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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 17, 1937

2020.1.358 12171937.pdf

Revision as of Apr 21, 2023, 6:36:09 PM, created by Admin

To miss Taft

We were snowed in for week last week it stormed all week.

yes I have forgot to tell you all the time Max went for oats the day before your check came for oats.

But no straw yet Mr Gore expect a load in soon. and max is going to haul it from Leslie Gore with the sleighs. + horses.

oh yes Daisy cow had a heifer calf Dec 1. the week before she freshened a large soft bunch came by the navel. so max did know about so when to Dr Scott. he said it was natural with young heifer. but said he could give some-thing to clear it up, which is bill inclose at $1.50 So Daisy freshened in two day later. and then thay must clean in 24 hour's and which she diden't So max had to have Dr Scott out. to do job.

Inclose is your slip for apples.

Ronald recieved a large package from Mrs Jennison again this year we dident expect anything and was quite suprised.

We expect a cut in wages. but not such a big one as we got. It would be alright if living was going down but coming up all the time. The other men around country are getting same wages straight thru.

I am send a package to you next week. I have to finish one sleeve yet and neck on sweater and I will be done. I done more raveling then kniting for a while. but sure is going make a nice heavy sweater.

I sure am enjoying water in house. this wintere.

The walker women are still in hospital yet.

I hear Mrs Ida Lardie has had an other stroke crippling her hands.

I guess that all the news.

Hopeing this find you good health. Max + Family

Michigan Cherry Growers 11-12-37 C. G. Taft 13 700 104 596 Stark A's JE

Michigan Cherry Growers 11-12-37 C. G. Taft 4 202 32 170 Stark B's JE