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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 14, 1929

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Old Mission, Mich. May. 14th 1929

My Dear Miss. Taft:-

Received your letter tonight so will hasten to reply as I know you are anxious to hear about everything.

The cherries are all right so far because we have examined them closely.

Your seeding is coming very nicely considering the cool weather we have had altho' we have had lots of rain so far.

By the way Jos. likes the new horse just fine so am thankful for that.

Sweet cherries have started to blossom and the monts will be too before very long. I almost think the cherries will be earlier this year than they were last. If you would have to stay East for any length of time you wouldn't have much rest before cherry picking comes on.

I'm aftraid if Rebecca is cross she will be quite a case for you. Hazel used to be like that but since I was home I have give her to understand other people has feelings too as well as her self. She has been dreadfully nervous and helped to wear me out every Summer. But has changed to be quite a nice young lady and more considerate of me.

We bought 20 gal. of gas and 10 gal of it we paid for as our share am sending you the receipts of it.

Your's with love,

Essie Kitchen