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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - March 15, 1926

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Old Mission, Mich. Mar 15th 1926

My Dear Miss. Taft:-

Received your letter and the check I thank you for both off them.

We are still having vey cold weather was a little warmer today but the wind has switched back to the north again and is snowing hard and oh so cold. We have been having zero weather for quite a while. It is a good thing for the fruit I guess. Bay is still frozen over solid as can be.

As to corn bores we heard a lot about them at the Farmer's Institute meeting held at O.M. last fall. In fact so many very good articles on care of fruit and how to prepare soil for various crops. Last fall when I went over to gather some sweet corn from J. Haywood's garden I found the ears of corn were full of black & white worms. It was a mess to look at. So I summoned up courage to get up and ask one of the speakers about those worms. I thot' maybe it was the corn bore but he said they worked in the stalk instead of the ear. But for people to keep close watch. None has been found in this locality so far. Your fodder is all gone or we would look for some there. I think our poor corn was due to poor weather and quack grass.

I think the Kauer cow is all right looks healthy & all but cold weather holds her back some. She appears to be uneasy the last few days so think she will be taken very soon now. Other animals are fine.

As to wood I have inquired all around to find some Mr. Wilbur could let us have 2 cords of buzz wood at $2.25 a cord & may have more later on. This weather is the cause of us getting out Jos. had to cut 3 very small trees in order to keep warm. I am sorry we were in hopes our fuel would hold out until you didn't need us any longer. Called Miss Walker's farm also Toulek's and they haven't any to sell at all. I hated to write to you about fuel and ask for anything for that matter. Jos. has saved every little stick of wood & none has been wasted so there is nothing more he can pick up. And with our salary we can't afford to buy our fuel.

You have extra expense but we are the same it takes most all we can scrape to get along and I try hard to manage on our salary It takes considerable for the 4 of us. By the time Dr. Dentist Drug Store and Grocery bills & a few cheap clothes are bought we have to dig to keep on top. And then that ever-lasting insurance. The only reason I would like employment is to help educate our children. Roger never recites a lesson and it worries me sick. There is one boy that likes you if no other. He thinks Miss. Taft such a fine example of clean womanhood. He has noticed a lot lately and always comes to me for which I am very thankful. Is doing well with his music.

There is an old leaning maple that looks as tho' it was ready to fall & is hollow for there is holes in the trunk some wind storm it is going down. It is in the corner near the well. If you would care to have it cut down. Joseph would have time now before time to trim trees. Use your own judgement but it may come down some time on top of a cow during a storm if it was mine I wouldn't leave it there.

I hope Mr. Moe waits until you return to look this well over. I feel as tho' you would be more satisfied with the job. Of course we will do the best we can if he doe's come.

Mrs. Stutsman has asked $5.00 for the phone that used to be here And Mrs. [?iman] would take it but Central puts in a howl about it not being any good. Would you advise me to let her have it and maybe not be satisfied with it? I don't like to do that with any one as it gives a person a bad name and I don't care for that. Have faults enough now.

Does it make any difference to you which we keep a pig or chickens? We have to keep the chickens closed in most of the time on account of crops and we could keep a little pig just as cheap & have no chickens at all. I feel as tho' there oughto be something to feed the potato parings & left overs to. It is such a waste to dump on the ground. If we can keep a pig instead we will manage to get our middlings before it breaks up this spring. What ever pleases you will be satisfactory with us.

Hope you are well by now & feel like yourself I felt dread. when I read your letter but when a person is sick they are not themselves so tried not to look at it the wrong side up. The children are home from school now and sends their love. Lovingly Essie.

P.S. Dear Miss. Taft on my way to T.C. I happened to think I hand't answered your question in regards to spray materials. Ther is over one half barrel lime & sulphur and quite a little arsenate You may need a little more but not very much. Wouldn't I be proud tho' if that was my farm instead of someone else's property. Oh 'how I love it. I got this paper from the T.C. post master. Jos. is waiting for me so must hurry. Love. Essie.

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