl
amt awarded jtelerdaj to a Taled<
tm. Tbe arorkof dtUor'the
ertth tbe new inprototoen* 1m
the plantblar xUl be done b7 tbe Unn
tbafortuneaof maap who have
to tar dltlanl homaa. wblU 4brra wa>
tliaea toBehofaadntM aa Oas eat
end another WBeapokeo./ao4--U w
onh * Lap HereaalUe Oo.
Heap ebancta will be nude in tb'
reewandlboae which now bare bet leaderlp aald -libe le dead, m "He
lead." Here than one etald buelnctr
eoa window wUI be piwrldnd
iwe and while tbe work It belnir dooi nan of TmrarM Clip whoee hair b
tbno will be earioat ebanfn wbii:l rvowlax ibln and grap woaW bavi
arUI add to tbe oonaenlanoe and appolBtaeetc of the earlona roont.
Thte bnproeenrai will ontl aboa>
•a.00Q and laur eci ibe offiee wUl balM lBt(ire*ed.'iboorb noitalnc deOniu
lalhairwardbatpetbaaodauralai '
taormjrtito mall aaukmrtinf aad'
lag bm great gmad^atb^ laae
which h^ the
te nad todal gnthmlagi;
UcArop: recltoiloa
UubbelU eaUUed. "Old and
Jneob;" a charming violin tele bp
tie Inct Hoblo, dnoghtot of B N.
Ibe pbotogmpber; rveltoUon bp
n Tmmeiac: a noeg bp Prod No
plnaoeolobp Hand Moodp; la<
clnbtwlaglng bp Hln Nellie Hc|l'
Dioeo," bp ten. Uc4>op. and ecveml
wnt prepared b^ Frank UcAvop, cbef
altbeaeplnm. aeatetad bp C. S. Cavir
and Chat. Lawnnoo Will Ertut
tetlve at mtttor of oeramonln for Ibr
evrelof. Fellowlag It the mens
lirmna were etill ofj the firm opialui
Unt tbeir tboorp wnt oorre.t. and tbi
0 ibrge of buck hLt from Charin' gni
Dtp bavlag bean a fresnaafvleltor kl'lad blt-ftlLnr. Tbrp eutertalaod
Ha Uavae two aeaa and oar Ihia belief Ibrjupb wo-de of the Ji gr
dnaghlor. Hn. dthinaon of Oood Bar before be died, who at bnl tboagbi
Tbn Frlcadt C E eoelcip wlU give
and plneantlp to tae poang Coihe: '
mception Pridnp evunthg la the
Trie, piano, mandolin, nnd viella—
ebnrck. tm ibeir puuir Bev. Bnrelap ! ^
Della HnrUagk. Eunlen nnd Julia EelJonte and tombp.
TBaeltnUea—Edith Timlin.
The Chrtetlna nadurm nneintp
VioUn i>olo«Della Harllnek.
, tbe Pmtbptorian ehoivh will give a aoSong—Ethel Ump.
ctel Fridap sight at the home of
Plano S»lo-OHve Fnlghnm.
Eev. W. K Wright on Sinto ttmeL
BnluUoo-Eiri UtunciL
dat of tbt uBlqoe and verp enjjpable
rathingtoa't .Blrlhdap aoclnl
Tbe eoamltteaeoa tehoeU and buildiage and groeadt bad met jxeriontip
wttb the eaperlBleadent and hare
Haae girea ibe maitar earetnl eoacld.
aniloo. Theeoamliieeereportad Utl
■ighi aad tecom mended ibe ereeUon
at toar-roorf, two ttorp nxieneiost for
lha Elmwood aad Boardmaa avaiaet
Thata will glv«a eapodip
at aoo more |mpUt aad
naadi of the aext fonr c
when It It theaghi that a bnildlag will
ha aaaded In ibe Poorih ward.
The report of iba oommtilem wat
labmpilp aooepled and the reoommeodaileot
balldlagt aad groandi wat I
b bMi local arehiueu aad report at
iba naxi mtailag of ibo beard,
aatlmatad that tbe csteatloM -will aw
anmilato an ezaeedllcro of abent Hi.oeo aad 11 will be ntaamary lo have tbe
' balldlaga eompletad bp ibe tni of next
Oalom tnelndlag teaeben aad JaoItnre’ ealarlea, etc. to Ibe amoa
wan allowed.
Thoireneverh halaaea waa given
Thie exnmlnnUoe leaven tbe tmgodp
•till ebronded la deep mpttorp.
Bopne atp eommittoe expreetnd them, unnoimout p at being entlmlp
taUtfiud ihtt tbe Judge wat kUlml bp a
rtfli ball bp aa nakBOwa partp, and
after tht exnmlontion thepwltltod Urn
Oorbtiv^d to expreteed ihemtel
toll of the notopnp and the
The Wuhlngioa birthdtp progmm
Iren bp the Udiee of the Oonguga^
ttonal ehareh paetordap afternoon wat
woU attoadad and the progmm^i^
intoruilng, u followt;
Um. Oadp revlewod the Ufe of Wublagioa le a verp pleuii
Mm. B J. Morgan, the mmlaip life of
anufal denenpMout Vernon,
which tbe bad bnmalf vteltod.
A rvcitoUOB eautled "(Xd Ulorp," bp
Hint Anna Dvlnti, wu etoclp rendered.
A vocal eole Lp Utee-Ercipn Morgan
added verp mueb to ihe pleunm of the
But ibep are nnaalmout la their opln-
DeaU liecora.
Um Claritu U. Clyde, wife of S S.
Clyde, died at her borne, lud, Wood
llaringlhc wiuter'4-'witt.-wttenr) l»
caSU for turverlug and limber estliualIng
Call «a or uddrew, me at li'ler
locben. Mich . C I'. F- i i.ka.
' '-i
mem avenue, at llo'cl«-k Friday morelag. at Ibe age of Ti yearn. Um Clyde
Card ol Thanks
bad been tick for about two mobUt. of
We wNh l-vUiauk-the mvey friru-U
droptp. ■ Hr. Clpce eurvlvee. aged »
whee-e aeiiipalhr and a-nislanre werr*
peara,and there arc tbree eont. Acil U
help and L-.iuiro'l to u< during Ihe in
Edward and Leon aad our daughter. Beat and death of hti-ha-id aed (a'her
Hio. Joitv Bi.a- k.
Hra Fbtleba Heodlctiia. who live* in
Wteoouin. Mr.nad Ura. Oydeteutoo
w-!»•-!•! i»l ».—i„
btifC Tr>, rrw i-iu r-
C.i ..it I
e ali'jiw nil tLo lnti>el JonL-tii. iii tiiin |i,>|iiilar
. I•‘''nr S6 ineli clulli
Tbmie LtaiiU ar.-til'-liitfhtvil dreii-Biitl
an- extwpliooally
tihi- uioel <if tb<- Myli-r. kr<- v ii-liieivi-, ii«>—T!io ilrira in
liuy lliom once and you'll want them a^ara. Step
in ami see the choice styles anyiivay. even if you tliink
you don’t need any.
Reliable Ury tioiVls, CarjK't and
Clolhinc House.
Traverse City
g You will soon wunt.-2-le.?
Wall Paper!
WublsftoB ime’ and Ue ooewlon of
mneh merriment to Uou of Ue domenUe.dmde wbo bad not exputod any
thing In Ua way of n oelnbreUpa.
AawegUe dtebneeorved woren plntur
ml (rind cbicken wlU n onrd nuaebnd
doularing. "1 did It wlU mp lltUe
n who kUlnd
bntob-lt;''aa notree o( grew ppu bore
tbe inwxripiion. "Feu to Ue anbu of
U«Ulutriou<inorv*;"nnalad noM-
■omer Sapdcr baa goam to The
aavOle to tare tm Ua aged tolbar.
Hn. Bordaad of Ihri Uoeida baa
hmia vmltiag bar alator. Hm A OoSar.
re ten poenlbUitp ^ txiag erp of Ue laUrr of bte oonnup;" n
Dr. Behan HowoU formarip one of
tbe Mac of
v4 ptapalMaaa of tbe «ar<Bek
dteta of cberrtu arerrU lueU to be U
to Detroit Tnandap, after a
direct dueeat tram Ue btetorte tl««
vtaU wUb Hn. BoweUh rolattvaa
Bon. Btband
whUe urdmnen wua Wnablngioo pta.
ieoerl, roeeatlp Un'f
A patriotk boaqnat of senrlat geraolder to BmH. took ibe pre
oamblu hpaeUiteandwhltonUnoM
tokaroka H oagagad aa toramaa for Heodapaadaota.-adapoa
r nteOAM
HWtihaUUthMrawwMmUl. aoaratotr e< lha IMartor.
- -
< t4i
"We are
IS S'U-pers'brbioLxs S
-1' believe in SIGNS when they are as convincing as f]
those which point to the increasing demand for our “BEST" j
■-J Flour.
When we place oa eale PIMOBEE A SMITH make of eboen you tuke no cbancM lo knowing what tbe qouUty
ie end when we eay 1-4 off you ere ^tting full velu^receiFed for yonr money.
We lead end let others follow.
Out One-Foupth Off Shoe Sale
Oo Tneodnp evening -be Amble band
wu nipn’Ip rotorUtaed at Ue bomr
otHr.aadHra JiedbCnlsaa. on Ue
penUeala bp Ue Hteneo Caiman aod
Him Celia HeUem of Eighth'itmel.
ilamen. mn*rc and n rood tapper were
tbe princtpal feature* of Ue oecnaion.
cbnreb enjoyed a elelghrlda Ureoxh
tbe kia^nma of FnUar Baaer. Tbe
poang folks wem taken oat to Ue
bomeetJemm Nolan at Foodi. wbmr
Uey wem terved wiU llrbV rafreeb ■
mcatn. It wu ovary happy evaat aad
FnUm Unneria Mndamx- wtU ba toag
$2 00 Shoes
go at $1 60
$6.00 Shoes
go at $4.60
Benletoe's Potent
Calf and Tans.
81 1-4 off.
$4 Welt Shoes
at $3 00.
$6 Enamels
make at $4.60
$3.S0 HaidTiris
at $2.63.
$1.50 Shoes
$1.76 Bomeos
. at $1.33.
$2.60 Oil
Grain Boots
at $1.86.
Oxfords go At
96 Pairs lidies'
Hud Tm Shoes .
Oil Grain
going at $1.18
90-pairs Men's
One Idt Men's S3.Q0,
$I.SC lice nnd- aoMelt Shoes M
13.50, S4 and SS-llot
ConpesstUS fand 1-2 ofl.
This sale will continue until Karch 16th.
TTr^a.-n ~k: IE^iecir*iclL,
118 Proat Street
Mtea Dare l^UaU. of WtlWiHBlia^.
pamlpdeofUe taiir. left aid..
U. t;i;ir-he*V
wu UDceneclou* or delinout (or aboiu . gutu-r, per
lea days
Hm. Stewart nu with him 1 Eri^ per di
Ue lut week. Bralp trouble wu tbe ; Fototoee. I*
imojediate ennae o(bi» death, wbichl ;■ ■'
wu hardly a aurprtee to tau lelenda. u '
Uey bad been nuored ey a pbynciao '
of large experieaoc la aeeb cum that
which made U impuulble fur
tbe pnreau to keep bim with them,
wort eomeUiag wbtob be could not
help nad which would Iberoane with
bin age. Clou watebfulneu, wu tbe
oplj remedy, and he bad been at the
Indneirlal SebovI orer four yearn, wiU
a few moBib*' vecatioa.
Holb tbr
■up^atotdrnt and bte teaeben agr.ed
la enpiag. "Ueta-ai'e of the beat bupi
wr have." iit was learning Ihe print
er'a trade nod wu happy and latetrsted la bte work.
Plagiee t Smith
Mate of Fine Shoes
Coin Tons
and tew Si|les
See our goods ami you wijl buy.
9h AuJemon aod Ue funeral held
Never before have we hat) such a fine line to aclECt from. The Ntiwest De*
sfijns. all the New ShaeJes, ami the Prices are the Lowest that can be -inadj this
.year. ,Our stock is the lar;;est ever displayed. No trouble to show you the
4'oods whether you wish to purchase or not.
lo LeeUnan oountp uver tu yearn ago.
£ Pomona ilrau'ge
aod for a good many yearn were ret;
Tbenei' regular mrrllng of lirend
denu of KtUJB lownthip
About bte
Tra'verve II •Iru-l li-aoge. No t7. will
peart ago they removed to Tmterae be held a' Wiiiianiabiirgoo WAInradae
and Tburvtap. the alt aad Vlh of
Cilp' Tbe fuopral wu held «t tbe bnote Hari-b. I*''.'
Dated Feb. Hit.
Suodap afternoon at i'o'clock.
tV. s.
F E BK-iavSec'p.
Aade^oo bad charge.
Aboat twcptp friend* of MteeMna
UcUllan gave her n dellgtalful ear
priee Friday evening at Ue home ci
Oeo B. Uclwllnn, on EuTFrosl Amcl.
Mule aad vanou kleda of gnmva were
and rvfroabmeate . terv.d.
Hrt. C T. OmwB nerved dcUeloat enjoyed
Mime* Rex aad Anetln of Elk Rapid*
Indlu. wkieh wu n plennnat part of an srere among tbe gueata. Mtee UcLe'.lan
Utomnliag nftmoon.
left Hondap lor ber home In Oxbow.
New York, aad tbe event wu nrrnageo
T in Trevnru Otj
u n farewell.
haalem when he aald to tee Bxatuj
xdap. "We are entlmlp naiUM
beolm amonatod to II to aad data
that (^toe did not do it, aad I am
««a oeUaetad for damage to boohi
tendp to take off mp neat and Join ibe
lha amoaat of M ei.
Tmvnreeatpeommlttaa la a ibe
A Dumber of Ue frienda aid ecbool To the FarmertelUrandVreveMe Co '
nmtoe of Huuir Ueorge Wublngloc
Sepmanr pcrpeimtod a piraeant eur
prtee apoa bim lui evenlog at bit
home on Seuood atreel. the avcnl be
ing In boaor of hit birlkdaj nouiCiiA« M. llt-rii.Traver.e (‘lip. U.'o»i. i hi.rr.it i.,, i.r.ud-Trt.etT,Vi.".',?*,'"^iTi,.-.Avemnrp. A verp happp time wueujjpedeodauffp pull «u an tmporinnl feature of ibv eBtortaiDmenl.
Pleuant Gataoringe
of ihe^
«ieUmofnaald.blooded i
nniare of tbe woaod nad t
UanieniTouedlng the epot «
ehooUag occurred teareelp admit of
tbe-'etmp bailer tboorp, aad while
the BopObCltp men are entMed that
the charge from CbaAn'
goartbep are mpuUfied at to the
About one hnndird and Sttp ponng
name did not eome bclom the Bounty
people were pruenl tad tripped the
convcauoo on Tuetdap
light fanutilc to ll*e intpiriag mutlc
o' Uurtnngb't orcbeeim.
The uak of hulldlog a mllrond alongi
A WuhlogloD’t Biribdap partp
Ihe-prrclpiliou. aldeof tbr canyon tmm|
nujoped lui evening la Columbia
Skagunp to Ue eummlt of White 'l-ntt.
ball on tbe W’ul Side. Tbe aftalr wat aa elevation of t.o-ju feet, hu been
tulellp privtto. bnug for onip tbi- caiO|<k-i«d. Tbe flmicnrIond«f freight
membemof tbe C. S I' s. lodge aud
wu delivered on the tummll Moadap.
lavltod gueett
Fraoj the eummlt to LdaeUeuDetl
A program cobtteltng of addrettrt
Work of fiatuurtloa
aod reclUUunt wat lltuoed to. after
eup and tbe track will bw laid
which mfretUmenU were aerved and
Ue ewDl Sbithed wlU a dance.
dnpa and eriebmtod oevaaioat.
pmvieu partp, oo Bt Valenllnn Di
bald at tbe retideace of Ure. J. I
Martin aad another afwclal getherla
tent the home of Un.'J. V
Pntohin en Bi Patricks Dtp.
la WMh OomU thkt w* want to obU you
• taatlon to thia time, U oar immesM Uae
Hacker died of old age Moa!•. ter_ 1*
Tmnene Otvp Market.
toreooB at Ue borne of hit aou.
ap afun
Below it a Itet of tbe bnvlog and eeli
of-tbc Cltp. Deg pricen of peeterdnp for gronerlie
wu 7.'' team qf age and aa’uld
evtelou and faroi pradnclt Is Tret
pioneeret Wexford couuip. He Icnvct
ton an an eld man bp Don Dper. aftor an aged w.le. two daaghum nod a
L'lenr Pork per tbi, new..................... 1 Si :
which varloBt formi of enlariainmtnt
•em provided.
jeU't tcbool boute Wedbrtdap bp
■*a~ gun enuaad tbe wonad.
ihaltbep were enoag le Unlr fanllef
that Judge Corbeu vme ekot bp bit
Tbn aotopep dlieloend the fact
bipond aup qumUdln that the dnlh
>aad vme made bp a rifle bulUl: that
eotorod the back aad nftm abettor.
I tbe tonth rib pneeed eoUrclt
ibrocgb tbe bodp, leaving n ragged
wooed In front.
12 l-2c Per \ anl.
, Kp'r'^FI-nir!H*l?’A*S.*Beet..'.
...' FI-'iurrH'
llont wnt ihe galhnrli
the En
Hr<- Anna E Rouuoag died Hon Ueal. II. L A
Rnglt Wbtet Club at Ibt boat of Hrt.
ay morning (our aad oae-half tallet I fv"’-« L. A Co. Bent.
John Uelntoth, peturdnp aturaoon
el.iemeal of Charln dltpioved italt, The twelve IndIn wem pralUlp armped wife of Dteld Bonuoog aod
imrd per» . ...................
TbataaofalioMipUoa from the AV hot the B'pne Cltp men were not anv la Martha WathlaglOB ooetumn wi
peim of age. Bmldev a biubaou. abc | Uutk-r
r per S' I>)
Mod. Tharefore U wae arranged Uinl all ibe dalDtp appoiatmenU of oolc
daughter u>' ^reatuerp Halto
an natopnp eboold be held.
Uldape and Mm Dr- Uarlla. brii
Tbefuaerml w
With tbianad.la view the bodp of Judgwlihe matt benuiltallp gownad,
Mere Bobeel Bnuaiage Mtotnaarrnftornooa alond ©clock from the j
p,, bo., old.......................
The hoard of adneatloo latt night Jnd^ Corbeu wnt exhumed peetatdap
irdad ibe price,
Birmlep acbool bouw
{ Potntuei. per bn..........................
amdld ■dnflritnlp to atahe ade<)i^le bp Undertakrr Ckrter end n poet mor- wece tnetotnllpdeoomtod with legaand
Llnnle. only eoa of Ur. and Mra.'
bp Dn. bunting la honor of the
ycovHlon ter the a
Frank Btownri formerly of Ute dtp. * Bui-kwbent ..........................................
lied bt Unalag Feb 11. nl the age ol, •‘■' uio navu or Tuvxnaa enr
Tbe report Id Saperii
i paam and : monUe
An attack o
nud W. J. Lewln. Prank HeWaln aad
group plctnm wu taken bp Bobert Ue grip wu followed bp IrritatlDa i
Leerit Heintpre of Bapne Cltp.
of ibe aervoui epetoiB which resulted (
> examlnattoa erae eonbluiive and Prihe. It te one of iho parpoeen of the
i>f the bean, aad <
avoBM and Oaatral baltdlnge wnt proelab to bold tpoelnl gntberinge on bollher, Jeaapb Stalgar, dr. aad rraak, an
Wagad la the ratlraad boalaentln Bl
EfiSa. SKTSiS. «£»bt-
The mrmben of tbe Tmvano Clip
Butlat^College_ Lpoeam obnerved
WMblogtoa'e HIribdap latt evening
with tbeir annual bnnqneL
There were abjul elalp preaenl.
nmoag whomwere a num'ber of Inritod
gunte. Tabln wem oloelp armnged
aad prelUlp deoontod. with oovara for
a raaldani of ihia raglon fort}
yanra. Be wai well kaown la Ttavnrw
•treei. Abmi tweetp-flve geeetn
at nad the evening eru dallgbv
fallp epeat la gnmeennd mu'c
There wu a very plennnat nodal
i Wnt 7th
Um. W. Wlidman of
frleudt. at gnlberlng Fridtp evening
etreel. eatorlulned a fi
iigdeetbarg tcbeol boute. for the
dinner peetordnp.
P E.too. Mre. Will Abbott. Ure tilt of tbe b-ll fund for tbe ichool
Ulttloa bead furotehJ. Spfnu. Um. Uiv 1.tkilUmt, Um Ueo.
be Del procoeJt were
I. Um A J Bei». 1*"' ‘bemutle.
BeU. Hrt H
rt- A-^ A.
Um W. Wuheml.
_— ------- t (avbm lu
D.vlae Aieacb pleto
Tee-dap nlgbi Mtet H.-lla Martinek
(be form of uof btlcbeu tied with eutortaintd aboet iblrip of her young
gnmapbone tclocUoat.
A pnrtienU''lp pleating nad mvrltor- ribbon.
i-oDBanlont.lD boeur of her foarteenth
Wublngtoo’t Bifihdep Hariingo
wt porilan of ibr program oti a tc
lilrthdap aanlverurp. at Ue borne of
A Wetb.ugiuut biribdtp wedding herpareott, on State atreel.
In of magoIBccut aolmatod pictnr*
preneotod bp Prof J W. Clifte.
Clifte. wlib pritordep Me Ur Chnriu It Smith tourg f 1 kt were di-llghltollp erfU-rof i'ctonbrynn^d'Uitt Litrie A. t'ader•h.'The piclvr
ate new Ant
»f -lbit Clip mau and wife. Tbe
diitlacltp dl
cerriurbp wu performed bp Uer. J. A
bp gmm
pboae aalocaoat. Tbe latt view
Old Olorp la oonwet
A vei) pretip eoc*el partp Wok place
It wat dliplnped tbe gmmepbone ptep lui eveuitig le the Cup Upem Ball. U
ed ibe Siam and Sirlpn.
wu dancing partp given bp tl
Immedlatolp folldwinr tbe program oonn Dancibg Cinn in boaof of
about two hnodreu Fomtort and tbeir tDgtoa'e birlbdnp.
and at Ue twilight tbadowt <ell
merrp oompaap topamted with
fetllngtbaialUtacpaan betwoea
oatt and the praaent bad
annipholdentploBoen blended bl. twa^and that the Trararte Citp
lM« life ll(a waredp. Bit bodp war 1«W wat tht dream one and that of th<
ftnad banfliic Iron a binge el bl> atrip 'out held the real living.
hadreon doer tThn^ moralng and
Tbe banquet wne the flrnt orderRifle Ball KiUed JnOge Corbett
Uta wan estlaal.
te evening, had the mean wtt nerved
a llTlBfa
U bae now beoa proton withont <
I proper etple bp eome of tbe pohog
aba boM ol^ d^^la
.eotlemeneLndealn. Afiar doing amp
dtblaaee. at doM Barbor i
le Jnttlrn to the nprond, the eompanp'e
»endap oeentef awear^ at well at -Ible tor tbe amidental ebooUog of bl ettoatlon wnt dmwa tox f** Ineldente
'ether, Jndge B. L Corbovv
aaaal. ffbea bie^n^ur
la tbe life of OBbrge Wanbiogton.
loallax In the nnpm penlaenla.
a-ibe old r
h were related bp aome of tbe
Wblle Tmvene Cltp people bare no
the pnabed o
believed that Cbarlra wnt mpnntlbU
A blogmpbleal aketeb of tbe greai
bt Bopae Cltp hunting pnrtp. not
abe ran
lie life!
llfelaaa bpdp of bar
>aa wat given bp Mite Uagoe, follow,
cdeed n grent mtnp other Bopne Cii
bp tbe nnok troa ib>
ed bp little IV Djckemp. who onto
that tbe deaU
ibe doer bp aiBall
itlnod with a few ebon etorln co
of Jndgc Corbeu wne due to the
■d.'- H^^Udatcn atarted b
eerulng the -'Ftlber of Bit Conelrp.
le 'Ul dlecbarrr of the gun of bit
to the l^Kaa to got a bni
."Jaonnl Mtntioe" wu ibe tn>'J*ct
ikb ^MMbt
cord and
TbeTnvtree aip laveeitgallng oom
if • pnptir pmonUd bp Utee Ella sbep
the bodp.'bai^at ahf iamed awap tb<
illlet in lu reuent report ndvni
Anolber Ibtomting part wnt nn at
MTd broke and the bodp fell wlib all Ibt opinion that Judge Corbett wnt
iH weight dlreetlp apen her. TberrnUaaprrewtadarhatUp night to ib<
rtiaginw who wat alaoat overcoat of theJadgt led to that belief.
HMabeaboek. The alarm wat given
en tbe loeal eommlltor. E
hpoMoflbe ehUdian who ranadb. Pra.t aad P. C- Ullbtn. west to Bopor
ibe program
taaa of olghtp rodt lo a aalgbbor-t
•aoeoilp^to ooafar with tbe ^em
of Wnthli
bjn of tbehnnllng pn-ip, tbone gna
ftm pld 'Reliable shobuan
GKAHfi T&A1TBBSB , miRAT.n, F^EBPAaT* 83. IgW.
otbwWaatteaa win arrira tbla i
hooae wUl ba teopetalkm
iBMlaallppxdwbUaarnaalocth* O. B.
Ltraek.aedbrokaooeofttaipg* la
tbe fall. Tbs team wae drlrua by
Hklph HoategoA Tba lajary
aaeh that U waa artintry to kill U*
boriA UaraevalaadattlM Aod waa
Hu leeUie os B^eklaf b; AuUtut
Cuhlar W«lvu. of Uu Pint Kotknol.
iMlor* tbo Yo«>.c Hea'i Clan. Tae^r
CTaalv. WM larrel; aUcadcd. It waa
a Uwroarhlr
dnaa.aa« waaa ^icadU addlUoa to
tka laetaraa that‘kata pjawdad 1«Leoa Titai ra*aa plaaaaelraeital wltb
Jiaalkis to iheiabjeet eftke
nr^eu Brea lilnm aa« abiiB iniBa
0. W. TkocDM U pr(^iac to sake
n<HBa aiuacllTa ImproTeiaaBU to bl*.
(dmltarealoraoB tbB-«o»oerof UbIob
BBd BtaU BtfBBta. Tbe pjrtlw will be
reauead —y
and plau
plaw Elaaa
slaaa windowa put
in plaae of the prmeat irUdova, bealdn a bb» wlodow Jafninr tka corner
tin Hute alraet aide. The eatraaee viti be Inproaed and the IstbeatoreremodellHj.'
T. (. B'oe 'rMS -U’e iMyraace.
Uo-UB «ore- a laiaeoM'M'r
A V. PnUrtet—llmarayhUahm>na««.
Circulation this week 2.200
' Jadfe Bas.dell hat u t& a d^ota eaaataatlow of bit fruit trrea aad la
bopefni that paaehet are not eRUral;
dntrojed. While ike bnda baap butt
aartonalf affected bj tbe extrakne ..cold
weather the traw uf aU binda of frnlt
appear to be naiLinred. Thla coodltloB
preaaUa le »any of tbe orebarda ie
tblaioeamj wbicbbaee bun broivbl
tbe BOtleeof dndre Bamadell.
J E. baiter, ae employe at Wlllian
Beitner'e factory.reoeirod <iolle aeriosi
ieJarleB Friday afternooD. While deeUttdinf Ob tbe eleralor. a rope broke.
letU^ltfalla dUtaau of about ten
The third farty ia tbe urteaofdee or tweWe fuL Beaidu haeiw hU
ikle badly brniiud. Hr. Salter re-'
iB iPomun' ball wlU be .rtrea oo the
celred a bad cot on bla face.
Ur. OarUlhofthtaBCietb.
ear took ureral aUtcbea to tbe wooBd
But BaTilaad baa • new lu boat aed otbarwiu eared for tbe lejnrad
wUb whlob ba' aad hie frlendi exput
fueiBpvtealbe bay If tbeluboldt
Hr*. Ida E. Joalia of \>i!astl.
WorlbyUraBd-HatroB of tbe’&utera
Oaear BMoe waot to Aao Arbor Star will bold a uIk>o1 of InatraotlOB
for the memben of tbe local lodfe lo
Keoday to aitand ibc State A. o. li. W.
« tti a ddleffate from Oraod tbe HauBic lodye room* today at?
aod f p. m
At tbe cooetnatoe uf
Tnuru loil»o.
tbe erealny mutiaf an leformal reThaArmel SnlUraa A Heary. mut eepUoD will be held, to wbieta tbe bn*,
daalata. oppoaite tbe Hotel WhUlBc.
of tbe memben arc leritcd. All
land memben of tbe lodfe are
hufeuadlnolrod, Hr. ffoUlraa wUl
exseeted lo ba prcBest at tbeu mutloffa
tka ProIdaBl Life A Truet Co. of Pbiladelphla.Uio tbedty.onbotioeu iBOOoaectlon with blxoomany. Hr. Cook li ateo
,ty of the committee of •»« for
of the Y.
P. S. C E,to be bald lu Detroit,thi*
Aldatae la Ueaaeoad raak.
ler. He atem that tbe preparalur tbe ooOTeallea are going oa
Hr*. OaUM Tbacker. dapaiy r<ai
aonauadar L O. T. H. tor Hicbtcaa oa a grand eoale aad tbat tbe comiag
aUoa wiU be the largut aod
bach Jtotarday.
Sana of tbolr aamber naklac a dlaa of twaaly-Au nltea.
kamaafUte hlnaufthal
Datea atrwt. of brieklayera.
aad earpeater* lor tbe pnrpou of or.(Batel^ local uaiooa. A foil atUadleledeairedotall ii
Tbe Eepnblloaa .
inty ooarealio
Urey. Ska wa* aamed by acclameUoa
aa tba eaodldata for county cornmlaateeerof ecbmle aud 'the euareotloa
glad <rf tbe opporutaiiy to
boDortbelrcaadldate. HiaeUny ,bae
All^ tba Impcrtael poaiUoo of
mlnlooar of aehooU of tbe oouBty dortag tbe aaat two yean with greet
erodlt to heraeif and much proSt
yea. Beoaoa. tor mt.ida yaan with the eebooU of tbe county.
She baa
B.A. Horgaa. bu lakaa tba Culler
baia* BA Ualaa ewmt. aad I* raanlec
ataraten- tuad aad aate* eubl*. dm
ba*a enured aconlteuaeccof tbe good
plater aad aodatataadt bu beeli
wblob Hlu Cray baa ace
aad *H( ao donbt gel bl* abmrc uf pat- pliebedalaecabe tan beeu la oSin.
She rtaralar rauUnc of the W. C.' T.
O: wlU bi held at the home, of Hra. P.
J.Oartta 00 Stele etrut, Friday oltereaoo at f
o'clock. Toe literary prdgma wUl be la ehaita of Hr*. Loreo
BokattA All are tented aad eireayen
ta tbaalty wUI bcki*aaa<urdtBl wel-
OarAcld Hayan oae of the er
tha Oalwd Siam bauteeblp Eraaklye.
pwM^ tbromra tba eity Huaday
M hi* way home to Charlerolx. Heyen
ha* aaoa aarrle*. btriar bua ua tba
Mg wwbip danog ail bar eogageMBUle tba Ute war.
Tba nmala* of Joba Serlpure, who
dtedat AabrUlA North ChroUoa. teat
waak. wricad Hoaday eooa. They
war* tax ec Ic Aodatua'a eodertakiag
loom* and preparad tor bunaU
lanital WM bold from tbe towa
at Aeae at * u'cioek yaeterday.
A plwat leatata of tbe B
lady aod
galtery aad were teter*.te<
cff Aa procaodlBf* of tbe e<
OLarn No. « of lb* Pint H. E cliarsb
MdabweiBenmeeUagaadaomal Hoaday eight at tba borne of Hlu Uardoer
«a tterwiib Btrut.
Tba araaiag
■put pleaaaatJy wlu aedal merru
ptaaaad aaoethlag of a dore) natare
la » aoetal areat, to begirea
4ay aattted the mauar of Oraod Tran
anaaoaaty-aebom for CUealt iudga.
(be J,
I dela
d WUl aiaad a good
abU tewyar aad ooaoedad to be
tha bwt attoraay* la aortbera Kiab.
IgBA Bahaa
maodh adniiabiy qaaUleHtehtbabamah «l tha TUr-
A)D\v\.\e^oodis SaVe
Jadg* Bobofta of lb# recorder^«
uaeabda«p tt# fottewlag atate.
the bmetaan of tba raeorder * c
bVarraBW imaad lelty a
■Yarraat* iaaoed (ooaot;
nlspoaad aed
A Narrow EteapaW. U. FU* aad wife of Yuba had a
uioni rueawty Satarday morniag
rbU* OB their way lo Trarerae City.
fngbteoed at the
ropplogofalimb from a troe wh cb
log trimmed to aakr way f-*r
alepbooe wlroa that were beieg alrang
nd auried off pt a rapid gall
If the
oad bad been clear Mr. Fifecoutd baer
epi them ia It ueUl they bad bad
moogb. bat.
load of jhood la the way aad ibe team
oalad iblaamaabtegcaiuraad bar.ta>
md Urowiog oat ^Ita Hr. aod Mr*.
t* a narrow eacape but
rltner ware tprioasly iojared.
tbe afteraoOB of Tbaraday aod drotb : j,
Wait and J 0. J.teoeon
U-guirrad aboat oooe,tbe fullowug day. lar al*- M>c and 11. Erory bottle goar
Conoaellor—'E C. Comptoo.
Vro.-s. C. Ca*lA
F. A.—K. A. I'ratl
C. B.—P. SbermerSber.-F. North
Con -O E Tbomaa
5. T—O. I) Kinney.
Lretur* Oowiaa PrcCiabwAt tbe teat eetcnalumeat of' tbr
Blgb ecbooUecturc ooarac tbe aal* of
alnglr admiaaiom amouated to ri.W ;
Tuu* T- B*Tta
Profntortirewo e^umate* tbe pr*t>:>'
oa Uheoarae te be about s:»u. fiiojuf
tbat amouat baring been uted alreadr
tbr. well-kobero
for tbr pnrvhaao of new' book* far tbr
onmrymaa. Is on bk round* taking
Profoter Drawa intendt te, aeenra orders oral! klods of fruit aod orra
etill-belter eltrectiaat fw tbe ara- menu stuck. Uwaxe •reil for bim.
«} If
aed b**e te* atuaclioo* for the same price paid forlickeU
El »*rd U. Pry*. minologUt- of Bo*
m. will gir* the oral and U.t enter
teiamrai of ibi* c.»oiae Weonem.y
More Uaiahlc Wire*.
Stacy, ■□prriBbblenluf conUrjc
for (be Miebigan relepbone Cu .
E Meyer*, foremto uf Aitikl'u.lion, are in me, city looking over lU.
lucal rxebaage aod ace preparing i.
to ora c*blr^ and m*kr many
Nodi* Uraar ol ^aiUfls.
inipruremeor*. M*uMooday olgbt Court So.
Uarry ba* now a later pf meo *l
rd-r of Bailiff*, was luamuted lo
orw wire* and makieg
snigbu of i’yUiut ball by tb* m. mDudierou*
on thr cy>.
X ri of Trarerae City Lodge. So ti. K.
ifl’. Tbl* >a an order to wbieb only'
ipleW Ibrre will be a'x uirtellic
vu.gbU Of I'ylhla* ari eligible, and U
branch of tbe order wtalcb U par' hDBkruoDiog teliraud BapidHaod l>rarly^Ieaaaol aad produble - lo iruit from ibit city.
A* *oou e* the wteltarr permite tbr
hiaai. Tbe following officer* were
lmpro*effieou oo tbe Mate lion will
be puebrd. aleO u'
L C —A. Y Friedncb.
oeatly annoooccd.
S. J.—a B Ue.'oy.
Owe ^reb\ ^ebbm
Sutra itpa.'rtmtttl \\tal tonvts te tete t&Ve te em^Vete
tiAte \vnn4somt ntm sooit, sntVi &t
TJvmWves, £.a\BTvs, "BaUsUs
audi Sma.'rt TR.'s
3ot Aretsti mteaAV tttt atetssoTtet^or Wmtittest, nadx a*
Wecteod a Soldier.
£.acea, Smbroviicnts,
SixstT\\TV5 axvii ^UVoners.
nnlted te m.rrmgr at the horn* ■
Oretuisened orellaete Inaax pert
Our SaviuEn Department
, Setrj WstVttvtT sVonVA set oar SAataTlevartmtitl.
^VsV te set tee e.\vr3saatetmnm 'PatteTtv S&ten 'Uamask
■JabVt SAata-'U.avVtes te mateVv.
.-i'-Tkirr /-vgi-i-A'ti.g.j
SdUj Depetlt fine lo rest u i tcri In ml
artber damage lhao a abhkiog up Bat
he ealla were raodered temporarii.r
•elm aod Aabloe towed tbe damaged
J. W. Million.
We are making some
a regular eeppiy of cbemicAl* e few
T«ro Utelell eciUsnd a large glaae
*r wen added U tbe pby*teel labor*.
-»y Tee*d*y.
Hr. Cnrite tbe jselter, i* complelng bii elxlta bo»kca*e for u»e in a*
waoy roomttbrougboat tbe CeeUel
euild LogNo ecboel yaeterday -naM>(ngtee-*
Tbl* 1* tbe fltel time tbr
teboola la tbe dty taa*e otaaerred ibi*
legel holiday for eeTcre. year*.
The book* that were ordered for the
tcbool llbroryVlIl bare to be reurdeiplaeod.
A. C. M Klter A Co.',
bnroed out and the order we* destroy
ed oaly B»rtl»lir filled
A Tragic Roaawey.
be prorided. aIm> aaklag that tbe
eleratoroB tbe orutber be lenglheaed.
I'unrrtl arrrlre* Were held al :
m. Sendsy at the boefe of Hn.
bereoommiBdallon waa adopted.
Rotigm'molbrr, Hn. C. E Krllry.al
Aldermaa Uaalluaalel tboogbt
HayflblA ea'w the auapicCB of the
Bid be a good Idea to eoaeidrr the I. 0. O. F. ___________________
WiUtaiasbnrs Society,
Tbe Laatee- and patter*-ChrieUae
Uuloe rare aa oyeter aupper at the'
Town ball Friday ereming. Feb 17th.
A oumber of T-rereree City yooag p«»v
pie were the gecel* ter tbe eTenlng.
AU reported a pleaeaelereoing'* rfiterttemeet. Tbe rreeipu were file tt..
TbeUCj:-will wiewtel tbe bom* ,
HiA Dr. dark. Tboreday afterwoow.
St. A baaleeaeeeeeloo: nil
are rr^aaMod te ba proeaat.
i that I set*
Sobootet? the butaoeraUc t'aloe esmrrwOoB lor tht* eeeaty. be)d at Travaty. Feb. i7tb.lda*irateteapaet-
Remarkable Low
Shoe Prices
During Our
We are determinid to dispose of
ifae greater part of our present
stock oir shoes before the arrival
of our new spring shoes. We are
sscrifiefing profits and even part of
the cost of the ehoss to accomplish
our purpose
This is not a salo of old styles of
undesirable shoes but a CUT
PBICE SALE of well koown re
liable Footwear
Men's and Bojis Shoes.
ladies’ Shoes.
2 90
r»i .
(t*» •eld..m ycu g> l.och r*iur*
M.Ve V» ww
'M.vlsVvtv MTv^eTvoear.
New Stables and Livery.
Haviog bou{;bt tbe John
Dunn. lat«)y known ae tbe
Moir born and stables on State
street. I have refitted
same, and have put in an
tire new lot of horses and ri^e
and am prepared u> meet all
livery calls day or night.
A specialty will be made ol
the care of farm teams. Hav
ing been a farmer all iny life.
1 know what you need. When
in town come and a^e me
Irbau^iug you in advance, I
remain. Yours for byasiness.
Fine loe UoaCag
recent thaw and hnbm-qaent
reexlagbaagteeatebe aurfan of tbe
on tbe buy a flnieh wbieb Ua de
bt to akatera aad derotee* of tbe
but. In aome epou tbe ice 1* in teerinUDtey.witb cite Ssginew
■erfeelBOndiUon for akatisg and tbr! paoy. aed was m tbr batilr uf Agu*
otirr earfaee including a long atrcieb '
d the itlaid 1* tbe beet known te
tor ice boating
Ycalcrdxy a:
alf doxea eailing craft ekimmsd from
bbretoebore and Inerrry diroclioa.
AabtoD and C. E Marray beds
aoearoaodlbe lelaad aa* ia coming,
« ba* re'-uroeil ,
mek Hr. Hurray'* craft wHta a half
ocap aboard cab afoul of a rldg* formidbyaeraekte the ice aod capeUid.
Aibr«kieg rusewey accidcSi newr
Heyfield tVedor*day olgbt resulted io
the death ol lillberl (lodges one of the
matt pr.pmieent and highly nteemed
g men of that place.
Ur Hodge*
owned aod operated
eboet eight mile* from Hayfietd.'WiMthe mill te tbe eernteg
e hie bureae brrame frlgfateoed
ree ewey, ttrlklog e tree end
tbrowlu b.m ooL Tee
abont-aAeUe farther, lernliig lote Ibe
yard of Sam Hodge, wtio
cd oel te ueareb of bi* brother, finding
The dty rooBcU b
him lying br the road
etrock. oooseions, but eefferiog from
leteteel lojarlBA Be we* Bbie to
Lis b'V.ber ol the'aceident aed did
The Sr*t thing broagbt up for
be fatally bnrl. bat grew rep
elderatioa. bowerer. waa .a pelUlon
■M and died te *t»ul fifteen
frnm tbe elty er*rk aaklag that etei^
mad eouBiy laxra be refaudrd tbe Hid
Wr. a idre* wbo sra* thirty yrors
Bah A lay Ooraptnyand J. t>. Laediag.
Id was ma-Tlrd te IliM Hand Kelley
tbe termer bclttg orer taxed
<f Majfir d. Dreember ».
lb* tetter «:s.
I'b* peiitMo
sldr* I is wife hr learr* a mother, two
•Utemaad foar brolhesA
A commaBlcaUae waa racelred
membrrof tbr I O. O F. and K. Q. T.
the eocataltte* oe atmu and w
that atorag* aad dmap
I<s.tgrs nod let bk teaariacr of Sr.iMO
tbe lat..w lapM about *la mueltia
log btea for etcar fjr tbe euae.
abliebmeatof the dock line before
tteodteg to the propnad charter
Onhieaotloa Ja* coaaeU decided
ntebltaha dock lla* along tberirer
from Ua dam. near abatb Uelee etrael
bridge to Park atr^ t bridge, aa ael
fortbia the profile ..fawa np by City
Kagiaeer Northrop.
_ itrodaead
adopted. Tba
tor tbe axteoatee of the term of oBee
of lb* elty elnk aad ireaaaror to two
yean: lo allow tba bjard of
exlag the eatery of tbe
judge of the B*oordar*e*ooart: and
gleAtb* elty bruAdor powen in tba mat
Ur of a eity water work* ayatem.
HUUkoa aad E
w will be aakad to aign tbe paw
Ibli Hty aad peomlaaat la Helbodiat
aburob eircteA Hha Dolberg waa a
popular eateotedy te Wllbelm Broa'
Iry good* Btoratead ateo took an aeUrc mill when a taage man of lee. weigh-wry to rwwrrr. by purebaxlag of a*
la eboreh. srork. The yoaag legaboetatoo. fell apoe him eraeh-. a b ill-of Ur King-* Kew
■ouptowlUaaaaathAir borne At Hayaa
ed. Tb. lae bad formed abool tbe rx-'
and wiih two bouln
banal pipe of tba mUl bad had beroaae baa beua'ahaotetelr cared
B.^ uam.
>r Lllerery oociety
Febroery u.
The BLgbicboul teboratcry rrcelred
Hn. WUllam 11m ba* rmalud a UV
Oeocge Ham. who
tad b«ai her baebaad. la Altaka. dated HUlarfarmoB tbe p
tha Ant of UoeeabBr tad (latlBC that lyeaeaped b
tba Uea r>M baattaA
last Tbaraday. A large piece of wood
wbieb he bad placed In bit beatteg
■tore before comiag to tba city,
agalast tbe etore door, kocekteg It
tatday litMa Cedar la emreh of a d
lo*«a*oee of tale haada. wb.ebhad ^ea aad ilrcppiDf loma eoala upod'
baaa ba^y Uaerated by aklddlBA toa<* tbe flaor.Som* ehildreo peulttg ooUeed
amoke imnlag from the hooBA forced
white ba WM haadllar lo<a.
aotraaee aad axUngalabed
Oa Prlday n«bt than wUl be a blaiA TeadoltenwlUoorarlhedAm. aaoUaftetbeC.».P.8.hallaBiioath
tilaeewwad era Aaotber grmi liarorerT ba* brew
A byaladyte tbl*
Aceadeut at BiBgban.
It waa reported a tew day* ago that |
tbedeathof Jaaepb Kuleeektot Blag->
TbaAnlaaaUoaef tba aaw
heard for tha Hortbwa TelephcM
arrived Satarday by aaprm
Ulaamodal of alwaat weriinaaablp
aadeaetalaa all tha lamt Imptora-
-h M.,-ut t
‘ •-'L)
Comp*" Wi'-I. • !hl-! f «hrf*
mm mmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmK
How is lout Chance tt Eel a Fine-
At a Y^ery Low Price!
We have a few of these cutters left over, which we have been
selling al ?2'1.00. ami rather than lo carry them over until next
winter we will close Uiein out dl
CitPrias. 89t,9ic,Sl.l9
Children s Shoes. \
$23.00 EACH.
You wi. h.t,- no m tr lp-.ul,ltf you bay our ,ho.s
Tbr> *1wey* w«r wo'i
This is a rare opportunity to get a nice cutler fefr a little money.
Shoe Up the Family Now
W« have bunched all these stioes into lots and
placed them ou tables where you can make
your selffcuons. DOS I WUI. k UWl HEiS; li iiLL
The Popular Shoe House.
We have ^n assortment of
for both wood and coal, on which during the month of Febmaiy
we will make a liberal discount from present prices. NOW »
your chance to get a good stove for less money than ever before*
Tlxe FXaoe
Now- is the timeto prepare your poullry booses against B
the ravages of lice.
One application of Carbolineum Avenarins to the in B
side of a chicken coop is sufficient to destroy all lice and B
keep.them.away. Results: Healthy chickens and plenty B
of eggs.
For sale only at
WATTS DRUG STORE. Put uuiiuuuuuuuQuuuuuiuuuuuuiuuuuttuuuuulii
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Go.
Mr. aad Mi*. Cta*. brlirf Foi*
4^w«c«a*lUat oa frtea^ bv* r
l^ttkc hOM
XbooiM J.>hAM<i hMCoDC toTntWb«.ir—
]B*b I___________________ ____
Jaliaa Uor* •teiiad at hetaa or
BopklMBrldf* lMta»t*r4m ptfhb TM f*Mr*l MTilM* wm
Mr*. Tnadau qalta 111.
b^atUicaeboel bOMc »( UU pl»w
HlB Uary Byai* baa baaa aeBarlaf
UoDdar. 8b« bad bMS la poor iMpltb from tba rrtp.
for » jmr or
Hr. Babla of Satiow Bay paaard
Tbowea tboslek lUt tbto weak an
tbrcBCb towe Uoeday.
A Kionl«7 a»d ■ 0. Elnfalay aad
UlBB Bbbb aad Ida OberUa a
Mr.M Mn. Owl HarU*.
riaiUaf la rrararaa City.
Hlaa Plabar la boBia toi a vaeatloa
Oe Tbaraday a aad aoeidaDl ocearr
l tba Bill by MlllBC lea. reaalUsr lo
a.WB. WUaos U rar; U1 al
ibe draib of JoMpb Kelaaaki, a yoan;
B*a ut twaaiy.
Bla faaaral waa brid
H.aed Ur*. Arebibald MarT«ll Bi* . Uoaday Borolaf at tb* boBeot bli
rWlUor raUlliB bar*.
*Ta alorerply aztcad ayapaA. H. C. Laol* wb«.bBt baadatek lor
*0 loap. !• falaia* alowly.
^ J, J. Uardaadrora lo tbcdly &
Hr. and Mr* Jobe Batu eed Hr*.
KarderotBrraniaTtallad at Ear. Ur.
J. A. Baailloa waat to Trarara*
Biirn aad attcaded ebarcb daadar.
aad Will
Ur*, aiarrow rUilrd tba aehool al
Blartaaa la
I •uoablaV pie
lo. 1 one da; Uat week.
ow. jadciac (roB tba
I* emliaa aad bn
ablae battoea woro
Tba caild aBao; da;* are rerj
afurr ao loB( a alepe of lal
b„. Mr. Xenbar g%wt aaoi
aaotkerof I
cold Wl
lataraatlor aeriaaoa daoday.
iMB aad Mr* Slarri*
Ur. aad Ura. Peltoa ware lo tbeciiy
>ery pour boallb tbta wlalar.
Uoa- -
Il U raBOrod that Joba Har* baa
leaped the ABorieaB ,Hom a
lo P. T.
This Is
WbPth $1.50
To You!
Ur. BaaBaaped famll; IroB (Heo
Baraa hara Bo*fd ieto ibe koaaa for
Bari; oaeaplad by Mr. Jobaaoe.
WlUlaa BaaBaUof Ulaa Baraa war
takaa brfarr Jaatkaa triu at Uapi*
City laat Uoeda; abarrad iritb baHar
TkJaUd tbr Sab law. Attaa all tba r*
htdaaca bad bare praaaatad Iba-preae
dUalBrd tba eaar.
aaUac attorary dl
laaaed praaad e* SecUoa t
tewBabla aad will c
rhey bareaoBtof
f tbe
fiatat besloek
la ibla part of iba eoaauy.
Budpmot UayfieidTwbo r
iblople mui la L'biob lownahip. i
tala death oa it
Tbaraday *
joaihow U
aodpm altoc
culler. Mr Hodpea look
>Bned liaek
tbe rrad
eltSABO* If ee<
leaded. Abja'. a qaarter i
mile fi
beea forced orer u> the a de of the
Wb- Crawford died al » u'cloi
by tbeanow dtifta acd paMCd belweeo
Tbaraday ereolop of poeaaaobla. afi , two maple tree* be found the oafortu
aa nine** of lea* tbaa two week*,
Dale mao lyior latbeaaow, brloleM
tbe ape of :i year., ooe Booib aod.The team bad faweb roBBim.' abd tbr
day*. Ur. OawforJ <>*> beea * rw
Iculler alewed ara-But-ae of the tree*.
deal of Uranl for tea year*, haeti
Ilearlbp off tbeaeatof me culler an 1
Btft lUra O wofklBC *l Crfar.
here (rota Summit Cuj
Hew*, I Ihrowiop me dneer oat OtBer a»uUlia C*o»da aod wa» asrried In 'abc- batiop arri.e-i he waa tak'B t.
Vn. Wb. WiUon i> quIM »>ck'
to Him Aoo* DarU. who abrrirr.
i-eofS F U..lpe*. where l.«
aim bat 1« qcile *)M *1 preaeot. Tbir did
taro cbildrro were t>'rb U> them, nine
of whom *r»*klll.ll»iop. The luaeral
Th« MrprUe
..rrloa. were held at tbe Eabmee preatly
tcboul houte Wbi. afieraoOn al two Sody !.1 Indicate wbai
•J ^v.iealb
o'clock, cbodocted by ihe Eea. Mr He leaee* a
Uary. The fami y h»»e tbe aympatby
ol all Id ibelr affl ctloa.
deceased had nad bn»loe»« re'al
with a BBiaoer of o»r ci-.ii-B*. aod
trMb»esU wcrrwrrrd
.peak hiphly of him
Ciu.t Dilb-fi,' aod-f.niUT wen
Maneelona la.t week to a'lcnd
aiua family are al
e l^anatii
Bopvd Berc* h»» boep <
fonerpiofUr Uulberj'. .Ister
,iMT« Mbool on oceosot of 111
Joba Frau, an old reeijeat of
Ue U.t crid tp
Erawt Altee of TW»w«ClVJ
lliape.’died in tbt
Obaa. Cbaeaai* aad Jia Saoord drora
Bvt Stowe 1. hauliap lop* forUallJ. u.’l^lwy wae* TraeareeCiiy calliaX bU Bolbor. Ur*. '
City. Feb Ic-ib.
to Ulea Barra laat deadayrao Uru*.
r oaaday laat week.
bouphl h»r.i(w
Oeo. Ward of Cadillac la bare oa bua
Tbe Scbombrrp I! W L. Co.
froo Cold-eater.
fiebbadtbrir 3'>P ul ^mberlep oi
Ir.aedUr* 1
Ualieaa Bra* ard haallap their bard
ii OfdtuMrf. tab. Wth, V
a 111 wltb tbe
b^..n>ia. wM aoarwbat asrv —
Aopiul Fortaer and Hermaa dbeatei
The faiily of Joan Hahn* ar
B l<Bd drara *p lo biadbor
b'.eaainp In the lam ly.^
HlB Oartrada BeWUi of Traeerae ^bt a Irw day* laat waek rleltinp .ick.’
aiy rialled her aUvar. Ura. Tho*.
(rieadeat Aecadi*. Hich.
tbaraBBMlcr Vfi below aero, lo ml
U..* M»ry UMl.iw. whi/poi Her fe-l
tar. and frlaada. oeer Suoday.
ceola per^bu-ihel
bntr bla blribday
A Soa aappr/w<
Peter loqaeel Selttaed hit inn ac
badly aculded some iimt apo. wiil John Horiaoo aod JimSecord azpael laDberlep j >l> a few milce e»ai u> be
pnaloe, badly fr-r-B. TB-e
aarrad droa wri. filled baabaUA
be able t.1 be atxiul apala.
ha.e pr-.aines on brp of t . pr^u
, work for iba Seaaaa Laaber Co. a» forlbe&d.r lltrkrr Co. aad baapoi
Caile I'reddiemod U.adyaCook.
have e-nrhab y loM
w E*-t Jordaa to look after tbe cui
bare beea .cry .(»ib. are better.
pany't lalereetatbrre. /
Miu Eliiii M.ller. wan hat b-eci
Sw^^alr ia^objr* wWrd lo with atalB wii
Url I’beaii. wbe pot bla loot *maa
borne twjwc-k. hcipioit her mo-Jiei
I trealac wi
and Nf^ 1)
Ball flllad baakata.
I at luuartt'e caBpaume tifaeapu,
uare for the aicit.h** relaroed to bn
dolBf 3«lb
a boea ren tick, i
owl) racurerlop.
Bob- Owea baa beeB'TeB IH
school apala at Uaplr City.
• »olo{o ’aaplaodld aupper •eleetloaa
iFoaonla for aboat tbrao week*, boi
Waller Udnaoo. wbo bad reeefrad
lieu Souibanl. make, daily tripi
■oatrr were read, wbeo bat *i
A Orepoey loeta^or*. yeater
i«b a d.iae of the prip that bc-lb>apbi here fr.,m Trae-^rw City to attend
It life oe earth would c.ime to an eod. ■ui tbe lop*, which arb comiop to tfa>
h*ullop lop* apala.
II. »-wee. wb-»
iiiplr mii.qa.teli.cly froaiiDe llaiilt
i, t taa ploiap pood Ba
. xpeut Hul^a) » .lb 1
Um* Kilwy Balabtd bU }obatla'
a Uibiiaou camp*
tarad eaplala ted ihr apriphlly. alei..
II.Uoa lereryalek.'
lewday. spo-aad
re.. h .QKe occupied be Jamaa bald*
1 wife.
Aa-rttp cobA-r fifara ol bla
read bacL____ ___
eat at lilen Arbor fur low at F.iu.
U»dk tire from tbe at >.cI>arBe1ar^or the ncea
Northjvrn u.puT
d aalpbbor* will
IVbao Uklop leara all
pled to <arelooBC tbeB boBe.
'.Mf. L.iiiow lo*la pood
abara of bi> b-juaeb jid po i^a, bsddiup.
0. D. WUlobec
____ b ««.H,P^*.^
try tore fiaper oaaaad by
iklap cold.
Ur. Brippa It eoj^yinp a
D. Cbaae la rery tick wUb poeaBO-
Out this out and send it to us ■with $3.00 and ■we
■will pack and ship toryour address one of those large
comfortable Reed Ai’m Rockers, I do this to get ac
quainted with you and to extend business by getting
you for “a steady customer.
J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store.
'[Headquarters and lowest prices on everything to fur
nish your house.
If you w'sh to buy GOOD Clothing:,
•BILLIG’*-go to S. Benda & Co.
fc • Peer ices-'Working S;.in*;U...
E Woid. •n S\vv*aK-rr= K.r 'l'5oy-., . .. .
t Tb-..:-i.iml
P.infb for B.>>< ;»«
•t-sMcli'e' Workin-g I’.i:::-. fam e -tn
!p Best Ovvra!!' ill Tr;ivcr.*c Civy b
ji::ir- ->f Working t»ln'
!H I-'ng
aebyo. Sklird,r
Joba Taekar. Jr., loti a korae.
Bob Uillun baa Borad IBM the J.
j Allcu RjrjX-.u
_________Ana back M tbeir old______
dhurtar bour.
Thia thaw it briopiap''tbe
Cedar Kaa We are pled to welcome
fbere are aarrloea at Ibe ebopal *r<
htmamoap at apalB.
ry two week*.
Tbe little' rlllape of Odar Ban.
Mr. aUd Ur*, r. K. Soar* aad cb
Ur* J. Brlphtol Kaaaoo WB* called leetled in amunp tbe bill., preeentaa
di«a aad Hr. aad U^ ArrtU Uac
bare to aaa bar father laat Saeday.
eleaalnp .irw three wloler daya.
• took dteoer wKk Mi
Ualia a aoBber of oar people are There am between fifteen and twenty
.kawdu.0.d UUBidn Suodar.
Ckaaot daaday.
Moat of 'be bulldlnpe are
lahilBp ol polBpMWaiblepMe aboat
I' F Imrdle apeol Uooday afleraoor.
Lewall Soot* la aafferlaf from aa at
oecapled, and the bripbieat plctam U a
lat of AprU.
i OM Uiatloo.
tack of tba qulaay.
boat of brlpfal. lolelUpent ebiidreo.
t%.v. r. 1l.*rdie called on Mra lielap down tbr
T. 3. Oaraa araal to BapU City UoaBiiBn.ajiD.
riop with plada
day. retaralap Wadaeaday.
reb tl
Uiaa Celia
Hr. aad Ura Cbarlaa Batoa of Will
Uule Haiel iifabdB U better at thia
It breakloff ap eery
Cbir aUlpbli
i Tibrrme Ihiy for tbt pa-'t wrrl
Maubarr took dlaoar with Ur. aod faat.
Mr*. Joba Carat daeday.
Ml*. Aon* I-arUie la oa tbe tick
Oray ReBinptnn aad other* are drawlurwl Vbeatt ta
lap lopa aod bare Ibe yard* a'
Mr*. VictorU Cauiop of Chcb.i
Irpot nearly full.
. riailinp rclali.rb^crc.
laat weak.
We bar* one hardware atore, o
Fraak Tnackcr la laid ap with i
HlB EltU Hllrllap of Elk Bapldt w
JurnI bund.
Hr*. O. W. Uilbdrt of BardieaTille U >t Mr. Newmaa: A. C. WyaVoop
at Wb. Carry'* Ibe latur part of t
e homeou
HIM l.>r/:
l.ltlup frleada and relatieoe of tbk lop a fioarlablop bualnea* lo bU i
dry pood., prooenra, liardware
r.-uunl of the iilnew ol nrr |»rcii ..
blacu.mltb ahop, owned 1-y
M u. U.l.y
John-.’n waa tbr pu.ai •>!
Albert Beapbey. wbo baa been alck
J*l»y Joi
>. and oaw mill, oward b>
or tbr part two week* la no belur; be.
•1» Kro. ; atoreowaed by I» .Sborf
a BOW at Maple City aeder tbe care ol
S.l.ool eUftud to-la. afx
ed poaluffiue. with Ura. Crone
trad StIUt baibaceoBthealcklUl
Dr. O. W. Fralick.
.d by t
(araararalday*. bat te aowabiatoraHarry aod WUIlam Atklaaon, who
aama bU work al Blltwonb Ibla wark
d Ur*. Dllloe bat bod a paralytic cor Icacbrr. I
oni returned from J
reatteadlap the Tra.riwe City hifh
ce. W« bop* tbe will be better
r.-< in- hu n *'•
-jethlecleBlllratBBad operatloo*
■ ease hose Frtdar to attend
lie >' - —•I dura.
’naraday afiar aabat dowo of a
era] of their praadfatber. Jr*
lb* faeei
, ..d ..yud.
.. a day* on aceoaat
Sr., wl.
Sunday a II o'lSuok attadard time. A ■l.'M*
It Thnraday moruinp.
cordial la 'iUtlOB la ralraded to all.
At ibepraaaat wrlllaf tba
dernoa o
(aatdlaap ------........................ rlday 13 la
................................ 3 50,'4 50,6 60.7 00 ^
............ 75c. 1,0.0.1-50. 2.00. 2.50. 3 00 •
"-•t> lit........ ........................4 60.6,00.7 00 :
.............................. 25c. 38c. 48c. 50c, 70c :
-76c. l.OO. For Mm..............ICO, 1.9‘5 :
ii.................................. ........16c. 19c 2DC !
...................................... 50c, 75c, 1.00. l.fO :
for. -1............ ........................ £0c ;
............ ............................................ 25c '
IMTU* lor .\:c ■ .It ...............
mi»rc of tlio.-v linji'i''.. .1 i>
Everything in Hats and Caps for Men and Boys.
Horses for Sale
beplDolBC to far] atari
B. U Baaba attaadad tba Kalkaaka
aeaatyWaebrrt'aaaoelatlaoat Katka*
Died at kit ratidaore la Wllaoa tovaabia. Uoaday arealoc. Febnary it. 3.
&. Walla, aa aprd rmidaal ol tl '
Ity. harlap
larlap lirad bere abimi
abimi iwraiy
Ua baa -bad poor baaltb tor a
■apbv of y«ra. aod aboat a week be
fora bit deaib wak taboo airk wltb
body ol Joa. Stelper.
er*. Uu.llle aod Kr*>na of Uaaii
M paaaed liem ym^ay oa tbeir eray
tea qalie a ebaape in the weakh
It week we
bad 10 below -two.
er. Uat---------------------------------wblle BOW It It 4T drpreM abo.a lero
to haul tbeir
potatoe# to Cedar.
Bara* aad Oeo. Sobaldt bare
poB* to Tra.rme City oa baalaata.
UHTTiini^ata U alck with the prlp.
Ur*. Iiima aad her toa F.ldic am
both rrry tick with tbr pnp.
III.— tepiir,.,p It K Ii
.1 F.,Ja».J.ke V.D Atur f.-D an
-loc-etni bi» r^rhlII- Fr.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
~ (Or ?~r ,»dS«t Ik.bw*' dl
B. S. MOEO-AN, Prop.
Weather a little more mild, mercury . •ry .lull -.11 e»ac h. sii-.-.c-.-ded la a,
I iiru at « o'cf ck pm.
| ti licit ol il lUi tin-uw nf ci; urofi
Frank Tuttle waa quite aick with the ■ L.cii r. au red ekill on in- pari ol
pr.p laat week.
’wrUu.'i Mr"
Mr. ObrrIiu of Ulnpbais wa* bere on
bBaueaa laat w,-ek.
Hr HcMier aad .uonf Froremoat waa
ere on bu^iOFM laat ueek.
aary ce eb-*!
Aupuiiu. JobaauB la ua the aick Hal. a-jpoer wo.^.
, iep.ired to
IViUiamaoo'. houw caopht hrr
•i Ibertpaee
lay Iroi .park, lal'
.. The l'.wer
roof. It waa .,««
Ir l:]u<lraleiil
a terrible fripl.L
drleer. Ur
e anil tbit we are free avebia in
rulleo. kne'w who rauard bi* uamr tc
laiter of l•lwIe.• .Ifier tbe te
. . . wUh au K. a. I
who, wu’
.ied t.. ce^a
Joba Tobin
11 here yeiterday aeal
lop lop* for U
1, ^ri,.
Minor Keldorboow. who bat been at
Uretlap erery
nnday at II i
Uood Harbor drt.lap John Tonoa'a
nd prayer meet r crerr Wedaeoday
teas, ia at borne.
reelap. E.try
r I. In.Ued Moome.
ablidraa. aU of wbc
Kell Oleeoo of Sattoa* Bat
Ura. Tmmbull
rtelUap old frleada.
a. been aick for tomr llmo. I*
John Hiller weal oat to Trararae mack impro.ed at tbit wrillop
City and oamr borne with a
Uiw Caddie Athlryaad her brother
TbataBdeaaad rraal ebaafe li
Joe aod Jallot Barotoa bare ecuar Walter weat to Cedar City oa Satarday
Bfatbar atbta Uklap oold aaay.
>ae froa Bapire.
laat to take p.ri In oa onterUlaBenl
Prod Ulehaalaoo 1* oa the aick Uat ed tbeir wialrr't w.
.1 that place.
ttla waek.
Ur. Horae It attcodlair
- boy* bare finltbed banllap lap*
Mr*. Wm. Trrmtla it tafterlnp with
her* tbia week.
-a attack of the prip.
3. L Prlak bo^tcbl M aorM of Uad of
Tbe Batfiead Hrw. are baullnp
C. Da.U. who boa beea alck for aeae ^ Ulaa^Ka e. daopbter of Hi
B. S. Kobl* Ute waob
I build a ateae cellar andarr tbeir time.
a. tl Imprarlap,
Hill. wa.
Ur. aad Hi*. W. U rviak rialtod botur.
at week
r Atwood aad at Ellawnrlb
laat Wadaiaday.
- irwlay aad Friday.
.blppto-VmuchJ.y. .
Irleod, I
Ur. aad Mr*. J. Uall rlallcd Ibrlr
-r a'aya tae reoeai col
Quite a Bomber of boy* am rajnylap
dUaphUr, Mr* J. C^Sbaam. of Cres
A larpe auBbar of oar people ailead>e wor.t h* baa emr are
*»■, F-atik Staff -rd .if -'ll!;,
od tbe Joueral of tUlbart Hodpea of fitblBjrJor perrb ibraapa^lbe to* on here, aad it I .tyra-* ia.l Aepu.ltbi .ieo Beujamio uf L-lood.
tayfield laalSaaday.
It wa. rrry acldom the mei
Wlaiati Btit-M
rory atood '.•o' below aero, and not t.t
often that lb. lak. waa bridped "it
ulbe SoBlh Maoll..o
H. Ib.ol
Will Warzburp It la Uraad BapiJi
r^B.aat ipaat laat week la TrarTiullap hi. brultaer;
befor»"*Tde^w*ather laa.U'pnM I
Hr*. 0t« Ooodbaa it falllap rapidly.
New York
Tb« l.tdlea- Aid a>tt with Hr* H. S. thealdeat lababllaeta
Hr. Ooadhaa la (aprorlap a^Dewbal lau week with ae.eral earloadi of pb
botbaoct I
Olllrlte laat waek.
aad bit frlaada bar* kupad for bit r* tatoee.
Ura Uarrry boa bMO quite tick.
Torn Fewla*. of Maotoa waa la Mwa
Hr.,tad Ura Will Oa* of Eik Laki Uoaday ri.ltiBr rrltl-.e* and frienda
Hr.. J L Qlbea aprai . few day* la
Byraid O
atoilad Ur*. Oae'a pareata. Ur. ao<
SMcmlllerand wK* of Cbleapo
Ur*. Cu*a4ier i. ;u*t * little
Mra. W. U Frlak. deoday.
UcUill nf K.T.tone ia .ialtlap
Ura. Ucc
ad Ul.. Hiaal* SeepBlIler of Albion
abn 1. baeinp a bard time .
■ ere ralird bom* laat wetk
wrtk oaarco
oa arcoui
of the ar.ere llli a. of thi^rawier.k
, 4^ Canada of Liwell
Carrie EllUoa.
4^tteaded ebarcb S.
Ura. Qeprawww^
uUle Uobba bare lately BOd the prii
f. flao.lor vlalted ak twlea laat
week with bla abow, mad tbla week w« bet ere well apala.
' I abow hem the aullre
ce Oatad.
Recent rliitom lo Trarene City wer
JoeBktUaeaad Jotaa J. Lardie, wbe
Rlaache Kelley. U«>*l aad Horia
.buu d b.
bar* barn worklap al Baal Bay. re1
OB taa croaapnt aaw I
UIbba. Mr*. A.IHbbtood J L Uibba
tareed boB* ttalarday.
Ir trip M AlaaaoB. where
iahauiuotr of Uayb.ld
AtaiOamillaad Fraak Valley Ibt*
■aa tasallar lopi to Ultcbairamil.
, urrlb
HlBot L'aila aad Ullle HoSBaaB
> Bl. caller aad kill,
.ondice f
■aaet duoda
0 Ulaa
while OB bl. wuy bl
B.orFif. Labe
Hr. Hodpm
Ur. Haao aad faaliy wrai to te<
_ . It )I yuar* of ope aod left a
lacajay la
«M day laat.
While poae ibe hoi
Bolhar. two tla'-ert aod foar brother*
•aaebt fire. It U eappjaad Iroa a ape
lomoura bi.aallBale death. Tbe fa
bid the mtafunuBe to
<roB the ttote. it wataaea la Ub> by
aerol aertlee* were be'
badly wbuertwppiop f"Ve'’^'!”
aaaol bU aalpbbor*. who pal It oat freoxSueday atureooa
badora aaeh daeare waa doae.
RitomUr and Ur* SaademThara- aoicetor th« I. <) O F.
atr pr*
r lia W.T
aiwtb* l«tb. a plrl.
A. H .part. U-ali rt
Hodpea waa a saaber. Uoay frleada
iw day* lael
C Uartia Bid* a boalaeat trip to froa fat>»d nasr followed1 hit ma
to Ibelr reaViap place la I'
telBtyeUlap Iba lea
The alncken
Ura U
Ur. ai-d Hr
li!e»<ii:")W* wealto
ea bare tbe heartfelt .ympathy
HlB - Delay Johatoa .apaat Uoaday Itlap frit
ack on tbe lee.
of noay
ly frieada
la tbeir aad affi^clioe Bik RapU* ai
aftaraoiOB with Hit* E«aa jardle.
Cut*.* Broi
ark ■ 1* )*tl raoorerlof feua the prip.
I rialtlop triaoi
a, Fe.vf
tiora.. Tetter, Chapnm)
Tbeaaa Krwapa, wbe bat Onaa
A. S. Cnctl.'eaa. huaa laat waab.
Coma, aod a" '
B O bodd .a dmwiap awaT#otatori Hand*.., Chtlbla.n*.
red# hto wbaal to hit boa* at Bowa
itaied by bl.
bit aolhar, w
RrupliOBa. and
Id poaltlvely
pealtlrely ec
earea F4*a. ^
Mm. llarly of Fort OaUda
taa coll OBd boa fi.aod a pjod many froaea.
— '
oa tba laa
h>a ttaaday
tl*i '
aflaraaoa. a»w a.ka bar boat with bl
par reqalrrd.
lairrd. It a (
Mkloff tbotlaw laeoaboar and thirty batbaad ha.Japdlod reeanUy.
Iqittl* Bolmra U eealap for Mr*
topl.e aerfact anUatoeton or money |’■........ Henry
C)tb*H of Cupralak i
rafaaded. Prim tf etau perba*. -For, r,:'.'.
MlaOdUa netaasaitaUjIap I* Tier, tow* a oall la.t weak
Mr. Cooper, who baa beea 111 a laap b1« be / 0 Jo-iBtoO and S. I Walt
■ .u • ™
Pnri Fuaber U <a Iba aid Hat with
amt Olay wUb bar alatw. Ure. .Suit
Ooeay tor • f** Aaya.
la prippe.
lw-«Bb<raaal B mb.rr. a.b-ml
Mr aad Mm. John Hoffats hare Sendoy aft.r*3>iv aod R*..
- 1. Xeaea and Ur Dowatl of
*f*e City aabaea rerr alck wHh tba prtp. aad Otaor praaebB arary fiuadiy emalop.
>1** Were bem laat week
Ue Work)-* Fair chan
I^ Ddolapthalraboraa
Idttl* R>y Tuitla la roeoearlap frOB
Ur*. A
11 Cartl.
Cartl. reori.al a iriepr*
Fraak Barat of E k Rtpldt
Rapid* came[^"M'BMUk.TM»r''Dw^^^:ia*n
Waam plad to bear that Ur, aad atatlaribe ee-Hoai Ulaem of ber
bar (ath
(attaor bb arena attack of tba prip
Vrt. P r. Lardte am ndbnriof froa af Oataorlo. Hlab. fibe want Uaaedl-
Come on dHw and look at a nice
lot of Horses just arrived.
iimiKif dark grey
I bi<-i-heutni
• liiu lilat-k tuan* lire
•• bUrk m*tw, five yaar* old. weipLt 13S0. No. 1 waglo
a.A II, ..f d.iubii
year* cM, weight 14(X>,
il-a.--. 5< !i. nvy le.ue.
-■ ni-v bay mare five
_ _........
old, lireigbl
loOO, bloekf boilt, No! I
wviglit IVn), eitra sin-, bloi^y
.-brown b-TBefive year* oM.V.-ighl llkXI. blacky boilt, • good
Ou>-Ivn.'k bortw at-ven yean ul<l, weigl.t 12-V), wel? I>rok«.R&gU
e )il..-ky built gray horw fire yean o’ll, weighl ISOa
II loar-ait yean old, w.-igbt l-'rl*), Ibwt draft man-, blocky
heven y.-ai
ira .i!il. weight I;^y0. bind
•heap. »b.j.
Komesfead ‘
Free Lands..
old, veigbt 1400. blocks boi/t A 6n«
,u -me. •
i;.as. re.
A 6m
mai'e, bl^kjr built. Cf- jvam old, height 1400.
.1.1.0 <1 fill-drari mar
lioga, b!o.ik)- built. welgU 3000.
-Irnfl 1
A. V.Fiiedrich Block.
1- l.uv mi
I. lai'iil It
five ‘ywafi ohL Weight
g-eid one.
- extra go>jd
liKrI walker.
leg* wBlafged
y.mr* ohl, weight IJyl. rangy bitiil, alight
id worker, cheap. $•'■5,
biot-k Jlulde n
1250, niee heavy
year* old. weight ia00,sc»d drirer
-good white borae ten yeara old, wdglit llnO, ruaad"^ilL
f horwe, taagy bnilu weight 1250, esint gwid workar ud
__ Western Canada
~ .
•or brown bora, tea yeara'oM. wr-ii^t 1400, rangy baih, baa 5m
at work in w-gxl* all wialer, cheap, $3.*
Uu- browa mare ai2 year* told, weight 1400, rangy IwilL No. 1
Worker, boa twv-o in wojd* al work, acarred np aoae bat
bon her. cheap. UOO.
rheutout oHtri., blacky boiU, weight 1000, good fatn or fataily
All Rinds Of Block taken in exchan^ for
'ti^[taor8e8. Will exchange horaes with yon to
match np your team- Kindly giro me a ealL
B. J. MOBGj^,
ffkoaPrvdlaatMcKlelap idiriwad
ka anban of ^ Bom MaHaatOak
AflUn w u
UMta«-r«^ 17.-Tk««owaorbM aWkt it leaa witk Ue 1
ha waa asp a t >d to aap ac
Te T««to*th*l** li
IkaPhltlptaM. walla ttapraaldaatwaa
HMhacoB P«We wbooU. «ubUac tk*
la bla raBarke Ika taacr
e( alMAUM «0
« asdic Ike adailntloa of
«AlB U* BMkl«r. Ukmwl Tnlalv
oaarp ABartaaa clllaaa.
Bla acatlaeboal »sd lb« BMW*r ftMk UbrwT
oooabad U plala aad la
u4 ffiviBff U iM<r«r M raeal** brqaaw
aad be showed at eaoe
propwtx »*>^
............ .......
tbbt h *aa act bU perpoac tooavcBab
tka doaalB of aoatraM. tka troa
Tbt Mi •mbUb* »k»
aaataUecaol ike people, la tka
wbatMl U MBI7 «f Notm«1 mO laadjaauaaotof oar nlatlona wllb oar
arparaM ■• la lk» lo*a*lp of Vlraa*.
L nia addreea «a
AAm a fall amrtac U>t
of tkalkl(hetauai
•hraM tM act faaaUaf tka (oar to«a■bipa of Blalaa.OroTa, Ball aad
daiior bla
nalaa la l>airford oMBtp. ika oppoaltloa
paaaara 01 aia
tioa balBC alibbraiTB b; rMldaala of
apoceb daBOMtralaa the wladoa of bla
tbai aaeiiee.
To aabBli to aoto tka qaaaUoa of
Until eoarros aball direct other,
rallOTlBK tiaaaaror of Uoraa loaaakJp.
whs. it will be the dalp of the osacsHeeleala ooaoly. fro« iko f*pajo**at
lopoaaaaaskd bold tbe Philip,
of faad* U»l U> tka lallara of Ika Mman Kiekaart haak, aad aloo tka act plaaa. flrlor to tbe ptople thoraof
aad order and braedeaBt foraradotoobtBf Ika boat aarar faclorr alia
affordlas .ttaea
erory oppor.
(roa Waat Hap Clip aad laaorperaUaf
iaaitp to pnaecata Ibeir lawfal parIt io Baafor towaahip. Bap eoaatp.
eooourasiDr IbeB la thrift aad
kaaator Lpoa kaa lairodaaad a WU
ledaeirp. mahlBf than f>«I and ^ow
preblkitlac ika aala of aup hied of
IhjaorawIlkloUraaaHaa of aap ad- that waarr Ibalr friaoda. not ikclr
cnfBlaa. that Uair rood to ear ala^
BoaiiOBal iaaUidtloe of ikUatata. Tb|p.
will afhK-t a fraat maap placM la ika that tbair welfara la oer welfare, bot
that Bctther UelrkapIraUoaa aor oan
caa ba atUlaed eetU onr sutborilp to
Tka Boaae kaa loaucoralod a relerai
BckDowIedsad sad aaqueatluaed."
kp preridlar for ooarmlaf Hoodap at
fo* p. m. laatoad of aln -p. m. aa baa
dtau Maws Itcma
baoB tka euitOB toakUtlaa.
Jbbcb 0-k’aill. Halos aaar OoraBaa.
Tka jolBl eoaalltaa 00 taniaoo will kaa diaappearad fro^ fato home.
bwla koldtof Taaofal hcaribfa oral
Detroit VUliaB'^ndaUhi.aibd Id.
Tkaiadap aftaraooe. Hcfaaaa aad eordropped dead tiklla aplltiios wood.
pocatloea laloraalad era aoUfiad to apThe McKIwaoe Uouw atCadl.lac bae
paaralibUilBaordurfur ika folloola« fa* dapi aa tka blit lo^ba foraidlat- beea'aold to t>alcr Baflrp of Oraad
od bp Uia ooBalttoa U proBla.d bp BapldaforaH.Uae
AtOnlaa>et.aUBB«apleM at (ba
bane of Jeaapb Paeecd. anaelw Ike
elelfclnf of hto laftktdnarbier le celeb
■iB .Tbe ahtld ww Urriblp bvwd
. ,
A comtiBAtion oT the ntott effec
Praaeta B. Bastar. afad It. died
tha raaldaeoa of B. U PaaH la Uaaplar tive known remetlUl egentt fer the
daadap.trenaawahaof paialpato. Ba cure of aa KJdaey, Bladder,
bad tka dtouactloa of belnf tka aBall- iVrinaiT sad Uterine ^duesM.
aal ^aa la that locality, eralfklaf oalp
Too h^ucnl or Imbed urine, bed
M poaedt at Ika lieu of hie '
wetting by chlldiea. bme beck,
Tka Bib BapUe Iroa ao^paap wtu
dropsy, igmsle wakneueB, rbetuneBtabaadratoawlathalr UI tbU wlab
lax. t9 ba roadp for oparatioa at the
ba a blf additloa 10
catllBf «apacllj ol tka Bili-lacreaaiac It aOoot
BrrriaB Upriaft aaaato to be a fraai
place for pe^a to Uea to a food old
Tbera are tklrtp-fin raaldeou
datod down fnxn tba apper lake reglM
(St of food.
atrta Ua Eaetara lataae AepluB lor
faaaia patiaau aad peorlda that
OsranBB. Untordap aeanlof bb
fanaia paUaala la alalc laaUloU
iena sea plaot esploded
' abaU ba atuodad bp foBala pbpeiol
eelp.aanpt that oaa mal^hjaie
Ip bnrnlBf Mr. UrUcotl
Kaelaa of allrfaa propodn a BOeel 1ii|
Utatlert will be nble to booel of
aer law taatnf overp pmon who
anumf her fralduta
Willlaa llrlSa ia apared a few moBlhi
losfor. aclanowpaWbUlwib blrtb> Uaeaud. ararp tkraa dap. nod U atlll fairly ncilre.
caawbpaperpf IbO'
drew Ctoraefle ba* leaked tbi
tp. Italae
a peaaltr of ti» dDe
HIcbtfBB Iran nilse frea tka B*elfae«
(eratoBboSoaaobp aap daalar arlllaff
a mate of tbe lave J. M. Wllklatc aalteaaaed driakara. aad tka
too. The property I* Is Iron coSBtp.
•atlalBpeaedapoB aap drickar wbo
ear Aaaae. and pr.<do we toft ore.
dlapeacaoforloaeehle lleenae t<> aap
TbaaewhoeoneidertblrMo as bb.
etharparmoa. Thto wooldaBaa Ilka a
)eka bat It to tha Orafoe >■* aad aaU lucky BuBber will be cot.«rn. d il
iHoraia ba* a hot ware aad Kaa'
PraBclacaa* erj'p m la the obado. with
iheroercoryaliBMBf ' Pr«w|w«U are
Ctoofreea will ba o*krd to peoeide aa
food for a BBcb Beaded rain.
•eTfanrp apprapriatloa of Iton.m* to
ri.'Bi>r bbaw ot Iowa, bo* jaet repair t>w dxBOfe be the b-f fire at
parenoMO I.^O' acre* of load in Wood, tbe Brooklya nary yard
Tbe aary
At <«brrlia F.i>la>. ^^ koBri
bar^r .xmatp. tbn* baroalnf oar of tba daportBrat I3 tha la'brMa. will pnba.
necti'd the in,Hay wiia ol Iba
Urfctt,1aad owaar* In ii>at atttr
My be obliged lo
land. Hereo, Blyrto A »hk> 1
Hr*. ncrJxiBlB UorrtoOB will ortism end heart diseau aie cured by
uiXew York aad .road to'aUHU B*cbtne to operate
Bpanr her ba*band when ttar e*
iletaltp to help not on
•ork wbk-bj, b* oBi*Ue door ot the raoH ot
diis great mcdidBe.
prwidrst for* aMood tbi* apnof la Bu*t ba boatled. thw^nn * itory ear<i ihrrilo llaakiog Co . k.*erlad a
Tht* I* no new dbeovery but has
tka tatemt of tbe Venrxarlaa qoaBto- may get a imr of t^c barry-ap rrpal>^
large of po.drrned blew the lai
.!cn used ia privatt jKacticc for
if Uir ranll lato a ttai.irwad picxa J>,
a third of a cesiur)- by-one of Amero-n.T
*ei-<ired. a* Ibb robber* j
Tbr Sea York w.,<l<] anaoaoee* the
ka'amwr succeuful phyndsna.
iiarpo! elate ll'»‘ tl/.-, la '..J lo<tW ii.io ihr big aafe for lark
rreddlni of Tboau A. Bdtoon. Jr . aon
In order to extend to a wider
Xiialy of K.reln .ilo* n. 1 ■! |it|r
T-. paoer* and tK*.>ka ta*lde
of tke loeeator. an] Mi,* Har,e L»l*e
medicine that ha*
Do,UiOQ of an a .rK -f -V. ['br »*ui mre ,«aoiat. J b. rond
Tnohei . a BCBber of U>.-Ccua'o t>crra
iuced such henuficient rcsul
l i* now advertUed to the miUiuQt.
■■ ■
-. uits
SaiufU.r. tm-dag e» Marco,
tl Sa'o.a. I'ei , a Y.iqui* ludivu
ord I'trili, budir I .0 liir .*
.mla!. Bn age • a--.wd..ig • •'
rai*eiciQ rec-rr.!*, <
brea.thiii? ^-r.iu
'* T “‘•'I
1. |i H..;.
ditl-n. iiir-lr,,. ... X.I
>urpri*ed by 4 aurpriac
ieco at hto bour Itiat
lo be admio.»urc I lo
.I'.illy Ku-rn
S3' ;vja£'
i,..Kinf- Il.au 1. - -.'...I ai.a *.„
-i... T... -i.-l vii/'i,
-ta'.le ab at a halt dcoea
' '
A, the ..-a- .0 Ilf tbe year wheo pnru
oxHila, U ..rlfpc. * >re iLrobt. c.igfli'-.
cold*, cata-rli. broarblli* and lunc
Iru^ira arr U> be guard^ apalo*i
r.Wl iMrtera 1
df.y am i
• pau.i«./.xl i
- quick -reiu-d.v aod one
perfectly m't 'or -eildrco Irl u*
-Bdoae Hiaulr Co^^^rp.
K-u U.. i.
A Iiugb1e!..1r fe:| from ti.r
ibr.R'-a iqill* in Kas>a*'I
nVraed lhr_lSi.ih n' I >•»««...
■Jilcago aiiu .\‘i iR ^lie, k c
*a* bi.xy
ear-oil 1
riie abaft ..1 hall Ibroug'i
»!*■,> * u iri.l
hicbthdaris A|irU, A.D IBM.
I 1««
a-od' m«*or
tan-. Thai
I. tbe gae luf.llal.lc re.urrty for ai
lung, throat or brx>L<.iii»i Iroub.r* In*1*1 »ig.>rou>Jv IIpm li»c.ng 11 if 'Xinir
ihtogelM-" 1,-ff.Ted you
J- U. Joho-
-|.;i all.
.-..B-.-h 10-..1.
to. w* ka,
,»..Ui eoupwaiu^
Consultallan and Eummaiion Free and Stricily Confidential
Scald bead i> aa r. t.-uia .,1 the aca1p
Dipilherla reJier^ib iweaic 1
■‘I'nii find Yon Han tinfs Boagit AmericaD Medical and Snrjial Inslilple ot Hnskegon, Midi
:;;'l signature|
£3ot«l Wli.itiD.B,
.(5, 'Ti'a-vroi.'He
'Ti'a-vroi.'He Cit;y,
March 16. 1899.
Tbe execsliife commlitee of the Suu
Urpage baa eonrtoded lu Ibbore al
Lauieg. Amaag other thinga tbe molnilon* declare that tbe gnogr to opi*peel8e taxra'a* bSMd ep
imgaandaow eppUeH to rai
road, ulegrapfa. teirpboue and expreaa
oompaaleo. end Urora tfar *
■aUoaa will be tbe galaer* brnoec
then Mbs oppertBBliy te tBike m-oey
•Bdar •iniiartloB. while in a rw d -Joa
ft oangwy than to- ao oppaiaauy lor
aagbody ”
Oanaar fron
ot tbe mo-
B olUroai H.
tobvara great klguifica*
of tb* Bogltob paritom
It bacan**
»e ol
of bl* b
M* la
I la Cblao. Bto proml.
Uto rogard roadett hia
e.|oaI boeU of ealnea.
I*., •■•oitni.^^ OB,-rf-*«.Tli-*Bea
la *-i.r* n M W4V-*. aka. U,***i la* l<*U
t*7 ot u.-i
or fur per»oo» II'
where hradai hi-* >
lag* from Irrt-giil,
iJr.en'* Aucval Flower 1. a gi
alomari-. and ind'ige.Uon "
Wt'oe free ai Ja* i, Jahrm
eA-C.lv. or 11 K lulr-T. Ol.
Sold by draU ra ID a!l civil
lo all tinne* aad among
d low
»«“'> *•»»
'f''' *«
bcliew that Ewwn*brautifnl.
____ _______
fdnnd fa\nr hecauaeof her
bn*»a ' Low
a»J jctlouayl*
a. and flgar
g.,. a ,
Kaemnteramibto.if. lie. In
.to the <im wu.e--itnn.nU.
ly lU yoor* old sad hta wife
few year* bl* jeolor.
Kb* wot
reeeatly Ukea 111 with grlpaod took to
her bed oa tbe eeeood fluorot the boote
Cs^r.^^^edwaae uiwy.^ the tkiU
abe died Friday.
Her botbood
at pbyelelaiia.'. 8. 8. 8. UlM'onij cum,
...........- '•
the only remedy wbiA wo* oaablc to ace her cvea at dcalb
He to aow et the poiat tH death, ike
.book being hard pa bla.
After tbe
deotb of Mr*. Koeapfer a eoareh et tae
bone* reveoM tbe fact that kUo bod
AllKM* ^iaorkvagre tomplrlrly and 1,5r * .1 ™1
;s,r “iT.S'Sli'JS s": S
r—ato «•*.
TiallBad te esproa* oa epialaa whlah ^StodbShrS
koewa to tbe old BOB. It to tkoagbt
Btaoey will be tonad.
Ksetepfrr to a vtotersa of Ik* civil war
aad tka 0. A. B pogpU or* taklag ears
Im3iJwTH, *Jii.w^Tem
? MEN.
„uUutt rieoi hr
gmeae* w*a* a*. iM-U
Wm U4 awtoOT OmiS*
SXAPKBU I-.-10,0, emu o>.
, Me*' -e^» VI -eC !* <** .fig, n
that be will get, f
° .
a..Mi« tw I weta
claaeee of prt^rty. both prirale
proporli ■
A Sl. ea?ote*D«^pfara..rwbobad
a big lo- o' uottuwvklured In btooel.ar 1 ES5.‘“
1 aotp waa deduring <he leeent
**»wrat«*» back- Few pn^ile a*-w-j
u,*, ikry a
rt*»dl..eld-n.^l»*B.alerTlrwwlU.; ^ ft uTm^^SlwTw'tMlM
Hear Admiral I.oed Barmlarf.-meiobar. break
out In
in tbe
(be lortn of dreaded Oan-; the cellar alghi aad d*y wbltotbewro*k out
A, ftk-W.al.. k ....11._«.
‘ A*.
k-a a
• • * *..
- -w..—
... .-.1
Be boroed up
___________ _ __________ _______
What ba*
gallon* of kercoenr. I'ui anvrd I _ Idea* of
Bertaford expr*Md
-Tbe l‘aelB« la tbe A awrt. aa <. «aa ''«[v V^f*'
Yoareouatry 1* deattaad la d im latc
It Oreal Briiale eeeer ba* iw. 1 ac
(tea la the I'tc dr 11 to iha ,-eat
■ aaeoa of Ike falare from llm * .ndpolatofUBde ABB oommaixr Y or*
delighted (bat (he L’piwd n.a-r . kai
oetBbltobad Iteelf there, broaeo .rode
willfollow yimr fiag, aadaWilivdOB
will fellow trede. asd oil e- mtrrrelal
DKS. H. S. & CO.
For Ibfnau and Children
Dalted Blalcs la tbe Itorfl- ,
tka) tkto fact to rMdIiy neogaUrd
hlaatlt aa folloaa;
Pimples Turn
to Cancer.
•a in tbe Pacihc
This Is Something all Women Can Have or Easily Acqulfe-SomB,!^;,’^:'V;.v;\S‘r.^^
Simple Rules to Ohsen'e.
At ht. l/mto tbe worm w«a‘,ber which
prevailed Wedeeaday developed a had
All over
ne tbe tree* ai« aUte.of affalra there.
city. II U foued that tvaler maloi
water pipes were froaea ondburml with j
the beat iBaaay places cellar* art,
being Bkodeo sod It to almoat Immi-'
Ve 1 d-g to the pipes on oeiMBal Ot
the fr ten geoand
In a Bsmber of
p‘dc. a 'ernaee Brn hove been ext.n.|
flee abada
jfiEiSim fuits iDD loiEH iiiRiciiiii(s|iiiiigii
Tbe farmers of Keeler, le Van Kuna
____ of
aunty, era leaet-bcaded.
cbaalag arousd after a 1
-they woald aeeer gel. oa moat every
-olber place lo tbe atetr Udiing. they
are worklagiB the direction of hlgbtray
iBprovcBtata. - bel'toviog tlst
with good rooda; the farmer can moke
ilr fatlB bp the wr-cklog Ol two ^of- aamunboatol the ordlBory form erope
rlof tralaareoeDtly uu the C A W. M. aa oat of kugar becu.
Imat aommer aa Adrian lady In^i a
rallrcad. both oaottlalnf iblrteeD •
paroc ooBUiolBg *1u, and after eearchBasJaBiB liiaee, onea a wealthy
who leal ererptblns bp a tireab ol iBg high and low for It. came to the
that U Boat have been
bold lock, broke bt* lef while loodlsf
alolen. Last week the tent a loange
lof* Ib I.lroeU lowBthIp. WepBC aooi
^o b* reapbol»tor«4. aad tbe werkaoii
tp. He I* I;-pear* old acdonaof U
wbo did tbe j»b dtoeovered tbe mitslng
beat preoeraad bcd Ib t'.c elate for fa
paroe. with tu eooteaU Intict. it barkfe.
tag tUpped dowD at the back ot tbe
80BC Idea of tha.iateDaa sold of it
peat three weeka I* foaod is tba fact
BiuBbert of
wa“’trm UrarpoiU for operated bp alortrtelip. wiU a elaw to
■d ap oa tbe rae
BalUsaara, tBaaladafooedllloa. Tbe the total ■ppeawloa of tba tt*e of eaal :
Mtlboue li*^ .table. 1
I09h ot Oil aeraiaa BO for dOBeat* parpoua
Two enlorU bob were WUed aad ft«e
iBjarrd is tba ooUap*a.
A WoRiaii’s Face.
X/.. ,
btaaraaot eoaapaaln aball pap loaaaa
wllkeat walllBf the aistp dap« tbap
anaewallo^ R>prraaauVra Barch
kaa awdlfta^ hl» p'->poaad Tale
BUI to
dead bead Batter kcinp aeat. dfiaaa
worda foiaf for lea oaataaod flilaf aa
walfom praaa rata wllkla tka aAta
Mwalstb aaat par wwd.
Berdtah'waau to aataad tbe po<
WaaeratellfbUBf plaata BawooBfa^
lad oalp oo citlaa aad rlUasea. to
tawaahlpe aad apply It to Bib Kaplda
Tka ealp eseilCBMBt of I >e dap wi
alltUa taBUpqaarralamoaf Ike Bee
ban af ika Detroit dale«aUoa
iBhlac a local MU troa tbe Ubia. aad
a datallorp dpht over chanflor
fola at to Utae of anetlaf on Monday
ibwe who bara pawed tba afa of 1u.
Tbit to 1 per eant of tba Ut^l pupeUI> rI4 of (rra'. danisfe d
•r-l Z
latwa'of ibacillafe. which le
roBBd aaBben.
r people knoa lcdffe of the.kvan.
pear old child ot b._________
Yaake .. ,
wooda with ;dcrfull curative powers ol
iuialbar baniiaf broab. oanfhi
oaofhi are lihia eztraonliiur>' prepamion,
M.Jw.leueral .is, V I
froB toe flaBw aad aearip pariaBedj
It ii alaodCTeal Renal Deptirant
ba* a .Tipple-1
belore It eoald ba raacued. Tba falkar Or Blood Puniyer, aUaiDin}' olf the HiM.rl'.ng in J*oin Rkwaaaeranip bsraaa la raacolaf--^la irapumiu from the blood through lefthaad/whi-h wa*'
XlO.nr llir. Dgl. a bhu.nl 10 .
abUd.i It Bap roeorcr.
tU. Cv->TOoe ln.i:*B».
Ufdaa ^raaa, aa odd old maa. aad a
Prof X»lhor*l lb. Sa-e:.
0 la baUli >aek tor tu pcarm. to
gi»t. ba* arranged lo'kiart la
record of baainf la
Amlree in .lunr. on b w-yl
tarred wore tbaa :.uw budlaa. ilrcca
At Klair. tbe clotbea ol Mrt
U-w;!l Iw a.x..)mpa.i;rl !•»
erar knew fear, aad often alapl 1a the
rrowirp.aged I- .alight Or* fre
IliuHhotpl'.rrr. tiroa
Bilarp BBoac the tOBbetoaea. TBr
atore .She died from her inyiri.
« Grsnl/wMi
d Baa waa Barer os a-nilroad traia.
girl ran tna origbl.or't bomr k
• no*_^ore tl.».i .ii;
lirt. Barb^ 1‘Bttereoa of kalaina.
clolbo* were bnrned off alir
yar. olJ. aud. la»ti.g gr.i«a quite
Tir* l"»b In » •-.-.i*'. y-- ■
aoo. whodIMnpear Bf.>. left tiatp
rearbed the place.
fec'1.1..,' r*r»:>- Irav* her Wa-bliigua. •f»ii"' -I".............. - aom of land to Uwlgtii 1.. Moody. Uic
ll»r alghii* tap'dlj failing
a cough,
praceeda lo kc deruWd
ringcitol. the pro.
uf CUriat. A
ifarlber.ag tba o
Dori^ the past fortalsht there have bill tocuatirae tbe wjl la aow before j
Ooarraor Plar**
paatordap baa« foartaca waddlntaio^Baa Ai
Md aahad aa to tka r«#ort that be «aa dee keearriar ia one dap,
Jobs UaUer, as sfrd bolcl maD of
a ooaaprofDlaac. B^lplor. be lald:
Uowalt dropkkd dead 00 Ue aldewdik
A Baabau
■Tbat'a all talk; tberak eatblor to
raa On hie farm wbleb biade twratpa. f B ataadlap pal. Ttaaar
wocord^of wood wbea It waa Bawed
Ml baeo aefferlBg'aaue tiae froB tbe
tklokUepcaadra* a bill Id
np. -bot waa batter. *0 be walked op
aa how or half a dVp that will be
iiTB. Ha wn* carried iptoealorr, but
Tba editor of Ike MbbobIodb Herald
aad tbap oppoae tkU
Ic woe cxILoct when he fell.
w Mil I. beWll (refarrlactotbaCI
roat for tbe bead water* of Oadar
IVad Wieke of ColaBbua t9wa*hlp,
If Jl waa.
wbo woe biueo by a Bad dog leal WedTba lUpUatrbanhat-l'IiaaaelBC u indaj. tea guoe to New York farmedbarlBf a bard tUea to aacorr n poalor. ,al UMtBaoL.' Tbe dug Uiat bit
It baa bad fire oasdidatee sad to atill Wleka. before beiag
illed. MiceTeraldjgi
lookiBf foranlDtolcr.
JobB s,.ho«. aea
OOW bcloog:
tkrarsl farBem In tbe rioialtp of
thap tall ai tbap an para, aad tbelr
(ritada waatad tkaa to bare robn. _a*l Jordan bad their ,wttle freeaa
whlla robn, bat wbae tbap waot oBsa dcatf darlnf the eold waalbar. . (
U to be fouod
ol the apryeat
or tkelr imt awda loafer or aalarp to reported lo bar* lo*l Bra
IB Micbigaa. She baa olwaya eaj lyid
rataad Itk dUteraet.
Wa Sad tbap're
rem>a*lrBcieea«*lD*tU>a pansfe
good beallb. and lodsp abe a%ye
U pollUcaiheB tkap'n wlllief to lobby
bill bp tbe *tau< laftolatare to nfealamegoodBaaew." Klghtyhonago
wbae Uk la Ibalr owalBlamt.- Wbal Ubitob atUtaaorBalacbool at Marwarapoadolafdowaaaai. foearaorr qaette to belaf elrculatod at Menoa- aheluatlbc loai of her aecood a*i o'
teeth, but wilbio tbe peat two yean
'T WU dowe to aae BP brother.
ha* acMOirad, nearly n fall compIcBcni
kiytaf to make abon deira
A fanner nauad Icaac KbreW kaa of bar tblid aet ot Bainraieteeib. wbk-l
dowB la Haawibapatla.'- Thto la la
laeorerod lead la Urnol lowntblp Hu. are toBod, white aad <rall forsed
baadadtorafalaUa abargaa oada la
.ronaoanvp, Tba Blnernl U
Tba oommltiea of the AIbb rlllag.
aona of tke papen that ba want oaal
9 ba of a dnt.claaa
ooaBclI to wboB bod beeD referred tbi
ee a blf oorporattaa deal, or tbe
Bauer of iBproaiug tbe alreeta of the
bad rsprwBad a wllllafaew to eoa
Tbe acbool board at Desier ha* purllloga. baa reported la fsTor ol eruabeboaed tba book* of tbe Indtoa- llbrorp ad aloae. Tae euBmIUae baa beea au
’niafa and added
BapreaaalatUe HrKap waahi to anil
tborlied to hegia parckaalag atone al
ikes. I.'KIO roluBoa iuall. loUiaacbool
A atoae rrntber and atcBB Ml
Up tbe Mt which raaualu tioob froB
altd be bongbl
About H.uon
rualGf atlarffsBO farullappileato library.
Wdirea ore reported to bare been Will be eipeaded la making Imprmee
tba attta aorib of lewaahip iUslcea.aDWDontOD tbe lea betpeen Bapire menu, and tbe work will begla aa
\am fIvaa
bp action df towaiblp
and Aral. U t* tboiifht they had ana- aa piBalble.
taka tarp eBaeUea aad pradaeUra of
la Map
AAalrnl Sawpaoe be* baea eliHtd
which arrirad rrldap. reporta , poaa of tka aocielp to
B aetlae awaber of tke Koanl
Ibatoa Prb r, aha Mfhted tbe tank .«ihl«iUoa
Dr. Fenner’s
WB toot lbi«a^ aad mn
wBtopta boMen.
Tka r«la» Of tka nouptaoe.
js-ia —aatSitSk.
■>«.*■. aOeuto
1 *»an.MaL
IK. L k 1 n. mtn n Id. uaEfiiMKiL
pa*. X. ■ 0-
■iUar. Sommlt Oty.
«ti Bairtet Oaya. Sammli Oty.
«M «oraBcewa.tlaBmUaiy.
•4U Baitie Brewa. dammit City.
4i; FarM Kiacaley. tUi
ita FtoenecKlnintcy.Bammltaiy.
4W Ina Barney. Trarerar Oty.
«M beBey OarUu* Payee, qedar
IlMiM tlw lewd mire defidoM aad «
Bobmt ClnrcMO Pay... Cedar
i ~ "
OUR boys
Tta irUblB mj bcmtm.
ItetUv Itab I li(VS:
ial vbaaactaallFAM
««: T^ay Lewis. Bla*baa.
441 Sew Biibart. Biacbam.
444 tiamr Core. Blarbas.
.441 Frad Lewla. Bla*ham.
444 JeUaCUataa. Binfhaoi.
447 Elate l-almer.BiaFbaa.
Oaa, la pirjadkied f
^ ikUJIaUjr
.... ................. ira^^l'i^r
karplac *^^*'/'*“‘* “P*"*'*^
o.«a-arj aapaaur. wbao in any -mj
dabli.uv^ by faUrne or
MBbraacaol tb» tbroal and lunfib}^
iBeiaalUy: auoa*. y.t
Ym fall of err: brara. obairtnL
- te Ihronth nwy trial: loft to »-»'
tka baary bardao of dliafnl porerty naaltbl. Uk.I,«.~nlJ-_
a lo^'bad
•10... hMt aidHt. «rar
*» “•'*
•aary trylnr o*^'
ohaetfnl bra.
i if any deacrlpilon
•Wt*h I baa. ana. baa "albUf thr
ia diet arc eapecially w b
• Mttalt.kauaof arrbotno. aofUy alB»
ia(, wboni lo»*bw baart
a load of nn
•Ifb bfoabltig. with
•■ •Oaar frlnad.' I -Id to J-r one day,
.. -I BoBt Bln*.- Bbt nuwami. -or Vb.
•Bua woald drown Wit ay 4lfa; benldea.
ay llUla oa-a are a *0* happier
arba. aotber aalla and alnfa 1 wonld
Mt darka. ibelr lira area In
LltUa by little, a* I
slowly sad aolUy into By heart. ,Tb.
boideaot lUaaeamr.aahardtobms:
•'•I hare alaraya tonad that It hali*
oanao Bach thronfh tba eoachaataad
Jr^nl «**«• •"i*”
¥7... ere..e. l.o»
or eery tired.
any plcoaaat tbla(a bare
xia* the bfowe fro* earth
eoware. afb
tier l 10* >B tbe oren. rub
well with aa
rtatch will uke it vfT
almml directly.
West Michigan.
The Kind'You HaYelliays Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
’r-’i't .HO.™. 1.
."s.” 7.c,'“.'.3;
Winter Needs
I happy-
Bbe <
To Cura.Eafaohaeau but bare oStea w
r .uuaraarU of *lj-oorioe and ; herllllle
laudaaam. allfbUy warmed and poor ' ad for aomethin* aew. ner oi
latotheearfn>»aieupoou;loeorlUe B,bo Cheboofo.
She would
ooitoB afterwanla. Thla U better tbaa l _
if yoa-plaaae.”
Ir.Nrnme Hor.#, of 733 W rth St.
•Doan'* Kidney P.lla ea>ed mr
doubtful atatemrot
I thaBkfnI for oor blauinn. A*
of an ordinary
If abu**r]p«ir"Bab*"ybu
will all aood lovin* ahouM judge
urn that laeiaad.
Agile. 1---------- ------------ ------------- ---geai or any foreign anoaiaBce gel«.in ,),oagbia to ber. 1 know, and they a
•uqder a phjaician'. trutiBTLi
the ear. immedl.icdy llll the w •!« i
more than you can toll, fo
weeka. gate up hope uf life tiiree. nod
wheo 1 commenreJ IWa'aKiCnev Pill*
wu ao 4feak tbai 1 bad to be iei ncrooT
hy loralB* the bud to oak .k|e. pam oat to whom it la aeot.
tbe C <ot. A luBbrraan adeiaed luout with tbe lard-—Fu>-.«
.nother nice Iht lime to throw tbe doctor » medicine in
the aplltoon. Fur See or an dava after
Pier, and aaya
Crandmomer'a 1
1 commenced tbr trutmrot tbe kidney
Sonabiae Club •ecreiloca were pure bi-iod. aod before
Aa early a« pouU
gt three piaU u!
in Ibelr achool We will fiad ooi more I nwd one b .a tb.-y were char nnd regolar. I fulluwrd op the trealment.nnd
eat. on the atora
b‘'mUk"^u about tUal club aad tell you w
rock or Jar. Put
If batter the Vou will flbd i
eapof mrlueea. a
alyppmi c*g. a h.^ ^
Hroie o
bar mamma naad to lead htrdarala* _____1 ume upon aaoUfur
a. or a aelfbbor woald llt-.le mother lying al tbe bottom a
rickety aUlrway.
Coming naarar
beta* a lar*a beadle of darala* to Uair
both wig
dlacorerad ber dolly, mlaae
hems asd tiu tba aeadla u km* u aad armt. eaddkdclo up behind bar.
tbsy eonld tan. thu ha.la* a food rUll
ha'f hl<
aad fettla* aoBa darala* dose too. ~
tied and torn paper e
Uberatareed little hi
Tbare'a n dul uid nod written arery
year about the toaemeat eblld, bpl II
that there ia solhlog m xa
butaa rraatadIt.
toBoblngly patbaiK
MtbaiK than t
tbia of oar
manbadlt not baea M oftoa aerrad
____ aed imparfaetly
bat partially cooked
It reqilrui
[tlruagrul dul at
1.—.Vri- r«r* Herul.l_pecialiy tbe
kiadaooak -A Laandry Hateba aeaked o*ar algbt. the water
Hut the maid of all ^ork aet u
I off In the mnealag aad Irub. laaadraa*'.'
It I* uaraaaoaable t> ai••
sold water added. Ittboaldpact her to be proflclent la thla part of
toe houaebold labor unleu aba '
•picUl traialng. Wrltcoul
for her fnqi
_l!^Oy"t'lTtaJ"ibt^^ wbfcrwiu'^
earelally eiaeveryhe
fuU of ladlao mea
Tbea act the;
Another pleaaant
if oven. It
«»“»“• »“•
.... boura. an day ii bei
d a half draw to^mnalng la tb. other day to toll with a
hai coohed aa hour and e
theelgaof be oven aBd thorongbly . grul dul of glee that abe bad had
stir Id a tea ipful of cold, aweev mMk. liuch nice kltora from Alci. act C-c 1 ]
an hour before toeing-'
of Hodge puUflic.-.
nth-cream-Jutr-r .
: ofoughi iboitliera aloag. and th.yl
graapad. wUI aarae to tarn the eyelid
over the paahnldar
If lime gcU into
the eye. and II you aec tbe accidanl at
oooa. waah out with tlnegar to two
But if you dont aoe
------------ -------------- ‘''3:1
Ongtn 01 Waabiag on Monday
Cannaa Con Bbuu
Cook ima nlnt of alkaad poiatoot na JI
u(L aad rab t^ Um..........................
batter after
________________ l that forma
eondlUoa baeomra dark, not
iSk.^b thrmigh a oolaido^raad mia' tM aama e*
I buted It glam off a
fth tba potete. the* add haUlng mUk ,.brown. and
•I tallow.
makatu reqnlead aeuMasey. au; alum that ■ talUol
a malting nadhotUqi
trlU ult nnd white
TrsT*). * Olty, Kiohlgan.
Mt. PlMWSDt, OvoiMO. Ssd
B»w, Bsy City, Optrolt. HowHeadstones •U,
Asa Arbor, Tolodo mni
Ssst sod B U dost
Markers! polnu
eoooootioiu St CopomlBb witi
Hlfliwt HMMn, W*r«d'pMr
OoU M«W. MUwliitcr Mr
U4 to *erBr/*lo:k on
fererla to
til lbu4
bubi, UOL*.b»*b
Travsrse City Granite & Marble Works, 5•
H. D. ALLEY. Proprietor.
401 Vut Front Strut
MbAH.S. By.
•un Fa*s AEW ToM*.
ExaniutiOB of Toickn.
«LT BwmiEba. aa Watrm r-L. Srr »C4» Cuj.
Trary Lay Locker. Kvadallrilla.
i'MvrUaek. Tnv- aiy.
lailu Hartlnek. Travenc City
tteorge A Fuller. Fife Lake,
llrorer Foller. Fife Lake.
Albert t> Oavidaon. BrawD.
Frad JobuMO. Wexford.
Leroy Jobaaoa. tVexford.
aaranee Uemy. Travetae City.
Frad CummiOfV. Traveiae City.
Bobrrt CumujiDga. Travera* City
Balph Dalarll. Traverac City
UateBall. TraveraeDty
« Guide j
Carden and Floral
tha Oulda
toe 39 COT
Carriages, Cuttere-Sleijlis, Etc.
Homshoeing and General Repairing Done.
Vlok* Monthly Magatln*.
Be-Paintiag emd Upholstering.
.r.f'i.W* IhJ W IO 4m« O* ll( wk
ilaemen ud Ftau
new PtU.T mf aeniag Ttprmkto
•da gtrr. r*. ware 4iar g*u-..
ary rhea any-aaher need Aamte.
Wholesale Prices
' "Eferyliodj.
Vlok'* Llttl* Cem CBtalocu*
U.evlUbcriqg, Hiplalom
Wilhilmlua Shan*. Trarwu
Hereedu Barry. Traaetie C
Una BelSeeieb. Hapleto*.
Chrintiaa DartSa. H
^ Berthpon.
barn Gnrtbe. Koetkport.
Bunin Cb*rch. 8nmmltaUy.
idei iag Un
g of moai
e baatliog
4t advantagMua terma. I
thinking of boy- I
.tomer*. Ifyouareibl
call or diwp u a-T
dearor a' eaya to keep our
■ uHL rE£^5
oo l
Hary Adama. Archie;
Mary Daffie. Archie.
Bock HeUaDua. Archie.
Floyd Urobb. Archie.
Fanny Nelaoa. Areale.
Fred Mci>»a*ld. Archie.
^Bb Heary. Trarerae CityEaaE
Ina bohell. Bartlett.
Uartrada Mrreim. Wcatord.
Praaon CampbeU. File Lab.
OrpbnUardner. File Uka
LnaraBarfland. PoriUBaidn.
LacUa Soora. Elk Enpida.
Frank Heim. Bligbta..
Carrie Halm. B IghtaLaU Honlor. Trmvarae City.
Deakh WUaoB. Lake Ann.
ClareM abuiag, Maplato*
Eoy Ohwiag. Maple ton.
will receive prompt etteo-tloi
rr of aal qne duigo.—.V
' ii • a la
SaTl||g Bpaoa
Tbe day of tile folding bedU pu l.
lu mauv faalu of omiuioe aad 00mm aalon outweighing iu one good point
—tb. aariug of apace. Heilber to there v^l7
II fireatire bed:Iruom aniw. M II
the data bolao vary long ago.
•«* I
a bMtotead rulea 1
* at
brdsrsfor Job Printing left at tbe
Think about it and aae what
Hayfl >wer dropped
■tbrea-foarih* of aa KaglUb
In* I 4117 Ueorge Lerell. Arcbie.
U»g I’o.bt akorr. Tbe *n
4U* Lain E Britton. Biegham.
there wu made by a few of tbe mee..
who at once oei upon rofltiiag ibeebal4UV AII7B Button. BiDgbam.
lo^ which they brought with >hsm far
410 Howard Button. Blagbam
aee io
411 HorabCookllB. Neal.
bar of tbr women alao went!
aad aooe Moboay. Ho*. II. into.. •l<i: Loalac H Frau. Old Mtoaion
wa« laatitutsd tbe Hew Eagland wuhlag day. _ ______ -,______
aa«yw*c . BUJ
• -— -—
■cm sKv
ua> *->.
; ivyta**
j lo M 4 w
• IC
• >* 4.1I
M«a • i>
. all' IM
aci7 *<e
n*i.-k.•a«a •an
'i..ia*4e> . 1 u»*iiy*rtii» .
II*. (•
[Tr*<*rw oil
. »m a*
Doan-a Kldory Pilla for uie by all
Price.-eof' Mailed by
Foaler-Milbom 'Co. Buffalo. X V.-Sole
agent* for the f
tteniHiuber tbe name lljan'a aad take
labtna Cluo
I 40.'■
4 s>ar 0*>a*wa 3 ei'* l-r' ii 41
- tioua, wliK-li an- ofTi'toJ at l.aiwl puBnil'lr" priivn.
ISt Freat tout.
* ar
:s, js
r ‘ eatlag.
If w.blliDg to clean allrer to mixed
Ith enter aod a few drt^t ut ammola to be aUffened *
____It mar ba aula or Bicobol it will be
.e apeU..
applied with
lUiea-ahoold ba waabml tbomqghly
r aad butter aad a eluB aad allowed to dry tboroofbl
I wbea need
lied dry
rr effect tl
if rieb arum, witb a baforc tbay aea aurebad.
A aoft brwb after poltoblBg wi^a
before waatalng la plrceol flaBBcl or ebam ‘
Lai them
> taka tbe dry powder out «
.loegeaonglikewarm wa
Cold bomlay la nn nod If ci
eold aterch.
Oj«bly aotlen
alleu aad triad natu Wwn in
fatoe drtppluga. ft la aJu aa*
whu mada late little uku with nn aparv BO nIter-eSt ri will achieve qi
an, nlltUa batter, ud Boor uougb
mead aolldliy.
to bold in abapa. and (nnd la vary boi
With caSa aad colUra
Ura It to maeb tbe
out alralfrt and
Banp them out____
banc Uem ao that warp and wool pall
^nl of bold boiled Ik .mtny indatu- ImeV*)S
ut aagar and baiter.
Wbra ahlrm are ready for tha llae be
Stir tha mlztora antll It I* a amooih
ira to bang them M It properly—that
■pula, •ddlng a lltUe milk If naei
. with the ahooldeta lightly laid eaar
and UaUy add a wall-buten egg.
... tbe bqa:>m banging amooth and
Into atralght balwean—Srketnl
It with powdered erukar
lirred a teaapoonfal
whkb bw V
aad rail It Into lit,4to
tie baUa T>ip inch ball Into buten
A Teat for Unttar
and thee la craekeP eramba. aad
buud cm a frying pan rood
In hot .ard like dooghnnla.liter b u n very pkauDi odu While
than to more or tea* of a
T- l*4r *«rv| W,4M*j . in*
I am slicim'iijtf a lmii,l».jQi.-lim- of tbnu- isootla. all new
k nla^ay. helptnl
;w3.f"if3rir3l,r:n’:!... --
IW$T£E up lORnElSrSU Lt
Xninka, Satcbeli and Telescope* to *uU aO UstM at
price* that insure rwdy •*!*•.
abort of reaaoniag powert aa
ursr-ir!!, •itrXi
:ml:L^mt«er-mt‘^o^tb^ Ho-tbaakh.l w.H0B*bt
^ .SrirfUB th. wan.
i» fre- daar Sonbeama. for oor health Md
ibecaueeof tbe palaH the ,
1 tblok we mnet pal t
ledouotibwrta^ bard|^_^^j_^ .oolher of our tnlea-to
/r**a*i ?g
* It 4 a
dotes aod kltleas io aU Crades and Prices.
weakcri.a nianitcaled io .S<r laaa.;
action «a> duetowaolof Ihnuglil
Any reader who mvat..lly debale
tbe iiroof i.flvred herea'-ei
Kidaey Pill* aod amee
Other com-’ipiioa iLan It
, take iklegi i
ar Trawew rtu
In Blaniets, Bok. dotes and kittens.
Tbr great S-.r luac NeWuir. one <
tbr a<el profound rueooera th
world ever paodncML'oore cut
large bole in a boaril (eci-r to alii"
locb a
dall-y bath, the akla wUl be white, ji,,,
u„ „o ber back from day to
etuaaad uamoolh upolUked
j *By, alwaya amUing aad tryin* to be
L, bit •**!«• : a>a* a
A Suble Blanket for 7fic aad up.
A large line of Wool Square Blanketa.
Plusb, Wool and Fur Bobos, all pric<
The Average Traverie City Citiie
Must Accent lae Folloaing Probi
old who baa aerer walked aalep la her
- •-
wciaily aboold the paliaai aroid reBln* aclirily loo eooe.
The irtab- iThltJuatue aup chopped eery Sbe. a , Purl Wlaale of OUla I’ler to a
whom »he write* theal Wocblog wordi:
IB Who deecribod the affl .etloo aa one aplendld akin took la aeenred.
-he objeiiot cooflnlag tbe «»'» , ..| „w your ofler of tbe urdaaad
r^^ yoa are worm after yoa*el
» _B,^ a e .aj». t
.sssss; ■ !ir.
liK tor aeear*!
MBi aboald remain ouiei
thaa mra my taaa from mai<y a aorrowwlthoat
a,aed let the woHd fO
- (at ahada that /rroald cut a cload of
dumoemmyboaadioM. I haatd my and ptayai
beat roatoravlee.
ae>-emlty l>
lltUa child mylDC oaa day. to her
farMhar. -Naddla. dost ery; that will
•of day. and ai*>U of jl^WU V “<>
OBly add to yoar pals. Bla*. Uk.
unreal.—nuilon Budoetan-aaa-doaa. and thn tba pals will
ull away into tba air artth the aoo*
DolU of tha Tanamanta.
Parbaf. U will *o atral*ht to Ood. and
The doll Irnbloa oae aeea In tbe
Ba wlU make it wall." How lltUe I
naipaeUd that I wu taa^a* my efaUdran to bau the IIU of Hie braraly. iralh. the uptowa Blm would aet all. bn
rr«o*nUe thrm >a -dollio
leat dolly
the luUe atatbar of tbe U
■ary-bllu precii
________.1 woald Il*h^ a little Ut
Fifth arenae ebU
Imparled oca.
bantu ot“oar dally dallaa, and aawalh her owe ooaUy imported
•way tba doua daUy aaaayaneaa that bolda-her jnet a* Underly when ImllB*
her to Heep. aad the aoba quite w blla fn>w»
lorlv whan mkbapa coma
i hard Uam aroaad oar in
"dtore dolU" don't aUad
chance U Ue atoma. for it eoau
make Sue cluite for them, i
Ou of ur SnuhlM OlBb clrln. Fnul
a Utile m
WluU of OlU-a Pim. Lanlaaao oonnty.
-araac al
' erritw the ndllor IbU waik ia a lettai babiu—ara**adahawl. \
as laeldutof aarly pioaaar lUa La tbr tightly at Brat, then pli
lultwofoUa brouiUtorer loouly. a.
Uiud Tta*arM ra*toa that will latertk they were a cloak—wbieb. you
ml alltha "old aattlara" and doabtlaea
both dully aad clulbeala
or eonrae Ibaea are qaeor Uttle
thammeraeutoMatoo. dbaaaya:
"Whu -a read tha (deu la thr —. aad cade of r«a that *o to lend
ibedaUchtof dramlB* and nadrei'lB*
Wee^rnabut tba loatdarala* aeedla
my Msuu aaU aha ooald bully be
T^ea there are leh plilfal ra* do
d with a bit of 01
thslr luturu traced
Urn that foe wW
Thar arc qalu a laiary. too. for n*
bablea alwaya wear Ion* elothaa aad
______ adaraiw aaadla
Joy to taahioebtba aad other
. ue daysaal*hbor (km* at»u daadi
D*a from the bite UU
all thlDga
mm la pint
uae to tba acheol beuee aad bron*hi .. dUcatded
1 flannel, a
a boetpwad damla* aaadla and fare u around with brig)
It Uaderty!
• •heart'motbrra
art c
oa« of her achool nBUe, bcia* very Oaeer aba^ bitUc. aal allem of
urafel to wind It aroaad aad aroaad
Md are wrarp~4 i
withaiu* Ureod.apoa thafumeal
of the nhlld. hat u tba way home abe
a llttl
litUe wait of a
»a one will aeea
Wob tha saadU oat al her drem aad girl walking elowly up and------------------pat It la bar poekal, and u a m*V
log a tiny a.“metblag to ate
ateo|a which
euru loat 111 Thu aha wut
wrapped olou
eryimt. It wu aeear tuad. aad it
r may be If- about
eru aU tba on bar mamma owned,
without a aUtch
aadamkl lamltwu tor her. u thare
lotblag I leeria* lb
Once I — -- - -eirli, tut Ul...
wu ao alora •earar Ibaa Trarcme Oty
Mwdual alow<r h'orthptrt. and no road WTraearae on a dooratep. whUe itu
away u It
Iytn.'k1ad bar dolly'i
City only aa latlaa trail. Mother wye lay halt falliog
lap. That
falling L
leal. aboBir^t*"^*-''?
• habit'.
haiagdlppad frem It. aa I* olica i
Ballahoald ba added u aooa *
'iaaili i ii ii irtTaa ~a'nai
:s,fs2 GENUINE CASTORIA always
r Bears the Signature of
Orabam Oami
•oenpa crahatn <
halt cop door
add onr-ball cup au«ar, a pinch .
mU with Bilb qoila aofl, add oa
drmrisat day to ala* br1*ht and eb•.^
CMtorte ia a BuWUuif for CnMor Oil. ParencMlc. l>rat«
and Sootblnr KiWi|h.. It I. iUnnk-^n awl l>lt-a>aoL It
cunlaliu neltlHT Ujilitni, 5I»r|>bloe nor vtbrr Xareotlo
Biibetatirw.^ !(• a)r<' 1“ it* cuaraiilew. It limtroya Wortna
amt alia)* l-'<-ierl<.bn<“~i. It ttirt'a I>larrfau-a and Wind
CoU>-. It reUcTcs TcclLlnv TnHibloe, i-ure-e Conatlpation
■ «nd rialuh-uc).
, - aappeoM voia weea. w»
So« baTeaStlmetoUlloflbemall-Ai
a lltUe more
ilo* powder
otbeta Iv a wholeachool ^a* to Join
lislare eboold be I
_ialft la. tha mill
A 4iKlpoand
in qaaat of iu
eaonfbtodrop IroaiaafKwn] into
- - - club
- - - from
- - - tiiea
- - - Arbor.
. . Him Liteia
ed into a bara*raa^ *am pane, and bake twenty (jgBo. imcber. twenty nine airong. and
mlBuimor a little Imgerll yo«f
..job f,oa Mec.ala, Htocau ■ n with ai-a1( in'iw caibrarr.
(ir»»-Two earn aoaf milk county, who bad heard of ua lhn>a*b
Aliclou'teand rintbra preaeea need
ir Uiik Irrme
................................... — ...........................amiltoa. • former tu.-her, who frequent aueulL*a aad nlrlpfa. Cloththick add
cup I
teaehiB* in Hiqfbam. and who la*, too. kbonld be eapowd
! well
‘ '
Bouraod wubaa to Join na. and thare are twenty a*miu.lor It
.anla* meaaui
ptBCileed. IHere tbaoVl-e.u 1> i>or ^
We ahail hare a:
luel of thfi 9 too.
dancer from
Palm aUiiu may be remark by a
city dwallrra
plyin* turpentine at onue. Turpeatli
made wit
Mlpe. AryiblB*
rmb made thla week it alio rood for all klad> of cau a.
bfuiSee^OIbe bnaua 0.->b. bet w
...U.. h..r.of .1«PU.U.. «»»«.
dambanioiali lojenae pain.
tbeaoda________________ man who areabut-io.^ Bertba WljrblPeople who
make mutakei
who ^uar
|uarrtl with >ine anuther U-fore
of Uoaroe Ccatei.
Ibelr cbildreo: or wbo allow
w tbe lau
ae who ti
romalemenl of baib bag*Thru art ofCedar Uus. aiao aome Suoday acnooi |
troublea before atraoter..
^K”'“i"la^fl' prav.aUooi an
loadr of tbe coaraeal fuaible bolter ^|>era; caeda aad pjcierei to two little
»U children lognj
amred. loweror. la frippa oecaaW^
cloth, doubled to keep it Iroai brukglrla. by Uieerta Palmer cf- the way be dot. nut
lul go bim»ell.
aod I
i> doe* c
)f ber mother.'
„- --o >ncb ixac BO . Ukaau. uid bell
» Araw .airlag,
<,1 ia a little crippled girl who cannot go out «?®8dmpi of
Ii la batter to aoutumb. and. •'
.o%>lag to woe up the
,11 lathe winter aad Inaummerhu
aad prOBtole a good elrealatloa of ^
eralchm. by John Ilieber
•• -Bat da yoa not Sad It aery hard'
•■ -Y*. at Brat; bat bow It haa haooBi
aaaaaa.a.aa.a a.aaaeaaaH
rendered eery rraufultothe patieol *, .era to nay we woald mabe ltel*bl;
-bo wa»U_a«^ne. but donM know
wonld not |
IkUk abont and IslUU:
••Oal««d. roflnod and of »«Bt loKl
n ultli BudeaidMvrr the brallb oT
lotkBta and Cblldrtn—Er|wrli'nre a*aluat ExpertncBt.
44“ Oicar s»bn*art. Bin*baa4«v Arlbnr Watal. Bi^baia.
4TU ‘Frad Surrai. B.a*baB.
(471 Hattie Jbrauo. Bla*baB.
*71 Alice auberu Kia*bain
47) Toatay Palmer. Biachea
<74 Earl EiM, Blarbaa
471 Loiila Uockatead. Blocbaac
Ko matter wbatyoa try to
uykler rBrnlabinf
At boma « at yoor KbooL
•Ueb U abont all it poaaaa aayirBy. i
For the patiut who rebe'.a acalat the
Bi*bt df baf
rcbfvsry !>. imr.
wbicb anaea it
nnlm* alralnad. wbicb teba away tbe
When we b- i-J'l we wonid hare
bleb are tbe bat part
brows fiaka, wbl
r a red wiae *lau and tboumod eblldren InoorSnaabineaBb
*1*. blin ht» beef lea in mai.
Variooi catUrdteao be atda
vo oo. nio it aoi
^5? co^ from
Bom* ona. In a Wt of a na*a(«po
iB Iba IM.
eatt.iB eOa.i rraein
•disc BUtBtt 8ta t«
ia< Ifftl a nVi i i~i liTa ni at
Tb« Kind Tm Hare .Uwaya BobbM, mmi arttirb ^ been
B VM tW^r«B
f ,■—’T la aa *Buri W •
UriTof aMwlaUr ^ lau
Sute Sl. near 0*io«.
On Genial Citihin
--- ^^Oaffi'i Onto
TOETooiTsflH'ro idi
Dr. J. A. Snyder, if™'
D. P. Carver
DENTIST Real Estate
- jswrselTwsaw.
aboaied ascnk.
t’m IJW sswersa. aws," tw(ilied tbe
'fukSe. with a letMiivlf MBlIe.
BSId-bare beard lha< aai di
Second Usidir a Aoeed
. tMJ.
e, beea brfled j*;*J •
Taeaa2arf rM
aw, aaa.1. I<4C ■
aw btws au4«>r m> >w
X.T, -era.hsow. OBe>*<tt>a se^the.r, ba. W-o u. wOc ,Va’a
d. wiia abeuu and rarer.Jro^'hfl Tberr. Haratods potaWes aad a
3B.iir pMty, .two boy. a-d bfloatot ...•ar mba fur a rha-re.
broart> ibe air. driaen by tbe raupai
ic force pat forth br Tuur olbef..«a:l toroau
r oar., aad ..Bded la tue >a d. ..or p re ...
' rri-.ft, „o*
tbrapfawiiop. tbr other .ir^k'.itp oo Ob
. .
(ret and ke^np fmw faL.c.uiyhy betitbio^ . ut b.
a ae^.e.'ut Ump rtonib lup alridc. lbat,..b..o Ca...V.l
'..V urL.;:;,wi-.h
an fw.lie »•
w.oi at al. B«>ar
..•.i.p. 'a.bui .104.1
i..p. wttb
laue.atd .:bK. . .rd ;p, oupe.; .b.v;; o. r -. .. r K;.l .rj
B»,atthtaw.-h an'^r.,1 oa..4....r. .. in .w .. :e
,..eBp a
isoui tuia« wsucs Ml.
idioiTBrr xo
OOHtlLLLIlUI«,lfpMfllLII. B«t
Bora.- aba be«ss. ae baahU/that
uwaanra^veat ballad tar. • ,ba»Iafler
_•» ;« J ;«' u. ykTse - bat• Toa told
bta. nutaea
.ueeup.oo'r.a ’irr,r.r:-.-<.= -b7r-wi
I ,UltbeL..il. Y^.',
idreo (l.rutll .'fit b ■».
Aoiw woseled ata <aad bee
broaJd 7^ Stabta ‘htTbliT’
oae., aad vmk bee taada
rt. MtuBreaw'
You nata ma
•e uae of aiy owa b.-.^
l^n aJoee (tat I'te bdt w. abo^ aa?I
u dabial eon IbeiBiBBW I came lai
CMt aod ter T.Hir taor
!'■ wlllla'
« he. □ '
be touk uo pi\>Uw>c.
hr. iZe^L^riT.
-IV 1>-,
1.^. .., .TT-.r.." ..
ilrrr Ob r*pb..dr wi.
""rr'/i:::::;::: r:: ii7"“
T of o.Hay dellpbt
••*1} land- aoii:»it
to ttr fryv*-
aralta ebaeka la
"1 coiac le Kaa' e «5 M* b> take a c.aiaB. and here ea ay
□ IrbUon of atafilop weal 10 ••laar'
Hree..-' f.on.^
r»t da> o
l>e let ooe take ae-e.aa.
errs of U
b.Ta"mJiahled Jaaec-r w, fcLow.dldB'l
>t •! pe.1
st to pie,.
oi.ar aoy aiaUke pup,map
to bar
................i}' auj"!-.,
; ber e.
1‘erieek.t did nut aiod li
pel-tuu.aTd pW.aipunda.il loukrd
' '
mark. 10 tbe L-a.i Torr bail M
I Tbe <tuA'trr.M.-iWB ewbkut tba MUa-.f faioi-r ^.e,,
' .ame IbiDp >.
• heretuwdio
'ij.lM! fariu waa lakim. but nM by
; Widower Cir,
.ulr.kt ttreew
It i. ia tbe name at
«<y t'ddlrj.ao, baeiop oaetu
d Bauwia a o’r^ ltre|^ir DJin (te
•rdd.Bp p
I rear., till, fcie.cp reavhrd a uwfuoa dibla-eakbat be.Ull diMraa
! '‘ikd wbal u >uui iiatui ' Mked .be.,
D.iue oise.-nBd4'iddla. aa ta ^aya
duwD from or.' .adJ'e wi'.b a i;,
.dw'p .'BA
. n.i-1-.kt-,
white tbe.lrboya
WiOkle in her era
I as rMhiiraalic orcbeatial accoa. ■
•Juba Kiddlejihn.
liejihn. M.m
ir .Uiisimpl
a bobbl
*e:: aare ta>y Uwa Uaioed. —.Vm
teouly cmrr of .
■ ■■
" lory
>ry of
ot Ibe
lb< eillape aud bom-ihiop »er« cal', iiim IW-a,
fur dt»Ti, eye,, „Q.e ,i,e befriended . kilnu'pr.r- -• ' •••
K-ad. Ui India .
berveudfr aud a «'ja
I wander
Icrirp tramp, ,-f
A Uareard atudeal abobaa yW
.•c! utf Itone of ti
nraid.fw.m abi^ci.ua*
ai'd I Uj.iu^L'. au nr baiin
iber.md fras lAhaeu In
ra.r to bi-.a.keij ll.>ric.itc. luruinp lu I
Ibe v.ilape »-a» ju
, UJ Iti'-Bi.
icou u.loa tone aa<
•tic woman Ttsr»,We ,..unr.tcr
ed to 1
; “I r,..:|r
U\ tbr dr.t time
I u Irte.
The maUr.al irf whk-b It U
er hifper
" Laii.er thr.r can
caaj keep i
aad. io rrium. w .o
they .r t ;aB ..c .-l .en.-e tc»;r mvltarr luiaJr II ca led -kunker,' and (I yod
arr,- 1 am. a
a.eaJ .Hair, aitb mi...............................
itani that wn-^ lays 'eum-reu yoa tarn .
UorJe»kT wa. tbe ripbt Pumui Id Ine
aa idea of Weat u la .tke. Tbe .rand b
^TY. Miru.
1 »..h Td ki
bard and a. aiioolh aa prepared pareShe wa> tall aod aleudcr aiiLoulbe
I'a Uaddj the, »cie -afe.vyl k'iti.,l'»e eojijed
liar .parr, ciivl.v "itBubl bi wafbabdJral got CD thia tend with iny whaaL
aomr. iDd-pen«eat wiihoul b-iup urec
» h«mr<ry
-Igi’t ,<■ U--s a. cr-J >. jrold aitb
ind i-tj,reel tie U.ary o! cnay Iratai. »i Iwri lar.'
-p.mo. d
y.-aia ly.
elplu rith'ut beiBfcBg. 1 .wiJ -Tew . aa^lbcnnt. bet 1
bad a oia.terly way ,fr.pifi( .1,'v towsid the b
>:i .en-. io.n in'a'diwrd.
rm.» and uncreu.' I weat-Ifly
>r p ckl
from wbu-o many .bout, at 1 ..-reaii'- one iJf .v .-k-- » jr K rW. .trnr I pot
li.i luile.. .MU aiilca. Tnu, wn,
i.ii luc '.it ' nbr aj ,i.il
i.-ni a bmki u blrur
. ..
b-.r. a:-.
tct.,iwd.mi :u 4 I...I1.- ii av
irri.y i
he . i.uBheJ ~ft:y .tir ,a icht a .'limpnj Am .. aa.- H .f t-.ay . one
1. of be
aa pa- l,if lu^JcT.-nor l.in.u.-k. tbe jp,-j dour 'awkear i aad »-8bar-a,» ■: fut<. brr.
, . hi re lurnilure an,! i-ookin.' mea.i..-'wau Lad «im.wn vrir. c.f luibwler.nif
) go (nr tbe , n.nre i. m lU , .ereminybu is miufu. <o. Tbi n .he ' W U>a wid. weO a-o ibe urpbaa. it wa.
IbroesUrr Aluwt
of c-nr... lam makiuy minej- l.vhrd al her ya de and ;aoili.-.i aeaio ;hr m..', i.a'.arai tiiB<i..Urw.r..*v
uf tur ‘kuBkar'aia loaanaaal
I with me chicken., but .V'B'II plmm-r« ;
.be -a-ij
•'Tbi.Vrr -WP by uir waj. V aui b.rr‘.L.l a
ee -Iiic.1 lar nauee belluca
I'meinU-r IBal l>r iiimlr mimry with'.urh yuod.luoking. ,• >i .»
fam-ly .rt a..>Vir.- c,. -.i.ji'.lr, w
a ai'ta at tbe mlabt two
I eerrcibiiig I'ee haudieJ
1 il leave 1 unvared fur. I'm .uinif W .tup an-d vjv i ntm .ha-ri‘y, Im', ttuok i »br adTbe Clatm Tbai T
PUU OlAM. Bteion Boilu- and Aoddent Inaarancc
1-------- !• MlM W »• *
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
AslHlutar owd. > MT •u.l
AtMravjs ftl Law,
Business Cards.
X<atatt Ideas aad AppUsno^
ALx. wou oVASAjrms.
.IoliD*oD Block. Phone T:s
'THU LUsniNa
Oui-A bw-oiuf sccustonu-d to ilirir uw and
Ukd IM lAr tl«ru>t sew Use ot
bprioc Htjles ol Wooles* now
OB MlA wbleb will be Bsde s|i
is tbe Utest SirlM. bsd st
■Hcb Low t^lees u will esrprlM
without oue.
We bsw theui for lemperaiun'. (or dairy i
ilisiu^ purposes, and for th.-ruiouiPterH
BrioB Preac-riptious aiii^ Family R<-<-ii>re to ua.
at 2:5 Front Street.
1)0 ^o!j
l^noW rtii^?
AMlUer^Draanioe, i> w
rijjbt. with drug's tlifl are rigbl. at pri.f,-s that ar»‘ ri«ht
<<Sll i>s'^-----
Merchant Tailor
lili th,.n.’^VaVdariJ:'bwi^
Apples, Miy ^rade
Beans, Hand picked or acr«en»d,
Potatoes, Empire. Rural and B. Hebrt n.
Seed Potatoes, Ki«Ld®Po“^nS?”"“‘
Partiea at oataide poiDU barlap aboee ploa.e L-orretpond.
Highest Prices Paid.
wltl(e>»w swrsan
Vjr. MkwPk7ed>A
ItaM Ui tM In
Kt^w. •:»»T:ey.JA
rt K.auBS.a.D.autM«a>4
Trsyens City. Mich.
,thcmwiib E il;r Ba'ly- .hr p »ir o.il t .lay awhile with iSi-iu I..-an yet a« nj r.-c hi, b-rf,--. mi-. In, ^iod i .oe
I mat Dis-d. aooi^my ratra . i.l tiuw. I ,,uainlri and hi-'p alraiifl.lrn
up rye-an I br..«ii ti«ehi-a<1. It naaiuap
Them I'D .bar,-., wbi.e ; ta.og,, and I* '.lafted 'i-b.. .oug bj unc •nM.-m;,. im,,erK,i.ai way
i for awhile. Two acre. [ Core their p jnr o.! father ci.-ji
Ii-ek - - - V.iu'r. ai. . i-'a.ui. Ve L i.1;.; -hh."
and llir hundred anu .aiy lthat tbr , Ikin't wail for me I cii, Siirt oiy way .aid ,i.c. bal.Vy
-yi •. aod a*.-c lot
'Sanaa, law aUow. me d-m't u
vompare i back to loa n. aid I'm nwd to bot.and of l-n,s. ii».. uni I .ey ne ,l i . be "wt to
When I'mlired of ill':;
r b.yk u, ; lo .elllio* Ibeir BAbl»." ahe endwrt. . wort. N-.a. if , on om.j je,l p-l them
yo. ■
I a-ilu pu-cl hnm.ir.
■ iai*r. -.te-i .i, t*« i‘if cii - of ch.ckeo,.
A,N ,» Kree« l.< ivd hrf du-jr for | Her . ik-,-«»ti.in aa. ia an (■ ,« .tei.‘■ or V*''■ -.r _(■ c.-..C.i. w'l.cih-oj' ai »c.
the .a-l lithe ane obaerecd Ui hemel?
laito tliat the y in'jy a.au acted .tou an i-*. Vi . .. aoc l na»e a> niu.-L
•d m tired c( Duc-ng Ihe tauiei(.j-a npoo ii al once, and aeni. .milirf p, t me .ef f h-mu-chw!
tslkiog to I t ele J u about the ume ,
er-.l-fii |>. • and thi-TTri'
'Ihr bur. are k'wei b.art
knee, and iwupath.reg with itiduw .•
nd .-puke 'i-g-ool <1
Spark, abiut tbe uimr ba.l hot. and i
hrlpiar Sally -lone, ilrie.. id Ibe aame
iUle fri
- I like to hr.|i heal nrokro brad, t
BDd heart., but I . had tbem w
a Sh’XiUBK Star
The moat preealeut and •.IrancaBt
iefrnO.,1 orthicB of Ue piWDt <a Itat
lar.iiffcreiior betweea ameUornnda
.n.joidig .tar lauBly one wfaiae.
' u large ea.-iBgb W far^lab
material io'ligBl bt Inctlon
n wifj the air,
air. w be enry
1 c mcuaa.on
gbi la Ikr 8i«bt.
Bi«bt. aad even elaible
lie dayl.k-n;
Tbe largeal metaora
aa,teo«i a part of tbrir material la
gut UiroBgb tbe air. tbe rtaidae
rrachtiigtbe earth w tbe well known
tsrteocic .Uiue. Tbe >uba-aa«a ot tbe
.b'lot.ug »lar ia ao limited ba to he eonriy into gaa
Certain nT
rof albaury tk '
».'idea alir. I
Tbe CauM of Mali 8poU
AalboriiimairaiPl wdlSaroa tbta
aa well aa other HPeati-ma ITofmapr
Kc-.IrMya. tv bite apoU on tta flagor1 daw. la tta nalrtUa*'.
• Sawa wUl alwnj
BlmwrsUial lor aome
aaa not noar lie' dalt la buUdiag ap
.benail. Tuc nail la really a raaord af
ta l.fe Imlory. jent aa tta hnlr h.
tlrr/y ba r la inegnlar la outi|ta. A
weak D Mie'b. re, a flaw tbem, Vsprt*
w.l. the lorn ot a maal. or a aWbl'a
.Irvpleaaiieaa. If a mab haa bad a tl'
•er It >a written ia bia nair at wall aa
epbo Ma fager-nslla.
And Ke-Sba Waa BoibTbe muak commiuee of a Drroniire eharsB reeeetly adtarttad la one
of tta Lundon patMev faraa oeynniat
aad uiQa.c loacber to iB.lmct ItacW.
.nag the replie. reerieed w.atta ioia ieerttaiB -ei lor an orgnniat and •«- neber. either lady or gobUaaaao.
ag been both tor ae««nl yonn. i
off-ryou my aerrieea"—*r*tai«at
iTaklag the. aeengn depth of tta t throe altoA than wooU ta
rt^i^ of anlt SM iata deep 11 tta
wa^ •btald oraaoratn.
like ber. aad aayway
bar1oa.k her wiai
yoe waat bm to. wbea abe doa't kn rw
me better tbae .be doea. cees ttaogb
betlar’a good'oongb lor bey*, bat I'm begiaalag to feel peetiy amr aa
bad abuBt ber going aa ycu de Now.
ataad aaidc p'lileJy aad let ber ga."
Bcdsaaaol taUlag bodke atrikdag tta,sod Itay*'*
it. an Aowtaoy*Tta boye^wem attlta^bythdr^i^
walla nad taar.nad of cnahita tla-< vAaaa la a algktg good faOom.l toD
I TOO.- pat i> Jaa. **Wa aaw atb
"ta^ mmr ohaalalad Puilakj .tan."
Tta oldeahdairenUy la tta mmta'u
Ayhar at C
••V tKflaUar Kta aoeai aad Ibp.
ffardotMuWii, Via. talph (
•aU. Dr. aad Via. Boaaathal of
ThaUMvIa Utwarr«oaM; kaU
■ra r. i. Oarta
«ta »fco k
aad Ufa- M. A. & Bobatto was liat
Itoport of Watar TPtwfa notiwina
tba enrapUa of a few tpecial
BoUtodineneeltoMalgkV Than
tau pwt/tloas. u raportt of tba
Bdlng cnHiBlttesa aad eery Uitlc
eaUadapsbtori*** MP* >POi "
tratea.«rttt«a bj itia. Joaai
r, which will prove
grat laOoaUotOirosso. Ilwaaa awat ahla
>t and which It of toub iBpcr•ad lataraaUa#papar.krlarla*oat»ba
. Vha aiaeawloa of Ika araalac *“•
afebanaia^athaoltklt braaeh of Mace to tba dty.. The tpaeUI water
••■Mtrad. Tkal Kapolaaa Baaaivt
ihaafoaadad'br Aafaat Cooila. la
I tba adopita ol
.traattolhaiofaralaai leaadad kf
Bay BlUUtar f*oaa»*d a hawwaai
aatllM, “tatka OataoMataa.
HX|Uu>, fics&VABT M,
WM Maty saved and the
qBalltycfibs Tiaadehadan iaeplriag
tCset apa boU gaeew 'and *alr aewat eattod
to bAb bp BepBlatcBdaBi
ia a few beaky reaBrkt letarrad to Ue
pleuara aeecrded to Ue Tnverae City
taebarahpUa ddt of Uatr fellow
can fna abroad, aad ttpvteeing
Ue hope Uat Ue eordia! relaticet getablkM ae Ult oeeaaton wuld be of
•d alratekM-bbd akewleg ta<«^
d tkenaoeawa aoaU
B^a^et°ara*a^BM^& saBa t^a tBl&le BBUBthae:
i hwBdntBt aakM tbe old ted
-Oui ia«r vauc lawr inium
tor Ue
.. WheUcr
oolt era
van. or Btodle distaaer or tbe
____ they eu read and watch, ud
Uiak. aad espraimtel. aad otaerve.
and do at wa are doM to BOUlBoaaly
todayugo to tbe bright apoB where
sec tbs
. it ap
aprak of le Uat of tlnglotaa of ai
The tacocatfol tcacbgr will Bike 1
tog tke ooe
light sxpma
He 1 Big
by aaylngUal the tea
poiBurrofooe klra-'
i aoea BOt iBCSB that Ue leacber
be Banowl
Binded and akat everythingrmaldefroml
thing at of her life.
A peraa of
idea *ay be a very broad ud Ub i
1 Bioded peraoD if Ue Uta p a
large ooe.
teuhlng b a blfOArt—it b
arte and tbe true teacher Beat
be a real artbk Tbe a«cccatfsl toaeb
er oeed* io a nrc-eslDect dcgtvw tac-.
a tag WBi> ewe ety » e«B>
today ^
'. W. SmiU. wbo V
kaU kaa«ad tka aa*alS»a.
Tba eradla of Ilka Altralitit aeheol
arveoty Bllea to your g cs aty lor
W^W.««aa4 Ortc 8-iik ««k
udtald B
rat la Praaaa <ro« wbteh eoaaWy U
-an profit aad raooai grseat. bvTo tke CoBBU ConaeU of tbe ally of
•ua of Ua aSraatlaa. TM Jodfai
wa had long heard
' ' I excel.
at^ «. Ba^aad. tkaaca to Amariaa.
MM la faaor of tkc aafaUae.
lenee of your aebala. wrought oat by
Tba world of today raally a
nitlee. appolatad tao look they gave oa by coBing to inapeet o
latelllgent and patient toil by loyal
eCiiy, aehool BvUcadt.
Mayor SmlU hat
tbroofb lofty t^ooftt. loaiaf bb
tracbera aod ------------------—
COarfea WUJ
____________ ______________ _______ •! eoBhappy facBlly of tayiog ntee Uiogt. dar Ue gBida
maar al»h» xbm wat a r«
the facaity of entering
iato Ue
daratla for several weeki aad are of
rapeaally to a gathering of aehool worthy aod rarovsl and roergelie iaonghu>nd o-x-upai'env of berpuoiia
AltroUBhaafaratahed the worU
Ual Ue b
«tara(lkecle{kaof tke ratal
aoperIntrBdrBt: aod aa we go brow.
oecttloB wi
wtik lla tree kiaderrarteo. tralaliic
dopl Ue pLi
hot alwat* •1th "be diac'.Bioai.on
af|tkae(trl8tka|vlara of tl
Cbeerec br your grorroua prerti
It la not hr frieotoBi condeaevnUuB to
wa 1 .
crplion to Ur rnlv.
\ttBC cordiality. re cao aeuda:
WkltUf. Tfca obja« of (ka Boatlof tekoolt. eookUic aehoeU. etc.
long diw
r ehlldiabarw that tbr tree tcacorr
wc tball have .. go
.. to
.. Uat
The reaponae waa Bade by beperiaBaoeroleoee lacaodea aet only ekai
>. ud Ue half Lai
aaMtec«aaiaiaa>porm>7 orfaolatton
aad create to large
large tnexp^BM
yet bten told in lu loeHied Uodation
tsndvst T^wnarsd. wbo axpreaavd
efateealoakm.a braoch of Ua EM Ity.kntpraeeatioo. The pregaralioa
Kaliowieg SnorHatoBdrnt Towoeend Ptotbe birhvr grt asA where *ahr her
loralUaliBUfaiv^. imuln Ood. aod
............. . waylotatUfy behalf of himaelf and'tallow workers
«aU Oarka HaOeoal IVolaetlTa
ulf pat heme
peopla Uat wv are getting tbe tbrpleaaBrrrt gmva Utm W — r-• - —...................... ......................................
initt la eae't owo toul to eee pood ia
oiattaa. Tka aH>H*oll<* *“■ * okarwr
Are children Is onr pnmary and
to "PoaadatioBa and
Mkaaoaiocd br 2« elrrka.
" “ tbelneer aod oalTT Batura. Tbe field
graoiiBar acbouU.wbt LIy tnd.4crc«t > •
M'e have njoferred wi
be added that it waa Ur knowledge of ■ sp re« “ The tu\'-cl ■ gave MHa thrr theo'gferr IhingB-of morala. po'ili.t.
for allrsUa U where wa«l hold* away.
Waaw. wbo hai bora loal
the eierileoce of oui acbooU which !ao ooportuolty to rxprcaa ber Wear literature, aaale. Ue public good, -be
;lli»B»elyo Moiw taofWheo the
al la atartiac tke moaemaJ
proBDted iheni to come to ‘Averse! regarding Ue foundaUob of ae rduca grarev tf wial lilt'
Ve.-, bnprlewit
Heart It Voonfi." lo t o.qtt plaatlay
lalaelM aa
In eloaiBg ha atat^ that their | . ion and to adeaB-e orlgloal Uonrbli
artist teseber find, these aama nns'u
,trt but wc I
oftkaaiaeUaraBd L. T, Bcaaatta t«
tbat it:
pleaaut. aad profit | wurUy of emulaUon.
. isinr VOIIU. sou BsidrB. qnick t; i
Urt. Cortit »are a-akort tkeuboi
ould be of
pcmraearaurr. It waa rotod to i
rtoln- ableaad ihatOBr acboo’.i are entitled [ "Bigb S.-hool Idra’w^
Cunno- ■ ipoe4io a call to nob:, r.ibosghi.
f« a abartar aad tba taapon
the* high terBa of prabe beard for : drunu' wa> Ue toaat reepiedcd to oy
wboae death occarred in Jaooary.
tVewald advlac that the atyoa- then IbTOBgfa Ue atate
aaerataiT if** ampottarad to appl;
| l>rorraaor Wnitobcad
Hit UcBe waa ckiidren into s kind ..f comeaDtun.bio
Hri. Fowle neat read a paper writ alTBct an eolirely new plant nod nliow
Uaptaparaoarea lor U. Ai aOOB ai U
After Ue Invocation by Bev. D. Coch-1 the Ideal, of the Uacher and pupil aad
who does this need not f^i that her
ten by Hri. Clark. eoUtled "Child Hr. Cbmpball to go on and operate hb
ahartor a racaiaad a pt
I'lO Ue banqurtrraiieeotedUeBxelvaB he advueed theories
leaching ts tomclhihg apart frem Le'
Ika oljart
schools better ud the ri
Wc woo'd adviae Uat Ue city forn- to the feaal before them.
The late!
osrn hiCTer life. i:iie can Icaob with
ObUd elody. ae a etadj. beran in bb Ue ntoeeiiry Boaej Uat wiil be
that wh»>e-bcarteB devd’ioe ar.d de
laeiBal feast followed and daring tbe ol the labnra of the leacber n
light tt.at u aitHi lecU She imparu
aad koosdt aeda owrc iatlmaia aiaoei- Oarorany U lU■^. Dr. O.' Stknley Hall repaired ud tbat arrangeiBrnu be
O Ue
It developed Uat Ue Hublce fective. He dwell opa
bcraclf Iq her acbuol.
alkaaoloBCtbactarkaefUieGUy. An wat IM eblel adeotBte in U>la.ieoantry. ntxde to proaecnte Ur work
■ favored with hrilliaoi I of a pupil's slarliog ' it light. I
In closing etaperie’-endrat ilrawn
aariyeloalar morameBt wlU probably Ilraceieed lurreatatl liipetnadar
BS to bt
miBds and kright. encTfetic 'teaehvra. clarrd Ual tbr Brat elemen'. in tbe ad Itnprya ed upon the aB.lieoce that V'
kaoaaortka tblaira tka orranltaUoD tka Child Stndy Ooorrtaa alUie Worl
re belieri arraageaenu
whose Interest in their w.rk was made Teceemenl of a scholar eras .to first dis
t essuiiivtl hit atiK-k anil the prin- aod uaaUly auiliid no,
Frota tbia Use it btabccOBr
be suci'C^fu: in ber railing tbe lea. hwill aoaaUer lata-OD. boleot foraoBC
eover himself. Urn tbr rad would be
tanile'.t in manv wavs.
er must luve her pup'ii. and t v appealrary general aad U repiMted
to all parliea. for
iki I purt'baik-U Mtiiif FiiiiiaD ilaiiiliiii and Smok.vl SatoxKi.
bvdraata ud waV-r pip-w
; of tbe ttalB in Bolbert-.m.
Itg to the tender na'.tires of the little
Tbfv ar.' line
That i» nut tfi.' ext. iil ..f hiii stm-k. -he ban Salt
alllis'd Ip cuBDeeilon with tbcpiui al High achoul. was aelacted a> toaet- bis work wbh-fa would shape bis intel
folks intcrevl Ib-rn to their work
UiSTBiy Boetatylogs and tpecial child ttody el
aod uy oUer aateriala Hr. Camubell BUtcr anti he presided wiU Ue ease lectual carse for life VreL ssor tthiteMaekerel. ('<ai Fish. H'-rrtiig aii.l'WLiter'isli iu u-ii-pugnd pailsThe pn-g-nm vas clreed by a trin
Tbongbl aad will power a» '
• TWSaalor Utaraiy tloetoty of lb*
may have toduipaac of Uat would tc
headbeUcvedUalBOreatteatiooShould j
ud grace lor which he b tsi
uaefBl to the Dew wdt-ka. ,
e.>c.ia'ai>g of Mrr.
M II, May. Mis.
You elii.ulil try Soiue'of that tfui.4e.l Halibut nr Ulualeru.
BlfbaMel b^d a r^lar Baatlsf
ioa.e aed abroad Tbe program be given to a social edo^tioB. be be- |
Tbe foel for Ue plut located on Haat
Biagbanaod Miaa Itcvpres.
Ihe three akoold be ttadied
rMayaraalaraad nodaradas eBter
Bay wjl ODdoobtedly have to be cal,.
iBsertbed upon tone Wy wood lieved in social cinba lor Ur high i
Itclure separating OnperioSendent
Natore It tbe ckild't firtl
talBlB«pn|tTaB toa *cry lanca aadl gelhcr.
_____ fur. inU
plaques, at each piste
They were achals. and Ur custom of set formal I
Townsend again expressed Ihr app-q'
aed that child who caret oot for have to be baili
prodneu of Ur oral wood diab laetory. receptions Jar Uc brnedt ofpnpila.to■Id be carried
a nnlcsalt
c;all.>trx>f Ue risiliog toacbvrs f.ir Ur
Thadbeotaloo wai npoo tke qoaa' 1 patera It ahoorBtl. Tl
and being embslllshed with edges of give, gra.-eandrefinemeu'. many cb.l.
wu which they ec relie works
'orks by rrail.
Your oomalt
of child ttody were enoBerated
roeld ask fur
for further
fnriber time to coaler gold and nesciy lettered ibcy made ap
otb« oppotluo^w to
A Idea given of whet U being
.Uroad eompulB ud
propriate and pretty aaveoir..
doo^along that line.
__________ wain be Ue moat i
Tbr first number on Ue program was
bpeaketa on that tide
oretly v<olln solo by Miss Blsccbe
We are of Ur opinion that Ue water
There it nothing to
tide waraCdith Battlagi and AlBoa •ell traniformed
today in Ue Waal lUy U all ^ighi ^t Rarnum. oot of Traverse City's
BoUv. while tke negaeiet waa argood keep tbe heart on fire like a great love
young Bosielans. Hiss Barn im played ' neb sesaoning to
wrWbtV meoUl
I pin Ibeaugg^tlonof Saprriolend
kr May Boyiagtoa rid Joe Baltkey for ehllurenfuture, we doaol believe it would '
,artUlically ud was heanl'y applsudwl diet.
Urt. Htnlo pretented tke nest paper well to locale Uc works
a many of Ue local tesehers i
WBDo'walagwaec i.lo.
Harter's calimate of Ue
ThaeM- porta were; Violio daaU opon "The Duty ol Wwienb CloU To
d sixty that daperinlendant Townee d would I Juaefa tVilba.m favored w:
new plant is one bund
ward PobllcQ«etaoot."wrltlen by Mrs.
• .psciat tra'n was awaiting .
BMaeba BAranB end BMaie Palgki
.nd (SI«o,uuni
(lieo,uuni dolli
raap.md to Ue toast. -'Kxpsnsion."' solo, av which displayed her ric
Jlagiapknl BMy---Jeka Hatoo-- Uary P. Cortit of Charlotte.
.»^..^— all com every one present knew- that some ' voice to good alvantage aud invite
ludes Ur oat ol a reservoir
' irvoir Is es
isn't Club It a training plete. The cost of Uc rdsen
at twenty Ucosaod ifJil.OOOi Uing good was coming, something eethuslattlc applause.
tBfaooU It anlarget or thoold enlarge timatedat
,nd If it wi
wbicb would be food for thought and
.Miss Hamel ll.jldin re.pBded-.-n
dollara and
wt_------every tide ol a woBan't life and bring
direct preasure. Ue urlng aaleruiomenl as well. And they were "tVork aod I'iai. showing Uc Btonr trade wh'ch 1
pump QBdrr
onl ber latent poweci.
In Ur dob la the: c<
coal of Ue reservoir could be de
diaapplinted. qs Saperloirndent
which the pjp.ls
nimeivial and busiaras i
eraryUingaboold bedonedeeanlly and ducted but there b no doubt bat Ual
CUMa Dakar.
Townsend gave an admirable addreu know that to meal the struggles of ter^U of Ue city
BtagnphiTBl—"JaM VklleoBb Bl- In order. The dob thould atand for ell with Ue one of Ue rraervoir greater
------------- -----------------omomy could be oaed to more thu caleulatod to inspire the teachers with I life too much limr must not be devoted
that npUfit: It tbald Utow off Ue
lip." Pnnei. enemy.
a Ue dlSeUnea In Interest nn Ue In. renewed coergy. if Uat were possiolr. i v p!ay>ut iha; p'ay ud -m-k prop- '
q:>art*rs a-..| haUel.,’’ae. ar
fllary." Anna akaeklea of exdotlreoeu aod
ud filled wUii thoughU. which onl. a'cH miug.cl sharpen the i.rutlli-c. . f
v’ruulaleJ q'liie rxteb.ir.-ly a
akoold be tl
prograeaiv.- adneator woo'd advance line pruverbial ' .leuk" and lends lii.u
H'^U bear the dale c
Pximv Hsxxsii
one of Ue Boot indotire woi
Following is a sypopsis of Ue response. I the mental aed pSjsioal coergr wh.rh '"•‘V- ud arv vsecllotl spec mens o
Bid. Bru.
Ulenteta." Ua Parrant. ,
Uitn W. LASniT
Addraasby BuperiniendutTowoscbd i.neces.sry to to-dcrri.ipm.nt.if Wth U-««»unlrrMier's art
Mrs. Cbaae led Ue dteeoHla wbicb
Ft sjuC Dwsmsi
>n lam to talk aind and
sed body
in which Meoomi
followed. Sheepokeof ibewldetpiead
d increase in'
abonl ic not the
al ;hr m »t i
A Utenip and dakaUag aedety
of MonnantoB aod iu edit.
e metropolis of the Slav-'
The report was u
mule Sam's dll
That is a
haown aa the BBortaa Uteiary (t>
Hra. Bobertoaad Urt. Peck
Jicf cities of greater sire;
topic b-tter
. sniu
her hours tban
ed 'and adopted aod
da^kaekaa fmeda tke pealnni'
|Uu iUrlf. That is UecomplaU BU-J
raotod Ua InrUcr lime desired.
kp tke BMsbanol the order of BsorPo«to'iti'eo’c*’a''“ for \«kre tohwUu | of Msoi.'eF, who i. an ex. mn lficattoo
The bard of pobllc works asked for tbry are bonod to d t in time, it win b.' I r( Manistee's w.l. hum >r. eoerfv and BSl training its high ».;hool has. which
iaan. Tke object of the eoeleiyltlB
le a rrainre pul yet included in the cc |
m.TTlo defray Ue expsBM Incurred eeeolbat Uis signiflcarioa of rxoan. 1
a^-oiopiubm-ou ’ Mire
I la readlap u<t tpakiog
e feralag
of a laeal'BBorlai
■ympaUy ol Ue elnb In her recent during the pact two weekv
EVpu*m“ n‘"i°uratmn
AnoUer matter of iBBorUnec
nd the tired has gut to be fs.-cd i
This lotercbange
Ue adoplieo of a resolntioo providlop
bdd their firtt Beetbg at the
proelty day brings
Ual the cogBcil request Cong’
eotog to be hard. niw fnrti
koma of Hr. Powiaon. ae of the
MrahdrBrpreaeBt to congreae lUc nreds •• wD'rs to liva I
His. liuuM i. pO-sAsed u*(
kwa. aad had a eery enjoyable tUae
igandupllllUig iofloe
of this city sod ask for an sppropria .1 ,v. uf onr .•njoiry wneutne ccmau.is natura. hum>rand a style
Tka feUewiag eOearB ware elected:
sir.- many and th.- lauurers few. The
Damocrauc Uniet CoDTuUda.
tior fora goveroiBcot bnlldiog.
■racnera are guihg'.n be rail'd npon V
PtadMt-«. Edward OlsBonv
The real secret of yonttful features!
The Draoeratlc Unia ccuoty
workicei with an appryclal un wl
In sromen ia regular menstruatido.,
Vke pnaldat-Mra. Hyrtle Bathnotion was held Friday afternoop
Hra Harlth asked UronghClerkBlek
tf tbere is on irregularity of any ,
ed that she tasi! capliratr-l U-.________
es^ eopprenaed
> Oruge ball. On boUod of E. L. erd Ust u arrangCBeot be Bsde ghere field.; ye«. and lor the kitchen. W*';
Seerstary—MIb Flora CHiaat.
rather than f -r the parlor, and '.be Her ihcnc Iresird '.ue n udrsu. e. of or too ecantv, too pri
nrs- Ilut.'kjtf'WaguPh anti Sleigbs of aU kiodA
Sprague all members of Ue I'nion by she could deposit s fund fui
hsunuof fs.h ,11. and Ihcc'ubrovn the grade toacL-r. and her addiesi -the trouble will ah
Vamisbing and UpbolstoriDgpn
UpbolstoriDg pronpUy
party were allowed seals asdelegaus of ber family bnrial plat ic '
Ud th' dilellsote'. dawdnug piac'. pror.ri thlt.l.rwa. familiar wi.h tbe ?,*'F
*>« encircled
in Ue eeevestlon.
tery aod have It eared tor by the city and the pared'yroued nf a capneions
i the I
Alrej Ciunera! Blarksiniihiag and FotyrinKInUeabsenraof tbe eouty chair
ber own expense.
Fur crc-\ laUd draiincii to be a day and bright rcuugh to saggest remedi's ■nfferer, although young In years,
H.iraesbocinK • Bpe<-iall}'"Hilly" AbltoU bu charge o( this ‘
IU. Us wtsventloD was called to or- oUer pnaaible reqnesta of Uls kind dreatocr' of a "bonkworm. ora giddy.
Bttaek. Hra. M. A. PowlktB. WlUlaai
which b,xrd', of edu.-ai.MP might prufii will Appear old in looks. The ua<l.-t«rtinvut, and bis r.-putation fur Loowing how to do a gm job ia
dwbyA. V. Frladricb. B. C. Euller
casidrred ud Ue rtqi
IhonghUereboltriflv, wc bare a hon- by and lighten the buritru of the iraco
remedy is
tis, wi-1! buovrn to pil'd ciniinenl
of Acme, waa ebosen
{erred to Ue commltie on ordlnuncn ■Ired whose lot is to be hsrd. tolid.
BtABnEu's Feiale tsnum
griodisg work., day lo aod day uut. rr.
W.’tk io ibi- L'ity will be called /or and di-liwd.
C B. Cooper, aeeretary.
wlU instrucUooa to ihport at UFoest
liter year, oolil they Ssy d.jWB
....1 .i,
N'.i- 190.
The following were
ibr bsrdeo
was Ue reeponse of hnpcnolendent gans, Falling of the Womb, LeucotTbw pla.-e. tbe flew brick factory at cor. I'ciiun and Stale atraata.
There not being two Ulroa of
taodUe State eaveoUm to be held
For I
for ihtae only dn Ua lirawn io •• 1'i.e teacher whom I de- rhma or Whites and Bcanng-dovrn
aembaaprearatUe eouBcU could oot puLltc
iMesd. That oaow briaga sore
a. A. ImagworUy. L A. ITatl. A takenp Ue'matter of Ua proposed is nut Ue sllgfatc'
Seat tkaa rain.- Captain of afilrBatUe.
exist •
due toweaknenain theaimeorgans.
charter ameodmule. so oB BOtia '
Friedrich. Judge i
Hka Hnrie Braaoh. aeaUted by Bd.
rsoi a course Ol ei'.-ij. It. 111.
Adur.se .-f 8up.'r.uWn.:o3i Oraa-n. ' ^^te^S|s«^
board adjonrned to meet agaia Uis
adjusUtilc. cxpaus'vc Ins
OoBat. Hra. Baabtu aod Hra. Pow.
The delegatee elecud to Ue J pdlesal eweolng at 7:Jn lor Uat
- iBoa.
Captain o^Ura. Mr. 1
irat^a'’ ’“o"*f i II
" '
wrong to give cbiloren. as we do. morb rcsjivre-ilseJf tn'o toe
' aa. aariawd by Miaa Flora QcBat.
mat they must forget before ther can faVhfu! aod rfBcieoi «er*
Thunuy 4ftarBoa.ara as
Tae Teachers o Haotste^ Visit Ua
Pbedlaadd Braaeh aad WIO Boahtoo.
dojaslicc to their work, to their seri diliua of lasting honor and apprccia I
"wa* Invmlrd Friday ousyears. luocb that makes ibeBauA U Bpragne.fkslriou:- U. C. Daris.
by Ue intcllaclual forera of Manistee
Potm ^aier Bopptyipprryisti
ud Ua local scbal trachers bad U. conrccllooal "cullarr
Wba the firtt water tnpply cob
Ue tliara-tcri.
We are iuukmg fc
1 public
Bittae laeaaUgatad a poialble aeorce HaHen. W. A Cooper. C. D. Kenya. pleunre of dUpIaying Ue meUods ol sebals ic Ml. I.igsn
,tu: teacher •
tbe suerntfu teacier
itaraMr for tbe fetors for Ultdly Wmtaa Wuder, WiUlam Wilcox. " work lo oar public sebals to the bright sewing and eouklng aad buiui
pcra.)nB. Jenalaga. J. C. Fairbuka. F. Bar- uergcile aduealors from Ue aehairof
nad ssployed Bnglaear Barter to
hat virtue dors nut fall
. __
an laaatlgalla It wat deesed by dsB. CurUe Fowler. 0. U. Millar, John the Salt city.
or spring out of U'
omr. ud love for la
Tbe visiting toacbevs arrived
MtM thnl tbdr apeadltnrea ware ca WUhelB. Andrew Wlllacker. Fraek
•s bidding but it esn be
for labor
Oeu. 0. C. Tbompson, D. B Wynkap. by apodal train on Ue M. A
« large degreq. by any
ol affsin
Itaeatwt and that tkair racomni
consecrated teacher.
railroad ud when they aligbtad Uey
Haa waraaotyat within Us rai
were met by Hapcrloiradent Urawo Ttstluu of what America slauds for
of Ult city.
.baracterislic vili not be
oated^or Canty C
wbo had provided noveyaecra
•cnals are leaders In this braver sod tbe number of pages c
Ua vUltlog tcaeh^ to Ue
wyU.qr field; others aye follow mg which ber pjipils pass
•f HayorHBlU. Boo. Parry. Hannah.
acbal buildings.There were aeveaty in after; many ouen are slowiy awaking resuluorany
H. A Ball ad AldarBcn Lardle. Dot.
i.i be mcaseleetod to take charge of tke cuopaln Ua party beaded by
Bod and Montagne. hare gone
nrrd by thasr'
lemrnu ol
tally oeer Ue graed and mi
charaeu-r which hrr pecs; Hilycaasct I
in ber pupils
Her i
tboro^ iereatlgaUa
Lai night
led tlta report
nd power
nartarnt were visited ud thv w
and in that rt
presence of anch a tea
Oarfiald—J. ti. Baasdell. Ueoige excBplified In Ue regoiar rooUee
lea a power wb;.-h no ir
aertad In all Ue classca aed variouv
eoirpesa or couuio—
»- he (
Blair-C H. Monroe. B W Clyde.
geadea The visiting aehal bs'sbi
ePBalttaa also farort East Bay at
.hr auui ud awttlng the student tt'er to I
Oreen loks—Jobs Baru. Oaresce were deeply interested in Ue work
anarea- Thlt report. tegeUar with
shown them aed le oar ayttem geaer
that nf Us first coBBhtee ud Ue Martin.
al'yasdso gratified were Uey Uai
h.ukr or formslaud pcdagngioal prln- i
rarpBmgilttliipt ol to ealneal a
. PeeiBSola-D. V. HcHnlla. Cortls freqaeat and
fiA'.Uripg coBseoU
glaaar at Mr. Baftrr. It worUy
were lednlged in. Tbe local lead
earatnl ud IsBedlate eotlderatla Fottler.
du'pitar, bu’. ly her pcrsona'lv the I
fcaradise-n. Wyskoop. A Q. tloga< exerted ev'ry effort to Bake Ur i
;.aa4 It ia now for Ut btat InteraaU of
w'll Impart tbe breath of life br giriog |
of Ue Manistee ladles ud gentlci____
u-|.iiat;un sad liopolse to
».-ry (
tbadty to Bakes Bore la Uedli
■s-rtry ihungbl ud Botive .f her -1
Fite Uks-D. C. Hotobioa. J
profitable and Uc result was gratifying
tiMofa new tytWB along ikelinea
toboUboaeud viaigag inatraetors
iigfBtad by thoaa who bars glrm Us Rofigea.
Unia-B. B. fiknianl.
A/tar Ue iDspeetla u hour or so
aattar carcfol aUdy.'
TravsraeCIty—W. P. Cretssr. B.
waxgivaop to explanations ud aortal
Tka ranort of Ula koBBtflei
teacher, whatever li r bUrr .jcalAcalaisi that prerloaaly Bade . aad beiog Spragoe. a F_ Ooopm. C b. Eaya. vtaltlag aaoag Ua teubera unUl
tiuns may be. ou eommud Ue re0- luck in tbe at ernora. when Uey all
coed kasinaB an ud' dbtrna wbo O. C Tbompsa. a 0 HUlar.
,pect aod confidence of her pupils when
LrMg Labs—Ju Hobwlodt.
gaUerad at Ue Ooogrcgauoa’. choreh
harethainteraetaof Utdly at
ibry bare discovvTed that h.rsc'olarDargea.
.b |> is ainrcnly or inaecurato la ebartkair rseoaiBadatiat aboald b
icter 'Tovtearhrr stands before berl^ta—
eept I a B worUy of eotaldrratton ud
■chuol primarily io Ue alVtode of anl^^sllayflM-Tbas.
for nor bent iaterrau. Their repor'
'■•"'10T and It does ooiiakt a brigni \
ascb Oltier and were drasru elieer to
•bowt alto that tbe fi(il eoBaitlee did
■ gtrllongto fiad ont wbviber'^tv. K.r,wTli« 'Fcr» year,. I was
eseb eUer Urough kindred saaeeiaaeher nadentuds her bnslnras |
TighUa aaplaplog a^ enpert ud
sugrrvr tram drsnrtau and i tneir le
reemful teacher wjil pot deem
tlasud parssiia.
rapart kcoclcaraBd coaclntlre that
•vakstoesris Tbr luU...t feud peoCuted
. -_3Wledge of su»3-cis gair.ri in
At h o'clock a basque', was eerved le dlst<v>s. esusmj severe palo sod tbe 1 -rm-the dly will atke no aletakr in foV oranty campaign tommUtae.
Uege or Ue normal school toai.'<eal.
Ua parlorebyUeLadiB- Aid aoriety tkaiofrs*. Kociitt'r bjv carefgi of uy
towing at tbe pleat raecaaeod
It will be eonsluUy extecdiug her
dwel tuSendagraixirs psis after eetiat
ratal bor ion by stedr and tewd;cg
• m early a date at potalOto.
of Ue^bareb. There vrav eoUizg
t *u trraied by u-sut KT-i-isu- and insd
itaamar Alice S
IC will beeome convrnut with tbr
. la tka BCuUae the aarrira of H. D.
foraal abont K Ue utBoat cordiality nseroBs remcd-resiiboct terms sent help
r ys4a. eras d
rr widening dele cf lilera’nrr. tel
Two yean aco I be;sa-«skls( In M.lcr'
OiBpbtll A Soot win eatieu abat
preeaiUng Uroagh the ratire progran
•f the bmt wfaUe era
.ce and the aru. She wilt
at Ue
Xerre snd Liver PUis end ServiBe. U’nn.x
Ihra yaart aad it Bay be that a
Tbe Brea was aa {oUowa:
of Uegreut expoender- of edueasetlBS Saurday oighl.
awerk ! comBenred tmp.revUi«. and pc.-t'aof theprterat'plut'cu be nUI.
tUiisr In tbe trrsiseet 1 was eooc able to lional U'orv ud pbiloeophy. ud out
of the fuIIaeM uf bee knowiedge of
' metbods «f preaer.taUon
1 keep tUm si liaad sed s .aeje dose dusei.
in wiU tloeriag rsths
Ulnga for Ue city 'll has ralM
o osy for a arvvy af Ue pfo)
saccesafaMaebeg must work, ud tbia
arwh" sM WklpseS Crraw
a eetrie railroad to Peloskey. arcurM
‘ ' cLaraeteristk: of U
.nbaeripUoa of ttt.OOO toward
MM aftonoa wt« not at
000 fud ter tbeucnriage'htalthdnek
annaaaLdaeadabttetba dMnw lo tba dty. aad is
ud laereaavdM
•ktowalktog. Thera wera.howe
aittos Iraa a cbalr faeury
a aatad amoagUlrir
some pf Uetr own smBbrn- ud w<
aubvifoMef Iowa alaitan
kowllcaae abopt. IMn eald
mb •
bbRatud I rao.
Tbat P K bu a
Brosch’s Meat Market
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
Fresh. Salt and Smoked MealSy9mages Etc.
r. BB08CB A SOV8.
se City Wagon Works!
MiUr Keep Touag
A. J. PETERTTL. Proprietor.
TnwarsE Oity. IflebIgEH.
Our Buyer is in——.
Chronic Dyspepsia Cured.
..New York..
this week inspecting the products of the
best manufacturers.
richer'’” a amTcto*1to teat- I
will receive first attention and our Special
Sale in this line will begin on or about
March 1st.
The showing will be the best we have
ever attempted, and every good housekeepr
er should prepare to take advantage of
this sale.
% ...\\rilheln:i Bros... 5
Traverse Herald
• -I...
IB nlMt
ao* tnm
TM. UA»B*«h|p«llt*BftMB'..i*? -4», b7 O-ef
~ .
TnTMM Oily. *ito ■oUoa pi«wkeoUtf B«*
Btoir. t•■panra7.
Um I tmiM. mai lb* n^aUea wm BdovMd
Bos. i. UOlbteja.
B takra ud apoB i«D. (kapWU.Oeorrt Slairwd «ad W. .
H. C. UiiBkall «
• e<Ua Ollbert
tea oa eradamUai
ila;-P. Priadrieb. «i
Brifhma mad K. C
UiM apoa Hr.Cros'
s' BoUoa G
. tea ws laid oa tee fatde.and apoa bla
..F. C. Oaaaoad
aoUea tee sareeUu prooaedad te
elect by 'towaabis aad wardt tee dalerswa. wbleb rsalled aa fallowi:
ad aa aeUtledte a
Aana-JobB HcDoaald.
mlea. Ite Mloalny:
Blair—U A. Briybam.
AcM-Jate FakJpbat. W. H. Fifa.
East Bay-J.
-J. E Habaa.
PblU]i Baal. M. H. ffaaleb. Bda»ad
FlfeUbe Fred Laidla.
Dame. Jaha HeDjmmld.
Oar*ald-J. H. Baell.
Blatr-«. A Brirten. f- K- Baail
Grant—Fred B Walkeroa. A.
Gras Uke-C P. Teller.
Leerl'tea-M Ballnt.
Bial Bay-J. E Habao. i. V. -loBrMayBeld-E W Ooell.
Paradlte-AT£ Hoirer.
WblUwaiar-E T.
BK-varl. J. a. B
Wai. Otmab J. A. WoIbMroa. U O.
Ormal-F. B. Walkar. F. L. Daalt.
1. K. KMardy. J. IL BateU.
Ormem Lakf—A. B- Cartla.
^ Brldre. W. D. Bridge.
Leaf Uke-Bacesa Out. Cbarlaa
Corbett. Baraoa Boirard, H. Hallau.
HaytaU- U W. Ooalt i. E ttaaa.
das. i. &. WiaebcoBbr. Jasea Wiaa.
O. A. Draka
Pasdiaa-A E Fa'or. B Caaa. F.
Wilaoa. J. P. TiUouoe. O. Boamr. W.
U WiIbm. J. L. Uibba, B 8p«ar. A.
Glbba. A. U Tbaravw. P. Hillar.
Fealaamla-P. F. Lardla. 4. B. Poi
ter. F. E Bre«ra. U. E DrOna. F. I.
Befoemteedteooewyof One Miaate
FstaNlWtakter^_____________ ___
specially OoteTb Oarc. Bteiaias warm yraatly
Him. JbIH ^
AM ml ter'ceiMBm. «klti dUcm.*. aad
Oatee'dlatarbed by enayblay WByreyal
_Ba« la 8M& OrMi Ab.
bb. 14.
im. Hi«».
n>cm. DeWlif* WlU*
ordia-. No ezraae far It BOW. J. O. Jobi
dbB wm» m fiwieer,-' MBBda Aral and brat Lc
mod W
ininte ud '
to*lv riMTirl «ilk ter fcntesd mad
— -iwmBty-tbrcc ycmrmato ecaol-............,
-------------------- IrmaUmBd of a yood article. , WorUrtes «ood» are ,
ire ne a Herr rmlater ud I will
not IniUted.
OeWitt'a Witeb
reyalate tec
sue world.'sid
wtMiO. SI ayeniaa Tbe
____ _________ .___________ four cblldrea.
Hazel Salec.
drayylat banded
• ■ bha abot'le of 0«two boya mad two ylrla. te meara her
. I Wlub Little teriy Eia<
Eiaen. tee fan.«>
)«s A faitbfel wife aad loelay mutet little pilU. 3 U John
cr. abe wlU ba nterd to amdly to tbe
boau cfrele. A yood. lonay ebnttte
ca roffee tern nna Is—
OflbertJ. Bodywwae borate Morel
Isd tewsbip. - Hatecyoa eoeaty.
Mieblyma. la IMt Bla paraau atade
tbeir borne la Ulk Eapida. Hieb . te
■ an. aad that eit^bad beee bU place
isideaM ontll liv:. la wbkb year
____td bla marrfiL^
to Haod
HaydeJd. Hlcb. Tbe Brat two yi
teeir happy aiarried Ufa were t^oi
llbioa^. afterward! maktoy v
■e la Mayfield. Laryety by bi«<
ria had be qslUBed biBaell for
To turn our remaining^
neb belo pniUs
sdtrnat. 'Guiulny ti
taroed hh auenUon t
tedaatry. and bad recently ealablUhed '
u roterpnze bielny retry prnpect cf f
aaecrs brf>re It
Hi« qalei. yeoilemanlidenraaorBad '
Bade for bln frleoda of tbote wh.> ^ f
came in eoolact with h.n. Irrad« whn;^
We are Still
Selling Goods
liut will uut alwaya be able In ofl-r you
Flnt ward—O. 1
Seesd ward-8.
Drrrow. Tbs
«I (n Mat fir
'ic. • were held at tbe 1 f
layat:">'claiik . A
jtlhO of Oitol^
.$100 4
u 4
, We will continuk- ti* site yuu :
Crow. F. Friedr"pou,d.CSuyar.............................................................
'lerye coo
--T inr---------:i pouoclz Hrown Suyar ....................
Foorte ward-Ttea. U. Sbama- E
eourae of trieudz aod neiybbort e
11/Sr» Leaoz. Jaz..o or Li*;:.U.ou.r Soap
Pifib ward-A. W. Jabrmoa. <ite. P. |
10 bara yo..d Uaodry S-zap.......................
. . .
p-.un.l aack i'acktia'Salt .*...................................... ......
All warm aiaeted by acelamatloB tz-'
i play, |•l•aac Joi-.r tehaoc '
cofil id Uirrr eaas when tea balin'
I pjodd Spear llrad Tobaeco
lood w> to !l: Bl to 11 aed ". 10 1* re1 (v/uan ABc-ricaa Ekfle or Slaudani Nary T.iMact-o.
Bted a TabispoeofM ai NiflifL Hale
i ■''”■‘•"“*"■■'■""■"1
Uo ibotloB ibeeraarnUoD adjoaraed.
\ Uvular Hainv per puaae.......................................
Fall of White ScHs OReraUMfs
A raaidcst ol i'urta^c Lake wkile
Care. TrisCUTICURA.AIaCurmd. . f. litar Ilati t rackera. per pooa-.l.
bttcbiagop bla borxa ibe other day.
--------------- .sasdia. i#
F> poaodi. yote O.
DMTly koockrd dowo by a lerrlflc
bleatnlbe cbsU Wuh the luallDct
ot a wrrai ler he grabbed for bla oppo ;
to dii*l Ibai br wa» la puaapatina ;
Ite wild Uaek. t>'here It cemej
fn a be eoeld nai tar. bat bewatal
r ai!: buy
aare tbailt wi.uM ead la a dlBaer
be would partake ol .la tbe hear (aiarr.
Enterprise Grocery,
n ...r c.s.r.
iofsrrirdlo the paiacafe nearby.
Hr Isesa widow aod three eliildren. .
Kol one eblld diet where ten lo-tarrToelmflc iBcideal oeealod inwat e»-,. j,
,,om croup. People Uee IranicilCiMBt amaef ik
^ tbe nlae of Oae Miaale Coufrii
iCpre anti-nte-ttfor
lunp and
A eoapta of Owotao n I yot into
It peter taila J.
rowoeer tba o
wfaicb both clmlBed. and
to law erer tbe natter, bat tbe Jullce ^_We
to whom tbey applied told t*-—
they were botb fool, aad adri
Ueoryr loMtUelbe ownerehip of tbe felloe
. D. Eolte. A. i. Ol
'' Bart Fairbaoka. E T. Pray.
Trmewraa Olty.
Flrmt ward-J. T. Baadla. B. O.Oamip.
1 tell. 3. A: Uooea. 8 UarlBod. 3 A. lyy
' cmmrtr, E T. Bdwarda. O. P. Oarear. " arm er oeio.i.
‘ E HoOsy. H. Vrieala. 8. H. Brown.
: Howard Iriab. 0. T. Grawa. W J. Par-
TbaoosBUteaoa penaaaaalorrmojbalidmaad erdar of bailaetanpirved
Stetesporar, orvaaUaUon sada paraad Bawed tbe order of.baalIst. tbe aoalaatloe of a eaa.
t Ooaatr '
lad. eelntloa of deleyats
_______ ltd, wleeUonof
impart was aesptM aad adopted, and
^teeSaenof Ike cnareatloa took tba
Tbe Brat order of
I ualaes belaf
■BofCoahly CoBaiwIoaC. T. Grawa pn
4te tesa of His Kettlb C. Gray
wan eaBeTOBi anpporta and tbe
Aallom WM Bade by aciUaalloo
Tte ttdlowinrdrlfwmtea
by aealBBatlao to tbe auto eoerretiun:
% E Hall. W A. Newton. A. B Cdok.
ElFrMrlub. F. H. BanllD.
. A raaoIoAoB of inalraetioaa for tbe
ampportol Jadye Aldricb for the tio.
prana eoart Waa prenaated. tmi Oimad
potaa a rule U.ur Uau
Mb waa laM OP tbe labia
U. E Bnyban ol BlaU oftarad tbe
,fpllowlnc reaolnili
1 WBaaaat. There
ere are aarrrral caa ’l■ Irooi lirmod
. ...
liraod rraeere.
^eerae eaan<y
OBlnatlon'if Cireolt jadpe o'
Math Jb4 elal elreaii and r
pUlac that only la tbe united aetloe
afttejaalcia deieyailOB tn be aaleeiMbytbUooaeenUoasa tbb eoanty
bopa loaoeoiopllab aeythlar for any
inadldeln. tberefore. ba It
' Eetoleed. Tha> a rote pf tbU roneea^ be taken by ball'.l and G>e eatidl.
Hate reoeiTlar a majorlly of the entea
BHt aball be the ehntce of thb r'mera.
Uoa mad that ibr ti Jadieial driecats
te aalaeted mod inetructed aoeordlnrly: Itwraamcreated tbattbaaaodldaiea
braaaeiatate thrdr poaltloa pod ri
fepM tea nwelaUom. Mr. Clib.ri
aapted It aad p'ed«ed bU aappon te
Ite atetea ol tba eoBTeatloa.
Cade* fraerfelly aeoadad In tb>
mtea of tea aoaeentiom. wtetreer that
teirblbe. aadarrasd wUb Mr irpUert
Ktetilwe eriteed te aeeara the noBlsattea of a Ormad Trmneaa .man. there
laaat be aallad acGoa.
There waa
iaoaaldarabta diaraaaloa. pro and eoa
'ppem tar notion te te.>pWE>eMlB- ^ and apoa tea ^itea W adopFbF
jtaepat tte aMBo^waa adopted. Tbe
lanraaotloa tb^fneiidid M h ■
iwHb tee fallowisc raaalt:
IF. E Gilbert............. ................................
.{H.aUodta.................. .............. .. ...
IPte day of Hay. 1BP».
Horses! ,
I have as good a load of
ntemUow Hr. Wlbwmte
Iiu..f 111.- lli,v.!..ii
«l. -I- i lilt >" lit WM wiMil.l
Saiiu Kstiri.-u. l,il>.-rlv SaIiii> ninl i
l!r • Ir ... nii.l Inl.-i
bW, i;tiowtli,.M;, UarlraM m,.|
WntMtr. ■
<'liiii".- Bill) II.•» iii--ieii' Ht i>'i|i'i’iu ji.'i.
I’..1 III.- jMiitli'Mi-n a— li««v Jim' r-c . iv.-.! ii n. w Mj.riiie Irii'«f 111.-eiiii'nnt.-i-il Hill! ii.,|iii!iir
“Roswelle” Hats
■'•1 Ab I'.
Uiiii’ 1 Kl/itl 1,11 111.-
Union Made Never Rip
Pants and Overaiis
a*.- tii-r.' •- Tilat - 'niiM.-hil.-tv i;imfaiil.-.*l an-i i>.v.ilivHU
Willi. I..-W I-Iir.if
" Miu-h.i ;..rv lu. '. rv (mrlh-irli.r ’
ra!i,'iii- ill |in. . from 'll-, *1 :i\ >i .VJ, $2‘ilJ
F^arm Mares,
Heavy and Light
Do You Know That
We Handle Wall Paper?
Y-t Bnothurni-w (lH|.Hrtin.'nl hac
n-«d> *«.|| /.im-k-il jiHln-s. ,J 1.
As ever came to Traverse^City, Mich.,
V 1
A Thing of Beauty Overcoats, Ulsters, »
J. 8beer. BedaUa. Mo.. ct»dncteron
r'rctHeatreet omr line, wrilra that bit
i HoaUr». Will Tbirlby. C H. Ptall.
lute danyblrr wa« eery low with
I Wb- Loadoa. Tbs bbaaa
er >ap. and her life aaeed aflecall pLytI
FUih ward-D. Ooeblla. A. R. Jab- ielana had failed, only by oalny Oae
itaaa.Oaa. P.UarTlaoo. Joba Bopklaa, Hlante Cooyb Cora. 3. G. John
lEC-Bopmo. Jeaae Walla. H. Vleloe.
. W. W. FUrcbllA
; All tewM and wards la tbaeoaaty
raprseeted ezeapt Cnioatowa-
-I Tbaraporlof. tbeeoBSltteawiaao'maptadaadadopted.
This Offer Includes
I'li-emi'-", I)inililv mill
nt;..ii (t |.i", -m i-. .i,i!iiii..<l. fr-iiii
.-MI.-1i,?Mm. 1„ TkiImi,.. Fiaii.HJM
tv .Ul>..TaWM.c
Uh-i, Mi.i.-d
city, for I buy them myself from the men that
raise them, and for that reason
cansave you
the middleman’s profit.
You can see them at'Hep. Cams’
Liver7, F eed and Sale Bam—2nd
barn ea&t of Park Place Hotel, and
tmy them on yonr own terms.
.Wood and Cattle taken in exchange.
Men’s Suits, CliildVSuits,
Duck Coats, Men's Jackets,. Etc.
Also Special Prices on Odd Lots at much
cheaper rates than one-fourth off, among whi^h
Several styles .Men's Suits, one ,
of a kind,
-- - i $6.00 and $7.60
Men’s all Wool Kersey Jackets, $1.60
Men’s'Wool Beaver Overcoats, fine
Another lot Men’s Overcoats. $7.60
Seventy-five to one hundred pairs Men’s
Pants, per pair................................$1.00
Lot Men’s Heavy Jersey Shirts
Several styles Men’s Underwear,
odd lots,
- 18cand26o
i.' . i.r nl.
Wm- ilivili-• y-mr ,i
!V.-I '|.-«l.-;/y lu
of U„ll ISj,. r
I-V-T)'lull-t-Ls.- liim li.-.
tiii.-ii! will li.-,- iiiR- |/.>inilar h\ it/, ii/w jim-.-c. i-.imjiaiv»l a.ih
It ,..;i I,«V.. H piirli.r. l.-.ir.H,:n ;.r /olli;..'
f ir b,,,.i.v it will |,ay you t.. m.-m u. \U.- c liliri-illmllij'.
_'iln Our Shoe Department
And I can sell them to you from $^6.00 to
$46.00 less money than any other firm -in the
Ona-Fourtli Off Eegular Prices!
l*i:-Vinel-t'. ................I |v:f..-'
nprilie if'/"■I"
iir- u m.; JU . \ \
Sr.ir.v Ci'iiiiii-ii. Ill- III 111' 1 If. n- <
lik.- Id i-al! v-iiii Ktt. III. ,ii t.i ili'i-..
W. J KOlUN.SON. IVr.pr. |
—mssmm Is a Jay Forever!
’ !(*•
SaeoBd ward-S. C. Darrew.
' Slaaaae. Tboa. Hoalioa. Frank Trada.
3aaas UUIatte. O. L Eaapp. doaaph
KlBSarsam, E W. Gralick, W. 0.
' tOoto. W. H. Orawall.
Tkird ward-W- W. 8o»ltb. A. W.
. I Blekard. F. Friadrleb. A. B. Cook. Goo.
. ' W. Qyde. F. C. Deamaai. 3. T. Baanah
;-0«>.H. Cros.'W. A. Kewtoa. M
[ SaUa. G. W. I'artle, 3. B. Hoaree.
Foarth waro^ 3. Folrbas. J. A.
238 Kruiii Sir.-.-t
into cash we have been selling most lines i^same
on our first floor at
: -■•-■Si.-'ilKlSsS.
Saaday. wb lc Id Ihe Biddle of the
lOiplD* aer™ •Q io bit cborv-b pt .Sew
:ulund,- But. aoreueui
Ill II,- «.-ry Idwl-ralc-i.i,-.- of J3jU, well worli. W.OO.
Our Buyer Down East
Has Telegraphed Us;
for spriDR mod boinmer.
poods at price* that mrill
moye them; must baywc4*it aad yon mustmake room."
W-ha«v th'r-f.,r-V!a-li.-J
any wIi'Tc, aud if \.»j • huI atiiO.vr.-.wii. rj-.i,T or Suit N'OW ir
.roor Urn- to iiivwit. N-\-r m tl;r liiMory .if Clot bine liav-g.od.
btH-n sold A/ cb-sp.
Th- maniHlowu ..u our I'loaka and Ja<-k*
•-U for Ladhte is aim ■iliiiij t^-meadoua sad you rantiul realize
it nilbki.-- you iurtwliiratc. .
Call '-arly and twraiG not u imaipnary bmn.ra-n. ont s Qea-
YouEs &a*pi
The Boston Store,
Come Early to Get Best Assortment!
If Prices influence yoii
you will buy of us.
An Ulster or Overcoat Bought at This Sale will
Pay Good Interest on the Money.
paartagalnHarlhnW toe.
.<eHrtbdnp erne mom gnanm
V bnfmo la Tmmnn Oltp.
m ntend bp Iboan who had
■ • -' W - iJSW
;;;;r4:;;.:;; S
W. r ——-
mi for M*ml importmax. Inpre
H M* boMl Wd
WOTh wlU Uctn nl onofc no nn
roMlrbetanUnnoorteannoB bar>».
Tb« inproeennnu «IU inclndc tl bnU
•ntuotraonewlll be proeldod erlik
Ibit modern noorenlenon. There
bennnrblewneb ntnnd in eoob
ho* nod ooW water will be nl«»j» (>r«fUed.
Tnene ebni .
■edellBC of ibe oUn interior nnd lb'
1st pr«Ma( WM • Mft rl*«a raMrtkj
br 'MInM Mini*
Aad«r»a« to tb«lral*ur Mt« .Jmite
evaau wara given U boom of
Aatem. y«unUy I»1b« hw Wn*
d^. Tb*ra»l**<*«>Ml« obp hKl iba aatoldapoftbaraibrn of Bli
ooIbwM* of UiM
AadonoB Oonairp. Hanp programa wara glvoe
#blab Oaorga Waablagton. bk Ufe
Hn. J. T. B«wlli. Hn- B. J
Hcofoo, Him. VIM. Baltb. Mn. Brootf aad woHu Urmad iba ehlaf ibame.
Hn. Don Croa. Hn. Joha roUowiBgarosdmaef Iba evasta. be
KoUf, Hln a
" ---------Hln Join Bwioo. oDd Hn. H. B. C
BkUL «be iB 1»U oad l»M *w ^
-rUlM^ acsbeelBo'oa." oed «ko «e
iorti mMtmtilmtJj tfca noakn wlU
b«r »lfU of U» olden Unn Tbe »f»r------tpinl I* nonUln* hnpp^
____ ______ of ti>e loBf nr> pMl. n
peelnllr of tbe hcnn epeot in Uw ilWJe
wbool hooen obieh oneTrneon* Oty.
noleeant of lenrnln*. nnd la iw!lor
hnildlnc will be dUed with tbe bn*<
and BU« nodem of thin btad of eon
eeeiene*. The tooon will be enllrel}
ndiud. newl7 pniieeed end deeotnirr
oad nimared fx ererr poalble eom
iortfor reen'e
"'ben eompleted tb'
?nrb Plnac wUl bo ap lo deunnd rqen
H tbie mnrd to nnjr betel In nortberj
HleblCM. .ThecooHnellor the ontl
amt awarded jtelerdaj to a Taled<
tm. Tbe arorkof dtUor'the
ertth tbe new inprototoen* 1m
the plantblar xUl be done b7 tbe Unn
tbafortuneaof maap who have
to tar dltlanl homaa. wblU 4brra wa>
tliaea toBehofaadntM aa Oas eat
end another WBeapokeo./ao4--U w
onh * Lap HereaalUe Oo.
Heap ebancta will be nude in tb'
reewandlboae which now bare bet leaderlp aald -libe le dead, m "He
lead." Here than one etald buelnctr
eoa window wUI be piwrldnd
iwe and while tbe work It belnir dooi nan of TmrarM Clip whoee hair b
tbno will be earioat ebanfn wbii:l rvowlax ibln and grap woaW bavi
arUI add to tbe oonaenlanoe and appolBtaeetc of the earlona roont.
Thte bnproeenrai will ontl aboa>
•a.00Q and laur eci ibe offiee wUl balM lBt(ire*ed.'iboorb noitalnc deOniu
lalhairwardbatpetbaaodauralai '
taormjrtito mall aaukmrtinf aad'
lag bm great gmad^atb^ laae
which h^ the
te nad todal gnthmlagi;
UcArop: recltoiloa
UubbelU eaUUed. "Old and
Jneob;" a charming violin tele bp
tie Inct Hoblo, dnoghtot of B N.
Ibe pbotogmpber; rveltoUon bp
n Tmmeiac: a noeg bp Prod No
plnaoeolobp Hand Moodp; la<
clnbtwlaglng bp Hln Nellie Hc|l'
Dioeo," bp ten. Uc4>op. and ecveml
wnt prepared b^ Frank UcAvop, cbef
altbeaeplnm. aeatetad bp C. S. Cavir
and Chat. Lawnnoo Will Ertut
tetlve at mtttor of oeramonln for Ibr
evrelof. Fellowlag It the mens
lirmna were etill ofj the firm opialui
Unt tbeir tboorp wnt oorre.t. and tbi
0 ibrge of buck hLt from Charin' gni
Dtp bavlag bean a fresnaafvleltor kl'lad blt-ftlLnr. Tbrp eutertalaod
Ha Uavae two aeaa and oar Ihia belief Ibrjupb wo-de of the Ji gr
dnaghlor. Hn. dthinaon of Oood Bar before be died, who at bnl tboagbi
Tbn Frlcadt C E eoelcip wlU give
and plneantlp to tae poang Coihe: '
mception Pridnp evunthg la the
Trie, piano, mandolin, nnd viella—
ebnrck. tm ibeir puuir Bev. Bnrelap ! ^
Della HnrUagk. Eunlen nnd Julia EelJonte and tombp.
TBaeltnUea—Edith Timlin.
The Chrtetlna nadurm nneintp
VioUn i>olo«Della Harllnek.
, tbe Pmtbptorian ehoivh will give a aoSong—Ethel Ump.
ctel Fridap sight at the home of
Plano S»lo-OHve Fnlghnm.
Eev. W. K Wright on Sinto ttmeL
BnluUoo-Eiri UtunciL
dat of tbt uBlqoe and verp enjjpable
rathingtoa't .Blrlhdap aoclnl
Tbe eoamltteaeoa tehoeU and buildiage and groeadt bad met jxeriontip
wttb the eaperlBleadent and hare
Haae girea ibe maitar earetnl eoacld.
aniloo. Theeoamliieeereportad Utl
■ighi aad tecom mended ibe ereeUon
at toar-roorf, two ttorp nxieneiost for
lha Elmwood aad Boardmaa avaiaet
Thata will glv«a eapodip
at aoo more |mpUt aad
naadi of the aext fonr c
when It It theaghi that a bnildlag will
ha aaaded In ibe Poorih ward.
The report of iba oommtilem wat
labmpilp aooepled and the reoommeodaileot
balldlagt aad groandi wat I
b bMi local arehiueu aad report at
iba naxi mtailag of ibo beard,
aatlmatad that tbe csteatloM -will aw
anmilato an ezaeedllcro of abent Hi.oeo aad 11 will be ntaamary lo have tbe
' balldlaga eompletad bp ibe tni of next
Oalom tnelndlag teaeben aad JaoItnre’ ealarlea, etc. to Ibe amoa
wan allowed.
Thoireneverh halaaea waa given
Thie exnmlnnUoe leaven tbe tmgodp
•till ebronded la deep mpttorp.
Bopne atp eommittoe expreetnd them, unnoimout p at being entlmlp
taUtfiud ihtt tbe Judge wat kUlml bp a
rtfli ball bp aa nakBOwa partp, and
after tht exnmlontion thepwltltod Urn
Oorbtiv^d to expreteed ihemtel
toll of the notopnp and the
The Wuhlngioa birthdtp progmm
Iren bp the Udiee of the Oonguga^
ttonal ehareh paetordap afternoon wat
woU attoadad and the progmm^i^
intoruilng, u followt;
Um. Oadp revlewod the Ufe of Wublagioa le a verp pleuii
Mm. B J. Morgan, the mmlaip life of
anufal denenpMout Vernon,
which tbe bad bnmalf vteltod.
A rvcitoUOB eautled "(Xd Ulorp," bp
Hint Anna Dvlnti, wu etoclp rendered.
A vocal eole Lp Utee-Ercipn Morgan
added verp mueb to ihe pleunm of the
But ibep are nnaalmout la their opln-
DeaU liecora.
Um Claritu U. Clyde, wife of S S.
Clyde, died at her borne, lud, Wood
llaringlhc wiuter'4-'witt.-wttenr) l»
caSU for turverlug and limber estliualIng
Call «a or uddrew, me at li'ler
locben. Mich . C I'. F- i i.ka.
' '-i
mem avenue, at llo'cl«-k Friday morelag. at Ibe age of Ti yearn. Um Clyde
Card ol Thanks
bad been tick for about two mobUt. of
We wNh l-vUiauk-the mvey friru-U
droptp. ■ Hr. Clpce eurvlvee. aged »
whee-e aeiiipalhr and a-nislanre werr*
peara,and there arc tbree eont. Acil U
help and L-.iuiro'l to u< during Ihe in
Edward and Leon aad our daughter. Beat and death of hti-ha-id aed (a'her
Hio. Joitv Bi.a- k.
Hra Fbtleba Heodlctiia. who live* in
Wteoouin. Mr.nad Ura. Oydeteutoo
w-!»•-!•! i»l ».—i„
btifC Tr>, rrw i-iu r-
C.i ..it I
e ali'jiw nil tLo lnti>el JonL-tii. iii tiiin |i,>|iiilar
. I•‘''nr S6 ineli clulli
Tbmie LtaiiU ar.-til'-liitfhtvil dreii-Biitl
an- extwpliooally
tihi- uioel <if tb<- Myli-r. kr<- v ii-liieivi-, ii«>—T!io ilrira in
liuy lliom once and you'll want them a^ara. Step
in ami see the choice styles anyiivay. even if you tliink
you don’t need any.
Reliable Ury tioiVls, CarjK't and
Clolhinc House.
Traverse City
g You will soon wunt.-2-le.?
Wall Paper!
WublsftoB ime’ and Ue ooewlon of
mneh merriment to Uou of Ue domenUe.dmde wbo bad not exputod any
thing In Ua way of n oelnbreUpa.
AawegUe dtebneeorved woren plntur
ml (rind cbicken wlU n onrd nuaebnd
doularing. "1 did It wlU mp lltUe
n who kUlnd
bntob-lt;''aa notree o( grew ppu bore
tbe inwxripiion. "Feu to Ue anbu of
U«Ulutriou<inorv*;"nnalad noM-
■omer Sapdcr baa goam to The
aavOle to tare tm Ua aged tolbar.
Hn. Bordaad of Ihri Uoeida baa
hmia vmltiag bar alator. Hm A OoSar.
re ten poenlbUitp ^ txiag erp of Ue laUrr of bte oonnup;" n
Dr. Behan HowoU formarip one of
tbe Mac of
v4 ptapalMaaa of tbe «ar<Bek
dteta of cberrtu arerrU lueU to be U
to Detroit Tnandap, after a
direct dueeat tram Ue btetorte tl««
vtaU wUb Hn. BoweUh rolattvaa
Bon. Btband
whUe urdmnen wua Wnablngioo pta.
ieoerl, roeeatlp Un'f
A patriotk boaqnat of senrlat geraolder to BmH. took ibe pre
oamblu hpaeUiteandwhltonUnoM
tokaroka H oagagad aa toramaa for Heodapaadaota.-adapoa
r nteOAM
HWtihaUUthMrawwMmUl. aoaratotr e< lha IMartor.
- -
< t4i
"We are
IS S'U-pers'brbioLxs S
-1' believe in SIGNS when they are as convincing as f]
those which point to the increasing demand for our “BEST" j
■-J Flour.
When we place oa eale PIMOBEE A SMITH make of eboen you tuke no cbancM lo knowing what tbe qouUty
ie end when we eay 1-4 off you ere ^tting full velu^receiFed for yonr money.
We lead end let others follow.
Out One-Foupth Off Shoe Sale
Oo Tneodnp evening -be Amble band
wu nipn’Ip rotorUtaed at Ue bomr
otHr.aadHra JiedbCnlsaa. on Ue
penUeala bp Ue Hteneo Caiman aod
Him Celia HeUem of Eighth'itmel.
ilamen. mn*rc and n rood tapper were
tbe princtpal feature* of Ue oecnaion.
cbnreb enjoyed a elelghrlda Ureoxh
tbe kia^nma of FnUar Baaer. Tbe
poang folks wem taken oat to Ue
bomeetJemm Nolan at Foodi. wbmr
Uey wem terved wiU llrbV rafreeb ■
mcatn. It wu ovary happy evaat aad
FnUm Unneria Mndamx- wtU ba toag
$2 00 Shoes
go at $1 60
$6.00 Shoes
go at $4.60
Benletoe's Potent
Calf and Tans.
81 1-4 off.
$4 Welt Shoes
at $3 00.
$6 Enamels
make at $4.60
$3.S0 HaidTiris
at $2.63.
$1.50 Shoes
$1.76 Bomeos
. at $1.33.
$2.60 Oil
Grain Boots
at $1.86.
Oxfords go At
96 Pairs lidies'
Hud Tm Shoes .
Oil Grain
going at $1.18
90-pairs Men's
One Idt Men's S3.Q0,
$I.SC lice nnd- aoMelt Shoes M
13.50, S4 and SS-llot
ConpesstUS fand 1-2 ofl.
This sale will continue until Karch 16th.
TTr^a.-n ~k: IE^iecir*iclL,
118 Proat Street
Mtea Dare l^UaU. of WtlWiHBlia^.
pamlpdeofUe taiir. left aid..
U. t;i;ir-he*V
wu UDceneclou* or delinout (or aboiu . gutu-r, per
lea days
Hm. Stewart nu with him 1 Eri^ per di
Ue lut week. Bralp trouble wu tbe ; Fototoee. I*
imojediate ennae o(bi» death, wbichl ;■ ■'
wu hardly a aurprtee to tau lelenda. u '
Uey bad been nuored ey a pbynciao '
of large experieaoc la aeeb cum that
which made U impuulble fur
tbe pnreau to keep bim with them,
wort eomeUiag wbtob be could not
help nad which would Iberoane with
bin age. Clou watebfulneu, wu tbe
oplj remedy, and he bad been at the
Indneirlal SebovI orer four yearn, wiU
a few moBib*' vecatioa.
Holb tbr
■up^atotdrnt and bte teaeben agr.ed
la enpiag. "Ueta-ai'e of the beat bupi
wr have." iit was learning Ihe print
er'a trade nod wu happy and latetrsted la bte work.
Plagiee t Smith
Mate of Fine Shoes
Coin Tons
and tew Si|les
See our goods ami you wijl buy.
9h AuJemon aod Ue funeral held
Never before have we hat) such a fine line to aclECt from. The Ntiwest De*
sfijns. all the New ShaeJes, ami the Prices are the Lowest that can be -inadj this
.year. ,Our stock is the lar;;est ever displayed. No trouble to show you the
4'oods whether you wish to purchase or not.
lo LeeUnan oountp uver tu yearn ago.
£ Pomona ilrau'ge
aod for a good many yearn were ret;
Tbenei' regular mrrllng of lirend
denu of KtUJB lownthip
About bte
Tra'verve II •Iru-l li-aoge. No t7. will
peart ago they removed to Tmterae be held a' Wiiiianiabiirgoo WAInradae
and Tburvtap. the alt aad Vlh of
Cilp' Tbe fuopral wu held «t tbe bnote Hari-b. I*''.'
Dated Feb. Hit.
Suodap afternoon at i'o'clock.
tV. s.
F E BK-iavSec'p.
Aade^oo bad charge.
Aboat twcptp friend* of MteeMna
UcUllan gave her n dellgtalful ear
priee Friday evening at Ue home ci
Oeo B. Uclwllnn, on EuTFrosl Amcl.
Mule aad vanou kleda of gnmva were
and rvfroabmeate . terv.d.
Hrt. C T. OmwB nerved dcUeloat enjoyed
Mime* Rex aad Anetln of Elk Rapid*
Indlu. wkieh wu n plennnat part of an srere among tbe gueata. Mtee UcLe'.lan
Utomnliag nftmoon.
left Hondap lor ber home In Oxbow.
New York, aad tbe event wu nrrnageo
T in Trevnru Otj
u n farewell.
haalem when he aald to tee Bxatuj
xdap. "We are entlmlp naiUM
beolm amonatod to II to aad data
that (^toe did not do it, aad I am
««a oeUaetad for damage to boohi
tendp to take off mp neat and Join ibe
lha amoaat of M ei.
Tmvnreeatpeommlttaa la a ibe
A Dumber of Ue frienda aid ecbool To the FarmertelUrandVreveMe Co '
nmtoe of Huuir Ueorge Wublngloc
Sepmanr pcrpeimtod a piraeant eur
prtee apoa bim lui evenlog at bit
home on Seuood atreel. the avcnl be
ing In boaor of hit birlkdaj nouiCiiA« M. llt-rii.Traver.e (‘lip. U.'o»i. i hi.rr.it i.,, i.r.ud-Trt.etT,Vi.".',?*,'"^iTi,.-.Avemnrp. A verp happp time wueujjpedeodauffp pull «u an tmporinnl feature of ibv eBtortaiDmenl.
Pleuant Gataoringe
of ihe^
«ieUmofnaald.blooded i
nniare of tbe woaod nad t
UanieniTouedlng the epot «
ehooUag occurred teareelp admit of
tbe-'etmp bailer tboorp, aad while
the BopObCltp men are entMed that
the charge from CbaAn'
goartbep are mpuUfied at to the
About one hnndird and Sttp ponng
name did not eome bclom the Bounty
people were pruenl tad tripped the
convcauoo on Tuetdap
light fanutilc to ll*e intpiriag mutlc
o' Uurtnngb't orcbeeim.
The uak of hulldlog a mllrond alongi
A WuhlogloD’t Biribdap partp
Ihe-prrclpiliou. aldeof tbr canyon tmm|
nujoped lui evening la Columbia
Skagunp to Ue eummlt of White 'l-ntt.
ball on tbe W’ul Side. Tbe aftalr wat aa elevation of t.o-ju feet, hu been
tulellp privtto. bnug for onip tbi- caiO|<k-i«d. Tbe flmicnrIond«f freight
membemof tbe C. S I' s. lodge aud
wu delivered on the tummll Moadap.
lavltod gueett
Fraoj the eummlt to LdaeUeuDetl
A program cobtteltng of addrettrt
Work of fiatuurtloa
aod reclUUunt wat lltuoed to. after
eup and tbe track will bw laid
which mfretUmenU were aerved and
Ue ewDl Sbithed wlU a dance.
dnpa and eriebmtod oevaaioat.
pmvieu partp, oo Bt Valenllnn Di
bald at tbe retideace of Ure. J. I
Martin aad another afwclal getherla
tent the home of Un.'J. V
Pntohin en Bi Patricks Dtp.
la WMh OomU thkt w* want to obU you
• taatlon to thia time, U oar immesM Uae
Hacker died of old age Moa!•. ter_ 1*
Tmnene Otvp Market.
toreooB at Ue borne of hit aou.
ap afun
Below it a Itet of tbe bnvlog and eeli
of-tbc Cltp. Deg pricen of peeterdnp for gronerlie
wu 7.'' team qf age and aa’uld
evtelou and faroi pradnclt Is Tret
pioneeret Wexford couuip. He Icnvct
ton an an eld man bp Don Dper. aftor an aged w.le. two daaghum nod a
L'lenr Pork per tbi, new..................... 1 Si :
which varloBt formi of enlariainmtnt
•em provided.
jeU't tcbool boute Wedbrtdap bp
■*a~ gun enuaad tbe wonad.
ihaltbep were enoag le Unlr fanllef
that Judge Corbeu vme ekot bp bit
Tbn aotopep dlieloend the fact
bipond aup qumUdln that the dnlh
>aad vme made bp a rifle bulUl: that
eotorod the back aad nftm abettor.
I tbe tonth rib pneeed eoUrclt
ibrocgb tbe bodp, leaving n ragged
wooed In front.
12 l-2c Per \ anl.
, Kp'r'^FI-nir!H*l?’A*S.*Beet..'.
...' FI-'iurrH'
llont wnt ihe galhnrli
the En
Hr<- Anna E Rouuoag died Hon Ueal. II. L A
Rnglt Wbtet Club at Ibt boat of Hrt.
ay morning (our aad oae-half tallet I fv"’-« L. A Co. Bent.
John Uelntoth, peturdnp aturaoon
el.iemeal of Charln dltpioved italt, The twelve IndIn wem pralUlp armped wife of Dteld Bonuoog aod
imrd per» . ...................
TbataaofalioMipUoa from the AV hot the B'pne Cltp men were not anv la Martha WathlaglOB ooetumn wi
peim of age. Bmldev a biubaou. abc | Uutk-r
r per S' I>)
Mod. Tharefore U wae arranged Uinl all ibe dalDtp appoiatmenU of oolc
daughter u>' ^reatuerp Halto
an natopnp eboold be held.
Uldape and Mm Dr- Uarlla. brii
Tbefuaerml w
With tbianad.la view the bodp of Judgwlihe matt benuiltallp gownad,
Mere Bobeel Bnuaiage Mtotnaarrnftornooa alond ©clock from the j
p,, bo., old.......................
The hoard of adneatloo latt night Jnd^ Corbeu wnt exhumed peetatdap
irdad ibe price,
Birmlep acbool bouw
{ Potntuei. per bn..........................
amdld ■dnflritnlp to atahe ade<)i^le bp Undertakrr Ckrter end n poet mor- wece tnetotnllpdeoomtod with legaand
Llnnle. only eoa of Ur. and Mra.'
bp Dn. bunting la honor of the
ycovHlon ter the a
Frank Btownri formerly of Ute dtp. * Bui-kwbent ..........................................
lied bt Unalag Feb 11. nl the age ol, •‘■' uio navu or Tuvxnaa enr
Tbe report Id Saperii
i paam and : monUe
An attack o
nud W. J. Lewln. Prank HeWaln aad
group plctnm wu taken bp Bobert Ue grip wu followed bp IrritatlDa i
Leerit Heintpre of Bapne Cltp.
of ibe aervoui epetoiB which resulted (
> examlnattoa erae eonbluiive and Prihe. It te one of iho parpoeen of the
i>f the bean, aad <
avoBM and Oaatral baltdlnge wnt proelab to bold tpoelnl gntberinge on bollher, Jeaapb Stalgar, dr. aad rraak, an
Wagad la the ratlraad boalaentln Bl
EfiSa. SKTSiS. «£»bt-
The mrmben of tbe Tmvano Clip
Butlat^College_ Lpoeam obnerved
WMblogtoa'e HIribdap latt evening
with tbeir annual bnnqneL
There were abjul elalp preaenl.
nmoag whomwere a num'ber of Inritod
gunte. Tabln wem oloelp armnged
aad prelUlp deoontod. with oovara for
a raaldani of ihia raglon fort}
yanra. Be wai well kaown la Ttavnrw
•treei. Abmi tweetp-flve geeetn
at nad the evening eru dallgbv
fallp epeat la gnmeennd mu'c
There wu a very plennnat nodal
i Wnt 7th
Um. W. Wlidman of
frleudt. at gnlberlng Fridtp evening
etreel. eatorlulned a fi
iigdeetbarg tcbeol boute. for the
dinner peetordnp.
P E.too. Mre. Will Abbott. Ure tilt of tbe b-ll fund for tbe ichool
Ulttloa bead furotehJ. Spfnu. Um. Uiv 1.tkilUmt, Um Ueo.
be Del procoeJt were
I. Um A J Bei». 1*"' ‘bemutle.
BeU. Hrt H
rt- A-^ A.
Um W. Wuheml.
_— ------- t (avbm lu
D.vlae Aieacb pleto
Tee-dap nlgbi Mtet H.-lla Martinek
(be form of uof btlcbeu tied with eutortaintd aboet iblrip of her young
gnmapbone tclocUoat.
A pnrtienU''lp pleating nad mvrltor- ribbon.
i-oDBanlont.lD boeur of her foarteenth
Wublngtoo’t Bifihdep Hariingo
wt porilan of ibr program oti a tc
lilrthdap aanlverurp. at Ue borne of
A Wetb.ugiuut biribdtp wedding herpareott, on State atreel.
In of magoIBccut aolmatod pictnr*
preneotod bp Prof J W. Clifte.
Clifte. wlib pritordep Me Ur Chnriu It Smith tourg f 1 kt were di-llghltollp erfU-rof i'ctonbrynn^d'Uitt Litrie A. t'ader•h.'The piclvr
ate new Ant
»f -lbit Clip mau and wife. Tbe
diitlacltp dl
cerriurbp wu performed bp Uer. J. A
bp gmm
pboae aalocaoat. Tbe latt view
Old Olorp la oonwet
A vei) pretip eoc*el partp Wok place
It wat dliplnped tbe gmmepbone ptep lui eveuitig le the Cup Upem Ball. U
ed ibe Siam and Sirlpn.
wu dancing partp given bp tl
Immedlatolp folldwinr tbe program oonn Dancibg Cinn in boaof of
about two hnodreu Fomtort and tbeir tDgtoa'e birlbdnp.
and at Ue twilight tbadowt <ell
merrp oompaap topamted with
fetllngtbaialUtacpaan betwoea
oatt and the praaent bad
annipholdentploBoen blended bl. twa^and that the Trararte Citp
lM« life ll(a waredp. Bit bodp war 1«W wat tht dream one and that of th<
ftnad banfliic Iron a binge el bl> atrip 'out held the real living.
hadreon doer tThn^ moralng and
Tbe banquet wne the flrnt orderRifle Ball KiUed JnOge Corbett
Uta wan estlaal.
te evening, had the mean wtt nerved
a llTlBfa
U bae now beoa proton withont <
I proper etple bp eome of tbe pohog
aba boM ol^ d^^la
.eotlemeneLndealn. Afiar doing amp
dtblaaee. at doM Barbor i
le Jnttlrn to the nprond, the eompanp'e
»endap oeentef awear^ at well at -Ible tor tbe amidental ebooUog of bl ettoatlon wnt dmwa tox f** Ineldente
'ether, Jndge B. L Corbovv
aaaal. ffbea bie^n^ur
la tbe life of OBbrge Wanbiogton.
loallax In the nnpm penlaenla.
a-ibe old r
h were related bp aome of tbe
Wblle Tmvene Cltp people bare no
the pnabed o
believed that Cbarlra wnt mpnntlbU
A blogmpbleal aketeb of tbe greai
bt Bopae Cltp hunting pnrtp. not
abe ran
lie life!
llfelaaa bpdp of bar
>aa wat given bp Mite Uagoe, follow,
cdeed n grent mtnp other Bopne Cii
bp tbe nnok troa ib>
ed bp little IV Djckemp. who onto
that tbe deaU
ibe doer bp aiBall
itlnod with a few ebon etorln co
of Jndgc Corbeu wne due to the
■d.'- H^^Udatcn atarted b
eerulng the -'Ftlber of Bit Conelrp.
le 'Ul dlecbarrr of the gun of bit
to the l^Kaa to got a bni
."Jaonnl Mtntioe" wu ibe tn>'J*ct
ikb ^MMbt
cord and
TbeTnvtree aip laveeitgallng oom
if • pnptir pmonUd bp Utee Ella sbep
the bodp.'bai^at ahf iamed awap tb<
illlet in lu reuent report ndvni
Anolber Ibtomting part wnt nn at
MTd broke and the bodp fell wlib all Ibt opinion that Judge Corbett wnt
iH weight dlreetlp apen her. TberrnUaaprrewtadarhatUp night to ib<
rtiaginw who wat alaoat overcoat of theJadgt led to that belief.
HMabeaboek. The alarm wat given
en tbe loeal eommlltor. E
hpoMoflbe ehUdian who ranadb. Pra.t aad P. C- Ullbtn. west to Bopor
ibe program
taaa of olghtp rodt lo a aalgbbor-t
•aoeoilp^to ooafar with tbe ^em
of Wnthli
bjn of tbehnnllng pn-ip, tbone gna
ftm pld 'Reliable shobuan
GKAHfi T&A1TBBSB , miRAT.n, F^EBPAaT* 83. IgW.
otbwWaatteaa win arrira tbla i
hooae wUl ba teopetalkm
iBMlaallppxdwbUaarnaalocth* O. B.
Ltraek.aedbrokaooeofttaipg* la
tbe fall. Tbs team wae drlrua by
Hklph HoategoA Tba lajary
aaeh that U waa artintry to kill U*
boriA UaraevalaadattlM Aod waa
Hu leeUie os B^eklaf b; AuUtut
Cuhlar W«lvu. of Uu Pint Kotknol.
iMlor* tbo Yo«>.c Hea'i Clan. Tae^r
CTaalv. WM larrel; aUcadcd. It waa
a Uwroarhlr
dnaa.aa« waaa ^icadU addlUoa to
tka laetaraa that‘kata pjawdad 1«Leoa Titai ra*aa plaaaaelraeital wltb
Jiaalkis to iheiabjeet eftke
nr^eu Brea lilnm aa« abiiB iniBa
0. W. TkocDM U pr(^iac to sake
n<HBa aiuacllTa ImproTeiaaBU to bl*.
(dmltarealoraoB tbB-«o»oerof UbIob
BBd BtaU BtfBBta. Tbe pjrtlw will be
reauead —y
and plau
plaw Elaaa
slaaa windowa put
in plaae of the prmeat irUdova, bealdn a bb» wlodow Jafninr tka corner
tin Hute alraet aide. The eatraaee viti be Inproaed and the IstbeatoreremodellHj.'
T. (. B'oe 'rMS -U’e iMyraace.
Uo-UB «ore- a laiaeoM'M'r
A V. PnUrtet—llmarayhUahm>na««.
Circulation this week 2.200
' Jadfe Bas.dell hat u t& a d^ota eaaataatlow of bit fruit trrea aad la
bopefni that paaehet are not eRUral;
dntrojed. While ike bnda baap butt
aartonalf affected bj tbe extrakne ..cold
weather the traw uf aU binda of frnlt
appear to be naiLinred. Thla coodltloB
preaaUa le »any of tbe orebarda ie
tblaioeamj wbicbbaee bun broivbl
tbe BOtleeof dndre Bamadell.
J E. baiter, ae employe at Wlllian
Beitner'e factory.reoeirod <iolle aeriosi
ieJarleB Friday afternooD. While deeUttdinf Ob tbe eleralor. a rope broke.
letU^ltfalla dUtaau of about ten
The third farty ia tbe urteaofdee or tweWe fuL Beaidu haeiw hU
ikle badly brniiud. Hr. Salter re-'
iB iPomun' ball wlU be .rtrea oo the
celred a bad cot on bla face.
Ur. OarUlhofthtaBCietb.
ear took ureral aUtcbea to tbe wooBd
But BaTilaad baa • new lu boat aed otbarwiu eared for tbe lejnrad
wUb whlob ba' aad hie frlendi exput
fueiBpvtealbe bay If tbeluboldt
Hr*. Ida E. Joalia of \>i!astl.
WorlbyUraBd-HatroB of tbe’&utera
Oaear BMoe waot to Aao Arbor Star will bold a uIk>o1 of InatraotlOB
for the memben of tbe local lodfe lo
Keoday to aitand ibc State A. o. li. W.
« tti a ddleffate from Oraod tbe HauBic lodye room* today at?
aod f p. m
At tbe cooetnatoe uf
Tnuru loil»o.
tbe erealny mutiaf an leformal reThaArmel SnlUraa A Heary. mut eepUoD will be held, to wbieta tbe bn*,
daalata. oppoaite tbe Hotel WhUlBc.
of tbe memben arc leritcd. All
land memben of tbe lodfe are
hufeuadlnolrod, Hr. ffoUlraa wUl
exseeted lo ba prcBest at tbeu mutloffa
tka ProIdaBl Life A Truet Co. of Pbiladelphla.Uio tbedty.onbotioeu iBOOoaectlon with blxoomany. Hr. Cook li ateo
,ty of the committee of •»« for
of the Y.
P. S. C E,to be bald lu Detroit,thi*
Aldatae la Ueaaeoad raak.
ler. He atem that tbe preparalur tbe ooOTeallea are going oa
Hr*. OaUM Tbacker. dapaiy r<ai
aonauadar L O. T. H. tor Hicbtcaa oa a grand eoale aad tbat tbe comiag
aUoa wiU be the largut aod
bach Jtotarday.
Sana of tbolr aamber naklac a dlaa of twaaly-Au nltea.
kamaafUte hlnaufthal
Datea atrwt. of brieklayera.
aad earpeater* lor tbe pnrpou of or.(Batel^ local uaiooa. A foil atUadleledeairedotall ii
Tbe Eepnblloaa .
inty ooarealio
Urey. Ska wa* aamed by acclameUoa
aa tba eaodldata for county cornmlaateeerof ecbmle aud 'the euareotloa
glad <rf tbe opporutaiiy to
boDortbelrcaadldate. HiaeUny ,bae
All^ tba Impcrtael poaiUoo of
mlnlooar of aehooU of tbe oouBty dortag tbe aaat two yean with greet
erodlt to heraeif and much proSt
yea. Beoaoa. tor mt.ida yaan with the eebooU of tbe county.
She baa
B.A. Horgaa. bu lakaa tba Culler
baia* BA Ualaa ewmt. aad I* raanlec
ataraten- tuad aad aate* eubl*. dm
ba*a enured aconlteuaeccof tbe good
plater aad aodatataadt bu beeli
wblob Hlu Cray baa ace
aad *H( ao donbt gel bl* abmrc uf pat- pliebedalaecabe tan beeu la oSin.
She rtaralar rauUnc of the W. C.' T.
O: wlU bi held at the home, of Hra. P.
J.Oartta 00 Stele etrut, Friday oltereaoo at f
o'clock. Toe literary prdgma wUl be la ehaita of Hr*. Loreo
BokattA All are tented aad eireayen
ta tbaalty wUI bcki*aaa<urdtBl wel-
OarAcld Hayan oae of the er
tha Oalwd Siam bauteeblp Eraaklye.
pwM^ tbromra tba eity Huaday
M hi* way home to Charlerolx. Heyen
ha* aaoa aarrle*. btriar bua ua tba
Mg wwbip danog ail bar eogageMBUle tba Ute war.
Tba nmala* of Joba Serlpure, who
dtedat AabrUlA North ChroUoa. teat
waak. wricad Hoaday eooa. They
war* tax ec Ic Aodatua'a eodertakiag
loom* and preparad tor bunaU
lanital WM bold from tbe towa
at Aeae at * u'cioek yaeterday.
A plwat leatata of tbe B
lady aod
galtery aad were teter*.te<
cff Aa procaodlBf* of tbe e<
OLarn No. « of lb* Pint H. E cliarsb
MdabweiBenmeeUagaadaomal Hoaday eight at tba borne of Hlu Uardoer
«a tterwiib Btrut.
Tba araaiag
■put pleaaaatJy wlu aedal merru
ptaaaad aaoethlag of a dore) natare
la » aoetal areat, to begirea
4ay aattted the mauar of Oraod Tran
anaaoaaty-aebom for CUealt iudga.
(be J,
I dela
d WUl aiaad a good
abU tewyar aad ooaoedad to be
tha bwt attoraay* la aortbera Kiab.
IgBA Bahaa
maodh adniiabiy qaaUleHtehtbabamah «l tha TUr-
A)D\v\.\e^oodis SaVe
Jadg* Bobofta of lb# recorder^«
uaeabda«p tt# fottewlag atate.
the bmetaan of tba raeorder * c
bVarraBW imaad lelty a
■Yarraat* iaaoed (ooaot;
nlspoaad aed
A Narrow EteapaW. U. FU* aad wife of Yuba had a
uioni rueawty Satarday morniag
rbU* OB their way lo Trarerae City.
fngbteoed at the
ropplogofalimb from a troe wh cb
log trimmed to aakr way f-*r
alepbooe wlroa that were beieg alrang
nd auried off pt a rapid gall
If the
oad bad been clear Mr. Fifecoutd baer
epi them ia It ueUl they bad bad
moogb. bat.
load of jhood la the way aad ibe team
oalad iblaamaabtegcaiuraad bar.ta>
md Urowiog oat ^Ita Hr. aod Mr*.
t* a narrow eacape but
rltner ware tprioasly iojared.
tbe afteraoOB of Tbaraday aod drotb : j,
Wait and J 0. J.teoeon
U-guirrad aboat oooe,tbe fullowug day. lar al*- M>c and 11. Erory bottle goar
Conoaellor—'E C. Comptoo.
Vro.-s. C. Ca*lA
F. A.—K. A. I'ratl
C. B.—P. SbermerSber.-F. North
Con -O E Tbomaa
5. T—O. I) Kinney.
Lretur* Oowiaa PrcCiabwAt tbe teat eetcnalumeat of' tbr
Blgb ecbooUecturc ooarac tbe aal* of
alnglr admiaaiom amouated to ri.W ;
Tuu* T- B*Tta
Profntortirewo e^umate* tbe pr*t>:>'
oa Uheoarae te be about s:»u. fiiojuf
tbat amouat baring been uted alreadr
tbr. well-kobero
for tbr pnrvhaao of new' book* far tbr
onmrymaa. Is on bk round* taking
Profoter Drawa intendt te, aeenra orders oral! klods of fruit aod orra
etill-belter eltrectiaat fw tbe ara- menu stuck. Uwaxe •reil for bim.
«} If
aed b**e te* atuaclioo* for the same price paid forlickeU
El »*rd U. Pry*. minologUt- of Bo*
m. will gir* the oral and U.t enter
teiamrai of ibi* c.»oiae Weonem.y
More Uaiahlc Wire*.
Stacy, ■□prriBbblenluf conUrjc
for (be Miebigan relepbone Cu .
E Meyer*, foremto uf Aitikl'u.lion, are in me, city looking over lU.
lucal rxebaage aod ace preparing i.
to ora c*blr^ and m*kr many
Nodi* Uraar ol ^aiUfls.
inipruremeor*. M*uMooday olgbt Court So.
Uarry ba* now a later pf meo *l
rd-r of Bailiff*, was luamuted lo
orw wire* and makieg
snigbu of i’yUiut ball by tb* m. mDudierou*
on thr cy>.
X ri of Trarerae City Lodge. So ti. K.
ifl’. Tbl* >a an order to wbieb only'
ipleW Ibrre will be a'x uirtellic
vu.gbU Of I'ylhla* ari eligible, and U
branch of tbe order wtalcb U par' hDBkruoDiog teliraud BapidHaod l>rarly^Ieaaaol aad produble - lo iruit from ibit city.
A* *oou e* the wteltarr permite tbr
hiaai. Tbe following officer* were
lmpro*effieou oo tbe Mate lion will
be puebrd. aleO u'
L C —A. Y Friedncb.
oeatly annoooccd.
S. J.—a B Ue.'oy.
Owe ^reb\ ^ebbm
Sutra itpa.'rtmtttl \\tal tonvts te tete t&Ve te em^Vete
tiAte \vnn4somt ntm sooit, sntVi &t
TJvmWves, £.a\BTvs, "BaUsUs
audi Sma.'rt TR.'s
3ot Aretsti mteaAV tttt atetssoTtet^or Wmtittest, nadx a*
Wecteod a Soldier.
£.acea, Smbroviicnts,
SixstT\\TV5 axvii ^UVoners.
nnlted te m.rrmgr at the horn* ■
Oretuisened orellaete Inaax pert
Our SaviuEn Department
, Setrj WstVttvtT sVonVA set oar SAataTlevartmtitl.
^VsV te set tee e.\vr3saatetmnm 'PatteTtv S&ten 'Uamask
■JabVt SAata-'U.avVtes te mateVv.
.-i'-Tkirr /-vgi-i-A'ti.g.j
SdUj Depetlt fine lo rest u i tcri In ml
artber damage lhao a abhkiog up Bat
he ealla were raodered temporarii.r
•elm aod Aabloe towed tbe damaged
J. W. Million.
We are making some
a regular eeppiy of cbemicAl* e few
T«ro Utelell eciUsnd a large glaae
*r wen added U tbe pby*teel labor*.
-»y Tee*d*y.
Hr. Cnrite tbe jselter, i* complelng bii elxlta bo»kca*e for u»e in a*
waoy roomttbrougboat tbe CeeUel
euild LogNo ecboel yaeterday -naM>(ngtee-*
Tbl* 1* tbe fltel time tbr
teboola la tbe dty taa*e otaaerred ibi*
legel holiday for eeTcre. year*.
The book* that were ordered for the
tcbool llbroryVlIl bare to be reurdeiplaeod.
A. C. M Klter A Co.',
bnroed out and the order we* destroy
ed oaly B»rtl»lir filled
A Tragic Roaawey.
be prorided. aIm> aaklag that tbe
eleratoroB tbe orutber be lenglheaed.
I'unrrtl arrrlre* Were held al :
m. Sendsy at the boefe of Hn.
bereoommiBdallon waa adopted.
Rotigm'molbrr, Hn. C. E Krllry.al
Aldermaa Uaalluaalel tboogbt
HayflblA ea'w the auapicCB of the
Bid be a good Idea to eoaeidrr the I. 0. O. F. ___________________
WiUtaiasbnrs Society,
Tbe Laatee- and patter*-ChrieUae
Uuloe rare aa oyeter aupper at the'
Town ball Friday ereming. Feb 17th.
A oumber of T-rereree City yooag p«»v
pie were the gecel* ter tbe eTenlng.
AU reported a pleaeaelereoing'* rfiterttemeet. Tbe rreeipu were file tt..
TbeUCj:-will wiewtel tbe bom* ,
HiA Dr. dark. Tboreday afterwoow.
St. A baaleeaeeeeeloo: nil
are rr^aaMod te ba proeaat.
i that I set*
Sobootet? the butaoeraUc t'aloe esmrrwOoB lor tht* eeeaty. be)d at Travaty. Feb. i7tb.lda*irateteapaet-
Remarkable Low
Shoe Prices
During Our
We are determinid to dispose of
ifae greater part of our present
stock oir shoes before the arrival
of our new spring shoes. We are
sscrifiefing profits and even part of
the cost of the ehoss to accomplish
our purpose
This is not a salo of old styles of
undesirable shoes but a CUT
PBICE SALE of well koown re
liable Footwear
Men's and Bojis Shoes.
ladies’ Shoes.
2 90
r»i .
(t*» •eld..m ycu g> l.och r*iur*
M.Ve V» ww
'M.vlsVvtv MTv^eTvoear.
New Stables and Livery.
Haviog bou{;bt tbe John
Dunn. lat«)y known ae tbe
Moir born and stables on State
street. I have refitted
same, and have put in an
tire new lot of horses and ri^e
and am prepared u> meet all
livery calls day or night.
A specialty will be made ol
the care of farm teams. Hav
ing been a farmer all iny life.
1 know what you need. When
in town come and a^e me
Irbau^iug you in advance, I
remain. Yours for byasiness.
Fine loe UoaCag
recent thaw and hnbm-qaent
reexlagbaagteeatebe aurfan of tbe
on tbe buy a flnieh wbieb Ua de
bt to akatera aad derotee* of tbe
but. In aome epou tbe ice 1* in teerinUDtey.witb cite Ssginew
■erfeelBOndiUon for akatisg and tbr! paoy. aed was m tbr batilr uf Agu*
otirr earfaee including a long atrcieb '
d the itlaid 1* tbe beet known te
tor ice boating
Ycalcrdxy a:
alf doxea eailing craft ekimmsd from
bbretoebore and Inerrry diroclioa.
AabtoD and C. E Marray beds
aoearoaodlbe lelaad aa* ia coming,
« ba* re'-uroeil ,
mek Hr. Hurray'* craft wHta a half
ocap aboard cab afoul of a rldg* formidbyaeraekte the ice aod capeUid.
Aibr«kieg rusewey accidcSi newr
Heyfield tVedor*day olgbt resulted io
the death ol lillberl (lodges one of the
matt pr.pmieent and highly nteemed
g men of that place.
Ur Hodge*
owned aod operated
eboet eight mile* from Hayfietd.'WiMthe mill te tbe eernteg
e hie bureae brrame frlgfateoed
ree ewey, ttrlklog e tree end
tbrowlu b.m ooL Tee
abont-aAeUe farther, lernliig lote Ibe
yard of Sam Hodge, wtio
cd oel te ueareb of bi* brother, finding
The dty rooBcU b
him lying br the road
etrock. oooseions, but eefferiog from
leteteel lojarlBA Be we* Bbie to
Lis b'V.ber ol the'aceident aed did
The Sr*t thing broagbt up for
be fatally bnrl. bat grew rep
elderatioa. bowerer. waa .a pelUlon
■M and died te *t»ul fifteen
frnm tbe elty er*rk aaklag that etei^
mad eouBiy laxra be refaudrd tbe Hid
Wr. a idre* wbo sra* thirty yrors
Bah A lay Ooraptnyand J. t>. Laediag.
Id was ma-Tlrd te IliM Hand Kelley
tbe termer bclttg orer taxed
<f Majfir d. Dreember ».
lb* tetter «:s.
I'b* peiitMo
sldr* I is wife hr learr* a mother, two
•Utemaad foar brolhesA
A commaBlcaUae waa racelred
membrrof tbr I O. O F. and K. Q. T.
the eocataltte* oe atmu and w
that atorag* aad dmap
I<s.tgrs nod let bk teaariacr of Sr.iMO
tbe lat..w lapM about *la mueltia
log btea for etcar fjr tbe euae.
abliebmeatof the dock line before
tteodteg to the propnad charter
Onhieaotloa Ja* coaaeU decided
ntebltaha dock lla* along tberirer
from Ua dam. near abatb Uelee etrael
bridge to Park atr^ t bridge, aa ael
fortbia the profile ..fawa np by City
Kagiaeer Northrop.
_ itrodaead
adopted. Tba
tor tbe axteoatee of the term of oBee
of lb* elty elnk aad ireaaaror to two
yean: lo allow tba bjard of
exlag the eatery of tbe
judge of the B*oordar*e*ooart: and
gleAtb* elty bruAdor powen in tba mat
Ur of a eity water work* ayatem.
HUUkoa aad E
w will be aakad to aign tbe paw
Ibli Hty aad peomlaaat la Helbodiat
aburob eircteA Hha Dolberg waa a
popular eateotedy te Wllbelm Broa'
Iry good* Btoratead ateo took an aeUrc mill when a taage man of lee. weigh-wry to rwwrrr. by purebaxlag of a*
la eboreh. srork. The yoaag legaboetatoo. fell apoe him eraeh-. a b ill-of Ur King-* Kew
■ouptowlUaaaaathAir borne At Hayaa
ed. Tb. lae bad formed abool tbe rx-'
and wiih two bouln
banal pipe of tba mUl bad had beroaae baa beua'ahaotetelr cared
B.^ uam.
>r Lllerery oociety
Febroery u.
The BLgbicboul teboratcry rrcelred
Hn. WUllam 11m ba* rmalud a UV
Oeocge Ham. who
tad b«ai her baebaad. la Altaka. dated HUlarfarmoB tbe p
tha Ant of UoeeabBr tad (latlBC that lyeaeaped b
tba Uea r>M baattaA
last Tbaraday. A large piece of wood
wbieb he bad placed In bit beatteg
■tore before comiag to tba city,
agalast tbe etore door, kocekteg It
tatday litMa Cedar la emreh of a d
lo*«a*oee of tale haada. wb.ebhad ^ea aad ilrcppiDf loma eoala upod'
baaa ba^y Uaerated by aklddlBA toa<* tbe flaor.Som* ehildreo peulttg ooUeed
amoke imnlag from the hooBA forced
white ba WM haadllar lo<a.
aotraaee aad axUngalabed
Oa Prlday n«bt than wUl be a blaiA TeadoltenwlUoorarlhedAm. aaoUaftetbeC.».P.8.hallaBiioath
tilaeewwad era Aaotber grmi liarorerT ba* brew
A byaladyte tbl*
Aceadeut at BiBgban.
It waa reported a tew day* ago that |
tbedeathof Jaaepb Kuleeektot Blag->
TbaAnlaaaUoaef tba aaw
heard for tha Hortbwa TelephcM
arrived Satarday by aaprm
Ulaamodal of alwaat weriinaaablp
aadeaetalaa all tha lamt Imptora-
-h M.,-ut t
‘ •-'L)
Comp*" Wi'-I. • !hl-! f «hrf*
mm mmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmK
How is lout Chance tt Eel a Fine-
At a Y^ery Low Price!
We have a few of these cutters left over, which we have been
selling al ?2'1.00. ami rather than lo carry them over until next
winter we will close Uiein out dl
CitPrias. 89t,9ic,Sl.l9
Children s Shoes. \
$23.00 EACH.
You wi. h.t,- no m tr lp-.ul,ltf you bay our ,ho.s
Tbr> *1wey* w«r wo'i
This is a rare opportunity to get a nice cutler fefr a little money.
Shoe Up the Family Now
W« have bunched all these stioes into lots and
placed them ou tables where you can make
your selffcuons. DOS I WUI. k UWl HEiS; li iiLL
The Popular Shoe House.
We have ^n assortment of
for both wood and coal, on which during the month of Febmaiy
we will make a liberal discount from present prices. NOW »
your chance to get a good stove for less money than ever before*
Tlxe FXaoe
Now- is the timeto prepare your poullry booses against B
the ravages of lice.
One application of Carbolineum Avenarins to the in B
side of a chicken coop is sufficient to destroy all lice and B
keep.them.away. Results: Healthy chickens and plenty B
of eggs.
For sale only at
WATTS DRUG STORE. Put uuiiuuuuuuuQuuuuuiuuuuuuiuuuuttuuuuulii
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Go.
Mr. aad Mi*. Cta*. brlirf Foi*
4^w«c«a*lUat oa frtea^ bv* r
l^ttkc hOM
XbooiM J.>hAM<i hMCoDC toTntWb«.ir—
]B*b I___________________ ____
Jaliaa Uor* •teiiad at hetaa or
BopklMBrldf* lMta»t*r4m ptfhb TM f*Mr*l MTilM* wm
Mr*. Tnadau qalta 111.
b^atUicaeboel bOMc »( UU pl»w
HlB Uary Byai* baa baaa aeBarlaf
UoDdar. 8b« bad bMS la poor iMpltb from tba rrtp.
for » jmr or
Hr. Babla of Satiow Bay paaard
Tbowea tboslek lUt tbto weak an
tbrcBCb towe Uoeday.
A Kionl«7 a»d ■ 0. Elnfalay aad
UlBB Bbbb aad Ida OberUa a
Mr.M Mn. Owl HarU*.
riaiUaf la rrararaa City.
Hlaa Plabar la boBia toi a vaeatloa
Oe Tbaraday a aad aoeidaDl ocearr
l tba Bill by MlllBC lea. reaalUsr lo
a.WB. WUaos U rar; U1 al
ibe draib of JoMpb Kelaaaki, a yoan;
B*a ut twaaiy.
Bla faaaral waa brid
H.aed Ur*. Arebibald MarT«ll Bi* . Uoaday Borolaf at tb* boBeot bli
rWlUor raUlliB bar*.
*Ta alorerply aztcad ayapaA. H. C. Laol* wb«.bBt baadatek lor
*0 loap. !• falaia* alowly.
^ J, J. Uardaadrora lo tbcdly &
Hr. and Mr* Jobe Batu eed Hr*.
KarderotBrraniaTtallad at Ear. Ur.
J. A. Baailloa waat to Trarara*
Biirn aad attcaded ebarcb daadar.
aad Will
Ur*, aiarrow rUilrd tba aehool al
Blartaaa la
I •uoablaV pie
lo. 1 one da; Uat week.
ow. jadciac (roB tba
I* emliaa aad bn
ablae battoea woro
Tba caild aBao; da;* are rerj
afurr ao loB( a alepe of lal
b„. Mr. Xenbar g%wt aaoi
aaotkerof I
cold Wl
lataraatlor aeriaaoa daoday.
iMB aad Mr* Slarri*
Ur. aad Ura. Peltoa ware lo tbeciiy
>ery pour boallb tbta wlalar.
Uoa- -
Il U raBOrod that Joba Har* baa
leaped the ABorieaB ,Hom a
lo P. T.
This Is
WbPth $1.50
To You!
Ur. BaaBaaped famll; IroB (Heo
Baraa hara Bo*fd ieto ibe koaaa for
Bari; oaeaplad by Mr. Jobaaoe.
WlUlaa BaaBaUof Ulaa Baraa war
takaa brfarr Jaatkaa triu at Uapi*
City laat Uoeda; abarrad iritb baHar
TkJaUd tbr Sab law. Attaa all tba r*
htdaaca bad bare praaaatad Iba-preae
dUalBrd tba eaar.
aaUac attorary dl
laaaed praaad e* SecUoa t
tewBabla aad will c
rhey bareaoBtof
f tbe
fiatat besloek
la ibla part of iba eoaauy.
Budpmot UayfieidTwbo r
iblople mui la L'biob lownahip. i
tala death oa it
Tbaraday *
joaihow U
aodpm altoc
culler. Mr Hodpea look
>Bned liaek
tbe rrad
eltSABO* If ee<
leaded. Abja'. a qaarter i
mile fi
beea forced orer u> the a de of the
Wb- Crawford died al » u'cloi
by tbeanow dtifta acd paMCd belweeo
Tbaraday ereolop of poeaaaobla. afi , two maple tree* be found the oafortu
aa nine** of lea* tbaa two week*,
Dale mao lyior latbeaaow, brloleM
tbe ape of :i year., ooe Booib aod.The team bad faweb roBBim.' abd tbr
day*. Ur. OawforJ <>*> beea * rw
Iculler alewed ara-But-ae of the tree*.
deal of Uranl for tea year*, haeti
Ilearlbp off tbeaeatof me culler an 1
Btft lUra O wofklBC *l Crfar.
here (rota Summit Cuj
Hew*, I Ihrowiop me dneer oat OtBer a»uUlia C*o»da aod wa» asrried In 'abc- batiop arri.e-i he waa tak'B t.
Vn. Wb. WiUon i> quIM »>ck'
to Him Aoo* DarU. who abrrirr.
i-eofS F U..lpe*. where l.«
aim bat 1« qcile *)M *1 preaeot. Tbir did
taro cbildrro were t>'rb U> them, nine
of whom *r»*klll.ll»iop. The luaeral
Th« MrprUe
..rrloa. were held at tbe Eabmee preatly
tcboul houte Wbi. afieraoOn al two Sody !.1 Indicate wbai
•J ^v.iealb
o'clock, cbodocted by ihe Eea. Mr He leaee* a
Uary. The fami y h»»e tbe aympatby
ol all Id ibelr affl ctloa.
deceased had nad bn»loe»« re'al
with a BBiaoer of o»r ci-.ii-B*. aod
trMb»esU wcrrwrrrd
.peak hiphly of him
Ciu.t Dilb-fi,' aod-f.niUT wen
Maneelona la.t week to a'lcnd
aiua family are al
e l^anatii
Bopvd Berc* h»» boep <
fonerpiofUr Uulberj'. .Ister
,iMT« Mbool on oceosot of 111
Joba Frau, an old reeijeat of
Ue U.t crid tp
Erawt Altee of TW»w«ClVJ
lliape.’died in tbt
Obaa. Cbaeaai* aad Jia Saoord drora
Bvt Stowe 1. hauliap lop* forUallJ. u.’l^lwy wae* TraeareeCiiy calliaX bU Bolbor. Ur*. '
City. Feb Ic-ib.
to Ulea Barra laat deadayrao Uru*.
r oaaday laat week.
bouphl h»r.i(w
Oeo. Ward of Cadillac la bare oa bua
Tbe Scbombrrp I! W L. Co.
froo Cold-eater.
fiebbadtbrir 3'>P ul ^mberlep oi
Ir.aedUr* 1
Ualieaa Bra* ard haallap their bard
ii OfdtuMrf. tab. Wth, V
a 111 wltb tbe
b^..n>ia. wM aoarwbat asrv —
Aopiul Fortaer and Hermaa dbeatei
The faiily of Joan Hahn* ar
B l<Bd drara *p lo biadbor
b'.eaainp In the lam ly.^
HlB Oartrada BeWUi of Traeerae ^bt a Irw day* laat waek rleltinp .ick.’
aiy rialled her aUvar. Ura. Tho*.
(rieadeat Aecadi*. Hich.
tbaraBBMlcr Vfi below aero, lo ml
U..* M»ry UMl.iw. whi/poi Her fe-l
tar. and frlaada. oeer Suoday.
ceola per^bu-ihel
bntr bla blribday
A Soa aappr/w<
Peter loqaeel Selttaed hit inn ac
badly aculded some iimt apo. wiil John Horiaoo aod JimSecord azpael laDberlep j >l> a few milce e»ai u> be
pnaloe, badly fr-r-B. TB-e
aarrad droa wri. filled baabaUA
be able t.1 be atxiul apala.
ha.e pr-.aines on brp of t . pr^u
, work for iba Seaaaa Laaber Co. a» forlbe&d.r lltrkrr Co. aad baapoi
Caile I'reddiemod U.adyaCook.
have e-nrhab y loM
w E*-t Jordaa to look after tbe cui
bare beea .cry .(»ib. are better.
pany't lalereetatbrre. /
Miu Eliiii M.ller. wan hat b-eci
Sw^^alr ia^objr* wWrd lo with atalB wii
Url I’beaii. wbe pot bla loot *maa
borne twjwc-k. hcipioit her mo-Jiei
I trealac wi
and Nf^ 1)
Ball flllad baakata.
I at luuartt'e caBpaume tifaeapu,
uare for the aicit.h** relaroed to bn
dolBf 3«lb
a boea ren tick, i
owl) racurerlop.
Bob- Owea baa beeB'TeB IH
school apala at Uaplr City.
• »olo{o ’aaplaodld aupper •eleetloaa
iFoaonla for aboat tbrao week*, boi
Waller Udnaoo. wbo bad reeefrad
lieu Souibanl. make, daily tripi
■oatrr were read, wbeo bat *i
A Orepoey loeta^or*. yeater
i«b a d.iae of the prip that bc-lb>apbi here fr.,m Trae-^rw City to attend
It life oe earth would c.ime to an eod. ■ui tbe lop*, which arb comiop to tfa>
h*ullop lop* apala.
II. »-wee. wb-»
iiiplr mii.qa.teli.cly froaiiDe llaiilt
i, t taa ploiap pood Ba
. xpeut Hul^a) » .lb 1
Um* Kilwy Balabtd bU }obatla'
a Uibiiaou camp*
tarad eaplala ted ihr apriphlly. alei..
II.Uoa lereryalek.'
lewday. spo-aad
re.. h .QKe occupied be Jamaa bald*
1 wife.
Aa-rttp cobA-r fifara ol bla
read bacL____ ___
eat at lilen Arbor fur low at F.iu.
U»dk tire from tbe at >.cI>arBe1ar^or the ncea
Northjvrn u.puT
d aalpbbor* will
IVbao Uklop leara all
pled to <arelooBC tbeB boBe.
'.Mf. L.iiiow lo*la pood
abara of bi> b-juaeb jid po i^a, bsddiup.
0. D. WUlobec
____ b ««.H,P^*.^
try tore fiaper oaaaad by
iklap cold.
Ur. Brippa It eoj^yinp a
D. Cbaae la rery tick wUb poeaBO-
Out this out and send it to us ■with $3.00 and ■we
■will pack and ship toryour address one of those large
comfortable Reed Ai’m Rockers, I do this to get ac
quainted with you and to extend business by getting
you for “a steady customer.
J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store.
'[Headquarters and lowest prices on everything to fur
nish your house.
If you w'sh to buy GOOD Clothing:,
•BILLIG’*-go to S. Benda & Co.
fc • Peer ices-'Working S;.in*;U...
E Woid. •n S\vv*aK-rr= K.r 'l'5oy-., . .. .
t Tb-..:-i.iml
P.infb for B.>>< ;»«
•t-sMcli'e' Workin-g I’.i:::-. fam e -tn
!p Best Ovvra!!' ill Tr;ivcr.*c Civy b
ji::ir- ->f Working t»ln'
!H I-'ng
aebyo. Sklird,r
Joba Taekar. Jr., loti a korae.
Bob Uillun baa Borad IBM the J.
j Allcu RjrjX-.u
_________Ana back M tbeir old______
dhurtar bour.
Thia thaw it briopiap''tbe
Cedar Kaa We are pled to welcome
fbere are aarrloea at Ibe ebopal *r<
htmamoap at apalB.
ry two week*.
Tbe little' rlllape of Odar Ban.
Mr. aUd Ur*, r. K. Soar* aad cb
Ur* J. Brlphtol Kaaaoo WB* called leetled in amunp tbe bill., preeentaa
di«a aad Hr. aad U^ ArrtU Uac
bare to aaa bar father laat Saeday.
eleaalnp .irw three wloler daya.
• took dteoer wKk Mi
Ualia a aoBber of oar people are There am between fifteen and twenty
.kawdu.0.d UUBidn Suodar.
Ckaaot daaday.
Moat of 'be bulldlnpe are
lahilBp ol polBpMWaiblepMe aboat
I' F Imrdle apeol Uooday afleraoor.
Lewall Soot* la aafferlaf from aa at
oecapled, and the bripbieat plctam U a
lat of AprU.
i OM Uiatloo.
tack of tba qulaay.
boat of brlpfal. lolelUpent ebiidreo.
t%.v. r. 1l.*rdie called on Mra lielap down tbr
T. 3. Oaraa araal to BapU City UoaBiiBn.ajiD.
riop with plada
day. retaralap Wadaeaday.
reb tl
Uiaa Celia
Hr. aad Ura Cbarlaa Batoa of Will
Uule Haiel iifabdB U better at thia
It breakloff ap eery
Cbir aUlpbli
i Tibrrme Ihiy for tbt pa-'t wrrl
Maubarr took dlaoar with Ur. aod faat.
Mr*. Joba Carat daeday.
Ml*. Aon* I-arUie la oa tbe tick
Oray ReBinptnn aad other* are drawlurwl Vbeatt ta
lap lopa aod bare Ibe yard* a'
Mr*. VictorU Cauiop of Chcb.i
Irpot nearly full.
. riailinp rclali.rb^crc.
laat weak.
We bar* one hardware atore, o
Fraak Tnackcr la laid ap with i
HlB EltU Hllrllap of Elk Bapldt w
JurnI bund.
Hr*. O. W. Uilbdrt of BardieaTille U >t Mr. Newmaa: A. C. WyaVoop
at Wb. Carry'* Ibe latur part of t
e homeou
HIM l.>r/:
l.ltlup frleada and relatieoe of tbk lop a fioarlablop bualnea* lo bU i
dry pood., prooenra, liardware
r.-uunl of the iilnew ol nrr |»rcii ..
blacu.mltb ahop, owned 1-y
M u. U.l.y
John-.’n waa tbr pu.ai •>!
Albert Beapbey. wbo baa been alck
J*l»y Joi
>. and oaw mill, oward b>
or tbr part two week* la no belur; be.
•1» Kro. ; atoreowaed by I» .Sborf
a BOW at Maple City aeder tbe care ol
S.l.ool eUftud to-la. afx
ed poaluffiue. with Ura. Crone
trad StIUt baibaceoBthealcklUl
Dr. O. W. Fralick.
.d by t
(araararalday*. bat te aowabiatoraHarry aod WUIlam Atklaaon, who
aama bU work al Blltwonb Ibla wark
d Ur*. Dllloe bat bod a paralytic cor Icacbrr. I
oni returned from J
reatteadlap the Tra.riwe City hifh
ce. W« bop* tbe will be better
r.-< in- hu n *'•
-jethlecleBlllratBBad operatloo*
■ ease hose Frtdar to attend
lie >' - —•I dura.
’naraday afiar aabat dowo of a
era] of their praadfatber. Jr*
lb* faeei
, ..d ..yud.
.. a day* on aceoaat
Sr., wl.
Sunday a II o'lSuok attadard time. A ■l.'M*
It Thnraday moruinp.
cordial la 'iUtlOB la ralraded to all.
At ibepraaaat wrlllaf tba
dernoa o
(aatdlaap ------........................ rlday 13 la
................................ 3 50,'4 50,6 60.7 00 ^
............ 75c. 1,0.0.1-50. 2.00. 2.50. 3 00 •
"-•t> lit........ ........................4 60.6,00.7 00 :
.............................. 25c. 38c. 48c. 50c, 70c :
-76c. l.OO. For Mm..............ICO, 1.9‘5 :
ii.................................. ........16c. 19c 2DC !
...................................... 50c, 75c, 1.00. l.fO :
for. -1............ ........................ £0c ;
............ ............................................ 25c '
IMTU* lor .\:c ■ .It ...............
mi»rc of tlio.-v linji'i''.. .1 i>
Everything in Hats and Caps for Men and Boys.
Horses for Sale
beplDolBC to far] atari
B. U Baaba attaadad tba Kalkaaka
aeaatyWaebrrt'aaaoelatlaoat Katka*
Died at kit ratidaore la Wllaoa tovaabia. Uoaday arealoc. Febnary it. 3.
&. Walla, aa aprd rmidaal ol tl '
Ity. harlap
larlap lirad bere abimi
abimi iwraiy
Ua baa -bad poor baaltb tor a
■apbv of y«ra. aod aboat a week be
fora bit deaib wak taboo airk wltb
body ol Joa. Stelper.
er*. Uu.llle aod Kr*>na of Uaaii
M paaaed liem ym^ay oa tbeir eray
tea qalie a ebaape in the weakh
It week we
bad 10 below -two.
er. Uat---------------------------------wblle BOW It It 4T drpreM abo.a lero
to haul tbeir
potatoe# to Cedar.
Bara* aad Oeo. Sobaldt bare
poB* to Tra.rme City oa baalaata.
UHTTiini^ata U alck with the prlp.
Ur*. Iiima aad her toa F.ldic am
both rrry tick with tbr pnp.
III.— tepiir,.,p It K Ii
.1 F.,Ja».J.ke V.D Atur f.-D an
-loc-etni bi» r^rhlII- Fr.
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
~ (Or ?~r ,»dS«t Ik.bw*' dl
B. S. MOEO-AN, Prop.
Weather a little more mild, mercury . •ry .lull -.11 e»ac h. sii-.-.c-.-ded la a,
I iiru at « o'cf ck pm.
| ti licit ol il lUi tin-uw nf ci; urofi
Frank Tuttle waa quite aick with the ■ L.cii r. au red ekill on in- pari ol
pr.p laat week.
’wrUu.'i Mr"
Mr. ObrrIiu of Ulnpbais wa* bere on
bBaueaa laat w,-ek.
Hr HcMier aad .uonf Froremoat waa
ere on bu^iOFM laat ueek.
aary ce eb-*!
Aupuiiu. JobaauB la ua the aick Hal. a-jpoer wo.^.
, iep.ired to
IViUiamaoo'. houw caopht hrr
•i Ibertpaee
lay Iroi .park, lal'
.. The l'.wer
roof. It waa .,««
Ir l:]u<lraleiil
a terrible fripl.L
drleer. Ur
e anil tbit we are free avebia in
rulleo. kne'w who rauard bi* uamr tc
laiter of l•lwIe.• .Ifier tbe te
. . . wUh au K. a. I
who, wu’
.ied t.. ce^a
Joba Tobin
11 here yeiterday aeal
lop lop* for U
1, ^ri,.
Minor Keldorboow. who bat been at
Uretlap erery
nnday at II i
Uood Harbor drt.lap John Tonoa'a
nd prayer meet r crerr Wedaeoday
teas, ia at borne.
reelap. E.try
r I. In.Ued Moome.
ablidraa. aU of wbc
Kell Oleeoo of Sattoa* Bat
Ura. Tmmbull
rtelUap old frleada.
a. been aick for tomr llmo. I*
John Hiller weal oat to Trararae mack impro.ed at tbit wrillop
City and oamr borne with a
Uiw Caddie Athlryaad her brother
TbataBdeaaad rraal ebaafe li
Joe aod Jallot Barotoa bare ecuar Walter weat to Cedar City oa Satarday
Bfatbar atbta Uklap oold aaay.
>ae froa Bapire.
laat to take p.ri In oa onterUlaBenl
Prod Ulehaalaoo 1* oa the aick Uat ed tbeir wialrr't w.
.1 that place.
ttla waek.
Ur. Horae It attcodlair
- boy* bare finltbed banllap lap*
Mr*. Wm. Trrmtla it tafterlnp with
her* tbia week.
-a attack of the prip.
3. L Prlak bo^tcbl M aorM of Uad of
Tbe Batfiead Hrw. are baullnp
C. Da.U. who boa beea alck for aeae ^ Ulaa^Ka e. daopbter of Hi
B. S. Kobl* Ute waob
I build a ateae cellar andarr tbeir time.
a. tl Imprarlap,
Hill. wa.
Ur. aad Hi*. W. U rviak rialtod botur.
at week
r Atwood aad at Ellawnrlb
laat Wadaiaday.
- irwlay aad Friday.
.blppto-VmuchJ.y. .
Irleod, I
Ur. aad Mr*. J. Uall rlallcd Ibrlr
-r a'aya tae reoeai col
Quite a Bomber of boy* am rajnylap
dUaphUr, Mr* J. C^Sbaam. of Cres
A larpe auBbar of oar people ailead>e wor.t h* baa emr are
*»■, F-atik Staff -rd .if -'ll!;,
od tbe Joueral of tUlbart Hodpea of fitblBjrJor perrb ibraapa^lbe to* on here, aad it I .tyra-* ia.l Aepu.ltbi .ieo Beujamio uf L-lood.
tayfield laalSaaday.
It wa. rrry acldom the mei
Wlaiati Btit-M
rory atood '.•o' below aero, and not t.t
often that lb. lak. waa bridped "it
ulbe SoBlh Maoll..o
H. Ib.ol
Will Warzburp It la Uraad BapiJi
r^B.aat ipaat laat week la TrarTiullap hi. brultaer;
befor»"*Tde^w*ather laa.U'pnM I
Hr*. 0t« Ooodbaa it falllap rapidly.
New York
Tb« l.tdlea- Aid a>tt with Hr* H. S. thealdeat lababllaeta
Hr. Ooadhaa la (aprorlap a^Dewbal lau week with ae.eral earloadi of pb
botbaoct I
Olllrlte laat waek.
aad bit frlaada bar* kupad for bit r* tatoee.
Ura Uarrry boa bMO quite tick.
Torn Fewla*. of Maotoa waa la Mwa
Hr.,tad Ura Will Oa* of Eik Laki Uoaday ri.ltiBr rrltl-.e* and frienda
Hr.. J L Qlbea aprai . few day* la
Byraid O
atoilad Ur*. Oae'a pareata. Ur. ao<
SMcmlllerand wK* of Cbleapo
Ur*. Cu*a4ier i. ;u*t * little
Mra. W. U Frlak. deoday.
UcUill nf K.T.tone ia .ialtlap
Ura. Ucc
ad Ul.. Hiaal* SeepBlIler of Albion
abn 1. baeinp a bard time .
■ ere ralird bom* laat wetk
wrtk oaarco
oa arcoui
of the ar.ere llli a. of thi^rawier.k
, 4^ Canada of Liwell
Carrie EllUoa.
4^tteaded ebarcb S.
Ura. Qeprawww^
uUle Uobba bare lately BOd the prii
f. flao.lor vlalted ak twlea laat
week with bla abow, mad tbla week w« bet ere well apala.
' I abow hem the aullre
ce Oatad.
Recent rliitom lo Trarene City wer
JoeBktUaeaad Jotaa J. Lardie, wbe
Rlaache Kelley. U«>*l aad Horia
.buu d b.
bar* barn worklap al Baal Bay. re1
OB taa croaapnt aaw I
UIbba. Mr*. A.IHbbtood J L Uibba
tareed boB* ttalarday.
Ir trip M AlaaaoB. where
iahauiuotr of Uayb.ld
AtaiOamillaad Fraak Valley Ibt*
■aa tasallar lopi to Ultcbairamil.
, urrlb
HlBot L'aila aad Ullle HoSBaaB
> Bl. caller aad kill,
.ondice f
■aaet duoda
0 Ulaa
while OB bl. wuy bl
B.orFif. Labe
Hr. Hodpm
Ur. Haao aad faaliy wrai to te<
_ . It )I yuar* of ope aod left a
lacajay la
«M day laat.
While poae ibe hoi
Bolhar. two tla'-ert aod foar brother*
•aaebt fire. It U eappjaad Iroa a ape
lomoura bi.aallBale death. Tbe fa
bid the mtafunuBe to
<roB the ttote. it wataaea la Ub> by
aerol aertlee* were be'
badly wbuertwppiop f"Ve'’^'!”
aaaol bU aalpbbor*. who pal It oat freoxSueday atureooa
badora aaeh daeare waa doae.
RitomUr and Ur* SaademThara- aoicetor th« I. <) O F.
atr pr*
r lia W.T
aiwtb* l«tb. a plrl.
A. H .part. U-ali rt
Hodpea waa a saaber. Uoay frleada
iw day* lael
C Uartia Bid* a boalaeat trip to froa fat>»d nasr followed1 hit ma
to Ibelr reaViap place la I'
telBtyeUlap Iba lea
The alncken
Ura U
Ur. ai-d Hr
li!e»<ii:")W* wealto
ea bare tbe heartfelt .ympathy
HlB - Delay Johatoa .apaat Uoaday Itlap frit
ack on tbe lee.
of noay
ly frieada
la tbeir aad affi^clioe Bik RapU* ai
aftaraoiOB with Hit* E«aa jardle.
Cut*.* Broi
ark ■ 1* )*tl raoorerlof feua the prip.
I rialtlop triaoi
a, Fe.vf
tiora.. Tetter, Chapnm)
Tbeaaa Krwapa, wbe bat Onaa
A. S. Cnctl.'eaa. huaa laat waab.
Coma, aod a" '
B O bodd .a dmwiap awaT#otatori Hand*.., Chtlbla.n*.
red# hto wbaal to hit boa* at Bowa
itaied by bl.
bit aolhar, w
RrupliOBa. and
Id poaltlvely
pealtlrely ec
earea F4*a. ^
Mm. llarly of Fort OaUda
taa coll OBd boa fi.aod a pjod many froaea.
— '
oa tba laa
h>a ttaaday
tl*i '
aflaraaoa. a»w a.ka bar boat with bl
par reqalrrd.
lairrd. It a (
Mkloff tbotlaw laeoaboar and thirty batbaad ha.Japdlod reeanUy.
Iqittl* Bolmra U eealap for Mr*
topl.e aerfact anUatoeton or money |’■........ Henry
C)tb*H of Cupralak i
rafaaded. Prim tf etau perba*. -For, r,:'.'.
MlaOdUa netaasaitaUjIap I* Tier, tow* a oall la.t weak
Mr. Cooper, who baa beea 111 a laap b1« be / 0 Jo-iBtoO and S. I Walt
■ .u • ™
Pnri Fuaber U <a Iba aid Hat with
amt Olay wUb bar alatw. Ure. .Suit
Ooeay tor • f** Aaya.
la prippe.
lw-«Bb<raaal B mb.rr. a.b-ml
Mr aad Mm. John Hoffats hare Sendoy aft.r*3>iv aod R*..
- 1. Xeaea and Ur Dowatl of
*f*e City aabaea rerr alck wHh tba prtp. aad Otaor praaebB arary fiuadiy emalop.
>1** Were bem laat week
Ue Work)-* Fair chan
I^ Ddolapthalraboraa
Idttl* R>y Tuitla la roeoearlap frOB
Ur*. A
11 Cartl.
Cartl. reori.al a iriepr*
Fraak Barat of E k Rtpldt
Rapid* came[^"M'BMUk.TM»r''Dw^^^:ia*n
Waam plad to bear that Ur, aad atatlaribe ee-Hoai Ulaem of ber
bar (ath
(attaor bb arena attack of tba prip
Vrt. P r. Lardte am ndbnriof froa af Oataorlo. Hlab. fibe want Uaaedl-
Come on dHw and look at a nice
lot of Horses just arrived.
iimiKif dark grey
I bi<-i-heutni
• liiu lilat-k tuan* lire
•• bUrk m*tw, five yaar* old. weipLt 13S0. No. 1 waglo
a.A II, ..f d.iubii
year* cM, weight 14(X>,
il-a.--. 5< !i. nvy le.ue.
-■ ni-v bay mare five
_ _........
old, lireigbl
loOO, bloekf boilt, No! I
wviglit IVn), eitra sin-, bloi^y
.-brown b-TBefive year* oM.V.-ighl llkXI. blacky boilt, • good
Ou>-Ivn.'k bortw at-ven yean ul<l, weigl.t 12-V), wel? I>rok«.R&gU
e )il..-ky built gray horw fire yean o’ll, weighl ISOa
II loar-ait yean old, w.-igbt l-'rl*), Ibwt draft man-, blocky
heven y.-ai
ira .i!il. weight I;^y0. bind
•heap. »b.j.
Komesfead ‘
Free Lands..
old, veigbt 1400. blocks boi/t A 6n«
,u -me. •
i;.as. re.
A 6m
mai'e, bl^kjr built. Cf- jvam old, height 1400.
.1.1.0 <1 fill-drari mar
lioga, b!o.ik)- built. welgU 3000.
-Irnfl 1
A. V.Fiiedrich Block.
1- l.uv mi
I. lai'iil It
five ‘ywafi ohL Weight
g-eid one.
- extra go>jd
liKrI walker.
leg* wBlafged
y.mr* ohl, weight IJyl. rangy bitiil, alight
id worker, cheap. $•'■5,
biot-k Jlulde n
1250, niee heavy
year* old. weight ia00,sc»d drirer
-good white borae ten yeara old, wdglit llnO, ruaad"^ilL
f horwe, taagy bnilu weight 1250, esint gwid workar ud
__ Western Canada
~ .
•or brown bora, tea yeara'oM. wr-ii^t 1400, rangy baih, baa 5m
at work in w-gxl* all wialer, cheap, $3.*
Uu- browa mare ai2 year* told, weight 1400, rangy IwilL No. 1
Worker, boa twv-o in wojd* al work, acarred np aoae bat
bon her. cheap. UOO.
rheutout oHtri., blacky boiU, weight 1000, good fatn or fataily
All Rinds Of Block taken in exchan^ for
'ti^[taor8e8. Will exchange horaes with yon to
match np your team- Kindly giro me a ealL
B. J. MOBGj^,
ffkoaPrvdlaatMcKlelap idiriwad
ka anban of ^ Bom MaHaatOak
AflUn w u
UMta«-r«^ 17.-Tk««owaorbM aWkt it leaa witk Ue 1
ha waa asp a t >d to aap ac
Te T««to*th*l** li
IkaPhltlptaM. walla ttapraaldaatwaa
HMhacoB P«We wbooU. «ubUac tk*
la bla raBarke Ika taacr
e( alMAUM «0
« asdic Ike adailntloa of
«AlB U* BMkl«r. Ukmwl Tnlalv
oaarp ABartaaa clllaaa.
Bla acatlaeboal »sd lb« BMW*r ftMk UbrwT
oooabad U plala aad la
u4 ffiviBff U iM<r«r M raeal** brqaaw
aad be showed at eaoe
propwtx »*>^
............ .......
tbbt h *aa act bU perpoac tooavcBab
tka doaalB of aoatraM. tka troa
Tbt Mi •mbUb* »k»
aaataUecaol ike people, la tka
wbatMl U MBI7 «f Notm«1 mO laadjaauaaotof oar nlatlona wllb oar
arparaM ■• la lk» lo*a*lp of Vlraa*.
L nia addreea «a
AAm a fall amrtac U>t
of tkalkl(hetauai
•hraM tM act faaaUaf tka (oar to«a■bipa of Blalaa.OroTa, Ball aad
daiior bla
nalaa la l>airford oMBtp. ika oppoaltloa
paaaara 01 aia
tioa balBC alibbraiTB b; rMldaala of
apoceb daBOMtralaa the wladoa of bla
tbai aaeiiee.
To aabBli to aoto tka qaaaUoa of
Until eoarros aball direct other,
rallOTlBK tiaaaaror of Uoraa loaaakJp.
whs. it will be the dalp of the osacsHeeleala ooaoly. fro« iko f*pajo**at
lopoaaaaaskd bold tbe Philip,
of faad* U»l U> tka lallara of Ika Mman Kiekaart haak, aad aloo tka act plaaa. flrlor to tbe ptople thoraof
aad order and braedeaBt foraradotoobtBf Ika boat aarar faclorr alia
affordlas .ttaea
erory oppor.
(roa Waat Hap Clip aad laaorperaUaf
iaaitp to pnaecata Ibeir lawfal parIt io Baafor towaahip. Bap eoaatp.
eooourasiDr IbeB la thrift aad
kaaator Lpoa kaa lairodaaad a WU
ledaeirp. mahlBf than f>«I and ^ow
preblkitlac ika aala of aup hied of
IhjaorawIlkloUraaaHaa of aap ad- that waarr Ibalr friaoda. not ikclr
cnfBlaa. that Uair rood to ear ala^
BoaiiOBal iaaUidtloe of ikUatata. Tb|p.
will afhK-t a fraat maap placM la ika that tbair welfara la oer welfare, bot
that Bctther UelrkapIraUoaa aor oan
caa ba atUlaed eetU onr sutborilp to
Tka Boaae kaa loaucoralod a relerai
BckDowIedsad sad aaqueatluaed."
kp preridlar for ooarmlaf Hoodap at
fo* p. m. laatoad of aln -p. m. aa baa
dtau Maws Itcma
baoB tka euitOB toakUtlaa.
Jbbcb 0-k’aill. Halos aaar OoraBaa.
Tka jolBl eoaalltaa 00 taniaoo will kaa diaappearad fro^ fato home.
bwla koldtof Taaofal hcaribfa oral
Detroit VUliaB'^ndaUhi.aibd Id.
Tkaiadap aftaraooe. Hcfaaaa aad eordropped dead tiklla aplltiios wood.
pocatloea laloraalad era aoUfiad to apThe McKIwaoe Uouw atCadl.lac bae
paaralibUilBaordurfur ika folloola« fa* dapi aa tka blit lo^ba foraidlat- beea'aold to t>alcr Baflrp of Oraad
od bp Uia ooBalttoa U proBla.d bp BapldaforaH.Uae
AtOnlaa>et.aUBB«apleM at (ba
bane of Jeaapb Paeecd. anaelw Ike
elelfclnf of hto laftktdnarbier le celeb
■iB .Tbe ahtld ww Urriblp bvwd
. ,
A comtiBAtion oT the ntott effec
Praaeta B. Bastar. afad It. died
tha raaldaeoa of B. U PaaH la Uaaplar tive known remetlUl egentt fer the
daadap.trenaawahaof paialpato. Ba cure of aa KJdaey, Bladder,
bad tka dtouactloa of belnf tka aBall- iVrinaiT sad Uterine ^duesM.
aal ^aa la that locality, eralfklaf oalp
Too h^ucnl or Imbed urine, bed
M poaedt at Ika lieu of hie '
wetting by chlldiea. bme beck,
Tka Bib BapUe Iroa ao^paap wtu
dropsy, igmsle wakneueB, rbetuneBtabaadratoawlathalr UI tbU wlab
lax. t9 ba roadp for oparatioa at the
ba a blf additloa 10
catllBf «apacllj ol tka Bili-lacreaaiac It aOoot
BrrriaB Upriaft aaaato to be a fraai
place for pe^a to Uea to a food old
Tbera are tklrtp-fin raaldeou
datod down fnxn tba apper lake reglM
(St of food.
atrta Ua Eaetara lataae AepluB lor
faaaia patiaau aad peorlda that
OsranBB. Untordap aeanlof bb
fanaia paUaala la alalc laaUloU
iena sea plaot esploded
' abaU ba atuodad bp foBala pbpeiol
eelp.aanpt that oaa mal^hjaie
Ip bnrnlBf Mr. UrUcotl
Kaelaa of allrfaa propodn a BOeel 1ii|
Utatlert will be nble to booel of
aer law taatnf overp pmon who
anumf her fralduta
Willlaa llrlSa ia apared a few moBlhi
losfor. aclanowpaWbUlwib blrtb> Uaeaud. ararp tkraa dap. nod U atlll fairly ncilre.
caawbpaperpf IbO'
drew Ctoraefle ba* leaked tbi
tp. Italae
a peaaltr of ti» dDe
HIcbtfBB Iran nilse frea tka B*elfae«
(eratoBboSoaaobp aap daalar arlllaff
a mate of tbe lave J. M. Wllklatc aalteaaaed driakara. aad tka
too. The property I* Is Iron coSBtp.
•atlalBpeaedapoB aap drickar wbo
ear Aaaae. and pr.<do we toft ore.
dlapeacaoforloaeehle lleenae t<> aap
TbaaewhoeoneidertblrMo as bb.
etharparmoa. Thto wooldaBaa Ilka a
)eka bat It to tha Orafoe >■* aad aaU lucky BuBber will be cot.«rn. d il
iHoraia ba* a hot ware aad Kaa'
PraBclacaa* erj'p m la the obado. with
iheroercoryaliBMBf ' Pr«w|w«U are
Ctoofreea will ba o*krd to peoeide aa
food for a BBcb Beaded rain.
•eTfanrp apprapriatloa of Iton.m* to
ri.'Bi>r bbaw ot Iowa, bo* jaet repair t>w dxBOfe be the b-f fire at
parenoMO I.^O' acre* of load in Wood, tbe Brooklya nary yard
Tbe aary
At <«brrlia F.i>la>. ^^ koBri
bar^r .xmatp. tbn* baroalnf oar of tba daportBrat I3 tha la'brMa. will pnba.
necti'd the in,Hay wiia ol Iba
Urfctt,1aad owaar* In ii>at atttr
My be obliged lo
land. Hereo, Blyrto A »hk> 1
Hr*. ncrJxiBlB UorrtoOB will ortism end heart diseau aie cured by
uiXew York aad .road to'aUHU B*cbtne to operate
Bpanr her ba*band when ttar e*
iletaltp to help not on
•ork wbk-bj, b* oBi*Ue door ot the raoH ot
diis great mcdidBe.
prwidrst for* aMood tbi* apnof la Bu*t ba boatled. thw^nn * itory ear<i ihrrilo llaakiog Co . k.*erlad a
Tht* I* no new dbeovery but has
tka tatemt of tbe Venrxarlaa qoaBto- may get a imr of t^c barry-ap rrpal>^
large of po.drrned blew the lai
.!cn used ia privatt jKacticc for
if Uir ranll lato a ttai.irwad picxa J>,
a third of a cesiur)- by-one of Amero-n.T
*ei-<ired. a* Ibb robber* j
Tbr Sea York w.,<l<] anaoaoee* the
ka'amwr succeuful phyndsna.
iiarpo! elate ll'»‘ tl/.-, la '..J lo<tW ii.io ihr big aafe for lark
rreddlni of Tboau A. Bdtoon. Jr . aon
In order to extend to a wider
Xiialy of K.reln .ilo* n. 1 ■! |it|r
T-. paoer* and tK*.>ka ta*lde
of tke loeeator. an] Mi,* Har,e L»l*e
medicine that ha*
Do,UiOQ of an a .rK -f -V. ['br »*ui mre ,«aoiat. J b. rond
Tnohei . a BCBber of U>.-Ccua'o t>crra
iuced such henuficient rcsul
l i* now advertUed to the miUiuQt.
■■ ■
-. uits
SaiufU.r. tm-dag e» Marco,
tl Sa'o.a. I'ei , a Y.iqui* ludivu
ord I'trili, budir I .0 liir .*
.mla!. Bn age • a--.wd..ig • •'
rai*eiciQ rec-rr.!*, <
brea.thiii? ^-r.iu
'* T “‘•'I
1. |i H..;.
ditl-n. iiir-lr,,. ... X.I
>urpri*ed by 4 aurpriac
ieco at hto bour Itiat
lo be admio.»urc I lo
.I'.illy Ku-rn
S3' ;vja£'
i,..Kinf- Il.au 1. - -.'...I ai.a *.„
-i... T... -i.-l vii/'i,
-ta'.le ab at a halt dcoea
' '
A, the ..-a- .0 Ilf tbe year wheo pnru
oxHila, U ..rlfpc. * >re iLrobt. c.igfli'-.
cold*, cata-rli. broarblli* and lunc
Iru^ira arr U> be guard^ apalo*i
r.Wl iMrtera 1
df.y am i
• pau.i«./.xl i
- quick -reiu-d.v aod one
perfectly m't 'or -eildrco Irl u*
-Bdoae Hiaulr Co^^^rp.
K-u U.. i.
A Iiugb1e!..1r fe:| from ti.r
ibr.R'-a iqill* in Kas>a*'I
nVraed lhr_lSi.ih n' I >•»««...
■Jilcago aiiu .\‘i iR ^lie, k c
*a* bi.xy
ear-oil 1
riie abaft ..1 hall Ibroug'i
»!*■,> * u iri.l
hicbthdaris A|irU, A.D IBM.
I 1««
a-od' m«*or
tan-. Thai
I. tbe gae luf.llal.lc re.urrty for ai
lung, throat or brx>L<.iii»i Iroub.r* In*1*1 »ig.>rou>Jv IIpm li»c.ng 11 if 'Xinir
ihtogelM-" 1,-ff.Ted you
J- U. Joho-
-|.;i all.
.-..B-.-h 10-..1.
to. w* ka,
,»..Ui eoupwaiu^
Consultallan and Eummaiion Free and Stricily Confidential
Scald bead i> aa r. t.-uia .,1 the aca1p
Dipilherla reJier^ib iweaic 1
■‘I'nii find Yon Han tinfs Boagit AmericaD Medical and Snrjial Inslilple ot Hnskegon, Midi
:;;'l signature|
£3ot«l Wli.itiD.B,
.(5, 'Ti'a-vroi.'He
'Ti'a-vroi.'He Cit;y,
March 16. 1899.
Tbe execsliife commlitee of the Suu
Urpage baa eonrtoded lu Ibbore al
Lauieg. Amaag other thinga tbe molnilon* declare that tbe gnogr to opi*peel8e taxra'a* bSMd ep
imgaandaow eppUeH to rai
road, ulegrapfa. teirpboue and expreaa
oompaaleo. end Urora tfar *
■aUoaa will be tbe galaer* brnoec
then Mbs oppertBBliy te tBike m-oey
•Bdar •iniiartloB. while in a rw d -Joa
ft oangwy than to- ao oppaiaauy lor
aagbody ”
Oanaar fron
ot tbe mo-
B olUroai H.
tobvara great klguifica*
of tb* Bogltob paritom
It bacan**
»e ol
of bl* b
M* la
I la Cblao. Bto proml.
Uto rogard roadett hia
e.|oaI boeU of ealnea.
I*., •■•oitni.^^ OB,-rf-*«.Tli-*Bea
la *-i.r* n M W4V-*. aka. U,***i la* l<*U
t*7 ot u.-i
or fur per»oo» II'
where hradai hi-* >
lag* from Irrt-giil,
iJr.en'* Aucval Flower 1. a gi
alomari-. and ind'ige.Uon "
Wt'oe free ai Ja* i, Jahrm
eA-C.lv. or 11 K lulr-T. Ol.
Sold by draU ra ID a!l civil
lo all tinne* aad among
d low
»«“'> *•»»
'f''' *«
bcliew that Ewwn*brautifnl.
____ _______
fdnnd fa\nr hecauaeof her
bn*»a ' Low
a»J jctlouayl*
a. and flgar
g.,. a ,
Kaemnteramibto.if. lie. In
.to the <im wu.e--itnn.nU.
ly lU yoor* old sad hta wife
few year* bl* jeolor.
Kb* wot
reeeatly Ukea 111 with grlpaod took to
her bed oa tbe eeeood fluorot the boote
Cs^r.^^^edwaae uiwy.^ the tkiU
abe died Friday.
Her botbood
at pbyelelaiia.'. 8. 8. 8. UlM'onij cum,
...........- '•
the only remedy wbiA wo* oaablc to ace her cvea at dcalb
He to aow et the poiat tH death, ike
.book being hard pa bla.
After tbe
deotb of Mr*. Koeapfer a eoareh et tae
bone* reveoM tbe fact that kUo bod
AllKM* ^iaorkvagre tomplrlrly and 1,5r * .1 ™1
;s,r “iT.S'Sli'JS s": S
r—ato «•*.
TiallBad te esproa* oa epialaa whlah ^StodbShrS
koewa to tbe old BOB. It to tkoagbt
Btaoey will be tonad.
Ksetepfrr to a vtotersa of Ik* civil war
aad tka 0. A. B pogpU or* taklag ears
Im3iJwTH, *Jii.w^Tem
? MEN.
„uUutt rieoi hr
gmeae* w*a* a*. iM-U
Wm U4 awtoOT OmiS*
SXAPKBU I-.-10,0, emu o>.
, Me*' -e^» VI -eC !* <** .fig, n
that be will get, f
° .
a..Mi« tw I weta
claaeee of prt^rty. both prirale
proporli ■
A Sl. ea?ote*D«^pfara..rwbobad
a big lo- o' uottuwvklured In btooel.ar 1 ES5.‘“
1 aotp waa deduring <he leeent
**»wrat«*» back- Few pn^ile a*-w-j
u,*, ikry a
rt*»dl..eld-n.^l»*B.alerTlrwwlU.; ^ ft uTm^^SlwTw'tMlM
Hear Admiral I.oed Barmlarf.-meiobar. break
out In
in tbe
(be lortn of dreaded Oan-; the cellar alghi aad d*y wbltotbewro*k out
A, ftk-W.al.. k ....11._«.
‘ A*.
k-a a
• • * *..
- -w..—
... .-.1
Be boroed up
___________ _ __________ _______
What ba*
gallon* of kercoenr. I'ui anvrd I _ Idea* of
Bertaford expr*Md
-Tbe l‘aelB« la tbe A awrt. aa <. «aa ''«[v V^f*'
Yoareouatry 1* deattaad la d im latc
It Oreal Briiale eeeer ba* iw. 1 ac
(tea la the I'tc dr 11 to iha ,-eat
■ aaeoa of Ike falare from llm * .ndpolatofUBde ABB oommaixr Y or*
delighted (bat (he L’piwd n.a-r . kai
oetBbltobad Iteelf there, broaeo .rode
willfollow yimr fiag, aadaWilivdOB
will fellow trede. asd oil e- mtrrrelal
DKS. H. S. & CO.
For Ibfnau and Children
Dalted Blalcs la tbe Itorfl- ,
tka) tkto fact to rMdIiy neogaUrd
hlaatlt aa folloaa;
Pimples Turn
to Cancer.
•a in tbe Pacihc
This Is Something all Women Can Have or Easily Acqulfe-SomB,!^;,’^:'V;.v;\S‘r.^^
Simple Rules to Ohsen'e.
At ht. l/mto tbe worm w«a‘,ber which
prevailed Wedeeaday developed a had
All over
ne tbe tree* ai« aUte.of affalra there.
city. II U foued that tvaler maloi
water pipes were froaea ondburml with j
the beat iBaaay places cellar* art,
being Bkodeo sod It to almoat Immi-'
Ve 1 d-g to the pipes on oeiMBal Ot
the fr ten geoand
In a Bsmber of
p‘dc. a 'ernaee Brn hove been ext.n.|
flee abada
jfiEiSim fuits iDD loiEH iiiRiciiiii(s|iiiiigii
Tbe farmers of Keeler, le Van Kuna
____ of
aunty, era leaet-bcaded.
cbaalag arousd after a 1
-they woald aeeer gel. oa moat every
-olber place lo tbe atetr Udiing. they
are worklagiB the direction of hlgbtray
iBprovcBtata. - bel'toviog tlst
with good rooda; the farmer can moke
ilr fatlB bp the wr-cklog Ol two ^of- aamunboatol the ordlBory form erope
rlof tralaareoeDtly uu the C A W. M. aa oat of kugar becu.
Imat aommer aa Adrian lady In^i a
rallrcad. both oaottlalnf iblrteeD •
paroc ooBUiolBg *1u, and after eearchBasJaBiB liiaee, onea a wealthy
who leal ererptblns bp a tireab ol iBg high and low for It. came to the
that U Boat have been
bold lock, broke bt* lef while loodlsf
alolen. Last week the tent a loange
lof* Ib I.lroeU lowBthIp. WepBC aooi
^o b* reapbol»tor«4. aad tbe werkaoii
tp. He I* I;-pear* old acdonaof U
wbo did tbe j»b dtoeovered tbe mitslng
beat preoeraad bcd Ib t'.c elate for fa
paroe. with tu eooteaU Intict. it barkfe.
tag tUpped dowD at the back ot tbe
80BC Idea of tha.iateDaa sold of it
peat three weeka I* foaod is tba fact
BiuBbert of
wa“’trm UrarpoiU for operated bp alortrtelip. wiU a elaw to
■d ap oa tbe rae
BalUsaara, tBaaladafooedllloa. Tbe the total ■ppeawloa of tba tt*e of eaal :
Mtlboue li*^ .table. 1
I09h ot Oil aeraiaa BO for dOBeat* parpoua
Two enlorU bob were WUed aad ft«e
iBjarrd is tba ooUap*a.
A WoRiaii’s Face.
X/.. ,
btaaraaot eoaapaaln aball pap loaaaa
wllkeat walllBf the aistp dap« tbap
anaewallo^ R>prraaauVra Barch
kaa awdlfta^ hl» p'->poaad Tale
BUI to
dead bead Batter kcinp aeat. dfiaaa
worda foiaf for lea oaataaod flilaf aa
walfom praaa rata wllkla tka aAta
Mwalstb aaat par wwd.
Berdtah'waau to aataad tbe po<
WaaeratellfbUBf plaata BawooBfa^
lad oalp oo citlaa aad rlUasea. to
tawaahlpe aad apply It to Bib Kaplda
Tka ealp eseilCBMBt of I >e dap wi
alltUa taBUpqaarralamoaf Ike Bee
ban af ika Detroit dale«aUoa
iBhlac a local MU troa tbe Ubia. aad
a datallorp dpht over chanflor
fola at to Utae of anetlaf on Monday
ibwe who bara pawed tba afa of 1u.
Tbit to 1 per eant of tba Ut^l pupeUI> rI4 of (rra'. danisfe d
•r-l Z
latwa'of ibacillafe. which le
roBBd aaBben.
r people knoa lcdffe of the.kvan.
pear old child ot b._________
Yaake .. ,
wooda with ;dcrfull curative powers ol
iuialbar baniiaf broab. oanfhi
oaofhi are lihia eztraonliiur>' prepamion,
M.Jw.leueral .is, V I
froB toe flaBw aad aearip pariaBedj
It ii alaodCTeal Renal Deptirant
ba* a .Tipple-1
belore It eoald ba raacued. Tba falkar Or Blood Puniyer, aUaiDin}' olf the HiM.rl'.ng in J*oin Rkwaaaeranip bsraaa la raacolaf--^la irapumiu from the blood through lefthaad/whi-h wa*'
XlO.nr llir. Dgl. a bhu.nl 10 .
abUd.i It Bap roeorcr.
tU. Cv->TOoe ln.i:*B».
Ufdaa ^raaa, aa odd old maa. aad a
Prof X»lhor*l lb. Sa-e:.
0 la baUli >aek tor tu pcarm. to
gi»t. ba* arranged lo'kiart la
record of baainf la
Amlree in .lunr. on b w-yl
tarred wore tbaa :.uw budlaa. ilrcca
At Klair. tbe clotbea ol Mrt
U-w;!l Iw a.x..)mpa.i;rl !•»
erar knew fear, aad often alapl 1a the
rrowirp.aged I- .alight Or* fre
IliuHhotpl'.rrr. tiroa
Bilarp BBoac the tOBbetoaea. TBr
atore .She died from her inyiri.
« Grsnl/wMi
d Baa waa Barer os a-nilroad traia.
girl ran tna origbl.or't bomr k
• no*_^ore tl.».i .ii;
lirt. Barb^ 1‘Bttereoa of kalaina.
clolbo* were bnrned off alir
yar. olJ. aud. la»ti.g gr.i«a quite
Tir* l"»b In » •-.-.i*'. y-- ■
aoo. whodIMnpear Bf.>. left tiatp
rearbed the place.
fec'1.1..,' r*r»:>- Irav* her Wa-bliigua. •f»ii"' -I".............. - aom of land to Uwlgtii 1.. Moody. Uic
ll»r alghii* tap'dlj failing
a cough,
praceeda lo kc deruWd
ringcitol. the pro.
uf CUriat. A
ifarlber.ag tba o
Dori^ the past fortalsht there have bill tocuatirae tbe wjl la aow before j
Ooarraor Plar**
paatordap baa« foartaca waddlntaio^Baa Ai
Md aahad aa to tka r«#ort that be «aa dee keearriar ia one dap,
Jobs UaUer, as sfrd bolcl maD of
a ooaaprofDlaac. B^lplor. be lald:
Uowalt dropkkd dead 00 Ue aldewdik
A Baabau
■Tbat'a all talk; tberak eatblor to
raa On hie farm wbleb biade twratpa. f B ataadlap pal. Ttaaar
wocord^of wood wbea It waa Bawed
Ml baeo aefferlBg'aaue tiae froB tbe
tklokUepcaadra* a bill Id
np. -bot waa batter. *0 be walked op
aa how or half a dVp that will be
iiTB. Ha wn* carried iptoealorr, but
Tba editor of Ike MbbobIodb Herald
aad tbap oppoae tkU
Ic woe cxILoct when he fell.
w Mil I. beWll (refarrlactotbaCI
roat for tbe bead water* of Oadar
IVad Wieke of ColaBbua t9wa*hlp,
If Jl waa.
wbo woe biueo by a Bad dog leal WedTba lUpUatrbanhat-l'IiaaaelBC u indaj. tea guoe to New York farmedbarlBf a bard tUea to aacorr n poalor. ,al UMtBaoL.' Tbe dug Uiat bit
It baa bad fire oasdidatee sad to atill Wleka. before beiag
illed. MiceTeraldjgi
lookiBf foranlDtolcr.
JobB s,.ho«. aea
OOW bcloog:
tkrarsl farBem In tbe rioialtp of
thap tall ai tbap an para, aad tbelr
(ritada waatad tkaa to bare robn. _a*l Jordan bad their ,wttle freeaa
whlla robn, bat wbae tbap waot oBsa dcatf darlnf the eold waalbar. . (
U to be fouod
ol the apryeat
or tkelr imt awda loafer or aalarp to reported lo bar* lo*l Bra
IB Micbigaa. She baa olwaya eaj lyid
rataad Itk dUteraet.
Wa Sad tbap're
rem>a*lrBcieea«*lD*tU>a pansfe
good beallb. and lodsp abe a%ye
U pollUcaiheB tkap'n wlllief to lobby
bill bp tbe *tau< laftolatare to nfealamegoodBaaew." Klghtyhonago
wbae Uk la Ibalr owalBlamt.- Wbal Ubitob atUtaaorBalacbool at Marwarapoadolafdowaaaai. foearaorr qaette to belaf elrculatod at Menoa- aheluatlbc loai of her aecood a*i o'
teeth, but wilbio tbe peat two yean
'T WU dowe to aae BP brother.
ha* acMOirad, nearly n fall compIcBcni
kiytaf to make abon deira
A fanner nauad Icaac KbreW kaa of bar tblid aet ot Bainraieteeib. wbk-l
dowB la Haawibapatla.'- Thto la la
laeorerod lead la Urnol lowntblp Hu. are toBod, white aad <rall forsed
baadadtorafalaUa abargaa oada la
.ronaoanvp, Tba Blnernl U
Tba oommltiea of the AIbb rlllag.
aona of tke papen that ba want oaal
9 ba of a dnt.claaa
ooaBclI to wboB bod beeD referred tbi
ee a blf oorporattaa deal, or tbe
Bauer of iBproaiug tbe alreeta of the
bad rsprwBad a wllllafaew to eoa
Tbe acbool board at Desier ha* purllloga. baa reported la fsTor ol eruabeboaed tba book* of tbe Indtoa- llbrorp ad aloae. Tae euBmIUae baa beea au
’niafa and added
BapreaaalatUe HrKap waahi to anil
tborlied to hegia parckaalag atone al
ikes. I.'KIO roluBoa iuall. loUiaacbool
A atoae rrntber and atcBB Ml
Up tbe Mt which raaualu tioob froB
altd be bongbl
About H.uon
rualGf atlarffsBO farullappileato library.
Wdirea ore reported to bare been Will be eipeaded la making Imprmee
tba attta aorib of lewaahip iUslcea.aDWDontOD tbe lea betpeen Bapire menu, and tbe work will begla aa
\am fIvaa
bp action df towaiblp
and Aral. U t* tboiifht they had ana- aa piBalble.
taka tarp eBaeUea aad pradaeUra of
la Map
AAalrnl Sawpaoe be* baea eliHtd
which arrirad rrldap. reporta , poaa of tka aocielp to
B aetlae awaber of tke Koanl
Ibatoa Prb r, aha Mfhted tbe tank .«ihl«iUoa
Dr. Fenner’s
WB toot lbi«a^ aad mn
wBtopta boMen.
Tka r«la» Of tka nouptaoe.
js-ia —aatSitSk.
■>«.*■. aOeuto
1 *»an.MaL
IK. L k 1 n. mtn n Id. uaEfiiMKiL
pa*. X. ■ 0-
■iUar. Sommlt Oty.
«ti Bairtet Oaya. Sammli Oty.
«M «oraBcewa.tlaBmUaiy.
•4U Baitie Brewa. dammit City.
4i; FarM Kiacaley. tUi
ita FtoenecKlnintcy.Bammltaiy.
4W Ina Barney. Trarerar Oty.
«M beBey OarUu* Payee, qedar
IlMiM tlw lewd mire defidoM aad «
Bobmt ClnrcMO Pay... Cedar
i ~ "
OUR boys
Tta irUblB mj bcmtm.
ItetUv Itab I li(VS:
ial vbaaactaallFAM
««: T^ay Lewis. Bla*baa.
441 Sew Biibart. Biacbam.
444 tiamr Core. Blarbas.
.441 Frad Lewla. Bla*ham.
444 JeUaCUataa. Binfhaoi.
447 Elate l-almer.BiaFbaa.
Oaa, la pirjadkied f
^ ikUJIaUjr
.... ................. ira^^l'i^r
karplac *^^*'/'*“‘* “P*"*'*^
o.«a-arj aapaaur. wbao in any -mj
dabli.uv^ by faUrne or
MBbraacaol tb» tbroal and lunfib}^
iBeiaalUy: auoa*. y.t
Ym fall of err: brara. obairtnL
- te Ihronth nwy trial: loft to »-»'
tka baary bardao of dliafnl porerty naaltbl. Uk.I,«.~nlJ-_
a lo^'bad
•10... hMt aidHt. «rar
*» “•'*
•aary trylnr o*^'
ohaetfnl bra.
i if any deacrlpilon
•Wt*h I baa. ana. baa "albUf thr
ia diet arc eapecially w b
• Mttalt.kauaof arrbotno. aofUy alB»
ia(, wboni lo»*bw baart
a load of nn
•Ifb bfoabltig. with
•■ •Oaar frlnad.' I -Id to J-r one day,
.. -I BoBt Bln*.- Bbt nuwami. -or Vb.
•Bua woald drown Wit ay 4lfa; benldea.
ay llUla oa-a are a *0* happier
arba. aotber aalla and alnfa 1 wonld
Mt darka. ibelr lira area In
LltUa by little, a* I
slowly sad aolUy into By heart. ,Tb.
boideaot lUaaeamr.aahardtobms:
•'•I hare alaraya tonad that It hali*
oanao Bach thronfh tba eoachaataad
Jr^nl «**«• •"i*”
¥7... ere..e. l.o»
or eery tired.
any plcoaaat tbla(a bare
xia* the bfowe fro* earth
eoware. afb
tier l 10* >B tbe oren. rub
well with aa
rtatch will uke it vfT
almml directly.
West Michigan.
The Kind'You HaYelliays Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
’r-’i't .HO.™. 1.
."s.” 7.c,'“.'.3;
Winter Needs
I happy-
Bbe <
To Cura.Eafaohaeau but bare oStea w
r .uuaraarU of *lj-oorioe and ; herllllle
laudaaam. allfbUy warmed and poor ' ad for aomethin* aew. ner oi
latotheearfn>»aieupoou;loeorlUe B,bo Cheboofo.
She would
ooitoB afterwanla. Thla U better tbaa l _
if yoa-plaaae.”
Ir.Nrnme Hor.#, of 733 W rth St.
•Doan'* Kidney P.lla ea>ed mr
doubtful atatemrot
I thaBkfnI for oor blauinn. A*
of an ordinary
If abu**r]p«ir"Bab*"ybu
will all aood lovin* ahouM judge
urn that laeiaad.
Agile. 1---------- ------------ ------------- ---geai or any foreign anoaiaBce gel«.in ,),oagbia to ber. 1 know, and they a
•uqder a phjaician'. trutiBTLi
the ear. immedl.icdy llll the w •!« i
more than you can toll, fo
weeka. gate up hope uf life tiiree. nod
wheo 1 commenreJ IWa'aKiCnev Pill*
wu ao 4feak tbai 1 bad to be iei ncrooT
hy loralB* the bud to oak .k|e. pam oat to whom it la aeot.
tbe C <ot. A luBbrraan adeiaed luout with tbe lard-—Fu>-.«
.nother nice Iht lime to throw tbe doctor » medicine in
the aplltoon. Fur See or an dava after
Pier, and aaya
Crandmomer'a 1
1 commenced tbr trutmrot tbe kidney
Sonabiae Club •ecreiloca were pure bi-iod. aod before
Aa early a« pouU
gt three piaU u!
in Ibelr achool We will fiad ooi more I nwd one b .a tb.-y were char nnd regolar. I fulluwrd op the trealment.nnd
eat. on the atora
b‘'mUk"^u about tUal club aad tell you w
rock or Jar. Put
If batter the Vou will flbd i
eapof mrlueea. a
alyppmi c*g. a h.^ ^
Hroie o
bar mamma naad to lead htrdarala* _____1 ume upon aaoUfur
a. or a aelfbbor woald llt-.le mother lying al tbe bottom a
rickety aUlrway.
Coming naarar
beta* a lar*a beadle of darala* to Uair
both wig
dlacorerad ber dolly, mlaae
hems asd tiu tba aeadla u km* u aad armt. eaddkdclo up behind bar.
tbsy eonld tan. thu ha.la* a food rUll
ha'f hl<
aad fettla* aoBa darala* dose too. ~
tied and torn paper e
Uberatareed little hi
Tbare'a n dul uid nod written arery
year about the toaemeat eblld, bpl II
that there ia solhlog m xa
butaa rraatadIt.
toBoblngly patbaiK
MtbaiK than t
tbia of oar
manbadlt not baea M oftoa aerrad
____ aed imparfaetly
bat partially cooked
It reqilrui
[tlruagrul dul at
1.—.Vri- r«r* Herul.l_pecialiy tbe
kiadaooak -A Laandry Hateba aeaked o*ar algbt. the water
Hut the maid of all ^ork aet u
I off In the mnealag aad Irub. laaadraa*'.'
It I* uaraaaoaable t> ai••
sold water added. Ittboaldpact her to be proflclent la thla part of
toe houaebold labor unleu aba '
•picUl traialng. Wrltcoul
for her fnqi
_l!^Oy"t'lTtaJ"ibt^^ wbfcrwiu'^
earelally eiaeveryhe
fuU of ladlao mea
Tbea act the;
Another pleaaant
if oven. It
«»“»“• »“•
.... boura. an day ii bei
d a half draw to^mnalng la tb. other day to toll with a
hai coohed aa hour and e
theelgaof be oven aBd thorongbly . grul dul of glee that abe bad had
stir Id a tea ipful of cold, aweev mMk. liuch nice kltora from Alci. act C-c 1 ]
an hour before toeing-'
of Hodge puUflic.-.
nth-cream-Jutr-r .
: ofoughi iboitliera aloag. and th.yl
graapad. wUI aarae to tarn the eyelid
over the paahnldar
If lime gcU into
the eye. and II you aec tbe accidanl at
oooa. waah out with tlnegar to two
But if you dont aoe
------------ -------------- ‘''3:1
Ongtn 01 Waabiag on Monday
Cannaa Con Bbuu
Cook ima nlnt of alkaad poiatoot na JI
u(L aad rab t^ Um..........................
batter after
________________ l that forma
eondlUoa baeomra dark, not
iSk.^b thrmigh a oolaido^raad mia' tM aama e*
I buted It glam off a
fth tba potete. the* add haUlng mUk ,.brown. and
•I tallow.
makatu reqnlead aeuMasey. au; alum that ■ talUol
a malting nadhotUqi
trlU ult nnd white
TrsT*). * Olty, Kiohlgan.
Mt. PlMWSDt, OvoiMO. Ssd
B»w, Bsy City, Optrolt. HowHeadstones •U,
Asa Arbor, Tolodo mni
Ssst sod B U dost
Markers! polnu
eoooootioiu St CopomlBb witi
Hlfliwt HMMn, W*r«d'pMr
OoU M«W. MUwliitcr Mr
U4 to *erBr/*lo:k on
fererla to
til lbu4
bubi, UOL*.b»*b
Travsrse City Granite & Marble Works, 5•
H. D. ALLEY. Proprietor.
401 Vut Front Strut
MbAH.S. By.
•un Fa*s AEW ToM*.
ExaniutiOB of Toickn.
«LT BwmiEba. aa Watrm r-L. Srr »C4» Cuj.
Trary Lay Locker. Kvadallrilla.
i'MvrUaek. Tnv- aiy.
lailu Hartlnek. Travenc City
tteorge A Fuller. Fife Lake,
llrorer Foller. Fife Lake.
Albert t> Oavidaon. BrawD.
Frad JobuMO. Wexford.
Leroy Jobaaoa. tVexford.
aaranee Uemy. Travetae City.
Frad CummiOfV. Traveiae City.
Bobrrt CumujiDga. Travera* City
Balph Dalarll. Traverac City
UateBall. TraveraeDty
« Guide j
Carden and Floral
tha Oulda
toe 39 COT
Carriages, Cuttere-Sleijlis, Etc.
Homshoeing and General Repairing Done.
Vlok* Monthly Magatln*.
Be-Paintiag emd Upholstering.
.r.f'i.W* IhJ W IO 4m« O* ll( wk
ilaemen ud Ftau
new PtU.T mf aeniag Ttprmkto
•da gtrr. r*. ware 4iar g*u-..
ary rhea any-aaher need Aamte.
Wholesale Prices
' "Eferyliodj.
Vlok'* Llttl* Cem CBtalocu*
U.evlUbcriqg, Hiplalom
Wilhilmlua Shan*. Trarwu
Hereedu Barry. Traaetie C
Una BelSeeieb. Hapleto*.
Chrintiaa DartSa. H
^ Berthpon.
barn Gnrtbe. Koetkport.
Bunin Cb*rch. 8nmmltaUy.
idei iag Un
g of moai
e baatliog
4t advantagMua terma. I
thinking of boy- I
.tomer*. Ifyouareibl
call or diwp u a-T
dearor a' eaya to keep our
■ uHL rE£^5
oo l
Hary Adama. Archie;
Mary Daffie. Archie.
Bock HeUaDua. Archie.
Floyd Urobb. Archie.
Fanny Nelaoa. Areale.
Fred Mci>»a*ld. Archie.
^Bb Heary. Trarerae CityEaaE
Ina bohell. Bartlett.
Uartrada Mrreim. Wcatord.
Praaon CampbeU. File Lab.
OrpbnUardner. File Uka
LnaraBarfland. PoriUBaidn.
LacUa Soora. Elk Enpida.
Frank Heim. Bligbta..
Carrie Halm. B IghtaLaU Honlor. Trmvarae City.
Deakh WUaoB. Lake Ann.
ClareM abuiag, Maplato*
Eoy Ohwiag. Maple ton.
will receive prompt etteo-tloi
rr of aal qne duigo.—.V
' ii • a la
SaTl||g Bpaoa
Tbe day of tile folding bedU pu l.
lu mauv faalu of omiuioe aad 00mm aalon outweighing iu one good point
—tb. aariug of apace. Heilber to there v^l7
II fireatire bed:Iruom aniw. M II
the data bolao vary long ago.
•«* I
a bMtotead rulea 1
* at
brdsrsfor Job Printing left at tbe
Think about it and aae what
Hayfl >wer dropped
■tbrea-foarih* of aa KaglUb
In* I 4117 Ueorge Lerell. Arcbie.
U»g I’o.bt akorr. Tbe *n
4U* Lain E Britton. Biegham.
there wu made by a few of tbe mee..
who at once oei upon rofltiiag ibeebal4UV AII7B Button. BiDgbam.
lo^ which they brought with >hsm far
410 Howard Button. Blagbam
aee io
411 HorabCookllB. Neal.
bar of tbr women alao went!
aad aooe Moboay. Ho*. II. into.. •l<i: Loalac H Frau. Old Mtoaion
wa« laatitutsd tbe Hew Eagland wuhlag day. _ ______ -,______
aa«yw*c . BUJ
• -— -—
■cm sKv
ua> *->.
; ivyta**
j lo M 4 w
• IC
• >* 4.1I
M«a • i>
. all' IM
aci7 *<e
n*i.-k.•a«a •an
'i..ia*4e> . 1 u»*iiy*rtii» .
II*. (•
[Tr*<*rw oil
. »m a*
Doan-a Kldory Pilla for uie by all
Price.-eof' Mailed by
Foaler-Milbom 'Co. Buffalo. X V.-Sole
agent* for the f
tteniHiuber tbe name lljan'a aad take
labtna Cluo
I 40.'■
4 s>ar 0*>a*wa 3 ei'* l-r' ii 41
- tioua, wliK-li an- ofTi'toJ at l.aiwl puBnil'lr" priivn.
ISt Freat tout.
* ar
:s, js
r ‘ eatlag.
If w.blliDg to clean allrer to mixed
Ith enter aod a few drt^t ut ammola to be aUffened *
____It mar ba aula or Bicobol it will be
.e apeU..
applied with
lUiea-ahoold ba waabml tbomqghly
r aad butter aad a eluB aad allowed to dry tboroofbl
I wbea need
lied dry
rr effect tl
if rieb arum, witb a baforc tbay aea aurebad.
A aoft brwb after poltoblBg wi^a
before waatalng la plrceol flaBBcl or ebam ‘
Lai them
> taka tbe dry powder out «
.loegeaonglikewarm wa
Cold bomlay la nn nod If ci
eold aterch.
Oj«bly aotlen
alleu aad triad natu Wwn in
fatoe drtppluga. ft la aJu aa*
whu mada late little uku with nn aparv BO nIter-eSt ri will achieve qi
an, nlltUa batter, ud Boor uougb
mead aolldliy.
to bold in abapa. and (nnd la vary boi
With caSa aad colUra
Ura It to maeb tbe
out alralfrt and
Banp them out____
banc Uem ao that warp and wool pall
^nl of bold boiled Ik .mtny indatu- ImeV*)S
ut aagar and baiter.
Wbra ahlrm are ready for tha llae be
Stir tha mlztora antll It I* a amooih
ira to bang them M It properly—that
■pula, •ddlng a lltUe milk If naei
. with the ahooldeta lightly laid eaar
and UaUy add a wall-buten egg.
... tbe bqa:>m banging amooth and
Into atralght balwean—Srketnl
It with powdered erukar
lirred a teaapoonfal
whkb bw V
aad rail It Into lit,4to
tie baUa T>ip inch ball Into buten
A Teat for Unttar
and thee la craekeP eramba. aad
buud cm a frying pan rood
In hot .ard like dooghnnla.liter b u n very pkauDi odu While
than to more or tea* of a
T- l*4r *«rv| W,4M*j . in*
I am slicim'iijtf a lmii,l».jQi.-lim- of tbnu- isootla. all new
k nla^ay. helptnl
;w3.f"if3rir3l,r:n’:!... --
IW$T£E up lORnElSrSU Lt
Xninka, Satcbeli and Telescope* to *uU aO UstM at
price* that insure rwdy •*!*•.
abort of reaaoniag powert aa
ursr-ir!!, •itrXi
:ml:L^mt«er-mt‘^o^tb^ Ho-tbaakh.l w.H0B*bt
^ .SrirfUB th. wan.
i» fre- daar Sonbeama. for oor health Md
ibecaueeof tbe palaH the ,
1 tblok we mnet pal t
ledouotibwrta^ bard|^_^^j_^ .oolher of our tnlea-to
/r**a*i ?g
* It 4 a
dotes aod kltleas io aU Crades and Prices.
weakcri.a nianitcaled io .S<r laaa.;
action «a> duetowaolof Ihnuglil
Any reader who mvat..lly debale
tbe iiroof i.flvred herea'-ei
Kidaey Pill* aod amee
Other com-’ipiioa iLan It
, take iklegi i
ar Trawew rtu
In Blaniets, Bok. dotes and kittens.
Tbr great S-.r luac NeWuir. one <
tbr a<el profound rueooera th
world ever paodncML'oore cut
large bole in a boaril (eci-r to alii"
locb a
dall-y bath, the akla wUl be white, ji,,,
u„ „o ber back from day to
etuaaad uamoolh upolUked
j *By, alwaya amUing aad tryin* to be
L, bit •**!«• : a>a* a
A Suble Blanket for 7fic aad up.
A large line of Wool Square Blanketa.
Plusb, Wool and Fur Bobos, all pric<
The Average Traverie City Citiie
Must Accent lae Folloaing Probi
old who baa aerer walked aalep la her
- •-
wciaily aboold the paliaai aroid reBln* aclirily loo eooe.
The irtab- iThltJuatue aup chopped eery Sbe. a , Purl Wlaale of OUla I’ler to a
whom »he write* theal Wocblog wordi:
IB Who deecribod the affl .etloo aa one aplendld akin took la aeenred.
-he objeiiot cooflnlag tbe «»'» , ..| „w your ofler of tbe urdaaad
r^^ yoa are worm after yoa*el
» _B,^ a e .aj». t
.sssss; ■ !ir.
liK tor aeear*!
MBi aboald remain ouiei
thaa mra my taaa from mai<y a aorrowwlthoat
a,aed let the woHd fO
- (at ahada that /rroald cut a cload of
dumoemmyboaadioM. I haatd my and ptayai
beat roatoravlee.
ae>-emlty l>
lltUa child mylDC oaa day. to her
farMhar. -Naddla. dost ery; that will
•of day. and ai*>U of jl^WU V “<>
OBly add to yoar pals. Bla*. Uk.
unreal.—nuilon Budoetan-aaa-doaa. and thn tba pals will
ull away into tba air artth the aoo*
DolU of tha Tanamanta.
Parbaf. U will *o atral*ht to Ood. and
The doll Irnbloa oae aeea In tbe
Ba wlU make it wall." How lltUe I
naipaeUd that I wu taa^a* my efaUdran to bau the IIU of Hie braraly. iralh. the uptowa Blm would aet all. bn
rr«o*nUe thrm >a -dollio
leat dolly
the luUe atatbar of tbe U
■ary-bllu precii
________.1 woald Il*h^ a little Ut
Fifth arenae ebU
Imparled oca.
bantu ot“oar dally dallaa, and aawalh her owe ooaUy imported
•way tba doua daUy aaaayaneaa that bolda-her jnet a* Underly when ImllB*
her to Heep. aad the aoba quite w blla fn>w»
lorlv whan mkbapa coma
i hard Uam aroaad oar in
"dtore dolU" don't aUad
chance U Ue atoma. for it eoau
make Sue cluite for them, i
Ou of ur SnuhlM OlBb clrln. Fnul
a Utile m
WluU of OlU-a Pim. Lanlaaao oonnty.
-araac al
' erritw the ndllor IbU waik ia a lettai babiu—ara**adahawl. \
as laeldutof aarly pioaaar lUa La tbr tightly at Brat, then pli
lultwofoUa brouiUtorer loouly. a.
Uiud Tta*arM ra*toa that will latertk they were a cloak—wbieb. you
ml alltha "old aattlara" and doabtlaea
both dully aad clulbeala
or eonrae Ibaea are qaeor Uttle
thammeraeutoMatoo. dbaaaya:
"Whu -a read tha (deu la thr —. aad cade of r«a that *o to lend
ibedaUchtof dramlB* and nadrei'lB*
Wee^rnabut tba loatdarala* aeedla
my Msuu aaU aha ooald bully be
T^ea there are leh plilfal ra* do
d with a bit of 01
thslr luturu traced
Urn that foe wW
Thar arc qalu a laiary. too. for n*
bablea alwaya wear Ion* elothaa aad
______ adaraiw aaadla
Joy to taahioebtba aad other
. ue daysaal*hbor (km* at»u daadi
D*a from the bite UU
all thlDga
mm la pint
uae to tba acheol beuee aad bron*hi .. dUcatded
1 flannel, a
a boetpwad damla* aaadla and fare u around with brig)
It Uaderty!
• •heart'motbrra
art c
oa« of her achool nBUe, bcia* very Oaeer aba^ bitUc. aal allem of
urafel to wind It aroaad aad aroaad
Md are wrarp~4 i
withaiu* Ureod.apoa thafumeal
of the nhlld. hat u tba way home abe
a llttl
litUe wait of a
»a one will aeea
Wob tha saadU oat al her drem aad girl walking elowly up and------------------pat It la bar poekal, and u a m*V
log a tiny a.“metblag to ate
ateo|a which
euru loat 111 Thu aha wut
wrapped olou
eryimt. It wu aeear tuad. aad it
r may be If- about
eru aU tba on bar mamma owned,
without a aUtch
aadamkl lamltwu tor her. u thare
lotblag I leeria* lb
Once I — -- - -eirli, tut Ul...
wu ao alora •earar Ibaa Trarcme Oty
Mwdual alow<r h'orthptrt. and no road WTraearae on a dooratep. whUe itu
away u It
Iytn.'k1ad bar dolly'i
City only aa latlaa trail. Mother wye lay halt falliog
lap. That
falling L
leal. aboBir^t*"^*-''?
• habit'.
haiagdlppad frem It. aa I* olica i
Ballahoald ba added u aooa *
'iaaili i ii ii irtTaa ~a'nai
:s,fs2 GENUINE CASTORIA always
r Bears the Signature of
Orabam Oami
•oenpa crahatn <
halt cop door
add onr-ball cup au«ar, a pinch .
mU with Bilb qoila aofl, add oa
drmrisat day to ala* br1*ht and eb•.^
CMtorte ia a BuWUuif for CnMor Oil. ParencMlc. l>rat«
and Sootblnr KiWi|h.. It I. iUnnk-^n awl l>lt-a>aoL It
cunlaliu neltlHT Ujilitni, 5I»r|>bloe nor vtbrr Xareotlo
Biibetatirw.^ !(• a)r<' 1“ it* cuaraiilew. It limtroya Wortna
amt alia)* l-'<-ierl<.bn<“~i. It ttirt'a I>larrfau-a and Wind
CoU>-. It reUcTcs TcclLlnv TnHibloe, i-ure-e Conatlpation
■ «nd rialuh-uc).
, - aappeoM voia weea. w»
So« baTeaStlmetoUlloflbemall-Ai
a lltUe more
ilo* powder
otbeta Iv a wholeachool ^a* to Join
lislare eboold be I
_ialft la. tha mill
A 4iKlpoand
in qaaat of iu
eaonfbtodrop IroaiaafKwn] into
- - - club
- - - from
- - - tiiea
- - - Arbor.
. . Him Liteia
ed into a bara*raa^ *am pane, and bake twenty (jgBo. imcber. twenty nine airong. and
mlBuimor a little Imgerll yo«f
..job f,oa Mec.ala, Htocau ■ n with ai-a1( in'iw caibrarr.
(ir»»-Two earn aoaf milk county, who bad heard of ua lhn>a*b
Aliclou'teand rintbra preaeea need
ir Uiik Irrme
................................... — ...........................amiltoa. • former tu.-her, who frequent aueulL*a aad nlrlpfa. Cloththick add
cup I
teaehiB* in Hiqfbam. and who la*, too. kbonld be eapowd
! well
‘ '
Bouraod wubaa to Join na. and thare are twenty a*miu.lor It
.anla* meaaui
ptBCileed. IHere tbaoVl-e.u 1> i>or ^
We ahail hare a:
luel of thfi 9 too.
dancer from
Palm aUiiu may be remark by a
city dwallrra
plyin* turpentine at onue. Turpeatli
made wit
Mlpe. AryiblB*
rmb made thla week it alio rood for all klad> of cau a.
bfuiSee^OIbe bnaua 0.->b. bet w
...U.. h..r.of .1«PU.U.. «»»«.
dambanioiali lojenae pain.
tbeaoda________________ man who areabut-io.^ Bertba WljrblPeople who
make mutakei
who ^uar
|uarrtl with >ine anuther U-fore
of Uoaroe Ccatei.
Ibelr cbildreo: or wbo allow
w tbe lau
ae who ti
romalemenl of baib bag*Thru art ofCedar Uus. aiao aome Suoday acnooi |
troublea before atraoter..
^K”'“i"la^fl' prav.aUooi an
loadr of tbe coaraeal fuaible bolter ^|>era; caeda aad pjcierei to two little
»U children lognj
amred. loweror. la frippa oecaaW^
cloth, doubled to keep it Iroai brukglrla. by Uieerta Palmer cf- the way be dot. nut
lul go bim»ell.
aod I
i> doe* c
)f ber mother.'
„- --o >ncb ixac BO . Ukaau. uid bell
» Araw .airlag,
<,1 ia a little crippled girl who cannot go out «?®8dmpi of
Ii la batter to aoutumb. and. •'
.o%>lag to woe up the
,11 lathe winter aad Inaummerhu
aad prOBtole a good elrealatloa of ^
eralchm. by John Ilieber
•• -Bat da yoa not Sad It aery hard'
•■ -Y*. at Brat; bat bow It haa haooBi
aaaaaa.a.aa.a a.aaaeaaaH
rendered eery rraufultothe patieol *, .era to nay we woald mabe ltel*bl;
-bo wa»U_a«^ne. but donM know
wonld not |
IkUk abont and IslUU:
••Oal««d. roflnod and of »«Bt loKl
n ultli BudeaidMvrr the brallb oT
lotkBta and Cblldrtn—Er|wrli'nre a*aluat ExpertncBt.
44“ Oicar s»bn*art. Bin*baa4«v Arlbnr Watal. Bi^baia.
4TU ‘Frad Surrai. B.a*baB.
(471 Hattie Jbrauo. Bla*baB.
*71 Alice auberu Kia*bain
47) Toatay Palmer. Biachea
<74 Earl EiM, Blarbaa
471 Loiila Uockatead. Blocbaac
Ko matter wbatyoa try to
uykler rBrnlabinf
At boma « at yoor KbooL
•Ueb U abont all it poaaaa aayirBy. i
For the patiut who rebe'.a acalat the
Bi*bt df baf
rcbfvsry !>. imr.
wbicb anaea it
nnlm* alralnad. wbicb teba away tbe
When we b- i-J'l we wonid hare
bleb are tbe bat part
brows fiaka, wbl
r a red wiae *lau and tboumod eblldren InoorSnaabineaBb
*1*. blin ht» beef lea in mai.
Variooi catUrdteao be atda
vo oo. nio it aoi
^5? co^ from
Bom* ona. In a Wt of a na*a(«po
iB Iba IM.
eatt.iB eOa.i rraein
•disc BUtBtt 8ta t«
ia< Ifftl a nVi i i~i liTa ni at
Tb« Kind Tm Hare .Uwaya BobbM, mmi arttirb ^ been
B VM tW^r«B
f ,■—’T la aa *Buri W •
UriTof aMwlaUr ^ lau
Sute Sl. near 0*io«.
On Genial Citihin
--- ^^Oaffi'i Onto
TOETooiTsflH'ro idi
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.