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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 14, 1928

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Ironwood Michigan Dec. 14th 19-28

My Dear Miss. Taft.

You will think I am very neglectful but have been very busy. We have had so many things to talk about. And am having a fine time.

I took Hazel along for fear of her getting sick while away. The girls want me to stay here for Christmas it has been nearly twenty years since we have been together for the holidays.

Mother has had all of her teeth drawn while I am home so we are all at my sisters home.

They have did so many nice things for us.

Hope you are feeling well there is so much flu about. Hope we don't pick it up on the way home.

I deposited your apple money in the bank before I left and left the receipt at home.

Want to start home before long as I miss Joseph & Roger so much but no use to hurry too much as it was an expensive trip out here.

Hope you got the card I mailed to you when I first got here. The children are playing & I can't think so must hurry up & finish this.

Will get my mail from Old Mission in about another week.

Hope you are well and happy. with love. Essie.

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