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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - June 7, 1928

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Old Mission, Mich. June 7th 1928

My Dear Miss Taft:

Well the cherries seem to be filling fine sweets are the size of a pea. The sours are going to be ready to spray in another week. petals are falling fast. Hope we both have a good crop. Maybe we will all feel more cheerful this Summer.

I expected to hear from you yesterday so as to know what to do. We won't move any things over home until I hear news as we don't want people prying in.

The weather is so cool & dry that the meadows are not doing much. oats are coming fine seeding is fair but alfalfa slow we have needed rain so badly for some time. Every time it gets to look like rain the wind switches back to the north. Corn is up if worms will leave it alone it will do fine.

Had Kauer cow breed a month ago & no more signs so far. Our little calf is growing nicely & is a lively little fellow at present it is in the front yard. I love animals of all kinds so am glad Jos. bought a farm. I used to like to scratch mother pig's babies back when she had them. They were so cunning.

If you wish to have me I will unpack your dishes for you. But perhaps you would rather do it yourself. I feel as tho' I might not have did right last year by not asking you first but only tried to help you. I want to have the house clean for you as I like to keep it as nice as I can so as not to have paint soiled and save painting over again. I find it pretty hard to do the work there & here too Altho' I enjoy going up there & working.

The quilt & pillows are still here & do you wish to use them? Dear me I wish I could talk to you a few minutes I would say a lot.

Miss. Taft I would rather a snake bite me me than one of those Haywood bed bugs so you are wise not to use any thing from there. They carry germs as all flies & bugs do & I am so afraid you will think I have gone dippy but those are my worst enemies. I scattered them out of this house in a years time.

Did you finish your hooked rug if so bring it along maybe a resort lady I know will want it. She doesn't care for braided ones. And may have gotten what she wanted before this.

Hope you got my last letter all right as I returning your last $5.00 check in it.

Well must hurry to mail this. Mr Fuller claimed the Hamilton mail box as it was taken from the school so we must put something there for a mail box. Lovingly Essie.

Dear Miss. Taft.

Just rec'd your letter & am hurrying to send this in to mail. Am so glad to hear from you. Would be very glad to receive the extra copy of what ever you have. Roger plans on a vacation this Summer & a trip north if something doesn't turn up.