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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - February 7, 1927

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Old Mission, Mich Feb 7th 1927

My Dear Miss Taft: - I hardly know how to start this letter out. Well here goes. We have had all the way from 22 below zero up to rain in the past two weeks. A great many people has been sick with sore throat & high temperatures. Roger & Hazel have been sick & Roger still has a temp. every P.M. I can't understand what it is. The teacher has it now so Hazel is staying home too.

The stock is all O.K. & every thing is going as usual. Joseph took the engine up to Harold Lardie for repairs this morning so as to have it ready when needed.

Do you take the T.C. paper? and if so do you hear any more about the real estate changing hands? Am anxious to see what the Summer has in store for us. Hope it is a lot of good luck.

Spring will be here before we know it & you will be preparing for your journey to Mich. It is nice for Alberta to have the change & rest. Tom Lannin has built a small house on his little farm nearly across from the little log cabin. So if you should live there next Summer you will have close neighbors. Have you any idea of trying to get in over there for another summer? If so some one ought to lock the house as it is open now. The apple pickers that stayed there last fall never closed things up when they left. I think it is a cute little place. We used to have a big house on our farm when I was a little girl and we were very comforable there for a number of years.

I wouldn't be afraid to undertake this farm & make money on it too. There is going to be good money in vegetables & small fruit here before long also chickens & other things too numerous to mention. It would take time to get started but the money would come in quite fast after that. Mr. Hamilton made quite a little on his farm but they didn't try to live with in their means.

Gertrude Leighton told her mother one day last week that she was secretly married in Nov to a fellow that she was engaged to for some time. She was going to school in T.C. but couldn't keep her secret any longer from her mother so is going to her husband before long. Jennie Hamilton was married Christmas day. And Mike Burton 18 years old got in wrong with a T.C. girl & had to be married last Thursday. What are things coming to around here. I am so glad that Roger isn't girl struck so far. I hope to try & keep him from the evil side as long as I can.[smile]

We spent the evening with Will Marshall's a short time ago & Roger & Mrs. Marshall played together we had a lovely time. She was surprised how well Roger played for a new beginner. He hopes to be able to play at the church before long.

I have been busy sewing curtains & quilted another quilt sewed carpet rags for a small rug & did heaps of mending this winter. Have my own sewing to do yet besides some things for Hazel. In the Spring when you return I will show you what I have been doing. I want to have everything done by Spring so I can be out of doors most of my time.

I hardly know where to plant all of my garden. If I thot I could take care of it I would plant some things on our place like potatoes & squashes.

Well I can't think of any thing more to write about as there isn't any news at present. If I hear any thing of interest to you I will write sooner.

Please excuse this poor letter will try & do better next time.

As ever with love Essie K.

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