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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - November 15, 1935

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November 15, 1935

To Miss Taft

Are weather is very good for this time of year. quite nippy but bright much of time.

Mr. Zang called up for bag's the nite before we got your card and dilivered them Monday of this week. 50 bushel at .35 cents per bushel.

Leslie Gore pulled trees Friday Bill $12.00

Ronald is just recovering from an attache of asthma with a nose bleeding out both nostrils. He is getting along fine in school. He is learning to read. He came home and repeated his lessson to me. See Mother see Father see Jane see Dick see baby. I would write them down a mix them up and he could point the one I told him to. Mrs. Noteware is a very good teacher. Ever one says there children is learning this year all ready then the last two year. Leslie Gore said he had quite a time convinceing them to hire a married woman.

I am wearing a glasses know. I thought I would go crazy last week with them. My eye's were in very bad shape. I was not seeing very much out of my left eye and far sighted. No reading for month. No takeing off glasses less I go and lay them down and shut my eyes. I have to go ever 2 week for four month. I went to Dr. Tinkere He seem to be real good. Ever one on the pensulia goes to him nearly.

Did I tell you Mrs. Lardie is going to spend the winter in Traverse City going this Thursday. Mr. Murry Tompkins though Mr. Mill the carpenter was very slow. said he would be a year building what he want to build with him.

Max has nearly all sod plowed and piece by pig pen plowed to.

An other tree blew over in wood. Mr. Cupp's + Jhon was over to see us. Was going coon hunting Sunday nite. they left so early in morning I don't know if they got any thing or not. I ask Max if lost there B.O. He said no. ha ha

Well I guess that all news.


Max + Hazel

P.S. Max has weigh bill on the packing Co. thay were closed when we went there two week ago on Saturday after noon. So will try and get them in soon. I had to open letter so here is rest of new's. Max went to packing co. and they only pay on thursday so he told them to sent out check. The load of cider apple come to $4.00 and Morgan pay on Wednesday. Tom Richard is still truck driver 3 loads apples $7.00 to Tom Richard