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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - April 6, 1932
2020.1.250 04061932.pdf
Revision as of Mar 20, 2023, 8:08:38 PM, created by Admin
Dear Miss Taft
We recieved your letter to-day. So will write right back, as the spray rig is done and bill ready. Will find inclose
Max was into whiting and gave the drag a good going over. He has a 17 tooth for $25.00 and a 15 tooth for $24.00 and a dollar (100) off for cash. So will be waiting for an answer from you. George Whiting dident show Max any $21.00 drag. But will ask him about it
I guess that all for this time as will most likely have my other letter by know.
Max & Family
P.S. Max says that what ever one else is putting on what you order won't be enough. Thay are putting on 6 gallon to 100 gal water.
Max say a near as he can figure it will take 25 gallon. Your 10 gallon's would only put on 1 tank
Thay don't mix any lime and sulpur with it.