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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - June 3, 1930

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June 3rd 1930

Dear Miss Taft:

Just a line this morning before I go in town. YOur cherries are looking better every day. Just a few trees down in lower corner look bad [?ou??????] fall isn't too heavy prepare to work hard later on.

I found this morning they are going to start the electric line out here tomorrow or day after. We will try and find an electrician as soon as we can to wire the house so please don't come too soon because they work early & late and you would be in a torn up mess. Harold Lardie is going to find out what he can for us within a day or two. We will have to wait our turn and I would like to have every thing cleaned up for you for a a mess it will be. I'm going to be on the job too not stay down here and let them lay around and charge $1.00 an hour or more.

Please let me hear from you. The hay fields are frozen some but will start to grow if we have any rain. We are drying up here and the sun is blistering hot now.

You will hear me in a day or two again.

All is coming again if [weather????] stays by us.

Lovingly Essie

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