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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - November 9, 1936

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To miss Taft

Are ground is white with snow, and Ronald is very happy. He has been wishing it would snow.

Max is getting ever thing ready for winter barn + house.

no thay only widened the road from. Dud Griffin old house up to main road. we had are first expence on radio this month. we had to buy 2 new dry batteries But it would be terrible to be with out it. Saturday nite we sat up till 2 oclock. it is especially good on Saturday nite. old time music.

Mrs Jennison was here about two week ago. when she came she wanted 1 gallons of milk. So I said all right. thinking that all she would wan't because we need all for aniimals. When she went back Sunday she wanted to know if she could get an other gallon to take back to Bay City. I dident want to let any more go. but she wouldn't take no for an answer. So I hated to be to rude to her. So let her have it. oh she say what wonderful milk: Mr Jennison + I. Just had have a gallon to take home. with us. Mrs Jennison sold her cow this fall.

Tom Richard don't what he's going to do. Levy is married. three week ago. to Leona Moon. of Buckley.

Max say the rains did harm the seeding except where it settled. down in hollow. It hasent washed the orchard much.

my sore thumb was caused by so much pareing. It got cut in so deep.

I guess that all the new's

Sincerly, Max + Hazel + Ronald.