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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - October 18, 1934

2020.1.307 10181934.pdf

Revision as of Feb 15, 2023, 2:00:02 PM, created by Admin

To Miss Taft

Yes are weather is beutiful. If it would only last. But one can not expect it to.

Ronald has been very sick I took him to the Dr twice last week. He say he has Bronical asthema I don't know if that spelled right or not. The first I took him he said that he could get hardly any air into his lungs. This was the hardest spell he ever had. I am going to have his tonsils as soon as he quit coughting

My paper is not on yet. But expect to this week.

The dilecious apple were falling so we picked them 4 bushel

I got the money from Willobie $4.00 for all. Max say he understood you to $1.00 per hundred for wealthys. But he said he has only paid $0.80 per hundred this year. So am holding the money to see what you say. He say he will pay the balance if that what he said to you

Max started to fix plaster here in dining room and got .50 worth and went to take off plaster that was loose and he just touch it and it loosened up nearly half way across room by chimney hole. Max its wonder we did get tunk on head with some other time. so bought 35 pd more.

Ronald is to have his tonsil out Thursday of this week. He is going to Hospital. I am terrible worried till its over.

I guess that all the new's.


Max & Hazel