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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 25, 1937
2020.1.353 05251937.pdf
Revision as of Apr 21, 2023, 6:33:42 PM, created by Admin
To Miss Taft
Are weather is warming up some. but still cold at nite.
The trucker charged $3.00 for trip not by ton.
Cherrys sweet don't seem to be hurt but dident blossom very heavy like ever body else.
Sour cherry. good heavy blossom. in low spot are hit pretty bad with frost.
The seeding is coming very good so far. with a good rain Friday. but turned So cold aftere the rain.
The Gardens are in. Thank a lot for phlox. I haveing been for getting to thank you.
And we sure appricate you remembering Ronald on his Birthday.
Hazel Kitchen Trowbridge is home with a broken heart. Her Husband got to stepping high wide with othere girls. They are not married a year yet.
excuse the envelope I forgot to get some the last time I was to town.
Max is planting corn to - day.
Max has been waiting for your answer on hay because it was getting very low.
I guess that all the new's
Sincerly Max + Hazel