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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - March 23, 1928

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Old Mission, Mich. Mar. 23 1928

My Dear Miss. Taft:

Am going to try & write you a few lines this morning before Roger goe's to school. I wanted to write last night but couldn't do it because my head pained me dreadfully have a real hard cold & my neck is quite badly swollen. Hope your cold is much better by now.

I was talking with Mrs. Lardie the other day & she has been hearing a lot about Illinois people that work for the state having to give a certain percent of their salary for this dishonest man. And the Radio Broadcast that they are going to get him another large sum of money to retire on. If I was in your boots I hardly know what I would do If it was being taken for a good cause it wouldn't be so bad.

The snow is nearly gone from the fields but lots of it in the barn yards & woods ice was still in the bay last night. The wind has been in a good quarter for the past few days hope means a good Spring for all of us. We won't feel quite so blue about things then.

I wish you could sell your farm as long as you want to so badly as it doe's tie you fast some. Perhaps some one will want it this Summer. Henry H. would like to live here pretty well but I would feel sorry for the place after he had the care of it. He is shiftless as can be. Mr. Wunsch can't see what those people are doing but the neighbors can. Ernest hired a team and two men to get the Wunsch ice & Mr. W. was very much put out about it. They are getting a good salary but haven't any intrest in any thing. Clarence Kroupa was dishonest with Mr. Wilson so he hasn't been able to find employment any where yet. But must move pretty soon as another man intends to move in. Why doe's people do such things it will be found out in the end any way.

Joseph is sorry he didn't know about the fertilizer before as you have to order it real early in order to get it. He can't go in with the team from now on because roads are dreadful but will try as best to get some if he can We are not buying any this Spring but a year ago he put his order in during the Fall. It is around $65 per ton or a little more but you could see up at our place how it makes grass grow. Jos. tried it out under the apple trees. He has also found how to get best results from it with from corn. There is a lot to learn on a farm & very interesting to watch results. Your corn field surely showed it last Fall. Joseph was as proud over his field of corn as the cow was with her new calf.

We don't know if the cow is O.K. or not but you may keep on keeping the $5 out of each check. I think there is $25 paid on her now so it won't take much longer to get her paid for.I surely hope she has a calf & isn't as April fool joke. But every thing a farmer doe's is a gamble so that is just another one.

Joseph let Ernest have 5 bu corn but won't sell any more.

The Kauer cow had her calf it is small but on all 4 legs We are always glad to see them come alive. It means your cows are healthy. Joseph would like to keep it until Sept or so and have me can it for winter meat. You told us last Summer or Fall you didn't care to keep her calves. Do you object to it? We wouldn't let it bother the other animals could put it up home if no other place.

Mr Eiman hadn't sold his cherries a few weeks back. I read a letter they received from a broad casting station that they wrote to to sell their cherries for them Haven't had a chance to ask them yet what developed will find out some time soon & let you know. I couldn't ask over the phone as too many ears are ready to hear.

Spring is here & work soon starts in real ernest plowing & all. Jos. got most of the large field plowed last Fall but snowed before he could finish up.

Hope every thing is better with you by now as ever with love Essie

P.S.Cheer up black birds & robins are coming it is Spring & you will soon be back.

$6.25 on hand Mar 4th

2.50 sold Ernest 5 bu. corn

_____ $8.75 on hand Mar. 20th

 .40 gasoline for Engine.

_____ $8.35 Mr. 23rd 1928

Mr Bryant of T. City died a week ago following an operation his heart & kidney went back on him. He had been a high liver & drank quite a little so the nurse told us and it all went against him when he needed strength most some mixed up letter.

How is the rug coming?

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