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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - April 26, 1931

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Old Mission, Mich.
Old Mission, Mich.
Apr. 13th 1931
Apr. 26th 1931

Dear Miss. Taft: -
My dear Miss. Taft: -  

Recieved your letter today and will hasten to reply. We are having very nice weather in fact nicer than I like to see it this time of the year. The snow is gone in fields but no rain so far. The ground is very much in need of it as we have had such high winds that dries every thing up.
We have had that much wanted rain the first good one this Spring. Also more cold weather and snow. But don't think any harm has been done so far. The sweet cherries need only a few warm days and they will be ready for pink spray. All of your orders have been delivered. Mr. Lardie just got ferilizer in last week so Jos. had Tom bring it all out. As soon as it warms up a little he will sow oats and seeding but they only turn yellow when planted too early. Has ground all ready for it.

Our cow freshened about Christmas time and your's last week so that is over for once more when should we take her away again? It isn't wise to take them too soon as they need strength the same as any thing else does.
When I mailed the buds to you they were just ready to burst open but being closed up and kept warm helped them to hasten them on. The sour cherries are in their most dangerous stage now. So we hope they don't freeze.

Miss Taft please don't let this worry you as Joseph will stay until you come and get some one else And he will spray and take the same care of your farm as always. If he could posibly do the work alone we would stay with you. It isn't that I'm tired of living here and would like my own place best. Roger will soon be 20 years old and feels like having his own money so Jos. can't afford to pay him and work like he has to. You know Jos. has never been well since he over worked that one Summer. I would certanly rather be sure of a steady salary than to leave a good job. I would still like to be friends and if there is anything we can do to help would only be too glad to do it. It won't be so hard on you changing help if you are here to see to things your self. Spraying is the most important part of your farm work. If the places were closer together it would be much easier.
Now for a few words of cherry gossip. The farmers here found out the cannning factory[ies] factories were hiring these so called state inspectors just in order to cheat us all they can. They were not state men at all So have held a meeting which we failed to attend. Now we have a car we would like to take in the cherry meetings and know what is going on about us. Mr. Willober and the other Geo Lardie men want .06 [cents] for their cherries from last season and expect to get it. But I doubt it. We'll let you know what I hear about it. Am mailing you a little scrap I clipped from the press so you can see for yourself. There likely was more in the Traverse City paper.

We expect spray material every day now + the treess will soon be ready for dousing Jos. don't like to put it on while freezing nights. The trees that have had oil spray look odd. All the dust and dirt cling on them. I'm afraid of that stuff altho' lots of the farmers are using it.
The Lardies have their house nearly done but it is very small isn't nearly so nice looking as the other one was not at all in keeping with the tower. Are making it as cheap as they can of course now days a person can have a small house and be very comfortable if you haven't a family.

I'm sorry I mentioned Edd to you he didn't intend for you to cook his meals he could have did that himself. But he has hired out for the Summer now. As to the neighbors talking there are some that I would like to tie their tongues up. Most of the people here have been very nice to me and I love it here. It wouldn't be so bad if people could tell things as they hear it.
I received your check some time ago will get accounts ready and mail to you. Jos. bought a small can of Gas for first spray as the oil trucks seldom come in here early.

Joseph wants me to tell you that the garden lot you had seeded last year came thru fine and says its a pity to plow it up and seed over. We will plant your garden here as you wished. Jos. and Roger are busy every minute now as the time is at hand to hurry every thing along.
Tom charged $8.50 for the load he brought. There was a ton of ferilizer from Lardie besides the other items. I didn't pay T.R. did you wish me to?

I've been under the weather all day so must go to bed now. I have so much to do that I can't lie down and rest during the day.
Hope you keep well as so many are sick. I'm not all over my sick spell yet. My washings are the hardest for me with such a lame back.

Hope you keep well.
Lovingly, Essie K.

As ever Essie K.
P.S. It must have been some of Ernest's family who suggested Ralph to you again. He certainly wasn't honest with us. We are poor but have never taken any thing that didn't belong to us. And try to pay our debts. I hope you can get some one that you can trust. I sure hate to leave here as this seems more like my home than up there. Its so pretty here in the Summer green every where. Hope the next people will be good to the stock.
P.S. Please don't think hard of us as we will be on the square with you. And not leave while you are away. You will receive your buds in a few days now.

Revision as of Feb 6, 2023, 6:01:51 PM

Old Mission, Mich. Apr. 26th 1931

My dear Miss. Taft: -

We have had that much wanted rain the first good one this Spring. Also more cold weather and snow. But don't think any harm has been done so far. The sweet cherries need only a few warm days and they will be ready for pink spray. All of your orders have been delivered. Mr. Lardie just got ferilizer in last week so Jos. had Tom bring it all out. As soon as it warms up a little he will sow oats and seeding but they only turn yellow when planted too early. Has ground all ready for it.

When I mailed the buds to you they were just ready to burst open but being closed up and kept warm helped them to hasten them on. The sour cherries are in their most dangerous stage now. So we hope they don't freeze.

Now for a few words of cherry gossip. The farmers here found out the cannning factory[ies] factories were hiring these so called state inspectors just in order to cheat us all they can. They were not state men at all So have held a meeting which we failed to attend. Now we have a car we would like to take in the cherry meetings and know what is going on about us. Mr. Willober and the other Geo Lardie men want .06 [cents] for their cherries from last season and expect to get it. But I doubt it. We'll let you know what I hear about it. Am mailing you a little scrap I clipped from the press so you can see for yourself. There likely was more in the Traverse City paper.

The Lardies have their house nearly done but it is very small isn't nearly so nice looking as the other one was not at all in keeping with the tower. Are making it as cheap as they can of course now days a person can have a small house and be very comfortable if you haven't a family.

I received your check some time ago will get accounts ready and mail to you. Jos. bought a small can of Gas for first spray as the oil trucks seldom come in here early.

Tom charged $8.50 for the load he brought. There was a ton of ferilizer from Lardie besides the other items. I didn't pay T.R. did you wish me to?

Hope you keep well as so many are sick. I'm not all over my sick spell yet. My washings are the hardest for me with such a lame back.

Lovingly, Essie K.

P.S. It must have been some of Ernest's family who suggested Ralph to you again. He certainly wasn't honest with us. We are poor but have never taken any thing that didn't belong to us. And try to pay our debts. I hope you can get some one that you can trust. I sure hate to leave here as this seems more like my home than up there. Its so pretty here in the Summer green every where. Hope the next people will be good to the stock.