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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - September 11, 1927

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Old Mission, Mich Sept. 11th 1927

My Dear Miss Taft: - Today is beautiful but it has been dreadfully hot & sultry here fine corn weather but hard on every thing that has lungs to breathe with. Have had two light rains but not enough to do much good.

The buck wheat is growing fast & looks fine. After the first rain it fairly poped out of the ground. Corn is sure coming fine.

There isn't much at present to write about. The Wunsch family left for Detroit this A.M. Mr. Lillard the rich resorter that I sell butter to was here this morning & I asked him if he knew of any one that was interested in buying a farm. Asked a lot of questions & said he would let us know if he happened to run accross any one.

Henry Kitchen was down the other night & got your address he said he had heard you had a cow for sale I think it just an excuse to try & get in here. He would like to get this job if he could but I would feel sorry for things as he is too lazy to even help Ernest milk. I suppose now that he has a wife he will have to have some way to support her.

I was so glad to hear you reached Detroit safe & sound but too bad you had to sew so much. So often I feel sorry for you because your poor eyes look so tired and you are never idle.

Am coming along fine with my rug & thanks to you for starting me out on it. I love to see it grow day by day. I think it is so nice for to know how to do all of those things.

This A.M. there was a lady here to see me & try & hire me to crochet 30 doz. doilies of 3 sizes from 4 to 10 inches in size for a swell hotel in San. Cal. It would mean a nice little bit for me but oh such eye strain. They saw some of my work at Doigs this Summer & want me to do theirs. But am afraid I couldn't undertake such a large order. It would take months to do it. Of course it would have to be done perfect or not at all. I am willing to do all I can to help any one.

I didn't think a thing bad about you not paying for the beets am always glad to help out where I can. Would $1.00 be too much for beets & laundry. Don't want to over charge you.

Thanks for your other suit dress. Miss Hazel will have two fine dresses next winter. She won't need them this. All of those things help a person so much and does just as well as new for children as they nearly always out grow new clothes.

Gertrude Leighton has a new baby girl born a week ago. Mrs. Stutsman would like to know that I am sure.

If any one should be interested in your farm that I hear of will let you know right away.

I must hurry & get dinner for my hungry family. Will be glad to hear from you again. Am so afraid some careless driver will smash into you. It is always a relief to hear you arrived safe & sound. Lovingly Essie K.

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