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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - April 25, 1938

2020.1.365 04251938.pdf

Revision as of Mar 20, 2023, 8:07:08 PM, created by Admin

To Miss Taft Are weather is so foggy you hardly see and we have been having some very cold weather last Tuesday nite hurt the cherry. Max say they dont look so good. the sweeet cherries are not hurt as bad as sour's.

Have not got fertlizer yet and sending back check,as packing Co. is sending for there own and land where it will be in. Max went ahead a disc the orchards anyway.trees came and are all in.

The dormant spray on. there a mistake in spray dope. 2 barrell of lime & sulpher should of been ordered.

We were over to cottage yesterday it look like a young hotel. You will have a big job washing windows. We weren't in inside the cement for is laid for the garage.

Ronald fell into wounch disc last week and cut his arm quite bad. if he diden't have had the sweater on I knit him, he would of cut his arm off. Thanks for funnies.

suprise cow is doing real well this time when she freshened. Daisy has to be breed again.

Mrs Lardie had a fall and hurt her self quite bad she was out of her head for days. she cant move a arm know, wets bed and ever thing. Mrs Will has to have an other lady to help her.

Mrs Will G. Tompkins has had an operation and found she has cancer of throat.

Must ring off and get into Mail.

Sincerly Max & Family