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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 25, 1935

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May 25, 1935

To Miss Taft

I guess we have spring at least we have not had a heavy white frost for two nites. It has been very cold all spring. The leaves have came out half in two day's.

Max has his corn ground ready at last and is going to plant this week. The sweet cherry's are in bloom.

You had four rows of pea's. We put all the bean up in your garden. Mine to and am putting rest of your garden down with mine. We thouaght it would be all right with you as things burn up so terrible in your's and beans does all right.

Very heavy frost last nite again May 22. Ronald was five years old May 22

The blessing of blossom's is to be held this Sunday May 26. at Wilson farm where Arthur Kilmury work's.

Cub Spruits lost there son Saturday nite still birth and lost a cow the week before. There are quite a few looseing there cow's 3 in neighborhood.

We have a calf from Mr. Ben Ghering. I have 26 chicken out. its so cold there not doing good.

The gardens are in but are not up yet

Yes, we will get eves trought when we go to town again. I was wishing we could have a new one.

We need rain very bad and warm weather. Max just got thru draging all orchard thru. Ever thing budded heavy.

I guess that all the news.

I am invited to a shower for Mrs. Roger Kitchen. stork.

Sincerely Max + Hazel. Ronald