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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 23, 1932

2020.1.257 05231932.pdf

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Dear Miss Taft

The weather stay very cold warm up a little thru day time but cold at nite. Last nite Sunday nite we had a quite a heavy white frost. I was about to set out my tomatoes plant I am glad I did not have them out. The garden's have been in over a week.

Ever thing is in blossom know. Max is going to plant both piecies of corn this week.

Havent heard what thay are going to pay for cherries thay don't seem to know. Picking is [$].10 - [$].12 per crate.

I was to late for my strawberries plants. raspberries are doing fine. Ever thing growing a well as can be expected under the cold weather. Max got the pear's trees out of sod. So we might be able to get a few more pear's this year.

Max Dad was buried Tuesday.

Ronald was 2 years old Sunday. and he got hurt very bad out around building Friday He fell on something and took a chunk out of his fore head. We had to take him to the Dr. But he couldn't put a stitch on account of the hole.

And also had the new we had get him built up or he would go into sugar diebetes or anemia. I cannot get him to eat. I don't know if I am going to be able to raise him or not. I hope so.

I guess that all the news I can think off. Will close.


Max & Family