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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 15, 1931

2020.1.243 12151931.pdf

Revision as of Feb 28, 2023, 3:36:26 PM, created by Admin

Dear Miss Taft

In reply to your letter we recieved to-day.

We have had just a little touch of winter but was all gone in a few day. But it is snowing quite steady to-nite It is coming down real easy.

Max has been helping Bill Dohm buzzy wood in return for the use of his engine to buzz up some he has got piled up again.

He has the box stall nearly full of screaded corn fodder.

The carrots + beet are not keep thay seem to rot so bad. ever one is having the same trouble. and ever one is lossing lots of apple to.

The cow is going down on her milk a little at a time. But still am getting enough to make end meet.

Ronald is very cross with a cold + cutting teeth.

They say Mrs. Ida Lardie is able to see across the the room know. and set up for first time last week for 15 minutes

There isn't much much new's this time. We haven't killed the pigs yet waiting for cold weather.

Mr Wilber is still very busy building his two cottages. It seem thay have hauled enough lumber by here to build five cottages.

Mr Richards is doing all the plowing down there. Which is very luck for him. to get the extry work.

Will close for this time Max + Family