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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 12, 1936

2020.1.336 05121936.pdf

Revision as of Feb 8, 2023, 10:37:40 PM, created by Admin

To Miss Taft

well I guess spring is here. we have been very hot the last couple day's, and leaves are coming out. fast.

The sweet cherry are in full bloom. The peach trees stood severe winter but the mice gridled one of them.

Max is working on corn ground know. I think you have forgot last year plan on corn. Max transplant once him self. you remember the cut worms were very bad last year. and you told those men to take some corn in case any was out it would make corn feed anyway. excuse the paper as I ran out and forgot to get any in Traverse.

I cleaned the strawberry bed out and it kind looks though we might have a couple of quarts this year.

going to put in garden's to-marrow.

Mr Guy [Kil???ry] + Mr Will Marshall both have new team. Guy has all team he can possible handle. Max told him give work to them that what thay need.

[?nd] Griffin plulled out most of trees on lowere half of his orcard and plowed it.

The were some road men in here looking over the road in here so might stand a chance in getting a better road. Hope so. it sure is ruff this spring.

Suprise cow is maturing into real cow. she has quite a bag know. She is due May 22, on Ronald Birthday. Thay has the School picnic May 22. and also Gerry Burtons Birthday a man teacher Mr natewane So they will have quite a celebration. I will close as it time to help Ronald with his lesson

Sincerly Max + Hazel + Sonny