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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 27, 1931

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May 27th 1931

Dear Miss. Taft:

The cow is better but nearly lost her. I called Mr. Tompkins early in the morning to find out what to do. We gave her 1# salts 2 table spoons ginger and two of soda. I watched her very closely at at noon she changed + got much worse so tried to talk to Dr. Scott + he was out of town so called Mr. Tompkins again and had him come over. The minute he saw the cow he said she had milk fever and was very sick. I never saw a cow so sick before atho' I was raised on a farm and always loved cows and horses. He took a car pump and a quill from the roosters tail + pumped her udder full of air in Two hours she was on her feet. But isn't quite all right yet. The pasture is so poor we will have to put one cow up at our place + stake this one out. I sat on my little rocking chair part of the afternoon and held the chain so she could mow the front lawn for me and not get tangled up in the trees. She is such a pet. Mr. T. said she took cold and that helped to bring this on he says it happens quite often to cows. But this is my first experience + hope it is the last one. Mr. T. charged $3.00 for the afternoon and another trip + I feel he did just as well as Dr. Scott + not nearly so expensive. I have always call the T. people for advice in order to save Dr. bills but this was once the worst nearly happened. If it had of been an hour later she couldn't have been saved. I didn't pay him.

Jos. has the corn planted and only about 6 old stumps are left on your new corn field I think it looks very well. I hope you think so too. Cherries look fairly well. Have had a beautiful day the first real Summer day so far. petals are falling now so will soon have an idea of what we will have altho' they say we won't get a price this year.

Mr. Spruet was her inquiring if we had any new tools I said no he visited quite a little while and drove on.

Mr. Allen hasn't returned to finish his job yet. Mr. Spruet says he knows a lot about wells and is good.

You will think I'm silly writing so often but know you are wondering how every thing is coming. All is going well again but water. I tried to pack some things today but haven't the heart to do it but must. I hate to think of leaving its so beautiful here now with green grass + leaves and thousands of pretty blossoms.

Will mail accounts in this letter so you can see where you stand. Your letter just came Mr. Allen isn't here now we feel very much disgusted with the way things have gone on the well. He ate 28 meals here @ .25 per meal. I won't charge any more than that

Much love Essie K.

 .70 for bits for horses @ .35 cents each
 .15 axel grease
7.00 for 28 meals @ .25 each


7.85 expenses
5.52 no more credit on hand

________ $2.33 you owe me

You can do as you wish about Mr. A board he says he gets his board where ever he works so doesn't have to pay it. I don't like to pay him for labor until he gets thru but suppose will have to pay as long as you sent it. Please excuse pencil can't find pen