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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 18, 1927

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Old Mission, Mich. Dec. 18th 1927

My Dear Miss. Taft: - If you have cold weather there we have it colder here. First it rained and then froze & now snowing & blowing a gale. Sometimes we can't see the barn.

Joseph bought hay from Mr. Eiman & had him start hauling it. He could get it more reasonable than in town & have it hauled. Jos. went with Mr. Eiman one day & looked it over he wanted 4 tons to last until quite late but doesn't want to have much on hand in late Spring in case you sell there isn't much profit in the other fellow having it. He knew you would rather not have too much on hand for that reason. This is fine hay & I will let you know details on the end of this letter as he will know weight & all then. Am in doubt if he can get down here with any more for some time as the roads are filling up fast.

We paid our taxes and oh my but they are high I sometimes wonder if a farm is worth all the hard work & struggle to keep it going. And oh yes faith of all kinds too. I can't understand why taxes are so dreadful.

Miss. Taft you are like I in many ways always trying to keep all ends even. It is difficult some times & mighty trying the other fellow slips there so easy while others have to dig for all they are worth. I want to buy my wall paper this winter & do several other things as I am earning my own money but so far it has gone on to help with the other expenses. Our cherry trees cost $106.50 and they are paid for & in the ground.

Am so glad we can buy the cow. It is perfectly all right for us to pay $5 out of each check until the $65 is paid. As we can pay you in cash. It is very kind of you to do this way and many thanks for same.

I got a $4.00 raise on my work it isn't much but helps some I have 99 doilies made & I have 81 more to make yet unless he wants more. It counts up quite fast after you learn the pattern.

Was so sorry to hear about Miss Carter's illness. Hope she is much better by now.

Farm life is all fine & ready for their three meals a day.

I will now give an account of corn sold. Joseph had 19 sacks of grain ground and wants to get the bran soon as he can.

$3.00 left on hand Sat. 25th 1927
1.90 grinding of grain
$1.10 left to your credit Dec. 15th
2 bu. @ .50 to Burton =     1.00
25 "  " .25 to Hill =       6.25
10 "  "  "  to E. Kitchen = 2.50
10 "  "  "  to Helfrick =   2.50
44 "  "  "  to Eiman =     11.00
19 "  "  50 "  "     =      9.50
10 "  "  "  " Dohm =        5.00
Total of corn sold	   37.75

The 10 bu to Dohm is last years corn. We all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

6260# of hay total price $52.56. Make the check out to Mr. D. B. Eiman. Will deposit money for corn as soon as I can get to town.

With love, Essie K.