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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 29, 1930

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Old Mission, Mich May 29th 1930

My dear Miss Taft:

Jos. thinks we may not be hurt as much as we first thot. I'm glad you are not here now you would nearly freeze to death it was 28 down here last night or this morning at 3 a.m. There isn't a chimney on our house so we can't put a stove up for you.

Jos. signed up for electric lights they plan on bringing the line down the center road before long. They need just a few more signers. We will have our house wired as soon as we can if possible so as not to trouble you. The lights you burn won't cost you much. This thing of stumbling about in the dark is horrible expecially at night.

They may not come out but we have $118 put in it now of course if [thi?????] drop out our money is refunded.

Jos. had trouble with the spray rig two cogs broke off from the timing gear. Edd took us in town & we had them [brazed?????] on. We paid for the other repairs ourself. Jos. was just finishing your cherry orchard when that happened. He had Harold come & time it this morning. All is going well again only its so cold we all shiver all the while.

Will write again soon Will look the orchard over often.

Lovingly Essie

  .46   to your credit
 1.00   for repair of gear
  .25   Harness oil
  .79  you owe us.

Harold hasn't [beep?????] Harold hasn't been paid my hands are so cold I can hardly write they feel stiff like sticks.