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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 6, 1933

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Traverse City, Mich. R.I. Dec. 6th 1933.

My dear Miss. Taft:- I was surprised to hear from you at last. I certainly did think I must have offended you in some way altho' I couldn't for the life of myself recall how when or where.

Well today was the big day for the penn people I guess most all of them registered for a job for C.W.A. Employment altho' there will be many of them dissapointed I'm afraid because some of them have large incomes while others have a good job already if they only knew enough to hang onto it or some of their money.

Max Gillmore was up and put in his application I don't see how he could with a good job like he has got. Of course the way they keep their car on the road night & day it doe's take a lot to keep going. They both sure have a high old time. I took my family to one of their parties just once and that was enough for me. Both men & women get drunk and Miss. Taft if you could hear the things they talk about & the things they do you wouldn't care to go either. I go to quite a lot of the neighboarhood parties but not their nasty dances. There are some things I would like to have told you but feel as tho' you would rather I wouldn't as I don't care to have you feel as tho' I'm carrying tales. Earl Callahan wanted to see you so bad before you went away but guess he gave it up. He saw quite a little I know you trust Max and I want you to. But I can't help but still have a little intrest in the place where I spent 14 yeears of the best part of my life. I hope you don't take me wrong. But I trusted Max but don't think I could as seeing is believing. I started one letter to you once before but destroyed it as I didn't have the courage to mail it. You may tell me to attend my own affairs if so its all O.K. with me.

I was so surprised about Mrs. Vaught they used to buy butter of me when they lived at their Summer home. Mr. & Mrs. Wilbure intend to visit Addison as they expect a little arrival before very long & of course they are more than anxious as most grand parents are.

Was so dissapointed that Alberta couldn't have stayed for dinner I was having one of the kind like you & Albesa [?] helped us to eat when we celebrated our tenth anniversary. Do you remember it? I miss you a lot and can't tell you how dissapointed I was when you failed to make me a call.

Why not come up Christmas time it would do you good I'll cook you a fine drum stick and we have coal to keep your little toes warm too. I just dare you to venture it. Now I'll see if you will try it. One fir would keep us all warm. you know & the highways are all kept clean now. perhaps we both could make quilts also have quilting frames. Have all kinds of nice fruit & vegetables canned also chicken and nearly a whole hog and another one soon ready. Now how is that for an invitation. Then you could call on Mr. Lardie. No he hasn't forgiven us but says he intends to take it out later on. I inquired about a bit before answering your letter and if he doe's take it out of us all there is going to be trouble I'm afraid. I feel as you do why doesn't he start something when you are here. You know its awfully hard to find out much from the neighbors as they are close mouthed as can be. But I am quite sure there are some that has not paid up. Altho' he says he can't let us by on it. We had a letter too. I don't know what he intends to do about it I'm sure. If I hear more will tell you.

I have been sewing on a black silk dress for Hazel have it nearly finished now & its going to look quite well. But has it been work I find it so difficult to sew on black material unless I use lights as the days are so dark & gloomy. Have most of my sewing done now excepting some curtains and 2 or 3 house dresss for myself.

Joseph wanted to go hunting but I discouraged him I don't want my men folks used for cannon bait. You know my step father was shot 24 years ago this Fall in hunting season & left 6 children for mother to try & raise alone. So I have such horrors of deer season. Its all most as bad as war to go out on those trips. Roger was working any way & that is quite important to him. When ever the men have time they chase rabbits & go fishing.

We certainly enjoy our radio & wish you had one they certainly do bring all out side news much better than a news paper. Altho' I find we look forward to our paper every day almost as tho' it was company coming.

Well I want to write to mother yet tonight & by then president Roosevelt is going to give a speech & I want to hear it. perhaps we will all starve yet but I do think he is trying to help us. Mr. Hoover certainly didn't do much.

Hope you find time to write again some time even though you are busy.

As ever, Essie.