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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 28, 1920
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Old Mission Mich Dec. 28th 1920
My Dear Miss Taft:-
I received your dear letter tonight & you don't know how glad I was to hear from you.
How thankful I am to know that Mrs. Stutsman has the education to help her self with. And to be at school will give her mind something else to think of instead of her troubles. I hope the nuts and beans were all right we put several quarts of nice navy beans in the box also. I thought it would save buying at high priced stores.
We have been very well so far & hope we keep on. For it is awful to be sick so far from a doctor. But we must not think of getting sick.
Has Mrs. Stutsman any large crocks that you think she would be willing to loan me. I would be very careful of them so as not to crack or break them. It certainly is a chore to take care of pork but will pay in the end.
I don't go to town very often but some times find it necessary but when I do go I have scores of things to do.
I had all of my dental work did before cold weather but do not feel as though it was did as it oughto have been for one tooth is very sensitive yet & feels as though it would like to ache. It is one of the Mollars. It has a gold crown on but I guess it will not help much. Will tell you about the hay in my next letter.
There are about 100 bu. of corn left in the crib.
We are having very cold weather & oh! so much snow we did not get any mail for 2 days so you have some idea of our little Spring here.
Well my dear I have another letter to write yet & it is past my bed time now So will try to write more next time.
With love to you And wishing you a Happy-New Year, I am Your's Essie K.