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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - January 3, 1936

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To Miss Taft

Ronald was very glad to get a package in mail. to untie and thanking you very much for us both.

Are weather is a very heavy snow coming so steady you can hardly see barn.

The sleighing is pretty good. So max goes after Ronald, when weather isnt blowing 90 miles an hour with horses + sleigh. The neighbor had to have. a horse Dr. and Dr said lack of exercise. Suprise cow has her daily exercise. when she come up to water. she will not go in for awhile. We are going down and make a little noise for Mr + Mrs Frank Phelep's to - nite. Mrs Pheleps has been nurseing even there marriage So she just came down in hollow. Sunday to live. you are right Miss Taft of all the dirty talk that Ronald don't come home with is terrible. especially about how he was born.

Thay are haveing hot lunch at noon know. Mrs Blanche Colerick is hired as cook.

Ronald had a nice Xmas. But of course he wanted a new bike. But Santa was to hard up, So he is saveing his penny's in a bank, know.

I am sorry you could not make your trip. (gossip) Mrs Tom Richard is expecting again) I just made Ronald an other blouse out of one alberta blouse.

I have the suit all made for him out of dress of Rebecca and have had several compliment on it.

The boys have got enough lumber out of the county to repair there snow plow. which was $13.00. Mr. Henry Fox say he is going to try and get the road fixed next year if he is in . Ditch and all. and then he says if thare guy's don't stay out of road with there farm machinery. Thay will be something doing.

oh yes we bought the oatmeal by .25 pd at a and p store. because there never seemed to be room where the Family goes. to get more. and we only go twice a month.

I guess that all the new's.

Sincerely Max & Family

To Miss Taft:

Are weather has keep us very close to home on two good reason. we are snow bound. and very stormy + cold

Ronald + Kitchen children have not been to school. this week.

Mrs. Phelp's called and wondered when we could get out. Thay were out of Buttere + Bread + coffee.

we are all right except when I got grocery's last time I ordered a yeast cake, and when I got home I did not have these. So was kind of shy on bread. But got along. I waited foure day's for sour cream. So it would not sour. So made sweet cream. butter.

The animals are all fine. Ever one else are haveing sick horses around us.

Max say's Daisy the new little cow. look to be a better look. calf then suprise was. Suprise is a tall as her mother. but not nearly so wide.

Ronald is have hot lunch at school know at noon.

I have two of my wool batts quilted one for Ronald single bed. and one for are double bed. with cover and tied with yarn. and have an other double bed one to make, yet. I said I going to make them up this winter or bust.


Ronald and I have a letter to write to alberta. we sent them a small picture of Ronald for Xmas.

I thought I could not get along an other wintere with my old wintere coat But am still going along with it.

There isent much new's flowing around. Ever thing is warm & full stomach. So I guess all [?]

Sincerly Max & Family

Back of envelop: Sangamo chapter, U.S.D.-of 1812- has issued its invitation for this Reciprocity meeting - on Jan,26, 1936 - at the Leland Hotel Sun Room - 12:30 P.M. The luncheon will be $0.60 each. We are anxious to have as large a representation as possible so you may take a friend as your guest if you care to. They would like to know the number to prepare for by Thursday. You may send your acceptance to Mrs Henry Thoma- 1501 S. Douglas Ave. Springfield - Ill.