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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - September 27, 1925

2020.1.75 09271925.pdf

Revision as of Mar 20, 2023, 7:54:07 PM, created by Admin

Old Mission, Mich. Sept. 27th 19-25 My Dear Miss. Taft- Am so glad to hear you are feeling better. It is very trying to work when sick. Have had the same experience many times. We could not eat much fresh fruit so put the bartlett pears in cans for winter. Am sure we will enjoy them. There wasn't enough for a bushel so kept them as you said. I still have a lot of empty cans. Have charry - all put into bottles & cans & it is doing fine. Had another nice shower last night to help along was much in need of it too. The pasture is coming some but can't do much with 3 cows on it all the time. Hope it can get a start soon now so as to save on winter feed which is going to be shy. The corn fodder is light & not much to it. Was just one load from up near cherry orchard. Joseph was surprised how little there was. But will be very careful of it and make it go as far as possible. He hauled the hay & got 2 very large loads as much as he could get on. He got more than his moneys worth. If they will sell some buck wheat straw reasonable will we get some? Please mention as most every one has to buy feed and it won't last long. You will need to buy before Spring. It will be perfectly safe to feed buck wheat straw at least once a day during the winter. Mr. Hauer had 25 bu. of oats to spare & Joseph spoke for them as they are extra nice & you will be sure to have enough then. they are .50 a bu. He wants to get them tomorrow if there is a little spare time. The oat bins are just fine to store grain in are plenty large so that nothing has to set outside for cat & mouse fooe. The $4.80 cider apples is all there was from Stutsman's. Will be more of winter apples will keep account seprate from there. All the rest belonged to you. The little calf has been visiting think she will be all O.K. Will be safe to pay most any time now Hope you are well & happy by now With love Essie K.