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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - February 27, 1933

2020.1.272 02271933.pdf

Revision as of Mar 1, 2023, 3:35:48 PM, created by Admin

To Miss Taft

Are weather has settled down to sunshine day's again. which we are glad to have.

We cashed your check at Henry's Lardie the day before the banks closed. So am send it back as thay would not cash it. So thay said to date it after the bank holiday.

We all have cold's. But are feeling better know. Queen had a stomach last week one nite but came out all right after two dose's of colic medicine.

The road are terrible ruff. There isent much new's thing's pretty quite and pretty hard up.

Max is waiting to take this to mail so will close.

Sincerly Max & Family