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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - November 30, 1936

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Revision as of Mar 1, 2023, 1:29:00 PM, created by Admin

To Miss

Are weather is very cold with a light fall of snow.

Last Friday was a beautiful day it was so warm + bright sunshine.

Max took little Daisy cow to Lou Zou-lek. He had one terrible time trying to get her anywhere. at last He went over for Max Kitchen. max was not there. So thought Bernie would answer the purpose. So thay shuved + pulled. till thay got her to Law. He wanted to loud her into truck and bring home for the boy's. But max refused too. The rest of cow was tested again for T.B. I am sending slip inclosed.

We have scarlet fever in hallow. alice Kitchen has it. Ronald is not any more exposed then rest of school. she came down with it Sunday nite. I feel kind of frightened tho.

Mrs Ida Lardie is going to spend wintere in Detroit with Margeret + Husband. leaving for Northport wednesday then on to Detroit young Seth Tompkins has bough the Guy Tompkins old place.

There was a scant bushel of carrots off. your row + half in your garden. Max pulled top and all in other and feed out that way. they not very good quality the sand burrs were so thick you could hardly work.

Well Xmas will so be here again. I am trying to save a few nickles toward a new coat but thay come very slow.

I guess that all the new's.

Sincerly Max + Hazel.