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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - October 19, 1935

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October 19, 1935

To Miss Taft

We recieved your card to-day Friday.

We have had a couple day of beautiful weather warm and sunshine. We are enjoying it very much.

Max say he took biggest of Wealthys apple up there and figured he got fleesed on them and late apples run small ever one is. Mr. Lester Jhonson took a load up to packing co. and they culled him so he will not take any more. But have the winter apples picked and is going send them up there. Morgan is not taking any cider apple for ten day.

Yes nearly ever child is out school with measles. Ronald happened to be home sick from school a day before the kid came down with them so he was not exposed and have kept him out ever since. The County Nurse was down to see me. She say I don't blame you a buy (?) She said I would keep him home an other week and ever thing will clear up by then.

Max went hunting half a day and shot a rabbit + squirrel. The old fox squirrels are quite plentiul on in the wood in pasture.

I guess that all new's.. Oh yes I guess Mrs. Lardie is staying home this winter a May Emery a sister-in-law of Mr. Emery at Harbor. Mrs. Bartlett is fixing furnace for Mrs. Lardie

Sincerely Max + Hazel