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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - 1917

2020.1.25 1917.pdf

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To Joseph Kitchen- If you work for me I am willing to offer you $30 a month and a cow beginning with October. Then in the summer $40 a month for May, June, July, August and September - House and garden space besides the above and firewood from ground cleared. If the south side of the wood lot is cleared between the high way on the south and a line running east and west continuing the space already cleared and in potatoes, the same is to be put in potatoes on equal shares - I to furnish team and your time and you to furnish seed. Materials for spraying to be shared equally. The cream, butter and milk for your own use to be yours, but any milk not used to be fed on the place and when the cow freshens the calf to be given the proper amount of new milk. The upper strawberry bed to be yours to do as you like with. I make no definite promises about other fruits but there is always some of every variety - I reserve the right to say when and what [no matter how small or seemingly worthless] shall be picked. I am not willing to have any animals on the place unless they belong to me - except a cat- I expect the man on the place to do the work in making repairs and improvements as far as possible thus making it possible to have them sooner. It will be necessary at times for you to do things on Mr. Stutsman's place but that is just the same as though it was on mine - It is for me. This fall when you dig and haul your potatoes it seems only fair that $1 a day for your time should be allowed me and at the rate of $2 a day for team [if you use it.]