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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - February 7, 1934

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Revision as of Feb 15, 2023, 1:42:17 PM, created by Admin

To Miss Taft

We are haveing quite a winter know. you look out and it sunshine and the next minute or so its a blizzard.

We were snow bound all last week.

Max has put the snow out as far as he can. It has gotten so high, That he has got to get Archie Helfrich in here with big snow plow to push it back a way's yes we had a terrible storm last sunday, and this Sunday to

Mrs Harry Zang play piano. Max say she use to play at th church

Did I ever tell you that Zang got the fence posts for you. I was thinking I did. I am sorry if I forgot.

The horse deal is slow. All there seems to be is plug's and old. Max has went to see quite a few here in town. But thay weren't worth looking at.

The paper I sent you seem to be quite the rage around here There was a woman here last week. I was to be sure and mention the fact to you. $1.00 year and come even week.

The road work is done till spring I guess.

We are enjong lots reading this winter Mrs Ida Lardie left me some of her monthly magazines thru Mrs Eiman. And I pass threm on to five or six more. Mrs Lardie said she wanted them to be a traveling library and they sure are. I am very greatful to her for it.

Max has done some pruning But snow has been so deep.

Zimmerman has a lot of new horses. Max say there a pair of bays he kind likes looks of but are a little older than he would like them. But wouldn't take them yet to see if they did get to coughing They traveled in last blizzard and wanted $325.00 and Max told him he wouldn't pay that much. But cash he would take $300.00. But is going look further.

I am canning pork to-day.

Ronald is at last seeming better. I have changed to pill form of cod liver oil. He even ask to take them know.

I guess that all the new's


Max & Family