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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - October 12, 1926

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Old Mission, Mich. Oct. 12th 1926

My Dear Miss. Taft:-

As usual it is raining fine weather for ducks.

Well the hay came here yesterday. 3,000 and 50# there was part of it second cutting alfalfa and the rest pure quack grass. Joseph & I looked it over & when they bailed it they must have soaked it with water for it was very heavy & wet. A fellow is paying for water that way & not hay. You can do as you please about it but we don't think they[crossed out] the hay very good. Harry Tang hauled it with his truck He says that a little later on he can sell you pure alfalfa hay for 21$ or 22$ per ton. You can write to him if you care to o if you decide not to buy more hay from this fellow You may be able to buy better hay here from Tang. I know this quack grass isn't much good. And the Alfalfa is going to be dusty after the water dries out of it.

The welthy apples have been cared for. We had a dreadful wind storm & over half of the apples was on the ground the next morning & Morgan was buying down at the harbor during the last 8 or 10 days. So we let him have them. You got just as much that way as tho' they was hauled to Traverse City. I will deposit the money for you where I can get to Morgan's to collect for you.

The Howe or Ridgewood farm has changed hands again. This time it was bought by a company of people. I have been saving some clippings from your paper that still comes & I will keep close watch to send you every thing that will be of interest to you. I have dated them so you will have an idea what time this news was out.

Well I went to town yesterday & had the apple money deposited for you which came to $28.15 Hope we can get more for Winter apples as a rule they are a better price than the Fall apples

Joseph worked out a few days & took the money he earned & hired help to help him cut corn. I helped cut a day & 1/2 myself. It was a dreadful tumbled down mess from the wind & rain. Will start husking before many days now. As soon as it is dry enough if that time ever comes. I helped him pick & pick up apples & am going to try my luck at husking corn. I feel so much better when out of doors.

Your new dress is very pretty. You always look so neat in every thing you wear. I would love to see you wear it. perhaps I may some day. I wish I could afford to give you a nice present some time instead of so little.

Ledger wasn't satisfied with his Dodge so traded it in towards a Buick Sedan some class I say. Well it is All right but I don't think I would put my all in one article. In a way I am glad we own something it gives a person something to feel anxious about & interested in.

You know I got so nervous this Summer that it has affected my throat until I got so bad I had to see a Doctor have had bronchitis and don't feel very good. They gave me morphine tablets along with the rest. I won't take the dope if I die. Last night I took two & have slept nearly all day. I didn't know until this morning what those small white tablets was. So I will work out of doors with hubby & try to overcome this a little

How I wish I could visit with you It always made me feel rested to talk with you. You are very dear to me Miss. Taft. Altho' some times I have a mighty poor way of showing it. I hope to feel better some time & then I won't be such a bundle of nerves. The Doctor thinks it best to take serium treatments for my cold. Would you advise me to try it? You are sensible & think a lot so I will ask your advice. I can't seem to throw this off like usual.

The Wentz family has started a cottage down on the bay shore. Ernest & Ledger are hauling stone for it now. Her Brother was married about a week ago & he & his bride are spending their honey moon here on the farm. He is bald headed skinny and rather old looking for a groom. Oh yes & big feet too.

Mr. Moe doesn't intend to put the Wentz wells down until Spring. I don't know if this will hold out until then or not. I don't suppose there would be any use for Joseph to see Mr. Moe again. He couldn't get any satisfaction before.

I can't think of any more to write about now. I have written a letter to Mrs. Stutsman & will send it out tomorrow.

Well I beleive I will go to bed & try to rest


Your's with love Essie

Oct 5th 2,650 Whole Load
       1 100 ciders @ $0.25 per 100#
       1 550 canners @$0.50 per 100#
Oct 6th 2,420 whole load
         750 ciders @ $0.25 per 100#
       1 300 canners @ $0.50 per 100#
         370 Bulk @ $0.8 per 100#
Oct 7th 1450 Whole load
        450 ciders @ $0.25 per 100#
        200 Bulk @ $0.60    "   " "
        800 canners @ $0.50 "   "
Oct. 5th Whole load came to. $10.50
Oct. 6th   "    "    "    "   11.33
 "   7th   "    "    "    "    6.32

Chicken little was in the woods a seed fell on his tail chicken little said the sky is falling I will run

Hazel Kitchen

Hazel's eyes are a lot better & she is a much better little girl too. She sends a lot of love with this little letter.

[Three newspaper articles]

[Traverse City State Bank Deposit Receipt]

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