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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - June 29, 1927

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Old Mission, Mich June 29th 1927

My Dear Miss Taft: - I thot' perhaps you would like to hear from here when you returned from Columbus. Hope you have had a good time altho' it has been dreadfully warm here for a number of days & so dry every thing will soon suffer. My berries are nearly all spoiled for want of rain and the pastures are drying fast.

The day you left it showered a little but not enough to soak the ground & just a sprinkle since. It is fine haying weather & you would be surprised how much more there is there than you thought for. I helped Joseph haul in 2 loads & it proved to be too much for a little fat lady. And Roger has been on the sick list yesterday had a temp. at noon of 103 but is better today altho' he hasn't did a thing. I think Mon. he got over heated while working.

Blite started in the cherries & Jos. & Roger gave them a good spraying & checked it right on the spot. Marian's orchard got struck bad & I sure feel sorry for her as the fruit won't be nearly so nice if it ripens at all. Am so glad you have a spray outfit right on the spot & not depend on others. I would feel a lot happier if we all had more fruit on our trees. The light swells on your tree & ours are turning but won't be ready before you are.

Today I unpacked your stove & set it up filled the tank & lighted the burners it makes a real hot flame. I happened to be up there so thot' I had better get it ready for you to use. It is quite simple to operate after I got it together.

The corn is growing nicely now & the oats are coming fine. Guy Killmerry will help Jos. haul the rest of the hay in I won't charge for his dinner & I doubt if it will take a full day since these 2 loads are in. Hope the weather is good in the morning. The wind has blown a gale for 2 days and 90 in the shade so you see we need a drink bad.

Jos. cleaned the carrots but they don't look very good I guess it is too sandy there they need heavier soil to do well. The big Tom's are up also squash but I was too tired to look after them today. Apples don't look very good & this dry weather hasn't helped the leaves to keep up very well.

Jos. got a file & oil for mowing machine also cylinder oil for spray rig I paid cash for it. Mon. Roger walked down to the store & got $.15 worth of packing & 2 cylinder leathers those were charged. When you come back we will straighten accounts up there was only $.15 left over from the old one with the $5.00 check it made $5.15 on hand.

Our neighbor arrived last Saturday so we see large cars go past every day now it seems good to see some outside people once in a while. Mrs. Marshall has a full house of boarders at $25 a week that means money for her. Of course they feed good & people like to go there. A great many of them room over at the Walker home.

Well I must go to bed as I am so tired I could sleep on the soft side of a board. Hope to see you soon and please bring rain you usually do. No dew for 3 nights to help out. With love Essie K. over

I had a letter from home this week & Mother & some of my other relatives are coming out before very long. It may be in August or sooner. So as long as you have enough of your own bed clothes from there I may as well have my own back after you return.

Today is Thursday & oh so hot I am nearly cooked this minute. Jos. & Guy are hauling in hay now. Must hurry so as to mail this. E.K.