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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - November 28, 1926

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Old Mission, Mich. Nov. 28th 1926

My Dear Miss. Taft:-

I have a few minutes to spare so I guess I will write a few lines & send in the weigh bills for the hay.

Mr. Tang wished I would so as to save him the trouble The hay was the nicest I have seen any where at $21.50 per ton you won't find any nicer hay any where for any price.

I received two lovely letters from Mrs. Eiman since they left here. They are enjoying they trip very much and it will do them a lot of good to have the vacation.

Suppose our letters will cross on the way as usual but will write just the same

Were you acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seel. They own the large apple orchard near the [bay] East bay a very pretty place [& large] Well you must know who I mean. About 2 weeks ago they left for their Winter home at St. Joe. Thursday as they were crossing the street right near their home some one struck them with a car and both were fataly injured. Mrs. Seel died Thursday and He passed away Friday morning. I suppose there will be a double funeral. It is dreadful the things that are happening here to our dearest neighbors & friends. It is a terrible blow to the family. The car that struck them never stoped at all some one else came along called the officers & took them to a hospital. How can any one be so heart-less? There is a just God & he will surely hand us what we do to others so who ever it was will get his or her punishment some time or other.

There isn't much to write about. There was 20 1/2 bu. of carrots and 203 bu. of corn husked still a very little left to do. The Fall plowing is done & cherries reset. Well I can't think of any more hope you are well.

Lovingly Essie K.

There was 3 loads brought as you ordered and will send the [bills] weight of each load.

3,470 lbs 1st load
3,590 " 2nd "
3,500 " " " "
10,510 lbs in all I will let you figure the tons.  

We will be as saving as can be but this is another cold early winter so very cold right now.

I spent the afternoon with Mrs. Doig & she says we will benefit from this boom the frontage on the old Franklin place down near the mission has been resold. For a good big price. Here is hoping we will have good luck