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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 31, 1928

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Old Mission, Mich. Dec. 31st 1928

My Dear Miss. Taft:

I will answer the letter for Roger. The weather is some cooler so I hardly think the fruit trees will be harmed any. If it was later in the season I would be alarmed.

They haven't as much snow in Wis. as we have here but is a little colder.

The flu is pretty bad here nearly every one is sick some have pneumonia. I hope our family escapes it. Maybe will if they keep the school closed for a while.

The reason I didn't take Roger with me was because Joseph hasn't been well & wanted some one here in case he got down and out. Mother was quite sick and glad I could see her and be a little comfort to her when she needed me. My family got along just fine without me but was glad to have me back home again. Got back Friday night.

I wish to thank you for the Christmas gift as I know we will all enjoy it a great deal. Roger got a 17 jewel gold case Elgin watch from his grandparents he sure is pleased with it. Everything on the farm is fine.

As ever with love Essie.

I wish you a Happy New Year.

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