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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - April 17, 1932

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Old Mission, Mich.

Apr. 17th 1932

Dear Miss Taft

I should have answered your letter some time ago but have been very busy. Cooked for the school children for 4 months had some sewing to do besides. And about two weeks ago a resort lady to whom I had sold a bed spread four or five years ago wished me to make another one for her mother. I realy didn't care for the job but couldn't turn her down so with house cleaning and garden soon to plant I've been one busy lady.

Was so glad to hear of what you have been doing during thte winter and to know you are able to still keep going. Please take good care of yourself. I think of you every day and it seems as tho' I shold get letters a 14 yr. habit can;t be broken in a day or two.

Altho we ain't working for you any thankful you still think of me. I sometimes envy Mrs. Gillmore to know she is taking my place. We seldom see them unless its on the street when we go in town. I still feel sick to think of the dear old home where I spent so many happy years. Please don't think I just say that. But I realy did dread leaving there. Altho' I had a home of my own.

We have attended many parties this winter and had a very nice time but always missed out on the prizes have learned to play quite well so rather enjoy it now. H. M. Lardie said I was doing fine.

I must entertain the Ladies Aid this Spri[ng?] have had some parties here but should have did more. I don't know why I seem to keep so busy all the while.

Mrs. Mills is back returned some 3 weeks ago. Mr. Ruff went fishing and she skipped out I guess they didn't get on very well together. Mrs. Milk claims he was cruel and stingy so she and Mrs. Lardie are living here at the Golden Tower don't know what their plans are. Mrs. Lardie is quite poorly and can get about a little by holding onto things doubt if she lives very long altho' warm weather may do wonders for her. The sunshine is so healing.

Now for cherries we haven't received another cent from either place. [$].02 was all Geo Lardie paid or Burkhart. It seems a crime but suppose people will have to get on some way. Farmers are getting labor for as low as $25 per month as there are lots of men and no money They can't afford to pay more under present conditions. We have heard that the canner plans on paying the farmer [$].01 down so if thats the case its all we will get. So far the fruit looks good its what happens from now on. The weather has been nice but cold winds. We always hear about the out side fruit being frozen but they usually have a good crop just the same. The factories have sold nearly all the cherries they had on hand.

The sample you sent me from the last dress or suit was very pretty. Please try and write some times will be glad to receive your letters and will try and answer sooner. Will be glad to see you in June please don't leave me till the last.

Love Essie