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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - June 11, 1928

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Old Mission, Mich. June 11th 1928

My Dear Miss. Taft:

Well this has been another busy day for us. I did my washing & Jos. & Roger Sprayed all day long went over every thing on the farm. He was afraid of yellow leaf on cherries as the weather has been so cold some of the monts are out & some not so next week he will spray again. The cherries look the best they have for several yrs. there are always a few trees in every orchard that isn't loaded. They look mighty good to me. Sat. afternoon I went up there with Jos. & looked them over and also looked at the seeding. We had a lovely rain a few days ago & seeding is coming lovely I am so pleased about it. The oats are as fine as any I have seen and will help protect the new seeding. If they come good it would be a pity not to let them ripen & not trample seeding until it gets large. Corn has been replanted. Cut worms are fierce this Spring also army worms. pratt apple orchard is terriable & now they leave the nests & crawl in your trees.Jos. has used a gal. of kerosene buring them up.

The hay is not growing fast but coming. Looks like rain tonight again.

I suppose this will be the last letter that goe's to Illinois but may send one to Detroit later on

I called Dr Scott today & talked to him about the horses & cows. The cows have coughed for several weeks & their noses run & act like Jerry doe's queens nose runs too. We were pretty much alarmed about it so I called up & talked to the Doctor he said he couldn't tell what ailed them unless he saw them but says Jerry has catarrah but doesn't think the cows took it from him. And L.B. doesn't act like that on cows. I am afraid to use milk & butter altho' he thot' it safe. I told him you would soon be here but he could give medicine for animals now don't worry as the animals are not sick look good but have catarrah or some other thing like that. If it hadn't of been for extra expense for you we would have him come out & decide for him self.

Jerry should have had treatment several yrs. ago Queen is a fine animal & worth $25.00 today to any one that knows good horses. And if she gets this trouble she won't be worth a cent in a year or so.

There won't be any need of you hurrying your trip any on their account as Jos. will use his best judgement about the affair We thot' the cows had a cold but oughto be over it now the winds have been so cold & raw may be the cause of it. They may be all right in a day or so now that it is warmer. It may not be worth mentioning but they are your's & know you oughto know about every little detail. Well must go to bed your's with love will write later on. Essie K.

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