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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - March 11, 1928

2020.1.142 03111928.pdf

Revision as of Jan 23, 2023, 7:11:20 PM
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Revision as of Feb 6, 2023, 6:29:46 PM
edited by Admin
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Joseph's father made me the present of a brand new $20 bill so I will give it to Jos. toward his new drag it will take $5 more to buy the one he wants & needs. I need some new clothes so dreadfully bad my slippers are nearly worn out & my dress is nearly in tatters but must keep on smilling & do without. I will have to have something pretty soon. Maybe you will feel ashamed to be seen with me if I don't doll up pretty soon.I know just how badly you feel to see every one else with something new & you have old things I have always did that since being married.
Joseph's father made me the present of a brand new $20 bill so I will give it to Jos. toward his new drag it will take $5 more to buy the one he wants & needs. I need some new clothes so dreadfully bad my slippers are nearly worn out & my dress is nearly in tatters but must keep on smilling & do without. I will have to have something pretty soon. Maybe you will feel ashamed to be seen with me if I don't doll up pretty soon.I know just how badly you feel to see every one else with something new & you have old things I have always did that since being married.

The nurse was out and examined the school children Roges is 2# over wgt. and Hazel 4# so they are all O.K. as far as she could see. H. must use iodine salt for goiter. I guess that is wrong don't know how to spell it.  
The nurse was out and examined the school children Roger is 2# over wgt. and Hazel 4# so they are all O.K. as far as she could see. H. must use iodine salt for goiter. I guess that is wrong don't know how to spell it.  

Today is Tues. and will make another try at finishing this letter.
Today is Tues. and will make another try at finishing this letter.
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[Jos]  .30 Jos. dinner
[Jos]  .30 Jos. dinner
.50 barn rent & horse hay
      .50 barn rent & horse hay
2.30 bran for stock H.M.L.
      2.30 bran for stock H.M.L.
3.10 total expenses
      3.10 total expenses
4.35 on hand
4.35 on hand
5.00 corn sold [c??per]
5.00 corn sold [c??per]

3.10 expenses
3.10 expenses
$6.25 total on hand Mar 15th 1928
    $6.25 total on hand Mar 15th 1928

Revision as of Feb 6, 2023, 6:29:46 PM

Old Mission Mich. Mar. 11th 1928

My Dear Miss. Taft:

I am going to write you a few more lines today. We had no mail for 3 days last week so you can imagine how much snow we have here. The corn crib has drifts 10 ft high around it on one side. When this snow starts to leave we may have to put the animals up in the wagon shed I know the basement will flood. The roads are the worst they have every been & shore road is closed they can't keep it open. people are trying to plow there with their cars & several have been stuck in drifts & stayed there for a week. This is fine for fruit but hard on man & teams.

Joseph borrowed Tom La?????] horse & [door] drove to town yesterday & brought the oats home. He thought is best to go as the plows had been out the day before but was a dreadful trip. I wish you could see for yourself.

It is much warmer out today looks like rain but is snowing a little now hard telling what it may turn to before morning.

Joseph sold 10 more bu. of corn so as to have money for bran he got 100# of Lardie and will send you receipt to show price.The cows & horses needed it so bad that he got it instead of waiting. I scolded him for selling the corn so low but said he wouldn't need much from now on.

The cow hasn't showed up yet hope she will be O.K.

I got a Windsor oil stove from Montgomery & it is fine 4 burners for $27.95 that will save a lot on fuel & make my cooking days more comfortable during the Summer.

Joseph's father made me the present of a brand new $20 bill so I will give it to Jos. toward his new drag it will take $5 more to buy the one he wants & needs. I need some new clothes so dreadfully bad my slippers are nearly worn out & my dress is nearly in tatters but must keep on smilling & do without. I will have to have something pretty soon. Maybe you will feel ashamed to be seen with me if I don't doll up pretty soon.I know just how badly you feel to see every one else with something new & you have old things I have always did that since being married.

The nurse was out and examined the school children Roger is 2# over wgt. and Hazel 4# so they are all O.K. as far as she could see. H. must use iodine salt for goiter. I guess that is wrong don't know how to spell it.

Today is Tues. and will make another try at finishing this letter.

Have had rain for two days so our snow is melting fast but ok the water every where.

Joseph will need more hay by the 1st of April or a little later. He didn't buy any more than he could get out of last Fall in case you might sell. He feeds corn fodder to horses some of the time.

The ice is still in the bay but won't be long if it stays warm out.

With love Essie.

[Jos] .30 Jos. dinner

      .50 barn rent & horse hay
     2.30 bran for stock H.M.L.
     3.10 total expenses

4.35 on hand 5.00 corn sold [c??per] ____

$9.35 3.10 expenses _____ $6.25 total on hand Mar 15th 1928