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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - January 31, 1938

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Revision as of Jan 30, 2023, 4:58:17 PM
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To Miss Taft
To Miss Taft
We had such a terrible snow storm I don't think we be out of the hollow till July 4. Ronald hasent been to school for a week, and don't look as tho he will go this week.
Are snow is starting to go a little we had two big rain that lowered it considerable.  

Fay Dohm made two trips for hay for Taft farm,at $2.00 per trip.
We were to Detroit a week called there by cerious illness & death of are Neice
Rosemary Senequest. She died of cancer of blood stream. A Dr cut into a black mole that had infection in it.

The old Kitchen truck was hauling ice for Mrs Jennison.
All animals are well. Daisy need to be rebreed but no chance of getting her out.

I guess the Richard dident find living so fat out there, and also has 1/8 of place over there. And as Leona Kitchen Levi wife say there a good living for all if its worked right. It never has been since we came hee it seems.
Miss susie Walker is up in wheel chair know. But Dr is still in bed.
Max got the straw at last hauled it by sleigh from Russell Gore.  

Inclose is weight bill on hay.
Mr Roger Kitchen just had a cold & Grippe like all rest of people. thay are expecting and other arrival in spring. Oh yes Max brother Curt done chores while we were gone.

Max is pruning & fixing up tools for spring.The cellar basment has beeen flooded three time so far.
excuse the paper as I am all out and havent been to-town in two weeks. The people in neighborhood had a big shock. Well Mr Milton Gore stepped out with his lady friend three after his wife died, and when to Florida. We hear know that he was seeing her long before Mrs Gore passed away. Mrs Frank Phelps is working up town nursing.

I am suffering from a sprained back slipping on ice.
I guess that all news. Oh yes we have new school bus. All school but Mapleton elemated there eight grade. So by that the Traverse City high purchased a bus. The other high school children ride to.

There changeing Men on farm around here to beat band. Jack Griffin is working for Mr. Frank Stevens. Max was just laughting. Jack Griffin was a man that always like good horses. Max he look fine behind old Duey, of Stevens, as gray as a bager.
Will close with wind just a howling.

Last nite was coldest Nite we had everthing froze in kitchen, and pump froze for first time. Max set the lantern down by pipe and it was long before it was thawed.
Sincerely Max & Hazel.

The hay was good. Most alfalfa. Most place were $19.00 per ton.
Hopeing this reach you in good health.
Ronald is enjoyed his heavy knit sweater of Gray. I have been thinking of starting and other sweater for next year. Making it bigger. Max has been kidding me to make one for him, but that look to be to big of a job. Dn Walker is still in hospital don't know when she will be out. She was burned so much deeper then her sister Susie, and she also has sugar in blood, and you know you don't heal so fast with that in blood. Miss susie Walker is out, around.
Mrs Phelps has been very busy on confinement case.
Harry Zarig lost a three year old colt this winter.
Mabel Burton is home for the General Hospital where she been ever since after cherry time. But you tell on her, she act funny. she sure lost her mind.
Sincerly Max & Hazel

Revision as of Jan 30, 2023, 4:58:17 PM

To Miss Taft We had such a terrible snow storm I don't think we be out of the hollow till July 4. Ronald hasent been to school for a week, and don't look as tho he will go this week.

We were to Detroit a week called there by cerious illness & death of are Neice Rosemary Senequest. She died of cancer of blood stream. A Dr cut into a black mole that had infection in it.

All animals are well. Daisy need to be rebreed but no chance of getting her out.

Miss susie Walker is up in wheel chair know. But Dr is still in bed. Max got the straw at last hauled it by sleigh from Russell Gore.

Mr Roger Kitchen just had a cold & Grippe like all rest of people. thay are expecting and other arrival in spring. Oh yes Max brother Curt done chores while we were gone.

excuse the paper as I am all out and havent been to-town in two weeks. The people in neighborhood had a big shock. Well Mr Milton Gore stepped out with his lady friend three after his wife died, and when to Florida. We hear know that he was seeing her long before Mrs Gore passed away. Mrs Frank Phelps is working up town nursing.

I guess that all news. Oh yes we have new school bus. All school but Mapleton elemated there eight grade. So by that the Traverse City high purchased a bus. The other high school children ride to.

Will close with wind just a howling.

Sincerely Max & Hazel.

Hopeing this reach you in good health.