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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 30, 1929

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Old Mission, Mich Dec. 30th 1929

My dear Miss Taft:-

We will soon be ready to start a new year I wonder what it holds forth for us?

Mrs. Lardie told me that she was keeping you posted on the new cherry business every one is talking about. Some are for it while others are not. I don't like the idea of one party having all to say about our fruit. It seems to me people would be wiser to have several canning factories instead of trying something new. I haven't heard very much about it only what is in the papers. What is your opinion?

Am so sorry to hear about your eyes. I think you would be wise to drop all sewing and simply rest. My glasses are not right now so will have to keep on trying altho' it costs so dreadfully all the time.

Our snow is nearly gone. and a strong south wind has been blowing, 40 degrees for several hours. No ice in the bay so far. Here is hoping it snows more and turns colder. Have had lots of snow up until the past two days.

Was Santa Claus kind to you? He was more than generous to us.

The engine is at Harold Lardies getting repaired. The trouble was mostly in the magneets. I will send you the bill when it is all repaired. Am sorry to have to have the extra expense count up. I know the taxes were much higher this year.

We have good good prospects so far for a good cherry crop. The trees went into the winter looking good and are full of buds. We all hope to have some thing for another year.

Roger wants me to play cards with him so now I guess I will there isn't any thing more to write about.

Lovingly, Essie Kitchen

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