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Grand Traverse Herald, December 14, 1899
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Dr. J. A. Snyder,
I onui BUU( U9USS DQU,
Real Estate
Merchant Tailor ONLY
at »i5 Front Sirect.
Business Oaxds.
O UILUCT, euOTM; •> 1
JoLneoii Bl.H-k, Pbon,. T:i
r-jiwSil.'saisr •
4 .ei.r » «»... *««» educat1i.c h.
a 'apare ar
jyea-.. teea j B.e.
,.r^-».i4.' Iheuldiife land
3w fur many Tca'r
The Welcome HUU H
Traverse City Wagon Works!
told The^'iid
• money ,rit from I
mceired Ibraieter i
ipeetetiotTuI ffpoo foiinae to c
hDe bad ffoor with her yoonj
•y of Lot
- a new evuotry and to.
it to rarer ow
• “>•»
Hut father •
f gdae,I
“0«d . trvm that b
W„ ool my yoonea.1I trro- I
here wnb bi. yoonff wi
TrawarM City. Michleau.;
■ . itdCaMNEIBkDlNG.irii.'i
k in LbbKiuie. Scieote. Mu>i. I
•hiDs liT fprcieliu, in boib
|■^e^Mtalor^ Cooraei Gradu
eln of II Collece lekiDK feda*oey. re
leeSlair Tmcbcr •Ceriificetc A charmIOC. bealiblul iocaiioo
Adoiuboth enn.
If you wieh loeecore at amill etprme the
ailreotapee of tbe Cbrulma College, toe
Caietocure ami information addrm.
iiaurr l lu. e.r
oii.rt. aua-
Money to Loan
oAoG E'S
a»—we w etwii e »wterB» i
SsTTejorand-ClvO Eaginccr
Front Street.
l«i-t fi
i°i-ies g«
Plain and Artistic
Pacal Bda Cmd Tban.
I^lci SW
DC pi
""mm ►2
Ov^r one bacdrrd in auci-vaaful operaUuo in tbU i-ity
anti anrrouniiiiu; country.
A KObfauUe Iruoii ifivt-u
with every furnace at-i by
Tmverae City, Mich.
lai .now capped pree> of II
o m^oiaiue
ere elwaye
araway to ibr w»i. and wbt
Railroad EagUab.
K'ery trade^ bae ita ebop
Laiire pwkan of the Worttf-f
CtaemcrforaaiatH. Still rremteroeay la d pomtd packace. Made aoly by
ip ,□ tae aanda of Newport baa led
m.ui..-eacea of other aimi,lar
It naa beea computed Ibai
Wana of jeweU are loai
Weatera Auxiralla bM aa act ta foraaprobihiUbc tbe laadiaff of aoyea* who
eaoDot wnio oat a flrea paeoaff* |a
rue ffteeicf pen of them diaap
Do not frut If yoa eaa't gat late
•oelety Tbe oyetar la oftaa fOBBBt
ataaoptwr wbee be weald partag*
prefer to be at boa* la bad.
time eeery
w; , oe pr, fUKly pla
t.cee oBeric r e.l aorw
' retn'oof
They aay Hru^OrUloy do^ faaeytt^n the eaa get aotblbc ahT to*^
ahe rofnea bar bMbaad-a tampw.'
lonff!myat.lc'bed remu
How maay faieMga ^ntge.caayou wlleapeabt
Thraa Preeirh. Merama,
aad the ome ab* taika to tba baby.
t feabiooeb.e r«
itne.eaiB.a-fct replied.'
further -oya beyooi
Mine Wenlw.
e • no bdu-e .arc,
11.,« aodI prohab.y
proheb.; [and Wbdior a., toe way to to
ua before tors eeery time they are
j-we.ry la loot pro-omaaer tbas darOne to tbe ratber
i--a It made of auea
DXixaa. the Mode.
II bona*.^at-bro ito^wom
'* '
Peter .mecUag ulU Olasal: “^alL
Ci:>*. eer* you workia' aow. ear” Olio:
u. I work for a maa. Bo gtoo Bo Ato
toilar* aad be oat bb. or ba gfoa ao
lee wllara aa'oe* half aod 1 eat ay '
^to n°i Ube',t"o'
■1 “LrrS'lE';
- freei world 40 lonj
away fro
looiy ki
derkbetr ',aid Merfrerei. , and aobninff ae ta offb I an
Deer 1
•I woulliool wito to ditoonraffe y. o'or , «>» «rar to me lo fe
"Gaa yoa lorgfe* b*
letiU." *aid tbe aewfy
Lbe caprleeof ap '
-rar.bg teeera.:
lb of diasooda
my home retorruny. a atory that le ae. . **• tbouch "ben we nrt I
dnm apekao of. out tbe hilVWBBw la I toaree'e apeei
IB mt alary and bo
Lt to mt beert aUl) aod 1 am I »»<! ' toif t"«
rne away and DOW I .
• rlry ic
ilbereeepi on tb
b. bow 1
eauaiag sorb 01,4*1 auapicioo.
old aad poeei
.ra people will g
ego When a
weaiiby women et N'l
'latieea for aid ai
* of him fei.o
aomser reported the
hut year* bad eoc e and gone
worth of yewej to Ji
Margaret • aun-j
tbrn and be waa taarried
now an
end angcmled tbni U
My eaildhood we*
ibg wile to cDMOll before be
a the raau -here 1 Clad tbe adeaslegea
Bcaay anawer. He mid 1
f choreb and aeboul . aaw tbe eaJtored
.otofotbe boaae that aigbi hot the j-w,
1 early tba
lie of tbe neb aad educated, la abort
c lady berMlf. 00 rrrot the iBpreeaiona bad anpper and ib tbe moruiog belturo ag
lel. found them aader
laesee sy lift -cl.
wonld come and let b* kaow bow bw,alOiW*l_____
____ ___
wife Celt about taking me m
and beruelf p aoad tbea a year ago ice
I paaaed a r«ll*aa. eleeplem night,
keeping and completely lorgottoa
: emignted to tb
d eetUod on a
and la tbe aomtag eoald ecarcely ail "
d tbe old hie wa
ip My talber'i boaae WM large and
ABOag tbe tslaalry ragtBcata of the
a beallb failed
.note two, By brother aad wife, could
(rowMd OB to.
II aad I would aarely aa'< Bnuebarmy are to aomiaally So Irmb. t ITeleb. aad «l EnglMA
My eldeat brother west o«t from tb*
rw bam* ibrwagb
rb tb* gate*
of deal
hlB appnaacbiAg lbc
My aldoat elelor mtrHod
manied aad
lag 1 fell amk aad
ItTc ta a Mwa adme m ileed:
dxxyaad toegtat mj room aad lay
y be Med tap tend of |
wboa 1 wae teareely a
down on lbc bed
He leaaad oeer aae
m wita By abd talked geat:y aad recs loeing’y.
flald be WM wwry but bla ,wUe bad
atorytoUemaUU ear, agoafl
If tb« loft baai left aa orpbaa aad/^ ben
U Tbb« AM of
thwlruada. prorMad with a
w^kmprapi^' lhan M BbOTt ^MaMao be' aioM ^ waald wm eaniMBeli a»d*i
—wlib hw
teeBBOMM aay bUm* wlartua. »a Mik* talM.
'-TbbbX Heaeonr oded Aa peOB,
to )>* eeatobad off Ue -Ig. -new I *m
«ol By bead.'—Tb BUx.
orm V e. v-* a a n.
bit cntidima
arekiBff awl
1 mat oy tbe «-e
arved my bennmbed fiofferd. th'
me before tak eg her Bna) departure
where there la on acparhiioo. And
oeeidca ber old borne —a* near a ffreei
edueallooa. cecire aad ite p,
yreru ^
ken Ilf folkaai
ed for many jeeri
id of colicred 1
iinffi tojl
Something New!
irh ended only at tbe eatc* ■
year., and CPU
4br wnn—ibpy
witb many tea
woold yladly w,
w. J". HIOBBS.
and prompt
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
M«=i sssSSsaSenrr
bU rifftai that be menefad to
ruT with oaly a dew aaaty denb
It IB ble left arm -PbUodMpMa
Carpet Cleaning Works
Tmverw City.
' urtotbe uolbiitatad. Tbe fallowixtract la from a bead brahamaab
roro there le a iweep report, picked op from tbe fleer
(tuepieio watch ta Im. ffrecrul fnithi-eSlce of tbe
•o awe le.pirioff. and
iroduceea feelinff aimlM by lae era.
t beb Bear the blad ead.
uiWBwuodi aioog the
laiiQW pot waecraeklbff dLanaoede la
be UBk
Kagle Eye arae down griM -reifeiaiijo to relteee tbe briKhl rede,
ye-iowa and bluee ol the paiotod Onaeri e«thepl«. and 1 wm baadlaf *a.
Bile when they bit ua
o.er wbicb tbe tuo'e beat 4Uieera aod
llwaaeeideotly aebeleeidtol raUdaoce,. reeealin^ Orre aod iber
under toe
uad elaaff. aod wax traoalalad by aa
affra of lake, aod foreeUof wood
ttacer* ooe le rr
.of the lid tlmer is tbe ofti» aa IoUmi—
lirr-l brad -ii the bjeuiu of toy
rala order le tbe cupola. Tba raar
irakemaa waa ecolloff a Journal Tbe
'people be^oer m,' auT^d w4e ^'^t
iremab wae breablnff eoal. Tba mtlronc eooo^a toko. abd. too.! taoukht luff olLcu toe aepearaocr of a ruined rlDoer waa Olllnff tbe aafftea. aad tba
■add breakmaa erae tbrowiaff a xwlleb.
and the pr<.pir wi,
tumor the .ad
My people would uo
ebeo tbe tmtna earn* toffetbar."
I ,n oor affed fell
dentasd me better taan taey would e U..C toe p.e.o I* dotted bereand there
carer loitod—eo il
Witu paiuiiri of caclu, and bri*bl
i reached the eily after dark, went .-,.ured a —era
t-uc and woleea are
I.'tile by IstUe tbe r«l
Defer beea I'aric i
cjoiiuuu cuou<u. aud wc are rarely out foDi-bladloff la talalaff ________
• r married : Ie aod
uf.ori.iorw,uodcftoe,j,yote, bande Cbiaa. Tbera are few who detasd the
r abb brcB «-oe
,<1 wo.cb lue.c 04(01 Dideuue with practice la Itaalf. bat. CMtom fa etriwcIt a tiDkicg of the
er than raaeoe. tierarM erwaeliiMiBi
A|.iA>u«o lne_VaTaj3oo0Diry proper bare beea formed aoioac the Calaaaa
a f”°”hK :
14 to LUC uortb aod eail of roaayab, to promote the rvtorm aaab aa *'1W
loeir (tocaU4. or tnaU-oed ruaird duff Uaaeeoly Poet Hoei*ty~ aad “The Ad- .
;-.ui.. are met wub bere bbd there
lUfe of tba Body aociety.* Mia
Olb hy i*irOD kuo trafodibe
n-ill. of .Vortta Cbiaa. reporu that ta
uadea a woman oeloo*rin(r '
4jjeere in. ticdoui
If America,
ird In Uat mieelea, tbM are aew
front of tbe
ra* Dol afraid to walk tae .irt
womm aad fftrla with BMatrat taM.
beerenioff. lo ffo witb me'
“‘Ti trait teottiog loeii flock, ol ebeep aod -Sne wrttaa of oea pepi la tba TMMMb
jauew. 1,-f c-cy are k.ee'
lilrla'acbeot wbo "waatad to do bobw
“>|pruduce,ar^e ii.otiio.
for Jo*
- uat.
bad i
nVeVt*;' w'IS.i’ mlxWTi.
I beat
le neiybDOrnood but a
I beee Ibere twice before,
b.aoaeu. woico
in ffeneral um fUUI.ur.j It
le belo'r. but tbrre waa aome
iuroufD rut lue avtftbweet and wbhtb
out Marrmret waicb drew Add
410 Sudlos Ibep.ace- Hyeiaterd..“ >“’1 BIO taeir wey torouaa tae trade to aJi
t populatloe of JertMbloM W
•ecu pleaaed to aer me ' hae kar;• '■Ji Peru of the relic .vr.nff wor 4
fffi a ilod rpeed from thi,
-------rapidly laeroaalaffof lata, aad in
the calamity «h-ch bad aw.pi
now abowi 4S.000. of than XI.OW wu
,e,«rytbiof and pruhablytbouffai 1
Tniene Qt; Scbool ol lisic!
nd aflueotia unc.r .
•.r,-om,tancee -( h.»i
lOOff prop
Manufacture Bai%dee, WaKoua and ■'xleiKba of all kiuds.
...i Lbc new r -ui
Repair ft’ort, Repaiuliuj. Vamiabiueaud UpbolaWrinK prompfly located bad Iw-o
i. I. BUUSL£E.tttLSig.
fter Ihri
Aoa Uarkbam bed decided to return ;
•I proee tractable, aad a amall army
aiicodanu. with red-hot Iroa barm.
eatranoe to tbe doff,
ipany with the traiaor.
.uffc. asd eoBmeaewd tba
•oog To tkie lbc llnai afferad ao »b- ;
Jection nut when bn bana to dabea.
tbeyebowed eewlent nlffw of dMeoatent, aod the traloer bad bard week
to keep ibeB In cheek.
TheperforBanoe waaearrlad tbroaffb
•afeiy QDill Ue laal aoBaaV wlMa,
luer waa liarlBff V
tbe aalmaU aaddOBty
1 IM elaBB
tic calm, peaeful lu
jr >111,Ir taal perl
>me wee utieleetot
<l weir, me me now that I aa j
a. ' uoplacei>,ay my hear Aad a ...tor
iurd>y oerdj 0 - Herd u■ere u... w,.u ,! .be' not (fladiy
voetoued to toe l
•e for e time Aad ao 1 flccidrJ
to DT own t..«daid kia.
Alao General BlackamitbinK and ForKitU!
orly yeefa bed oooie J^l^ia II aeeef forffci ibe . ueerlme dai
"Billy" .4blwtl bas .haijje of tbie.
inK' a Specially.
WewBDt • few reliable men to
ilDN'oeembe '
- •*- a tftxjd job ie
u child Ihd etet t-ome to ffiaddra
^prteeat tbe struDtfeel aod beet department, and bia repntali J for knowing’ but
I 4 lift-and ibe yeem had brourni
” '
‘ need cotni
.ccident and Sickhcea Inaaraoce
Company in the worlA
lettlM withoQt tbe uaoal amoant Ko. nM.
1 and Stale aireeu ..or the ho.baefl aad c'omcd the dark
Tbe place, tbe new brick factory a
After me mlaioitj «Dicb bad >itcD
of red tape.
jwatore and Ana wae-tl,an Old woman off „,ry^t,iag my hg.nand. a le.icatr
■ caiidlea. and alone aM tor uriooc
OnitedSUtesBeneTolent Society.
"it iCL"
the pedt>newr. tor
the attoapL Kaad
»aar ready
offered to tot°a»
e t. that be weld
•a aiaaalt. aad Inat
tbe apectaten to a' raale aoac aad
w waa awepted by
|camc whica .i.eu
,.eu. 1 ,,'r le ;a!l Iboee yeare ..I
We have them for trm|>eraturr, f.T dairy uar. fur c
lliTBObfr 8TBKBT
iraeelnur circa la
feata of tbe Itoatlar
Roberto, the
to e“
A. J. PETERTYL, Proprietor.
P 0. OhMPhdt.r—Per w
LLTi * Mweeu, hMiar
A e^ rif
Traveree City, Mlcb
BrioK Preacriplioua and Family R-.-ij.-e to
»U1 (M }oet aket 7»B ceU Itr.
* beeoUfnI Oallforaka yoato lady,
Adc’e. fare a woaderfal (wl«-
1 tbe people wbu bad
were iDVerea-efl ic
riKbt, with ilrutfa tlial are rit;lit. at pri<-ee that.are riirbl
I. ea* loeeM
- aunety wr . . u d Dope to ba.e wae ^
ur tberree. n-ra aod -o»«o -bo
l-eoBld aeo; 'Pea
<*nre lo^inie aix'urtt'tji'-d Lj iL- ir u*e mid vao an-
net I. ■ HUler-i Ore*
ae asu neter were able to tut^iee Be l,«Be:L» the eeree u,------ •_ tkaie
aod koe* tam i
Mo/tet/ to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
IK purpuena. and for tbermutueierH.
itolB BiblbiUoa
la *~Aee
i Ha Taylor bad tbe aatrl^ kaoi
tied it a ear* whleb alao M to IH
oeeopuu a eoaale of faU-mrw, Ibw.
^“I'er daDce lo a cace Of Iloaa, whUa
-i-. tb-peup.e I woyrd l.tr
•U.be eod eara 1 .l»eo.efed ibei-"“ turuwa opoa ber
tery Ifer,:Dcra bare found It poulble to
leep wild aoimali lO check Bader tbe
rlere uraiaay colored UehU. bat HUa.
e the wilMSe roao that lodjed 6
with as accideat
“r olid offer ta
*-*>‘■a. ae
hitter dlaepoiDlnenl rr «eter Du;
without one.
Miumtj eel o.«Mrtle, »i
^ A^MdaS!
the wall ki
Plat* OlM*. 8MW Boiler and Accident Inaurance
mat ao
T'i' '
U)d M»
<d«ruit De« liae ol
Hprlsr 8l7l«. <./ Wooltat ..e.
oe «kk. which wrUi be nede ep
iB the IaMI Htjice. wd »t
•Bcb Low Prkwe ee will eerprUe
eod Ibre it eeri
e( the a
ay .idrfo-y
ehcecaee a
larjbe old Ilfe^Bi
Lo«<e. kM UtMwau*
O. P. Carvers
haUaSwtaaad meead laM a tow,'bad bopa.
> married blattat
diaUBV battaaaeppoaii. ! be woaU
with hie
B ay eldcat______ _______ relaueae That wdM \X all. I bad
« wiib mt btohaad aad eiaer aiatei* aad a brtitbar. bat I
eoiirhl Uea Bot
T rerr kiadir dapreed
» e retwed ap ear lUUe raaaiatac
ard each other Sa'
roooeaed aoeed lato that city ebeat
w baaao kind erded Tbeyeererel. a-dw,y
■O'dway aetweeo
artwees ay brwiber i_
lowed a 4iraocer t, eeur the looer , aad ttey^ ikere odui the lad «ei
etoery hut k< pi them wlthooi the tobool
l>«noc <ee whole Uae I w*»
.irarrer aod eoae ■aeeerio,.u^ loiu ay broUer'i boeee
Bee I Iboueht I
u» the y^r.
Jast Cana* Ba Didn't Thiu
baagry e
3. with tb
Without draaaiv.t
Wb, M, appMa M
Bel tb* |»pwB
tbeerop wm an aaoTMOW t^ Ite; >
eawerartMlac oa lbe mm?
IV "flby. Dae. AM bad kaoww bww
1 a bath BihB a IMtow M. I
exAMO tmAVBwn'BnUiii, SMxlttllx 14.
At4 MMiar g< IM Mdatir Of (MWiu MMvar rf tt* (Xiateb o< ChtM
baUMItobM* e( Mn- OmR« B
«rS»\ tk» unomUg tMam* ««i
KIM MWIis Blsrhw-.
Vl«* l>ntU«al-Bln Aua 9*W*r.
17B BU«oa.o«thaaMMprisUac «ra
Aeeretaip- Mba jatta Straaca( Rokvt aalkh * Oa.. <rf U»Wu.
Twaaaear-MI» B»llleOrowaa
•Band aad baa aMapMd tka saMa
ika DWIT
Maw SpattB to bo Oaad
0A. kaitoiii, U» ebaan veta« iato
Tba hot «at«apateB of beatlad ao*
afM«Ddar. Wr. Laafoaaat
tiBBalalhaCaaaalraat aaplaa boaaa
B*«*lpa.H.T..«Daeaapta i
aooe ba rrplatad bp a aa« ap>t*a
WItaa. Ba wUI Mka h)a haac
of aieaai baattar. tba hot water apa*
la Batrgit or Bfaad Bapida
tea baa aot proeae liae'f aatUfactorp.
aad aeeordle* to tha roetraet aotarad
tato at tba tiaa that the praeaot apat>a fldtaM to the rtetotty erf Teatk toB waa parafaaaad, the WercaBUIa Oo.
aadChaa atnata aad Makan of St wUI pel Id tha aew apaum wltkOBl ex
riaaata eha>^. wUI pnaaat a paUUea paraa to the e*lp.
«atbaaaaaaHatlta aaxl saatUr (o'
Tha oropoaliloB tar Ibla ehaac* •»»
aaanUrktea that aataar. Tka aor- prraratad bp ihr WaraaalUa Oo. to
aaraa arbleb the ebareh ataada haa apeoial Baatle* of the ooaoell held
kaaa traqaaatad bj joaaf «aa 'had the elark'KBte____________
kapa whe torfai that tka vlaaitp of
Eiphth Grade X,peatiB
IhaAanhlaaottbaplaaater ratkar
A IreauB wae oeraa z d rbaradap
« to- taa had
afureooB Ib tba Blpbtb ct^de of t>i>
_____ ^banaadnaidaau la that
Oeatral eekool oBd the followlop i.«aaUty arUl aak Iba aoaaell to alabllak
aUfhlat that plaea, baibaatef that It warn were elaetad:
PraaidaBi—E la Balth
effaadara to baaa a aorc
Viae Praaidaot-Allle BaBaafard.
, iwpaet tar the ebareb edl
Ueereiarp-Ber ba Btown
The MtaetloB of a iraaaoror waa de
Aalblaitardaaar** ba* kaaa prat
aaud to tha tewaahlp ft Sapid Staar.
Kalbaabaaoaalp. bp Palehla A Cretoar. aMnapi tar Oaada Jebaaoa. a
kep ot ]» paaim. The dala la baaed
aa aa aaaidaol that befell tka bop
Deflolia plaBa for tka wo>k of Iba
OTaolaa'koo kaee Bot pel been oooi
pleiad aod fatare arraoreBeala will
depeedla^lp upoe Btaa KreeraBoe.
Ike teacher, wbo ia at booie. bat who
win baaole lotwaBBC her
whUadrlrlara hap raka aloac
teirf laat Oslobar. The aaat broka.aad
Iba bap laU to tha froaad.
«U ap. oaa of tha loath of the rmha
pf Bad hh am. vUeb baa eaaaad
paralpWa e( that sembar. Uaaaa tka
,t I,
Aral of the prar
Ball wUI ba broarbt. *01110 elalnad
that tha aarldaet waa «ai
(art Ik tha htrfawap.
Wtablaftoa. Dae. f—Oa Deeasber
MalO-laebalaaBwUatla will be at
Ml W foliowt:
lae to the roll
Praskte SWpaa.
SaprodaeUoB- Uabel Uealk Bi
Uaileal Selectloe
Ploea "
>. Praak
Nellie Bartlep, Gaaaie Peter
Lewie. Arlbar Bpaoi.
Baeltatloc- toabel Laaeaater.
Vocal Solo—Mra. DartOB.
Onclaal tflorp VlBBle Oelzaader
DlaeoMlOB. -Seaolred. That Ooerrip
derelopa ebaracler mare tbae wcaltb "
The ee -matlee waa airaed bp Lifda
Erie and Uraol Joaee.aod the B-rauee
bp Bcarp Pitch and Clara CaOer
Tbe pnjcraoi doaod bp a aelaclloa
polat. ia tba waaurip aide of tba rotiaaea to Uraad Tiaearae btp, aortboaatarlp part of Lake HieblfaP.
•Daad dariac thidc or forrp -oatt
altarpala blaata of thiaa aod alx 1
OBda darallae aaparatad bp altaraala
allaatlAlarealaef II aad ft aa<
kbaa: Blaat. tbraa aeeoada. aUaai In'
tBTal II aaaoada; Meat alx aacoada.
frOBi tbe dtrpae qnartel
aUaat lalw^ M aaoeada
Tba for airwl baUdlsc to a b
tftek boaar. with rad roof aad a 1
Tbam was a larpe (atberiBr at
oklaaaar aad ataada lao feet aoath,
Brfdfa Balldera Satardap- eeealB«at the
4tK- wart (a w b a) trea tba lirbt bocBe of Htoa aaiBDOBd. oa Waab>a<toosueatto lakct Uiaa Wri(bi. tbe
catareid mtoilonarp Isom Torkep.
OrtUaaboa Daolarad UraUdThere waa ae lstere.Uo( prorram
AUeroap i. W. Palehla haa reuraad
whleb tbe d Ipaap ao) >ped axcew" - ^eaa BMaadlaA
BaUalra. arbare ba dafeadad E W.
aseork la India, which •
BabUU te aalUac fteada la tha eiUapa
•fOoMalLaka. wlibeat hatiac faU
Ura. Cbhrlea lABcaater read Obe of
b Uaaaaa (aa proeldad tar bp ordlBbt
tba poesi of Endpard K pllajr. which
Jadfft Mapaa bald tba ardlaaaea
reeilad manp thiBCBof letcraat aboat
aaUd aad dtoah^ Mr. BabbaU
tba womeo of Udia. A pleaelar '
poteMralaad bp dataadaat'a attororp
daet waa readered bp Hra Daploo
tabkb raadatod It annaif rp y
Htoa Bandera.
tha qaaaUaa aa to tebatbar Ur. BabbaU
UW Wricbtaalartained eerp pi
bad a r((bt to taka oadora la the
Inplp In a U.k apon the work of
«iUo«a (or aoeapaap OBlolda the aUla. mWlonaria who are aapportod bp
Tha doaWea of tha aaltar bp aa apOocrrecauobal ebareh aad spoke
faal to tba iataaBWIa eeaBona
peeiallp of Btoalonarp work io Torkep.
waa art maemmiy. Tba rUlafa
Htoa Wrlffal related maep leie'caicaK
Akerttiaa Mara that tbaf wUI paae
taeldeauaed aoeedotca wkleb adted
aartkB nadlaaaua that will he ralld
10 the plaaaare of bar addreta.
nihtotodoMaaillr. BabbaU toifata
Dariacher talk Ulu Addle Soica
aitaatad. iba lafataia eoauaetaa b
waa dreseed in a ''\tzktob coaiame
UlaaUata tbe masaar of araaa of 1
woaaa of that coaairp Tha eetlra
cnwraiB was oac of rrwt piraaara aod
profit to tbe member, of tbe codatp.
After the prorram thoae preaeat aetbaaa waa flroa ax tba Woawaa' (Uab
}opad llfibl retresbmaBU
rndAp'aftarBooo aadw-tba laadarabtn
of Hia.rnak BamUtoa.
Oaaib ot W u Tnaokar
CHiaarWaBlalBolBaawaa Ua aab
iortef aSaapaparbp HiB. Joha OU
Ua. Mra. Jaa.A.Heeradawib«llBai>
tataraaUac Baaaaii tha Ufa aad werkt
«( «aU WbUaaa. Uia. J. A. Uoeta
raa taea aa ealartalalac tath oa Law
(allow aad bto worka. Jasaa Soaaall
(wwaU waa tha thema of aa able papar bp Bra.
H. Eeaaa. Hra. Haalltea took aa bar aab>acl Bawihoroe.and
raetowad hla “lUrWa PaoB- la a
la addiUoa to tha arhpabla llterarp
precna aararal Saa Boaleal saBberi
wararaadaradiaeladlw a plaeo aolo
bp IU« Loalaa Baek. a plaao deal bp
Iba Htaaa UUIb aad a mal aolo br
Ufa. Barat.
t Bmfenr M
tt SMwter Hr «t MwWa
viMra th«r
awrM br
(WhT al th« fTOC«. >w- B. a. Bartkrap. tamwlf e( «hk WtrMAbrl
Bonkrap via aal •• kriiwaH aa4
Brap »UI ba haa( aaa.
Orap of Pealaaala lowaohlp.
Tba poaat poopla wiU raalda at
Uorrto. wbaca Ur. Bortbrap ha
a<t>wd a paaltka la a larf* rtoibuf
awa. Tbraxaau> axioBdeeOBCTmiBlalleoa ood Wt wtob- a
Joator UiBBa Ombueo.
thrJaaiorc*B.BaldBae«uea Tkoradap afier aohool lor ta« Dirpxe i.f
"rpaa.Wafaad aleeUap oSwa Tie
priaetBlB raaaoa. at tbA iltoe. of the
or«ae>xatioB to to ba beuer atU Itoootribata a part to the "aaBaar
Wbieb toe dealer alBM will Waa-arxt
aprtaC' J B> MilUkra waa soaleawd
aa leapurarp ebainaaa aad LAtu
Naab aa aeeretarp, after whleb lb<
«lted aafollowi.
dtoappearwheetbeUdT* are e« or wdw
Kidney iraable has
^ sirilcied W«ti weak kidi irihc ehiki MriDloo eften. If the
If. when Die child
dies sn a(< wT«zl .• sbocid be thto to
trol tbe passage. K to y« sfftteied with
-wei!in{. depecd upon ii. the cause at
diffictlij Is kidncT trouble, and tbe first
rep aiiouLd be towards tbe irestmect of
tbeae ittiponajii orcani. Thu snrleasani
tisuble u due to t disessed eandluoc of tSe
ksdnejs and bladder and not to a habti as
mosi people suppose.
Womca so veil is men are made mtotble vtib kldoer and bladder uruble.
Praaldeoi—Cbarlea batoOerp
Vice Preai'lea'—Alice Wait,
becretarp—Lottie Naab
Traaearer—t^apac tfallera.
Iba teat fine lAUnUln. (OsLA) whoa
Ihe aeaaloB of Pokobo fraafe waa
doaed Tba edap aad all aelta It
darlBC tlial iba maeuac waa a
profl table ooe.
wpie ablp preaentod bp Hra H Voorbeca. The adetoabllltp of erj vplo^ li'a
as we ro aloac w*s doariy saown
8. U.Siplor diseaaaod -'K.llo-as in
Parm-nf." Sr showed the ei
inose failarea, and arced that
who doea not like farminc had belter
B. U. Lido diacasiad "Oranre Ic
aac*.' U» to aot In faeor of a a
raid loaaraoer for the C'aairr. aa
Parasera’Hoioal flila tbto field nic-lp
at preaent
Bmthar-t-on. N.
tbedrlll tmraalcr At be Um« el
writlBp be bad raeeieed eo latten frao
r aiaee be aal-ed from Saa Praoeto
Cbarllp-Hra7 Cbarlea Irish. B
Brawn and B. U. Voorbea
Womaa'a Work--Hra. B. 8 Gray.
Hra. W. B C. HItehall. Hra. E J.
Anneal EiecUona.
ilie Bapttot Yoanc Paople'i aneletp
elacMd oflicstB aa followa Tbarodap
Prealdcot—Loep derenece
ViccPraaldeat-W B. Hoort
tirereUrp-Hasel Bolmea
TYwoaarer—Loato Skinner.
Orcontoi—Edna Boldawertb.
F.Baaclal Secretary - Ura. H a
‘’r^urer-U's ; Huellmaatel
Harsnal-Hrs A Uebbert
Goard —Mrs I« Proeeneber
Aod to-Milad la aalr. ptaBoa tbaa
Uaterfoaiaatloa. tba Lady Uaraabeaa
^toa atofar taaaal. aad Ua appratnoaU aad tba Maetot maalimaiafi U
the same value for your money.
tba Nortb Hictaicno Poaltrp assoeiat.o
oe opera boasc Sslurday waa a
crest saeimea
O.er Jew coops of besa
fei bl-ds wereeotered.
Notion Department,
New York City,
N. Y.
as a disf-rderly aod the . ui . fii -lalsdis
-red tt.ss-. in bonds aad bU.i sewed
er cluloes.
Her bore, and cooeral
appearance wassoSuby tbailbeLfi.
nert were astonoded warn laey found
so mneb m iney
The npaer peaioso.a baa c«>''n 'ap
idly dnr.o* toe past year, sod it la oua
Wonderful Values in-
estimated that there are
wiibin Its borders
The b mm la Iron
Overcoats and
the loerrose.
Farminc le de.rlopiny
rapidly aico. Toe fatore looks bncbier for tuai section
Newt lays
that a
lo s mao 'WOO admired ber more tbac
be bimveif dt-1. the coasideralion beici
thirty m-iroad ties, fi'ieea batbeit of
polatoes u .d $:i in-caab
We Select Tfaeee m Be]
Hember LibrorpCommittoe—Mrs. 1
C. halm
It was annooeerd Thursday -.bai
Pincrae bad reappoiotee
Dirtd E Barns at a memlter of lb
Treasorer—Beaaie Lbadcm
Librariao—H B H tlJ-y
Hember buopiy Committee—.1
wboIT^rr^'^fw i'*waiof Ue lodaatT. Ue facia riraa
-arera. City ba. m>
.to o'
of tUto kM. bat
Ewry woaaan ma. write faRy aad two. I “V*
^L«lar tn------* i»tt*r
utiveVelBee; '
------------- jiade (row bigb
ioade Frii'ze. brood PreDCIi faciufa, exUa tride ntm
jiipio^. «ix rolan of lilk iUiebi^. pi«ia aad foaev lieitn; of bret ^aalilieo. and UiloriDt; of errry detail moot
Some Stauaiict
tbrallkcaJ oppsaitlon of otbrr m.m
Lmbor Commiealboee Cox bae com
•r» of tbr board wboaalertaiB diff-r
pleted a caoeam of tbe siabitsbmeau
It »iewa rtcordlne the pardooioc o
HicblEOO which mtoo'artere rebi
E Wriebt. tha Bra... raaoty mar
Tbe reaolt to warti p of caesidrr
-orer. wbi»< raleaae Bora* bu f.oueb'
atloB. While the eehic.e maaeraclar
ao aDercatlcally
Tbe appuietmeot
inr iBdaaiip In the elate baa heeo
fiowarer. wi),cl»z Crcal aattolartiot |
known tn be exienai.e. lU real slml.
fraal many wbo ba.e eadoraec |
dcance aa oae of oar moat impoeiaat
coaraeio tbe mattwr of Wrixbi'i ' “
laetr'Od baa scorcelp beea rwai
It to olao aaaoaccad tbai
nipeloen oeetars la tbe elate
I'raaideot Beck boa alee beea raao
Bee coeeeras were rlsH-d
poiaiad by ibe roaeraor
Tbe capital aloek~of three Brms a«
freratea p utr.rio with ao addiuonal
earplas of »!:s UI) .reported bp three
taakior oa seei-efe for each Bra
aaed' of P->, TfT
Foetj aine o
I rr*"
medical adHre la tbe wortd^ifi
taiii' mi'irmaiiou jUitit nmK\’ valuable articles
that lilt- iiiiisiitner is entitled to receive.
Abk ymir j^rxiccr for .\rbuckles’ Roasted C
II ttaincs taro out
-naib realdeni of ■>
Bfty-pOQod turkey aa tbe piect; dr re
aisLanoe tor bis Cbriaimaa dinner
b iBCbt the bird a we-k or two ac° at
tbe wrifbt of f.iriy three p i-indi, aod
eipeciaAObct ibet-iaer se.en ppbi as
oo b f re tbe time'eomra a> kill him.
At Ms 4ietir a wsmat koown a>
wbleb haa rested upoo tbe ehoreb fo.
tbe pael ae.ea years was burned and.
as lU smoke aacen'dtd. tbe sodieorr
who bad labored eo loacaad faithfall;
frr loal boar, as I'meed by one im
pulse, ruee sad sane tbe (ioie'ocy a>
II bad ue.er been beard la tbe ed fie
litoilwoolTperparaticwof it. <• beta r'wa
Bel for Uc par|>Be
» "Pnlarl. cT^o^ ; fxmtoblrf aa lateUlreat idem of
be“- ie ^
wfll irertor eaietal. rimirxrdtiUMi. cemi-
Roasted Coffee
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packag^-'i^ people of
many years experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach
ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
because it is better to sell m/lHons of pounds of coffee at
a small profit than hundreds of pounds al a large profit.
bn iday was a crest day in the 1
tory of J >y UVmonal H E. eoarob
i.rand KsPids
After a senea of ■
4ueot cdocralalaiory addresses by
Tbu-wdap to JsDoarp
boalea ibere will be an eoie
You can't bel
->az» Ksle. wBo Dss beea becc'<’*
foryears. wasseoito ibe eoobiyjs
Uraod B.preaeotaure—A W f
-d.-allcroa-e E E HtCop
Traatee three years—A W E-ckerd.
There will be a pabte •ostalls'i
Ks<cbuof Pytbiai aod ibnr fainiiies.
Whether you buy l
I deceived if you buy
Petmkrp ibeanBaai meciiBC < f
Freaioeol—Hiss l.-’oiae Hoeliman'e)
First Vice PreaiJenl-Mrs
St-eood Vice Preaideet—Mrs A
The quality never changes.
' around the comer, you get the samCi.coffee, the same good- '
breniffeetnallT alampcd oat of Sact
Finaoe al Secreiarr -Helen Hoore
UarrlB and Oao^ W. Buff.
tbadapartad.bbth by patooeai triaoda
Abd Ua aarfi-ma ordara. A wtmu with
Ua lattar. G. A. E waa praaaalad by
r ness.
' it of a big coffee dealer or at a little grocery store'
mast be ntber imralemlp band ed
Bitlerjii was with tbe Twenty
fosrib lafanirp-ood the F *rih eat
alrp. sad they bad Josi taiiee the towi
of Arapat. abnet t.X'.y miles Irain Ms
alls. Tlaleiv-r ass from 0--t r. •
anul No. 1st ceulap to Man ia, ana
lam.rdii TraeaneCitp Dae. ‘i-.B
tak'BC the town of Aparat ecae df ibr
I tsjpa were i j ired
«3, $3.6o, $4 =
Did yoQ a«y $16 to $20 “
Well. p». bfre we btve no
.-..lopelili.iu —Ibe bn«!l made arr her?
Wilhelm Bros.
soi TH SI or:.
No Hope
Get Ready for Christmas.
THK UOTHEB of tbe family .booid toy la a aopply a
delieioaa ABaed (eooa aad fatey cookiem. tea. aad a fieea
THt CH1I.DKF.V will ro}o7 rameof oar laexaa»i*a '
I obU aad raa’oTHE BEAD OP THE BOOK will woat Io eop off bto
wtu aome of oar roM loaaece
249 ] root Street.
r.lSSi.TCT- r‘~™—i
•a-a Baltot Oorfto
Haay haadraow
fiwol pmcaa arara cleaa aa 'krt.baiaa le
' ence to any other kind. Tbe reason is found in '
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent good-
rteaa tbrir efiBltw batwaea tba la
faatrp. caeolrp aad nnlUarp. aad b>
Cboroe tho artilierr aa ia that tba met
It to bald that '■OoUaaiu'' haa
•a^ thto law imaa la aaap rttloa.
•Oder aaeaeal allaaaa aaow lhaa tha
mmm ValaaUaa. Oeba aad rthm.
lovers of America buy suUioos at
pounds of AR3UCKLES' COFFEE in prefer-
Tbe Bee Keepere of Hlebifon wli
meet In Tbompeoa.ille Jaooarp I for a
two Japs’coo.eolioB '
Commander—Wm bmi b
Altboarb be bsa IT eblldraa.William
S^ior v,e« C.m«a»der-N ChaiWeal of'W (iiniDatOB. baa area ba>
He waa stricken b.iu.Jooior Vice r<>Bmaoder—P. Fartach. three of them
years art>. al the a«e of .A
Chaola>n—Cba> Inab.
Ura. Panllna Baker, of ti ’ ly. ii ibOfli-er cf the da;
F F ■•-ear
posaeaaor of a bibie ivu years old
Ijsarlrr Haaier—treo Mrama.
was prieted In London in I- u and ws
iifli.-er of tbe lioard-W Booker.
branrbl to tbia ooanlry aome year.
burfeoL Mart Korean.
Willard Campliall waa extended
Men tar work in lb- woods are .er>
setree all aloac tba lioc of tbe Hacai
eswd.isiuDof Ibr U cbitrac Ontrs
W'a^ as hi^toaa I.--sad ( v
a*e belor . IT.red by lomber operatois
Sereeant Hijo' I'baa l> pirp
Daniel Itobofield woe eboacn ha the
tbe aaoBal
raormeoiatiTe to tbe state francoe
Tra.erse Clip Lbdye. No. rj K- o
•act at Laniinc srxt week. Bow
Tharadaj alfbt the follow in» ittloers
aatberised to propose aome ebancaa
the bp lawa that aradeaired bp Pomaoa
Cbaceclor Commaeder
Tbe tallowlecoommittoea war
V cr Chaocelor—Geo. W Tbomi
aen at tfatoe’oalnc araaioa.
Prelate—Hal B rstman
Exacallee Oommlttw leleeUt
U of W.-Urorp W 8-aitb
8 Honror aad J U. SAmadell
K. tt. abd 8 —Gap D K-ooedy
poarai. B O Imdd and U W Herfelbp
H of F-Jobe Proberl.
bold orer another pear
H. olCx -J T Haoeah
Pleanee Committee lappoloti'
U of A.-G« W Poel^
P. Grap. D e HcHallea aed J. t Uill.
1 G —S B Howard
Hood of Ordor-A B. McEae. .A L
O G. H. 1 b-oapp
Kimball and John HcDonald
T^aenual maetiec of tba A. O. U.
UaoerTtooT W- E Thacker died a
W. waa hrld Pridap alcbt acd tba tolbto raaldeee* oe btaic aireet at I:ti
iowinc offisen were elected:
a eloek Pridap moroln^
Be »e*er re
P. H W -E. W B >aod
raiead eoBaeioaiBrn after ba wai
Payaiclao—a. B Garaar.
strlcheB with paralpito WWawda)
H. W-Anfoa HeColl
Paremae—Jaa Harebia.
Ur. Tbaekar wai oat to bto ebiekra
Orerarer—r Harela.
oaaa Vedneadap aflerBooa
Beeorder—J H. Iscrico'clock eed waa Bot mtoaed as
I'lBaneler—O E Brmui.
le tbe e*eBlB(
He did hot ri
BseelTer—JaeoB Fartach.
aspBcraBdbto wife soopoaad
Qaida—U o-'Torbaek
Wbea Hra. Thacker went
lialde ffalchmsB S. W Brand.
to lock tbe ebiekbo boaee at » o'cleek
Traatar one pear—K Boaad
la Uc ctTBlnc she was shocked
0-l^te to Greed Lsdee — Aacoa
bar baabaod Ipioc in tbe shed aeHcOoll: alternata. 0 g Bcmaa
Hr Koeelaad
a A a
bwuiad ibai Hr Thacker
TbefoUowlactfficrra were eleevd
d a
Aboat MEeirbU of tbe Haraabeea
won proaat. altow memberaof ibe
U a T. « aad a aearc fram the W.«i
good reason why the cofiee
claima that be killed a deer bp i
o! fn
potatoee Urawa from a aline
It to belia.M that ibe amallpox t
T . be •
At tha baalaaaa Baallsp Ura .
.a a
UarttawaacloeteddlraBtorlo SlI ibe bto death this Bsorriinr.
aaaaaep eaaaad bp tba Borlof awap
Hr. Thacker hat beea soperrianr tor
e( Ura U. B. Oataa It waa alao da- aeearal pears aad aa cnenreUc rffirial
eUad Is paatpoaa tha oaxt meeliac Vll
t waa a ealerao of the cleil war aad
tbesa firms rase as tbeir oa-ooi li
rarp peomiseot member of Hesebieiee eamboriafi 3T|
or at
>«raoB Post .Vo. isii A S I'ptotbe
A the ToUa
a.erare of T se: tor each fl-m
time of bit death beheld tba oficc of
' Ool^U- waa armiad I
Tbe .alor of tbto freat oelpot wai
adletul of tbe Pool
«o raaaallp ter pUpiap a llti:
rl.eo at W :u> sit so arerore of oboe
towoa roBo at aartaaw, aad
US fin .or rocb .eblcle. and an aeorert
leaeea a widow, one aon. Eolltr of
of bis: yls for eaeb 6rm
U wae e<ti
Grand Bapidi; three Jaartaten. Hra
I that ine loereoae in cmipat tat
Will Eboer. Htoa Bi^a and Hra. Cbaa.
HcHkcbael of thto dtp
bto amot eaaaaa a little qaiat_______
•cold a.erore »: per eent
Tbe feerral wae held Saodar A
UootoUaMrwHoldeaofPark Plaoa
The* firms, at Ibr i-me of tbe can
praat cooeoarae af Irlanda w re at
Who waa elererlp Satcad
bp tba
Ibaboaae loltoleato tbe taaarai aer- aod tTTsimrrn^ fear .liSrrrBt
awtadlar aboat two weaka w<>
.eroreo' ••. for raco faelorr. l-be
preacbed bp See 0 Cochlla who ricb and all failed to enr hr. an. cwmfon
Think of all Ib« and Ibro Ibicfc thut >br ' k.e.a«e number -f emplopaa for tbr
■ V* bad ebarr* of Ue aamesa Tha admir
waa fioslly cated—compIrtrlT. wh-:i., pc. I
Flaaa la the eeaalar. aad trytoterad
perooeo for each
able pabllc asd peraoaal qaaliUreof manrotl. cared iixbt io tbe prs.a.'< of brt i
trow PhUaoalpbla.
Ba npraaslrd
Their anrreme weekly pay-ralto footthe deemed were apokea of obd a fiaa >
htaaalf to ba a elotbiw mimaa areroce for eecll facisrp
trlboM paid to the dead.
Hra. C. J
aaa. aad plapad tba part to par
Ebaer. Hlia Hammond and CE Baea I im as Sbr a«fat kaire been sia rear, before
Tbesr arr simply tbe farts m the ease of
taettm. Tha aaxt dap ba prodaead a taratobed the me.le tar tee oemaiee
Tbeae firarea ftr* a fair Idea of ■
1 Mrs tl B WaUace. of Hiwastrr. Cook
lattar parpenlat to b, fro« hla boaaa.
iadoaup and tha la
le ehazve of He- Co Trioa w
Motlac that Ibap had baaa aaabl. to
'i Isad bersaxtswl swarwefnim female weak
rf baeli
E.and ab.n.,1
aaad Ua tba aofemrp diatl. bat that
itl<yiae Wh! r Ue abere rei
. fra-amonetb.,-lhap aaalaaad a ebaak whU. tbep aUomrodaa of
________________ ,<»lxtb* lairaat coaen-Ba. Uera oiw
hopad be wooU baea ao traaBla la
Lxle Eaherta. Lwi Boalik. John
rree'e Farom. Praamptm » * I wtll a*e1’ the proeae! aad aboa
me. Nelaoe Cbattenioa. F D
*” e*—“-wi
There most be a
mdnolroaMata ke«pi wrtl oaar
u Tba hope base flea lUmi aad
tnod oomrad« aad aea in aemp seop
amt kiadip uaalod.
la a|>»kla« of tka- qaartaea wbeet
they are atailoaad. be aapa. “^ep
a-weetp soolawd the Xfaatcked eeolB A>
Dabau Jedcea
Tbejud»eafur the debate betweec
the PrankJla dab of Maatoiee aad ib«
dcBior Lpeaaw of thli dtp haee beet
Altboarb vbair aeewpiaare
haa aot baeo raoeleed ae pet. It to probabte that tbep wUl earre
daoedsleadeet Blodfett of Lodioirtoo haa becc
aiked bp Ibe preaideet of the Pzaek
1 a dab aad baperiotebdeal Lou ei
E k Siplda baa beee aeiaeted bp ib«
Sea>oT Lpoma'a Braatdeoi. and tb<
two preaideola corJiioUp bar# aaked
BapmateodeolKipeof Cadillac to act
a> tbe iblnl jadee
The deiiale will take plaea ia ibto
dtpallbeCcip Opera Boaaa Prida.c
eeeelD(. Oezaaner u. AaoilaaiaB wl I
be IS eeou to all paria of ifaa beeac.
No aeau will be reaerred
call each
aiber paee aa aeproprate
Vlolla dole
atEBaltarOTBadTraraiaa Bap
work the
Prtdap afteroooB Ike Iroesn of
Ikr Seeeotb aed Bicktk pradaa of tba
ElBwood arense acboorpaea a eerp
plMMt procram wkteb waa a r^t
WOfMii M Wen » Men
Kidoey Trouble.
Fine Arti.stic
Job Printing
try br. UilCb' New Hurt Curt, z
hid suffered foe yeirs ailh ban
tiouhie; SO bad was mv case I was ’
pven up 10 dte ficvenJ times. Had
levse pilpiution, shon breath and
much pain about the he«rt. fiutierinr
ind smotherini: speQs, hut I>. Miles
Heart Cure pve me prompt rdief
and tinajly a pennanera cure.
tor*, i. L. Tariwr. ri I a>l ■■ a?.
Hmart Cura
.Tmveree CUy. Mtaf,
Skczssois n
I will pay 16 to 90 oeutE for oBweebed wool. Scaatt fer Udfie,
|$8 to $3 for bone hideo. froa 86 ecBte to $t for Wwep pdta, ead
Treverss Cilf llBbST Co.
* the bi^beet ouriet price for tue of aU kudu
Pleaee try me for my
n besefiL
I-mT---------“**Mr«bM <
te. Alwf«»ijw«r«» »h» «
,M<wwf»ort■»«»>■« M-r Ml;|
tr O* 1}: •
r«v«n tkr
aad waat tin awxtni^ of Acmt
■M^nfTkM. ookiMi B*r". -itt
Ulaad eaasihak aut>M twc bTMbM with tte k■U. lb* Amthmm bhriac «wo eteaaly aaniarad a wblu aaa asd
toorbcvaaadtbaa ate tbair bodka.
akary Ml tr^ nknlw Ifoa
iM haaa daddad that tba eCoial
•Mr l^^tM^n■ k M Mir
rnummmtmrif. '«hk* k vreMIr
. aiM*«*U*
olMaM* an b*tf MthM hr M»^ rtakma aa a
wbate.tb.eroi>k MrioMlj iamagai.
wttbUttte rnapam lor ttt naonrj
n* tPkl awbw «l bsMlt <f
whM n*«M Mrlt»v< bj tantct*
to KowaM M Uw a^thff aUk '
■M,MT, M M ths fkrslors
»wal of «M.U< habsk. Of tl
vhok saoost ut.lfa timhili wt
MtotsdlstbSMStlMrstcar tiara
r—rr.nt baahrU la lb* oaii
MUUa aoa M.tlt bsahak la t
1 laabcr
adbaabakef khtatraponad aa'kaiad
ta tba tear Boetha. Aafast McrraBba«. k t.Ml.Ml whieb k * Ht.iei
baabaiaUa tbaa rap-rtad ■arkaiad
l> tba aaaw raoBtba laai year, dt ia
bate baaa raaalrad tbara waa ao w
it ad wheat abtppadbr
Th.d»1»«» a-P»< •aaals* of tha Parts axpoaitloa k w ha
wiihthaicaodMr rMloa had al ca datardaT- AprU U The data Orirlyally Ixad waa Caalar dasdayls Staiyr^ with h traep e< Ih*
I. WUbar K. Balth. of iMlmrtoo.
h aTslTyr^wrprkad
aTslTrSarprlM fcwty
forty is- Ky.. k wvktsr hard to rat eoerraa
wrrau aada Oaasrsi Paada aaar
frul iaeraaaad paaaiooa to Maxlras
Tbo laasr»aok lat a
M)oraadtwoprl«atsabUlad. a IkotaaataDd toartaas aaa. wUh twasly
Padaral oeoora oaoarthod aa olao«M rlflaa. aaptarad.
marrarka piaei k Cbleaco aad ar.
Ora. I*.—Th« war darated tbc mas eaarbt Id tba pkcs.
iToalrod the teUowiBr
Traa asd ahrcb plaetky akac tie
act eaoal to ^toet II from drtruBf
tlaaof tbaBUtlaryaltoatloe is Lwxoe:
todklsprocrora Bead, bara booo
‘■IsBeladaa prorirea the Isaoiraeu
pkaod alosr aboal aka aUae of water
bara boM aeattarod aad
Uor caaaaltka k that Ika of tba canal oropor
f rarm sxuar exe em>r rru TaairBXCT - • warm tatk wnk crnwa* fc-»r,
eamcwueiauoc etth rmc-rat Oimawci.
aaea luJlOnw?n-nrraa kmot'cra <011
exwil lanui rkkf. yerwn ran eoe •Ser..
Waahlactoa. D C. Oae. ll-Mrr.
lUrtlaaUl baa raaairad frooi £orae a
taawat U wbteb tba Pofra crask to
• with tba ealakblliw Ilf llii jii--------- Saoeseladn
M iellewa:
•TharaCora. la ordar that tba yaar
UOO. wbkb k aboal to bar‘e. aad
whiab, ttk to bodaroaUy hopad, wi|
tNkariaa lar oora happy eaolsry.
My. k7 tba aid of Uod asd hk ooly
b««tka aes. oar aartor. ban as aaa>llHa epaalac. aad toay eloaa afur
«fn-»areat aoana, bk Holtaara. Popa.
LsaXIlL fiaaloBtly rraau that on
MtUtodDaaaaibar. botboftba yaar
ilkkb U sow oadiac aad of tba yaar
■bast to b^la. at Bidsifbt. k
Asrebra aad abapria abara tba dual
hdiy taabarlat k kept, adeerdlar k the
^radaaijadiiBaat of tba Ordinary, tbr
■aat aaaaat aaaaineat Bay be aspoaao
laradMBtlaa: aad ha rahk- ake, tba
•BBkakw u aay or to akc. k the
aMM'ibaihear.eaa holy maaa ofHbr
. <Mi U tbo eicwsadkioa asd the octMOkl
-Mmorar. harraaktolb* faltbfal
IfcaapioklpriTlkrakl rsealrkf bsly
• at tba mma UM. allbar
day aod dlad the lama day.
People to milca away beard ebe
aad felt the Jar when the eliro yl]
mapaxlnc of the Peoatylrasla ~
Co. blew ap daeday k BoUrar
A bole IS feet deep marka Iba'klu
aalooe. Lsykr down flraeaota on U
drak haaakad foratlsBof bear. Bk
Ctly wlU teal a yraai ktare
demand waa not oomplird with, bet
Mb Edward Uatoar, wl eleob bk ipauad ba waa fina lodykr at
ifM f^-- - k itu aad bk
aoasty Jail.
'tM. aad wbo taarht k tba Oansas
Tba loaa of the Chsadiaa aiaamer
rdayiffaat k tba yean iWT-*a. k now
sera with bar eatlya crew oa Lake K
taOarBaaytakkcapaeial work.
brtsra tba total death Ikt (or tba i
•OB la nartratlar the rraal lakes to
iba a«b taboal k tbk eliy k
100 or tbaaa. tl wan lost by the fona•skanwptMdaatoltba asakr
dartsr dl ablps asd tl wara loat orer.dhMaklhaBBlToniv.
raAaad fatal kjartaa by
, Obarka f. Watkka. Trararaa CUyk
I taaioboa. Tba
taaa bail ptkbar -Wattk.~ k a iaaler
M.altboorb tar k
' say O'
Mik. BalpbK.Jebaaoa.wl
; tba past daeada la loatat of pre
iLaa a alao
Okra, who teMriy taoebt k tba M oambei of liras leak
Neuralgia. Lumbago. Rheumatiam, Cholera Morbut.
La Gnppe. etc., etc.,
When HlnWe> » Bone l^niiBdBt
la eosmitteed to five you
I T. Urdta rwktan from j
Old HMea, balk to all Ulaeia aad j
|il|i II 1 ^
City boy. Ha t» |
• Jaakr kw stadaat. Otear Vrladrteb ;
who aow raiHii k Aaa Arayr.
Bobwt 0 Jkklkc k a Jaalor k tba |
Uktary dapartBabC Be wsa Ckdaat-!
at tnm the Hirb aenool bote thk year. |
. Mktad tba kw departBsot. Jaak
BwallkA. of tba Bleb aebool. k ake k
Soban A HootafM at Cara, k the liuiary dapan•ML k ake kaowe k ihk eiiy.
^Hrara aa w
PatBkaC eubart. LL. B. -el.
WUlka Baary llBkr. LL. A ni.
Hatfas Balat Pmk'plBr. LL B. M.
Jaha ArasBai Wood. LL B. -M.
Ms JoB^ Twaddle. LU B
WlUka BlMid OaldwalL C. B -w.
Ckaala BU Hoaticaa. B U -M. H.
I ArsB^.PI
. h.Ph.C-PT.
Paray H. Boldawortb. H. K fA
Gbarka P. Watkka. Ph. C. <«a.
Jaaaa WoBilka Loadoa. D. S. B 'M■are. A Kroopa. D u 8. rat.
(kaay BObata. w. 0 ra».
icra trtp to Cbtckfo
Bury UBormler. wbo bu baea
aarrtSd sa wbeelmao oa the itram
' trre A1 ee H. GUI, eame to the city
kl blfbt from Cbarleeolx.
Ledwif deellr of Nortbport. wu k
» city yealorday,
HIM Krie&eld of MaokWe k eUttinc
(rksdi IB tbe city torn-few days, the
rneat of W J. Orora.
Boa. c. G.Taracr left (or Peuakey
eatbsrall. Jr., trm arar
k«t alffbt 00 bualoera
Hartla Oornara k Alletaa coaaty.'
r A U. Lkd retarsad ytsleraay
whila at worn k tba woods osar BelBlk Baplda
klrt. aaakkd lantUar down a traa k
wbieb aaothar bad lodyad aad waa k
t'antly fcUlad by tba laat
wbkb fall aeroB tba scarf la the di
■Sadie Htfee w aik Kalkatka
tka wbara ba rao (or aafny
*„ is,osth the tm
^ _____
_ _ borne k Pile Lake yeaiordaT I
Hackkaw dlrtakra of tba Wkbiraa ewlt with Wra. J. T Sauhall.
ra. P C Baynea. wbo wae <
eOBbaUar the
Ikon reeuUy by the death
haary Sbowfall k that aeciloa. wi
father, baa retarsad.
baaoc with
lUaa aad Blloa of blrb
(oooa bara bsoa balli basida tbc atl^lsf ilsIM 8laUa coart The
■Imioal calrodar xm btea completed
HlB Jolkl Prall k auktlnp la the
uoobla k Boat likely s
crockery orsariarcpt of the Buaab A
Hn. Aaaa Daakla. who wiw a aoa lAy Hercaoiile Co. doriaf the holiday
a abort dktaaoa from Dowarlae.
J" J;'
'Clothing Department.
•1- .........
Men's l.r-.» 11
A PcBlka BBS baa a boa wbkb baa! piTS:.mKu:ra7-D:iiJSrit.SSir^
bdMkykcaCfaattbaraia of tow ts
riia WBhI
odtbo aff»waraakfkyelkaA!a£«
a tsM hMS bad aUbar bwoor Wk.
and Robes
Will please yoo anil our prices
will be satisfactory.
*. ii.-tii OvernuiU. pre-iaveiitory ul<-
pri'-- . .
.1 lot uf .M.-Ii'e l.lu- I 'l■l□.’llll)s and all wool ShsUsod
M-ti'x lieav,
M.'ii'ti lir.a II I'li.irp ('nneliu.-r.- Hulk, I>rt-.iaveali>r\
PHONE 137.
fii lerw.-er. worlli M.-. j,re.
Hamilton Watches,
lirdsii. |jre-iii.. oiiirv eal- pri.-e...................................................... 27c
Special Pricis in Shoe Department
at this Pre-inventory Sale
Fancy Clocks,
Elegant Effects
In Diamonds,
Come to the Busy Trsdlng nr.e*.me
Opp C A-W.-M Depnt
TRAveasB oirY, moH.
Beautiful Novelties in Jewelry
For Christmas Presents.
Finest tssortment I have ever carried. The line
this year is cspecialljr fine aad jon ahonld MC it be
fore deciding oa your Holiday Gifts.
Poat OfBo« Balldlna
When the Bargain Shoe Store Closing Sale
Will Be No More-
Sm^niertoitr Take Advantage of This Last Chance!
Fine Artistic
TK-rc 1» « 1 .1 of C>-«1 •"•HX.'nHbl.' e'xxix 1-fi yt III
l.r.vkni »u.-* lu Uulil..-i> .M.i Ho*i > NIi.h-is lx,il.
•M. SeoiarH -loi'k sr..l n. vr k.-i«Uli ,i,,;|il f„r itii* -
Job Printing
$1 60
$I 26
WomsDc. Burk
hitfl, ,:rail- ,
Wou'OiiV Nt..mi .\litxkiu..
llicll IftNlJl-.
niblx-r Iimct a^.l I .-*0 s«v.- yoa .jap-fourtb to -me.half
"any i-itAVi M»n »
W.im.-o's, Mloatu nad Cbil,-b.c-x at l--ra tliHU half pnev.
-w-jid:. -w-^TSoisr,
BATgAln Shoe House.
New I have some Good Horses to show you.
and take a look at them.
Beadle Bailding
One oiiv pair u( mao eeldiaga. 6 sod 7 ydan old. weietitt400. A
fine farm letDi. Pri<» f’i.'iiJ.
Horse Blankets
tbOBTht aba may raeorar. Tbk k. bar
I aaeead attempt within tba paai few
yaaiA Bba parted with bar haabaad
atraral yaara Bfo asd Haas k coafortabkekoaBaianiwaaobor kna.
aatai Wlara la tar Ou s« Tkr4a. Couu
seiitew ia» mil,aaaihai raic trw wiu du
------------------ -lADDOLUkatat
te refaC
td Sc
Joy and
comfort to thousand* of fsmlliea.
bay better
atkmptad to Uka bor Ufa Woodsy
aftornooa by takkr a qaaaUty at ear
roslra tabllBtta. “niaproBpt arrttal
ofadoeiorrara bar rallal abd It k
. I: t1
________________ _
.................................................. ur?e‘
tpecisl price k
LI-'- Front SirtH-L
Dry Goods Department.
On.- os«k. of liravv litslil ao.l <lerlt < lutiui;. worth .'k
sUnt relief ? For nearly hslf a
C. U Warner of Blk Baplda waa
the city Tcatarday.
Hr. and M«. P DeLeary pf Bakra*X00. arrired
for as exwaded
A B. asd Jobs
MEN'S and
Erar laaararated la Ibr i.r <1 TVaeerec Eefloa wil
Verk Store. TouretUy. Ileo
-»e rreatm
bloc of i
people dol'an ever record.
^ hitlory
city-a •
that I
floUar'e wew^ib of roodi
. _______ .
- barraio raekiog
BOOple. laraolory timr etarra u in the face, and
'oold rather eoaol
• .Bdb^ We iBirly woo sad bold tbe title of beiav the
ebaspest •tore la 'Jraad Trara
I. Only two week* before Chrkl
.. B*.ey.
rfk y»f We eord.slly mr.u
you sll •................................
U what we off-roB our eiaek of Cloak, today—eoihloc re.rrred
Tbi soet <er Ibc Itsfi
Admiral Otway k to m a Up
aar aa a ctft (raai admlrara li
DOW M yean old.
nldjl. BaUraml eoasty, Wk . aipma
yaar. Uktary daparfast; Watkr H
dt tba akU eebool tor tba deaf at ebaryas paid
raafc. traabraaa. •adkal dspanaMii; mat than an too paplU.
of them
aawk U Tbirlby. IrMbaaa. raadkal yean apward. The saw aabool balld- asUUed -"Ikirary.'' and said
dapBiftl &Mlk BskoBb, Alaf kr. lar whieb the Icfklalan aporo- larteat pletare oa easraa now In the
prktad BTb.OOO. k rapidly bakr araetad L'olkd 8ktda. wara aaraUad at 8t.
aad work
Barn^'a Catholic eboreb. Cblcacro.
third atert
Sesday araainc. They reorraest three
At Port Baroe aapartBdB of a babe yean' work by Perdloaad Utnioo.
Praneb arlttt. Mora than i.ooo dpa
Bpraasslad In tbc blp pakikr.
araBlayaad nkloek tba place for
Ada BA
^2 iff
Ur. 8ellB B. ' Peabody,
«SBi of tba aaleeraily of 111 look, baa
bean appolotad editor aod atatkllelao
tor the Amertaaa ooBmkatoa to
Kobbera In til sll ibe letrat Ktyl,- ebora.
Yuu .miT tj.i bcU.-r tbso U,. boy yoof footwi-ar of
Barlsr aroakka tba a
WiB JeaaU Bmltb. llalar fear ml
E. k. CUawrrU baa wntka tor tba aoBib of Laaakc. took half u oeoca of
•caad AapUa Hstald as ankk k ra- earboUe acid with aaleldal kVaat. 8ba
iMleTrarofsa Oly atadaata U tba watdaJaeladoBaocDBBl of a loae af
DadfsraHy of Hkkwaa. wbkb
fair. Bar life wst aa>ed by prompt
MBadMkatpraaakl ii
■ thk ally aad rtdkily sa teUowt:
Wra. Oarlock, of Allacao. triad to
liras a sioaa with fsaolka. The i
I Mkt MarkB 8 Boba
raa hot and tba Bald aipladed.
waa ao aoaerely baraad that
■artlayaf.jabkr yaar.kw dapartMst; tba say dk.
■arry E Kysalka. Jaakr yaar. Mdkal
WUUam Baary, a eelerad Baa <
BDoraa: Albert T. Hoxia. laskr year- carrks tba mall batwaaa Wllaa
teMarpaWXd 4apartMet< t. Walior diosay Oraak. waa bora a aiara is
rkla. Ba waa aold for t»00 Ha U
V I ,%0
Ladiea' extra teleetad »l<i kid lace and hattoe koca. bssd
century it bss be«n a
in snd SM
•fast we hare before yoe boy vow
wiaier shocA . Wd give yen a
oiraenpticD. but to we Om is to
extra qasiity rlei bid and box celt koe abou. sew
b sad opera lorn Upped, band tarsad «r axtsaska
ra Uaesor kid Iked. Compere the. wltb oU. sed yoa wui bay oara at
Urabaaand W. P. One■ tba aortb bare
taraof oppoaiU
ilssot prtltielaat Is B'.
aaa oeeapkd.
Maryk. I^aa . are aertoatly ill aad Bay
-Two tboaaasd
war* toearad k aorlbara La- die They draok a botUe of asallpox
toa. mabkr nww tbaa S.aoo ralaaaad
wiUin a masth
Berae baadred are aioa that U ^ t» wbiakay.
BOW soroala from VIrae and trasaporta
tarsia k ettlBBiod ibk tratoa at
II ba east tor tba a
ooorarloadi aod It k tboa«btrar loadt will ba tbippad aatt toi
Btau Nawa lioma.
holiday trade.
Northera Callforaia
Wllllas Baydar, of Port Baroa
elinia oklrteu wUi tblp too carv
toaplad to carry eat a blatlar r**^
P. Coataraa. a mill owocr of
Bpariaaabarr. 8. C . baa willed ooa
aartooaly barsed.
third of hk ealau. aalaad at BMW.uuO.
A Baraey farm® wbo bad raad that
to Coararec Oollf«a. a local lotuiutioa
.baa wara a r>od madicke for bort.
for the birbar adeceUoa of woman.
Be fouadad tba eoll^ tea yran ac->
lohk poikora laat waob aad
New York k prapariar for the Park
r two dayt tba <
atarlor :r.ij» (eel. OB
of Oold.Aasa Way Btaala, ac«l
feel to the leeb. •howiap erary
bara baaa marrladlitv
set. park waterway, pablie
lie eqaa
arday to tioy Uardom of tba tame
bsUos.rMraIaeatSIW.osr pries......................................
Lsdka' eatra 8se etc. bid asd Most ra'f
baa baaa eaptorad.
Solid.(iold KingA Watchea. docks. Silverware, Opti
ca! Goods. PioA Opera Glasses.
Sew Goods and New Fi»lures
In mj store.
Btrsyrliac with a eat which ba waa
iC tba kai law dayt wara
laeryaat caaealtiaa wart iryky to kill. Praaeia Pelby of Koaato.
abot io tba foot, the aaimal
Oar troopa are now elawlay the trier*'b<
'Ida wbich
la tba aoaakka is pannlt. Tba laaar- he bald k oea hand.
Kobbonloolbd tbeottia of tba Parask bara haae drtrao; fro® 8aMf bay
dcBxproBOo. la Cheyaaaa Wyo.
asd tba markea new oeenpy the naral
•latka bara. Oar eoiaaa raorlor waat
•cartec batwaaa B.M aod tJs.ooo
froB Tarke k new oa tba waat eoaai
raeapkr. laarier
-f Lotto, wbara It bat bean aoppllad
OB bebled
OareoiBBUi k oow mortar Mt aad
Dartd Yoasf aod wile, fto yaara atratb from Dacapab nloar tba eoaai.
ye. wara bereod to death la tba d
■■Tbara k ao eoeoeotiatod kaorraal atraetlee of the Oroep Tree boul i
forra of iBOonasea le Lotoe oonh of
Haeila. dostbera Laura wlU not of
u Prod Wahl, el Watarloo. Iowa,
fer aartona raaklaoea. Oar Iroapa are
baby, a aooala eoiorwl bk la«
_ k that
}oat below tba boaa asd eonld aoi be
Caaltad rabalUoa ao lescar axkk asd
axtraciod. ItcaiBaoatof bk thaab
troops are aetiraly paraakc robber
The pame old paYcep prevail—^as k>ir as ever. Ver7 fine
A ui. r pair of blacks, urn- marp aad ooe honw. vviffat $9X1.
iii.-t- farm t.-am. or a oi(» pair for family or besne. Price $9)0.
.Ad Pit™ iroml bUr-k horsd. 6 ywra old, weight 1650.
. .Y irnnil dapple grey bone. 7 years old. rangy built wsisbt UOO.
Prirv lltM
From 69c to $6 00.
PucyPtBk lobs UOO tiSS-M.
Hudaw Fd Biby Mw $liO ti
Urge AsBftMtf Pm libs $S.IKI u $1S 00-
.L ciee blorky baili bay laare, weight
Pnev $.50 ■
Good siagle of doe*
nice brown mare, 4 yesira old. weigfal UOO.
WeQ brake..
Price $i:C>
A pair of brown geldings weight 2400, raacT boOt, 6 yaia old.
Price $£0.
.V DI.-C pair of brown molea. CyaxA 7 yeenold, weisbt XIOQ, Uoekj
SVarrmoted not to kick. Cbasp for $175.
|i Tbr langv ieereMe of our make of Hai
sbowa our pace u bweal
with banieea. 90
Bar^iis ii Bifp Whi^ i csits ti SIOO.
Traveree City.
1 have a few light jdugB to sell at yosr owa pciee.
^ biocky boiit poei^
mss s^
botss, wrigM U0(L'
Badly give we a esfl wlwa yee aisiaMsdMbtlsia.
MAHfl mtBUWIHHtAtlb ftjflMBlinRrli iU«,
IThlla«i work to *M otgtm »
— h«n
to u> aa p. I.
teU.lar «b*farpow et mntrlw£t*
Baaa Waiyaad mat wito a eory
ptafal tojBiy. iMt wlU tor ta ^
Hanoi MM toMlMa •»« oM
Fpota E. Baaa* madMad a deal
yata. »Mto 40a.- IM PramiBlraal, I
Umrtof by tmidi M baasm.0
of IM .raddaam piai
riy oeaaplad by IM famUy of
Ba WM at
TWa la to oaa of IM daatl rasldM
amd of whlek potoMd aWaiyht toward
gritomt of IM d^.
MBdiar prc>M«s w«n »tw UrltM to Um. TMre w
Fiat aad Mra acaot wfli more b
moot wllk IM aaka.
Mia. Bldwall of DrIioU. Mia. Bartl-s
ItotM pipa. TM
mod iMatoa ben day. TMaoa. playlMlcloaadlM aM of IM pipe melbar. will )iiB iMm to IMtr aaw
t»MteCMMf •< IM toiUMi M
iMfireiot IM year. Mr. BidbUw OBl. aM atrwek Mr. Waiyaad to
IMmUmiIMm «t (M bMim. ™
ayly walliaaeommaretol trarelar. aad will
I kaoaaad baakwi
^ MMtar ol Ite pn^i ^
daeidod IMI IM vayoa abeald M
rata to that Syaia. aad iMi aloa
hrmra aboaU aoaaUlaW o day^ *orh.
ItabebaMatoya toto aSaal oo IM
Mptn PhTMcMu MMt
tret day of 4pm. All IMa erar alaa
TMty IM IbM Mlhlr >
boonaday »U1 M eharyad at rs
||« •« IM iMMioftMl <MC ~ eaou aa boar.
■IMKw MTlW «M MU .1 IM
TMoaaal wayaa of IM aarpaalart
dartaf the paiiaaaaoa wa< m oaai
^mml tiMi •«
•» —
IM wUm <•
I »»
y. 11 It
froa IM aMvMilVr
■ IMI batter
IM MdiMi o< IM My WM MUMrad
oa irUI I
M or. 4. K. EoM*y- PM«»
MdMOr.O B- Moy-.-BO' fl *
AMoal Elaeuooi
0«M «( IM MyJ» t» Mii MW. Dr.
M.-J K. lUnia of «*»Mrry. Ur. 4sM
Hoaday alybl tha oeoohl alaetiOD of
XAHWtrlM of PooUM, Md
Mf. ntVMM of AM MMf. TM Tiareraa dtr Mdya. Xa. m. P. '
-d IM dM-k-U»t Wlow
... aaa Mid wlu iba followtoy t
W. M -Wm. Abbott.
4 W.—Borban Joyal.
J. W.-Waltor Trarta.
I Wni Net EffMt Mxial 0«e»
nbMMMoU IMllM roeool
e that wblU bit lajortaa
be ai leaat two w
Murray Poet ElaoOOO.
TM foUewlsy an IM oBean
ol Hetray Poet Maple City
b V. Com —E. Boyotoo.
J %• Com.-Eoban Day.
L M -B. 8 PrtU.
Adjntasv-J. W. Dlekarmaa.
bury —Wm. Biekla.
Chap -M. C. Oau
O of D -K. W. Barrtaytoa.
0. of O-Joaapb Price.
Inaiallalko pobUe Halnrday aflar
vM an aarrtod aflar aaaapUU.
^taUpatorlMoanMl-torm ar
Iba oBDhal maailay of ibe ladlea of '
J. C. D. aoalaty:
PmidaDt-Mn Jaaaatla Farlaeb.
BOWMB Wia Paralyna-
Vlea Prm.-Hra. Aaota SMoae.
toenlary-Mrm. Marta Phjfarek.
Irriv- aotmaa »aa IM Meils of
Ploasetol Bee—Mn. Corrta Herhoar.
MnlyM TMMay aaret>(- M
S^-a*aoraaMal«Ueb aSlel
Board—Mra. Marla Namac.'
M-IMUtoW, B TMetar.
I Hark M. Oonla.
TToaiaaa-Mr*. K. Kratoebrll. Hi
Mana Wllbalm aad Mre B hladak.
01 rMloMUa townaaip. was
wilMoiwamr «bUa ta'lMlBf_a Bn
lolMUMaof Wa rtoUaooa,
________ _____ ralUoM Mio
Ha ra-
mil kla wlla. wM amloiad b
toMd. db
•nvlMlMraUfoad Uto a aamlM—— aomlUhw from wbieb
'adlM Ml be oeald
M JSS —tooM »r. O.TM n non of aca aad > —~ — —
PMM FWV So. la. a- 4. H. of Ihte
IMaimnarliy of Ihla oaaa to
MMtohlMearrtodota oomiada ooly
UMOtoUtorary Boowty
TM UoaeU UMraty Sodaty beU
TraaoBror-Jaa Verreas.
Matebal-daa Proroecbar.
Uaard-A. Oayeoa.
TnuUto—J Barry. Pat Hordes aad
o Uroad Oot
Allaraato-U P. Sbalyao-
TM tol pan oa iM oraalorb
n. w. of a.
pVMm «aa IM nodloR of as aitlela
Tba folio wtay oSlmn ware alaelad
« IM mala Sermal BaMol.
• by Deotaata (tap. No »«a. H. W
■ombto «M la M« a aladaoi
at tbair baaobl meatiay Mooday olybc
IMMM part wto IM qaaalhm M«Vaaarbbla Coaaul-Cbaa B Howard.
Worthy Adrtaar-L. a Blekar
aerk-Joaapb Hltdar.
TM> BaUowod M la
Baekar—Frrd LaDtoar.
a Josaa.
-------------------------to Mppl-WUllam B. Hoc* aad E
MiMavoallk.’- Meam OUbanaM
Wotcbmoe—B S Byaa.
MwrdOatoimlMadlad IM afBrma
Banlry—Pioocia Wnt
Mato wkOa Uaii BlrdaaU aad Boban
Maaoyor-L. B. D’Zmw.
Wallar Md Marya of IM oaeaUra.
Pin on >1001 Btraat.
SMdMmmhawaa ^aito aptrtiad. oo
Flaak WalKmaad Wayae
4ftor Uatotoof to IM arltlm rapon.
Hr. HabanSonhrmpaad MM Mabel
tey.boIbcdtUa oily, oaro aoltod la
^Mlata o« Haiarday otobIbc. Uoe
«M«b. al IM Mma of IM yrooma
MMr.Eor.,0. B. KortMap. a
MORla. MMdffaa. Mooa wara p
Ml iMUamtdlaM tally aad .
Tba aberp ary of Ibe monklny bird
dn alarm aammoead the dre daportmaat ool Prtdey morotoy aberlly ottor
o>eU>ek aad a lortd dare la thr
rtdaUy of Blelnbary't Oraad Opera
Heaa told wban the daayer
Baory All Wool Sox al
aay color
foo want Gat tbao al 8 Beada
bda A Co..
ISt Kroal.Simi.
'roal.Streei. Tre
Trareraa City.
yreal daayer of totfaeailoa. At
waa Iba ylrla aad woman were badly
trtybtaaed and It wai ntetiiiry
ibcm from tba baUdtoy. I
iwaby and bit toot ware m
TMrtooUefUa amraaa abowa
MtaMMiof 10.068, aaalMro of tha
taMM o< IM Btolbar* Mlafalyaa
ovMto -blab, oaaaadlac 1.000. i
Mta «M popalattoa ap to aa a>«
Uta. la IM dyana aaatod an a few
fctotlM leal ealaUa IM dly llmlla. U
Paramod, laai Bay towaablp aad
Bmweed. wM do boriaaoa to IM etlyTtaBaambmlam Ihaa IBO, m IMl
dMoMaal pcpalallea irilblB IM dly
Suiambm. low. to beabota t.ue
I’ Wart
Oooaly Ti^nra
Nonce —LostioM V.***lateroallonal CbrUtlao
dearor ConraoUoa -bleb met al.Deiroit laalasmmar < ill br held doly
itib to tbe Irib la
ndon r- "
Knyllab frtanda
elaborate pnpaiaUoot for U)u I
yaiberlny. Cbriailaa Bodearor la rery
■trony Uiroayboot tbe Briliab Itlea.
of Lmodon an .planali
opoe fifty Ibootaad Ctariatiao
atleodlsy Ibla enneealion
Fbelr plan is to bare a Wblie Ctiy
timllar to the Detroit arraoyemeoi
lost year Tbit Wblla (^tj it cooaoaed
of laniB not ooly fir real, for refreab.
meal, and olhsr eomforla, bnt two ImlaUoy twenty
tbeataod people to ahich
to the meeUnyi
“ala While City will be
. .
. ,Jntl
mtontot ride from Ue btori of Uaoc
K morameai
00 tool to
WeaimlDltter _jbey and Si
Qaibadral for a_______________________,
portion of Ibe meeltoyi
rbeyeat daoomloaUosaJ ralllta
be bald dam
too ran Uod
11 be of tpeclal totereaL The B*p^
yata al Spnryeoo'a, Tabernacle; ibc
Heibodlti. at lha (»iy Eoad Cbapal
whan Waaley worbed and Ilrod; tbe
‘’--yiwyaviooaliat. InlbeCUy Temi...
Parker't ebnrcS; ibe Praabytartan
HcKell waa a former pMtar.
plaen for Ibe olbar ralllea br
yet bean flzad
The raiaa ar
cheap which Include ool onlr a
_ .
Loodoo. bal to Ibe Paris EtopoalUoD
aod enanelre inrellny os ibe c-iotto'
panlcnlan write u
oftwoorlbree bnadred doUata.
OMto Mr.BoyyoUlaatbalmaay
fcmilM baea moood toto IM olty ro- Uma,asdiae>
dMilyoMiMmaatUla toMlaa
■BOM wbiib wta avail IM abeoa By-
r pnatraud by
and designs, qualities
the wife.
that arc lasting, at
reasonable prices.
If it s a blacK dress or
a colored one. plain or fancy, wc have
hat will please you to select for gift gt\ig.
In the matter of
Ladies' Cloaks, Misses'
Cloaks, Children's
and Infant's Cloaks,
Ladies' Ready-To-Wear
Don't Mlai It'
elryant I
t r .OO 610 ro 613 DO I
rs Banda .1
>04010* Clly.
Would rather have aonietbiuit ai
nice to vemr thnu
anything else you oan ibiok of
If poo nre At A
Lme to know what to get -him" for Ohriatmas
ju.i aiep iH. ^
.til the .binga
ibioga a
a.- hare been
leAtiiiog thtw.-yeorabbout iickling men's fanat your ' diotem
:sm1—all the thin
Isiugbl for ••him” and knuo
are waiting for yoo.
A Special Opportunity
ni'nlier* and daugbti
• lali to preoent the liuotiond. a>n or fntli
■ueb b aubetnniiitl gift as a
Tea Pet Cam. Discoaat
hom Lanasi Pilaes.
W e show a great line ol
Front siroci. I,
(• department
A Christmas Present
Footwear! 11
lin our ni
have a complete line of
men's liandkerchicfs.i
tilovcs. mittens, hosiery, etc,,
n and
liuckles. bells, etc.
tane v
Whatever y ou should
• find in a good dry gotidsstore i> here.
, loath's. Bor's airi«6CMMiea's
Suits aad Oiercoats al siaia discoiit.
Tbe gtylee are ap-t...ditle, the .iu«litu>6 a
right, and the price* nr.- moaey
Bey oAviog Ui you. f
• bale, c .
0, Djittena.
s-oilan. i
nai-kWear, jewelry, pant*. tbirtA. underwear, etc.
to l.nWKS l I'KICKS Al.WAVS lor iht <,u.ln<.,.
We are showing a new line
^ of latest styles only.
Beliable Diy Geods, Carpdt lad Cldlhiit Hoist.
Men's Slippers
F.11, 1W.„
WD,. .--I, .i;., r:,,SIFIO. SI i'. «Dd SI
Ladies’ Slippers
Kiia in
Blii' k,
T«n nnd
"'hile. Be*\.-r au
Fell. pUiu «ii'i fur lrini..'>il.‘':iM«li-.#l 00.
I'IbikI t\
and Overgaiters
»n.l r.»' ,
Buy yoop WlnUr Footwear where you
C40 get the beet AMortment of
Ladies' Dress Shoes
I'ingT.--"Uompmiie•• at
Herri.-k'e '-Crr-
ano. " Hi flKPi. HerHek'd "NHUon«r' «1
fi -*’-
Men's Dress Shoes
ViscofTHii Cbif. Tnn
Kids, r.’-'ro,
Our limited epAce
A Fancy Line for the Babies
l.'i 'iifferent colors
Ken'. Leather top Rubben.
. .$2M, »9.»0 aad *8.76
Kenf Felt Boeu end Bubben..........................«8.00 aad «8,B0
Men'e knit wool BooU with rolled edge
For very oold weather
pair of tboee Sheepekln
2H Tons of Candy
OvereoE At......................... 60c. 76c, $1 00, $106 aad $100
Heavy Oanvo. Leggtn. .................................................................................75e
McNamara Block.
Trimsa Cit)r. Mich.
I Order* for Job Printing left at the
Moil by Strtob BiIrua A .kmiotte. the Traverse City candy far
•ly pure, worlb 20e to
a i»und
SU.S',T S0HOiJl.,S muit ae.tid onlers
A Hii-. (’hild'x Blackboard...........................................10c
Child ( Cable aod Chaim. Urge enough to lur. 10c
BiMei: C«r|>et SweepetB. worth
or •LU>.
le. Dec 1», at .
■I New Books bj tbe Tboasands
•iiSis "SsS ia?ii
S.\TUUD.<Y of tliia week and
eveiy dx^y of Beil week to »bi>k.
bauiix with tba boys and gsrls.
................................................. $100
An eleirant eeeortment of Lnmbermen'a
uiBTDinionium Lt
The Old Reliable Shoe Mae. to
look over our line and be oonwlaoed that
Frank Friedrich |
, par oa.
Wbaai.1, par bo- (pawl
So. I. par bo. loewi^..
ue to meotien
heve. bnt we iowlte you to cell end
very new aodstflieb
only A few of the meay
f4Dl.4f.-si,f.-.<hO ?nOii, roi) «„d up to $10
e^rr iDOESiT’T
Orad 8 eu rgr lllasmteC v*t*lo«v*.
MRS. R. w. miEH,
beaver, caiivb* bud .lere.-s-B.
fftol. #li-. budJl.--)
,Suit, Overcoat or Ulster,
BooU 1. the proper thing
Bnekwheai Floor oar
la bfforilni wi
Special Values ii ill the tboie Gtpils,
I^jarior of of lbs Opera Boats waa not
loaa oo
the bolldtoy
Btetobary I a aailmatod ai
It te tolly eoearsd by totacaaea
TM damaye to IM Oobee baildtoy
■BtstoabonlMM. aad Mr. Wartowaky talimatea hU lost oa atoek
ooMIMlwenlBjtred by waa
Tba oldaat dAaybUr of Mr. Warpowaky. wM waa helped ool of tba
baildtoy ta‘a liBU to tore Mr from
Here we have the
«vle>. late effects as to colorings
dress pattern
?t%^ tor Temple ol Paataloo ^
Ansnal Maausy.
Prom Stmi
The aeeoal meeilay of tba Leelaaao before yon boy.
. J of all kind', such as suns, separate skirts.
ooety Ayncclloral Society, will be
!(,• waists, wrappers, etc , we lan supply vou
eld al Maple City on Tboteday Dec.
14 at I o'clock p B.
It prices you can afford.
Uaiod Maple City .Sor. tv. i.v.
and oaa-tolrd faro toe ron
'nekr'ioB Mle
Mir D
December :J
aed totb. lew. aod Jasnary
V Kk.
yood to TOturn Jaeonry rod.
118 Float St.
•peed whieb only fira aae Inspire. PorUnataly a triyhi waa the yreaUat mlaforwoe aeffared by tba family.
a ibaa an boor iMre was do aiy^
of a blaxa The rear pan of Ibe Cobaa
bnlldtoy waa damiyed
box Calf, Cordovan. Enameb., Kid. Patent I'clf,
aad aeiimy tbair nlothiaf
tbay reabed down tba atain irtib
Tba blare on bolb belldlnya yatoad
a food headway but iba aaerry of tba
fireman aad a airoey pieaaare from ibe
r works aooB yatoad
Than a
I CUMK .AND i.OOK - your visit will t>e profitable.
too oo
Ibe aurbi
Hlcb. Paasaye mnat be aoyayed iblt
waa OB Iba tpot before Uw oebo ol
wblitle died away- aad tbaa ll looked
u Iboayb Iben waa to be a bard flybt
TrararaaOiiy J
below H a Uat of IM trartay aod lallto bbte IM ibaatra. Tba bolldlny os
tbartrcaiaida.owaadby 8 Oobaa aed
aDdfaraprodoati V
oonpted by U Wareowaky, wat alao
wrapped In damaa oo Iba back aad
aaalaidaa.aBd iM Acamao fnrad iMt Clear Perk per bbl.
' Pork par to..
that alraelore waa SoomaA Tba
8b(vt Oat Pork.
nndar Chief Etaaia waet toto Iba dybt
TM woddlat moM wia playad by
HM Mabal Korthrap, lOMar of IM
yroem. aM iMaaraony parfonoaf by
oM talMr. TM brida waa dalolUy baary alreamt wan poertoy ieu
' WOmmoA la »blw oeyaady. Aflar IM flamaaooboibbelldtoBB- '
lUme IM family of Mr.
WanewakT waa aleaplny aoaodly la
tahbrtda aad |
tbair roeoM orer Ibalr tiore aad they
ooly made aware of Ibalr daeyer
whae iM froBt door of tha tiore waa
and Ibe drMeo raabad
miMr Wio ftnaviy. paalor of IM. aialra. The faaUy
■aplM akorcb of tUa plaea.
ooly to find Ibalr reomi filled
TM food wtaMi et maay triaala
mOlatad iMto ta Ibalr aa«
Dot axTlred aooa th% won Id bare baas
laraae of IM oily for a
y by B. U. Polk 4 Oo. et
I baaa aomplaWd aad a remark.
aUa yaia I
Paal fear J
■ la abova. Wllllaa
Sorb. IMiaprmaiHatlraoflM aompaBT mM Ma baaa talday IM aaaram
ta HMo itraal sro. ool aaly to fol
•lltMaamm roqata tor IM diraotory.MIMhMUMaa eemplai
afoftoymatomemaaaadeuidto iM
Can l>e sf-lrririi from our stock of
a flallbery
0 Norotay
Fred } BeehleJ
Deaormlar A UPoaiaa
Peter I
Darid M.
' Skidmore
■I Waaoa A Pe^War .
Prwidaat-Pat Bardoe.
Plrat Vlaa Praaldaal—Joaapb Perron
Baeoad Vtoa PnaUaat-Tbaa. Dyer
M t^mlar mawiny Baiorday onolac
AMtoUMWMIOf bMlM**ailra«a.
«Mi. IMprlMlpal malMbaia*^
At IM uaaal sealtoc of the C H
B A. laai oicbt Iba tollowlny odlmre
Baeordiny Bacniary-J H. I
Aatlalaot Baeordtoy Bacratary-H
. t»no 00
I. Irao Dnnn ...........
Elbert OEllla ...
Praak Hal ear . .
Uiree U Poller
Pred Woitbory
Odie HeUarry
Philip bbermar
Boward Wkitlor
5be followloyoSeare wenelaetod a>
j A good maxim when Applied to Hotiday purchAsing. Those who ate in MArdi of
much here this week to interest them and please thAtr (rieoda.
Scoool fUpon'
Sebeol Eapon of Dlairtet No. «. May- Jaaaary
IM bolaaca
dald towaaeip for ibe meats eadlst
raaew b
ttocember t. ]*»«
So. of popili aoallarre.
If any. 1;
rolled^to^dato J^^^■o.^a^l^,d dortny
O. will I (
Dd oeadoU
toe year
t eailUad u
te eqnal lo IM on I ^
a^dali^ alla^MM
tolrod porUoB
Ibe ume ^
wbcB tM poymaat la made
Book pnmlam will be a«
mail or eon beaoeorM by ealllDc
■la HKbeLO office.
‘Tbla It
. fiaeaiiW
and moat oaafoi pnmiom arar of e'od (
oily aabm
br a Hieblyaa aewspapar
Eemamber . .
Uao.v 1
Ibnt One Dollar will pay for ibe Ben j t
Uloreo. Hltleoa. dweolrn. I Oder- ei.ii to Jaooart I. |»0I. and alao a copy , |
rear. HalIS. Clasa. etc. In
et Ibis raloable
r premium free
frse of a
c^i ;,
rarlaiy el S Baoda A Cl>. m Pronl
Siroav Trarane aiy.
IMMalotMo. II woo iMorbt *«»
The followlny la a Inll aad e
iMttMtMlMn Bo^MdopoWIMi
report of ibe tain eollacledor
-------- ,rooU BOIOOM asdar Ula ral- Cbaptar will to bald oa Itaa 1'
be me at my ofiiee npoa iM bm
Nln little Sciu for Biy* aye 4 u
to.,Mllk-.‘~a*.ar iMt Mr. wbteh all maatar maaoaa had ibalr
wllloy or ksaplsy lor sale distlllod, at ooly II :> at Benda A rb> ]•« pr
IkylMMBlarkBtrbiMroBoaadlf li
famlliaa wUI ba preaaot. A pony aed otoll or brewed Hqsorv dortoy Ibe Slreoi. Trarerae City. Wteb.
. vMtaMadad IMI all married ladia boaqaal will follow iM eenmoal
*0^ re. Bel IM rala.Me I
tatmpMod to maM IMI aolyU
Mra U. E. C
. '.“Xins:xxtix;
ooelas trill ba fialabad tiem IM prM
IbU weak. Erery aaw aad oU aab^,
acribar et IM Barald wtU ka aalltlad to I
a espy of tbla haatMjtiit booh aa a premtom tree, apoa eoodlUaa iMt ibt
aabaertpikm b paU to foU to Jaaaary
1. IMl. Tba eoat of prepartay aad pob>my ibm pramlam bn beao baary. I ^
I IM ooly ooodlUoe opoo wblab II | ,
as am ary wheal, aad eatttoy a
Beary All W<mi Kareay Paalt at «11
ayllar yaab. TM water and aiom
•1 to 11.71 yi.do. 8. Baade A Cki. li
Iba Dtps penred oat apoa him. and Ua Proat StrMU Trararoe City
Tba bbeSeld Car Co. at Tbrea Elren
baa Jatl tblpped lit aabibll lor U
world's fair at Parte.
Baetaury-Kd. A. Havtoo.
Tylar—Anbor Daaprea.
Troatoa tor Ihraa yaaie—W. i
eekof IH
.. aad
-- waU
will recahre prom^ attaeiteM
la uf new toy«. gatnM and noreliliiIm 10c
chuck full of preDeatB.
Mali Olden have prompt attentiao'
to. iCto^OJX «
-W. F. TT A -FtPl-FT A
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
lf«.onlr Block,
lYaruM 01^, wi.*
-1W --M ;r',-:" .■
•‘jssrftK' *
If! n
Htoa arae at Adaaa.. Bortb
u Bebalt k tary m at bk hiaa
AAbM asd Wnitoaatewa. Maa-. ud
■ee. Mr. Bebalt k toobablp toe
U Hsrtb Powaall. Vk. aitobaarlaff u
« auto the eoutp. U be lira'
aaeaaaeetioper eaat. to waffM. le
till Hap aezt. be wUl be a hmadred
take aSeet Deeeaba-n. AWat t.too
putt old. Be k tba fatoa of
anda areagated.__________
Pota Warrbott asd toraerip realded
The uaaal doll Me of Ibe Joaior to tok eltp___________________
rorkanofOraeeebareh wlU be held
WUUaa Hoodp ud teaae Welt
to tbe toelare rooa aost Frldap eeaaItb u eeeldut Moedep Ibet aut'
toff. Pab^ artletoe wQl atoo be aold
>to of tooa oat ol toelr banrp ud '
at Ibk Uae bp tba Ladka’ OaBd.
toiotbaetrut. Tbep were on toelr
Oitfae. nadwitebei ud eeka will be
wap to tbe laeoalBff H, A N. £
eorted derlct th. erulacto toe lareeoee. whu <a toralaff toe
Hau Bar- Keepere' Aaoctotlon
tt 00 Prut ud Ueloe. toe clip
etatTboapeoarllto Jumarp 1 toe tide tar of toe baerp broke ud
Special ralea bate beu Bade
of tba ate were torowo
bptberaUroedt asd toe belato bate Abide froa a aerete tbakleff np-aeUber
ffitu a rate of ts onto per dap. As
ea wae bsrv
, leestuded to aU people
Tulffht frareru City Lodge. No
1 le bee keeptoff to atiud.
«J, B P. O Elba will etuad toe per
L<BM WUu. • bnkMW OD Ui« H.
lormuu of -Tbe Hejjrh Br«le" .8
A M. B- t»Urc»d. ■*» with * MritfM
barg^ Oraod. ae toe geut nf toe
lBju7 rrld»y.
He WM OB tfc* rmr
Hark! Lrotbeia. A epulal prograa
efBcnleert^t free belac (wKobed
apedalUa hw bua -erraaged ud
Ue depot, when be toll, etriklsc
toe pertormaau will ban addltomal
hta laeh epoB lb« reil. It rBeelh
aitrscUoa*. Attor toe ebow toe
Um Bitntol p»r»lymle ol hli lowe
rjfu^e, e
Lv.-RSCS^SISSii ri—.
Tbe ihlpaest
roB Bortbera Hiebicu to tbe dU«
rtbeeeeiBBdeeatb «U1 befto i
>aek. Tbit U bb Isdeeirr ''bieb
pKBcIpellr prodUble to tbe fellrobd.
a tbe trelrbl eberre It tbe principle
■tea of espeaae ees
tarketlbc ol Cbrtitm
Circulation this week 2.450
WalMr Oeoa bed U« ibaab dbav«d
ViMbybr«eblf»etwlUib »w ie lb.
OtBl Dteh toetofy.
«kb MW but* •Idbej O NeS will
wteoMBOtelrlrfroB BmI Jontob
I '
be MMh^wi with laaber.
Ihe Mika el rooeb Ob Ibe U. * N
B. wlU eloa tor tbe eaeeoB Dee. leib.
AftortbM Uae ell (reifbl aaet br
, Obpiala rreabUB nlsrBed (leUrdb;
Ika Alko K.OUI. It IbU np tar tbe
* MRiMte uobbtb WM matad Bbt
««ar M Abr B. telktoa of AlUffoe
Mtr bbd lltoi Ida Map Boa of
lha barber thop at Ibe UU Bean
U Kdia- wUI aeaUape to opeibtioe.
Hfa-MlUar balaff proprtotar. Fraab
Mto will bale Abtffb.
l■lallnJ rrtdar that aaitad
■afrtoffnWabarBarlet Wazlard aae
Ma Mat MHtooa of Bboraaa.
W. r. etaak tTMaarar at OarBalr
toaMta wffl be at Kpaalto-e wore
mwf Batardap. onman>n1ar ttto waak.
to aallato «a«-tor the to-aablp
aaplaaeaeuraadHia. Belra
■aa. both of Ibaearat Oltp.
Md ia BArrlaffa tetardap oeeti
Detardej tbe beebet IkIo>7 o< «>«
WeUe-HifSbB Ca eloeed dowe tar
uoe. TheoompMj wUl bevto
10 tret le Ioffe ei oaee bad pretare <or
ibe bcfftaalaff ot beelBM bffbia earlj
iatbeeprtbff ee scabl. Abont t.ooo.'
000 toet of hardwood •rill be cot acit
Bight toe Uae ww left opu
dartag toe yerformaeu
aad aboat
tolnp nbaeriben la rarkni parte of
,«y ujeped a pertl
toe perforaurr
While toe dtakigu
ohe raegt wae hur«
p’alalp aad tooae who arailed toemwlru of toe pnrUege proeoeneed toe
deckkm of tot eireelt ourt ban la tbe eebeae e grul racoea
of Ueorge Pbalpe ea The Cblugo
Jut Sand Sl> Lifa
A Wwt MIehigu Ball«rap Ooapup.
It •ras a tori.iiog pwpe toat Charlee
It wiu be naembared that soac
Dark of Rowentoc O . laie-p beo
Ume ago Pbelpa rrw ia)ared wUU troa a frigblfnl oulB. lot two jean
ewitchiof freight can at PeUakep. He
eiTlBOg iroobk ctaetuUj grew
broaght tall antoei the doapup la ____ e ertll It eeem«d be mui die of
toe dm It eoari ud eanrad a eerdiet COanaptlOB Thro he begu w> ne
:tng'i .New Diworerp ud lateir
of gaoo The eaw for toe ooapaap le
tbe trial here <rw coadacted bp* Pratt
«d a pcraueol
•roaderlal eofw hen
IS lie power to co
Cbwl ud Leag ireehler
Bnrr bi
At their Iwt regolar muUng the L. aod 11.00
Trial bolUee lock at
U A. aodetp elected toe following ud 6. E Wail drugri
uiViu Pruideat—Mr..
•And we offer you a superb
Aaiataal Sec'j—Mn Jaa Uuakb. j
A Sas Claar Sralc.
lioard-MfV D Proraooher
Twoehlldruof Lu Heao. u eoioeer oe the M A N. B . bU a aar■be (Jrud kapida Erealag Pru»!
>w uupe from duto br tprotozicu
ilaiaed Iwt oigbt e dkpatcb from
pokonlag Hoadep alghv They wen
e aoe aged two pun ead e dugber
Wright for a pardoo hw aot pel been '
aged foer. They were pokoaed bp toe
wittadrawc, ae itoled a few dape age,.
uUag of ebeeu broaght from Mukue
ladkpatob from Harqeette.
It k '
bp Hr. Hud e brotoer, who k aleo aa
iBocaced that aa attempt arae aede I
iaear. la hk dlaaer pall. After
I psll tbe appliealloR faeok. bat that j
leg of It. toe eaddru were rerr
le proiuu of Datid E. Boroa blocked
[. aiHl Dr. Martin- who wu wiled,
Tbe diawlcb ftUl)CG|0ll,
had to irork for orar two hoan before
tbep were opt of danger
.ter it lUll peadlBf. If ihk
hating aerer beec aetod apoa
tBiued down bp toe board, bowerar. I
buys a grand one
froa toe Oatoolle Uarob at MopGeld
Batordap at ID o'eltaek
rekapaaUbUitp that toe dtp
parauuUp rid of toe pruuu
tu It k uaUBoad that toe
ff. at toll weak laaff
ill be appealed to tbe drcblt
a wae 7t peart of affb. eearvudiathateautouak a rato lakeo M Ht. Marrlt ilblUtp that tbe daekin map be digirut. P. C UUbart bu ban ratalaad toareatew toe raplalw cu ague
•MffbWiwerkwBadoBO Taeadap bp tba b>p^ fatou. ud It wu a*aeutoffbytbt
a Bieer Kat peelad that toe reqaltadboad ot $l«b
ie Uyht A Power Oa Oaa of ibkr woaU be ludp before tbe dspart are of
Bffbtowai UowaAowaat lha eenar toe«:U«aiapulirdapthat took tbe
at WtlU^teaaad Webateratraat
W.Hafchaa itlepbaaed is the
yUB.aMtohaUuhoarUaeaMa had
bopaww. Tbe boMe will pr^Mp
batkdbalsra tba eaptraUu ed too
Mb ^ prpridad^r lav. ud tba eau
LwiT. Fraalagtoa. dnw-bato.
JobB OaLmiy. ba^buk.
Archie Boeout, (aU-Mt.
Frct MvMtd. balAtalLbuh.
J&VtcV&\ "Driiott ill
S'lVV. >Dairt'Pxtto(Tvt....
ketent purthases
ipecial prices whi.h mamila.Hirers
ments at from .’A
the early season
I riur yards to a pattern and goods
Don't pass us by on this line i1 >ou
wunh Irom
Nothing better in
looking for your money s w.irth
j.oo per yard
market or
ntore dirsirable for Christmas.
and a little more.
&oods atvA.
Contains an endless variety of jj^r-able Christmas gifts too
numerous to mention.
Our Handkerchief slock was
Prices ics.- dozen and up’.
Linens of
all kinds, and all necessary material for working same. Glovesi
Ui»i DtpHii texH II ml It I i«T 1ft ctn
Miuens, l.aces. Ribbons. |-'ans and knick-knacks of all kinds.
most essential |
things in a sick riHitn.
Thev arc oftener
The Question Solved . . .
and relieve more jtairs than al
most anj other appliance in the
drug line.
We have the “Gold
right. at
"Wa±-b’s I3o7-o_g S-bor©-
Every department contributes its share to
ward making it easy for Tbe “Buyers of
Presents” (a vast army that Includes
everybody these days) to' make
all their purchases under one
roof and at one time, and
have it off their minds
The question“What
to give" answer
ed satisfactorlly.
r diwiipoinl vun in i|ualily. siyl■■ •
Fooi Bell CbAUeageTbere k e proepeet of a gaae of foot
baU out Batardap betweu two laM
lUBi. prorkllBg toe followlag ehalleagnkaowptod:
Trarene City, Dec U. im.
We. toe -Hoa Beck- loot ball turn
of Tinrtru City hanbp ehalleage toe
be coaooacd of Tnratp plepen eaJp. to a Batch
ot foot ball to be played la toe Twelfth
etrut park Batardap. Dee-1(. at torw
IVice from 65c up.
.\ department we are
proud of.
less than
____ T»uut
ef the wortd.
in.-al. and always pWw-
aod edawUog thru orpbena. toe ebUdru ol Chriallu pnmle la the Badgla Borne la Araula. Tbe earn of
wwece^bed for toat porpoae. which
•rUl aern to locium toe lalerwt ia
toat pariiealar akaka hore.
-i 4 yanls wide and heavy as a cassimere.
is additka to toere
Aplaiutaad proatabUbox eoelal •reek foUairlag It wUl be rudp far lue.
•aa bad at tbe realdeea of OU PeterNeu
reubed toe dtp Fr*daj
au atOood Barber Batardap oreatoffBoralbgfrpa toe rlllage of MapGeld
TW ptaidi. aboat $10. wUl be ap
OaebeL u old au Urlag
pUad toward ibe belldlac at a Norwe
toere. had died aaddulp at 11 o-elock
fftoaebarchatthat plaea.
Thandap Bight. He bad ao aedlcal
a B-ODaptoaetoead a daal Tbart•ad Ooroaer Hooa wu
4nr by abtob tba wall kaowa Iretur
ftoak K.'la aold to a Oiaad Baptda
. V. B dwto troa dpuatorp. Dieueiil wu
■brry. Tbatt
peare of affe. The faooral war held
Two and one-half yards for a skirt.
OUT SATingS Etepsrtment
are amonj;;
Phpatoal Cnln)le Bxhibiuoa,
pr^f aad the prices
The pbpUM eeltare exhIbitloD toei
Tbeptw factory of toe Mieblna
Ha bBbaal daU Me of the Juke Muetutarlag Oo. hw bora ebont
The Bmoiiaaa.
Wvhaa at OfMO Bbareh wlU oeear io- eoapletod ud atua bw booo tarud
Tbe Butber'i of Fneau Lodge No
la toe rmdtaton le toe beildlag.
MRtor aoaalaff. -naLadlee OoUd erti
met FRdap toe (to at toe borne of
taeatoaapvetlifaraatoai tbli Uae. dauB of toe It aeeblaet bare beu wt aktorOrac* Berg u weei »ih elrut
udwHUaawwktoefaeury •rill be aad m}oped a eery pleauat erealag
slag order, prondlag ae bad Aa Improapta program ww glrra.
Oipi. WnUaa Aadra of tbe Kortb
lack atteeda toe anugemeev The which eoaakled of apuklag. rudlag.
Maattoa Uto wrlaff eaUoa. peeeed
(iDglBg ud aeala
Tbe following
tfeeoMhUeedipSetardapoB tbe «ai
took part la aiaking e plewiu eater.
to hk heae la Onad Barea. tbe eaUob
lUl. Hn. Kubtoe. Hn. Berg.
Hre. Powlku. Hkh Berg. Him Diplep.
H. & BoUay hi
imiardOaapbell ael Ilia a palatal
HIM Ox*. Uka WlBtora. Mr. Powlkoo.
Itp in tot fora el
.uritoat rrlday.
Behadaealeraleabla bdditloo to bk large ChariM Balxberp. Warree Balaberp. Ed
lartoutodropapUak and a bean
oolkeUu of Chrktlu Badurar aoor Cleaut ud othera. After toe proptoeaedlreaBaUeteei.«hleh aaeed
Be rewired Hoadar a copp
BWfiR bralae. bat ao boaa wwe
of a C. E paper from Lew. a aaall uMiaalonary AOdnaa.
Waa. prlaud la toe Law
Him HArp C WrlgbL for a long Uae
Atm tbe reffBlu eeteua of tbe lestreaffe. Itke u page paapblet
mkiUiAaiy to Tarfcep, apoke at toe
Vtatonal Kpetle. CIrele laet eeeatot. •lltobed Uffetoer ^tb wire Ud k aaoQgTUaUcaal
charcb Boodaj is
blilMabaBUt dowB to a eerp 6ae iqer 1> It* make ap.
bru rerp latorutlag ud well at
tad liiTTb1-t tbep did aapU )Mtlee.
Piuldent Baaar of toe KleblgaD tuded Buiiags. le toe aorolag (be
blip ffood Uae waaeaioj'
aedlexee oe toe
•torch Co cetoroed Satoidap from
ibject of toe work aaou the ArmuChluffO. where he perehaud pew otoaa, la the afternoon uu. eoadlUoa
eblaerp for toe faotory.
ptoM baee bew apattod bp tbe loeal
and la the oru
wbut aiarch w •nil u potato atoreh
toaka. Tbe balldap aaaaoa le a rood
will be Buafuterad. Two new dry lag (he daulbed a trip to toe ooaatrp
ttaatobaaa raard affalaai nriodla
watrUngal aaohinuud other tor which abe bae labored eo long aad
atall klada. eapeoallp ol tbe boffaa
ordered. Tbeaaebla.
iBitof her
hen. tor
ary k upectad seat wuk. and toe
Hot Water
rklt with hk daaghtor.
ae bWB looked forward to erer eiau
Profaaaor Flpao took oplhe work la toe
ppblk e
Itolnberg'a UnaA Tbe aoet proGeieal
of toe peplla ot ifac eehook bare bua
eboasB for thk •rork, and glreo apeclal
IralnlBg la addition to toe work doee
la toeeebool.aadBTery eredluble per
Hrtter assonmenf, and better prices for you. if x-e may judge
by ihe patronage bestowed on this store.
more 1 hoiie.
ewe now. one way or tbe other. Hoeb
bitter feellag bar arkcD etor toe mat
ter. toe other memben fullag hare be
eaoee Boi^ laeku opoa placlog them
on reeord "
Ibis store is m the quality of the merchandise it offers for sale.
buyersatlhi' scavm of
odid tok. eowlderabl, force to J
get fxtorable eoatiderailoo for It |
0. Heaber Burne objected •irea-'!-----donUp to lu withdrawal aad laektod |'*xiTr
denec toe board tbocid
ire always reaiiy ti> ni.ike to targe
appliwtloouoold be bow wltodrawo j
torpelltlon ooold be preaeotod again I
the folere. wUboat prejndloe. xi |
More dr> goods here than any other store can show you.
I Life I'lllt gin uiereaaed aireogth. a
UeMe, I lieao. clur btalr. b«b amb'.tioa
ual box wl'T aaar voo feel
new being, eodbyj'ii Jeba
Jebaaoo ud
ConoeraiOK to. Wrtghi Parooa.
“ *= "'*'1 draggum.
gills from or to supply your ever recurring wants.
Tbe Outaea. thread aanalactareta.
Bap- are derotinp large aoaa to rutoriag
old wtoedrak for tor eborcta of Eng
Kioanelal Beer—kra. Mark Boliaea I
Voof boat fuiingi. poor aocial poai
Treaaorer—Mn. J H. HoellauieL ' Uoa or baalaeaa au«e«a depend large
by Boe. D OoebUn »t hW
Tbe lediu of toe Coaffreotkaal
■aaltobt eOeara wlU be bold at
beieb gare e rapper aad laacp ffoode
IhatoaMtoffof tbe earpaitete L'aloa •ale at toe ehereb parlon lut erealag
totoatwlwbttheC.8.P-S.baU. All Hup people took eduateff* of toe
IM aMbare are apoelillp afffod to be Me to lep la a rappip of Su Chriev
aw pruuk ud toe repetatksn of toe
ladkew cuka Bade tbe puple ea
tbe epportaaitp to ret a Gee
Ten Days More
Before Cfirisfeias!
eaeb auto to eudp the elwMal a
tbrir reuka Tbe oSt
»t~C. B. Baeet.
xp—HM OUu B. WbtU.
Tttaauer Hlw Brelpa Hergu.
TrcaMu-Hwdamu El. .S
Fred Wortbnrg and Alex Bepi
aeoa «ai aedt Into baekea
The DeitM
W. A. Dao, tbe arcbltoet. arrleed
d bp H. DILI, bw t
..■om tOBtberB Mlehlffbb Betardar Be
bbtboenflaklDffbtoarof tbe prlael- doe ia Uaie to earn toelr Grot mni to
pbUtiee of tbe tuM oakiaf arehlpoblic Toeeday ereoiag. The deal
bl Ibnatlffbtkai bad ertU bit bp wbleb toe Me wee aue ww eoaaaera taktoff picterw of
laated Hoadap.ud toe Gra aeae
toryeet ud acai altractire pcblle of toe aew propiietoro k Soothard A
baudleffi. for toe porpoee el (alolBf Baadp.
tleorge Soolberd bu beea
eoodoeilog toe reaorl hotel et Fonrh
Bw Ideu____________________
ae tiae. hertog reeuUy
Jobe AederaoD wu broaffbt to tbe
boelaea. Ha B Budp
ip Fridap with a eerp badlp cot
31 toat reaort oetU rtoeatlp.
Be wu at work to toe woodi
hw bun eooklnff at Wlnnle'e ra
ur Eepatone. wba hk ue etniek a
uorut for coae Ume.
boot ud fflueed le eecb a irap M to
put neb belwau the put toe
Tboaae (Jill, a proiperoiu farmer of
aad toe eeaoad toe oo bk left foot. Dr Nortoporl. took hk Gat ride oo the
railroad lor orer a ball uotorp lut
Koeelud dnaaed toe woaaA
BiffbL Be hw bue la tok ueuoo of
& B- Buler ud bk aoB C. F Hoetbe etato lor the pwt »» rearm, ud 1a
ware eabarktoff la toe dairy boal
all that Uae hw aerer beu lanber
M on a farm kuwa a* Oakrldffe
Cut before,
arm.thru aflu aoMbeut ot toe dtp.
I. Baglaad.
i bore la Dana
tbep biffia with » bead of dae Jeiaep
logaebu. ud bal/:
•owe, aad espeel to loereaae toe etor
ago aored to Barela, takleg at the
of toe baelpeu la additka to toeUae toe ulp ride oc the rmllrtad tbe
•ally bealaeu. they wUl aabe tok a
erer hed ocUl Iwt algbv He uae
blekn fara oe a large aeale.
Kortoport bp but. ud lor toe pwi
Tbe uw Bill roe tbe put aaaua bp
pun hw attuded lo ttrleilp
A. Moeuand et Lake Au. bu buo bntlseM that be hw aerer bun
claeU OB u attocbaut held bp D. g
hkowaooaetp. Hr. Dili
Ulsar. Miaar etoiae toat there bu farmer, bal'hk Uae
toe farm. Be
beat e bruch of eeetraet. u Mutrud trarelleg. Be toad*
badaffreedtouw hk loffv wherue leftlwl eruleg lor Ht Plwwnt. fi
be bu beu uwiaff lor etoera aod
lurlbff Hlur't loffi to ecuatoto. The
of Hr- Htoar k for betweu $«00
Christmas t#
W'HAT uTeal pleuore tbi* ^
’ * "t’liriBUiiAB truing'' ip
10 .-verv'.iie
How eager all
arc ill tlie ael-s-lioo of jfifu
fonirnroocs How rarefol Un-hooee tbiiipi tbv> would du’m hj<iy
othiu^- i-an carry -more txmifon. cmi be l>y
•e delig
ligblful ..vuif-nri- of your good will ibau
A Pair of Our
•^Holiday Slippers
Carpet Sweeper
Kid Gloves
alw-a\> pleases the "woman o( the house"
sells' at
: = >■
00 in Natural,
1.50. and
in all colon, nothing
nicer for a Christmas present.
Christmas Candies
■Women’s Purses
please the most exacting at .-Oe. zee.
:=C. 1.00. I.SU. 2-CXj.
Men's Night Robes
in sateen, different colon, i.rt to 1.75;Out
FOR HIM -Wbelber a clow rrlaiive ora
/ v fn-r.,1 too
can sorely piuw biffi if you wl-cl bib prt»-ot fr im our Bolidsy stock of Ueu'a Slippera- Made of VelvH nod baulsooie.
iy embroidered, or of bae ieatber. black or clioenlite. The
newest sbapes.
Prt<-es from....................
............... 4-V; to $1-Vi
at 1.00
(iolden. .Antique and English Oak.
for the "little people " sell at 5c the pound
< >ur toe kind can’t be beaten.
Children's Fur Sets
at I 23.1.75. 2.00.
Holiday Slippers
Men’s Slippers
ing flannel 50c to 1.00: .All wool kait j.oo.
in velvet, leather aad felt,
Black satean luliets. fur trimmed for 1.3S
tor warmth and to wear.
from 75c
Mtn "fed at home” when they ««ar
The same for the fell, fur inmmtd.
_ .1 goods will comfort tbe feel bud glaUn tbe burl* of
boiuireds of wires, mottierb. sisters aod ewewtburts e'er tbe
pleubot boliiiay susoo is put
Gentlemen’s Gloves
sateen and silk, all shapes pf crook
Mocha. Iamb lined at jzx>. Reindeer, s<]ur-
cape horn handles from 75c to loxo.
rel lined at soo.
PRICES tbst from the economical stAndpoioi nrge yoo n
do poor Chriatmu shopping here—ii)c to II -jo a pair.
A wonderful display with cowen of aerge
in Mocha, wool lined sell from 73c to 1.50
Smoking Jackets
I 3.50 to 5-C
A good SI
Shaving Sets
with warranted razor, a good ttrop, breth.
cake of soap, magnesia, stick
que. cup for 1.75.
ALFRED ¥. FRIEDRICH The Hannah & Lay Hcrcaaffle Go.
.WtABO gBATlMrtfiAtiil. MBltlliB 14 tt>A
I-ax’?*T*!*H*Min '1
.wDau—bartSaA f"
Hr. A—n w*t a f—at at tb* batot
•n— Tburad*? aad FriA*? o< Mt
Qranjt^^versd Region.
leTAoMh— forarwtd tram Bead
w? whan b* had to— rWHto Ut
--■r Bari aad I
Mato* ban S*>^?.
Hto Oto
(M—Bla Al«
Iran*' Cli? — Mowda]
D. H. Brirht b iBpniataff.
Bthk n
vMll wit* tor pv
Hn D. H. Brbtbi baa rata—od troa. will r«B*Ba bar dstto* —al
Tkataraa at?, wbat* *b» ‘baabaaeau?- tb* *■?!*'
lap wltb bar d
Oannn HUIImas, wito **4 daai
ar* rWUac to aoatbi
Joka Kaelaa MB* boa* (ma SotaB
■■tS-r^ZTi.. OkTld K«U7 ud
*lTwlm will r> »»<* "“fc “»•
. B. b? Bar. Hr. Batb. .
Aa o?*tar**pp*r aad doaatl— a
Joha Brtfbt aad Cbartra Bore^bl bafir— Satarda? eralac a*d*r I
re DOW ettuac bardwaod Waber ea a—pldlta of Ua Ladle*' Aid Hoeiat?.
tbalr praabat
Wmiarn Palffal. wbo I
lap lor Hr. Ora? of C
eoew boar, htrlar bu
B*WTliwek-b**r>M loT»»M nral? b? taUIsc onr a
Qlf Mwork.
^oha Hawtbera* bat (me t
WM Web»«r TWMd *l Bo.(h
Ik* KM Addi. lleM.ll«i^ H*V
fiiSoSiS*"* *"**'
Hr*. Loo Botaas N at Asa
Hr. aad Hra B. J Holleab—h aad
Ubbla Boeklo apeet Saada?
Meed, la Traran* C.t?.
Iff.SInr'slaBi hnMiHi
Vovbac^ haliae- that lb* bnl
IM—a haMAapf IhalMbtaolH
-UabHfaApMMpla '
traUb imaracnna latfaaa^
«k»Mn Tbor
bar at aboap wbleb wlti raaara a tottar
Mat cHian we « alaciadlortbaaa- taaona tbas eaa be drrirad to aa? oahar wa?.
Than will alwa?a b* a rood
______Graad WUlUa Bartlat: Vt**- MTkat faw earl? laala amoaf ib<
Oraar'. Uarm Nalwo-. BfA Mtc>. BdIU Bonban laaiaia. wbicb u bow ran
Bordawa; Trrat. Ebb* Banlatt.
prwl? aappliad bad Iben wQI alwa?i
Hr. aad Hr* Cbet Stobbtoa tad Hra he a damaad (or wool a* louf ** elotb
AaalU Siebbtot left ud*T lor a trip lac H aeadtd (or BtA^ la^addltMto
eaak Tbe? will atop at BaflBaw '
(cwd*?*naltwlib frieada aod
rer? Balmiallr to heap tf asd Ibcrb
ttna ta*e ooetlsee tba jraraa? to tba farulll? of tba eoU. Haeb ceibu
alale when Ibe? will re- aiaaa waa abowa la tba aabjrct aad ao
York ala
ssul atu
doobltba ranltolHr Voorbee.' talk
will ba aa laiinii i aeBbar of
M— Emma
to tba star (atora.
week for Oallf<
Mr. Voarhaaa balient that tbe cm
to ramais darisf tbe wtator.
eropU oeeoftbe atotl raloatJ* tb t
Tba Womasb Ctob mat
we eaa raUa la tbU nrk
to ■
afieraoos at tbe boBu of I
tioe wltb atock (aedier
Copp aad er)-i?ed a nrr t:
meed* tbe tile lor fano
who are
Iitof. Aflsr qnotoitooa from
I aotbon wen rtno b? lb* 1
>. Ue profraoi took tbe form
fraator (eediaf ealarcao
roaaloeoatbe liooib Afrtoao 1
aoa Bss; rupciiexi
Still eoTD can be profit
adraaeed b? tbe I
tor feed wliboot the an o'
; true wu dented to
Pbe practice'it qo'ta comar? drill
Tb* se»i meelioif will be
a KcUosi of fee-ier direct
beld with Hra. Roc* Kebl Tneeda?
I BMk«r '
.. a*wrd*7. <
l to Tr**«»
There is ao'.tling ijuite if- (1
A Nice, Large, Comfortable Arm Rocker.
Tb* Stada? acboel b aaaklar •
r« b« «U1 »t
1 have them in wood seat from $1,7.=.
...................... -r-•-Cobbler seat from $2 ?0 .Up. in willow Ju
up. ThOSe are large fihHina
Morris Chairs, the most comfortable chair ma.l«. fr.Tm'lKV75 up.
*"?b* *M*ri antlaf of th*
r^^lb* A. t. Boot la»U7 Oi
Okto. will b* tbaro aod It wll.
SMlaMmUd Is t
_____ bAtbt K halUarh*7te B
B OrtdterOv*eU tnaibB ha* loft m aoe
wars vaalbfr la afala bar* it ba>
banlbaaknl(all lor fanar* to r«
Ibatr varh all Aaa* «P r*ad7 to
wtatBltot w* ban son' la aaaj
PmeUarat aaaal b7 B*r. Bari
Ik* toM* wa* wall Allad laat t)BBd*7.
AlbBtAadra* baa boat H flnaorei
iBetW.B. rua aad I* laaborOlHBbBOtW.
tereie oarmnn.Bn'
iBf with bar tl
H. btltet left (or Uoeld '
Hieh.. Dec- 4. to ipesd the wtaur.
Soap. »
? School «
"fiiaii-_. ____
la to teead the wlol.r
lb* borne. ' l.'ojd Raet
h.ldoo rtaltw
DlaeuMiOB led b) Kf Fffui ’
HU. H?rUe Wetb? U worklpf to
(aw dt?t laat week.
ReclUlloo. Hn U K HitHre T*?lor.
D. S. NlckrnOB dron op from Trar.
Hn Will Arir? of Ha?fl*ld rUitod
arae Cit? Frida? Borslaf.
her pareou Hr aod Hn. Robert Dob
Hr*. Dorobteber la *ta?lnf wltb brr
00 laat week.
Uafhtar. Mra J. HoBBrleb.
Ueorre Herlptare, wbo baa
peodlof ito tummer with bit brother.
Olirer Boaftatoa bet pnrekaaad •
irieiure aod femll? of thU
aaw wood maebise aad rspacUlocB'
I Ju—.Soof aer.icF. Her A A «
B* tbonaasd eordt of wood ibb wia place, relar led to bU home to K. Y
"Praiar to ibe Suoda? tcbool. '
Deccuber 4
: B Herberl
Jobo Hcioidl li
Solo. Clara Hloer
The wtai mill b belap repaired' aad
recarer?PralBiw.r Mra D y Wllae?
Bade read? for ate ibb winter
Hoaic. swediah (Ircheatra.
The (eBtlemao
Win Keoplc. who cot hit loot
" BcFo*. from tbe Siato Coo.eo
wee Bcntlooed
________Rapid Cil?
lBFapo.bat eotBBcaeed erork
: H E IM
December tih----------------- '
lor Oiae* Brut
RemarkebTRF* HeBlb.
n? a ?oeaf man who
Readtof. Him Alma Safer
Rapid Cit?
Be waa aellisf
Htuln. Swrdieh (iFet'Fi'r*
took Ibe 4;»» train (olo* ao'ai
Hr. Baddaa I* la rv? aoor btalu
Ballla Sloe* aad KlUU BoIbb tt
taadad PoBoaa Oraat* at Trarar*.
C.tT laat waak.
Fraak Sioa* I* barlaf a aaw kllobet
ballA ea bb boo**, wkidi I* ataklar
aa UaproraBaat.
Hr Baidas la doia*
tbtcarpaaur work
Tb* Dawar mmt Isle Pl*btr-t deck
7*fA*y w'tb Irrlf bt lor Mr. W7*r.
tor. aad Hr*. Laird of Ulaad Bond
bB« Int waak.
Hr* TroBtal el Foraat Bill apaai
aanral da?* bar* Uti waak wltb bar
daarbtar. Hn. BhU.
lira B*t Sbarldaa ratarvad 7**tarda? hjoa a two waakr alalt la Trar.
Frad Flaaar apoat aanral da?* laat
Barmca Fraaa* baa aeU bl* boo**
aad let aa aala airoal to Baer? W?a*
Hr. aad Hia Fraaaa ara atoriar to bl*
tolbar^ (ara at Hart Oaalda
Vida? wtib bb
r toapaad tb.
WIBWTli* barf* Flatabar torn, la to tb*
LaabB Oat deeh laat Wadaatdv •
M.-nialt baaroM to MaaMa*
Tb* iBBbar Ob. ara baaUara Tb*
wbHUaeftbaM thatb tablaclaa-
A beautiful line of Lamps almost aryibing you want in a lamp.
t)nyx tables, jardmiercs, jardiniere slamls. umbrella holders, pictures, picture
frames, in fact we have the finest assorted line of pretty and useful Christmas \
present.s you will find
trie BlMktBlUi b wor
up to Hr. Boufbe?
J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store,
Oidar aftarsooe Duciober Stod
A. Cartia of Lodiaftoo wi
U into Mr. Hiftoa
i.-tliiii. fn.iii i.iir Urg.'
vLi-n a piiiQii
IlHH- of
would like a piaoo
It is no burden
or^an ia pntvbaaral b.-r*
Tue >iuality and
rKST«ai. AHKKica
I-I UA, HI I-RIM Bl !•
■ •irptu'
are looking Ini
th«o California.
Willi ti
Tiit-y miRit loot Ai ye*
year or two bnl ii ie only a phort
tim- tl til (lie buyeni‘ of Huch
Huefa iaatmmenta will realize
realize that
tiny bl
been -bii"
mr piaau* aitd.orgAna before
buying I'lscwberi; and gel
mfuruiation about
rae plac'.-o
If ? n
loof rail Wlpo try one oo
Cburcbill. Bralin. Vi . aan.
? wa» cuerred *ntb ranotof
DeWitl'i Witch liaiFl Saltr
Fpretoc (or pile* and
Beware of worllCrai
C Tbompeon
.iiri ,t'.
1* CbUdreo Dr1nk‘
daseription dom
peadie’s Christmas Offerings.^
^ Gentiemen’s Fur Coals,
^ Gentiemen's Fur Gioves and Mittens,
^ #
Wooi, Fur and Piush Robes,
Ladies’ and Gents' Trunks and Satchels.
1 have a fim- line of Pur CoatS and invite your inspection. Material,
! workmanship and durability guaranteed for these gafmants.
Remember my line of Horse BlauketS is the largest in the city, aad !
; prices the verv lowest.
TbebeslTninkboffered.forf’OO, »2.75and|3.50.
Winter Qlores and Mittens at all prices.
Whips 10c, 15c, 20c and 26c.
-. ooov mak—> a^ialiy of All t'bronic Dia—a—. Diaea*— of Women. ibe Eye, Ear, No— and Throat. TeMfa extracted for 2&e .
112 Wait rrmt StrMt :
•ae *0) -?ed b? e.er? oi
Followtof tola Hr
...The Traverse City Malic Co...
E Grace M. Cunnlagham. L-o,.
oh T^rintTnCr
karae AUaa H. VtlL”<Wwaad to »****
.M«y Is- the pan
yooofoal Mr rear* o.d
G. H. SNOW. M. D., Speciaiist
^____atari— toawaataaaBaU.
><mr oiufivaI fi
v* nra! htiM'k of
Mandolin, Cuitar. Banjo, etc
Incontrovertible Evidence! ^
ba- araplny.
|( ibF Iitf. uotii Corieii
AFmaf otl of L*Hare, Iowa, i
yearn old
Him Aonie F. Guonioff. Tyre. I
I lofferwl a loaf lime froa
Farmari' Intatnt*
met Arab
Irab and
aod beeamr *er?
Two Stole Farmera' InitUale*
weak Kodol Hripeptia Cor* Dom
... oo.iK.aica I. Bond to tbe
Ild to ibla c oot? loot week—<
—OOF al I? cttrrd me.
it dlfeotr wba. ?o
Wbll* block.
ife Lake, lb* other at Honru
Htrrll Btird b ctarklaf for Mr
beoe wen one da? meeilDCa___
were IioF.rr (till to fiee immediate
pir. aad Hra P B Wbltaao are
tBt* BOBCll.
coodaetod b? Hr Peter Vooroeea ol
e/j3?l0fa eUll with Hra Asderwa
Hr* John Herr? It rer? UI wltb
Oaklaad eonnt?. a Uoroorbi? pracii
too from Bear Luke.
oesBoait. Her na Hr Hanlartoe
Id wife of TraremCii? an iu?lBr
lib bar tad prorls* m? cacieat
Hra. A Powara of ihia plaoaraiornad
A J tlrVrie* bat tboroofbl? orer- Wedoetda? from Ek BapiiU. wbare
laledhu taw mill, pat la . sew
edfer, belli a new treck abed aad cob
'erabl? rileadad ibcuaswa?i
pnparisf for a bear? cat of louber Nonbpon eUitoi
a winter, abont (onr Bllllaa (eel
! refoler mntloc
DelBt* Bin
HIb Hltale tlabbell, tbe UiacB
T H'. beld Frld
• nsisf
FolfboB asd Hlai Haekel! of Trarera*
tia* ■*.nal^'^’'aa#ant
Maet Iffalr
at? tad Hr aad Hn T A Dowlisf Aftorth*
•III tttart-.. ... IratFcfrw
ImbBeoiawera toread to tb*
rUltfen at Ibe H E ebarchoe Frida?
rreeiDf of Ibb week aodor tbe awtpleta of tba L C W
.■h»r«e of tbe a
uau faraUbed
boartU? ap^Frida? er.olof Itel ___
people of tbe M E chorea preaeaiea a
J atormi aonen Tw? a
doeprofraB Is the tows atll.
ti.wjn TwUraad tobU bOB* to
neCH? tialarda? afiar apasdlof
>1 dk?a dotof deatal work to
. __________ ntiic N •nbpon
ttd Hteara D'Vriet aad Crtep
GeoFfF toofla. of Tranra* at? w**
taUoot were f 1*10 b? Ctrl aoiI B.
1 tjonrpart Fnda? asd Baiaraa? of
lotiniuFottl meeH
Bd Baaale? too kumet bcoS
I A ‘t
p tiaei
iiOffroB ____
t> • IVW ** WeltonanllF. Ii
. wbrre bt ba< bees ipaadltf
B*r?l Foeler asn pret atrd b? ter.a
an-ral d.?i oo bettoam.
B^ isol loo old I aao nne baceelort
LooU HoBFUae. II
lof • (air. ace) w*o teq Ued then
aalrtatoUaes’lntaur' nloe of ibe
>ee. a nri * (f UMt.ai, o< a b* orda? wbere b* 1
aoGn wiutor
lUsf the Thm U .n,- •o'l tre
aeU ■ aw rrrj m mr* totmi aw4 a» f ««■»( le
tbeUfeof ■ JoaS'of A.
lUed, -Par
D. W. ncIAl
._ •• riUL-mir. Mill it I- nine
Presents. l•"ll'I f 0^*1 ilie t«*ir-ti .if
Paid Dear Fer Bii Ltf
B D Blaolooof Thaoker.ill.
0 twojeara paid orer fttoi »i.
l-ciora to cure a Ruoolof sore on s *
Then tbF? waoted to rut it rIT
tot he FuFFd It wtio one b a of Hu to
eo'e Arnica s»>e
I Ben Bbandaa paaaed Ihraorb
Tbltanmi lobe a rer? boa? place brse laat ttatardtT on bar relaro (roB
rUiitoc bar tutor oot be?oad Trarbrae
era. Paatert b? an
re to be aeeo at to?
lime ibroorb the dt? tad Ul« tt nicbi
rad atrl? la tbe Boratofi a* wall.
Mortbport Dapanmaa
XraTeree City, Mich. S
Christmas Chimes..
1 li Jobseon ard s |
"z "LLLt;:
Hr. Balloa aadt a qtlek trip to Cbl
tare laat waak. laarlsf Tranra* at,
■aada? alrhtaad rataralac Wadara
toj^^llB* to eauh tb* atar* for OK
in velour, for $14.7.^. Large Hm-of center tat.les, dining tables, sewing Ubles. §
kitchen tables..sidelHjards. UM>k casev writing desks, music cabinets, hall racks. S
everything io the furniture line,
r for a mil
U **»F I
be Urea 01
new etrecflb aod food appet
I c
•“ anrlhtof tad hale . .
Iraeeon life" OoW mi cfou at J
Joboiooaod S E Kaa'i druf *toi
E'er? bottle foaraoteed
■r. aad Mn. B. A Wait ban roe* u
BoUaad to apead fb* w latar.
A fin* five-piece parlor suit, upholstered
i 120 Front Street'
Mr*. K. beroader of Traran
If CSC*, of bar pareota Nr.
Boaaay Sceoul CooTaccion
Bbader tad Fred Rarold
R»pTrl of ihF ee.Fntb qaarierl? eineatUap left aad wood
eotioc of the Etoi Be? aurt Blair Sun
T P Vooof ft fetUbf bettor
J U Weit* hat been tppe
a? Schoo' ABOclaliito, beld al Hrliocr
ItperriaoT of Blefbem
afbtm tooMfalp
lot :i IFUi'
rraifoed wbo wi.l plrr ?<i*tarda?
wH) trieoda to tbF
Praparatlona an beiaf made for
aoed by B** Huen Kri'oed?
BBib part of tbe tiate.
brltUBta Fsoerelaca.
Poll-iwiof itiiMra Haft' ma'le at
a law dar* at OmmI iBbs. ratars
Hra John
obo Hreetter
Hreeaaer tod
J U Webe
Bd Ciemeoi aod John Kacara ■
tele me aod hoped tbe coo.cdUud
etat 10 Bend
C.t? latl week oa toaonni laiklsf of pottlaf to a *ei of w»i
ftbe acriooi IiIbm of tbalr abler Pbe? tore]? will be appreeiatod :
dr* B B M'ipratb.
>m* b? tbaokibf U
al tori aiion
At tbe boiloeat meeUaf of the V P
Hn. Jeha Btaombaad. wbo baabm
•apFr waartp^etod f>
at Batlatw ter a law watba' twiv r« 1 eelo
ilO oa di
dtiordt? crralof tbo tol
Into the old bardlof taoi
owlDf offla
elected to bli
taraad boss a law weak. afo.
ank Vaab baa noiod tbe Crowell
ach.iol rwqpBi ib
MtoOhanott* Wataaa I* oa tb* tick
farm and mored ipto Hr. Crowell',
Preaidaat—Edward Oroeaaar.
leae bare to tbU olaoe.
d? lo.li 00 tbe iu*ij -c
Tranorer-Eeobap Kttb
H. H Hallor? of Uraad Rapid.
Tb* aaaibB Baa art naalrlat tb.
coaaed IL
Uor poiet wbirb br madr
V.oe Proaldett-Prod Bcrold Jr.
waa that tbe Soodt? tctaooU helped a
Ui—Fraak DoBaer
OM.O««ala(1ira*HB*Oltr taaeai
■a drore to liles Arbor freat deal to bolldiof op tbe ebarte
B e See-? -M— bar? Biorllaa
tWk«B tUtwaakat PntA Kalaerv
lerOffBibet—Hitt Mtrtb* Berold
Tbe tabjesl waa fonber dlicoaaad b?
Oor See ?—NlM Htrtbt Berold.
Dr. Eoeelaod of Ti.eora* Ql? wra
Bartie? and Hr Bate*.
Oaotf* TboBii ot Aldaa b aamrlat
eallfed latl Hoed*? to eonoael with Dr
lOf a b?BD the boetoeae
m Mttlaa u tor ft. B. Boektathi.
Fralick to the caae of Hn. SeolL Sh.
Tbe rrporU
aeaFloB waa taken op
U a nr? lUila belter at tbU wrlUof
from tbe d ff rest echo
lovla ifaowed that
Hr BoloBft b rer? ill.
AaBBBMrwpt toTVataac at)
fonowlpf are tbe (aaat. r*f
oeorl? all
at It* botrl for the paat week
Hr. OtotOB b drawiBf left b? hertHon. Ctletfo: Hlerreoe J'boBaB Walaaa b werkiac at Pr*7 A
Tbe taow bat dbapperad bat itatre I
•chool wao aecepled for theoexi
irdar. F C. Bruee. Cedar; E
laat? of Bad
Ouolldfe. Hllwaekee; A. L Rora. TFOtloo to be beld at ibal place
Dta H?ar« bat Borod from Nonli
rraeerae Ciu; Oeoife Baeaa.
lorolof a
It loot qalt* htdl7 a taw dBTt M« OFt tad b oocop?lec —a of Hr. Hat haehar.
Kalam»«; Tbemw Etoas,
Etoaa, Neuwep
rr aod eoi
earrb Wataaa waat to Tranra* Cit) n't bo—ra.
ett?: H H Hallor?. Uraad
■aad .Raold.
JIB Bltckemlth baa baao (galio lU lor WllltoB WaisoD.
______ _
Etaaoe: Jobe Peter.
leprl? itam ween oow tod b do
*00. HanUtee; Raaaoa Bakn, Peov
ur at the preatai time.
waist. F P.lui
Bon bhcrldao.
Wf erj '?Fd t rblt Iroa Hr aad 1
Slaria toda?.
The ?oaBf people of IbU place ebji?laat Frida? analBf.
Baaeatof tiaallae Co wto ba.
■d t daeoe ai De Uaaie llar?'e mat
(bptaia aad Hrv JobaaoB I
UltlpfhU daorbtar. Hra G W.
dtlorot? ertalaf.
tortawlr el Old KlBloe. ar* apaald!^.
I. weot to Williamabsrf laat Fri'
Oaaol Mr.-BrlakBaa-aotaa bad tb.
BlatatBBt to eat off tb* aad of b.
ttbBb wtib a aaw baiardar.
Ber*. to Mr. mad Hr*. Omri* Walw,
couches io all grades of upholstering.
2---- ^^--- 1
» 5?T S “lrdT^t*bS*f^'^B«^ '
Bob Waiker aad B*7 Obiu*Ib« ban
Parlor Suits, Odd Rockers, odd chairs ond «
-V'E.il-. 'liiLru.;..-:;
,%zzLisA-:;:r “
For Everybody.
g run I IIL UniLlinUll from ix. up, cans, slei^bis doll dressers aod com- *
^ modes, doll chairs and rockers, wash tub sets, cradles. bedA rockinc horses, its *
^ fact et-ciylhin).' that is ascful and plcasift' for the little ones.
tbe aboeh wttbonl baaklof. re-i ^
Hra Tbospao* asd a— Fare? aad
Hit. Plait ^na iron to Bode*
Ittofoo "Becreai
The Ltdln’ Aid met at tbe Kelle?
Hr ebowrd G
Hooee Tharada? aad waa well tllesded
Hra I^etoda HeComb* died at her wa* fmtl? ec)a?ed
farorabi? with olbrr : f
f the "old btiebclort."
omr to the towoabipof Uraot December (armiPf eoBpana
. .. ---------- . gf
Mra Norlls tod bertoa Horheri wbo
aa? be derir
•ot-ni eauT.
bees rltitlBf Hr. aad Hn. <iil.
Btraat 00 Frida? ot(bl. On.
lelte iFfiHtioidm? fortibon ritit at
l^aetoda Schell wa* boro Sept. I
'. tralolor ebi
Hiie*. a nnU per eoupl*
Procaeot k fast--,
i« to JrtcraoG Cortot?. New Vi
ler wbicb ibe? wUl |
•n are
. eFltrellaoee
*5nu> iWfta with
40IBIO ibaStDda?*eboo] ftodt lobelo ibtlr boi
a with her oarceie moeea
vltb tfac Cbruiaa* eolartslsi
:i3-d 1»«' ebe
with naton 10
Tbt toeial wl
Er*r?bod? will b. walnm.
. to Geo,f'e He-1
■_ ..
ebtreh Tbortda? enalof waa wi
■e eblldreo the? *" »«>«>nl of tbe topim preaeotod b?
leaded. 4o loteneUaf orofru
etotbeirhome In Uraot to Into 1 local aoeuken whieb wen eaceprloo*
uni. B*Ut. wh* h**
rlres. after wbicb all partook <
Mn. a*TMd lor • J«w *wi *
esotllral tapper.
bMgaa*«eworfe lor Mr* Ooorfo H*r
Bacaat r»iion 10 Troreree CTt? were.
Hre. Bedcta. Hlea Aafie U.ll. C. Har?.
m. T. Kallr bM Bond to lolorloebM
a B. Qtt« ttartad for laditat Btn
Mattie aad Uertba Hobo* asd tbe
--.Inee Alra aad Cora Hace?
WIU tioeb ta KBO bailor. b«l *m da?; will call at EalaBtsootsd rl
of aoolber wwld
wltb Wtrd Hiller tod flBlI?
»W* to b* oroood.
Iriof dU^itioo. Jet derlof
Ik*Aid wetotT BMat Un. Oimb
W. F. Btaotfonl wet tb* font
IK Uraoi I
ktaaklMwnk. Bh. wn w.ll plr*^ Wb. Drpee TbasktflriBf.
« f frlePde
Her Hr Briaa I* eoBdactUl( reriral
wllk tb* *a»o*ut of work doae. Th»>
I. Araold bai jornped tb* )>bei
oeetiof* Id tbe saw ehoreb.
vfll aaot at Mn. Bane/'i U two iracud for with I. Wlool. of Iran
borne OB rbanda?
tftoraooo. Re* manoer; that U. b? flvtof
Him Ida Uab baa ratoraad to Aar- Befh Krooed? of tbe Snood H "
:ii? laat tail asd bat Bored la 10 Wil
ball (re* to all
chorch of Tra**' le City rM .'lallnf.
aarrlBftoa't boaw.
camber iiT
Cbarto Well* baa fOD* to BapId Civ?
Hr* Ceos b 00 the aiek llttSosa*? School Aeeoaauon
ItiV. Has Pali
J W O eknrnao ha* Bored Into tl>
Ron to Hr asd Hn Ben 1
Prorram of the f'.arteenlb qoarterl*
_ to
_ atomacb.
_____ linr
V climi
lieoember ». a bo?.
.anotloo of tbe I'coto.ola To~otb-p
„ „
Wr* b U Cku Ues Ibe tick Ibt.
Mrtbdaj b* thlak* It • nrr Dice bin*
anaa? Bebool I
Hn F Fd Heck teoBlbc tkk Ih
drt. Jaaet Wblle b aBbtiof la rartof
the molt to lot* of apprlite.
4*7 iiriiMt.
.1 OrtFBtbOFf, I
to tbe blood, backache, sen
' Mr.
b BOri*r IBM Kr. Bn*7'>
----------- ----...-iiboadache.od lir«l. lUtlem. Adam
htriMt «riU be ewrlcd oa <i«IM w
d Golden Oak Parlor
in. aiiapetl top. only S6 7B.
^ Front Street.
aiuaS atifjBuBlHUiit,
Id^Traverse Herald
{Cutters! Cutters!j
p<«. ' apparoptlp jaat awaka. *a^
iMtfad Iba Brttlab. taaafrlag aa ao'
awar. tbap aallad to tboir oavaAea
Hob. eawmaa-ahrawdoffl-wraadla rw abnr: "Tba BacHab on aa oa.Bboot ”
portad to ban had a Barop eaa aalrenl- Tbap tbaa «nd Mr ritaa aad esplaanlloe. uktac a loadtag pan ia alra balUta Btabad aa tbap atraek tba
neka- A karrtad muiada from |ba
paara of tba Boabla of tba talaada eroiteftbahm waa aaawerad I
alaclcrollap. Tbaa oar treoBa niaad
with Bpala
Waablartoo. Dee- ll-Tbe fotlowla* rtartag aboera. appanatlp doablHf
r Boaban bp tba naatlUoa of tba
reealred “ **■*
Ida. Oeaeral Bastar. loadlag bia
departBaat froa Admiral Watera. took ap the so«*aod. oraeraoo lelUag of tba aarp'a ppn la tba
>«Md Ike Torinemi boel cr
VmmU eMMt I
’ vMMk erUkia triw dtolMM. rU:
IM* hoU «k* rlM* It U Wle«
h«a ttet Acmiaalde vUl «eke hie U
BtMd there Baleae ha aaeoMAt Is '
mmft trea the ItUad
I have just receired two car loads of
Portland Cutters
at my barn, where 1 will be *rtad to have any
one that is in need of
Jinjer Wayfer
Balal • laAaefa.
Pratwi*. Oee. »-Ne*« baa baaa re•atead nera of bear/ firbUar todap
pnr Haptfocttla. the Bnthb fotea
hadar Matbaaa attaeklac tba Btrr.
•adarCroejt. Eapon. ate alao laoai.d
pla halUa aaar Kiabarlar whleb la
ptBBa-eedtotaaaortIa bp tba BrUub
Ooloaal Sagrr, Majir Sction,
ICC pr-QTldea a wap
Oantatax Dell aod KallcT aod l.iaBtea- to kill off oce^oeca
imIt -Mewl
l,a«doa. Dn »-l<>rd Vethaaa it aata Stepeaa aad Uaraardtioa.
alUl aaaaaipod ia the eklaltp of ibe
"SaSolk r^meoi. Capulo Wclr aed
Madder tiww. bat la hariar aa eaeHiar three lleaUBaeU mlaelag; rank and Ble.
■rmrdp for cough
— Um af It.
killed. It wouaded. and .-w mlia.
ill rigbi. but pou waal aomethlng
-ThawaroBia waa matlp eaeitad
I will rellcTc aod cure the more
brtbanparithalUta Boara bad ee'
___ere and dangeroux reauliaof ibmai
'Lard MathaaBh Haa, bat wai r.Ur»«J
aod long troublea Wbat 'ball pou do"
abartlp afur aldalcbi bp aa offleial re
tki to a warmer aod nuire regular cll■art troa llhpa Towa that eoasaalca
"deeeDtp foartb batterp, a lieuten
faabadbaMratloiad A lata ballella xnt. aad iBree mcD teeereip wouadrd. mairr Yen, If poaelble; If not oomible
forpoB. Ibea In either eiae take ihr
•MaMUaafaaaiallaairareneBi todap
major and oaa mte tlifbllp wooided
ledp that baa beeo lalroduo
taaaeaaa Prlaa Lao' I
rihted eonat
ndoee gaaoer killed
hftJMaeaaadaaaraaaBda batlaiT
•( Brllkh artlUarr aad a batulloa of
"Nonbamborlaad fnalUen. Majir
tba BrlUata loat foartaaa
tertna. OaptalB PiaWber aed MorUp
atOaliil gdjna klUad. Oaa waaadad
Time given on g->od pj;>.
aoa hi»ai.i». --i •™;' rrorar
• iniMii tis:un terput,
,...1. r,.;
taSTt Samlet, bat ll/aralopa^.
MMbpaa latbaa balwaea tba two
kalir»B« •Im “Akla ic be aerarad
It Ukaa bat Iltila Of ar
ista aaa that Halhaaa la ap aralaat a
A Lauartrom Uaail^
Tba foUewiar laiur baa *aa ra>
Mtaad <ran Artbar Vaadaraen. Oo. E.
arih Bar^naat. U. B. Volaataati. bp
kb MOtbw la tbte blip. It will ba af
UWaat ai abatHar ao>aUila« af Ue
•elMl lUa af the aoidiaia who wiat
fM ban te iha PkilippiBtt.
pear lottor ptaUrdap. aad
■«>w «> •
::S‘ i
5 T rt^apQ
Tell your huabnuds to ^etjoua •
set of our elegant
" -;c5.iss
For a Christmas present for you.
Tell him how handsome the table
would look set for the Christmas
dinner set with them. Briilg him
in and we think we can sell him
a set lor you We can make you
a set from
We also have a line of (Glassware
we are selling very cheap.
L“u'SSPeeuty latb. ttOO.
I Cor. Froat and-Cass Sts,
Triumph Steel Range
Traverse City, Mich. '
'Consuliation aod Eiaminoiioa Free aod Stricll] Coalideatia
DKS. B. S. & CO.
AnericM ledicil mil Sorgictl lostllutc ol Inkegon, licb
For In^flU
BMn Um
'**““"bopood'the ihlUof'ihedoeua*.
Hot>w»l 'Wla.l.tlia.g, Xra-vre3rse OlVy,
Jan. 4, 1000.
,0a.a toSp a
Doctors Can’t C ASTOR IA
Tki IM Ym Han Alwiri BwgM
Cure It!
Tb.r«lxy. PM,- iaUt,iaOO.
} V "i’uitTsi'TESr-srs
S7.00 UP TO S20.00__ _
dtahar at 11. aadhaptar at «;*o.
1BB aot with all tba bopa froa Tree
anaatp. Oatp Uawb carrabo. Wrtght
aad aapaalf an la thia oonpaap. the
oibai aaiar la Co K
«a do aoi
haow aaplblag aboat then at all
hero two boUa oe ap face that bare let
aaeal of (aard daip.
la daa Pa
paa I wai glad to haar Iron boBa.
trail aad (atUar alr«r all ripht.
had a «aa trip orar the poad.
ateppld at two Japaaaac towoa aad
bad a aaa dlaaar la oaeb
Oar diat hate coaalaU of pjtatoaa.
bnaa. Bah, pia. acBaa. tn, bmd. bat4 cbldaa.
Mr. baaMtaah. ataw, paanbaa aad bbpla aprap
Wa hare baaakfaat at t:io. wh I wae dIracUac Ua otores
Gl-:0. C.\K\'S,
r of tba caanalil
______________ __ .
bp all druggtn
tbe world. Sample bolllea at Jai
will ba wired aa aooe aa kaowa.
Imter daulla rega'dlag (be dlnawr JobotODI
Uaaaral DaUcra'a oolumn afaow that
bat for tba magalBoeal work of the
Heoria. Ill . aapa. -SorI to operate oa me for
anlllerp, ibc dafnt woald baee beca groaa wai
• •
-b DeWllfa
wire extaDalee. aa Iba laetaaaai pure, bat
Wiwh Haxel halre." It ! a lefalllble
Boar abell fire la tba mldai of the leir bilea aod akin dlaeoaea. Beware of
lafaowp Ollimalrlf led to diaordar,
y C TboiapeoD
which oolp
taaea bet a mloutati orercome
Hag la tbe tbroai aad to ttop t
eongb bp tbe nae of One HlaaU Cougb
tleaa. eoeered Ibe rcteoai. tboc draw- Core.
Thta retDedp qmcklp earee all
lag a poriioo ol the H mm galilag are. liirma of throat aed luag Aroobln
Ipparaatlp tbe Brltlab bad act aboat Barmlaaa and plaaual to lake It preA famoaa epre Hv
ImpaaBlbk (axk aod were ireaeber- reaia ooDaemPlIoo
for grippe aod lu after effecla.
P C.
oaalp galdad. Taare b llillr Is the
atorp of the battle to altlgalc tba
Ifai aelaodr.
"Uee MlauuOongb Care la tbe beat
wbleb la almoat ao aaael eouatrrpart rriaedT I reer nird fur ooogba, and
It la BDIquailed fofwbooeiig
of Mlebelaea'a Mck. Tba affilr
Chlldrro Hke H." -HUa H N.
eaaaed a atoal depreaclng Inaaceia
erarpwbere Ho great tarpriae
.. oolp ha^'eae rume-lp
ftIU. Ill
imadlalo i*olu.
be lelllf tbe rerrrae reauIiM la that glrra iBi
I_______ __ . .
Oape Coleap baeotaleg aflame from ead
moala. broachlUs. aed all
lu early ni
a Dtllp N
r C Thomi
1 rly and
3dl Stale Slreel,
« ^ e'«• e
gatrMeaat tfberlap-
Tta^la aooaldanbla doobl aa to the
atmat wbanboa’a of the Bala Boar
Im. It irat aappeaed after tba
MoBdar rlrar am that Oaaara)
OraaJ • bad ratlrad to HpptfoBtala. aod
aal to work to repair iba laat obataala
taOa eapo'ttaa relief of Kiaibarlp
All "Stest
get first choice.
thin iSatordar i lanmlng oe HMiroibTg I la critical.
mUlodbptbe galdaa tad fooBdi^^"" __ ___________icrwe hare heard
ballt from at or near Uanrrl >ae.
!m(>raelleabla groord.
j aod la camped neat Oztrk
Ur per
Id b later diapawb to ibt wi
I tuaded a farmer'i bop to draw a deer
fleem-l-utolheatallon 1
Oanaral Pormtiar Walker aupt
ere anti) mldnlgbiaad flag
le rwferaooe to »r l*Ja*r»m of ibla
id chip out the daer, aad
m^ralag the cataalllea ao far aa kaowa
lev paid Ibe bop.
nment ate. Second R'ptl IrUb
to judge of ibel
I. killed enac; woueded. Lienlea muaid :ieat anm of lea rec
Omni While pralaae the ealor of tba
styles, and
**”le«e of Oearral MaeAnbar'e
treope aed the ronite lftb lefaetre
-s; 'r^ ", r
(loloop la raported from Capa Town. I
la aa attamet to aarpriaa the Koera
„„ reiuminp f«uod her dead IB
pTrlaor^eneral OraoV.
at dlormberg oe Saturd.p! her chair
Uer death -aa a ibock to
Mlaaa la oear Seb-r baf. Oeaeral
lha J-rlUab forma Uaalf fell' bar famtlp a. abe-aa « ana.oallp
Lavtoe <t (B Hulucaa proriae* tedae
*Hb e< aNeei iroope to o»«'*3B»» op latoltaaa Wap and atiBcred a aeeerc
■edtloD aad eettlrr the eaeaf •'
glaof M l P
*^11 U pr.*able that the troope •bleb ■iolweo, wlib a loaa of Ms mea la kill
a-mlll1 at Vama
aarared Apaiaaldo'e (aard are H«lre •
oabdad. aad tnlaaTeg The aaor- maaalaettira ol hardwood lun
ae^aatd. aabaWrep^rtwlaloaaiuAr
chad bT the I
Hat of mlialee la aadanlood beta
blatUo-e rear___________
aa aaotbar wbolaaale eaplnra bp
ibariag off teeiloo rs uf Sprlaffle't
BnOeb ware BBooeecfal.
Tbap expect to pul
put lo 1
taa BoarmIp Thap
FraraChatp. I>ae v-Ueaml Wblle
tJfd lAeadowoe. Hacretarp of State niio.onu fi-et during
haa lal-rraad Gaarral Bailer of Ibe
nd alraadp haee U woipoii col aod
,* war. raeele^ a diapalah aeBouac
a raple'e aaaeeaa of a Krilieb aorile lag OadVral'lataere-araearae from llao- akldoad. awaiilBg aaa<
freta Wedfaalth laat eirbt. etoroiler •ralSlrKredafleb-Walkar, oommaadar
the hill at Ua-barwlklp. dlBeltaaeoae- of tbr Bfitlabwoopa la-Oape Ooloap aa ,oroad while irplop vo
irwith 'baaeeiieoftba WaaiB rea followa:
daugbicr from
from being burned
^ Pnr old daarbwr
to death The little oae roubed lot.,
•t the rrtaav aed dliabitac
"The followiac
malred from her molber'a arma and abe daabed the
Bear raaa oe the bUl, the Bmiah Oaaoral Oataara tbl.i moralDr; 'I daap
duughlar Into a ttuk of water and
4oatr«r-d th* K-alU aad Ulerrapb It ragrat to Iqinnopoo that I haee
then jumped lo baraelf. The little oar
win* od the Paprrertb talllt BrItUh
________ >B aa attack : canaot liae and the Biolber^a coadilloo
bobs call and ItMik them ov<-r and get
prices before Ituyin;; elsewhere.
1T„„ ...u,
tohaWlaawof tbeir ood eeoord
------------------------------evtnropelB repelHac the Wall aad fair eoodliioB aod tba ehopa were dam )
At laobacDiag
I bare poebed a
mploprd at ibe .crrlaed Labe mice,
edaw to Baa Joee. eeBlb of Baneerd
•V. Inaiav Ip kl' d Pndap erealap bp
•ad Booe'e eolavn <t oa the rear wall
fall o'pouad
Meier Baebelor'e betialloo of tar
Bmub Dafaatao
lira Brbart tloodwla. -boat bnm«
Ttrastr foartb !• oat of neeb. Bortb of
LoodOB Dec U.-ACToablagdlraatar .m aear Coioo. fell dead Thaiadap
Barearr«r. aad erldeetle o«-oe»dlBr
some for my livery and some will be for sale
at 8eWc bap;
-- *■- lag tb« mee to da tbair bapoaeta.
«f the hee? h» haepler e eherp look- nioreiBB of tba fib I reerlred a tele- Tbap ellBbad Ilka llatrda or.r tba
reaalrottUeeeralllebreaDaeBloc fn faaga bowldtra la aa Irregalar bet or
BaeArthar our eoop*ratioa darip liae. Wbao tbap galard to.
•eUbOaraea] Oraofa foreae antioiwd eraaltkepfoaal tba Boata la full re
verlUhc liitnMe« be the II
.rwardOlaacapo-Sabtcbap. I alartod
> frea eBfriaa<]Ie oeHoddar Brar, Dee. 11 —The oarti
fetbaaaBa eraalng for beblf -lib
tleea UweraJ Otle hae ah r4 ordm
Tlaehgao agaie look bp ewitlee
tlilBOra mod (»frfoo aad a eomleMearel4Mrleee
paap of Barloaa. Wearrleed at dap- oonb of tba camp peaiartUp aftaraooo
l.« *«etaeldo-e
llgbt oo lae lOtb. with laodiD* parUaa wblle tba howlitar tettarp -aa p«led
.»<■ 'that the
rewaat Thee are ee pla*d
orgaalMd aad foaad U,i « Staraaa la
ehaaeet of eepterlaf ala are rood
Mica of Olaanoo. 1 rellered the
OaatnI'OdiaUocrblod the foUw.
iTf'dItr tballi aad ebrapa*!.
armp foreae bp aarlaaa aad inaaport- :he Boara repliad tharp'p wUb a da
-4 dlepelea fro« Oearn
real. Ibst eniaaoblog rbelr poalil
Toaetat Vrae jaeUrtUe eej* tbi
ableb -be the orj*et of tfa' K'll
iMifiil dpaabh prieoarte reo^
m Altar aa bner'e Snap ibe
foor hosn' cerafearet OB Ibe t->l !■
Oeaafal OraBl arrirad la i
(lae 11 .er
r ellrairad
_ .
Uard. qal aad Mlodoro aad reluroed to { mare that tb* B-era laMot ibe
Ibatarwap Iba praalpMaai. ba«td«
alnwa batfbM. Wba haaHp baU
aptbadiaealtaaaaPlaBear eat.
■...... uUwt*i.i:;5:”"S«:’-
A largo, haavy. 6t«al R»Dgy> wrb heavy Are box
Jioavy top cover* that will oot crack-or break
nlnga. heavy
t. heav
. by dropping,
top of' rar
ra'r go
gi 4 ft 2 in. long.
In aquare wai(
28 in.. long, and oven 20x20
raaarvoir w :h condenaar d
pounda: eni
A drat data, high grxde
largi high wxrmlng doaat.
ipoii $40. o o
i; ra:^rcsr,7r,:s^rr.ir
Tbe Muet gaceuaofwl and A
unS nuuuM'uM
ixin, 4W< .n— IW uwr —..CtM 11 M44 MtWW.
^ ***
y, i>«_^yw *’T?fu!j
- liepH kl 1> 4.I
Wr.u( 19 ruUMI
tb dp.prpuiu,
paan oa tb^
leral tpnoge.
»«1 polaah temediaa, but ha
I Kodul 0)1
ridoftbadliaaaejontba *od grew worv
Alao a full line of Cooking and Heating Stovaa
wttboal a bUaaat. Wa bare aoBc bol | *'^^‘^^*** bla eaodJHoD will grow ocpeia Cure. T
....a. 8. 6. fl. U tba oolp etipa .»~tu »ba' pea
_______ larrfbla af&iedoe.beeauaa Kta uour it-.m ,cb. a
«kat p«a eaa boll 40 egg lo ooe a
tba oolp reiaadp wUeb goa* diraet to of dp.pep.it
Iba naoM of the dMaoM aad ioreaa It :
PeM aad 1 w\i\ ba>e <
TraveiveCUy Mich.
127 Front Street
I OMaogl
'car tteulttcra." —Ub tbippitg
raiji'aMO roamva oeax
katocw Jotaiag the eomMaap here. We
PuUp. la bet. 1 emmed guudi
guudi dlreci u> raiaiTert thaai aap uta,
at* >ow aboat 40 allee Itom Haaila.
Boataa maasfactorer Oct • Mir at
Wa ha*a a flae let of iflleera. nap
I. Heru lf Century 0 o
•fury aucallud bleed
anjoatllka^e mao. aat aed alaap
Mr J Sheer, SedtUa. Mo . Mced hie
tegatkar aad wa hara flar ilmaa
n»o»» rM
chlld'e life bp On* Miaatc Cough
Tka Ulabd la aet to bat bare, aod Iota
SSSSlLflrTi'iM, Owv>ra bad
gicuB bar ap lodi*
(Ml 1 —Id BCTcr be emup
It . aa lefalllble
of Ikabepa wa cetag to alap.Bal aacaaa
.Via u!^^
THuWlie Ut—4 ■ It. MM
u. MU — UrrM
m4 Immmi
tt^waathar baa la act ao ..^a. n ]
te ba eoslortabla for a bu to alrap |
.k U9 >«9.ne —.u— iw m-<
•baa Ibakttma ga threaga tbe liaca.
Aoeo MEM.
I ;
MTIfe M rMp, *«MM —
-* IMM ebae. M
ti M Uka oaU^aatraetleti to aoDtloua
to taka oafoah aad taemorr: batWra
A»BfP*W2«kStfel.SJ*S& .
Wia.MMM«/MM<rB4Xl.lam '
w >-MiMuu W-UMW. Ml tad_^aw Mwuimi.
------- -----------------------' aJS?FMt2S-eSrK-.Vi'e
i (Mcm. PUm uee PwMee. ff Wm.
■MB otd twalllDg o( tba
the balr te faU oat, aad
mmt cm.
.xiiaavuaT, u. BXT'
ip-ttcaatb lygdlaru,
ta ■aafaataad rmolp Vacaiokfo. aod M
Ma^lA,OaA II.—U It MW atatad (ba oslj hfeod poMady tna Mem tfeam
AbM ifoiwal bfagerto dal, PUar waa
tdUad ai tba aagataMi batwaM
■la- 'tkaMgraaaaad Chlaaaa are too
•a tabe tram Uam all Ibalr rtea bet
taa poaada. aad all tba Mil. Tba lara galtlag aberl of food, aad
II ciiiES aaa“aa=aat?ear-i
Hi. 11 (CL min Win, MaBH. I
^adwaa—M ■ m»
nAMonMUeiauiA Maaami
‘•Saw ^ to «Mto^ tto«M flto
HOME CriEEK. sairassxrtfjis: |S\msVvvTv^
_____ Hewly tolto beiUac patoi. tboa
-Wall.- anplM Ito tortoqy sbh bto
-Bo pried hit oHQdi
]1BBT. Tboo ha ks
HjMrM. B. 0. Baiw. B4«tor.'
dipped taw aeU i ..............................
lltBaU/ltabeold beU aboot toa BiaBotewr hoorto i ■ 00 iKht 00
alaa Tboa noBni tma tho Bra aad
beatbrtokly for fl*a bIbbIm. F
VorChrtotBM to I ar wlto eotofert
Into ahallow pan to «eo1. aad I
the eaady baaoBB hard eat
So wby aboald wo tore lor th<
lto"fSaro oww
..... jift I, a
*^HrTTaa Foorca.—BoUtorotbor
oeaptai of Row 0
awall plUoi -..........................
bUMd bolMM U-* » Uroa or foar (0 to a aau
•lM«ra>klw«ht w«rt«top»tar»»< eaaa* of flao weklB(. otaS wltb
baol borar-balr. aad la aaeh eaaa pal
UMitnn Mmt. Levtsf »ho«rt>« ol aa eaaec of fraablr poworrd orrto root.
ChiBIMivivliWw* i> •*«7 BMTt. wbleb la a HlUo Ub* will (Ira a roBatWtM ,«^tar tliMtUiUi.toT. frrablsr odor ao of rtoUto.
Maba for
la olllowm. If
tbero to ibreo
1M tfcp^ii «»i •*«■» •fc*
plUow allot of Boo llBi n. aad
UiMtoalapl* U ov (in auiM
b tba lallial of tba
kMAbokaai^ la ie*«. Tto* U (k* for whom li
Tbeoa pH
trwChciMM 8pWl—Ck»^« .lowi arr taralaabli I
■ plaera where
lUacaa. tor tfary fli
«U«k oOMeiPMlr or
plllo^wt fall to g
mm^nm\T to «k.t to tUlX
------------------------------------------- ---------<--r bardro la Mid rratrr. rOBMr froB tb
■-* aad flaTorio taou. Poar It oa
bette.^ tie, aad wbos OMrij col
W* dod oor Boerel oo bard to toop.
• Bat wo try to look oon wto*
Old Haato aad 1 wool loll aay owe
Who to going lo bo TO o aarpriao.
W» wast 00 Bsay thiara thto y«ar.
Hot we doo'i know wbere lo OMd.
Perbapa we bad bettor t*11 pope
Aa we're aore that UaBla'a bla frioad
-Oao eopfo!
ao. oea eop'al
rown aarar. a pl*oe ot totter tha alt*
Let'* rnot O d Saata with
r oo orr. aea a tatfloapooafol ol
. loafar. Da boi tUr It after it b^aa ThS >oli^ rood fallow wUi (
to boll, bat whan It will bardoo ItST It
by dropoiat 4 Utile la «ld water
lo Iboroarbly
da Poor It
" blBoataiiT wonao- yoei
tcrdorold- woald be plot
■ Aad thaa to tallied 1
Tbe KIsd Tom Bare AHnty« Boorfet, wad ortorh baa b««B
la we for or*» SO yearm, ban bon>« Ur algiialar« of
AreraM Trsrerae City Ctexwa
laal AoMpt tha Fotlo^iag Proof.
Tbe (rent Sir Itaac Newten. ow
ofthemoatpredonad reaaonen th
world rre* pmdaead. onea eat .
. hsd ba> bem made nndrr bin per.
aonal napenlatos olnre llataltoarr.
Alkm so os* (n drrriy* t oa in Utla.
All OrasterfrUa, InilutUoaa aod HutotUstn. are but ExIw-rtmrnU that trifle silk and ntdhsrrr th.- brslU of
lofmau aod Cblhlrva-Etp.-ri.-uov acslai.t Etpe.
low her kltiea to follow her Tbr
weakneea maolfeeted ib Sir Imbc >
tloB woe dee to wool of tboaght
Aay reader wbo mentaUy debate*
tbe proof . ff'red b*re abost Doeo'*
Kldaey Pi I* aad ar-ire at any
other ocmclolon tbaa that »lat*«
IB lbs elurea'a
abort of reneonln>g^i
inraed cai
tho (aval ot hap^Uai to oao tba<
or«7 woM ahoBld lay to bar boari
WhathBaaaotoaaaa toooBoboBi
tell JOB
From yoar little fneod.
b»..l> FaKK.NT
otbrr clotbeo.
t i
BcMte Carr of H rdgea ioaa* eerie
.b -iBkr warn
> or vhrwe
at aKht M a ahaarfal wlfa ao osa boi
I a letter wrltlee bar by Tuc .Soatbloi
hoov any blnr; ■Freaidaot aay* tbat tUilb aod baTiia
ho who hM had to fifht tho bard bail <
wrier tbem oot, fold aod roll tbrmj
odUfakaowi. It bo la arooperoaa. Ii
tisoUy Id a cloth, bat do not let tbrm Furdyihe lire to bar Catber'a fami.t
to aa Bddad Joy. bat It to la Btoforiae.
teprcMot- Ube lay*
r*tdryb*(ore IroolorIllaaalmpir
ttatUahlBBlUna Bar Iq Iba dark
ibior I' remrmbrr. aod yoo will And
weal to aeb-ol at Cadillac la*
w* all rij ir »»ry moeb
that year baodkereblala will r*i
BM. A ^w-pi-t-iwf wlfa caa kUI tbe
aod I hope I may be ablr Ui ('
ilaJly floe for people with a gi
*olt aa lb*T ar* now if the i
last bit of bops aad sooraco la a sorel) rbegmatic trodencr. Sqaeetelh* )alee
I the flrtl of Janaary.
I lib* tb.
of half a larr* len.-o ifrre from tredi j
ocbMl Ibere *o eery rauen. 1 am IB tb.
) a lombler. add to It a teatpooo a.
lOlb (radr "
pine foil of aorar aa it Uo aaibi* to
.e It. atir 10 dlatolr* It. Gli ap a
pae Hay frek. of Hapla City. *ay>
Tha aMbcr wbo lota bar ebUdrei
II thrrc qnartert with Ire water and
tboochl I wou d like to gt*.
b ttir in atraol third of a Iratooua
(COW op 10 boBoodyoad dtoeoetested.
Blhelyo *organ food a llule. m plea*.
. of b.carbooate ot torta
oabieot to Uaa aad tolls, to taUle( li
I tberlaw y
be f.am orar* lb* u
Had eocioned 10 .-eola. from my brohm
libo to haadloapplbf «ay be»ln to alp »ron it. or It may *orTr'd.wior.^
■ *thoB«koiawof Ufa CboorfalooB
tooBoef tho prlBoroqotoltiB to ooe.1..^ t»* qoaotliy of tDgar
the recipe: if yoa make It
W riTT •----------- T Obclor o trioad
ooediebook, aod thimble holder, card
board caJeadara, through aliw whirh «r«
to >nhto mi edd oacth awtterow lia
•«. rWeo ne by ooroi
a eaady. but abe 1
rob libboo* os which, la gold IetteHa(.
torth. It boa anew eaoo(h ot lu phyilrlana lo Cblearo
are painted tba day* of tbe moata. • c
ell aoltable
la all gift*, where
The Kitebea Floor
r.ulpieau poaae-a leaderoeot of feel
*nt to HanUtee Ibla fall. .
If yoar floor laaa old oaa aad aboarq >og. they ore more pleated with ob
loaltbOy i-rrckt. iiwievl i f rorcriiir II 3 eta made by the flager* of tbe girer, Frankfort too
rith aa oU cloia. Iry BUieif the orack*
by tnuae that are porebaaed —
nope Eibeiyn'a orgafl food will
ritb a Bixtore made wltb ore pne d
I am tery aorrr for her
la(hopba(«. Bruy booaewUcabooIr
■Bbtoldor a dBVD of bp,
hloanBa. tar two or throe opray* oi
thablnmni la tha (rosashdwo by tb<
aatoial tmb bMtooB.
Liae thr aiik.
ar llasa wua oUod tllk aad dsiab ia<
bar wltb draw otna(a la order tbat U
■ar to* btoaod tl(bt ao at to koop ta.
Oder ot the beptboB tacaploc
thar *iU baeoStborotvaiy boL
lhar earn a aory aeotblac apfdloailai
to a awollod face, or tc say part of Um
.1 wariBth lo ra
ha •* Bay b* oaad oeer ar '
tthtoacoalyaaeoM y to haa(
Staai^Uthalr^ok^ ilaodbac"
haethor oaetal (.ft. aao ooeeapeeial
Ij aoeapttblo to a perooo wbo doea not
alasp woa. to » bop pUiow.
p.i ui*
heya BaBoo BoallB pUlow eaae. aao
towapthaeod. Kaai sake ao oraa
MBtal pillow Blip of MO (old llBCS
aad satooldar It with a loor irallloi
Btoaerbraoebolbop bloasoBB
l e
dnaaath work la aerlpt aome apcb
or aure that the fl wr
baa beeo
f oahly awepl and wmtbed.
u>c m.xure loto the crack*, amootblor admirable Irgv or lo tbe
V oft tTca wltb the enrtae*.
LeaTc it take wire and wind with yarn.
odry thofoarbly. aod yoo will And
Aat It s nore laUtoc. aod a rmi
-ing* 0
teal cheaper ihao petty.
1. eao be
iraellTe. while Kiity't
palotad OTrr the aame aa wcod
whlakera an aimoiaied by
waxed laraad. They Boat all b* col
in two paru and a* iffad with exeetolor
or coiioB.-.Sclr.-v.i
a goa. cat—the klad y
- . 11 Bpper up. apd a wrll drerloped
.mp oo top of th.' bead and belweea
a earn, brto.ee eg good palate
wpy eat. OB* that purr* a good deal.
w apt lo be pia
and good oalared
Aeold a cat
ad twiubiag rat*
A great mialake it le
domettlc cam w.^ too mi
bTwooie lai
uoubiea aad
Paprika la a red pepper wbleb belike,
eayenpe. u oot Terr bob being
qaal iHal'ragth
to good• white
i lottead el tbe doll brick-red abode of
: cyrooe It i* of a rl'id rtd boa. tl I*
I o**d la Bonrtry fa aaarly all ol ihr.r
caa b* procured fros bigb ei
oiior* bj □
ir batlerBB
r* may be lakei
If the kemrl of ■
Claadia aawaob. "
Oeaoe dpnlf ird. "
Bay Brugb.
Hyrtle Balleiu
Lula Ayera.
Viola Abbe.
Ctorl.ile Fettcogill''
Uertrnde Brnoka "
Bey Daily,
Earl D*.ly.
Loiuc Brooke
Stella Helteogiii. "
Stther Ayera.
Mildred ClawaoB. •
Myrtle ClawMb’.
Floreoee Puldpeer. YaM
EoMell Eerold. K.«wick
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
WUa 'J 2^*
----------------------------------------- >■»--------------------
Trmttrm, Ott.
titMC kapk*
luism UD KrasuTUi ti;
:s :s'-vai“--^‘i'5^ :s
:: AS-AS tSE.
• I*
Came Has.ea. B.rtJett
Jo.i* UaMen. BarUetl
Pbrnoie BoaMa. BarUetl
Hay Mackey Uarllett.
Fora'diangrarable beeaita. pal a few
dropa of uactare Of myrTb in a iamb
larfai of watar. aad thoroo(hly riaae
Ibe moB-.b wltb li
£r '
"'iuladroir W to’told’ito^robbor
OaalghUy toarkt emaaed by the dripptog or traaar ta sartole baaiaa or
Joioe Bomnek. BarUect.
Mosie Oalleek. Ferawood.
CbeMer L. Sandora. Pamwood.
Ethel Plarnoe. rmwnod.
Maod Spaddiag. Pera wood
I9»9 dylr.aKeem:a. Kmwick.1.06 Harriet EKmIn.
I9«1 Lratae Koemla.
!91H Uwtmde Korinin.
uw Amelin Saoaiit.
Ksoo UaeSbonUx.
IflOl OtioShoaitx.
lace HaUidn JohMOB.
1M9 LoalweJobBtoa,
l«M Harold Sanborn,
laos DoySnabn.
IKM Siward Jehaeam.
laOT Lawto Johnaon.
laoe Ooy Chats, hi orrtoTtUa.
iSto Johnny Sandlcy. Aagnll.
Mie Katie Smadlry. AarMl.
MU fbmmta Hmadity, A^aU.
ml BtoOtoto-iUr-
11 il
THE r’URDIcirX;"ij-~“y^^
Ball* ; r-.U.n i < U> TTT.T
Yf ir
«ws srgajahMaP UBOto
Pra*XLa Omo P«m
CO. rtne.) Chicago, III.
Mt. PltoBAMJ OWOMQ. ■f*.
obw.Bbjr CU7. l>«tt«lt,Sew'
•11, Ann Arbor. Telode aad
potnU But bod Soatta. Clow
eOBOoetioiu at Oopoalah with
EuBlutlii It Teului.
HARDWAREjChoicest Meats, Poultry and Game,
P'o*«srl d-ct Seaeozx.
Su.ves. Tinwarv.
*. Trararm Ol»y, ceawanclng at * *<elMk
i«rr*!i:id‘S '•-—-■s:
■*n* a,. a>*e«n.....................mm
Paints. Oils. Ktc.
Tf-. T-i_g>tJ_ayj
Fresh Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ftc.
a. klMery .limy’
CamtHtoi'lon Co. .
WMte Wtito cA T«r Syrup, b.
Talwphon* 4
•> u
Irene Berold. Keaw.uk
Cleaa white abtwpakia ruga by aerab
biog wltb caallle *010 aad .rater. d'Tlog tbonjaghly l» the aua
w may to aieely aad
aold*Ue fow^ooe-quaiier of a teaapMi
' one l.teaapouofBi
. which m
« obtained at any
' ' for thto bar. wroofbl
a (map ot das.plaat la bteoeo; tha Bax
la waabieg black wool goedb toforr
WeaaoiD to Bale blot la eolor Tba.Baxmaking them orer. tne Are ewata'
aotd bar whoa eroded la to to warned
to a pailfel ol wa
or rotbor haoird throort and ihtoorb ooj^houf to u boor aad a qaarter lac
L'l It tloadnaul eold
I roe on
the wrong a.dea—■'telanol.
itomtA for peer two boon, obd boa a
aaolUBCrSoct lo tootaaeho. oorache.
A Tory gMd aed almple foM took to
Bo*r u Waah l*amp Chlsaaey*
TbooBattoto aad aearalrto troablea It
teacropaol be*aola lo one of nmr
Bleeder aUek a aennge large water. Pat a few dropo laio tbe wsebiiBoUleha*oaBaBbcrotaBch bari.
to Ihor art partlealarly naefal wbea
Ihatlicaa totqaeeaMi into bowl wbeo tothibg the (see. Both
Alter tba .poogq baa will lofUB aad whltaa.
toldioo or doilaalo lirMOt an UI. the ebimary
Ihs BMiitil bar doaa oot atod apeeial boon aqae. lied into the ehimeey. Im
For ernap. bce Donael clothe wnag
boltoapaada. loroiag tae
Itotot^^OtoUK bophv. booaaaaao
atiekihal ail tides my to eJetnaed oetofreryhot water ood applied to
Thao rempre the apoage. aad ida*e tbe throat oai cheat: eorer with d
OBd.enewwUs toot oa coon
ha( wotor bar wlU Bake aaolhar ae- aeml Usea la clear eold water
Tkto to better done by paulog the
Insp ehlmoay noder tha faoeet. Tbaa
Chicago— -WL...
West Michigan
Brosch’s Meal Market
l^eed iiu^\abi*d
Paprika"—frc/... .10*
MakaaalioUlar bar <
^hoUawhealttoaotiTM Bb
hmUBoi craaBtotattoaa abesU to
i doeln of tolIda wiU toaolV
To mak* the eyrbro *• grow belt**,
rnb Mmmoo tall t«lo then) e»ery aigbt
before going to bed
I . of butter and oot aad ear bill.
rnplal* ul .uear
lo oce eopfe I o I
Bick toar cream add one naif of a IM-,
ipooaful ol boUlng water
creamrd batter aod angar add ooe .
.ten egg aod. weea w*ll m.xad.
the cream
bur Id oo* cnplal oil
*d relalna. one-quarier of a cupfa
Bears the Signature of
■His "sHitl iiiil
‘ II
' *
hate IB hato tor aatoBa aad wId cr iOtopooBfmlTl?UB.
aa BOU aa oarly afrlat aao. aaet of b.
lokior tbrm well v>r<.tber. aod. a. er
Are Boch <
baas aad flaatooad baas
Hake ball
•ailTinr from tbe fire, tur iotu li a
jlk than exp oalTe aod MBplicated
.4<f papertern in amall pleeea. aod
. .at of OaatOB flannel,
It It *oaa. atirrior aa moeb aa yon can. bythebyip of patteroa traced fros
wlU troab hops aad Umi wlu.
bill Ibe paper U a pa'p. aod toe meat pielBrea. cat toy aolmala. to be made
«ry naaBaod aad aow ihea ap
> thick that It ladiffijult toatir lour CP with a nap aide net. With IllUe
tMMpbsca BOks a bolder, a larv.
hac list wdi bold tha lour Bliod ban
Apply thto to the eraeka. firm mak.
rU.i-a ui.d Wtud
irr. ri.iL.(lpnll.>o
uirnrj. It a..liiilLili-. th.- I ...I, rrKtili.tr* Ue
Si..nu*.-h and 1A..W.-I., titi'-K l..alUi> .inrt natnnU olegp.
The CUUdreu'a l*aut*.-.-a-Thr M.ith. r’. Krirud.
Ireab bread into lb la batle'
tad hoary made a moat dainty norael
Itwaalbeflrtl lime I bad erer toec
ihit way of aerriiir boery. and t tiuder
- aa aerer before th* mraoirr
I latnttoittts
= i«a aisMU
-SSgwwalwww- r — :
Cnatorln I* a auh.ll
r- fur <'n.lc»r »»il. Punypirlr. 1>td(M
and .<MN>tblns b.mIP*. II
ruotnin. nrUbvr «
- ..ibrr Nnrrotlc ^
d.-.tr.»v. •W.trutsi
eburrh O' lo Ibe itreol A wy prrUy
««*U«laUAi«B(Mr oartriMdotou. OBoean ba Bodeof a Irnftb of relrri.
D^an . K.eo*y‘’V^a
wrH».»l»an*U of m block or Miotrd. perple, rlolol. (roer
Thla teem* a doabtfa
bat I am willing
e paoUc
dorp tooroon. or elo« olor enrloh
tUok am e< abwrfalBMA Tbt m
ProaldoBi iblakaof yoa all tbe llse
e anrar. whip wi.h -be *rr boator
jadge from the facta
tUmjmtt or •OMS. *bo brlof .
lhier*n wiik \.V\X aarar uatil iheoc daya aod bopea yom are roiOT <
pbyalelas'a irealmect for (par,
beadoorwod firioU to tbe rrirrv »•»
Wfht wtKi or 0 (Ud OMllo •Itt tMs. Pklf aa loch wid. Toe boltoB ol th bare aacb a bappy Cbnataaa.
la a
Bboorb to lorn lolo abaoe*.
kt^gnT.c bopeot lifelhreetise.. 81 CntiM —Boll locatbwr foa
■raalvvairolooMM ib* Aewon lo
oar rottloc ready for ihs. Uo mo.
-aoqoare oor to a (ood ob*pr
capiBia of •orar. i>o* foBrtb taaepooc
FOk that i Bad to b* led
baaatllal holiday ol all Ibo ytar,
M«r- BMh boon ksowoib It* on> ____l be irimiard with a hoad friar*
A lambrrman adrlaec \
WHiraill, «Mb MOl boo iu OWE oateb. and tbe loeldc tboeid be oum j
abaifof water
t)a Bet atir H
ixmtoy,.lelUug^m^a' ,
ooBoi; lined wltb oallo or ot’k
A emy
traoWo* Md inoto EBd rosatloM. »s«
Unit of tba marry Cbriaiwaa tlBe.
Whes It will hb'deo Iseold wau
relrot tior deenratoa by bosOr of cut
It OB a balte'ed tin to eool
Drop •While merry belle ar* riariormedicine In Ib* aplttooo.
For flteori
00 •• torn 10 ibo OM wbo om LVbMo euwl bo*d.. fiDWbod wltb frloie to
Ueraolllaon tb* Bto aad wbei
after I coaimrneed tbe treat-1
Aod bappy roic*. tlorlor
oor MdM wltb ibo ndUoe. of
toourb to taaodla pall It ontl
Hceaute the blmed Coriat cbild
kidney aecretioDi were paw
loiely »Tf“ ‘’B-iwo“tbc
oboorfal optrii.
wbite dlft a little powdered tara
d befor* I u**e on* boi tber .
iyng rraia aro wat bore.
lor ond ‘br reirrt, p«fT lo oo».'
MomUm of (bo tool to Urrolf
.r and rapn'a'.
I followed ap
•brt pooOer, aad flotoh wltb hopd
■ottor of oolilroUoe. tor (boro ore b
iBiuballaQ lecbtblee. and cd
lo tea Mid aod b.eak Decern Vr.
n« lotin dr»wetrlor»; lhi» rrlll e-iii
>1* iDcb leeriht Amarr tb*w
Tber* are many, maoy cblldean
tow (0 lortuoM M net to boro boo
pl***a OB the warm aarared platter
Clabapoy aod foriom.
OOaoffrtoL TboooUoboit dowe oi><
•cold mokrll nmply perfrel
bmdororttboir oomn. Too; (iti
Lrl oa flu tbair bearu wiibrl^eeaa.
Kjr oor'e oldrol fr.rort b bl.c« rrirrt
aaaallT oboat
Aod tear* with i bem tb* brisbioeaa
Ibonlrw IP 10 ilt of doipooooocj
Of tb* } -ylul Cbrialmoa mora."
mad ■oodip— oad oro o Mod ofioraco
aad nor boll
.ioti. ooe would earreot a* * deolfo ■
wotWoobot od (bo plwooroo of o>
UBt tlx tnloatn. or
poach of TloleU raoroldrrrd lo tprir
with wboB tber eoao Is oootoci
ll will bardee
iral colon; tbe bar ebonld be llaed
.pped II
1to«r toll TOO idolr oocTOWi ood bode*
I riolet ellk or w<lo bad be per
'd with Tio.et taebet
TOO with ibotr toon osUl It ooomo (taoi
t*r*a while paper, mark
thatoBootbo oklsdoliuorr of 'o —.'rlrrtrd
•qaarto or atiipa whro
Is wUeb tbof »}etos.
Bailor a^a Hosey Bbali Ha Eu
Oar friend. HMie Karraol. c
AftarolLtbs oboorfal qririt to boi
"lo oaaall apprr roum. larniriird >c
Uareo. wriMo.
M otMplo of -tbsl brort ouitado tu
Iri.Atal atylr.’’aaya II' «' d Nr'*oo
e cBpfal o' wa.
rrliier frpB fripol'---------------------wordo tito" of wbWi dtoroooos wrote
cTMted Boder
.le I Kir wltb
oai lor*
maeb lor the orran land
.1 a
II It will bardeo loold water.
It to o ooorMboo* boort^ of laoritobi
Iforly aooa. *ed aa I I vk.
boidoito. dotoraloiuoo aot to fret os.
“ ibe Wa.*k
her aaae waa M.OBle Hro-O
Mtesdd tolho oorrowoof (bo wuric
louib or ibr
le eovloe out of
. of l•lBOD Drop tbe candy
offTlabatoM-i ownbaort.
-a BP30 bu torto uoa to
arlu( lb* tweet bread for c
A wfi wbo bad bod boot lotrow.
Btai. After a wbll. the dl^wii
•I Uloolc at wb.iol. beeaatc 1 «i>Uc
bad boa<7 boidoao to boar. Oot wb.
e tekMl
I go
waoaatsd ter bar oboorfal splrita. os>.
• and laic It
e \ \ \ \ • orar to I
■atberaadno-. Th* fr»»a wa.
MUtaasplaaaUoa: -Yoakaao'1 bar.
. ado .oeaicealed '' JO-.I erery day. mr tlad.ea are aril
make it ellff to
a of br*od Jar upoo the *dr*
innM I. oe.1. ill. I I •tic, bitlory, pbytiuio<y. rrammr
had BO BoaoT. I baro bad aotblof 1
rarapdtbe ditb of food In t
llU etiff eoourl
<ead Wltb
aoaU ftrr bat B/salt and r i 1 oud.
tbe tarar aod coeoaoo
Thl. aummrr we had iw, rawer* a
a loaolaUdB (bat woald seret aadoei.
r locorparamd, bnmk < I
r, dipped
aaroBaotoo Wltb BT troobloo 1
od fora Into rolla Pu
iOBfbid aad told joiua wboa I e
oakaarood meal
the rolla It ailll
r .i
*i>U"j-i*i nme Bjme foa Cbicag'
boro Wift. I baro alwa/a uoUod li
sooumy bcalealle
.11 well enrervd. .Sr/r.ir-l
dbebroB(bt me a nice p-warot ot .
teas ef otory BtofsrMaa. 1 bare trlec
bair daep
I -a* out lo rr»**r*e Clt
aoror to lat aay ooa (o fnxn nj prm
LaundryuMt Silk Bandkarchiata.
briar 4 plot* 0* butter aed
mm wltboat a hap^ ward or a brlfb
"Now. if you Will excoae m*.- laid a tbe wtwk before Euler aod I weat i
tlreOiao. I take It that, batiap toorhl Ibeo®.-* with a fee girl*, that wet
(olBg to j .10 iheciub. and 1 thiroghl
-nd tbee a. tome lime to tad laaodry. would aae you out Mr Hue. **d yc
f you are a bachelor
I ro<»* I -'li bar* i,
had I oat dowB aad boi oa nod
,vl*e batter
Dlppior •
•Stan '-msmtuKSM:
r*i*T m**T laaa law *MfO
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
Borsesboeing aod General Repairioi Done
Be-Painting and Upholstering.
StAte St. sev UaioB.
No mn*^ equal* W aKTraYi Writ*
Wlvt or 'Taa sr«cp lur iht* u-rrioughlr and la time. It will eurv a emt
ID 34 boQia. aad tor the eough that (otk>«B la Grippe lEtorw Ub to (inn
■aRu c. aiAT.
THOi. a. oMAoua
a bom,
Waywe Oan.^ leak 11%.. DKIBOIX
TsCvf Ufirtp^kiMlNn*
«• will b»n»a*«e*e*«eaAaae*»*
lMU.*i* OM ItT ■aaatto OU
«5srll slii
tell ill III iir
tw Sald^CofltlAited;
I ;roii
iMf (Mi'..
fU^in E=
ft til
IB •
s s *is ;! 5Lw»^ ? s
<1 l«>
n t»
irtablP liiauiipe of tba
a CTiUlBA] bf I
Baaed Herr Tboreloo
la eaaiedr ter • Boatb. cbArcpd •mb
cm BBie« of ber buababd. A w«
•0 sftar isr anwl abp roqneoiad
- -uu
Wl BDMd OBorff Rar bad mordeied
Vowa, flTlBB tbo official al Ibe
MI datalto of tba tlBfiey
tb bar Titlee
Tba mas
feat tba ptiaoB aolboriUaa arorp
■ask laiiaiaiiil hr tba iroBaD'a o
It a acaiKb «
asea aada te Ua.
Sftar aoaa daSr ba frai tneed atid
tSBffad vltb tba erlsM. tba datalta of
ma aaaa aa ter* U tba draam ueias
wSafitil to Ua. Otppcocic «rlib aa
aslibiaaat. ba tbab aad ibrte coot *MBd amt ba had
I ataa. OaHowfr aaooeb. tba iromaB
had oalr oat tbp anrdtaer odpp and
: hameod blai lo ba oa tba Terr beat of
D nnrdarad by i
: im wM haatead
vbee TialMas tba towa la
Tm dm Be*» that Btralud
^ bar aa (Wm Id tba eonlDt
< mr apowa bad baaa akaaaMaatao at
m aaar •••«» am bad tea* Id bw axi narttaarr
( la» hyskarteal ttan aad erted
I asl tmt bar dream bad coew trap.
Ms ramad dowa rntpewhal after a
•re boar* aad tbta haadad tba polko
hdaa east *( a aery pscallar paitera.
Mamtoai as tm (act may appear, s
mas wa........................................
dUBSTfrid two d^ later at aa too
: SSMS stx mUaa froia UraTeared. aad.
'• « brias taxed wttb tba crimp, be at
I 'asm admtnfd that ba was cmity aad
I Ml rabbary md baro tba eioClTa of
j tmawtiBce. Ba iraa ma«ad KMO aft,
] arwerd. Ua doom mriad bean beonebt
' BhMtbrtmstomymdaecaorawotii: aa-sdTCSBL
WasMb aa draamarB a««a> mora anc[ amrial thaa msn. bat a mbar peculiar
I tamaam af a crlaM balax traced by a
•Was aad to whlcta tba draaopp waa a
■lehw of tba mala aax cemaa from
■sMsa, la Ptanra.
A wanby mprdhaai. metoc qoittad hia offiro oae
dlsaar aad after aayoytoc a nbsiastni maal lay dewa oo tba cooefa aod
tafl talo a Uefat doaa. A aery rtcld
Waam tbPO caow to him wbemn ba
«iw two mca of tba barxlar type
msad to rUtoc tba aafa id bit oSca.
be by tb#
e that ba rmolTod. opos awaksbtos. ts at aoca (o to tba oIBca and wa
that wrafTtblacwasBadarlopk and key.
------------------• ba ImactoAd
whae saarrlrtoc Ibara. be dlacoTotad
M door tacad aad a barglary ID pror
maa. T» tun moo a coupla of (reMmaa waa tba work of ao loatABL
aad am mlBOWa later tba tblPTPa.wbo
Warad to ba
Mta SB Ibeir way to iba pedica dapoL
-roapcwor told Us axtraor.
to Tlow of tba tact that
d tatoablea to tm ax>ma tboamadi of poaada tm
CoesuoB proTcd a nrj tor•a Cor ibp drmawr.
B I «J
’s s'^is
TowmiHip or PBinmL'LA
l?***'*'«5*'" ** ■
1 B
room ID Mtioe Rr»« copddc dpt tB.
Ibpr-a alcuturp
Tbp ctillil'A diPAtn
ftas pocutuuDlrAipd to (fap iioUcp. wlxi.
tboucb IoHIdpU Iv lidk-olp Ibr (AUp iI
tbPOUtapl. PTpDIuAlly
qiaiibiu KtirbPd.
l> b«l£luri B
,od a
uAklU( of
. DOtiB fuliDO Ibpip
llmt hp»a« a mao »bo
or manlfidd furK>-ri..a
»» •'Adip.I
UiTourbovi Ibp t oiuo. and bp •*■ ipsI
•«pflannfor a
.rrj bm« lerm
Tbprfilld'i ilrvBbJ »aa all tbp more
BBda wltbiD a bilpf ppplod. *eeortins to lopopu. tbp PXpnU
ibp TDnowa Amir eon* ramnia
OTPaca tbp DUaralAr poircr la ■
parailrplj abort (Imp. cooahifTDMr
aburtPT ibao i<>p vbitp oS an eft. tba
•Ban of wbVtL bomprrr. la toorr '
lOf. Ibuufb aocDT liaa Ibr adraatasr Of
balBC Blurb ctxBi<pr. Tbp piUmonUODTJ rapldllT »Ub B'hJcb atwar I
aurbpd b} Ibp tmlf pxplAlBa lia rapid
of Uip (tvatrai liuiJurlAaop t
Wbpn- hudllT irvuprraltoo la
Da ID lose <U
Prt.faaaur J'fDbt
spuD bltup-lf. fouoil lliai after tone
•-an.* tbrpp or (our luai|» of aocDf »«muipij All ffplium u( lAaaltUilp Abd to
A 1-rrtAlo PXIPDI rpatorrd ibr rltatlrltr
of bla niUB'lp*. ibu rSm brlsf freCUPbll.t l.c«,lu.'.'d ID
opioluu ibAl ArtlOeua aub>imn» (or >usar Wiu Dot bATt
tbp AADiP I-Oprl.
l-roreiuuni SeDDUr
DOd Uulk of ibp tb-rllD uuivpfAltr Hatp
Ip bj-tlrmii
uuui o( A
In our Clothing Det^rtnient.
iScxS prices on 'og goods -fresh, bran'oew. up-to-date
Clothing at prices less than cost of
75 Men's Twilled Cheviot Suits, in
per yard.
linens; most
suitable gifts'for Christmas.
45 inch pure wool Novelty Dre.ss Flannels, way QR{*
under value. i«r yard...........................................................
per yd
A lot of stylish Plaitls, mohair tinish. great
value, per yard
36 in ail wool Dress Flannels, best make.
per yd i......................................................................---45 inch all wool tine Cheviot Serges, unmatchable price. (*er yd..................................
A great snap.
;,R and 40 inch all wool
tians, line finish, per yd
Our dres.v goods department is most coitiplete i
cs ffrom |tc
latest fabrics
10, 15, 19, 25c
sizes to close at-.
Misses' all wool Hose, for ail sizes from
' 6 to y. per pair.
■ • -
Extra heavy fleece lined, tine gage. Ladies'
f '''S
30 dozen Ladies' all wool good weight Mittens,
A lot of Children's Mittens, to close.
per pair......................................................................
Bo>Ti' Single Mittens, to dose.
per pail
Bo)-& Double Mittens, to close.
per pair.........................................................................
20 dozen Ladies' Dress Kid tiloves, r
and fniltA perfe.ulc crafu
• I'rtux.
I.ABa Bawae BIBe aBwellaa,
III.- . iirT.-ni iiiitulv r of riip NlD^
fresh, per pair...............................................................
per pair..................................................................................
per dozen
Hriiiali rhte ali,N>iiui: ,u(Ipr» by
Kniona' prvf. r.-n.e for lout ranee
akoojlnc. He poluia to tbe defeat of
oatioruil rifle mai.'h ii. Holland,
of eijh, „.iu|N-tUi- lean.. HrliBin
founb in llle pivile la.alllou. folin
Ibe Kn.a-litic piiliioD
In ab...ikl. r -le.-ilne.
acveiiib pill,
dm-, he ililiika. lo tin- Bmiab ora'
of abonl.I.-r ali.-.iiaj ao.l ah.aninv
HrtiNb U.uc <ll•l»llce
peril.,uatr ii,-ar ii|.,o "fan. r work." He
advn.at.-a ilie fonnaioiu of riOe clutia
on Ibe anaU-sy of ioral foniliall and
rtaktwe aas C.M r*,,.
r lliii.-bliow.n. K U »..'reaiw- of a tody who could not
tbouebi that tlM- wilea were ,-tiiedy af
fpcted aod lliat toe baiola were alao
made cold, lint not ao man p>lly aa toe
Mr Hut. bliia.m ba.l k.oc t«s-o
flniillar witli iiie fa.-t tbat Ira made
cxima a diaunt reUthbafalp betweer.
a Ibai ivl,l |e-ra|.lrall»u atlep.|.
the aUe of the brniD and tnipllppcual
capacity Tbi-re are ddi wantlnx facto,
bewerer. wbk-b CDB counier to tola
TIPW. aaya Tbp EluinanlianaB. Uoa
BBllPDt exuupip to tbal of toe late
ttombPita. wtwae
m-iHiDeDi OO foot to axalB
bCBU wplybed oal.r
Hil.r IdMD
craBA Oa
or weartox tor balr (wrud
ibp bpartoat brato oo
r bdO erv'illT wared, ate
record u ibai of a Eoodoo opwapaper
boy. wbosp braiD welched 2.M0 enma.
rbarsilbX AoierWaa X1rl« a
to apltP of toe fact
iciT It, rar» bad ibnr be
"a bit of
toe Boat (axJiloBBbie |4a<
brain w»l(blnx SJAD rraaM
bber of parttox toe balr B the nldloneed to a s-aadtoarlaa pp
areoed to exartlr roll tbelr tmwbow tolPlkciaal
nure ti may bo
•well tooni
bbVI that -prrrwoa
tbe an of TO ba
bprer auowed atn.- „
dtoary Intpillccoce. aod be baa
fpoalp imUaa rerirod to bow rreacb "a la Aasatdwarf bad a Drala wbk* weixbed do
lara thaa H-fai xrmau,. helax ?D crama
bearier toao toe braio ot TnrtaorS.
avefaxa weixbi
tbe bwaao
Uite UairbBtobee-Be B
baa beea ea
to 1.850 xraj
ilroia or toe
brain watxbii
ebto of «B tD
wMa »at<ai average of 1778 pasDA
wbicb la Dot sorb oapertor to (ba aw
•raxe. Ertdeady aaaaUlx of bratb
mbotabra la of taaa tmawtabro tbaa
Aafaa KIbc. <br railway a
aaaltt; m la^aat of too ................ .. ot
V and
30 dozen Ladies' I'ndressed Kid (.loves,
s Handkerchiefs.
100 dozen Childre
1 5C
......... .....................................................
Hose, per pair.
per pair
aaya Tbe ti-leuilai- .kiuerl.ao
lb,- Mia1ltprraii)-au. « here tbe rboi.-eat
waluiila auil alinooda ar,- raiaed. tba
price them elsewhere at $io and $13,
.A nobby i«it of Checks and
good fitters,
iney bordered, hem
75 dozen plain and fanei
stitched Handkerchiefs. ]per dozen
A most beautiful selection
of Handkerchiefs
i endless
varieties, from 5c to $1.25 each.
Gents’ Furnishings.
-'■0 dm. Men's fleece lin»*i
onde-w^ai. per
reigliL per auit. ‘.k'k
M«n> hirary weight
r. per «aiu -fUv
) doz Men'* jeraer shiita. the ,*>0i- kind
'loae at :tPv
flo dot
heavy awraUTs. <ra>-h
.’>0 ,vnto.
9.') doz men'a heavv wool 1
bs per pr Uc
I' ueckwear tii
■legani eelectioD of
the Utoat atvira. \if, l.Y i'. and .-ic
•\ large variety
ty of iruol and ailk aquare
moSent. a^ao shaped
flera. iV. Mr. 75c. II. ILS5, 11 -’<0
well trimmr.l. j gentleman's suit, for ^ 1 /S
the low price ol ............................................................wxU»'vA,/
4S Men's Beaver Overcoats in blues and
40 QQ
blacks, thp Sr 00 kind, for ..................................... 90»*70
40 Men's heavy Washington
Mills best Beaver Over-
00.11$. substantially lined, for,
the low price of.................................. ^..............................40aUU
Men's all woo! Kersey Overcoats in Wadks.
blues and
Extra heavy Herringbone, all wool.
Overcoat, no sightiicr--------' -
Men^ stylish*
-<m - — -*s —
' $10.00
Look at
heimer" Kersey
• Look where you may. it has no equal.
Material sij|>orior. workmanship and
finish unexcelled.
35 Men's Black Wool Ulsters.
no shoddy...........................................
lallcnge price. ■
• 34 Men's black all wool Chinchilla Ulsters.
others ask $10. we price them...............
3s Men's ail wool Irish F/ieze Ulsters; go where yot
where you land, it
if you aare Irsoking fot
barggains; you will price them at Ito;
here only
neat, dress;iy. Covert Overcoat, a stylish young man’s
to #4-00 per yard.
Large size in Misses' natural all wool I'r
derwear, to dose at
iiu|a,ri.aL aod
lla uar I, liliilled aliiwal i*X.'lual,ely
50 Men s fine valo^ finished Cassimeres. also fine. iS
oz- Cla>-s, ijBflacks, blues and grayv
You will
our low price
'A few
pieces of tan all wool Dress Flannels,
V piece*
. several shades, e.stra gootl value...................VTt'570
50 Men's all wool heaw Cassimeres and ail wool Thibets
browns, less than cost of
table covers, tray cloths, antrsiamjied
black, a
^0 00
.‘^5 -Men's wool Hairlines and Cass'imcres. in ^>|
A fliil selection of fine bleacheil table damask, napkins,
Broken lots in small
. lo (.rt.ve ,
p lu I'aliroru
Will. 1
material today.
blot and
good business suit ad a world beater
54 inch unbleached Table Linen, good weight,
I nderwear. to close, each
r Uh-upI. Nix eUrr. grecD
a.-b tbia.ouniry uuj
3000 yards Outing Flannel
per yard.............................
30X) yard* siaodard Dress Print
per yard.........................................................
1500 yards common dark Print
Broken lots of Ladies' and Misstfs' natural wool
Tbe r.>II>.w luc hat
wilb cuiiJiiarali.
In our Dry Goods Department.
per yard..................- a.................
DDd .DOD.ii l-p r,'i.la.-od b
« *
Hm oomawnMd 1b mnmt. ‘AlrmOr tt»r a oeiBlBC from bU diractioBD to lo*A up with thing* oMfol aa wuU m anamantal -ilBTBBt yon a aroodan bonr* 1« a fr*quaat eaU by tb« out of town ahoppar. -X bought vsoogh har* to fill a tte
dray load,* Mid a frmar to us TMtarAay. Wa hsar such ramarks ofru la our stora. Wa gain tha ooaSdaBoaoftha
pis thMBBh
through liniiDat
bonaat mathada
mathoda. “Hew
“How much
much la
la thia
thla roat
coat worthy
worthr" enariad
quariad na
na aa maa
n a t>,a
tha othv day viyp ^ waa OUT rsp^ *
.^00.- said ha, -wm tho price, hut I only paid $8.60- It waa roaUy thaohMM kind ol a shoddy ooat that huaaa uij^
nolty oould davis*. Bnch la uot our praotlM: dollar for dollar, and ofton rnora^ tba doUar la ohtaluabla at our atorayou ar* aafo in dealing bare Wa can aupply aU your wanta la Udlss’, genu* and ebUdrau'a wearing apparel. Pootvaar
up to date and anbatadtlal. Clothing, atyllah and durable. L>arge aelocdona of dry gooda at noat niaaon'ahU prleaa Lu.
dies' Jaokata and Capas to oloaa at big rednctlona. HUlinorp to dispoao of below coat Carpeta and dfall Paper—yoa wlU
buy of na onee yon prioe them. Wbat a aadafactlon to know you trade at an up to data store at the lowest luarkat prloa
and iB many Inataneea below market ralne. Saee yonr shoe leather and time as you find eearythtug hare
3000 yards White Shaker Flannel
per yard.........................
1500 yards extra quality Engfish Flannelette,
IOC kind, per yd...........................................
5000 yds extra heavy fleeced plain Outing,
value IOC, for...............................................
35 dozen Huck Towels, size iSxjn.
30 pieces pure Unen Crash Toweling.
per yard —.•
Turkey red Table Cloth,
per yd
Two yards wide pure Linen Bleached Damask, ^Qp
per yard..... ..................... .............................
> Ofoam PrtppA br CpIpbppb
A lBlp|l«ea.
trofwa. Tbeol>>PctWMlDtAatB
Oralpn Uaip La<1 man/ ■rrloDa a
UUIUIOA broucbl Bcalual Ibrui. auc
I Da t-aualas ibr apreaO uf t} |il>olil 1
iudlcroiu tul.uke* oO iba |iart u( luiir- . Thrre ta one fact roncenilnx tbeaa
laiA aad ctru »o iIr, pan of ib.w bar- blralrpi that la worth DollrJDC
las a kauirkdsv of ibe pcvuUarlis of pie bare for yeara claltued Ibai
oyaipTB do not barp tbe aame dellcloda
TbP Urxlraa CpdobI rmllruad baa a flsTor that ibpy aremed to Impair
taaspot (apciloD of track In wbicb
tbpiT Ja 00 currpi tbai la aald to ba U>p ten were dellcloualy apppUitoc
Id tbp vurM. It la orpr W freat loxurtea. Toda.r It la rare
Bllra lb kesib. atbl a locouiuilvp bead- obP ypia a ana e.raier Baror to
Usbi CBb bP ««u of counu. tor a aarr ■benflata. ' Blue rolbta. BbrewaboiTa.
Saddle Bocka and almllar choice raooa pvpiiIds a RbId rounded tba nettea baca eras loat
ctirra apprvBcblDs tbli lausPDL and diTor.
as It rDti-rcd oD ibe Mralsbi track tia
Tbia ta acroonipd for by tba artlflclal
biakra auddeoly betao lo srlnd. ll methoda of fsilpnlnc Ibeto.
yooB iBBiP lo a dtaodaiUI, aad tba coo- teiB are xaUiprp.1 from ibelr aaliy bedt
dun or. fcBrlns tbtl au atvldpol bad at tup hntioo) of tbe bay an.i placed la
bofallpii ibp poslDP. burrleO forward, fteab traier or bracklaU rtrera to
aad waa Bfaowo by tbp rucinopr a Usfat fattpoed for market.
Id thme ai
that waa lo IbkllDs and dauolus oa tba BpUI beds Ibp blralrea cato «Dly
track dlrppily abcod.
water aod loae to their mloeral <
"A bPAdllsbt. aura.- Ibp pDflDPar DPOla. They conaeoupDily Iopp bi
wid. "Uuat be ao eilra aad ibe dls- b Ibelr palatahlpopw aod onlrltlra
patebpta bare ocprtooSrd lu tor ordart qoallf
Oyatpra IbDs artlflctolly
do am DPoUue li.rattened coDialD from <
-Uufoa yon are rtcbL’’ the cooductor ODP-nfIb Ipaa ontrltDPBt than wb*
(opIM. -Init I OPor kBPB tba dl»
paicbera to lip so carripaa brfnra. Any
wbera bat oe ibla
Ibla I&
ixpdi tbrrr would
ha«r been a CDllUlon and pomebody
Tbart lA itobxcr to tor poroua charac
killed tV>'d bpttpr iDorp ab-ad alowty
to tbp DPXI aide tnek Wpcau l icUJnal ier Of idaaier callipxa. which are
iflPO rery llilo Indeed. The ordlLAry
ceUlDs la "oDly a porouse-dlaphracm
Thpy roachid ibe aide track lu ufpty. pprui.wlde b.r XAM-a with cooalderatda
and, drawinx >n nn It. awaited tlx- freclooi •' The rlllaied air of aitUOf
rooiua Ibprrfure frequently Soda Iti
hour paaaed. and tbe poxleerr waa way Iliroiicli Into iMdrouiua Tba B.H
feslnx. wondpiiax bow nincb toDser tab UedUBl JonraaJ aaka any akeptle
ba waa <o
.L-Uyed. alien tor con to "roiuiwre Ula Iwdlty and m.*Qtal
ductor called bill) to aiep out lo tba aatl.in« after ai,,q>ito: lu sueb a
BMlti Una.
aod u> one alluaird oaer a almllar
-U-lial do you toink of .hai head- a-ell veuiUaled aud Ool ucrupled or
BCbt. DowT' hr aaked. alien the pact- lllouilnaied by xa> d'urtnx ihr ••
beer bad J..ln.-d him. -Seen.a to bara Ins.' TUr,Pemedy. It asya. to to b
cot clear u|. aod off Ibp road."
batlroom^'ou tbe tround'noor aod
The poetD.-er naed at to.- twlnklln* lor w.wklux amt rowklnx rooma
Bjbt. tl~-u - Veoua. by juplTerr' bp px- aulra Boi bow about nvlaat-Uiadoa
eUlnied. •-Bmy.
"Rllly. bp'tp aidp itBPked le Chronicle.
ir X,. by. or t
lama-f not
. Ttip Irebtodpra win tral born aab t*
%dihr'-Tomb's Comi>
brpwuod. IwcBuiw they hpllprp tm>
tbopp who all about auub a file will b»
come poemtea.
Aa ImprotpiupDt Is tbe drain board
asDally to W found at tbe aldr of tba
kltrbpe alDk baa been recently mada
Dr. Nanaeu .-<,oienj|>tol.-a ntoklnc bIS
wbteb wQI be tecocnlicd by aaaty next pxpedliioD In tbe anlamlr rpclena
ralbpr lUao toward tbe oonb poir Ha
•mi pnbliab an account o( bu exploca
mablu« ppuplp alt'L Bbou ,AlPU out of ,„j
Wbro ojaipra liAip ■ derUad «t,|,
*rppi'bib bue. lb.-> are .•oB»blpf«Hl bf
biaii} aa Injurlvu* lu Ibr i}'ai«m aod ' m,,
Boi w b« aaieo Tbia )• aouilipr falU.'r dui>
^ m.-nllj pxpludrd
bf apleiroe. The ,
,'bpppo la il»p ojaler la opliber aD lndl- ,o ,
0 of dlBtaap 0
o Ibr plaau up- ,
d Ibp I copper, I
iDroa iixl I DO Blileb tba blTalToa (ppO lo »ruia . ^ noUun,: loiprfvr,..
ralhPT’a.l aalpra. Tb-aa pUota dlaaolrp loald*/
„„ ,„.l ...h ,b..y grow
coiiflo* of
a|.|-rmtuA and tba coW
IP dream i.p-ibr ■•BentlelUinbuUB liaair la'*>'*^a
<>>»«> •raoiloir lo wrtir dIcpI. . like |«M*lira .li.nild bf
>u a mellow •oil. M> *. lo pof'lbocp. rcry airaocp. hui nnoe On- Ipai
»™* koil prorloc ob.^- more Ibat. aa
toe il.-.plopajeal of alroos root
namial remark.nl. -Tbptv arr mora
Tliey alo..il,| 1«- irai).|.tait)lI pana of Europe toe prepo oyaterwi
Ihinca Id bparpD aod <«nb. llorBtlo.
nui~-r> row, at toe end of
ra bixbly prised by mlcurea and mora ,|„.
T dreemed of Id four pblkeaI Uren for toem Mo the oedlnary |
Tbe Planta are anpiroaed to ,,^.1 m
a certain drllcair Savor t
. B|ipivcliipd by food plauu-<l wli.-u ool.v a
fudcpa. Tboa aD.iibrr pDihairro asatost
-a do Nit Wb.-U a.
m llda TraabaA
tbe oyatPT aa a bealclitui am food la fotulip I
moTPd. aod tba delkiout blralra caa
atJll he enjoyed by all. eren Iboscb
aiali.l ID ibi- Our---ry too lung.
akirta abould b T a creeiilab tloct
• end of III.- Oral v.-nr 11 abunid
maUeaa. wblbh proTa caica moto
•t tmh la etraatar Mb flettoa. ta a
■ bayood tbp toCPODliy of maa to
■Saaa. Pacrbabca tor Ibaory of t»ethy may baraaoaMtblOd to do wMb
we price them al
3 Children's all wool suits, up to 15 years old. guaran
teed less than wholesale value,
^ ^ 60
50 Children's half wool suits. HM^t
patterns, to close, at......................
The greatest Childs Suit on the market is the
’ Magnet. 'made of wool Kersey, double 40
seat and knee; we price them at---S5 suits^to do^ at 50 cents on the dollar; acaimulatiqa
of double breasted suits, ages <; to q. sdd 40 Rfi
formerly from $4 to 00: to close at.......
35 Children's Astrachan Reefers,
(eefers. sailor <collan, to
close at r>oe on the dollar,
cut price being •
80 Children's .Suits, double breasted, sailor collar, from
4 to 8 years of age. extra quality, all wool materials.
lodSJr’'”'”'-"’'....... [:,.$2.26
....; ...$1,^B
Men's Dickey Mills, best Kersey
Our stock of fine Pants very extensit
the latest weaves, cut
'lishly ai 1 priced
We save you from 35c
hxjD on every pair.
beptotitrh.-d bandken-hiefe iii <
I-II and ailk. from V to •'«<<• ttocb
\ •-ompbte NclectiiJQ of eento'glove* aod
tcitleiis. for work or dree*, frotu V-to 12 pair
doA men ll »I1 «oul mittoos at lUc pair.
35 doz lu-n a all wool miUeoa. atriclly
home made. 3V..- pair
The ch'iieeel aUx-k of men'a dre*e aod work
ahirte ID the c-ity
A->p-<-ial arrirtl ef color
ed drrsBB abirt# for Xmaa trade, from ■'i<»c bII .V) ea>'b
Our Shoe Dept.
I« stork—I np wilb booeat and reuahle
.A few itema to rioae, while not wvTBBted,
we lielieve will give geneial good wear.
M-n'a heavy Arrtim.ll 0)
Mho'* Storm AlBaiaa. II !•>
Mho's Horooa. ll <m
Women'a .(rctiea. #•>
WjmHo'a Storm AUaka*. MOc,
(Vomena Kubhen. 2(C.
Children'* Arctiea. altc.
I^dtea', MtoBw’ Bod Chitdren'a Bobbera,
Men's Aiaakaa. T.-gi.
Mia^- FhIi 8bo«a. 6t«c.
kV on r better gradeB'of rabbera we hawAU
tbe Bcwlon the beat rubber
tioo guaranteed
Boy your ahoea here aad aave
money for (T
We have prepared a most wonderful selectioa of uteful arUeles suitable for
rTH tH 5=rh-r-n a..«=t Gr±±tiS,
__ Such as new necJKweair lor Ladies end Oente. euependers. jewelry, sterling silver and eboniaed
^ novella. jewe^ hali^TOwm^te^p^et books^tJuJies’ and Oente’ glove* and mlttena. muff-
te Back caaia.a?M T
a *tHfal torcar who morad la tm
-toiabetea of seetety waa oamdw
d by tm aacwy of a draaat. Tbo
ouixum UaaBA
The board U tocllocd toward^
stok. aa oanal. wiib a arrtra of paralM
ffnoTpa vxyedlDx to tba dlreetloe «f
Tm foraar. s yooac mb of elcbt er .................DP. Vbp walla Bf tbam rroorea
t -Stoa aad twraty. md bscoaa acuoatoi•oPd Si6 a. te
to bald
- a plau or
od wMh a rtcb pobltobar. at wboaa *»ab of altDlUr ahape lo an aprtcbl po- ’
haaaa m bscame a caaataal fatM.
•w55B"w.Wk It la dratM *«d after II
I day tm pabii.—----------; thsimmaaaa
ffimataro u rarMaa lar*a cbocka aad
Tbe waller xlrl bbew a tol^ or two
bool ubie etkjoette. 00 abe abUTed
•afaroHf a. abe aatd. -Ifa aoc oar
•ba (Bw a maa wme am da
‘■ba Hr. Mask.* tm rMMi
1 If
1 fc
is s ;i: is
'? i|
n D S 12
: I sir II
•up of a*> la SAOIM. !
V.PO Abpw «*bi ersID
rhB. rwrl—.
lauBMlft ..
g IB
g S !g IS
riLUuB or VALKoa.
. tSiVn^'n":' «
viLi^uit or nmoT oirv.
3!53-»ii5 5 2iS iS
: s .IS
I •g*5*:is*is
ni'fn s
« Q
s i s IE i! u
s e rir is
»• Ss :■ !!S
< i|HI‘
ftfenitia.. 14 usa.^
-Kor ramaited tbe lairaa «
asoT ■■
3^’,»I™ illSrinZTUTS , 'W# ara aole asanta for KcOall Pattarna.
irons Better. 10c and I6e. Vo Ei^er.
XBATXB8B cxrr, wrnw
Dr. J. A. Snyder,
I onui BUU( U9USS DQU,
Real Estate
Merchant Tailor ONLY
at »i5 Front Sirect.
Business Oaxds.
O UILUCT, euOTM; •> 1
JoLneoii Bl.H-k, Pbon,. T:i
r-jiwSil.'saisr •
4 .ei.r » «»... *««» educat1i.c h.
a 'apare ar
jyea-.. teea j B.e.
,.r^-».i4.' Iheuldiife land
3w fur many Tca'r
The Welcome HUU H
Traverse City Wagon Works!
told The^'iid
• money ,rit from I
mceired Ibraieter i
ipeetetiotTuI ffpoo foiinae to c
hDe bad ffoor with her yoonj
•y of Lot
- a new evuotry and to.
it to rarer ow
• “>•»
Hut father •
f gdae,I
“0«d . trvm that b
W„ ool my yoonea.1I trro- I
here wnb bi. yoonff wi
TrawarM City. Michleau.;
■ . itdCaMNEIBkDlNG.irii.'i
k in LbbKiuie. Scieote. Mu>i. I
•hiDs liT fprcieliu, in boib
|■^e^Mtalor^ Cooraei Gradu
eln of II Collece lekiDK feda*oey. re
leeSlair Tmcbcr •Ceriificetc A charmIOC. bealiblul iocaiioo
Adoiuboth enn.
If you wieh loeecore at amill etprme the
ailreotapee of tbe Cbrulma College, toe
Caietocure ami information addrm.
iiaurr l lu. e.r
oii.rt. aua-
Money to Loan
oAoG E'S
a»—we w etwii e »wterB» i
SsTTejorand-ClvO Eaginccr
Front Street.
l«i-t fi
i°i-ies g«
Plain and Artistic
Pacal Bda Cmd Tban.
I^lci SW
DC pi
""mm ►2
Ov^r one bacdrrd in auci-vaaful operaUuo in tbU i-ity
anti anrrouniiiiu; country.
A KObfauUe Iruoii ifivt-u
with every furnace at-i by
Tmverae City, Mich.
lai .now capped pree> of II
o m^oiaiue
ere elwaye
araway to ibr w»i. and wbt
Railroad EagUab.
K'ery trade^ bae ita ebop
Laiire pwkan of the Worttf-f
CtaemcrforaaiatH. Still rremteroeay la d pomtd packace. Made aoly by
ip ,□ tae aanda of Newport baa led
m.ui..-eacea of other aimi,lar
It naa beea computed Ibai
Wana of jeweU are loai
Weatera Auxiralla bM aa act ta foraaprobihiUbc tbe laadiaff of aoyea* who
eaoDot wnio oat a flrea paeoaff* |a
rue ffteeicf pen of them diaap
Do not frut If yoa eaa't gat late
•oelety Tbe oyetar la oftaa fOBBBt
ataaoptwr wbee be weald partag*
prefer to be at boa* la bad.
time eeery
w; , oe pr, fUKly pla
t.cee oBeric r e.l aorw
' retn'oof
They aay Hru^OrUloy do^ faaeytt^n the eaa get aotblbc ahT to*^
ahe rofnea bar bMbaad-a tampw.'
lonff!myat.lc'bed remu
How maay faieMga ^ntge.caayou wlleapeabt
Thraa Preeirh. Merama,
aad the ome ab* taika to tba baby.
t feabiooeb.e r«
itne.eaiB.a-fct replied.'
further -oya beyooi
Mine Wenlw.
e • no bdu-e .arc,
11.,« aodI prohab.y
proheb.; [and Wbdior a., toe way to to
ua before tors eeery time they are
j-we.ry la loot pro-omaaer tbas darOne to tbe ratber
i--a It made of auea
DXixaa. the Mode.
II bona*.^at-bro ito^wom
'* '
Peter .mecUag ulU Olasal: “^alL
Ci:>*. eer* you workia' aow. ear” Olio:
u. I work for a maa. Bo gtoo Bo Ato
toilar* aad be oat bb. or ba gfoa ao
lee wllara aa'oe* half aod 1 eat ay '
^to n°i Ube',t"o'
■1 “LrrS'lE';
- freei world 40 lonj
away fro
looiy ki
derkbetr ',aid Merfrerei. , and aobninff ae ta offb I an
Deer 1
•I woulliool wito to ditoonraffe y. o'or , «>» «rar to me lo fe
"Gaa yoa lorgfe* b*
letiU." *aid tbe aewfy
Lbe caprleeof ap '
-rar.bg teeera.:
lb of diasooda
my home retorruny. a atory that le ae. . **• tbouch "ben we nrt I
dnm apekao of. out tbe hilVWBBw la I toaree'e apeei
IB mt alary and bo
Lt to mt beert aUl) aod 1 am I »»<! ' toif t"«
rne away and DOW I .
• rlry ic
ilbereeepi on tb
b. bow 1
eauaiag sorb 01,4*1 auapicioo.
old aad poeei
.ra people will g
ego When a
weaiiby women et N'l
'latieea for aid ai
* of him fei.o
aomser reported the
hut year* bad eoc e and gone
worth of yewej to Ji
Margaret • aun-j
tbrn and be waa taarried
now an
end angcmled tbni U
My eaildhood we*
ibg wile to cDMOll before be
a the raau -here 1 Clad tbe adeaslegea
Bcaay anawer. He mid 1
f choreb and aeboul . aaw tbe eaJtored
.otofotbe boaae that aigbi hot the j-w,
1 early tba
lie of tbe neb aad educated, la abort
c lady berMlf. 00 rrrot the iBpreeaiona bad anpper and ib tbe moruiog belturo ag
lel. found them aader
laesee sy lift -cl.
wonld come and let b* kaow bow bw,alOiW*l_____
____ ___
wife Celt about taking me m
and beruelf p aoad tbea a year ago ice
I paaaed a r«ll*aa. eleeplem night,
keeping and completely lorgottoa
: emignted to tb
d eetUod on a
and la tbe aomtag eoald ecarcely ail "
d tbe old hie wa
ip My talber'i boaae WM large and
ABOag tbe tslaalry ragtBcata of the
a beallb failed
.note two, By brother aad wife, could
(rowMd OB to.
II aad I would aarely aa'< Bnuebarmy are to aomiaally So Irmb. t ITeleb. aad «l EnglMA
My eldeat brother west o«t from tb*
rw bam* ibrwagb
rb tb* gate*
of deal
hlB appnaacbiAg lbc
My aldoat elelor mtrHod
manied aad
lag 1 fell amk aad
ItTc ta a Mwa adme m ileed:
dxxyaad toegtat mj room aad lay
y be Med tap tend of |
wboa 1 wae teareely a
down on lbc bed
He leaaad oeer aae
m wita By abd talked geat:y aad recs loeing’y.
flald be WM wwry but bla ,wUe bad
atorytoUemaUU ear, agoafl
If tb« loft baai left aa orpbaa aad/^ ben
U Tbb« AM of
thwlruada. prorMad with a
w^kmprapi^' lhan M BbOTt ^MaMao be' aioM ^ waald wm eaniMBeli a»d*i
—wlib hw
teeBBOMM aay bUm* wlartua. »a Mik* talM.
'-TbbbX Heaeonr oded Aa peOB,
to )>* eeatobad off Ue -Ig. -new I *m
«ol By bead.'—Tb BUx.
orm V e. v-* a a n.
bit cntidima
arekiBff awl
1 mat oy tbe «-e
arved my bennmbed fiofferd. th'
me before tak eg her Bna) departure
where there la on acparhiioo. And
oeeidca ber old borne —a* near a ffreei
edueallooa. cecire aad ite p,
yreru ^
ken Ilf folkaai
ed for many jeeri
id of colicred 1
iinffi tojl
Something New!
irh ended only at tbe eatc* ■
year., and CPU
4br wnn—ibpy
witb many tea
woold yladly w,
w. J". HIOBBS.
and prompt
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
M«=i sssSSsaSenrr
bU rifftai that be menefad to
ruT with oaly a dew aaaty denb
It IB ble left arm -PbUodMpMa
Carpet Cleaning Works
Tmverw City.
' urtotbe uolbiitatad. Tbe fallowixtract la from a bead brahamaab
roro there le a iweep report, picked op from tbe fleer
(tuepieio watch ta Im. ffrecrul fnithi-eSlce of tbe
•o awe le.pirioff. and
iroduceea feelinff aimlM by lae era.
t beb Bear the blad ead.
uiWBwuodi aioog the
laiiQW pot waecraeklbff dLanaoede la
be UBk
Kagle Eye arae down griM -reifeiaiijo to relteee tbe briKhl rede,
ye-iowa and bluee ol the paiotod Onaeri e«thepl«. and 1 wm baadlaf *a.
Bile when they bit ua
o.er wbicb tbe tuo'e beat 4Uieera aod
llwaaeeideotly aebeleeidtol raUdaoce,. reeealin^ Orre aod iber
under toe
uad elaaff. aod wax traoalalad by aa
affra of lake, aod foreeUof wood
ttacer* ooe le rr
.of the lid tlmer is tbe ofti» aa IoUmi—
lirr-l brad -ii the bjeuiu of toy
rala order le tbe cupola. Tba raar
irakemaa waa ecolloff a Journal Tbe
'people be^oer m,' auT^d w4e ^'^t
iremab wae breablnff eoal. Tba mtlronc eooo^a toko. abd. too.! taoukht luff olLcu toe aepearaocr of a ruined rlDoer waa Olllnff tbe aafftea. aad tba
■add breakmaa erae tbrowiaff a xwlleb.
and the pr<.pir wi,
tumor the .ad
My people would uo
ebeo tbe tmtna earn* toffetbar."
I ,n oor affed fell
dentasd me better taan taey would e U..C toe p.e.o I* dotted bereand there
carer loitod—eo il
Witu paiuiiri of caclu, and bri*bl
i reached the eily after dark, went .-,.ured a —era
t-uc and woleea are
I.'tile by IstUe tbe r«l
Defer beea I'aric i
cjoiiuuu cuou<u. aud wc are rarely out foDi-bladloff la talalaff ________
• r married : Ie aod
uf.ori.iorw,uodcftoe,j,yote, bande Cbiaa. Tbera are few who detasd the
r abb brcB «-oe
,<1 wo.cb lue.c 04(01 Dideuue with practice la Itaalf. bat. CMtom fa etriwcIt a tiDkicg of the
er than raaeoe. tierarM erwaeliiMiBi
A|.iA>u«o lne_VaTaj3oo0Diry proper bare beea formed aoioac the Calaaaa
a f”°”hK :
14 to LUC uortb aod eail of roaayab, to promote the rvtorm aaab aa *'1W
loeir (tocaU4. or tnaU-oed ruaird duff Uaaeeoly Poet Hoei*ty~ aad “The Ad- .
;-.ui.. are met wub bere bbd there
lUfe of tba Body aociety.* Mia
Olb hy i*irOD kuo trafodibe
n-ill. of .Vortta Cbiaa. reporu that ta
uadea a woman oeloo*rin(r '
4jjeere in. ticdoui
If America,
ird In Uat mieelea, tbM are aew
front of tbe
ra* Dol afraid to walk tae .irt
womm aad fftrla with BMatrat taM.
beerenioff. lo ffo witb me'
“‘Ti trait teottiog loeii flock, ol ebeep aod -Sne wrttaa of oea pepi la tba TMMMb
jauew. 1,-f c-cy are k.ee'
lilrla'acbeot wbo "waatad to do bobw
“>|pruduce,ar^e ii.otiio.
for Jo*
- uat.
bad i
nVeVt*;' w'IS.i’ mlxWTi.
I beat
le neiybDOrnood but a
I beee Ibere twice before,
b.aoaeu. woico
in ffeneral um fUUI.ur.j It
le belo'r. but tbrre waa aome
iuroufD rut lue avtftbweet and wbhtb
out Marrmret waicb drew Add
410 Sudlos Ibep.ace- Hyeiaterd..“ >“’1 BIO taeir wey torouaa tae trade to aJi
t populatloe of JertMbloM W
•ecu pleaaed to aer me ' hae kar;• '■Ji Peru of the relic .vr.nff wor 4
fffi a ilod rpeed from thi,
-------rapidly laeroaalaffof lata, aad in
the calamity «h-ch bad aw.pi
now abowi 4S.000. of than XI.OW wu
,e,«rytbiof and pruhablytbouffai 1
Tniene Qt; Scbool ol lisic!
nd aflueotia unc.r .
•.r,-om,tancee -( h.»i
lOOff prop
Manufacture Bai%dee, WaKoua and ■'xleiKba of all kiuds.
...i Lbc new r -ui
Repair ft’ort, Repaiuliuj. Vamiabiueaud UpbolaWrinK prompfly located bad Iw-o
i. I. BUUSL£E.tttLSig.
fter Ihri
Aoa Uarkbam bed decided to return ;
•I proee tractable, aad a amall army
aiicodanu. with red-hot Iroa barm.
eatranoe to tbe doff,
ipany with the traiaor.
.uffc. asd eoBmeaewd tba
•oog To tkie lbc llnai afferad ao »b- ;
Jection nut when bn bana to dabea.
tbeyebowed eewlent nlffw of dMeoatent, aod the traloer bad bard week
to keep ibeB In cheek.
TheperforBanoe waaearrlad tbroaffb
•afeiy QDill Ue laal aoBaaV wlMa,
luer waa liarlBff V
tbe aalmaU aaddOBty
1 IM elaBB
tic calm, peaeful lu
jr >111,Ir taal perl
>me wee utieleetot
<l weir, me me now that I aa j
a. ' uoplacei>,ay my hear Aad a ...tor
iurd>y oerdj 0 - Herd u■ere u... w,.u ,! .be' not (fladiy
voetoued to toe l
•e for e time Aad ao 1 flccidrJ
to DT own t..«daid kia.
Alao General BlackamitbinK and ForKitU!
orly yeefa bed oooie J^l^ia II aeeef forffci ibe . ueerlme dai
"Billy" .4blwtl bas .haijje of tbie.
inK' a Specially.
WewBDt • few reliable men to
ilDN'oeembe '
- •*- a tftxjd job ie
u child Ihd etet t-ome to ffiaddra
^prteeat tbe struDtfeel aod beet department, and bia repntali J for knowing’ but
I 4 lift-and ibe yeem had brourni
” '
‘ need cotni
.ccident and Sickhcea Inaaraoce
Company in the worlA
lettlM withoQt tbe uaoal amoant Ko. nM.
1 and Stale aireeu ..or the ho.baefl aad c'omcd the dark
Tbe place, tbe new brick factory a
After me mlaioitj «Dicb bad >itcD
of red tape.
jwatore and Ana wae-tl,an Old woman off „,ry^t,iag my hg.nand. a le.icatr
■ caiidlea. and alone aM tor uriooc
OnitedSUtesBeneTolent Society.
"it iCL"
the pedt>newr. tor
the attoapL Kaad
»aar ready
offered to tot°a»
e t. that be weld
•a aiaaalt. aad Inat
tbe apectaten to a' raale aoac aad
w waa awepted by
|camc whica .i.eu
,.eu. 1 ,,'r le ;a!l Iboee yeare ..I
We have them for trm|>eraturr, f.T dairy uar. fur c
lliTBObfr 8TBKBT
iraeelnur circa la
feata of tbe Itoatlar
Roberto, the
to e“
A. J. PETERTYL, Proprietor.
P 0. OhMPhdt.r—Per w
LLTi * Mweeu, hMiar
A e^ rif
Traveree City, Mlcb
BrioK Preacriplioua and Family R-.-ij.-e to
»U1 (M }oet aket 7»B ceU Itr.
* beeoUfnI Oallforaka yoato lady,
Adc’e. fare a woaderfal (wl«-
1 tbe people wbu bad
were iDVerea-efl ic
riKbt, with ilrutfa tlial are rit;lit. at pri<-ee that.are riirbl
I. ea* loeeM
- aunety wr . . u d Dope to ba.e wae ^
ur tberree. n-ra aod -o»«o -bo
l-eoBld aeo; 'Pea
<*nre lo^inie aix'urtt'tji'-d Lj iL- ir u*e mid vao an-
net I. ■ HUler-i Ore*
ae asu neter were able to tut^iee Be l,«Be:L» the eeree u,------ •_ tkaie
aod koe* tam i
Mo/tet/ to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
IK purpuena. and for tbermutueierH.
itolB BiblbiUoa
la *~Aee
i Ha Taylor bad tbe aatrl^ kaoi
tied it a ear* whleb alao M to IH
oeeopuu a eoaale of faU-mrw, Ibw.
^“I'er daDce lo a cace Of Iloaa, whUa
-i-. tb-peup.e I woyrd l.tr
•U.be eod eara 1 .l»eo.efed ibei-"“ turuwa opoa ber
tery Ifer,:Dcra bare found It poulble to
leep wild aoimali lO check Bader tbe
rlere uraiaay colored UehU. bat HUa.
e the wilMSe roao that lodjed 6
with as accideat
“r olid offer ta
*-*>‘■a. ae
hitter dlaepoiDlnenl rr «eter Du;
without one.
Miumtj eel o.«Mrtle, »i
^ A^MdaS!
the wall ki
Plat* OlM*. 8MW Boiler and Accident Inaurance
mat ao
T'i' '
U)d M»
<d«ruit De« liae ol
Hprlsr 8l7l«. <./ Wooltat ..e.
oe «kk. which wrUi be nede ep
iB the IaMI Htjice. wd »t
•Bcb Low Prkwe ee will eerprUe
eod Ibre it eeri
e( the a
ay .idrfo-y
ehcecaee a
larjbe old Ilfe^Bi
Lo«<e. kM UtMwau*
O. P. Carvers
haUaSwtaaad meead laM a tow,'bad bopa.
> married blattat
diaUBV battaaaeppoaii. ! be woaU
with hie
B ay eldcat______ _______ relaueae That wdM \X all. I bad
« wiib mt btohaad aad eiaer aiatei* aad a brtitbar. bat I
eoiirhl Uea Bot
T rerr kiadir dapreed
» e retwed ap ear lUUe raaaiatac
ard each other Sa'
roooeaed aoeed lato that city ebeat
w baaao kind erded Tbeyeererel. a-dw,y
■O'dway aetweeo
artwees ay brwiber i_
lowed a 4iraocer t, eeur the looer , aad ttey^ ikere odui the lad «ei
etoery hut k< pi them wlthooi the tobool
l>«noc <ee whole Uae I w*»
.irarrer aod eoae ■aeeerio,.u^ loiu ay broUer'i boeee
Bee I Iboueht I
u» the y^r.
Jast Cana* Ba Didn't Thiu
baagry e
3. with tb
Without draaaiv.t
Wb, M, appMa M
Bel tb* |»pwB
tbeerop wm an aaoTMOW t^ Ite; >
eawerartMlac oa lbe mm?
IV "flby. Dae. AM bad kaoww bww
1 a bath BihB a IMtow M. I
exAMO tmAVBwn'BnUiii, SMxlttllx 14.
At4 MMiar g< IM Mdatir Of (MWiu MMvar rf tt* (Xiateb o< ChtM
baUMItobM* e( Mn- OmR« B
«rS»\ tk» unomUg tMam* ««i
KIM MWIis Blsrhw-.
Vl«* l>ntU«al-Bln Aua 9*W*r.
17B BU«oa.o«thaaMMprisUac «ra
Aeeretaip- Mba jatta Straaca( Rokvt aalkh * Oa.. <rf U»Wu.
Twaaaear-MI» B»llleOrowaa
•Band aad baa aMapMd tka saMa
ika DWIT
Maw SpattB to bo Oaad
0A. kaitoiii, U» ebaan veta« iato
Tba hot «at«apateB of beatlad ao*
afM«Ddar. Wr. Laafoaaat
tiBBalalhaCaaaalraat aaplaa boaaa
B*«*lpa.H.T..«Daeaapta i
aooe ba rrplatad bp a aa« ap>t*a
WItaa. Ba wUI Mka h)a haac
of aieaai baattar. tba hot water apa*
la Batrgit or Bfaad Bapida
tea baa aot proeae liae'f aatUfactorp.
aad aeeordle* to tha roetraet aotarad
tato at tba tiaa that the praeaot apat>a fldtaM to the rtetotty erf Teatk toB waa parafaaaad, the WercaBUIa Oo.
aadChaa atnata aad Makan of St wUI pel Id tha aew apaum wltkOBl ex
riaaata eha>^. wUI pnaaat a paUUea paraa to the e*lp.
«atbaaaaaaHatlta aaxl saatUr (o'
Tha oropoaliloB tar Ibla ehaac* •»»
aaanUrktea that aataar. Tka aor- prraratad bp ihr WaraaalUa Oo. to
aaraa arbleb the ebareh ataada haa apeoial Baatle* of the ooaoell held
kaaa traqaaatad bj joaaf «aa 'had the elark'KBte____________
kapa whe torfai that tka vlaaitp of
Eiphth Grade X,peatiB
IhaAanhlaaottbaplaaater ratkar
A IreauB wae oeraa z d rbaradap
« to- taa had
afureooB Ib tba Blpbtb ct^de of t>i>
_____ ^banaadnaidaau la that
Oeatral eekool oBd the followlop i.«aaUty arUl aak Iba aoaaell to alabllak
aUfhlat that plaea, baibaatef that It warn were elaetad:
PraaidaBi—E la Balth
effaadara to baaa a aorc
Viae Praaidaot-Allle BaBaafard.
, iwpaet tar the ebareb edl
Ueereiarp-Ber ba Btown
The MtaetloB of a iraaaoror waa de
Aalblaitardaaar** ba* kaaa prat
aaud to tha tewaahlp ft Sapid Staar.
Kalbaabaaoaalp. bp Palehla A Cretoar. aMnapi tar Oaada Jebaaoa. a
kep ot ]» paaim. The dala la baaed
aa aa aaaidaol that befell tka bop
Deflolia plaBa for tka wo>k of Iba
OTaolaa'koo kaee Bot pel been oooi
pleiad aod fatare arraoreBeala will
depeedla^lp upoe Btaa KreeraBoe.
Ike teacher, wbo ia at booie. bat who
win baaole lotwaBBC her
whUadrlrlara hap raka aloac
teirf laat Oslobar. The aaat broka.aad
Iba bap laU to tha froaad.
«U ap. oaa of tha loath of the rmha
pf Bad hh am. vUeb baa eaaaad
paralpWa e( that sembar. Uaaaa tka
,t I,
Aral of the prar
Ball wUI ba broarbt. *01110 elalnad
that tha aarldaet waa «ai
(art Ik tha htrfawap.
Wtablaftoa. Dae. f—Oa Deeasber
MalO-laebalaaBwUatla will be at
Ml W foliowt:
lae to the roll
Praskte SWpaa.
SaprodaeUoB- Uabel Uealk Bi
Uaileal Selectloe
Ploea "
>. Praak
Nellie Bartlep, Gaaaie Peter
Lewie. Arlbar Bpaoi.
Baeltatloc- toabel Laaeaater.
Vocal Solo—Mra. DartOB.
Onclaal tflorp VlBBle Oelzaader
DlaeoMlOB. -Seaolred. That Ooerrip
derelopa ebaracler mare tbae wcaltb "
The ee -matlee waa airaed bp Lifda
Erie and Uraol Joaee.aod the B-rauee
bp Bcarp Pitch and Clara CaOer
Tbe pnjcraoi doaod bp a aelaclloa
polat. ia tba waaurip aide of tba rotiaaea to Uraad Tiaearae btp, aortboaatarlp part of Lake HieblfaP.
•Daad dariac thidc or forrp -oatt
altarpala blaata of thiaa aod alx 1
OBda darallae aaparatad bp altaraala
allaatlAlarealaef II aad ft aa<
kbaa: Blaat. tbraa aeeoada. aUaai In'
tBTal II aaaoada; Meat alx aacoada.
frOBi tbe dtrpae qnartel
aUaat lalw^ M aaoeada
Tba for airwl baUdlsc to a b
tftek boaar. with rad roof aad a 1
Tbam was a larpe (atberiBr at
oklaaaar aad ataada lao feet aoath,
Brfdfa Balldera Satardap- eeealB«at the
4tK- wart (a w b a) trea tba lirbt bocBe of Htoa aaiBDOBd. oa Waab>a<toosueatto lakct Uiaa Wri(bi. tbe
catareid mtoilonarp Isom Torkep.
OrtUaaboa Daolarad UraUdThere waa ae lstere.Uo( prorram
AUeroap i. W. Palehla haa reuraad
whleb tbe d Ipaap ao) >ped axcew" - ^eaa BMaadlaA
BaUalra. arbare ba dafeadad E W.
aseork la India, which •
BabUU te aalUac fteada la tha eiUapa
•fOoMalLaka. wlibeat hatiac faU
Ura. Cbhrlea lABcaater read Obe of
b Uaaaaa (aa proeldad tar bp ordlBbt
tba poesi of Endpard K pllajr. which
Jadfft Mapaa bald tba ardlaaaea
reeilad manp thiBCBof letcraat aboat
aaUd aad dtoah^ Mr. BabbaU
tba womeo of Udia. A pleaelar '
poteMralaad bp dataadaat'a attororp
daet waa readered bp Hra Daploo
tabkb raadatod It annaif rp y
Htoa Bandera.
tha qaaaUaa aa to tebatbar Ur. BabbaU
UW Wricbtaalartained eerp pi
bad a r((bt to taka oadora la the
Inplp In a U.k apon the work of
«iUo«a (or aoeapaap OBlolda the aUla. mWlonaria who are aapportod bp
Tha doaWea of tha aaltar bp aa apOocrrecauobal ebareh aad spoke
faal to tba iataaBWIa eeaBona
peeiallp of Btoalonarp work io Torkep.
waa art maemmiy. Tba rUlafa
Htoa Wrlffal related maep leie'caicaK
Akerttiaa Mara that tbaf wUI paae
taeldeauaed aoeedotca wkleb adted
aartkB nadlaaaua that will he ralld
10 the plaaaare of bar addreta.
nihtotodoMaaillr. BabbaU toifata
Dariacher talk Ulu Addle Soica
aitaatad. iba lafataia eoauaetaa b
waa dreseed in a ''\tzktob coaiame
UlaaUata tbe masaar of araaa of 1
woaaa of that coaairp Tha eetlra
cnwraiB was oac of rrwt piraaara aod
profit to tbe member, of tbe codatp.
After the prorram thoae preaeat aetbaaa waa flroa ax tba Woawaa' (Uab
}opad llfibl retresbmaBU
rndAp'aftarBooo aadw-tba laadarabtn
of Hia.rnak BamUtoa.
Oaaib ot W u Tnaokar
CHiaarWaBlalBolBaawaa Ua aab
iortef aSaapaparbp HiB. Joha OU
Ua. Mra. Jaa.A.Heeradawib«llBai>
tataraaUac Baaaaii tha Ufa aad werkt
«( «aU WbUaaa. Uia. J. A. Uoeta
raa taea aa ealartalalac tath oa Law
(allow aad bto worka. Jasaa Soaaall
(wwaU waa tha thema of aa able papar bp Bra.
H. Eeaaa. Hra. Haalltea took aa bar aab>acl Bawihoroe.and
raetowad hla “lUrWa PaoB- la a
la addiUoa to tha arhpabla llterarp
precna aararal Saa Boaleal saBberi
wararaadaradiaeladlw a plaeo aolo
bp IU« Loalaa Baek. a plaao deal bp
Iba Htaaa UUIb aad a mal aolo br
Ufa. Barat.
t Bmfenr M
tt SMwter Hr «t MwWa
viMra th«r
awrM br
(WhT al th« fTOC«. >w- B. a. Bartkrap. tamwlf e( «hk WtrMAbrl
Bonkrap via aal •• kriiwaH aa4
Brap »UI ba haa( aaa.
Orap of Pealaaala lowaohlp.
Tba poaat poopla wiU raalda at
Uorrto. wbaca Ur. Bortbrap ha
a<t>wd a paaltka la a larf* rtoibuf
awa. Tbraxaau> axioBdeeOBCTmiBlalleoa ood Wt wtob- a
Joator UiBBa Ombueo.
thrJaaiorc*B.BaldBae«uea Tkoradap afier aohool lor ta« Dirpxe i.f
"rpaa.Wafaad aleeUap oSwa Tie
priaetBlB raaaoa. at tbA iltoe. of the
or«ae>xatioB to to ba beuer atU Itoootribata a part to the "aaBaar
Wbieb toe dealer alBM will Waa-arxt
aprtaC' J B> MilUkra waa soaleawd
aa leapurarp ebainaaa aad LAtu
Naab aa aeeretarp, after whleb lb<
«lted aafollowi.
dtoappearwheetbeUdT* are e« or wdw
Kidney iraable has
^ sirilcied W«ti weak kidi irihc ehiki MriDloo eften. If the
If. when Die child
dies sn a(< wT«zl .• sbocid be thto to
trol tbe passage. K to y« sfftteied with
-wei!in{. depecd upon ii. the cause at
diffictlij Is kidncT trouble, and tbe first
rep aiiouLd be towards tbe irestmect of
tbeae ittiponajii orcani. Thu snrleasani
tisuble u due to t disessed eandluoc of tSe
ksdnejs and bladder and not to a habti as
mosi people suppose.
Womca so veil is men are made mtotble vtib kldoer and bladder uruble.
Praaldeoi—Cbarlea batoOerp
Vice Preai'lea'—Alice Wait,
becretarp—Lottie Naab
Traaearer—t^apac tfallera.
Iba teat fine lAUnUln. (OsLA) whoa
Ihe aeaaloB of Pokobo fraafe waa
doaed Tba edap aad all aelta It
darlBC tlial iba maeuac waa a
profl table ooe.
wpie ablp preaentod bp Hra H Voorbeca. The adetoabllltp of erj vplo^ li'a
as we ro aloac w*s doariy saown
8. U.Siplor diseaaaod -'K.llo-as in
Parm-nf." Sr showed the ei
inose failarea, and arced that
who doea not like farminc had belter
B. U. Lido diacasiad "Oranre Ic
aac*.' U» to aot In faeor of a a
raid loaaraoer for the C'aairr. aa
Parasera’Hoioal flila tbto field nic-lp
at preaent
Bmthar-t-on. N.
tbedrlll tmraalcr At be Um« el
writlBp be bad raeeieed eo latten frao
r aiaee be aal-ed from Saa Praoeto
Cbarllp-Hra7 Cbarlea Irish. B
Brawn and B. U. Voorbea
Womaa'a Work--Hra. B. 8 Gray.
Hra. W. B C. HItehall. Hra. E J.
Anneal EiecUona.
ilie Bapttot Yoanc Paople'i aneletp
elacMd oflicstB aa followa Tbarodap
Prealdcot—Loep derenece
ViccPraaldeat-W B. Hoort
tirereUrp-Hasel Bolmea
TYwoaarer—Loato Skinner.
Orcontoi—Edna Boldawertb.
F.Baaclal Secretary - Ura. H a
‘’r^urer-U's ; Huellmaatel
Harsnal-Hrs A Uebbert
Goard —Mrs I« Proeeneber
Aod to-Milad la aalr. ptaBoa tbaa
Uaterfoaiaatloa. tba Lady Uaraabeaa
^toa atofar taaaal. aad Ua appratnoaU aad tba Maetot maalimaiafi U
the same value for your money.
tba Nortb Hictaicno Poaltrp assoeiat.o
oe opera boasc Sslurday waa a
crest saeimea
O.er Jew coops of besa
fei bl-ds wereeotered.
Notion Department,
New York City,
N. Y.
as a disf-rderly aod the . ui . fii -lalsdis
-red tt.ss-. in bonds aad bU.i sewed
er cluloes.
Her bore, and cooeral
appearance wassoSuby tbailbeLfi.
nert were astonoded warn laey found
so mneb m iney
The npaer peaioso.a baa c«>''n 'ap
idly dnr.o* toe past year, sod it la oua
Wonderful Values in-
estimated that there are
wiibin Its borders
The b mm la Iron
Overcoats and
the loerrose.
Farminc le de.rlopiny
rapidly aico. Toe fatore looks bncbier for tuai section
Newt lays
that a
lo s mao 'WOO admired ber more tbac
be bimveif dt-1. the coasideralion beici
thirty m-iroad ties, fi'ieea batbeit of
polatoes u .d $:i in-caab
We Select Tfaeee m Be]
Hember LibrorpCommittoe—Mrs. 1
C. halm
It was annooeerd Thursday -.bai
Pincrae bad reappoiotee
Dirtd E Barns at a memlter of lb
Treasorer—Beaaie Lbadcm
Librariao—H B H tlJ-y
Hember buopiy Committee—.1
wboIT^rr^'^fw i'*waiof Ue lodaatT. Ue facia riraa
-arera. City ba. m>
.to o'
of tUto kM. bat
Ewry woaaan ma. write faRy aad two. I “V*
^L«lar tn------* i»tt*r
utiveVelBee; '
------------- jiade (row bigb
ioade Frii'ze. brood PreDCIi faciufa, exUa tride ntm
jiipio^. «ix rolan of lilk iUiebi^. pi«ia aad foaev lieitn; of bret ^aalilieo. and UiloriDt; of errry detail moot
Some Stauaiict
tbrallkcaJ oppsaitlon of otbrr m.m
Lmbor Commiealboee Cox bae com
•r» of tbr board wboaalertaiB diff-r
pleted a caoeam of tbe siabitsbmeau
It »iewa rtcordlne the pardooioc o
HicblEOO which mtoo'artere rebi
E Wriebt. tha Bra... raaoty mar
Tbe reaolt to warti p of caesidrr
-orer. wbi»< raleaae Bora* bu f.oueb'
atloB. While the eehic.e maaeraclar
ao aDercatlcally
Tbe appuietmeot
inr iBdaaiip In the elate baa heeo
fiowarer. wi),cl»z Crcal aattolartiot |
known tn be exienai.e. lU real slml.
fraal many wbo ba.e eadoraec |
dcance aa oae of oar moat impoeiaat
coaraeio tbe mattwr of Wrixbi'i ' “
laetr'Od baa scorcelp beea rwai
It to olao aaaoaccad tbai
nipeloen oeetars la tbe elate
I'raaideot Beck boa alee beea raao
Bee coeeeras were rlsH-d
poiaiad by ibe roaeraor
Tbe capital aloek~of three Brms a«
freratea p utr.rio with ao addiuonal
earplas of »!:s UI) .reported bp three
taakior oa seei-efe for each Bra
aaed' of P->, TfT
Foetj aine o
I rr*"
medical adHre la tbe wortd^ifi
taiii' mi'irmaiiou jUitit nmK\’ valuable articles
that lilt- iiiiisiitner is entitled to receive.
Abk ymir j^rxiccr for .\rbuckles’ Roasted C
II ttaincs taro out
-naib realdeni of ■>
Bfty-pOQod turkey aa tbe piect; dr re
aisLanoe tor bis Cbriaimaa dinner
b iBCbt the bird a we-k or two ac° at
tbe wrifbt of f.iriy three p i-indi, aod
eipeciaAObct ibet-iaer se.en ppbi as
oo b f re tbe time'eomra a> kill him.
At Ms 4ietir a wsmat koown a>
wbleb haa rested upoo tbe ehoreb fo.
tbe pael ae.ea years was burned and.
as lU smoke aacen'dtd. tbe sodieorr
who bad labored eo loacaad faithfall;
frr loal boar, as I'meed by one im
pulse, ruee sad sane tbe (ioie'ocy a>
II bad ue.er been beard la tbe ed fie
litoilwoolTperparaticwof it. <• beta r'wa
Bel for Uc par|>Be
» "Pnlarl. cT^o^ ; fxmtoblrf aa lateUlreat idem of
be“- ie ^
wfll irertor eaietal. rimirxrdtiUMi. cemi-
Roasted Coffee
It is prepared by an individual firm who value their reputation too
highly to endanger it by lowering the standard of their coffee.
It is hermetically sealed and put up in packag^-'i^ people of
many years experience and utmost reliability. It is not ground
because ground coffee loses two-thirds of its flavor before reach
ing the consumer. It is not sold in bulk because of the
possibilities of adulteration. It is not sold at a high price
because it is better to sell m/lHons of pounds of coffee at
a small profit than hundreds of pounds al a large profit.
bn iday was a crest day in the 1
tory of J >y UVmonal H E. eoarob
i.rand KsPids
After a senea of ■
4ueot cdocralalaiory addresses by
Tbu-wdap to JsDoarp
boalea ibere will be an eoie
You can't bel
->az» Ksle. wBo Dss beea becc'<’*
foryears. wasseoito ibe eoobiyjs
Uraod B.preaeotaure—A W f
-d.-allcroa-e E E HtCop
Traatee three years—A W E-ckerd.
There will be a pabte •ostalls'i
Ks<cbuof Pytbiai aod ibnr fainiiies.
Whether you buy l
I deceived if you buy
Petmkrp ibeanBaai meciiBC < f
Freaioeol—Hiss l.-’oiae Hoeliman'e)
First Vice PreaiJenl-Mrs
St-eood Vice Preaideet—Mrs A
The quality never changes.
' around the comer, you get the samCi.coffee, the same good- '
breniffeetnallT alampcd oat of Sact
Finaoe al Secreiarr -Helen Hoore
UarrlB and Oao^ W. Buff.
tbadapartad.bbth by patooeai triaoda
Abd Ua aarfi-ma ordara. A wtmu with
Ua lattar. G. A. E waa praaaalad by
r ness.
' it of a big coffee dealer or at a little grocery store'
mast be ntber imralemlp band ed
Bitlerjii was with tbe Twenty
fosrib lafanirp-ood the F *rih eat
alrp. sad they bad Josi taiiee the towi
of Arapat. abnet t.X'.y miles Irain Ms
alls. Tlaleiv-r ass from 0--t r. •
anul No. 1st ceulap to Man ia, ana
lam.rdii TraeaneCitp Dae. ‘i-.B
tak'BC the town of Aparat ecae df ibr
I tsjpa were i j ired
«3, $3.6o, $4 =
Did yoQ a«y $16 to $20 “
Well. p». bfre we btve no
.-..lopelili.iu —Ibe bn«!l made arr her?
Wilhelm Bros.
soi TH SI or:.
No Hope
Get Ready for Christmas.
THK UOTHEB of tbe family .booid toy la a aopply a
delieioaa ABaed (eooa aad fatey cookiem. tea. aad a fieea
THt CH1I.DKF.V will ro}o7 rameof oar laexaa»i*a '
I obU aad raa’oTHE BEAD OP THE BOOK will woat Io eop off bto
wtu aome of oar roM loaaece
249 ] root Street.
r.lSSi.TCT- r‘~™—i
•a-a Baltot Oorfto
Haay haadraow
fiwol pmcaa arara cleaa aa 'krt.baiaa le
' ence to any other kind. Tbe reason is found in '
its rich drinking qualities; in its permanent good-
rteaa tbrir efiBltw batwaea tba la
faatrp. caeolrp aad nnlUarp. aad b>
Cboroe tho artilierr aa ia that tba met
It to bald that '■OoUaaiu'' haa
•a^ thto law imaa la aaap rttloa.
•Oder aaeaeal allaaaa aaow lhaa tha
mmm ValaaUaa. Oeba aad rthm.
lovers of America buy suUioos at
pounds of AR3UCKLES' COFFEE in prefer-
Tbe Bee Keepere of Hlebifon wli
meet In Tbompeoa.ille Jaooarp I for a
two Japs’coo.eolioB '
Commander—Wm bmi b
Altboarb be bsa IT eblldraa.William
S^ior v,e« C.m«a»der-N ChaiWeal of'W (iiniDatOB. baa area ba>
He waa stricken b.iu.Jooior Vice r<>Bmaoder—P. Fartach. three of them
years art>. al the a«e of .A
Chaola>n—Cba> Inab.
Ura. Panllna Baker, of ti ’ ly. ii ibOfli-er cf the da;
F F ■•-ear
posaeaaor of a bibie ivu years old
Ijsarlrr Haaier—treo Mrama.
was prieted In London in I- u and ws
iifli.-er of tbe lioard-W Booker.
branrbl to tbia ooanlry aome year.
burfeoL Mart Korean.
Willard Campliall waa extended
Men tar work in lb- woods are .er>
setree all aloac tba lioc of tbe Hacai
eswd.isiuDof Ibr U cbitrac Ontrs
W'a^ as hi^toaa I.--sad ( v
a*e belor . IT.red by lomber operatois
Sereeant Hijo' I'baa l> pirp
Daniel Itobofield woe eboacn ha the
tbe aaoBal
raormeoiatiTe to tbe state francoe
Tra.erse Clip Lbdye. No. rj K- o
•act at Laniinc srxt week. Bow
Tharadaj alfbt the follow in» ittloers
aatberised to propose aome ebancaa
the bp lawa that aradeaired bp Pomaoa
Cbaceclor Commaeder
Tbe tallowlecoommittoea war
V cr Chaocelor—Geo. W Tbomi
aen at tfatoe’oalnc araaioa.
Prelate—Hal B rstman
Exacallee Oommlttw leleeUt
U of W.-Urorp W 8-aitb
8 Honror aad J U. SAmadell
K. tt. abd 8 —Gap D K-ooedy
poarai. B O Imdd and U W Herfelbp
H of F-Jobe Proberl.
bold orer another pear
H. olCx -J T Haoeah
Pleanee Committee lappoloti'
U of A.-G« W Poel^
P. Grap. D e HcHallea aed J. t Uill.
1 G —S B Howard
Hood of Ordor-A B. McEae. .A L
O G. H. 1 b-oapp
Kimball and John HcDonald
T^aenual maetiec of tba A. O. U.
UaoerTtooT W- E Thacker died a
W. waa hrld Pridap alcbt acd tba tolbto raaldeee* oe btaic aireet at I:ti
iowinc offisen were elected:
a eloek Pridap moroln^
Be »e*er re
P. H W -E. W B >aod
raiead eoBaeioaiBrn after ba wai
Payaiclao—a. B Garaar.
strlcheB with paralpito WWawda)
H. W-Anfoa HeColl
Paremae—Jaa Harebia.
Ur. Tbaekar wai oat to bto ebiekra
Orerarer—r Harela.
oaaa Vedneadap aflerBooa
Beeorder—J H. Iscrico'clock eed waa Bot mtoaed as
I'lBaneler—O E Brmui.
le tbe e*eBlB(
He did hot ri
BseelTer—JaeoB Fartach.
aspBcraBdbto wife soopoaad
Qaida—U o-'Torbaek
Wbea Hra. Thacker went
lialde ffalchmsB S. W Brand.
to lock tbe ebiekbo boaee at » o'cleek
Traatar one pear—K Boaad
la Uc ctTBlnc she was shocked
0-l^te to Greed Lsdee — Aacoa
bar baabaod Ipioc in tbe shed aeHcOoll: alternata. 0 g Bcmaa
Hr Koeelaad
a A a
bwuiad ibai Hr Thacker
TbefoUowlactfficrra were eleevd
d a
Aboat MEeirbU of tbe Haraabeea
won proaat. altow memberaof ibe
U a T. « aad a aearc fram the W.«i
good reason why the cofiee
claima that be killed a deer bp i
o! fn
potatoee Urawa from a aline
It to belia.M that ibe amallpox t
T . be •
At tha baalaaaa Baallsp Ura .
.a a
UarttawaacloeteddlraBtorlo SlI ibe bto death this Bsorriinr.
aaaaaep eaaaad bp tba Borlof awap
Hr. Thacker hat beea soperrianr tor
e( Ura U. B. Oataa It waa alao da- aeearal pears aad aa cnenreUc rffirial
eUad Is paatpoaa tha oaxt meeliac Vll
t waa a ealerao of the cleil war aad
tbesa firms rase as tbeir oa-ooi li
rarp peomiseot member of Hesebieiee eamboriafi 3T|
or at
>«raoB Post .Vo. isii A S I'ptotbe
A the ToUa
a.erare of T se: tor each fl-m
time of bit death beheld tba oficc of
' Ool^U- waa armiad I
Tbe .alor of tbto freat oelpot wai
adletul of tbe Pool
«o raaaallp ter pUpiap a llti:
rl.eo at W :u> sit so arerore of oboe
towoa roBo at aartaaw, aad
US fin .or rocb .eblcle. and an aeorert
leaeea a widow, one aon. Eolltr of
of bis: yls for eaeb 6rm
U wae e<ti
Grand Bapidi; three Jaartaten. Hra
I that ine loereoae in cmipat tat
Will Eboer. Htoa Bi^a and Hra. Cbaa.
HcHkcbael of thto dtp
bto amot eaaaaa a little qaiat_______
•cold a.erore »: per eent
Tbe feerral wae held Saodar A
UootoUaMrwHoldeaofPark Plaoa
The* firms, at Ibr i-me of tbe can
praat cooeoarae af Irlanda w re at
Who waa elererlp Satcad
bp tba
Ibaboaae loltoleato tbe taaarai aer- aod tTTsimrrn^ fear .liSrrrBt
awtadlar aboat two weaka w<>
.eroreo' ••. for raco faelorr. l-be
preacbed bp See 0 Cochlla who ricb and all failed to enr hr. an. cwmfon
Think of all Ib« and Ibro Ibicfc thut >br ' k.e.a«e number -f emplopaa for tbr
■ V* bad ebarr* of Ue aamesa Tha admir
waa fioslly cated—compIrtrlT. wh-:i., pc. I
Flaaa la the eeaalar. aad trytoterad
perooeo for each
able pabllc asd peraoaal qaaliUreof manrotl. cared iixbt io tbe prs.a.'< of brt i
trow PhUaoalpbla.
Ba npraaslrd
Their anrreme weekly pay-ralto footthe deemed were apokea of obd a fiaa >
htaaalf to ba a elotbiw mimaa areroce for eecll facisrp
trlboM paid to the dead.
Hra. C. J
aaa. aad plapad tba part to par
Ebaer. Hlia Hammond and CE Baea I im as Sbr a«fat kaire been sia rear, before
Tbesr arr simply tbe farts m the ease of
taettm. Tha aaxt dap ba prodaead a taratobed the me.le tar tee oemaiee
Tbeae firarea ftr* a fair Idea of ■
1 Mrs tl B WaUace. of Hiwastrr. Cook
lattar parpenlat to b, fro« hla boaaa.
iadoaup and tha la
le ehazve of He- Co Trioa w
Motlac that Ibap had baaa aaabl. to
'i Isad bersaxtswl swarwefnim female weak
rf baeli
E.and ab.n.,1
aaad Ua tba aofemrp diatl. bat that
itl<yiae Wh! r Ue abere rei
. fra-amonetb.,-lhap aaalaaad a ebaak whU. tbep aUomrodaa of
________________ ,<»lxtb* lairaat coaen-Ba. Uera oiw
hopad be wooU baea ao traaBla la
Lxle Eaherta. Lwi Boalik. John
rree'e Farom. Praamptm » * I wtll a*e1’ the proeae! aad aboa
me. Nelaoe Cbattenioa. F D
*” e*—“-wi
There most be a
mdnolroaMata ke«pi wrtl oaar
u Tba hope base flea lUmi aad
tnod oomrad« aad aea in aemp seop
amt kiadip uaalod.
la a|>»kla« of tka- qaartaea wbeet
they are atailoaad. be aapa. “^ep
a-weetp soolawd the Xfaatcked eeolB A>
Dabau Jedcea
Tbejud»eafur the debate betweec
the PrankJla dab of Maatoiee aad ib«
dcBior Lpeaaw of thli dtp haee beet
Altboarb vbair aeewpiaare
haa aot baeo raoeleed ae pet. It to probabte that tbep wUl earre
daoedsleadeet Blodfett of Lodioirtoo haa becc
aiked bp Ibe preaideet of the Pzaek
1 a dab aad baperiotebdeal Lou ei
E k Siplda baa beee aeiaeted bp ib«
Sea>oT Lpoma'a Braatdeoi. and tb<
two preaideola corJiioUp bar# aaked
BapmateodeolKipeof Cadillac to act
a> tbe iblnl jadee
The deiiale will take plaea ia ibto
dtpallbeCcip Opera Boaaa Prida.c
eeeelD(. Oezaaner u. AaoilaaiaB wl I
be IS eeou to all paria of ifaa beeac.
No aeau will be reaerred
call each
aiber paee aa aeproprate
Vlolla dole
atEBaltarOTBadTraraiaa Bap
work the
Prtdap afteroooB Ike Iroesn of
Ikr Seeeotb aed Bicktk pradaa of tba
ElBwood arense acboorpaea a eerp
plMMt procram wkteb waa a r^t
WOfMii M Wen » Men
Kidoey Trouble.
Fine Arti.stic
Job Printing
try br. UilCb' New Hurt Curt, z
hid suffered foe yeirs ailh ban
tiouhie; SO bad was mv case I was ’
pven up 10 dte ficvenJ times. Had
levse pilpiution, shon breath and
much pain about the he«rt. fiutierinr
ind smotherini: speQs, hut I>. Miles
Heart Cure pve me prompt rdief
and tinajly a pennanera cure.
tor*, i. L. Tariwr. ri I a>l ■■ a?.
Hmart Cura
.Tmveree CUy. Mtaf,
Skczssois n
I will pay 16 to 90 oeutE for oBweebed wool. Scaatt fer Udfie,
|$8 to $3 for bone hideo. froa 86 ecBte to $t for Wwep pdta, ead
Treverss Cilf llBbST Co.
* the bi^beet ouriet price for tue of aU kudu
Pleaee try me for my
n besefiL
I-mT---------“**Mr«bM <
te. Alwf«»ijw«r«» »h» «
,M<wwf»ort■»«»>■« M-r Ml;|
tr O* 1}: •
r«v«n tkr
aad waat tin awxtni^ of Acmt
■M^nfTkM. ookiMi B*r". -itt
Ulaad eaasihak aut>M twc bTMbM with tte k■U. lb* Amthmm bhriac «wo eteaaly aaniarad a wblu aaa asd
toorbcvaaadtbaa ate tbair bodka.
akary Ml tr^ nknlw Ifoa
iM haaa daddad that tba eCoial
•Mr l^^tM^n■ k M Mir
rnummmtmrif. '«hk* k vreMIr
. aiM*«*U*
olMaM* an b*tf MthM hr M»^ rtakma aa a
wbate.tb.eroi>k MrioMlj iamagai.
wttbUttte rnapam lor ttt naonrj
n* tPkl awbw «l bsMlt <f
whM n*«M Mrlt»v< bj tantct*
to KowaM M Uw a^thff aUk '
■M,MT, M M ths fkrslors
»wal of «M.U< habsk. Of tl
vhok saoost ut.lfa timhili wt
MtotsdlstbSMStlMrstcar tiara
r—rr.nt baahrU la lb* oaii
MUUa aoa M.tlt bsahak la t
1 laabcr
adbaabakef khtatraponad aa'kaiad
ta tba tear Boetha. Aafast McrraBba«. k t.Ml.Ml whieb k * Ht.iei
baabaiaUa tbaa rap-rtad ■arkaiad
l> tba aaaw raoBtba laai year, dt ia
bate baaa raaalrad tbara waa ao w
it ad wheat abtppadbr
Th.d»1»«» a-P»< •aaals* of tha Parts axpoaitloa k w ha
wiihthaicaodMr rMloa had al ca datardaT- AprU U The data Orirlyally Ixad waa Caalar dasdayls Staiyr^ with h traep e< Ih*
I. WUbar K. Balth. of iMlmrtoo.
h aTslTyr^wrprkad
aTslTrSarprlM fcwty
forty is- Ky.. k wvktsr hard to rat eoerraa
wrrau aada Oaasrsi Paada aaar
frul iaeraaaad paaaiooa to Maxlras
Tbo laasr»aok lat a
M)oraadtwoprl«atsabUlad. a IkotaaataDd toartaas aaa. wUh twasly
Padaral oeoora oaoarthod aa olao«M rlflaa. aaptarad.
marrarka piaei k Cbleaco aad ar.
Ora. I*.—Th« war darated tbc mas eaarbt Id tba pkcs.
iToalrod the teUowiBr
Traa asd ahrcb plaetky akac tie
act eaoal to ^toet II from drtruBf
tlaaof tbaBUtlaryaltoatloe is Lwxoe:
todklsprocrora Bead, bara booo
‘■IsBeladaa prorirea the Isaoiraeu
pkaod alosr aboal aka aUae of water
bara boM aeattarod aad
Uor caaaaltka k that Ika of tba canal oropor
f rarm sxuar exe em>r rru TaairBXCT - • warm tatk wnk crnwa* fc-»r,
eamcwueiauoc etth rmc-rat Oimawci.
aaea luJlOnw?n-nrraa kmot'cra <011
exwil lanui rkkf. yerwn ran eoe •Ser..
Waahlactoa. D C. Oae. ll-Mrr.
lUrtlaaUl baa raaairad frooi £orae a
taawat U wbteb tba Pofra crask to
• with tba ealakblliw Ilf llii jii--------- Saoeseladn
M iellewa:
•TharaCora. la ordar that tba yaar
UOO. wbkb k aboal to bar‘e. aad
whiab, ttk to bodaroaUy hopad, wi|
tNkariaa lar oora happy eaolsry.
My. k7 tba aid of Uod asd hk ooly
b««tka aes. oar aartor. ban as aaa>llHa epaalac. aad toay eloaa afur
«fn-»areat aoana, bk Holtaara. Popa.
LsaXIlL fiaaloBtly rraau that on
MtUtodDaaaaibar. botboftba yaar
ilkkb U sow oadiac aad of tba yaar
■bast to b^la. at Bidsifbt. k
Asrebra aad abapria abara tba dual
hdiy taabarlat k kept, adeerdlar k the
^radaaijadiiBaat of tba Ordinary, tbr
■aat aaaaat aaaaineat Bay be aspoaao
laradMBtlaa: aad ha rahk- ake, tba
•BBkakw u aay or to akc. k the
aMM'ibaihear.eaa holy maaa ofHbr
. <Mi U tbo eicwsadkioa asd the octMOkl
-Mmorar. harraaktolb* faltbfal
IfcaapioklpriTlkrakl rsealrkf bsly
• at tba mma UM. allbar
day aod dlad the lama day.
People to milca away beard ebe
aad felt the Jar when the eliro yl]
mapaxlnc of the Peoatylrasla ~
Co. blew ap daeday k BoUrar
A bole IS feet deep marka Iba'klu
aalooe. Lsykr down flraeaota on U
drak haaakad foratlsBof bear. Bk
Ctly wlU teal a yraai ktare
demand waa not oomplird with, bet
Mb Edward Uatoar, wl eleob bk ipauad ba waa fina lodykr at
ifM f^-- - k itu aad bk
aoasty Jail.
'tM. aad wbo taarht k tba Oansas
Tba loaa of the Chsadiaa aiaamer
rdayiffaat k tba yean iWT-*a. k now
sera with bar eatlya crew oa Lake K
taOarBaaytakkcapaeial work.
brtsra tba total death Ikt (or tba i
•OB la nartratlar the rraal lakes to
iba a«b taboal k tbk eliy k
100 or tbaaa. tl wan lost by the fona•skanwptMdaatoltba asakr
dartsr dl ablps asd tl wara loat orer.dhMaklhaBBlToniv.
raAaad fatal kjartaa by
, Obarka f. Watkka. Trararaa CUyk
I taaioboa. Tba
taaa bail ptkbar -Wattk.~ k a iaaler
M.altboorb tar k
' say O'
Mik. BalpbK.Jebaaoa.wl
; tba past daeada la loatat of pre
iLaa a alao
Okra, who teMriy taoebt k tba M oambei of liras leak
Neuralgia. Lumbago. Rheumatiam, Cholera Morbut.
La Gnppe. etc., etc.,
When HlnWe> » Bone l^niiBdBt
la eosmitteed to five you
I T. Urdta rwktan from j
Old HMea, balk to all Ulaeia aad j
|il|i II 1 ^
City boy. Ha t» |
• Jaakr kw stadaat. Otear Vrladrteb ;
who aow raiHii k Aaa Arayr.
Bobwt 0 Jkklkc k a Jaalor k tba |
Uktary dapartBabC Be wsa Ckdaat-!
at tnm the Hirb aenool bote thk year. |
. Mktad tba kw departBsot. Jaak
BwallkA. of tba Bleb aebool. k ake k
Soban A HootafM at Cara, k the liuiary dapan•ML k ake kaowe k ihk eiiy.
^Hrara aa w
PatBkaC eubart. LL. B. -el.
WUlka Baary llBkr. LL. A ni.
Hatfas Balat Pmk'plBr. LL B. M.
Jaha ArasBai Wood. LL B. -M.
Ms JoB^ Twaddle. LU B
WlUka BlMid OaldwalL C. B -w.
Ckaala BU Hoaticaa. B U -M. H.
I ArsB^.PI
. h.Ph.C-PT.
Paray H. Boldawortb. H. K fA
Gbarka P. Watkka. Ph. C. <«a.
Jaaaa WoBilka Loadoa. D. S. B 'M■are. A Kroopa. D u 8. rat.
(kaay BObata. w. 0 ra».
icra trtp to Cbtckfo
Bury UBormler. wbo bu baea
aarrtSd sa wbeelmao oa the itram
' trre A1 ee H. GUI, eame to the city
kl blfbt from Cbarleeolx.
Ledwif deellr of Nortbport. wu k
» city yealorday,
HIM Krie&eld of MaokWe k eUttinc
(rksdi IB tbe city torn-few days, the
rneat of W J. Orora.
Boa. c. G.Taracr left (or Peuakey
eatbsrall. Jr., trm arar
k«t alffbt 00 bualoera
Hartla Oornara k Alletaa coaaty.'
r A U. Lkd retarsad ytsleraay
whila at worn k tba woods osar BelBlk Baplda
klrt. aaakkd lantUar down a traa k
wbieb aaothar bad lodyad aad waa k
t'antly fcUlad by tba laat
wbkb fall aeroB tba scarf la the di
■Sadie Htfee w aik Kalkatka
tka wbara ba rao (or aafny
*„ is,osth the tm
^ _____
_ _ borne k Pile Lake yeaiordaT I
Hackkaw dlrtakra of tba Wkbiraa ewlt with Wra. J. T Sauhall.
ra. P C Baynea. wbo wae <
eOBbaUar the
Ikon reeuUy by the death
haary Sbowfall k that aeciloa. wi
father, baa retarsad.
baaoc with
lUaa aad Blloa of blrb
(oooa bara bsoa balli basida tbc atl^lsf ilsIM 8laUa coart The
■Imioal calrodar xm btea completed
HlB Jolkl Prall k auktlnp la the
uoobla k Boat likely s
crockery orsariarcpt of the Buaab A
Hn. Aaaa Daakla. who wiw a aoa lAy Hercaoiile Co. doriaf the holiday
a abort dktaaoa from Dowarlae.
J" J;'
'Clothing Department.
•1- .........
Men's l.r-.» 11
A PcBlka BBS baa a boa wbkb baa! piTS:.mKu:ra7-D:iiJSrit.SSir^
bdMkykcaCfaattbaraia of tow ts
riia WBhI
odtbo aff»waraakfkyelkaA!a£«
a tsM hMS bad aUbar bwoor Wk.
and Robes
Will please yoo anil our prices
will be satisfactory.
*. ii.-tii OvernuiU. pre-iaveiitory ul<-
pri'-- . .
.1 lot uf .M.-Ii'e l.lu- I 'l■l□.’llll)s and all wool ShsUsod
M-ti'x lieav,
M.'ii'ti lir.a II I'li.irp ('nneliu.-r.- Hulk, I>rt-.iaveali>r\
PHONE 137.
fii lerw.-er. worlli M.-. j,re.
Hamilton Watches,
lirdsii. |jre-iii.. oiiirv eal- pri.-e...................................................... 27c
Special Pricis in Shoe Department
at this Pre-inventory Sale
Fancy Clocks,
Elegant Effects
In Diamonds,
Come to the Busy Trsdlng nr.e*.me
Opp C A-W.-M Depnt
TRAveasB oirY, moH.
Beautiful Novelties in Jewelry
For Christmas Presents.
Finest tssortment I have ever carried. The line
this year is cspecialljr fine aad jon ahonld MC it be
fore deciding oa your Holiday Gifts.
Poat OfBo« Balldlna
When the Bargain Shoe Store Closing Sale
Will Be No More-
Sm^niertoitr Take Advantage of This Last Chance!
Fine Artistic
TK-rc 1» « 1 .1 of C>-«1 •"•HX.'nHbl.' e'xxix 1-fi yt III
l.r.vkni »u.-* lu Uulil..-i> .M.i Ho*i > NIi.h-is lx,il.
•M. SeoiarH -loi'k sr..l n. vr k.-i«Uli ,i,,;|il f„r itii* -
Job Printing
$1 60
$I 26
WomsDc. Burk
hitfl, ,:rail- ,
Wou'OiiV Nt..mi .\litxkiu..
llicll IftNlJl-.
niblx-r Iimct a^.l I .-*0 s«v.- yoa .jap-fourtb to -me.half
"any i-itAVi M»n »
W.im.-o's, Mloatu nad Cbil,-b.c-x at l--ra tliHU half pnev.
-w-jid:. -w-^TSoisr,
BATgAln Shoe House.
New I have some Good Horses to show you.
and take a look at them.
Beadle Bailding
One oiiv pair u( mao eeldiaga. 6 sod 7 ydan old. weietitt400. A
fine farm letDi. Pri<» f’i.'iiJ.
Horse Blankets
tbOBTht aba may raeorar. Tbk k. bar
I aaeead attempt within tba paai few
yaaiA Bba parted with bar haabaad
atraral yaara Bfo asd Haas k coafortabkekoaBaianiwaaobor kna.
aatai Wlara la tar Ou s« Tkr4a. Couu
seiitew ia» mil,aaaihai raic trw wiu du
------------------ -lADDOLUkatat
te refaC
td Sc
Joy and
comfort to thousand* of fsmlliea.
bay better
atkmptad to Uka bor Ufa Woodsy
aftornooa by takkr a qaaaUty at ear
roslra tabllBtta. “niaproBpt arrttal
ofadoeiorrara bar rallal abd It k
. I: t1
________________ _
.................................................. ur?e‘
tpecisl price k
LI-'- Front SirtH-L
Dry Goods Department.
On.- os«k. of liravv litslil ao.l <lerlt < lutiui;. worth .'k
sUnt relief ? For nearly hslf a
C. U Warner of Blk Baplda waa
the city Tcatarday.
Hr. and M«. P DeLeary pf Bakra*X00. arrired
for as exwaded
A B. asd Jobs
MEN'S and
Erar laaararated la Ibr i.r <1 TVaeerec Eefloa wil
Verk Store. TouretUy. Ileo
-»e rreatm
bloc of i
people dol'an ever record.
^ hitlory
city-a •
that I
floUar'e wew^ib of roodi
. _______ .
- barraio raekiog
BOOple. laraolory timr etarra u in the face, and
'oold rather eoaol
• .Bdb^ We iBirly woo sad bold tbe title of beiav the
ebaspest •tore la 'Jraad Trara
I. Only two week* before Chrkl
.. B*.ey.
rfk y»f We eord.slly mr.u
you sll •................................
U what we off-roB our eiaek of Cloak, today—eoihloc re.rrred
Tbi soet <er Ibc Itsfi
Admiral Otway k to m a Up
aar aa a ctft (raai admlrara li
DOW M yean old.
nldjl. BaUraml eoasty, Wk . aipma
yaar. Uktary daparfast; Watkr H
dt tba akU eebool tor tba deaf at ebaryas paid
raafc. traabraaa. •adkal dspanaMii; mat than an too paplU.
of them
aawk U Tbirlby. IrMbaaa. raadkal yean apward. The saw aabool balld- asUUed -"Ikirary.'' and said
dapBiftl &Mlk BskoBb, Alaf kr. lar whieb the Icfklalan aporo- larteat pletare oa easraa now In the
prktad BTb.OOO. k rapidly bakr araetad L'olkd 8ktda. wara aaraUad at 8t.
aad work
Barn^'a Catholic eboreb. Cblcacro.
third atert
Sesday araainc. They reorraest three
At Port Baroe aapartBdB of a babe yean' work by Perdloaad Utnioo.
Praneb arlttt. Mora than i.ooo dpa
Bpraasslad In tbc blp pakikr.
araBlayaad nkloek tba place for
Ada BA
^2 iff
Ur. 8ellB B. ' Peabody,
«SBi of tba aaleeraily of 111 look, baa
bean appolotad editor aod atatkllelao
tor the Amertaaa ooBmkatoa to
Kobbera In til sll ibe letrat Ktyl,- ebora.
Yuu .miT tj.i bcU.-r tbso U,. boy yoof footwi-ar of
Barlsr aroakka tba a
WiB JeaaU Bmltb. llalar fear ml
E. k. CUawrrU baa wntka tor tba aoBib of Laaakc. took half u oeoca of
•caad AapUa Hstald as ankk k ra- earboUe acid with aaleldal kVaat. 8ba
iMleTrarofsa Oly atadaata U tba watdaJaeladoBaocDBBl of a loae af
DadfsraHy of Hkkwaa. wbkb
fair. Bar life wst aa>ed by prompt
MBadMkatpraaakl ii
■ thk ally aad rtdkily sa teUowt:
Wra. Oarlock, of Allacao. triad to
liras a sioaa with fsaolka. The i
I Mkt MarkB 8 Boba
raa hot and tba Bald aipladed.
waa ao aoaerely baraad that
■artlayaf.jabkr yaar.kw dapartMst; tba say dk.
■arry E Kysalka. Jaakr yaar. Mdkal
WUUam Baary, a eelerad Baa <
BDoraa: Albert T. Hoxia. laskr year- carrks tba mall batwaaa Wllaa
teMarpaWXd 4apartMet< t. Walior diosay Oraak. waa bora a aiara is
rkla. Ba waa aold for t»00 Ha U
V I ,%0
Ladiea' extra teleetad »l<i kid lace and hattoe koca. bssd
century it bss be«n a
in snd SM
•fast we hare before yoe boy vow
wiaier shocA . Wd give yen a
oiraenpticD. but to we Om is to
extra qasiity rlei bid and box celt koe abou. sew
b sad opera lorn Upped, band tarsad «r axtsaska
ra Uaesor kid Iked. Compere the. wltb oU. sed yoa wui bay oara at
Urabaaand W. P. One■ tba aortb bare
taraof oppoaiU
ilssot prtltielaat Is B'.
aaa oeeapkd.
Maryk. I^aa . are aertoatly ill aad Bay
-Two tboaaasd
war* toearad k aorlbara La- die They draok a botUe of asallpox
toa. mabkr nww tbaa S.aoo ralaaaad
wiUin a masth
Berae baadred are aioa that U ^ t» wbiakay.
BOW soroala from VIrae and trasaporta
tarsia k ettlBBiod ibk tratoa at
II ba east tor tba a
ooorarloadi aod It k tboa«btrar loadt will ba tbippad aatt toi
Btau Nawa lioma.
holiday trade.
Northera Callforaia
Wllllas Baydar, of Port Baroa
elinia oklrteu wUi tblp too carv
toaplad to carry eat a blatlar r**^
P. Coataraa. a mill owocr of
Bpariaaabarr. 8. C . baa willed ooa
aartooaly barsed.
third of hk ealau. aalaad at BMW.uuO.
A Baraey farm® wbo bad raad that
to Coararec Oollf«a. a local lotuiutioa
.baa wara a r>od madicke for bort.
for the birbar adeceUoa of woman.
Be fouadad tba eoll^ tea yran ac->
lohk poikora laat waob aad
New York k prapariar for the Park
r two dayt tba <
atarlor :r.ij» (eel. OB
of Oold.Aasa Way Btaala, ac«l
feel to the leeb. •howiap erary
bara baaa marrladlitv
set. park waterway, pablie
lie eqaa
arday to tioy Uardom of tba tame
bsUos.rMraIaeatSIW.osr pries......................................
Lsdka' eatra 8se etc. bid asd Most ra'f
baa baaa eaptorad.
Solid.(iold KingA Watchea. docks. Silverware, Opti
ca! Goods. PioA Opera Glasses.
Sew Goods and New Fi»lures
In mj store.
Btrsyrliac with a eat which ba waa
iC tba kai law dayt wara
laeryaat caaealtiaa wart iryky to kill. Praaeia Pelby of Koaato.
abot io tba foot, the aaimal
Oar troopa are now elawlay the trier*'b<
'Ida wbich
la tba aoaakka is pannlt. Tba laaar- he bald k oea hand.
Kobbonloolbd tbeottia of tba Parask bara haae drtrao; fro® 8aMf bay
dcBxproBOo. la Cheyaaaa Wyo.
asd tba markea new oeenpy the naral
•latka bara. Oar eoiaaa raorlor waat
•cartec batwaaa B.M aod tJs.ooo
froB Tarke k new oa tba waat eoaai
raeapkr. laarier
-f Lotto, wbara It bat bean aoppllad
OB bebled
OareoiBBUi k oow mortar Mt aad
Dartd Yoasf aod wile, fto yaara atratb from Dacapab nloar tba eoaai.
ye. wara bereod to death la tba d
■■Tbara k ao eoeoeotiatod kaorraal atraetlee of the Oroep Tree boul i
forra of iBOonasea le Lotoe oonh of
Haeila. dostbera Laura wlU not of
u Prod Wahl, el Watarloo. Iowa,
fer aartona raaklaoea. Oar Iroapa are
baby, a aooala eoiorwl bk la«
_ k that
}oat below tba boaa asd eonld aoi be
Caaltad rabalUoa ao lescar axkk asd
axtraciod. ItcaiBaoatof bk thaab
troops are aetiraly paraakc robber
The pame old paYcep prevail—^as k>ir as ever. Ver7 fine
A ui. r pair of blacks, urn- marp aad ooe honw. vviffat $9X1.
iii.-t- farm t.-am. or a oi(» pair for family or besne. Price $9)0.
.Ad Pit™ iroml bUr-k horsd. 6 ywra old, weight 1650.
. .Y irnnil dapple grey bone. 7 years old. rangy built wsisbt UOO.
Prirv lltM
From 69c to $6 00.
PucyPtBk lobs UOO tiSS-M.
Hudaw Fd Biby Mw $liO ti
Urge AsBftMtf Pm libs $S.IKI u $1S 00-
.L ciee blorky baili bay laare, weight
Pnev $.50 ■
Good siagle of doe*
nice brown mare, 4 yesira old. weigfal UOO.
WeQ brake..
Price $i:C>
A pair of brown geldings weight 2400, raacT boOt, 6 yaia old.
Price $£0.
.V DI.-C pair of brown molea. CyaxA 7 yeenold, weisbt XIOQ, Uoekj
SVarrmoted not to kick. Cbasp for $175.
|i Tbr langv ieereMe of our make of Hai
sbowa our pace u bweal
with banieea. 90
Bar^iis ii Bifp Whi^ i csits ti SIOO.
Traveree City.
1 have a few light jdugB to sell at yosr owa pciee.
^ biocky boiit poei^
mss s^
botss, wrigM U0(L'
Badly give we a esfl wlwa yee aisiaMsdMbtlsia.
MAHfl mtBUWIHHtAtlb ftjflMBlinRrli iU«,
IThlla«i work to *M otgtm »
— h«n
to u> aa p. I.
teU.lar «b*farpow et mntrlw£t*
Baaa Waiyaad mat wito a eory
ptafal tojBiy. iMt wlU tor ta ^
Hanoi MM toMlMa •»« oM
Fpota E. Baaa* madMad a deal
yata. »Mto 40a.- IM PramiBlraal, I
Umrtof by tmidi M baasm.0
of IM .raddaam piai
riy oeaaplad by IM famUy of
Ba WM at
TWa la to oaa of IM daatl rasldM
amd of whlek potoMd aWaiyht toward
gritomt of IM d^.
MBdiar prc>M«s w«n »tw UrltM to Um. TMre w
Fiat aad Mra acaot wfli more b
moot wllk IM aaka.
Mia. Bldwall of DrIioU. Mia. Bartl-s
ItotM pipa. TM
mod iMatoa ben day. TMaoa. playlMlcloaadlM aM of IM pipe melbar. will )iiB iMm to IMtr aaw
t»MteCMMf •< IM toiUMi M
iMfireiot IM year. Mr. BidbUw OBl. aM atrwek Mr. Waiyaad to
IMmUmiIMm «t (M bMim. ™
ayly walliaaeommaretol trarelar. aad will
I kaoaaad baakwi
^ MMtar ol Ite pn^i ^
daeidod IMI IM vayoa abeald M
rata to that Syaia. aad iMi aloa
hrmra aboaU aoaaUlaW o day^ *orh.
ItabebaMatoya toto aSaal oo IM
Mptn PhTMcMu MMt
tret day of 4pm. All IMa erar alaa
TMty IM IbM Mlhlr >
boonaday »U1 M eharyad at rs
||« •« IM iMMioftMl <MC ~ eaou aa boar.
■IMKw MTlW «M MU .1 IM
TMoaaal wayaa of IM aarpaalart
dartaf the paiiaaaaoa wa< m oaai
^mml tiMi •«
•» —
IM wUm <•
I »»
y. 11 It
froa IM aMvMilVr
■ IMI batter
IM MdiMi o< IM My WM MUMrad
oa irUI I
M or. 4. K. EoM*y- PM«»
MdMOr.O B- Moy-.-BO' fl *
AMoal Elaeuooi
0«M «( IM MyJ» t» Mii MW. Dr.
M.-J K. lUnia of «*»Mrry. Ur. 4sM
Hoaday alybl tha oeoohl alaetiOD of
XAHWtrlM of PooUM, Md
Mf. ntVMM of AM MMf. TM Tiareraa dtr Mdya. Xa. m. P. '
-d IM dM-k-U»t Wlow
... aaa Mid wlu iba followtoy t
W. M -Wm. Abbott.
4 W.—Borban Joyal.
J. W.-Waltor Trarta.
I Wni Net EffMt Mxial 0«e»
nbMMMoU IMllM roeool
e that wblU bit lajortaa
be ai leaat two w
Murray Poet ElaoOOO.
TM foUewlsy an IM oBean
ol Hetray Poet Maple City
b V. Com —E. Boyotoo.
J %• Com.-Eoban Day.
L M -B. 8 PrtU.
Adjntasv-J. W. Dlekarmaa.
bury —Wm. Biekla.
Chap -M. C. Oau
O of D -K. W. Barrtaytoa.
0. of O-Joaapb Price.
Inaiallalko pobUe Halnrday aflar
vM an aarrtod aflar aaaapUU.
^taUpatorlMoanMl-torm ar
Iba oBDhal maailay of ibe ladlea of '
J. C. D. aoalaty:
PmidaDt-Mn Jaaaatla Farlaeb.
BOWMB Wia Paralyna-
Vlea Prm.-Hra. Aaota SMoae.
toenlary-Mrm. Marta Phjfarek.
Irriv- aotmaa »aa IM Meils of
Ploasetol Bee—Mn. Corrta Herhoar.
MnlyM TMMay aaret>(- M
S^-a*aoraaMal«Ueb aSlel
Board—Mra. Marla Namac.'
M-IMUtoW, B TMetar.
I Hark M. Oonla.
TToaiaaa-Mr*. K. Kratoebrll. Hi
Mana Wllbalm aad Mre B hladak.
01 rMloMUa townaaip. was
wilMoiwamr «bUa ta'lMlBf_a Bn
lolMUMaof Wa rtoUaooa,
________ _____ ralUoM Mio
Ha ra-
mil kla wlla. wM amloiad b
toMd. db
•nvlMlMraUfoad Uto a aamlM—— aomlUhw from wbieb
'adlM Ml be oeald
M JSS —tooM »r. O.TM n non of aca aad > —~ — —
PMM FWV So. la. a- 4. H. of Ihte
IMaimnarliy of Ihla oaaa to
MMtohlMearrtodota oomiada ooly
UMOtoUtorary Boowty
TM UoaeU UMraty Sodaty beU
TraaoBror-Jaa Verreas.
Matebal-daa Proroecbar.
Uaard-A. Oayeoa.
TnuUto—J Barry. Pat Hordes aad
o Uroad Oot
Allaraato-U P. Sbalyao-
TM tol pan oa iM oraalorb
n. w. of a.
pVMm «aa IM nodloR of as aitlela
Tba folio wtay oSlmn ware alaelad
« IM mala Sermal BaMol.
• by Deotaata (tap. No »«a. H. W
■ombto «M la M« a aladaoi
at tbair baaobl meatiay Mooday olybc
IMMM part wto IM qaaalhm M«Vaaarbbla Coaaul-Cbaa B Howard.
Worthy Adrtaar-L. a Blekar
aerk-Joaapb Hltdar.
TM> BaUowod M la
Baekar—Frrd LaDtoar.
a Josaa.
-------------------------to Mppl-WUllam B. Hoc* aad E
MiMavoallk.’- Meam OUbanaM
Wotcbmoe—B S Byaa.
MwrdOatoimlMadlad IM afBrma
Banlry—Pioocia Wnt
Mato wkOa Uaii BlrdaaU aad Boban
Maaoyor-L. B. D’Zmw.
Wallar Md Marya of IM oaeaUra.
Pin on >1001 Btraat.
SMdMmmhawaa ^aito aptrtiad. oo
Flaak WalKmaad Wayae
4ftor Uatotoof to IM arltlm rapon.
Hr. HabanSonhrmpaad MM Mabel
tey.boIbcdtUa oily, oaro aoltod la
^Mlata o« Haiarday otobIbc. Uoe
«M«b. al IM Mma of IM yrooma
MMr.Eor.,0. B. KortMap. a
MORla. MMdffaa. Mooa wara p
Ml iMUamtdlaM tally aad .
Tba aberp ary of Ibe monklny bird
dn alarm aammoead the dre daportmaat ool Prtdey morotoy aberlly ottor
o>eU>ek aad a lortd dare la thr
rtdaUy of Blelnbary't Oraad Opera
Heaa told wban the daayer
Baory All Wool Sox al
aay color
foo want Gat tbao al 8 Beada
bda A Co..
ISt Kroal.Simi.
'roal.Streei. Tre
Trareraa City.
yreal daayer of totfaeailoa. At
waa Iba ylrla aad woman were badly
trtybtaaed and It wai ntetiiiry
ibcm from tba baUdtoy. I
iwaby and bit toot ware m
TMrtooUefUa amraaa abowa
MtaMMiof 10.068, aaalMro of tha
taMM o< IM Btolbar* Mlafalyaa
ovMto -blab, oaaaadlac 1.000. i
Mta «M popalattoa ap to aa a>«
Uta. la IM dyana aaatod an a few
fctotlM leal ealaUa IM dly llmlla. U
Paramod, laai Bay towaablp aad
Bmweed. wM do boriaaoa to IM etlyTtaBaambmlam Ihaa IBO, m IMl
dMoMaal pcpalallea irilblB IM dly
Suiambm. low. to beabota t.ue
I’ Wart
Oooaly Ti^nra
Nonce —LostioM V.***lateroallonal CbrUtlao
dearor ConraoUoa -bleb met al.Deiroit laalasmmar < ill br held doly
itib to tbe Irib la
ndon r- "
Knyllab frtanda
elaborate pnpaiaUoot for U)u I
yaiberlny. Cbriailaa Bodearor la rery
■trony Uiroayboot tbe Briliab Itlea.
of Lmodon an .planali
opoe fifty Ibootaad Ctariatiao
atleodlsy Ibla enneealion
Fbelr plan is to bare a Wblie Ctiy
timllar to the Detroit arraoyemeoi
lost year Tbit Wblla (^tj it cooaoaed
of laniB not ooly fir real, for refreab.
meal, and olhsr eomforla, bnt two ImlaUoy twenty
tbeataod people to ahich
to the meeUnyi
“ala While City will be
. .
. ,Jntl
mtontot ride from Ue btori of Uaoc
K morameai
00 tool to
WeaimlDltter _jbey and Si
Qaibadral for a_______________________,
portion of Ibe meeltoyi
rbeyeat daoomloaUosaJ ralllta
be bald dam
too ran Uod
11 be of tpeclal totereaL The B*p^
yata al Spnryeoo'a, Tabernacle; ibc
Heibodlti. at lha (»iy Eoad Cbapal
whan Waaley worbed and Ilrod; tbe
‘’--yiwyaviooaliat. InlbeCUy Temi...
Parker't ebnrcS; ibe Praabytartan
HcKell waa a former pMtar.
plaen for Ibe olbar ralllea br
yet bean flzad
The raiaa ar
cheap which Include ool onlr a
_ .
Loodoo. bal to Ibe Paris EtopoalUoD
aod enanelre inrellny os ibe c-iotto'
panlcnlan write u
oftwoorlbree bnadred doUata.
OMto Mr.BoyyoUlaatbalmaay
fcmilM baea moood toto IM olty ro- Uma,asdiae>
dMilyoMiMmaatUla toMlaa
■BOM wbiib wta avail IM abeoa By-
r pnatraud by
and designs, qualities
the wife.
that arc lasting, at
reasonable prices.
If it s a blacK dress or
a colored one. plain or fancy, wc have
hat will please you to select for gift gt\ig.
In the matter of
Ladies' Cloaks, Misses'
Cloaks, Children's
and Infant's Cloaks,
Ladies' Ready-To-Wear
Don't Mlai It'
elryant I
t r .OO 610 ro 613 DO I
rs Banda .1
>04010* Clly.
Would rather have aonietbiuit ai
nice to vemr thnu
anything else you oan ibiok of
If poo nre At A
Lme to know what to get -him" for Ohriatmas
ju.i aiep iH. ^
.til the .binga
ibioga a
a.- hare been
leAtiiiog thtw.-yeorabbout iickling men's fanat your ' diotem
:sm1—all the thin
Isiugbl for ••him” and knuo
are waiting for yoo.
A Special Opportunity
ni'nlier* and daugbti
• lali to preoent the liuotiond. a>n or fntli
■ueb b aubetnniiitl gift as a
Tea Pet Cam. Discoaat
hom Lanasi Pilaes.
W e show a great line ol
Front siroci. I,
(• department
A Christmas Present
Footwear! 11
lin our ni
have a complete line of
men's liandkerchicfs.i
tilovcs. mittens, hosiery, etc,,
n and
liuckles. bells, etc.
tane v
Whatever y ou should
• find in a good dry gotidsstore i> here.
, loath's. Bor's airi«6CMMiea's
Suits aad Oiercoats al siaia discoiit.
Tbe gtylee are ap-t...ditle, the .iu«litu>6 a
right, and the price* nr.- moaey
Bey oAviog Ui you. f
• bale, c .
0, Djittena.
s-oilan. i
nai-kWear, jewelry, pant*. tbirtA. underwear, etc.
to l.nWKS l I'KICKS Al.WAVS lor iht <,u.ln<.,.
We are showing a new line
^ of latest styles only.
Beliable Diy Geods, Carpdt lad Cldlhiit Hoist.
Men's Slippers
F.11, 1W.„
WD,. .--I, .i;., r:,,SIFIO. SI i'. «Dd SI
Ladies’ Slippers
Kiia in
Blii' k,
T«n nnd
"'hile. Be*\.-r au
Fell. pUiu «ii'i fur lrini..'>il.‘':iM«li-.#l 00.
I'IbikI t\
and Overgaiters
»n.l r.»' ,
Buy yoop WlnUr Footwear where you
C40 get the beet AMortment of
Ladies' Dress Shoes
I'ingT.--"Uompmiie•• at
Herri.-k'e '-Crr-
ano. " Hi flKPi. HerHek'd "NHUon«r' «1
fi -*’-
Men's Dress Shoes
ViscofTHii Cbif. Tnn
Kids, r.’-'ro,
Our limited epAce
A Fancy Line for the Babies
l.'i 'iifferent colors
Ken'. Leather top Rubben.
. .$2M, »9.»0 aad *8.76
Kenf Felt Boeu end Bubben..........................«8.00 aad «8,B0
Men'e knit wool BooU with rolled edge
For very oold weather
pair of tboee Sheepekln
2H Tons of Candy
OvereoE At......................... 60c. 76c, $1 00, $106 aad $100
Heavy Oanvo. Leggtn. .................................................................................75e
McNamara Block.
Trimsa Cit)r. Mich.
I Order* for Job Printing left at the
Moil by Strtob BiIrua A .kmiotte. the Traverse City candy far
•ly pure, worlb 20e to
a i»und
SU.S',T S0HOiJl.,S muit ae.tid onlers
A Hii-. (’hild'x Blackboard...........................................10c
Child ( Cable aod Chaim. Urge enough to lur. 10c
BiMei: C«r|>et SweepetB. worth
or •LU>.
le. Dec 1», at .
■I New Books bj tbe Tboasands
•iiSis "SsS ia?ii
S.\TUUD.<Y of tliia week and
eveiy dx^y of Beil week to »bi>k.
bauiix with tba boys and gsrls.
................................................. $100
An eleirant eeeortment of Lnmbermen'a
uiBTDinionium Lt
The Old Reliable Shoe Mae. to
look over our line and be oonwlaoed that
Frank Friedrich |
, par oa.
Wbaai.1, par bo- (pawl
So. I. par bo. loewi^..
ue to meotien
heve. bnt we iowlte you to cell end
very new aodstflieb
only A few of the meay
f4Dl.4f.-si,f.-.<hO ?nOii, roi) «„d up to $10
e^rr iDOESiT’T
Orad 8 eu rgr lllasmteC v*t*lo«v*.
MRS. R. w. miEH,
beaver, caiivb* bud .lere.-s-B.
fftol. #li-. budJl.--)
,Suit, Overcoat or Ulster,
BooU 1. the proper thing
Bnekwheai Floor oar
la bfforilni wi
Special Values ii ill the tboie Gtpils,
I^jarior of of lbs Opera Boats waa not
loaa oo
the bolldtoy
Btetobary I a aailmatod ai
It te tolly eoearsd by totacaaea
TM damaye to IM Oobee baildtoy
■BtstoabonlMM. aad Mr. Wartowaky talimatea hU lost oa atoek
ooMIMlwenlBjtred by waa
Tba oldaat dAaybUr of Mr. Warpowaky. wM waa helped ool of tba
baildtoy ta‘a liBU to tore Mr from
Here we have the
«vle>. late effects as to colorings
dress pattern
?t%^ tor Temple ol Paataloo ^
Ansnal Maausy.
Prom Stmi
The aeeoal meeilay of tba Leelaaao before yon boy.
. J of all kind', such as suns, separate skirts.
ooety Ayncclloral Society, will be
!(,• waists, wrappers, etc , we lan supply vou
eld al Maple City on Tboteday Dec.
14 at I o'clock p B.
It prices you can afford.
Uaiod Maple City .Sor. tv. i.v.
and oaa-tolrd faro toe ron
'nekr'ioB Mle
Mir D
December :J
aed totb. lew. aod Jasnary
V Kk.
yood to TOturn Jaeonry rod.
118 Float St.
•peed whieb only fira aae Inspire. PorUnataly a triyhi waa the yreaUat mlaforwoe aeffared by tba family.
a ibaa an boor iMre was do aiy^
of a blaxa The rear pan of Ibe Cobaa
bnlldtoy waa damiyed
box Calf, Cordovan. Enameb., Kid. Patent I'clf,
aad aeiimy tbair nlothiaf
tbay reabed down tba atain irtib
Tba blare on bolb belldlnya yatoad
a food headway but iba aaerry of tba
fireman aad a airoey pieaaare from ibe
r works aooB yatoad
Than a
I CUMK .AND i.OOK - your visit will t>e profitable.
too oo
Ibe aurbi
Hlcb. Paasaye mnat be aoyayed iblt
waa OB Iba tpot before Uw oebo ol
wblitle died away- aad tbaa ll looked
u Iboayb Iben waa to be a bard flybt
TrararaaOiiy J
below H a Uat of IM trartay aod lallto bbte IM ibaatra. Tba bolldlny os
tbartrcaiaida.owaadby 8 Oobaa aed
aDdfaraprodoati V
oonpted by U Wareowaky, wat alao
wrapped In damaa oo Iba back aad
aaalaidaa.aBd iM Acamao fnrad iMt Clear Perk per bbl.
' Pork par to..
that alraelore waa SoomaA Tba
8b(vt Oat Pork.
nndar Chief Etaaia waet toto Iba dybt
TM woddlat moM wia playad by
HM Mabal Korthrap, lOMar of IM
yroem. aM iMaaraony parfonoaf by
oM talMr. TM brida waa dalolUy baary alreamt wan poertoy ieu
' WOmmoA la »blw oeyaady. Aflar IM flamaaooboibbelldtoBB- '
lUme IM family of Mr.
WanewakT waa aleaplny aoaodly la
tahbrtda aad |
tbair roeoM orer Ibalr tiore aad they
ooly made aware of Ibalr daeyer
whae iM froBt door of tha tiore waa
and Ibe drMeo raabad
miMr Wio ftnaviy. paalor of IM. aialra. The faaUy
■aplM akorcb of tUa plaea.
ooly to find Ibalr reomi filled
TM food wtaMi et maay triaala
mOlatad iMto ta Ibalr aa«
Dot axTlred aooa th% won Id bare baas
laraae of IM oily for a
y by B. U. Polk 4 Oo. et
I baaa aomplaWd aad a remark.
aUa yaia I
Paal fear J
■ la abova. Wllllaa
Sorb. IMiaprmaiHatlraoflM aompaBT mM Ma baaa talday IM aaaram
ta HMo itraal sro. ool aaly to fol
•lltMaamm roqata tor IM diraotory.MIMhMUMaa eemplai
afoftoymatomemaaaadeuidto iM
Can l>e sf-lrririi from our stock of
a flallbery
0 Norotay
Fred } BeehleJ
Deaormlar A UPoaiaa
Peter I
Darid M.
' Skidmore
■I Waaoa A Pe^War .
Prwidaat-Pat Bardoe.
Plrat Vlaa Praaldaal—Joaapb Perron
Baeoad Vtoa PnaUaat-Tbaa. Dyer
M t^mlar mawiny Baiorday onolac
AMtoUMWMIOf bMlM**ailra«a.
«Mi. IMprlMlpal malMbaia*^
At IM uaaal sealtoc of the C H
B A. laai oicbt Iba tollowlny odlmre
Baeordiny Bacniary-J H. I
Aatlalaot Baeordtoy Bacratary-H
. t»no 00
I. Irao Dnnn ...........
Elbert OEllla ...
Praak Hal ear . .
Uiree U Poller
Pred Woitbory
Odie HeUarry
Philip bbermar
Boward Wkitlor
5be followloyoSeare wenelaetod a>
j A good maxim when Applied to Hotiday purchAsing. Those who ate in MArdi of
much here this week to interest them and please thAtr (rieoda.
Scoool fUpon'
Sebeol Eapon of Dlairtet No. «. May- Jaaaary
IM bolaaca
dald towaaeip for ibe meats eadlst
raaew b
ttocember t. ]*»«
So. of popili aoallarre.
If any. 1;
rolled^to^dato J^^^■o.^a^l^,d dortny
O. will I (
Dd oeadoU
toe year
t eailUad u
te eqnal lo IM on I ^
a^dali^ alla^MM
tolrod porUoB
Ibe ume ^
wbcB tM poymaat la made
Book pnmlam will be a«
mail or eon beaoeorM by ealllDc
■la HKbeLO office.
‘Tbla It
. fiaeaiiW
and moat oaafoi pnmiom arar of e'od (
oily aabm
br a Hieblyaa aewspapar
Eemamber . .
Uao.v 1
Ibnt One Dollar will pay for ibe Ben j t
Uloreo. Hltleoa. dweolrn. I Oder- ei.ii to Jaooart I. |»0I. and alao a copy , |
rear. HalIS. Clasa. etc. In
et Ibis raloable
r premium free
frse of a
c^i ;,
rarlaiy el S Baoda A Cl>. m Pronl
Siroav Trarane aiy.
IMMalotMo. II woo iMorbt *«»
The followlny la a Inll aad e
iMttMtMlMn Bo^MdopoWIMi
report of ibe tain eollacledor
-------- ,rooU BOIOOM asdar Ula ral- Cbaptar will to bald oa Itaa 1'
be me at my ofiiee npoa iM bm
Nln little Sciu for Biy* aye 4 u
to.,Mllk-.‘~a*.ar iMt Mr. wbteh all maatar maaoaa had ibalr
wllloy or ksaplsy lor sale distlllod, at ooly II :> at Benda A rb> ]•« pr
IkylMMBlarkBtrbiMroBoaadlf li
famlliaa wUI ba preaaot. A pony aed otoll or brewed Hqsorv dortoy Ibe Slreoi. Trarerae City. Wteb.
. vMtaMadad IMI all married ladia boaqaal will follow iM eenmoal
*0^ re. Bel IM rala.Me I
tatmpMod to maM IMI aolyU
Mra U. E. C
. '.“Xins:xxtix;
ooelas trill ba fialabad tiem IM prM
IbU weak. Erery aaw aad oU aab^,
acribar et IM Barald wtU ka aalltlad to I
a espy of tbla haatMjtiit booh aa a premtom tree, apoa eoodlUaa iMt ibt
aabaertpikm b paU to foU to Jaaaary
1. IMl. Tba eoat of prepartay aad pob>my ibm pramlam bn beao baary. I ^
I IM ooly ooodlUoe opoo wblab II | ,
as am ary wheal, aad eatttoy a
Beary All W<mi Kareay Paalt at «11
ayllar yaab. TM water and aiom
•1 to 11.71 yi.do. 8. Baade A Cki. li
Iba Dtps penred oat apoa him. and Ua Proat StrMU Trararoe City
Tba bbeSeld Car Co. at Tbrea Elren
baa Jatl tblpped lit aabibll lor U
world's fair at Parte.
Baetaury-Kd. A. Havtoo.
Tylar—Anbor Daaprea.
Troatoa tor Ihraa yaaie—W. i
eekof IH
.. aad
-- waU
will recahre prom^ attaeiteM
la uf new toy«. gatnM and noreliliiIm 10c
chuck full of preDeatB.
Mali Olden have prompt attentiao'
to. iCto^OJX «
-W. F. TT A -FtPl-FT A
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
lf«.onlr Block,
lYaruM 01^, wi.*
-1W --M ;r',-:" .■
•‘jssrftK' *
If! n
Htoa arae at Adaaa.. Bortb
u Bebalt k tary m at bk hiaa
AAbM asd Wnitoaatewa. Maa-. ud
■ee. Mr. Bebalt k toobablp toe
U Hsrtb Powaall. Vk. aitobaarlaff u
« auto the eoutp. U be lira'
aaeaaaeetioper eaat. to waffM. le
till Hap aezt. be wUl be a hmadred
take aSeet Deeeaba-n. AWat t.too
putt old. Be k tba fatoa of
anda areagated.__________
Pota Warrbott asd toraerip realded
The uaaal doll Me of Ibe Joaior to tok eltp___________________
rorkanofOraeeebareh wlU be held
WUUaa Hoodp ud teaae Welt
to tbe toelare rooa aost Frldap eeaaItb u eeeldut Moedep Ibet aut'
toff. Pab^ artletoe wQl atoo be aold
>to of tooa oat ol toelr banrp ud '
at Ibk Uae bp tba Ladka’ OaBd.
toiotbaetrut. Tbep were on toelr
Oitfae. nadwitebei ud eeka will be
wap to tbe laeoalBff H, A N. £
eorted derlct th. erulacto toe lareeoee. whu <a toralaff toe
Hau Bar- Keepere' Aaoctotlon
tt 00 Prut ud Ueloe. toe clip
etatTboapeoarllto Jumarp 1 toe tide tar of toe baerp broke ud
Special ralea bate beu Bade
of tba ate were torowo
bptberaUroedt asd toe belato bate Abide froa a aerete tbakleff np-aeUber
ffitu a rate of ts onto per dap. As
ea wae bsrv
, leestuded to aU people
Tulffht frareru City Lodge. No
1 le bee keeptoff to atiud.
«J, B P. O Elba will etuad toe per
L<BM WUu. • bnkMW OD Ui« H.
lormuu of -Tbe Hejjrh Br«le" .8
A M. B- t»Urc»d. ■*» with * MritfM
barg^ Oraod. ae toe geut nf toe
lBju7 rrld»y.
He WM OB tfc* rmr
Hark! Lrotbeia. A epulal prograa
efBcnleert^t free belac (wKobed
apedalUa hw bua -erraaged ud
Ue depot, when be toll, etriklsc
toe pertormaau will ban addltomal
hta laeh epoB lb« reil. It rBeelh
aitrscUoa*. Attor toe ebow toe
Um Bitntol p»r»lymle ol hli lowe
rjfu^e, e
Lv.-RSCS^SISSii ri—.
Tbe ihlpaest
roB Bortbera Hiebicu to tbe dU«
rtbeeeeiBBdeeatb «U1 befto i
>aek. Tbit U bb Isdeeirr ''bieb
pKBcIpellr prodUble to tbe fellrobd.
a tbe trelrbl eberre It tbe principle
■tea of espeaae ees
tarketlbc ol Cbrtitm
Circulation this week 2.450
WalMr Oeoa bed U« ibaab dbav«d
ViMbybr«eblf»etwlUib »w ie lb.
OtBl Dteh toetofy.
«kb MW but* •Idbej O NeS will
wteoMBOtelrlrfroB BmI Jontob
I '
be MMh^wi with laaber.
Ihe Mika el rooeb Ob Ibe U. * N
B. wlU eloa tor tbe eaeeoB Dee. leib.
AftortbM Uae ell (reifbl aaet br
, Obpiala rreabUB nlsrBed (leUrdb;
Ika Alko K.OUI. It IbU np tar tbe
* MRiMte uobbtb WM matad Bbt
««ar M Abr B. telktoa of AlUffoe
Mtr bbd lltoi Ida Map Boa of
lha barber thop at Ibe UU Bean
U Kdia- wUI aeaUape to opeibtioe.
Hfa-MlUar balaff proprtotar. Fraab
Mto will bale Abtffb.
l■lallnJ rrtdar that aaitad
■afrtoffnWabarBarlet Wazlard aae
Ma Mat MHtooa of Bboraaa.
W. r. etaak tTMaarar at OarBalr
toaMta wffl be at Kpaalto-e wore
mwf Batardap. onman>n1ar ttto waak.
to aallato «a«-tor the to-aablp
aaplaaeaeuraadHia. Belra
■aa. both of Ibaearat Oltp.
Md ia BArrlaffa tetardap oeeti
Detardej tbe beebet IkIo>7 o< «>«
WeUe-HifSbB Ca eloeed dowe tar
uoe. TheoompMj wUl bevto
10 tret le Ioffe ei oaee bad pretare <or
ibe bcfftaalaff ot beelBM bffbia earlj
iatbeeprtbff ee scabl. Abont t.ooo.'
000 toet of hardwood •rill be cot acit
Bight toe Uae ww left opu
dartag toe yerformaeu
aad aboat
tolnp nbaeriben la rarkni parte of
,«y ujeped a pertl
toe perforaurr
While toe dtakigu
ohe raegt wae hur«
p’alalp aad tooae who arailed toemwlru of toe pnrUege proeoeneed toe
deckkm of tot eireelt ourt ban la tbe eebeae e grul racoea
of Ueorge Pbalpe ea The Cblugo
Jut Sand Sl> Lifa
A Wwt MIehigu Ball«rap Ooapup.
It •ras a tori.iiog pwpe toat Charlee
It wiu be naembared that soac
Dark of Rowentoc O . laie-p beo
Ume ago Pbelpa rrw ia)ared wUU troa a frigblfnl oulB. lot two jean
ewitchiof freight can at PeUakep. He
eiTlBOg iroobk ctaetuUj grew
broaght tall antoei the doapup la ____ e ertll It eeem«d be mui die of
toe dm It eoari ud eanrad a eerdiet COanaptlOB Thro he begu w> ne
:tng'i .New Diworerp ud lateir
of gaoo The eaw for toe ooapaap le
tbe trial here <rw coadacted bp* Pratt
«d a pcraueol
•roaderlal eofw hen
IS lie power to co
Cbwl ud Leag ireehler
Bnrr bi
At their Iwt regolar muUng the L. aod 11.00
Trial bolUee lock at
U A. aodetp elected toe following ud 6. E Wail drugri
uiViu Pruideat—Mr..
•And we offer you a superb
Aaiataal Sec'j—Mn Jaa Uuakb. j
A Sas Claar Sralc.
lioard-MfV D Proraooher
Twoehlldruof Lu Heao. u eoioeer oe the M A N. B . bU a aar■be (Jrud kapida Erealag Pru»!
>w uupe from duto br tprotozicu
ilaiaed Iwt oigbt e dkpatcb from
pokonlag Hoadep alghv They wen
e aoe aged two pun ead e dugber
Wright for a pardoo hw aot pel been '
aged foer. They were pokoaed bp toe
wittadrawc, ae itoled a few dape age,.
uUag of ebeeu broaght from Mukue
ladkpatob from Harqeette.
It k '
bp Hr. Hud e brotoer, who k aleo aa
iBocaced that aa attempt arae aede I
iaear. la hk dlaaer pall. After
I psll tbe appliealloR faeok. bat that j
leg of It. toe eaddru were rerr
le proiuu of Datid E. Boroa blocked
[. aiHl Dr. Martin- who wu wiled,
Tbe diawlcb ftUl)CG|0ll,
had to irork for orar two hoan before
tbep were opt of danger
.ter it lUll peadlBf. If ihk
hating aerer beec aetod apoa
tBiued down bp toe board, bowerar. I
buys a grand one
froa toe Oatoolle Uarob at MopGeld
Batordap at ID o'eltaek
rekapaaUbUitp that toe dtp
parauuUp rid of toe pruuu
tu It k uaUBoad that toe
ff. at toll weak laaff
ill be appealed to tbe drcblt
a wae 7t peart of affb. eearvudiathateautouak a rato lakeo M Ht. Marrlt ilblUtp that tbe daekin map be digirut. P. C UUbart bu ban ratalaad toareatew toe raplalw cu ague
•MffbWiwerkwBadoBO Taeadap bp tba b>p^ fatou. ud It wu a*aeutoffbytbt
a Bieer Kat peelad that toe reqaltadboad ot $l«b
ie Uyht A Power Oa Oaa of ibkr woaU be ludp before tbe dspart are of
Bffbtowai UowaAowaat lha eenar toe«:U«aiapulirdapthat took tbe
at WtlU^teaaad Webateratraat
W.Hafchaa itlepbaaed is the
yUB.aMtohaUuhoarUaeaMa had
bopaww. Tbe boMe will pr^Mp
batkdbalsra tba eaptraUu ed too
Mb ^ prpridad^r lav. ud tba eau
LwiT. Fraalagtoa. dnw-bato.
JobB OaLmiy. ba^buk.
Archie Boeout, (aU-Mt.
Frct MvMtd. balAtalLbuh.
J&VtcV&\ "Driiott ill
S'lVV. >Dairt'Pxtto(Tvt....
ketent purthases
ipecial prices whi.h mamila.Hirers
ments at from .’A
the early season
I riur yards to a pattern and goods
Don't pass us by on this line i1 >ou
wunh Irom
Nothing better in
looking for your money s w.irth
j.oo per yard
market or
ntore dirsirable for Christmas.
and a little more.
&oods atvA.
Contains an endless variety of jj^r-able Christmas gifts too
numerous to mention.
Our Handkerchief slock was
Prices ics.- dozen and up’.
Linens of
all kinds, and all necessary material for working same. Glovesi
Ui»i DtpHii texH II ml It I i«T 1ft ctn
Miuens, l.aces. Ribbons. |-'ans and knick-knacks of all kinds.
most essential |
things in a sick riHitn.
Thev arc oftener
The Question Solved . . .
and relieve more jtairs than al
most anj other appliance in the
drug line.
We have the “Gold
right. at
"Wa±-b’s I3o7-o_g S-bor©-
Every department contributes its share to
ward making it easy for Tbe “Buyers of
Presents” (a vast army that Includes
everybody these days) to' make
all their purchases under one
roof and at one time, and
have it off their minds
The question“What
to give" answer
ed satisfactorlly.
r diwiipoinl vun in i|ualily. siyl■■ •
Fooi Bell CbAUeageTbere k e proepeet of a gaae of foot
baU out Batardap betweu two laM
lUBi. prorkllBg toe followlag ehalleagnkaowptod:
Trarene City, Dec U. im.
We. toe -Hoa Beck- loot ball turn
of Tinrtru City hanbp ehalleage toe
be coaooacd of Tnratp plepen eaJp. to a Batch
ot foot ball to be played la toe Twelfth
etrut park Batardap. Dee-1(. at torw
IVice from 65c up.
.\ department we are
proud of.
less than
____ T»uut
ef the wortd.
in.-al. and always pWw-
aod edawUog thru orpbena. toe ebUdru ol Chriallu pnmle la the Badgla Borne la Araula. Tbe earn of
wwece^bed for toat porpoae. which
•rUl aern to locium toe lalerwt ia
toat pariiealar akaka hore.
-i 4 yanls wide and heavy as a cassimere.
is additka to toere
Aplaiutaad proatabUbox eoelal •reek foUairlag It wUl be rudp far lue.
•aa bad at tbe realdeea of OU PeterNeu
reubed toe dtp Fr*daj
au atOood Barber Batardap oreatoffBoralbgfrpa toe rlllage of MapGeld
TW ptaidi. aboat $10. wUl be ap
OaebeL u old au Urlag
pUad toward ibe belldlac at a Norwe
toere. had died aaddulp at 11 o-elock
fftoaebarchatthat plaea.
Thandap Bight. He bad ao aedlcal
a B-ODaptoaetoead a daal Tbart•ad Ooroaer Hooa wu
4nr by abtob tba wall kaowa Iretur
ftoak K.'la aold to a Oiaad Baptda
. V. B dwto troa dpuatorp. Dieueiil wu
■brry. Tbatt
peare of affe. The faooral war held
Two and one-half yards for a skirt.
OUT SATingS Etepsrtment
are amonj;;
Phpatoal Cnln)le Bxhibiuoa,
pr^f aad the prices
The pbpUM eeltare exhIbitloD toei
Tbeptw factory of toe Mieblna
Ha bBbaal daU Me of the Juke Muetutarlag Oo. hw bora ebont
The Bmoiiaaa.
Wvhaa at OfMO Bbareh wlU oeear io- eoapletod ud atua bw booo tarud
Tbe Butber'i of Fneau Lodge No
la toe rmdtaton le toe beildlag.
MRtor aoaalaff. -naLadlee OoUd erti
met FRdap toe (to at toe borne of
taeatoaapvetlifaraatoai tbli Uae. dauB of toe It aeeblaet bare beu wt aktorOrac* Berg u weei »ih elrut
udwHUaawwktoefaeury •rill be aad m}oped a eery pleauat erealag
slag order, prondlag ae bad Aa Improapta program ww glrra.
Oipi. WnUaa Aadra of tbe Kortb
lack atteeda toe anugemeev The which eoaakled of apuklag. rudlag.
Maattoa Uto wrlaff eaUoa. peeeed
(iDglBg ud aeala
Tbe following
tfeeoMhUeedipSetardapoB tbe «ai
took part la aiaking e plewiu eater.
to hk heae la Onad Barea. tbe eaUob
lUl. Hn. Kubtoe. Hn. Berg.
Hre. Powlku. Hkh Berg. Him Diplep.
H. & BoUay hi
imiardOaapbell ael Ilia a palatal
HIM Ox*. Uka WlBtora. Mr. Powlkoo.
Itp in tot fora el
.uritoat rrlday.
Behadaealeraleabla bdditloo to bk large ChariM Balxberp. Warree Balaberp. Ed
lartoutodropapUak and a bean
oolkeUu of Chrktlu Badurar aoor Cleaut ud othera. After toe proptoeaedlreaBaUeteei.«hleh aaeed
Be rewired Hoadar a copp
BWfiR bralae. bat ao boaa wwe
of a C. E paper from Lew. a aaall uMiaalonary AOdnaa.
Waa. prlaud la toe Law
Him HArp C WrlgbL for a long Uae
Atm tbe reffBlu eeteua of tbe lestreaffe. Itke u page paapblet
mkiUiAaiy to Tarfcep, apoke at toe
Vtatonal Kpetle. CIrele laet eeeatot. •lltobed Uffetoer ^tb wire Ud k aaoQgTUaUcaal
charcb Boodaj is
blilMabaBUt dowB to a eerp 6ae iqer 1> It* make ap.
bru rerp latorutlag ud well at
tad liiTTb1-t tbep did aapU )Mtlee.
Piuldent Baaar of toe KleblgaD tuded Buiiags. le toe aorolag (be
blip ffood Uae waaeaioj'
aedlexee oe toe
•torch Co cetoroed Satoidap from
ibject of toe work aaou the ArmuChluffO. where he perehaud pew otoaa, la the afternoon uu. eoadlUoa
eblaerp for toe faotory.
ptoM baee bew apattod bp tbe loeal
and la the oru
wbut aiarch w •nil u potato atoreh
toaka. Tbe balldap aaaaoa le a rood
will be Buafuterad. Two new dry lag (he daulbed a trip to toe ooaatrp
ttaatobaaa raard affalaai nriodla
watrUngal aaohinuud other tor which abe bae labored eo long aad
atall klada. eapeoallp ol tbe boffaa
ordered. Tbeaaebla.
iBitof her
hen. tor
ary k upectad seat wuk. and toe
Hot Water
rklt with hk daaghtor.
ae bWB looked forward to erer eiau
Profaaaor Flpao took oplhe work la toe
ppblk e
Itolnberg'a UnaA Tbe aoet proGeieal
of toe peplla ot ifac eehook bare bua
eboasB for thk •rork, and glreo apeclal
IralnlBg la addition to toe work doee
la toeeebool.aadBTery eredluble per
Hrtter assonmenf, and better prices for you. if x-e may judge
by ihe patronage bestowed on this store.
more 1 hoiie.
ewe now. one way or tbe other. Hoeb
bitter feellag bar arkcD etor toe mat
ter. toe other memben fullag hare be
eaoee Boi^ laeku opoa placlog them
on reeord "
Ibis store is m the quality of the merchandise it offers for sale.
buyersatlhi' scavm of
odid tok. eowlderabl, force to J
get fxtorable eoatiderailoo for It |
0. Heaber Burne objected •irea-'!-----donUp to lu withdrawal aad laektod |'*xiTr
denec toe board tbocid
ire always reaiiy ti> ni.ike to targe
appliwtloouoold be bow wltodrawo j
torpelltlon ooold be preaeotod again I
the folere. wUboat prejndloe. xi |
More dr> goods here than any other store can show you.
I Life I'lllt gin uiereaaed aireogth. a
UeMe, I lieao. clur btalr. b«b amb'.tioa
ual box wl'T aaar voo feel
new being, eodbyj'ii Jeba
Jebaaoo ud
ConoeraiOK to. Wrtghi Parooa.
“ *= "'*'1 draggum.
gills from or to supply your ever recurring wants.
Tbe Outaea. thread aanalactareta.
Bap- are derotinp large aoaa to rutoriag
old wtoedrak for tor eborcta of Eng
Kioanelal Beer—kra. Mark Boliaea I
Voof boat fuiingi. poor aocial poai
Treaaorer—Mn. J H. HoellauieL ' Uoa or baalaeaa au«e«a depend large
by Boe. D OoebUn »t hW
Tbe lediu of toe Coaffreotkaal
■aaltobt eOeara wlU be bold at
beieb gare e rapper aad laacp ffoode
IhatoaMtoffof tbe earpaitete L'aloa •ale at toe ehereb parlon lut erealag
totoatwlwbttheC.8.P-S.baU. All Hup people took eduateff* of toe
IM aMbare are apoelillp afffod to be Me to lep la a rappip of Su Chriev
aw pruuk ud toe repetatksn of toe
ladkew cuka Bade tbe puple ea
tbe epportaaitp to ret a Gee
Ten Days More
Before Cfirisfeias!
eaeb auto to eudp the elwMal a
tbrir reuka Tbe oSt
»t~C. B. Baeet.
xp—HM OUu B. WbtU.
Tttaauer Hlw Brelpa Hergu.
TrcaMu-Hwdamu El. .S
Fred Wortbnrg and Alex Bepi
aeoa «ai aedt Into baekea
The DeitM
W. A. Dao, tbe arcbltoet. arrleed
d bp H. DILI, bw t
..■om tOBtberB Mlehlffbb Betardar Be
bbtboenflaklDffbtoarof tbe prlael- doe ia Uaie to earn toelr Grot mni to
pbUtiee of tbe tuM oakiaf arehlpoblic Toeeday ereoiag. The deal
bl Ibnatlffbtkai bad ertU bit bp wbleb toe Me wee aue ww eoaaaera taktoff picterw of
laated Hoadap.ud toe Gra aeae
toryeet ud acai altractire pcblle of toe aew propiietoro k Soothard A
baudleffi. for toe porpoee el (alolBf Baadp.
tleorge Soolberd bu beea
eoodoeilog toe reaorl hotel et Fonrh
Bw Ideu____________________
ae tiae. hertog reeuUy
Jobe AederaoD wu broaffbt to tbe
boelaea. Ha B Budp
ip Fridap with a eerp badlp cot
31 toat reaort oetU rtoeatlp.
Be wu at work to toe woodi
hw bun eooklnff at Wlnnle'e ra
ur Eepatone. wba hk ue etniek a
uorut for coae Ume.
boot ud fflueed le eecb a irap M to
put neb belwau the put toe
Tboaae (Jill, a proiperoiu farmer of
aad toe eeaoad toe oo bk left foot. Dr Nortoporl. took hk Gat ride oo the
railroad lor orer a ball uotorp lut
Koeelud dnaaed toe woaaA
BiffbL Be hw bue la tok ueuoo of
& B- Buler ud bk aoB C. F Hoetbe etato lor the pwt »» rearm, ud 1a
ware eabarktoff la toe dairy boal
all that Uae hw aerer beu lanber
M on a farm kuwa a* Oakrldffe
Cut before,
arm.thru aflu aoMbeut ot toe dtp.
I. Baglaad.
i bore la Dana
tbep biffia with » bead of dae Jeiaep
logaebu. ud bal/:
•owe, aad espeel to loereaae toe etor
ago aored to Barela, takleg at the
of toe baelpeu la additka to toeUae toe ulp ride oc the rmllrtad tbe
•ally bealaeu. they wUl aabe tok a
erer hed ocUl Iwt algbv He uae
blekn fara oe a large aeale.
Kortoport bp but. ud lor toe pwi
Tbe uw Bill roe tbe put aaaua bp
pun hw attuded lo ttrleilp
A. Moeuand et Lake Au. bu buo bntlseM that be hw aerer bun
claeU OB u attocbaut held bp D. g
hkowaooaetp. Hr. Dili
Ulsar. Miaar etoiae toat there bu farmer, bal'hk Uae
toe farm. Be
beat e bruch of eeetraet. u Mutrud trarelleg. Be toad*
badaffreedtouw hk loffv wherue leftlwl eruleg lor Ht Plwwnt. fi
be bu beu uwiaff lor etoera aod
lurlbff Hlur't loffi to ecuatoto. The
of Hr- Htoar k for betweu $«00
Christmas t#
W'HAT uTeal pleuore tbi* ^
’ * "t’liriBUiiAB truing'' ip
10 .-verv'.iie
How eager all
arc ill tlie ael-s-lioo of jfifu
fonirnroocs How rarefol Un-hooee tbiiipi tbv> would du’m hj<iy
othiu^- i-an carry -more txmifon. cmi be l>y
•e delig
ligblful ..vuif-nri- of your good will ibau
A Pair of Our
•^Holiday Slippers
Carpet Sweeper
Kid Gloves
alw-a\> pleases the "woman o( the house"
sells' at
: = >■
00 in Natural,
1.50. and
in all colon, nothing
nicer for a Christmas present.
Christmas Candies
■Women’s Purses
please the most exacting at .-Oe. zee.
:=C. 1.00. I.SU. 2-CXj.
Men's Night Robes
in sateen, different colon, i.rt to 1.75;Out
FOR HIM -Wbelber a clow rrlaiive ora
/ v fn-r.,1 too
can sorely piuw biffi if you wl-cl bib prt»-ot fr im our Bolidsy stock of Ueu'a Slippera- Made of VelvH nod baulsooie.
iy embroidered, or of bae ieatber. black or clioenlite. The
newest sbapes.
Prt<-es from....................
............... 4-V; to $1-Vi
at 1.00
(iolden. .Antique and English Oak.
for the "little people " sell at 5c the pound
< >ur toe kind can’t be beaten.
Children's Fur Sets
at I 23.1.75. 2.00.
Holiday Slippers
Men’s Slippers
ing flannel 50c to 1.00: .All wool kait j.oo.
in velvet, leather aad felt,
Black satean luliets. fur trimmed for 1.3S
tor warmth and to wear.
from 75c
Mtn "fed at home” when they ««ar
The same for the fell, fur inmmtd.
_ .1 goods will comfort tbe feel bud glaUn tbe burl* of
boiuireds of wires, mottierb. sisters aod ewewtburts e'er tbe
pleubot boliiiay susoo is put
Gentlemen’s Gloves
sateen and silk, all shapes pf crook
Mocha. Iamb lined at jzx>. Reindeer, s<]ur-
cape horn handles from 75c to loxo.
rel lined at soo.
PRICES tbst from the economical stAndpoioi nrge yoo n
do poor Chriatmu shopping here—ii)c to II -jo a pair.
A wonderful display with cowen of aerge
in Mocha, wool lined sell from 73c to 1.50
Smoking Jackets
I 3.50 to 5-C
A good SI
Shaving Sets
with warranted razor, a good ttrop, breth.
cake of soap, magnesia, stick
que. cup for 1.75.
ALFRED ¥. FRIEDRICH The Hannah & Lay Hcrcaaffle Go.
.WtABO gBATlMrtfiAtiil. MBltlliB 14 tt>A
I-ax’?*T*!*H*Min '1
.wDau—bartSaA f"
Hr. A—n w*t a f—at at tb* batot
•n— Tburad*? aad FriA*? o< Mt
Qranjt^^versd Region.
leTAoMh— forarwtd tram Bead
w? whan b* had to— rWHto Ut
--■r Bari aad I
Mato* ban S*>^?.
Hto Oto
(M—Bla Al«
Iran*' Cli? — Mowda]
D. H. Brirht b iBpniataff.
Bthk n
vMll wit* tor pv
Hn D. H. Brbtbi baa rata—od troa. will r«B*Ba bar dstto* —al
Tkataraa at?, wbat* *b» ‘baabaaeau?- tb* *■?!*'
lap wltb bar d
Oannn HUIImas, wito **4 daai
ar* rWUac to aoatbi
Joka Kaelaa MB* boa* (ma SotaB
■■tS-r^ZTi.. OkTld K«U7 ud
*lTwlm will r> »»<* "“fc “»•
. B. b? Bar. Hr. Batb. .
Aa o?*tar**pp*r aad doaatl— a
Joha Brtfbt aad Cbartra Bore^bl bafir— Satarda? eralac a*d*r I
re DOW ettuac bardwaod Waber ea a—pldlta of Ua Ladle*' Aid Hoeiat?.
tbalr praabat
Wmiarn Palffal. wbo I
lap lor Hr. Ora? of C
eoew boar, htrlar bu
B*WTliwek-b**r>M loT»»M nral? b? taUIsc onr a
Qlf Mwork.
^oha Hawtbera* bat (me t
WM Web»«r TWMd *l Bo.(h
Ik* KM Addi. lleM.ll«i^ H*V
fiiSoSiS*"* *"**'
Hr*. Loo Botaas N at Asa
Hr. aad Hra B. J Holleab—h aad
Ubbla Boeklo apeet Saada?
Meed, la Traran* C.t?.
Iff.SInr'slaBi hnMiHi
Vovbac^ haliae- that lb* bnl
IM—a haMAapf IhalMbtaolH
-UabHfaApMMpla '
traUb imaracnna latfaaa^
«k»Mn Tbor
bar at aboap wbleb wlti raaara a tottar
Mat cHian we « alaciadlortbaaa- taaona tbas eaa be drrirad to aa? oahar wa?.
Than will alwa?a b* a rood
______Graad WUlUa Bartlat: Vt**- MTkat faw earl? laala amoaf ib<
Oraar'. Uarm Nalwo-. BfA Mtc>. BdIU Bonban laaiaia. wbicb u bow ran
Bordawa; Trrat. Ebb* Banlatt.
prwl? aappliad bad Iben wQI alwa?i
Hr. aad Hr* Cbet Stobbtoa tad Hra he a damaad (or wool a* louf ** elotb
AaalU Siebbtot left ud*T lor a trip lac H aeadtd (or BtA^ la^addltMto
eaak Tbe? will atop at BaflBaw '
(cwd*?*naltwlib frieada aod
rer? Balmiallr to heap tf asd Ibcrb
ttna ta*e ooetlsee tba jraraa? to tba farulll? of tba eoU. Haeb ceibu
alale when Ibe? will re- aiaaa waa abowa la tba aabjrct aad ao
York ala
ssul atu
doobltba ranltolHr Voorbee.' talk
will ba aa laiinii i aeBbar of
M— Emma
to tba star (atora.
week for Oallf<
Mr. Voarhaaa balient that tbe cm
to ramais darisf tbe wtator.
eropU oeeoftbe atotl raloatJ* tb t
Tba Womasb Ctob mat
we eaa raUa la tbU nrk
to ■
afieraoos at tbe boBu of I
tioe wltb atock (aedier
Copp aad er)-i?ed a nrr t:
meed* tbe tile lor fano
who are
Iitof. Aflsr qnotoitooa from
I aotbon wen rtno b? lb* 1
>. Ue profraoi took tbe form
fraator (eediaf ealarcao
roaaloeoatbe liooib Afrtoao 1
aoa Bss; rupciiexi
Still eoTD can be profit
adraaeed b? tbe I
tor feed wliboot the an o'
; true wu dented to
Pbe practice'it qo'ta comar? drill
Tb* se»i meelioif will be
a KcUosi of fee-ier direct
beld with Hra. Roc* Kebl Tneeda?
I BMk«r '
.. a*wrd*7. <
l to Tr**«»
There is ao'.tling ijuite if- (1
A Nice, Large, Comfortable Arm Rocker.
Tb* Stada? acboel b aaaklar •
r« b« «U1 »t
1 have them in wood seat from $1,7.=.
...................... -r-•-Cobbler seat from $2 ?0 .Up. in willow Ju
up. ThOSe are large fihHina
Morris Chairs, the most comfortable chair ma.l«. fr.Tm'lKV75 up.
*"?b* *M*ri antlaf of th*
r^^lb* A. t. Boot la»U7 Oi
Okto. will b* tbaro aod It wll.
SMlaMmUd Is t
_____ bAtbt K halUarh*7te B
B OrtdterOv*eU tnaibB ha* loft m aoe
wars vaalbfr la afala bar* it ba>
banlbaaknl(all lor fanar* to r«
Ibatr varh all Aaa* «P r*ad7 to
wtatBltot w* ban son' la aaaj
PmeUarat aaaal b7 B*r. Bari
Ik* toM* wa* wall Allad laat t)BBd*7.
AlbBtAadra* baa boat H flnaorei
iBetW.B. rua aad I* laaborOlHBbBOtW.
tereie oarmnn.Bn'
iBf with bar tl
H. btltet left (or Uoeld '
Hieh.. Dec- 4. to ipesd the wtaur.
Soap. »
? School «
"fiiaii-_. ____
la to teead the wlol.r
lb* borne. ' l.'ojd Raet
h.ldoo rtaltw
DlaeuMiOB led b) Kf Fffui ’
HU. H?rUe Wetb? U worklpf to
(aw dt?t laat week.
ReclUlloo. Hn U K HitHre T*?lor.
D. S. NlckrnOB dron op from Trar.
Hn Will Arir? of Ha?fl*ld rUitod
arae Cit? Frida? Borslaf.
her pareou Hr aod Hn. Robert Dob
Hr*. Dorobteber la *ta?lnf wltb brr
00 laat week.
Uafhtar. Mra J. HoBBrleb.
Ueorre Herlptare, wbo baa
peodlof ito tummer with bit brother.
Olirer Boaftatoa bet pnrekaaad •
irieiure aod femll? of thU
aaw wood maebise aad rspacUlocB'
I Ju—.Soof aer.icF. Her A A «
B* tbonaasd eordt of wood ibb wia place, relar led to bU home to K. Y
"Praiar to ibe Suoda? tcbool. '
Deccuber 4
: B Herberl
Jobo Hcioidl li
Solo. Clara Hloer
The wtai mill b belap repaired' aad
recarer?PralBiw.r Mra D y Wllae?
Bade read? for ate ibb winter
Hoaic. swediah (Ircheatra.
The (eBtlemao
Win Keoplc. who cot hit loot
" BcFo*. from tbe Siato Coo.eo
wee Bcntlooed
________Rapid Cil?
lBFapo.bat eotBBcaeed erork
: H E IM
December tih----------------- '
lor Oiae* Brut
RemarkebTRF* HeBlb.
n? a ?oeaf man who
Readtof. Him Alma Safer
Rapid Cit?
Be waa aellisf
Htuln. Swrdieh (iFet'Fi'r*
took Ibe 4;»» train (olo* ao'ai
Hr. Baddaa I* la rv? aoor btalu
Ballla Sloe* aad KlUU BoIbb tt
taadad PoBoaa Oraat* at Trarar*.
C.tT laat waak.
Fraak Sioa* I* barlaf a aaw kllobet
ballA ea bb boo**, wkidi I* ataklar
aa UaproraBaat.
Hr Baidas la doia*
tbtcarpaaur work
Tb* Dawar mmt Isle Pl*btr-t deck
7*fA*y w'tb Irrlf bt lor Mr. W7*r.
tor. aad Hr*. Laird of Ulaad Bond
bB« Int waak.
Hr* TroBtal el Foraat Bill apaai
aanral da?* bar* Uti waak wltb bar
daarbtar. Hn. BhU.
lira B*t Sbarldaa ratarvad 7**tarda? hjoa a two waakr alalt la Trar.
Frad Flaaar apoat aanral da?* laat
Barmca Fraaa* baa aeU bl* boo**
aad let aa aala airoal to Baer? W?a*
Hr. aad Hia Fraaaa ara atoriar to bl*
tolbar^ (ara at Hart Oaalda
Vida? wtib bb
r toapaad tb.
WIBWTli* barf* Flatabar torn, la to tb*
LaabB Oat deeh laat Wadaatdv •
M.-nialt baaroM to MaaMa*
Tb* iBBbar Ob. ara baaUara Tb*
wbHUaeftbaM thatb tablaclaa-
A beautiful line of Lamps almost aryibing you want in a lamp.
t)nyx tables, jardmiercs, jardiniere slamls. umbrella holders, pictures, picture
frames, in fact we have the finest assorted line of pretty and useful Christmas \
present.s you will find
trie BlMktBlUi b wor
up to Hr. Boufbe?
J. W. Slater's House Furnishing Store,
Oidar aftarsooe Duciober Stod
A. Cartia of Lodiaftoo wi
U into Mr. Hiftoa
i.-tliiii. fn.iii i.iir Urg.'
vLi-n a piiiQii
IlHH- of
would like a piaoo
It is no burden
or^an ia pntvbaaral b.-r*
Tue >iuality and
rKST«ai. AHKKica
I-I UA, HI I-RIM Bl !•
■ •irptu'
are looking Ini
th«o California.
Willi ti
Tiit-y miRit loot Ai ye*
year or two bnl ii ie only a phort
tim- tl til (lie buyeni‘ of Huch
Huefa iaatmmenta will realize
realize that
tiny bl
been -bii"
mr piaau* aitd.orgAna before
buying I'lscwberi; and gel
mfuruiation about
rae plac'.-o
If ? n
loof rail Wlpo try one oo
Cburcbill. Bralin. Vi . aan.
? wa» cuerred *ntb ranotof
DeWitl'i Witch liaiFl Saltr
Fpretoc (or pile* and
Beware of worllCrai
C Tbompeon
.iiri ,t'.
1* CbUdreo Dr1nk‘
daseription dom
peadie’s Christmas Offerings.^
^ Gentiemen’s Fur Coals,
^ Gentiemen's Fur Gioves and Mittens,
^ #
Wooi, Fur and Piush Robes,
Ladies’ and Gents' Trunks and Satchels.
1 have a fim- line of Pur CoatS and invite your inspection. Material,
! workmanship and durability guaranteed for these gafmants.
Remember my line of Horse BlauketS is the largest in the city, aad !
; prices the verv lowest.
TbebeslTninkboffered.forf’OO, »2.75and|3.50.
Winter Qlores and Mittens at all prices.
Whips 10c, 15c, 20c and 26c.
-. ooov mak—> a^ialiy of All t'bronic Dia—a—. Diaea*— of Women. ibe Eye, Ear, No— and Throat. TeMfa extracted for 2&e .
112 Wait rrmt StrMt :
•ae *0) -?ed b? e.er? oi
Followtof tola Hr
...The Traverse City Malic Co...
E Grace M. Cunnlagham. L-o,.
oh T^rintTnCr
karae AUaa H. VtlL”<Wwaad to »****
.M«y Is- the pan
yooofoal Mr rear* o.d
G. H. SNOW. M. D., Speciaiist
^____atari— toawaataaaBaU.
><mr oiufivaI fi
v* nra! htiM'k of
Mandolin, Cuitar. Banjo, etc
Incontrovertible Evidence! ^
ba- araplny.
|( ibF Iitf. uotii Corieii
AFmaf otl of L*Hare, Iowa, i
yearn old
Him Aonie F. Guonioff. Tyre. I
I lofferwl a loaf lime froa
Farmari' Intatnt*
met Arab
Irab and
aod beeamr *er?
Two Stole Farmera' InitUale*
weak Kodol Hripeptia Cor* Dom
... oo.iK.aica I. Bond to tbe
Ild to ibla c oot? loot week—<
—OOF al I? cttrrd me.
it dlfeotr wba. ?o
Wbll* block.
ife Lake, lb* other at Honru
Htrrll Btird b ctarklaf for Mr
beoe wen one da? meeilDCa___
were IioF.rr (till to fiee immediate
pir. aad Hra P B Wbltaao are
tBt* BOBCll.
coodaetod b? Hr Peter Vooroeea ol
e/j3?l0fa eUll with Hra Asderwa
Hr* John Herr? It rer? UI wltb
Oaklaad eonnt?. a Uoroorbi? pracii
too from Bear Luke.
oesBoait. Her na Hr Hanlartoe
Id wife of TraremCii? an iu?lBr
lib bar tad prorls* m? cacieat
Hra. A Powara of ihia plaoaraiornad
A J tlrVrie* bat tboroofbl? orer- Wedoetda? from Ek BapiiU. wbare
laledhu taw mill, pat la . sew
edfer, belli a new treck abed aad cob
'erabl? rileadad ibcuaswa?i
pnparisf for a bear? cat of louber Nonbpon eUitoi
a winter, abont (onr Bllllaa (eel
! refoler mntloc
DelBt* Bin
HIb Hltale tlabbell, tbe UiacB
T H'. beld Frld
• nsisf
FolfboB asd Hlai Haekel! of Trarera*
tia* ■*.nal^'^’'aa#ant
Maet Iffalr
at? tad Hr aad Hn T A Dowlisf Aftorth*
•III tttart-.. ... IratFcfrw
ImbBeoiawera toread to tb*
rUltfen at Ibe H E ebarchoe Frida?
rreeiDf of Ibb week aodor tbe awtpleta of tba L C W
.■h»r«e of tbe a
uau faraUbed
boartU? ap^Frida? er.olof Itel ___
people of tbe M E chorea preaeaiea a
J atormi aonen Tw? a
doeprofraB Is the tows atll.
ti.wjn TwUraad tobU bOB* to
neCH? tialarda? afiar apasdlof
>1 dk?a dotof deatal work to
. __________ ntiic N •nbpon
ttd Hteara D'Vriet aad Crtep
GeoFfF toofla. of Tranra* at? w**
taUoot were f 1*10 b? Ctrl aoiI B.
1 tjonrpart Fnda? asd Baiaraa? of
lotiniuFottl meeH
Bd Baaale? too kumet bcoS
I A ‘t
p tiaei
iiOffroB ____
t> • IVW ** WeltonanllF. Ii
. wbrre bt ba< bees ipaadltf
B*r?l Foeler asn pret atrd b? ter.a
an-ral d.?i oo bettoam.
B^ isol loo old I aao nne baceelort
LooU HoBFUae. II
lof • (air. ace) w*o teq Ued then
aalrtatoUaes’lntaur' nloe of ibe
>ee. a nri * (f UMt.ai, o< a b* orda? wbere b* 1
aoGn wiutor
lUsf the Thm U .n,- •o'l tre
aeU ■ aw rrrj m mr* totmi aw4 a» f ««■»( le
tbeUfeof ■ JoaS'of A.
lUed, -Par
D. W. ncIAl
._ •• riUL-mir. Mill it I- nine
Presents. l•"ll'I f 0^*1 ilie t«*ir-ti .if
Paid Dear Fer Bii Ltf
B D Blaolooof Thaoker.ill.
0 twojeara paid orer fttoi »i.
l-ciora to cure a Ruoolof sore on s *
Then tbF? waoted to rut it rIT
tot he FuFFd It wtio one b a of Hu to
eo'e Arnica s»>e
I Ben Bbandaa paaaed Ihraorb
Tbltanmi lobe a rer? boa? place brse laat ttatardtT on bar relaro (roB
rUiitoc bar tutor oot be?oad Trarbrae
era. Paatert b? an
re to be aeeo at to?
lime ibroorb the dt? tad Ul« tt nicbi
rad atrl? la tbe Boratofi a* wall.
Mortbport Dapanmaa
XraTeree City, Mich. S
Christmas Chimes..
1 li Jobseon ard s |
"z "LLLt;:
Hr. Balloa aadt a qtlek trip to Cbl
tare laat waak. laarlsf Tranra* at,
■aada? alrhtaad rataralac Wadara
toj^^llB* to eauh tb* atar* for OK
in velour, for $14.7.^. Large Hm-of center tat.les, dining tables, sewing Ubles. §
kitchen tables..sidelHjards. UM>k casev writing desks, music cabinets, hall racks. S
everything io the furniture line,
r for a mil
U **»F I
be Urea 01
new etrecflb aod food appet
I c
•“ anrlhtof tad hale . .
Iraeeon life" OoW mi cfou at J
Joboiooaod S E Kaa'i druf *toi
E'er? bottle foaraoteed
■r. aad Mn. B. A Wait ban roe* u
BoUaad to apead fb* w latar.
A fin* five-piece parlor suit, upholstered
i 120 Front Street'
Mr*. K. beroader of Traran
If CSC*, of bar pareota Nr.
Boaaay Sceoul CooTaccion
Bbader tad Fred Rarold
R»pTrl of ihF ee.Fntb qaarierl? eineatUap left aad wood
eotioc of the Etoi Be? aurt Blair Sun
T P Vooof ft fetUbf bettor
J U Weit* hat been tppe
a? Schoo' ABOclaliito, beld al Hrliocr
ItperriaoT of Blefbem
afbtm tooMfalp
lot :i IFUi'
rraifoed wbo wi.l plrr ?<i*tarda?
wH) trieoda to tbF
Praparatlona an beiaf made for
aoed by B** Huen Kri'oed?
BBib part of tbe tiate.
brltUBta Fsoerelaca.
Poll-iwiof itiiMra Haft' ma'le at
a law dar* at OmmI iBbs. ratars
Hra John
obo Hreetter
Hreeaaer tod
J U Webe
Bd Ciemeoi aod John Kacara ■
tele me aod hoped tbe coo.cdUud
etat 10 Bend
C.t? latl week oa toaonni laiklsf of pottlaf to a *ei of w»i
ftbe acriooi IiIbm of tbalr abler Pbe? tore]? will be appreeiatod :
dr* B B M'ipratb.
>m* b? tbaokibf U
al tori aiion
At tbe boiloeat meeUaf of the V P
Hn. Jeha Btaombaad. wbo baabm
•apFr waartp^etod f>
at Batlatw ter a law watba' twiv r« 1 eelo
ilO oa di
dtiordt? crralof tbo tol
Into the old bardlof taoi
owlDf offla
elected to bli
taraad boss a law weak. afo.
ank Vaab baa noiod tbe Crowell
ach.iol rwqpBi ib
MtoOhanott* Wataaa I* oa tb* tick
farm and mored ipto Hr. Crowell',
Preaidaat—Edward Oroeaaar.
leae bare to tbU olaoe.
d? lo.li 00 tbe iu*ij -c
Tranorer-Eeobap Kttb
H. H Hallor? of Uraad Rapid.
Tb* aaaibB Baa art naalrlat tb.
coaaed IL
Uor poiet wbirb br madr
V.oe Proaldett-Prod Bcrold Jr.
waa that tbe Soodt? tctaooU helped a
Ui—Fraak DoBaer
OM.O««ala(1ira*HB*Oltr taaeai
■a drore to liles Arbor freat deal to bolldiof op tbe ebarte
B e See-? -M— bar? Biorllaa
tWk«B tUtwaakat PntA Kalaerv
lerOffBibet—Hitt Mtrtb* Berold
Tbe tabjesl waa fonber dlicoaaad b?
Oor See ?—NlM Htrtbt Berold.
Dr. Eoeelaod of Ti.eora* Ql? wra
Bartie? and Hr Bate*.
Oaotf* TboBii ot Aldaa b aamrlat
eallfed latl Hoed*? to eonoael with Dr
lOf a b?BD the boetoeae
m Mttlaa u tor ft. B. Boektathi.
Fralick to the caae of Hn. SeolL Sh.
Tbe rrporU
aeaFloB waa taken op
U a nr? lUila belter at tbU wrlUof
from tbe d ff rest echo
lovla ifaowed that
Hr BoloBft b rer? ill.
AaBBBMrwpt toTVataac at)
fonowlpf are tbe (aaat. r*f
oeorl? all
at It* botrl for the paat week
Hr. OtotOB b drawiBf left b? hertHon. Ctletfo: Hlerreoe J'boBaB Walaaa b werkiac at Pr*7 A
Tbe taow bat dbapperad bat itatre I
•chool wao aecepled for theoexi
irdar. F C. Bruee. Cedar; E
laat? of Bad
Ouolldfe. Hllwaekee; A. L Rora. TFOtloo to be beld at ibal place
Dta H?ar« bat Borod from Nonli
rraeerae Ciu; Oeoife Baeaa.
lorolof a
It loot qalt* htdl7 a taw dBTt M« OFt tad b oocop?lec —a of Hr. Hat haehar.
Kalam»«; Tbemw Etoas,
Etoaa, Neuwep
rr aod eoi
earrb Wataaa waat to Tranra* Cit) n't bo—ra.
ett?: H H Hallor?. Uraad
■aad .Raold.
JIB Bltckemlth baa baao (galio lU lor WllltoB WaisoD.
______ _
Etaaoe: Jobe Peter.
leprl? itam ween oow tod b do
*00. HanUtee; Raaaoa Bakn, Peov
ur at the preatai time.
waist. F P.lui
Bon bhcrldao.
Wf erj '?Fd t rblt Iroa Hr aad 1
Slaria toda?.
The ?oaBf people of IbU place ebji?laat Frida? analBf.
Baaeatof tiaallae Co wto ba.
■d t daeoe ai De Uaaie llar?'e mat
(bptaia aad Hrv JobaaoB I
UltlpfhU daorbtar. Hra G W.
dtlorot? ertalaf.
tortawlr el Old KlBloe. ar* apaald!^.
I. weot to Williamabsrf laat Fri'
Oaaol Mr.-BrlakBaa-aotaa bad tb.
BlatatBBt to eat off tb* aad of b.
ttbBb wtib a aaw baiardar.
Ber*. to Mr. mad Hr*. Omri* Walw,
couches io all grades of upholstering.
2---- ^^--- 1
» 5?T S “lrdT^t*bS*f^'^B«^ '
Bob Waiker aad B*7 Obiu*Ib« ban
Parlor Suits, Odd Rockers, odd chairs ond «
-V'E.il-. 'liiLru.;..-:;
,%zzLisA-:;:r “
For Everybody.
g run I IIL UniLlinUll from ix. up, cans, slei^bis doll dressers aod com- *
^ modes, doll chairs and rockers, wash tub sets, cradles. bedA rockinc horses, its *
^ fact et-ciylhin).' that is ascful and plcasift' for the little ones.
tbe aboeh wttbonl baaklof. re-i ^
Hra Tbospao* asd a— Fare? aad
Hit. Plait ^na iron to Bode*
Ittofoo "Becreai
The Ltdln’ Aid met at tbe Kelle?
Hr ebowrd G
Hooee Tharada? aad waa well tllesded
Hra I^etoda HeComb* died at her wa* fmtl? ec)a?ed
farorabi? with olbrr : f
f the "old btiebclort."
omr to the towoabipof Uraot December (armiPf eoBpana
. .. ---------- . gf
Mra Norlls tod bertoa Horheri wbo
aa? be derir
•ot-ni eauT.
bees rltitlBf Hr. aad Hn. <iil.
Btraat 00 Frida? ot(bl. On.
lelte iFfiHtioidm? fortibon ritit at
l^aetoda Schell wa* boro Sept. I
'. tralolor ebi
Hiie*. a nnU per eoupl*
Procaeot k fast--,
i« to JrtcraoG Cortot?. New Vi
ler wbicb ibe? wUl |
•n are
. eFltrellaoee
*5nu> iWfta with
40IBIO ibaStDda?*eboo] ftodt lobelo ibtlr boi
a with her oarceie moeea
vltb tfac Cbruiaa* eolartslsi
:i3-d 1»«' ebe
with naton 10
Tbt toeial wl
Er*r?bod? will b. walnm.
. to Geo,f'e He-1
■_ ..
ebtreh Tbortda? enalof waa wi
■e eblldreo the? *" »«>«>nl of tbe topim preaeotod b?
leaded. 4o loteneUaf orofru
etotbeirhome In Uraot to Into 1 local aoeuken whieb wen eaceprloo*
uni. B*Ut. wh* h**
rlres. after wbicb all partook <
Mn. a*TMd lor • J«w *wi *
esotllral tapper.
bMgaa*«eworfe lor Mr* Ooorfo H*r
Bacaat r»iion 10 Troreree CTt? were.
Hre. Bedcta. Hlea Aafie U.ll. C. Har?.
m. T. Kallr bM Bond to lolorloebM
a B. Qtt« ttartad for laditat Btn
Mattie aad Uertba Hobo* asd tbe
--.Inee Alra aad Cora Hace?
WIU tioeb ta KBO bailor. b«l *m da?; will call at EalaBtsootsd rl
of aoolber wwld
wltb Wtrd Hiller tod flBlI?
»W* to b* oroood.
Iriof dU^itioo. Jet derlof
Ik*Aid wetotT BMat Un. Oimb
W. F. Btaotfonl wet tb* font
IK Uraoi I
ktaaklMwnk. Bh. wn w.ll plr*^ Wb. Drpee TbasktflriBf.
« f frlePde
Her Hr Briaa I* eoBdactUl( reriral
wllk tb* *a»o*ut of work doae. Th»>
I. Araold bai jornped tb* )>bei
oeetiof* Id tbe saw ehoreb.
vfll aaot at Mn. Bane/'i U two iracud for with I. Wlool. of Iran
borne OB rbanda?
tftoraooo. Re* manoer; that U. b? flvtof
Him Ida Uab baa ratoraad to Aar- Befh Krooed? of tbe Snood H "
:ii? laat tail asd bat Bored la 10 Wil
ball (re* to all
chorch of Tra**' le City rM .'lallnf.
aarrlBftoa't boaw.
camber iiT
Cbarto Well* baa fOD* to BapId Civ?
Hr* Ceos b 00 the aiek llttSosa*? School Aeeoaauon
ItiV. Has Pali
J W O eknrnao ha* Bored Into tl>
Ron to Hr asd Hn Ben 1
Prorram of the f'.arteenlb qoarterl*
_ to
_ atomacb.
_____ linr
V climi
lieoember ». a bo?.
.anotloo of tbe I'coto.ola To~otb-p
„ „
Wr* b U Cku Ues Ibe tick Ibt.
Mrtbdaj b* thlak* It • nrr Dice bin*
anaa? Bebool I
Hn F Fd Heck teoBlbc tkk Ih
drt. Jaaet Wblle b aBbtiof la rartof
the molt to lot* of apprlite.
4*7 iiriiMt.
.1 OrtFBtbOFf, I
to tbe blood, backache, sen
' Mr.
b BOri*r IBM Kr. Bn*7'>
----------- ----...-iiboadache.od lir«l. lUtlem. Adam
htriMt «riU be ewrlcd oa <i«IM w
d Golden Oak Parlor
in. aiiapetl top. only S6 7B.
^ Front Street.
aiuaS atifjBuBlHUiit,
Id^Traverse Herald
{Cutters! Cutters!j
p<«. ' apparoptlp jaat awaka. *a^
iMtfad Iba Brttlab. taaafrlag aa ao'
awar. tbap aallad to tboir oavaAea
Hob. eawmaa-ahrawdoffl-wraadla rw abnr: "Tba BacHab on aa oa.Bboot ”
portad to ban had a Barop eaa aalrenl- Tbap tbaa «nd Mr ritaa aad esplaanlloe. uktac a loadtag pan ia alra balUta Btabad aa tbap atraek tba
neka- A karrtad muiada from |ba
paara of tba Boabla of tba talaada eroiteftbahm waa aaawerad I
alaclcrollap. Tbaa oar treoBa niaad
with Bpala
Waablartoo. Dee- ll-Tbe fotlowla* rtartag aboera. appanatlp doablHf
r Boaban bp tba naatlUoa of tba
reealred “ **■*
Ida. Oeaeral Bastar. loadlag bia
departBaat froa Admiral Watera. took ap the so«*aod. oraeraoo lelUag of tba aarp'a ppn la tba
>«Md Ike Torinemi boel cr
VmmU eMMt I
’ vMMk erUkia triw dtolMM. rU:
IM* hoU «k* rlM* It U Wle«
h«a ttet Acmiaalde vUl «eke hie U
BtMd there Baleae ha aaeoMAt Is '
mmft trea the ItUad
I have just receired two car loads of
Portland Cutters
at my barn, where 1 will be *rtad to have any
one that is in need of
Jinjer Wayfer
Balal • laAaefa.
Pratwi*. Oee. »-Ne*« baa baaa re•atead nera of bear/ firbUar todap
pnr Haptfocttla. the Bnthb fotea
hadar Matbaaa attaeklac tba Btrr.
•adarCroejt. Eapon. ate alao laoai.d
pla halUa aaar Kiabarlar whleb la
ptBBa-eedtotaaaortIa bp tba BrUub
Ooloaal Sagrr, Majir Sction,
ICC pr-QTldea a wap
Oantatax Dell aod KallcT aod l.iaBtea- to kill off oce^oeca
imIt -Mewl
l,a«doa. Dn »-l<>rd Vethaaa it aata Stepeaa aad Uaraardtioa.
alUl aaaaaipod ia the eklaltp of ibe
"SaSolk r^meoi. Capulo Wclr aed
Madder tiww. bat la hariar aa eaeHiar three lleaUBaeU mlaelag; rank and Ble.
■rmrdp for cough
— Um af It.
killed. It wouaded. and .-w mlia.
ill rigbi. but pou waal aomethlng
-ThawaroBia waa matlp eaeitad
I will rellcTc aod cure the more
brtbanparithalUta Boara bad ee'
___ere and dangeroux reauliaof ibmai
'Lard MathaaBh Haa, bat wai r.Ur»«J
aod long troublea Wbat 'ball pou do"
abartlp afur aldalcbi bp aa offleial re
tki to a warmer aod nuire regular cll■art troa llhpa Towa that eoasaalca
"deeeDtp foartb batterp, a lieuten
faabadbaMratloiad A lata ballella xnt. aad iBree mcD teeereip wouadrd. mairr Yen, If poaelble; If not oomible
forpoB. Ibea In either eiae take ihr
•MaMUaafaaaiallaairareneBi todap
major and oaa mte tlifbllp wooided
ledp that baa beeo lalroduo
taaaeaaa Prlaa Lao' I
rihted eonat
ndoee gaaoer killed
hftJMaeaaadaaaraaaBda batlaiT
•( Brllkh artlUarr aad a batulloa of
"Nonbamborlaad fnalUen. Majir
tba BrlUata loat foartaaa
tertna. OaptalB PiaWber aed MorUp
atOaliil gdjna klUad. Oaa waaadad
Time given on g->od pj;>.
aoa hi»ai.i». --i •™;' rrorar
• iniMii tis:un terput,
,...1. r,.;
taSTt Samlet, bat ll/aralopa^.
MMbpaa latbaa balwaea tba two
kalir»B« •Im “Akla ic be aerarad
It Ukaa bat Iltila Of ar
ista aaa that Halhaaa la ap aralaat a
A Lauartrom Uaail^
Tba foUewiar laiur baa *aa ra>
Mtaad <ran Artbar Vaadaraen. Oo. E.
arih Bar^naat. U. B. Volaataati. bp
kb MOtbw la tbte blip. It will ba af
UWaat ai abatHar ao>aUila« af Ue
•elMl lUa af the aoidiaia who wiat
fM ban te iha PkilippiBtt.
pear lottor ptaUrdap. aad
■«>w «> •
::S‘ i
5 T rt^apQ
Tell your huabnuds to ^etjoua •
set of our elegant
" -;c5.iss
For a Christmas present for you.
Tell him how handsome the table
would look set for the Christmas
dinner set with them. Briilg him
in and we think we can sell him
a set lor you We can make you
a set from
We also have a line of (Glassware
we are selling very cheap.
L“u'SSPeeuty latb. ttOO.
I Cor. Froat and-Cass Sts,
Triumph Steel Range
Traverse City, Mich. '
'Consuliation aod Eiaminoiioa Free aod Stricll] Coalideatia
DKS. B. S. & CO.
AnericM ledicil mil Sorgictl lostllutc ol Inkegon, licb
For In^flU
BMn Um
'**““"bopood'the ihlUof'ihedoeua*.
Hot>w»l 'Wla.l.tlia.g, Xra-vre3rse OlVy,
Jan. 4, 1000.
,0a.a toSp a
Doctors Can’t C ASTOR IA
Tki IM Ym Han Alwiri BwgM
Cure It!
Tb.r«lxy. PM,- iaUt,iaOO.
} V "i’uitTsi'TESr-srs
S7.00 UP TO S20.00__ _
dtahar at 11. aadhaptar at «;*o.
1BB aot with all tba bopa froa Tree
anaatp. Oatp Uawb carrabo. Wrtght
aad aapaalf an la thia oonpaap. the
oibai aaiar la Co K
«a do aoi
haow aaplblag aboat then at all
hero two boUa oe ap face that bare let
aaeal of (aard daip.
la daa Pa
paa I wai glad to haar Iron boBa.
trail aad (atUar alr«r all ripht.
had a «aa trip orar the poad.
ateppld at two Japaaaac towoa aad
bad a aaa dlaaar la oaeb
Oar diat hate coaalaU of pjtatoaa.
bnaa. Bah, pia. acBaa. tn, bmd. bat4 cbldaa.
Mr. baaMtaah. ataw, paanbaa aad bbpla aprap
Wa hare baaakfaat at t:io. wh I wae dIracUac Ua otores
Gl-:0. C.\K\'S,
r of tba caanalil
______________ __ .
bp all druggtn
tbe world. Sample bolllea at Jai
will ba wired aa aooe aa kaowa.
Imter daulla rega'dlag (be dlnawr JobotODI
Uaaaral DaUcra'a oolumn afaow that
bat for tba magalBoeal work of the
Heoria. Ill . aapa. -SorI to operate oa me for
anlllerp, ibc dafnt woald baee beca groaa wai
• •
-b DeWllfa
wire extaDalee. aa Iba laetaaaai pure, bat
Wiwh Haxel halre." It ! a lefalllble
Boar abell fire la tba mldai of the leir bilea aod akin dlaeoaea. Beware of
lafaowp Ollimalrlf led to diaordar,
y C TboiapeoD
which oolp
taaea bet a mloutati orercome
Hag la tbe tbroai aad to ttop t
eongb bp tbe nae of One HlaaU Cougb
tleaa. eoeered Ibe rcteoai. tboc draw- Core.
Thta retDedp qmcklp earee all
lag a poriioo ol the H mm galilag are. liirma of throat aed luag Aroobln
Ipparaatlp tbe Brltlab bad act aboat Barmlaaa and plaaual to lake It preA famoaa epre Hv
ImpaaBlbk (axk aod were ireaeber- reaia ooDaemPlIoo
for grippe aod lu after effecla.
P C.
oaalp galdad. Taare b llillr Is the
atorp of the battle to altlgalc tba
Ifai aelaodr.
"Uee MlauuOongb Care la tbe beat
wbleb la almoat ao aaael eouatrrpart rriaedT I reer nird fur ooogba, and
It la BDIquailed fofwbooeiig
of Mlebelaea'a Mck. Tba affilr
Chlldrro Hke H." -HUa H N.
eaaaed a atoal depreaclng Inaaceia
erarpwbere Ho great tarpriae
.. oolp ha^'eae rume-lp
ftIU. Ill
imadlalo i*olu.
be lelllf tbe rerrrae reauIiM la that glrra iBi
I_______ __ . .
Oape Coleap baeotaleg aflame from ead
moala. broachlUs. aed all
lu early ni
a Dtllp N
r C Thomi
1 rly and
3dl Stale Slreel,
« ^ e'«• e
gatrMeaat tfberlap-
Tta^la aooaldanbla doobl aa to the
atmat wbanboa’a of the Bala Boar
Im. It irat aappeaed after tba
MoBdar rlrar am that Oaaara)
OraaJ • bad ratlrad to HpptfoBtala. aod
aal to work to repair iba laat obataala
taOa eapo'ttaa relief of Kiaibarlp
All "Stest
get first choice.
thin iSatordar i lanmlng oe HMiroibTg I la critical.
mUlodbptbe galdaa tad fooBdi^^"" __ ___________icrwe hare heard
ballt from at or near Uanrrl >ae.
!m(>raelleabla groord.
j aod la camped neat Oztrk
Ur per
Id b later diapawb to ibt wi
I tuaded a farmer'i bop to draw a deer
fleem-l-utolheatallon 1
Oanaral Pormtiar Walker aupt
ere anti) mldnlgbiaad flag
le rwferaooe to »r l*Ja*r»m of ibla
id chip out the daer, aad
m^ralag the cataalllea ao far aa kaowa
lev paid Ibe bop.
nment ate. Second R'ptl IrUb
to judge of ibel
I. killed enac; woueded. Lienlea muaid :ieat anm of lea rec
Omni While pralaae the ealor of tba
styles, and
**”le«e of Oearral MaeAnbar'e
treope aed the ronite lftb lefaetre
-s; 'r^ ", r
(loloop la raported from Capa Town. I
la aa attamet to aarpriaa the Koera
„„ reiuminp f«uod her dead IB
pTrlaor^eneral OraoV.
at dlormberg oe Saturd.p! her chair
Uer death -aa a ibock to
Mlaaa la oear Seb-r baf. Oeaeral
lha J-rlUab forma Uaalf fell' bar famtlp a. abe-aa « ana.oallp
Lavtoe <t (B Hulucaa proriae* tedae
*Hb e< aNeei iroope to o»«'*3B»» op latoltaaa Wap and atiBcred a aeeerc
■edtloD aad eettlrr the eaeaf •'
glaof M l P
*^11 U pr.*able that the troope •bleb ■iolweo, wlib a loaa of Ms mea la kill
a-mlll1 at Vama
aarared Apaiaaldo'e (aard are H«lre •
oabdad. aad tnlaaTeg The aaor- maaalaettira ol hardwood lun
ae^aatd. aabaWrep^rtwlaloaaiuAr
chad bT the I
Hat of mlialee la aadanlood beta
blatUo-e rear___________
aa aaotbar wbolaaale eaplnra bp
ibariag off teeiloo rs uf Sprlaffle't
BnOeb ware BBooeecfal.
Tbap expect to pul
put lo 1
taa BoarmIp Thap
FraraChatp. I>ae v-Ueaml Wblle
tJfd lAeadowoe. Hacretarp of State niio.onu fi-et during
haa lal-rraad Gaarral Bailer of Ibe
nd alraadp haee U woipoii col aod
,* war. raeele^ a diapalah aeBouac
a raple'e aaaeeaa of a Krilieb aorile lag OadVral'lataere-araearae from llao- akldoad. awaiilBg aaa<
freta Wedfaalth laat eirbt. etoroiler •ralSlrKredafleb-Walkar, oommaadar
the hill at Ua-barwlklp. dlBeltaaeoae- of tbr Bfitlabwoopa la-Oape Ooloap aa ,oroad while irplop vo
irwith 'baaeeiieoftba WaaiB rea followa:
daugbicr from
from being burned
^ Pnr old daarbwr
to death The little oae roubed lot.,
•t the rrtaav aed dliabitac
"The followiac
malred from her molber'a arma and abe daabed the
Bear raaa oe the bUl, the Bmiah Oaaoral Oataara tbl.i moralDr; 'I daap
duughlar Into a ttuk of water and
4oatr«r-d th* K-alU aad Ulerrapb It ragrat to Iqinnopoo that I haee
then jumped lo baraelf. The little oar
win* od the Paprrertb talllt BrItUh
________ >B aa attack : canaot liae and the Biolber^a coadilloo
bobs call and ItMik them ov<-r and get
prices before Ituyin;; elsewhere.
1T„„ ...u,
tohaWlaawof tbeir ood eeoord
------------------------------evtnropelB repelHac the Wall aad fair eoodliioB aod tba ehopa were dam )
At laobacDiag
I bare poebed a
mploprd at ibe .crrlaed Labe mice,
edaw to Baa Joee. eeBlb of Baneerd
•V. Inaiav Ip kl' d Pndap erealap bp
•ad Booe'e eolavn <t oa the rear wall
fall o'pouad
Meier Baebelor'e betialloo of tar
Bmub Dafaatao
lira Brbart tloodwla. -boat bnm«
Ttrastr foartb !• oat of neeb. Bortb of
LoodOB Dec U.-ACToablagdlraatar .m aear Coioo. fell dead Thaiadap
Barearr«r. aad erldeetle o«-oe»dlBr
some for my livery and some will be for sale
at 8eWc bap;
-- *■- lag tb« mee to da tbair bapoaeta.
«f the hee? h» haepler e eherp look- nioreiBB of tba fib I reerlred a tele- Tbap ellBbad Ilka llatrda or.r tba
reaalrottUeeeralllebreaDaeBloc fn faaga bowldtra la aa Irregalar bet or
BaeArthar our eoop*ratioa darip liae. Wbao tbap galard to.
•eUbOaraea] Oraofa foreae antioiwd eraaltkepfoaal tba Boata la full re
verlUhc liitnMe« be the II
.rwardOlaacapo-Sabtcbap. I alartod
> frea eBfriaa<]Ie oeHoddar Brar, Dee. 11 —The oarti
fetbaaaBa eraalng for beblf -lib
tleea UweraJ Otle hae ah r4 ordm
Tlaehgao agaie look bp ewitlee
tlilBOra mod (»frfoo aad a eomleMearel4Mrleee
paap of Barloaa. Wearrleed at dap- oonb of tba camp peaiartUp aftaraooo
l.« *«etaeldo-e
llgbt oo lae lOtb. with laodiD* parUaa wblle tba howlitar tettarp -aa p«led
.»<■ 'that the
rewaat Thee are ee pla*d
orgaalMd aad foaad U,i « Staraaa la
ehaaeet of eepterlaf ala are rood
Mica of Olaanoo. 1 rellered the
OaatnI'OdiaUocrblod the foUw.
iTf'dItr tballi aad ebrapa*!.
armp foreae bp aarlaaa aad inaaport- :he Boara repliad tharp'p wUb a da
-4 dlepelea fro« Oearn
real. Ibst eniaaoblog rbelr poalil
Toaetat Vrae jaeUrtUe eej* tbi
ableb -be the orj*et of tfa' K'll
iMifiil dpaabh prieoarte reo^
m Altar aa bner'e Snap ibe
foor hosn' cerafearet OB Ibe t->l !■
Oeaafal OraBl arrirad la i
(lae 11 .er
r ellrairad
_ .
Uard. qal aad Mlodoro aad reluroed to { mare that tb* B-era laMot ibe
Ibatarwap Iba praalpMaai. ba«td«
alnwa batfbM. Wba haaHp baU
aptbadiaealtaaaaPlaBear eat.
■...... uUwt*i.i:;5:”"S«:’-
A largo, haavy. 6t«al R»Dgy> wrb heavy Are box
Jioavy top cover* that will oot crack-or break
nlnga. heavy
t. heav
. by dropping,
top of' rar
ra'r go
gi 4 ft 2 in. long.
In aquare wai(
28 in.. long, and oven 20x20
raaarvoir w :h condenaar d
pounda: eni
A drat data, high grxde
largi high wxrmlng doaat.
ipoii $40. o o
i; ra:^rcsr,7r,:s^rr.ir
Tbe Muet gaceuaofwl and A
unS nuuuM'uM
ixin, 4W< .n— IW uwr —..CtM 11 M44 MtWW.
^ ***
y, i>«_^yw *’T?fu!j
- liepH kl 1> 4.I
Wr.u( 19 ruUMI
tb dp.prpuiu,
paan oa tb^
leral tpnoge.
»«1 polaah temediaa, but ha
I Kodul 0)1
ridoftbadliaaaejontba *od grew worv
Alao a full line of Cooking and Heating Stovaa
wttboal a bUaaat. Wa bare aoBc bol | *'^^‘^^*** bla eaodJHoD will grow ocpeia Cure. T
....a. 8. 6. fl. U tba oolp etipa .»~tu »ba' pea
_______ larrfbla af&iedoe.beeauaa Kta uour it-.m ,cb. a
«kat p«a eaa boll 40 egg lo ooe a
tba oolp reiaadp wUeb goa* diraet to of dp.pep.it
Iba naoM of the dMaoM aad ioreaa It :
PeM aad 1 w\i\ ba>e <
TraveiveCUy Mich.
127 Front Street
I OMaogl
'car tteulttcra." —Ub tbippitg
raiji'aMO roamva oeax
katocw Jotaiag the eomMaap here. We
PuUp. la bet. 1 emmed guudi
guudi dlreci u> raiaiTert thaai aap uta,
at* >ow aboat 40 allee Itom Haaila.
Boataa maasfactorer Oct • Mir at
Wa ha*a a flae let of iflleera. nap
I. Heru lf Century 0 o
•fury aucallud bleed
anjoatllka^e mao. aat aed alaap
Mr J Sheer, SedtUa. Mo . Mced hie
tegatkar aad wa hara flar ilmaa
n»o»» rM
chlld'e life bp On* Miaatc Cough
Tka Ulabd la aet to bat bare, aod Iota
SSSSlLflrTi'iM, Owv>ra bad
gicuB bar ap lodi*
(Ml 1 —Id BCTcr be emup
It . aa lefalllble
of Ikabepa wa cetag to alap.Bal aacaaa
.Via u!^^
THuWlie Ut—4 ■ It. MM
u. MU — UrrM
m4 Immmi
tt^waathar baa la act ao ..^a. n ]
te ba eoslortabla for a bu to alrap |
.k U9 >«9.ne —.u— iw m-<
•baa Ibakttma ga threaga tbe liaca.
Aoeo MEM.
I ;
MTIfe M rMp, *«MM —
-* IMM ebae. M
ti M Uka oaU^aatraetleti to aoDtloua
to taka oafoah aad taemorr: batWra
A»BfP*W2«kStfel.SJ*S& .
Wia.MMM«/MM<rB4Xl.lam '
w >-MiMuu W-UMW. Ml tad_^aw Mwuimi.
------- -----------------------' aJS?FMt2S-eSrK-.Vi'e
i (Mcm. PUm uee PwMee. ff Wm.
■MB otd twalllDg o( tba
the balr te faU oat, aad
mmt cm.
.xiiaavuaT, u. BXT'
ip-ttcaatb lygdlaru,
ta ■aafaataad rmolp Vacaiokfo. aod M
Ma^lA,OaA II.—U It MW atatad (ba oslj hfeod poMady tna Mem tfeam
AbM ifoiwal bfagerto dal, PUar waa
tdUad ai tba aagataMi batwaM
■la- 'tkaMgraaaaad Chlaaaa are too
•a tabe tram Uam all Ibalr rtea bet
taa poaada. aad all tba Mil. Tba lara galtlag aberl of food, aad
II ciiiES aaa“aa=aat?ear-i
Hi. 11 (CL min Win, MaBH. I
^adwaa—M ■ m»
nAMonMUeiauiA Maaami
‘•Saw ^ to «Mto^ tto«M flto
HOME CriEEK. sairassxrtfjis: |S\msVvvTv^
_____ Hewly tolto beiUac patoi. tboa
-Wall.- anplM Ito tortoqy sbh bto
-Bo pried hit oHQdi
]1BBT. Tboo ha ks
HjMrM. B. 0. Baiw. B4«tor.'
dipped taw aeU i ..............................
lltBaU/ltabeold beU aboot toa BiaBotewr hoorto i ■ 00 iKht 00
alaa Tboa noBni tma tho Bra aad
beatbrtokly for fl*a bIbbIm. F
VorChrtotBM to I ar wlto eotofert
Into ahallow pan to «eo1. aad I
the eaady baaoBB hard eat
So wby aboald wo tore lor th<
lto"fSaro oww
..... jift I, a
*^HrTTaa Foorca.—BoUtorotbor
oeaptai of Row 0
awall plUoi -..........................
bUMd bolMM U-* » Uroa or foar (0 to a aau
•lM«ra>klw«ht w«rt«top»tar»»< eaaa* of flao weklB(. otaS wltb
baol borar-balr. aad la aaeh eaaa pal
UMitnn Mmt. Levtsf »ho«rt>« ol aa eaaec of fraablr poworrd orrto root.
ChiBIMivivliWw* i> •*«7 BMTt. wbleb la a HlUo Ub* will (Ira a roBatWtM ,«^tar tliMtUiUi.toT. frrablsr odor ao of rtoUto.
Maba for
la olllowm. If
tbero to ibreo
1M tfcp^ii «»i •*«■» •fc*
plUow allot of Boo llBi n. aad
UiMtoalapl* U ov (in auiM
b tba lallial of tba
kMAbokaai^ la ie*«. Tto* U (k* for whom li
Tbeoa pH
trwChciMM 8pWl—Ck»^« .lowi arr taralaabli I
■ plaera where
lUacaa. tor tfary fli
«U«k oOMeiPMlr or
plllo^wt fall to g
mm^nm\T to «k.t to tUlX
------------------------------------------- ---------<--r bardro la Mid rratrr. rOBMr froB tb
■-* aad flaTorio taou. Poar It oa
bette.^ tie, aad wbos OMrij col
W* dod oor Boerel oo bard to toop.
• Bat wo try to look oon wto*
Old Haato aad 1 wool loll aay owe
Who to going lo bo TO o aarpriao.
W» wast 00 Bsay thiara thto y«ar.
Hot we doo'i know wbere lo OMd.
Perbapa we bad bettor t*11 pope
Aa we're aore that UaBla'a bla frioad
-Oao eopfo!
ao. oea eop'al
rown aarar. a pl*oe ot totter tha alt*
Let'* rnot O d Saata with
r oo orr. aea a tatfloapooafol ol
. loafar. Da boi tUr It after it b^aa ThS >oli^ rood fallow wUi (
to boll, bat whan It will bardoo ItST It
by dropoiat 4 Utile la «ld water
lo Iboroarbly
da Poor It
" blBoataiiT wonao- yoei
tcrdorold- woald be plot
■ Aad thaa to tallied 1
Tbe KIsd Tom Bare AHnty« Boorfet, wad ortorh baa b««B
la we for or*» SO yearm, ban bon>« Ur algiialar« of
AreraM Trsrerae City Ctexwa
laal AoMpt tha Fotlo^iag Proof.
Tbe (rent Sir Itaac Newten. ow
ofthemoatpredonad reaaonen th
world rre* pmdaead. onea eat .
. hsd ba> bem made nndrr bin per.
aonal napenlatos olnre llataltoarr.
Alkm so os* (n drrriy* t oa in Utla.
All OrasterfrUa, InilutUoaa aod HutotUstn. are but ExIw-rtmrnU that trifle silk and ntdhsrrr th.- brslU of
lofmau aod Cblhlrva-Etp.-ri.-uov acslai.t Etpe.
low her kltiea to follow her Tbr
weakneea maolfeeted ib Sir Imbc >
tloB woe dee to wool of tboaght
Aay reader wbo mentaUy debate*
tbe proof . ff'red b*re abost Doeo'*
Kldaey Pi I* aad ar-ire at any
other ocmclolon tbaa that »lat*«
IB lbs elurea'a
abort of reneonln>g^i
inraed cai
tho (aval ot hap^Uai to oao tba<
or«7 woM ahoBld lay to bar boari
WhathBaaaotoaaaa toooBoboBi
tell JOB
From yoar little fneod.
b»..l> FaKK.NT
otbrr clotbeo.
t i
BcMte Carr of H rdgea ioaa* eerie
.b -iBkr warn
> or vhrwe
at aKht M a ahaarfal wlfa ao osa boi
I a letter wrltlee bar by Tuc .Soatbloi
hoov any blnr; ■Freaidaot aay* tbat tUilb aod baTiia
ho who hM had to fifht tho bard bail <
wrier tbem oot, fold aod roll tbrmj
odUfakaowi. It bo la arooperoaa. Ii
tisoUy Id a cloth, bat do not let tbrm Furdyihe lire to bar Catber'a fami.t
to aa Bddad Joy. bat It to la Btoforiae.
teprcMot- Ube lay*
r*tdryb*(ore IroolorIllaaalmpir
ttatUahlBBlUna Bar Iq Iba dark
ibior I' remrmbrr. aod yoo will And
weal to aeb-ol at Cadillac la*
w* all rij ir »»ry moeb
that year baodkereblala will r*i
BM. A ^w-pi-t-iwf wlfa caa kUI tbe
aod I hope I may be ablr Ui ('
ilaJly floe for people with a gi
*olt aa lb*T ar* now if the i
last bit of bops aad sooraco la a sorel) rbegmatic trodencr. Sqaeetelh* )alee
I the flrtl of Janaary.
I lib* tb.
of half a larr* len.-o ifrre from tredi j
ocbMl Ibere *o eery rauen. 1 am IB tb.
) a lombler. add to It a teatpooo a.
lOlb (radr "
pine foil of aorar aa it Uo aaibi* to
.e It. atir 10 dlatolr* It. Gli ap a
pae Hay frek. of Hapla City. *ay>
Tha aMbcr wbo lota bar ebUdrei
II thrrc qnartert with Ire water and
tboochl I wou d like to gt*.
b ttir in atraol third of a Iratooua
(COW op 10 boBoodyoad dtoeoetested.
Blhelyo *organ food a llule. m plea*.
. of b.carbooate ot torta
oabieot to Uaa aad tolls, to taUle( li
I tberlaw y
be f.am orar* lb* u
Had eocioned 10 .-eola. from my brohm
libo to haadloapplbf «ay be»ln to alp »ron it. or It may *orTr'd.wior.^
■ *thoB«koiawof Ufa CboorfalooB
tooBoef tho prlBoroqotoltiB to ooe.1..^ t»* qoaotliy of tDgar
the recipe: if yoa make It
W riTT •----------- T Obclor o trioad
ooediebook, aod thimble holder, card
board caJeadara, through aliw whirh «r«
to >nhto mi edd oacth awtterow lia
•«. rWeo ne by ooroi
a eaady. but abe 1
rob libboo* os which, la gold IetteHa(.
torth. It boa anew eaoo(h ot lu phyilrlana lo Cblearo
are painted tba day* of tbe moata. • c
ell aoltable
la all gift*, where
The Kitebea Floor
r.ulpieau poaae-a leaderoeot of feel
*nt to HanUtee Ibla fall. .
If yoar floor laaa old oaa aad aboarq >og. they ore more pleated with ob
loaltbOy i-rrckt. iiwievl i f rorcriiir II 3 eta made by the flager* of tbe girer, Frankfort too
rith aa oU cloia. Iry BUieif the orack*
by tnuae that are porebaaed —
nope Eibeiyn'a orgafl food will
ritb a Bixtore made wltb ore pne d
I am tery aorrr for her
la(hopba(«. Bruy booaewUcabooIr
■Bbtoldor a dBVD of bp,
hloanBa. tar two or throe opray* oi
thablnmni la tha (rosashdwo by tb<
aatoial tmb bMtooB.
Liae thr aiik.
ar llasa wua oUod tllk aad dsiab ia<
bar wltb draw otna(a la order tbat U
■ar to* btoaod tl(bt ao at to koop ta.
Oder ot the beptboB tacaploc
thar *iU baeoStborotvaiy boL
lhar earn a aory aeotblac apfdloailai
to a awollod face, or tc say part of Um
.1 wariBth lo ra
ha •* Bay b* oaad oeer ar '
tthtoacoalyaaeoM y to haa(
Staai^Uthalr^ok^ ilaodbac"
haethor oaetal (.ft. aao ooeeapeeial
Ij aoeapttblo to a perooo wbo doea not
alasp woa. to » bop pUiow.
p.i ui*
heya BaBoo BoallB pUlow eaae. aao
towapthaeod. Kaai sake ao oraa
MBtal pillow Blip of MO (old llBCS
aad satooldar It with a loor irallloi
Btoaerbraoebolbop bloasoBB
l e
dnaaath work la aerlpt aome apcb
or aure that the fl wr
baa beeo
f oahly awepl and wmtbed.
u>c m.xure loto the crack*, amootblor admirable Irgv or lo tbe
V oft tTca wltb the enrtae*.
LeaTc it take wire and wind with yarn.
odry thofoarbly. aod yoo will And
Aat It s nore laUtoc. aod a rmi
-ing* 0
teal cheaper ihao petty.
1. eao be
iraellTe. while Kiity't
palotad OTrr the aame aa wcod
whlakera an aimoiaied by
waxed laraad. They Boat all b* col
in two paru and a* iffad with exeetolor
or coiioB.-.Sclr.-v.i
a goa. cat—the klad y
- . 11 Bpper up. apd a wrll drerloped
.mp oo top of th.' bead and belweea
a earn, brto.ee eg good palate
wpy eat. OB* that purr* a good deal.
w apt lo be pia
and good oalared
Aeold a cat
ad twiubiag rat*
A great mialake it le
domettlc cam w.^ too mi
bTwooie lai
uoubiea aad
Paprika la a red pepper wbleb belike,
eayenpe. u oot Terr bob being
qaal iHal'ragth
to good• white
i lottead el tbe doll brick-red abode of
: cyrooe It i* of a rl'id rtd boa. tl I*
I o**d la Bonrtry fa aaarly all ol ihr.r
caa b* procured fros bigb ei
oiior* bj □
ir batlerBB
r* may be lakei
If the kemrl of ■
Claadia aawaob. "
Oeaoe dpnlf ird. "
Bay Brugb.
Hyrtle Balleiu
Lula Ayera.
Viola Abbe.
Ctorl.ile Fettcogill''
Uertrnde Brnoka "
Bey Daily,
Earl D*.ly.
Loiuc Brooke
Stella Helteogiii. "
Stther Ayera.
Mildred ClawaoB. •
Myrtle ClawMb’.
Floreoee Puldpeer. YaM
EoMell Eerold. K.«wick
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
WUa 'J 2^*
----------------------------------------- >■»--------------------
Trmttrm, Ott.
titMC kapk*
luism UD KrasuTUi ti;
:s :s'-vai“--^‘i'5^ :s
:: AS-AS tSE.
• I*
Came Has.ea. B.rtJett
Jo.i* UaMen. BarUetl
Pbrnoie BoaMa. BarUetl
Hay Mackey Uarllett.
Fora'diangrarable beeaita. pal a few
dropa of uactare Of myrTb in a iamb
larfai of watar. aad thoroo(hly riaae
Ibe moB-.b wltb li
£r '
"'iuladroir W to’told’ito^robbor
OaalghUy toarkt emaaed by the dripptog or traaar ta sartole baaiaa or
Joioe Bomnek. BarUect.
Mosie Oalleek. Ferawood.
CbeMer L. Sandora. Pamwood.
Ethel Plarnoe. rmwnod.
Maod Spaddiag. Pera wood
I9»9 dylr.aKeem:a. Kmwick.1.06 Harriet EKmIn.
I9«1 Lratae Koemla.
!91H Uwtmde Korinin.
uw Amelin Saoaiit.
Ksoo UaeSbonUx.
IflOl OtioShoaitx.
lace HaUidn JohMOB.
1M9 LoalweJobBtoa,
l«M Harold Sanborn,
laos DoySnabn.
IKM Siward Jehaeam.
laOT Lawto Johnaon.
laoe Ooy Chats, hi orrtoTtUa.
iSto Johnny Sandlcy. Aagnll.
Mie Katie Smadlry. AarMl.
MU fbmmta Hmadity, A^aU.
ml BtoOtoto-iUr-
11 il
THE r’URDIcirX;"ij-~“y^^
Ball* ; r-.U.n i < U> TTT.T
Yf ir
«ws srgajahMaP UBOto
Pra*XLa Omo P«m
CO. rtne.) Chicago, III.
Mt. PltoBAMJ OWOMQ. ■f*.
obw.Bbjr CU7. l>«tt«lt,Sew'
•11, Ann Arbor. Telode aad
potnU But bod Soatta. Clow
eOBOoetioiu at Oopoalah with
EuBlutlii It Teului.
HARDWAREjChoicest Meats, Poultry and Game,
P'o*«srl d-ct Seaeozx.
Su.ves. Tinwarv.
*. Trararm Ol»y, ceawanclng at * *<elMk
i«rr*!i:id‘S '•-—-■s:
■*n* a,. a>*e«n.....................mm
Paints. Oils. Ktc.
Tf-. T-i_g>tJ_ayj
Fresh Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ftc.
a. klMery .limy’
CamtHtoi'lon Co. .
WMte Wtito cA T«r Syrup, b.
Talwphon* 4
•> u
Irene Berold. Keaw.uk
Cleaa white abtwpakia ruga by aerab
biog wltb caallle *010 aad .rater. d'Tlog tbonjaghly l» the aua
w may to aieely aad
aold*Ue fow^ooe-quaiier of a teaapMi
' one l.teaapouofBi
. which m
« obtained at any
' ' for thto bar. wroofbl
a (map ot das.plaat la bteoeo; tha Bax
la waabieg black wool goedb toforr
WeaaoiD to Bale blot la eolor Tba.Baxmaking them orer. tne Are ewata'
aotd bar whoa eroded la to to warned
to a pailfel ol wa
or rotbor haoird throort and ihtoorb ooj^houf to u boor aad a qaarter lac
L'l It tloadnaul eold
I roe on
the wrong a.dea—■'telanol.
itomtA for peer two boon, obd boa a
aaolUBCrSoct lo tootaaeho. oorache.
A Tory gMd aed almple foM took to
Bo*r u Waah l*amp Chlsaaey*
TbooBattoto aad aearalrto troablea It
teacropaol be*aola lo one of nmr
Bleeder aUek a aennge large water. Pat a few dropo laio tbe wsebiiBoUleha*oaBaBbcrotaBch bari.
to Ihor art partlealarly naefal wbea
Ihatlicaa totqaeeaMi into bowl wbeo tothibg the (see. Both
Alter tba .poogq baa will lofUB aad whltaa.
toldioo or doilaalo lirMOt an UI. the ebimary
Ihs BMiitil bar doaa oot atod apeeial boon aqae. lied into the ehimeey. Im
For ernap. bce Donael clothe wnag
boltoapaada. loroiag tae
Itotot^^OtoUK bophv. booaaaaao
atiekihal ail tides my to eJetnaed oetofreryhot water ood applied to
Thao rempre the apoage. aad ida*e tbe throat oai cheat: eorer with d
OBd.enewwUs toot oa coon
ha( wotor bar wlU Bake aaolhar ae- aeml Usea la clear eold water
Tkto to better done by paulog the
Insp ehlmoay noder tha faoeet. Tbaa
Chicago— -WL...
West Michigan
Brosch’s Meal Market
l^eed iiu^\abi*d
Paprika"—frc/... .10*
MakaaalioUlar bar <
^hoUawhealttoaotiTM Bb
hmUBoi craaBtotattoaa abesU to
i doeln of tolIda wiU toaolV
To mak* the eyrbro *• grow belt**,
rnb Mmmoo tall t«lo then) e»ery aigbt
before going to bed
I . of butter and oot aad ear bill.
rnplal* ul .uear
lo oce eopfe I o I
Bick toar cream add one naif of a IM-,
ipooaful ol boUlng water
creamrd batter aod angar add ooe .
.ten egg aod. weea w*ll m.xad.
the cream
bur Id oo* cnplal oil
*d relalna. one-quarier of a cupfa
Bears the Signature of
■His "sHitl iiiil
‘ II
' *
hate IB hato tor aatoBa aad wId cr iOtopooBfmlTl?UB.
aa BOU aa oarly afrlat aao. aaet of b.
lokior tbrm well v>r<.tber. aod. a. er
Are Boch <
baas aad flaatooad baas
Hake ball
•ailTinr from tbe fire, tur iotu li a
jlk than exp oalTe aod MBplicated
.4<f papertern in amall pleeea. aod
. .at of OaatOB flannel,
It It *oaa. atirrior aa moeb aa yon can. bythebyip of patteroa traced fros
wlU troab hops aad Umi wlu.
bill Ibe paper U a pa'p. aod toe meat pielBrea. cat toy aolmala. to be made
«ry naaBaod aad aow ihea ap
> thick that It ladiffijult toatir lour CP with a nap aide net. With IllUe
tMMpbsca BOks a bolder, a larv.
hac list wdi bold tha lour Bliod ban
Apply thto to the eraeka. firm mak.
rU.i-a ui.d Wtud
irr. ri.iL.(lpnll.>o
uirnrj. It a..liiilLili-. th.- I ...I, rrKtili.tr* Ue
Si..nu*.-h and 1A..W.-I., titi'-K l..alUi> .inrt natnnU olegp.
The CUUdreu'a l*aut*.-.-a-Thr M.ith. r’. Krirud.
Ireab bread into lb la batle'
tad hoary made a moat dainty norael
Itwaalbeflrtl lime I bad erer toec
ihit way of aerriiir boery. and t tiuder
- aa aerer before th* mraoirr
I latnttoittts
= i«a aisMU
-SSgwwalwww- r — :
Cnatorln I* a auh.ll
r- fur <'n.lc»r »»il. Punypirlr. 1>td(M
and .<MN>tblns b.mIP*. II
ruotnin. nrUbvr «
- ..ibrr Nnrrotlc ^
d.-.tr.»v. •W.trutsi
eburrh O' lo Ibe itreol A wy prrUy
««*U«laUAi«B(Mr oartriMdotou. OBoean ba Bodeof a Irnftb of relrri.
D^an . K.eo*y‘’V^a
wrH».»l»an*U of m block or Miotrd. perple, rlolol. (roer
Thla teem* a doabtfa
bat I am willing
e paoUc
dorp tooroon. or elo« olor enrloh
tUok am e< abwrfalBMA Tbt m
ProaldoBi iblakaof yoa all tbe llse
e anrar. whip wi.h -be *rr boator
jadge from the facta
tUmjmtt or •OMS. *bo brlof .
lhier*n wiik \.V\X aarar uatil iheoc daya aod bopea yom are roiOT <
pbyalelas'a irealmect for (par,
beadoorwod firioU to tbe rrirrv »•»
Wfht wtKi or 0 (Ud OMllo •Itt tMs. Pklf aa loch wid. Toe boltoB ol th bare aacb a bappy Cbnataaa.
la a
Bboorb to lorn lolo abaoe*.
kt^gnT.c bopeot lifelhreetise.. 81 CntiM —Boll locatbwr foa
■raalvvairolooMM ib* Aewon lo
oar rottloc ready for ihs. Uo mo.
-aoqoare oor to a (ood ob*pr
capiBia of •orar. i>o* foBrtb taaepooc
FOk that i Bad to b* led
baaatllal holiday ol all Ibo ytar,
M«r- BMh boon ksowoib It* on> ____l be irimiard with a hoad friar*
A lambrrman adrlaec \
WHiraill, «Mb MOl boo iu OWE oateb. and tbe loeldc tboeid be oum j
abaifof water
t)a Bet atir H
ixmtoy,.lelUug^m^a' ,
ooBoi; lined wltb oallo or ot’k
A emy
traoWo* Md inoto EBd rosatloM. »s«
Unit of tba marry Cbriaiwaa tlBe.
Whes It will hb'deo Iseold wau
relrot tior deenratoa by bosOr of cut
It OB a balte'ed tin to eool
Drop •While merry belle ar* riariormedicine In Ib* aplttooo.
For flteori
00 •• torn 10 ibo OM wbo om LVbMo euwl bo*d.. fiDWbod wltb frloie to
Ueraolllaon tb* Bto aad wbei
after I coaimrneed tbe treat-1
Aod bappy roic*. tlorlor
oor MdM wltb ibo ndUoe. of
toourb to taaodla pall It ontl
Hceaute the blmed Coriat cbild
kidney aecretioDi were paw
loiely »Tf“ ‘’B-iwo“tbc
oboorfal optrii.
wbite dlft a little powdered tara
d befor* I u**e on* boi tber .
iyng rraia aro wat bore.
lor ond ‘br reirrt, p«fT lo oo».'
MomUm of (bo tool to Urrolf
.r and rapn'a'.
I followed ap
•brt pooOer, aad flotoh wltb hopd
■ottor of oolilroUoe. tor (boro ore b
iBiuballaQ lecbtblee. and cd
lo tea Mid aod b.eak Decern Vr.
n« lotin dr»wetrlor»; lhi» rrlll e-iii
>1* iDcb leeriht Amarr tb*w
Tber* are many, maoy cblldean
tow (0 lortuoM M net to boro boo
pl***a OB the warm aarared platter
Clabapoy aod foriom.
OOaoffrtoL TboooUoboit dowe oi><
•cold mokrll nmply perfrel
bmdororttboir oomn. Too; (iti
Lrl oa flu tbair bearu wiibrl^eeaa.
Kjr oor'e oldrol fr.rort b bl.c« rrirrt
aaaallT oboat
Aod tear* with i bem tb* brisbioeaa
Ibonlrw IP 10 ilt of doipooooocj
Of tb* } -ylul Cbrialmoa mora."
mad ■oodip— oad oro o Mod ofioraco
aad nor boll
.ioti. ooe would earreot a* * deolfo ■
wotWoobot od (bo plwooroo of o>
UBt tlx tnloatn. or
poach of TloleU raoroldrrrd lo tprir
with wboB tber eoao Is oootoci
ll will bardee
iral colon; tbe bar ebonld be llaed
.pped II
1to«r toll TOO idolr oocTOWi ood bode*
I riolet ellk or w<lo bad be per
'd with Tio.et taebet
TOO with ibotr toon osUl It ooomo (taoi
t*r*a while paper, mark
thatoBootbo oklsdoliuorr of 'o —.'rlrrtrd
•qaarto or atiipa whro
Is wUeb tbof »}etos.
Bailor a^a Hosey Bbali Ha Eu
Oar friend. HMie Karraol. c
AftarolLtbs oboorfal qririt to boi
"lo oaaall apprr roum. larniriird >c
Uareo. wriMo.
M otMplo of -tbsl brort ouitado tu
Iri.Atal atylr.’’aaya II' «' d Nr'*oo
e cBpfal o' wa.
rrliier frpB fripol'---------------------wordo tito" of wbWi dtoroooos wrote
cTMted Boder
.le I Kir wltb
oai lor*
maeb lor the orran land
.1 a
II It will bardeo loold water.
It to o ooorMboo* boort^ of laoritobi
Iforly aooa. *ed aa I I vk.
boidoito. dotoraloiuoo aot to fret os.
“ ibe Wa.*k
her aaae waa M.OBle Hro-O
Mtesdd tolho oorrowoof (bo wuric
louib or ibr
le eovloe out of
. of l•lBOD Drop tbe candy
offTlabatoM-i ownbaort.
-a BP30 bu torto uoa to
arlu( lb* tweet bread for c
A wfi wbo bad bod boot lotrow.
Btai. After a wbll. the dl^wii
•I Uloolc at wb.iol. beeaatc 1 «i>Uc
bad boa<7 boidoao to boar. Oot wb.
e tekMl
I go
waoaatsd ter bar oboorfal splrita. os>.
• and laic It
e \ \ \ \ • orar to I
■atberaadno-. Th* fr»»a wa.
MUtaasplaaaUoa: -Yoakaao'1 bar.
. ado .oeaicealed '' JO-.I erery day. mr tlad.ea are aril
make it ellff to
a of br*od Jar upoo the *dr*
innM I. oe.1. ill. I I •tic, bitlory, pbytiuio<y. rrammr
had BO BoaoT. I baro bad aotblof 1
rarapdtbe ditb of food In t
llU etiff eoourl
<ead Wltb
aoaU ftrr bat B/salt and r i 1 oud.
tbe tarar aod coeoaoo
Thl. aummrr we had iw, rawer* a
a loaolaUdB (bat woald seret aadoei.
r locorparamd, bnmk < I
r, dipped
aaroBaotoo Wltb BT troobloo 1
od fora Into rolla Pu
iOBfbid aad told joiua wboa I e
oakaarood meal
the rolla It ailll
r .i
*i>U"j-i*i nme Bjme foa Cbicag'
boro Wift. I baro alwa/a uoUod li
sooumy bcalealle
.11 well enrervd. .Sr/r.ir-l
dbebroB(bt me a nice p-warot ot .
teas ef otory BtofsrMaa. 1 bare trlec
bair daep
I -a* out lo rr»**r*e Clt
aoror to lat aay ooa (o fnxn nj prm
LaundryuMt Silk Bandkarchiata.
briar 4 plot* 0* butter aed
mm wltboat a hap^ ward or a brlfb
"Now. if you Will excoae m*.- laid a tbe wtwk before Euler aod I weat i
tlreOiao. I take It that, batiap toorhl Ibeo®.-* with a fee girl*, that wet
(olBg to j .10 iheciub. and 1 thiroghl
-nd tbee a. tome lime to tad laaodry. would aae you out Mr Hue. **d yc
f you are a bachelor
I ro<»* I -'li bar* i,
had I oat dowB aad boi oa nod
,vl*e batter
Dlppior •
•Stan '-msmtuKSM:
r*i*T m**T laaa law *MfO
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
Borsesboeing aod General Repairioi Done
Be-Painting and Upholstering.
StAte St. sev UaioB.
No mn*^ equal* W aKTraYi Writ*
Wlvt or 'Taa sr«cp lur iht* u-rrioughlr and la time. It will eurv a emt
ID 34 boQia. aad tor the eough that (otk>«B la Grippe lEtorw Ub to (inn
■aRu c. aiAT.
THOi. a. oMAoua
a bom,
Waywe Oan.^ leak 11%.. DKIBOIX
TsCvf Ufirtp^kiMlNn*
«• will b»n»a*«e*e*«eaAaae*»*
lMU.*i* OM ItT ■aaatto OU
«5srll slii
tell ill III iir
tw Sald^CofltlAited;
I ;roii
iMf (Mi'..
fU^in E=
ft til
IB •
s s *is ;! 5Lw»^ ? s
<1 l«>
n t»
irtablP liiauiipe of tba
a CTiUlBA] bf I
Baaed Herr Tboreloo
la eaaiedr ter • Boatb. cbArcpd •mb
cm BBie« of ber buababd. A w«
•0 sftar isr anwl abp roqneoiad
- -uu
Wl BDMd OBorff Rar bad mordeied
Vowa, flTlBB tbo official al Ibe
MI datalto of tba tlBfiey
tb bar Titlee
Tba mas
feat tba ptiaoB aolboriUaa arorp
■ask laiiaiaiiil hr tba iroBaD'a o
It a acaiKb «
asea aada te Ua.
Sftar aoaa daSr ba frai tneed atid
tSBffad vltb tba erlsM. tba datalta of
ma aaaa aa ter* U tba draam ueias
wSafitil to Ua. Otppcocic «rlib aa
aslibiaaat. ba tbab aad ibrte coot *MBd amt ba had
I ataa. OaHowfr aaooeb. tba iromaB
had oalr oat tbp anrdtaer odpp and
: hameod blai lo ba oa tba Terr beat of
D nnrdarad by i
: im wM haatead
vbee TialMas tba towa la
Tm dm Be*» that Btralud
^ bar aa (Wm Id tba eonlDt
< mr apowa bad baaa akaaaMaatao at
m aaar •••«» am bad tea* Id bw axi narttaarr
( la» hyskarteal ttan aad erted
I asl tmt bar dream bad coew trap.
Ms ramad dowa rntpewhal after a
•re boar* aad tbta haadad tba polko
hdaa east *( a aery pscallar paitera.
Mamtoai as tm (act may appear, s
mas wa........................................
dUBSTfrid two d^ later at aa too
: SSMS stx mUaa froia UraTeared. aad.
'• « brias taxed wttb tba crimp, be at
I 'asm admtnfd that ba was cmity aad
I Ml rabbary md baro tba eioClTa of
j tmawtiBce. Ba iraa ma«ad KMO aft,
] arwerd. Ua doom mriad bean beonebt
' BhMtbrtmstomymdaecaorawotii: aa-sdTCSBL
WasMb aa draamarB a««a> mora anc[ amrial thaa msn. bat a mbar peculiar
I tamaam af a crlaM balax traced by a
•Was aad to whlcta tba draaopp waa a
■lehw of tba mala aax cemaa from
■sMsa, la Ptanra.
A wanby mprdhaai. metoc qoittad hia offiro oae
dlsaar aad after aayoytoc a nbsiastni maal lay dewa oo tba cooefa aod
tafl talo a Uefat doaa. A aery rtcld
Waam tbPO caow to him wbemn ba
«iw two mca of tba barxlar type
msad to rUtoc tba aafa id bit oSca.
be by tb#
e that ba rmolTod. opos awaksbtos. ts at aoca (o to tba oIBca and wa
that wrafTtblacwasBadarlopk and key.
------------------• ba ImactoAd
whae saarrlrtoc Ibara. be dlacoTotad
M door tacad aad a barglary ID pror
maa. T» tun moo a coupla of (reMmaa waa tba work of ao loatABL
aad am mlBOWa later tba tblPTPa.wbo
Warad to ba
Mta SB Ibeir way to iba pedica dapoL
-roapcwor told Us axtraor.
to Tlow of tba tact that
d tatoablea to tm ax>ma tboamadi of poaada tm
CoesuoB proTcd a nrj tor•a Cor ibp drmawr.
B I «J
’s s'^is
TowmiHip or PBinmL'LA
l?***'*'«5*'" ** ■
1 B
room ID Mtioe Rr»« copddc dpt tB.
Ibpr-a alcuturp
Tbp ctillil'A diPAtn
ftas pocutuuDlrAipd to (fap iioUcp. wlxi.
tboucb IoHIdpU Iv lidk-olp Ibr (AUp iI
tbPOUtapl. PTpDIuAlly
qiaiibiu KtirbPd.
l> b«l£luri B
,od a
uAklU( of
. DOtiB fuliDO Ibpip
llmt hp»a« a mao »bo
or manlfidd furK>-ri..a
»» •'Adip.I
UiTourbovi Ibp t oiuo. and bp •*■ ipsI
•«pflannfor a
.rrj bm« lerm
Tbprfilld'i ilrvBbJ »aa all tbp more
BBda wltbiD a bilpf ppplod. *eeortins to lopopu. tbp PXpnU
ibp TDnowa Amir eon* ramnia
OTPaca tbp DUaralAr poircr la ■
parailrplj abort (Imp. cooahifTDMr
aburtPT ibao i<>p vbitp oS an eft. tba
•Ban of wbVtL bomprrr. la toorr '
lOf. Ibuufb aocDT liaa Ibr adraatasr Of
balBC Blurb ctxBi<pr. Tbp piUmonUODTJ rapldllT »Ub B'hJcb atwar I
aurbpd b} Ibp tmlf pxplAlBa lia rapid
of Uip (tvatrai liuiJurlAaop t
Wbpn- hudllT irvuprraltoo la
Da ID lose <U
Prt.faaaur J'fDbt
spuD bltup-lf. fouoil lliai after tone
•-an.* tbrpp or (our luai|» of aocDf »«muipij All ffplium u( lAaaltUilp Abd to
A 1-rrtAlo PXIPDI rpatorrd ibr rltatlrltr
of bla niUB'lp*. ibu rSm brlsf freCUPbll.t l.c«,lu.'.'d ID
opioluu ibAl ArtlOeua aub>imn» (or >usar Wiu Dot bATt
tbp AADiP I-Oprl.
l-roreiuuni SeDDUr
DOd Uulk of ibp tb-rllD uuivpfAltr Hatp
Ip bj-tlrmii
uuui o( A
In our Clothing Det^rtnient.
iScxS prices on 'og goods -fresh, bran'oew. up-to-date
Clothing at prices less than cost of
75 Men's Twilled Cheviot Suits, in
per yard.
linens; most
suitable gifts'for Christmas.
45 inch pure wool Novelty Dre.ss Flannels, way QR{*
under value. i«r yard...........................................................
per yd
A lot of stylish Plaitls, mohair tinish. great
value, per yard
36 in ail wool Dress Flannels, best make.
per yd i......................................................................---45 inch all wool tine Cheviot Serges, unmatchable price. (*er yd..................................
A great snap.
;,R and 40 inch all wool
tians, line finish, per yd
Our dres.v goods department is most coitiplete i
cs ffrom |tc
latest fabrics
10, 15, 19, 25c
sizes to close at-.
Misses' all wool Hose, for ail sizes from
' 6 to y. per pair.
■ • -
Extra heavy fleece lined, tine gage. Ladies'
f '''S
30 dozen Ladies' all wool good weight Mittens,
A lot of Children's Mittens, to close.
per pair......................................................................
Bo>Ti' Single Mittens, to dose.
per pail
Bo)-& Double Mittens, to close.
per pair.........................................................................
20 dozen Ladies' Dress Kid tiloves, r
and fniltA perfe.ulc crafu
• I'rtux.
I.ABa Bawae BIBe aBwellaa,
III.- . iirT.-ni iiiitulv r of riip NlD^
fresh, per pair...............................................................
per pair..................................................................................
per dozen
Hriiiali rhte ali,N>iiui: ,u(Ipr» by
Kniona' prvf. r.-n.e for lout ranee
akoojlnc. He poluia to tbe defeat of
oatioruil rifle mai.'h ii. Holland,
of eijh, „.iu|N-tUi- lean.. HrliBin
founb in llle pivile la.alllou. folin
Ibe Kn.a-litic piiliioD
In ab...ikl. r -le.-ilne.
acveiiib pill,
dm-, he ililiika. lo tin- Bmiab ora'
of abonl.I.-r ali.-.iiaj ao.l ah.aninv
HrtiNb U.uc <ll•l»llce
peril.,uatr ii,-ar ii|.,o "fan. r work." He
advn.at.-a ilie fonnaioiu of riOe clutia
on Ibe anaU-sy of ioral foniliall and
rtaktwe aas C.M r*,,.
r lliii.-bliow.n. K U »..'reaiw- of a tody who could not
tbouebi that tlM- wilea were ,-tiiedy af
fpcted aod lliat toe baiola were alao
made cold, lint not ao man p>lly aa toe
Mr Hut. bliia.m ba.l k.oc t«s-o
flniillar witli iiie fa.-t tbat Ira made
cxima a diaunt reUthbafalp betweer.
a Ibai ivl,l |e-ra|.lrall»u atlep.|.
the aUe of the brniD and tnipllppcual
capacity Tbi-re are ddi wantlnx facto,
bewerer. wbk-b CDB counier to tola
TIPW. aaya Tbp EluinanlianaB. Uoa
BBllPDt exuupip to tbal of toe late
ttombPita. wtwae
m-iHiDeDi OO foot to axalB
bCBU wplybed oal.r
Hil.r IdMD
craBA Oa
or weartox tor balr (wrud
ibp bpartoat brato oo
r bdO erv'illT wared, ate
record u ibai of a Eoodoo opwapaper
boy. wbosp braiD welched 2.M0 enma.
rbarsilbX AoierWaa X1rl« a
to apltP of toe fact
iciT It, rar» bad ibnr be
"a bit of
toe Boat (axJiloBBbie |4a<
brain w»l(blnx SJAD rraaM
bber of parttox toe balr B the nldloneed to a s-aadtoarlaa pp
areoed to exartlr roll tbelr tmwbow tolPlkciaal
nure ti may bo
•well tooni
bbVI that -prrrwoa
tbe an of TO ba
bprer auowed atn.- „
dtoary Intpillccoce. aod be baa
fpoalp imUaa rerirod to bow rreacb "a la Aasatdwarf bad a Drala wbk* weixbed do
lara thaa H-fai xrmau,. helax ?D crama
bearier toao toe braio ot TnrtaorS.
avefaxa weixbi
tbe bwaao
Uite UairbBtobee-Be B
baa beea ea
to 1.850 xraj
ilroia or toe
brain watxbii
ebto of «B tD
wMa »at<ai average of 1778 pasDA
wbicb la Dot sorb oapertor to (ba aw
•raxe. Ertdeady aaaaUlx of bratb
mbotabra la of taaa tmawtabro tbaa
Aafaa KIbc. <br railway a
aaaltt; m la^aat of too ................ .. ot
V and
30 dozen Ladies' I'ndressed Kid (.loves,
s Handkerchiefs.
100 dozen Childre
1 5C
......... .....................................................
Hose, per pair.
per pair
aaya Tbe ti-leuilai- .kiuerl.ao
lb,- Mia1ltprraii)-au. « here tbe rboi.-eat
waluiila auil alinooda ar,- raiaed. tba
price them elsewhere at $io and $13,
.A nobby i«it of Checks and
good fitters,
iney bordered, hem
75 dozen plain and fanei
stitched Handkerchiefs. ]per dozen
A most beautiful selection
of Handkerchiefs
i endless
varieties, from 5c to $1.25 each.
Gents’ Furnishings.
-'■0 dm. Men's fleece lin»*i
onde-w^ai. per
reigliL per auit. ‘.k'k
M«n> hirary weight
r. per «aiu -fUv
) doz Men'* jeraer shiita. the ,*>0i- kind
'loae at :tPv
flo dot
heavy awraUTs. <ra>-h
.’>0 ,vnto.
9.') doz men'a heavv wool 1
bs per pr Uc
I' ueckwear tii
■legani eelectioD of
the Utoat atvira. \if, l.Y i'. and .-ic
•\ large variety
ty of iruol and ailk aquare
moSent. a^ao shaped
flera. iV. Mr. 75c. II. ILS5, 11 -’<0
well trimmr.l. j gentleman's suit, for ^ 1 /S
the low price ol ............................................................wxU»'vA,/
4S Men's Beaver Overcoats in blues and
40 QQ
blacks, thp Sr 00 kind, for ..................................... 90»*70
40 Men's heavy Washington
Mills best Beaver Over-
00.11$. substantially lined, for,
the low price of.................................. ^..............................40aUU
Men's all woo! Kersey Overcoats in Wadks.
blues and
Extra heavy Herringbone, all wool.
Overcoat, no sightiicr--------' -
Men^ stylish*
-<m - — -*s —
' $10.00
Look at
heimer" Kersey
• Look where you may. it has no equal.
Material sij|>orior. workmanship and
finish unexcelled.
35 Men's Black Wool Ulsters.
no shoddy...........................................
lallcnge price. ■
• 34 Men's black all wool Chinchilla Ulsters.
others ask $10. we price them...............
3s Men's ail wool Irish F/ieze Ulsters; go where yot
where you land, it
if you aare Irsoking fot
barggains; you will price them at Ito;
here only
neat, dress;iy. Covert Overcoat, a stylish young man’s
to #4-00 per yard.
Large size in Misses' natural all wool I'r
derwear, to dose at
iiu|a,ri.aL aod
lla uar I, liliilled aliiwal i*X.'lual,ely
50 Men s fine valo^ finished Cassimeres. also fine. iS
oz- Cla>-s, ijBflacks, blues and grayv
You will
our low price
'A few
pieces of tan all wool Dress Flannels,
V piece*
. several shades, e.stra gootl value...................VTt'570
50 Men's all wool heaw Cassimeres and ail wool Thibets
browns, less than cost of
table covers, tray cloths, antrsiamjied
black, a
^0 00
.‘^5 -Men's wool Hairlines and Cass'imcres. in ^>|
A fliil selection of fine bleacheil table damask, napkins,
Broken lots in small
. lo (.rt.ve ,
p lu I'aliroru
Will. 1
material today.
blot and
good business suit ad a world beater
54 inch unbleached Table Linen, good weight,
I nderwear. to close, each
r Uh-upI. Nix eUrr. grecD
a.-b tbia.ouniry uuj
3000 yards Outing Flannel
per yard.............................
30X) yard* siaodard Dress Print
per yard.........................................................
1500 yards common dark Print
Broken lots of Ladies' and Misstfs' natural wool
Tbe r.>II>.w luc hat
wilb cuiiJiiarali.
In our Dry Goods Department.
per yard..................- a.................
DDd .DOD.ii l-p r,'i.la.-od b
« *
Hm oomawnMd 1b mnmt. ‘AlrmOr tt»r a oeiBlBC from bU diractioBD to lo*A up with thing* oMfol aa wuU m anamantal -ilBTBBt yon a aroodan bonr* 1« a fr*quaat eaU by tb« out of town ahoppar. -X bought vsoogh har* to fill a tte
dray load,* Mid a frmar to us TMtarAay. Wa hsar such ramarks ofru la our stora. Wa gain tha ooaSdaBoaoftha
pis thMBBh
through liniiDat
bonaat mathada
mathoda. “Hew
“How much
much la
la thia
thla roat
coat worthy
worthr" enariad
quariad na
na aa maa
n a t>,a
tha othv day viyp ^ waa OUT rsp^ *
.^00.- said ha, -wm tho price, hut I only paid $8.60- It waa roaUy thaohMM kind ol a shoddy ooat that huaaa uij^
nolty oould davis*. Bnch la uot our praotlM: dollar for dollar, and ofton rnora^ tba doUar la ohtaluabla at our atorayou ar* aafo in dealing bare Wa can aupply aU your wanta la Udlss’, genu* and ebUdrau'a wearing apparel. Pootvaar
up to date and anbatadtlal. Clothing, atyllah and durable. L>arge aelocdona of dry gooda at noat niaaon'ahU prleaa Lu.
dies' Jaokata and Capas to oloaa at big rednctlona. HUlinorp to dispoao of below coat Carpeta and dfall Paper—yoa wlU
buy of na onee yon prioe them. Wbat a aadafactlon to know you trade at an up to data store at the lowest luarkat prloa
and iB many Inataneea below market ralne. Saee yonr shoe leather and time as you find eearythtug hare
3000 yards White Shaker Flannel
per yard.........................
1500 yards extra quality Engfish Flannelette,
IOC kind, per yd...........................................
5000 yds extra heavy fleeced plain Outing,
value IOC, for...............................................
35 dozen Huck Towels, size iSxjn.
30 pieces pure Unen Crash Toweling.
per yard —.•
Turkey red Table Cloth,
per yd
Two yards wide pure Linen Bleached Damask, ^Qp
per yard..... ..................... .............................
> Ofoam PrtppA br CpIpbppb
A lBlp|l«ea.
trofwa. Tbeol>>PctWMlDtAatB
Oralpn Uaip La<1 man/ ■rrloDa a
UUIUIOA broucbl Bcalual Ibrui. auc
I Da t-aualas ibr apreaO uf t} |il>olil 1
iudlcroiu tul.uke* oO iba |iart u( luiir- . Thrre ta one fact roncenilnx tbeaa
laiA aad ctru »o iIr, pan of ib.w bar- blralrpi that la worth DollrJDC
las a kauirkdsv of ibe pcvuUarlis of pie bare for yeara claltued Ibai
oyaipTB do not barp tbe aame dellcloda
TbP Urxlraa CpdobI rmllruad baa a flsTor that ibpy aremed to Impair
taaspot (apciloD of track In wbicb
tbpiT Ja 00 currpi tbai la aald to ba U>p ten were dellcloualy apppUitoc
Id tbp vurM. It la orpr W freat loxurtea. Toda.r It la rare
Bllra lb kesib. atbl a locouiuilvp bead- obP ypia a ana e.raier Baror to
Usbi CBb bP ««u of counu. tor a aarr ■benflata. ' Blue rolbta. BbrewaboiTa.
Saddle Bocka and almllar choice raooa pvpiiIds a RbId rounded tba nettea baca eras loat
ctirra apprvBcblDs tbli lausPDL and diTor.
as It rDti-rcd oD ibe Mralsbi track tia
Tbia ta acroonipd for by tba artlflclal
biakra auddeoly betao lo srlnd. ll methoda of fsilpnlnc Ibeto.
yooB iBBiP lo a dtaodaiUI, aad tba coo- teiB are xaUiprp.1 from ibelr aaliy bedt
dun or. fcBrlns tbtl au atvldpol bad at tup hntioo) of tbe bay an.i placed la
bofallpii ibp poslDP. burrleO forward, fteab traier or bracklaU rtrera to
aad waa Bfaowo by tbp rucinopr a Usfat fattpoed for market.
Id thme ai
that waa lo IbkllDs and dauolus oa tba BpUI beds Ibp blralrea cato «Dly
track dlrppily abcod.
water aod loae to their mloeral <
"A bPAdllsbt. aura.- Ibp pDflDPar DPOla. They conaeoupDily Iopp bi
wid. "Uuat be ao eilra aad ibe dls- b Ibelr palatahlpopw aod onlrltlra
patebpta bare ocprtooSrd lu tor ordart qoallf
Oyatpra IbDs artlflctolly
do am DPoUue li.rattened coDialD from <
-Uufoa yon are rtcbL’’ the cooductor ODP-nfIb Ipaa ontrltDPBt than wb*
(opIM. -Init I OPor kBPB tba dl»
paicbera to lip so carripaa brfnra. Any
wbera bat oe ibla
Ibla I&
ixpdi tbrrr would
ha«r been a CDllUlon and pomebody
Tbart lA itobxcr to tor poroua charac
killed tV>'d bpttpr iDorp ab-ad alowty
to tbp DPXI aide tnek Wpcau l icUJnal ier Of idaaier callipxa. which are
iflPO rery llilo Indeed. The ordlLAry
ceUlDs la "oDly a porouse-dlaphracm
Thpy roachid ibe aide track lu ufpty. pprui.wlde b.r XAM-a with cooalderatda
and, drawinx >n nn It. awaited tlx- freclooi •' The rlllaied air of aitUOf
rooiua Ibprrfure frequently Soda Iti
hour paaaed. and tbe poxleerr waa way Iliroiicli Into iMdrouiua Tba B.H
feslnx. wondpiiax bow nincb toDser tab UedUBl JonraaJ aaka any akeptle
ba waa <o
.L-Uyed. alien tor con to "roiuiwre Ula Iwdlty and m.*Qtal
ductor called bill) to aiep out lo tba aatl.in« after ai,,q>ito: lu sueb a
BMlti Una.
aod u> one alluaird oaer a almllar
-U-lial do you toink of .hai head- a-ell veuiUaled aud Ool ucrupled or
BCbt. DowT' hr aaked. alien the pact- lllouilnaied by xa> d'urtnx ihr ••
beer bad J..ln.-d him. -Seen.a to bara Ins.' TUr,Pemedy. It asya. to to b
cot clear u|. aod off Ibp road."
batlroom^'ou tbe tround'noor aod
The poetD.-er naed at to.- twlnklln* lor w.wklux amt rowklnx rooma
Bjbt. tl~-u - Veoua. by juplTerr' bp px- aulra Boi bow about nvlaat-Uiadoa
eUlnied. •-Bmy.
"Rllly. bp'tp aidp itBPked le Chronicle.
ir X,. by. or t
lama-f not
. Ttip Irebtodpra win tral born aab t*
%dihr'-Tomb's Comi>
brpwuod. IwcBuiw they hpllprp tm>
tbopp who all about auub a file will b»
come poemtea.
Aa ImprotpiupDt Is tbe drain board
asDally to W found at tbe aldr of tba
kltrbpe alDk baa been recently mada
Dr. Nanaeu .-<,oienj|>tol.-a ntoklnc bIS
wbteb wQI be tecocnlicd by aaaty next pxpedliioD In tbe anlamlr rpclena
ralbpr lUao toward tbe oonb poir Ha
•mi pnbliab an account o( bu exploca
mablu« ppuplp alt'L Bbou ,AlPU out of ,„j
Wbro ojaipra liAip ■ derUad «t,|,
*rppi'bib bue. lb.-> are .•oB»blpf«Hl bf
biaii} aa Injurlvu* lu Ibr i}'ai«m aod ' m,,
Boi w b« aaieo Tbia )• aouilipr falU.'r dui>
^ m.-nllj pxpludrd
bf apleiroe. The ,
,'bpppo la il»p ojaler la opliber aD lndl- ,o ,
0 of dlBtaap 0
o Ibr plaau up- ,
d Ibp I copper, I
iDroa iixl I DO Blileb tba blTalToa (ppO lo »ruia . ^ noUun,: loiprfvr,..
ralhPT’a.l aalpra. Tb-aa pUota dlaaolrp loald*/
„„ ,„.l ...h ,b..y grow
coiiflo* of
a|.|-rmtuA and tba coW
IP dream i.p-ibr ■•BentlelUinbuUB liaair la'*>'*^a
<>>»«> •raoiloir lo wrtir dIcpI. . like |«M*lira .li.nild bf
>u a mellow •oil. M> *. lo pof'lbocp. rcry airaocp. hui nnoe On- Ipai
»™* koil prorloc ob.^- more Ibat. aa
toe il.-.plopajeal of alroos root
namial remark.nl. -Tbptv arr mora
Tliey alo..il,| 1«- irai).|.tait)lI pana of Europe toe prepo oyaterwi
Ihinca Id bparpD aod <«nb. llorBtlo.
nui~-r> row, at toe end of
ra bixbly prised by mlcurea and mora ,|„.
T dreemed of Id four pblkeaI Uren for toem Mo the oedlnary |
Tbe Planta are anpiroaed to ,,^.1 m
a certain drllcair Savor t
. B|ipivcliipd by food plauu-<l wli.-u ool.v a
fudcpa. Tboa aD.iibrr pDihairro asatost
-a do Nit Wb.-U a.
m llda TraabaA
tbe oyatPT aa a bealclitui am food la fotulip I
moTPd. aod tba delkiout blralra caa
atJll he enjoyed by all. eren Iboscb
aiali.l ID ibi- Our---ry too lung.
akirta abould b T a creeiilab tloct
• end of III.- Oral v.-nr 11 abunid
maUeaa. wblbh proTa caica moto
•t tmh la etraatar Mb flettoa. ta a
■ bayood tbp toCPODliy of maa to
■Saaa. Pacrbabca tor Ibaory of t»ethy may baraaoaMtblOd to do wMb
we price them al
3 Children's all wool suits, up to 15 years old. guaran
teed less than wholesale value,
^ ^ 60
50 Children's half wool suits. HM^t
patterns, to close, at......................
The greatest Childs Suit on the market is the
’ Magnet. 'made of wool Kersey, double 40
seat and knee; we price them at---S5 suits^to do^ at 50 cents on the dollar; acaimulatiqa
of double breasted suits, ages <; to q. sdd 40 Rfi
formerly from $4 to 00: to close at.......
35 Children's Astrachan Reefers,
(eefers. sailor <collan, to
close at r>oe on the dollar,
cut price being •
80 Children's .Suits, double breasted, sailor collar, from
4 to 8 years of age. extra quality, all wool materials.
lodSJr’'”'”'-"’'....... [:,.$2.26
....; ...$1,^B
Men's Dickey Mills, best Kersey
Our stock of fine Pants very extensit
the latest weaves, cut
'lishly ai 1 priced
We save you from 35c
hxjD on every pair.
beptotitrh.-d bandken-hiefe iii <
I-II and ailk. from V to •'«<<• ttocb
\ •-ompbte NclectiiJQ of eento'glove* aod
tcitleiis. for work or dree*, frotu V-to 12 pair
doA men ll »I1 «oul mittoos at lUc pair.
35 doz lu-n a all wool miUeoa. atriclly
home made. 3V..- pair
The ch'iieeel aUx-k of men'a dre*e aod work
ahirte ID the c-ity
A->p-<-ial arrirtl ef color
ed drrsBB abirt# for Xmaa trade, from ■'i<»c bII .V) ea>'b
Our Shoe Dept.
I« stork—I np wilb booeat and reuahle
.A few itema to rioae, while not wvTBBted,
we lielieve will give geneial good wear.
M-n'a heavy Arrtim.ll 0)
Mho'* Storm AlBaiaa. II !•>
Mho's Horooa. ll <m
Women'a .(rctiea. #•>
WjmHo'a Storm AUaka*. MOc,
(Vomena Kubhen. 2(C.
Children'* Arctiea. altc.
I^dtea', MtoBw’ Bod Chitdren'a Bobbera,
Men's Aiaakaa. T.-gi.
Mia^- FhIi 8bo«a. 6t«c.
kV on r better gradeB'of rabbera we hawAU
tbe Bcwlon the beat rubber
tioo guaranteed
Boy your ahoea here aad aave
money for (T
We have prepared a most wonderful selectioa of uteful arUeles suitable for
rTH tH 5=rh-r-n a..«=t Gr±±tiS,
__ Such as new necJKweair lor Ladies end Oente. euependers. jewelry, sterling silver and eboniaed
^ novella. jewe^ hali^TOwm^te^p^et books^tJuJies’ and Oente’ glove* and mlttena. muff-
te Back caaia.a?M T
a *tHfal torcar who morad la tm
-toiabetea of seetety waa oamdw
d by tm aacwy of a draaat. Tbo
ouixum UaaBA
The board U tocllocd toward^
stok. aa oanal. wiib a arrtra of paralM
ffnoTpa vxyedlDx to tba dlreetloe «f
Tm foraar. s yooac mb of elcbt er .................DP. Vbp walla Bf tbam rroorea
t -Stoa aad twraty. md bscoaa acuoatoi•oPd Si6 a. te
to bald
- a plau or
od wMh a rtcb pobltobar. at wboaa *»ab of altDlUr ahape lo an aprtcbl po- ’
haaaa m bscame a caaataal fatM.
•w55B"w.Wk It la dratM *«d after II
I day tm pabii.—----------; thsimmaaaa
ffimataro u rarMaa lar*a cbocka aad
Tbe waller xlrl bbew a tol^ or two
bool ubie etkjoette. 00 abe abUTed
•afaroHf a. abe aatd. -Ifa aoc oar
•ba (Bw a maa wme am da
‘■ba Hr. Mask.* tm rMMi
1 If
1 fc
is s ;i: is
'? i|
n D S 12
: I sir II
•up of a*> la SAOIM. !
V.PO Abpw «*bi ersID
rhB. rwrl—.
lauBMlft ..
g IB
g S !g IS
riLUuB or VALKoa.
. tSiVn^'n":' «
viLi^uit or nmoT oirv.
3!53-»ii5 5 2iS iS
: s .IS
I •g*5*:is*is
ni'fn s
« Q
s i s IE i! u
s e rir is
»• Ss :■ !!S
< i|HI‘
ftfenitia.. 14 usa.^
-Kor ramaited tbe lairaa «
asoT ■■
3^’,»I™ illSrinZTUTS , 'W# ara aole asanta for KcOall Pattarna.
irons Better. 10c and I6e. Vo Ei^er.
XBATXB8B cxrr, wrnw
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