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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 21, 1928

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Old Mission, Mich. May 21st 1928

My Dear Miss Taft:

I am going to write you a few lines tonight & let you know that every thing is grand on the farm. Your cherries are fine so far & so are ours the oats are 2 in high & seeding coming fine. Cherries have had second spray sweet cherry petals are falling & sours in full bloom. Corn is planted and every thing done but plowing apple orchards & Jos. is trying to let sweet clover come up nice & then plow under he is sure you would rather it would be that way.

Jos & I both had the flu again & Jos. looks real bad yet we were both very miserable for some time but will soon feel like our selves again.

Roger & Hazel both won prizes Roger got his from a word contest at school. The prize was a $2.50 book Hazel learned the 10 commandments & recited them before the whole Sun. school & got a bible or testament as her prize. And they are hard to remember.

Mr. Phelps is here has his sister with him and is farming as much as ever.

Oh yes your carrots are in too.

The tent worms are hatching out now & the orchard accross is full of them they should have been sprayed.

Mrs. Pete Lardie & Mrs. Jim Swaney passed away last Fri. Mrs. Swaney is Pete Lardie's sister.

Your's with love Essie K.

P.S. You are going to heve Dutchess apples this year you feared not but they are giving to blossom any way.