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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - October 26, 1934

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Oct. 26, 1934

To Miss Taft

Rain and more Rain is all I can say as to weather. But Max is getting things cornered. plowing is nearly done. and post hole are being dug. some of corn stalks cut.

yes Ronald got along fine with his operation. Hopeing that he will get to feeling better. He is very thin right know. loosing so much blood but it to be expected. I am going to give him cod liver oil, and Dr say feed him all norirshing feed he'll take.

Are papering is all done and we look very pretty. It sure makes one feel a lot better to have clean paper & light wood work. I got so discouraged this summer trying make things look clean. But it never looked it after your did clean.

I have tried to get a rug several time for dining room. But have not made it so far But hope I can for winter set in as I will not put old one down because I think it get to dusty were there isnt electric to clean them. With Ronald trouble altho I will put it underneath the congloa[???] rug when I get it. So as not to try to spoil the other rugs

The papering Bill 2 day is $4.00 Edna Dohm she said took her less time this time than last. She said she had lots better help. Max helped her. As I could not on account of Ronald being so poorly.

I am making about 7 pd of butter a week. The papering 16 hour's at $0.25 per hour. The well water has not been very clean of late.

Yes I hope we will have enough of apples If I can keep Max out of stack Declicious He like them right know.

I guess that all the news


Max & Hazel