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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - June 16, 1929

2020.1.175 06161929.pdf

Revision as of Feb 6, 2023, 1:37:26 PM, created by Admin

Old Mission, Mich. June 16th 1929

My dear Miss. Taft:-

Today is Sunday and I am dead tired it has been dreadfully warm after our several days rain.

We have looked the cherries over several times during the past few days and there is going to be a fair crop on most of the trees. Ours are the same not nearly so heavy as last years. But we can all be very thankful for these. They were wonderful for the chance they had. With freezing winds a great many of the small cherries didn't mature. Of course they look better as they go on.

Fay Dohm had one finger cut off yesterday and 8 crushed with the spray rig. he is in the hospital at present.

Hope to see you in the near future.

